APPENDIX: The Harder Fund, August 19, 2014, Subtab (Capacity-building in the states), pp. to 8-9 5 Llama. 1: ?2 a 031;le Ll iE-ri'i nag; in mg: mums A enwllagls ma {lisp-arfaaszse m? f??'a?zr?ucnxr'e itsmlasim, by Bill i?mpc?ar-lcewhai?s marl: m'?lpii laLI-aler: far 95 . aim-g It?; rial i .. ii?il? lift-a; .3 mg in the: ?1 $1803, ii.) lam Wise-0mm. Wham there Rages: ash l?nslitute i2?. he {Elie wast-farms; mm;- ?3 Frill-ram in and ma mfg" Emacs?? ?will? 1995?s lnnmati'u'e l-J?l?ismh welrlare Elf-the Was-ca-n-mm. Fallacy re?lacement mi:th itself W2: W355: far na??cnn 'alelelfalre ging?mt-e in .. ref-Grin; a next year: 352$ Wigwam, t;le thalantlaii-ine? hegpa? Pia-Vie me way.- fw the fauna. *n-ara?well-sizrz?t 3 ?lliazf; tamer?.- .3la-c9gnamm?twa Milwaukee ES. - Parental :P'E?ngram {in Izmh the smack-thrice and ?watelfare-refmm as 3 135133! am 3355*3- E?mawzative - Wi?smmam Works? WEWEFE- Whil?h? lain-13 that armada I. h3me is with mmp?elil Blew-telling the way narrml?gem ?:Pmae. an??mgiw,? ti;- qmte L. Emma} is? gmatmala?lrlg ?541595311 W?ifam ?13 align? l?l?hea mammary -- 525mm: always: - a next year. 22 ?argu-acl for 81133:: . cl GEE-email .?-gzajm margin-3113;; law?: 3358 Era 3mm; heme?l 23f ilimlterji sup-@315? nails-311331 {3m idem 0f tug 1:27:9- Blazltea. remames ha mean aizlwame Sp??ii?i? 393ml 9:13 generallySE13 Salaam Cll?ilr?amea?stiaa {If amen-as slug Stat-e .u Siespsmed an: dynamic" ?ea?arssh'ip Qualify ?ihi'nk {ankle} ?ne 2.503% its: - gave-?giggame respected and dya?lamlc lea. ?E'hipe {If ihese think- g-ra-Llpa legal am IT l'la? alarmed and full-:13. ?Elna-is, mt regiaLI-rantaf' campunm: filggm?m?a research! Given: Zhe demilae of the! as ma 3 malilmled Ema awe Bradley?h a ref-atrial? rim- charactemsti {if mnsewate'l'e 'rasirua? ,3 includlmg A - glaze ?all: 13 inu'esligaliwe{aura r?lljesn?lre -m all-id? 02*. wavg?m 01? meter: and . . 3135?2LIan'lia a. 'Clil?l?'ll?etl ima-l cry-.31. The Found-align [51.33 taken mile? and Eli es Satin} hare: form. a Silmmb?otlc rev-i? 511' 'ef'rjl'l grnulups ?ea-alga in 13.1., mare-level sweariwm ?onsewa ism?s aacendance anal marmanent mar universal. Ema-{Ina tine United Blazes has The Barder Fund, August 19, 2014, Subtab (Capacity-building in the states), pp. 3-1 to 8-9 cont'd] (Jami-3r 5% 215:1: .. 2'3z'e'ewiew.? er? :mmf?eg? Fatwa-3: BE, ?air-Jim Man-5: ii??asiningt-ca? i2. "?zaaza?xwaf Stag-?25. eregzii?ms e?emevj 33:1 a semm m. FEEQQEE. :11. $93 arm}: mama L?E?r?si?ii?-?a a '?d?a??H-Eemen?. Hewe?gea gag. pa}; an memes}; of 1m mum change; 'er In? been a recent irgtxease in ozate-?i-evei serge?: 3 ,3 a ?013: 959: 3113.. Rep: 3252mm had what ?eer'g-e at? me: gcthefmmh?m r1 if? 725' ?atez, witi?l .H gr ate-p imam": nine 313%; me? $316 - . el'agctiicsnsas?zi 2-D- a?er the 21313:! gem-ms. ?fterti?ze eiear?imsf Tim? mm 25.3% mm. mm Lia'fzi?eesj' egg.? ?3 smite-3. ?15 the: censawatwe policy a?vanaemmt in many of t-haem skews timing the. past mg :ng- year am; a; half Wm in mama Kansas" Michigan, Nan-rm Camliina, Texas, and Wiscmmim, im at Beast three of 111E259 ashram-e25, and maybe four. were are what wand be canaig?emd the character-Ema (sf A 513% if? . ,e Qf'haag-s; M. .. 1:22 . . infra-stracmreg, m- ., are what muld :52: carnal-dam! ?he- SL1 24.3.39 m. Emmett mismmu?era 535; 2-333: age . a. ja?TaE? mm irsi.? 13mm East we . ?mmrtiirl- 53min; 31mg and g. n. 401 Heaem I133 1:313: gap-3335?: {If i??f?'gf??i?llimm: $18213 if? The Barder Fund, August 19, 2014, Suhtab (Capacity-building in the states), pp. 3-1 to 3-9 cont?d] *5 - .. .d as; Jam? i: i 32:; art-a . ?uFSidE W?sgu?sm" a; grants have been. given to M. F?'m'?mb?r :3 front: 2.3. 5.533 groups iin. pm?iauim states? same cafwhrizch ass-c.1- spaci?n iasu?s m; wii-h ma aiim mm ma ?39.329: iniamn 33:33:13,355 .. LEE-TE graman mg: as pan: {sf i18?1?ii?iTi?i?6E at an inte' I ac?vityin'zl?e area FEE-Rimming me SEER-ISIS aggressw ban-$155519 . r? :3 end .5219 - na?gna] prg'??ggij?g. {gig Cfgjarali. ass-"well 3'3 a? 3 7- i . Roam-esinm?lcuan axe?. "18:39- ?ue-:3 {ans 9- 8mm $393134: ner??a ?rst! grantez?s and appimma. grates! "whethea? iisaure? this; Gm specifi?c GE nun-i. ?irzisa year. :i'?il 1 the area ta =3 3- Mackinac Cent-er Em 'Puifali?tfmm ESQ-BBQ $3 rout of tin-:8 Bra y; Razed [31133951 reliant. on tacianu?ugge' and 13 repilmkz?e by ?ne: 31-31:; far a 3-9-9: Ill-.liiril-r-C? inn-m. 551.4339. the Baa-rail a subszsal?n?iai image-gage in the; {ear-9 Enszittu?za frirm- 1325-33}? to :23th 3f the Bf?di??x? for a new.? e??imsed tif?'iga'zir} mg to pm? '9 reassures-s. EEK-hear tn i: ma?a new Grimmer-1e ian?enna?l 11% ?11.95:: em usr t3 erasure me 'ur img?srma e: .t?ng free?.1. mindiagl state: li-?Ejgaticn mamas. Al?e}: if? a Bram: 33::er 91:1 3 ?rm-time?, grant ELL "If implEimemmia?l Emma seam, E33: Th?n}: Friars]? [Jammie mimi?la?apacitgu rams; ream-urceam 3mm 'zhiink: ?air-12 am allies- manna 03w try. in .-J Lune, a3. WEN, the EB: :ng .app?aciaE3-518 ism'ease- i5. t? of re ?31-17% SUDQGH ?re: the FOLin-tiartm-H fair :3 wenrmem mm: 2311: ier .5135 ?1?88 ti?) $2 t3 pamia?e min-Etc? Etriucamn memtmesm state think ianlh-s aii??evs 3139,..- . exga-aa?iesiczz. in: ,?trizaom?s ?aail-Eiwater r. .1 ?av'arai {If g-ra?ups represent-zeal the with. thesis are a?iizated won:ch make submiasm R. to. any 'gnrmeas. 39.119515 0f Bar?y Fund EFF {trait 3% the and mm Emma-ii .. .. pmme can'?inua me! Earning pg?arzgw t1 :1arg-Erdiizngaantji tw?swthew expand; pen-?lags ER . .- agt-cf immybe'u?dth anew Eira??'eey's interast in smite. Emir ii in": immea. The Barder Fund, August 19, 2014, Subtab (Capacity-building in the states), pp. 3-1 to 8-9 cont?d] qttantitat Edited Gala t2; 0? othsr'smte .i-nfrastI-?Liyztures. 1 helm and Evan sagas 8-5 thttasgh B-?f shew. Smallest; dismiss at?; tr: stat". Wi?rastrusture gamma I metals-en A) 135$ 21 and This Ema-Lint is 12.3%. a? ?mdtayt's tstat taking its the 3mm. . Wisaonsim. the?. bees. a sigma-'5 out: same at? me tin watt an :31st 6 issues. was: creased ?lm the a 2338i? Brad-=-ey=wmmisstenec 3m; THE In that ressrt, litteral? aC-Ei?v?ESi Rem Ste was qua-23:3 as saying here are three.- statsa that are hearts; and shtuu?gsrs arr-stat the ether state-.5 is. terms of that 133;] a healthy - able. was; They are Cut-wanna. sting-Imam, S?'ttl The repaid. "1 w; 3:5; inwhinh nae-rat stats its consea?m?we ?The catty way wit: have :3 arms ta- cumpete {In the Em?" c?eid at @333? in: tits: state. 3:1 an: it?fr?ast?Jc-tme s?r??iar 3.3535 30-3518 ?mern?ber? if as, its; rm aim {Sluts-ii tent-13st? grasps- in particular states. 132? ?e QT grants have liter-3211.: given it: Simiia which an speci?c. issues -- wi {awards Itt-mmiazing' {It ?manic heat tan smaa re-sau?rses ts: Mae QFCILIW in sevm! '01' mt. :mpanzity-buitdinsg it: "'Sira?l'ltey?s Sit-atetnttast-rtmtuzva ggitaimtmat?ing, EIEI-t?t-tl? tS-?n?ml ?Seaman: mmtn?sne 3.5mm]: tssuaspe-ci?c State-spasms ?i mum-n ammo El tsszae-spesii?s .0 2432-1 31 '2 EH 2 2t] 1.1-3; ??siaeg'?i 3N3:5t:??i??liw w?m 03.2w wwm?wa?m?z? mg 3% M3 m. mm.? ?mm ?rm wer ?mum?. . .ru. 14.1.; 12:: w?m new.? .L r41 rial kl" The Barder Fund, August 19, 2014, Subtab (Capacity-building in the states), pp. 8-1 to 3-9 amen..- Junk cont?d] run?. WEN. waryn? 1 LR mum? 3:2. Mari ?w mm.? Hannah ?nam?m?m? Hagan, i 35me 1 Ea? mam. mg?mn?n I 3&5 . mu?. .. .. $3 mama ?gum 4m mm . mam ?imam mum?mw w?m?mg Emm?mam? .mmamwm? ham?. ?mwwuww .M?mn - .um__?mm .m .. [mm .r?ww?m 1.. rpm? ?mg EH 3 mammawm gamma mam nmmh?m ?an?mw a, ?Em .6 ?mm wan?. ?3 Wm? mum.? Hazing? mm??mm? ?Hwy? mama? Hm .m?kum . "gummy . min. Em k! a ?If 3iSubtab (Capacity-building I the states), pp. 8-1 to 3-9 cont?d] The Barder Fund, August 19, 2014, m??um m? unaumw? ?aw. km I WE Ema Emmi Emma I ag?aw 1 .Emwum .ww?m?u new?? Vm?. .W. mm?h?m .w?H nu ma rug. ..I I 1.3% . Wm an $.me an .E Harm?. my.? mm. m?rh?? mumm mun. mumm? wag??w??w ?aw. ?mhx @?mr?w?w n, ammuwumm mm. mam. W??hm Magumyw?mt mm HM. mmrw" mm m?me?mnhw?ga?m mmgm?h?xm hm. mm 3 EEMH E. E. The Barder Fund, August 19, 2014, Subtab (Capacity-buiiding in the states), pp. 3-1 to 3-9 cont?d]