Morbidity Mortality Review Meeting GD if 707882 Date: August 14, 2015 Place: Superintendents Conference Room Chairperson: Lynne Glilis HSA Attendees: See attached attendance list and signature: Superintendent Michael Marks, Assistant Superintendent Michael Frost, Lynne Gillis RN HSA, Dr Arun Chaudhary, and Samantha Spagnuola MHC VII. IX. Call to Order: Old Business None. Facts: Attached are Physician and HSA reviews. All relevant documentation. Procedures Followed incident report and code sheet attached. Post-code, the patient was transferred to Beverly Hospital. Time of death 16:12 hrs. Staff Training Staff responded appropriately. Documentation complete. Reporting Summaries were reviewed. Root-Cause Analysis Recommendations There will be some research as to why the inmate was sent to administrative segregation. The day of suicide he was exhibiting some medical as well as mental health issues. Was there 3 MH hold in place since nothing was documented in the chart about a hold. Autopsy: none at this time Adjournment