Approved For Release 2003/09/10 CIA-RDP96-00788R001900680015-3 The following are exerpts from the document "Star Wars Now?, by Tom E. Bearden, dated April 24, 1984, as well as some logical extensions of my own, from things reported .hi the original document. The Effect shows that, even in the absence of electrical and magnetic fields, potentials can cause real effects to occur in the field?free regions. The problmn is that we cannot produce these potentials without electrical and magnetic sources. it has been found, however, that we can ?hide these electrical and magnetic sources through the same method as found in the creation of signals. In practice, two identical beams of energy, with exactly the same frequencies, but 180 degrees out of phase, when transmitted together, cause a single beam, with a constant electrical value of O. This is like the silent spot in the heterodyning of the signals when the two signals are exactly 180? ont~ofmphase, you hear silence, even though there is sound energy coming into each channel at {ull volume. If kept at this exact 180O outuof?phase condition, energy can be sent, but can't he hear. d. . When this is done with an electronic wave signal, there is no way.of sensing the signal through the use of normal receivers or hF equipment, since it remains at a constant zero potential. There are detectors, however (see below). This type signal is called s'"scalar wave", due to its makeup. (see the original paper for a detailed explanation of this). The scalar wave produces no electrical or magnetic changes as it travels through Space. Such changes could be seen as a wave?like "movement", for the purpose of better understanding the followinh explanation. Since there is no "movement" of electric and magnetic fields around the signal? there is very little molecular resistance to the signal, itself. Therefore? this type signal will penetrate ocean water, earth, and other materials which are normally opaque to regular signals. If two of these scalar energy beams intersect, and are not in phase with each other, even though each has a zero energy level, a "beat frequency" with a definite energy level is formed at that distant point. Thus, that distant point becomes the source of a new signal which can he dectected. In effect, what you have done is made some place in space become a "transmitter" of electrical energy, when there is detectably nothing there to actually create the signal. Approved For Release 2003/09/10 CIA-RDP96-00788R001900680015-3 Approved For Release 2003/09/10 CIA-RDP96-00788R001900680015-3 Military uses of this include such things as making the beams intersect at 51 point surrounding an enemy?s radio or radar transmitter, and making the created signal be of a frequency which will jam that transmitter. Therefore, the jamming source will be an area surrounding the enemy transmitter, itself. If the enemy uses DF devices to locate the source of the jamming, and try to blow it away, they will only succeed in shelling their own people. On a higher scale, if the strength of the two intersecting signals is increased to sufficient level, the electromagnetic generation of pulses at the intersection point can be sufficient to cause any local molecules to go into a plasma state, and thereby produce a nuclear explosion, without the delivery of a bomb. This has the benefit of producing the heat, blast, and EMF of a nuclear bomb blast, but producing no gamma radiation or radioactive fallout, thus allowing the area to be immediately inhabitable. Also, since the signals can penetrate almost any form of material, the intersection point can. be undetectably placed inside some distant location, such as causing the nuclear blast to occur within an underground complex, or a complex inside a mountain, Since the nuclear plasma explosion occurs very quickly, a sweep of the intersection point could cause a "roving fireball blast", roaming across the rather than one located at a gnound zero". i Another aspect of the scalar wave is a capability of being used to "drain? energy from the intersection point, rather than causing energy to be radiated from that point. For the detailed xplanation of this aspect, the reader should refer to the origins} paper. - This allows further applied uses, such as removing energy from an area of the atmosphere, thereby causing drastic changes in weather conditions. Causing a "hot spot? of high pressure in one area and El "cold spot" ;Hi another can produce weather currents in any pattern desired (for guiding fallout, for cxample). The U.S. has detected at least 78 tests of this usage by the Soviets, several in the Sea of Japan, several in the North Sea, and several snapected in the continental U.S. The capability of weather engineering by the Soviet Union is an accomplished fact. If an intersection point of two scalar beams were placed at some location on the ground, the removal or injection of heat and other energies could completely destroy biological life forms. The continued cooling of the top of a volcano with continued heating at lower levels could prevent the venting of pressure, with a fhsultant "natural" explosion which could remove the whole top of the mountain into the atmosphere, thereby clouding vast areas and affecting the weather over extended periods of time, and spraying huge areas with abrasive grit. Approved For Release 2003/09/10 CIA-RDP96-00788R001900680015-3 Approved For Release 2003/09/10 CIA-RDP96-00788R001900680015-3 Defensively, through the shaping of the interference area, "shields? could he made which would be of high enough energy to detonate any missile entering the zone, but not high enough to be dangerous to the people and materiel being shieldedi Dectecting scalar waves can only he done in an area where time and Space have been altered, This is done by placing the receiving antenna at the pole of a very strong magnet (40~80 thousand Gauss usually a superconduoting magnet). At the pole of the magnet, both time and space are sufficiently altered to provide a fiele where the halves of the zerOmbest frequencies are affected differently by the field around them, Lhus making them no longer identically opposite. This whole mechanism is placed into an elaborate farraday cage, to block out any ?normal? signals, and provide a pure environment. Tom E. Bearden worked with Drs. Harold Faretto and Jack Dee, and Mr. John Bedini. He also received financial support for his study of this project from Mr. Josh Reynolds, Essentis Research, and the Association of Distinguished American Scientists. 1! The original paper also_ includes documentation of many suspected sightings of tests conducted, probably by the soviets, at various times and places. Approved For Release 2003/09/10 CIA-RDP96-00788R001900680015-3