Gvewiew: Qrganizations that attack eenservatives During its August 19 meeting, the Board discussed organizations that attack conservatives, suggesting that it might be beneficial for Bradiey to survey the landscape of such groups for a more-informed perspective about that which couid perhaps be done to mitigate the damage they can do. A brief initial overview of some such groups is on the foilowing CHART in this tab. Much of the information in the overview is from ActivistFacts.com and CREWExposedcom, projects of the Bradiey?supported Center for Consumer Freedom. Alliance for Justice American Bridge 5?.15t Century BerlinRosen Founded by David Leadership Nan Aron, President Brock, who also founded Media Matters for America and became chairman of Citizens for Ethics and Responsibility in Washington earlier this year Brad Woodhouse. Co-founded by political consultants Valerie Berlin and Jonathan Rosen CHART: Some organizations that attack conservatives Legal status group of 100 entities with allied Alliance for Justice Action Campaign Super PAC with altled American Bridge Century Foundation President For-pro?t public- relations ?rm Assets 8Jor revenue 2012: $5,418,437 in assets. $3,909,930 in revenue Annual budget approaches $18,000,000 U.S. Labor Department data indicate $3.2 miliion from client labor unions in the last two years Woods Fund of Chicago Major funders Activities Include American Bar Association. Arcus Fdn.. Atlantic Phiianthropies, Susan Thompson Buffett Fdn.. Endowment, Edna McConneil Clark Fdn., Ford Fdn,, Richard and Rhoda Goidman Fund, George Gund Fdn., John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Fdn., George Soros, Charles Stewart Mott Fdn., Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program's donorvadvised fund, and Politicizing judicial selection, guiding advocacy groups, producing documentaries and lobbying for liberal agenda Conducts and distributes opposition research on conservative political candidates include George Soros ?Macaca? scoop Employs 44 people in 41 states Concocted and devised media strategy for September?s national ?fast-food workers strike? Labor ciients include Service Employee lnt?l Union's Committee on Political Education and Communications Workers of America Other representative clients include League of Conservation Voters, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, New York University Law School?s Brennan Center for Justice, Russell Sage Fdn., and UN . Fdn. Center for American Progress;f Think Progress biog Center for Media and Democracy Changeorg (Leadership) Founded by John Podesta Neera Tanden, President Sen. Tom Daschie, Chairman Lisa Graves, Executive Director (Do-founded by Stanford ciassmates Ben Rattray. Chief Executive O?icer, and Mark Dimas, Chief Technciogy Officer (Legal status} with aliied Center for American Progress Action Fund (0X3) For?pro?t "social- enterprise" ?tech startup" "Certified? as a Corporation? by the private Lab" {Assets &i0r revenue} 2012: $50,042,142 in assets. $39,201,517 in revenue 2012: $393,453 in assets, $737,223 in revenue Setls to mostiy nonpro?t advertisers that sponsor petitions on a cost-per-user- email?address basis; estimated cost of a sponsored petition is $1.75 per email address Some organizations that attack conservatives cont?d] {Major funders} lnctude Atlantic Philanthropies. Ford Fdn., iabor unions, Progressive Insurance chairman Peter B. Lewis, George Soros. and Tides Fdn. lnciude Grodzins Fund, Marisia Fdn., Park Fdn.. Rockefeller Family Fdn., George Soros, Bill Moyers' Schumann Center for Media and Democracy, Schwab Charitable Gift Fund's donor? advised fund, and Tides Fdn. (Activities) CAP offers policy anaiysis and proposals. taiking points, and events, and contributes to public discourse: its August 2011 report Fear, inc: The Roots of the isiamophobia Network in America attacked Bradley Among other things, CAP Action generally does the same kind of thing -- though arguably even more aggressively - including by reguiariy attacking Koch brothers and their allies Blog is deity-updated source of these and other. similar attacks on others Created and maintains ALECExposedcrg, PRWatch online magazine, and Source Watch pi atform mimicking Wikipedia Launches ?original investigations" and supports "strategic public-education campaigns" Purports to make sponsored?petition platform a ?service" to advertisers and 70 users on its open platform Mostly nonpro?t advertisers get way to advance causes and connect with new supporters by sponsoring petitions; users get opportunity to connect to groups working on issues of interest to them by signing petitions Petition pro?les and site blog entries are often hardedged attacks on opponents Some organizations that attack conservatives - cont?d} {Legal {Assets Mor {Major (Leadership) status} revenue) funders) {Activities} Citizens for Ethics and Responsibility American Bridge and 2012: $1,659,512 in Inciude Arca Fdn., Dwoskin Family Fdn., Files government complaints and in Washington Media Matters for assets, $2,264,596 in Gill Fdn., Service Employees lnt?l Union, occasional iawsuits against politicians and America founder David revenue Stephen Silberstein Fdn., George Soros, interest groups it deems corrupt Brock, Chairman and Tides Fdn. Created and maintains BermanExposedcom Color of Change Co?founded by Van Project of Citizens Include George Soros Says it seeks to ?strengthen Black Jones Engagement America?s political voice," but actually does Laboratory, which has little more than take advantage of often- Rashad Robinson, an atlied the tragic, racially sensitive events to spread Executive Director CEL Education Fund progressive political agenda For example, led campaign against Bradley-supported American Legislative Exchange Council in wake of Trayvon Martin incident Has strong ties and various partnerships with Service Employees International Union Common Cause Miles Rapoport, Ailied Common 2012: $2,366,327 in include Arca Fdn., Carnegie Corp. of Claims to be nonpartisan anti?corruption President Cause Education Fund assets, $5,708,903 in New York, Joyce Fdn., George Soros, and campaign- inance "watchdog." but revenue and Barbra Streisand Fdn. actually merely advances progressive agenda and tries to block conservatism in general including Koch brothers and American Legislative Exchange Council in particular Democracy Alliance Fenton Communications FilzGibbon Media (Leadership) National Education Association executive director oh Stocks, Chairman Former Atlantic Philanthropies president and chief executive officer Gara LaMarche, President Founded by David Fenton, Chief Executive O??icer Founded by Trevor FitzGibbon, President Some organizations that attack conservatives cont?d] (Legal status) Secretive, exclusive, private network of invited member "partners? who meet twice a year For-profit public? relaiions firm For-pro?t public- relations firm {Assets Euler revenue) About 150+ partners pay initial $25,000 fee and $30,000 in annuai dues, and must give at ieast $200,000 per year to endorsed groups Reportedly plans to steer roughly $40 million to favorite causes this year (Major tunders} Members reportedly have included Tim Gill, Jared Poiis, George and Jonathan Soros, Andy Stern, Tom Steyer, and Pat Clients include long iist of liberal groups at work in education, environment, health, human rights, philanthropy, women?s issues, giobal issues, and iabor movement including AFL-CIO and Service Employees internationai Union Representative clients include Amnesty international, Climate Parents, Color of Change. Changeorg, Common Cause, Ford Fdn., Global Zero anti-nuclear weapons group, Julian Assange Defense Fund, Mayors Against iliegal Guns, MoveOn.org, National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy, Netroots Nation, Social Security Works, Wikipedia, and Wisconsin Progress by apple growers (Activities) Premier ?nancial clearinghouse for liberal policy groups and allies Effectively serves as ?accreditation agency," partnering favored ones with major funders Fenton was architect of "Alar scare" for Natural Resources Defense Council and says he now applies "lessons of Alar" in other contexts; scare was based on factuaily baseless 60 Minutes story about supposedly cancer~causing chemical used Organized effort to highiight supposedly inhumane conditions of solitary con?nement for Wikiieaks source Chelsea Manning Leading effort to push gun control after Sandy Hook incident for Mayors Against lilegai Guns Supporting journalist Jeremy Scahill's ?lm Dirty Wars about ta meted-assassinations and drone programs of Obama administration (Leadership) Media Matters for America Founded by David Brock. who aiso founded American Bridge and became chairman of Citizens for Ethics and in Washington earlier this year Mother Jones Monika Bauerlein and Clara Jeffery, Co? editors David Corn. Washington Bureau Chief One Wisconsin New Scot Ross, Executive Director Open Society Institute Founded by George Soros, Chairman Christopher Stone, President Some organizations that attack conservatives cont?d] (Legal status) (CNS) and allied Media Matters Action Network Published by Foundation for National Progress with allied One Wisconsin institute private operating foundation (Assets autor revenue 2012: $5,345,?64 in assets, $9,628,580 in revenue 2012: $1,879,159 in assets. $11,940,791 in revenue One Wisconsin Institute in 2012: $303,040 in assets, $327,062 in revenue (Major funders} Include Joyce Fdn., National Education Association and other labor unions, Stephen M. Siiberstein Fdn., George Soros, and Tides Fdn. inciude Rockefeiler Philanthropic Advisors' donor-advised fund, Schumann Center for Media and Democracy, George Soros, and Surdna Fdn. Include and Service Employees International Union 2012: $685,871,435 in assets, $325,168,037 in revenue George Soros (Activities) Says it documents supposed conservative media bias Primarily focuses on "fact-checking" Rush Limbaugh and Fox News hosts and guests Used to 3150 focus heaviiy on Glenn Beck scoop Among other things, aggressively covers what it calls conservative ?dark money? and elections Among other things, created and maintains BradleyWatch.org Funds and works with groups that have missions spanning the iarger agenda of the Left and many of which aggressively attack conservatives Some organizations that attack conservatives cont?d] {Legal (Assets 8Jor {Major {Leadership} status} revenue] tunders) (Activities) . Progress Now Arshad Hasan, Inciude AFL-CIO, AFSCME, American Previously the Rocky Mountain 5 Executive Director Federation of Teachers, Pat Progressive Network Bohemian Fdn., Gill Fdn., National Education Association, Service Develops supposedly grassroots network Employees International Union, George of state partner organizations Soros, Tides Fdn., and UNITE Focuses on state and local issues Concentrates heavily on marketing efforts, attacking conservatives Reports e-mail list exceeding 2.4 million people Minutes of the meeting of the Implementation 8i. impact Committee, October 14, 2014 A meeting of the implementation impact Committee of The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, inc., was held on Tuesday, October 14, 2014, by teleconference. The Foundation's President and Chief Executive Of?cer Michael W. Grebe, acting as Chairman of the Committee, Richard W. Graber, Diane M. Hendricks, Cleta Mitchell, and James Arthur Pope participated. Dennis Kuester, Chairman of the Foundation's Board of Directors, participated ex officio. Staff members Daniel P. Schmidt, Michael E. itarlmann, and Dionne M. King also participated. Chairman Grebe called the meeting to order at 11:00 am. Central time and the Committee approved the minutes of its meeting on July 24, 2014. At Chairman Grebe's request, Mr. Schmidt provided an update on the implementation 8: impact program sector's budget situation. Chairman Grebe updated the Committee on the status of preparations of the Foundation?s overall 2015 grant l-iartrnann presednntea overveiw of organizationShat a ro . .. . ed the pursuit of potential granmaking optionW psreentbhat The Committee considered and approved recommending the grant awards listed below, by component, to the full Board during its meeting on November ?11, 2014. Growth prosperity American Legislative Exchange Council 100,000 Americans for Prosperity Foundation 100,000 Cato institute 250,000 Employment Policies institute 600,000 Hoover Institution (regulation and ruie-of?law project) 250,000 Liberty Foundation of America 175,000 Project on Government Oversight 75,000 Energy environment Competitive Enterprise Institute (general operations) 75,000 Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy 50,000 Law legal reform ActRight Legal Foundation 200,000 Competitive Enterprise institute (litigation) 75,000 US. Chamber of Commerce Foundation 300,000 Equal opportunity 8: individual liberty Center for individual Rights 75,000 Education Khan Academy 50,000 Pioneer Institute 50,000 Family 8: society Center of the American Experiment 50,000