A Norman Hanson DeTroy, LLC 207.774.7000 207.775.0806 0 Attorneys at Law TWO Canal Plaza P-O- 30* 4500 driley@nhdlaw.com Portland, ME 04112-4600 Daniel P. Riley, Esq. April 28,2017 Garrett Mason. Chair Louis Luchini. Chair and Members of the Joint Standing Committee ot?Veterans and Legal Affairs 100 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333-0100 Correction to March 29. 2017 Testimony Concerning L.D. 719, An Act to Allow Slot Machines or a Casino in York County Re: Dear Senator Mason, Representative Luchini and Members of the Joint Standing Committee of Veterans and Legal Affairs: 1 take this opportunity to correct my March 29, 2017 testimony before the Veterans and Legal Affairs Committee (the ?Committee?) on L.D. 719, An Act to Allow 51m Machines or a Casino in York County. Mytestimony to the Committee on March 29 indicating that we were representing Bridge Capital, LLC (?Bridge Capital?) was based on a miscommunication, and also on an incorrect assumption that Bridge Capital was the parent company ofUniversal Capital Holdings LLC (?Universal Capital?), for whom we had been working on the potential acquisition of Scarborough Downs as detailed. This letter con?rms that this ?rm does not act for and has not acted for Bridge Capital concerning the proposed legislation, nor do we have any knowledge regarding Bridge Capital's involvement, or not, in the subject initiative. We had assumed and understood that Universal Capital was a single-purpose limited liability company and a subsidiary of Bridge Capital. We have no knowledge, however, of the actual ownership of membership interests in Universal Capital. By way of background, we started work on the potential acquisition of Scarborough Downs in January of 20l 6. Our client was Universal Capital. We later began discussing the possibility of working with Universal Capital on the campaign being conducted by Horseracing Jobs and Fairness. We ?nally entered into an engagement with Universal Capital to do so on April l3, 2017. Garrett Mason. Chair Louis Luchini. Chair and Members ot?the Joint Standing Committee of Veterans and legal Affairs April 28. 2017 Page 2 We had believed that we had also served as counsel to Bridge Capital because the people with whom we were dealing on the real estate and potential iObbyinQ matters included owners. executives or employees ol?Bridge Capital. We have sinth; clari?ed with both Bridge Capital and Universal Capital that we do not and have not represented. Bridge Capital at any time. As for my testimony at the March 29?h public hearing. this letter will con?rm that we received an email from the individual we had been working with on the real estate matter at 12:46 AM on that same day requesting our representation before the Committee at the hearing scheduled for 9:00 AM. The email note did not identify the client. I saw the email note only after waking up at approximately 5:00 AM. My lirm and I then immediately sought to clarify who. specifically. we would be representing at the hearing. We had no response before 9:00 AM. My statement at the hearing that we were appearing for Bridge Capital was an honest error. At the 9:00 AM hearing, I informed the Committee of the early morning request for representation and that I could not answer a number ofthe Committee?s questions based on a lack of information. I told the Committee that I would pass along its requests for information for a response. We are correcting the error in my testimony concerning the identity of the client with the Committee directly. ll? you have any questions pertaining to Universal Capital we will pass them along to it let a response. 'l?hank you very much [or your attention to this matter and your consrderatton of this response to the April l0 request l'or information. t' 'szK'truly yours. DPR/dls cc: Bruce M. Merrill. Esq, Attorney for IIorseracing Jobs and Fairness Gardner, Esq, AssiStanl Attorney General 4020152