MITIGATED FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE PROJECT WILLIAMS, MORTON, AND EMMONS COUNTIES, NORTH DAKOTA Introduction: In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and its implementing regulations, an Environmental Assessment (EA) was prepared to evaluate the potential effects of the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Omaha District (District), granting permission under Section 14 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, codified 33 U.S.C. Section 408 (Section 408), to Dakota Access, L.L.C. (Dakota Access) to allow the proposed Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) Project to cross federal real property interests administered by the District. Specifically, the DAPL project would cross federal flowage easements near the upper end of Lake Sakakawea, north of the Missouri River in Williams County, North Dakota, and federally-owned property at Lake Oahe in Morton and Emmons counties, North Dakota. Dakota Access proposes the DAPL Project to efficiently and safely transport at least 570,000 barrels of crude oil per day (bpd) from the Bakken and Three Forks production region in North Dakota to a crude oil market hub located near Patoka, Illinois, and ultimately to refineries located in the Midwest and the Gulf Coast, where 80% of the U.S. refining capabilities exist. The EA follows guidelines promulgated by the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) for implementing the procedural provisions of NEPA (40 Code of Federal Regulations [CFR] 15001508 and Corps regulation ER 200-2-2 [33 CFR 230]). This action is being completed in accordance with CEQ regulations in Section 1506.5(a) and 1506.5(b), which allow an applicant to prepare an EA for federal actions. The Corps has independently evaluated and verified the information and analysis undertaken in the EA and takes full responsibility for the scope and content contained herein. Corps offices involved with the preparation and review of this document are provided in Section 9.0 of the EA. Purpose and Need: The purpose and need of the federal action is to determine whether USACE may grant permission for Dakota Access to place the pipeline on federal real property interests acquired and managed by USACE for the Garrison Darn/Lake Sakakawea and Oahe Darn/Lake Oahe projects. Section 408 authorizes the Corps to grant permission to Dakota Access to modify federal flood control and navigation projects, provided the modifications are not injurious to the public interest and will not impair the usefulness of the projects. The EA addresses the purpose and need of the pipeline, as well as the location and method of installation of the pipeline, but the analysis is limited to the effects of allowing the pipeline to cross federal flowage easements near the upper end of Lake Sakakawea, and federally owned lands at Lake Oahe in North Dakota. Project Summary: The proposed DAPL project is an approximately 1, 100 long crude oil pipeline which would begin near Stanley, North Dakota, and end at Patoka, Illinois. In North Dakota, there are two pipeline segments, including the 148-mile Supply Line and the 210-mile Mainline, which total approximately 358 miles across seven counties (Mountrail, Williams, McKenzie, Dunn, Mercer, Morton, and Emmons). The diameter of the pipeline increases incrementally at designated . tank terminals from 12 inches to 20, 24, and ultimately, 30 inches. The DAPL pipeline is co1 located with existing pipelines and other linear facilities previously installed on the federal real property interests over which the District has administrative and regulatory authority. The portion of the DAPL project relevant to the EA and this FONS I is the portion that Dakota Access proposes to construct on Corps-owned lands and flowage easements. The construction requires real estate actions and Section 10 permits and Section 408 permissions. The EA and this Finding of No Significant Impact deal exclusively with granting the Section 408 permissions. More detailed information is available in Section 1. 0 of the EA. Requester's Preferred Alternative: The Requester' s Preferred Alternative, identified in the EA as the Proposed Action, is the construction of the DAPL project on Corps real property interests as discussed in the Preferred Alternative in the EA. Implementation of the Requester's Preferred Alternative would involve the installation of 2.83 miles of a 24-inch diameter pipeline through seven tracts over which the Corps acquired flowage easements for the operation of the Garrison Dam/Lake Sakakawea Project, and 0.21 miles of a 30 inch diameter pipeline on federal property administered by the District for the Oahe Dam/Lake Oahe Project. As proposed, Dakota Access would trench the pipeline on federal flowage easements and install the pipeline via HDD under the Missouri River and Lake Oahe. Alternatives: There is the potential for daily production in excess of 570,000 barrels per day in the Bakken and Three Forks production area, but there is no existing pipeline infrastructure sufficient to transport that volume of crude oil from North Dakota to the refineries. Because the Corps can only grant permission for the modification of a federal project if it would not be injurious to the public interest, the EA evaluated alternatives to the construction of the pipeline as a whole, as well as the alignment of the pipeline and method for installation on federal property. The EA also analyzed the potential for the pipeline to impair the usefulness of the federal projects. More information on the alternatives analysis is included in Section 2.0 of the EA. Summary of Environmental Impact: As discussed in the Biological Opinion and the EA, the Proposed Action would result in no adverse impacts to any federally-listed threatened or endangered species or their habitats. The U.S Fish and Wildlife Service has concurred that the portions of the DAPL project that cross federal real property interests administered by the District will have either "No Effect" or "May Affect, But Not Likely to Adversely Affect" on listed species. The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe (SRST) and other tribal governments object to the pipeline and its alignment because the proposed route crosses under Lake Oahe a few miles upstream of the SRST water intakes. Tribes are concerned that a leak or rupture would contaminate the river, including the SRST's drinking water. The tribes argue the District did not adequately consult on the DAPL pipeline alignment. The EA establishes that the District made a good faith effort to consult with the tribes and that it considered all tribal comments. In addition, the pipeline will be located under Lake Oahe, and Dakota Access has developed response and action plans, and will include several monitoring systems, shut-off valves and other safety features to minimize the risk of spills and reduce or remediate any potential damages. 2 Summary of Cultural Impacts: Tribes are also concerned that the installation of the pipeline and a potential leak or rupture could damage or destroy cultural and sacred resources in the area. The District referenced a Class I Literature Review performed by Dakota Access, as well as existing Corps of Engineers Class III surveys and the North Dakota State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) Guidelines Manual for Cultural Resources Inventory Projects as part of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) Section 106 evaluation. Section 106 consultation/coordination with Tribal governments and members, THPOs, the SHPO, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP), and other interested parties began in September 2014. The Corps conducted formal government-to-government consultation with tribal representatives via meetings; site visits; distribution of pertinent information; conference calls, and emails in order to inform tribal governments and private members, and to better understand their concerns. The Corps' EA administrative record details over 250 interactions between District and Dakota Access representatives and consulting parties (Tribes, THPOs, the SHPO, ACHP, and interested parties) for the DAPL project. All information received during the Section 106 process was considered during the Corps decision-making process. Ultimately, the District made a "No Historic Properties Affected" determination, with which the North Dakota SHPO concurred in a letter dated April 26, 2016. By letter dated June 2, 2016, the ACHP disputed the District's finding under 36 C.F.R. Section 800.4(d)(iv)(A) and requested the ASA(CW) to prepare a summary of the decision and a rationale for the finding. In a final agency decision sent to the ACHP by letter dated July 25, 2016, the ASA(CW) affirmed the agency decision and fulfilled USACE Section 106 responsibilities for the Proposed Action. Mitigation Measures: The District coordinated closely with Dakota Access to avoid, mitigate and minimize potential impacts of the Proposed Action so that the pipeline would not impair the usefulness of the projects and the impacts to the environment would be temporary and not significant. The majority of potential impacts would be mitigated by HDD technology, by which Dakota Access would install the pipeline beneath sensitive resources without surface disturbance, and allow pipeline construction to proceed with the fewest possible impacts. Additional mitigation measures are set out in the Environmental Construction Plan; the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan; the Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plan; the HDD Construction Plan; the HDD Contingency Plan; the Unanticipated Cultural Resources Discovery Plan, and the Geographical Response Plan. Unavoidable impacts to land use and vegetation would be temporary and land would return to current land use once construction is complete. No long-term impacts are anticipated to any resources. Social and noise impacts to rural residents in the general vicinity would be minimal as construction would be completed during daylight hours and the locations are remote from most populated areas. See Section 6.0 in the EA for more details on best management practices and mitigation measures to which the applicant has committed for the Proposed Action. Dakota Access must comply with all of the measures in Table 8-2 of the EA, which will be attached to the District real estate instrument(s). Conditions of Easement (Lake Oahe crossing) and Consent to Modify Flowage Easements (Missouri River crossing): The following conditions will be placed on real estate outgrants: 3 a. All environmental commitments outlined in Section 6.0 and Table 8-2 of the EA must be followed and incorporated by reference. b. The pipeline must be maintained and operated per ASME B31.3, B3 l.4, B3 l.8, CFR 192, CFR 195, API 1104, and related codes. c. Cathodic Protection will be utilized and maintained per applicable codes and Dakota Access' Operations and Maintenance Manual. Wall thickness testing will be performed on a five-year interval through the use of in-line inspection. The periodic in-line inspection will be performed in-lieu of periodic hydrologic tests. Inspection reports must be sent to the Operation Project Managers (OPMs) at the Oahe and Garrison Project Offices. d. The Facility Response Plan will be submitted to the Corps for review prior to the operation of the pipeline. e. All plans not final at the time the EA is complete will be submitted to the Corps for review and the incorporation of Corps comments prior to submittal to U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration. These plans include, but are not limited to the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. f. Geographical Response Plan; Operations and Maintenance Manual; Risk Assessment (Integrity Management Plan); and, Spill Models (Using the National Hydrography Dataset by the USGS) Any plans that have been updated in condition "e" listed above must be sent to Corps Environmental Compliance Coordinators at the Omaha District Office, and the OPMs at the Oahe and Garrison Project Offices within one year of completion of the update. g. Dakota Access must provide as-built drawings for both crossings to the Corps' Section 408 Coordinator at the Omaha District Office and the OPMs at both the Oahe and Garrison Project Offices within six months of the completion of pipeline construction. h. Commitment for Training Exercises: a. Dakota Access must conduct full scale open water and full scale winter/ice exercises at Lake Sakakawea and Lake Oahe. A full scale exercise will occur once every 3 years (triennial cycle) with the location and type of exercise occurring on alternating schedules (e.g. open water exercise at Oahe the first triennial cycle, followed by winter exercise at Lake Sakakawea the following triennial cycle, followed by a winter exercise at Lake Oahe the following triennial cycle, etc.). The first exercise will occur within the first 3 years after the pipeline becomes operational. 4 b. To facilitate Corps staff involvement, Dakota Access must notify the Corps Environmental Compliance Coordinators at the Omaha District Office, Oahe and Garrison Project Offices at least ninety (90) days prior to initiation of the training exercises. Dakota Access must also solicit the participation of key stakeholders (federal, state, local, and Tribal) in these exercises. i. Within one year of operation of the pipeline, Dakota Access must provide for an allweather access and collection point downstream of the HDD crossing at Lake Oahe and the Missouri River. Dakota Access must provide an equipment storage facility on nonfederal lands that includes a fenced permanent storage area for winter and open water spill response equipment. The storage facility should be placed in a strategic location and near existing facilities that would support access to the water. Dakota Access will coordinate with the Corps and any other applicable stakeholders to obtain all necessary permits and approvals prior to construction for any ground disturbing activities associated with these facilities. The storage facility should contain sufficient response equipment at a minimum to mitigate an unintended worst case release for this crossing. Coordination and Public Review: The Corps published a draft EA on December 8, 2015, on the Corps Omaha District website (http://www.nwo. us ace. vilWorks/Plannin&r.!:oi ectReports. aspx). Additionally, notifications were made to cooperating agencies, other federal, state and local agencies, and signatory and non-signatory Tribes to the District Section 106 Programmatic Agreement. Notices of availability were included in the Public Notice section of the Bismarck Tribune, Williston Herald, and Capital Journal on December 8, 2015. The notice stated that the EA would be available for viewing on the Corps website, and that hard copies would be available at the Bismarck Public Library, Williston Community Library, and the Rawlins Municipal Library in Pierre, North Dakota. The draft EA was available for public comment through January 8, 2016, and comments were accepted through January 11, 2016. The Corps fully considered and responded to comments received, and made additional clarifications within the EA as necessary. No significant comments remain unresolved. More information on how the comments received during the review process were addressed is presented in Appendix J of the EA. Because all comments have been resolved, neither a supplemental nor a revised EA will be offered for further public review, and no further NEPA compliance actions are required prior to the District granting the Section 408 permission for the Proposed Action. The proposed pipeline route and installation method were selected to minimize impacts to sensitive resources, and the applicant is required to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations, all management and response plans referenced in the EA, as well as the conditions attached to the Corps outgrants. Cumulative Impacts: Cumulative impacts to the environment result from the incremental impact of the action when added to other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future actions regardless of what agency (Federal or non-Federal) or person undertakes such other actions. 5 Cumulative impacts may result from individually minor but collectively significant actions taking place over a period of time. In Section 4.0, the EA addresses cumulative impacts on: Geology and Soils Section; Water and Aquatic Life Resources; Vegetation, Agriculture, and Range Resources; Threatened, Endangered, Candidate, and Proposed Species; Wildlife Resources; Land Use and Recreation; Cultural and Historic Resources ; Social and Economic Conditions; Transportation and Traffic; Environmental Justice, and Air Quality and Noise. The alignment of the pipeline was selected because it will be co-located within existing utility corridors and be installed on federal real property interests using the HDD method. This avoids impacts to formerly undisturbed areas and surface resources. In addition, the District placed conditions and safeguards on the Proposed Action as the pipeline crosses federal real property interests to minimize potential effects of the placement and operation and maintenance of the pipeline. Therefore, this project will have insignificant incremental impact to other past, ongoing, or reasonably future actions of a similar nature. Conclusion: I have evaluated the anticipated environmental, economic, cultural, and social effects, and any cumulative effects of the Proposed Action and determined that the Proposed Action is not injurious to the public interest and will not impair the usefulness of the federal projects. Moreover, for the reasons stated herein and discussed in greater detail in the Environmental Assessment, the District granting the referenced Section 408 permissions does not constitute a major federal action that would significantly affect the quality of the human environment. As a result, I have determined that preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement is not required. This conclusion and the processes and documents supporting it are in compliance with all applicable laws, executive orders, regulations and guidelines. 2 5 JUL 2016 Date l hn W . Henderson, P .E. Colonel, Corps of Engineers District Commander 6 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Dakota Access Pipeline Project Crossings of Flowage Easements and Federal Lands Prepared on behalf of: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Omaha District 1616 Capitol Avenue, Suite 9000 Omaha, NE 68102 July 2016 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .......................................................................................................................1 1.0 INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................3 1.1 DAPL Project ....................................................................................................................... 3 1.2 Purpose and Need............................................................................................................... 3 1.3 Authority and Scope of the EA ............................................................................................ 3 2.0 ALTERNATIVES .......................................................................................................................5 2.1 Alternatives Considered but Eliminated from Detailed Analysis ........................................ 5 2.1.1 Alternative 1 – Modification of Existing Infrastructure ......................................... 5 2.1.2 Alternative 2 – Trucking Transportation Alternative ............................................. 5 2.1.3 Alternative 3 – Rail Transportation Alternative ..................................................... 6 2.1.4 Alternative 4 – Route Alternatives......................................................................... 7 2.1.5 Alternative 5 – Major Waterbody Crossing Method Alternatives ....................... 12 2.2 No Action Alternative ....................................................................................................... 13 2.3 The Proposed Action (Preferred Alternative) ................................................................... 13 2.3.1 Location and Detailed Description of the Proposed Action ................................ 13 2.3.2 Description of Construction Techniques and Construction Mitigation Measures ............................................................................................................................. 17 3.0 THE AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT AND POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF THE PROPOSED ACTION AND NO ACTION ALTERNATIVE ................................................................................ 23 3.1 Geology and Soils .............................................................................................................. 23 3.1.1 Geology ................................................................................................................ 23 3.1.2 Mineral Resources ............................................................................................... 25 3.1.3 Geologic Hazards ................................................................................................. 26 3.1.4 Paleontology ........................................................................................................ 28 3.1.5 Soils ...................................................................................................................... 29 3.2 Water Resources ............................................................................................................... 35 3.2.1 Surface Waters..................................................................................................... 35 3.2.2 Groundwater........................................................................................................ 44 3.2.3 Wetlands .............................................................................................................. 49 3.2.4 Floodplain ............................................................................................................ 51 3.2.5 Levees .................................................................................................................. 52 3.3 Vegetation, Agriculture, and Range Resources ................................................................ 52 3.3.1 Vegetation............................................................................................................ 52 3.3.2 Invasive and Noxious Weeds ............................................................................... 56 3.3.3 Threatened, Endangered, Candidate, and Proposed Plant Species .................... 57 3.4 Wildlife Resources ............................................................................................................ 57 3.4.1 Recreationally and Economically Important Species and Nongame Wildlife ...... 57 3.4.2 Threatened, Endangered, Candidate, and Proposed Wildlife Species ................ 58 3.5 Aquatic Resources............................................................................................................. 68 3.5.1 Habitat and Communities .................................................................................... 68 3.6 Land Use and Recreation .................................................................................................. 70 3.6.1 Land Ownership ................................................................................................... 70 3.6.2 Land Use............................................................................................................... 71 i Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.6.3 Recreation and Special Interest Areas ................................................................. 73 Cultural and Historic Resources and Native American Consultations .............................. 75 3.7.1 Cultural Resources Studies .................................................................................. 76 3.7.2 Native American Consultations ........................................................................... 79 Social and Economic Conditions ....................................................................................... 80 3.8.1 Demographics, Employment, Income and Economic Justice .............................. 80 Environmental Justice ....................................................................................................... 84 3.9.1 Affected Environment.......................................................................................... 84 3.9.2 Impacts and Mitigation ........................................................................................ 85 Hazardous Waste .............................................................................................................. 87 Reliability and Safety......................................................................................................... 88 Air Quality and Noise ........................................................................................................ 94 3.12.1 Air Quality ............................................................................................................ 95 3.12.2 Noise .................................................................................................................... 96 4.0 CUMULATIVE IMPACTS ........................................................................................................ 98 4.1 Geology and Soils .............................................................................................................. 99 4.2 Water and Aquatic Life Resources .................................................................................. 100 4.3 Vegetation, Agriculture, and Range Resources .............................................................. 101 4.4 Threatened, Endangered, Candidate, and Proposed Species......................................... 102 4.4.1 Interior Least Tern ............................................................................................. 102 4.4.2 Whooping Crane ................................................................................................ 103 4.4.3 Piping Plover ...................................................................................................... 103 4.4.4 Rufa Red Knot .................................................................................................... 103 4.4.5 Pallid Sturgeon ................................................................................................... 103 4.4.6 Conclusion.......................................................................................................... 104 4.5 Wildlife Resources .......................................................................................................... 104 4.6 Land Use and Recreation ................................................................................................ 104 4.7 Cultural and Historic Resources and Native American Consultations ............................ 105 4.8 Social and Economic Conditions ..................................................................................... 105 4.9 Transportation and Traffic .............................................................................................. 106 4.10 Environmental Justice ..................................................................................................... 107 4.11 Air Quality and Noise ...................................................................................................... 107 5.0 IRREVERSIBLE AND IRRETRIEVABLE COMMITMENT OF RESOURCES ..................................... 108 6.0 MITIGATION SUMMARY ..................................................................................................... 109 7.0 FEDERAL, TRIBAL, STATE, AND LOCAL AGENCY CONSULTATION AND COORDINATION ......... 111 8.0 STATUS OF ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE ....................................................................... 115 9.0 LIST OF PREPARERS AND REVIEWERS .................................................................................. 126 10.0 ACRONYMS, INITIALS, AND ABBREVIATIONS....................................................................... 128 11.0 REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................... 131 12.0 FIGURES............................................................................................................................. 139 ii Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 LIST OF TABLES Table 2-1: Table 2-2: Table 2-3: Table 2-4: Table 3-1: Table 3-2: Table 3-3: Table 3-4: Table 3-5 Table 3-6 Table 3-7: Table 3-12: Table 3-13: Table 3-14: Table 3-15: Table 3-16: Table 7-1: Table 8-1: Table 8-2: North Bismarck Route alternative Evaluation North Bismarck Route alternative cost comparison Flowage Easements and Federal Land Crossings Environmental Assessment Areas of Interest Soil Types Mapped on the Flowage Easements Project Area Soil Types Mapped on the Federal Lands Project Area and Connected Action Soil Impacts on the Flowage Easements Project Area Soil Impacts on the Federal Lands Project Area and Connected Action Waterbodies within the Flowage Easements Project Area Waterbodies within the Federal Lands Project Area and Connected Action Estimated Benzene Concentrations Following a Hypothetical Crude Oil Spill at Project River Crossings Wetlands within the Flowage Easements Project Area Land Cover Impacts on the Flowage Easements Project Area Land Cover Impacts on the Federal Lands Project Area and Connected Action Federally Listed Species with Potential to Occur within the Project Area and Connected Action Land Use Impacts on the Flowage Easements Project Area Land Use Impacts on the Federal Lands Project Area and Connected Action Minority and Low-Income Population Statistics for the Flowage Easements Project Area Minority and Low-Income Population Statistics for the Federal Lands Project Area Noise Values Comments Received Environmental Permits, Approvals, and Consultations Summary of Environmental Impact Avoidance and Mitigation Measures Table 9-1: List of Reviewers and Preparers Table 3-8: Table 3-9: Table 3-10: Table 3-11: LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Figure 2: Figure 3: Figure 4: Figure 5: Figure 6: Figure 7: Figure 8: Figure 9: Figure 10: Figure 11: Figure 12: Figure 13: Figure 14: Project Location—Federal Lands and Flowage Easements Project Layout—Flowage Easements Project Layout—Federal Lands Soils—Flowage Easements Soils—Federal Lands Natural Resources—Flowage Easements Natural Resources—Federal Lands Cultural Resources—Flowage Easements Cultural Resources—Federal Lands Land Cover—Flowage Easements Land Cover—Federal Lands Route Alternative—Missouri River Crossing Route Alternative—Lake Oahe Crossing Cross-Section Diagram of Lake Oahe HDD Crossing iii Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Figure 15: Figure 16: Cross-Section Diagram of Missouri River HDD Crossing Whooping Crane Migration Corridor LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A: Appendix B: Appendix C: Appendix D: Appendix E: Appendix F: Appendix G: Appendix H: Appendix I: Appendix J: Appendix K: Appendix L: Appendix M: Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)/Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan HDD Construction Plan - and HDD Contingency Plan Right-of-Way (ROW) Configurations and Typical Construction Details Geotechnical Reports Blasting Plan Unanticipated Discoveries Plan Cultural Resources, Human Remains, Paleontological Resources and Contaminated Media (UDP) Environmental Construction Plan (ECP) Project Maps and HDD Cross-Sections Cultural Resources Report (Confidential-Not for Public Release) Sample Scoping Letter, Distribution List, and Comments Received Notice of Availability of Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) for Comment Draft Facility Response Plan Sovereign Lands Permits issued by the North Dakota Office of the State Engineer iv Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and implementing regulations, the following Environmental Assessment (EA) has been prepared to evaluate the effects of the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Omaha District (District) granting permission to Dakota Access, LLC (Dakota Access) to place a portion of the Dakota Access Pipeline Project (DAPL Project) on federal real property interests acquired and managed for the Garrison Dam/Lake Sakakawea and Oahe Dam/Lake Oahe Projects in North Dakota. Section 14 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, codified 33 U.S.C. Section 408 (Section 408), authorizes the Corps to grant permission to Dakota Access to modify federal flood control and navigation projects, provided the modifications are not injurious to the public interest and will not impair the usefulness of the projects. The EA addresses the purpose and need of the pipeline, as well as the location and method of installation of the pipeline, but the analysis is limited to the effects of allowing the pipeline to cross federal flowage easements near Lake Sakakawea and federally owned lands at Lake Oahe in North Dakota, to determine whether the placement of the pipeline on federal real property interests is injurious to the public interest or will impair the usefulness of the federal projects. This EA was prepared by Dakota Access on behalf of the Corps in compliance with the NEPA Act of 1969; the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) Regulations (40 CFR 1500-1508); Corps of Engineers Regulation ER 200-2-2 (33 CFR Part 230), and related environmental compliance requirements, including the Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (Section 106). Tribes, Tribal Historic Preservation Offices, State Historic Preservation Offices, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, and interested parties were consulted by representatives from Dakota Access and the Corps Omaha District as required by the Programmatic Agreement and the National Historic Preservation Act. This EA was prepared in accordance with CEQ regulations in Section 1506.5(a) and 1506.5(b), which allow an applicant to prepare an EA for federal actions. The Corps has independently evaluated and verified the information and analysis undertaken in this EA and takes full responsibility for the scope and content contained herein. The Corps published a draft EA on December 8, 2015, on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Omaha District website ( and hard copies were made available at public libraries in Bismarck, Williston, and Pierre. Additionally, notifications where made to cooperating agencies, other federal, state and local agencies, and signatory and non-signatory Tribes to the Omaha Corps District Programmatic Agreement. The Corps received comments from 20 reviewers in response to the Draft EA, primarily from individuals believed to be members of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, and two sets of comments from EPA. These comments relate to topics in the EA. The Corps fully considered and responded to these comments. There is no new, significant information on environmental effects as a result of these comments. As such, neither a supplemental nor a revised EA will be published for further public review nor are additional NEPA compliance actions required prior to the Corps making a decision on the proposed action. Impacts on the environment resulting from the placement of the pipeline on federal real property interests is anticipated to be temporary and not significant as a result of Dakota Access’s efforts to avoid, minimize, and mitigate potential impacts. Dakota Access will comply with all applicable local, state, and 1 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 federal regulations and permits associated with the construction and operation of the pipeline, which is not expected to have any significant direct, indirect, or cumulative impacts on the environment. 2 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 1.0 INTRODUCTION Dakota Access is proposing to construct a new crude oil pipeline that would provide transportation service from the Bakken and Three Forks plays in North Dakota through portions of South Dakota and Iowa to a terminus in Patoka, Illinois (Figure 1). In coordination with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Applicant, Dakota Access, LLC (Dakota Access), as the non-federal representative for compliance with the NEPA of 1969, the CEQ Regulations (40 CFR 1500-1508), Corps of Engineers Regulation ER 200-2-2 (33 CFR Part 230), and related environmental compliance requirements, prepared this Environmental Assessment to analyze whether the Corps could grant Section 408 permissions for the placement of Dakota Access Pipeline Project (DAPL Project) on federal flowage easements near the upper end of Lake Sakakawea, and federally owned lands at Lake Oahe in North Dakota (“the Requester’s Preferred Alternative” or “Proposed Action”). Areas that are potentially impacted by construction and/or operation of the Proposed Action are referred to herein as the Project Area. 1.1 DAPL Project The DAPL Project is an approximately 1,100-mile long crude oil pipeline project beginning near Stanley, North Dakota, and ending at Patoka, Illinois. The DAPL project, as proposed and being evaluated herein, would cross federal flowage easements near the upper end of Lake Sakakawea north of the Missouri River in Williams County, North Dakota, and federally owned lands at Lake Oahe in Morton and Emmons counties, North Dakota. The EA analysis is limited to these portions of the pipeline only. 1.2 Purpose and Need The purpose and need of the federal action is to determine whether USACE may grant permission for Dakota Access to place the pipeline on federal real property interests acquired and managed by USACE for the Garrison Dam/Lake Sakakawea and Oahe Dam/Lake Oahe projects. Section 408 authorizes the Corps to grant permission to Dakota Access to modify federal flood control and navigation projects, provided the modifications are not injurious to the public interest and will not impair the usefulness of the projects. The EA addresses the purpose and need of the pipeline, as well as the location and method of installation of the pipeline, but the analysis is limited to the effects of allowing the pipeline to cross federal flowage easements near the upper end of Lake Sakakawea and federally owned lands at Lake Oahe in North Dakota. 1.3 Authority and Scope of the EA The proposed crossings of Corps-owned lands and easements would require the Corps to grant the Section 408 permissions as well as real estate outgrants. Therefore, the scope of this EA is limited to the crossings of Corps-owned lands and flowage easements. As noted below, separate Corps authorizations are being sought for Section 404, Section 10, and Section 408 crossings on other portions of the DAPL route. Those actions are not discussed in the EA. The Proposed Action does not qualify for a Categorical Exclusion from NEPA documentation as defined by ER 200-2-2, 4 March 1998 paragraph 9. Thus, this EA has been prepared as required under NEPA to determine potential impacts that may occur as result of implementing the Proposed Action. If it is determined that no significant impacts would be incurred after implementing the mitigation measures 3 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 described within this document, the USACE would issue a finding of no significant impact (FONSI). If it is determined that significant impacts would be incurred as a result of construction and/or operations of the Proposed Action, an environmental impact statement (EIS) would be prepared to further evaluate the Proposed Action under NEPA. This effect analysis is being completed in accordance with CEQ regulations in Section CFR 1506.5(b), which allow an applicant to prepare an EA for a federal action in coordination with the lead federal agency (i.e., Corps). The Corps will use the information in the EA to make a final determination whether to grant the required Section 408 permissions using the information contained herein. The Corps independently evaluated and verified the information and analysis undertaken in this EA and takes full responsibility for its scope and content. 4 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 2.0 ALTERNATIVES Dakota Access proposes the DAPL Project to efficiently and safely transport at least 570,000 barrels of crude oil per day (bpd) from the Bakken and Three Forks production region in North Dakota to a crude oil market hub located near Patoka, Illinois, and ultimately to refineries located in the Midwest and the Gulf Coast, where 80% of the U.S. refining capabilities exist. Because the Corps can only grant permission for the modification of a federal project if it would not be injurious to the public interest, the EA evaluated alternatives to the construction of the pipeline as a whole, as well as the alignment of the pipeline and method for installation on federal property. The alternatives were compared using the proposed purpose of the DAPL project. The EA also analyzed the potential for the pipeline to impair the usefulness of the federal projects. 2.1 Alternatives Considered but Eliminated from Detailed Analysis 2.1.1 Alternative 1 – Modification of Existing Infrastructure There are no other major interstate pipelines that would meet the purpose and need of the Project. The DAPL Project would be Energy Transfer’s (Company’s) first asset in the state. For this reason, the manipulation of operating pressures or additional of pump stations to increase transport capacity in pipelines or altering existing infrastructure to increase storage and transport capacity are not viable options to meet the purpose and need of the Project. 2.1.2 Alternative 2 – Trucking Transportation Alternative While trucking is instrumental in the gathering and distribution of crude on a limited scale, trucking as an alternative for transporting volume of crude oil the distances planned for the DAPL Project is not viable. Based on data recorded by the North Dakota Pipeline Authority as recently as November of 2015, approximately 1% of the crude oil in the Williston Basin is transported via truck out of the Williston Basin due to a lack of transport capacity (Kringstad, 2016). Factors such as road safety, roadway capacity, and a lack of reliability due to seasonal constraints, in addition to other logistical issues involving availability of labor force, trailer truck capacity, and economics, all contribute to truck transportation not being a realistic alternative. A sharp increase in traffic on North Dakota roads as a result of the rapid expansion in the number of commercial trucks linked to the oil industry speaks to the issues associated with road safety. In 2012, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration reported a traffic fatality rate in North Dakota of 0.48 per million vehicle miles traveled, with 48 deaths involving a bus or large truck, far surpassing any other state (U.S. Department of Transportation [DOT], 2014). In the pre-boom years of 2001 to 2005, there was an average of only 13 annual deaths involving commercial trucks. Furthermore, the economic cost of severe truck crashes has more than doubled between 2008 and 2012. Much of the increase in the fatality rate can be attributed to the energy production boom, along with the fact that the state’s infrastructure still consists of single-lane, rural, and unpaved roads in many areas (Bachman, 2014). Harsh winter weather and seasonal road restrictions compromise the reliability of truck transportation even further. Based on the above, a pipeline is a safer and more economical alternative than trucking for the volumes transported and distances covered by the DAPL Project. 5 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Assuming the average oil tanker truck is capable of holding about 220 barrels of oil, the transportation of the initial capacity of the proposed Project (450,000 bpd), would require a total of 2,045 (450,000/220) full trucks to depart the proposed tank terminals daily, and more than 85 (2,045/24) trucks would have to be filled every hour with a 24-hour/day operation. Time spent in transit, loading/offloading, and additional time for maintenance would add to the number of trucks needed to offset for the DAPL Project. For a trucking mode, an increase in daily truck traffic would lead to an increase in the degradation of public roads as well as contribute to the noise pollution adjacent to the roads. For both truck and rail modes, an increase in exhaust would be anticipated due to truck and locomotive combustion. An increase in air pollution would also be anticipated from potential releases during the filling operations for trucks or rail cars. Analysis of infrastructure considerations (the burden of thousands of additional trucks on county, state, and interstate highways, as well as the loading and offloading facilities that would have to be constructed which would incur their own environmental impacts), economic considerations (e.g., labor costs, purchase and maintenance of hauling equipment, fuel, public infrastructure, etc.), and reliability considerations (e.g., weather, mechanical, manpower, road closures) all contribute to making the truck transportation alternative unviable. 2.1.3 Alternative 3 – Rail Transportation Alternative Reliance on rail as a transportation method in the Williston Basin has drastically increased in recent years, carrying a negligible percentage of the overall market share as recently as 2010 to nearly 60% of the overall market share by mid-2014 (Nixon, 2014). The rise in the use of rail as a primary transportation method has been driven in large part by the rapid increase in production of crude oil coupled with a lack of pipeline capacity to account for additional supplies. Negative impacts from the growth in popularity of rail as a method of long-distance transportation of crude oil include delays that disrupt the agricultural sector, reductions in coal-fired power plant inventories, and significant production issues in the food production industry. In August 2014, reports filed with the federal government indicated that the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway had a backlog of 1,336 rail cars waiting to ship grain and other products, while Canadian Pacific Railway had a backlog of nearly 1,000 cars (Nixon, 2014). For industries, such as those listed, in which the use of pipelines is not an option, the only viable alternative would be increased reliance on trucking, which would exacerbate some of the issues listed in the section above. Assuming a carrying capacity of 600 barrels per car, a total of 750 rail cars would be required to depart the tank terminal daily to transport 450,000 barrels of crude oil to its final destination. Loading and offloading 750 rail cars in a day would require servicing more than 31 rail cars per hour. With an assumption of 125 rail cars per train, six trains would have to depart the tank terminal every day. With 10 to 12 trains currently leaving the state per day carrying Bakken crude, the DAPL Project would represent a 50 to 60% increase in the number of trains transporting crude oil out of the state, likely exacerbating issues with delays (Horwath and Owings, 2014). Rail operations on the scale of the DAPL Project do not exist in the U.S. An oil-by-rail facility designed to handle an average of 360,000 bpd has been proposed in the Port of Vancouver, Washington. Known as the Vancouver Energy proposal, the project would be the largest rail terminal in the country (Florip, 2014). 6 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 A rail transportation alternative to handle the volumes of the DAPL Project would require the design and construction of 125 to 158% of that of the Vancouver Energy proposal. A facility of this size would incur its own environmental consequences. From a safety standpoint, railroad transport consistently reports a substantially higher number of transportation accidents than pipelines (DOT, 2005). A series of major accidents taking place in 2013 to 2014 in Canada and the U.S. has heightened concern about the risks involved in shipping crude by rail (Fritelli, 2014). Increases in rail traffic necessary to transport the volume of crude oil proposed by the DAPL project would increase the emissions of combustion products due the use of diesel engines which could have an adverse impact on air quality in the region. This alternative would also directly affect communities along utilized rail lines by increasing noise and creating transportation delays due to the substantial increasing rail traffic across railroad crossings of roads. While rail tanker cars are a vital part of the short-haul distribution network for crude oil, pipelines are a more reliable, safer, and more economical alternative for the large volumes transported and long distances covered by the DAPL Project. This alternative would create delays on the rail lines due to the substantial increase in rail traffic, resulting in shipping delays in other industries such as agriculture that cannot rely on pipeline transportation. Furthermore, the purpose and need of the Project would not be attainable with the current oil-by-rail infrastructure in the country because rail loading facilities of sufficient size do not exist. As such, rail transportation is not considered a viable alternative. 2.1.4 Alternative 4 – Route Alternatives Although this EA is limited to the pipeline placement on federal real property interests administered by the Corps, major route alternatives were evaluated for the pipeline route as a whole. During the DAPL Project fatal flaw analysis and early routing process, Dakota Access utilized a sophisticated and proprietary Geographic Information System (GIS)-based routing program to determine the pipeline route based on multiple publicly available and purchased datasets. Datasets utilized during the Project routing analysis included engineering (e.g., existing pipelines, railroads, karst, powerlines, etc.), environmental (e.g., critical habitat, fault lines, state parks, national forests, brownfields, national registry of historic places, etc.), and land (e.g., fee owned federal lands, federal easements, dams, airports, cemeteries, schools, mining, tribal lands, and military installations, etc.). Each of these datasets was weighted based on the risk (e.g., low, moderate, or high based on a scale of 1,000) associated with crossing or following certain features. In general, the route for the pipeline would follow features identified as low risk, avoid or minimize crossing features identified as moderate risk, and exclude features identified as high risk. For example, the existing pipelines dataset was weighted as a low risk feature, so that the routing tool followed existing pipelines to the extent possible to minimize potential impacts. An example of a high risk feature is the national park dataset. Since national parks were weighted for the DAPL Project as high risk, the GIS routing program excluded any national parks from the pipeline route to avoid impacts on these federal lands. In addition, the routing program established a buffer between the proposed route and certain types of land, such as maintaining a 0.5-mile buffer from tribal lands. 7 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Route Alternative for the Crossing of Flowage Easements at the Missouri River Early in the routing process Dakota Access performed a cursory route evaluation to attempt crossing the Missouri River at a location that does not contain flowage easements. This would dictate moving the centerline west of the flowage easements in Williams County. This alternative was not carried forward through the environmental consequences analysis, given that this would require approximately eight additional miles of pipe, an exceedance of an additional 130 acres of workspace, and another major river crossing (Yellowstone River) in addition to the Missouri River. Furthermore, other state and federal properties are located along the river west of the confluence of Missouri and Yellowstone Rivers. Route Alternative for the Crossing of Federal Lands at Lake Oahe Early in the routing phase of the DAPL Project, Dakota Access considered but eliminated an alternative centerline that originated in Stanley, North Dakota, within Mountrail County, where it connected to customer receipt points and headed southwest through Williams County and crossed the Missouri River approximately 8.5 miles east of the Yellowstone River and Missouri River confluence (Figure 12). The centerline then headed southeast across the state and crossed Lake Oahe approximately 10 miles north of Bismarck (Figure 13), where it then headed south again and entered South Dakota approximately 35 miles east of Lake Oahe in McIntosh County. In addition to other evaluation criteria listed in Table 2.1, the route alternative was in proximity to and/or crossing multiple conservation easements, habitat management areas, National Wildlife Refuges, state trust lands, waterfowl production areas, and private tribal lands. As a result of public input and comment during this EA process, additional desktop evaluation of the North Bismarck alternative portion of the early route (Figure 13) was undertaken. The comparison of this alternative to the preferred route is included in Tables 2-1 and 2-2 contained herein. As illustrated in the tables, the data substantiates eliminating this route as a viable alternative. While the alternative does avoid Corps fee owned land at Lake Oahe; therefore, would not require a Corps real estate outgrant or Corps EA review, approximately 11-miles of length would be added to the pipeline route, consisting of roughly 165 additional acres of impact, multiple additional road crossings, waterbody and wetland crossings, etc. In addition to the criteria shown in the tables, due to the proximity to Bismarck, the North Bismarck route alternative crossed through or in close proximity to several wellhead source water protection areas that are identified and avoided in order to protect areas that contribute water to municipal water supply wells. The route was also severely constrained by the North Dakota Public Service Commission’s 500-ft residential buffer requirement at multiple locations. Furthermore, this route alternative crossed other populated PHMSA high consequence areas (HCAs), that are not present on the preferred route. Pipeline safety regulations use the concept of HCAs to identify specific locales where a release from a pipeline could have the most significant adverse consequences. 8 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Table 2-1 Alternatives Evaluation Matrix Between Preferred Crossing at Lake Oahe and Alternative Crossing North of Bismarck Evaluation Factors ALTERNATIVE ROUTE Crossing North of Bismarck PREFERRED ROUTE Crossing at Lake Oahe PREFERRED COMPARED TO ALTERNATIVE ROUTE 111.0 100.4 -10.6 0.0 2.9 3% 34.6 6.1 41% +34.6 +3.2 +38% 108.1 59.6 -48.4 6 10 +4 13 2 -11 1.4 0.2 -1.2 42.5 36.1 -6.4 0.2 0.1 -0.1 6.6 2.0 -4.6 59.3 60.7 +1.4 0 1 +1 149 116 -33 Total Overall Route Mileage Total Mileage Collocation Pipeline (mi) Powerline (mi) Overall Corridor Collocation (%) Amount of Greenfield Crossed (non-collocated areas-mi) Existing Pipeline Crossing (count) Crossing Count Floodplain 100 Year Floodplain Crossings (Count) Total Mileage Land Cover Types (mi) Agriculture Developed/Low Intensity Developed/Open Space Grass/Pasture Land Ownership Potential Conflicts USACE Reservoirs - Lake Oahe Flowlines - NHD* Waterbody Count 9 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Table 2-1 Alternatives Evaluation Matrix Between Preferred Crossing at Lake Oahe and Alternative Crossing North of Bismarck Evaluation Factors ALTERNATIVE ROUTE Crossing North of Bismarck PREFERRED ROUTE Crossing at Lake Oahe PREFERRED COMPARED TO ALTERNATIVE ROUTE 3 1 -2 1 0 -1 26 5 -21 1 2 0 0 -1 -2 2.6 0 1.6 2.6 0 0 0 0 -1.6 0 0 0 14 13 -1 139 112 -27 Waterbodies- NHD* Perennial Intermittent NWI Wetland (count) Freshwater Emergent Wetland Freshwater Forested/Shrub Wetland Freshwater Pond PHMSA Populated Areas Dissolved (mi) Ecological HCA Highly Populated Areas Other Populated Areas Drinking Water HCA Powerline Crossing Total Crossing Count Transportation Crossing Total Crossing Count * Flowline and waterbody crossings from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Hydrography Dataset 10 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Table 2-2 Construction Cost Comparison Between Crossing at Lake Oahe and Alternative Crossing North of Bismarck ALTERNATIVE ROUTE Crossing North of Bismarck Length of Segment 111.0 miles 585,974 feet PREFERRED ROUTE Crossing at Lake Oahe 100.4 miles 530,112 feet Cost for Road/Railroad Bores Number of Road/Railroad Bores Total Cost for Road Bores (at $34,600/bore) 139 bores $ 4,809,400 USD 112 bores $ 3,875,200 Cost of Installation for Non-HDD Areas Length of Pipeline Non-HDD 580,008 feet 522,312 feet Total Cost for Installation of Non-HDD Section $ 201,262,915 USD $ 181,242,264 USD Length of HDD 5,966 feet 7,800 feet Total Cost of HDD Crossing $ 7,696,140 USD $ 10,062,000 USD $ 140,000 USD $110,000 USD Horizontal Directional Drill (HDD) Across Mo River/Lake Oahe Cost of Geotechnical Investigation Aboveground Facility Costs Mainline Valves Needed (one per each 10 mile segment) Total Cost of Mainline Valves (at $450,000/valve location) 11 valves 10 valves $ 4,995,000 USD $ 4,500,000 USD Right-of-Way Acquisition Costs (at $37/foot) $ 21,681,053 USD $ 19,614,144 USD Additional Cost Including Engineering and Consultants (at $131,000/mile) $ 14,538,380 USD $ 13,152,400 USD $ 255,122,888 USD $ 232,556,008 USD Total Cost of Alternative 11 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 A negative number indicates that the value for the proposed action is less than the value for the population that the proposed action is being compared to. 2.1.5 Alternative 5 – Major Waterbody Crossing Method Alternatives Once an optimal route was selected based on the evaluation of impacts discussed in Section 2.1.3, Dakota Access then identified the preferred major waterbody crossing construction method that would meet the purpose and need while minimizing impacts to resources. Pipeline construction methods utilized at waterbody crossings are highly dependent on the characteristics of the waterbody encountered. A variety of waterbody crossing techniques were considered during the DAPL Project planning stages for the crossings of major waterbodies, including Dam and Pump, Flume, Open-Cut, and Horizontal Directional Drill. Dry Crossings Methods Two different techniques, including dam and pump and flume crossing methods, are typically used on waterbody crossings well under 100 feet in width and require a temporary diversion of flow within the waterbody. Because of the large volume of water within the Missouri River system, it is not feasible to temporarily divert the water either by pump or flume, and these methods were ruled out of consideration for the crossing of the Missouri River and Lake Oahe. Wet Open-Cut Crossing Method Aside from trenchless or HDD crossing techniques, the only feasible crossing method from a constructability standpoint for the major waterbodies associated with the Proposed Action is the wet open-cut crossing method, in which flow would be maintained throughout installation of the pipeline. This method of construction would require the construction right-of-way (ROW) to extend right up to the waterbody itself, allowing equipment to operate from the banks of the waterbody to excavate a trench. The sensitive habitat adjacent to the banks of the waterbodies would be cleared of vegetation and graded to create a safe and level workspace that could accommodate excavation equipment and spoil storage for the duration of the open-cut installation (approximately 6 months). Since the widths of the Missouri River and Lake Oahe at the crossing locations is such that operating trenching equipment entirely from the banks would not be possible, trench excavation in the waterbodies would require equipment operating from barges. Furthermore, the depth of the waterbodies crossed (15 to 25 feet) exceeds the reach of a backhoe, and the use of mechanical dragline dredgers would be necessary. Spoil dredged from the bottom of the waterbody would be stored on a spoil barge or otherwise temporarily stockpiled in the waterbody itself. This method of excavation would greatly influence the overall sediment load generated in the waterbody for the duration of the installation. The generation of a downstream turbidity plume would have a direct effect on the aquatic habitat of the waterbody. In addition, the operation of equipment within and on the banks of the waterbody has the potential for adverse effects on surface water quality (i.e., potential contamination of surface water resources from fuel or leaks from the equipment). Compared to trenchless technology, the open-cut method would incur far greater impacts on sensitive habitat located on both the banks of the waterbodies and within the waterbodies. Therefore, this method of construction was eliminated from consideration. 12 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 The trenchless construction method known as HDD was selected as the preferred construction method of the Proposed Action, because this method of construction involves far less impacts on resources. In addition, the Garrison Project – Lake Sakakawea Oil and Gas Management Plan explicitly states that: Oil and gas pipelines should use directional drilling technology to traverse beneath sensitive habitat areas. Further information regarding the HDD construction method is provided in Section below. 2.2 No Action Alternative Under the “no action” alternative, Dakota Access would not construct the DAPL Project. The “no action” alternative would not provide the infrastructure necessary to transport light sweet crude oil to refining facilities. In northwest North Dakota, exploration and production of oil is a major economic activity, with crude oil production being the primary mineral resource of interest. Although the “no action” alternative itself would not incur direct environmental impacts, it would also not address the existing demand to transport crude oil to refining facilities. Market demands would likely compel shippers to rely on alternative methods of crude oil transport such as truck or rail. Although, both the truck and rail alternatives are not sufficient to meet the purpose and need of the Project due to the lack of available infrastructure and other limitations described in Sections 2.1.3 and 2.1.4, it is reasonable to assume that truck and rail traffic would increase if the “no action” alternative were implemented. These alternative shipping methods would adversely affect resources as described in Sections 2.1.3 and 2.1.4 and throughout this EA. It is purely speculative to predict the resulting effects and actions that could be taken by another company or Dakota Access’ shippers and any associated direct or indirect environmental impacts in response to the “no action” alternative. However, if this alternative is implemented, it is likely that other methods of transporting crude oil to the marketplace would be implemented and anticipated effects of the “no action” alternative has been carried forward in the environmental analysis of this EA to provide a comparison between it and the impacts of implementing the Preferred Alternative. 2.3 The Proposed Action (Preferred Alternative) 2.3.1 Location and Detailed Description of the Proposed Action The DAPL Project originates near Stanley, North Dakota, traversing westerly northwest of Williston then turning south, crossing the Missouri River and traverses southeasterly across the state, exiting through the central portion of the southern border. Dakota Access proposes to construct the pipeline, ranging in size from 12 to 30 inches in diameter, so that the majority of lands crossed would be privately-owned lands. The locations for collecting product into the proposed system were largely fixed based on the location of existing terminals. The first of the six fixed input locations is located at the pipeline’s origin near the town of Stanley in Mountrail County. Three other input locations exist near the towns of Ramberg, Epping, and Trenton in Williams County. Two additional collection points are located south of the proposed Missouri River crossing on the flowage easements in McKenzie County near the towns of Waterford City and Johnson’s Corner. Connecting the input locations was largely a matter of minimizing length and maximizing the avoidance of sensitive features, developments, public lands, and constructability issues (e.g., steep terrain, potholes, excessive bedrock, etc.), as discussed above in Section 2.1.4 Route Alternatives. Based on the location of the collection points, crossing the Missouri River (Lake Sakakawea) was unavoidable. The selected crossing location of the Proposed Action avoids federally- 13 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 owned lands to the extent practical, is at a narrow width of the river upstream of the wider Lake Sakakawea, and minimizes impacts on sensitive resources (e.g., piping plover critical habitat, eagle nests, etc.). The pipeline is 24 inches in diameter where it crosses approximately 14,942 feet (2.83 miles) of the Corps flowage easements at the Missouri River and is 30 inches in diameter where it crosses approximately 1,109 feet (0.21 mile) of the Corps-owned federal lands at Lake Oahe. Within North Dakota, the proposed Supply pipeline crosses seven tracts of flowage easement retained by the Corps located north of the Missouri River in Williams County (Figure 2). The proposed DAPL Project Mainline route travels through land owned and managed by the Corps on both sides of the Lake Oahe crossing at the border between Morton and Emmons counties, approximately 0.55 mile north of the northern boundary of the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation (Figure 3). The following narrative relates to Figures 1 through 3 in Section 12.0 and is provided to assist the reader in identifying the Project Area under consideration in this analysis. Purple polygons indicate real estate interests; either the flowage easements that the Corps has with private landowners upstream of Lake Sakakawea, or the fee title lands that the Corps has on the upper end of Lake Oahe. The red hyphenated line shows the DAPL Project centerline as it approaches Federal property at the Lake Oahe crossing and temporary workspace areas. The straight solid redline indicates the HDD pipeline that will go beneath Corps managed federal surfaces and is the Project Area being considered as part of the Federal action to issue a real estate easement. The yellow polygon indicates workspace where temporary work is proposed to be completed that directly supports the HDD installation of the pipeline underneath the river/reservoir. Temporary activities that would occur in this workspace include: welding together pipe, inspecting and testing the pipeline to ensure no leaks are present prior to preparing to install beneath the river/reservoir at both locations. Potential impacts have to be evaluated in temporary workspace, as actions completed here are directly connected to the ability for the applicant to complete the proposed project (both the purple and yellow polygons). Further, these actions are directly connected to the federal decision to allow an easement for the pipeline to cross federal lands in this area. Notice that the Corps is not analyzing the effects of the red hyphenated line (DAPL centerline) at the Lake Oahe crossing as it is outside the EA review area. This is an important difference compared to the flowage easement location where temporary work happens to coincide with the orientation of the flowage easements perpendicular to the Missouri River. Therefore, temporary workspace required for portions of the pipeline installed via conventional (non-HDD) methods on the flowage easements is included in the EA review area. The flowage easements and Corps owned lands associated with the Proposed Action, and the associated Project impact acreages, expressed as construction workspace, are identified in Table 2-3 below. Table 2-3 Flowage Easements and Federal Land Crossings Construction Workspace Grant of Easement Document Number County Within Tract (acres) Flowage Easements LL3440E LL3483E-1 Williams Williams 9.4 10.8 14 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Table 2-3 Flowage Easements and Federal Land Crossings Construction Workspace Grant of Easement Document Number County Within Tract (acres) Flowage Easements LL3453E LL3430E LL3450E-2 LL3431E LL3426E-2 Williams Williams Williams 10.7 5.0 5.2 Total Acres Williams Williams -- 14.7 3.4 59.2 Total Acres Morton Emmons -- 0.4 0.8 1.2 Federally-Owned Lands Federal Land Federal Land The EA review area includes areas within the Corps flowage easements and federal lands that are potentially impacted by construction and/or operation of the DAPL Project. The EA review area is hereafter referred to as the Project Area(s). Actions that occur outside of the flowage easements and the federal lands at the Lake Oahe crossing are considered Connected Actions. Connected Actions are those actions that are “closely related” and “should be discussed” in the same NEPA document (40 CFR § 1508.25 (a)(i)). Actions are connected if they automatically trigger other actions that may require an EA, cannot or will not proceed unless other actions are taken previously or simultaneously or if the actions are interdependent parts of a larger action and depend upon the large action for their justification (40 CFR § 1508.25 (a)(i, ii, iii)). Connected Actions are limited to actions that are currently proposed (ripe for decision). Actions that are not yet proposed are not Connected Actions, but may need to be analyzed in the cumulative effects analysis if they are reasonably foreseeable. The only Connected Actions at each individual crossing location associated with the Proposed Action are those that relate to the HDD workspace at the Missouri River crossing and the HDD workspace, HDD stringing area, and the permanent easement on private lands in the vicinity of the Lake Oahe crossing. The two federal permissions are not connected actions because the locations of each crossing are independent of one another and the location of the first does not dictate the location of the second. Dakota Access initially proposed an isolation valve to be located within the flowage easements (easement LL3453E); however, the Omaha District has assessed the potential for open water and ice jam flooding within the vicinity of the Project Area in the “Reconnaissance Report, Missouri River, Buford-Trenton Irrigation District, North Dakota” and based on the findings the valve would be located within an area that has the potential to be submerged or damaged by ice jam flooding. Therefore, the valve has been removed from the Project Area. The Project Area and Connected Actions analyzed within this EA for both crossings are outlined in Table 2-4, which identifies land status (private, Federal or Easement) and provides associated acreages. 15 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Table 2-4 Environmental Assessment Areas of Interest Federal/ Action/Activity Private Land EA Review Acres Project Area 58.0 Project Area 1.2 Project Area 1.2 Private Connected Action 2.0 Private Connected Action 1.2 Private Connected Action 13.1 Private Connected Action 0.8 Federal Project Area 0.4 Federal Project Area 0.8 Private Connected Action 0.3 Private Connected Action 1.2 N/A Project Area 6.3 Flowage Easements–-Williams County Construction ROW within Corps flowage easements HDD workspace (exit point) within Corps flowage easement Permanent easement over HDD profile within Corps flowage easement and placement of temporary waterline Flowage Easements Connected Actions – McKenzie County HDD workspace (entry point) on private land Federal Lands and Connected Actions - Morton County HDD workspace (exit point) on private land HDD stringing area on private land Permanent easement over HDD profile on private land between HDD workspace (exit point) and federal lands Permanent easement over HDD profile on federal lands Federal Lands and Connected Actions - Emmons County Permanent easement over HDD profile on federal land Permanent easement over HDD profile on private land between federal land and HDD workspace (entry point) HDD workspace (entry point) on private land Lake Oahe Permanent easement over HDD profile across Lake Oahe Private; Federal Easement Private; Federal Easement Private; Federal Easement Flowage Easements The Missouri River HDD is located just upstream of Lake Sakakawea and downstream of the confluence of the Yellowstone and Missouri rivers. The proposed crossing of flowage easements near upper Lake Sakakawea (flowage easements) is located in Sections 7, 18, 19, and 30, Township 152 North, Range 103 West, in Williams County, North Dakota (Figure 2). The proposed pipeline is routed parallel to an existing buried natural gas pipeline and associated valve sites, which cross the Missouri River and flowage easements just west of the proposed Dakota Access pipeline. The HDD exit workspace would be located on a flowage easement tract. Access to the Project Area on the flowage easements would be via the construction ROW from an existing road (38th Street NW). No additional temporary access roads would be required. The Connected Action at the flowage easements includes the HDD entry workspace, located on the south side of the Missouri River on private lands in McKenzie County. Access to the HDD entry workspace will be via the existing access road located adjacent to the HDD entry workspace. No additional temporary access roads would be required. 16 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Federal Lands The proposed crossing of federally-owned tracts at Lake Oahe (federal lands) is located in Section 10, Township 134 North, Range 79 West in Morton County, North Dakota, and Section 11, Township 134 North, Range 79 West in Emmons County, North Dakota (Figure 3). The proposed pipeline is routed to parallel existing linear infrastructure (an overhead powerline and a buried natural gas pipeline) in this area. The HDD entry and exit point workspaces and stringing area would be located on private land outside of the federal lands and are considered Connected Actions in this analysis. HDD design reflects a crossing length of approximately 7,500 feet, of which approximately 5,420 feet occurs beneath the bed of Lake Oahe. 2.3.2 Description of Construction Techniques and Construction Mitigation Measures All facilities associated with the Proposed Action would be designed, constructed, tested, operated, and maintained in accordance with the U.S. DOT regulations in Title 49 CFR Part 195. Dakota Access is currently developing project-specific plans and would implement best management practices (BMPs) to mitigate for potential construction-related impacts associated with stormwater runoff. This includes implementation of their Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP; see Appendix A), which includes the Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan (SPCC Plan) as an appendix. Additionally, Dakota Access would implement their HDD Construction Plan and HDD Contingency Plan (HDD Construction/Contingency Plan; see Appendix B) for inadvertent release of drilling mud during HDD construction work at wetland and waterbody crossings to protect sensitive resources from such releases. The Proposed Action would be constructed via a combination of conventional and specialized construction procedures, as described below. Clearing and Grading Prior to commencement of ground-disturbing activities, a standard survey and stakeout would be conducted to identify ROW and workspace boundaries and to locate existing foreign utility lines within the construction ROW. Following completion of the surveys, the construction ROW would be cleared of vegetation and debris. Clearing of wetlands is limited to removal of woody debris in the forested wetlands above the HDD profile on the north bank of the Missouri River within the flowage easements. Stumps would be cut flush with the ground and left in place, as described in Section 3.2.3. Cleared vegetation and debris along the ROW would be disposed of in accordance with federal, state, and local regulations either by burning, chipping and spreading, or transportation to a commercial disposal facility. Where necessary, to contain disturbed soils during clearing and grading in upland areas, and to minimize potential erosion and sedimentation of wetlands and waterbodies, temporary erosion control devices (ECDs) would be installed prior to initial ground disturbance and maintained throughout construction. Vegetative buffers would be left where practical at all waterbody crossings to limit the exposure and impact to these features. Final clearing would take place immediately prior to crossing the feature rather than advance. Trenching Trenching involves excavation of a ditch for pipeline placement and is accomplished through the use of a trenching machine, backhoe, or similar equipment. Trench spoil would be deposited adjacent to each trench within the construction work areas, with topsoil segregation utilized where necessary based on 17 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 land use (see the typical ROW configuration drawings in Appendix C). In standard conditions, the trench would be excavated to an appropriate depth to allow for a minimum of 36 inches of cover over the pipe. Ground disturbance associated with conventional pipeline construction is generally limited to approximately 6 to 10 feet below the existing ground surface. Typically the bottom of the trench would be cut at least 12 inches greater than the width of the pipe. The width at the top of the trench would vary to allow the side slopes to adapt to local conditions at the time of construction. Pipe Stringing, Bending, and Welding Following preparation of the trench, the new pipe would be strung and distributed along the ROW parallel to the trench. Depending on available workspace, some pipe may be fabricated off-site and transported to the ROW in differing lengths or configurations. Pipe would be bent by hydraulic bending machines, as necessary, to conform the pipe to the trench. Once in place along the ROW, pipe lengths would be aligned, bends fabricated, and joints welded together on skids (i.e., temporary supports). Welding would be performed in accordance with the American Petroleum Institute Standards, PHMSA pipeline safety regulations, and Company welding specifications. All welds would be coated for corrosion protection and visually and radiographically inspected to ensure there are no defects. Segments of completed pipeline would undergo hydrostatic pressure testing as described in Sections and 3.11. Pipeline Installation and Trench Backfilling Completed sections of pipe would be lifted off the temporary supports by side boom tractors or similar equipment and placed into the trench. Prior to lowering-in, the trench would be visually inspected to ensure that it is free of rock and other debris that could damage the pipe or the coating. Additionally, the pipe and the trench would be inspected to ensure that the configurations are compatible. Tie-in welding and pipeline coating would occur within the trench to join the newly lowered-in section with the previously installed sections of pipe. Following this activity, the trench would be backfilled with the previously excavated material and crowned to approximately 6 inches above its original elevation to compensate for subsequent settling. Clean-up and Restoration Following pipeline installation and backfilling, disturbed areas would be restored and graded to preconstruction contours as closely as practicable. Construction debris and organic refuse unsuitable for distribution over the construction ROW would be disposed of at appropriate facilities in accordance with applicable regulations. Permanent ECDs would be installed as appropriate, and revegetation measures would be applied in accordance with the Environmental Construction Plan (ECP; see Appendix G), SWPPP, and requirements of applicable state and federal permits. Major Waterbody Crossing Method As previously discussed, the preferred waterbody crossing technique for the Proposed Action is the HDD method. The HDD method allows for construction across a feature without the excavation of a trench by drilling a hole significantly below conventional pipeline depth and pulling the pipeline through the predrilled hole. As described in subsequent sections of this document and in greater detail in the HDD Construction Plan (Appendix B), by utilizing the trenchless technology, Dakota Access would minimize 18 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 impacts to resources within and adjacent to the waterbodies crossed and reduce the anticipated duration of the crossing. The HDD equipment would be staged well outside of the riparian area, avoiding impacts on the steep banks, cultural resources, and sensitive habitat immediately adjacent to the waterbody. Cross sections of the Missouri River and Lake Oahe HDDs are provided in Figure 14 and Figure 15. Depending on the HDD equipment utilized, to help guide the drill bit along the pipeline ROW, electric-grid guide wires may be laid along the predetermined HDD route. In thickly vegetated areas, a small path may be cut to accommodate laying the electric-grid guide wires. Once the electric-grid guide wires are installed, the directional drilling rig would drill a small diameter pilot hole along the prescribed profile. Following the completion of the pilot hole, reaming tools would be utilized to enlarge the hole to accommodate the pipeline diameter. The reaming tools would be attached to the drill string at the exit point and would then be rotated and drawn back to incrementally enlarge the pilot hole. During this process, drilling fluid consisting of primarily bentonite clay and water would be continuously pumped into the pilot hole to remove cuttings and maintain the integrity of the hole. When the hole has been sufficiently enlarged, a prefabricated segment of pipe would be attached behind the reaming tool on the exit side of the crossing and pulled back through the drill hole towards the drill rig. Fluid pressures can build up within the borehole during HDD operations. In some instances, this can result in hydraulic fracturing of the substrate and subsequent migration of drilling fluids either into the waterway or to the land surface—this is known as a “frac-out.” The depth of the proposed HDD profiles below the beds of the surface waters to be crossed would minimize the potential for frac-outs to occur. Additionally, precautions would be taken during all phases of the drilling operation. A high quality drilling fluid would be used to maintain and protect the integrity of the borehole during the entire HDD operation until the final pipe pull is completed. The HDD Construction Plan (Appendix B) includes more details regarding HDD construction technology and methods. The work would be performed by an experienced drilling contractor, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, that is knowledgeable in effective HDD practices, including maintaining proper drilling rate, drilling fluid composition, pumping rate of the drilling fluid, pull-back rate, and pumping rate on the back ream, and adjusting these as appropriate for the conditions. The potential for river channel changes associated with water erosion and scour were considered when selecting the major waterbody crossing methods and locations. Dakota Access has coordinated with the North Dakota Office of the State Engineer as part of the Sovereign Lands Permitting Process to verify adequate depths for the pipe to be buried relative to geomorphological movements for the Lake Oahe and the Missouri River crossings. Accordingly, the professional engineering firm evaluating HDD depths for the Proposed Action, GeoEngineers, has performed a scour analysis in order to evaluate the scour risk to the proposed pipeline during 100- and 500-year discharge events for the Lake Oahe and the Missouri River crossings. The proposed HDD profile under Lake Oahe is designed to provide 92 feet of cover below the bottom of the lake. Because of the depth of the pipe below the waterbody, and the ponded condition of Lake Oahe, this crossing is at a low risk to geomorphologic movements at the proposed crossing. The North Dakota Office of the State Engineer has issued Sovereign Lands Permit for the Lake Oahe crossing. A copy of the permit is included in Appendix M. 19 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 The Missouri River HDD profile is designed to provide a minimum of 36 feet of cover at the crossing location beneath the lowest point of the Missouri River. This crossing has less proposed cover between the bottom of the waterbody and the top of the buried pipe and it is an active channel. As part of the Sovereign Lands Permitting Process with the Office of the State Engineer, conservative assumptions were utilized in the analysis of the Missouri River HDD design profile as a factor of safety. For example, the proposed crossing is not located at a bend in the channel and is located over 3,000 feet downstream of the nearest upstream channel bend. An analysis of historic photographs of the proposed crossing show that the upstream bend has been stable and in the same location and that the potential downstream migration of this bend is highly unlikely. However, although bend scour is not likely to propagate downstream to the proposed crossing, to be conservative in their evaluation GeoEngineers assumed that the bend could migrate downstream and negatively influence the crossing. GeoEngineers estimated the maximum bend scour at the proposed pipeline to be 23 to 25 feet for the 100- and 500-year peak flow events, respectively. The bend scour at the crossing location would not be additive for successive storms as long-term degradation is assumed to be zero. Historic aerial imagery and recent Google Earth imagery indicates bar building and deposition of sediments in the Project Area, representing a dynamic sediment environment. This equates to a high likelihood that there is an adequate upstream sediment supply and likely minimal long term degradation at the proposed crossing location. In general terms, if the area over the pipeline was to experience a large scour event from one large storm event (up to 23 feet of scour during the 500-year peak flow event following the conservative assumptions), this area would be filled in/covered after the storm event by deposition of sediments from upstream and potential exposure of the pipeline would be negligible. In addition to bend scour, there is potential for contraction scour that occurs when channel width varies within a short reach of the river. There is a small contraction upstream of the proposed crossing at the downstream end of the bend approximately 3,000 feet upstream. The DAPL proposed crossing is not located in a contraction, but actually a small expansion and the contraction point is not likely to migrate downstream to the proposed crossing. However, to be conservative in their analysis as an additional factor of safety, GeoEngineers assumed that the contraction scour upstream of the proposed crossing could migrate downstream to the proposed crossing location. Based on this conservative assumption, contraction scour estimates for the 100-year discharge event are approximately 9 feet. This 100-year contraction scour depth is greater than what would occur during the 500-year event as flood waters spreading across the floodplain actually reduce contraction and therefore reduce the contraction scour depth. Combining the conservative assumptions from above, the maximum estimated total potential scour depth at the proposed Missouri River HDD site would occur during a 100-year flood event. This conservatively assumes “worst case” that both the bend scour and the contraction scour migrate downstream and are both realized directly over the pipeline crossing at the same time. Under this scenario, the bend scour would create a scour of 23 feet and the contraction scour would contribute another 9 feet creating the maximum estimated total potential scour depth of 32 feet below the existing channel elevation during a 100-year flood event. To assess the factor of safety applied using these assumptions, GeoEngineers utilized general scour equations that take into account bend and contraction scour and compared them to the total scour estimated using the Maynord equation for bend scour and Laursen’s live-bed contraction scour equation. Utilizing the Blodgett equation, Lacey equation, and Blench equation for 20 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 general scour, the estimated general scour at the proposed pipeline crossing ranges between 14 to 23 feet for the 100- and 500-year peak flow events. This results in a total factor of safety of 1.4 to 2.3 for total scour at the proposed crossing. Based upon their calculated worst-case scenario scour estimate, GeoEngineers considers the risk of scour occurring down to the level of the proposed pipeline to be low and the proposed Missouri River HDD design profile to be appropriate. The North Dakota Office of the State Engineer has issued Sovereign Lands Permit for the Missouri River crossing. A copy of the permit is included in Appendix M. Minor Waterbody Crossing Methods There are no minor waterbodies crossed by the pipeline on Corps Fee Lands. All minor waterbodies encountered on the flowage easements have been identified as falling under the jurisdiction of the Buford/Trenton Irrigation District (BTID) and, in compliance with their regulations, would be crossed via trenchless pipeline construction methods (bores). Dakota Access is working through the BTID permitting and approval process separately. One intermittent waterbody has been identified on the south side of the Missouri River crossing, within the connected action area but outside of the flowage easements, and within the HDD workspace. Temporary impacts to this waterbody would be mitigated during construction with a customized HDD equipment configuration, including the placement of temporary matting/bridging over the feature as necessary to maintain natural water flow during construction, and installation of appropriate ECDs. Therefore, impacts on surface waters and adjacent sensitive habitat would be minimized by eliminating open-cut pipeline installations and in-stream work for all crossed waterbodies. Wetland Crossings As discussed in Section 3.2.3 below, the only wetlands that would be crossed by the Proposed Action are located within the permanent easement between HDD workspace and the Missouri River on the flowage easements. As such, no wetlands would be impacted by construction or operation of the facilities within the Project Area/Connected Actions of the federal lands, and no trenching within wetlands would occur within the Project Area on the flowage easements. A temporary waterline would be laid aboveground, across the wetlands located between the HDD workspace and the north bank of the Missouri River on flowage easement LL3440E (Figure 6-B). No ground disturbing activity would be required for installation of the temporary waterline. A more detailed discussion regarding wetlands is provided in Section 3.2.3. Operation and Maintenance Following completion of construction, a 50-foot-wide permanent easement that is generally centered on the pipeline (25 feet on either side of the centerline) would be retained along the pipeline route. The 50foot-wide easement would be maintained by the Operator in an herbaceous state (cleared of large diameter woody vegetation) to facilitate inspection of the pipeline, operational maintenance, and compliance with the federal pipeline safety regulations. This 50-foot-wide maintained corridor would be reduced to a 30-foot-wide corridor centered on the proposed pipeline within the wetland area north of the Missouri River in Corps Flowage Easement LL3440E (Figure 6-B). Maintenance of the permanent ROW would entail periodic vegetation clearing measures, in accordance with PHMSA regulation for pipeline inspection. This may involve selective tree cutting and periodic 21 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 mowing. The use of herbicides would not occur on Corps Fee Lands without obtaining prior approval from the Corps. Vegetation maintenance of the ROW in areas of active cropland is not expected to occur due to agricultural practices. 22 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 3.0 3.1 THE AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT AND POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF THE PROPOSED ACTION AND NO ACTION ALTERNATIVE Geology and Soils Under the “no action” alternative, Dakota Access would not construct the DAPL Project and no impacts on geology and soils would occur. However, if the objectives of the DAPL Project are to be met under the “no action” alternative, other projects and activities would be required and these projects would result in their own impacts on geology and soils, which would likely be similar to or greater than the DAPL Project. If the Project is not constructed, less reliable shipping methods such as truck or rail could result in an adverse effect on geology and soils due to increases in transportation accidents and future construction of infrastructure necessary to support these methods (i.e. additional loading/offloading facilities, rail spurs, etc.). 3.1.1 Geology Affected Environment The Corps flowage easements to be crossed extend approximately 2.83 miles north of the Missouri River in Williams County (Figure 2). Conventional open trench construction methods would be used to install the pipeline on approximately 13,553 feet of the 14,953 feet of flowage easements. The remaining 1,400 feet would be installed via HDD for the adjacent Missouri River crossing. The easements and Connected Action lie within the Missouri River valley and floodplain on top of the Quaternary Oahe Formation (Clayton, 1980). The Oahe Formation is comprised of unconsolidated sediments, including clay, sand, silt, and gravel, with some dispersed organic material. Geotechnical borings placed on both sides of the river, ranging in depth from 75 to 95 feet below ground surface, confirm the presence of unconsolidated sand, gravel, and clay to at least these depths. At this location, the Oahe Formation unconformably overlies the Paleocene Bullion Creek Formation, which is made up of silt, sand, clay, sandstone, and lignite, and is the uppermost part of a thick sequence of early Tertiary and late Mesozoic sedimentary formations. Well borehole data from McKenzie County indicates that this sequence occurs in excess of 15,000 feet thick in certain locations (Freers, 1970). No soil borings were obtained below the Missouri River crossing because the banks of the Missouri River the length of the crossing is sufficiently short (930 feet) to allow for a comprehensive geotechnical analysis without testing directly beneath the river itself. The flowage easements crossed by the Proposed Action and area crossed by the Connected Action occur within the Great Plains Physiographic Province, which is characterized by a broad expanse of flat land in the central portion of the U.S. The easements and the Missouri River Project Area lie within an area where physiography is characterized by low-relief alluvial and floodplain deposits and range in elevation from 1,856 to 1,879 feet above mean sea level (MSL). The bedrock geology of the Lake Oahe crossing area is characterized by Cretaceous sedimentary formations (Clayton, 1980). The Fox Hills Formation (sandstone and shale) overlies the Pierre Formation (shale), which has been exposed through erosion along the axis of the Lake Oahe reservoir of the Missouri River. The surficial geology is characterized by alluvium within the valley and dune deposits moving in an eastward direction. This was corroborated by geotechnical soil borings that were placed on private lands 23 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 on both sides of Lake Oahe that indicate the presence of sands and clays to depths ranging from at least 150 to 235 feet below ground surface (Appendix D). The Lake Oahe crossing area also lies within the Great Plains Physiographic Province. On the west side of Lake Oahe, the federal land tracts range in elevation from 1,609 to 1,712 feet above MSL. The HDD exit point workspace ranges from 1,699 to 1,711 feet MSL, and the stringing area ranges from 1,671 to 1,766 feet MSL. On the east side of Lake Oahe, the federal lands range in elevation from 1,613 to 1,664 feet MSL, and the HDD entry point workspace ranges from 1,636 to 1,644 feet MSL. Impacts and Mitigation To protect the terrain of the Project Area and Connected Actions, Dakota Access would, to the extent feasible, restore the areas affected by pipeline construction to pre-construction contours and similar vegetation (excepting trees within approximately 15 feet of the centerline). Pre-construction and as-built surveys would be completed and provided to the Garrison Project. Construction of the pipeline on the flowage easements and Connected Action at the Missouri River crossing would result in minor impacts on topography and geology, and no unique geologic features that have received state or federal protection would be impacted within the Corps flowage easements or Connected Action. The impacts attributable to the HDD would not be significant. Vibrations produced during the HDD process are not of a magnitude that would cause any impacts to geologic features or other resources. Any vibrations associated with the drilling process would be limited to the immediate vicinity of the drilling equipment on the surface and downhole. The vibrations produced from the downhole tooling are of a very low magnitude and are attenuated very quickly by the formation such that vibrations are not felt at the surface. A vibration monitoring analysis conducted by GeoEngineers in 2009 found that peak particle velocities were less than 0.07 inches/second within approximately 50 feet of HDD operations. These velocities are well below that which would cause any structural impacts and moreover, the recorded vibrations were, in fact, imperceptible to human senses (GeoEngineers, 2009). Primary impacts of open trench installation within the Corps flowage easements or Connected Action would be limited to construction activities and consist of temporary alteration due to grading and trenching operations. Construction of the pipeline at the Lake Oahe crossing would not result in adverse impacts on topography or geology on federal lands of the Project Area. Similarly, construction impacts on topography and geology from the Connected Actions would be low to non-existent. No unique geologic features would be impacted by any aspect of the HDD installation. No impacts on topography or geology would occur during operations. Based on recently obtained geotechnical analysis, no blasting would be expected to occur in association with pipeline installation on the Project Area or Connected Actions, given that the HDD would be conducted in unconsolidated or loosely indurated sediments, as described in Section Although not anticipated, if blasting is found to be necessary, Dakota Access would follow procedures specified in its Blasting Plan (Appendix E). 24 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 3.1.2 Mineral Resources Affected Environment Williams and McKenzie counties have numerous mineral resources that include petroleum, lignite, halite, sand and gravel, and scoria. Scoria, sediments baked from the in situ combustion of lignite (Carlson, 1985), is commonly used to surface roads. Although lignite occurs throughout Williams and McKenzie Counties, there are no lignite beds in the vicinity of the Corps flowage easement crossings (Murphy, 2006; 2007). A review of aerial photographic and USGS 1:24K topographic coverage indicates that there are no sand, gravel, or scoria pits within 1.5 miles of the Corps flowage easement crossing areas. Two oil/gas wells are located within the Corps flowage easements (LL3440E), but neither occur within 150 feet of the proposed HDD workspace. In addition, no oil/gas wells are located within 150 feet of the Connected Action at the Missouri River (North Dakota Department of Mineral Resources, 2015). Impacts within 150 feet of the Project was used following the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) guidelines for the evaluation of construction impacts to well integrity. Although the Project is not under the jurisdiction of the FERC, FERC guidance was deemed to be an appropriate distance for this evaluation. The primary mineral resources of Morton and Emmons counties are sand and gravel aggregates. The older Cretaceous sediments in the vicinity of the Lake Oahe crossing (i.e., scoria) do not contain economical deposits of fossil fuels. Although lignite occurs in Morton County, no lignite beds were identified in the vicinity of the Lake Oahe crossing. A review of aerial photographic and USGS 1:24K topographic coverage indicates that there are no sand, gravel, or scoria pits within 1.5 miles of the Lake Oahe crossing. Since Morton and Emmons Counties are located outside the areal extent of the Bakken Formation, there is little to no development of oil/gas resources. This is reflected in the fact that no oil/gas wells were located within 150 feet of the federal lands or HDD workspace and stringing area. However, the proposed pipeline would be co-located with an existing buried natural gas pipeline and an overhead electric transmission line across the lake. Impacts and Mitigation As noted previously, mineral resources, including lignite, halite, sand and gravel, and scoria occur within the region around the Corps flowage easements and Connected Action; however, the only commercially exploited mineral resources in the direct vicinity of the route are oil and gas, as evidenced by the two wells found within the Corps flowage easements. These wells would not be impacted by the Proposed Action due to proposed conventional construction methods and distance from the wells. No impacts on any mineral resources are expected as a result of the proposed flowage easement crossings or Connected Action. The Proposed Action does not cross active mining areas nor any oil or gas wells and facilities in the vicinity of Lake Oahe. No impacts to any mineral resources are expected as a result of the proposed Lake Oahe crossing. 25 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Dakota Access, in accordance with North Dakota One Call, would require that the construction contractor, prior to initiating any ground disturbance activities, identify all underground utilities to minimize the potential for encountering buried utility structures. Accordingly, the Proposed Action is not expected to have any impact on mineral resources, because there would be no additional surface disturbance required beyond that used for construction. 3.1.3 Geologic Hazards Affected Environment Earthquakes and Seismic Hazards The Project Area, traverses terrain that overall is geologically stable. The potential seismic hazard was assessed by evaluating the USGS 2014 Seismic Hazard Map. According to the Seismic Hazard Map, an earthquake that has a 2% chance of being exceeded in a 50-year period would result in peak ground accelerations (PGAs) of 2 to 4 percent gravity (g) in the Project Area and Connected Actions (USGS, 2014a). Ground movement from an earthquake of this magnitude may cause a light perceived shaking but is not expected to cause any structural damage. The low seismic hazard of the Project Area is further corroborated by the relatively low number of earthquakes that have historically occurred in North Dakota (North Dakota GIS Hub Data Portal, 2010). Landslides Landslides refer to the gravity-induced downward and outward movement of slope-forming materials and pose the greatest risk to facilities on or near steep slopes or on soil materials that are susceptible to failure particularly in response to earthquakes or heavy precipitation. A map developed by the USGS that illustrates the regional potential for the occurrence of landslides was used to evaluate the Project Area for landslide incidence and susceptibility (Radbruch et al., 1982). Portions of the Project Area within the Corps flowage easements are moderately susceptible to landslides. This includes 59.2 acres (100%) of construction workspace, of which 17.0 acres lies within the 50-footwide permanent easement, and 0.55 acre occurs within the 30-foot-wide maintained corridor above the HDD profile within the Corps flowage easement (which would not have surface disturbance aside from selective tree cutting and roots would remain in place). The HDD entry point on the south side of the Missouri River outside of the flowage easements is considered the Connected Action. The HDD entry workspace is approximately 2.0 acres and is also moderately susceptible to landslides. As designed, the Proposed Action does not require any surface impacts to the federally owned lands at Lake Oahe, although , 0.4 acre of the permanent easement through the federal property on the west side of the Lake Oahe (Morton County) is classified as having a high incidence of landslides. Slopes greater than 25% in the Project Area within federal lands are not found on the east side of Lake Oahe (Emmons County) and comprise less than 0.02 acre on the west side. Activities related to the HDD crossing outside of the federal lands at the Lake Oahe crossing are considered Connected Actions. On the west side of Lake Oahe, 1.2 acres of the HDD workspace (exit point) and 13.1 acres of the pipe stringing area are designated as having a high incidence for landslides. Additionally, the stringing area encompasses 26 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 approximately 1.8 acres of land that is classified as highly susceptible to landslides. Approximately 0.9 acre within the stringing area has slopes exceeding 25%. Approximately 1.2 acres of the HDD entry point workspace on the east side of Lake Oahe is designated as having a high incidence of landslides, but there are no slopes within either the east or west HDD workspace that exceed 25%. Karst and Subsidence Geologic terrane beneath the flowage easements as well as the Connected Actions has potential for karst development owing to the presence of evaporite deposits, consisting of gypsum, salt, anhydrite, and/or potash (Weary and Doctor, 2014). These deposits range in age from Devonian to Jurassic and occur at depths ranging from 900 to 3,700 meters (3,000 to 12,000 feet). Fresh water must be present for the necessary dissolution to occur for karst development. However, since fresh water is not likely to be found at these depths, dissolution and karst development are not likely to occur (Ackerman, 1980). Even if karst conditions were to develop, any physiographic expression at the ground surface would be negligible given the great depth of these formations. Geologic terrane beneath the federal lands crossings as well as the HDD workspaces at Lake Oahe area may have potential for karst development due to deposits of gypsum and other evaporates (Weary and Doctor, 2014). However, a review of topographic and aerial photographic coverages as well as geotechnical testing gave no indication of karst feature development, and no documentation was found to indicate that karst features have actually developed in this area. Furthermore, an existing buried pipeline and overhead electric transmission line also cross in this location, and no information was found indicating those utilities have been impacted by karst. Land subsidence may be caused by mining, underlying karst features, and extraction of fluids, such as oil or groundwater. No surface subsidence effects are expected to be incurred in the Project Area since no mines, oil/gas wells, water wells, or karst development have been identified in the Project Area. Moreover, despite the fact that oil and gas production has occurred for decades in the Williston Basin, no surface subsidence effects have been documented in that area and, therefore, are not expected to impact the Project Areas within or near the margin of the Williston Basin. Impacts and Mitigation Although landslides can represent a significant geologic hazard during construction and operation of the pipeline, the pipeline would be installed via the HDD to significantly reduce ground disturbing activities in areas with steep slopes (greater than 25%), effectively mitigating the risk. As previously discussed, no ground disturbing activities would occur within the Project Area on the federal lands. Ground disturbing activities associated with the HDD workspace and pipe stringing area would be required as part of the Connected Action; however, these activities would consist of clearing and grading only and would occur, at the closest distance, 1,040 feet from the bank of Lake Oahe. As such, no trenching or excavation activities would occur within the Project Area or Connected Action of the federal lands, thereby reducing the potential for erosion and off-site sedimentation which could otherwise occur as a result of side-slope trench excavation methods and accumulation of water within the trench. 27 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 To further mitigate impacts during construction, Dakota Access would utilize erosion and sediment control devices in accordance with the ECP and SWPPP, and in compliance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program, during construction in these areas with slopes greater than 25%. Dakota Access would install sediment barriers (e.g., silt fence) at the base of slopes and along the sides of slopes, as necessary, to prevent potential siltation downslope of the construction area from entering waterbodies. Temporary ECDs would be maintained until the areas disturbed by construction have been successfully revegetated or are replaced with permanent ECDs. Following the completion of construction activities, disturbed areas would be restored and graded to pre-construction contours as closely as practical. In order to minimize the potential for future slip or landslide events during operation of the Proposed Action, Dakota Access may install permanent ECDs in addition to performing regular restoration and revegetation activities. Permanent ECDs would be installed in accordance with revegetation measures outlined in the ECP, SWPPP, and specific landowner requests. The effectiveness of revegetation and permanent ECDs would be monitored by Dakota Access’ operating personnel during the long-term operation and maintenance of the Proposed Action facilities. Therefore, construction and operation of the Proposed Action facilities on the Project Area and Connected Action of the federal lands would not be expected to increase the potential for significant landslide or slip events or result in adverse impacts on aquatic life resources within Lake Oahe. Dakota Access has completed a geotechnical analysis of the flowage easement and federal land crossing sites to facilitate engineering and design, including selection of appropriate materials and construction methods to limit any environmental impacts attributable to landslides. Results of the geotechnical analysis are included in Appendix D. The strength and ductility of a properly designed pipeline would allow it to span a considerable distance without compromising its integrity in the event of a landslide or other ground movement, such as subsidence. Arc-welded steel pipelines are the most resistant type of piping, vulnerable only to very large and abrupt ground displacement (e.g., earthquakes, severe landslides) and are generally highly resistant to moderate amounts of permanent deformation. This strength and ductility effectively mitigates the effects of fault movement, landslides, and subsidence. Therefore, by implementing the mitigation measures presented here, impacts on the pipeline from geologic hazards are expected to be minimal. No impacts associated with seismic activity within the Project Area are anticipated. Due to the limited potential for large, seismically induced ground movements, there is minimal risk of earthquake-related impacts on the pipeline. Therefore, no mitigation beyond designing the proposed pipeline to currently accepted industry specifications is necessary. 3.1.4 Paleontology Affected Environment The surficial geology at the Missouri River crossing is dominated by Quaternary glacial drift materials within the floodplain overlying the Bullion Creek and Sentinel Butte Formations. These bedrock formations have been known to contain wide variety of fossils, including fossilized wood and tree stumps, 28 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 mollusks, leaves, and insects (Hoganson and Campbell, 2002). Additionally, vertebrate fossils have been found, including turtles, crocodile-like champosaurs, and bear-like titanoides. The surficial geology at the Lake Oahe crossing is also characterized by Quaternary glacial drift materials; however, it is underlain by the Fox Hills and Pierre Formations. These formations could contain diverse fossils, including marine reptiles (e.g., mosasaurs, plesiosaurs, sea turtles), fish (e.g., sharks and rays), birds, and invertebrates (Hoganson, 2006). While there is potential for the bedrock formations underlying the Missouri River and Lake Oahe crossings to contain fossils, all activities, including HDDs, would only penetrate the surficial geology that is dominated by unconsolidated sediments, as evidenced in the geotechnical report provided in Appendix D. The potential for encountering fossils in these unconsolidated sediments at the Missouri River and Lake Oahe crossings is low, as fossils are primarily found in sedimentary rock. Impacts and Mitigation Activities associated with pipeline construction that have the potential to impact paleontological resources are clearing, grading, and trenching, as well as site preparation for HDD operations. The paleontological resources of concern pertaining to construction of the Proposed Action are vertebrate fossils that may be present in the Paleocene bedrock sediments, and to a lesser degree, in Quaternary alluvium since this type of deposit only rarely contains vertebrate fossils. In the event paleontological resources are discovered during construction, Dakota Access would implement measures outlined in its Unanticipated Discoveries Plan Cultural Resources, Human Remains, Paleontological Resources and Contaminated Media (UDP) (Appendix F) to avoid further impacts on these resources. Invertebrate fossils are considered to be insignificant, and mitigation measures would not be required, should they be encountered. However, if vertebrate fossils are found during pipeline construction, Dakota Access would immediately cease construction activities and notify appropriate agency personnel, including the North Dakota state paleontologist as well as the Corps archaeologist. The appropriate authorities would determine the significance of the find and prescribe the mitigation procedures to be completed prior to resuming pipeline construction. Operation of the pipeline would not disturb paleontological resources. 3.1.5 Soils Affected Environment Dakota Access identified and assessed soil characteristics in the Project Area and Connected Actions using the Soil Survey Geographic Database, which is a digital version of the original county soil surveys developed by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) for use with GIS (NRCS, 2015). The areas are located within the Rolling Soft Shale Plain of North Dakota, South Dakota, and Montana. The dominant soil orders in the Rolling Soft Shale Plain are Mollisols and Entisols, which are shallow to very deep, generally somewhat excessively drained and loamy or clayey (NRCS, 2006). 29 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 The flowage easements and Connected Action are within Zone A of the Missouri River floodplain. Soils within the Project Area are formed out of alluvium deposited by the river over time. Slopes throughout this Project Area are very flat, ranging from 0-2%. Approximately 94% of the flowage easement Project Area and Connected Action would be located within either Scorio silty clay or Lohler silty clay (Table 3-1, Figure 4). The Scorio and Lohler silty clay soils are moderately well drained and formed in clayey alluvium. In the case of the Scorio silty clay, the clay alluvium is deposited over a loam alluvium. The Scorio and Lohler soils are identified as Hydrologic Soil Group C, which have slow infiltration rates when thoroughly wet and a slow rate of water transmission. The average depth to the water table across the majority of this Project Area is 4.25 feet. The soils within the flowage easements experience occasional flooding but are not generally ponded. Soil boring data is provided in (Appendix D). Table 3-1 Soil Types Mapped on the Flowage Easements Project Area and Connected Action Hydrologic Project Wind Soil Map Farmland Group 2 Hydric Soil Map Unit Name Area Erodibility Unit Rating (infiltration Rating 3 (acres) 1 Group 4 ) Mckeen loam, 0-1% slopes, frequently flooded Trembles fine sandy loam, slightly E4051A wet, 0-1% slopes, occasionally flooded Lohler silty clay, saline, 0-1% E4103A slopes, occasionally flooded E4039A 0.1 None B/D 96% 4L 0.5 Farmland of Statewide Importance A 0% 3 0.9 None C 0% 4 C 5% 4 C 0% 4 E4106A Lohler silty clay, slightly wet, 0-2% slopes, occasionally flooded 27.8 E4159A Scorio silty clay, slightly wet, 0-2% slopes, occasionally flooded 29.9 Farmland of Statewide Importance Farmland of Statewide Importance Arikara-Shambo-Cabba loams, 2.0 None B 0% 6 9-70% slopes EW Water 0.3 None N/A N/A N/A Total 61.5 -The Project Area includes the construction workspace (58.0 acres) and 30-foot maintenance easement (1.0 acre) located on the flowage easements as well as the Connected Action workspace (2.0 acres). Hydrologic Soil Groups are used to estimate runoff from precipitation: A = high infiltration rate, low runoff potential; B = moderate infiltration rate; C = slow infiltration rate; D = very slow infiltration rate, high runoff potential. Hydric Rating: Hydric (100%), Hydric (66-99%), Hydric (33-65%), Hydric (1-32%), Not Hydric (0%). Wind erodibility group in cultivated areas: Group 1 are the most susceptible to wind erosion, and those assigned to group 8 are the least susceptible. 4L indicates calcareous soils. E2725F 1 2 3 4 30 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 The predominant soil type at the federal lands at Lake Oahe is the Flasher-Vebar-Parshall complex. This complex would comprise 7.5 acres (34%) of the Project Area and Connected Action (Table 3-2, Figure 5). The Flasher-Vebar-Parshall complex contains 36% Flasher or similar soils, 22% Vebar or similar soils, 15% Parshall or similar soils, and 27% minor components. The Flasher-Vebar-Parshall complex is formed from sandy residuum weathered from sandstone and is steep within the Project Area and Connected Action, with slopes ranging from 9 to 35% (NRCS, 2015). The Flasher-Vebar-Parshall complex is Hydrologic Soil Group D, which has very slow infiltration (high runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. The depth to the water table is greater than 6.5 feet. A majority of the soils within the Project Area and Connected Action are neither frequently flooded nor frequently ponded. Soil Map Unit E0623B E0701F E1423F Table 3-2 Soil Types Mapped on the Federal Lands Project Area and Connected Action Hydrologic Wind Project Area Farmland Hydric 2 Soil Map Unit Name Group Erodibility (acres) 1 Rating Rating 3 (infiltration) Group 4 Grail-Belfield clay loams, 2-6% slopes Dogtooth-Janesburg-Cabba complex, 6-35% slopes Flasher-Vebar-Parshall complex, 9-35% slopes 2.9 Farmland of Statewide Importance C 0% 6 0.8 None D 3% 6 5.8 None D 0% 2 E1823A Parshall fine sandy loam, 0-2% slopes 0.7 Farmland of Statewide Importance A 0% 3 E2601C Amor-Cabba loams, 6-9% slopes 0.3 None C 0% 6 E2803B Amor-Shambo loams, 3-6% slopes 2.0 C 0% 6 E3802B Linton-Mandan silt loams, 2-6% slopes 2.6 B 0% 5 B 2% 6 B 2% 6 E3813A E3813B E4139A Grassna silt loam, loess, 1-2% slopes Grassna silt loam, loess, 2-6% slopes Korchea-Fluvaquents complex, channeled, 0-2% slopes, frequently flooded EW Water /E49999 Total 1.7 0.5 Farmland of Statewide Importance Farmland of Statewide Importance Prime Farmland Prime Farmland 0.4 None B 43% 4L 6.4 None N/A N/A N/A 24.1 -- 31 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Soil Map Unit 1 2 3 4 Table 3-2 Soil Types Mapped on the Federal Lands Project Area and Connected Action Hydrologic Wind Project Area Farmland Hydric 2 Soil Map Unit Name Group Erodibility (acres) 1 Rating Rating 3 (infiltration) Group 4 The Project Area includes Connected Action areas. Hydrologic Soil Groups are used to estimate runoff from precipitation: A = high infiltration rate, low runoff potential; B = moderate infiltration rate; C = slow infiltration rate; D = very slow infiltration rate, high runoff potential. Hydric Rating: Hydric (100%), Hydric (66-99%), Hydric (33-65%), Hydric (1-32%), Not Hydric (0%). Wind erodibility group in cultivated areas: Group 1 are the most susceptible to wind erosion, and those assigned to group 8 are the least susceptible. 4L indicates calcareous soils. Prime Farmland Prime farmland has the best combination of physical and chemical characteristics for producing food, feed, forage, fiber, and oilseed crops and is available for these uses. Other soils that do not meet the criteria for prime farmland may be considered farmland of statewide importance. These soils may produce high yields of crops when managed appropriately (NRCS, 2013). Climate is the primary limiting factor preventing farmland of statewide importance in North Dakota from being considered prime farmland; therefore, specific management techniques or other soil amendments cannot elevate farmland of statewide importance to a prime farmland designation (Sieler, 2015). Within the flowage easements and Connected Action, 95% of soils are considered farmland of statewide importance, and none of the soils are considered prime farmland. Approximately 9.5% of the soils on the federal lands, consisting only of Grassna silt loams, are considered prime farmland. Additionally, LintonMandan silt loam and Armo-Sambo loam, which comprise 25% of the soils on federal lands, are designated as farmland of statewide importance. The remaining soils do not have a farmland designation. Impacts and Mitigation Pipeline construction activities such as clearing, grading, trench excavation, and backfilling, as well as the movement of construction equipment along the ROW may result in temporary impacts on soil resources. Clearing removes protective cover and exposes soil to the effects of wind and precipitation, which may increase the potential for soil erosion and movement of sediments into sensitive environmental areas. Grading and equipment traffic may compact soil, reducing porosity and percolation rates, which could result in increased runoff potential and decreased soil productivity. Trench excavation and backfilling could lead to a mixing of topsoil and subsoil and may introduce rocks to the soil surface from deeper soil horizons. Dakota Access would minimize or avoid these impacts on soils by implementing the mitigation measures described in the DAPL Project’s SPCC, SWPPP, and ECP as well as requirements of applicable state and federal permits. These documents would be included as contract documents and enforced as such throughout the DAPL Project. As a result, impacts on soils as a result of the Proposed Action are expected to be insignificant. 32 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Temporary erosion and sedimentation control measures may include installation of silt fence, straw bales, slope breakers, trench breakers, erosion control fabric, and mulch. To minimize potential impacts on soil productivity, topsoil would be separated during trench excavation in agricultural land, and if applicable, other areas where soil productivity is an important consideration. Unless otherwise requested by the landowner, topsoil in cropland would be removed to a maximum depth of 12 inches from the trench and spoil storage area and stored separately from the trench spoil. After the trench is backfilled, topsoil would be returned to its approximate original location in the soil horizon. Compaction of agricultural soils would be minimized by restricting construction activities during periods of prolonged rainfall. Where unacceptable levels of compaction occur in agricultural lands, a chisel plow or other deep tillage equipment would be utilized to loosen the soil. Dakota Access would retain environmental inspectors (EIs) to monitor the contractor’s compliance with applicable requirements to protect soil resources during construction of the DAPL Project. The Garrison Project would be notified if the EIs document non-compliant activities by the contractor(s) on the Project Area or Connected Action Areas. Soils would be temporarily disturbed within HDD workspaces during construction at the Missouri River and Lake Oahe crossings. Primary impacts attributable through open trench installation within the Corps flowage easements and Connected Action would be limited to construction activities and consist of temporary alteration of the construction ROW due to grading and trenching operations. Tables 3-3 and 3-4 present the soil types that would be impacted by construction and maintenance activities. By implementing BMPs and recognized construction methods identified in the ECP (Appendix G), impacts to soils should be limited. Additionally, temporary workspace used for staging HDD operations would impact soils, particularly in association with the HDD entry excavation pit (approximately 5 feet to 15 feet across). The pits would contain the drilling fluid that would be circulated through the borehole during drilling operations and the cuttings that are removed from the borehole. All drilling mud and cuttings would be disposed at an approved location on non-federal lands, which may include land farming on private property or disposal at a licensed disposal facility. Drilling fluid pits at the HDD entry and exit workspaces would be backfilled and the area returned as closely as practical to pre-construction conditions. Dakota Access would implement the erosion control measures described in the SWPPP (Appendix A). The HDD workspace sites would be cleared, graded and matted as needed to avoid rutting and minimize compaction. There would be no soil disturbance outside of the construction workspace. Permanent impacts on soils would be avoided through the implementation of BMPs during construction, restoration, and postconstruction revegetation management. A more complete description of BMPs and recognized construction methods can be found in the ECP (Appendix G). There would be no conversion of prime farmland soils to non-agricultural use. 33 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Soil Map Unit E4039A E4051A E4103A E4106A E4159A E2725F Soil Map Unit Table 3-3 Soil Impacts on the Flowage Easements Project Area and Connected Action Project Connected Area Action Permanent Map Unit Name Temporary Temporary Impacts Impacts Impacts (acres) (acres) (acres) McKeen loam, 0-1% slopes, frequently flooded Trembles fine sandy loam, slightly wet, 0-1% slopes, occasionally flooded Lohler silty clay, saline, 0-1% slopes, occasionally flooded Lohler silty clay, slightly wet, 0-2% slopes, occasionally flooded Scorio silty clay, slightly wet, 0-2% slopes, occasionally flooded Arikara-Shambo-Cabba loams, 9-70% slopes Total 0 0 0.5 0 0 0.9 0 0 27.8 0 0 29.9 0 0 0 59.3 2.0 2.0 0 0 Table 3-4 Soil Impacts on the Federal Lands Project Area and Connected Action Project Area Connected Action Total Map Unit Name Temporary Temporary Impact Impacts (acres) Impacts (acres) Acres1 E0623B Grail-Belfield clay loams, 2-6% slopes E0701F E1423F E1823A E2601C E2803B E3802B Dogtooth-Janesburg-Cabba complex, 6-35% slopes Flasher-Vebar-Parshall complex, 9-35% slopes Parshall fine sandy loam, 0-2% slopes Amor-Cabba loams, 6-9% slopes Amor-Shambo loams, 3-6% slopes Linton-Mandan silt loams, 2-6% slopes E3813A E3813B 0.1 0 2.9 2.9 0 0.4 0 0 0 0 0.8 5.4 0.7 0.3 2.0 2.6 0.8 5.8 0.7 0.3 2.0 2.6 Grassna silt loam, loess, 1-2% slopes 0.7 1.0 Grassna silt loam, loess, 2-6% slopes 0 0.5 Korchea-Fluvaquents complex, channeled,0-2% E4139A 0 0.4 slopes, frequently flooded EW Water 0.1 0 Total 1.2 16.6 1 All soil impacts on Federal Lands and Connected Action at Lake Oahe are considered to be temporary. 1.7 0.5 0.4 0.1 17.8 34 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 3.2 Water Resources Under the “no action” alternative, Dakota Access would not construct the DAPL Project, and no impacts on water resources would occur. However, if the objectives of the DAPL Project are to be met under the “no action” alternative, other projects and activities would be required and these projects would result in their own impacts on water resources, which would likely be similar to or greater than the DAPL Project. Less reliable shipping methods such as truck or rail could result in an adverse effect on water resources due to increases in transportation accidents and future construction of infrastructure necessary to support these methods (i.e. additional loading/offloading facilities, rail spurs, etc.). 3.2.1 Surface Waters Affected Environment The Missouri River is a large perennial river and forms the border between Williams and McKenzie counties. The flowage easements are located on the north side of Lake Sakakawea in the Lake Sakakawea sub-basin (HUC 11010101) within the Upper Missouri River Basin. All drainage patterns from the flowage easements flow east and south towards and into the Missouri River/Lake Sakakawea ending at the Garrison Dam. Once released from the dam, water flows south into the Missouri River (NRCS, 2008). Lake Oahe is a large reservoir formed behind the Oahe Dam on the Missouri River. Lake Oahe forms the border between Morton and Emmons counties. The northern boundary of the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation is located in Sioux County, North Dakota approximately 0.55 mile south of the DAPL Project Area. The Project Area is located in the Upper Lake Oahe Watershed (HUC 10130102) within the Missouri River Basin and adjoins both sides of Lake Oahe at the crossing. The Oahe Dam/Lake Oahe project is part of the chain of Missouri River main stem lakes authorized in the Flood Control Act of 1944. The Oahe Dam is located 6 miles north of Pierre, South Dakota and was placed into operation in 1962. The dam and associated reservoir (Lake Oahe) are congressionally authorized to provide flood control, hydroelectric power, navigation, irrigation, fish and wildlife enhancement, municipal water supply, water quality, and recreational opportunities to the residents of both South Dakota and North Dakota. At maximum normal operating pool level (1,617 feet MSL), Lake Oahe extends roughly 231 miles from the Oahe Dam in South Dakota to near Bismarck, North Dakota. At this level, the lake covers approximately 360,000 acres. At elevation 1,607.5 feet MSL base flood control elevation, the lake has over 2,250 miles of shoreline. Lake Oahe can be divided into three segments based on the character of the lake. The Project Area is located within the northern segment. The northern segment extends north from the North Dakota/South Dakota state line to the upstream Oahe Dam/Lake Oahe project boundary near Bismarck, North Dakota. This segment is more river-like in appearance and is characterized by both submerged and emergent snags, sandbars, many shallow areas, and a definite current (USACE, 2010a). Dakota Access conducted field and desktop delineations of the Project Area/Connected Action on the flowage easements and the Project Area/Connected Action of the federal lands. Field surveys took place upon permission to access the properties in order to verify desktop delineations and ensure that the most accurate, up-to-date data is used for Section 404 of the CWA and/or Section 10 of the RHA permit filings. 35 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 There are four waterbodies (one perennial stream and three ephemeral ditches) within the Project Area on the flowage easements and one intermittent waterbody within the Connected Action (Figure 6). The Project Area and Connected Action of the federal lands encompass two waterbodies (one lake [Lake Oahe] and one ephemeral stream) (Figure 7). Waterbody ID, type, surface water classification, and approximate milepost (MP) are summarized in Table 3-5 and Table 3-6. Impacts and Mitigation Direct and indirect impacts on Lake Oahe and the Missouri River would be minimized by using HDD construction methods to install the proposed pipeline underneath the Missouri River and Lake Oahe. At the Missouri River crossing, a 24-inch pipeline would be installed at least 36 feet below the bottom of the Missouri River. At Lake Oahe, a 30-inch pipeline would be installed approximately 140 to 210 feet below the ground surface of federal lands and approximately 92 feet below the bottom of Lake Oahe (Appendix H). Additional documentation elaborating on the rationale used to determine suitable HDD depth is provided in Appendix D. Appendix M includes the Sovereign Lands Permits issued by the North Dakota Office of the State Engineer. The primary impact that could occur as a result of an HDD is an inadvertent release of drilling fluid directly or indirectly into the waterbody. Drilling fluid (also referred to as drilling mud) is primarily comprised of water. However, bentonite clay is added to the water to enhance lubricating, spoil transport and caking properties of the drilling fluid. Bentonite is a naturally occurring, non-toxic, inert substance that meets National Science Foundation (NSF)/American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standard 60 Drinking Water Additives Standards and is frequently used for drilling potable water wells. The potential exists for drilling fluid to leak through previously unidentified fractures in the material underlying the river bed. Potential release sources of the drilling fluid include the drilling fluid entry/exit pit(s) and the directional borehole itself, which is maintained under pressure to keep it open. The probability of an inadvertent release is greatest when the drill bit is working near the surface (i.e., near the entry and exit points). To alleviate this concern, the HDD Contractor plans to install steel surface casing at both the entry and exit locations of the Lake Oahe crossing. Because the HDD entry and exit points would be set back from the banks of the Missouri River (approximately 1,400 feet north and 300 feet south) and Lake Oahe (approximately 900 feet east and 1,100 feet west) the potential for an inadvertent release to occur in the water would be minimized. Additionally, geotechnical investigations conducted by Dakota Access indicated that the drill path is not located in materials where there is a high probability of an inadvertent release of drilling fluids that would reach ground surface or enter Lake Oahe. Therefore, the potential for inadvertently released drilling fluids to enter any waterbody from below or from the shoreline is low. No downstream impacts to Sovereign Nations from inadvertent release of drilling fluid are anticipated. The drilling mud and cuttings would be disposed of in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, likely in an existing landfill or by land farming. Final disposition would be negotiated with the facility or private landowner prior to disposal. Dakota Access would conduct all HDD work according to the HDD Construction Plan (Appendix B), and would implement the HDD Contingency Plan (Appendix B) in the event of an inadvertent release. The HDD Construction Plan establishes a 24-hour a day monitoring program for monitoring and detection of inadvertent releases, including monitoring for loss of drilling fluids. The HDD Contingency Plan describes monitoring and mitigation procedures for any inadvertent release of drilling mud into the waterbody or areas adjacent to the waterbody and includes procedures to contain and clean up inadvertent releases. 36 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Dakota Access plans to hydrostatically test the HDD pipeline segments prior to installation at the Lake Oahe and Missouri River crossings. Hydrostatic testing involves filling the new pipeline segments with water acquired in accordance with applicable permits, raising the internal pressure level, and holding that pressure for a specific period of time per U.S. DOT requirements. Dakota Access is requesting permission to withdraw water from the Missouri River that would be required for installation of the HDD and hydrostatic testing of the pipeline at the Missouri River crossing. Approximately 470,000 gallons of water would be required for activities associated with the installation of HDD and the hydrostatic testing of HDD pipeline segment. Dakota Access intends to submit an application to the North Dakota State Water Commission, Water Appropriations Department for a Temporary Water Permit. The exact number and size of the withdrawal pumps would be determined as a result of the limits imposed by the Temporary Water Permit. The withdrawal activity would comply with all applicable permit conditions and regulations, including the specifications on permitted intake structures outlined in the Corps’ Regional Conditions for North Dakota applicable to NWP 12 (Utility Line Activities) (Corps, 2012). This regional condition requires that the applicant 1) utilize an intake screen with a maximum mesh opening of ¼-inch; 2) wire, Johnson-like screens must have a maximum distance between wires of 1/8-inch; 3) water velocity at the intake screen shall not exceed ½-foot per second; 4) intake structure shall be floating; and 5) at the beginning of pumping, the intake shall be placed over water with a minimum depth of 20 feet. The Acquisition point would coincide with the proposed pipeline crossing of the Missouri River. An 8”x 8” Power Associates 2500 Single Stage Pump would be set on a barge or float anchored just offshore at the proposed permanent easement. The barge/float would be approximately 12 feet wide by 14 feet long and fitted with a secondary containment structure (an Eagle 4Drum Flexible Containment SpillNest-T8103 or similar). The pump, capable of withdrawing 2,400 gallons per minute withdrawal and 120 feet of head pressure, would be placed within the secondary containment on the barge/float. The pump’s flexible intake hose would be 8 inches in diameter and connect the screened intake to the pump. The screened intake (approximately the size of a 55 gallon drum) would be suspended by floats (approximately the size of a tire) within the water column and would be screened to prevent impingement entrainment of foreign objects and aquatic life. A hard 8-inch diameter take-way pipe extending from the pump would push the water to the top of bank then to the HDD equipment or pipeline section. This temporary waterline would be laid by hand on top of the ground surface within the permanent ROW, and thus would not require any ground disturbance or trench excavation. The waterline, barge, pump, and associated equipment would be removed following completion of construction activities. A depiction of the layout of the barge, pump, and waterline is provided in Figure 6-B. Water needed for HDD construction and hydrostatic testing at the Lake Oahe Crossing in Emmons and Morton counties, North Dakota would not be obtained from Lake Oahe. Required water would instead be obtained from an alternate surface water, groundwater, or commercial source and transported to the Project Area via water trucks. Water trucks would not be required to cross Corps Fee Lands. Prior to construction, Dakota Access would identify a water source for construction activities at the Lake Oahe crossing in accordance with all applicable permits and regulations. Water discharges associated with hydrostatic testing on Corps flowage easements would be conducted in accordance with applicable permits. Hydrostatic test water discharges would not occur on Corps fee 37 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 property. Dakota Access would conduct trench dewatering and hydrostatic test discharges in a manner consistent with the North Dakota Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NDPDES) General Permit NDG070000. Discharged hydrostatic test water would not contain additives unless written approval is received from Dakota Access and applicable permits authorize such additives. EIs would monitor permit compliance. Where appropriate, water would be discharged into an energy dissipation and/or filtering device, as described in Dakota Access’ SWPPP (Appendix A) to remove sediment and to reduce the erosive energy of the discharge. Of the five waterbodies located within the flowage easements Project Area and Connected Action, one ephemeral ditch (d-k8-wi-011) is located within the portion of the Project Area that would be crossed via the Missouri River HDD; therefore, no trenching would occur within this feature. However, a temporary waterline would be installed across this feature to transport surface water from the Missouri River to the HDD equipment. The temporary waterline would be laid on top of the ground surface, and no grading or ground disturbance in the vicinity of the waterbody crossed by the waterline would be required. The hard pipe segments would be hand-carried down the slope and assembled by hand. No tracked or wheeled equipment would be necessary for construction or removal of the temporary aboveground waterline. Four waterbodies would be temporarily impacted by pipeline construction. However, impacts on waterbodies would be minimized by conducting pipeline construction activities in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements and implementing trenchless waterbody construction procedures, as described in sections and and the ECP. No waterbody would be permanently drained or filled as part of the DAPL Project, and effects on waterbodies are expected to be short-term and minor. Dakota Access would restore the area as close to its previous state and naturally functioning condition as practicable. Additionally, Dakota Access would take measures described in Dakota Access’ SPCC, SWPPP (Appendix A), and ECP (Appendix G) to minimize the potential for surface water contamination from an inadvertent spill of fuel or hazardous liquids during refueling or maintenance of construction equipment or during operation of aboveground facilities. Fuel and all other hazardous materials would be stored in accordance with the requirements of Dakota Access’ SPCC, SWPPP, and ECP. These documents also describe response, containment, and cleanup measures. Drinking water intakes located downstream from the Missouri River and Lake Oahe crossings could be at risk if there was a release that reached these bodies of water in the vicinity of the intake structures. The Standing Rock Sioux Reservation is located south of the Lake Oahe Project Area and the majority of reservation residents depend on wells for water supply (Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, 2016). However, the Standing Rock Sioux also have intake structures within the river downstream of the Lake Oahe Project Area. In order to maintain the integrity of the pipeline, prevent Project losses, and protect the general public and the environment, the operator will inspect, exercise, and deploy Company-owned protective and response equipment in accordance with the National Preparedness for Response Exercise Program (PREP) guidelines. However, in the unlikely event of a pipeline leak, response measures to protect the users of downstream intakes will be implemented to minimize risks to water supplies. Dakota Access would be responsible party for implementing the response actions in accordance with Geographical Response Plan (GRP) and the Facility Response Plan (FRP). The potential for a spill to compromise a potable water supply intake would be continually evaluated as part of the response action. Alternative sources would be included as part of the contingency planning. Shutting down certain intakes and utilizing others or 38 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 different drinking water sources or bottled water will be evaluated as part of this process. The Federal On-Scene Incident Commander (USEPA) would be responsible for assimilating and approving the response actions under the Unified Command. Dakota Access maintains financial responsibility for the duration of the response actions. The Dakota Access has prepared a FRP that includes measures such as notifications to surrounding communities, affected governments, and utilities in the event of an inadvertent pipeline release. The FRP complies with the applicable requirements of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA 90), and has been prepared in accordance with the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP) and the Mid-Missouri Sub-Area Contingency Plan (SACP). Specifically, this Plan is intended to satisfy the applicable requirements of:     Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation requirements for an OPA 90 plan (49 CFR 194) South Dakota Environmental Protection Oil Pipeline Plan Requirements (34A-18). American Petroleum Industry (API) RP 1174 - Recommended Practice for Pipeline Emergency Preparedness and Response. North Dakota Administrative Code 69-09-03-02 The operator has contractually secured personnel and equipment necessary to respond, to the maximum extent practicable, to a worst case discharge or a substantial threat of such discharge. The operator requires an annual certification from each Oil Spill Response Organization (OSRO) to assure compliance with the National PREP guidelines. Each listed OSRO has its own response equipment, including containment booms, absorbents, boats, and vacuum trucks. Sub-freezing temperatures during the winter months could cause ice to form on the surface of Lake Oahe and the Missouri River. This layer of ice could impede the deployment of traditional containment booms. However, the ice itself often serves as a natural barrier to the spread of oil (Dickens 2011). Pockets of oil naturally contained by the ice can be drilled to and removed using vacuum trucks. Dakota Access’s contracted professional emergency responders are prepared to respond under winter conditions so that response procedures can be carried out in accordance PHMSA operational regulations. Therefore, a release during winter conditions is anticipated to have lesser impacts to water resources, particularly with respect to area of extent, as compared to a release during the warmer months. A copy of the Draft FRP for the Dakota Access Pipeline North Response Zone is included in Appendix L. Dakota Access anticipates submitting this plan to PHMSA for review and approval in the third quarter of 2016 and will provide a copy of the updated draft to the Corps concurrent with the submittal to PHMSA. The FRP would be in place prior to operating the DAPL Project in accordance with PHMSA and federal regulations. 39 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 MP Table 3-5 Waterbodies within the Flowage Easements Project Area and Connected Action ND Surface Class of Waterbody Waterbody Delineation Water Flow Type Aquatic Area of Impact ID Type Source Classificatio Resource n Construction and Permanent ROW Construction and Permanent ROW Construction and Permanent ROW Permanent ROW over HDD Profile (Temporary Waterline) 92.7 d-k8-wi-013 Ditch Ephemeral Field §404 III 92.77 s-k8-wi-002 Stream Perennial Field §404 III 93.23 d-k8-wi-007 Ditch Ephemeral Field §404 III 94.64 d-k8-wi-011 Ditch Ephemeral Field §404 III 94.9 s-m10-wi001/s-k2-mk001 Stream Perennial Field §10 I Construction and Permanent ROW 95.1 s-k2-mk-002 Stream Intermittent Field §404 III Construction and Permanent ROW Surface water classifications from North Dakota Administrative Code 33-16-02.1-09: Class I Streams: quality of the waters in this class shall be suitable for the propagation or protection, or both, of resident fish species and other aquatic biota and for swimming, boating, and other water recreation. The quality of the waters shall be suitable for irrigation, stock watering, and wildlife without injurious effects. After treatment consisting of coagulation, settling, filtration, and chlorination, or equivalent treatment processes, the water quality shall meet the bacteriological, physical, and chemical requirements of the department for municipal or domestic use. Class III Streams: The quality of the waters in this class shall be suitable for agricultural and industrial uses. Streams in this class generally have low average flows with prolonged periods of no flow. During periods of no flow, they are of limited value for recreation and fish and aquatic biota. The quality of these waters must be maintained to protect secondary contact recreation uses (e.g. wading), fish and aquatic biota, and wildlife uses. The only surface waterbody identified on the federal lands Project Area is Lake Oahe (s-kc4-em-001/skc4-mo-002), which would be avoided via HDD. The pipe stringing corridor (Connected Action) at Lake Oahe crosses two drainageways that are indicated on the National Hydrography Dataset. Field delineations carried out by Dakota Access identified one ephemeral stream (s-kc-4-mo-004) associated with these two drainageways that intersect the pipe stringing corridor of the Connected Action. Impacts on the delineated waterbody would be entirely within the pipe stringing additional temporary workspace (ATWS) and are expected to be avoided by bridging the waterways for equipment and vehicle traffic during pipe stringing, fabrication and pullback. No trenching would occur within the pipe stringing ATWS. While limited grading may be necessary within the pipe stringing ATWS, no grading would be expected to occur within the waterbody itself. Vegetation may be mowed/brush-hogged, however, no root masses are anticipated to be removed. Revegetation of these areas would be in accordance with the North 40 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Dakota tree and shrub regulations and would not be impacted during operation of the Proposed Action. No trees are expected to be cleared on Corps fee-owned lands. Table 3-6 Waterbodies within the Federal Lands Project Area and Connected Action Class of ND Surface Waterbody Delineation MP Waterbody ID Flow Type Aquatic Water Area of Impact Type Source Resource Classification 166.3 s-kc4-em-001 / s-kc4-mo-002 Lake (Lake Oahe) N/A Field §10 I 166 s-kc4-mo-004 Stream Ephemeral Field §404 III Project Area – Permanent ROW over HDD Profile Connected Action – HDD Stringing Area Surface water classifications from North Dakota Administrative Code 33-16-02.1-09: Class I Streams: quality of the waters in this class shall be suitable for the propagation or protection, or both, of resident fish species and other aquatic biota and for swimming, boating, and other water recreation. The quality of the waters shall be suitable for irrigation, stock watering, and wildlife without injurious effects. After treatment consisting of coagulation, settling, filtration, and chlorination, or equivalent treatment processes, the water quality shall meet the bacteriological, physical, and chemical requirements of the department for municipal or domestic use. Class III Streams: The quality of the waters in this class shall be suitable for agricultural and industrial uses. Streams in this class generally have low average flows with prolonged periods of no flow. During periods of no flow, they are of limited value for recreation and fish and aquatic biota. The quality of these waters must be maintained to protect secondary contact recreation uses (e.g. wading), fish and aquatic biota, and wildlife uses. Environmental Inspectors would monitor compliance with applicable waterbody protection requirements during construction of the facilities. The ECP (Appendix G) and SWPPP (Appendix A) describe additional mitigation measures and contain illustrations of how sediment control devices are typically installed at waterbody crossings. Additionally, Dakota Access would maintain a vegetative buffer until the actual crossing of the waterbody takes place. Temporary sediment control measures, such as silt fence installed at each crossing, would minimize the introduction of sediment into waterbodies during construction and minimize the movement of spoil and sediment from surface runoff during and after construction. Permanent erosion control measures, such as vegetation and installation of slope breakers, would effectively stabilize riparian zones. Dakota Access would stabilize stream banks disturbed during construction using methods as directed by applicable state and/or federal permits. Trenching and dewatering activities used in construction of the proposed pipeline could temporarily alter surface drainage patterns. However, these impacts are expected to be localized and temporary, since the contours and vegetation would be returned as closely as practical to pre-construction conditions. Dewatering activities would be conducted in accordance with applicable permits and Dakota Access’ SWPPP and ECP. All construction equipment utilized on or in waters of the state would be subject to inspection by the Department in accordance with the North Dakota Administrative Code (Title 30, Article 3, Chapter 6-01). Further, Dakota Access would implement required measures including the removal of all aquatic 41 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 vegetation from vessels, motors, trailers, or construction equipment. All water would be drained from bilges or confined spaces. All Aquatic Nuisance Species will be removed from equipment in accordance with the North Dakota Administrative Code (Title 30, Article 3, Chapter 6). The contractor or his agents or subcontractors must provide the North Dakota Game and Fish Department a reasonable opportunity to inspect any and all vehicles, vessels, pumps and equipment that will be used in the project in or on the waters of the state prior to those items being launched or placed in the waters of the state. Water Intake Mitigation Measures In the unlikely event of a release during pipeline operations, drinking and irrigation water intakes located downstream from the Missouri River and Lake Oahe crossings could be at risk if hydrocarbons were to reach these bodies of water in the vicinity of the intake structures. In order to minimize the risk of a pipeline leak and protect the users of downstream intakes, Dakota Access will implement the design and operation measures summarized below as well as all other measures described throughout this EA and in the FRP.          Pipe specifications that meet or exceed applicable regulations, with a quality assurance program for pipe manufacturers Use of the highest quality external pipe coatings (fusion bond epoxy or FBE) to reduce the risk of corrosion, and stress corrosion cracking. Active Cathodic Protection applied to the pipeline and facilities Four feet of soil cover will be provided over the buried pipeline on either side of the HDD crossings. The proposed HDD profiles under the Missouri River and Lake Oahe are designed to provide a minimum of 36 feet and 92 feet of cover below the water bodies, respectively. . Pipeline system inspection and testing programs will be implemented prior to operation to ensure the pipeline is built in accordance with the standards and specifications. Non-destructive testing of 100 percent of girth welds Hydrostatic testing of the pipeline to 125% percent of the Maximum Operating Pressure (MOP). A continuous SCADA pipeline monitoring that remotely measures changes in pressure and volume on a continual basis at all valve and pump stations, is immediately analyzed to determine potential product releases anywhere on the pipeline system. o Pipeline variables are the parameters pertaining to SCADA systems, instrumentation, fluid properties, physical attributes of pipelines, pressure, temperature, and flowrate o Includes pressure transmitters to monitor flowing pressure in real-time and alarm in the event of adverse pressure changes due to potential leaks / releases o Includes custody transfer quality meters to monitor pipeline Receipts / Deliveries in realtime and alarm in the event of flowrate discrepancies due to potential leaks / releases Leak Detection System - LeakWarn - A Computational Pipeline Monitoring System (CPM) to monitor the pipeline for leaks via computational algorithms performed on a continual basis. o Includes separate ultrasonic meters at each pump station to continuously verify and compare flowrates along the pipeline in real-time as part of a leak detection system. o This measurement data is immediately analyzed to determine potential product releases anywhere on the pipeline system. o The mathematical algorithms are based on physics and abide by the conservation principles of mass, momentum and energy. 42 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016       Periodic pipeline integrity inspection programs using internal inspection tools to detect pipeline diameter anomalies indicating excavation damage, and loss of wall thickness from corrosion. Periodic above-ground Close Interval Surveys (CIS) conducted along the pipeline. Aerial surveillance inspections will be conducted 26 times per year (not to exceed 3 weeks apart) to detect leaks and spills as early as possible, and to identify potential third-party activities that could damage the pipeline. Mainline valves are installed along the pipeline route to reduce or avoid spill effects to PHMSAdefined HCAs. Periodic landowner outreach and the implementation of a Public Awareness program Participation in "One-Call" and "Before You Dig" notification systems. Immediately upon discovery of a release of oil that could impact the Missouri River or Lake Oahe, Dakota Access will initiate emergency response efforts, including containment and recovery. Site-specific GRPs have been developed for the Missouri River and Lake Oahe crossings. These security sensitive documents, submitted to the USACE as Privileged and Confidential, identify site-specific resources and response measures for an immediate, safe, and effective response to a release of crude oil from the Dakota Access Pipeline with the potential to impact the Missouri River near these two crossings. Response measures include, but are not limited to, the deployment of containment or diversionary booms at predetermined locations and oil collection/recovery activities to prevent further migration of crude oil. Emergency response notifications will be made to Federal, State, and Local agencies and tribal officials as outlined in the FRP. Dakota Access and its contractors will work with Federal, State, local and Tribal officials to protect downstream water intakes. To minimize potential impacts to intakes, protection and mitigation measures will be implemented in cooperation with intake operators. Dakota Access will identify an all-weather access and collection point downstream of both the Missouri River crossing and Lake Oahe crossing. At each location, Dakota Access will provide an equipment storage facility that includes a permanent storage area for winter and open water spill response equipment. Dakota Access would coordinate with the USACE and any other applicable stakeholders to obtain all necessary permits and approvals prior to construction for any ground disturbing activities associated with these facilities. Dakota Access will conduct emergency response drills/exercises at both the Missouri River crossing near Williston and the crossing at Lake Oahe. These exercises will include both open water and ice response activities. Regulatory and stakeholder participation will be encouraged and solicited for the exercises. Section Impacts and Mitigation Remediation, Section 3.11 Reliability and Safety and the FRP (Appendix L) contain more detail regarding spill prevention, detection and response measures. The emergency response drills/exercises are further discussed in Section 3.11. 43 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 3.2.2 Groundwater Affected Environment Groundwater occurs within the Project Area of the Corps flowage easements and federal lands in both glacial drift and bedrock aquifers. Although bedrock aquifers tend to have a greater distribution and be more continuous than Quaternary aquifers, Quaternary aquifers typically provide higher yields to wells. Groundwater in the bedrock aquifers flows towards the Missouri River and Lake Oahe, a regional groundwater discharge zone. The water table within phreatic aquifers, which may include both Quaternary and bedrock formations, is typically a subdued replica of the surface topography. Although groundwater flow directions may vary widely particularly within localized flow regimes, overall regional flow of groundwater in the phreatic aquifer would be to the Missouri River and Lake Oahe. The most economically important aquifers in the vicinity of the Corps flowage easements are the Cretaceous Dakota Group, the Tertiary Fort Union Group (which includes the Sentinel Butte and Bullion/Tongue River Formations), and glacial drift aquifers of the Quaternary Period (Armstrong, 1969). The glacial drift aquifers are relatively thin at the Project Area, except where they occur in buried or present-day bedrock valleys. In the absence of Quaternary aquifers, members of the Paleocene Fort Union Group commonly serve as the shallowest aquifer. Individual aquifer members of the Fort Union Group include, in descending order, the Sentinel Butte, Tongue River, Cannonball, and Ludlow Formations (Croft, 1985). Other bedrock aquifers of economic importance in the flowage easement region are the late Cretaceous Hell’s Creek and Fox Hills Aquifer system and the Cretaceous Dakota Group. Three domestic wells and six observation wells (one of which has been destroyed) are located on the flowage easements, but occur outside of the Project Area. The closest well to the proposed pipeline centerline is a domestic well located approximately 430 feet from the centerline. The flowage easements or Connected Action do not overlie any source water protection areas. The most economically important aquifers in Morton and Emmons counties, where the federal lands along Lake Oahe are located, include aquifers within the Cretaceous Fox Hills and Hell Creek Formations; the Tertiary Fort Union Group, which includes the Cannonball and Ludlow Formations, Tongue River Formation, and Sentinel Butte Formation (northwest part of the county only); and alluvial and glacial drift aquifers of the Quaternary Period (Ackerman, 1980; Armstrong, 1978). The Pierre Formation is considered the base of the active near-surface aquifers, because it is thick and relatively impervious. No water wells are located within 150 feet of the federal lands or Connected Actions at the Lake Oahe crossing. Impacts within 150 feet of the Project was used following the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) guidelines for the evaluation of construction impacts to water wells and springs. Although the Project is not under the jurisdiction of the FERC, FERC guidance was deemed to be an appropriate distance for this evaluation. Additionally, none of the Project Area or Connected Action overlie any source water protection areas. 44 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Impacts and Mitigation Ground disturbance associated with conventional pipeline construction is generally limited to approximately 6 to 10 feet below the existing ground surface. Where excavation penetrates the water table, potential groundwater impacts from pipeline construction are primarily limited to the radius of influence around the excavation profile. Construction activities, such as trenching, dewatering, and backfilling that encounter shallow aquifers would cause minor direct and indirect impacts via fluctuations in groundwater levels and/or increased turbidity within the aquifer adjacent to the activity due to dewatering activities. Dewatering would consist of a single or series of submersible pumps that would be lowered into the pipe trench to review excess water to facilitate pipe installation. In cases of greater water infiltration, well pointing (a series of dewatering points along the outside of the trench connected in series to a pump to enable effective dewatering of the trench) may be used. These impacts are temporary (only while the trench is open) and highly localized as the infiltration of the dewatered groundwater is in the immediate vicinity of the dewatering activity. Construction and dewatering activities are not expected to have a significant direct or indirect effect on regional groundwater flow patterns. Shallow aquifers would quickly reestablish equilibrium if disturbed, and turbidity levels would rapidly subside. Consequently, the effects of construction would be minor and short-term. Impacts on deeper aquifers are not anticipated. The introduction of contaminants to groundwater due to accidental spills of construction-related chemicals, fuels, or hydraulic fluid could have an adverse effect on groundwater quality. Spill-related impacts from construction activities are typically associated with improper fuel storage, equipment refueling, and equipment maintenance. Dakota Access’ SPCC Plan outlines measures that would be implemented to avoid, minimize, prevent, and respond to releases of fuels and other hazardous substances during construction and includes measures for cleanup, documentation, and reporting of spills (Appendix A). Project-specific SPCCs would be developed by the selected contractor and implemented throughout construction. By implementing the protective measures set forth in these plans, groundwater contamination due to construction activities is not anticipated. The draft SPCC is included as Appendix B of Appendix A (SWPPP); the project-specific plan to be developed by the Contractor would meet or exceed all conditions presented in the draft plan. Accidental releases from the pipeline system during operations could potentially affect groundwater. Although most components of crude oil are relatively insoluble (Neff and Anderson, 1981), crude oil released into soil can migrate toward water where certain constituents can dissolve into groundwater or surface water in limited amounts. As a liquid, the product would travel along the path of least resistance both laterally and vertically at a rate determined by a number of factors including volume released, soil conditions (permeability, porosity, moisture, etc.), depth to groundwater, and the speed and effectiveness of response and remediation measures. The DAPL Project would transport light sweet crude oil from the middle Bakken and upper Three Forks formations (Bakken). The Energy Information Administration (EIA) categorizes light sweet crude oil as having an API gravity between 35° and 50° and less than 0.3 wt % sulfur. API gravity is a measure of how heavy or light liquid oil is compared to water: if its API gravity is greater than 10, it is lighter and floats on 45 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 water. The oil extracted from the Bakken has an API gravity generally between 40° and 43° and a sulfur content of less than 0.2 weight percentage (wt %) (Turner, Mason and Company, 2014). Therefore, the Bakken oil has properties that fall within the mid-range of light sweet crude. Most crude oil constituents are not very soluble in water. The dissolved concentration of water soluble compounds (e.g., benzene) is not controlled by the amount of oil in contact with the water, but by the concentration of the specific constituent in the oil (Charbeneau et al., 2000; Charbeneau, 2003; Freeze and Cherry, 1979). Studies of 69 crude oils found that benzene was the only aromatic or polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon compound tested that is capable of exceeding the 0.005 ppm groundwater protection threshold values for drinking water (i.e., maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) or Water Health Based Limits) (Kerr et al., 1999 as cited in O’Reilly et al., 2001). In aquatic environments, crude oil’s toxicity is a function of the concentration of its constituent compounds and their toxic effects, along with their solubility (and bioavailability) in water. Based on the combination of toxicity, solubility, and bioavailability, benzene is commonly considered to pose the greatest toxicity threat from crude oil spills (Muller, 1987). The lowest acute toxicity threshold for aquatic organisms for benzene is 7.4 ppm based on standardized toxicity tests (USEPA, 2016). . Accordingly, theoretical concentrations of benzene in river water for a range of potential DAPL Project spills at the two pipeline river crossings are presented in Table 3-7. An assumption of a 1-hour release period for the entire spill volume at each location was used. The following additional conservative assumptions were developed to estimate potential spill effects for planning purposes:     The entire volume of a crude oil spill was released due to a catastrophic failure of the pipeline and reached the waterbody; Complete, instantaneous mixing occurred; The entire benzene content of the crude oil was solubilized into the water column; and The receptor is located at the immediate site of the crude oil spill and there is no loss due to evaporation or degradation. The conservative analysis presented in Table 3-7 includes a range of values from 4 barrels to 10,000 barrels spilled. However, examination of the PHMSA dataset from 2002 to 2015 (PHMSA, 2016) indicates that the majority of actual pipeline spills are relatively small and fifty percent of the spills consist of 4 bbls or less. The spill volume would be likely small due to a number of factors including:    Most releases are not caused by full ruptures of the pipeline; The overburden on the HDD section of the pipeline or the compacted back-fill over a buried pipeline restricts the volume that could be released during a spill and restricts the affected area; and Due to anti-siphoning effects, a full gravity drain-down between valve locations on either side of the river crossings rarely occurs. As indicated in Table 3-7, the acute toxicity threshold for aquatic organisms for benzene of 7.4 ppm is not exceeded under any of the hypothetical spill volume scenarios. The most probable spill volume (4 barrels 46 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 or less) does not yield benzene concentrations that exceed the drinking water criteria even with the ultra conservative mixing assumptions. It should be noted that under real life conditions, the spill and mixing events outlined by the assumptions are beyond physical actualities. Therefore the use of the upper ranges of spill volumes and the concentrations in the table is limited and is not recommended beyond this NEPA analysis. Table 3-7 Estimated Benzene Concentrations Following a Hypothetical Crude Oil Spill at Project River Crossings River Crossing Acute River Flow Toxicity Benzene MCL (cfs) Threshold (ppm) (ppm) Estimated Benzene Concentration in Surface Water (ppm) Moderate Very Small Small Spill: Large Spill: Spill: Spill: 4 bbl 100 bbl 10,000 bbl 1,000 bbl Missouri River 20,374 7.4 0.005 0.00075 0.019 0.19 1.88 Lake Oahe 22,484 7.4 0.005 0.00068 0.017 0.17 1.70 Notes: - Adapted from Stantec, 2015 - Estimated concentration is based on release of benzene into water over a 1-hour period with uniform mixing conditions. - Concentrations are based on a 0.28 percent by volume benzene content of the transported material (Marathon Oil 2010). - bbl - An oil barrel defined as 42 US gallons, - MCL - Maximum contaminant levels - ppm – Parts per million - cfs – Cubic feet per second - Stream flows are measured mean discharge from the gage stations closest to the pipeline crossings located on the Missouri River at Williston (USGS Station 06330000) and Bismarck (USGS Station 06342500)(USGS 2016; 2016b). Sub-freezing temperatures during the winter months could cause ice to form on the surface of Lake Oahe and the Missouri River. This layer of ice will trap oil released below the lake’s surface and prevent benzene evaporation from occurring. Therefore, during the winter, evaporative loss will be negligible, and will allow a longer contact between the crude oil and the water column. Additionally, natural undulations in the bottom of the ice will trap the material and reduce horizontal spreading, potentially causing very localized impacts to organisms in prolonged contact with the near-surface water (e.g., phytoplankton) (Dickens 2011). Exposure to fish deeper in the water column would not likely experience adverse impacts. The natural containment of winter releases facilitates cleanup efforts as the pockets of oil can be drilled to and removed using vacuum trucks. Thus, winter releases are predicted to have lower impacts, particularly with respect to area of extent, as compared to releases occurring during the warmer seasons. 47 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 If no active ground water remediation activities were undertaken (see discussion below), dispersion, evaporation, dissolution, sorption, photodegradation, biodegradation, and natural attenuation ultimately would allow a return to preexisting conditions in both soil and groundwater. Remediation As part of the pipeline operation, which is regulated by the PHMSA, Dakota Access has an ongoing maintenance, inspection, and integrity testing program to monitor the safety of the pipeline system. Monitoring activities include constant remote oversight of the entire system 24/7/365 from the control center, routine inspection of the cathodic protection system, and the use of inspection tools that travel through the inside of the pipeline to check pipe integrity (see Section 3.11 for additional information regarding reliability and safety and the proposed methods for monitoring the Proposed Action facilities). Dakota Access also performs regular aerial flyovers to inspect the pipeline ROW. In the event of a leak, Dakota Access would work aggressively to isolate the source through the use of remote-controlled shutoff valves, initiate cleanup activities, and contact the appropriate federal and state authorities to coordinate leak containment and cleanup. To prevent pipeline failures resulting in inadvertent releases, Dakota Access would construct and maintain the pipeline to meet or exceed industry and governmental requirements and standards. Specifically, the steel pipe would meet PHMSA specifications under 49 CFR § 195, follow standards issued by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, National Association for Corrosion Engineers and API. Once installed, the pipeline would be subjected to testing to verify its integrity and compliance with specifications, including hydrostatic pressure testing at the crossings, checking coating integrity, and X-ray inspection of the welds. The pipeline would be placed into service only after inspection to verify compliance with all construction standards and requirements. Dakota Access would maintain and inspect the pipeline in accordance with PHMSA regulations, industry codes and prudent pipeline operating protocols and techniques. The pipeline ROW would be patrolled and inspected by air every 10 days, weather permitting, but at least every three weeks and not less than 26 times per year, to check for abnormal conditions or dangerous activities, such as unauthorized excavation along the pipeline route. While a release of crude oil into groundwater or a surface waterbody has the potential to cause environmental impacts, the likelihood of such an event is very low. Dakota Access has detailed provisions for protecting and mitigating potential impacts to water resources in Section 3.11 Reliability and Safety. Emergency response and remediation efforts have the potential for dramatically reducing the appreciable adverse environmental effects. In the unlikely event of a spill during operations of the pipeline, impacts to water resources would be further mitigated by following the cleanup procedures and remediation activities described in the Dakota Access’ FRP (Appendix L). Specific clean-up procedures and remediation activities would be determined by groundwater remediation specialists within Dakota Access and contracted professional consultants. Each groundwater mitigation situation is unique and will be treated according to the actual circumstances present. The first step in the mitigation process consists of the delineation of the plume to define the nature and extent of the release. If appropriate, Dakota Access would recover product as soon as practical to prevent the spread of contamination using excavators to remove the impacted soils, oil skimmers installed within 48 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 collection wells, pumps, and storage containers or vacuum trucks at collection areas or some other method appropriate for the site conditions. Dakota Access would develop a groundwater remediation plan in coordination with the North Dakota Department of Health and other responsible federal, state or other governmental authorities. The proposed groundwater remediation system would be designed to treat the impacted groundwater by removing the released oil, converting it into harmless products, monitoring natural attenuation, etc. Released product can often be physically removed from groundwater by several methodologies. The pump and treat method is one of the most widely used physical methods of ground water remediation and consists of pumping the groundwater to surface and then using either biological or chemical treatments to remove the oil. Another common method of removing floating hydrocarbon contaminants is the use of a monitoring-well oil skimmer. This method utilized a belt material with a strong affinity for hydrocarbons to bring the oil to the surface where it can be removed. A dual-phase vacuum extraction removes both contaminated groundwater and soil vapor. A high-vacuum extraction well is installed with its screened section in the zone of contaminated soils and groundwater to remove contaminants from above and below the water table. Released product can also be removed from groundwater by applying various chemical methodologies including ozone and oxygen gas injection, surfactant enhanced recovery, Biological treatment techniques can also be utilized including bioventing and bioaugmentation. The ground water treatment remediation plan would be selected in coordination with the North Dakota Department of Health and other responsible governmental authorities and may utilize a combination of technologies. A preliminary evaluation of geology indicates that groundwater within the floodplain throughout most of the Corps flowage easements is less than 6.5 feet deep (GeoEngineers, 2014). The pipeline would be installed in saturated sediments as part of the HDD crossing of Lake Oahe. Due to the nature of HDD methodology, this construction method is inherently not a risk to groundwater resources and uses benign substances (bentonite and water) to penetrate through soil, rock, and groundwater. Construction of the Project Area and Connected Action would not be expected to result in significant negative direct or indirect impacts on groundwater resources. 3.2.3 Wetlands Affected Environment Wetland data for the Project Areas was derived from desktop analyses along the entire route and verified by field delineations. Using data from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service’s (USFWS) National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) dataset, aerial imagery, and topography, an experienced biologist applied professional judgment to create polygon coverage in GIS to define the areal extent of wetlands. These areas have been field-verified to ensure that the most accurate, up-to-date data is being used for permit filings. The field wetland investigations were conducted using the on-site methodology set forth in the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual and the 2010 Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Great Plains Region (USACE, 1987; 2010b). In addition to the 1987 Manual and the Regional Supplement, wetland areas were examined through analysis of the 49 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 vegetation, soils, and hydrology, as described in the Classification of Wetland and Deepwater Habitats of the U.S. and The National Wetland Plant List (Cowardin et al., 1979; Lichvar et al., 2014). Impacts and Mitigation The routing analysis utilized to determine the crossing locations was designed to avoid impacts to sensitive environmental resources including wetlands. Construction workspace on the flowage easements has been selected based on an absence of wetlands within the Project Area and, as confirmed by field verification in 2015, no wetlands would be impacted by trench excavation within the construction ROW, ATWS, HDD workspace, or HDD stringing corridor on the flowage easements or Connected Action. The field wetland investigations conducted by Dakota Access results identified four wetlands located within the permanent easement on the flowage easements (w-m10-wi-001_PSS, w-m10-wi-001_PEM, wm10-wi-001_PFO, and w-m10-wi-002_PSS). These wetlands occur in the portion of the Project Area on the flowage easements that would be constructed via HDD; therefore, no trenching would occur within these wetlands. However, following construction, a 30-foot-wide corridor centered on the proposed pipeline would be maintained in non-forested state to facilitate inspections of the pipeline, operational maintenance, and compliance with the federal pipeline safety regulations. The 30 foot permanent ROW would encompass a total of approximately 0.30 acre of the four wetlands. One of these wetlands (wm10-wi-001_PFO), approximately 0.05 acre, is classified as a palustrine forested (PFO) wetland and would be converted to shrub-scrub or herbaceous wetland as a result of the Proposed Action since trees would be routinely removed for the life of the pipeline. The remaining palustrine emergent (PEM) wetland (wm10-wi-001_PEM) and two palustrine scrub-shrub (PSS) wetlands (w-m10-wi-001_PSS and w-m10-wi002_PSS), comprising a total of 0.25 acres of the permanent pipeline easement, may require infrequent vegetation clearing of encroaching woody vegetation but would otherwise remain in their natural state. Dakota Access is in the process of obtaining verification for use of NWP 12 for the crossings of wetlands and waterbodies associated with DAPL Project. Pending approval and receipt of applicable permits and easement permission, a temporary waterline would be installed between the shoreline and the HDD workspace on the flowage easements within the permanent ROW (Figure 6-B), in order to supply the HDD equipment with water needed for drilling fluid preparation and hydrostatic testing. The temporary waterline would be laid on top of the surface, and no ground disturbance of the four wetland features along the permanent easement is anticipated. The hard pipe segments would be hand-carried down the slope and assembled by hand. No tracked or wheeled equipment would be necessary for construction or removal of the temporary aboveground pipeline. No excavation or disturbance of wetlands or the river bank is anticipated. Table 3-8 summarizes wetlands within the flowage easements that occur within the permanent ROW, which is 30-feet-wide centered on the centerline over the HDD profile and 50-feet-wide elsewhere. No wetlands would be impacted by the HDD workspace on private land and the permanent ROW on federal land at the crossing of Lake Oahe, because no wetlands exist within the Project Area and Connected Action Area at the Lake Oahe Crossing. The ECP and SWPPP specify several measures to protect wetlands and waterbodies from becoming polluted with fuels or other hazardous materials during construction. These plans prohibit the storage of 50 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 fuel or other hazardous materials within 100 feet of a wetland or waterbody. The ECP also specifies that equipment must be refueled at least 100 feet from waterbodies unless, due to site-specific conditions, there is no practical alternative such as the proposed pumping intake structure located on the barge at the Missouri River Crossing. In that case, the contractor must implement site-specific protective measures and containment procedures described in the ECP. Contractors would be required to provide trained personnel, appropriate equipment, and materials to contain and clean up releases of fuel, lubricating oil, or hydraulic fluid that result from equipment failure or other circumstances in accordance with containment plans as described above. Table 3-8 Wetlands within the Flowage Easements Project Area PreDelineation Area Wetland Type Construction Source (acres) Notice? Impacted Area 1 MP Wetland ID 94.7 w-m10-wi-001 Palustrine Scrub-Shrub No Field 0.07 Permanent ROW over HDD Profile 94.7 w-m10-wi-001 Palustrine Emergent No Field 0.04 Permanent ROW over HDD Profile 94.8 w-m10-wi-001 Palustrine Forested No Field 0.05 Permanent ROW over HDD Profile 94.9 w-m10-wi-002 Palustrine Scrub-Shrub No Field 0.14 Permanent ROW over HDD Profile 3.2.4 Floodplain Affected Environment Floodplains refer to the 100-year floodplain, as defined by Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and as shown on Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) or Flood Hazard Boundary Maps for all communities participating in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). The 100-year floodplain is an area subjected to inundation by the 1% chance of an annual flood event. Executive Order (EO) 11988 (Floodplain Management) requires federal agencies to avoid direct or indirect support of development within the 100-year floodplain whenever there is a practical alternative. According to the FEMA FIRM map, the seven flowage easements are located within Zone A (the 100-year floodplain) of the Missouri River in Williams County. A FEMA flood map is not available for the Connected Action within McKenzie County. The Lake Oahe crossing in Emmons County is located in Zone D, which is an area of undetermined, but possible flood hazards (FEMA, 1987). FEMA has not completed a study to determine flood hazards for Morton County; therefore, a flood map has not been published at this time. Impacts and Mitigation The Proposed Action has been designed in accordance with accepted floodplain management practices; therefore, no impacts on floodplain elevations or velocities are anticipated. Following construction, 51 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 disturbed areas would be restored to pre-construction grades and contours, as practical. If necessary, soil displaced by installation of the 24-inch pipeline on the flowage easements would be removed from the floodplain and hauled to an upland location in order to ensure original floodplain elevations are restored The Corps Omaha District Flood Risk and Floodplain Management Section (FRFM) is responsible for coordinating compliance with the requirements of EO 11988. The FRFM reviewed the proposed pipeline plans for the portion of the DAPL Project that crosses the flowage easements for compliance with Appendix A (Typical Cut and Fill Volumes for Land Development Proposals) of NWDR 1110-2-5, Land Development Guidance at Corps Reservoir Projects, and found that the lowest elevation of the Proposed Action on the flowage easements (1872.25 feet MSL) would be above the Garrison flood control pool maximum operation elevation (1854.0 feet MSL). Therefore, there would be no adverse impacts on the operation of the Garrison flood control pool. Provided that the site topography is left at its natural ground elevation after construction and all excess material is hauled off site, the FRFM concluded that there are no flood risk and floodplain management concerns associated with the Proposed Action. On April 7, 2015 the FRFM provided Dakota Access with a memorandum verifying compliance under EO 1198 and recommending approval of the Proposed Action (Krause, 2015). 3.2.5 Levees Based on a search of the Corps National Levee Database and FEMA FIRM maps, no levees are located within 10 miles of the Lake Oahe or flowage easement crossings (Corps, 2014). Because no levees are located within 10 miles of either crossing, construction of the Proposed Action is not expected to impact levees. 3.3 Vegetation, Agriculture, and Range Resources Under the “no action” alternative, Dakota Access would not construct the proposed DAPL Project and no impacts on vegetation, agriculture, and range resources would occur. However, if the objectives of the DAPL Project are to be met under the “no action” alternative, other projects and activities would be required and these projects would result in their own impacts on vegetation, agriculture, and range resources, which would likely be similar to or greater than the DAPL Project. Impacts associated with a future project developed in response to the “no action” alternative are unknown, while only temporary and minor impacts or insignificant permanent impacts on vegetation, agriculture, and range resources would occur as a result of the Proposed Action, as described in the sections below. 3.3.1 Vegetation Affected Environment Land cover was analyzed for the flowage easements and federal lands and associated Connected Actions based on the 2011 USGS National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD) and was field-verified where access was available. Land cover on the flowage easements is comprised mostly of cultivated crops, which include corn, sugar beets, alfalfa, soybeans, and spring wheat. Other present land cover types include developed areas, which are primarily roads, pasture/hay/grassland areas that are interspersed with the cultivated crops, emergent wetlands, woody wetlands, mixed forest and deciduous forest associated with the Missouri River. 52 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Land cover on the federal lands is comprised of cultivated crops, emergent herbaceous wetlands, grassland/herbaceous, and open water. Over half of the area of the tracts is characterized as grassland/herbaceous, which primarily occurs on the west side of Lake Oahe. Cultivated cropland consists mainly of oats and canola on the east side of the Lake. A description of each land cover type encountered at both crossing areas is provided below. Cultivated Crop The cultivated cropland community is characterized by land used for the production of annual crops, such as corn and soybeans. This class includes all land being actively tilled. Deciduous Forest Deciduous forest typically includes trees that are greater than 16 feet tall. More than 75% of the tree species in this land cover class shed foliage simultaneously in response to seasonal change. Mixed Forest Mixed forest are generally areas dominated by trees generally greater than 5 meters tall, and greater than 20% of total vegetation cover. The vegetation cover within mixed forest typically does not have either deciduous or evergreen species greater than 75% of the total tree cover. Developed/Open Space The developed/open space community type is dominated by lawn grasses and may include some developed areas and roads. Impervious surfaces account for less than 20% of the total cover. This class would typically include minor roads and associated ditches. Developed/Low Intensity The developed/low intensity community includes areas with a mixture of constructed material and vegetation. These areas most commonly include single-family housing units. Developed/low intensity in the Project Area is associated with impervious surfaces of larger roads. Emergent Herbaceous Wetland Refer to Section 3.2.3, which provides a description of data obtained during delineations of the wetlands that would be impacted by the Proposed Action. Woody Wetlands Refer to Section 4.2.3, which provides a description of data obtained during delineations of the wetlands that would be impacted by the Proposed Action. 53 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Grassland/Herbaceous The grassland/herbaceous community is dominated by graminoid or herbaceous vegetation. These areas are not subject to intensive management such as tilling but can be utilized for grazing. Pasture/Hay The pasture/hay community type consists of areas of grasses, legumes, or grass-legume mixtures planted for livestock grazing or the production of seed or hay crops, typically on a perennial cycle. Open Water The open water cover type includes areas of open water. This land cover type is associated with Lake Oahe and the Missouri River. Impacts and Mitigation Temporary impacts on land cover would occur in essentially all areas within the construction footprint of the Project Area and Connected Actions, the vast majority of which would return to pre-construction land cover upon completion of construction. One exception is at the flowage easement Project Area in forested areas along the permanent easement Impacts on cultivated crops make up the majority of temporary impacts and would return to cultivated crops post-construction. Tables 3-9 and 3-10 show land cover types impacted by construction and maintenance activities. A description of each category is provided below. Table 3-9 Land Cover Impacts on the Flowage Easements Project Area and Connected Action Connected Action- Connected Action- Construction Permanent ROW Land Cover Type Construction Permanent ROW Workspace (acres) Workspace (acres) (acres) (acres) 1 Cultivated Crops Deciduous Forest Developed, Low Intensity Developed, Open Space Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands Hay/Pasture Grassland/Herbaceous Mixed Forest Open Water Woody Wetlands 1 0 0.9 0 0.1 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.7 0 Total 2.0 Construction workspace includes permanent ROW. 0 0.2 0 0.01 0 47.4 0 0.4 1.2 0.9 13.3 0 0.4 0.4 0.4 0 0 0.03 0.1 0 0.3 6.6 1.7 0 0 1.4 59.3 1.8 0.5 0 0 0.8 17.6 54 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Permanent impacts on land cover in the federal lands would be limited to the permanent ROW and involve limited tree removal within the permanent easement. Impacts on land cover as part of the Connected Action would occur on private lands and include the HDD workspaces, stringing area, and the permanent easements between the HDD workspaces and federal lands. Table 3-10 Land Cover Impacts on the Federal Lands Project Area and Connected Action Connected Connected Action– Action– Federal Lands Land Cover Construction Permanent ROW Permanent ROW Workspace (acres) (acres) 1 (acres) Cultivated Crops 0.0 0.0 0.1 Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands 0.0 0.0 0.4 Woody Wetlands Grassland/ Herbaceous 1 0.2 0.0 0.0 15.3 1.1 0.6 Total 15.5 1.1 1.2 Land cover impacts on federal lands are limited to the maintained 50-foot permanent easement and do not include approximately 6.3 acres of permanent easement over the HDD profile across Lake Oahe. Land cover within the banks of Lake Oahe (open water, woody wetlands, and emergent herbaceous wetlands) would not be disturbed during construction. Measures to Protect Vegetation Dakota Access would clear the ROW to the extent necessary to assure suitable access for construction, safe operation, and maintenance of the DAPL Project. Clearing of herbaceous vegetation during construction is anticipated to result in short-term impacts. Within areas disturbed by construction in the flowage easements Project Area and Connected Actions, Dakota Access would implement active revegetation measures and rapid colonization by annual and perennial herbaceous species to restore most vegetative cover within the first growing season. In areas that require permanent revegetation, Dakota Access would utilize an NRCS native seed mix that has been selected for the Proposed Action based on the North Dakota State University Extension Service Publication, Successful Reclamation of Lands Disturbed by Oil and Gas Development and Infrastructure Construction. . Ground disturbing activities would not occur on Corps fee-owned lands; therefore, reseeding is not anticipated in these areas. However, if reseeding were to become necessary on Corps fee-owned lands, all activities would be conducted in accordance with applicable Lake Oahe or Garrison Project revegetation guidelines. In non-agricultural areas, vegetation cleared from ATWS would be allowed to revegetate after construction depending on arrangements with the landowner. Consequently, significant changes in cover types are not anticipated. Revegetation would allow wildlife species to return to the area after construction is completed. Temporary revegetation measures may also be implemented to quickly establish ground cover to minimize the potential for soil erosion and noxious weeds to establish. A temporary seed mix may be applied in these situations. Revegetation of trees and shrubs would take 55 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 place in accordance with the North Dakota tree and shrub regulations. The ECP (Appendix G) contains more details regarding temporary revegetation. After completion of waterbody crossings, Dakota Access would revegetate disturbed stream banks in accordance with the ECP, SWPPP, and requirements of applicable state and federal permits. When constructing in agricultural areas, up to 1 foot of topsoil (organic layer) would be stripped from the trench line and stockpiled separately from trench spoil to preserve the native seed stock. The ECP contains additional details regarding topsoil segregation. At stream approaches, the Contractor would leave a 20-foot buffer of undisturbed herbaceous vegetation on all stream banks during initial clearing, except where grading is needed for bridge installation or where restricted by applicable regulations and/or permit conditions. 3.3.2 Invasive and Noxious Weeds Affected Environment The state of North Dakota has 11 state-listed noxious and invasive weeds (“invasive species”). The species listed are: Russian knapweed (Acroptilon repens), absinth wormwood (Artemisia absinthium), musk thistle (Carduus nutans), diffuse knapweed (Centaurea diffusa), yellow toadflax (Linaria vulgaris), spotted knapweed (Centaurea maculosa), Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense), leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula), dalmatian toadflax (Linaria dalmatica), purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria), and saltcedar (Tamarix chinensis). These state invasive species are controlled and regulated under North Dakota Law (NDCC § 4.1-47-02) (North Dakota Department of Agriculture, 2014a). Each county in North Dakota has a County Weed Board, which consists of a regulation committee to manage noxious and invasive weeds. Each of these county boards is responsible for the addition of county-specific invasive species to the state-listed species. Additional noxious weeds are listed in McKenzie County including field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis), burdock (Arctium sp.), black hendane (Hyoscyamus niger), houndstongue (Cynoglossum officinale), and yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis). No additional invasive species have been identified for listing in Williams, Morton, and Emmons counties. Environmental Impact and Mitigation Dakota Access sent notifications to the McKenzie, Williams, Morton, and Emmons counties weed boards describing the Proposed Action and requesting any guidance regarding the known locations of noxious and invasive weeds pertaining to that county. Dakota Access would work with the county weed boards to ensure the ECP contains relevant and necessary mitigation measures that would be implemented to prevent the spread of noxious weed species during construction and operation of the Proposed Action. 56 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 3.3.3 Threatened, Endangered, Candidate, and Proposed Plant Species Affected Environment There is one federally-listed plant species in North Dakota, the threatened western prairie fringed orchid. This plant species is associated with high quality moist, tall grass prairie. Most of the orchids in North Dakota are located in the Sheyenne National Grasslands in Ransom and Richland counties in the southeastern corner of the state. The population at Sheyenne National Grasslands is the largest population left in the world, with over 7,000 orchids (USFWS, 2013a). North Dakota does not have a state threatened and endangered species program or track plant species that are not federally listed. Impacts and Mitigation There are no known records of western prairie fringed orchids in the Project Area counties, and no suitable habitat was documented; therefore, no effect on the western prairie fringed orchid is expected as a result of the proposed undertaking. In the unlikely event that any are observed during construction on federal lands, work would stop and the Corps would be contacted. 3.4 Wildlife Resources Under the “no action” alternative, Dakota Access would not construct the DAPL Project, and no impacts on wildlife resources would occur. However, if the objectives of the DAPL Project are to be met under the “no action” alternative, other projects and activities would be required and these projects would result in their own impacts on wildlife resources, which would likely be similar to or greater than the DAPL Project. Impacts associated with a future project developed in response to the “no action” alternative are unknown, while only temporary and minor impacts, if any, on wildlife resources would occur as a result of the Proposed Action, as described in the sections below. 3.4.1 Recreationally and Economically Important Species and Nongame Wildlife Affected Environment The Proposed Action region is home to a large number of mammal and bird species. Big game species that occur in the Proposed Action region include pronghorn and white-tailed deer. Game birds potentially using the types of wildlife habitat in the Project Area include the ruffed grouse, sharp-tailed grouse, pheasant, woodcock, snipe, and doves. Furbearers and predators potentially occurring within the Project Area include coyote, beaver, badger, red fox, raccoon, bobcat, fisher, mink, weasel, and muskrat. Potential small mammal species occurring within the habitat types associated with the Project Area include pocket gopher, skunk, and white-tailed jackrabbit. Waterfowl and shorebird species potentially occurring within the Project Area include mallards, pintails, American wigeon, blue-winged teal, western grebe, California gull, Canada goose, common tern, killdeer, Wilson’s phalarope, and lesser yellowlegs. Numerous songbirds, including the American goldfinch, black- 57 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 capped chickadee, cedar waxwing, clay-colored sparrow, lark bunting, song sparrow, tree swallow, western kingbird, western meadowlark, and yellow warbler can be expected to occur in the Project Area. Numerous species of reptiles and amphibians may also occur within the Project Area. Some amphibian species that may be expected to occur in the Project Area include the northern leopard frog, tiger salamander, and western chorus frog. Reptile species that may be expected to occur within the Project Area include common snapping turtle, western painted turtle, common garter snake, and racer (Hoberg and Gause, 1992). Impacts and Mitigation Temporary impacts on wildlife could occur during construction due to clearing of vegetation and movement of construction equipment along the ROW. The ROW and ATWS would remain relatively clear of vegetation until restoration is completed. Most wildlife, including the larger and more mobile animals, would disperse from the Project Area as construction activities approach. Displaced species may recolonize in adjacent, undisturbed areas, or reestablish in their previously occupied habitats after construction has been completed and suitable habitat is restored. Some smaller, less mobile wildlife species such as amphibians, reptiles, and small mammals have the potential to be directly impacted during clearing and grading activities, but given the limited extent of the proposed crossing, measurable impacts are not anticipated. No impacts to treaty fishing and hunting rights are anticipated due to construction within the Project Area or Connected Actions. Herbaceous cover would be seeded on disturbed upland areas during restoration, and it is expected that pre-existing herbaceous and shrub habitats would quickly reestablish themselves. Consequently, it is expected that the wildlife species that use these habitats would also return within one growing season of construction completion. Routine clearing of the permanent easement to improve visibility and remove encroaching trees would be performed in compliance with PHMSA requirements. The lack of trees reestablishing would be the only potential long-term impact to wildlife that depends on forested communities. This impact is expected to be negligible, as it only pertains to extremely small portions of the permanent easement and very little forested habitat is present within the Project Area and Connected Actions. 3.4.2 Threatened, Endangered, Candidate, and Proposed Wildlife Species The Endangered Species Act (ESA) directs all federal agencies to work to conserve endangered and threatened species. Crossing the Corps flowage easements and federal lands triggers the consultation procedures of section 7 of the ESA. This section serves as the Biological Evaluation or written analysis documenting the Corps’ conclusions and the rationale to support those conclusions regarding the effects of the Proposed Action on protected wildlife resources. The Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) was removed from the federal list of threatened and endangered species on August 9, 2007 and is no longer protected under the ESA. However, the bald eagle is provided protection under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (BGEPA) and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA), which prohibits disturbance of eagles and other raptors. In order to ensure compliance with these acts, Dakota Access obtained USFWS and state agency data regarding known eagle nests in the vicinity of the Missouri River and Lake Oahe crossings from the North Dakota Game and Fish Department, who houses the eagle location database. The Proposed Action and Connected action will be over 1,000 feet from known or historic eagle nesting areas. 58 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Based on the known nest data, there are no eagle nests within the USFWS National Bald Eagle Management Guidelines recommend nest buffers of 660 feet for linear construction activities if the activity will be visible from the nest and 330 feet if the activity will not be visible from the nest (USFWS, 2007). These guidelines are intended to help the public minimize impacts to bald eagles, particularly where they may constitute “disturbance”, which is prohibited by the BGEPA. Given the distance from known eagle nesting areas, and the mitigation of use of the HDD method for both the Missouri and Lake Oahe crossings, the Proposed Action is not anticipated to have any effect on Bald or Golden eagles Affected Environment Nine federally listed species have been identified in Williams, McKenzie, Morton, and Emmons counties. Designated critical habitat for the piping plover also occurs in each of the four counties. The USFWS concurred with the Corps effect determinations included below in Section for all listed species within the EA review area. Interior Least Tern In North Dakota, the interior least tern (Sterna antillarum) utilizes sparsely vegetated sandbars on the Missouri River. Birds nest, raise young, and relax on barren river sandbars. In North Dakota, the least tern is found mainly on the Missouri River from Garrison Dam south to Lake Oahe and on the Missouri and Yellowstone Rivers upstream of Lake Sakakawea. Approximately 100 pairs breed in North Dakota during the summer before flying to coastal areas of Central and South American and the Caribbean Islands (USFWS, 2013b). Whooping Crane Whooping cranes (Grus Americana) embark on a bi-annual migration from summer nesting and breeding grounds in Wood Buffalo National Park in northern Alberta to the barrier islands and coastal marshes of the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge on the Gulf Coast of Texas. Twice yearly in the spring and fall, whooping cranes migrate along the Central Flyway, a migratory corridor approximately 220 miles wide and 2,400 miles in length. The Central Flyway includes eastern Montana and portions of North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and eastern Texas (USFWS, 2014a) (Figure 16). During the migration, cranes make numerous stops, roosting for short durations in large shallow marshes, and feeding in harvested grain fields. Approximately 75% of the whooping crane sightings in North Dakota occur within the Central Flyway. The primary threats to whooping cranes are power lines, illegal hunting, and habitat loss. Black-footed Ferret The black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes) is a small member of the Mustelidae family native to North American shortgrass and mixed grass prairie. Prairie dogs make up approximately 90% of the black-footed ferret diet and as such, the species is associated almost exclusively with large complexes of prairie dog towns (USFWS, 2013c; Black-footed Ferret Recovery Implementation Team [BFFRIT], 2011). Black-footed ferrets are fossorial, nocturnal predators, spending the majority of their time underground in prairie dog burrows, leaving only to hunt (BIFFRIT, 2011). Once thought to be extirpated in the wild, captive-born 59 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 individuals have been reintroduced to 21 sites in Wyoming, Montana, South Dakota, Colorado, Utah, Kansas, New Mexico, and Arizona since 1991 (USFWS, 2013c). Gray Wolf A habitat generalist, the gray wolf (Canis lupus) historically occupied most habitat types in North America. They show little preference for one cover type over another and successfully utilize alpine, forest, grassland, shrubland, and woodland habitats across their range (Mech, 1974). Once thought to require wilderness areas with little to no human disturbance, recent range expansions have demonstrated the species’ ability to tolerate higher rates of anthropogenic development than previously thought. Given abundant prey and low rates of human-caused mortality, wolves can survive in proximity to humandominated environments (Fuller, 1989). Northern Long-eared Bat Northern long-eared bats (Myotis septentrionalis) occur throughout the eastern and north-central U.S. Eastern populations have declined significantly in recent years as a result of white-nose syndrome (WNS), a contagious fungal infection. Although historically less common in the western portion of its range than in the northern portion, northern long-eared bats occur throughout North Dakota. Habitat throughout its range includes caves and abandoned mines during the winter and hardwood or mixed forests for roosting and foraging during the summer (USFWS, 2015). Northern long-eared bats may roost singly or in colonies in cavities, crevices, hollows, or beneath the bark of live and dead trees and/or snags, regardless of tree species. They prefer trees with a diameter at breast height of at least 3 inches. Less frequently, Northern long-eared bats have been observed roosting in man-made structures such as sheds or barns. Northern long-eared bats primarily forage at dusk on insects in forests, but will occasionally forage over small forest clearings and water (USFWS, 2015). Piping Plover Piping plovers (Charadrius melodus) are shore birds that inhabit areas near water, preferring river sandbars and alkali wetlands in the Great Plains for nesting, foraging, sheltering, brood-rearing, and dispersal. Piping plovers winter along large coastal sand or mudflats near a sandy beaches throughout the southeastern U.S. Critical Habitat for the piping plover is designated along the Missouri River system throughout North Dakota (USFWS, 2012). Dakota Skipper The Dakota skipper (Hesperia dacotae) is a small butterfly found in dry-mesic and wet-mesic tallgrass and mesic mixed grass prairie remnants characterized by alkaline and composite soils. The Dakota skipper is a habitat specialist requiring high-quality prairie habitat (i.e., grasslands or discrete patches of habitat within grasslands that are predominantly native and that have not been tilled). Only 146 populations are documented in three states and two Canadian provinces (McCabe, 1981; Royer and Marrone, 1992; Cochrane and Delphey, 2002; USFWS, 2011; 2013d). Remaining populations vary in size and density and for the most part are not influenced by dispersal between populations (McCabe, 1981; Dana, 1991; Dana, 1997; Cochrane and Delphey, 2002). The species overwinters at the base of grasses in the soil of the site 60 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 which they inhabit. In North Dakota, the skipper typically occupies both wet-mesic and dry-mesic prairie (Royer and Marrone, 1992; Cochrane and Delphey, 2002). The current status of the Dakota skipper in the state is considered tenuous, and most populations are considered vulnerable due to their extremely isolated nature. Rufa Red Knot The rufa red knot (Calidris canutus rufa) is a large sandpiper noted for its long-distance migration between summer breeding grounds in the Arctic and wintering areas at high latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere (USFWS, 2014b). Some rufa red knots wintering in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico migrate through interior North America during both spring and fall and use stopover sites in the Northern Great Plains. During spring and fall migrations, rufa red knots are typically found in marine habitats along the Pacific and Atlantic coasts of North America, generally preferring sandy coastal habitats at or near tidal inlets or the mouths of bays and estuaries. However, some migrating rufa red knots use sandbars and sandy shore and beach habitats along large rivers and reservoirs of the interior of North America. This area contains the Atlantic, Mississippi, and Central Flyways (USFWS, 2014g). The species also heavily relies on exposed substrate at wetland edges for stopover habitat, and the suitability of a wetland for rufa red knots depends on water levels and may vary annually (Gratto-Trevor et al., 2001). Pallid Sturgeon Pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus) prefer benthic environments associated with swift waters of large turbid, free-flowing rivers with braided channels, dynamic flow patterns, periodic flooding of terrestrial habitats, and extensive microhabitat diversity. Pallid sturgeon inhabit the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers from Montana to Louisiana and have been documented in the Missouri River downstream from the Fort Peck Dam in Montana to the headwaters of Lake Sakakawea, North Dakota, and downstream from Garrison Dam, North Dakota to the headwaters of Lake Oahe, South Dakota (USFWS, 2014c). Pallid sturgeon populations are fragmented by dams on the Missouri River and are very scarce in the Lake Oahe portion of the Missouri River. Impacts and Mitigation Dakota Access conducted pedestrian surveys of the workspace within the Project Area at the flowage easements in September 2014 and July 2015 and at the Lake Oahe crossing in April 2015 to assess suitable habitat for listed species. Given the limited scope of the Proposed Action, minimization measures, and the implementation of specialized construction techniques, the Corps has determined that the Proposed Action would have no effect on the black-footed ferret, gray wolf, northern long-eared bat, and Dakota skipper within the Project Area. The Corps also determined that the Proposed Action may affect, but is not likely to adversely affect the interior least tern, whooping crane, piping plover, rufa red knot, and pallid sturgeon in the Project Area. The effect determination for these species that may be affected, but are not likely to be adversely affected was concurred with in a letter received from the USFWS on May 2, 2016. A Biological Opinion (BO) associated with other portions of the DAPL Project, outside of the EA review area, was issued by the USFWS on May 31, 2016 but is not applicable to this document. Table 311 lists the impact determinations of the protected species with potential to occur within the Project Area and Connected Action. A summary of habitat evaluations and the basis for the determination of impacts for each listed species is provided below. 61 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Table 3-11 Federally Listed Species with Potential to Occur within the Project Area and Connected Action County Species Status Impact Determination Williams McKenzie Morton Emmons May Affect, Not Likely to Adversely Affect May Affect, Not Likely to Adversely Affect Interior Least Tern Endangered X X X X Whooping Crane Endangered X X X X Black-footed Ferret Endangered X X No Effect Gray Wolf Endangered X X X No Effect Northern Long-eared Bat Threatened X X X X No Effect Piping Plover Threatened X X X X May Affect, Not Likely to Adversely Affect Dakota Skipper Threatened X X X No Effect Rufa Red Knot Threatened X X X X Pallid Sturgeon Endangered X X X X May Affect, Not Likely to Adversely Affect May Affect, Not Likely to Adversely Affect Interior Least Tern Suitable habitat may exist for interior least terns at the Missouri River and at the Lake Oahe crossing depending on precipitation and seasonal flow variations as exposed sand/gravel bars suitable for nesting may be present. Dakota Access proposes to cross the Missouri River and Lake Oahe utilizing the HDD construction method. Pipeline installation via HDD will avoid in-stream disturbance that would otherwise occur if the pipe was installed via the traditional open-cut method, as described in Section 2.1.4. Potential sources for indirect impacts on interior least terns include the inadvertent release of non-toxic bentonite mud (used for lubricating the drill path) into the waterbody or nesting habitat and noise associated with the drilling equipment. Dakota Access conducted geotechnical analyses at each of the proposed HDD crossings and designed the HDD to minimize the likelihood that the drilling mud is inadvertently released. While the likelihood of an inadvertent release has been minimized to the maximum extent practicable, were it to occur, implementation of Dakota Access’ HDD Contingency Plan (Appendix B) would minimize any potential impacts on interior least terns by quickly and efficiently containing and removing the released, non-toxic mud. Operation of the HDD equipment will result in a temporary increase in noise in the immediate vicinity of the HDD activities. Although the HDD entry and exit sites are located more than 960 feet from any suitable interior least tern habitat, it is possible that the activities would be audible if interior least terns are nesting in the area. However, Atwood et al. (1977) found that noise associated with human activities (an airfield in the case of the referenced study) did not affect site fidelity or nesting success of least terns. Similarly, Hillman et al. (2015) found that noise from military and civilian overflights did not impact nest success and that restricting human disturbance to greater than 50 meters (164 feet) from colony boundaries mitigated 62 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 adverse impacts to nesting birds. Noise associated with aircraft overflights at low altitudes in the Hillman et al. (2015) study were a minimum of 67.7 decibels (A-weighted) (dBA), greater than the anticipated sound levels generated by HDD equipment. Noise studies conducted at the proposed HDD entry and exit locations indicate that sound levels would be less than 60 dBA at approximately 600 feet from the equipment. Therefore, noise associated with the HDD crossings of the Missouri River and Lake Oahe may affect, but are not likely to adversely affect interior least terns potentially nesting in the area. Dakota Access plans to withdrawal water from the Missouri River, which is required for activities associated with the installation of the HDD and the hydrostatic testing of the HDD segment. A temporary waterline would be installed at the Missouri River between the shoreline and the HDD workspace on the flowage easements within the permanent ROW (Figure 6-B). The temporary waterline would be laid by hand on top of the surface, and no tracked or wheeled equipment would be necessary for installation or removal of the temporary aboveground waterline. No disturbance of the river banks is anticipated. Additionally, installation and removal of the waterline are anticipated to be complete prior to nesting season; therefore, no impacts on the interior least tern are anticipated to occur at the Missouri River. If the water withdrawal activities are not able to be completed prior to nesting season, Dakota Access would conduct surveys prior to placement of the waterline to confirm the presence/absence of interior least terns within the pipeline ROW. If interior least terns are nesting within the pipeline ROW, Dakota Access would postpone water withdrawal activities and contact the Corps and USFWS. Work would only resume when the USFWS has given permission following a survey to ensure interior least terns would no longer be affected. No water withdrawal from or access to Lake Oahe is required to complete the Lake Oahe crossing. As discussed in Section 2.3.2 above, Dakota Access would routinely maintain its 30 to 50-foot-wide permanent easement, including periodic mowing and removal of woody vegetation. Because suitable interior least tern nesting habitat is on unvegetated flats within the Missouri River and Lake Oahe, routine maintenance activities would not occur within suitable habitat. During operation of the pipeline, in the unlikely event that a leak or spill were to occur and reach interior least tern habitat, Dakota Access would implement its FRP and strictly adhere to PHMSA regulations. Based on the avoidance and minimization measures, literature review, field investigations, and habitat types present in the proposed Project Area, USACE has determined that the Proposed Action may affect, but is not likely to adversely affect the interior least tern. Whooping Crane In North Dakota, whooping cranes are only present during the twice-yearly migration between winter grounds and summer nesting sites. As the whooping crane is a migrant and does not breed in North Dakota, the species cannot be confirmed as present in or absent from the Project Area. The results of the habitat assessment field surveys indicate that the Project Area may contain suitable stopover habitat (i.e., agricultural fields). It is anticipated that whooping cranes would avoid the Project Area during active construction, as they tend to avoid areas with human disturbance (Howe, 1989; USFWS, 1994; Lewis and Slack, 2008). The noise and land disturbance from construction activities during the migration periods would likely cause birds to choose more suitable landing and overnight roosting locations away from construction activities given the abundance of similar habitat throughout the migration corridor in North Dakota and in the general vicinity of the Project Area. 63 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 While there is potential for individuals to land in the Project Area during construction, work would halt if a whooping crane is observed within the Project Area and would not resume until the bird leaves the area. Additionally, Dakota Access would notify the Corps and USFWS of the observation. The presence of construction activities within potentially suitable stopover habitat during migration could disturb whooping cranes in the area or cause flying whooping cranes to avoid the area and select other suitable stopover habitat. Due to the abundance of available stopover habitat along the North Dakota migration corridor and in the vicinity of the Project Area (USFWS, 2009a), impacts would be negligible. As illustrated in Figure 16, the Project Area represents a minute fraction of the whooping crane migration corridor in North Dakota. As discussed in Section 2.3.2 above, Dakota Access would routinely maintain its 30 to 50-foot-wide permanent easement, including periodic mowing and removal of woody vegetation. As whooping cranes utilize open fields and emergent wetlands for stopover habitat, affects from maintenance activities would be minimal and would be similar to those described above during construction activities. If whooping cranes were observed in the area during maintenance activities, maintenance personnel would suspend activities until the cranes leave the area. Similarly, if maintenance activities are ongoing at the time of migration, whooping cranes would likely avoid the disturbance area. In order for whooping cranes to be affected by a spill or leak during operation, an individual would have to be present when the leak or spill occurred or land in the spill itself. Due to the strict adherence to PHMSA regulations designed to prevent spills and leaks during operation, the short timeframe that whooping cranes are present during migration, and the abundance of available stopover habitat along the migration corridor in North Dakota (USFWS, 2009a), the measures implemented by Dakota Access in the event of a leak in accordance with the FRP, such occurrences are unlikely. Based on the avoidance and minimization measures, literature review, field investigations, and habitat types present in the Project Area, USACE has determined that the Proposed Action may affect, but is not likely to adversely affect the whooping crane. Black-footed Ferret No suitable black-footed ferret habitat is present in the Project areas. The black-footed ferret has been recorded in Morton County; however, based on occurrence data received from North Dakota Parks and Recreation, there are no documented occurrences within the vicinity of the Proposed Action. Further, it is believed that black-footed ferrets have been extirpated from North Dakota, and no reintroductions have occurred in the state (USFWS, 2013f; North Dakota Game and Fish Department, 2012). Due to the lack of suitable habitat and the distance of the Project areas from known black-footed ferret occurrences, construction, operation, and maintenance activities associated with the Proposed Action would have no effect on black-footed ferrets. Gray Wolf The gray wolf is listed as endangered in all three counties of the Proposed Action areas in North Dakota (south and west of the Missouri River upstream to Lake Sakakawea and west of the centerline of Highway 83 from Lake Sakakawea to the Canadian border). Wolves in eastern North Dakota are part of the Great Lakes Distinct Population Segment that was delisted by the USFWS in January 2012 (USFWS, 2014e). 64 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 North Dakota does not currently have an established breeding population (North Dakota Department of Agriculture, 2014b). Observations of wolves are sporadic, and it is believed that these individuals are dispersers from adjacent populations (i.e., from Minnesota and Manitoba) (USFWS, 2006; Licht and Fritts, 1994). Given the unlikely occurrence and high mobility of this species, construction, operation and maintenance activities associated with the Proposed Action would have no effect on gray wolves. Northern Long-eared Bat The northern long-eared bat is currently listed by the USFWS as threatened in North Dakota. On April 2, 2015, the USFWS published the final listing in the Federal Registrar with an effective date of May 4, 2015. The USFWS listed the northern long-eared bat as threatened and chose to exercise the option of issuing an interim 4(d) rule to allow for more flexible implementation of the ESA and “to tailor prohibitions to those that make the most sense for protecting and managing at-risk species.” In areas outside of the 150mile WNS buffer zone, incidental take from lawful activities is not prohibited. The State of North Dakota currently falls outside of the WNS 150-mile buffer zone. Per the exemptions of the interim 4(d) rule, construction, operation and maintenance activities associated with the Proposed Action would have no effect on the northern long-eared bat (USFWS, 2015). Piping Plover Due to the similarity in life history and habitat requirements, impacts on piping plovers would be similar to those discussed in above for the interior least tern. Suitable habitat may exist for piping plover at the Missouri River and at the Lake Oahe crossing, depending on precipitation and seasonal flow variations, as exposed sand/gravel bars suitable for nesting may be present. These areas are also designated as critical habitat for this species under the ESA. Dakota Access proposes to cross the Missouri River and Lake Oahe utilizing the HDD construction method. Pipeline installation via HDD will avoid in-stream disturbance that would otherwise occur if the pipe was installed via the traditional open-cut method, as described in Section 2.1.4. Potential sources for indirect impacts on piping plovers include the inadvertent release of non-toxic bentonite mud (used for lubricating the drill path) into the waterbody or nesting habitat and noise associated with the drilling equipment. Dakota Access conducted geotechnical analyses at each of the proposed HDD crossings and designed the HDD to minimize the likelihood that the drilling mud is inadvertently released. While the likelihood of an inadvertent release has been minimized to the maximum extent practicable, were it to occur, implementation of Dakota Access’ HDD Contingency Plan would minimize any potential impacts on piping plovers by quickly and efficiently containing and removing the released, non-toxic mud. Operation of the HDD equipment will result in a temporary increase in noise in the immediate vicinity of the HDD activities. Although the HDD entry and exit sites are located more than 960 feet from any suitable piping plover habitat, it is possible that the activities would be audible if piping plovers are nesting in the area. However, piping plovers are frequently observed nesting in and around active sand and gravel mines and do not appear to be deterred by elevated noise levels associated with the operation of equipment (Marcus et al., 2008; Brown et al., 2013). 65 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 As discussed for the interior least tern above, impacts associated with installation of the temporary waterline at the Missouri River required for activities associated with the installation of the HDD and the hydrostatic testing of the HDD segment would be avoided. If the water withdrawal activities are not able to be completed prior to nesting season as expected, Dakota Access would conduct surveys prior to placement of the waterline to confirm the presence/absence of piping plovers within the pipeline ROW. If piping plovers are nesting within the pipeline ROW, Dakota Access would postpone water withdrawal activities and contact the USFWS and the Corps. Work would only resume when the USFWS has given permission following a survey to ensure piping plovers would no longer be affected. No water withdrawal from or access to Lake Oahe is required to complete the Lake Oahe crossing. As discussed in Section 2.3.2 above, Dakota Access would routinely maintain its 30 to 50-foot-wide permanent easement, including periodic mowing and removal of woody vegetation. Because suitable piping plover nesting habitat is on unvegetated flats within the Missouri River and Lake Oahe, routine maintenance activities would not occur in suitable piping plover habitat. In the unlikely event that a leak or spill occurs and reaches piping plover habitat during operation of the pipeline, Dakota Access would implement its FRP and strictly adhere to PHMSA regulations. Based on the avoidance and minimization measures, literature review, field investigations, and habitat types present in the Project Area, USACE has determined that the Proposed Action may affect, but is not likely to adversely affect the piping plover. Dakota Skipper There is no suitable Dakota skipper habitat within the Project Area based on species occurrence and grassland analysis. As such, construction, operation and maintenance activities associated with the Proposed Action would have no effect on this species. Rufa Red Knot Rufa red knots do not nest in the Project Area and only occur as an occasional migrant. During spring and fall migrations, the rufa red knot has the potential to occur in North Dakota. Migrating rufa red knot would likely only occur at migratory stopover habitat (suitable shoreline and sandy beach habitat along major rivers, streams, waterbodies, and wetlands) for a brief amount of time (24 hours or less). The results of the habitat assessment field surveys indicate that potentially suitable stopover habitat (sandbar and beach habitats) for migrating rufa red knots is present at the Lake Oahe crossing. Lake Oahe would be crossed using the HDD construction method, and thus would avoid direct impacts on potentially suitable rufa red knot stopover habitat. While direct impacts to the rufa red knot migratory habitat would be avoided through the HDD construction method at Lake Oahe, indirect impacts could occur due to potential disturbance during construction (i.e., noise or an inadvertent release of non-toxic drilling mud). During construction, noise associated with the HDD may act as deterrent to rufa red knots potentially migrating through the area. These individuals may have to travel to other suitable stopover habitat in the area (e.g., upstream or downstream of the Proposed Action area). Similarly, if an inadvertent release of non-toxic drilling mud were to occur when rufa red knots were present, it could cause individuals to relocate to nearby habitat. 66 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 As discussed in Section 2.3.2 above, Dakota Access would routinely maintain its 30 to 50-foot-wide permanent easement, including periodic mowing and removal of woody vegetation. As rufa red knots utilize suitable shoreline and sandy beach habitat along major rivers, streams, waterbodies, and wetlands for stopover habitat, effects from maintenance activities would be negligible and would be similar to those described above during construction activities. If rufa red knots were present in the area during maintenance activities they would likely relocate to nearby suitable habitat. Similarly, if maintenance activities are ongoing at the time of migration, rufa red knots would likely avoid the disturbance area. In order for rufa red knots to be affected by a spill or leak during operation, an individual would have to be present when the leak or spill occurred or stop on the spill or leak. Due to the strict adherence to PHMSA regulations designed to prevent spills and leaks during operation and the short timeframe that rufa red knots are present during migration, such occurrences are unlikely. Based on the avoidance and minimization measures, literature review, field investigations, and habitat types present in the Project Area, USACE has determined that the Proposed Action may affect, but is not likely to adversely affect the rufa red knot. Pallid Sturgeon Suitable habitat for the pallid sturgeon occurs at the Missouri River and Lake Oahe crossings. Impacts on suitable habitat would be avoided by crossing these waterbodies via HDD. As discussed in for the interior least tern above, pipeline installation via HDD will avoid in-stream disturbance that would otherwise occur if the pipe was installed via the traditional open-cut method. Dakota Access has also minimized the potential for pallid sturgeon to be indirectly affected by the HDD installation across the Missouri River and Lake Oahe. The only potential source for indirect impacts on pallid sturgeon associated with the HDDs is an inadvertent release of non-toxic bentonite mud (used for lubricating the drill path) into the waterbody. Dakota Access conducted geotechnical analyses at each of the proposed HDD crossings and designed the HDD to minimize the likelihood that the drilling mud is inadvertently released. While the likelihood of an inadvertent release has been minimized to the maximum extent practicable, were it to occur, implementation of Dakota Access’ HDD Contingency Plan would minimize any potential impacts on pallid sturgeon by quickly and efficiently containing and removing the released, non-toxic mud. Dakota Access plans to withdraw water from the Missouri River for installation activities and hydrostatic testing of the HDD segment for the Missouri River. However, potential impacts on the pallid sturgeon or suitable habitat present within the Missouri River would be avoided by implementing the conditions for permitted intake structures outlined in the Corps’ Regional Conditions for North Dakota applicable to NWP 12 Utility Line Activities (Corps, 2012) (see Section and as described in the USFWS Recovery Plan for the Pallid Sturgeon (USFWS, 2014f). No water withdrawal from or access to Lake Oahe is required to complete the Lake Oahe crossing. The HDD construction method, application of the HDD Contingency Plan, and implementation of the Corps’ conditions for the intake structure within the Missouri River would avoid and minimize potential impacts to the pallid sturgeon. Maintenance activities will not occur within the Missouri River or Lake Oahe; therefore, no impacts on pallid sturgeon would occur. The depth of the pipeline below the respective rivers and the design and 67 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 operation measures that meet or exceed the respective PHMSA regulations make a release into either waterbody extremely unlikely. However, in the unlikely event a leak or spill was to occur and reach the Missouri River or Lake Oahe, impacts would be localized. If pallid sturgeon were present in the area where the spill or leak occurred, they would likely relocate outside of the contaminated area. Further, oil floats and, as pallid sturgeon are bottom dwellers primarily inhabiting the lower water column (USFWS, 2014c), impacts on pallid sturgeon in the event of a spill, would be minimal. Based on the avoidance and minimization measures, literature review, field investigations, and habitat types present in the Project Area, USACE has determined that the Proposed Action may affect, but is not likely to adversely affect the pallid sturgeon. 3.5 Aquatic Resources Under the “no action” alternative, Dakota Access would not construct the DAPL Project, and no impacts on aquatic resources would occur. However, if the objectives of the DAPL Project are to be met under the “no action” alternative, other projects and activities would be required and these projects would result in their own impacts on aquatic resources, which would likely be similar to or greater than the proposed DAPL Project. Impacts associated with a future project developed in response to the “no action” alternative are unknown, while only temporary and minor impacts, if any, on aquatic resources would occur as a result of the Proposed Action, as described in the sections below. 3.5.1 Habitat and Communities Affected Environment West of Williston, the Missouri River is a braided channel varying in width from 800 feet to over 1,500 feet, with sand bars in many locations. The Yellowstone River confluence with the Missouri River is approximately 20 miles west of Williston and 3.5 river miles upstream from the proposed Missouri crossing. East of Williston, the Missouri River feeds into Lake Sakakawea, the third largest man-made lake in the U.S. formed by the Garrison Dam, several hundred miles downstream. This portion of the Missouri River is home to several fish species, including cutthroat trout, rainbow trout, brown trout, walleye, northern, and sauger. Amphibians are found along the shores and nearby riparian areas of the Missouri River. Common species found near the Missouri River crossing include Woodhouse’s toad, the northern leopard frog, and western chorus frog (Hoberg and Gause, 1992). Lake Oahe is a 232-mile-long reservoir that extends upriver from the Oahe Dam on the Missouri River from Pierre, South Dakota, to Bismarck, North Dakota. Approximately three-quarters of a mile south of the proposed pipeline crossing is the confluence of the Cannonball River into the Missouri. This portion of the Missouri River is home to several fish species, including walleye, northern pike, and channel catfish. Amphibians are found along the shores and nearby riparian areas of Missouri River. Common species found near the Lake Oahe crossing include the Great Plains toad, Woodhouse’s toad, northern leopard frog, and tiger salamander (Hoberg and Gause, 1992). 68 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Impacts and Mitigation The Missouri River, including Lake Oahe, is the only waterbody that would be crossed by the Proposed Action with aquatic resources that have potential to be impacted by the Proposed Action. All subsurface disturbing activities would be set back from the banks of Lake Oahe at the HDD entry point. This provides a buffer of undisturbed land between active construction and the Lake. There is potential, although very low due to setbacks of approximately 1,100 feet on the west bank and 900 feet on the east bank, for sediment to be transported from the workspace into the river during precipitation events, which could increase the local turbidity and sediment load in the lake. These increased loads have potential to temporarily affect sensitive fish eggs, fish fry, and invertebrates inhabiting the river. However, sediment levels would quickly attenuate both over time and distance and would not adversely affect resident fish populations or permanently alter existing habitat. By also implementing the erosion and sediment control measures specified in the ECP (Appendix G) and SWPPP (Appendix A), the potential for sediment transport is likely avoided or minimized. Following construction, the ROW would be restored, revegetated, maintained in an herbaceous or scrub-shrub state, and monitored in accordance with applicable regulations and permit conditions. A successfully completed HDD crossing would minimize environmental impacts on Lake Oahe since the pipeline would be installed without disturbing the aquatic and benthic environments. However, crossings via HDD carry a low risk of an inadvertent release of drilling mud, composed primarily of bentonite (a naturally occurring fine clay) slurry. Increased levels of sedimentation and turbidity from an inadvertent release could adversely affect fish eggs, juvenile fish survival, benthic community diversity and health, and spawning habitat. Dakota Access’ HDD Construction/Contingency Plan (Appendix B) establishes monitoring procedures and prescribes measures to be implemented to minimize the impact in the event it occurs. All HDD operations conducted for crossing the Lake Oahe would adhere to the HDD Contingency Plan and applicable permit conditions to reduce the likelihood of an inadvertent release to minimize and mitigate environmental impacts. Dakota Access’ construction contractor would ensure that the appropriate response personnel and containment equipment are available onsite to effectively implement the HDD Contingency Plan. In addition to the crossing of Lake Oahe, aquatic resources could also be impacted during water withdrawal from the Missouri River, which is required for activities associated with the installation of HDD and the hydrostatic testing of HDD pipeline segment located on the flowage easements. However, water withdrawal activities would be conducted in accordance with all applicable permit conditions and regulations and in a manner that would not reduce water flow to a point that would impair flow or impact aquatic life. Intake screens and floats would also be utilized, as previously discussed in Section, to prevent entrainment of aquatic life and avoid impacts on aquatic resources. In addition, by placing the pump within a secondary containment structure on the barge, the potential for impacts on aquatic resources associated with accidental fuel spills or leaks is likely avoided or minimized. The primary issue related to impacts on the aquatic environment from operation of the Proposed Action would be related to a release from the pipeline. For portions of the pipeline installed beneath the lake, the depth of the pipeline profile, increased wall thickness of the pipe, installation of remotely operated valves on both sides of the river crossing, and monitoring of the system 24/7 would further limit the potential for an inadvertent release into the waterbody. As a result, operations activities are not 69 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 anticipated to impact aquatic resources or their habitat. Adherence to the Dakota Access FRP would minimize potential impacts on aquatic wildlife from potential spills during the operation of the pipeline. In the event of a leak, Dakota Access would work aggressively to contain the leak, initiate cleanup activities, and contact the appropriate authorities, including the Corps. The FRP is discussed under Section and a draft of the FRP is included in Appendix L. 3.6 Land Use and Recreation Under the “no action” alternative, Dakota Access would not construct the DAPL Project, and no impacts on land use and recreation would occur. However, if the objectives of the DAPL Project are to be met under the “no action” alternative, other projects and activities would be required and these projects would result in their own impacts on land use and recreation, which would likely be similar to or greater than the DAPL Project. The impacts associated with a future project developed in response to the “no action” alternative are unknown, while only temporary and minor impacts or insignificant permanent impacts on land use and recreation would occur as a result of the Proposed Action, as described in the sections below. 3.6.1 Land Ownership The proposed 24-inch pipeline would cross seven contiguous Corps flowage easements over eight privately-owned parcels (Figure 2) that are associated with the Buford-Trenton-Irrigation District (Garrison Dam). Based upon Corps-provided easement documents and mapping, the distance across the flowage easements on the north side of the Missouri River in Williams County is approximately 14,953 feet (2.83 miles). The flowage easements allow the Government to flood and saturate the land, surface, and subsurface of these properties. Generally, these easements prohibit the construction of structures for human habitation; provide that any other structures require written approval by the Corps; and provide that no mineral exploration, excavation or placement of fill material may occur on the easement area without the prior approval of the Corps. The proposed pipeline route would also cross federal lands on the east and west banks of Lake Oahe in Morton and Emmons counties. The distance from the western boundary of federally-owned lands to the eastern boundary of federally-owned lands on both sides of the lake, including the width of the lake, at the proposed crossing location is approximately 6,450 feet. The proposed pipeline would be routed to parallel existing linear infrastructure (an overhead power line and a buried gas transmission pipeline) across Lake Oahe in the same area. The HDD entry and exit points, measuring approximately 200 by 250 feet, would be located on private lands, as would the stringing corridor required to facilitate the installation. The northern boundary of the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation is located approximately 0.55 mile south of the Lake Oahe Project Area. Dakota Access is securing a 50-foot-wide permanent easement that is generally centered on the pipeline (25 feet on either side of the centerline). Within the 50-foot-wide easement, a 30-foot corridor free of large woody vegetation, located within flowage easement LL3440E on the north bank of the Missouri River, would be required to allow for a clear line of sight once construction is completed to perform visual inspections during operation of the pipeline. The corridor would be maintained in a vegetative state. 70 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 3.6.2 Land Use Affected Environment Land use within the Project Area was assigned a classification based on the principal land characteristic in a given area. Aerial photography, the National Land Cover Database (Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics Consortium, 2011), the Morton County Zoning Map (Morton County, 2014), and the Williams County Comprehensive Plan were used to identify and classify general land use for the Project Area (Figures 10 and 11). Agricultural Land Agriculture is the primary land use within the Project Area. These lands are primarily used for ranching and cultivating crops. Agricultural lands allows for land uses such as farming, ranching, animal feeding operations, grain storage, and related functions. Agricultural land within the flowage easements are primarily pivot irrigated cropland (i.e., areas used for production of annual crops such as corn and soybeans). Developed Land Developed land includes open space around structures such as homes, farmsteads, outbuildings, well sites, and areas associated with roads and ditches. Open Space Open space includes all land that is not agriculture or developed; namely wetlands, open water, grasslands, and scrub-shrub. Open space is found primarily along the river banks. See sections 3.2 and 3.3 for a discussion on water resources and vegetation. Impacts and Mitigation The Proposed Action would result primarily in temporary, short-term impacts on land use during construction. Construction activities would require the temporary and short-term removal of existing agricultural land from crop and forage production within the construction footprint. During construction, temporary impacts such as soil compaction and crop damage are possible along the construction ROW. Mitigation measures to minimize impacts such as topsoil segregation and decompaction practices would be fully implemented in accordance with the ECP and SWPPP. Upon the completion of construction activities, the Project Area would be restored and returned to pre-construction land use. As mentioned above, much of the cropland within the Corps flowage easements uses pivot irrigation systems. Dakota Access would coordinate with all landowners on acceptable methods for construction and restoration, including potential impacts to irrigated fields. Compensatory damages would be paid accordingly. The nearest residence to the Proposed Action on the flowage easements is approximately 1,750 feet east of the pipe centerline. Temporary impacts on nearby residences could include inconvenience caused by 71 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 noise and dust generated from construction equipment and traffic congestion associated with the transport of equipment, materials, and construction workers. Impacts from noise and dust during construction would diminish with distance from these areas and would be limited to the time of construction which would typically occur during daylight hours. The primary impact on family farms would be the loss of standing crops and use of the land within the work area for the seasons during which DAPL Project-related activities occur, as well as potential diminished yields for a few years following construction. Dakota Access proposes to implement mitigation measures to minimize these potential impacts as described in the ECP. Dakota Access would repair surface drains and drainage tiles disturbed during ROW preparation, construction, and maintenance activities. Dakota Access would repair or replace fences and gates removed or damaged as a result of ROW preparation, construction, or maintenance activities. At Lake Oahe, primary impact on ranching operations would be temporary prohibition of livestock grazing in the construction ROW, workspace areas, and restrictions on livestock movement across the construction ROW and workspace areas during construction. Given the narrow, linear nature of the DAPL Project and the alignment of the pipeline along property boundaries, livestock grazing reductions and livestock movement restrictions would be minor. Long-term or permanent impacts on family ranches are not anticipated. Following construction and restoration, the work area would be restored and ranching would be allowed to continue over the operational ROW. Landowners would be compensated for temporary loss of land and lower yields. Grazing activities would return to normal after Revegetation of the disturbed areas. Once in operation, a permanent 50-foot ROW would be maintained except at segments of the ROW above the HDD profile on the flowage easements (between the HDD workspace and the river shore) that would be maintained by clearing woody vegetation over a 30 foot corridor (a 50 foot easement would still be obtained). Maintenance would include the removal of any large trees and shrubs; agricultural land use would not be impacted by maintenance activities in this area. Trees outside of the ROW would be protected by Dakota Access in a manner compatible with the safe operation, maintenance, and inspection of the pipeline. Applicable regulations would be adhered to regarding tree and shrub removal from along the route. Field surveys have confirmed that no shelter belts would be impacted within the Project Area or Connected Actions. Tables 3-12 and 3-13 below detail the acreage of land use impacts associated with the Proposed Action. Table 3-12 Land Use Impacts on the Flowage Easements Project Area and Connected Action Construction Workspace Land Use Permanent ROW (acres) 2 (acres) 1 Agricultural Land Developed Open Space 1 2 54.0 15.1 1.6 0.8 6.0 2.0 Total 61.3 17.9 Construction Workspace includes the permanent ROW. Permanent ROW includes the 50-foot permanent easement and the 30-foot maintenance easement. 72 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Table 3-13 Land Use Impacts on the Federal Lands Project Area and Connected Action Federal Lands Construction Connected Action Land Use Permanent ROW Workspace (acres) Permanent ROW (acres) (acres)1 Agricultural Land Open Space 1 0.0 0.0 0.1 15.5 1.1 1.0 Total 15.5 1.1 1.2 Land Use Impacts on federal lands are limited to the maintained 50 foot permanent easement and do not include approximately 6.3 acres of permanent easement beneath the HDD profile within the banks of Lake Oahe. Dakota Access would obtain and comply with applicable state regulations, county permits, and zoning and land use regulations. Permits may include, but are not limited to, grade and fill permits, ditch crossing permits, road and utility permits, and conditional use permits. Dakota Access would retain one or more EIs to monitor compliance with environmental conditions of county permits. 3.6.3 Recreation and Special Interest Areas Affected Environment Generally, recreation and special interest areas include federal, state, or county parks and forests; conservation lands; wildlife habitat management areas; hunter management areas; natural landmarks; scenic byways; designated trails; recreational rivers; and campgrounds. Nearby recreational opportunities in the vicinity of the Project Area and the Connected Action include Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs), Lake Oahe, and the Missouri River, none of which are being impacted by the construction, although the HDD would cross under Lake Oahe itself. The Missouri River and its shoreline are open to the public and used for recreational activities such as boating, swimming, and fishing. Because the flowage easements are federally regulated and privately owned, there is very limited, if any, recreational opportunities within the flowage easements. Additionally, there is little boating and open water angling on the entire upper end of Lake Sakakawea because of lack of access and extremely turbid water throughout much of the recreational season (USACE, 2007). Lake Oahe's 2,250 mile shoreline is open to the public and offers a variety of opportunities to outdoor recreationists such as fishing, swimming, sightseeing, camping, and picnicking. More than 1.5 million visitors enjoy Lake Oahe's recreation facilities each year. Fishing is the major recreational activity of visitors to the Oahe project, with 44% of visitors engaging in this activity (USACE, 2010c). There are no public boat access sites, marinas, or public swimming beaches within one mile of the flowage easements or federal lands crossings. There are no designated state parks or recreation areas, historic 73 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 trails, scenic by-ways, designated wilderness or natural areas or other sensitive land uses that would be affected by the crossings (North Dakota Parks and Recreation Department, 2014). At the flowage easement crossing, the closest Nationwide Rivers Inventory (NRI) segment is a one mile stretch of the Missouri River within the Fort Union Trading Post National Historic Site, which is about 9.2 river miles upstream from the crossing. At the federal lands crossing, the closest NRI segment is Square Butte Creek to the Oliver/Mercer County Line, which is about 50 river miles upstream from the Project Area (National Park Service, 2009). North Dakota has approximately 54,373 miles of river, but no designated wild & scenic rivers (USFWS et al., 2014). Wildlife Management Areas The North Dakota Game and Fish Department manages the Trenton and Overlook WMAs; neither of which are crossed by the Proposed Action. The Trenton WMA encompasses 2,647 acres and is located southwest of Williston near Trenton, along the Missouri River and Lake Sakakawea. About 13.55 acres of the Trenton WMA extends into the eastern portion of flowage easement LL3440E (Figure 6) but the closest edge is approximately 800 feet from the HDD workspace. This area is largely primitive and the landscape has been allowed to develop naturally. The WMA provides recreational opportunities for fishing and hunting waterfowl, deer, and pheasants. The Overlook WMA encompasses 32 acres and is located 6.5 miles north of Cartwright, about 1,430 feet west of the HDD entry point in McKenzie County. The Overlook WMA is only accessible by boat and is used for hunting deer. The Oahe WMA is located along Missouri River and Oahe Reservoir, about 17 miles south of Bismarck (USGS, 2014b). The proposed pipeline at the Lake Oahe crossing is about 14.5 miles south of the Oahe WMA. Water Quality and Recreation Section 303(d) of the CWA requires states to submit their lists of water quality limited waterbodies. This list has become known as the “TMDL list” or “Section 303(d) list.” A TMDL is the amount of a particular pollutant a stream, lake, estuary, or other waterbody can "handle" without violating State water quality standards. The final 2014 Section 303(d) list, which was submitted to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as part of the integrated Section 305(b) water quality assessment report and Section 303(d) TMDL list, includes a list of waterbodies not meeting water quality standards and those for which a TMDL is needed. Lake Sakakawea is on the 2014 Section 303(d) list of impaired waters as not supporting fish consumption because of high levels of methyl-mercury; however, Lake Sakakawea would not be crossed or otherwise impacted as a result of the Proposed Action on the flowage easements. Lake Oahe is not listed as needing a TMDL and fully supports recreational use (North Dakota Department of Health, 2015). Because Lake Oahe already meets the state water quality standards, the Proposed and Connected Action Areas are not anticipated to result in impacts that would cause an impairment of water quality or the designated use of Lake Oahe. 74 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Wilderness Areas The Wilderness Act of 1964 defines wilderness as lands that may contain ecological, geological, scientific, educational, scenic or historical value. There are three designated wilderness areas within North Dakota: Chase Lake, Lostwood, and Theodore Roosevelt Wilderness Areas. There are no designated wilderness areas, and no designated Nature Preserves or Natural Areas within one mile of either crossing (Wilderness Institute, 2014). Standing Rock Sioux Reservation The Standing Rock Sioux Reservation is situated at the border of South Dakota and North Dakota, approximately 0.55 miles south of the Lake Oahe Project Area. The Cannon Ball River is located along the northern border of the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in Sioux County, North Dakota. The western border of the reservation ends at the Perkins County, South Dakota and Adams County, North Dakota lines, while the Missouri River is the eastern border of the reservation. The southern border of the reservation is located within Dewey and Ziebach counties in South Dakota. The total land area of the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation is 2.3 million acres and of that, 1,408,061 million is tribally owned. The Standing Rock Sioux Tribal members are descendants of the Teton and Yankton Bands of the Lakota/Dakota Nations (Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, 2016). Some of the many attractions within the reservation include Sitting Bull Grave Site, Standing Rock Monument, Fort Manuel, Lewis and Clark Legacy Trail, and the Standing Rock Tribal Office (Standing Rock Tourism, 2016). The terrain of the reservation consists of river valleys, lakes, woodlands, prairies, and rolling hills. Big game on the reservation includes white tail deer, mule deer and antelope, while small game includes jackrabbit, cottontail, and squirrel (Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Game & Fish Department, 2016). Impacts and Mitigation The recreational enjoyment of wildlife (such as hunting or bird watching) may be temporarily affected by construction activities, depending on season and location. However, this effect would be short-term. Recreationists may observe ROW clearing along the river banks. Because the pipeline would cross underneath the river via the HDD method, there would be no disruption to the course or cross-current of the river, and would not impact lake/river recreationists. 3.7 Cultural and Historic Resources and Native American Consultations Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (NHPA), as amended, and implemented by 36 CFR Part 800, requires Federal lead agencies to assess the effects of permitted actions on historic properties. Historic properties are defined in the NHPA as prehistoric and historic archaeological sites, standing structures, or other historic resources listed in, or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). Under the “no action” alternative, Dakota Access would not construct the DAPL Project and no impacts on cultural and historic resources would occur. However, If the objectives of the DAPL Project are to be met under the “no action” alternative, other projects and activities would be required and these projects could result in their own impacts on cultural and historic resources, which would likely be similar to or 75 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 greater than the DAPL Project. The “no action” alternative would likely result in an increase in truck and rail traffic that could have an adverse effect on cultural, historic and Native American resources. Furthermore, impacts to resources associated with these methods may not be identified and evaluated because the protections afforded under Section 106 of the NHPA would not apply unless a federal permit were to be required. 3.7.1 Cultural Resources Studies The scope of the cultural resource analysis was designed to be commensurate with the Proposed Action. The Proposed Action is to authorize the crossing of federal flowage easements near the upper end of Lake Sakakawea north of the Missouri River in Williams County, North Dakota and federally owned lands at Lake Oahe in Morton and Emmons counties, North Dakota. The cultural resource information for the Project Area, and for areas in the vicinity of the Proposed Action (to provide context) was obtained through a combination of cultural resources investigations commissioned by Dakota Access on private lands within a 400-foot-wide linear corridor as defined by the DAPL centerline and previous cultural investigations conducted on private lands adjacent to the Proposed Action area, and previous cultural investigations conducted on federal lands. New cultural resources investigations were not conducted on federal lands as part of the Proposed Action, as no impacts are anticipated to occur on federal lands. Based on data compiled from previously executed archaeological investigations, it is recognized that much of the region has been inhabited by human populations for approximately 12,000 years. Throughout much of the state the recorded prehistoric occupations range from Paleoindian Period encampments to Late Prehistoric Period sites. Multiple sites have been explored that suggest the area was inhabited by societies adapted for lifestyles on the Plains and in the various geographical regions of the state dating back to 6000 BC. The current Project Area has a moderate to high probability for archaeological deposits based on proximity to permanent water sources, topography, lack of significant ground disturbances, and depositional processes. Affected Environment Flowage Easements, Williams County, North Dakota The Missouri River is a large perennial river that serves as the border between Williams and McKenzie counties, North Dakota. The flowage easements consist of a series of expansive agricultural fields located on the northern side of the River. While the individual tracts are privately owned, the USACE maintains easement rights across these tracts to facilitate floodwater control throughout the region. The DAPL Project proposes to traverse certain sections of these easements, and install the pipeline via HDD under the Missouri River. As these tracts are federally managed, cultural resources investigations were conducted in accordance with Section 106 of the NHPA, and in compliance with the North Dakota State Historic Preservation Office (NDSHPO) Guidelines Manual for Cultural Resources Inventory Projects (SHSND, 2012). Specifically, the cultural resources investigations were confined to a 400-foot-wide linear corridor (survey corridor), as defined by the DAPL centerline. Prior to field investigations, a Class I literature and records search was conducted within an expanded study area corridor, which extended for a mile on either side of the DAPL centerline. The Class I literature review determined that the DAPL survey 76 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 corridor traverses one previously recorded site (32WI1367), and that portions of the DAPL survey corridor have been subject to previous surveys (Larson et al. 1987). Site 32WI1367, also known as the BufordTrenton Irrigation System (BTIS), is a National Register nominated cultural resource consisting of a pumping plant, main canal, and associated irrigation components. The BTIS construction began in 1940 and continued through the 1950’s managed by the Department of Interior, Work Progress Administration, and the Farm Security Administration. The DAPL survey corridor traverses one of the extant irrigation canals listed as a contributing element of the BTIS in the northeastern corner of Section 30 of Township 152 North, Range 103 West. The Class II/III inventory investigations within the DAPL survey corridor across the flowage easements consisted of a combination of pedestrian surveys and shovel probing. Archaeologists walked along fixed transects spaced 30 m (98 ft.) apart within the survey corridor, and systematically excavated shovel probes across high probability settings, or in areas with low surface visibility. The Class II/III investigations resulted in the revisit of the portion of Site 32WI1367 within the survey corridor, and the documentation of a new prehistoric site (32MZ2874) located on the southern banks of the Missouri River (Appendix I). The assessment of site 32WI1367 consisted of mapping and documentation of the canal feature. No artifacts, evidence of features, or other undocumented components were noted. Dakota Access has designed an HDD to install the pipeline below this canal feature. Additionally, the HDD workspace would be off-set a sufficient distance to ensure that no components or associated features of this canal would be adversely impacted. As site 32MZ2874 is located on the southern banks of the Missouri River, it is not located on USACEmanaged flowage easement tracts. However, the site is referenced herein given its proximity to the workspace associated with HDD of the Missouri River. Site 32MZ2874 is a small prehistoric artifact scatter that is recommended as unevaluated for listing in the NRHP pending further testing investigations. The HDD workspace on the southern banks of the Missouri River has been designed to avoid impacting this site and is situated beyond the mapped site boundary. Exclusionary fencing would be installed along the eastern border of the HDD workspace during drilling activities to prevent inadvertent impacts or trespassing. Federal Lands – Lake Oahe Crossing: Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota The proposed crossing of federally-owned tracts at Lake Oahe is located in Section 10, Township 134 North, Range 79 West in Morton County, North Dakota, and Section 11, Township 134 North, Range 79 West in Emmons County, North Dakota (see Figure 3). Dakota Access proposes to install the pipeline via HDD below Lake Oahe, and the HDD entry and exit point workspaces and stringing area would be located on private land beyond the boundary of the federal lands. While no activities associated with the Proposed Action will occur on the surface of federal lands, the HDD entry and exit point workspaces and stringing areas are considered Connected Actions, and as such were subject to cultural resources investigations in accordance with Section 106 of the NHPA, and in compliance with the NDSHPO Guidelines (SHSND, 2012). No new cultural resources investigations of any kind were conducted on federal lands in association with the DAPL project as no impacts are anticipated to occur between the HDD workspaces on either side of Lake Oahe. However, previous cultural resource surveys of USACE managed lands are cited in the report; Dakota Access Pipeline Project, Class II/III Cultural Resources Inventory of the Crossings of Flowage Easements and Federal Lands. Prepared collaboratively for Dakota Access, LLC in March of 2016 (Landt and McCord 2016). This report is contained in Appendix I. 77 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Prior to field investigations, a Class I literature and records search was conducted within an expanded study area corridor, which extended for a mile on either side of the DAPL centerline. The Class I literature review determined that no previously recorded sites are located on the private lands within the Connected Action areas (i.e., HDD workspaces and stringing area). A total of 43 previously recorded cultural resources are located within the study area corridor. Of these, 18 are located in Morton County and the remaining 25 are located in Emmons County. These consist of isolated finds and site leads (i.e., resources reported to the SHSND without field verification), prehistoric artifact scatters, and historic resources. A total of 10 of the previously recorded sites within the study area corridor are located on federal lands directly adjacent to the banks of Lake Oahe and the Cannonball River. Specifically, seven of these sites (32MO0001, 32MOx0004, 32MO0054, 32MO0060, 32MO0061, 32MO0064, and 32MO0259) are located in Morton County, on the western side of the Lake Oahe. The remaining three sites (32EM0019, 32EM0021, and 32EM0221) are located in Emmons County, on the eastern side of Lake Oahe. A more comprehensive discussion of these sites and associated mapping detail is provided in Appendix I. The Class II/III inventory investigations at Lake Oahe took place exclusively within the Connected Action areas located on private lands beyond the limits federal lands (i.e., HDD workspaces and stringing area). The Class II/III inventory investigations within the Connected Action areas associated with the Lake Oahe crossing consisted of a combination of pedestrian surveys and shovel probing. Archaeologists walked along fixed transects spaced 30 m (98 ft.) apart within the survey corridor, and systematically excavated shovel probes across high probability settings, or in areas with low surface visibility. The Class II/III investigations within the Connected Action areas resulted in the documentation of one new archaeological site (32MO570). This site consists of a singular lithic flake in isolated contexts and is recommended as not eligible for listing in the NRHP and no further work is warranted. Impacts and Mitigation The impacts attributable to the HDD on cultural resources would not be significant. The geotechnical analysis performed to support the HDD crossings supports the lack of anticipated impacts due to vibrations related to construction and HDD activities. Vibrations produced during the HDD process are not of a magnitude that would cause any impacts to cultural resources. Vibrations associated with the drilling process would be limited to the immediate vicinity of the drilling equipment on the surface and downhole. The vibrations produced from the downhole tooling are of a very low magnitude and are attenuated very quickly by the formation such that vibrations are never felt at the surface. A vibration monitoring analysis conducted by GeoEngineers in 2009 found that peak particle velocities were less than 0.07 inches/second within approximately 50 feet of HDD operations. These velocities are well below that which would cause any structural impacts and moreover, the recorded vibrations were, in fact, imperceptible to human senses (GeoEngineers, 2009). Flowage Easements Dakota Access has conducted Class II/III inventory surveys within the 400-foot-wide survey corridor across the flowage easements. The survey investigations resulted in the revisit of site 32WI1367 on the northern side of the Missouri River, and the documentation of site 32MZ2874 on the southern banks of the Missouri River. Impacts to site 32WI1367 would be avoided via HDD to ensure the integrity of construction design for these historic-age features is preserved. Additionally, no impacts to site 32MZ2874 are anticipated to occur as the HDD workspace is located beyond the site boundaries. These management 78 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 recommendations have been included as viable avoidance options in the Class II/III report submitted to the USACE regional archaeological staff. A more thorough discussion of the cultural setting, relevant previous studies, as well as geologic and geomorphic analysis of the region, and results of the current survey with associated mapping detail can be referenced in Appendix I. Federal Lands Dakota Access has conducted Class II/III inventory surveys within the Connected Action areas on private lands associated with the Lake Oahe crossing. These investigations resulted in the documentation of one prehistoric site consisting of a singular lithic artifact (32MO570). This site is recommended as not eligible for listing in the NRHP. No additional cultural resources were documented within the Connected Action areas associated with the Lake Oahe crossing. While the Class I background review determined that eight previously recorded sites are located on federal lands, no evidence of these sites was encountered within the Connected Action areas on private lands. Dakota Access’ UDP was developed (Appendix F) for use during all DAPL Project construction activities regardless of jurisdiction or landownership. The UDP describes actions that would take place in the event that an undocumented cultural resource site is discovered during construction activities. The UDP explicitly calls for work to stop until the correct authority or agency can be contacted and the find can be properly evaluated. 3.7.2 Native American Consultations The 2004 Programmatic Agreement for the Operation and Management of the Missouri River Main Stem System for Compliance with the National Historic Preservation Act, as amended, (PA) was developed to address challenges associated with cultural and historic resource impacts involved with the ongoing operation and maintenance of the Missouri River system of main stem dams. This agreement outlines the processes through which affected Tribes, agencies and interested parties are consulted by the Corps on issues that may affect important historic and cultural resources. These processes are essential to fulfill the Corps’ Tribal Trust Responsibilities and also comply with Section 106 of the NHPA. The United States Department of Defense recognizes its trust responsibilities to federally recognized Indian Tribes and has established an American Indian and Native Alaskan Trust policy that directs its agencies, including the Corps, to work with Tribes in a manner that incorporates tribal needs, traditional resources, stewardship practices, and the development of viable working relationships. In addition, EO 13175, Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments (EO 13175), outlines policy and criteria regarding the establishment of “regular and meaningful consultation and collaboration with tribal officials in the development of Federal policies that have tribal implications, and are responsible for strengthening the government-to-government relationship between the United States and Indian tribes” ( EO 13175 continues with the following; “History has shown that failure to include the voices of tribal officials in formulating policy affecting their communities has all too often led to undesirable and, at times, devastating and tragic results. By contrast, meaningful dialogue between Federal officials and tribal officials has greatly improved Federal policy toward Indian tribes. Consultation is a critical ingredient of a 79 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 sound and productive Federal-tribal relationship”. These concepts are reflected in the Omaha District’s PA/Section 106 coordination/consultation process. Section 106 coordination/consultation was initiated for the Proposed Action beginning in October 2014, with an information letter regarding a preliminary geo-testing of the proposed Oahe crossing alignment. Per the Omaha District’s usual process, this letter was sent to Tribes, THPOs, SHPOs, agencies and interested parties, soliciting information relevant to the Proposed Action. Subsequently, the same process was utilized in circulating information and pertinent data for the installation of the Oahe pipeline crossing, in the form of a letter distributed in July 2015. The USACE recommended a “No Historic Properties Subject to Effect” Determination to the North Dakota SHPO and the SHPO concurred on April 22, 2016. 3.8 Social and Economic Conditions Under the “no action” alternative, Dakota Access would not construct the DAPL Project and no impacts on social and economic conditions would occur. Although the impacts associated with a future project developed in response to the “no action” alternative are unknown, if the objectives of the DAPL Project are to be met under the “no action” alternative, other projects and activities would likely be required (e.g. transportation of oil by truck or rail). Alternative shipping methods would likely result in their own impacts on social and economic conditions, such as increases in vehicular accidents and personal injury, worsening traffic congestion, and increased infrastructure deterioration. The overall DAPL Project is a $3.78 billion dollar investment directly impacting the local, regional, and national labor force by creating nearly 12,000 construction jobs. Dakota Access has publically committed to utilizing American labor to build the pipeline. Dakota Access has teamed up with the various craft and labor unions in the DAPL Project regions and nationally to ensure the DAPL Project is constructed by highly qualified and experienced local and regional labor resources. These construction jobs would create considerable labor income and state income tax revenue – including the generation of more than $13.4 million in ad valorem taxes. Upon authorization, the DAPL Project would put welders, mechanics, electricians, pipefitters, heavy equipment operators, and others within the heavy construction industry to work. 3.8.1 Demographics, Employment, Income and Economic Justice Affected Environment The Proposed Action at the flowage easements and the Missouri River are in McKenzie County and Williams County. The two census tracts (CT) crossed are CT9625 and CT 9535, respectively. Demographic information including population, income, and employment statistics for these census tracts, counties in the general geographic area, and the state of North Dakota are provided in Table 3-14. The industries employing the greatest number of persons in these census tracts is agriculture followed by educational services health care and social assistance fields; and construction. At the Lake Oahe crossing, two Census tracts are crossed, CT9665 in Emmons County and CT204 in Morton County. Demographic information including population, income, and employment statistics for these census tracts, counties, and the state of North Dakota are provided in Table 3-15. The top three industries 80 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 providing employment in Emmons County are agriculture followed by educational services, health care and social assistance fields, and then construction. Educational services, health care and social assistance are the leading industry employers in CT204 in Morton County followed by agriculture and retail trade. Although not directly affected by the Proposed Action or Connected Action Areas, Sioux County borders the Missouri River to the west and is south of the Lake Oahe crossing point. Due to proximity of this county to the project, it has been incorporated as part of the geographical area for the county baseline data for analysis purposes relating to the Lake Oahe crossing. Impacts and Mitigation The Proposed Action is assumed to have a short construction window with a small number of construction workers dedicated to these crossings. It is possible that counties within the general Project Area (McKenzie, Williams, Morton, Emmons, and Sioux) could experience short-term temporary effects to the local economy through induced spending from construction employees working on the crossing. No residential homes or farms would be relocated resulting from the proposed action. Additionally, no demographic changes in the Census tracts affected or the counties representing in the geographical area are anticipated because no permanent employment would be created as a result of the Proposed Action. The DAPL Project also has tremendous secondary and sustainable economic benefits to the United States by supporting energy independence, increasing employment opportunities, and adding to demand in many manufacturing sectors, which would be a boost to the overall economy. When considering the economic impact and benefit, once U.S. workers are employed on the DAPL Project, consistent with most infrastructure projects, the workers would spend their earnings in the communities where they work and live, resulting in multiplied economic impacts that would be nearly $5 billion just during the construction phase. This economic impact would affect manufacturing in many domestic sectors such as the following examples. It results in new vehicles being purchased, which positively impacts the auto industry. It would result in new homes being built, which improves and increases the housing construction, resale, and lending business located in the region and across the U.S. It impacts the food industry by requiring more food services and products to be delivered and consumed in the DAPL Project region. And it delivers abundant American energy to U.S. markets, thereby enhancing supply. The list could continue with a description of many secondary benefits, but in summary, the economic impact to the U.S. as well as the immediate region where the pipeline is located is considerable. 81 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Table 3-14 Minority and Low Income Population Statistics for the Flowage Easements Project Area and Connected Action Percent Native Am. Hawaiian Persons Total Black or Indian Some Two or Total Geographic Area and Below the Population White African and Asian Other More Minority Other Poverty Am. Alaska Race Races Population Pacific Level Native Islander State North Dakota 704,925 89.20 1.53 5.25 1.15 0.04 0.73 2.10 10.80 11.9 Counties Within Baseline Analysis (Baseline Area) McKenzie 8,333 78.98 0.22 17.16 0.60 0.00 1.04 2.00 21.02 14.6 Williams 27,066 90.76 1.12 4.16 0.55 0.03 1.27 2.12 9.24 8.2 Average 17,700 84.87 0.67 10.66 0.58 0.01 1.16 2.06 15.13 11.40 CT9625 1,522 97.50 0.00 1.05 0.20 0.00 0.53 0.72 2.5 5.8 CT9535 1,708 74.41 0.47 17.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.96 25.59 7.7 Average 1,615 85.96 0.23 9.10 0.10 0.00 0.26 4.34 14.04 6.75 -3.24 -1.30 3.86 -1.05 -0.04 -0.46 2.24 3.24 -5.15 -0.43 -1.56 -0.48 -0.01 -0.89 2.28 -1.09 -4.65 Proposed Action Area State Comparison to Proposed Action Area Proposed Action -703,310 County Comparison to Proposed Action Area Proposed Action -16,085 1.09 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey (2010-2014 5-year estimates). Note: totals may not sum across the table due to rounding used in data collection. 82 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Geographic Area Table 3-15 Minority and Low Income Population Statistics for Federal Lands Project Area Percent Am. Native Total Black or Indian Hawaiian Some Two or Persons Below Total Minority Population White African and Asian and Other Other More the Poverty Population Am. Alaska Pacific Race Races Level Native Islander State North Dakota 704,925 89.20 1.53 5.25 1.15 0.04 Counties Within Baseline Analysis (Baseline Area) Morton 27,439 93.98 0.50 3.70 0.20 0.00 Emmons 3,491 99.28 0.00 0.23 0.17 0.00 Sioux 4,317 13.67 0.02 82.26 0.25 0.07 Average 15,465 68.98 0.17 28.73 0.21 0.02 Proposed Action Area CT204 3,143 96.5 0 1.4 0 0 CT9665 3,491 99.3 0 0.2 0.2 0 Average 3,317 97.88 0.00 0.83 0.09 0.00 State Comparison to Proposed Action Area Proposed -701,608 8.68 -1.53 -4.42 -1.07 -0.04 Action Baseline Area Comparison to Proposed Action Area Proposed -12,148 28.90 -0.17 -27.90 -0.12 -0.02 Action Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey (2010-2014 5-year estimates). Note: totals may not sum across the table due to rounding used in data collection. 0.73 2.10 10.80 11.9 0.50 0.00 0.53 0.34 1.30 0.32 3.20 1.60 6.20 0.72 86.33 31.08 8.7 13.5 36.4 58.6 0.8 0 0.40 1.3 0.3 0.81 3.5 0.7 2.12 4.4 13.5 8.95 -0.33 -1.29 -8.68 49.65 0.05 -0.79 -28.96 -2.95 83 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 3.9 Environmental Justice EO 12898, Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations, requires federal agencies to identify and address disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental of their programs and policies on minority and low-income populations and communities and Indian tribes. The CEQ guidance suggests that an environmental justice population may be identified if “the minority population percentage of the affected area exceeds 50%, or if the minority population percentage of the affected area is meaningfully greater than the minority population in the general population or other appropriate unit of geographic analysis” (CEQ, 1997). The CEQ defines lowincome populations based on an annual statistical poverty threshold. In 2013, the poverty threshold for the 48 contiguous states for an individual under the age of 65 living alone was $12,119 (U.S. Census Bureau, 2014). Under the “no action” alternative, Dakota Access would not construct the proposed Project and no environmental justice impacts would occur. However, If the objectives of the Project are to be met under the “no action” alternative, other projects and activities would be required and these projects could result in their own environmental injustice impacts, which would likely be similar to or greater than the proposed Project. It is reasonable to assume that alternative methods of crude oil transportation would be relied on to meet market demands. Minority or low income communities along utilized rail lines or truck routes could be affected by increasing noise and creating transportation delays due to the substantial increasing truck traffic on county, state and interstate highways as well as rail traffic across railroad crossings. . 3.9.1 Affected Environment Transportation projects, such as under the Federal Transit Administration, and natural gas pipeline projects under the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (e.g. Docket Nos. CP12-507-000 and CP12-508000, DOE FE 12-97-LNG, and FERC/EIS-0252F), typically use a 0.5 mile buffer area to examine Environmental Justice effects. The census tracts crossed by the Proposed Action encompass an area greater than 0.5 mile radius for the project; therefore additional census tracts were not evaluated. Since two census tracts are within 0.5 mile of the Flowage Easements at the Missouri River, and another two census tracts are located within 0.5 mile of the federal lands at Lake Oahe, an average of the demographic data from two respective census tracts was compared to the average demographic data of the counties in the general vicinity of each crossing as well as the state of North Dakota demographic data. For the Flowage easements and Missouri River crossing, which are generally centrally located within McKenzie and Williams Counties, the averaged data from those two counties was used to obtain the Baseline Area data set. Lake Oahe crossing is generally centrally located within Emmons County on the east side of the Lake, however it is near the southern boundary of Morton County. Therefore Sioux County (located greater than 0.5 miles) was included in the geographical area of the Lake Oahe. Thus Morton, Emmons, and Sioux county data was averaged to obtain the Baseline Area data set. 84 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 3.9.2 Impacts and Mitigation For analyzing impacts to the minority and low income populations at the Proposed Action Area at the flowage easements and Missouri River Crossing, Census Tracts CT9625 and CT9535 were compared to the averaged county baseline (McKenzie and Williams Counties – “Baseline Area”) data and then to the state data to determine if there were any siting concerns relative to Environmental Justice. The minority population of the Proposed Action Area at the Missouri River is greater than the state as a whole (3% greater) but lower than surrounding county geographical area (1% lower). Neither of these differences is considered meaningful. The percentage of the population below the poverty level for the Proposed Action Area at the Missouri River is 5% lower than the state as a whole and also 5% lower than surrounding county geographical area. These differences are not considered meaningful. For analyzing impacts to the minority and low income populations at the Lake Oahe Crossings, data for the averaged Census Tracts (CT204 and CT9665) was compared to the averaged county baseline (Morton, Emmons and Sioux – “Baseline Area”) for the county geographical area (Morton, Emmons, and Sioux Counties – “Baseline Area”) data and then to the state to determine if there were any siting concerns relative to Environmental Justice. Based on this analysis, the minority population of the Proposed Action Area at Lake Oahe is lower than the state as a whole (9% lower). Although the average minority population of the counties geographical baseline is greater than the state as a whole, the minority population in the averaged census tract of the Proposed Action Area at Lake Oahe is much lower than surrounding county geographical area. In this case, the census tracts associated with the Proposed Action Area at Lake Oahe have a meaningfully lower minority percentage (29% lower) than the Baseline Area consisting of the three county area. No appreciable minority or low-income populations exist within the Census tracts directly affected by the Proposed Action at either crossing (Tables 3-14 and 3-15). No local community with appreciable minority or low-income populations exists at either the crossing of federal lands or flowage easements (Tables 314 and 3-15). Based on this analysis, there is no concern regarding environmental justice to minority populations at the Proposed Action Area at the Missouri River Crossing or at Lake Oahe. Standing Rock Sioux Reservation It is recognized that the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe is downstream of the Lake Oahe Crossing, which has a high population of minorities and low-income residents. Dakota Access and the Corps sought to engage Tribal representatives in the vicinity of the Proposed Action, and especially the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, in discussion as to the nature of the Project, cultural resource concerns and the Lake Oahe crossing. The initial contact by Dakota Access with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe was in October of 2014 with additional contacts and subsequent meetings occurring through March 2016. Direct and Indirect impacts from the Proposed and Connected Actions will not affect members of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe or the Tribal reservation. The Lake Oahe crossing will be installed via HDD beneath the river from private lands adjacent to Corps owned lands to avoid impacts to environmental resources (e.g. water, soil, cultural resources, vegetation, etc.). The HDD drilling process is an expensive technique that itself is a mitigation 85 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 measure with no anticipated effects to the environment including vibration or frac-out within or outside of the Proposed Action for the short duration of the construction project (see sections and for additional information). As discussed in more detail in sections of this Environmental Assessment (i.e. Section 2.3.1), Dakota Access utilized a complex routing model to examine alignment options for the Project and an array of environmentally protective criteria were used to cite the Project. Perhaps most important for purposes of this analysis, are the citing criteria that require the avoidance of Tribal reservations and federal lands. Since the route must cross the Missouri River, it was not practicable to fully avoid federal land (see discussion in Section 2.1.3), and hence the necessity for this EA. However, maintaining a minimum distance of 0.5 mile from Tribal land, consistent with other federal citing criteria, avoided tribal land as a mitigation and routing measure. Furthermore, the Proposed Action, and hence the route and installation methods, is at a distance sufficient such that there are no direct or indirect impacts to Tribal lands, members or protected cultural resources. Another primary consideration in routing included a preference for co-locating the route with existing infrastructure. The Proposed Action is co-located with existing power and pipe lines across Lake Oahe and partially co-located with a gas line at the flowage easements and Missouri River. As examples, the routing model affirmatively excludes such locations as Tribal lands, National Registry Historic Places, wilderness, parks, landmarks and an array of other special needs areas. As a result of this routing criteria, the nature of the action (construction associated with laying an underground oil pipeline), the short term duration of effects, construction and operation on private lands, the concurrent reclamation activities, state of the art construction techniques, use of high quality materials and standards that meet or exceed federal standards, there will be no direct or indirect effects to the Standing Rock Sioux tribe. This includes a lack of impact to its lands, cultural artifacts, water quality or quantity, treaty hunting and fishing rights, environmental quality, or socio-economic status. Therefore, there is no resulting adverse or disproportionate impacts of the Proposed Action with respect to Environmental Justice considerations. The Standing Rock Sioux Reservation boundary is over 0.5 miles south of the Lake Oahe Project Area crossing. Based on aerial imagery, the closest residence on the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation is a rural residence located greater than 1.5 miles from the Lake Oahe Project Area Crossing. This distance is well beyond any federal or state siting criteria. The North Dakota Energy Conversion and Transmission Facility Siting Act Exclusion and Avoidance Areas Criteria (49-22-05.1) establishes an avoidance setback requirement of 500 feet from inhabited rural residences. The pipeline route expressly and intentionally does not cross the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation and is not considered an Environmental Justice issue. If it were it determined that there would be some effects to the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe as a low income, minority population, it would not disproportionately or predominately bear impacts from the Proposed Actions (the impacts will actually disproportionately affect private lands, non-low income populations and non-minority populations). The impacts along the Missouri River and the Lake Oahe crossing are not disproportionate to the tribe. The Missouri River crossing is on private lands with private lands and US federal lands downstream; the nearest reservation is Fort Berthold approximately 50 miles due east and Standing Rock Reservation is approximately 160 miles southeast. The Lake Oahe HDD crosses under US Federal lands from lands that are privately owned; 86 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 private lands continue downstream of the crossing on the east side of the Lake and Standing Rock Reservation (0.55 miles). Thus, the impacts at best can be said to be equivalent between tribal lands and private landowners at the Lake Oahe crossing. As stated above, linear projects typically use a 0.5 mile buffer area to examine Environmental Justice effects. There are no low-income, minority or tribal lands within 0.5 mile of the Proposed Action. Concerns have been expressed regarding an inadvertent release reaching intake structures on Lake Oahe. Given the engineering design, proposed installation methodology, quality of material selected, operations measures and response plans the risk of an inadvertent release in, or reaching, Lake Oahe is extremely low. While the locations of water intakes is not public information for disclosure in this document, there are private and/or non-tribal intakes closer to the Lake Oahe crossing than any intakes owned by the tribe; further demonstrating the lack of disproportionate impacts of an inadvertent release to the Tribe and the reservation. We understand that due to the rural nature of this area, tribal drinking water supplies are obtained from a combination of wells and surface water. The siting and construction of oil pipelines upstream of drinking water intakes is not uncommon throughout the United States and is not considered an Environmental Justice issue. In the unlikely event of a release, sufficient time exists to close the nearest intake valve to avoid human impact. Dakota Access has committed to plan for the protection of this and other water crossings and associated water intakes as part of its emergency preparedness protocol and in accordance with PHMSA requirements outlined in 49 CFR §§ 194 and 195 (see section 3.11 for further detail). Tribal representatives have been identified for early contact along with other federal, state and local governments by the Corps as well as independently by the applicant. Based on the above sections, it has been determined that there are no environmental justice issues or concerns resulting from the Proposed Action. 3.10 Hazardous Waste The EPA (2015) defines hazardous waste as waste that is dangerous or potentially harmful to human health or the environment, occurring as liquids, solids, gases, or sludges. They can be generated through the disposal of commercial products, such as cleaning fluids or pesticides, or manufacturing processes. Improper management and disposal of hazardous substances can lead to pollution of groundwater or other drinking water supplies and the contamination of surface water and soil. The primary federal regulations for the management and disposal of hazardous substances are the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). A review of regulated facilities for hazardous materials along the Proposed Action corridor was conducted by searching online records maintained by the EPA (2014). Presently, there are no recognized Radiation Information Database, Brownfields, Superfund, Toxic Release Inventory, or air emission sites within one mile of the flowage easements and Lake Oahe crossings. No operating sensitive receptors, such as schools or hospitals, are reported within at least one mile. Additionally, there are no NPDES discharge sites within one mile of the Project Areas. 87 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 With the Proposed Action, there is potential for temporary impacts to public safety from hazardous material use. Other hazards to worker safety may also exist along the Proposed Action corridor, but do not pose a significant impact. Because there were no regulated sites found within the one-mile search radius of the Project Area, no impacts to the Proposed Action, Proposed Action media, or worker safety are expected. In the unlikely event contamination is encountered during construction, the UDP (Appendix F) would be implemented to protect people and the environment and avoid or minimize any effects from unearthing the material. Any hazardous materials discovered, generated, or used during construction would be managed and disposed of in accordance with applicable local, tribal, state, and federal regulations. Should emergency response be required during construction, the contractor would have some of their own trained or contracted responders, and local response teams would be expected to assist. Dakota Access would comply with any laws, regulations, conditions, or instructions issued by the EPA, or any Federal, state, or local governmental agency having jurisdiction to abate or prevent pollution, such as the RCRA, and State hazardous waste management rules. 3.11 Reliability and Safety The PHMSA, a federal agency within the U.S. DOT is the primary federal regulatory agency responsible for ensuring the safety of America’s energy pipelines, including crude oil pipeline systems. As a part of that responsibility, PHMSA established regulatory requirements for the construction, operation, maintenance, monitoring, inspection, and repair of liquid pipeline systems. Construction activities could present safety risks to those performing the activities, residents and other pedestrians in the neighborhood. Given the low population density of the area, risks would be limited to workers involved with the Proposed Action. All activities would be conducted in a safe manner in accordance with the standards specified in the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations. To prevent pipeline failures resulting in inadvertent releases, Dakota Access would construct and maintain the pipeline to meet or exceed industry and governmental requirements and standards. Specifically, the steel pipe would meet PHMSA specifications under 49 CFR § 195, follow standards issued by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, National Association for Corrosion Engineers and API. Once installed, the pipeline would be subjected to testing to verify its integrity and compliance with specifications, including hydrostatic pressure testing at the crossings, checking coating integrity, and X-ray inspection of the welds. The pipeline would be placed into service only after inspection to verify compliance with all construction standards and requirements. Dakota Access would maintain and inspect the pipeline in accordance with PHMSA regulations, industry codes and prudent pipeline operating protocols and techniques. The pipeline ROW would be patrolled and inspected by air every 10 days, weather permitting, but at least every three weeks and not less than 26 times per year, to check for abnormal conditions or dangerous activities, such as unauthorized excavation along the pipeline route. As discussed in Section, Dakota Access has drafted a FRP, in accordance with 49 CFR 194, which details the procedures to be implemented in the event of an inadvertent pipeline release and would be in 88 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 place prior to commencing transportation of crude oil. The FRP is discussed under Section and a draft of the FRP is included in Appendix L. Following completion of construction and throughout operation of the Proposed Action facilities, the Operator and qualified contractors would maintain emergency response equipment and personnel at strategic points along the pipeline route. These personnel would be trained to respond to pipeline emergencies as well as in the National Incident Management System (NIMS) Incident Command System (ICS). Additionally, contracts would be in place with oil spill response companies that have the capability to mobilize to support cleanup and remediation efforts in the event of a pipeline release. The Operator would also coordinate with local emergency responders in preventing and responding to any pipeline related problems. These activities would include conducting and hosting, over a period of time, emergency response drills with both Dakota Access employees and local emergency responders along the pipeline route. Dakota Access will conduct emergency response drills/exercises in accordance with PREP, which is recognized, and approved, by the EPA, US Coast Guard, and PHMSA. These emergency response exercises will consist of annual table top exercises and equipment deployment drills. Dakota Access is committed to conducting a worst case discharge full scale exercise at either the Missouri River crossing near Williston or the crossing at Lake Oahe once every 6 years and will include both open water and ice response. Dakota Access will alternate the location and type of exercise. Regulatory and stakeholder participation will be encouraged and solicited for the exercises. In addition to the testing and inspection measures listed above, Dakota Access would utilize a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system to provide constant remote oversight of the pipeline facilities. Power for the SCADA system would be provided from an existing power grid. In the event of a power outage, a 500 watt Uninterruptable Power Supply would supply low voltage power to the Programmable Logic Controller and communication equipment. Communication with the SCADA system would be accomplished via satellite (Hughes Global Network) and telephone (4G cellular [ATT] or landline depending on availability/coverage). Both forms of communication are continually engaged to poll information from these sites for 100% reliable remote monitoring / operation of these sites through the SCADA system to the Operations Control Center (OCC) in Sugarland, Texas (a backup control room is located in Bryan, Texas), and are proven to have the least potential for interruption during pipeline operations. If an alarm criteria threshold is met, the SCADA system would alert Dakota Access’ OCC Operators, located in Sugarland and Bryan, Texas, of rapid drops in pressure, who would then activate the controls as necessary and initiate procedures for an appropriate response. The OCC prioritizes and responds to all alarms in accordance with the control room management regulations referenced in PHMSA CFR 195.446 (e). This regulation requires that the OCC Operator have a SCADA system alarm management plan; in general, the plan must include review of the SCADA alarm operations to ensure alarms support safe pipeline operations, identify any required maintenance that may affect safety at least once every calendar month, verify correct safety-related alarm values and descriptions at least once every calendar year when associated field equipment are changed or calibrated, determine effectiveness of the alarm management plan through a yearly review, and monitor content and volume of activity at least once a calendar year to assure controllers have adequate time to review incoming alarms. Leak Warn, a leading software program for monitoring pipelines, is being tailored to the pipeline facilities, in accordance with Pipeline and 89 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Hazardous Materials Safety Administration requirements. The Operator would utilize a Computational Pipeline Monitoring System (CPM) to monitor the pipeline for leaks. The CPM is a state-of-the-art pipeline monitoring tool and features a real-time transient model that is based on pipeline pressure, flow, and temperature data, which is polled from various field instruments every 6 seconds and updates the model calculations to detect pipeline system variations every 30 seconds. After the system is tuned, this stateof-the-art CPM system is capable of detecting leaks down to 1 percent or better of the pipeline flow rate within a time span of approximately 1 hour or less and capable of providing rupture detection within 1 to 3 minutes. State–of-the-art leak detection equipment and software utilized during operations or the pipeline will be updated per federal standards in accordance with PHMSA requirements. In the event that a leak is confirmed through verification, pump station shutdown would be initiated within a predetermined amount of time to effectuate. Next, the remotely controlled isolation valves (mainline valve sites would be installed on both sides of large waterbody crossings for isolation in the event of an emergency shutdown), which are operable from the OCC, would be closed. These valves have a closure time of no greater than three (3) minutes. Monitoring of the pipeline segments installed via HDD would be accomplished in the same manner as those segments installed by conventional methods (i.e., SCADA, internal inspection devices, and aerial patrols). Typically, repairs are not made on any section of pipe greater than 10 to 20 feet below the ground surface depending on the repair needed. If a material impact was on the pipeline below the 10-foot depth, operation of the system would be modified accordingly (e.g., reduce operating pressure) or the line would be re-drilled. If inspections identify an anomaly, requirements would be followed to comply with U.S. DOT requirements. In the unlikely event of a leak during operations of the pipeline, the Operator would implement the response measures described in the FRP. Below is a list of typical response activities. However, each spill mitigation situation is unique and will be treated according to the actual spill circumstances present at the time of release. Notification: The Operator will conduct notifications in accordance with federal and state guidelines. These guidelines, along with additional notification forms/procedures are presented in Appendix B of the FRP. Local government response agencies would be notified first followed by federal and state agencies as well as surrounding communities, and governments (including tribal governments and utilities) in accordance with the relevant provisions of the FRP and relevant law. Response notification to such entities as the National Response Center, PHMSA, EPA, USACE, and affected state regulatory entities will be made in accordance with the requirements dictated by the incident type. A complete list of required notifications is included in the FRP. In accordance with PHMSA policy, the FRP will be updated every five years or sooner if there are material changes to the Plan. Mobilize Response Equipment: Emergency equipment would be available to allow personnel to respond safely and quickly to emergency situations. Company-owned equipment will be inspected and exercised in accordance with PREP guidelines and would be mobilized and deployed by the Operator from strategic staging locations along the pipeline. Additionally, the operator will contractually secure OSROs to provide trained personnel and equipment necessary to respond, to the maximum extent practicable, to a worst case discharge or substantial threat of such discharge. At a minimum, each OSRO will have a containment booms, absorbents, boats, and vacuum trucks available. A complete list of equipment and list of trained personnel necessary to continue operations of the equipment and staff the oil spill removal organization for each of the OSRO contractors is included in the FRP. 90 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Response Activities: Following incident command protocols, the Operator would work in unison to cooperate with and assist fire, police and other first responders when implementing actions to protect personnel, public safety and the environment. The FRP includes a spill response checklist which lists activities that could be conducted during a spill which would be modified to best address the specific circumstances of a spill event. Incident response activities may include: initiating spill assessment procedures including surveillance operations, trajectory calculations, and spill volume estimating; berming or deployment of containment and/or sorbent booms; lining shorelines with sorbent or diversion booms to reduce impacts; and recovering contained product as soon as possible to prevent the spread of contamination using appropriate hoses, skimmers, pumps, and storage containers or vacuum trucks at collection areas. The response activities would continue until an appropriate level of cleanup is obtained as provided by the responsible federal, state or other governmental authorities. The nature and location of the incident will affect the regulatory and notification requirements, for which more detail is provided in the FRP. Incidents involving discharges to navigable waters are governed the Oil Pollution Act of 1990. Dakota Access will implement numerous measures to minimize the risk of a pipeline leak and protect the users of downstream intakes: 1) Spill Prevention, Leak Detection and Spill Response Measures: Based on a worst case discharge (WCD) scenario specific to Lake Sakakawea and Lake Oahe, calculated by guidance in 49 CFR § 194.105, a largest possible release volume was determined specific to the segment of the pipeline that would cross Corps-managed lands. This calculation was based on environmental assumptions such as air temperature, wind direction/probability and wind speeds that were averaged from data over a one-year period derived from the U.S. Geological Survey National Hydrological Dataset (NHD, version 2). This information was extrapolated into a 24-hour model. The WCD, at the end of the 24-hour period, produced a surface oil slick attenuation distance, volume remaining in the water column, volume that would be ashore and the volume would evaporate within this timeframe. It is important to note, this WCD scenario is also calculated on the assumption that the pipeline is on top of the river verses HDD. Because the proposed pipeline would be installed at a minimum depth of 36 feet below the Missouri River above Lake Sakakawea and 92 feet below the lakebed of Lake Oahe, there is a greater response time combined with the use of the automated SCADA system. While the potential risk for a WCD scenario is low, such a spill would result in high consequences. Review and approval of the overall regional FRP, which encompasses the regional DAPL Pipeline response strategies in the event of an oil spill, is the responsibility and jurisdiction of PHMSA. Federal regulations 49 CFR 194 specify minimum requirements of such an FRP. For the proposed project, the DAPL Pipeline FRP will be required to align with the content and directions identified in the Mid-Missouri Sub-Area Contingency Plan. A tactical GRP specific to a response strategy for Lake Sakakawea and Lake Oahe was provided by the applicant and includes specific response strategies and equipment for all affected water. Both the FRP and GRP will be finalized after construction and be submitted to the USACE for review and the incorporation of USACE comments prior to submittal to PHMSA. Within these response plans, DAPL training exercise program would be consistent with the exercise requirements as outlined in the PREP Guidelines that were developed by the U.S. Coast Guard in conjunction with PHMSA and EPA. Training exercises include quarterly notification exercise, annual 91 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 tabletop exercises to include a WCD scenario every three years, annual facility-owned equipment deployment exercises annual contractor exercises and unannounced exercises by government agencies. The applicant has committed to additional full scale open water and full scale winter/ice exercises that will be conducted at Lake Sakakawea and Lake Oahe. A full scale exercise will occur once every 3 years (triennial cycle) with the location and type of exercise occurring on alternating schedules (e.g. open water exercise at Oahe the first triennial cycle, followed by winter exercise at Sakakawea the following triennial cycle, followed by a winter exercise at Oahe the following triennial cycle, etc.). Stakeholder (federal, state, local, and Tribal) involvement will be solicited for each exercise. The first exercise will occur within the first 3 years after the pipeline becomes operational. 2) Risk Analysis While an oil spill is considered unlikely and a high precaution to minimize the chances has been taken, it is still considered a low risk/high consequence event. A risk analysis conducted by DAPL addressed nine industry-recognized pipeline integrity threat categories in combination with public and environmental impact that could occur in the event of a release into Lake Sakakawea and Lake Oahe. These threat categories include the following: 1) third-party damage, 2) external corrosion, 3) internal corrosion, 4) pipe manufacturing defects, 5) construction related defects 6) incorrect operations, 7) equipment failure, 8) stress corrosion cracking and 9) natural forces. DAPL derived the following analysis risk process from the W. Kent Muhlbauer Relative Index Methodology (2004), in accordance with 49 CFR 195.452 "Hazardous Liquid Pipelines in High Consequence Area", API RP 1160 "Managing System Integrity for Hazardous Liquid Pipelines", and ASME B31.8S "Managing System Integrity of Gas Pipelines". 1 - Third Party Damage Pipeline failure due to third party damage is ranked low for the Missouri River above Lake Sakakawea and Lake Oahe (36 and 92 feet below the river and lakebed, respectively). The only third party damage that would threaten this portion of the pipeline would be another HDD in the same location of the DAPL Pipeline. Due to tracking technological advances such as submeter accuracy, a permanent and accurate record of the proposed pipeline would be documented so no such possibility of another pipeline being placed via HDD in the same location would occur. 2 - External Corrosion Pipeline failure for the portion of the proposed project that crosses Lake Sakakawea is classified as low. The potential is ranked low due to the high performance external coating system that is being used (heavy epoxy-concrete abrasion resistant layer over fusion bonded epoxy) and deep well cathodic protection. This portion of the pipeline is constructed with a thicker wall pipe compared to segments of the pipeline in upland-classified areas. A conservative corrosion growth rate was determined to take 70 years before a through-wall metal loss could occur. Because in-line inspection metal loss detection tools run every five years, external corrosion activity would be detected and mitigated prior to it becoming an integrity threat. 3 - Internal Corrosion 92 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Pipeline failure due to the internal corrosion threat for the portion of the proposed project that would cross Lake Sakakawea is ranked low. Causes of internal corrosion would be due to accumulation of water and solids in low spots of the pipeline. However, DAPL internal corrosion mitigation program for the entire DAPL pipeline include chemical analysis of the crude product stream, pipeline operations (maintenance of minimum flow rates that keep entrained water and solids moving through the system), a maintenance pigging program, wall pipe design and in-line inspection performed every five years. The potential does exist, but successful implementation and continual monitoring of the effectiveness of the above programs will mitigate the risk. As with the external corrosion threat, the internal corrosion would be detected and mitigated prior to it becoming an integrity threat. 4 - Pipe Manufacturing Defects Pipeline failure due to manufacturing defects is considered low for the portion of the pipeline that crosses Lake Sakakawea and Lake Oahe. Upon completion of construction and prior to the commissioning of the pipeline, the segment of the pipeline crossing Corps-managed lands would be hydrostatically strengthtested for eight hours at 1,800 psig which would be 1.25 times greater than the 1,440 MAOP. Should any strength-related defects be found in the pipe as a result of the hydrostatic test, this segment of the pipeline would have been over-pressured by more than two-times to have a potential effect on those defects. An over-pressure event of this magnitude is not likely with the equipment installed. 5 - Construction Related Defects Pipeline failure for the segment that crosses under Lake Sakakawea due to construction related defects is categorized as low. All pipe joints would be welded by qualified welders and the required 100% girth weld radiography would provide a two-dimensional grayscale image of the weld. After construction and prior to commissioning of the pipeline, the hydrostatic testing would be performed. After the drill string is installed and prior to the line being put into service, an in-line inspection tool would be ran to identify an injurious mechanical damage that may have gone undetected during construction. 6 - Incorrect Operations Pipeline failure due to incorrect operations (e.g. overpressure event caused by human error) is ranked low for the section of the pipeline that crosses Lake Sakakawea and Lake Oahe. This section of the DAPL pipeline has a design factor nearly 2-times greater than the maximum allowable operating pressure (1440 psig) of the pipeline. In addition, the system is controlled and monitored 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by experienced controllers in the control center in Sugarland, Texas. The system is designed with instruments and pressure relief systems to minimize the opportunity for overpressure. 7 - Equipment Failure Pipeline failure due to equipment failure for the section of the pipeline that crosses the Missouri River above Lake Sakakawea and Lake Oahe are categorized as low. The only equipment located in this section of the pipeline are the shut-off valves on either side of the Missouri River above Lake Sakakawea and Lake Oahe which are remotely operated. These valves are secured in perimeter fencing. 8 - Stress Corrosion Cracking 93 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 The potential for pipeline failure due to stress corrosion cracking for the portion of the pipe that crosses the Missouri River above Lake Sakakawea and Lake Oahe is ranked as low because this section will operate at a low stress and is externally coated with a fusion bond epoxy coating. 9 - Natural Forces The potential for pipeline failure due to natural forces is ranked low for the segment of the pipeline that crosses Lake Sakakawea and Lake Oahe. The National Pipeline Mapping System, maintained by PHMSA, rates this geographic location for natural hazards as the following: Hurricane- Low; Earthquake- Low; Flood- High and; Landslide-High. Erosion of cover/ exposure of the pipeline to debris during flood conditions is highly unlikely due to the depth of cover at the Missouri River and Lake Oahe crossings (36 feet and 92 feet below the river and lakebed, respectively). In addition, landslide/ creep of the pipeline is highly unlikely as the pipe is at a depth below that which would be affected by land movement. 10 - Consequences In the event that a pipeline failure occurs and product is released into the Missouri River at either crossing, the worst case consequence scenario is ranked high because several drinking water intake High Consequence Areas (HCAs) and multiple ecologically sensitive HCAs could be impacted. To minimize the impact of a release (e.g. size and spread) the pipeline will continuously be monitored by a real-time monitoring and leak detection system , which is considered to be the best available technology; motor operated isolation and/or check valves are installed on either side of the Missouri River above Lake Sakakawea and Lake Oahe which can be actuated to close as soon as a leak is detected; PHMSA-approved FRP will be in place, all weather access and collection points will be staged strategically downstream of each lake crossing, and DAPL has committed to additional full scale open water and full scale winter/ice exercises that will be conducted at Lake Sakakawea and Lake Oahe. A full scale exercise will occur once every 3 years (triennial cycle) with the location and type of exercise occurring on alternating schedules (e.g. open water exercise at Oahe the first triennial cycle, followed by winter exercise at Sakakawea the following triennial cycle, followed by a winter exercise at Oahe the following triennial cycle, etc.). Stakeholder (federal, state, local, and Tribal) involvement will be solicited for each exercise. The first exercise will occur within the first 3 years after the pipeline becomes operational. 3.12 Air Quality and Noise Under the “no action” alternative, Dakota Access would not construct the DAPL Project and no impacts on air quality and noise would occur. However, If the objectives of the DAPL Project are to be met under the “no action” alternative, other projects and activities would be required and these projects would result in their own impacts on air quality and noise, which would likely be similar to or greater than the DAPL Project. If the “no action” alternative is implemented and the Project is not constructed, shippers will likely rely on truck or rail to transport crude oil. Additional road and rail traffic necessary to transport the volume of crude oil proposed by the DAPL project would increase the emissions of combustion products due to the potential releases during the filling operations of trucks or rail cars and the use of diesel engines. These would be recurring inputs into the environment which could have an adverse impact on air quality in the region. Similarly, an increase in noise from truck and rail traffic would be widespread 94 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 and long term as opposed to the noise impacts of the preferred action which are temporary and primarily limited to the vicinity of the construction workspace. 3.12.1 Air Quality Affected Environment The Clean Air Act (CAA) of 1970 requires that states adopt ambient air quality standards. The CAA (42 USC 7401 et seq.) establishes ambient air quality standards, permit requirements for both stationary and mobile sources, and standards for acid deposition and stratospheric ozone (O3) protection. The standards have been established in order to protect the public from potentially harmful amounts of pollutants. Under the CAA, the EPA establishes primary and secondary air quality standards. Primary air quality standards protect public health, including the health of “sensitive populations, such as people with asthma, children, and older adults.” Secondary air quality standards protect public welfare by promoting ecosystem health, and preventing decreased visibility and damage to crops and buildings. According to the EPA, North Dakota has no nonattainment areas for criteria pollutants. The Bismarck air quality monitoring station in Burleigh County is located approximately 23 miles north-northwest of the Lake Oahe crossing. The Bismarck air quality monitoring station measures sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, particulate matter, ground-level ozone, and meteorological data (North Dakota Department of Health, 2013). The Williston air quality monitoring station in Williams County is located approximately 18 miles northeast of the flowage easement crossing. The Williston air quality monitoring station measures particulate matter, ground-level ozone, and meteorological data. The monitoring objective of both stations is to measure population exposure to air quality parameters. Monitoring data for these stations from 2003-2013 show pollutant levels for sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, and particulate matter did not exceed state or deferral ambient air quality standards at any of the state-operated monitoring sites (North Dakota Department of Health, 2013). Impacts and Mitigation With the Proposed Action, no long-term impacts to air quality would occur; the proposed pipeline would not emit any criteria air pollutants. Short-term impacts to air quality may occur during construction phase of the Proposed Action. The contribution of the Proposed Action to greenhouse gas emissions during construction would be considered a minor indirect impact to climate change. During construction, emissions from fuel-burning internal combustion engines (e.g., transportation trucks, heavy equipment, drill rigs, etc.) would temporarily increase the levels of some criteria pollutants, including carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, particulate matter, and non-criteria pollutants such as volatile organic compounds. Construction of the Lake Oahe crossing is likely to take six to eight weeks to complete. Conventional pipeline construction across the flowage easements would take approximately two weeks and activities at the HDD exit point for crossing the Missouri River on the flowage easement LL3440E would likely operate for four to six weeks. To reduce the emission of criteria pollutants, fuelburning equipment running times would be kept to a minimum and engines would be properly maintained. This temporary increase in emissions is not expected to impact air quality or visibility in the region long-term. 95 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 3.12.2 Noise Affected Environment Sound is a sequence of waves of pressure that propagates through compressible media such as air or water. When sound becomes excessive, annoying, or unwanted it is referred to as noise. Decibels (dB) are the units of measurement used to quantify the intensity of noise. To account for the human ear’s sensitivity to low level noises, the decibel values are corrected for human hearing to weighted values known as decibels of the A-weighted scale (dBA; see Table 3-16). The EPA has set values that should not be exceeded. While the primary responsibility of regulating noise was transferred from the EPA to state and local governments in 1981, the Noise Control Act of 1972 and the Quiet Communities Act of 1978 are still in effect. Table 3-16 Noise Values Area Noise Level All areas Outdoors in residential areas and farms where people spend varying amounts of time in which quiet is a basis for use Outdoor areas where people spend limited time such as school yards, playgrounds, etc. Leq (24) < 70 dBA Hearing Ldn < 55 dBA Outdoor activity interference and annoyance Indoor residential areas Ldn < 45 dBA Indoor areas with human activities such as schools, etc. Leq (24) < 45 dBA Leq (24) < 55 dBA Effect Outdoor activity interference and annoyance Indoor activity interference and annoyance Indoor activity interference and annoyance Source: (The Engineering ToolBox, 2015) Leq: 24-hr equivalent sound level Ldn: day-night average sound level The dominant land use in the proposed Project Area is agricultural. The Day-Night Average Sound (Ldn) level for agricultural crop land is 44 dBA, and rural residential is 39 dBA (The Engineering ToolBox, 2015). Impacts and Mitigation Construction of the Proposed Action would temporarily affect the noise levels on and around the flowage easement and federal lands crossing areas. Construction would cause temporary increases in the ambient sound environment in the areas immediately surrounding active construction. The use of heavy equipment or trucks would be the primary noise source during construction and excavation. The level of impact would vary by equipment type, duration of construction activity and the distance between the noise source and the receptor. Construction activities would typically be limited only to daytime hours. Potential exceptions include work determined necessary based on weather conditions, safety 96 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 considerations, and/or critical stages of the HDD [e.g. if pausing for the night would put the drill at risk of closing or jamming]. Once constructed and in-service, normal pipeline operations are not audible and noise impacts would be limited to the short-term construction window. Dakota Access would mitigate noise impacts by limiting equipment running times and the duration of Proposed Action construction to the minimum amount necessary to complete the Proposed Action. Noisy construction activities would typically be limited to the least noise-sensitive times of day (daytime only). It is not anticipated that the temporary increase in ambient sound levels associated with construction would result in a significant noise impact. 97 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 4.0 CUMULATIVE IMPACTS Cumulative impacts to the environment result from the incremental impact of the action when added to other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future actions regardless of what agency (Federal or nonFederal) or person undertakes such other actions. Cumulative impacts may result from individually minor but collectively significant actions taking place over a period of time 40 CFR Part 1508. Consultation with the North Dakota Public Service Commission (NDPSC) personnel, and subsequent evaluation of its online resources, provided a systematic source of information that was useful for evaluating cumulative impacts. Although the NDPSC does not maintain a centralized repository for energy infrastructure development projects, it provides a summary of siting applications, which offers one metric of energy project development (excluding gathering lines), particularly over time (NDPSC, 2012a). The siting application summary (NDPSC, 2012b) contains records starting in 1996. The number of statewide siting applications increases markedly starting in 2007, coinciding with development of the Bakken Formation oil field. Prior to that, only three to four applications would typically be submitted on an annual basis (NDPSC, 2012a). Past actions in the vicinity of the Proposed Action include oil and gas development and associated infrastructure, utility installation, and agriculture. These past activities most likely have had effects on soils, water resources, vegetation, wildlife, land use, visual resources, paleontological resources, and cultural resources. The DAPL Project route was sited to minimize green-space impacts by co-locating with existing utility corridors over much of its length. As a result, the flowage easement crossing, as designed, would be co-located with a Oneok/TransCanada natural gas pipeline and the Lake Oahe HDD would be co-located with a natural gas pipeline and a 345 kV power line. At both of these locations, the predominant land use is agriculture. In addition to ongoing agricultural practices and the expansion of regional oil and gas development activities, cumulative impacts associated with the DAPL Project as whole were also considered. If the Corps approval of the Proposed Action markedly changed the rate at which the oil and gas industry grows, or facilitated a rapid increase in production, then the changes in the industry’s rate of growth and the associated environmental consequences could be considered along with the effects of the Proposed Action as a cumulative impact and would need to be quantified in this EA. However, according to Bruce Hicks, North Dakota Industrial Commission’s Department of Mineral Resources Oil and Gas Division, the critical factors limiting the rate at which the industry grows within North Dakota is the availability of drill rigs and hydrofracing crews (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2011). Because the availability of rigs and crews is the critical factor affecting the growth of the industry in the region, approval of the Proposed Action is not anticipated to have a cumulative impact of increasing production or reliance upon nonrenewable resources. Cumulative impacts were evaluated for the following resources and were determined to be negligible or nonexistent based on past and foreseeable future actions in the Project Area and the minor and temporary contribution of the Proposed Action to effects on these resources:   Geology and Soils Water and Aquatic Life Resources Section 4.1 Section 4.2 98 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016          4.1 Vegetation, Agriculture, and Range Resources Threatened, Endangered, Candidate, and Proposed Species Wildlife Resources Land Use and Recreation Cultural and Historic Resources and Native American Consultations Social and Economic Conditions Transportation and Traffic Environmental Justice Air Quality and Noise Section 4.3 Section 4.4 Section 4.5 Section 4.6 Section 4.7 Section 4.8 Section 4.9 Section 4.10 Section 4.11 Geology and Soils The continued development of oil and gas exploration and production in the region at its current level increases the potential for adverse cumulative impacts to geologic and soil resources. Cumulative impacts could occur when future utilities seek to be co-located within existing corridors or alternatively when greenfield development occurs in landslide prone or highly erodible areas. However, with the proper implementation of reclamation and restoration BMPs these impacts can be reduced. Another potential cumulative impact to geologic resources is the continued development of the mineral resource, which could lead to its depletion. The mineral resource is understood to be finite. The effect would be primarily economic to the various entities with financial interests; secondarily there could be indirect impacts, potentially beneficial, associated with technological advances within the industry that would facilitate the recovery of mineral resources that cannot be recovered currently. Agricultural practices throughout the region as well as the thousands of miles of gathering pipelines that may be built in the region could contribute to cumulative impacts on soils. Agricultural practices can result in increased erosion and runoff when soils are exposed for long periods such as when fields are fallow or prior to seeding. Impacts to soils as a result of pipeline installation are temporary and typically associated with excavation activities which may result in compaction and erosion when soils are exposed prior to revegetation. Impacts to soils as a result of the Proposed Action would be mitigated through the implementation of BMPs which may include topsoil segregation, erosion controls, and decompaction. Furthermore, adherence to NPDES stormwater permits would require adequate design, grading, and use of BMPs to ensure that erosion and sediment control measures are properly utilized. Generally, because of the utilization of top soil segregation and erosion controls, as well as the minimal workspace requirements and minimum duration of exposed excavations during construction of the Proposed Action, the cumulative impacts on soils when combined with agricultural practices and other pipeline installations would not be significant. No impacts on mineral extraction, mining, or other deeper geologic resources would be cumulative, since these uses of geologic resources (i.e., mining) do not occur in the Project Area. Clearing and grading associated with construction of the Proposed Action and other projects in the vicinity could increase soil erosion in the area. The introduction of contaminants to groundwater due to accidental spills of construction-related chemicals, fuels, or hydraulic fluid could have an adverse effect on groundwater quality. Because the direct effects would be localized and limited primarily to the period of construction, 99 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 cumulative impacts on geology, soils, and sediments would only occur if other projects were constructed at the same time and place as the Proposed Action facilities. There are smaller diameter, unregulated, crude oil gathering lines that have leaked and affected soil and ground/surface water. These pre-existing lines have limited cathodic protection (external corrosion protection) and as such they are not routinely monitored. The Proposed Action is the construction of a regulated large diameter crude oil transmission line and, as discussed throughout this document, is highly regulated and monitored. The cumulative impacts of this pipeline are minimized by the regulatory criteria, the monitoring, protections and response implemented by Dakota Access during the operation of the pipeline. 4.2 Water and Aquatic Life Resources Cumulative impacts on water resources (i.e., groundwater, surface waters, wetlands) associated with the Proposed Action would be avoided, temporary, and/or minor, as all surface waterbodies would be crossed via trenchless methods (i.e., HDD or bore), no permanent fill or loss of wetlands are anticipated, and potential spill-related impacts would be avoided or greatly reduced by regulating fuel storage and refueling activities and by requiring immediate cleanup should a spill or leak occur. Spill response and remediation measures associated with construction activities are discussed in detail in Dakota Access’ SWPP, SPCC and ECP. Recently completed construction or current construction within the vicinity of the Project Area could extend the period of exposure of soils as a result of incomplete revegetation. These exposed soils may increase the potential for soil erosion or sediment transport via overland flow during precipitation events resulting in sedimentation in surface waterbodies. These increased loads could have the potential to temporarily impact water quality, wetlands, and sensitive fish eggs, fish fry, and invertebrates inhabiting waterbodies in the Project Area watersheds. However, all projects, including the DAPL Project as a whole, are subject to regulation by the USACE under the CWA. By installing the pipeline using the HDD technique at the Missouri River and Lake Oahe crossings, as well as other crossings associated with the DAPL Project as a whole, and implementing the erosion and sediment control measures specified in the ECP (Appendix G) and SWPPP (Appendix A), the potential for increased sediment loading from terrestrial sources is minimized and the cumulative effect is considered to be negligible. In addition to water quality impacts associated with sediment loading from erosion and run-off, an inadvertent release of non-hazardous drilling mud could occur during HDD activities, including those at Lake Oahe and the Missouri River. The likelihood of inadvertent releases of drilling mud is greatly minimized through thorough geotechnical analysis and detailed design/mitigation plans at each crossing and careful monitoring of drilling mud returns and pressure during HDD activities. If an inadvertent release were to occur within a waterbody during HDD activities, such as those at the Missouri River and Lake Oahe crossings, impacts on water quality and aquatic resources would be minor. Drilling mud is nonhazardous and impacts on water quality and aquatic resources would be akin to those associated with sediment loading. Due to the quantity of drilling mud used in relation to the size of waterbodies typically crossed via HDD, impacts would be temporary and mitigated through implementation of an HDD Contingency Plan (Appendix B) Impacts on all waterbodies crossed by the DAPL Project in its entirety would be minimized or avoided via HDD and/or use of erosion and sediment control measures; thereby minimizing the potential for cumulative impacts on water and aquatic life resources. 100 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Impacts on water and aquatic life resources associated with sediment loading, including potential inadvertent releases of non-hazardous drilling mud, as a result of the Proposed Action and the DAPL Project as a whole would be temporary and short-term. Therefore, these impacts, when evaluated with other oil and gas development and infrastructure projects in the region and agricultural practices, would result in minor cumulative impacts on water and aquatic life resources. Spills or leaks of hazardous liquids during construction and operation of the Proposed Action, or other projects in the vicinity, have the potential to result in long-term impacts on surface and groundwater resources as well as aquatic life resources. However, construction impacts would be mitigated by the proper design and implementation of BMPs would ensure avoidance, minimization, and/or mitigation of potential impacts on water resources and aquatic resources, as required by the various regulating agencies that have jurisdiction over the DAPL Project. Operational risks are being mitigated by DAPL Project design to meet or exceed the applicable federal regulations as detailed in Sec 3.11- Reliability and Safety. In the unlikely event of an unanticipated release during operations of the pipeline, the effects would be remediated following the cleanup procedures and remediation activities described in Section, the potential cumulative impacts from the Proposed Action on water resources and aquatic resources resulting from spills would be minor. In addition, while construction and operation of the Proposed Action along with the other potential projects and activities could result in cumulative impacts on existing wetlands in the Project Area watersheds, regulation of activities under the CWA by the Corps requires permitting and mitigation for wetland impacts so that there would be no net loss in the regional wetland resources. Therefore, cumulative impacts on wetland resources in the Project Area would be minimal. 4.3 Vegetation, Agriculture, and Range Resources As described within Section 3.3.1, all vegetation disturbed by construction within the flowage easements and the Project Area/Connected Actions of the federal lands would be restored to pre-construction conditions following the completion of construction activities, with the exception of one PFO wetland located within the permanent ROW on the flowage easements that would be converted to shrub-scrub or herbaceous wetlands. No forest fragmentation would occur as a result of construction and operation of the Proposed Action. No interior (core) forest habitat is crossed by the Proposed Action, and the only wooded area that would be permanently impacted by the Proposed Action include one PFO wetland (0.05 acre) located within the permanent ROW on the flowage easements between HDD boxes. However, much of the forest and PFO wetlands in the vicinity of the Project Area have already been fragmented by agricultural activities, roads, and other commercial or industrial developments. Further, construction of the Proposed Action facilities would not result in the permanent loss of wetland features. Although trees within a 30-foot corridor centered on the pipeline that could compromise the integrity of the pipeline coating would be selectively removed throughout the operational life of the Proposed Action, this portion of the PFO wetland impacted by the Proposed Action would be converted to PEM or PSS and allowed to revegetate with scrub-shrub or herbaceous species. Therefore, further fragmentation of wetlands or creation of new forest-edge habitat as a result of the Proposed Action would be negligible. 101 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Generally, the greatest impact to the native vegetative community is associated with past and current agricultural practices. Pipeline projects impact a relatively small area in relation to the total landscape, as these impacts are typically short in duration and temporary in nature. Examples of impacts to vegetation, agriculture, and range resources could include introduction of non-native plants and/or noxious weeds, habitat fragmentation, altered vegetative structure, reduced population sizes below critical threshold levels, sedimentation or degradation of surface waters, erosion, and siltation. However, the implementation of BMPs outlined in the SWPPP (Appendix A) and ECP (Appendix G) and reclamation of disturbed areas with native vegetation would reduce the chances of adverse individual or cumulative impacts. In addition, while other project pipeline corridors may require clearing of forested areas and potential habitat fragmentation, temporary workspace areas would be revegetated upon completion of construction. Further, these projects would be located in a region of North Dakota that is dominated by open or agricultural land, thereby minimizing the potential for permanent habitat fragmentation. Regionally, there have been releases of hazardous material from unregulated, smaller diameter gathering pipelines that have had an adverse effect on vegetation, agriculture and range resources. In the unlikely event of an unanticipated release during operations of the pipeline, the effects would be remediated following the cleanup procedures and remediation activities described in Section 3.11. Therefore, the potential cumulative impacts from the Proposed Action on vegetation, agriculture and range resources would be minor. 4.4 Threatened, Endangered, Candidate, and Proposed Species As required by the ESA, the status of each species listed as threatened or endangered is evaluated every 5 years by USFWS to assess its recovery and determine if a change in its listing status is warranted. Where available, these documents were utilized to identify the potential for ongoing regional oil and gas development to significantly threaten the species listed in the Project area. For species in which a 5-Year Review was not available, Dakota Access utilized the species Recovery Plan and/or Final Rule to evaluate potential threats on the species resulting from regional oil and gas development. Species for which no suitable habitat is present in the Project Area or Connected Action Area, such as the black-footed ferret, Dakota skipper, and gray wolf, were not evaluated, as the Proposed Action would not contribute to cumulative impacts on these species. Further, the northern long-eared bat was not evaluated since the species is not provided federal protection in the Project Area or Connected Action Area under the Interim 4(d) Rule; this area is well outside of the published White-Nose Syndrome Buffer Zone. Habitat loss and modification are the primary threats to the continued existence of interior least tern, whooping crane, piping plover, rufa red knot, and pallid sturgeon. The potential cumulative impacts from oil and gas activities in the region on the current listing or potential elevated future listing of these five species are discussed in detail below. 4.4.1 Interior Least Tern The USFWS does not address oil and gas activities, including potential spills, as a potential or ongoing threat to the interior least tern in either the 5-year review, or the recovery plan (USFWS, 2013e). The primary threat to interior least terns and the cause of the initial population declines resulted from river 102 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 channelization, impoundments, and changes in river flow resulting in loss of suitable habitat throughout their range. 4.4.2 Whooping Crane According to the USFWS (2007) International Recovery Plan for the Whooping Crane (Grus Americana) the USFWS considers oil and gas activities as a secondary threat, especially within the wintering range in the southeast United States. Potential threats on whooping cranes along the Central Flyway migratory route in the region of the Proposed Action include loss of stopover habitat from conversion of natural wetlands (e.g., prairie potholes) to croplands, as well as development activities associated with natural gas and oil production. The Proposed Action would not result in any loss of stopover habitat for the whooping crane; therefore, it would not contribute to cumulative impacts on the species. 4.4.3 Piping Plover The USFWS (2009b) 5-Year Review for the piping plover does specifically address threats from oil and gas activities in North Dakota. However, impacts from oil and gas activities that are threatening piping plover are associated with the development of oil and gas exploration wells located near the alkali lakes habitat, which accounts for 83% of the U.S. Northern Great Plains piping plover breeding habitat. The Proposed Action is not located within the vicinity of any of these areas and would therefore not contribute to cumulative impacts on piping plovers. 4.4.4 Rufa Red Knot According to the Final Rule (79 FR 73706) for the rufa red knot (USFWS, 2014b), the USFWS considers oil and gas activities as a secondary threat, especially near the coast (primarily in southeast Texas in the wintering range). Potential threats to these species along the Central Flyway migratory route in the region of the Proposed Action include loss of stopover habitat from conversion of natural wetlands (e.g., prairie potholes) to croplands and development (including oil and gas exploration). The Proposed Action would not result in any loss of stopover habitat for the rufa red knot; therefore, it would not contribute to cumulative impacts on the species. 4.4.5 Pallid Sturgeon The USFWS (2014c) Revised Recovery Plan for the Pallid Sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus) specifically addresses the potential effects of energy development such as oil and gas pipelines on pallid sturgeon. It states that while a rupture of a pipeline within sturgeon habitat could pose a threat, the impacts would be localized and the magnitude of the impact would be dependent on the quantity and timing of the material released. It is highly unlikely that a cumulative impact resulting from a spill or leak would occur, as it would require multiple pipelines in the same general area to experience anomalous events simultaneously. Even if this were to occur, these impacts would be localized and temporary and would likely not result in a significant impact on the recovery of pallid sturgeon, as a whole, as it is found in other waterbodies and in other regions throughout its range (USFWS, 2014c). 103 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 4.4.6 Conclusion The collocation of utilities in established corridors; the proper implementation of erosion control devices; compliance with permits issued for regulated activities; and rapid, thorough, environmentally appropriate reclamation efforts, and design and operation of projects to meet or exceed regulatory requirements are industry standards that, when applied consistently, on a regional basis, would minimize cumulative impacts now and in the future. Based on the pipeline route, and the utilization of HDDs, the Proposed Action is not likely to have any permanent adverse impacts to habitat utilized by listed species, including aquatic species as discussed in Section 3.4. Therefore, the Proposed Action will not have a cumulative effect on listed species. 4.5 Wildlife Resources Regionally, the greatest impacts to wildlife (past, present or future) can be associated with agricultural development. Agricultural land use replaced the existing natural diversity with the monoculture row crops. The practice also introduced noxious weeds, soil pests, and other exotics, which all had significant cumulative impacts on regional wildlife. Relative to the habitat and land use impacts associated with past agricultural activities, the Proposed Action impacts, as well as those associated with the oil and gas industry on a regional basis and Connected Actions would be nominal. This is due to the short duration and small scale of the Proposed Action relative to the regional landscape and the large scale of agricultural activities in the region. The Proposed Action would not permanently alter the character of the majority of available habitats as most impacts are expected to be temporary (see Section 4.3 for a discussion of vegetation impacts associated with the Proposed Action and the DAPL Project as a whole). Possible temporary, short-term impacts on wildlife include the temporary displacement of some mobile individuals to similar, adjacent habitats during construction activities. Further, while other oil and gas projects’ pipeline corridors may require clearing of forested habitat (if present), once construction is complete, temporary workspace areas would be able to revegetate. In addition, the permanent easement would be allowed to revegetate with herbaceous species, which provides habitat to a variety of species that utilize herbaceous and edge habitats. When analyzed on a regional basis, these impacts do not change significantly in magnitude when compared to the current and historic impacts previously imposed upon the regional wildlife by agricultural development. Therefore, further habitat fragmentation as a result of the Proposed Action or other oil and gas developments in the region would be negligible and is not anticipated to significantly contribute to cumulative effects on wildlife. 4.6 Land Use and Recreation Regional oil and gas development and related activities could cause an impact to land use and recreation in the Project Area. However, increased impacts are not anticipated based on the design of the DAPL Project and BMPs that would be implemented to restore the impacted area. Temporary impacts to land use would potentially occur during the period of active construction but areas would revert to preconstruction use following restoration. Because construction would be short term and land use conversion would be minimal, the cumulative impact on land use as a result of the Proposed Action would be temporary and minor. 104 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 The flowage easement crossing would be located in an area with a greater density of prior development, while the Lake Oahe crossing would be located in an area with relatively little surface development. That said, since the Proposed Action has been co-located with existing pipelines the additional impact incurred by the Proposed Action would be negligible if restored as proposed. The potential cumulative impacts from the Proposed Action on land use and recreation resources resulting from spills would be minor. Although there have been releases of hazardous material from small diameter, unregulated gathering pipelines that have had an adverse effect on land use and recreation resources, it is highly unlikely for an unanticipated release to occur within the EA review area during operations of the DAPL pipeline, which is subject to DOT construction regulations and pipeline leak detection monitoring guidelines. In the event of an unanticipated release during operations of the pipeline, the effects would be remediated following the cleanup procedures and remediation activities described in Section 3.11. Cumulatively, the impacts associated with land use and recreation resources would be minimal. 4.7 Cultural and Historic Resources and Native American Consultations Dakota Access would implement measures to avoid or mitigate adverse effects to cultural resources that have been determined, in consultation with the federal land managing agencies, NDSHPO, and Native American tribes, to be eligible for listing in the NRHP. At the one potential NRHP-eligible site mapped adjacent to the workspace within the EA review area, Dakota Access would install exclusionary fencing along the outer workspace boundary during construction to prevent inadvertent trespassing by construction staff or vehicles. This area would be classified generically as sensitive environmental areas, and would be closely monitored by EI staff. If an unanticipated discovery occurs during construction, Dakota Access would follow the measures described in its UDP (Appendix F). Although the possibility of an unanticipated discovery is low based on the negative findings of the field survey efforts in the Project Area, the measures outlined in the UDP includes a thorough notification protocol which would ensure that the necessary cultural resources specialists and agency personnel are involved to appropriately address the nature and significance and of the find. The Proposed Action is not anticipated to impact cultural resources; therefore, cumulative impacts associated with the Proposed Action would not occur. 4.8 Social and Economic Conditions Construction of the overall DAPL Project would contribute more than $1 billion in direct spending just for materials – the majority of which would be purchased in the U.S. Fifty-seven percent of the pipe; the majority of the valves, fittings, valve actuators; and the majority of the remaining materials would be manufactured in the U.S., creating significant opportunities for regional and national manufacturing. In addition to manufactured goods and services, the DAPL Project would provide $195 million in easement payments to the landowners whose property is crossed by the DAPL Project. 105 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 The Proposed Action would have a relatively short construction window with a small number of construction workers dedicated to the crossings. It is possible that nearby towns could experience shortterm temporary increases to the local economy through induced spending from construction employees working on the Proposed Action. No residential homes or farms would be relocated as a result of the Proposed Action. Additionally, no demographic changes in the Census tracts affected within the Project Area counties are anticipated because no permanent employees would be created as a result of the Proposed Action. Therefore, the only indirect socioeconomic impacts from the Proposed Action are likely to be related to the temporary influx of workers, such as increased demand for short term housing and the secondary economic benefits discussed in Section 4.10. The regional population has dramatically increased over the last seven year period due to oil and gas development; concentrated in the Project Area. The majority of the current available and transient labor force in the region is involved in the exploration and production of the resources, or construction of related infrastructure, both of which are labor intensive efforts though temporary in nature. Well rigs are mobile and the number of available drilling leases is limited as well as the mineral resource itself. For these reasons the labor pool effects associated with the exploration and production of the resource are considered to be a temporary impact. Regarding cumulative impacts to socioeconomic resources, the Proposed Action would provide a benefit to local merchants and vendors as well as providing potential temporary employment opportunities to the local workforce. As such, no substantive negative direct, indirect, or cumulative impacts to socioeconomic resources would result from the Proposed Action. 4.9 Transportation and Traffic As discussed in Section 3.3, roads throughout North Dakota have received a sharp increase in truck traffic due to increased oil and gas activity. The greater amount of traffic has led to a decline in the transportation infrastructure and a decrease in road safety throughout the state. Additional oil and gas development and production may continue to contribute to cumulative effects on roads in the vicinity of the Project Area requiring a higher frequency of road maintenance and repair on public roadways. Cumulative impacts from construction of the Proposed Action would temporarily increase traffic in the immediate vicinity of the Project Area. This increase in traffic would be temporary and is not expected to result in significant impacts to North Dakota’s transportation infrastructure. Road improvements such as grading would be made as necessary and any impacts resulting from Dakota Access's use would be repaired in accordance with applicable local permits. Traffic interruptions would be minimized to the extent practical and would result in insignificant, temporary cumulative impacts on regional transportation resources as it would be localized to the immediate vicinity of the Project Area and major delivery routes. During operations of the Proposed Action, there is expected to be a positive effect on traffic resources in North Dakota. Once in operation, Dakota Access plans to transport 450,000 bpd of crude oil via pipeline which would significantly reduce the demand for the commercial trucking of crude oil on county, state and interstate highways. It is anticipated that the cumulative effects of the DAPL Project and other future pipeline projects would be beneficial to the transportation infrastructure in North Dakota by decreasing oil hauled by truck traffic and therefore reducing wear and tear on roads and highways. 106 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 4.10 Environmental Justice The Proposed Action and Connected Actions and associated cumulative effects where practicable have been co-located with existing utilities and across USACE easements and fee owned property. The DAPL Project avoids crossing Tribal reservation lands across its entire length. There are no reasonable past, present or reasonably foreseeable actions that together with these Proposed Actions will have a cumulative significant adverse effect on the environment or a disproportionate impact on low income or minority populations, including the Standing Rock Sioux or other tribes in or around the Project. Additionally, the holders of the mineral rights and landowners in the region, including particular tribes and tribal members, have witnessed a recent windfall from oil and gas development. Oil and gas development generally occurs on private land with permission of the landowner. Given this ascent, there is no disproportionate impact to low income, minority or tribal populations benefited by the Environmental Justice policy. The DAPL Project was routed to avoid sensitive lands and populations, including tribal lands, and areas and does not have a disproportionate impact on any low income, minority or tribal population benefited by Environmental Justice policy, as discussed in section 3.9, above. For these reasons, the Proposed Action and its associated cumulative actions and effects have no significant cumulative impact to low-income, minority or tribal populations. 4.11 Air Quality and Noise No operation emissions are associated with the Proposed Action, as no major aboveground facilities would be constructed in the Project Area. Potential cumulative impacts on air quality would result from concurrent construction of the Project and other development projects in the region. Cumulative impacts on air quality associated with construction of the Proposed Action would be temporary and short-term; therefore, even if construction of other projects were concurrent with the Proposed Action, cumulative construction-related air quality impacts would be negligible. Construction of the Proposed Action would affect ambient noise levels at some nearby residences during active construction. The noise impact of the pipeline construction would primarily originate from the HDD equipment and would be highly localized to the HDD entry and exit sites. However, because the duration of construction would be short-term, the contribution of the Proposed Action to cumulative impacts on noise would be negligible. 107 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 5.0 IRREVERSIBLE AND IRRETRIEVABLE COMMITMENT OF RESOURCES As required by NEPA, irreversible and irretrievable commitments of resources involved in the Proposed Action should it be implemented, must be addressed in the EA. Irreversible commitments of resources result in a loss of future options. Commitments of resources which are irreversible are those resources which are destroyed or consumed and are neither renewable nor recoverable for use by future generations. Examples of irreversible commitments of resources include consumption of petroleumbased fuels or minerals and destruction cultural resources. Irretrievable commitments of resources result in a loss of productivity. Commitments of resources which are irretrievable occur when the productive use or value of a renewable resource is lost for a period of time. For example, timber or soil productivity may be lost for a period of time resulting in an irretrievable loss of production, but the action is reversible. Construction activities associated with the Proposed Action would result in the consumption of materials such as aluminum, steel, other metals, wood, gravel, sand, plastics, and various forms of petroleum-based fuels, the use of which would constitute an irreversible commitment of resources. Most of these materials are nonrenewable and would be irreversibly committed if not recycled or reused during maintenance or at the end of the life of the Proposed Action. Areas of vegetation removal or conversion along the permanent right-of-way, such as areas where trees or shrubs were established prior to construction but would be maintained in an herbaceous state during operation, would represent an irretrievable commitment of resources. Additionally, erosion, compaction, or an overall loss of soil productivity could occur if these impacts are not properly mitigated. Use of water for dust control and hydrostatic testing would also be irretrievable. Other irretrievable commitments of resources could occur if areas temporarily impacted by construction were not restored. Overall, there would be a very minimal commitment of irreversible and/or irretrievable resources as a result of the Proposed Action since the majority of impacts would be temporary and would occur within agricultural land. Additionally, irreversible and/or irretrievable commitments of resources would be minimized through the mitigation measures for the affected environments identified throughout this EA. 108 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 6.0 MITIGATION SUMMARY Dakota Access has selected the Proposed Action to minimize impacts to natural/cultural resources as summarized in Table 8-2. System and routing alternatives were considered for the entire DAPL Project in order to meet purpose and need, design criteria and construction requirements, while minimizing potential impacts to the existing environment and socioeconomic setting. Impacts to the environment would be temporary and not significant as a result of avoiding, minimizing and mitigation any potential impacts. The majority of potential impacts would be mitigated by HDD technology which would bore beneath resources and allow pipeline construction to proceed with the least amount of impacts possible. Dakota Access has would also implement general mitigation measures such as those described in the ECP (Appendix G). The ECP has been developed based on decades of experience implementing BMPs during construction in accordance with generally accepted industry practices for linear infrastructure and crosscounty pipelines. It is intended to meet or exceed federal, state, and local environmental protection and erosion control requirements, specifications and practices. The ECP describes current construction techniques and mitigation measures that would be employed to minimize the effects of construction on environmental resources. Some of the basic procedures identified in the ECP are listed below:           BMPs designed to minimize the effects of construction on environmental resources; Temporary and permanent erosion and sediment control measures; Soil handling procedures designed to preserve the integrity of the soil (e.g., topsoil segregation, decompaction, etc.); Wetland and waterbody crossing and stabilization procedures Wildlife and livestock mitigation measures Restoration and revegetation procedures Refueling and waste management procedures Weed management procedures Winter construction practices Stormwater management procedures Dakota Access incorporates environmental requirements into all construction specifications and the ECP would be included in contract documents and enforced as such throughout the proposed action. The construction contractor(s) must comply with all applicable permits and plans during all phases of construction. In addition to the ECP, the Proposed Action would be constructed in accordance to the measures detailed in Dakota Access’ SWPPP, SPCC, HD Construction Plan, HDD Contingency Plan, and UDP. To further ensure compliance with permits, plans, obligations, and commitments, Dakota Access would have full-time EIs to monitor construction and compliance. The EIs would be responsible for observing construction activities to verify that work is carried out in accordance with environmental permit requirements and ensure that designed avoidance and mitigation measures are properly executed during construction. No additional mitigation measures were identified for geology and soils; water resources; vegetation, agriculture, and range resources; wildlife resources; aquatic resources; land use and recreation; cultural and historic resources, social and economic conditions; environmental justice; or air and noise. General 109 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 mitigation measures, as described in sections 3.1 through 3.7, or avoidance associated with the trenchless installation (i.e., HDD or bore) of the proposed pipeline are expected to mitigate adverse impacts to resources. 110 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 7.0 FEDERAL, TRIBAL, STATE, AND LOCAL AGENCY CONSULTATION AND COORDINATION The following is a listing of all individuals and agencies consulted during preparation of the EA regardless of whether a response was received. On March 30, 2015, Dakota Access sent letters to interested parties (indicated by the Corps) requesting comments on the federal actions associated with crossing Corps flowage easements and Corps owned and managed federal land. A sample request for comment letter sent to individuals and agencies consulted, along with the mailing list and comments received, is included in Appendix J. Appendix K contains the Notice of Availability of the Draft EA for comment. Table 7-1 includes a summary of agency personnel consulted. Table 7-1 Agency/Entity Consultation List Agency/Entity American Rivers Bureau of Indian Affairs - Fort Berthold Agency Bureau of Indian Affairs - Great Plains Regional Office Bureau of Indian Affairs-Fort Berthold Agency Name Kristen McDonald Howard Bemer William Benjamin Earl Silk Bureau of Indian AffairsStanding Rock Robert Demery Bureau of Land Management Rick Rymerson Dakota Prairie Grasslands Dennis Neitzke Dakota Resource Council Mark Trechock Bismarck-Mandan Development Association Brian Ritter Morton County Commissioners Dawn Rhone Morton County Extension Agent Kari Presler Morton County Weed Board Emmons County Commissioners Emmons County Extension Agent Wayne Carter Marlys Ohlhauser Connie Job Address 1101 14th Ave. NW STE 1400 Washington, DC 20005-5637 PO Box 370 New Town, ND 58763 115 Fourth Avenue S.E. Aberdeen, SD 57401 P.O. Box 370 New Town, ND 58763 P.O. Box E Fort Yates, ND 58538 99 23rd Avenue West, Suite A Dickinson, ND 58601 1200 Missouri Ave Bismarck, ND 58504 P.O. Box 1095 Dickinson, ND 58601 400 East Broadway Avenue, Suite 417 Bismarck, ND 58501 210 2nd Ave NW Mandan, ND 58554 210 2nd Ave NW Mandan, ND 58554-3158 2916 37th St. NW Mandan, ND 58554 P.O. Box 129 Linton, ND 58552 Courthouse, Box 278 Linton, ND 58552-0278 Date Received/ Relevant EA Section N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 111 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Table 7-1 Agency/Entity Consultation List Agency/Entity Name Emmons County Weed Board Sam Renschler Williams County Commissioners Beth Innis Williams County Extension Agent Williams County Weed Board Jim Basaraba National Audubon Society State Office Genevieve Thompson Natural Resources Conservation Service Kyle Hartel Natural Resources Conservation Service Michele R. Doyle Natural Resources Conservation Service Jennifer M. H. Vetter Natural Resources Conservation Service David Schmidt NDSU Dept of Soil ScienceDepartment Chair North Dakota Council of Humane Societies Leo Keelan North Dakota Department of Health Peter Wax North Dakota Farm Bureau North Dakota Forest Service Larry Kotchman North Dakota Game & Fish Department Steve Dyke North Dakota Game & Fish Department Dave Fryda North Dakota Game & Fish Department Bruce Kreft Address 510 Sampson Ave. Linton, ND 58552 205 East Broadway PO Box 2047 Williston, ND 58802-2047 302 East Broadway PO Box 1109 Williston, ND 58802-1109 109 Main St Williston, ND 58801-6018 118 Broadway, Suite 512 Fargo, ND 58102 PO Box 583 Watford City, ND 58854 2540 Overlook Lane Mandan, ND 58554-1593 318 Broadway St. S Linton, ND 58552-7612 1106 West 2nd St Williston, ND 58801-5804 NDSU Dept 7680 PO Box 6050 Fargo, ND 58108-6050 1948 Anderson Drive Minot, ND 58701 600 East Boulevard Bismarck, ND 58505 4900 Ottawa Street Bismarck, ND 58503 307 1st Street East Bottineau, ND 58318-1100 100 N. Bismarck Expressway Bismarck, ND 58501-5095 406 Dakota Ave Riverdale, ND 58565 100 North Bismarck Expressway Bismarck, ND 58501-5095 Date Received/ Relevant EA Section N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A April 22, 2015/ Section 2.0 and Section 3.5 N/A N/A N/A 112 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Table 7-1 Agency/Entity Consultation List Agency/Entity Name North Dakota Game & Fish Department Kent Luttschwager North Dakota Game & Fish Department Fred Ryckman North Dakota Game & Fish Department Terry Steinwand Address 13932 West Front Street Williston, ND 58801-8602 406 Dakota Ave Riverdale, ND 58565 100 North Bismarck Expressway Bismarck, ND 58501-5095 Date Received/ Relevant EA Section N/A N/A N/A Lynn Helms 600 East Boulevard Bismarck, ND 58505 April 16, 2015/ Section 3.1.2, Section 3.1.3, and Section 3.1.4 North Dakota Industrial Commission - Oil and Gas Division Bruce E. Hicks 600 East Boulevard Bismarck, ND 58505 N/A North Dakota Land Department Mike Brand 1707 North 9th St. P.O. Box 5523 Bismarck, ND 58506-5523 N/A North Dakota Parks & Recreation Department Kathy Duttenhefner 1600 East Century Avenue, Suite 3 Bismarck, ND 58503-0649 April 20, 2015/ Section 3.3.1, Section 3.4 and Section 3.5. North Dakota Petroleum Council Ron Ness North Dakota State Historical Society Susan Quinnell North Dakota State Water Commission John Paczkowski North Dakota Tourism Division Sarah Otte Coleman U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Office Daniel Cimarosti U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, North Dakota Field Office Scott Larson USDA-APHIS-WS Philip Mastrangelo USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service-North Dakota State Office Mary Podoll USDOI-Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and EnforcementDick Cheney Federal Building Jeffrey Fleischman North Dakota Industrial Commission - Oil and Gas Division P.O Box 1395 Bismarck, ND 58502 612 East Boulevard Ave. Bismarck, ND 58505 900 East Boulevard Ave. Bismarck, ND 58505-0850 P.O. Box 2057 Bismarck, ND 58502-2057 1513 12th St. SE Bismarck, ND 58504 3425 Miriam Avenue Bismarck, ND 58501-7926 2110 Miriam Drive, Suite A Bismarck, ND 58501 220 East Rosser Avenue, Room 270 Bismarck, ND 58502-5020 P.O. Box 11018, 150 East B Street, Rm 1018 Casper, WY 82602 N/A April 2, 2015/ Section 3.7.1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A April 13, 2015/ Section 3.1.5 and Section 3.2.3 April 13, 2015/ Section 1.1 113 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Table 7-1 Agency/Entity Consultation List Agency/Entity Name U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Omaha District; CENWO-PM-AA North Dakota Parks & Recreation Department Mr. Jesse Hanson North Dakota Chapter of the Wildlife Society Mr. Kory Richardson Sierra Club - North Dakota Office Mr. Blaine Nordwall Address 1616 Capitol Avenue Omaha, NE 68101-4901 1600 E. Century Ave. Suite 3 Bismarck, ND 58503-0649" PO Box 1442 Bismarck, ND 58502 311 East Thayer Ave Suite 113 Bismarck, ND 58501 Date Received/ Relevant EA Section N/A N/A N/A N/A 114 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 8.0 STATUS OF ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE Table 8-1 is a listing of environmental protection statutes and other environmental requirements, as well as the status of Applicant compliance with these statutes and requirements, regarding this EA. Table 8-1 Environmental Permits, Approvals, and Consultations Jurisdiction Permit or Authorization Status Requirement or Action Federal Corps RHA, Section 10 Section 404 CWA Corps – Omaha District USFWS Bureau of Reclamation Survey permission, geotechnical investigation Pending, Application Submitted Dec 2014 Pending, Application Submitted Dec 2014 RHA, Section 10: Missouri River/Lake Oahe NWP 12, Section 404 Waters with PCN Received April 2015 Survey permission, geotechnical investigation Pending Real Estate Outgrant and EA for Crossing the Missouri River/Lake Oahe (Fee title Lands on both sides of river/lake) Pending Consent to Cross Received May 2016 Compliance under 404 Permit NWP 12 Joint Application Letter of consent to cross irrigation works Received December 2015 BOR water conveyance facilities, near cities of Buford and Trenton, ND North Dakota Energy Conversion and Transmission Facility Siting Act: Certificate of Corridor and Route Received January 2016 Siting Application, PU-14-842 Sovereign Land Permit Permits Received April 2016 Crossing Permits for the Lake Oahe and the Missouri River Crossings Section 106 NHPA Received April 2016 Section 106 Concurrence/Consultation Title 30 Rights-of-Way for pipelines through Federal Lands and Temporary Construction License Flowage Easement Consent to Cross Section 7 Endangered Species Act (ESA) Consultation State North Dakota Public Service Commission (NDPSC) North Dakota Office of the State Engineer State Historical Society of North Dakota 115 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Table 8-1 Environmental Permits, Approvals, and Consultations Jurisdiction North Dakota Department of Health Permit or Authorization Section 401 Water Quality Certification Hydrostatic Test Water Discharge Permit No. NDG07-0000 North Dakota Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NDPDES) Construction Stormwater General Permit (NDR100000) Status Requirement or Action Pending Automatic with NWP 12 Permits Received May 2016 Obtain permit coverage prior to discharge Permit Received April 2016 Obtain permit coverage Table 8-2 provides a summary of the environmental mitigation measures discussed throughout this EA that Dakota Access has committed to as part of the Proposed Action design to avoid or minimize potential impacts on environmental and human resources throughout construction and operation activities. 116 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Table 8-2 Summary of Environmental Impact Avoidance and Mitigation Measures Resource Geology and Soils Environmental Avoidance/Mitigation Measures To protect the terrain of the Project Area and Connected Actions, Dakota Access would, to the extent feasible, restore the areas affected by pipeline construction to pre-construction contours and similar vegetation (excepting trees within approximately 15 feet of the centerline). Pre-construction and as-built surveys would be completed and provided to the Garrison Project. Although not anticipated, if blasting is found to be necessary, Dakota Access would follow procedures specified in its Blasting Plan (Appendix E). Dakota Access, in accordance with North Dakota One Call, would require that the construction contractor, prior to initiating any ground disturbance activities, identify all underground utilities to minimize the potential for encountering buried utility structures. Dakota Access has completed a geotechnical analysis of the flowage easement and federal land crossing sites to facilitate engineering and design, including selection of appropriate materials and construction methods to limit any environmental impacts attributable to landslides. The proposed pipeline would be designed and constructed to meet or exceed industry specifications, which would effectively mitigate the effects of fault movement, landslides, subsidence, and subsidence. In the event paleontological resources are discovered during construction, Dakota Access would implement measures outlined in its Unanticipated Discoveries Plan Cultural Resources, Human Remains, Paleontological Resources and Contaminated Media (UDP) (Appendix F) to avoid further impacts to these resources. If any vertebrate fossils are found during pipeline construction, Dakota Access would immediately cease construction activities and notify the appropriate agency personnel, including the North Dakota state paleontologist as well as the USACE archaeologist. The appropriate authorities would determine the significance of the find and prescribe the mitigation procedures to be completed prior to resuming pipeline construction. Dakota Access would minimize or avoid impacts on soils by implementing the mitigation measures described in the DAPL Project’s SPCC, SWPPP, and ECP as well as requirements of applicable state and federal permits. These documents would be included as contract documents and enforced as such throughout the DAPL Project. To minimize potential impacts on soil productivity, topsoil would be separated during trench excavation in agricultural land, and if applicable, other areas where soil productivity is an important consideration. Unless otherwise requested by the landowner, topsoil in cropland would be removed to a maximum depth of 12 inches from the trench and spoil storage area and stored separately from the trench spoil. After the trench is backfilled, topsoil would be returned to its approximate original location in the soil horizon. 117 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Table 8-2 Summary of Environmental Impact Avoidance and Mitigation Measures Resource Water Resources Environmental Avoidance/Mitigation Measures Compaction of agricultural soils would be minimized by restricting construction activities during periods of prolonged rainfall. Where unacceptable levels of compaction occur in agricultural lands, a chisel plow or other deep tillage equipment would be utilized to loosen the soil. Dakota Access would retain EIs to monitor the contractor’s compliance with applicable requirements to protect soil resources during construction of the DAPL Project. The Garrison Project would be notified if the EIs have concerns on the Project Area or Connected Action Area. The HDD workspace sites would be cleared, graded and matted as needed to minimize rutting and compaction. Permanent impacts to soils would be avoided through the application of BMPs during construction, restoration, and post-construction revegetation management, as outlined in the ECP (Appendix G). Impacts to Lake Oahe and the Missouri River would be minimized by using HDD construction methods to install the proposed pipeline underneath the Missouri River and Lake Oahe. The HDD Contractor plans to install steel surface casing, where defined in the site specific HDD plans, to reduce the probability of an inadvertent release when the drill bit is working near the surface. The drilling mud and cuttings would be disposed of in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, likely in an existing landfill or by land farming. Dakota Access would conduct all HDD work according to the HDD Construction Plan (Appendix B) that it has prepared, and implement the HDD Contingency Plan (Appendix B) in the event of an inadvertent release. The Missouri River water withdrawal activity would comply with all applicable permit conditions and regulations, including the specifications on permitted intake structures outlined in the USACE’s Regional Conditions for North Dakota applicable to NWP 12 (Utility Line Activities). This regional condition requires that the applicant 1) utilize an intake screen with a maximum mesh opening of ¼-inch, 2) wire, Johnson-like screens must have a maximum distance between wires of 1/8-inch, 3) water velocity at the intake screen shall not exceed ½-foot per second, 4) intake structure shall be floating, and 5) at the beginning of pumping, the intake shall be placed over water with a minimum depth of 20 feet. The barge/float required for water withdrawal from the Missouri River would be fitted with a secondary containment structure, and the pump would be placed within this structure to contain accidental spills of fuels. The intake hose would be suspended by floats within the water column and screened to prevent impingement entrainment of foreign objects and aquatic species. Water discharges associated with hydrostatic testing on Corps flowage easements would be conducted in accordance with applicable permits. Hydrostatic test water discharges would not occur on Corps fee property. 118 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Table 8-2 Summary of Environmental Impact Avoidance and Mitigation Measures Resource Environmental Avoidance/Mitigation Measures Dakota Access would conduct trench dewatering and hydrostatic test discharges in a manner consistent with the North Dakota Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NDPDES) General Permit NDG-070000, as applicable. Discharged hydrostatic test water would not contain additives unless written approval is received from Dakota Access and applicable permits authorize such additives. Where appropriate, water would be discharged into an energy dissipation and/or filtering device as described in Dakota Access’ SWPPP (Appendix A) to remove sediment and to reduce the erosive energy of the discharge. Impacts to waterbodies would be minimized by conducting pipeline construction activities in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements and waterbody construction procedures described in Section and the ECP. Fuel and all other hazardous materials would be stored in accordance with the requirements of Dakota Access’ SPCC, SWPPP, and ECP. These documents also describe response, containment, and cleanup measures. EIs would monitor compliance with applicable waterbody protection requirements during construction of the facilities. The Project ECP (Appendix G) and SWPPP (Appendix A) describe additional mitigation measures and contains illustrations of how sediment control devices should be utilized. Dakota Access would maintain a vegetative buffer until the actual crossing of the waterbody takes place. Temporary sediment control measures, such as silt fence, would minimize the introduction of sediment into waterbodies during construction and minimize the movement of spoil and sediment from surface runoff during and after construction. Dewatering activities would be conducted in accordance with applicable permits and Dakota Access’ SWPPP, and ECP. All surface drainage contours and vegetation would be returned as closely as practical to preconstruction conditions. The potential for groundwater contamination would be avoided by implementing the protective measures set forth in the Project specific SPCCs prepared by the contractor and in Dakota Access’ SPCC Plan (Appendix A). In the event of a leak, Dakota Access would work aggressively to isolate the source through the use of remotecontrolled shut-off valves, initiate cleanup activities, and contact the appropriate federal and state authorities to coordinate leak containment and cleanup. Dakota Access proposes to meet or exceed all applicable regulations and requirements for pipeline design, construction, and operation. Construction workspace on the flowage easements has been selected based on an absence of wetlands within the Project area. Dakota Access is in the process of obtaining verification for use of NWP 12 for the crossings of both the Missouri River and Lake Oahe Section 10 waterbodies. 119 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Table 8-2 Summary of Environmental Impact Avoidance and Mitigation Measures Resource Environmental Avoidance/Mitigation Measures The Project ECP and SWPPP specify several measures to protect wetlands and waterbodies from becoming polluted with fuels or other hazardous materials during construction. This plan prohibits the storage of fuel or other hazardous materials within 100 feet of a wetland or waterbody. The ECP also specifies that equipment must be refueled at least 100 feet from waterbodies unless, due to site-specific conditions, there is no practical alternative such as the proposed pumping intake structure located on the barge at the Missouri River Crossing. In that case, the contractor must implement site-specific protective measures and containment procedures described in the ECP. Contractors would be required to provide trained personnel, appropriate equipment, and materials to contain and clean up releases of fuel, lubricating oil, or hydraulic fluid that result from equipment failure or other circumstances. The Project has been designed in accordance with accepted floodplain management practices; no impacts to floodplain elevations or velocities are anticipated. Following construction, disturbed areas would be restored to pre-construction grades and contours as practical. If necessary, soil displaced by the installation of the 24-inch pipeline on the flowage easements would be removed from the floodplain and hauled to an upland location in order to ensure original floodplain elevations are restored. Remotely operated above-ground mainline valve sites would be installed on both sides of the Missouri River and Lake Oahe crossings for isolation in the event of an emergency shutdown. Dakota Access will identify an all-weather access and collection point downstream of both the Missouri River crossing and Lake Oahe crossing. At each location, Dakota Access will provide an equipment storage facility that includes a permanent storage area for winter and open water spill response equipment. Impacts to cultivated crops make up the majority of temporary impacts and would return to cultivated crops postconstruction. Within areas disturbed by construction of the Project, and not being actively cultivated, including the flowage easement Project Area, Dakota Access would implement active revegetation measures and rapid colonization by annual and perennial herbaceous species to restore most vegetative cover within the first growing season. In areas that require permanent revegetation, Dakota Access would specify appropriate seed mixes, application rates, and seeding dates, taking into account recommendations of appropriate state and federal agencies and landowner requests. In non-agricultural areas, vegetation cleared from ATWS would be allowed to revegetate after construction depending on arrangements with the landowner. Temporary revegetation measures may also be implemented to quickly establish ground cover to minimize the potential for soil erosion and noxious weeds to establish. A temporary seed mix may be applied in these situations. The Project ECP (Appendix G) contains more details regarding temporary revegetation. 120 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Table 8-2 Summary of Environmental Impact Avoidance and Mitigation Measures Resource Wildlife Resources Environmental Avoidance/Mitigation Measures When constructing in agricultural areas, a minimum of 1 foot of topsoil (organic layer) would be stripped from the trench line and stockpiled separately from trench spoil to preserve the native seed stock. The ECP contains additional details regarding topsoil segregation. At stream approaches, the contractor would leave a 20-foot buffer of undisturbed herbaceous vegetation on all stream banks during initial clearing, except where grading is needed for bridge installation or where restricted by applicable regulations and/or permit conditions. Dakota Access would work with County Weed Boards to ensure the Project ECP contains relevant and necessary mitigation measures that would be implemented to prevent the spread of noxious weed species during construction and operation of the Project. Herbaceous cover would be seeded on disturbed upland areas during restoration and it is expected that pre-existing herbaceous and shrub habitats would quickly reestablish themselves. In the unlikely event that a listed species is encountered on the Project at Corps owned lands during construction, construction activities would stop and the Corps would be contacted. Herbaceous cover would be seeded on disturbed upland areas during restoration and it is expected that pre-existing herbaceous and shrub habitats would quickly reestablish themselves. In the unlikely event that a listed species is encountered on the Project at Corps owned lands during construction, construction activities would stop and the Corps would be contacted. Installation and removal of the temporary waterline on the flowage easements are anticipated to be complete prior to nesting season; therefore, impacts on the interior least tern and piping plover are not anticipated. However, if the water withdrawal activities are not able to be completed prior to nesting season as expected, Dakota Access would conduct surveys prior to placement of the waterline to confirm the presence/absence of these species within the pipeline ROW. If these species are nesting within the Project Area, Dakota Access would postpone water withdrawal activities at the Missouri River until these species have left the area. Direct impacts on potentially suitable habitat for the interior least tern and piping plover at the Missouri River and Lake Oahe would be avoided by crossing the waterbodies via HDD. Lake Oahe would be crossed using a HDD construction method, avoiding impacts on potential migrating rufa red knot loafing habitat. Impacts on the pallid sturgeon or suitable habitat present within the Missouri River would be avoided by implementing the conditions on permitted intake structures outlined in the USACE’s Regional Conditions for North Dakota applicable to NWP 12 (Utility Line Activities) and as described in the USFWS Recovery Plan for the Pallid Sturgeon. 121 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Table 8-2 Summary of Environmental Impact Avoidance and Mitigation Measures Resource Aquatic Resources Environmental Avoidance/Mitigation Measures Impacts on the pallid sturgeon or suitable habitat present within Lake Oahe would be avoided by crossing the lake via HDD. A successfully completed HDD crossing would avoid aquatic resource impacts to Lake Oahe since the pipeline would be installed without disturbing the aquatic and benthic environments. All construction equipment utilized on or in waters of the state would be subject to inspection by the Department in accordance with the North Dakota Administrative Code (Title 30, Article 3, Chapter 6-01). Further, Dakota Access would implement required measures including the removal of all aquatic vegetation from vessels, motors, trailers, or construction equipment. All water would be drained from bilges or confined spaces. All Aquatic Nuisance Species will be removed from equipment in accordance with the North Dakota Administrative Code (Title 30, Article 3, Chapter 6). All HDD operations conducted for the Missouri River and Lake Oahe crossings would adhere to the HDD Contingency Plan and applicable permit conditions to reduce the likelihood of an inadvertent release to minimize and mitigate environmental impacts. Dakota Access’ construction contractor would ensure that the appropriate response personnel and containment equipment are available onsite to effectively implement the HDD Contingency Plan. Water withdrawal activities at the Missouri River would be conducted in accordance with all applicable permit conditions and regulations and in a manner that would not reduce water flow to a point that would impair flow or impact aquatic life. Intake screens and floats would also be utilized during the withdrawal of water from the Missouri River to prevent entrainment of aquatic life and avoid impacts on aquatic resources. The potential for impacts on aquatic resources associated with accidental fuel spills or leaks during the withdrawal of water from the Missouri River would be avoided or minimized by placing the pump within a secondary containment structure on the barge. For portions of the pipeline installed beneath the lake, the depth of the pipeline profile, the increased wall thickness of the pipe, the installation of remotely operated valves on both sides of the river crossing, monitoring of the system 24/7, aerial patrols, and in-line inspection, would further limit the potential for an inadvertent release into the river. Adherence to the GRPs for Lake Oahe and the Missouri River would minimize potential impacts on aquatic wildlife from potential spills during the operation of the pipeline. 122 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Table 8-2 Summary of Environmental Impact Avoidance and Mitigation Measures Resource Land Use and Recreation Cultural and Historic Resources Environmental Avoidance/Mitigation Measures Conduct emergency response drills/exercises in accordance with the National Preparedness for Response Exercise Program (PREP) consisting of table top exercises and equipment deployment drills. Dakota Access has committed to additional full scale open water and full scale winter/ice exercises that will be conducted at Lake Sakakawea and Lake Oahe. A full scale exercise will occur once every 3 years (triennial cycle) with the location and type of exercise occurring on alternating schedules (e.g. open water exercise at Oahe the first triennial cycle, followed by winter exercise at Sakakawea the following triennial cycle, followed by a winter exercise at Oahe the following triennial cycle, etc.). Stakeholder (federal, state, local, and Tribal) involvement will be solicited for each exercise. The first exercise will occur within the first 3 years after the pipeline becomes operational. In the event of a leak, Dakota Access would work aggressively to contain the leak, initiate cleanup activities, and contact the appropriate authorities, including the Corps. Mitigation measures to minimize impacts to soils, such as topsoil segregation and decompaction practices, would be fully implemented in accordance with the ECP and SWPPP. Dakota Access would coordinate with all landowners on acceptable methods for construction and restoration, including potential impacts to irrigated fields. Dakota Access would repair surface drains and drainage tiles disturbed during ROW preparation, construction, and maintenance activities. Dakota Access would repair or replace fences and gates removed or damaged as a result of ROW preparation, construction, or maintenance activities. Following construction and restoration, the work area would be restored and ranching would be allowed to continue over the operational ROW. Landowners would be compensated for temporary loss of land and lower yields. Grazing activities would return to normal after revegetation of the disturbed areas. Trees would be protected by Dakota Access in a manner compatible with the safe operation, maintenance, and inspection of the pipeline. Applicable regulations would be adhered to regarding tree and shrub removal from along the route. Dakota Access would obtain and comply with applicable state regulations, county permits, and zoning and land use regulations. Permits may include, but are not limited to, grade and fill permits, ditch crossing permits, road and utility permits, and conditional use permits. Dakota Access would retain one or more EIs to monitor compliance with environmental conditions of county permits. In accordance with Section 106 of the NHPA, Dakota Access has made a good faith effort to identify significant historic properties within the Project area. Based on the result of these efforts, no properties consisted to be eligible, or potentially eligible for listing in the NRHP would be adversely impacted by the proposed Project or Connected Action. 123 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Table 8-2 Summary of Environmental Impact Avoidance and Mitigation Measures Resource Social and Economic Conditions Hazardous Waste Reliability and Safety Environmental Avoidance/Mitigation Measures Impacts to the NRHP-eligible BTIS (site 32WI1367) would be avoided via HDD to ensure the integrity of construction design for these historic-age features is preserved. HDD workspaces, as well as staging and stringing areas, would be positioned in excess of 100 feet beyond the mapped boundaries of the previously recorded cultural sites in the vicinity of the Lake Oahe crossing. Dakota Access’ UDP was developed (Appendix F) for use during all DAPL Project construction activities which describes actions that would be taken in the event of a previously unrecorded cultural resource site is discovered during construction activities. The UDP explicitly calls for work to stop until the correct authority or agency can be contacted and the find can be properly evaluated. The USACE will conduct archeological monitoring of construction for the HDD activities on both sides of Lake Oahe. No residential homes or farms would be relocated resulting from the proposed action. No demographic changes in the Census tracts affected are anticipated, because no permanent employees would be created as a result of the Proposed Action. In the unlikely event contamination is encountered during construction, the UDP (Appendix F) would be implemented to protect people and the environment and avoid or minimize any effects from unearthing the material. Any hazardous materials discovered, generated, or used during construction would be managed and disposed of in accordance with applicable local, tribal, state, and federal regulations. Should emergency response be required during construction, the contractor would have some of their own trained or contracted responders, and local response teams would be expected to assist. Dakota Access would comply with all applicable laws and regulations to abate or prevent pollution, such as the RCRA, and State hazardous waste management rules. All activities would be conducted in a safe manner in accordance with the standards specified in the OSHA regulations. To prevent pipeline failures resulting in inadvertent releases, Dakota Access would construct and maintain the pipeline to meet or exceed industry and governmental requirements and standards. Specifically, the steel pipe would meet PHMSA specifications under 49 CFR § 195, follow standards issued by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, National Association for Corrosion Engineers and API. Dakota Access would maintain and inspect the pipeline in accordance with PHMSA regulations, industry codes and prudent pipeline operating protocols and techniques. The pipeline ROW would be patrolled and inspected by air every 10 days, weather permitting, but at least every three weeks and not less than 26 times per year, to check for abnormal conditions or dangerous activities, such as unauthorized excavation along the pipeline route. 124 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Table 8-2 Summary of Environmental Impact Avoidance and Mitigation Measures Resource Air Quality and Noise Environmental Avoidance/Mitigation Measures Dakota Access is currently drafting a FRP, in accordance with 49 CFR 194, which details the procedures to be implemented in the event of an inadvertent pipeline release and would be in place prior to commencing transportation of crude oil. Following completion of construction and throughout operation of the Project facilities, the Operator and qualified contractors would maintain emergency response equipment and personnel at strategic points along the pipeline route. Contracts would be in place with oil spill response companies that have the capability to mobilize to support cleanup and remediation efforts in the event of a pipeline release. The operator would also coordinate with local emergency responders in preventing and responding to any pipeline related problems. A SCADA system would be utilized to provide constant remote oversight of the Project facilities. A Computational Pipeline Monitoring System (CPM) would be utilized to monitor the pipeline for leaks. LeakWarn is being tailored to the Project facilities, in accordance with PHMSA requirements, to monitor the pipeline for leaks. To reduce the emission of criteria pollutants, fuel-burning equipment running times would be kept to a minimum and engines would be properly maintained. Dakota Access would mitigate noise impacts by limiting equipment running times and the duration of Project construction to the minimum amount necessary to complete the Project. Noisy construction activities would typically be limited to the least noise-sensitive times of day (daytime). 125 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 9.0 LIST OF PREPARERS AND REVIEWERS Dakota Access, in cooperation with the USACE Preparers, reviewers, consultants and Federal officials include the following: Name Table 9-1 List of Preparers and Reviewers Title/Office Agency Omaha District Planning Staff Environmental Resource Specialist Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Omaha District Operations Staff Garrison Project Archaeologist Natural Resource Specialist, Environmental Stewardship Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Garrison Dam / Lake Sakakawea Project Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Bismarck Regulatory Chief Operations Division Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Oahe Project Archaeologist Oahe Dam and Lake Project Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Operations Division Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Flood Risk and Floodplain Management Section Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Garrison Dam Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Planning Branch Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Garrison Dam / Lake Sakakawea Project Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Real Estate Division Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Planning Branch Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Oahe Dam Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Operations Division Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Geotechnical Branch Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Omaha District Attorney Office of Counsel Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Omaha District Regulatory Staff Operations Division Corps of Engineers, Omaha District Monica Howard Director Environmental Sciences Dakota Access, LLC Jonathan Fredland Environmental Specialist Ashley Thompson Environmental Specialist Omaha District Operations Branch Chief Omaha District Project Engineer Garrison Project Staff Omaha District Planning Chief Garrison Operations Project Manager Omaha District Real Estate Branch Chief Omaha District Cultural Resources Oahe Project Staff Oahe Project Operation Project Manager Omaha District Geotechnical Engineers Perennial Environmental Services, LLC Perennial Environmental Services, LLC 126 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 Name Dennis Woods Table 9-1 List of Preparers and Reviewers Title/Office Managing Partner Agency Perennial Environmental Services, LLC 127 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 10.0 ACRONYMS, INITIALS, AND ABBREVIATIONS ANSI American National Standards Institute API American Petroleum Institute ATWS Additional Temporary Workspace BMP Best Management Practice bpd barrels per day BTIS Buford-Trenton Irrigation System CAA Clean Air Act CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act CEQ Council on Environmental Quality CFR Code of Federal Regulations Corps U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Company Energy Transfer Company CWA Clean Water Act DA Department of the Army dB Decibels Dakota Access Dakota Access, LLC DAPL Project Dakota Access Pipeline Project DOT Department of Transportation EA Environmental Assessment ECP Environmental Construction Plan ECD Erosion Control Device EI Environmental Inspector EO Executive Order EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ESA Endangered Species Act FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency 128 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission FIRM Flood Insurance rate Maps FRP Facility Response Plan FRFM Flood Risk and Floodplain Management Section g gravitational acceleration GIS Geographic Information System GRP Geographical Response Plan HDD Horizontal Directional Drilling MP milepost MSL Mean Sea Level NDPSC North Dakota Public Service Commission NDPDES North Dakota Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NDSHPO North Dakota State Historic Preservation Office NEPA National Environmental Preservation Act NFIP National Flood Insurance Program NHPA National Historic Preservation Act NLCD National Land Cover Dataset NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NPS U.S. National Park Service NRCS Natural Resources Conservation Service NRHP National Register of Historic Places NRI Nationwide Rivers Inventory NSF National Science Foundation NWI National Wetland Inventory NWP Nationwide Permit OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSRO Oil Spill Response Organization 129 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 PA Programmatic Agreement PEM Palustrine Emergent PFO Palustrine Forested PHMSA Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration PREP National Preparedness for Response Exercise Program Project Area Areas that are potentially impacted by construction and/or operation of the Proposed Action Proposed Action Crossing of federal flowage easements near the upper end of Lake Sakakawea north of the Missouri River in Williams County, North Dakota and federally owned lands at Lake Oahe in Morton and Emmons counties, North Dakota RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act RHA Rivers and Harbors Act ROW Right-of-Way SPCC Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure Plan SWPPP Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan THPO Tribal Historic Preservation Office UDP Unanticipated Discoveries Plan Cultural Resources, Paleontological Resources and Contaminated Media USACE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers USDA U.S. Department of Agriculture USFWS U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service USGS U.S. Geological Survey WMA Wildlife Management Area Human Remains, 130 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 11.0 REFERENCES Ackerman, D.J. 1980. Ground-Water Resources of Morton County, North Dakota, North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 7Z – Part III, 51 pp. Armstrong, C.A. 1978. Ground-Water Resources of Emmons County, North Dakota, North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 66—Part III, 43 pp. Armstrong, C.A. 1969. Geology and Ground Water Resources, Williams County, North Dakota, Part III— Hydrology, North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 48, 82 pp. Atwood, J.L., P.D. Jorgensen, R. M. Jurek, and T.D. Manolis. 1977. California Least Tern Census and Nesting Survey, 1977, Pages 44, California Department of Fish and Game. Bachman, J. 2014. North Dakota’s Downside to the Oil Boom: Traffic Deaths. Businessweek. Available at: Black-footed Ferret Recovery Implementation Team. 2011. Black-footed ferret. Available at Brown, M.B., J.G. Jorgensen, and L.R. Dinan. 2013. 2013 Interior Least Tern and Piping Plover Monitoring, Research, Management, and Outreach Report for the Lower Platte River, Nebraska. Joint report of the Tern and Plover Conservation Partnership and the Nongame Bird Program of the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. Lincoln, NE. Carlson, C.G. 1985. Geology of McKenzie County, North Dakota. North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 80—Part I. 48 pp. Charbeneau, R. J. 2003. Models for Design of Free-Product Recovery Systems for Petroleum Hydrocarbon Liquids. American Petroleum Institute, Publication 4729. Washington, D.C. August 2003. Charbeneau, R. J., R. T. Johns, L. W. Lake, and M. McAdams. 2000. Free-product recovery of petroleum liquid hydrocarbon liquids. Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation 20(3):147-158. Clayton, L. 1980. Geologic Map of North Dakota: USGS, Scale 1:500K. Cochrane, J.F. and P. Delphey. 2002. Status Assessment and Conservation Guidelines; Dakota Skipper Hesperia dacotae (Skinner) (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae); Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Manitoba, Saskatchewan. p.80. 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Available at Accessed November 2014. 138 Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project July 2016 12.0 Figure 1: Figure 2: Figure 3: Figure 4: Figure 5: Figure 6: Figure 7: Figure 8: Figure 9: Figure 10: Figure 11: Figure 12: Figure 13: Figure 14: Figure 15: Figure 16: FIGURES Project Location—Federal Lands and Flowage Easements Project Layout—Flowage Easements Project Layout—Federal Lands Soils—Flowage Easements Soils—Federal Lands Natural Resources—Flowage Easements Natural Resources—Federal Lands Cultural Resources—Flowage Easements Cultural Resources—Federal Lands Land Cover—Flowage Easements Land Cover—Federal Lands Route Alternative—Missouri River Crossing Route Alternative—Lake Oahe Crossing HDD Cross Section—Missouri River Crossing HDD Cross Section—Lake Oahe Crossing Whooping Crane—Central Flyway 139 Williams Mountrial Flowage Easements McKenzie Montana Minnesota North Dakota Dunn Mercer Morton Federal Land Emmons South Dakota North Dakota Minnesota Colorado Kansas Dakota Access Pipeline Project Figure 1 Project Location Federal Lands and Flowage Easements Wisconsin South Dakota Nebraska Proposed DAPL Centerline Michigan Iowa Illinois Missouri 0 40 Miles Path: P:\GIS\Client\ETC_EnergyTransfer\DakotaAccess_DAPL\Maps\ENV\ND_FlowEasements\01_ND_ProjectLocation_Land.mxd Source: ArcGIS Online Mapping I UTM 83-14F 1:2,534,400 Date: April, Date: Apr2015 07, 2015 92 LL3426E-2 LL3431E 92.5 LL3426E-2 LL3450E-2 93 LL3430E 93.5 LL3453E 94 LL3483E-1 94.5 LL3440E 95 0 North Dakota Milepost Barge Location With Pumping Intake Structure* Temporary Above Ground Waterline Project Centerline DAPL Centerline Workspace USACE Flowage Easements * Barge location dependant on water level Path: P:\GIS\Client\ETC_EnergyTransfer\DakotaAccess_DAPL\Maps\ENV\ND_FlowEasements\02ND_FlowEasement_Layout.mxd 2,200 Feet Dakota Access Pipeline Project Figure 2 Project Layout Flowage Easements Williams County, North Dakoda 1:26,400 UTM83-13F Date: August, 2015 164.5 165 ND-EM 165.5 00 -001.1 ND-MO-198.000 ) " 166 167 166.5 167.5 ND-MO-199.000 ! Milepost Project Centerline North Dakota Dakota Access Pipeline Project Figure 3 Project Layout Federal Lands Morton County and Emmons County, North Dakota DAPL Centerline Workspace USACE Federal Lands Standing Rock Sioux Reservation 0 1,750 Feet Path: P:\GIS\Client\ETC_EnergyTransfer\DakotaAccess_DAPL\Maps\ENV\ND_FlowEasements\03ND_LakeOahe_LandLayout.mxd Source: ArcGIS Online Mapping I UTM 83-14F 1:21,000 Date: February, Date: Feb 15,2016 2016 E1865A E0835A E0821A E1865A E4039A E0835A E2145A E0835A E2145A E0835A E4159A E4159A 92 E0821A E4106A LL3426E-2 LL3431E E4051A E4159A 92.5 E4159A E4122A E4103A LL3426E-2 E4103A LL3450E-2 E4106A E4223A E4160A 93 E4159A E4159A E4106A LL3430E E4106A E4159A E4159A 93.5 LL3453E E4106A E4106A E4227D E4159A E4051A E4159A E4051A Milepost Project Centerline DAPL Centerline Workspace North Dakota USACE Flowage Easements NRCS Soil 0 1,200 Feet Path: P:\GIS\Client\ETC_EnergyTransfer\DakotaAccess_DAPL\Maps\ENV\ND_FlowEasements\04ND_A_FlowEasement.mxd Dakota Access Pipeline Project Figure 4-A Soils Flowage Easements Williams County, North Dakota Page 1 of 2 1:15,000 UTM83-13F Date: August, 2015 E4223A E4106A E4160A E4159A LL3430E E4159A E4106A 93.5 E4106A LL3453E E4159A E4051A E4159A E4051A E4051A 94 E4160A LL3483E-1 E4159A E4051A E4159A 94.5 E4039A E4106A E4106A LL3440E E4051A EW E4051A 95 E4999 E2725F Milepost Barge Location With Pumping Intake Structure Temporary Above Ground Waterline Project Centerline DAPL Centerline Workspace USACE Flowage Easements NRCS Soil North Dakota 0 1,200 Feet Path: P:\GIS\Client\ETC_EnergyTransfer\DakotaAccess_DAPL\Maps\ENV\ND_FlowEasements\04ND_B_FlowEasement.mxd E3571F Dakota Access Pipeline Project Figure 4-B Soils Flowage Easements Williams County, North Dakota Page 2 of 2 1:15,000 UTM83-13F Date: August, 2015 E2617F E2741D 164.5 E1333C E0559B E0559B E1865C E0701F E3802B E0559B E0701F E0559B E3813A E0807A E1333C E0701F E3813A E3815C 165 E0454B E0807A E1333C E0559B E1423F E2803B E1423F ND-MO-198.000 EW 166.5 E2601C 166 E3802B E2803B 00 -001.1 E0623B 167 E0559B E0651B E1823A E1805B E2107A E1805B E1333C E2107A E1865B E2145A 167.5 E2651F E3815C ND-MO-199.000 E2801A E3813A E4139A E2601C E3813B E3813A ND-EM E1625B E1355D E0559B E0454B E3802B 165.5 E0651B E0559B E0454C E3813B E0651B E0651C E1423F E1865B E3813B E3813A E3813B E3815B E2607B E3801A E3813B E1301F E4999 E3815C E4043A E1333D Milepost Project Centerline North Dakota Standing Rock Sioux Reservation Dakota Access Pipeline Project Figure 5 Soils Federal Lands Morton County and Emmons County, North Dakota DAPL Centerline Workspace USACE Federal Lands NRCS Soils 0 1,750 Feet Path: P:\GIS\Client\ETC_EnergyTransfer\DakotaAccess_DAPL\Maps\ENV\ND_FlowEasements\05ND_LakeOahe_Land.mxd Source: ArcGIS Online Mapping I UTM 83-14F 1:21,000 Date: February, Date: Feb 15,2016 2016 92 LL3426E-2 LL3431E 92.5 LL3426E-2 d-k8-wi-013 s-k8-wi-002 LL3450E-2 93 LL3430E d-k8-wi-007 93.5 LL3453E LL3483E-1 Milepost Project Centerline DAPL Centerline Workspace Field Delineated Waterbody Field Delineated PEM Wetland Field Delineated PFO Wetland Field Delineated PSS Wetland North Dakota USACE Flowage Easements 0 1,200 Feet Dakota Access Pipeline Project Figure 6-A Natural Resources Flowage Easements Williams County, North Dakota Page 1 of 2 1:15,000 UTM83-13F Date: August, 2015 Path: P:\GIS\Client\ETC_EnergyTransfer\DakotaAccess_DAPL\Maps\ENV\ND_FlowEasements\06ND_A_FlowEasementNaturalResources.mxd LL3430E 93.5 LL3453E 94 LL3483E-1 94.5 LL3440E d-k8-wi-011 w-m10-wi-001_PSS w-m10-wi-001_PEM w-m10-wi-001_PEM w-m10-wi-001_PFO w-m10-wi-001_PSS w-m10-wi-002_PSS s-k2-mk-001 95 s-k2-mk-002 Milepost Barge Location With Pumping Intake Structure Project Centerline DAPL Centerline Temporary Above Ground Waterline Workspace Field Delineated Waterbody North Dakota Field Delineated PEM Wetland Field Delineated PFO Wetland Field Delineated PSS Wetland USACE Flowage Easements 0 1,200 Feet Dakota Access Pipeline Project Figure 6-B Natural Resources Flowage Easements Williams County, North Dakota Page 2 of 2 1:15,000 UTM83-13F Date: August, 2015 Path: P:\GIS\Client\ETC_EnergyTransfer\DakotaAccess_DAPL\Maps\ENV\ND_FlowEasements\06ND_B_FlowEasementNaturalResources.mxd 164.5 165 165.5 s-kc4-mo-002 00 -001.1 166 s-kc4-mo-004 s-kc4-em-001 ND-EM ND-MO-198.000 167 166.5 167.5 ND-MO-199.000 ! North Dakota Milepost Project Centerline Standing Rock Sioux Reservation Dakota Access Pipeline Project Figure 7 Natural Resources Federal Lands Morton County and Emmons County, North Dakota DAPL Centerline Field Delineated Waterbody Workspace USACE Federal Lands 0 1,750 Feet Path: P:\GIS\Client\ETC_EnergyTransfer\DakotaAccess_DAPL\Maps\ENV\ND_FlowEasements\07ND_LakeOahe_NaturalResources.mxd Source: ArcGIS Online Mapping I UTM 83-14F 1:21,000 Date: February, Date: Feb 15,2016 2016 ! ! LL3426E-2 92 LL3431E LL3426E-2 ! 92.5 LL3450E-2 ! 93 LL3430E ! 93.5 LL3453E 94 LL3483E-1 ! ! 94.5 LL3440E Î Y ! 95 ! Milepost Î Y Barge Location With Pumping Intake Structure* North Dakota 0 Temporary Above Ground Waterline Project Centerline DAPL Centerline Workspace USACE Flowage Easements Project Archaeological Survey 2,200 Feet Path: P:\GIS\Client\ETC_EnergyTransfer\DakotaAccess_DAPL\Maps\ENV\ND_FlowEasements\08ND_CR.mxd ! Dakota Access Pipeline Project Figure 8 Cultural !Resources Flowage Easements Williams County, North Dakota I UTM83-13F 1:26,400 Date: June, 2016 164.5 165 165.5 -0 ND-EM ND-MO-198.000 166.5 01.100 166 167 167.5 ND-MO-199.000 Milepost Project Centerline DAPL Centerline North Dakota Dakota Access Pipeline Project Figure 9 Cultural Resources Federal Lands Morton County and Emmons County, North Dakota USACE Federal Lands Project Archaeological Survey Workspace Standing Rock Sioux Reservation 0 1,750 Feet Path: P:\GIS\Client\ETC_EnergyTransfer\DakotaAccess_DAPL\Maps\ENV\ND_FlowEasements\09ND_LakeOahe_CR.mxd Source: ArcGIS Online Mapping I UTM 83-14F 1:21,000 Date: June, Date: Jun2016 10, 2016 92 LL3426E-2 LL3431E 92.5 LL3426E-2 LL3450E-2 93 LL3430E Cultivated Crops Developed, Low Intensity Developed, Open Space Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands 93.5 Grassland/Herbaceous LL3453E Open Water Pasture/Hay Shrub/Scrub Woody Wetlands LL3483E-1 Milepost Project Centerline DAPL Centerline Workspace North Dakota USACE Flowage Easements 0 1,200 Feet Path: P:\GIS\Client\ETC_EnergyTransfer\DakotaAccess_DAPL\Maps\ENV\ND_FlowEasements\10ND_A_Landcover.mxd Dakota Access Pipeline Project Figure 10-A Landcover Flowage Easements Williams County, North Dakota Page 1 of 2 1:15,000 UTM83-13F Date: August, 2015 LL3430E 93.5 LL3453E 94 LL3483E-1 94.5 LL3440E Cultivated Crops Deciduous Forest Developed, Low Intensity Developed, Open Space Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands Grassland/Herbaceous 95 Mixed Forest Open Water Pasture/Hay Shrub/Scrub Woody Wetlands Barge Location With Pumping Intake Structure Milepost Temporary Above Ground Waterline North Dakota Project Centerline DAPL Centerline Workspace USACE Flowage Easements 0 1,200 Feet Path: P:\GIS\Client\ETC_EnergyTransfer\DakotaAccess_DAPL\Maps\ENV\ND_FlowEasements\10ND_B_Landcover.mxd Dakota Access Pipeline Project Figure 10-B Landcover Flowage Easements Williams County, North Dakota Page 2 of 2 UTM83-13F 1:15,000 Date: September, 2015 164.5 165 165.5 ND-EM ND-MO-198.000 00 -001.1 166 167 166.5 167.5 ND-MO-199.000 Cultivated Crops Deciduous Forest Developed, Open Space Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands Grassland/Herbaceous Open Water Woody Wetlands Milepost Project Centerline DAPL Centerline North Dakota Dakota Access Pipeline Project Figure 11 Landcover Federal Lands Morton County and Emmons County, North Dakota Workspace USACE Federal Lands Standing Rock Sioux Reservation 0 1,750 Feet Path: P:\GIS\Client\ETC_EnergyTransfer\DakotaAccess_DAPL\Maps\ENV\ND_FlowEasements\11ND_LakeOahe_Landcover.mxd Source: ArcGIS Online Mapping I UTM 83-14F 1:21,000 Date: February, Date: Feb 15,2016 2016 Preferred Alternative Route Alternarive USACE Garrison Flowage Easements Other Government Lands North Dakota 0 2 4 8 Miles I Path: P:\GIS\Client\ETC_EnergyTransfer\DakotaAccess_DAPL\Maps\ENV\ND_FlowEasements\12ND_Missouri_R_Xing.mxd Dakota Access Pipeline Project Figure 12 Route Alternative Missouri River Crossing Williams County, North Dakota NAD 1983 UTM Zone 14N 1:400,000 Date: July, 2015 North Dakota Preferred Alternative Route Alternarive USACE Garrison Flowage Easements Standing Rock Sioux Reservation USACE Lake Oahe Fee-Owned Land Other Government Lands 0 2 4 8 Miles I Dakota Access Pipeline Project Figure 13 Route Alternative Lake Oahe Crossing Emmons & Morton Counties, North Dakota NAD 1983 UTM Zone 14N Path: P:\GIS\Client\ETC_EnergyTransfer\DakotaAccess_DAPL\Maps\ENV\ND_FlowEasements\13ND_Lake_Oahe_Xing_update20160412.mxd 1:696,293 Date: April, 2016 .-----.. --'~--01illin9MudPrt FIGURE 14 Ex1! Poirit Connected Action Project Area 1-+- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -...1 Connected USACE Fee-Own ed Lands Action Honztonta101illingR1g -------------------------- LAKE OAHE OuigntdOrillPath Direction of Drilling Operation STAGE 1 - DRILLING PILOT HOLE 75 o· ----P-r-iv-at-.!u::·· ~r 5,450' - - - - - - - - ; ,_______ ----630'---·-1 •<---- Honz1onlalOrimngR1g USACE Private LAKE OAHE 90' • 115' De th oflakeOaht 10'·20' De th of Pi •int Rum11 I Swivtl Htad STAGE 2 - REAMING AND PIPELINE PULL- BACK Note· This diagram is conceptual and not drawn to scale Dimensions shown are approximate Direction of Reaming and Pull-Back Operation Total Length of Directional Drill= 7,500' CROSS-SECTION DIAGRAM OF LAKE OAHE HDD CROSSING DAPL-WGM-GNOOO-PPL-STY-0021 - Figure 2 (03-21-16) FIGURE 15 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project Area - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1 OnlhngMudPrt Connected Action - - - - - -Honztonlal Onlling Rig USACE FLOWAGE EASEMENTS - MISSOURI RIVER ........................................ ............... 30' . 65' D• th of P1 olit1• ............... _ _ 40>_ ...... ------------------~-~:~~~:~~:--------------------------- South - + - North STAGE 1 - DRILLING PILOT HOLE - - - -- - Direction of Drilling Operation Cf -- - - - - - - - - - 1460' - - - - - - - - - - -- rC < --- - - - - - - - - - 925°- - - - - - - - - - - . 1. - 3 3 0 ' P1e-Fabncated Pull-Back S•clfon r Honz1ontal 011lhng Rig USACE FLOWAGE EASEMENTS MISSOURI RIVER 5' Above Waterline 30' -65' R• am•t I Swwa1Hud South-+ - N orth STAGE 2 - REAMING AND PIPELINE PULL-BACK Direction of Reaming and Pull-Back Operation Total Length of Directional Drill = 2,715' Note· This diagram ls conceptual and not dra!Nf'l to scale Dlmenslons shown are approximate. CROSS-SECTION DIAGRAM OF MISSOUR RIVER HOD CROSSING DAPL-WGM-GNOOO-PPL-STY-0022 - Figure 2 (03-21-16) Williams Flowage Easements Minnesota McKenzie Montana North Dakota Morton Federal Land Emmons South Dakota DAPL Action Area Figure 16 Whooping Crane Migration Corridor Whooping Crane Migration Corridor from Whooping Cranes & Wind Development - An Issue Paper By Regions 2 and 6, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service April 2009 (Stehn, T, and T. Wassenich. 2008. Whooping crane collisions with power lines: an issue paper. 2006 North American Crane Workshop. In press.) 0 40 Miles Path: P:\GIS\Client\ETC_EnergyTransfer\DakotaAccess_DAPL\Maps\ENV\WoopingCrane\01_ND_ProjectLocation_Land.mxd Source: ArcGIS Online Mapping I Dakota Access Pipeline Project USACE ND Flowage Easement/408 Areas Biological Assessment Whooping Crane Migration Corridor UTM 83-14F 1:2,800,000 Date: March, 2016 Date: Mar 10, 2016 APPENDIX A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan And Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE (DAPL) PROJECT NORTH DAKOTA Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan July 2015 DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0  Introduction ............................................................................................................. 1    Plan Purpose ......................................................................................................... 1    Project Name, Owner/Operator, and Purpose ...................................................... 1    Responsibility for Implementation ....................................................................... 1  2.0  Site Description ....................................................................................................... 2    Construction Site Estimates ................................................................................. 2    Sequence of Major Soil Disturbing Events .......................................................... 2    Soils, Slopes, Vegetation, and Drainage Patterns ................................................ 3    Receiving Waters ................................................................................................. 3    Potential Sources of Pollution .............................................................................. 3  3.0  Controls ................................................................................................................... 4    Erosion and Sediment Controls ............................................................................ 5  3.1.1  Sediment Barriers.......................................................................................... 5  3.1.2  Stabilization Practices ................................................................................... 6  3.1.3    Upland Areas ......................................................................................... 6    Revegetation and Seeding ..................................................................... 7    Wetland Restoration .............................................................................. 8    Riparian Areas ....................................................................................... 8    Slope Protection ..................................................................................... 8  Other Surface Applications ........................................................................... 9    Mulch ..................................................................................................... 9    Matting/Netting ................................................................................... 10    Stormwater Management ................................................................................... 10    Other Controls .................................................................................................... 10  3.3.1  Waste Materials .......................................................................................... 10  3.3.2  Offsite Vehicle Tracking............................................................................. 11  3.3.3  Dust Control ................................................................................................ 11  4.0  Maintenance .......................................................................................................... 12  5.0  Inspections and Records ....................................................................................... 12    Inspection Schedule............................................................................................ 12    Required Records ............................................................................................... 13  5.2.1  SWPPP Inspection Form............................................................................. 13  i DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE 5.2.2  STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN Corrective Action/Maintenance Log........................................................... 14  6.0  Training ................................................................................................................. 14  7.0  SWPPP Certification ............................................................................................. 14    Company’s Certification .................................................................................... 14    Delegation of Authority ..................................................................................... 15  8.0  Plan Modification.................................................................................................. 15  9.0  Records Retention ................................................................................................. 15  ii DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Best Management Practices Figures Appendix B Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plan Appendix C SWPPP Inspection Forms Appendix D Corrective Action/Maintenance Log Appendix E SWPPP Revision Record Appendix F Delegation of Authority Form Appendix G Notice of Intent to Obtain Coverage (pending) Appendix H NDPDES Construction General Permit NDR10-0000 iii DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN 1.0 Introduction Dakota Access, LLC (COMPANY) will implement this Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) during construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) Project (Project) in North Dakota. Plan Purpose This SWPPP has been prepared in compliance with the requirements of the North Dakota Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NDPDES) General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activities (Permit Number NDR10-0000). The North Dakota Department of Health (NDDH) authorizes permits to discharge under the NDPDES rules. The primary purpose of the SWPPP is to minimize the impacts of stormwater runoff during Project construction activities through the implementation of Best Management Practices (BMP). The SWPPP shall identify potential sources of pollution associated with construction activity, and to ensure practices are implemented and maintained to reduce the contributions of pollutants in stormwater discharges to waters of the state and storm sewer systems. Project Name, Owner/Operator, and Purpose Project Name: Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) Project Project Owner: Dakota Access, LLC 1300 Main Street Houston, TX 77002 Project Operator: DAPL-ETCO Operations Management, LLC 1300 Main Street Houston, TX 77002 Project Contact: Mr. Joey Mahmoud Senior Vice President – Engineering Dakota Access, LLC 1300 Main Street Houston, TX 77002 Telephone: (713) 989-2710 Project Purpose: The COMPANY’s primary objective for the proposed Project is to allow for transport of approximately 400,000BPD of crude oil between Stanley, ND and Patoka, IL. The crude oil transported will provide supplemental crude oil supply for markets in the United States. In addition, the proposed project will open railroad transport for other products produced locally that otherwise would not be accessible to other markets. Responsibility for Implementation The Environmental Inspectors (EI) are responsible for directing, and inspecting efforts regarding implementation of the SWPPP and will fulfill the responsibilities as described herein. As stated in the construction contract or as otherwise agreed, once selected, the Construction Contractor (Contractor) will be responsible for all or part of the implementation of the SWPPP as described herein. The Contractor is responsible for providing necessary labor and equipment to implement and maintain the BMPs identified in this SWPPP and related plans; conducting workforce training as necessary; and performing and documenting regular inspection, maintenance, and repair of BMPs. 1 DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN 2.0 Site Description The DAPL Project consists of a Supply Line and a Mainline Transmission Pipeline for transmission of crude oil (see Figure 1). The Supply Line commences at Stanley, North Dakota and ends at Johnson Corner, North Dakota. There are six proposed tank facilities along the Supply System, namely Stanley, Ramberg, Epping, Trenton, Watford City, and Johnson Corner. At each tank facility there will also be metering, pumping, and pigging facilities. The Mainline Transmission Pipeline begins at Johnson Corner, North Dakota and ends southeast of the proposed Illinois Patoka Custody Transfer and Metering Station. Once completed, the DAPL will traverse approximately 358 miles in North Dakota, crossing 8 counties. There will be mainline valve sites on both sides of major water body and major highway crossings and other high consequence areas as necessary for isolation in the event of emergency shutdown. In addition to the mainline valves, three pump stations and one custody transfer metering station will also be installed along the Mainline Transmission Pipeline. Launcher and Receiver traps will also be installed along the Mainline Transmission Pipeline. Construction Site Estimates The COMPANY proposes to install the new pipeline within a variable-width construction rightof-way (ROW). Actual workspace width will depend on site engineering and available workspace constraints. In upland areas, the pipeline will be installed using a construction right-of-way varying in width from 75 feet to 150 feet wide depending on soil conditions, vegetation types, and landowner specifications (see Appendix A). In emergent non-saturated wetland areas, the construction ROW width may be reduced to 100 feet (see Appendix A); in saturated and/or forested, and/or scrub shrub wetlands, upland forested areas, or other sensitive areas as conditioned in permits, the construction workspace may be reduced to 85 feet (see Appendix A). Additional temporary workspace will be required to facilitate crossings of other utilities, roads, railways, waterbodies, and wetlands, etc. At all locations, 50 feet of the construction ROW (generally 25 feet on either side of the centerline of the pipeline) will be secured for permanent easement to facilitate pipeline operations, inspection, and integrity management. All pump stations in North Dakota will be located with new tank terminal facilities on the Supply Line. ATWS at these locations will be acquired as necessary. In total, approximately 7,146 acres of workspace would be impacted by construction activities in North Dakota. Sequence of Major Soil Disturbing Events Construction of the Project is scheduled to being in early 2016 and is scheduled to be competed in the Fall of 2016. The timing of the construction activities performed by the Contractor and discussed in this section will vary but are estimated to be less than four months in any one area of the ROW, with periods of inactivity between various construction phases. The following represents a typical sequence of major soil-disturbing events during the Project: • • • Installation of stabilized construction entrances and surface water (including wetlands) protection BMPs. Clearing of the Project ROW area as necessary. This may include clearing of brush and trees to create ROW needed for temporary workspace, soil storage, construction activities, and areas needed for access to particular construction sites within the Project area. Topsoil removal and storage. 2 DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE • • • • • • • • • STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN Grading of the Project ROW as necessary. Areas of the ROW, including temporary workspace may be graded to allow the safe passage of equipment and meet the bending limitations of the pipe. Installation of additional BMPs for erosion and stormwater management, as needed. Pipe stringing, bending, welding, and testing. Excavation of ditch (trackhoes or similar equipment will be used to excavate the ditch to the required depth). Installation of pipe in ditch. Tie-ins of the sections of pipeline which will be welded together in the ditch. Backfilling the ditch line (excavated soil will be used to cover the pipe). Hydrostatic testing of the pipeline as necessary. Removal of temporary erosion/sediment controls when other construction activity is completed and final stabilization is achieved. Soils, Slopes, Vegetation, and Drainage Patterns The Project Route traverses varying terrain, from nearly level agricultural land to rugged badlands. Soil textures vary widely depending on location. Reference the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service’s soil maps and soil survey information for more specific soil information. Approximately half the soils crossed by the Project have gentle to rolling slopes, between 25 to 30 percent are steep, and greater than 15 percent have average slopes greater than 15 percent. Natural habitats within the State include prairie, wetlands, riparian areas, woodlands, and badlands. Agricultural lands are a common type of land cover along the DAPL Project route and encompass crops that include wheat (e.g., winter, Durham, and spring), corn, soy beans, sunflowers, flaxseed, alfalfa, and canola. The construction of the pipeline will not alter surface drainage patterns. Streams, swales, ditches, and other natural drains will be restored to pre-construction contours after construction is complete. The pipe will be installed to depths that will not interfere with flow or future maintenance efforts by landowners or the drainage authority. Receiving Waters The Project crosses various ditches, streams, rivers and wetlands. A comprehensive wetland and waterbody delineation survey has been conducted along the entire Project route and the location of delineated wetlands and waterbodies are indicated on the construction drawings. Waterbodies crossed by the project, including drainage ditches and conveyance systems, will be inspected for evidence of sediment deposition by erosion. If sediment deposits are found within surface waterbodies, the Contractor will remove sediment and stabilize the area no less than 7 calendar days after the discovery unless precluded by legal, regulatory or physical access constraints. If precluded, all reasonable efforts will be made to obtain access and removal and stabilization shall take place within 7 calendar days after access is secured. Potential Sources of Pollution Potential pollutants sources expected to be encountered during construction are identified below. Dakota Access will implement BMPs described in this document to avoid or control these potential pollutants during all phases of construction. 3 DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE • • • • STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN Soils: The primary pollutant sources are disturbed soils within the work areas and unpaved roads that could potentially result in increased sedimentation during rain events. Petroleum Products: Petroleum products necessary to operate, fuel, and maintain construction equipment is a potential pollutant common to all constructions projects. See Section 3.3.1 of this document for more detail regarding management practices that will be followed for potential hazardous and petroleum-based pollutants. Dust: Fugitive dust or particulate matter discharged into the atmosphere due to construction activity is a potential source of pollution for the Project. Section 3.3.3 provides details on management practices for controlling dust pollution. Wastes: Waste generated on the ROW and in other work areas includes human waste, food-related wastes, litter, lumber, metal shavings, rope, etc. All waste generated by the Contractor will be collected and properly disposed of on a routine bases. See Section 3.3.1 for a more detailed discretion on Waste management practices. 3.0 Controls This section describes controls used to prevent or control stormwater pollution. The COMPANY BMPs are based on the current best accepted practices endorsed by the American Gas Association, Gas Research Institute, Association of Pipeline Contractors, EPA, and USACE. Appendix A contains diagrams showing typical installation of BMPs. The Project's EI is responsible for ensuring the Contractor conducts all activities in accordance with the SWPPP. The EI will coordinate with the Contractor regarding the scheduling, typeand placement of BMPs. The appropriate locations, spacing, and type of BMP installation will be determined in the field based on site conditions, including seasonal conditions, soil types, anticipated precipitation events, topography, etc. As such the location of BMPs will continually change as construction progresses and are not shown on the Project maps. BMP typicals are provided in Appendix A. The Contractor will stabilized disturbed portions of the site as soon as possible with appropriate BMPs, but in no case more than 14 days after construction activity has temporarily or permanently ceased on any portion of the site. The following represents a typical sequence of major soil-disturbing events during the Project and the control measures that will be implemented. • • • Clearing of the Project area as necessary. This may include clearing of brush and trees in the ROW, in areas adjacent to the ROW needed for soil storage, and/or in areas needed for access to particular construction sites within the Project area. Under the direction of the EI, the Contractor will implement such measures as temporary slope breakers, silt fencing, and hay/straw bales prior to any soil-disturbing activities, and will install additional BMPs for erosion and stormwater management, as needed based on existing site conditions. Topsoil Removal and Storage. To minimize potential impacts on soil productivity, topsoil will be segregated during trench excavation in agricultural land, unsaturated wetlands, and if applicable, other areas where soil productivity is an important consideration. Unless otherwise requested by the landowner, topsoil will be removed to a maximum depth of 12 inches from the trench and spoil storage area and stored separately from the trench spoil in accordance with figures provided in Appendix A. After the trench is backfilled, topsoil will be returned to its approximate original location in the soil horizon. Grading of the Project area as necessary. Grading of the ROW may be necessary in areas where a level or tiered workspace is required to facilitate a safe working environment. 4 DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE • • • • STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN Areas where grading occurs will be undertaken with the understanding that original contours and drainage patterns shall be re-established to the extent practicable following construction. On steep slopes, or wherever erosion potential is high, temporary erosion control measures such as temporary slope breakers, silt fencing, and hay/straw bales will be implemented by the Contractor. Additional BMPs for erosion and stormwater management will be installed as needed based on existing site conditions. Excavation of ditch (trackhoes or similar equipment will be used to excavate the ditch to the required depth). The Contractor will implement such measures as temporary slope breakers, silt fencing, and hay/straw bales prior to excavation activities, and will install additional BMPs for erosion and stormwater management, as needed based on existing site conditions. Backfilling the ditch line (excavated soil will be used to cover the pipe). The Contractor will implement such measures as temporary slope breakers, silt fencing, and hay/straw bales prior to backfilling, and will install additional BMPs for erosion and stormwater management, as needed based on existing site conditions. Performing cleanup and stabilization. This phase will begin after backfilling and will continue throughout the remainder of the Project's construction. This phase will include minor grading to level small areas, and revegetation. Project areas to be stabilized by vegetation will be seeded and mulched. The Contractor will remove temporary erosion/sediment controls when other construction activity is completed and final stabilization is achieved. Erosion and Sediment Controls Dakota Access will use Industry Best Management Practices to prevent or control stormwater pollution. BMPs were designed and selected to meet the following goals and objectives during implementation: • • • The construction phase erosion and sediment controls are designed to retain sediment onsite to the greatest extent practicable. Control measures must be properly selected, installed, and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and good engineering practices. If sediment escapes the Project area, off-site accumulations of sediment must be removed at a frequency sufficient to minimize off-site impact (e.g., fugitive sediment in street could be washed into storm sewers by the next rain and/or pose a safety hazard to users of public streets). 3.1.1 Sediment Barriers Sediment barriers will consist of silt fence, hay/straw bales, or other appropriate materials. Sediment barriers will be installed in accordance with figures provided in Appendix A and as necessary to prevent erosion and sediment laden runoff from stormwater discharges. These measures will remain in place until permanent revegetation measures have been judged successful. Silt fence and hay bale structures will also be used to control erosion and sedimentation for hydrostatic test water discharges. Both silt fences and hay/straw bales will be installed according to the manufacturer's instructions where site conditions allow. Otherwise, the silt fence will be imbedded in the ground a minimum of 6 inches. Where two sections are joined, they will be overlapped a minimum of 6 inches. Accumulated sediment will be removed regularly and the silt fencing inspected to ensure the 5 DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN bottom of the silt fence remains imbedded in the ground. A sufficient stockpile of silt fence will be maintained on-site for emergency use. These barriers are required after the initial disturbance of the soil and are typically installed at the following locations: • • • • • • • • At the outlet of a temporary slope breaker when vegetation is not enough to control erosion. Along banks of waterbodies between the graded ROW and the waterbody after clearing. Downslope of any stockpiled soil in the vicinity of waterbodies and wetlands. At the base of slopes adjacent to road crossings where vegetation has been disturbed. At sideslope and downslope boundaries of the construction where runoff is not otherwise directed by temporary slope breakers. In the ROW at boundaries between wetlands and adjacent disturbed upland areas to prevent flow of sediment into the wetland where runoff is not otherwise directed by a temporary slope breaker. At the edge of the ROW to prevent siltation of ponds, wetlands, or other waterbodies adjacent to the downslope of the ROW or as necessary to contain spoil and sediment within the ROW. For hydrostatic test water discharges, the water should be released directly into the silt fence/hay bale structures in conjunction with other approved velocity dissipating devices. 3.1.2 Stabilization Practices The stabilization measures of the pipeline ROW incorporate permanent erosion and sedimentation measures. However, in the event that final restoration cannot be implemented immediately postconstruction, temporary erosion and sedimentation control measures will be employed as specified by the EI until the weather is suitable for final cleanup. Upland Areas Temporary Stabilization: • • • Temporary stabilization measures will be initiated as soon as practicable in portions of the ROW where construction activities have temporarily or permanently ceased and will not resume for a period exceeding 14 calendar days. Stabilization will be completed as soon as practical, but no later than 14 calendar days after initiation of the soil stabilization. Where the initiation of stabilization measures by the 14th day is precluded by weather, stabilization measures will be initiated as soon as machinery is able to access the ROW. For slopes with a grade of 3:1 or greater, stabilization will be initiated immediately once activities have been completed or temporarily ceased. In these areas, stabilization will be completed as soon as practicable but no later than 7 calendar days after the initiation of soil stabilization. In the event that construction is completed more than 30 days before the seeding season for perennial vegetation, areas adjacent to waterbodies will be mulched with 3 tons/acre of straw, or its equivalent, to a minimum of 100 feet on either side of the waterbody. With landowner permission, a temporary seed mix or cover crop may be applied when the native/preferred seed mix cannot be planted until the next growing season. Recommendations for cover crop seeding can be found in Section 9.3 of this plan. 6 DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE • STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN Temporary sediment barriers may be removed from an area when that area is successfully revegetated (i.e., if the ROW surface condition is similar to adjacent undisturbed lands) or if is replaced with a permanent sediment barrier. Permanent Stabilization: • • • • • Erosion and sedimentation control practices (installation of structures, revegetation, and maintenance practices) will be implemented to minimize the potential for soil erosion or sedimentation of streams and to restore the ROW and any other disturbed areas. Final grading will be as soon as possible after backfilling of the trench (including the installation of permanent erosion control measures in the areas of steep slopes only), weather permitting. The ROW on off-road sections will be graded to preconstruction contours, as practical, with a small crown of soil left over the ditch to compensate for settling, as approved by the EI. Openings will be left in the completed crown to restore lateral surface drainage to preconstruction patterns. Where topsoil has been segregated, the topsoil will be spread back along the ROW in an even layer. Fences that were cut and replaced by gaps during construction will be repaired to at least their equivalent state during preconstruction activities. Permanent slope breakers will be constructed after final grading and prior to seeding in accordance with the applicable regulations to replace temporary barriers at pedestrian, trail, road, waterbody, and wetland crossings. Revegetation and Seeding Revegetation and Seeding of the ROW will be accomplished as follows unless otherwise instructed by applicable permits or land managing agency requirements: • • • • • The ROW will be seeded after final grading in accordance with NRCS recommended seed mixes and seeding dates, weather and soil conditions permitting. Slopes steeper than 3:1 will be seeded immediately after final grading in accordance with recommended seeding dates, weather permitting. If seeding cannot be done soon after final grading, temporary erosion and sediment controls will be used and seeding of permanent cover may be postponed to the beginning of the next seeding season. Meanwhile, temporary stabilization measures (such as cover crop planting or mulching) will be implemented as appropriate. Only certified, weed-free, seed will be used for reseeding. Seed will be purchased in accordance with the Pure Live Seed (PLS) specifications for seed mixes and used within 12 months of testing. The seedbed will be prepared to a depth of 3 to 4 inches using appropriate equipment to provide a firm, smooth seedbed that is free of debris. Where broadcast or hydro seeding is to be done, the seedbed will be prepared as necessary to ensure sites for seeds to lodge and germinate. The seed will be uniformly applied and covered 0.5 to 1 inch deep, depending on seed size and as recommended by the NRCS or required by applicable land managing agencies. A seed drill equipped with cultipacker is preferred, but broadcast or hydro seeding can be used at double the recommended seeding rates. Where broadcast seeding is used, the seedbed will be firmed with a cultipacker, roller, or similar method after seeding. 7 DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE • • • • STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN Other alternative seed mixes specifically requested by the landowner or land-managing agency may be used. Areas that are seeded after the recommended seeding date may be mulched if permitted. Turf, ornamental shrubs, and other landscaping materials will be restored in accordance with landowner agreements. Selection is based on adaptation of plants to the soils and climate, ease of establishment, suitability for specific use, longevity or ability to re-seed, maintenance required, aesthetic values, and landowner agreement. Personnel familiar with local horticultural and turf establishment practices must perform the restoration work. In general, soil additives or amendments (specifically fertilizing) are not recommended to establish native seed mixes as they can enhance exotic grasses and annual weed growth, thereby reducing the chances of success. Should potentially problematic soil characteristics be identified during pre-construction surveys or during post-construction restoration activities, soils will be assessed for nutrient balance and soil nutrient amendments will be applied as needed to meet specific restoration objectives. In areas of improved pasture or active agricultural, Dakota Access will work with landowners to achieve their specific revegetation goals, which may require soil amendments. No amendments will be utilized in wetlands and/or other sensitive environmental features without the express recommendation of resource agencies. Wetland Restoration COMPANY’s approach to wetland mitigation and restoration involves a combination of impact minimization during construction, substrate and hydrology restoration, and vegetation establishment involving successful natural processes as a key component. • • The construction workspace for the Project will be been designed to limit impacts to wetlands. During the restoration phase, segregated topsoil will be replaced over the trenchline and wetland contours and drainage patterns will be restored to approximate original condition. Surface rocks and boulders that had been windrowed during the construction phase will be distributed in a natural pre-construction configuration in the temporary work areas. Following restoration of the substrate, wetlands will be allowed to revegetated naturally or seeded as directed by regulatory agencies. Riparian Areas Riparian areas are defined as "on or pertaining to the bank of a natural course of water" (stream, pond, lake, or wetland). The EPA defines "riparian areas" as areas adjacent to streams and lakes where the high water table creates distinct soil and vegetative characteristics from the adjacent uplands. • Following installation of the pipeline, stream banks and riparian areas will be re-contoured and stabilized. Banks will typically be stabilized with an herbaceous mixture and erosion control fabric such as jute netting. Rock riprap may be used to stabilize particularly erosive or unstable areas at the recommendation/approval of the state agencies and by the USACE. Slope Protection The duration of exposed soils on steep slopes (those which are 15 percent or greater in grade) will be minimized to the extent possible. For slopes with a grade of 3:1 or greater, stabilization must be initiated immediately once activities have been completed or temporarily ceased. Stabilization 8 DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN must be completed as soon as practicable, but no later than seven (7) calendar days after the initiation of soil stabilization. For pipeline construction in areas with sloping terrain, COMPANY will use permanent trench plugs for soil stabilization in accordance with the specifications on the typicals attached in Appendix A. Temporary and Permanent Slope Breakers Temporary and permanent slope breakers (water bars/terraces) will be installed as necessary (at the EI's discretion) diagonally across the ROW on slopes to control erosion by reducing and shortening the velocity, length and concentration of runoff according to the figures provided in Appendix A. These breakers will divert water to a well-vegetated area. If a vegetated area is not available, erosion control barriers will be installed to filter the runoff at the outlet of the slope breakers and off of the construction ROW. Silt fence, hay/straw bales, or sandbags may be used in place of temporary slope breakers at the discretion of the EI. Temporary slope breakers may be installed on slopes greater than 5 percent where the base of the slope is less than 50 feet from waterbody, wetland, or road crossings at the following spacing: Slope Percent Spacing (feet) 5 – 15 300 >15 – 30 200 >30 100 or as necessary Spacing for permanent slope breakers will typically be the same as those for temporary slope breakers, however, land use and landowner specifications may alter the configuration and spacing. Slope breaker spacing may also be modified to correspond with slope breakers from adjacent facilities. 3.1.3 Other Surface Applications Other surface applications will be applied as outlined below unless otherwise instructed by applicable permits or land managing agency requirements: Mulch Mulch (weed-free straw, wood fiber hydromulch, or a functional equivalent) will be applied to disturbed areas during restoration and seeding (except for actively cultivated land and wetlands) if requested by the landowner or land managing agency, if specified by the applicable permits or licenses, or deemed appropriate by the Contractor. Mulch is a suitable control measure in combination with other restoration techniques on: slopes greater than 5 percent; dry, sandy areas that can blow or wash away (EI decision). Mulch will be free of noxious weeds as listed in applicable state laws. Sources will be approved by Dakota Access prior to purchase. When applied, mulch will be applied at a minimum rate of 2 tons per acre to cover at least 75 percent of the ground surface. If mulch is to be applied before seeding, the rate shall be increased to 3 tons per acre on slopes within 100 feet of waterbodies and wetlands unless otherwise stipulated 9 DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN by permit conditions. Mulch may be uniformly distributed by a mechanical mulch blower or by hand. Mulch will be anchored/crimped using a mulch-anchoring tool, disc set in the straight position to minimize loss by wind and water as site conditions allow or other acceptable means to achieve the desired cover. Matting/Netting Matting or netting consists of jute, wood excelsior, or similar materials, and will be installed by the Contractor to anchor mulch and stabilize the surface of the soil during the critical period of vegetative establishment, where directed by the EI. Matting or netting will be applied to critical, sensitive areas (e.g., steep slopes, banks of waterbodies, bar ditches) as specified by the EI. On waterbody banks, the matting or netting will be installed at the time of the final bank re-contouring. In the event that erosion control fabric is not readily available, the Contractor will temporarily use mulch anchored via crimping (or some other means) or hydromulch until the erosion control fabric material becomes available. Matting or netting will be anchored with pegs or staples as recommended by the manufacturer. Stormwater Management Stormwater management will be conducted through stormwater flow attenuation, velocity dissipation devices, and water filtration. COMPANY’s construction procedures describe the criteria for placement and use of stormwater control methods/devices. The EI will have the authority to determine the location of these controls. When water accumulates in the trench or other areas within the workspace (via groundwater infiltration or precipitation), it will be dewatered using pump(s) or well pointing. The water will be discharged to an upland area, utilizing the appropriate sediment filtration/energy dissipation device, within or adjacent to the approved workspace (see Appendix A). Discharges devices will designed to minimize the release of sediment and the potential for erosion. Adequate BMPs will be installed where necessary to minimize erosion due to the discharge. Dewatering devices will typically be located on the edge of the construction ROW in a well vegetated area. Dewatering activities shall be inspected daily by construction personnel. The inspection will include the dewatering site, areas where BMPs are being implemented and the discharge location. A record shall be maintained to document the inspections of the dewatering operations and actions taken to correct any problems that may be identified. See Section 5.0 for additional details on requirements for inspection documentation. Other Controls 3.3.1 Waste Materials The Contractor will properly handle, store and dispose of all solid and hazardous materials and wastes that are used or generated by the Contractor as a result of the Project. The Contractor will determine if the materials and wastes associated with the Project classify as hazardous materials and/or wastes in accordance with applicable federal and/or state criteria. Upon request by Dakota Access, the Contractor will provide documentation to substantiate findings of the regulatory status of materials and/or wastes used and/or generated as a result of the Project. • Trash, litter, and debris will be collected for off-site disposal; it will not be discarded along the ROW. Refuse will be disposed of according to state and local regulations. 10 DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE • • • STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN Solid waste that contains (or at any time contained) oil, grease, solvents, or other petroleum products, falls within the scope of the oil and hazardous substances control, cleanup, and disposal procedures of COMPANY’s Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) plan. This material shall be segregated for handling and disposal as hazardous waste under the provisions of the plan. If a Contractor generates a hazardous waste from materials they have brought on-site (e.g., paint clean-up solvents, waste paints, etc.), then the Contractor is responsible for proper waste collection, storage and disposal in accordance with all applicable regulations. The Contractor remains responsible for the proper handling, storage and disposal of the hazardous waste. Any release of the hazardous waste as a result of the improper handling, storage or disposal by the Contractor in this instance is the responsibility of the Contractor to rectify to the satisfaction of Dakota Access and all applicable regulatory agencies Concrete washout wastewater shall be contained in a leak-proof container or leak-proof pit and will not be discharged into waterbodies, storm sewer systems, or curb and gutter systems. Containers must be designed and maintained so that overflows cannot occur due to inadequate sizing, precipitation events or snowmelt. If herbicides or pesticides are to be used for vegetation maintenance, the applications of those substances will be in accordance with applicable landowner and land management or state agency specifications. COMPANY will not use herbicides or pesticides in or within 100 feet of any waterbody except as specified by the appropriate land management or state agency. 3.3.2 Offsite Vehicle Tracking Construction site egress locations must be inspected for evidence of sediment being tracked offsite by vehicles ore equipment onto paved surfaces. Accumulation of tracked and deposited sediment will be by the Contractor from all off-site paved surfaces by the end of the work day, shift or if applicable, within a shorter time specified by local authorities or the department. • • A stabilized construction entrance will be used, if appropriate, to reduce vehicle tracking of soil and sediments. Access to the ROW will normally be from existing public roads. Attempts will be made to locate roadway crossings/access points to ensure that safe and accessible conditions exist throughout the construction phase. Use of 25-foot-long crushed stone access pads, sweeping, culvert installation, matting, and other forms of rutting protection may be used subject to local permit conditions. Periodic sweeping and scraping will remove sediment tracked onto public roads. If crushed stone access pads are used in active agricultural areas, the stone will be placed on a synthetic fabric to facilitate later removal. The stabilized construction entrances will be installed before clearing and grading. Once other construction activities permanently cease in an area, that area will be stabilized by reseeding and/or mulching as needed. Once revegetation has been judged successful, temporary erosion/sediment control structures will be removed. 3.3.3 Dust Control Dust control activities will occur throughout the project area, as needed to minimize impacts from dust generated by construction equipment and traffic across exposed soils. These activities will be performed using primarily water spraying trucks in construction work areas and on access roads. 11 DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN 4.0 Maintenance Erosion and sediment control measures and other protective measures identified in this SWPPP must be maintained in effective operating condition. If site inspections required by Section 5.0 of this SWPPP identify erosion control devices that are not operating properly, maintenance shall be performed by the Contractor within 24 hours, or before the next anticipated storm event (whichever is soonest) to maintain the continued effectiveness of erosion controls. If maintenance prior to the next anticipated storm event is impractical, maintenance must be scheduled and accomplished as soon as practicable. Temporary sediment barriers will remain in place until permanent revegetation measures have been judged successful. Sediment must be removed from all control devices similar to, and including silt fence, or fiber rolls when sediments approaches ½ the height of the device and within 24 hours of discovery, or as soon as field conditions allow access. Drainage and removal from sediment basins must be completed when the depth of the sediment reaches ½ the storage volume and within 72 hours of discovery, or as soon as field conditions allow access. Maintenance activities will be recorded in the Corrective Action/Maintenance Log (Appendix D) as described in Section 5.2.2. 5.0 Inspections and Records The Project area will be inspected regularly by the EI staff to ensure that environmental protection measures are correctly installed and properly maintained. Inspection will include all areas of the Project area that are exposed to precipitation. Sedimentation and erosion measures identified in this plan must be inspected to ensure they are functioning properly. Discharge locations will be inspected to determine if erosion control measures are effective. Locations where vehicles and equipment access the Project area must be inspected for evidence of off-site sediment tracking. Based on inspection results, the pollution prevention measures described in this plan will be revised to address inadequacies that are discovered. Inspection Schedule Inspections shall be performed by the EI in all disturbed areas of the Project that have not been finally stabilized (including areas used for storage of materials that are exposed to precipitation, staging areas, temporary contractor yards, access roads, structural control measures and locations where vehicles enter or exit the site). Inspections shall be conducted as follows: • • Inspection shall occur at least once every 14 calendar days and within 24 hours after any storm event of greater than 0.25 inches of rain per 24–hour period. On-site rain gauges or the nearest National Weather Service precipitation gauge stations will be used to quantify storm events. In addition to inspection of disturbed areas, all dewatering activities shall be inspected daily. The inspection must include the dewatering site, areas where BMPs are being implemented and the discharge location. Documentation of dewatering inspections and actions taken to correct any problems that may be identified will be included in the inspection records. The frequency of inspections may be reduced if: 12 DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE • • • STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN Adverse conditions, such as flooding, high winds, tornadoes, electrical storms, or site access constraints, etc. prohibit inspections. Once site access becomes available, inspections would resume and a description of why the inspections where temporarily suspended will be included in the next inspection report. Runoff is unlikely due to winter conditions (e.g., site is covered with snow, ice or the ground is frozen). Required inspections and maintenance will resume as soon as runoff occurs or the ground begins to thaw at the site. The inspection records will include freeze/thaw and runoff dates if inspections are suspended. Completed areas that have been stabilized but do not meet the vegetative cover criteria for final stabilization may be inspected once per month. Inspections will continue until final stabilization is achieved. Final stabilization is accomplished when: • • • • • all soil disturbing activities at the site have been completed and all soils are stabilized by a uniform perennial vegetative cover with a density of at least70 percent of the pre-existing cover over the entire pervious surface area; or in areas of the state receiving less than 20 inches of rain on average annually, permanent or degradable erosion control measures (e.g., rolled erosion control product) and stabilization methods are selected, designed, and installed along with an appropriate seed base to provide erosion control for at least three years and achieve at least 70 percent of the pre-existing vegetative cover within three (3) years without active maintenance; and all drainage ditches, constructed to drain water from the site after construction is complete are stabilized to preclude erosion; all temporary erosion prevention and sediment controls BMPs must be removed as part of the site final stabilization; and all sediment has been removed from conveyances and temporary sedimentation basins that will be used as permanent water quality management basins. Once final stabilization has been achieved on portions of the ROW, all activity under this plan, including inspections, will cease for those areas and a Notice of Termination (NOT) would be filed with the NDDH. Areas considered to have achieved final stabilization will be documented in the SWPPP records (Appendix C). The above description of final stabilization achievement is consistent with the characterization of final stabilization in the NDDH General Permit for Stormwater Discharges. However, Dakota Access will strive to exceed the NDDH requirements and achieve 80 percent vegetative cover. Required Records 5.2.1 SWPPP Inspection Form An inspection report for each inspection will be completed by the Contractor and provided to the EI for all inspections conducted during construction. A Site Inspection Form is contained within Appendix C and includes: • • • • • Date and time of inspections; Name of person(s) conducting inspections; Findings of inspections, including recommendations and schedule for corrective actions; The date when an area is stabilized, temporarily or permanently; The date when construction activities cease in an area, temporarily or permanently; 13 DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE • • • STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN The dates when major grading activities occur in a particular area; Date and amount of all rainfall events greater than 0.25 inches in 24 hours; and Documentation that the SWPPP has been amended when changes are made to the BMPs in response to inspections. 5.2.2 Corrective Action/Maintenance Log In addition to inspection reports a corrective action or maintenance log will be kept to document activities performed based on inspection reports. The Corrective Action/Maintenance Log (Appendix D) will be maintained with this Plan and will include: • • • BMP corrected and corrective actions taken; Date and time of corrective action; and Name of person(s) performing corrective actions. 6.0 Training Prior to construction, all Project personnel will be trained on environmental permit requirements and environmental construction procedures described in this plan including correct design, installation, function, maintenance and removal of BMPs. Upon receiving training, onsite personnel will sign an acknowledgment of having a working understanding of the purpose of the SWPPP and that they are committed to implementing stormwater management procedures during construction. Training will be provided annually at a minimum and as new employees or responsible parties are hired on. As directed by Dakota Access, supplemental training courses may be required to ensure compliance with the SWPPP and applicable regulatory permit requirements. EI staff and Contractor personnel responsible for performing site inspections will receive additional training and must demonstrate an understanding of what, when and how to properly record inspections described in this plan. 7.0 SWPPP Certification Company’s Certification Dakota Access has prepared this SWPPP in compliance with the requirements of the North Dakota Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NDPDES) General Permit for Discharges for Large and Small Construction Activities (Permit Number NDR 10-1000) as administered by the NDDH. Dakota Access is responsible for implementing the provisions of this operations control over the construction plans and specifications. Owner: Dakota Access, LLC 1300 Main Street Houston, TX 77002 I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, 14 DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Signed: Date: Print Name: Title: Company: Delegation of Authority Dakota Access will own and operate the pipeline, however, construction of the pipeline and associated facilities will be performed by independent Contractors and inspectors hired by Dakota Access. These Contractors and inspectors will have day-to-day responsibility to ensure compliance with this SWPPP. Dakota Access grants authority to the named parties on the Delegation of Authority Form (Appendix F) to act on its behalf on all matters pertaining to this SWPPP. The signed Delegation of Authority Form(s) shall be kept with this SWPPP at all times. 8.0 Plan Modification This plan may need to be modified and/or updated based on information and experience gathered during actual construction activities (e.g., include or modify BMPs designed to correct problems, etc.). If changes to the design, construction, or maintenance that can have significant effect on the potential for discharging pollutants in stormwater at a site occur, this plan should be modified accordingly. In addition, if the plan proves to be ineffective in controlling pollutants, meeting regulatory requirements or providing adequate protection to resources, any necessary modifications to the application of the practices presented in this plan will be made. SWPPP modifications and dates of the modifications shall be recorded on the SWPPP Revision Record found in Appendix E. 9.0 Records Retention The EIs will attach Site Inspection Forms (Appendix B-1) and update the Corrective Action/Maintenance Log in Appendix D of this plan. The most current version of the SWPPP will be maintained in a readily available location. Electronic copies of SWPPP records are acceptable if the records can be accessed on-site. Prior to the onset of construction, a copy of the completed and signed Notice of Intent (NOI) and a copy of the NPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges (NDR10-0000) will be included as Appendices B-6 and B-7 respectively. A NOT will be filed with the NDDH once final stabilization is achieved and kept with the SWPPP records. All records will be retained as part of the SWPPP for at least three years from the date the Project area is considered finally stabilized and the NOT is filed. 15 DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN APPENDIX A BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES FIGURES TYPICAL BORED CROSSINGS CONTROL DETAILS - -1- - - ·- - - --~i~-- PITS FOR BORING AND RECEIVING. SEE SPECIFIC ROAD CROSSING PLAN AND PROFILE FOR DETAILS AND LOCATIONS EXCAVATION PIPELINE DITCH - - - - ~----SILT FENCE (AS REQUIRED) TO PREVENT SILTATION ON ROAD OR ROAD DITCH FLUME PIPE THIS DOCUMENT IS ISSUED FOR INTERIM REVIEW AND IS NOT TO BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION, BIDDING, OR PERMITIING PURPOSES. 25' I ± NOJES: 1. SEE DRAWING FOR EQUIPMENT CROSSING DETAILS. 2. SEE ALIGNMENT SHEETS FOR EXlRA WORKSPACE REQUIREMENTS FOR EACH SPECIFIC ROAD. DAPL/ETCOP A 08 14 DAH ISSUED FOR REVIEW 11_<»1_ _ _ _at_ic.... .,.REY._._D_A_1E_ev_ _ _ _ _ DESCR1_P_ PRO.ECT NO. 10395700 lYPICAL BORED CROSSING CONTROL DETAILS ..,_ DRAVl1't ________ BY:DAH ...,.____ DA'IE:OB/05/14 ...._.......... DWG. CHECICm BY:DAH DAlE:DB/05/14 SCALE: N.T.S. APP.: NO• P12-1 REV. A I· ·I CHANNEL g, STRAW BALE AND/OR SILT FENCE I ~( tu ~ u en \ CULVERT PIPE(S) ROCK OR MAT BRIDGE D ... ........ . .·..... .,. .•:... ·. ·..... .. .. .... ..··.. . .. ·.. ·.. '·: .. .... .. : ... ' . . ... . . "· . :. :· .. '·· .· ..• .. . . . ... ·. .,. ·.· :-.....;.. :.....·:··· .. :. ·:. /: ·. ......... . <: . ... . .. ·: ...... .; . ... ... ·. . ..:: .~. ...... . ··.,.. . .. . •. . . ... . . .• :. . . .. . •. . . . ·... .,.. ·....... :.· . . .. . . ,. . . . .... ~- ........ : . ·. . ... ........ .. · ·.. . ...... :· . .... : :·: ... ··· . .:. . ::· :. ·. . . :- .. . .. .· • ·.:·. ··:··. ·-:·--=. : .... . ··· ... :.: ..• : •. :=: :·• ... •••:· ~ . .. . . ·.. ··.· ... : ..·....... : ·. . ... .. ·: ....... . ...........· ··. .. ··... ·.. ~·... \ ... ... ••• • : ••• • • . .: • • ; •• : · . · . :• • : . : • · :. . : · . : -•• f •••• : · · •• :· • : ·:,, • : ·: •. ..... • •. • • ··: .·: • • • ::·: .. • o;.. . : -:· •• • • • •• : • h. ' "" -------·--·-· THIS DOCUMENT IS ISSUED FOR INTERIM REVIEW AND IS NOT TO BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION, BIDDING, OR PERMITIING PURPOSES. NOTE: 1. USE AS MANY CULVERT PIPE(S) AS REQUIRED TO ENSURE NORMAL STREAM FLOW IS NOT OBSTRUCTED BY ROCK OR MAT BRIDGE. DAPL/ETCOP A 08 14 DAH ISSUED FOR REVIEW 11_a11_ _ _ _CH_K-t. ... ~_._o_A_1E_ev_ _ _ _ _ _ oESCR1_P_ PROJECT NO. lYPICAL ROCK OR MAT BRIDGE WITH CULVERTS 10395700 DRAVM BY:DAH DAlE:OB/05/14 CHEOOSTING DRAIN TILE lEMPORARY SUPPORT (IF NECESSARY) TREN0-1 LINE ....... .. . . . TREN0-1 LINE ... .. .. ... • ... •1 ' ....... ., . . . . ... . .. : I '• : I·. I 'lio • I \' ..; I ·.: •• .·,·.· o .··"i ... .."• .••• . . . . ... ~- :. ~-:.: ·~. ,_. :· :.·.. ' . RIGID PVC PIPE OR DOUBLE WALL CORRUGA1ED PLASTIC PIPE REPAIR BELL HOLE (TYPICAL) SUP COUPLINGS FOR END CONNECTIONS ---RIGID PVC PIPE OR DOUBLE WALL CORRUGA1ED PLASTIC PIPE WITH lEMPORARY SUPPORT .t SUP COUPLINGS FOR END CONNECTIONS REPAIR E>OSTING PIPE 12• O~LAP (TYPICAL) NAlURAL GROUND PLAN N.T.S. lEMPORARY SUPPORT (IF NECESSARY) 24• 1 ·M1N: I SAND BAG SUPPORT (IF NECESSARY) THIS DOCUMENT IS ISSUED FOR INTERIM REVIEW AND IS NOT TO BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION, BIDDING, OR PERMITTING PURPOSES. CROSS SECTION N.T.S. NOJES: 1. IMMEDIAlELY REPAIR TILE IF WATER IS FLOWING THROUGH TILE AT TIME OF TRENCHING. 2. SCREEN ALL EXPOSED ENDS OF TILE LINES. DAPL/ETCOP A 08 14 DAH REV. DAlE BY PROJECT NO. ISSUED FOR REVIEW DESCRIPll. Ii:: ~ ~._ CHEO. Ii:: ~ DESCRIPll~ ... CHK. 1~0~3=95~7~0~0:...,_________...r.:;;-::-=:-:~-,~S~LOP~E=P~E~RC,ENrn::;:T~>=15~X------r;;;~ ..,.. ________ ____._.......... DWG. NO. DRAVM BY:DAH DAlE:OB/05/14 REV• __ __________________________________ ~._ DAPL/ETCOP TE __M_P_OR __AR_Y__S_c!cE __C_O_N_TR __OL__M_E_A_SU __RE-S------~ SLOPE DIRECTION 'Mll-1 SLOPE al""":"A""1-:::oa::-;:-:14:T::":oA~H:t-~~~,~ss~u~ED~FO~R~R~E~~E~w::--~~..,..._---.,______ CHEOD:: ~ ~ ~ BY PROJECT NO. DESCRIPll. .,_ __________ ... ________----ti DWG. NO. DRAVM BY:DAH DAlE:OB/07/14 Ii:: ~ ...,__ _ _...,.._ _.....,. atEa. .,_ __________ ... ________----ti DWG. NO. DRAVM BY:DAH DAlE:OB/07/14 Ii:: ~ atEa. Ii:: ~ ..-------------. THIS DOCUMENT IS ISSUED FOR INTERIM REVIEW AND IS NOT TO BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION, BIDDING, OR PERMITTING PURPOSES. .,. ....________.,..__________________________..,..______________________________________ u ~--------t----------------- ~ 35• OR UTILITY RIGHfS-OF-WAY, INCLUDING EXPOSED PORTION OF BORED CROSSINGS. ~I ~ 25• 2s· 2s· NOJES: 1. PIPELINE MARKING TAPE SHALL BE INSTALLED AT OPEN CUT ROAD AND IN-GROUND UTILITY CROSSINGS AND AT ALL CLASS 2, 3 I: 4 LOCATIONS, OR AS DIRECTED BY COMPANY. ~~ 2s· __________________________________ ~._ DRAVM BY:DAH DAlE:OB/07/14 DWG. NO. 1-----------+----------1 atEa·:~ I GR~;~~R !'!!££. NOlE·:.. -.:._;.= 5' MIN. t z - :i I \._COMPACTED FILL. STABLE SOIL OR MATTING TIMBER PBQEILE N.T.S. EXISTING PIPELINE/UTILITY ~QlES: 1. CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY EXISTING PIPEUNE/UTIUTY COMPANY PRIOR TO INSTAl.LA11<14 OF CROSSING RAMP. 2. LENGlH OF RAMP TO VARY IN ACCORDANCE WITH CROSSING ANQ.E. MINIMUM CROSSING ANGI.£ TO BE 45 DEGREES. 3. \Bila.ES OR EQUIPMENT USING CROSSINGS SHAl.l PROCEED a: WITH CAU11<14 TO MINIMIZE IMPACT LOADING & REDUC11<14 ON DEPTH OF CO\fR O~ PIPEUNE/\JllUTY. 4. <14 COUPLE11<14 OF CONS1RUC11<14, CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE COMPLETE RAMP & REST. Ii:: ~ DESCRIPTION CHK. ~J.,.;,;.PR~O•JE~CT~N~0.-----10-3~9~5~70~0~------~~ ~._ FORESTED WETLAND ._.......... DWG. NO. DAlE:OB/07/14 ________....____ ..,.. DRAVM BY:DAH REV• ...,_ _ _ _.... ...,.. _.....,. P12-26 ...,...._A _____________________________________.,_SCALE: ___ ·N•.1•. s.____ APP ___ ._=______ ..,.____________ _ _• CHEORKSPACE SPaL AREA WORK PAD EXCAVATED lRENat ADDITIONAL WORKSPACE PLAN N.T.~ LOG RIP-RAP TD BE PLACED PERPENDICULAR TD lRENat WOOD MATS MOVED AHEAD OF BAORK PAD OF RIP-RAP CONSTRUC'lm FOR ACCESS OF TRACKED EQUIPMENT CJtilLY. PIPE SECTION TD BE FABRICATED IN M>RK AREA AND CARRIED INTO E'ILAND. ACCESS FOR ~la.ES AROUND E'ILAND. lRENat TD BE EXCAVATED BY BACKHOE POSITIONED ON WOOD MATS. THIS DOCUMENT IS ISSUED FOR INTERIM REVIEW AND IS NOT TO BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION, BIDDING, OR PERMITTING PURPOSES. .................. ...... ------------------------... ......--...------------------------------------------4 ~~-----~ u ~--~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ DAPL/ETCOP ~-----~......~--~~~~~~~~~~~~......~~ Ill al""'":--t:~:-;t-;:-:;";f'-~~~7.IS~S~UE~D:-;::FO~R:-::::RE~~~E~W;--~~--t~""I-------------------------------------------~ f ~ DESCRIPTION _9>. ~ ~ atK. SATURATED Wm.AND ~J.,.;,;.PR~O•JE~CT~N~0.-----10-3~9~5~70~0~------~~ DRAVM BY:DAH DAlE:OB/07/14 DWG. NO. t-----------+-__ ............ __ .... atEaRIC PAD EXCAVATED lRENat PLAN N.T.S. LOG RIP-RAP TO BE PLACED FILTER Q.OTH OVERLAIN WITH a.EAN GRANULAR MATERIAL AHEAD PERPENDICULAR TO TRENat (~ERE DITCH WAlER 10 BE PUMPED INTO HAY BALE APRON OR VEGETATION IF SADDLE EIGHTS ARE TO BE UTILIZED WOOD MATS MOVED OF BAa MATS. J. PFE 10 IE FABRICAlED ON MR< PAD lmlN IE'ILAND. ~L..--------------------------.......--------------------------------1 D.. ~L--'-~--1-~.....~~~~~~~~~~~~+---t DAPL/ETCOP ~L--+-~-'-~+-~~~~~~~~~~~~t---t ~1--+--:--r~+-~~---:-~=--===-==::::::-~~~t--t.------------------------------------------1 aL..;.;:...J.:~~;.;..;;.;+-~~___;,IS~S~U~ED;.....;..FO~R.;._RE_~_E_W~~~-+---t / DESCRIPTION CHIC. SATURATED Wm.AND i~l...--~~:!..!~----.!!!~~~~-----------trnDRAff•fJB_Y:~.-D~AH:::]~D-A~lE:r-·~oaf/07~2~~·:.Jrno;WG.~NMO~.-------,~R;EV~.~ 10395700 PROJECT NO. Ii:: CHEO. Ii:: ~ CHK. ~J.,.;,;.PR~O•JE~CT~N~0.-----10-3~9~5~70~0~------~~ NON-SATURATED WETLAND DRAVM BY:DAH DAlE:OB/07/14 DWG. NO. t-----------+-__ ............ __ .... CHEO. Ii:: ~ atK. ~J.,.;,;.PR~O•JE~CT~N~0.-----10-3~9~5~70~0~------~~ NON-SATURATED WETLAND DRAVM BY:DAH DAlE:OB/07/14 DWG. NO. t-----------+-__ ............ __ .... atEa380 A T AURUS pipeline I resistance and friction require / a low stroke frequency with a higher single impact. The GRUNDORAMmodel TAURUS with 180 strokes/min and more than 2,000 tons (4,480 Ibs) of dynamic thrust ensures high ramming speeds even under the most difficult conditions. used on a gas installation. to resist the highest stress in diffi cult soils thanks to its monoblock casing and flexible control stud. The development of the new TAURUS is the result of years of R & D in the field of trenchless pipe laying systems. Page 102 23 Page 103 i Ir.- HF: I . .-.-1 rlr.? ATTACHMENT MGS STEER TOOL SYSTEM Michels Directional Crossings © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2015 Page 105 MAGNETIC GUIDANCE SYSTEM The Magnetic Guidance System (M.G.S.) is designed to address a wide range of applications from normal oil and gas drilling to drainhole and pipeline river crossing drilling. PROBE SPECIFICATIONS SENSORS: 3 Axis Accelerometers All Angle Capability While directional drilling with either a downhole motor or jetting operation, the system permits you to guide the bit with utmost accuracy. Data is transmitted to surface via a single-conductor wireline. 3 Axis Magnetometers DIMENSION & RATING: Probe Length ……………………………………………….…. 47.25” Probe Diameter …………………………………………………. 1.38” Protective Housing ……………………………………….… 1.75” x 6’ Protective Housing Pressure Rating ………………… 20,000 P.S.I. o Maximum Operating Temperature …………………………... 125 C o Repeatability ……………………………………… 0.2 at Horizontal o o 0.5 at 4 or Less Accuracy ………………………………………………………… ± 1% The system comprises three main sub-sections: the downhole probe, the surface processing unit, and the driller’s remote display. Useful features include the ability to monitor the magnetic moments during drilling operations and to perform probe operational diagnostics while downhole as well as to verify probe calibration at the drilling location. DRILLER’S CONSOLE: Two 4-character L.C.D. displays for Inclination, Azimuth and Tool Face Mode o 360 Rotating Pointer for Tool Face Position Hermetically Sealed Unit 12 Vac Operation Electronics Isolated From Case Easily Positioned Near Driller The directional engineer has the option to drill using either magnetic tool face or gravity tool face, along with having the magnetic hole direction and hole inclination displayed on a continuous basis from the remote readout. The surface processing unit provides duplicate output as the remote display, as well as the magnetic parameters including voltage temperature. A printed record of the data is available at selected intervals by the operator. The M.G.S. downhole probe incorporates the latest technology in accelerometers, magnetometers, calibration and modeling techniques to provide a rugged and reliable tool. SOFTWARE: Displays Individual Sensor Values Display of All Magnetic Parameters Tool Face Offset Option Complete Diagnostic Check Automatic Tool Face Switching Mode Option Data Printout on Request Menu Driven Borehole Survey Calculations SURFACE PROCESSOR: COMPAQ Portable or IBM Compatible with Printer Page 106 AOL 959d 6279-289 (026) XVJ 2212?299 (026) 90099 NISNOOSIM 8Zl X08 'O'd NIVW ?l8 _-lO NOISIAICI SDNISSOHO 075mm; ANV (HOVJEIEILNI VIA) 33V;l ?8 3H1. 3H1. NEI 33V NEIN Eln?LL=i Ill. HOVJ ?8 EOVJ SGNEIS ?8 '(iINn VIA) 3H1 A8 GELLVOIUNI SI 3H1 NEI 38V BUDN EOVJ ?8 3H1 NEI 38V NEIN 3nm=1 ?8 'iINn 3H1 VIA ?Eli?dNElO 3H1. ?8 all-l) 3AIEICI GTOSNOO VIA 3H1. ELL .LI SUNEIS ?8 3H1 Ill. .LNEIS ?8 SIH.L EIJ. .LNEIS SI ?8 aanad 3H.L ELL SI ?8 ?8 DNIIVWOUEIN .LIEJICI (SEIEISNEIS ?8 Banana SIH.L SIH.L WEIEIJ SI HEIIM A8 d? CEILLIIAISNVEIJ. ?l?lV .LEIVEIH 3H.L SI SEIEITIIEIG ATTACHMENT GYROSCOPIC STEER TOOL SYSTEM Michels Directional Crossings © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2015 Page 108 DRILLGUIDE GYRO STEERING TOOL Technical Specifications – Electric Power (Input on surface) Electric Power (Output to Downhole Tool) Tool OD Tool Length Tool Joint Connection (Box Up x Pin Down) Maximum Allowed Torque (on Tool Housing) Maximum Allowed Push/Pull (on Tool Housing) Maximum Allowed Temperature (on Tool) Maximum Allowed Shock (on Tool) Maximum Allowed Vibration (on Tool) Maximum Allowed Mud Pressure (on Tool) Maximum Allowed Side Load (on Tool Housing) 110-Volts AC / 50 Hz 48-Volts AC 6-5/8-inches 9-ft 4-1/2 IF 18,000-foot pounds 75,000-pounds 120-f 50-g (half sine wave) 20-g up to 200-Hz 650-psi 33,000-pounds Accuracy – Azimuth Inclination Tool Face 0.04° 0.01° 0.02° For additional information - Page 109 ATTACHMENT PARA TRACKER SYSTEM Michels Directional Crossings © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2015 Page 110 ParaTrack2 Survey and Guidance System Specifications Downhole Survey Probe Shock mounted triaxial accelerometers and magnetometers, temperature sensor and digitizing circuitry contained in 1.750 in. dia. x 55.3 in. long beryllium copper pressure barrel. Telemetry and power via wireline. Temperature Rating: 85°C Pressure Rating: 1200 bar Survey Accuracy: Inclination: ±0.1° Azimuth: ±0.4° Toolface: ±0.5° Maximum wireline length: 5000 meters Interface Unit Input: Output: 85-265 VAC 50-60 HZ 48VDC, 50 mA Guidance System A single signal wire earthed at each end or with a return wire to close the loop. Guidance Unit Input: 85-265 VAC 50-60 HZ Guidance Unit Output: 34 VRMS, 6 Amps p-p max. Position Accuracy: ±2% of separation from signal wire Drillpipe and Borehole Pressure Module (requires compatible survey probe) Borehole gauge, 0-500 psi Full Scale, 1200 psi survival, 2400 psi burst Drillpipe gauge, 0-2000 psi Full Scale, 6000 psi survival, 10000 psi burst Non-linearity +/-0.1 %FS Hysteresis +/-0.015 %FS Repeatability +/-0.01 %FS Page 111 ATTACHMENT DRILL RIGS SPECIFICATION Michels Directional Crossings © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2015 Page 112 A DIVISION OF MICHELS CORPORATION 817 W. Main Street, P.O. Box 128 Brownsville, WI 53006 Telephone: (920) 583-3132 Fax: (920) 583-3429 UNI 250X400 (1) RIG OWNED & OPERATED DRILL RIG SPECIFICATIONS Weight: Height: Length: Width: Engine Make: Horsepower: On Board Fluid Pump DRILLING SPECIFICATIONS (ROCK) 81,640 Lbs 9’ 6” 40’ 8’ 6” John Deere 450 HP 314 GPM MAXIMUM RECOMMENDED Back Ream: 42” Drilling Distance: 4,000’ SURVEY SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS Type: Accuracy: Max Locating Depth: DRILL RIG CAPACITY Torque Capacity: Max Spindle Speed: Thrust/Pull: 40,000 Ft/Lbs 100 RPM 250,000 Lbs Downhole beacon tracked with hand-held surface locator 12” Window 50’ SURVEY SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS Type: DRILLING SPECIFICATIONS (DIRT) MAXIMUM RECOMMENDED Back Ream: 42” Drilling Distance: 4,000’ Accuracy: Max Locating Depth: Page 113 Downhole probe transmits tool face, three dimensional coordinate data to surface +/-0.1o All Angles Unlimited A DIVISION OF MICHELS CORPORATION 817 W. Main Street, P.O. Box 128 Brownsville, WI 53006 Telephone: (920) 583-3132 Fax: (920) 583-3429 TITAN 440 (2) RIGS OWNED & OPERATED DRILL RIG SPECIFICATIONS Weight: Height: Length: Width: Engine: Horsepower: SURVEY SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS 120,000 Lbs 13’ 6” 54’ 8’ 6” Dsl Cat Model 3412 750 HP Type: Accuracy: Max Locating Depth: DRILL RIG CAPACITY Torque Capacity: Max Spindle Speed: Thrust/Pull: 53,500 Ft/Lbs 70 RPM 440,000 Lbs Downhole probe transmits tool face, 3 dimensional coordinate data +/-0.1o All Angles Unlimited Toolface ±0.5o SECONDARY SURVEY SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS Type: Accuracy: ParaTrack Inclination Azimuth Toolface Type: Accuracy: Tru-Track ± 2% of Vertical Depth of borehole Type: Accuracy: Gyro Inclination Azimuth Toolface DRILLING SPECIFICATIONS (DIRT) MAXIMUM RECOMMENDED Back Ream: 54” Drilling Distance: 6,500’ DRILLING SPECIFICATIONS (ROCK) MAXIMUM RECOMMENDED Back Ream: 48” Drilling Distance: 6,500’ Page 114 ±0.1o ±0.4o ±0.5o ±0.04o ±0.01o ±0.02o A DIVISION OF MICHELS CORPORATION 817 W. Main Street, P.O. Box 128 Brownsville, WI 53006 Telephone: (920) 583-3132 Fax: (920) 583-3429 ATLAS 840 (7) RIG OWNED & OPERATED DRILL RIG SPECIFICATIONS Weight: Height: Length: Width: Engine: Horsepower: DRILLING SPECIFICATIONS (ROCK) 88,000 – 93,000Lbs Varies 13’ 6” 54’ 8’ 6” Dsl Cat Model 3456 or 3412 660 HP or 750 HP MAXIMUM RECOMMENDED Back Ream: 52” Drilling Distance: 6,500’ SURVEY SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS Type: DRILL RIG CAPACITY Torque Capacity: Max Spindle Speed: Thrust/Pull: 160,000 Ft/Lbs 100 RPM 840,000 Lbs Accuracy: Max Locating Depth: DRILLING SPECIFICATIONS (DIRT) MAXIMUM RECOMMENDED Back Ream: 60” Drilling Distance: 6,500’ Downhole probe transmits tool face, 3 dimensional coordinate data +/-0.1o All Angles Unlimited Toolface ±0.5o SECONDARY SURVEY SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS Page 115 Type: Accuracy: Tru-Track ± 2% of Vertical Depth of borehole Type: Accuracy: ParaTrack Inclination Azimuth Toolface ±0.1o ±0.4o ±0.5o A DIVISION OF MICHELS CORPORATION 817 W. Main Street, P.O. Box 128 Brownsville, WI 53006 Telephone: (920) 583-3132 Fax: (920) 583-3429 HERCULES (4) RIGS OWNED & OPERATED DRILL RIG SPECIFICATIONS Height: Length: Width: Horsepower: SURVEY SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS 13’ 6” 53’ 8’ 6” 1500+ HP (750 HP ea) Type: DRILL RIG CAPACITY Torque Capacity: Max Spindle Speed: Thrust/Pull: Accuracy: Max Locating Depth: 160,000 Ft/Lbs 100 RPM 1,260,000 Lbs Downhole probe transmits tool face, three dimensional coordinate data to surface +/-0.1o All Angles Unlimited SECONDARY SURVEY SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS DRILLING SPECIFICATIONS (DIRT) MAXIMUM RECOMMENDED Back Ream: 96” Drilling Distance: 8,000’ DRILLING SPECIFICATIONS (ROCK) MAXIMUM RECOMMENDED Back Ream: 60” Drilling Distance: 8,000’ Page 116 Type: Accuracy: Tru-Track ± 2% of Vertical Depth of borehole Type: Accuracy: ParaTrack Inclination Azimuth Toolface ±0.1o ±0.4o ±0.5 ATTACHMENT BENTONITE BRANDS PRODUCT DATA/MSDS SHEETS Michels Directional Crossings © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2015 Page 117 Product Bulletin MAX GEL  MAX GEL viscosifier is a premium Wyoming bentonite blended with special extenders producing a viscosifier that will yield more than twice as much viscosity as regular Wyoming bentonite. MAX GEL is a high-yielding, easily mixed, superior mud making bentonite in fresh water. Certified to ANSI/NSF 60 APPLICATIONS ADVANTAGES MAX GEL is used in the following applications to rapidly build mud viscosity and provide superior hole cleaning, as well as to help control lost circulation, formation sloughing and promote hole stability in unconsolidated formations. • • • • • • • Potable water wells Mineral exploration (coring and rotary drilling) Horizontal directional drilling Blast holes Shaft drilling Monitor / observation wells Gel-foam air drilling applications • • • • Yields more quickly than API-standard bentonite Non-toxic and proven suitable for use in drilling potable water wells Increased penetration rates are exhibited due to lower solids content than regular bentonite systems Transportation and storage costs are reduced due to lower treatment requirements as compared to bentonite TYPICAL AMOUNTS OF MAX GEL ADDITIONS ADDED TO FRESH WATER Drilling Application/Desired Results lb/100gal lb/bbl kg/m3 Normal drilling 15 - 25 6 - 11 15 - 30 In gravel or other poorly consolidated formation 25 - 40 12 - 18 35 - 50 Lost circulation control 35 - 45 15 - 20 40 - 45 Added to freshwater mud to improve hole cleaning properties, increase hole stability and develop filter cakes 5 - 10 2-5 6 - 14 Page 118 LIMITATIONS TYPICAL PHYSICAL PROPERTIES • • Loses effectiveness in water containing >7500 mg/l sodium chloride / 240 mg/l calcium If dispersants or thinners are to be used, they should be added sparingly, using 50% or less of the normal treatment Physical appearance.............. Light tan / gray – green powder Specific gravity .................... 2.3 - 2.5 Approximate yield ................ 220 bbl/ton TOXICITY AND HANDLING Bioassay information available upon request. No special requirements are necessary for handling and storage. Avoid inhalation of dust. A dust respirator and goggles are recommended if mixing in an enclosed area. PACKAGING AND STORAGE MAX GEL is packaged in 50 lb. (22.7-kg), multi-wall, paper sacks and is available in bulk. Store in a dry location (slip hazard when wet) and minimize dust (use dust-less systems for handling, storage and cleanup). This material is supplied solely for informational purposes and M-I L.L.C. makes no guarantees or warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy or use of this data. All product warranties and guarantees shall be governed by the Standard Terms of Sale. Page 119 10618 - MAX GEL MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET MAX GEL 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION TRADE NAME: MAX GEL OTHER NAME: Bentonite CHEMICAL CLASS: Naturally occuring mineral. APPLICATIONS: Oil well drilling fluid additive. Viscosifier. EMERGENCY TELEPHONE: 281-561-1600 SUPPLIER: TELEPHONE: FAX: Supplied by a Business Unit of M-I L.L.C. P.O. Box 42842, Houston, Texas 77242-2842 See cover sheet for local supplier. 281-561-1509 281-561-7240 CONTACT PERSON: Sam Hoskin - Manager, Occupational Health 2. COMPOSITION, INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS INGREDIENT NAME: Silica, crystalline, quartz Bentonite Silica, crystalline, Cristobalite Silica, crystalline, Tridymite Gypsum CAS No.: 14808-60-7 1302-78-9 14464-46-1 15468-32-3 13397-24-5 CONTENTS : 2-15 % 70-95 % 2-12 % 1-5 % 0-1 % EPA RQ: TPQ: 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION EMERGENCY OVERVIEW: CAUTION! MAY CAUSE EYE, SKIN AND RESPIRATORY TRACT IRRITATION. Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Avoid breathing airborne product. Keep container closed. Use with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. This product is a/an gray to tan powder. Slippery when wet. No significant immediate hazards for emergency response personnel are known. ACUTE EFFECTS: HEALTH HAZARDS, GENERAL: Particulates may cause mechanical irritation to the eyes, nose, throat and lungs. Particulate inhalation may lead to pulmonary fibrosis, chronic bronchitis, emphysema and bronchial asthma. Dermatitis and asthma may result from short contact periods. INHALATION: May be irritating to the respiratory tract if inhaled. INGESTION: May cause gastric distress, nausea and vomiting if ingested. 1/7 Page 120 10618 - MAX GEL SKIN: May be irritating to the skin. EYES: May be irritating to the eyes. CHRONIC EFFECTS: CARCINOGENICITY: IARC: Not listed. NTP: Not listed. OSHA: Not regulated. ATTENTION! CANCER HAZARD. CONTAINS CRYSTALLINE SILICA WHICH CAN CAUSE CANCER. Risk of cancer depends on duration and level of exposure. IARC Monographs, Vol. 68, 1997, concludes that there is sufficient evidence that inhaled crystalline silica in the form of quartz or cristobalite from occupational sources causes cancer in humans. IARC classification Group 1. ROUTE OF ENTRY: Inhalation. Skin and/or eye contact. TARGET ORGANS: Respiratory system, lungs. Skin. Eyes. 4. FIRST AID MEASURES GENERAL: Persons seeking medical attention should carry a copy of this MSDS with them. INHALATION: Move the exposed person to fresh air at once. Perform artificial respiration if breathing has stopped. Get medical attention. INGESTION: Drink a couple of glasses water or milk. Do not give victim anything to drink of he is unconscious. Get medical attention. SKIN: Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing. Get medical attention if any discomfort continues. EYES: Promptly wash eyes with lots of water while lifting the eye lids. Continue to rinse for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention if any discomfort continues. 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES AUTO IGNITION TEMP. (?F): FLAMMABILITY LIMIT - LOWER(%): FLAMMABILITY LIMIT - UPPER(%): N/D N/D N/D EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: This material is not combustible. Use extinguishing media appropriate for surrounding fire. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: No specific fire fighting procedure given. UNUSUAL FIRE & EXPLOSION HAZARDS: No unusual fire or explosion hazards noted. HAZARDOUS COMBUSTION PRODUCTS: Not relevant. 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES PERSONAL PRECAUTIONS: Wear proper personal protective equipment (see MSDS Section 8). 2/7 Page 121 10618 - MAX GEL SPILL CLEAN-UP PROCEDURES: Avoid generating and spreading of dust. Shovel into dry containers. Cover and move the containers. Flush the area with water. Do not contaminate drainage or waterways. Repackage or recycle if possible. 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE HANDLING PRECAUTIONS: Avoid handling causing generation of dust. Wear full protective clothing for prolonged exposure and/or high concentrations. Eye wash and emergency shower must be available at the work place. Wash hands often and change clothing when needed. Provide good ventilation. Mechanical ventilation or local exhaust ventilation is required. STORAGE PRECAUTIONS: Store at moderate temperatures in dry, well ventilated area. Keep in original container. 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS, PERSONAL PROTECTION INGREDIENT NAME: Silica, crystalline, quartz CAS No.: 14808-60-7 OSHA PEL: TWA: STEL: * ACGIH TLV: OTHER: TWA: STEL: TWA: STEL: 0.1 Bentonite 1302-78-9 5 3 Silica, crystalline, Cristobalite 14464-46-1 * 0.05 Silica, crystalline, Tridymite 15468-32-3 * 0.05 Gypsum 13397-24-5 15 UNITS: mg/m3 resp.dust mg/m3 resp.dust mg/m3 resp.dust mg/m3 resp.dust mg/m3 total dust INGREDIENT COMMENTS: * OSHA PELs for Mineral Dusts containing crystalline silica are 10 mg/m3 / (%SiO2+2) for quartz and 1/2 the calculated quartz value for cristobalite and tridymite. PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: ENGINEERING CONTROLS: Use appropriate engineering controls such as, exhaust ventilation and process enclosure, to reduce air contamination and keep worker exposure below the applicable limits. VENTILATION: Supply natural or mechanical ventilation adequate to exhaust airborne product and keep exposures below the applicable limits. RESPIRATORS: Use at least a NIOSH-approved N95 half-mask disposable or reuseable particulate respirator. In work environments containing oil mist/aerosol use at least a NIOSH-approved P95 half-mask disposable or reuseable particulate respirator. For exposures exceeding 10 x PEL use a NIOSH-approved N100 Particulate Respirator. PROTECTIVE GLOVES: Use suitable protective gloves if risk of skin contact. EYE PROTECTION: Wear dust resistant safety goggles where there is danger of eye contact. PROTECTIVE CLOTHING: Wear appropriate clothing to prevent repeated or prolonged skin contact. 3/7 Page 122 10618 - MAX GEL HYGIENIC WORK PRACTICES: Wash promptly with soap and water if skin becomes contaminated. Change work clothing daily if there is any possibility of contamination. 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES APPEARANCE/PHYSICAL STATE: COLOR: ODOR: SOLUBILITY DESCRIPTION: DENSITY/SPECIFIC GRAVITY (g/ml): BULK DENSITY: VAPOR DENSITY (air=1): VAPOR PRESSURE: Powder, dust. Grey. to Tan. Odorless or no characteristic odor. Insoluble in water. 2.3-2.6 TEMPERATURE (?F): 68 67 lb/ft3; 1068 kg/m3 N/A N/A TEMPERATURE (?F): 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY: Normally stable. CONDITIONS TO AVOID: N/A. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not polymerize. POLYMERIZATION DESCRIPTION: Not relevant. MATERIALS TO AVOID: N/A HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: No specific hazardous decomposition products noted. 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION: No toxicological data is available for this product. 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION: Contact M-I Environmental Affairs for ecological information. 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS WASTE MANAGEMENT: This product does not meet the criteria of a hazardous waste if discarded in its purchased form. Under RCRA, it is the responsibility of the user of the product to determine at the time of disposal, whether the product meets RCRA criteria for hazardous waste. This is because product uses, transformations, mixtures, processes, etc, may render the resulting materials hazardous. Empty containers retain residues. All labeled precautions must be observed. 4/7 Page 123 10618 - MAX GEL DISPOSAL METHODS: Recover and reclaim or recycle, if practical. Should this product become a waste, dispose of in a permitted industrial landfill. Ensure that containers are empty by RCRA criteria prior to disposal in a permitted industrial landfill. 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION PRODUCT RQ: N/A U.S. DOT: U.S. DOT CLASS: Not regulated. CANADIAN TRANSPORT: TDGR CLASS: Not regulated. SEA TRANSPORT: IMDG CLASS: Not regulated. AIR TRANSPORT: ICAO CLASS: Not regulated. 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION REGULATORY STATUS OF INGREDIENTS: NAME: Silica, crystalline, quartz Bentonite Silica, crystalline, Cristobalite Silica, crystalline, Tridymite Gypsum US FEDERAL REGULATIONS: WASTE CLASSIFICATION: REGULATORY STATUS: CAS No: 14808-60-7 1302-78-9 14464-46-1 15468-32-3 13397-24-5 TSCA: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes CERCLA: No No No No No SARA 302: No No No No No SARA 313: No No No No No DSL(CAN): Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Not a hazardous waste by U.S. RCRA criteria. See Section 13. This Product or its components, if a mixture, is subject to following regulations (Not meant to be all inclusive - selected regulations represented): SECTION 313: This product does not contain toxic chemical subject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act of 1986 and 40 CFR Part 372. SARA 311 Categories: 1: Immediate (Acute) Health Effects. 2. Delayed (Chronic) Health Effects. The components of this product are listed on or are exempt from the following international chemical registries: TSCA (U.S.) DSL (Canada) EINECS (Europe) STATE REGULATIONS: 5/7 Page 124 10618 - MAX GEL STATE REGULATORY STATUS: This product or its components, if a mixture, is subject to following regulations (Not meant to be all inclusive - selected regulations represented):. None. PROPOSITION 65: This product contains the following chemical(s) considered by the State of California's Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 as causing cancer or reproductive toxicity, and for which warnings are now required: Silica, crystalline CANADIAN REGULATIONS: LABELS FOR SUPPLY: REGULATORY STATUS: This Material Safety Data Sheet has been prepared in compilance with the Controled Product Regulations. Canadian WHMIS Classification: D2A - Other Toxic Effects: Very Toxic Material 16. OTHER INFORMATION NPCA HMIS HAZARD INDEX: FLAMMABILITY: REACTIVITY: NPCA HMIS PERS. PROTECT. INDEX: * 1 Slight Hazard 0 Minimal Hazard 0 Minimal Hazard E - Safety Glasses, Gloves, Dust Respirator USER NOTES: N/A = Not applicable N/D = Not determined INFORMATION SOURCES: OSHA Permissible Exposure Limits, 29 CFR 1910, Subpart Z, Section 1910.1000, Air Contaminants. ACGIH Threshold Limit Values and Biological Exposure Indices for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents (latest edition). Sax's Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials, 9th ed., Lewis, R.J. Sr., (ed.), VNR, New York, New York, (1997). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Humans, Silica, Some Silicates, Coal Dust, and para-Aramid Fibrils, Vol. 68, World Health Organization, Lyon, France, 1997. Product information provided by the commercial vendor(s). PREPARED BY: Sam Hoskin/bb REVISION No.: 0 MSDS STATUS: Approved. DATE: June 1, 1999 DISCLAIMER: 6/7 Page 125 10618 - MAX GEL MSDS furnished independent of product sale. While every effort has been made to accurately describe this product, some of the data are obtained from sources beyond our direct supervision. We cannot make any assertions as to its reliability or completeness; therefore, user may rely on it only at user's risk. We have made no effort to censor or conceal deleterious aspects of this product. Since we cannot anticipate or control the conditiions under which this information and product may be used, we make no guarantee that the precautions we have suggested will be adequate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the obligation of each user of this product to comply with the requirements of all applicable laws regarding use and disposal of this product. Additional information will be furnished upon request to assist the user; however, no warranty, either expressed or implied, nor liability of any nature with respect to this product or to the data herein is made or incurred hereunder. 7/7 Page 126 Water Well Drilling & Mineral Exploration Products AMERICAN Colloid Company Water/Mineral Division Super Gel-X High Yield Bentonite DESCRIPTION: • Super Gel-X is a 200 mesh, high viscosity 200-bbl yield, sodium bentonite for use in all freshwater drilling conditions. RECOMMENDED USE: • May be used for all types of freshwater mud rotary drilling. CHARACTERISTICS: • • • • • • Highly concentrated for maximum yield. Fast and easy mixing. Reduces solids and increases lifting power. Removes cuttings. Cools and lubricates bit. Stabilizes bore holes. MIXING AND APPLICATION: • Mixing ratios are based on 200-bbl yield material using freshwater. Level of water purity will affect bentonite performance. • Super Gel-X mixing ratio in lbs. per 100 gallons of water: Normal conditions …………………………… 15 to 25 lbs. Sand and gravel …………………………….. 25 to 35 lbs. Fluid loss controls …………………………… 35 to 40 lbs. PACKAGING: 1500 W. Shure Drive • 50 pound, multi-wall, non-tear, waterproof bags, 48 bags per pallet, and all pallets are stretch-wrapped. Arlington Heights, IL 60004 1434-(3112) 392-4600 The information and data contained herein are believed to be accurate and reliable. American Colloid Company makes no warranty of any kind and accepts no responsibility for the results obtained through this application of this information. Page 127 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET May be used to comply with OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200. Standard must be consulted for specific requirements. 69101/69101 Page 1 of 3 PRODUCT NAME: SUPER GEL-X™ Section I MANUFACTURER'S INFORMATION MANUFACTURER’S NAME & ADDRESS: Date Prepared: June 1, 2002 CETCO – Drilling Products Group 1500 West Shure Drive Arlington Heights, IL 60004 Telephone Number: 847-392-5800 Fax 847-506.6150 EMERGENCY CONTACT: CHEMTREC 800-424-9300 E-mail: Section II HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS/IDENTITY INFORMATION HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS: (Specific Chemical Identity: Common Name(s)) Crystalline Quartz: CAS# 14808-60-7 Respirable Crystalline Quartz: Present (TWA) Proposed (TWA) Nuisance Dust: Respirable Total Dust OSHA PEL ACGIH TLV 0.1 mg/m3 0.1 mg/m3 50.0 ug/m3 5 mg/m3 15 mg/m3 5 mg/m3 10 mg/m3 Other Limits Recommended * NIOSH3 50 ug/m % (optional) < 6% < 2% * WARNING: This product contains a small amount of crystalline silica, which may cause delayed respiratory disease if inhaled over a prolonged period of time. Avoid breathing dust. Use NIOSH/MSHA approved respirator where TLV for crystalline silica (Quartz) may be exceeded. IARC Monographs on the evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Humans (volume 68, 1997) concludes that crystalline silica is carcinogenic to humans in the form of quartz. IARC classification 1. The small quantities of crystalline silica (quartz) found in this product are, under normal conditions, naturally coated with an unremovable layer of amorphous silica and/or bentonite clay. IARC (vol. 68, 1997, pg. 191-192) has stated that crystalline silica (quartz) can differ in toxicity depending on the minerals with which it is combined, citing studies in IARC (vol. 42, 1987, p. 86) which stated that the toxic effect of crystalline silica (quartz) is reduced by the “protective effect...due mainly to clay minerals...” National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has recommended that the permissible exposure limit be changed to 50 micrograms respirable free silica per cubic meter of air (0.05 mg/ m3) as determined by a full shift sample up to a 10 hour working day, 40 hours per week. See: 1974 NIOSH criteria for a recommended Standard for Occupational Exposure to Crystalline Silica should be consulted for more detailed information. PEL - OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit. TLV - American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) Threshold Limit Value. TWA - 8 hour time weighted average Note: The Permissible Exposure Limits (PEL) reported above are the pre - 1989 limits that were reinstated by OSHA June 30, 1993 following a decision by the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit. Federal OSHA is now enforcing these PELs. More restrictive exposure limits may be enforced by some other jurisdictions. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Chemical Name: Dry Mixture of Inorganic Mineral Compounds. NFPA/HMIS: Health - 2, Fire - 0, Reactivity - 0, Specific Hazard - See Section VI. Shipping Class: Not Regulated (DOT / 49CFR, IMDG, ICAO / IATA). Section III PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS Boiling Point: Not Applicable. Vapor Pressure (mm Hg.): Not Applicable. Vapor Density (AIR = 1): Not Applicable. Solubility in Water: Negligible. Specific Gravity (H2O = 1): 2.5 Melting Point: 1400°F Evaporation Rate (Butyl Acetate = 1): Not Applicable. Appearance and Odor: Tan or beige to light gray colored powder to fine granules, odorless. 1500 W. Shure Dr., Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004 USA / +1 800.527.9948 / tel +1 847.392.5800 / fax +1 847.577.5571 Page 128 Copyright 2002 CETCO All rights reserved. CETCO is a wholly owned subsidiary of AMCOL International Corp. 69101/69101 Page 2 of 3 PRODUCT NAME: SUPER GEL-X™ Section IV FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA Flash Point (Method Used): Not Available. Flammable Limits: Not Available. LEL - NA. UEL - NA. Extinguishing Media: Not Applicable. Special Fire Fighting Procedure: Not Applicable. Unusual Fire/Explosion Hazards: Product may pose possible dust explosion under extremely rare circumstances or conditions. Section V REACTIVITY DATA Stability: Stable Conditions to Avoid - None Known. Incompatibility (Materials to Avoid): Powerful oxidizing agents such as fluorine, chlorine trifluoride, manganese trioxide, etc. Hazardous Decomposition or By-products: Silica will dissolve in hydrofluoric acid producing a corrosive gas, silicon tetrafluoride. Hazardous Polymerization: Will Not Occur Conditions to Avoid - None Known. Section VI HEALTH HAZARD DATA Route(s) of Entry: Inhalation? Yes Health Hazards (Acute and Chronic): Skin? No Ingestion? No Inhalation: Breathing silica dust may not cause noticeable injury or illness even though permanent lung damage may be occurring. Inhalation of dust may have the following serious chronic health effects: Silicosis: Excessive inhalation of respirable crystalline silica dust may cause a progressive, disabling and sometimes-fatal lung disease called silicosis. Symptoms include cough, shortness of breath, wheezing, non-specific chest illness and reduced pulmonary function. Smoking exacerbates this disease. Individuals with silicosis are predisposed to develop tuberculosis. Cancer Status: The International Agency for Research on Cancer has determined that crystalline silica inhaled in the form of quartz or cristobalite from occupational sources is carcinogenic to humans (Group 1 - carcinogenic to humans). Refer to IARC Monograph 68, Silica, Some Silicates and Organic Fibers (published in June 1997) in conjunction with the use of these materials. The National Toxicology Program classifies respirable crystalline silica as “reasonably anticipated to be a carcinogen”. For further information See: “Adverse effects of Crystalline Silica Exposure” published by the American Thoracic Society Medical Section of the American Lung Association, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Volume 155, page 761-765, 1997. Other Data with Possible Relevance to Human Health: The small quantities of crystalline silica (quartz) found in this product are, under normal conditions, naturally coated with an unremovable layer of amorphous silica and/or bentonite clay. IARC (Vol. 68, 1997, pg. 191-192) has stated that crystalline silica (quartz) can differ in toxicity depending on the minerals with which it is combined, citing studies in IARC (Vol. 42, 1987 pg. 86) which stated that the toxic effect of crystalline silica (quartz) is reduced by the “protective effect....due mainly to clay minerals...” Carcinogenicity: NTP? No IARC Monographs? Yes OSHA Regulated? No Signs and Symptoms of Exposure: Excessive inhalation of generated dust may result in shortness of breath and reduced pulmonary function. Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure: Individuals with respiratory disease, including but not limited to, asthma and bronchitis, or subject to eye irritation should not be exposed to respirable crystalline silica (quartz) dust. Emergency and First Aid Procedures: Eyes & Skin: Flush with water. Gross Inhalation of Dust: Remove to fresh air; give oxygen or artificial respiration if necessary; seek medical attention. Ingestion: If large amounts are swallowed, get immediate medical attention. Section VII PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFE HANDLING AND USE Steps to be Taken in Case Material is Released or Spilled: Vacuum if possible to avoid generating airborne dust. Avoid breathing dust. Wear an approved respirator. Avoid adding water; product will become slippery when wet. Waste Disposal Method: Bury in an approved sanitary landfill, in accordance with federal, state and local regulations. Precautions to Be Taken in Handling and Storing: Avoid breathing dust, use NIOSH/MSHA approved respirator where TLV limits for Crystalline Silica may be exceeded. Other Precautions: Slippery when wet. 1500 W. Shure Dr., Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004 USA / +1 800.527.9948 / tel +1 847.392.5800 / fax +1 847.577.5571 Page 129 Copyright 2002 CETCO All rights reserved. CETCO is a wholly owned subsidiary of AMCOL International Corp. 69101/69101 Page 3 of 3 PRODUCT NAME: SUPER GEL-X™ Section VIII CONTROL MEASURES Respiratory Protection: Use appropriate respiratory protection for respirable particulate based on consideration of airborne workplace concentration and duration of exposure arising from intended end use. Refer to the most recent standards of ANSI (z88.2) OSHA (29 CFR 1910.134), MSHA (30 CFR Parts 56 and 57) and NIOSH Respirator Decision Logic. Ventilation: Use local exhaust as required to maintain exposures below applicable occupational exposure limits (See Section II). See also ACGIH "Industrial Ventilation – A Manual for Recommend Practice", (current edition). Protective Gloves: Not Required. Eye Protection: Recommended. Other Protective Clothing or Equipment: None. Work/Hygienic Practices: Use good housekeeping practices. Section IX REGULATORY INFORMATION SARA 311/312: Hazard Categories for SARA Section 311/312 Reporting: Chronic Health SARA 313: This product contains the following chemicals subject to annual release reporting requirements under the SARA section 313 (40 CFR 372): None CERCLA section 103 Reportable Quantity: None California Proposition 65: This product contains the following substances known to the state of California to cause cancer and/or reproductive harm: This product contains crystalline silica (respirable); however, the user should note that the small quantities of crystalline silica (quartz) found in this product are, under normal conditions, naturally coated with an unremovable layer of amorphous silica and/or bentonite clay. IARC (Vol. 68, 1997, pg. 191-192) has stated that crystalline silica (quartz) can differ in toxicity depending on the minerals with which it is combined. Citing studies in IARC (Vol. 42, 1987, p. 86) which stated that the toxic effect of crystalline silica (quartz) is reduced by the “protective effect....due mainly to clay minerals...”. Toxic Substances Control Act: All of the components of this product are listed on the EPA TSCA Inventory or are exempt from notification requirements. Canadian Environmental Protection Act: All the components of this product are listed on the Canadian Domestic Substances List or exempt from notification requirements. European Inventory of Commercial Chemical Substances: All the components of this product are listed on the EINECS Inventory or exempt from notification requirements. (The EINECS number for Quartz: 231-545-5) European Community Labeling Classification: Harmful (Xn) European Community Risk and Safety Phrases: R40, R48, S22 Japan MITI: All the components of this product are existing chemical substances as defined in the Chemical Substance Control Law. Australian Inventory of Chemical Substances: All the components of this product are listed on the AICS Inventory or exempt from notification requirements. Canadian WHMIS Classification: Class D, Division 2, Subdivision A (Very Toxic Material causing other Toxic Effects) NF-+PA Hazard Rating: HMIS Hazard Rating: Health: 2 Health: * Fire: 0 Fire: 0 Reactivity: 0 Reactivity: 0 *Warning - Chronic health effect possible - inhalation of silica dust may cause lung injury/disease (silicosis). Take appropriate measures to avoid breathing dust. See Section II. REFERENCES: Registry for Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances (RTECS), 1995. Patty’s Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology. NTP Seventh Annual Report on Carcinogens, 1994. IARC Monograph Volume 68, Silica, Some Silicates and Organic Fibers, 1997. The information herein has been compiled from sources believed to be reliable and is accurate to the best of our knowledge. However, CETCO cannot give any guarantees regarding information from other sources, and expressly does not make any warranties, nor assumes any liability, for its use. 1500 W. Shure Dr., Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004 USA / +1 800.527.9948 / tel +1 847.392.5800 / fax +1 847.577.5571 Page 130 Copyright 2002 CETCO All rights reserved. CETCO is a wholly owned subsidiary of AMCOL International Corp. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Product Trade Name: BARA-KADE® BENTONITE Revision Date: 31-Mar-2005 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Trade Name: Synonyms: Chemical Family: Application: BARA-KADE® BENTONITE None Mineral Additive Manufacturer/Supplier BPM Minerals LLC 3000 N Sam Houston Parkway East Houston, TX 77032 Telephone: (281) 871-7900 Fax: (281) 871-7940 Emergency Telephone: (800) 666-9260 or (713) 753-3000 Prepared By Chemical Compliance Telephone: 1-580-251-4335 2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS SUBSTANCE CAS Number Crystalline silica, cristobalite 14464-46-1 PERCENT 0 - 1% ACGIH TLV-TWA 0.05 mg/m3 Crystalline silica, tridymite 15468-32-3 0 - 1% 0.05 mg/m3 Crystalline silica, quartz 14808-60-7 1 - 5% 0.05 mg/m3 Bentonite 1302-78-9 60 - 100% Not applicable OSHA PEL-TWA 1/2 x 10 mg/m3 %SiO2 + 2 1/2 x 10 mg/m3 %SiO2 + 2 10 mg/m3 %SiO2 + 2 Not applicable More restrictive exposure limits may be enforced by some states, agencies, or other authorities. 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION BARA-KADE® BENTONITE Page 1 of 7 Page 131 Hazard Overview CAUTION! - ACUTE HEALTH HAZARD May cause eye and respiratory irritation. DANGER! - CHRONIC HEALTH HAZARD Breathing crystalline silica can cause lung disease, including silicosis and lung cancer. Crystalline silica has also been associated with scleroderma and kidney disease. This product contains quartz, cristobalite, and/or tridymite which may become airborne without a visible cloud. Avoid breathing dust. Avoid creating dusty conditions. Use only with adequate ventilation to keep exposures below recommended exposure limits. Wear a NIOSH certified, European Standard EN 149, or equivalent respirator when using this product. Review the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for this product, which has been provided to your employer. 4. FIRST AID MEASURES Inhalation If inhaled, remove from area to fresh air. Get medical attention if respiratory irritation develops or if breathing becomes difficult. Skin Wash with soap and water. Get medical attention if irritation persists. Eyes In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes and get medical attention if irritation persists. Ingestion Under normal conditions, first aid procedures are not required. Notes to Physician Treat symptomatically. 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Flash Point/Range (F): Flash Point/Range (C): Flash Point Method: Autoignition Temperature (F): Autoignition Temperature (C): Flammability Limits in Air - Lower (%): Flammability Limits in Air - Upper (%): Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Fire Extinguishing Media All standard firefighting media. Special Exposure Hazards Not applicable. Special Protective Equipment for Not applicable. Fire-Fighters NFPA Ratings: HMIS Ratings: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Flammability 0, Reactivity 0, Health 0* 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Personal Precautionary Measures Use appropriate protective equipment. Avoid creating and breathing dust. Environmental Precautionary Measures None known. Procedure for Cleaning / Absorption Collect using dustless method and hold for appropriate disposal. Consider possible toxic or fire hazards associated with contaminating substances and use appropriate methods for collection, storage and disposal. BARA-KADE® BENTONITE Page 2 of 7 Page 132 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE Handling Precautions This product contains quartz, cristobalite, and/or tridymite which may become airborne without a visible cloud. Avoid breathing dust. Avoid creating dusty conditions. Use only with adequate ventilation to keep exposure below recommended exposure limits. Wear a NIOSH certified, European Standard En 149, or equivalent respirator when using this product. Material is slippery when wet. Storage Information Use good housekeeping in storage and work areas to prevent accumulation of dust. Close container when not in use. Do not reuse empty container. 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION Engineering Controls Use approved industrial ventilation and local exhaust as required to maintain exposures below applicable exposure limits listed in Section 2. Respiratory Protection Wear a NIOSH certified, European Standard EN 149, or equivalent respirator when using this product. Hand Protection Normal work gloves. Skin Protection Wear clothing appropriate for the work environment. Dusty clothing should be laundered before reuse. Use precautionary measures to avoid creating dust when removing or laundering clothing. Eye Protection Wear safety glasses or goggles to protect against exposure. Other Precautions None known. 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Physical State: Color: Odor: pH: Specific Gravity @ 20 C (Water=1): Density @ 20 C (lbs./gallon): Bulk Density @ 20 C (lbs/ft3): Boiling Point/Range (F): Boiling Point/Range (C): Freezing Point/Range (F): Freezing Point/Range (C): Vapor Pressure @ 20 C (mmHg): Vapor Density (Air=1): Percent Volatiles: Evaporation Rate (Butyl Acetate=1): Solubility in Water (g/100ml): Solubility in Solvents (g/100ml): VOCs (lbs./gallon): Viscosity, Dynamic @ 20 C (centipoise): Viscosity, Kinematic @ 20 C (centistrokes): Partition Coefficient/n-Octanol/Water: Molecular Weight (g/mole): Solid Various Odorless 8-10 2.65 Not Determined 50-70 Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Insoluble Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Stability Data: Stable Hazardous Polymerization: Will Not Occur BARA-KADE® BENTONITE Page 3 of 7 Page 133 Conditions to Avoid None anticipated Incompatibility (Materials to Avoid) Hydrofluoric acid. Hazardous Decomposition Products Amorphous silica may transform at elevated temperatures to tridymite (870 C) or cristobalite (1470 C). Additional Guidelines Not Applicable 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Principle Route of Exposure Eye or skin contact, inhalation. Inhalation Inhaled crystalline silica in the form of quartz or cristobalite from occupational sources is carcinogenic to humans (IARC, Group 1). There is sufficient evidence in experimental animals for the carcinogenicity of tridymite (IARC, Group 2A). Breathing silica dust may cause irritation of the nose, throat, and respiratory passages. Breathing silica dust may not cause noticeable injury or illness even though permanent lung damage may be occurring. Inhalation of dust may also have serious chronic health effects (See "Chronic Effects/Carcinogenicity" subsection below). Skin Contact May cause mechanical skin irritation. Eye Contact May cause eye irritation. Ingestion None known Aggravated Medical Conditions Individuals with respiratory disease, including but not limited to asthma and bronchitis, or subject to eye irritation, should not be exposed to quartz dust. Chronic Effects/Carcinogenicity Silicosis: Excessive inhalation of respirable crystalline silica dust may cause a progressive, disabling, and sometimes-fatal lung disease called silicosis. Symptoms include cough, shortness of breath, wheezing, non-specific chest illness, and reduced pulmonary function. This disease is exacerbated by smoking. Individuals with silicosis are predisposed to develop tuberculosis. Cancer Status: The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has determined that crystalline silica inhaled in the form of quartz or cristobalite from occupational sources can cause lung cancer in humans (Group 1 - carcinogenic to humans) and has determined that there is sufficient evidence in experimental animals for the carcinogenicity of tridymite (Group 2A - possible carcinogen to humans). Refer to IARC Monograph 68, Silica, Some Silicates and Organic Fibres (June 1997) in conjunction with the use of these minerals. The National Toxicology Program classifies respirable crystalline silica as "Known to be a human carcinogen". Refer to the 9th Report on Carcinogens (2000). The American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) classifies crystalline silica, quartz, as a suspected human carcinogen (A2). There is some evidence that breathing respirable crystalline silica or the disease silicosis is associated with an increased incidence of significant disease endpoints such as scleroderma (an immune system disorder manifested by scarring of the lungs, skin, and other internal organs) and kidney disease. BARA-KADE® BENTONITE Page 4 of 7 Page 134 Other Information For further information consult "Adverse Effects of Crystalline Silica Exposure" published by the American Thoracic Society Medical Section of the American Lung Association, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Volume 155, pages 761-768 (1997). Toxicity Tests Oral Toxicity: Not determined Dermal Toxicity: Not determined Inhalation Toxicity: Not determined Primary Irritation Effect: Not determined Carcinogenicity Refer to IARC Monograph 68, Silica, Some Silicates and Organic Fibres (June 1997). Genotoxicity: Not determined Reproductive / Developmental Toxicity: Not determined 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Mobility (Water/Soil/Air) Not determined Persistence/Degradability Not determined Bio-accumulation Not Determined Ecotoxicological Information Acute Fish Toxicity: TLM96: 10000 ppm (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Acute Crustaceans Toxicity:Not determined Acute Algae Toxicity: Not determined Chemical Fate Information Not determined Other Information Not applicable 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Disposal Method Bury in a licensed landfill according to federal, state, and local regulations. Contaminated Packaging Follow all applicable national or local regulations. 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION Land Transportation DOT Not restricted Canadian TDG Not restricted ADR Not restricted BARA-KADE® BENTONITE Page 5 of 7 Page 135 Air Transportation ICAO/IATA Not restricted Sea Transportation IMDG Not restricted Other Shipping Information Labels: None 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION US Regulations US TSCA Inventory All components listed on inventory. EPA SARA Title III Extremely Hazardous Substances Not applicable EPA SARA (311,312) Hazard Class Acute Health Hazard Chronic Health Hazard EPA SARA (313) Chemicals This product does not contain a toxic chemical for routine annual "Toxic Chemical Release Reporting" under Section 313 (40 CFR 372). EPA CERCLA/Superfund Not applicable. Reportable Spill Quantity For This Product EPA RCRA Hazardous Waste Classification If product becomes a waste, it does NOT meet the criteria of a hazardous waste as defined by the US EPA. California Proposition 65 The California Proposition 65 regulations apply to this product. MA Right-to-Know Law One or more components listed. NJ Right-to-Know Law One or more components listed. PA Right-to-Know Law One or more components listed. Canadian Regulations Canadian DSL Inventory All components listed on inventory. WHMIS Hazard Class D2A Very Toxic Materials (Crystalline silica) 16. OTHER INFORMATION The following sections have been revised since the last issue of this MSDS Not applicable BARA-KADE® BENTONITE Page 6 of 7 Page 136 Additional Information For additional information on the use of this product, contact your local Halliburton representative. For questions about the Material Safety Data Sheet for this or other Halliburton products, contact Chemical Compliance at 1-580-251-4335. Disclaimer Statement This information is furnished without warranty, expressed or implied, as to accuracy or completeness. The information is obtained from various sources including the manufacturer and other third party sources. The information may not be valid under all conditions nor if this material is used in combination with other materials or in any process. Final determination of suitability of any material is the sole responsibility of the user. ***END OF MSDS*** BARA-KADE® BENTONITE Page 7 of 7 Page 137 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Product Trade Name: BARA-KADE® BENTONITE Revision Date: 31-Mar-2005 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Trade Name: Synonyms: Chemical Family: Application: BARA-KADE® BENTONITE None Mineral Additive Manufacturer/Supplier BPM Minerals LLC 3000 N Sam Houston Parkway East Houston, TX 77032 Telephone: (281) 871-7900 Fax: (281) 871-7940 Emergency Telephone: (800) 666-9260 or (713) 753-3000 Prepared By Chemical Compliance Telephone: 1-580-251-4335 2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS SUBSTANCE CAS Number Crystalline silica, cristobalite 14464-46-1 PERCENT 0 - 1% ACGIH TLV-TWA 0.05 mg/m3 Crystalline silica, tridymite 15468-32-3 0 - 1% 0.05 mg/m3 Crystalline silica, quartz 14808-60-7 1 - 5% 0.05 mg/m3 Bentonite 1302-78-9 60 - 100% Not applicable OSHA PEL-TWA 1/2 x 10 mg/m3 %SiO2 + 2 1/2 x 10 mg/m3 %SiO2 + 2 10 mg/m3 %SiO2 + 2 Not applicable More restrictive exposure limits may be enforced by some states, agencies, or other authorities. 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION BARA-KADE® BENTONITE Page 1 of 7 Page 138 Hazard Overview CAUTION! - ACUTE HEALTH HAZARD May cause eye and respiratory irritation. DANGER! - CHRONIC HEALTH HAZARD Breathing crystalline silica can cause lung disease, including silicosis and lung cancer. Crystalline silica has also been associated with scleroderma and kidney disease. This product contains quartz, cristobalite, and/or tridymite which may become airborne without a visible cloud. Avoid breathing dust. Avoid creating dusty conditions. Use only with adequate ventilation to keep exposures below recommended exposure limits. Wear a NIOSH certified, European Standard EN 149, or equivalent respirator when using this product. Review the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for this product, which has been provided to your employer. 4. FIRST AID MEASURES Inhalation If inhaled, remove from area to fresh air. Get medical attention if respiratory irritation develops or if breathing becomes difficult. Skin Wash with soap and water. Get medical attention if irritation persists. Eyes In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes and get medical attention if irritation persists. Ingestion Under normal conditions, first aid procedures are not required. Notes to Physician Treat symptomatically. 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Flash Point/Range (F): Flash Point/Range (C): Flash Point Method: Autoignition Temperature (F): Autoignition Temperature (C): Flammability Limits in Air - Lower (%): Flammability Limits in Air - Upper (%): Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Fire Extinguishing Media All standard firefighting media. Special Exposure Hazards Not applicable. Special Protective Equipment for Not applicable. Fire-Fighters NFPA Ratings: HMIS Ratings: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Flammability 0, Reactivity 0, Health 0* 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Personal Precautionary Measures Use appropriate protective equipment. Avoid creating and breathing dust. Environmental Precautionary Measures None known. Procedure for Cleaning / Absorption Collect using dustless method and hold for appropriate disposal. Consider possible toxic or fire hazards associated with contaminating substances and use appropriate methods for collection, storage and disposal. BARA-KADE® BENTONITE Page 2 of 7 Page 139 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE Handling Precautions This product contains quartz, cristobalite, and/or tridymite which may become airborne without a visible cloud. Avoid breathing dust. Avoid creating dusty conditions. Use only with adequate ventilation to keep exposure below recommended exposure limits. Wear a NIOSH certified, European Standard En 149, or equivalent respirator when using this product. Material is slippery when wet. Storage Information Use good housekeeping in storage and work areas to prevent accumulation of dust. Close container when not in use. Do not reuse empty container. 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION Engineering Controls Use approved industrial ventilation and local exhaust as required to maintain exposures below applicable exposure limits listed in Section 2. Respiratory Protection Wear a NIOSH certified, European Standard EN 149, or equivalent respirator when using this product. Hand Protection Normal work gloves. Skin Protection Wear clothing appropriate for the work environment. Dusty clothing should be laundered before reuse. Use precautionary measures to avoid creating dust when removing or laundering clothing. Eye Protection Wear safety glasses or goggles to protect against exposure. Other Precautions None known. 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Physical State: Color: Odor: pH: Specific Gravity @ 20 C (Water=1): Density @ 20 C (lbs./gallon): Bulk Density @ 20 C (lbs/ft3): Boiling Point/Range (F): Boiling Point/Range (C): Freezing Point/Range (F): Freezing Point/Range (C): Vapor Pressure @ 20 C (mmHg): Vapor Density (Air=1): Percent Volatiles: Evaporation Rate (Butyl Acetate=1): Solubility in Water (g/100ml): Solubility in Solvents (g/100ml): VOCs (lbs./gallon): Viscosity, Dynamic @ 20 C (centipoise): Viscosity, Kinematic @ 20 C (centistrokes): Partition Coefficient/n-Octanol/Water: Molecular Weight (g/mole): Solid Various Odorless 8-10 2.65 Not Determined 50-70 Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Insoluble Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Stability Data: Stable Hazardous Polymerization: Will Not Occur BARA-KADE® BENTONITE Page 3 of 7 Page 140 Conditions to Avoid None anticipated Incompatibility (Materials to Avoid) Hydrofluoric acid. Hazardous Decomposition Products Amorphous silica may transform at elevated temperatures to tridymite (870 C) or cristobalite (1470 C). Additional Guidelines Not Applicable 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Principle Route of Exposure Eye or skin contact, inhalation. Inhalation Inhaled crystalline silica in the form of quartz or cristobalite from occupational sources is carcinogenic to humans (IARC, Group 1). There is sufficient evidence in experimental animals for the carcinogenicity of tridymite (IARC, Group 2A). Breathing silica dust may cause irritation of the nose, throat, and respiratory passages. Breathing silica dust may not cause noticeable injury or illness even though permanent lung damage may be occurring. Inhalation of dust may also have serious chronic health effects (See "Chronic Effects/Carcinogenicity" subsection below). Skin Contact May cause mechanical skin irritation. Eye Contact May cause eye irritation. Ingestion None known Aggravated Medical Conditions Individuals with respiratory disease, including but not limited to asthma and bronchitis, or subject to eye irritation, should not be exposed to quartz dust. Chronic Effects/Carcinogenicity Silicosis: Excessive inhalation of respirable crystalline silica dust may cause a progressive, disabling, and sometimes-fatal lung disease called silicosis. Symptoms include cough, shortness of breath, wheezing, non-specific chest illness, and reduced pulmonary function. This disease is exacerbated by smoking. Individuals with silicosis are predisposed to develop tuberculosis. Cancer Status: The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has determined that crystalline silica inhaled in the form of quartz or cristobalite from occupational sources can cause lung cancer in humans (Group 1 - carcinogenic to humans) and has determined that there is sufficient evidence in experimental animals for the carcinogenicity of tridymite (Group 2A - possible carcinogen to humans). Refer to IARC Monograph 68, Silica, Some Silicates and Organic Fibres (June 1997) in conjunction with the use of these minerals. The National Toxicology Program classifies respirable crystalline silica as "Known to be a human carcinogen". Refer to the 9th Report on Carcinogens (2000). The American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) classifies crystalline silica, quartz, as a suspected human carcinogen (A2). There is some evidence that breathing respirable crystalline silica or the disease silicosis is associated with an increased incidence of significant disease endpoints such as scleroderma (an immune system disorder manifested by scarring of the lungs, skin, and other internal organs) and kidney disease. BARA-KADE® BENTONITE Page 4 of 7 Page 141 Other Information For further information consult "Adverse Effects of Crystalline Silica Exposure" published by the American Thoracic Society Medical Section of the American Lung Association, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Volume 155, pages 761-768 (1997). Toxicity Tests Oral Toxicity: Not determined Dermal Toxicity: Not determined Inhalation Toxicity: Not determined Primary Irritation Effect: Not determined Carcinogenicity Refer to IARC Monograph 68, Silica, Some Silicates and Organic Fibres (June 1997). Genotoxicity: Not determined Reproductive / Developmental Toxicity: Not determined 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Mobility (Water/Soil/Air) Not determined Persistence/Degradability Not determined Bio-accumulation Not Determined Ecotoxicological Information Acute Fish Toxicity: TLM96: 10000 ppm (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Acute Crustaceans Toxicity:Not determined Acute Algae Toxicity: Not determined Chemical Fate Information Not determined Other Information Not applicable 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Disposal Method Bury in a licensed landfill according to federal, state, and local regulations. Contaminated Packaging Follow all applicable national or local regulations. 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION Land Transportation DOT Not restricted Canadian TDG Not restricted ADR Not restricted BARA-KADE® BENTONITE Page 5 of 7 Page 142 Air Transportation ICAO/IATA Not restricted Sea Transportation IMDG Not restricted Other Shipping Information Labels: None 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION US Regulations US TSCA Inventory All components listed on inventory. EPA SARA Title III Extremely Hazardous Substances Not applicable EPA SARA (311,312) Hazard Class Acute Health Hazard Chronic Health Hazard EPA SARA (313) Chemicals This product does not contain a toxic chemical for routine annual "Toxic Chemical Release Reporting" under Section 313 (40 CFR 372). EPA CERCLA/Superfund Not applicable. Reportable Spill Quantity For This Product EPA RCRA Hazardous Waste Classification If product becomes a waste, it does NOT meet the criteria of a hazardous waste as defined by the US EPA. California Proposition 65 The California Proposition 65 regulations apply to this product. MA Right-to-Know Law One or more components listed. NJ Right-to-Know Law One or more components listed. PA Right-to-Know Law One or more components listed. Canadian Regulations Canadian DSL Inventory All components listed on inventory. WHMIS Hazard Class D2A Very Toxic Materials (Crystalline silica) 16. OTHER INFORMATION The following sections have been revised since the last issue of this MSDS Not applicable BARA-KADE® BENTONITE Page 6 of 7 Page 143 Additional Information For additional information on the use of this product, contact your local Halliburton representative. For questions about the Material Safety Data Sheet for this or other Halliburton products, contact Chemical Compliance at 1-580-251-4335. Disclaimer Statement This information is furnished without warranty, expressed or implied, as to accuracy or completeness. The information is obtained from various sources including the manufacturer and other third party sources. The information may not be valid under all conditions nor if this material is used in combination with other materials or in any process. Final determination of suitability of any material is the sole responsibility of the user. ***END OF MSDS*** BARA-KADE® BENTONITE Page 7 of 7 Page 144 ATTACHMENT DAILY MUD TESTING REPORT Michels Directional Crossings © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2015 Page 145 Date: Location: Contractor: Tester Name Michels Directional Crossings 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 FIELD REPORT TIME DENSITY "MUD WEIGHT" (lbs/gal) FUNNEL VISCOSITY use Marsh funnel (sec/qt) Solids/Sand Content (% by Vol) DRILL FLUID PRODUCT USED Bentonite Type: pH Comments DRILL FLUID HAULED OFF Additives: Drill-Terge: Page 146 ATTACHMENT ADDITIVES PRODUCT DATA SHEETS Michels Directional Crossings © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2015 Page 147 TYPICAL - DRILLING FLUID PRODUCTS LIST MI HDD Mining Products or EQUAL Note: Typical drilling fluid product list is as follows. Michels utilizes various brands of drilling fluid products based on: functionality, economics, geographic-location to supplier, and type of formation anticipated on encountering. The brand represented below is MI HDD MINING & WATERWELL brand. An equal brand of products may be supplied as an alternative. 1. High Yield Bentonite: is an easy-to-mix, finely ground (200-mesh), premium-grade, high-yielding Wyoming sodium bentonite. MAX-GEL/Pargel-220 imparts viscosity, fluid loss control and gelling characteristics to freshwater-based drilling fluids. Quantity - As Required 2. Poly-Pac R is a non fermenting cellulosic polymer, provides filtration control in water based drilling fluids with out substantially increasing the viscosity of the drilling fluid pressures. This product is a primary drilling fluid rheology enhancing additive. Quantity - minimum 10 (25 lb bags) 3. Poly Plus (Emulsion Liquid Polymer) is used primarily as a borehole stabilizer to prevent reactive shale and clay from swelling and sloughing. It is also used to increase lubricity, fluid viscosity, and to improve cuttings carrying capacity. Quantity - minimum 10 (5-gallon containers) 4. Duo-Vis/Super-Vis is used to increase viscosity for cuttings transport and suspension. Works to provide an optimized rheological profile with elevated low-shear-rate viscosity and highly shear-thinning characteristics with low “n” values. Quantity – minimum 10 (2-gallon containers) Quantity – minimum 10 (25-lb bags) 5. DrilPlex is used for increased yield point and gel strength. Allows the formulation of fluids with exceptional shear-thinning properties. Quantity – minimum 5 (40-lb bag) 6. Soda Ash is used to increase Ph in the make-up water. Primarily used to reduce soluble calcium in water-based drilling muds and make-up waters. Calcium is present in many make-up waters and formations. Quantity – minimum 5 (40-lb bag) 7. Smooth Grout 20 is a one sac borehole plugging and grouting material. It is commonly used in grouting of water well applications. This product will be used to plug excessive losses. Quantity - minimum 20 (50-lb bags) 8. Smooth Bore/Maxbore HDD is a single sack, premium grade, Wyoming sodium bentonite designed for fast, easy mixing. Smooth Bore/Maxbore HDD imparts superior suspension properties and filtration control to freshwater fluids. Although designed for use in horizontal directional drilling, it can be used in Water Wells in unconsolidated formations or when additional gel strengths are required to compensate for low annular velocity. Quantity - As Required Michels “MI-Brand” Drill Fluid Product List Confidential Page 1 Page 148 1/15/2007 ATTACHMENT DOWNHOLE TOOLS/REAMERS Michels Directional Crossings © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2015 Page 149 Reaming Tools/Equipment The reamers utilized for hole-opening operations are custom fabricated by Michels Corporation, however equivalent or better tools may be substituted depending on availability of other suppliers’ products, or, if changes in anticipated drilling conditions are encountered. Michels R&D program for downhole tools includes monitoring of performance & longevity of reaming equipment in differing soil conditions throughout North America as well as foreign destinations. Utilizing the latest technology, tooling and materials available to the industry is a continuing goal of Michels. There is essentially no limit to the length of time these tools can be run since simple repairs can be made in the field to keep the reamers in good working condition. The condition of the reamers will depend on the type of ground encountered; typically these reamers are discarded when they are observed to be beyond field repair. Initial maximum run time for specific reamers recommended by Michels is 50-100 hours. TELECOMMUNICATIONS y GAS PIPELINE y DIRECTIONAL DRILLING y ELECTRICAL y AGGREGATE MATERIALS SEWER, WATER & TUNNELING y CONCRETE y ENGINEERING y DESIGN/BUILD BROWNSVILLE, WI y SEATTLE, WA y MILWAUKEE, WI y HARRISBURG, PA y NEENAH, WI y TOPEKA, KS y GREEN BAY, WI y CALGARY, AB "AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER" Page 150 Reaming Tools/Equipment The Yo-Yo reamer is a custom built tool used by Michels for downhole reaming operations. This tool has had proven success reaming difficult heavy gravel and fractured rock conditions. It is a very aggressive reamer for some of the most difficult soil conditions. Initial maximum run time for Yo-Yo reamers recommended by manufacturer is 50-100 hours based on extremeness of soil conditions encountered downhole. TELECOMMUNICATIONS y GAS PIPELINE y DIRECTIONAL DRILLING y ELECTRICAL y AGGREGATE MATERIALS SEWER, WATER & TUNNELING y CONCRETE y ENGINEERING y DESIGN/BUILD BROWNSVILLE, WI y SEATTLE, WA y MILWAUKEE, WI y HARRISBURG, PA y NEENAH, WI y TOPEKA, KS y GREEN BAY, WI y CALGARY, AB "AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER" Page 151 I :10 I 133HS I I 1A8 70/ l/l Elva] 3NON $83N3d0 llE-ll'lclS ?Gl - ?7/2-8 =32lS 3DNIMVHCI 6372-989 ZEN-299 90029 NISNOOSIM 3'l IASNMOHG X08 'O'd 'lS NIVW LIB SSNISSOH) A008 GNV NI nnsaa NVO SEIIGOS (JEITIIEIG '3808 OJ. .06 1V SEIIGOS GEITIIEIG S?Sll? HODOHHJ. EIHJ. SMOTIV TIALS SIHJ. sue EIHJ. 300 SONIHVEIS ONILVEIHHEIAO 38V AEIHJ. 380.438 .LIEI HGVW 38V lIS-ll'ldS EIO EICIISEIVO NELLSONFLI. 38 Ol GEIEIN AHHJ. EIO - 83].an TIIM EIO M308 .10 SSEINEIAISVEISV GNV Page 152 38 NVO GEITIIW EIO EIGISHVO llS-ll?lclS 1.838 SI ?7/2 9 OJ. ?z/l-V 8 M0138 .LO?Ilcl il8-il?lcl8 IIOH SWISHOIW ATTACHMENT MUD CLEANING EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS Michels Directional Crossings © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2015 Page 153 Drill Mud Cleaning and Disposal The first phase of the mud cleaning system is displacement of solid returns at the shakers. Heavy solids are sifted out by a shaker with screens and deposited into a pit. From here they will be transported by dump truck to a site for disposal. Drill Mud Cleaning Equipment Specifications Volume of Mixing/Scalper Tank ................ 54.0-Bbls Volume of Desander Tank ........................ 72.0-Bbls Volume of Desilter Tank ........................... 72.0-Bbls Quantity of Scalping Shakers ..................... 1.0-Shakers Mesh Size of Scalping Shakers ................ 10-20 Double Stacked Desander Capability .............................. 2 @ 500-GPM (1,000 GPM Total) Desander Cones ......................................... 2.0-Cones Desander Mesh Size ................................ 40 to 165 Quantity of Desilter Cones ........................ 10 Ea @ 100-GPM Desilter Mesh Size .................................... 60 to 250 Steel Mud Circulating Tank Volume ....... 160-Bbls Returns Tank Volume (Mud Pit) ............. 320-Bbls Cuttings Tank Volume (20-yd Roll-off).... 150-Bbls Mud Screening, Max Pass Size ................ 40 Mesh Due to the quantity and types of mud pumps owned by Michels and located on multiple drill sites Michels utilizes one of the following pumps based on availability and geographic location: Bentonite Pump Capabilities (ENTRY/EXIT) Name Brand............................................. Gardner Denver OPI-350 Liner Size ........................................................................... 6-Inches Maximum Pressure .......................................................... 1,469 PSI Maximum Flow Rate ......................................................... 529 GPM Gallons Per Stroke..................................... 2.94 Gallons Per Stroke 11/4/2010 Page 154 Bentonite Pump Capabilities (ENTRY/EXIT SIDE) Name Brand................................ Ellis Williams W-446 Super Force Triplex Piston Model Liner Size ........................................................................... 6-Inches Maximum Pressure .......................................................... 1,027 PSI Maximum Flow Rate ......................................................... 661 GPM Gallons Per Stroke..................................... 2.20 Gallons Per Stroke Bentonite Pump Capabilities (ENTRY/EXIT SIDE) Name Brand............................................. Gardner Denver OPI-700 Liner Size ........................................................................... 7-Inches Maximum Pressure .......................................................... 1,690 PSI Maximum Flow Rate ......................................................... 599 GPM Gallons Per Stroke..................................... 3.99 Gallons Per Stroke 11/4/2010 Page 155 ATTACHMENT MICHELS ROLLERS Michels Directional Crossings © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2015 Page 156 Michels Directional Crossings Pipeline Rollers General Description: Steel tubing welded frame supporting two urethane coated rollers. Pillow block bearings are used to mount the rollers. The rollers are apposed to each other and set @ 125° to accommodate various pipe sizes. (See attached PDF for Roller Schematic) Size: Footprint of 50”x48” with overall height of 40” Load Capacity: 167,000 Lbs per assembly Shafts: Material is steel 4140, 2-15/16 Diameter. Frame: Frame weldment made of steel ASTM A-500 Grade square tubing Rollers: 11” O.D., 20” face width, 8-5/8” core size. Coating is urethane approximately 1” thick (95 Shore-A) Bearings: 4-required per assembly, 2 on each coated roller. Manufacturer is Linkbelt, Part Number PB22447E w/ 2-15/16” spherical roller, self aligning, contact seal. Load Capacity for Bearings; Basic = 41,800 Lbs Static = 71,500 Lbs, L-10 Life = 9,410 Hours @ 300 RPM Page 157 ATTACHMENT CONTINGENCY PLANS FOR HDD CROSSINGS Michels Directional Crossings © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2015 Page 158 DIRECTIONAL DRILL CONTINGENCY PLANS HDD CROSSINGS INFRASTRUCTURE/RIPARIAN Horizontal Directional Drilling March 11, 2011 Page 159 CONTINGENCY PLANS Michels believes contingency planning begins with the appointment of competent field personnel having the greatest amount of experience to complete a project. Michels’ personnel are some of the most qualified drilling experts in the industry, as demonstrated by resumes and experience lists highlighting past projects completed. With the abundant resources at their disposal, Michels has overcome risks associated with some of the most difficult drilling projects ever attempted and has evolved into an industry leader. Michels Project Managers are some of the best in the industry utilizing the many resources available while coordinating the various facets of a productive drill site. Michels’ Drill Superintendents are highly experienced at utilizing drill rigs and ancillary equipment of every size. They have worked up though the ranks providing them a complete and comprehensive understanding of safety, environmental monitoring, manpower, equipment operations and repairs for each phase of the drilling operation. As noted on the attached resumes, each Superintendent has drilled throughout North America and has encountered varying soil conditions, from sands, gravels, clay and cobble to solid rock formation. They are well respected throughout the industry and have worked with a majority of the major Pipeline Construction Companies in North America. Michels’ personnel maintain continuous certification through accredited schooling for all phases of the drilling operation. Contingency planning is conducted in response to unforeseen events and conditions, which could occur during normal operating sequences. The following contingency plans are in place to ensure completion of the project in accordance with governing authorities. The Field Operations Superintendent oversees preventative measures before product line installation. This alleviates the probability for adverse conditions such as stuck pipe. The following are some of the more common variables, which we have developed contingency plans for. They include but are not limited to: HDD Contingency Plan 1 of 13 3/11/2011 Rivers/Roads/Streams/Beach Approach © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2011 Page 160 Possible Condition: Contingency: EQUIPMENT MALFUNCTION/FAILURE-SPARE PARTS Based on past experience, Michels can reasonably estimate the average life expectancy of all major components of the drilling operation under normal operating conditions. The operating hours of the equipment are recorded prior to start of drilling operations and maintained throughout completion of the crossing. Documentation and maintenance records are maintained by the drilling superintendent so that replacement of key components can be routinely performed in a timely manner to prevent failure. Occasionally, a component of the drilling operation will fail unexpectedly even with the most stringent maintenance and replacement schedule. These types of failures have occurred in the past and Michels has established a spare parts inventory with each drill rig based on the most common failures of this type. Spare parts kept on site include hydraulic pumps, flendor motors, and drive gears. In addition, odd sized or extremely high pressure hydraulic hoses that are not readily available “off the shelf” are kept on site. Major Spare Parts kept on-site • 1,800-Mission pump • 1 – Circulation Pump • 2,500-Halco pump • 2 – Mud Swivels • Mud Rig – Clutch and Transmission • 2 – Complete Rebuilds for OPI-350 • 11 – Vise Blocks • Rebuild Parts for EW-446 • 4 - Vise Hydraulic Rams • Electric Motor for Halco • 2 - Rotary Motors • Electric Motor for Cooling Fans • 2 – Drive Motors • 2 – Shaker Motors • 1 – Hydraulic Pump • 2 – Vise Travel Motors It is not feasible to maintain a complete spare parts inventory with each drilling rig on site so Michels immediately identifies local sources for commonly available spare parts and equipment upon job start up. Spare parts not readily available locally are kept in one of four Michels’ permanent warehouse locations in Bothell, Washington; Nisku, Alberta Canada; Harrisburg, HDD Contingency Plan 2 of 13 3/11/2011 Rivers/Roads/Streams/Beach Approach © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2011 Page 161 Pennsylvania; or Brownsville, Wisconsin, where the parts can be shipped overnight to the job site to prevent extensive down time caused as a result of equipment failure if necessary. Possible Condition: Contingency: STUCK PIPE The following are some of the preventative measures invoked by the Drilling Foreman in order to reduce the chances for complications while pulling back product pipe. 1. Utilize drilling equipment capable of supplying enough power to remove seized pipe from either entry or exit location. 2. Performing an extra reaming pass with the purpose of cleaning out the reamed hole (not a cutting pass) and adding proper lubrication with precise weight bentonite mixture. 3. Reduce torsional and axial loads through the use of properly spaced rollers, well maintained swivels and creating a smooth transition between downhole exit angle and pipe strung out on top of ground readied for pullback. 4. Utilize Ballasting to control the weight of the pipe by achieving negative or neutral buoyancy. Contingencies for stuck pipe If above preventative methods fail and the pipe become seized in the borehole we invoke Best Available Control Technology (BACT). One of the methods involves specific techniques in conjunction with ballasting, which is controlled loading with water. Past experience has shown us that if the leading end of the pipe remains too heavy during ballasting, air can be supplied to this area of pipe, displacing water back toward the middle, and in some circumstances freeing up the point of greatest friction. If the drilling rig is unable to supply the initial thrust to release the seized pipe, side booms and or track-hoes can supply thrusting pressure from the exit side in order to start momentum. Michels drilling rigs have the potential to supply up to 1,200,000 pounds of thrust and pulling-force, add additional equipment and there is not much that cannot be dislodged. HDD Contingency Plan 3 of 13 3/11/2011 Rivers/Roads/Streams/Beach Approach © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2011 Page 162 If percussion assistance is determined to be necessary to supply the energy required to complete the pullback operation, Michels is capable of performing this operation utilizing a GrundoRam percussion hammer supplied by TT-Technologies. The work area needed for invoking hammer assist procedures is located on the pipe pullback side of the crossing. This will encompass an area of 40-feet long x 20-feet wide for staging of the “Taurus” GrundoRam percussion hammer and assist equipment. This pipe-ramming machine has a thrust of up to 2,000 tones and a ramming speed of 180-strokes/minute. A GrundoRam and 1600 CFM air compressor will be made available by Michels on-site. Additional sources for spare parts and accessories should also be identified. (See Attachment Grundo-Ram Percussion) A specially manufactured reinforced push ring is positioned at the back end of the product line so that equal transmission of percussion energy can be transmitted down the product pipe, and to protect the steel pipe end while in contact with the GrundoRam “Taurus”. The persistent exertion of energy along the descending steel pipeline aids in aggressively sliding the pipe through suspect areas of unconsolidated formation or through areas of cave-in. Although this is not a regular occurrence due to mitigative measures taken prior to installation, Michels has successfully completed this unique form of pipeline pullback assist periodically over the past 10-years and has built a solid reputation as an innovator in this field. Not only can force be applied from the drill-rig side but additional force can be applied from the pipe installation side for large diameter installations through the use of a Herrenknect pipe thruster for land to land crossings. This alternative source of power supplied from the opposite end can dramatically assist large diameter pipe pullback during significant changes in the effective weight of the pipe during pullback (buoyancy) caused by either losing circulation or re-establishing circulation unexpectedly therefore causing drastic changes in the buoyancy of the pipe. This method also reduces the risk for damage to pipe coating during pullback by reducing the tensile force needed to pull back the pipe. If a large diameter pipe becomes stuck after the swabbing run additional control can be established to move pipe back and forth in the event gravel, cobble and/or boulder sized materials fall in the hole. This piece of equipment can be used as an HDD Contingency Plan 4 of 13 3/11/2011 Rivers/Roads/Streams/Beach Approach © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2011 Page 163 alternative to the percussion hammer which has been used as a main contingency measure by Michels on previous HDD installation. (See Attachment Herrenknect Pipe Thruster) Possible Condition: Contingency: INCLEMENT WEATHER Key personnel monitor long range forecasts for the project areas to be affected. Various weather services (i.e. NOAA, Weather Channel etc) are monitored by computer for bad weather and potential hurricanes. Regular updates are given to Michels’ personnel to make them aware of approaching weather conditions. Evacuation routes will be identified and reviewed with all personnel for potential hurricanes prior to beginning work and responsibilities will be assigned. If electrical storms are projected to affect a drill site, approaching storms will be monitored by radar and radio and communication will be maintained between Project Manager and personnel. Electrical storms can potentially cause serious problems for a drilling operation. The Drill Superintendent must use his discretion as to the appropriate safe action to be taken for the safety of the crew and entire drilling operation. Proper grounding must be maintained throughout a drilling operation. A safe area on the site will also be designated for response to an approaching tornado. Stream gages will also be identified and monitor for potential flooding conditions. Possible Condition: Contingency: NOISE Noise reduction can be accomplished using several methods. To begin with, a site reconnaissance or noise modeling must be completed by the Owner to determine what decibel (dB) level will be allowable at the affected locations. Some of the Noise Control Considerations include: Redirection of sound waves or deadening just by the simple positioning of drilling equipment and strategic location of frac-tanks. This option generally has little affect upon cost and may cause minor inconveniences for the drilling operation. HDD Contingency Plan 5 of 13 3/11/2011 Rivers/Roads/Streams/Beach Approach © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2011 Page 164 Another option is to utilize hospital/industrial grade mufflers to deaden sound as it leaves engines of motorized equipment. This could impede maximum operating output from equipment and also slow down the drilling operation. More costly forms of Sound Control include; Building walls made of hay bales, sound curtain matting or plywood, or, building sound deadening enclosures constructed of wood. Possible Condition: Contingency: DAMAGE TO EXISTING UTILITIES Preventative measures include proper notification of local utilities through area one-call programs or site investigation and recording of area markers, manholes and valves. Pot-holing existing utilities is the most reliable method of exact utility location Damage to existing utilities or structures may occur during drilling or reaming operations. Occasionally unknown or unmarked utilities may be hit during drilling or reaming operations. If this circumstance does occur the type of utility is first identified so that severity of response can be identified. Emergency personnel for the identified utility are then notified. Pertinent personnel for the Owner and/or Owner Representatives are then notified, following the chain of command. Decisions are then made as to appropriate action to be taken. Possible Condition: Contingency: ENCOUNTERING SUBSURFACE OBSTRUCTION Occasionally an unknown subsurface obstruction is encountered during drilling operations such as; 1) buried tanks, 2) Building foundations/piers/pilings, 3) buried junk/cars. If this situation occurs, the location of the object is first identified in relation to the drill path. If the current R.O.W. is ample and soils provide adequate steering capabilities, the drill head is pulled back to a pre-calculated point along the previously drilled path and the drill bit is rotated and steered around the obstruction. The chance of encountering an obstruction during reaming operations is highly unlikely. But, if this should occur, the magnitude of the obstruction must first be evaluated. If the obstruction is HDD Contingency Plan 6 of 13 3/11/2011 Rivers/Roads/Streams/Beach Approach © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2011 Page 165 determined to be impassible, operations will be halted until an agreeable solution can be determined. Possible Condition: Contingency: RUNNING SANDS It is possible that loose cohesionless soils, such as running sands, may not support the drilled annular space over a long directional drill length. Although this circumstance sounds serious, it may not prevent the installation of a pipeline. Mechanical agitation of the formation by the downhole tool and trailing drill string, combined with the injection of bentonite drilling fluid causes the soils to experience a decrease in shear strength. When the resulting shear strength is low enough, the soil will react in a fluid-like manner thus, allowing the pipeline to be pulled through it. It would be highly unusual for soil strata to be of the same consistency from drill entry to drill exit, especially at the various depths encountered during pilot hole drilling. Prior to drilling, only general soil information is known for estimating and hypothesizing. The type of drilling fluid providing the best performance capabilities for the conditions is chosen based upon this information. Adjustments are then made in the field correlating to specific soil properties in order to improve performance. Possible Condition: Contingency: PIPELINE MISALIGNMENT Today’s technology in the directional drilling industry provides state of the art instrumentation and tracking capabilities. The directional drill alignment is accurately known to within ± 0.01° or, ± 1.4 feet per 1,000 feet in both profile and plan view. The addition of Para Tracker as a secondary form of verification and validation for plan view orientation, left and right of center line, provides precise information which is updated regularly during drilling operations. The most frequent cause of misalignment is the inability to steer in transitional zones near the exit location. These soils may include varying degrees of overburden or formations allowing unpredictable degrees of penetration. The orientation or angle of these zones from horizontal may deflect the drill bit having a direct affect upon steering capabilities. HDD Contingency Plan 7 of 13 3/11/2011 Rivers/Roads/Streams/Beach Approach © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2011 Page 166 In any case, the steering probe maintains its tracking capabilities and allows the Survey Technician continuous feedback for locating the drill string in a three dimensional plane. Any deviation from the targeted exit is known and can be compensated for. If the target area is not large enough to accommodate the deviation, the drill string can be pulled back to a calculated point and be redirected toward the proposed exit location. Possible Condition: Contingency: PRESSURE CONTROL An important function of the drilling fluid is to prevent the uncontrolled entry into the hole of fluids from the formation penetrated by the bit. The pressure exerted by the column of drilling fluid (hydrostatic head) must be somewhat greater than the pressure exerted by the formation fluids to allow raising the drill string without any problems. Following are some mitigative measures taken to counteract pressures. 1. Avoid swabbing drill string (plunging the drill string back and forth with great force) 2. Keep the hole full of drill mud while pulling the drill pipe, especially when hydrostatic head is not much greater than formation pressure. At any given depth, the hydrostatic pressure (in psi) of the mud column is equal to mud density (in lb/gal) times depth (in feet) times 0.052 Psi (hydrostatic = lb/gal x feet (density) (depth) x 0.052 pressure) Possible Condition: Contingency: HOLE COLLAPSE Most drillable formations, whether consolidated or unconsolidated, have some form of cohesive properties allowing drilling fluid to interact and add to its bonding properties, thus avoiding hole collapse. Some soils, such as large gravel zones or cobble areas may not be capable of holding a hole. If this type of formation exists in the overburden soil (upper strata), a steel casing pipe may be washed over the drill stem into competent soil and left in place during operations. Drilling and reaming operations will then resume utilizing this conduit as a HDD Contingency Plan 8 of 13 3/11/2011 Rivers/Roads/Streams/Beach Approach © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2011 Page 167 means of carrying drill cuttings back up-hole without obstruction. If this type of formation exists throughout the borehole, it should be known and researched prior to drilling so that an alternate route may be researched. The route that provides the best chance for success should be the route chosen. If a competent drilling contractor properly investigates a route, the chance for a hole collapse is greatly reduced. Possible Condition: Contingency: PIPELINE COLLAPSE Pipeline collapse during pulling operations is a rare occurrence caused by certain factors, which must be considered before pullback begins. Some of the main factors, which must be considered during pre-planning stages or prior to pipeline pullback operations, include: 1. Pre-engineered profile must reflect the minimum radius of curvature calculated for the given pipe (wall thickness, pipe size, tensile strength, X-rating) 2. Drilled profile should not exceed pipe tolerance throughout the drilled borehole. 3. Experienced directional drilling Survey Technician verifies three joint radii calculations for maximum degree of bend per 30-foot joint. 4. Industry standard safety factor should be included in the profile and calculations taking into account unknowns. 5. Exit and entry angles must be within specified tolerances so that support equipment capabilities are not exceeded in order to provide the pipeline a smooth, uninhibited transition into the opened hole. 6. Calculations performed for anticipated stresses the pipe will be subjected to during pullback (i.e. Pull loads, tensile, unconstrained buckle, hoop stress.) This way upper stress limits will be known. 7. Proper ballasting of product line through controlled loading of water to the leading end of pipeline. This procedure also provides internal pressure to the product line as a counter balance to external pressures. If water is added to the opened end of HDD Contingency Plan 9 of 13 3/11/2011 Rivers/Roads/Streams/Beach Approach © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2011 Page 168 the product line and allowed to flow down toward the leading end during pullback, a vacuum may occur creating undue stress on the product line which would increase the possibility of implosion or collapse. Therefore, a conduit is positioned to carry water through the interior of the product pipe dispersing water at the leading end of the pipe filling it from the lowest portion (elevation) toward the highest elevation. Volume calculations are maintained to ensure only the lowest portion of the pipe is maintained full of water. The appointment of highly competent personnel experienced in pipeline pullback procedures is a must. There is no substitute for experience. Experienced personnel should be placed at critical positions at both the drill entry and exit locations. HDD Contingency Plan 10 of 13 3/11/2011 Rivers/Roads/Streams/Beach Approach © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2011 Page 169 ATTACHMENT GRUNDO RAM PNEUMATIC PIPE RAMMER HDD Contingency Plan 3/11/2011 Rivers/Roads/Streams/Beach Approach © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2011 Page 170 Conductor Barrel'M A surestartfor yourboreevenin the worstsoil. .Ram casingsthroughdifficultsoil conditionsto moredesirabledrill startingpoints. .Guide down-holeor mudmotorsto rocky soilsthroughthe conductorbarrel.Provides friction-freesectionfor product pullback. Pullback Assist Overcome hydrolock witha piperammer. .Rammer attachedto productpipeduring pullback. .Percussiveactionkeepspipemovingand helpspreventhighlevelsof pullback stress. .Percussive powerfrees immobilized productpipes. Pipe Removal Removestuckproductpipe and bore again. .Rammer attached to product pipe after pullback fails. .Percussive action pulls product pipe, removing it from the bore. .Salvage the job and bore again. Drill Stem Recovery Retrieve stuckdrill stems. .Pipe Rammerfitted with a specialsleeve. .Stuck drill stemweldedto the backof the rammersleeve. .Percussive powerfreesdrill stem,saving time andmoney. Page 171 I "' II p OIJle,I"\ \ lJlit~o(j.t \Ci/f!itg! . . ... Who would have thought that there would be an international requirement for a GRUNOORAM hammer -larger than the GOLIA TH 450 mm (18} machine? International demand has made the new TAURUS 600 mm (24') a must. Thanks to its dimensions and thrust of up to 2,000 tons (4,480 Ibs) the TAURUS is the largest steel pipe ramming machine that exists. Steel pipes up to 2, 000 mm (80') can now be installed with this powerful machine when installing casing or product pipes for the water, sewage, telephone, electricityand gas industries or railway authorities. When other ramming equipment has reached its power limit the TAURUS offers that extra power to get that pipe into the ground. It is designed of a monoblock main casing made from a high quality alloy with a unique flexible control stud for perfect impact transmission onto the steel pipe. This makes it a reliable and lasting boring unit even in difficult soil conditions or over long stretches of steel pipe installation. A GRUNOORAM's number of strokes has a direct influence on the forward ramming speed. However, high ground Page 172 22 TAURUS ! 24" AirWeight Length 0oframmer consumption. 12 ft 10,580Ibs .1.766 ft3/min Strokes Suitable Thrust per for min. pipes. 180 . 4,400 Ibs >380 A T AURUS pipeline I resistance and friction require / a low stroke frequency with a higher single impact. The GRUNDORAMmodel TAURUS with 180 strokes/min and more than 2,000 tons (4,480 Ibs) of dynamic thrust ensures high ramming speeds even under the most difficult conditions. used on a gas installation. to resist the highest stress in diffi cult soils thanks to its monoblock casing and flexible control stud. The development of the new TAURUS is the result of years of R & D in the field of trenchless pipe laying systems. Page 173 23 Page 174 i Ir.- HF: I . .-.-1 rlr.? ATTACHMENT HERRENKNECT PIPE THRUSTER HDD Contingency Plan 3/11/2011 Rivers/Roads/Streams/Beach Approach © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2011 Page 176 TECHNICAL DATA SHEET PIPE THRUSTER Additional Power for Pipe Pullback. The newly developed Herrenknecht Pipe Thruster is an auxiliary device for Horizontal Directional Drilling Technology and extends its field of application. The Thruster is mounted at the exit point and helps to push the entire pipeline into the ground. It is particularly suited for extremely long pipelines, very large diameters or difficult geological conditions. Depending on the project the Pipe Thruster can be used as a support tool, a rescue tool or as a pipe installation tool. After finishing the pilot hole and the reaming procedures using a HDD Rig the Pipe Thruster assists during the pipe pull. The Pipe Thruster is mounted at the exit point and pushs the product pipe into the enlarged hole while the Rig is pulling the pipe. This simultaneuos process will reduce the stresses on the drillpipe and the product pipe. Beside improved safety the Pipe Thruster allows drill lengths of more than 3,000m and makes the use of big pipe diameters more common. Herrenknecht AG D-77963 Schwanau Tel +49 7824 302 0 Fax +49 7824 302 364 Page 177 TECHNICAL DATA SHEET PIPE THRUSTER Innovative Solution: The Pipe Thruster Range of Application ❚ Support of the HDD process during pipe pullback. ❚ Sea Outfall projects: ashore thrusting of the product pipeline. ❚ Rescue Tool for the recovery of stucked pipelines, e.g. in difficult geological conditions. Advantages of the Method ❚ The deployment of the Pipe Thruster allows to add a push force from the exit point to the pull force of the HDD Rig. ❚ The flexible load distribution at the entry and exit point increases safety during the trenchless installation of pipelines considerably. ❚ Reduced stress for drill pipes and rigsite equipment during pipe pullback. ❚ Increase of drill lengths to more than 3,000m and more frequent use of large 48“ product pipe diameters. Advantages of the Herrenknecht Pipe Thruster ❚ The Herrenknecht Pipe Thruster can be used for all pipe diameters ranging between 20“ and 48“ by just changing the clamping inserts. ❚ Due to a tilting clamping device the Pipe Thruster can even be installed when the pipeline pullback is already in progress. ❚ The clamping device is suitable for all types of pipelines and coatings. ❚ The modular design does not require special cargo transports. Technical Data Power Unit Pipe Thruster ❚ Operating angle: 5° - 15° ❚ Dimensions: 20ft container ❚ Push and pull force (normal): 250t (2,500kN) ❚ Installed power: 400kW ❚ Push and pull force (maximum): 500t (5,000kN) ❚ Weight: 10t ❚ Min. clamp diameter: 20“ (508mm) ❚ Remote control and hydraulic hoses to the Pipe Thruster are included. ❚ Max. clamp diameter: 48“ (1,219mm) ❚ Max. speed: 5m/min. ❚ Stroke of push/pull cylinder: 5,000mm ❚ Dimensions: 9 x 4.1 x 4.4m ❚ Weight: 45t Page 178 ATTACHMENT DRILL FLUID RECYCLING FLOW CHART Michels Directional Crossings © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2015 Page 179 MUD RECYCLE FLOW CHART CLOSED LOOP A TO BACK END OF DRIL RIG Page 180 ?1 1 mu: STMII com? A NOTE: BENTONITE SLURRY PUMPED FROM PIT, COLLECTED RECYCLED 0R DISPOSED or Mum AT AN APPROVED LOCATION DIRECTIONAL DRILL PLAN of PROCEDURE DAKOTA ACCESS DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE PROJECT MISSOURI RIVER HDD CROSSING Williams & McKenzie Counties, North Dakota Installation of 24” Steel Pipe Horizontal Directional Drilling September 3, 2015 Page 1 HDD EXECUTION PLAN Michels Directional Crossings Dakota Access Pipeline Project Missouri River Crossing (~2,700’ / 24” Steel Pipe) Drill Support and Manpower: Michels proposes drilling and installing the Missouri River crossing with one shift of 8-12 men utilizing a minimum DD-840 Drill Rig and support crew. The crew for this rig will be scheduled to work approximately 1012 hours per day and up to 7-days per week, 24-hour per day operations may be required at any given time on the crossing depending on conditions encountered in the bore-hole and specific requirements which must be met. Notice will be provided to the Owner should additional work time be required and a mutually agreeable schedule will be developed. If a hole-intersect or additional assistance is required during drilling operations an appropriately sized capacity drill rig may be brought in to assist in operations. (Attachment – On Site Specialized Manpower and Resumes, pages 8 - 93) Drill Configuration/Geometry: Directional drilling using the continuous bore-hole method is proposed for the crossings, however, pilot-hole intersect operations can be anticipated if conditions necessitate. The planned borehole for the crossing is anticipated to follow the attached HDD Plan and Profile drawing. Adequate depth of cover is required depending on the formation and diameter being installed in order to minimize the risk for inadvertent drilling fluid returns. (Attachment – HDD Plan and Profile, pages 94 - 96) Drill Work Sites: The drill work sites required for staging equipment should be prepared by a prime contractor readied for Michels’ mobilization to the job site. A cleared and level work pad at both sides of the crossing is necessary for the support and movement of heavy equipment. The pad may require the installation of matting, gravel or other means for a stable workable surface. A work pad is required at either side of the proposed crossing capable of supporting a drill rig with ancillary equipment. The minimum work area requirements at entry and exit are 250’ long (parallel to drill centerline) by minimum 150’ in width. A drill rig dead-man is typically installed in front of the rig to support minimal movement of the rig during drilling operations. The dead-man consists of an 8’ x 20’ steel plate installed vertically down into the ground placed in front of the drill rig. It is used to distribute load bearing support during rigorous drilling operations. (Attachment – Typical Entry/Exit Site Layout Requirements, pages 97 - 99). Michels Directional Crossings Plan of Procedure © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2015 Page 2 Pilot Hole: For the pilot hole, the drill bit will be advanced from the entry point to the exit location along the proposed borehole path using a directional jetting bottom-hole assembly or mud motor with bit and bottom-hole assembly. The bottom-hole assembly includes the bit, stabilizer, directionally oriented sub, steering guidance tool (probe) or gyroscope, and non-magnetic drill collar. The drill stem added behind the bottom hole assembly as the pilot hole advances will be S-135 grade minimum 6-5/8” full hole double shoulder (FHDS) drill pipe or better and in random 30(±) foot lengths. The location of the pilot-hole drill path will be continuously monitored and surveyed utilizing the downhole wire-line probe (MGS) or non-wire line gyroscope as drilling proceeds. The elevation, alignment and distance away from the rig will be calculated and recorded in accordance with industry standard which is once at the end of every drill stem length (approximately 30-feet). (Attachment – MGS Steer Tool System, pages 106 - 108; Attachment – Gyroscope, pages 109 - 110; Attachment - Para Tracker, pages 111 - 112). Specifications and capacities of Atlas-840 Drill Rig:  Maximum Capacity: 840,000 pounds pulling power.  Maximum Drilling RPM: 100-RPM  Intended Drilling RPM: 60-80 RPM  Maximum Pump PSI: 1000-PSI  Intended Pump PSI: 300-800 PSI Depending on what stage the drilling operation is in.  Maximum GPM: 1,200 GPM  Intended GPM: Up to 800 GPM Depending on what stage the drilling operation is in (Attachment – Drill Rig Specification Hercules 1200, Atlas-840, pages 113 - 115) Drilling Fluids: Essential to any successful HDD process is the selection and proper utilization of drilling fluid which is made up of primarily water and bentonite (de-hydrated clay) having pH values between 8 and10. Bentonite is a naturally occurring, non-toxic, inert substance that meets NSF/ANSI-60 Drinking Water Additive Standards and is frequently used for drilling potable water wells. Therefore, the ecological and environmental impacts of an inadvertent release of drilling fluid into a water body is a temporary increase in local turbidity until the drilling fluid dissipates with the water current or settles out. Bentonite serves many notable purposes in the HDD process, which includes but is not limited to: 1) Cleans the drilled cuttings from the bore hole and cools the drilling tools, 2) Transports cuttings to the surface for recycling, 3) Aids in stabilizing formations by supplying a cohesive nature to the surrounding geological formation and preventing fluid loss from the bore hole, 4) Provides lubrication for the drill string and downhole assembly, which reduces frictional forces at the formation, 5) Drives a down-hole drill motor for rock drilling, 6) Provides hydrostatic fluid pressure in the bore hole to offset ground formation pressures. Drilling fluid is composed of a carrier fluid and solids. The selected carrier fluid for this crossing consists of water (approximately 96%) and an inorganic, bentonite clay (approximately 4%). Michels has access to Michels Directional Crossings Plan of Procedure © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2015 Page 3 several different brands of bentonite. The selection of which brand to use is typically based on price, availability and proximity to the proposed drill site. The following brands all exhibit similar characteristics providing the same results as listed above. (Attachment – Potential Bentonite Brands – Product Data/MSDS Sheets, pages 116 - 143) Potential Bentonite Brands  Max Gel  Super-Gel X  Bara-Kade The bentonite will be mixed in a mud mixing tank of up to 5,000 gallons, depending on mud rig size, in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendation. Approximately 15 to 20 pounds of powder bentonite will be mixed with 100 gallons of fresh water (Mud Composition), and will be used throughout the entire drilling process to establish and maintain optimum drilling fluid properties. Estimated drill spoils listed above are based on past experience and do not take into account unexpected conditions encountered. Michels maintains fluid performance through the daily sampling, testing and recording of fluid properties throughout drilling operations. Fluid properties will be tested six times per day. The items that will be tested are listed on the attached daily mud testing report. This provides Michels’ Mud Technician the information required to make educated recommendations regarding maintenance of efficient drilling fluid rheology consistent with holestabilization with the intention of limiting inadvertent surface returns. Following is one of the tables used as a guideline by the Mud Technician referencing recommended fluid consistencies targeted during typical testing. Ratios of bentonite and water are varied to achieve these recommended viscosities. (Attachment – Daily Mud Testing Report, pages 144 - 145) Targeted Drilling Fluid Viscosities Recommended Sand 60-80 Viscosity Silt 50-70 Viscosity Clay 40-50 Viscosity Rock 60-80 Viscosity Gravel 70-90 Viscosity Once the drilling fluid is thoroughly mixed to an acceptable consistency, it is pumped from the mud tank to the back end of the drill rig. From here it is injected under high pressure through the drill stem at a rate of between 300 to 800 gpm to the apex of the drill head. The spent drill fluid with mixed cuttings maintains a return flow back along the annular space created between the drill stem and the formation wall. Drill fluid returns to the entry pit where it is pumped by a 6hp submersible pump to the fluid recycle and processing system. Michels does not foresee the need for additives; however, additives may be deemed necessary based on evaluations and recommendations made by the Mud Technician during drilling and hole-opening operations. If the need for drill fluid additives does arise, it is anticipated that one of the following additives may be required in order to maintain adequate fluid rheology down-hole: (Attachment – List of Potential Additives – MSDS provided a need determined, pages 146 - 147) Michels Directional Crossings Plan of Procedure © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2015 Page 4 Brand Purpose Environmental Effect If Spilled InstaVis Plus Used in Rock Formation - Increase Gel Strength Used in Clay Formation – Prevents Clay Balling and Swelling Used in Clay Formation – Improves Viscosity Rel-Pac Xtra Low Used in Sand & Cobble - Control Fluid Loss Non-Toxic / Non-Hazardous Soda Ash Increase Ph in Make-up Water Non-Toxic / Non-Hazardous Suspend-IT Drill_Terge Non-Toxic / Non-Hazardous Non-Toxic / Non-Hazardous Non-Toxic / Non-Hazardous Solids Control and Separation: The first phase of the mud cleaning system is displacement of solid returns at the shaker. Solid control systems will vary for the various drill rigs however the end product is the same. Heavy solids are sifted out by a shaker with screens and deposited into a pit. From here they will be transported by dump truck to a site for disposal. Spent drill fluids are collected at the drill site and transferred to tanker trucks for disposal at an approved location. (Attachment – Drill Fluid Recycle Flow Chart, pages 148 - 149) Reaming Passes: Michels anticipates performing one reaming pass with a final hole diameter of up to 36” in diameter. However, the final determination as to size and number of ream passes will be based on conditions encountered during pilot-hole drilling and the initial reaming operation. The reamers proposed for the crossings will be various types of dirt and rock reamers custom fabricated by Michels specifically for this type of formation, which could include conventional fly-cutter type reamers and hole-openers. Michels also has additional resources for various rock-tooling which can be supplied at a moment’s notice if needed. Equivalent or better tools may be substituted depending on availability of other supplier’s products or if changes in anticipated drilling conditions are encountered. (Attachment- Michels’ Downhole Tools, pages 150 - 153) Cleaning Pass: A swab pass will need to be conducted up to the same size as the final ream pass but no larger. The swab pass is typically pulled back from exit to entry. Drill Mud Cleaning: The first phase of the mud cleaning system is displacement of solid returns at the shaker. Heavy solids are sifted out by a shaker with screens and deposited into a pit. From here they will be transported by dump truck to a site for disposal. Michels Directional Crossings Plan of Procedure © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2015 Page 5 Drill Mud Cleaning Equipment Specifications Volume of Mixing/Scalper Tank ................ 54.0-Bbls Volume of Desander Tank ........................ 72.0-Bbls Volume of Desilter Tank ........................... 72.0-Bbls Quantity of Scalping Shakers ..................... 1.0-Shakers Mesh Size of Scalping Shakers ................ 10-20 Double Stacked Desander Capability ................................... 2 @ 500-GPM (1,000 GPM Total) Desander Cones ........................................ 2.0-Cones Desander Mesh Size ................................ 40 to 165 Quantity of Desilter Cones ....................... 10 Ea @ 100-GPM Desilter Mesh Size ................................... 60 to 250 Steel Mud Circulating Tank Volume ....... 160-Bbls Returns Tank Volume (Mud Pit) ............. 320-Bbls Cuttings Tank Volume (20-yd Roll-off) ... 150-Bbls Mud Screening, Max Pass Size................ 40-Mesh (Attachment – Mud Cleaning Equipment Specifications, pages 154 - 156) Bentonite Pump Capabilities (ENTRY/EXIT) (Based on Availability) Name Brand .................................................... Ellis Williams W-446 Triplex Piston Model Liner Size ........................................................................... 6-Inches Maximum Pressure .......................................................... 1,027 PSI Maximum Flow Rate ......................................................... 661 GPM Gallons Per Stroke .................................... 2.20 Gallons Per Stroke Bentonite Pump Capabilities (ENTRY/EXIT) (Based on Availability) Name Brand ............................................ Gardner Denver OPI-350 Liner Size ........................................................................... 6-Inches Maximum Pressure .......................................................... 1,469 PSI Maximum Flow Rate ......................................................... 529 GPM Gallons Per Stroke .................................... 2.94 Gallons Per Stroke Pull Pipe: The pipe will be welded and placed on top of rollers in preparation for pullback. The pipe will be pulled into place utilizing an approved pull head, swivel and reamer from exit to entry. This is a continuous operation which takes place until the product pipe is pulled through the opened hole back to the entry point. (Attachment - Michels’ Support Rollers, pages 157 - 158) Contingency Planning: Contingency planning is conducted in response to unforeseen events and conditions which could occur during normal operating sequences. One of the most significant contingency plans has been developed for the mitigation and handling of inadvertent drilling fluid returns. This is addressed in an independent document supplemental to this plan. Michels has developed an environmentally responsive set of contingency plans to Michels Directional Crossings Plan of Procedure © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2015 Page 6 be invoked for expeditious attention and handling of various incidence as they arise. In the unlikely event that the drilled borehole needs to be abandoned, the borehole will be filled with bentonite slurry and abandoned. (Attachment – Contingency Plans for HDD crossings, pages 159 - 170). Demobilization: Excess drilling fluid is removed from the site and transported to the approved disposal site. Equipment and personnel will be moved off-site after successful completion of the hydrostatic test and clean-up operations will take place. Michels Directional Crossings Plan of Procedure © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2015 Page 7 ATTACHMENT ON SITE SPECIALIZED MANPOWER AND RESUMES Michels Directional Crossings © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2015 Page 8 PERSONNEL STATEMENT Personnel for each newly contracted job, from the Project Manager to the Mud Technician, are duly assigned to a project based on a number of circumstances. These may include but are not limited to the following; current projects under contract, geographic location of previous project, scope of work required for the directional drill. Our personnel and equipment have been assembled so that they are interchangeable from project to project. The key to any directional drilling project is obviously having qualified personnel who are experienced in dealing with unforeseen circumstances as they arise. Michels’ personnel are some of the most experienced and highly qualified drilling experts in the industry, as demonstrated on past projects accumulated on our reference list. With the appropriate resources at their disposal, Michels has overcome risks associated with some of the most difficult drilling projects ever attempted and has evolved into one of the foremost leaders in the directional drilling industry. Each of the Drilling Superintendents employed by Michels is highly experienced in utilizing drill rigs of every size. Michels’ Drilling Superintendents are well respected throughout the industry, as represented on the attached resumes. Each has completed countless difficult drills including installation of large diameter pipe and at great lengths. Our Drilling Superintendents have worked up through the ranks providing them a complete and comprehensive understanding of safety, hazards, environmental monitoring, manpower, equipment operations and repairs for each phase of the directional drilling operation. Michels’ personnel maintain continuous schooling for all phases of the drilling operation. As noted on the attached resumes, each Superintendent has drilled throughout North America as well as internationally, and has encountered various soil conditions, from sands, gravels, clay and cobble to solid rock formations. Page 9 Michels Directional Crossings A Division of Michels Corporation Tim McGuire Robert Westphal Vice President of Michels Directional Crossings Senior Vice President of Construction Operations Sean Nicholson Dave Melum Jeff Mueller Environmental Manager HDD Operations Manager Safety Director Diane Dalle Nogare Greg Goral Engineering/ Estimating Administrative Assistant Toni Budahn Greg Warner Brad Eifert Administrative Assistant Project Safety Manager Engineering Tech 10 plus Safety Managers Ted Foltz Don Mueller Scott Nehls Ray Viator Asst. Operations Manager Asst. Operations Manager HDD Logistics QA/QC Manager Marine Operations Manager Project Managers Ken Coleman Deno Darden Project Manager Project Manager Eric Frawley Survey Technician Project Manager Jim McGovern Larry Shilman Project Manager Project Manager Project Manager Jeremiah Erickson Survey Technician Doug Houska Matt Smith Direct Pipe Manager Rick Zavitz Drilling Fluid Specialist/ Project Manager Cody Abler Wendell Long Project Manager Bob Spennati Survey Engineers Mark Zimmerman Project Manager Surveyor/Drilling Foreman Dusty Branscomb Surveyor/Drilling Foreman Tom Forconi Surveyor/Drilling Foreman Cale Mullenix Surveyor/Drilling Foreman Jeff Nehmer Dan Reynolds Surveyor/Drilling Foreman Surveyor/Drilling Foreman Darrell Tise Surveyor/Drilling Foreman Patrick O’Donoghue Trenchless Crossings Manager Field Operations Superintendents Dennis Bush Marcus Carratt Karl Kornkven Jack Edmunds Brian Guelig Field Operations Superintendent Field Operations Superintendent Field Operations Superintendent Field Operations Superintendent Field Operations Superintendent Ryan Jackson Bryan Ketter Clifford Mclain Dan Kriesel Paul Krings Field Operations Superintendent Field Operations Superintendent Field Operations Superintendent Field Operations Superintendent Field Operations Superintendent Nick Leblanc Eric McBrair Bryan Parker Field Operations Superintendent Direct Pipe Superintendent Jeremiah Yliniemi Curt Rischmueller Steve Sanders Dale Schinderle Field Operations Superintendent Field Operations Superintendent Page 10 Field Operations Foreman Field Operations Superintendent Field Operations Superintendent MICHELS CORPORATION Robert H. Westphal Senior Vice President of Construction Operations Michels Corporation 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 Phone: (920) 583-3132 / Fax: (920) 924-4375 Email: 2009-Present Senior Vice President of Construction Operations, Michels Corporation, Brownsville, WI Responsible for leadership encompassing but not limited to: the development and execution of strategic business initiatives both domestically and internationally; operational and administrative process improvement; workforce leadership, knowledge transfer, mentoring, development and diversification; and strategic issue resolution. Executive oversight of multiple diverse operating divisions as well as domestic and international joint ventures and strategic alliances. Senior Executive Corporate Representative for the company on multiple industry related Boards of Directors and Charitable Foundations. 2000-20009 Senior Vice President, Michels Corporation, Brownsville, WI Michels Pipeline Construction, Brownsville, WI Michels Directional Crossings, Brownsville, WI Michels Canada, Nisku, Alberta, Canada Responsibilities include executive oversight of all operations with Pipeline Construction and Directional Crossings divisions. Complete profit and loss responsibility for all projects related to Pipeline and Crossings divisions. Oversee business development, finalizing estimates of all major projects, negotiation of contract agreements, subcontractor management, utility owner interface from project start to finish, human and equipment resource allocation, and general management of all Pipeline and Crossings division operations. Report directly to the President of the company. 1989-2000 Vice President, Michels Pipeline Construction, Inc. Michels Corporation, Brownsville, WI Responsible for general and regional construction operations of this telecommunications OSP construction division. Duties include complete profit and loss responsibility for multiple and simultaneous telephone cable, gas and directional drilling construction projects including, but not limited to, bid estimating, bid preparation, project management, and interface with utility construction managers, engineers and consulting engineers. Report directly to the President of the company. 1981-1988 General Superintendent, Mid-America Line & Cable Division, Michels Pipeline Construction, Inc., Brownsville, WI Complete profit and loss responsibility for hundreds of fiber optic and OSP telecommunication construction projects varying in size up to $10-million. Duties include bid estimating and preparation and complete control of all phases of utility OSP construction projects. 1979-1980 Project Manager, Mid-America Line & Cable Division, Michels Construction, Inc., Brownsville, WI Responsible for project management, including the coordination of labor, equipment, materials, construction scheduling and production. Projects included various OSP telephone cable and rural water construction projects. Page 11 1973-1978 Project Superintendent, Mid-America Line & Cable Division, Michels Pipeline Construction, Inc., Brownsville, WI Responsible for overall supervision for construction crews on various cable construction projects. 1969-1972 Crew Foreman, Mid-America Line & Cable Division, Michels Pipeline Construction, Inc., Brownsville, WI Managed a utility construction crew as well as operated heavy equipment for cable construction as a working foreman. 1966-1969 Equipment Operator, Michels Pipeline Construction, Inc., Brownsville, WI Operated all types of utility construction equipment and specialized in backhoe operations. 1965-1966 Laborer, Michels Pipeline Construction, Inc., Brownsville, WI 1964-1965 Laborer on various utility construction projects. Laborer, Cooks Masonry, Brownsville, WI 1962-1964 Parts and Sales Department, Humphrey Chevrolet/Krause Oldsmobile Education: 1962 Graduate of Mayville High School, Mayville, WI Page 12 MICHELS DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS PROFESSIONAL RESUME Tim McGuire Vice President - Directional Crossings Division Michels Corporation 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 Phone: (920) 583-3132 / Fax: (920) 583-3429 Email: 2002-Present Vice President, Michels Directional Crossings, Brownsville, WI Responsible for horizontal directional drilling division construction operations. Duties include profit and loss responsibility for multiple and simultaneous directional drilling gas, product, water, sewer, civil, electric, telephone cable, and environmental projects. Day to day involvement with bid estimating, construction feasibility evaluation, specification and design criteria review, proposal preparation, contract and subcontract negotiations, project planning and oversight, cost scheduling, allocation of divisional resources, and interface with utility construction managers, engineers and owners. Report directly to the Senior Vice President and President of the company. 1998-2002 General Manager, Michels Directional Crossings, Brownsville, WI Responsible for estimating, planning and managing horizontal directional drilling projects for various size utilities up to 48” in diameter and 6,000’ in length in a wide range of unconsolidated soil and bedrock conditions. 1994-1998 Project Engineer/Project Manager, Michels Corporation, Brownsville, WI Responsible for assessing feasibility of design specifications, recommendation and implementation of construction methods, and day-to-day on-site management and coordination of horizontal directional drilling projects for various utilities. 1992-1994 Division Manager, Michels Environmental Services, Michels Corporation, Brownsville, WI Responsible for estimating, designing, planning and coordinating underground environmental remediation projects utilizing horizontal directional drilling technology. 1991-1992 Drilling Division Manager, Harrison Western Mining Corporation, Denver, CO Responsible for estimating, planning and managing various vertical, angle and horizontal drilling projects for geotechnical investigations, civil construction, mining operations and environmental evaluation and remediation. Evaluated, designed and implemented various drilling methods, equipment, materials and tools while managing day-to-day drilling operations on geotechnical, civil, mining and environmental drilling projects. Page 13 1987-1991 Project Manager/Geotechnical & Environmental Engineer, Ebasco Corporation, Denver, CO Responsible for coordinating and managing remedial investigations, feasibility studies, risk assessments, and remedial construction projects at various hazardous waste contaminated sites in the United States. Designed, specified, coordinated and implemented geologic, hydro geologic, geophysical and environmental field investigation programs to evaluate specific site conditions utilizing various drilling technologies throughout the United States. Interpreted geotechnical and geochemical data and complied with all other available site information to produce comprehensive summary reports. Installed monitoring wells and conducted hydro geological field investigations at numerous locations. Conducted field logging and laboratory testing to determine quantitative properties of soil and rock materials. Education: 1986 BS Geological Eng., Minor in Hydrogeology from the Colorado School of Mines Presentations: 1998 MCI Engineer Training Seminar “Horizontal Directional Drilling Design, Specification and Construction for Trenchless Placement of Underground Utilities” 1996 Midwest Gas Association “Horizontal Directional Drilling Large Diameter Pipeline Installations” 1995 National Groundwater Association Outdoor Action Conference “Horizontal Directional Drilling Demonstration for Installation of Horizontal Wells” Page 14 MICHELS DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS PROFESSIONAL RESUME Greg Goral Design Engineer Michels Corporation 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 Phone: (920) 583-3132 / Fax: (920) 583-3429 Email: 1988-Present Design Engineer, Michels Corporation, Brownsville, WI Create forms for and compile various informational submittals for Directional Drilling and Line and Cable Divisions. Planning and design drawings on AutoCAD from preliminary designs to as-built drawings. Developed computer programs for simplifying preliminary and correction computations required for Directional Drilling. Composed dissertations for various projects proposed and awarded. Complied engineering computations and studied stress and loading analysis for pipeline installation. Responsible for take-offs, material estimates, material purchasing and project coordination, and map route reproduction. 5/1986-5/1987 Estimator/Purchasing, LaForce Hardware and Manufacturing, Green Bay, WI Involved in the bid process using skills in estimating and pricing. Scheduled materials for architect’s review and approval. Responsible for the purchasing of materials and coordinating shipments to job sites. 6/1981-8/1984 Machine Operator, Badger Wood Products, Inc., De Pere, WI Machine operator responsible for setup operations for various machines in a production line process. Responsible for quality control at various machines. Education: 1986 University of Wisconsin – Platteville Bachelor of Science with Construction Management Major Relevant Construction Materials & Techniques Courses General Construction Estimating Route Laying and Photogramitry Engineering Mechanics - Statics Elements of Surveying Page 15 MICHELS DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS PROFESSIONAL RESUME Bradley J. Eifert Engineering Technician Michels Corporation 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 Phone: (920) 583-3132 / Fax: (920) 924-4323 Email: 2005-Present Engineering Technician, Michels Corporation, Brownsville, WI Create forms for and compile various informational submittals for Directional Drilling. Planning and design drawings on AutoCAD from preliminary designs to as-built drawings. Developed computer programs for simplifying preliminary and correction computations required for Directional Drilling. Composed dissertations for various projects proposed and awarded. Compiled engineering computations and studied stress and loading analysis for pipeline installation. Responsible for take-offs, material estimates, and map route reproduction. 2004-2005 Assistant Project Coordinator, Michels Corporation, Brownsville, WI Performed As-builts, scheduling, dispatch, and project tracking for communication cable burial. Designed and preformed anticipated loads and stress calculations for the following projects: Diameter Length 24" 36" 30" 16" 42" 30” Steel 30” HDPE 36” HDPE 8” Steel 20” HDPE 30” Steel 36” Steel 42” Steel 24” Steel 2645' 4992' 5786' 9931' 4512’ 34,000’ (19 Drills) 3076’ 2144’ 8400’ 2300’ 5700’ 2130’ 2078’ 24,000’ (6 Drills) Location Year Corning, NY Melville, LA Sussex, NJ Goose Creek, SC Vicksburg, MS Atlanta, GA Albany, NY Charleston, SC Okaloosa, FL Honolulu, HA Trinidad Albuquerque, NM South Amboy, NJ Sacramento, CA 2011 2011 2010 2010 2009 2008-2009 2008 2007 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2005-2006 Education: 2005 Moraine Park Technical College, Fond du Lac, WI Associate Degree- Civil Engineering Technician 1995 Graduate Hartford Union High School Relevant Courses: Surveying, Structural Analysis, Strength of Materials, Design & Drafting, Construction Estimating, Geo-technical Page 16 MICHELS DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS PROFESSIONAL RESUME Jeffrey S. Mueller Operations Manager Michels Corporation 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 Phone: (920) 583-3132 / Fax: (920) 583-3429 Email: 2003-Present Operations Manager, Michels Directional Crossings, Brownsville, WI Supervisor of field operation superintendents and directional drilling project managers. Oversee large inventory of drilling tools and materials during storage and field use. Monitors production by Fleet Department of directional drilling personnel and equipment. Duties include coordinating and scheduling the mobilization of equipment, personnel and materials to remote job sites throughout the United States and Internationally. Involved in estimating of various directional drilling projects. Specialize in the engineering design, build and maintenance of directional drilling fleet. Responsible for pilot hole drilling & survey for complicated bores which include implementing and integrating new technology necessary for successful completion of leading edge HDD crossings (i.e. hole-intersects). Some more notable crossings include, but are not limited to: Diameter 24" 30" 30" 30" 42" 30" 30" 30" 42" 30" 30" 42" 30" 30" 30" 24" 30" 42" 42" 36" 42" 16" 36" 36" 20" 24" 36" 30" 24" 30" 10" 24" 20" 6" 8" (2) Length 2020' 2344' 1881' 4987' 3008' 1707' 4905' 6544' 4441' 4861' 8101' 3211' 5378' 4850' 3042' 2458' 3454 4952' 5117' 5325' 5340' 9931' 3492' 5240' 4968' 6518' 3899' 4174' 6418' 4174' 8400' 6183' 7456' 15684' 7025' & 7074' Crossing/Location Unnamed Creek, AL Delaware River, PA/NJ Bennekill Stream, NJ Monksville Reservoir, NJ I-95 & Tidal Wetlands, NJ Bayonne Inlet, NJ Merseles Street, NJ 1st Street, NJ Goethals Bridge, NY 18th Street, NJ Kill Van Kull River, NY/NJ Arthur Kill, NY/NJ Hudson River, NY/NJ Red River, Thackerville, TX/OK Wyalusing, PA Jonestown, PA Michigan/Canada Kingston, LA Westdale, LA Kingston, LA Boyce, LA Cooper River, SC Trinidad/Tabago Superior, WI Jacksonville, NC Stone Lakes, CA Toronto, Canada Athabasca River, WI Latham Slough, CA Fort MacKay, Canada Walton Co., FL Richland Creek, TX Trois River, Quebec Point Harbor, NC Cooper River, SC Page 17 Year 2014 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 2009 2009 2008 2008 2007 2007 2006 2006 2005 2005 2004 2004 1996-2003 Field Operations Superintendent, Michels Directional Crossings, Brownsville, WI Responsible for coordinating and drilling directional boring projects for various size gas, water, sewer, electrical and communication lines as well as environmental wells. Duties include mobilization of all equipment and personnel to remote job sites throughout the United States; the set-up and drilling of crossings; on-site maintenance of mechanical and technical equipment; and necessary recordkeeping of plots and production. Oversees drilling survey during crossing. Diameter Length 20" 30" 20" 36"(3) 20" 42" (2) 8" 4" 46" (2) 24" 48" (2) 28" 3130' 5174' 4309' 1585' & 2853' 3232' 2369' & 2372' 4862' 3581' 3500' & 3450' 6041' 2360' & 1814' 4716' Location Year Mississippi River, MO Georges Island, MA Black River, WA Hwy 607 & 73, NJ Van Buren State Park, MI Van Buren State Park, MI Forest Preserve, IL Destin, FL Honolulu, HI Apex, NC Guadalupe Rvr & Victoria Barge Canal, TX St. Charles, MO 2003 2003 2002 2002 2002 2001 2001 2000 2000 1999 1998 1997 1991-1996 Drilling Survey Technician, Michels Directional Crossings, Brownsville, WI Responsible for surveying, staking and design of directional drill path and curve, monitoring the drill path and calculating and interpreting the ground elevations and contours. Computer literate with knowledge and experience operating various software. Complete surveying skills and experience utilizing a Total Station for lay out of grade elevations over all types of topography in establishing alignment tying into existing surveyed points. Additional duties include on-site maintenance of technical equipment and necessary record-keeping of plots and drilling logs. 1989-1991 Skilled Laborer, Michels Directional Crossings, Brownsville, WI Experience in working on and around directional drilling rigs as an integral member of a specialized team. Multi-capable to assist with all facets of drilling operations. Familiar with mechanical repairs; hydraulics; fluids; set-up and operation of drill motors; power generators; mud pumps; bentonite mixers; drill pipe; reamers; couplings; and overall equipment maintenance and operation. Education: 1989 Graduate of Lomira High School, Lomira, WI Page 18 David A. Melum MANAGER, ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE GROUP & ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE SPECIALIST MICHELS CORPORATION 817 West Main Street·Brownsville, WI 53006 Phone: (920) 583-3132 / Fax: (920) 583-3429 Cell: (920) 737-2648 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 2005 – Present Manager, Environmental Resource Group & Environmental Compliance Specialist Michels Corporation, Brownsville, WI ƒ Manage Environmental Resource Group Staff. ƒ Environmental review and due diligence during the preliminary bid process. ƒ Review permits conditions and summarize the information into training sessions prior to starting construction. ƒ Maintain over 250 permits for Michels Corporations various construction and industrial properties and processes. ƒ Conduct environmental audits and compliance checks on construction and industrial sites. ƒ Perform annual environmental training for all operating divisions. ƒ Prepare conditional use permit applications and present applications to local governmental agencies. ƒ Assist in the development of an internal GIS system to track properties and permits. 1997 – 2005 Hydrogeologist/Project Coordinator & Environmental Technician Northern Environmental Technologies, Inc. ƒ Manage a variety of projects and environmental programs related to environmental regulation, permitting, mitigation, and compliance. ƒ Direct and supervise contractors during environmental remediation and mitigation projects. ƒ Act as the client liaison with regulatory authorities and provide community outreach. ƒ Develop and prepare various manuals and plans associated with construction and industrial processes. ƒ Designed and implemented comprehensive groundwater sampling schedule. ƒ Performed inspections required by NPDES permits for both construction and industrial sites. ƒ Field work required during investigation, remediation, and mitigation of various environmental and construction projects. EDUCATION: 1998 University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh Bachelor of Science in Geology Professional Emphasis in Hydrogeology AFFILIATIONS: ƒ ƒ Member of the Wisconsin Manufacturing and Commerce Environment Committee Member of Wisconsin Transportation Builders Association Environmental Committee ƒ ƒ Professional Geologist (31196-013), Wisconsin Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 40-Hour Hazardous Waste Site Worker Training EPA Method 9 (40 CFR Part 60 Appendix A) Certified Visual Emissions Observer CREDENTIALS: ƒ David A. Melum Revised 4/15/2009 Page 19 MICHELS DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS PROFESSIONAL RESUME Sean Nicholson Director of Health & Safety Michels Corporation 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 Phone: (920) 583-3132 / Fax: (920) 583-3429 Email: 2007-Present Director of Health & Safety, Michels Corporation, Brownsville, WI Assigned the responsibility of developing, implementing and maintaining the health, safety and environmental program for Michels Corporation.. Advise executive management pertaining to matters of safety and health, and monitor day-to-day operations to ensure compliance with applicable regulatory requirements and the company’s health and safety policies and procedures. Primary responsibilities include: ·Develop and maintain HS&E practices, procedures and training programs that reinforce safe behaviors and conditions. ·Serve as a technical resource and consultant on safety, industrial hygiene, fire protection, ergonomics and environmental issues. ·Provide executive management with support in regards HS&E regulatory compliance issues involving OSHA, EPA, DOT, etc. ·Manage and develop a highly qualified staff of 14+ Safety Professionals. ·Assist in developing, coordinating and delivering HS&E training to managers and other employees. ·Develop, implement and maintain a comprehensive system for auditing Michels’ construction operations and services. ·Interface and communicate with owner/client management regarding all facets of the Michels Health and Safety Program and compliance efforts. ·Periodically evaluate the effectiveness of the safety program and revise as necessary. ·Assist in accident investigations, conduct audits and operations reviews to identify safe and unsafe trends, behaviors and conditions. ·Review accident/incident reports and ensure corrective/preventative actions are undertaken. Page 20 ·Correspond with government agencies as required. ·Advise estimators, purchasing and engineers regarding safety issues. ·Coordinate the disciplinary action policy and procedure. Responsible for identification and correction of unsafe acts or environmentally threatening conditions. 2001-2007 Corporate Director, HSE/RISK, MearsGroup, Inc., Rosebush, MI ·Responsible for all facets of HSE initiatives, compliance and training on an international level (USA, Canada, Mexico). ·Acquired the Certificate of Recognition (COR) from the Alberta Construction Safety Association for Mears Canada Corp. ·Compiled and reviewed incident/injury data to determine trends and develop corrective actions and/or programs to prevent recurrence and improve performance. ·Director of DOT Operator Qualification (OQ) Program for the pipeline industry. ·Director of the DOT Fleet Safety Compliance program. ·Managed and directed all aspects of litigation issues and legal proceedings. ·Conducted investigations on suspected workers’ compensation and property damage fraud cases. ·Provide advice and support in all HSE matters, including HSE policy, processes, and standards. ·Mediated and negotiated citations/claims with regulatory agencies. ·Designed and implemented an effective “position-specific” training program for all operating units (HDD, Construction, and Technical Services). ·Responsible for development of HS&E program policies and standards, Hazard Communication program, job procedures and safe work practices, training programs and job specific requirements. ·Successfully integrated HSE program into business plans and procedures ·Developed and audited HSE programs and policies to ensure compliance with regulatory agencies governing the energy industry (OSHA, RSPA, EPA, FHWSA). ·Developed, implemented and maintained a comprehensive system for auditing Mears construction operations and services, and subcontractor performance and compliance. ·Managed a professional and administrative support staff (HSE/RISK) and provide direction in regards to carrying out the mandates of the HS&E program. ·Proven track record of excellent planning and operational support to line leadership and field locations consistent with required project schedules, operational deadlines, and regulatory and stakeholder requirements. Page 21 1999-2001 Regional Manager of Safety Training & Environmental Compliance, 360networks, Inc. ·Planned implemented and coordinated programs to reduce and eliminate occupational injuries, illnesses, fatalities and financial losses. ·Developed accident-prevention, loss-control systems and programs for incorporation into operational policies of organization. ·Wrote, designed and produced safe work practices and job procedures for companywide implementation. ·Reviewed, updated and developed health and safety training programs. ·Reviewed formal audits, inspections and accident/incident investigations and coordinated follow up initiatives. ·Prepared and presented various required training for 360networks and subcontractors. ·Devised, produced and implemented Emergency Response Plans. ·Lead investigations of accidents and injuries, security breaches, and environmental breaches as well as responsible for the assembly and preparation of material and evidence for use in hearings, lawsuits, and insurance investigations. ·Perform routine environmental and safety inspections to detect existing and potential accident and health hazards, environmental hazards, security gaps, determined corrective or preventative measures where indicated, and followed up to ensure measures have been implemented. ·Contributed to profitability by ensuring management and personnel were properly trained in job procedures and risk assessments, which in turn, lead to a notable reduction in accidents. ·Provided personalized safety service to contractors and subcontractors for 360networks and conducted system audits and evaluations. 1999-1999 Clearing Foreman – Railway Services Division, 360networks/Ledcor Ind. ·Trained and managed 45 flagmen and achieved significant improvements in their productivity and safety. ·Conferred with department heads concerning problems such as near misses and accidents, and recommended measures and procedures to improve safety. ·Responsible for ensuring separated work groups working on live railroad tracks were afforded proper protection and that they were off the tracks, and in their place of safety before trains arrived. ·Observed the work of subcontractors to ensure they conformed with company specifications. Page 22 Certifications: Certified HS&E Auditor with the Alberta Construction Safety Association Completed the “Auditor Certification Training Program” with the NCCER (National Center for Construction & Research)   OSHA 500 and OSHA 510  OSHA Outreach Instructor Certificate in Health, Safety & Environmental Law from the Institute of Applied Management and Law (IAML) Advanced Certificate in Health, Safety & Environmental Law from the Institute of Applied Management and Law (IAML)   Master Trainer – NCCER (National Center for Construction Education & Research)  Certified Defensive Driving Instructor with National Safety Council Certified Instructor – “SPEED SHORE” (Competent Person, Trenching and Excavations)   Certified Instructor – American Traffic Safety Services (ATSSA)  Traffic Control Supervisor  Traffic Control Technician  “TapRooT” Investigations Course  “Principles in Health and Safety Management”  “Leadership for Safety Excellence” - ACSA  “Prime Contractor” course – ACSA  “Effective Claims Management” Course- ACSA  Certified Medic First Aid/CPR  Working towards completion of NCSO certificate (National Construction Safety Officer)  Stephen Covey’s “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” seminar.  “Results in Learning” Leadership Course Education: B.A., (Honors), Trent University (1997) Page 23 MICHELS DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS PROFESSIONAL RESUME Greg Warner HDD Project Safety Manager Michels Corporation 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 Phone: (920) 583-3132 / Fax: (920) 583-3429 Email: 2007-Present HDD Project Safety Manager, Michels Corporation, Brownsville, WI Directional Crossings Project Safety Manager, (Shell) Project in Mansfield Pennsylvania area with multiple drill sites along pipeline route. Directional Crossings Project Safety Manager, (Dominican) Project in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania area with various severe elevation challenges. Directional Crossings Project Safety Manager, (Conoco Phillips) Project in Missoula MT. river sensitive crossing. Directional Crossings Project Safety Manager, (NGC) Project in Trinidad / Tobago W.I. 36" shore to ocean floor & pull back product line off barge. Directional Crossings Project Safety Manager, (Chevron) Project in Buras, LA. (2) 5,000 ft. Levy sensitive Mississippi River crossings in southern LA. Directional Crossings Project Safety Manager, (Georgia Power) Project in Atlanta, GA. (19) drill sites on the 21 mile, 30” gas pipeline project which 16 are rock bores. Directional Crossings Project Safety Manager, “Golden Pass” Project (Exxon Mobil) in Beaumont TX. (19) 42” Directional Drilling sites through the bayou’s ranging from 1,800 ft. to 6,000 ft. bores along the 52 mile project. Project Safety Manager, Southern Lights Project (Enbridge) in Wisconsin. Over 300 miles of 42 & 20”joint trench crude oil pipeline including several Station projects along the Pipeline route with over 400 employees. Project Safety Manager, MinnCan Project (Koch Pipeline Co.) Cold Spring MN. 150 miles of 24” crude oil pipeline Project Safety Manager, Buckeye Project, Monee IL 13 miles of 12” Natural Gas Pipeline 2006-2007 Infrasource, Maysville, Georgia Contract Manager – IUCS Southeast, IUCS Northeast, IUCS-NBL AP/AR, payroll, client contract management, employee training 2001-2005 Exelon / Infrasource, New Berlin, Wisconsin General Manager, Southeast Region Responsible for total operations for 5 states/8 individual utility companies. Large renewal projects in major city arterials Page 24 1998-2001 MDC, Duluth, Georgia Operations Manager for Georgia/Tennessee Wichita Falls, TX – Supervised Replacement of 3206 Polyethylene Denver, Co – Helped Mueller Pipeliners start-up Denver operations with the contract for Excel Energy 1992-1998 MDC, Duluth Georgia Contract Manager/Equipment Manager AP/AR, payroll, client contract management, employee training, equipment maintenance and replacement 1977-1992 Mueller Pipeliners, New Berlin, Wisconsin Laborer/Welder/Foreman/General Foreman Education: Professional Training Attended & instructed Company Safety Training Seminars First aid, CPR, trench safety, static electricity, competent person, drug & alcohol, electricity safety, rigging, welding, driving, respirator, scaffolding, Marquette University MRM 5 Yr. Leadership Training Program Management Training Dale Carnegie Continuing Education Courses OSHA 30 hour 510 Course OSHA 500 Course First–Aid & CPR trainer Awards, Designations, Licenses Safety Achievement Award for achieving 0 injuries - 2002, 2003 State of Georgia Utility Manager License Level 1A Georgia Soil & Water Certification CDL Class A Norfolk Southern Rail Road Certified CSX Rail Road Contractors Certified. Page 25 MICHELS DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS PROFESSIONAL RESUME Don Mueller Assistant Operations Manager Michels Corporation 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 Phone: (920) 583-3132 / Fax: (920) 583-3429 Email: 2011 to Present Assistant Opertations Manager, Michels Directional Crossings, Brownsville, WI Responsible for coordinating directional boring projects for various size gas, water, sewer, electrical and communication lines throughout the United States and Canada. Complete knowledge of directional drilling technology and procedures. Duties include project coordination from start-up to completion, union relations, subcontractor coordination, production recordkeeping, and overall on-site management. Diameter Length Location Year 36" 36" 10" 10" 18" 24" 24" 36" 20" 8" 16" 16" 42" 42" 36" 42" 42" 42" 5128' 1812' 1971' 4654' 12,459 2003' 2750' 9040' 2364' 4911 1717' 1664' 3205' 1661' 2373' 5732' 2696' 2202' Lake Ave & RR, IL Highway 394, IL Tank Farm/Central Ave, PA Allegheny River, PA Houston Ship Channel, TX Highway 612, MS Escatawpa River, MS Mississippi River, IL/MO Missouri River, IA/NE 115 KV Power Duct, SC Morales, TX Morales, TX Dewitt, TX Morales, TX Ravenswood, LA Melrose, LA Natchez, LA Cloutierville, LA 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2014 2014 2014 2014 2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 1998-2011 Field Operations Superintendent, Michels Directional Crossings, Brownsville, WI Responsible for coordinating and drilling directional boring projects for various size gas, water, sewer, electrical and communication lines as well as environmental wells. Duties include mobilization of all equipment and personnel to remote job sites throughout the United States and Canada; the set-up and drilling of crossings; on-site maintenance of mechanical and technical equipment; and necessary recordkeeping of plots and production. Oversees drilling survey during crossing. Some more notable crossings include, but are not limited to: Diameter Length 42" 42" 42" 36" 36" 36" 28" 34" 30" 20" 5242' 3230' 4067' 2886' 3999' 5237' 1756' 1943' 1301' 7455' Location Year Saline Bayou, LA Dugdemona River, LA LA State Hwy 34, LA Red River, ND Mississippi River, MN Pokegama Carnegie, WI Tumon, Guam Guam Jackson Creek, WI St. Lawrence Seaway, Canada 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 Page 26 1996-1998 Pipe-Side Superintendent/Pullback Coordinator, Michels Directional Crossings, Brownsville, WI Lead person responsible for coordinating the pipe string-out and welding subcontractor located at the exit side of directional drill. Duties include overseeing of pipe string for pullback without delay, maintenance of equipment, material organization, and coordination of labor for specialized pipe coating and testing. Accountable for the critical path of having pipe prepared for pullback. Responsible for maintaining constant communication with Drilling Superintendent during pullback operation and coordinating efforts to pull the pipe in one well-balanced effort. 1995-1996 Operator, Michels Directional Crossings, Brownsville, WI Crane operator responsible for safe operation and timely placement of drill stem and equipment. Integral link in the drilling operation, from drill rig set-up, pipe pull back and rig-down of equipment. Also conducted pipe support operations at the exit side during pipeline pullback. Responsible for permitting and mobilization/demobilization of heavy and non-dimensional equipment to drill sites. 1993-1995 Skilled Laborer, Michels Directional Crossings, Brownsville, WI Specialized in mechanical repairs, land surveying, hydraulics, fluids, set-up and operation of drill motors, power generators, mud pumps, bentonite mixers, drill pipe, reamers, couplings and overall equipment maintenance and operation. 1987-1993 United States Marine Corps, Stationed in San Diego, CA Education: 1987 Graduate of Winnebago Lutheran Academy, Fond du Lac, WI Page 27 MICHELS DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS PROFESSIONAL RESUME Ted Foltz Assistant Operations Manager Michels Corporation 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 Phone: (920) 583-3132 / Fax: (920) 583-3429 Email: 2003-Present Assistant Operations Manager,Directional Crossings, Michels Corporation, Brownsville, WI Responsible for coordinating directional boring projects for various size gas, water, sewer, electrical and communication lines throughout the United States and Canada. Complete knowledge of directional drilling technology and procedures. Duties include project coordination from start-up to completion, union relations, subcontractor coordination, production recordkeeping, and overall on-site management. Some more notable crossings include, but are not limited to: At a minimum on all projects, an Atlas-840 Drill Rig was used for drilling and installing the crossings. If a hole-intersect or additional assistance was required during drilling operations an appropriately sized capacity drill rig was brought in to assist operations. A downhole wire-line probe (MGS) or non-wire line gyroscope was utilized to continuously monitor and survey the location of the pilot-hole drill path. Elevation alignment and distance is calculated and recorded in accordance with industry standard (i.e. maintaining pilot hole alignment due to weight of bit and stem) via a MGS Steer Tool System, Gyroscope or Para Tracker. Personnel is not aware of claims filed or in litigation. Diameter Length Location Year 36" 36" 36" 36" 36" 6" 24" 42" 42" 30" 30" 20" 10" 20" 24" 2697' 1755' 2303' 3031' 3805' 6999' 2884' 4441' 3211' 5378' 1633' 869' 1495' 2108' 2645' Barrington Rd, IL New York St, IL Liberty Street, IL BNSF RR & Aurora Rd, IL Williamette River, OR Lake Navajo/San Juan River, NM Hatchett Creek, AL Staten Island, NY Staten Island, NJ/NY Hudson River, NJ/NY Brooklyn, NY Centerview, MO Missoula, MT Bayonne, NJ Corning, NY 2015 2015 2015 2015 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 Page 28 30" 36" 30" 42" 42" (3) 3" 42" 36" 36" 26" 42" 24" 20" 32" 24" 24" 5786' 5325' 3455' 4322' 3000' 1839' 5084' 3236' 5240' 4968' 2564' 3009' 3835' 3938' 5896' 6764' Vernon, NJ Kingston, LA St. Claire, MI Cache River, AR White River, AR Coquille River, OR Mississippi River, AR Red Lake River, MN Pokegama Carnegie, WI Camp Lejune, NC Kishwaukee River, IL Mokulume/Cosumes River, CA Angeles National Forest, CA 6th St, WA Middle River, CA Old River, CA 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 2001-2003 Vice President – Drilling Division, Mears, Rosebush, MI Responsible for horizontal directional drilling division construction operations. Duties include profit and loss responsibility for multiple and simultaneous directional drilling of gas, product, water, sewer, civil, electric, telephone cable, and environmental projects. Day to day involvement with bid estimating, construction feasibility, specification and design criteria review, proposal preparation, contract and subcontract negotiations, project planning and cost scheduling. 1993-2000 Project Manager, Mears, Rosebush, MI Managed directional drilling crews. Duties include mobilization of equipment and personnel to remote job sites throughout the United States; the set-up and drilling of crossings; on-site maintenance of mechanical and technical equipment; and necessary record keeping of plots and production. Project Management skills include subcontractor coordination, union negotiations, and overall on-site management. 1989-1992 Shop Manager, Mears, Rosebush, MI Managed equipment and maintenance shop of six employees. 1980-1989 Welding Inspector, Bechtel Power Corporation Work consisted of training welders and testing personnel on welding in nuclear power plants. Worked in Michigan, Arizona, California and Alaska. 1976-1979 Mechanic, Mears, Rosebush, MI Mechanic for fleet consisting of 50 pieces of equipment. Repaired and maintained pickup trucks, semis, dozers, excavators, rail plows and trenchers. 1972-1975 Truck Mechanic, Lee Implement, Mt. Pleasant, MI Repaired gas diesel engines, transmissions, rear ends, lights and brakes. Education: 1972 Graduate of Mt. Pleasant High School, Mt. Pleasant, MI Para-Track Tracking System Page 29 MICHELS DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS PROFESSIONAL RESUME Scott Nehls HDD Logistics QA/QC Manager Michels Corporation 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 Phone: (920) 583-3132 / Fax: (920) 583-3429 Email: 2009-Present HDD Logistics QA/QC Manager, Michels Directional Crossings, Brownsville, WI Responsible for truck load out and receiving, organization of HDD tooling and equipment, coordination of drill stem supply, tracking and calibration, new hire training, orientation, dispatch, manage divisional labor pool, tractor trailer inspection/maintenance program implementation, safety training/OQ program implementation, on-site review of HDD personnel & operations. 1989-2009 Project Manager, Michels Directional Crossings, Brownsville, WI Responsible for coordinating and drilling directional boring projects across the country. Duties include mobilization of all equipment and personnel to remote job sites; the setup and drilling of crossings; on-site maintenance of mechanical and technical equipment; and necessary recordkeeping of plots and production. Provides safety training and performs evaluations. Assists with estimating and bid preparation. Some more noteable crossings include, but are not limited to: Diameter Length Location Year 20” & 42” 1544’ & 2127’ Wisconsin River, WI 2007 20” & 42” 2530’ & 2299’ Chippewa River, WI 2007 20” & 42” 2280’ & 2294’ Flambeau River, WI 2007 42” (2) 2294’ & 2775’ Lake Arrowhead, WI 2007 24” 2172’ Biscayne Bay, FL 2006 30” 2453’ Jackson Creek, WI 2006 30” 1301’ Jackson Creek, WI 2006 30” (2) 1400’ & 2661’ Rausonville & Willis Rd, MI 2005 Kinnickinnic River, WI 2005 Clarkston, MI Detroit, MI 2005 Lansing, MI 2004 Packard Rd & Washtenaw Ave, MI 2004 St. Joseph River, MI 2004 2004 24” 2429’ 36” (3) 1276’ to 1531’ 8” 1374’ 12” (10) 375’ to 750’ 16” (2) 2723’ & 2925’ 22” 2308’ 2005 30” (2) 1532’ & 1661’ Darien, WI 6” (6) 1564’ to 1880’ Lean, WI 2004 12” (3) 1668’ to 3524’ New York/New Jersey 2003 30” 1673’ Huron River, MI 2002 36” 3395’ Huron River, MI 2002 Page 30 1986-1989 Superintendent, Michels Mid-America Line & Cable, Brownsville, WI Working foreman responsible for managing utility construction crews. Accountable for tie-ins behind our rail-mounted plow which consists of horizontal boring operations and dig downs. Implemented supervisory skills for material and labor coordination. 1980-1986 Equipment Operator, Michels Mid-America Line & Cable, Brownsville, WI Rubber tire backhoe operator responsible for location of utility line obstructions and the timely placement of telephone pedestals to keep production oriented cable placing operations flowing smoothly. 1977-1980 General Laborer/Operator, Michels Mid-America Line & Cable, Brownsville, WI General laborer responsible for boring operations for telephone cable with various types of equipment. 1977-1983 Marine Corp Sergeant/Section Leader, Madison, WI Active Reserve Company-G, 24th Marines, 4th Division 1973-1977 Project Set-Up Coordinator, Michels Pipeline Construction, Inc., Brownsville, WI Involved in coordinating materials and supplies for various job locations. Helped in attaining storage yards for equipment and supplies around the United States. Responsible for establishing accounts at various retailers and suppliers within the job working area. Education: 2003-Present Midwest Energy Association (MEA) Evaluator 1977 Graduate of Lomira High School, Lomira, WI Page 31    MICHELS DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS  PROFESSIONAL RESUME Ray J. Viator Marine Operations Manager Michels Corporation 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 Phone: (920) 583‐3132 / Fax: (920) 583‐3429 Email: 2002‐Present Marine Operations Manager, Michels Directional Crossings, Brownsville, WI Responsible for coordinating and drilling directional boring projects across the country. Duties include mobilization of all equipment and personnel to remote job sites; the setup and drilling of crossings; on-site maintenance of mechanical and technical equipment; and necessary recordkeeping of plots and production. Some more noteable crossings include, but are not limited to: Diameter Length Location Year 36" Beach Approach 3492' Trinidad/Tabago 2010 42” Land to Water 2208’ Guam 2008 32” Land to Water 1943’ Guam 2007 30” Land to Water 5668’ Trinidad 2006 24” 6183’ Corsicana, TX 2005 30” 2996’ Columbia, LA 2005 24” Beach Approach 3402’ Trinidad & Tobago 2005 12” Beach Approach 2714’ Hadera, Israel 2004 30” Beach Approach 2823’ Dor, Israel 2004 30” Beach Approach 2836’ North Redding, Israel 2004 30” Beach Approach 30” Water to Water 2728’ 4300’ South Redding, Israel Georges Island, MA 2004 2003 30” Water to Water 4631’ Beverly, MA 2003 30” Land to Water 4829’ Salem, MA 2003 30” Land to Water 3041’ Weymouth, MA 2003 1989‐2001 Operations Manager, Smit Land & Marine, Inc., Houston, TX Provided pre-contract technical input and operational management of directionally drilled crossings. Contracts completed are briefly described below: 2001 Jacob Riis State Park, Rockaway, New York: Construction of 5800’ of 12”steel water main pipe. 2001 City of Newport, Oregon: Construction of a 24" HDPE x 2800' and a 20" HDPE with two 4” steel cable ducts x 2800’ crossing of Yaquinna Bay on the Pacific coast at Newport Oregon. The pipelines will be used for sewer/reclaimed water and fiber optic cables. 2001 Georgetown County Water & Sewer District: Design and construction of a 10" HDPE x 4530' crossing of the Waccamaw River near Myrtle Beach South Carolina. The pipeline will be used for potable water supply to Sandy Island. Page 32 2000 AT&T (Concert Global Networks USA): Construction of four 5” x 3000’ to 3600’ shore crossings drilled in rock and exiting in 35’ water depths on the Pacific coast of California at Manchester. The 5" dia. drill pipe will be used as a conduit for fiber optic cables linking the US with Japan. 2000 Daikin America: Design and construction of a 16" HDPE x 3000' shore crossing into the Tennessee River at Decatur, Alabama. The pipeline will be used as a NaCl/water outfall. 2000 City of Fort Lauderdale: Construction of a 24” x 1230’ steel water main and 7 No. 6” x 1220’ HDPE ducts crossing the Intracoastal Waterway at Fort Lauderdale, Florida. 2000 City of Austin: Construction of two 24” steel water main crossings for the Davenport Ranch Water Supply Line Project in Austin, Texas: 1640’ Lake Austin (Colorado River) crossing and 1170’ FM 2222 crossing 1999 Solutia: Construction of a 24" x 900' railroad and pipeline corridor crossing at Chocolate Bayou, Texas. 1999 Exxon Pipeline Company: Construction of a 20" x 3830' shore crossing for the Hoover Offshore Oil Production System in Freeport, Texas. 1999 Conoco Inc.: Construction of a 10” x 4650’ crossing of the Old & Lost River Lake to replace an existing ethane line in Mont Belvieu, Texas. 1998 Exxon Pipeline Company: Construction of the following crude and products pipelines for the “SOLA Project” in Baton Rouge, Louisiana: 24" x 2300' Mississippi River crossing Dual 12” x 4300’ Mississippi River crossing 24” x 4300’ Mississippi River crossing Dual 12” + 24” x 1200’ Intracoastal Waterway crossing Dual 12” + 24” x 1800’ Interstate Highway 10 crossing 1998 A.K. Steel: Design and construction of a 16" x 2350' crossing through rock, below Interstate 75 and a creek for gas distribution in Middletown, Ohio. 1998 Dauphin Island Gathering Partners: Design and construction of a 24" x 1800' shore crossing for gas distribution in Mobile Bay, Alabama. 1998 Transco: Design and construction of a 30" x 4000' shore crossing for gas distribution in Mobile Bay, AL and a 30” x 2800’ water-to-water crossing of Dauphin Island. Drilled from 7' of water to 22' of water. 1998 Beaufort Jasper Water & Sewer Authority: Design and construction of a 28" x 2550' and 28”x 1675’ river crossings for water distribution to Hilton Head Island, South 1997 Amoco Trinidad Oil Company: Design and construction of a 12" x 4030' shore crossing for Trinidad LNG Project at Galeota Point, Trinidad. Page 33 1997 Dauphin Island Gathering Partners (OEDC): Construction of a 24” x 4700’ water-towater crossing of Dauphin Island, Alabama. Drilled from 12' of water to 20' of water. 1997 City of Charleston, CPW, South Carolina: Construction of a 30" x 5000' crossing of the Wando River with a 28" HDPE pipeline within a 30" steel casing pipe, associated ductile iron tie-ins and meter house. 1996‐1997 Mobil E & P, Alabama: Design and construction of a 5" x 5200' and a dual 2" x 5200' water-to-water crossings of Little Dauphin Island and a bundled 6"+2-3"+2" x 900' shore approach in Aloe Bay. 1996 Texas Eastern Products Pipeline, Louisiana: Construction of an 8" x 5500' crossing of the Red River, an 8" x 570' crossing of the Old River and 2900' of 8" conventionally laid with two (2) valve sites and tie-ins. 1996 Shell Pipeline, Louisiana: Construction of a 20” x 4000’ crossing of the Mississippi River at Nairn from outside the flood protection levee. 1996 City of Savannah, Georgia: Construction of a 30” x 5300’ crossing under Presidents Street, Savannah with a 28” HDPE pipeline within a 30” steel casing pipe. 1995 Dixie Pipeline, Louisiana: Construction of 10" x 2800' gas pipeline crossing the Atchafalaya River. 1995 Chevron Pipeline, Alabama: Design and construction of a 12" x 3500' water-to-water crossing of Dauphin Island, Alabama. Drilled from 21' of water to 12' of water. 1995 City of Charleston, CPW, S. Carolina: Construction of a 26” x 5280' crossing of the N. Cooper River with a 24” HDPE pipeline within a 26” steel casing pipe. Construction of a 26” x 5100' shore crossings into 30' of water from Fort Moultrie into Charleston Bay near Fort Sumter again with a 24” HDPE pipeline in a 26” casing. 1995 AT&T: Construction of four (4) 5” x 4300’ shore crossings drilled in rock and exiting in 35’ water depths on the Pacific coast of Oregon at Bandon. The 5" dia. drill pipe will be used as a conduit for fiber optic cables linking the US with Japan (the TPC-5 project). 1994‐1995 Hampton Roads Sanitation District, Virginia: Construction of five (5) river crossings: Pagan River 24” x 1300’; Bennetts Creek 36” x 1600’; Cypress Creek 30” x 1850’; Nansemond River 30” x 4750’; and Chuckatuck Creek 30” x 3100’. 1994 Chevron Company USA, Louisiana: Construction of two shore approaches with bundled pipelines from Fourchon with exits in 13' of water: 10"+8" x 1560' and 2-8"+3" x 1350'. 1994 Exxon Company USA, Louisiana: Construction of a 12" x 3550' shore approach drilled from Grand Isle with an exit in 12' of water and pipe lay by the SubSea Constructor. Page 34 1994 Mobile Gas Service Corp., Alabama: Construction of a 12" x 2000' gas pipeline crossing of the Mobile River. 1993 Dixie Pipeline, Louisiana: Construction of a 12" x 3500' gas pipeline crossing of the Amite River. 1993 Dixie Pipeline, Louisiana: Construction of a 12" x 2500' gas pipeline crossing of Baton Rouge Bayou in Baker. 1993 ARCO, Jakarta, Indonesia: Operational assistance to South East Asian office for the construction of a 26" x 3300' shore approach (drilled from land with pullback from the McDermott derrick / laybarge DB15) and a 26" x 4000' crossing in the open waters of the Java Sea. The 4000' crossing was drilled from the DB15 and pullback was assisted by a construction barge in water depths of 32 feet. 1992 Chevron Pipeline, Mississippi: Construction of a 20" x 1600' crude oil pipeline replacement crossing of a ship channel in open waters in the approaches to Gulfport. Drilled from lift-boat barges and pullback from a laybarge in water depths of 20'. 1992 Corpoven, Venezuela: Construction of a 36" x 4450' pipeline crossing of the Rio Orinoco at Puerto Ordaz. 1991 BP Exploration, Alabama: Construction of 3-12" pipeline bundle under Dauphin Island with a drilled length of 3900'. Drilled from self elevating platforms (lift-boats) and pullback from a laybarge in water depths of 14' and 20' respectively. 1991 Lagoven, Venezuela: Installation of a 36" x 3300' pipeline crossing of the Rio Morichal Largo on the "orimulsion" trunkline project. 1991 Lagoven, Venezuela: Construction of a 36" x 1700' pipeline crossing of the Rio Tigre as part of the "orimulsion" project. 1991 Shell Pipeline, Michigan: Construction of a 4" x 3500' crossing of the Saginaw River in Bay City. 1990 Columbia Gas, New Jersey: Installation of two 20" diameter pipeline river crossings Mantua Creek (1650') and Raccoon Creek (1550'). 1990 Sun Pipeline, Ohio: Replacement of an 8" x 2200' gas pipeline by drilling through rock on hillside. 1990 Shell Pipeline, Michigan: Construction of a 10" x 1500' crossing of the Kawkawlin River. 1990 Amoco Gas, Texas: Construction of a 16" x 3900' crossing of Wolf Creek in Dollar Bay, Texas City. 1990 City of Norfolk, Virginia: Construction of a 20" x 1600' water pipeline crossing of the Elizabeth River in Norfolk. Page 35 1990 Seagull, Texas: Installation of two beach crossings (drilled from land) and two water-towater crossings (drilled from spud barges) for a 1-10" and 3-8" pipeline bundle across the Houston Ship Channel at Baytown. The pipelines were pulled from a shallow draft laybarge. The beach crossings were 500', while the water-to-water crossings were 900' and 2400'. 1990 Dixie Pipe Line, Louisiana: Construction of a 12" x 3000' emergency replacement crossing of the Tangipahoa River at Zachary. 1990 City of Chesapeake, Virginia: Construction of a 24" x 1600' water pipeline crossing of the Elizabeth River at Chesapeake. 1990 Dixie Pipe Line, Louisiana: Installation of a 12" x 2300' crossing of the Comite River at Baton Rouge. 1990 Phillips Petroleum, Texas: Construction of two 12" diameter crossings near Houston: a 700' crossing of the Brazos River and a similar length crossing of Clear Creek. 1990 ARKLA, Oklahoma: Installation of two 12" crossings near Fort Coffee: 2000' at the Arkansas River and 950' at the Poteau River 1989 Texas Power, Texas: Construction of three 16" crossings at Freeport as part of Wacker Oil's offshore development: 1600' Ship Channel crossing, 2300' Intracoastal Waterway crossing and 2700' shore approach. 1989 Transco, Texas: Installation of two 20" diameter crossings at Corpus Christi: an 1800' highway crossing and a 2000' lagoon crossing. 1989 Dixie Pipeline, Mississippi: Installation of a 12" x 1800' crossing of the Pearl River near Columbia. 1989 Union Camp, Georgia: Construction of two Savannah River crossings: 42" x 1850' and 10"+6" bundle x 1850'. 1989 Contel, Georgia: Construction of a 5" x 750' crossing of the Altamaha River crossing near Jessup. 1989 Phillips Petroleum, Texas: Installation of a 20" x 1800' crossing of the Brazos River at Freeport. 1989 Phillips Petroleum, Missouri: Construction of two 2300' crossings of the Osage River at Jefferson City for 12" and 6" pipelines. 1989 AT & T, Arkansas & Oklahoma: Installation of five crossings with 5" conduit between Little Rock and Tulsa: Little Maumelle River - 1100' and 650', Fourche La Fave River 550', Arkansas River - 2000' and Petit Jean River - 550'. 1985‐1989 Rig Superintendent, Smit Land & Marine, Inc., Houston, TX Provided technical input and site supervision of all horizontal directional drilled crossings throughout the United States. Rig Superintendent, Drilled Crossings Page 36 Patrick O' Donoghue TRENCHLESS CROSSING MANAGER MICHELS CANADA CO. 1102-16 Avenue, Nisku, Alberta T9E 0A9 Canada Phone: (780) 955-2120 / Fax: (780) 955-4240 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 2011 Present Trenchless Crossing Manager, Michels Canada Co. Nisku, Alberta Responsible for the management of HDD and Direct Pipe construction Projects. Diameter 36" 48" 42" 42" 42" DIRECT PIPE INSTALLATIONS/PIPE ASSISTS Length Crossing/Location 1,092' Lubrizol Drainage, LaPorte, TX - HK300PT Installation 2,455' Rio Grande River, El Refugio, TX - HK750PT Installation 1,200' Railroad Crossing, Groves, TX - HK750PT Installation 1,050' Beaver River, Alberta, Canada - HK750PT Installation 470' I-84, Westfall, PA - HK750PT Installation 2013 Diameter 42" 42" 36" 36" 36" 36" 6" 30" 28" 12" HDD INSTALLATIONS Length Crossing/Location 3114' Beaver Lake, Fort McMurray, Canada 3776' MacKay River, Fort McMurray, Canada 2274' Highway 13, Alberta, Canada 2133' Wetland Crossing, Alberta, Canada 1020' Range Rd 124, Alberta, Canada 925' Hwy 36, Alberta, Canada 1576' Muskwa River, BC, Canada 4400' Saline Creek, Alberta, Canada 4270' Saline Creek, Alberta, Canada 4272' Saline Creek, Alberta, Canada Year 2015 2015 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 Year 2015 2014 2014 2013 2010-2011 HDD Construction Inspector, Complete Crossings Ltd. Cochrane, Alberta Provided HOD inspection services for various oilfield crossing projects in Alberta and BC. Primary responsibility was serving as the onsite representative of the energy company. 2008-2010 Corporate Development & Senior Estimator, Kamloops Augering & Boring Ltd. Kamloops, British Columbia Senior Management position responsible for estimating, managing and invoicing and specialty trenchless projects throughout Canada and into Alaska. Industries sectors included oilfield, civil construction and private owners for trenchless projects up to 3000mm diameter. 2003-2008 Manager of Business Development, Rampro Casing & Crossing. Calgary, Alberta Senior management position responsible for maintaining a high utilization rate for the assets which consisted of cased crossing and tunneling equipment up to 1370mm diameter tunnels. Revenue growth in 2008 to 2010 was 62%. 1999-2003 Estimator and Project Manager, Terraco Excavating Ltd. Calgary, Alberta Business Development responsible for maintaining a high utilization rate 2 maxi horizontal directional drilling rigs. Terrace's business focus was the owners and contractors of the energy sector in the western Canada basin. 1998-1999 Site Foreman and Sales, Rodriques Directional Drilling, Nisku, Alberta Site foreman and operator for various size directional drilling rigs up to 80,000lbs class for oilfield and civil work in northern Alberta. Sales and business development to maximize asset utilization during strategic times of the construction season. 1995-1998 Owner/Operator, Geo Trenchless Inc. Edmonton, Alberta Owner/Operator for 3 HOD rigs up to the 30,000lbs class for utility construction focusing on fibre optic, electrical and telecommunication installations throughout western Canada. Page 37 MICHELS DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS PROFESSIONAL RESUME Ken Coleman Project Manager Michels Corporation 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 Phone: (920) 583-3132 / Fax: (920) 583-3429 Email: 2008-Present Project Manager, Michels Corporation, Brownsville, WI Responsible for coordinating directional boring projects for various size gas, water, sewer, electrical and communication lines throughout the United States and Canada. Complete knowledge of directional drilling technology and procedures. Duties include project coordination from start-up to completion, union relations, subcontractor coordination, production recordkeeping, and overall on-site management. Some more notable crossings include, but are not limited to: Diameter 36" 36" 24" 8" 30" 30" 36" 30" 20" 20" 30" 42" 42" 20" 20" 30" 20" 36" 16" 42" 1993-2008 Supervisor, Mears Length 1755' 2303' 3275' 2545' 1881' 6544' 1392' 1186' 1814' 3075' 5786' 3008' 1010' 2096' 5222' 2174' 4968' 4512' 6230' 5209' Location New York St, IL Liberty Street,IL Transfer Line 1, IN MP266, Mountain Green, UT Bennekill Stream, NJ 1st Street, NJ Seacaucus, NJ Bowman Cty., ND Marion, OR Marion, OR Vernon, NJ White River, AR Albany Ave, NJ Praire River, WI Pokegama Carnegie, WI Northeast Creek, NC Farnell Bay, NC Mississippi River, MS Newark Bay, NJ Sulfer River, TX Year 2015 2015 2014 2013 2013 2013 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 Supervised over HDD projects with pipe diameters of 6” to 60” with lengths of 600’ to 7,200’ in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. 1990-1993 Operator, ARB Experience operating the following equipment: forklift, front end loader, dozer scraper, motor grader, back hoe, excavator, crane, hot mix plants, trenching machine, rock crusher, horizontal drilling rig and fusing machines from 4” to 32” HDPE. 1968-1990 Operator, Reading & Bates Worked as Operator, low boy driver, horizontal drilling rig, and supervisor of equipment yard and warehouse. Education: 1962 Harrison Central HS, Gulfport, MS Page 38 MICHELS DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS PROFESSIONAL RESUME Dalton Deno Darden Project Manager Michels Corporation 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 Phone: (920) 583-3132 / Fax: (920) 583-3429 Email: Project Manager, Michels Corporation, Brownsville, WI 2012-Present Responsible for coordinating directional boring projects for various size gas, water, sewer, electrical and communication lines throughout the United States and Canada. Complete knowledge of directional drilling technology and procedures. Duties include project coordination from start-up to completion, union relations, subcontractor coordination, production recordkeeping, and overall on-site management. Some more notable crossings include, but are not limited to: Diameter 36" 36" 18" 24" 30" 24" 24" 30" 24" 24" 24" 36" 36" 30" 12" 26" 8" 20" 8" 8" Length 5128' 1812' 12,459 1,692' 1,376' 2,003' 2,750' 2,890' 1,961' 2,020' 2,884' 1,874' 2,355' 2,344' 6,209' 6,215' 10,053' 3,048' 12,902' 4,475' Crossing/Location Lake Ave & RR, IL Highway 394, IL Houston Ship Channel, TX Marshall Smith Rd, MS Tom's Creek, MS Highway 612, MS Escatawpa River, MS Gaines Creek. MS County Road 2, AL Unnamed Creek, AL Hatchett Creek, AL Wetland S-517C, IN Salt Fork River, MO Delaware River, PA/NJ Jamacian Bay, NY Jamacian Bay, NY Potomac River, VA/MD St. Clair River, Marysville, MI MP 66, Wyola, MT MP 57, Lodge Grass, MT Year 2015 2015 2015 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 Jun-Aug 2011 Utility Inspector, Gulf Interstate Field Services, Houston, TX Job located in Plaquemine, LA Apr-Jun 2011 Utility Inspector, Petro Logistics for Devon Energy, Paradise, TX Oversaw Hydrostatuc testing on existing lines. Feb-Mar 2011 Civil Inspector & Counter Bore Inspector, Kestrel Engineering, Houston, TX Simsboror, LA Oct-Dec 2010 Construction Manager, Mustang Engineering, Houston, TX Superviser to approx. 6 employees that completed the mapping, route reconnaissance on a 419 mile HDD project. Jun-Oct 2010 Utility Inspector, Kestrel Engineering, Houston, TX Supervised the clearing of the right of way, building bridges, some cathothic protection on the tie ins, (including inspection of tie-ins, coating, lowering in, backfilling and partially finished grade and all HDD projects. Page 39 Apr 09-Jun 10 Asst. Chief, on & Offshore Quality Control Specialist, Austin, TX Tank inspector for tank farm and material control specialist. In charge of preparing and updating civil, structural, electrical and tank job books for DOT compliance. Oct 08-Apr 09 ROW/Welding Inspector, Mustang Engineering, Houston, TX Inspected welding to insure proper procedure and welds along with inspection of and proper clearing of ROW. Inspected horizontal directional drills for pipeline under orchards and subdivisions and I-10. Civil Inspector for a gas and diesel terminal. 2006-2008 Operator/Supervisor, RPI Wilbros, Houston, TX 2006-2007 2005 1994-2004 1993-1998 1990-1993 1985-1990 Supervised hydraulic testing crew. Operated dozer and track hoe. Worked with the HDD crew. Truck Driver T.K. Stanley, Jena, LA Transported oil field equipment and cranes. Maintenance Supervisor Billhorn Board and Paper, West Monroe, LA Maintenance, design, welding and machinery construction. Supervision of other employees. Owner/Operator, Denmar Logging, Inc., Columbia, LA Managed logging operation which employed 4-12 employees, depending on the size of the job. Tasks included maintenance and operation of heavy equipment and administrative duties. Owner/Operator, DDD Trucking, Columbia, LA Managed and operated a log hauling business. Tasks included operation, maintenance and administrative duties. Truck Driver Donald Wayne Wallace Logging, Grayson, LA Operating and maintaining log truck. Field Supervisor/Technician, Trans La Gas, Olla, LA Oversight of drilling operation. Additionally, I located, tested and repaired gas lines. Education: 1984 Graduated from Caldwell Parish High School, Columbia, LA 2009 AYUDA Assessment, Training, Consulting & OQ Edmond, OK NCCER #6419246 Certified in following listed modules: Inspect buried pipe when exposed, place and maintain line markers, inspect conditions of right-of-way, monitoring excavation activities, backfilling a trench, conduct pressure tests, inspection activity for tie-ins, pipe replacement, or components connected to existing pipeline, provide temporary marking of buried pipeline prior to excavation, inspect and perform prevention methods for atmospheric corrosion, apply and repair external coating on buried or submerged pipe, and abnormal operating conditions - field operations (liquid and gas). 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 40 Hour Hazwoper Training Measurement Pit Depth and Wall Thickness Inspect Buried and Submerged Pipe When Exposed Aboveground Pipe Coating and Inspection Inspect Internal Pipe Surfaces Perform High-Pressure Blasting/Surface Preparation Apply Coatings Using Spray Applications Excavating and Backfilling Pipeline Inspection Hydrostatic Testing Performing In-Line Inspections Maintenance Welding on Pipelines Liquid Pipeline General Abnormal Operating Conditions Abnormal Operating Conditions Page 40 MICHELS DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS PROFESSIONAL RESUME Wendell Long Project Manager Michels Corporation 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 Phone: (920) 583-3132 / Fax: (920) 583-3429 Email: 2002-Present Project Manager, Michels Directional Crossings, Brownsville, WI Responsible for coordinating directional boring projects for various size gas, water, sewer, electrical and communication lines throughout the United States and Canada. Complete knowledge of directional drilling technology and procedures. Duties include project coordination from start-up to completion, union relations, subcontractor coordination, production recordkeeping, and overall on-site management. Some more notable crossings include, but are not limited to: Diameter Length 36" 48" 48" 24" 24" 30" 28" 12" 36" 36" 36" 16" 42" 20" 24" 36" 10' 10" 16" 42" 16" 30" 30" 30" 30" 36" 36" 42" 42" 42" 10" 24" 2697' 2060' 1692' 2750' 3030' 2774' 4270' 4272' 3618' 3314' 3130' 1664' 1657' 2108' 6091' 2373' 778' 964' 9931' 1998' 2566' 2176' 2629' 2505' 2342' 4022' 3899' 2073' 1666' 2866' 8400' 6183' Location Year Barrington Rd, IL Tres Palacios River, TX Navidad River, TX Escatawpa River, MS Big Creek Lake, AL South Canadian River, OK Saline Creek, Alberta, Canada Saline Creek, Alberta, Canada Johnson Creek, TX East Fork Angelina River, TX Cypress, TX Morales, TX Morales, TX Bayonne, NJ Homestead, FL Ravenswood, LA Ft. Lauderdale, FL Ft. Lauderdale, FL Cooper River, SC I-49, LA Hitchcock Plaza, SC I-285, Atlanta, GA Chattahoochie River, GA Camp Creek Parkway, GA S. Fulton Parkway, GA Toronto, Canada Alberta, Canada Crossway Creek, NJ Prairie River, LA Red River, LA Santa Rosa Beach, FL Corsicana, TX 2015 2014 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2007 2007 2006 2006 2005 Page 41 1994-2002 Project Manager, Michels Mid-America Line and Cable, Brownsville, WI Job estimating, profit and loss coordination of materials and equipment. Labor and production jobs varying in size up to $25 million. Projects include aerial, buried, underground, cooper and fiber routes. 1987-1991 Project Manager, U.S. Sprint, Midwest and Eastern U.S.A. Responsible for construction management, permits, schedules and daily work operation to meet completion dates. Jobs varying in size to $20 million. 1985-1986 Senior Engineer, U.S. Sprint, Midwest and Eastern U.S.A. In charge of engineering and fiber construction for several miles. 1981-1984 Construction and Maintenance Supervisor, United Telephone of Florida, Fort Meyers, FL Responsibilities include new construction, maintenance, splicing and cutover of offices in eight exchanges. Responsible for daily operation of 35 splicers. 1964-1980 Cable Splicer, United Telephone of Florida, Fort Meyers, FL Spliced paper and plastic cable, exchange cutover and maintenance of all types of cable. 1962-1963 Lineman, United Telephone of Florida, Fort Meyers, FL Worked on open wire circuits including toll circuits and placements of cable. Education: 1956 Graduate of Hardee High School, Wauchula, FL Page 42 MICHELS DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS PROFESSIONAL RESUME Jim McGovern Project Manager Michels Corporation 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 Phone: (920) 583-3132 / Fax: (920) 583-3429 Email: 1995-Present Project Manager, Michels Corporation, Brownsville, WI Responsible for coordinating directional boring projects for various size gas, water, sewer, electrical and communication lines throughout the United States and Canada. Complete knowledge of directional drilling technology and procedures. Duties include project coordination from start-up to completion, union relations, subcontractor coordination, production recordkeeping, and overall on-site management. Some more notable crossings include, but are not limited to: Diameter Length 36" 36" 36" 36" 36" 36" 36" 36" 36" 36" 36" 36" 36" 30" 16" 42" 16" 42" 16" 42" 16" 16" 42" 42" 24" 24" 8" 8" 8" 42" 42" 42" 12" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42" 5128' 1812' 9040' 2264' 3544' 1611' 3892' 4213' 3571' 2908' 1867' 1740' 2567' 2906' 1656' 1650' 1717' 1670' 1658' 1658' 1717' 1664' 3205' 1661' 1386' 2458' 6675' 6669' 7019' 3035' 5340' 4932' 2484' 2094' 5248' 1838' 2243' 2975' 3800' 3629' 3018' Crossing/Location Year Lake Ave & RR, IL Highway 394, IL Mississippi River, IL/MO Otter Creek, IL Illinois River, IL Mackinaw Rover, IL Red River, OK Menard Creek, TX Angelina River, TX Neches River & RR, TX Flora, TX Sabine River, TX South Sulphur River, TX Hickory Creek, Marietta, OK Chicolete River, TX Chicolete River, TX Morales, TX Morales, TX Cordele, TX Dewitt, TX Morales, TX Morales, TX Dewitt, TX Morales, TX Jonestown, PA Jonestown, PA Wilmington, NC Wilmington, NC Missouri River, NE Rambling Bayou, LA Boise Cascade, LA Bayou Jean De Jean, LA Wetland #13, NC Hwy 9, LA Saline Bayou, LA Steep Bayou, LA Beouf River, LA Illinois River, IL Mississippi River, MO Salt River, MO State Route 96, IL 2015 2015 2014 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009 Page 43 1991-1995 Pipe-Side Superintendent/Pullback Coordinator, Michels Directional Crossings, Brownsville, WI Responsible for coordination of pipe welding subcontractor located on exit side of directional drill. Duties include operation and maintenance of equipment, coordination of labor for specialized pipe coating and testing. Solely responsible for maintaining constant communication with the driller during control of ballasting, which is one of the most critical aspects of pipe pulling. 1987-1991 Operator/Foreman, Michels Directional Crossings, Brownsville, WI Skilled in the operation of technical, lifting and heavy equipment for directional drilling operation. Working knowledge of hydraulic engineering and applied mechanical engineering. Experience in working on and around directional drilling rigs as an integral member of a specialized team. Familiar with mechanical repairs, hydraulics, fluids, set-up and operation of drill motors, power generators, mud pumps, bentonite mixers, drill pipe, reamers, couplings and overall equipment maintenance and operation. 1972-1987 Operator, Gas Division of Michels Pipeline Construction, Brownsville, WI Trackhoe and backhoe operator responsible for maintaining line and grade on civil and gas pipeline projects. Duties include trench maintenance and safety as well as equipment repairs and maintenance. 1968-1972 Skilled Laborer, Michels Pipeline Construction, Brownsville, WI Laborer working with underground construction crew. Responsibilities include upholding safety consciousness while performing various duties to help maintain progressive pipe/cable laying production. Education: 1967 Graduate of Waupun High School, Waupun, WI. Page 44 MICHELS DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS PROFESSIONAL RESUME Larry Shilman Project Manager Michels Corporation 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 Phone: (920) 583-3132 / Fax: (920) 583-3429 Email: 1999-Present Project Manager, Michels Corporation, Brownsville, WI Responsible for coordinating directional boring projects for various size gas, water, sewer, electrical and communication lines throughout the United States and Canada. Complete knowledge of directional drilling technology and procedures. Duties include project coordination from start-up to completion, union relations, subcontractor coordination, production recordkeeping, and overall on-site management. Some more notable crossings include, but are not limited to: Diameter 10" 8" 24" HDPE 8" 8" 20" 16" 36" 36" 36" 48" 48" 8" 8" 36" 8" 8" 36" 36" 36" 30" 30" 24" 36" 42" 42" 36" 42" 42" 42" Length 1971' 3320' 1061' 7321' 4159' 2364' 2951' 5687' 2355' 2077' 1943' 819' 7177' 7304' 1792' 3503' 4911' 1366' 1444' 1761' 4850' 3042' 2458' 4992' 1826' 3443' 3030' 4322' 3008' 5084' Crossing/Location Tank Farm/Central Ave, PA Yellowstone River, MT Lake Sakakawea, ND MP 49.3 Landslide, MT MP 54.8 Landslide, MT Missouri River, IA/NE Line 82, ND Missouri River, MO Salt Fork River, MO Chariton River, MO West Neck Creek, VA Hunt Club Creek, VA 115 KV Power Duct, SC 115 KV Power Duct, SC North Canadian River, OK Hamlin Creek, Charleston, SC 115 KV Power Duct, SC Big Sandy, Maple Springs, TX Hwy 155 & UPRR, Big Sandy, TX Private Lake, Maple Springs, TX Red River, Thackerville, TX/OK Wyalusing, PA Jonestown, PA Atchafalaya & 2 Levees, LA Interstate 49 and RR, LA Wetland R2, LA Black Bear Protected Forest, LA Cache River, AR White River, AR Mississippi River, AR Page 45 Year 2015 2015 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 1998-1999 Construction Supervisor, InterCon Construction, Inc., Lakeville, MN Supervisor of 210 mile fiber optic installation, underground and aerial in Minneapolis and surrounding suburbs. Responsible for subcontractors, directional drilling, underground, aerial and InterCon crews 1998 Project Engineer, Brungardt, Honimichl & Company, P.A., Overland Park, KS AT&T switched engineering firms from C&S Contract Services to Brungardt, Honimichl & Company. Responsibilities included project management for concurrent multiple projects including route selection, courthouse search, surveying, land acquisition, writing job specifications, bid meetings, inspection, as-built records and permitting. Total start up to completion construction. 1990-1997 Project Manager, C & S Contract Services, Inc., Martinville, IN Responsibilities include project management for concurrent multiple projects including route selection, courthouse search, surveying, land acquisition, writing job specifications, bid meetings, inspection, as-built records and permitting. Total start up to completion construction 1988-1990 Right-of-Way Supervisor, Bucher, Willis & Ratliff, Inc., Aurora, IL Responsibilities include all start up activities, pre-construction, construction and postconstruction damages for 126 miles of fiber optic projects across Northern Indiana as well as three diversity routes in South Bend, Indiana. Education: 1990 State of Indiana, Real Estate License 1973 Graduate of Warner High School, Warner, SD Page 46 MICHELS DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS PROFESSIONAL RESUME Robert Spennati Project Manager Michels Corporation 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 Phone: (920) 583-3132 / Fax: (920) 583-3429 Email: 1993-Present Project Manager, Michels Corporation, Brownsville, WI Responsible for coordinating directional boring projects for various size gas, water, sewer, electrical and communication lines throughout the United States and Canada. Complete knowledge of directional drilling technology and procedures. Duties include project coordination from start-up to completion, union relations, subcontractor coordination, production recordkeeping, and overall on-site management. Some more notable crossings include, but are not limited to: Diameter Length 10" 10" 28" 12" 20" 36" 36" 30" 42" 42" 30" 8" 16" 20" 42" 42" 24" 8" 10" 16" 36" 24" 16" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42" 1971' 4654' 1741' 2557' 1193' 1277' 2264' 4987' 3008' 4441' 8101' 2645' 3894' 2513' 992' 1223' 1519' 1823' 1819' 1818' 3030' 1141' 9931' 5084' 2129' 2171' 2206' 3043' 3719' 2514' 4975' 1899' 4378' Location Year Tank Farm/Central Ave, PA Allegheny River, PA Lafayette River, VA Arkansas River, AR SR-265/Leatherwood Rd, OH Bear Creek, IL Hwy 336 & 172, IL Monksville Reservoir, NJ I-95 & Tidal Wetlands, NJ Goethals Bridge, NY Kill Van Kull River, NY/NJ Tioga Junction, PA Roaring Branch, PA Tioga Junction, PA Bunkie, LA Bunkie, LA Homestead, FL Tioga, PA Tioga, PA Tioga, PA Bunkie, LA Homestead, FL Cooper River, SC Mississippi River, AR Caesars Creek, OH Embarrass River, IL Big Darby Creek, OH Little Miami River, OH Neches River, TX Port Aruthur Canal, TX Indian Bayou, TX Four Mile Creek, OH Taylor Bayou, TX 2015 2015 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 Page 47 1988-1993 Labor/Operator/ Foreman, Henkles & McCoy Fiber work 1987-1988 Drywall/Construction 1985-1987 Gas work/Service Lines, Circle M Construction 1978-1988 United States Army 1978-80, Germany, 1980-82 Georiga, 1982-84 Germany, 1984-85 Georiga, 1985-88 US Army Reserves PA Education: 1978 Graduate of Mount Union High School Page 48 MICHELS DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS PROFESSIONAL RESUME Mark Zimmerman Project Manager Michels Corporation 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 Phone: (920) 583-3132 / Fax: (920) 583-3429 Email: 2007-Present Project Manager, Michels Corporation, Brownsville, WI Responsible for coordinating directional boring projects for various size gas, water, sewer, electrical and communication lines throughout the United States and Canada. Complete knowledge of directional drilling technology and procedures. Duties include project coordination from start-up to completion, union relations, subcontractor coordination, production recordkeeping, and overall on-site management. Some more notable crossings include, but are not limited to: At a minimum on all projects, an Atlas-840 Drill Rig was used for drilling and installing the crossings. If a hole-intersect or additional assistance was required during drilling operations an appropriately sized capacity drill rig was brought in to assist operations. A downhole wire-line probe (MGS) or non-wire line gyroscope was utilized to continuously monitor and survey the location of the pilot-hole drill path. Elevation alignment and distance is calculated and recorded in accordance with industry standard (i.e. maintaining pilot hole alignment due to weight of bit and stem) via a MGS Steer Tool System, Gyroscope or Para Tracker. Personnel is not aware of claims filed or in litigation. Diameter 36" 36" 36" 36" 24" 24" 24" 36" 30" 30" 30" 30" 16" 16" 36" 20" 36" 32" 20" 24" Length 1755' 2303' 3031' 3805' 1935' 3269' 3275' 2264' 1707' 4861' 5378' 5786' 2667' 1012' 3236' 5222' 4818' 3058' 3835' 3009' Crossing/Location New York Street, IL Liberty Street, IL BNSF RR & Aurora Rd, IL Williamette River, OR Coosa River, AL Transfer Line 2, IN Transfer Line 1, IN Otter Creek, IL Bayonne Inlet, NJ 18th Street, NJ Hudson River, NJ/NY Lake Conway, Vernon, NJ Ward Ave, N. Crosswicks, NJ Columbus Rd., Robbinsville NJ Red Lake River, MN Pokegama Carnegie, WI Cache River, AR Hudson River, NY Angeles National Forest, CA Middle Salinas River, CA Page 49 Year 2015 2015 2015 2014 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 2012 2011 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2004-2007 Project Manager/Estimator, InterCon Construction, Madison, WI Estimated construction projects with contract values in excess of $16,000,000. Coordinated construction projects in the U.S. and Canada of various sizes. Negotiated contracts with owners, subcontractors and vendors. Designed crossings from owner provided plans, designs and contract specifications. Drew for submittal as-built drawings upon project completion. 2000-2004 Project Coordinator/Estimated, Mears/HDD, LLC, Rosebush, MI Coordinated construction projects in the U.S. and Canada with contract values ranging from $750,000.00 to $5,262,000.00. Analyzed project designs and specifications; prepared project estimates. Designed crossings from owner provided information and performing site surveys. Drew for submittal as-built drawings upon project completion. 1997-2000 Field Engineer, Mears/CPG, LLC, Rosebush, MI Managed and trained survey and construction crews. Performed testing, analysis, design, and installation of cathodic protection systems for pipelines. Education: B.S. Production and Operations Management (with Honors) - Central Michigan University Page 50 MICHELS DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS PROFESSIONAL RESUME Richard Zavitz Drilling Fluids Specialist/Project Manager Michels Corporation 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 Phone: (920) 583-3132 / Fax: (920) 583-3429 email: 2012-Present Drilling Fluids Specialist/Project Manager, Michels Corporation, Brownsville, WI Develop detailed drilling fluid plans and contingencies based upon geotechnical reports, equipment and scope of project. Measure and testing of drilling fluids and supervising the mixing and pumping operations. Perform technical analysis and interpret geotechnical reports. Control and maintain drilling fluids parameters and provide technical recommendations. Diameter 36" 36" 36" 36" 18" 48" 42" 36" 30" & 24" 36" 36" 36" 36" 36" 36" 36" 36" 36" 36" 36" Length 5128' 1812' 1002' 1092' 12,459' 2400' 1200' 9040' 2,850',1,991' 2,732',2,983' 1640' 3544' 1344' 1518' 4304' 3892' 3077' 2908' 4213' 3239' 3130' Crossing/Location Lake Ave & RR, IL Highway 394, IL Highway 255, TX (Direct Pipe) Lubrizol Drainage, TX (Direct Pipe) Rio Grande River, TX Rio Grande River, TX (Direct Pipe) RR Crossing, TX (Direct Pipe) Mississippi River, IL/MO SE Market Expansion Project MS & AL LaMoine River, IL Illinois River, IL Fraizer Creek, IL Vermillion River, IL Bois D' Arc, TX Red River, OK/TX UP RR & Jefferson St, OK Neches River & RR, TX Menard Creek, TX Clear Boggy Creek, OK Big Cypress Creek, TX Year 2015 2015 2015 2015 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2012 2011-2012 Drilling Fluid Specialist, Mears Group Inc., Billings , MT Developed detailed drilling fluid plans and contingencies based upon geotechnical 2010-2011 Territory Manager, Akkerman Inc., Billings, MT Sold tunneling and pipe jacking equipment. Analyzed and interpreted geotechnical 2000-2010 Technical Sales Engineer, Wyo-Ben Inc., Billings, MT Engineered fluids on HDD, microteunneling, pipe ramming, pipe jacking and auger boring 1998-2000 Sales Representative, Surface to Surface, London, Ontario, Canada Trained new HDD operators. Sold pipe and cable locating equipment. Page 51 Education: Bachelor of Arts, Kinesiology, University of Western Ontario - 1988 Graduated Wyo-Ben, Inc. Intensive Mud School, 2000 Apprenticed under oil field qualified mud engineer working on HDD projects 10 Hour OHSA (current) Multiple OQ courses for various energy companies Multiple safety courses required by various energy companies OFITE trained in repair and calibration of OFITE Model 900 viscometer Colorado School of Mines Taught bentonite and polymer course at Microtunneling Short Course Page 52 MICHELS DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS PROFESSIONAL RESUME Dustin Branscomb Drilling Survey Technician Michels Corporation 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 Phone: (920) 583-3132 / Fax: (920) 583-3429 Email: 2011-Present Drilling Survey Technician, Directional Crossings, Michels Corporation, Brownsville, WI Responsible for surveying, staking and design of directional drill path and curve, drilling the pilot hole, tracking and monitoring the drill path and calculating and interpreting the ground elevations and contours. Computer literate with knowledge and experience operating various software including: 1) Magnetic Guidance System, 2) Survey, 3) Tru-Tracker and 4) Microsoft applications. Applied working knowledge of advanced mathematics including: 1) Fluid Dynamics, 2) Advanced Algebra, 3) Trigonometry, 4) Calculus, 5) Statistics and 6) Stress Engineering. Complete surveying skills and experience utilizing a Total Station (Theodolite with built-in EDM) for lay out of grade elevations over all types of topography in establishing alignment tying into existing surveyed points (benchmarks). Additional duties include on-site maintenance of technical equipment, and necessary record-keeping of plots and drilling logs. Performed the above operations for crossings which include, but not limited to: Diameter Length 8" 36" 36" 36" 36" 48" 48" 8" 8" 36" 36" 8" 7321' 9040' 2264' 1311' 1518' 1943' 819' 7177' 7304' 3571' 2908' 3503' 4911' 1444' 1740' 2906' 4850' 1649' 1661' 1656' 1650' 1717' 1670' 1658' 1658' 1664' 6675' 6669' 8" 36" 36" 30" 30" 16" 42" 16" 42" 16" 42" 16" 42" 16" 8" 8" Crossing/Location Year MP 49.3 Landslide, MT Mississippi River, IL/MO Otter Creek,IL Fraizer Creek, IL Vermillion River, IL West Neck Creek, VA Hunt Club Creek, VA 115 KV Power Duct, SC 115 KV Power Duct, SC Angelina River, TX Neches River & RR, TX Hamlin Creek, Charleston, SC 115 KV Power Duct, SC Hwy 155 & UPRR, TX Sabine River, TX Hickory Creek, Marietta, OK Red River, Thackerville, TX/OK Cordele, TX Cordele, TX Chicolete River, TX Chicolete River, TX Morales, TX Morales, TX Cordele, TX Dewitt, TX Morales, TX Wilmington, NC Wilmington, NC 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 Page 53 Kinder Morgan, 24 HDD crossings, including two shore approaches, on a Louisiana pipeline, including pipeline diameters of 42 and 24 inches and lengths up to 5,700 feet. AMEC Paragon/Enbridge, nine 20 inch and nine 42 inch HDD crossings with lengths up to 2,755 feet on the Southern Access Expansion and Southern Lights Oil pipelines in Illinois and Wisconsin (Phases I and II). AMEC Paragon/ExxonMobil Company, 21 42 inch HDD crossings on the Golden Pass Pipeline project transporting natural gas from Sabine, Texas to Starks, Louisiana. The longest crossing, Old River, was 6,000 feet in length. Texas Gas, Fayetteville-Greenville, 42 inch, 165 miles Gulfstream Natural Gas System, three 30 inch HDD crossings up to 2,700 feet on the Gulfstream Natural Gas pipeline expansion (Phase III) near Lake Okeechobee, Florida. Gulfstream Natural Gas System, five 20 inch HDD crossings up to 5,062 feet on the Bartow Lateral Natural Gas Pipeline (Phase IV) in Tampa Bay, Florida. Four crossings were located within Tampa Bay and drilled from barge to barge. The fifth crossing was a shore approach with a length of 5,062 feet. BP Pipelines North America, 22 inch HDD crossing 4,630', Griffith, IN. BP Pipelines North America, 20 inch HDD crossing with length of 1,220 feet crossing beneath Interstate 70 as part of the Freeman to East Fort Madison #1 crude oil pipeline repair project in Osessa, MO 2006-2011 GeoEngineers, Inc., Springfield, MO (Project Engineer) Responsible for project management, HDD Design, construction observation, field program planning and conducting technical briefings of field staff, feasibility studies for various natural gas and product pipeline projects, geotechnical exploratin, geotechnical borehole logging and soil classificatino, completion of technical reports and proposals, budget management, client billings and collections, and client interaction. 2004-2006 Coastland Civil Engineering, Inc., Santa Rosa, CA (Assistant Civil Engineer) Responsible for project management, land development projects, improvement plan and map review, flood and drainage review, city master plan development, specification and eingineer's estimate development, city engineering and all-embracing experience in struction inspection. Education and El Molino High School, Forestville, CA - 4 years, Diploma Endorsements: Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering 2004 California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA Registered Professional Engineering, Licence No. 20100000796 Missouri Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Professional Land Surveyors, and Landscape Architects Registered Professional Engineer, License No. 108030 Texas Board of Professional Engineers LEED Accredited Professional Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Green Building Accredited Professional (LEED AP) National Association of the Remodeling Industry Certified Green Building Professional Specialized Dustin has specialized training and experience in the following areas: Training: HDD profile design HDD construction observation Site layout and access requirements Surface and subsurface route assessment Analysis of operating and installation stresses Determination of minimum allowable radius of curvature Evaluation of pipe buoyancy and potential pull loads Managing site access and drilling Slope stability analysis Subsurface exploration Laboratory testing Structural design Page 54 Kinder Morgan, 24 HDD crossings, including two shore approaches, on a Louisiana pipeline, including pipeline diameters of 42 and 24 inches and lengths up to 5,700 feet. AMEC Paragon/Enbridge, nine 20 inch and nine 42 inch HDD crossings with lengths up to 2,755 feet on the Southern Access Expansion and Southern Lights Oil pipelines in Illinois and Wisconsin (Phases I and II). AMEC Paragon/ExxonMobil Company, 21 42 inch HDD crossings on the Golden Pass Pipeline project transporting natural gas from Sabine, Texas to Starks, Louisiana. The longest crossing, Old River, was 6,000 feet in length. Texas Gas, Fayetteville-Greenville, 42 inch, 165 miles Gulfstream Natural Gas System, three 30 inch HDD crossings up to 2,700 feet on the Gulfstream Natural Gas pipeline expansion (Phase III) near Lake Okeechobee, Florida. Gulfstream Natural Gas System, five 20 inch HDD crossings up to 5,062 feet on the Bartow Lateral Natural Gas Pipeline (Phase IV) in Tampa Bay, Florida. Four crossings were located within Tampa Bay and drilled from barge to barge. The fifth crossing was a shore approach with a length of 5,062 feet. BP Pipelines North America, 22 inch HDD crossing 4,630', Griffith, IN. BP Pipelines North America, 20 inch HDD crossing with length of 1,220 feet crossing beneath Interstate 70 as part of the Freeman to East Fort Madison #1 crude oil pipeline repair project in Osessa, MO 2006-2011 GeoEngineers, Inc., Springfield, MO (Project Engineer) Responsible for project management, HDD Design, construction observation, field program planning and conducting technical briefings of field staff, feasibility studies for various natural gas and product pipeline projects, geotechnical exploratin, geotechnical borehole logging and soil classificatino, completion of technical reports and proposals, budget management, client billings and collections, and client interaction. 2004-2006 Coastland Civil Engineering, Inc., Santa Rosa, CA (Assistant Civil Engineer) Responsible for project management, land development projects, improvement plan and map review, flood and drainage review, city master plan development, specification and eingineer's estimate development, city engineering and all-embracing experience in struction inspection. Education and El Molino High School, Forestville, CA - 4 years, Diploma Endorsements: Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering 2004 California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA Registered Professional Engineering, Licence No. 20100000796 Missouri Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Professional Land Surveyors, and Landscape Architects Registered Professional Engineer, License No. 108030 Texas Board of Professional Engineers LEED Accredited Professional Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Green Building Accredited Professional (LEED AP) National Association of the Remodeling Industry Certified Green Building Professional Specialized Dustin has specialized training and experience in the following areas: Training: HDD profile design HDD construction observation Site layout and access requirements Surface and subsurface route assessment Analysis of operating and installation stresses Determination of minimum allowable radius of curvature Evaluation of pipe buoyancy and potential pull loads Managing site access and drilling Slope stability analysis Subsurface exploration Laboratory testing Structural design Page 55 MICHELS DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS PROFESSIONAL RESUME Tom Forconi Drilling Survey Technician Michels Corporation 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 Phone: (920) 583-3132 / Fax: (920) 583-3429 Email: 2003-Present Drilling Survey Technician, Michels Directional Crossings, Brownsville, WI Responsible for surveying, staking and design of directional drill path and curve, drilling the pilot hole, tracking and monitoring the drill path and calculating and interpreting the ground elevations and contours. Computer literate with knowledge and experience operating various software including: 1) Magnetic Guidance System, 2) Survey, 3) TruTracker and 4) Microsoft applications. Applied working knowledge of advanced mathematics including: 1) Fluid Dynamics, 2) Advanced Algebra, 3) Trigonometry, 4) Calculus, 5) Statistics and 6) Stress Engineering. Complete surveying skills and experience utilizing a Total Station (Theodolite with built-in EDM) for lay out of grade elevations over all types of topography in establishing alignment tying into existing surveyed points (benchmarks). Additional duties include on-site maintenance of technical equipment, and necessary record-keeping of plots and drilling logs. Performed the above operations for crossings which include, but not limited to: Diameter 36" 8" 24" HDPE 8" 12" 30" 24" 30" 36" 36" 30" 36" 42" 26" 30" 36" 36" 36" 36" 16" 42" 16" Length 1812' 3320' 1061' 7321' 2557' 2890' 2070' 2774' 2077' 2264' 1881' 1611' 470' DIRECT PIPE 6215' 6544' 1499' 2133' 4005' 1792' 1717' 1670' 1658' Crossing/Location Highway 394, IL Yellowstone River, MT Lake Sakakawea, ND MP 49.3 Landslide, MT Arkansas River, AR Gains Creek, MS Unnamed Creek, AL South Canadian River, OK Chariton River, MO Hwy 336 & 172, IL Bennekill Stream, NJ Mackinaw River, IL I-84 & HWY 6, PA Jamacian Bay, NY 1st Street, NJ 60" Water Main, OK Little River, OK Canadian River, OK North Canadian River, OK Morales, TX Morales, TX Cordele, TX Page 56 Year 2015 2015 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 42" 16" 42" 24" 36" 20" 8" 12" 20" 42" 42" 36" 30" 42" 42" 34" 42" 1658' 1664' 1657' 2458' 1392' 2108' 6675' 2530' 1501' 5117' 5340' 5325' 3455' 3230' 5209' 2005' 2207' Dewitt, TX Morales, TX Morales, TX Jonestown, PA Seacausus, NJ Bayonne, NJ Wilmington, NC Cornwall, ONT, Canada Monclova, OH Westdale, LA Boyce, LA Kingston, LA St. Claire, MI Dugdemona River, LA Sulfer River, TX Northern Shore, Guam Hagatna, Guam 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2010 2009 2009 2008 1996-2003 Survey/Design Technician, Slimdril International, TX Responsible for topographical survey, drill path design, bore path monitoring and asbuilt for customer. 1990-1996 Superintendent, Southeast Directional Drilling Tempe, AZ Responsible for coordinating and supervising entire project in time constraint situation from start to finish. Including design, drilling pilot hole, reaming operations, and product installation. Education: UWS, Two years pre-engineering associate degree Page 57 MICHELS DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS PROFESSIONAL RESUME Doug Houska Drilling Survey Technician Michels Corporation 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 Phone: (920) 583-3132 / Fax: (920) 583-3429 Email: 1991-Present Drilling Survey Technician, Directional Crossings, Brownsville, WI Responsible for surveying, staking and design of directional drill path and curve, drilling the pilot hole, tracking and monitoring the drill path and calculating and interpreting the ground elevations and contours. Computer literate with knowledge and experience operating various software including: 1) Magnetic Guidance System, 2) Survey, 3) TruTracker and 4) Microsoft applications. Applied working knowledge of advanced mathematics including: 1) Fluid Dynamics, 2) Advanced Algebra, 3) Trigonometry, 4) Calculus, 5) Statistics and 6) Stress Engineering. Complete surveying skills and experience utilizing a Total Station (Theodolite with built-in EDM) for lay out of grade elevations over all types of topography in establishing alignment tying into existing surveyed points (benchmarks). Additional duties include on-site maintenance of technical equipment, and necessary record-keeping of plots and drilling logs. Performed the above operations for crossings which include, but not limited to: Diameter Length 36" 12" and 6" 42" 1 x 6" & 2 x 4" Bundle 2 x 4" Bundle 6" 36" 12" 20" 30" 36" 16" 42" 16" 42" 16" 42" 30" 16" 24" 20" 5128' 3173' 3776' 1568' 1809' 6999' 9040' 3472' 2364' 4987' 1792' 1649' 1661' 1656' 1650' 1717' 1670' 1633' 3894' 2458' 1022' Location Year Lake Ave & RR, IL Beaver Lake, Alberta, Canada Bore #3, Nageezi, NM 2015 2015 2015 2014 Hwy 550, Nageezi, NM Lake Navajo/San Juan River, NM Mississippi River, IL/MO Gilmore Lane, OR Missouri River, IA/NE Monksville Reservoir, NJ North Canadian River, OK Cordele, TX Cordele, TX Chicolete River, TX Chicolete River, TX Morales, TX Morales, TX Brooklyn, NY Roaring Branch, PA Jonestown, PA Gillette, WY 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 MacKay River, Fort McMurray, Canada Page 58 20" 36" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42" 30" 42" 42" 42" 24" 3075' 3030' 2696' 5084' 3800' 2176' 2691' 1527' 6017' 3826' 3954' 6418' Marion, OR Bunkie, LA Natchez, LA Mississippi River, AR Mississippi River, MO Great Miami River, OH 200th Ave, IL Cascade Rd, GA Old River, TX Cole Creek, TX Tallahoma Creek, MS Lathum Slough, CA 2011 2011 2011 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 2007 1988-1991 Project Coordinator, Mid America Line and Cable, Division of Michels Pipeline, Brownsville, WI Assisted Project Manager with coordinating field personnel for large scale telephone cable installation projects. Recorded and prepared field reports for project, office and customer needs. Acting liaison between project managers, public, existing utility representatives and customer representatives. Coordinated project between existing utilities and placement of new installation. Maintain material inventory required for projects. 1980-1988 Project Assistant/Bookkeeper, Michels Pipeline Construction, Brownsville, WI Purchasing agent responsible for coordinating all materials to various locations along project routes for water line and telephone installations . Inventory control of materials. Prepared field reports to keep record of labor and production. Liaison between existing utility representatives and Michels. Education: 1978-1980 Two year Associate Degree Accounting, Mitchell Area Vocational Technical College, Mitchell, SD Working knowledge of advanced mathematics including: Fluid dynamics, Advanced algebra, Trigonometry, Static's, Stress Engineering 1978 High School graduate of Kimball High School, Kimball, South Dakota Software: Magnetic Guidance System, Survey-4, Tru-Tracker, Microsoft Applications Page 59 MICHELS DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS PROFESSIONAL RESUME Cale Mullenix Drilling Survey Technichian Michels Corporation 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 Phone: (920) 583-3132 / Fax: (920) 583-3429 1997-Present Drilling Survey Technician, Michels Directional Crossings, Brownsville, WI Responsible for surveying, staking and design of directional drill path and curve, drilling the pilot hole, tracking and monitoring the drill path and calculating and interpreting the ground elevations and contours. Computer literate with knowledge and experience operating various software including: 1) Magnetic Guidance System, 2) Survey, 3) TruTracker and 4) Microsoft applications. Applied working knowledge of advanced mathematics including: 1) Fluid Dynamics, 2) Advanced Algebra, 3) Trigonometry, 4) Calculus, 5) Statistics and 6) Stress Engineering. Complete surveying skills and experience utilizing a Total Station (Theodolite with built-in EDM) for lay out of grade elevations over all types of topography in establishing alignment tying into existing surveyed points (benchmarks). Additional duties include on-site maintenance of technical equipment, and necessary record-keeping of plots and drilling logs. Performed the above operations for crossings which include, but not limited to: Diameter Length 36" 36" 36" 36" 2 x 4" Bundle 6" 8" 8" 24" 16" 36" 30" 30" 30" 30" 12" 42" 30" 30" 30" 42" 30" 30" 8" 30" 8" 16" 20" 10" 2697' 1755' 2303' 3805' 1809' 6999' 7321' 4159' 1935' 2951' 5687' 1701' 1246' 1881' 4987' 6209' 3008' 4905' 1707' 6544' 4441' 4861' 5378' 4475' 3042' 2645' 3894' 2513' 3447' Crossing/Location Year Barrington Rd, IL New York St, IL Liberty Street, IL Williamette River, OR Hwy 550, Nageezi, NM Lake Navajo/San Juan River, NM MP 49.3 Landslide, MT MP 54.8 Landslide, MT Coosa River, AL Line 82, ND Missouri River, MO Red River, OK OK City Water Main, OK Bennekill Stream, NJ Monksville Reservoir, NJ Jamacian Bay, NY I-95 & Tidal Wetlands, NJ Merseles St, NJ Bayonne Inlet, NJ 1st Street, NJ Goethals Bridge, NY 18th Street, NJ Hudson River, NJ/NY MP57, Lodge Grass, MT Wyalusing, PA Tioga Junction, PA Roaring Branch, PA Tioga Junction, PA Wyandotte, OK 2015 2015 2015 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 Page 60 16" 30" 6" 42" 42" 42" 36" 30" 42" 20" 42" 20" 24" 30" 4" 16" 36" (4) 10" & (1) 8" 30" 8" 1818' 5786' 1613 1826' 2619' 1223' 3492' 1280' 1010' 3029' 2792' 3835' 6518' 4272' 5365' 6700' 2144' 785' & 809' 5668 7025' Tioga, PA Vernon, NJ Chippewa River WI Alexandria, LA Natchez, LA Bunkie, LA Trinidad/Tabago Atlanta, GA Atlantic City, NJ Four Legged Lake, MN Whitewater River, IN Angeles National Forest, CA Stone Lakes NWR, CA St. John's River, Canada Mississippi River, WI Newark Bay, NJ Wando River, SC Bridgeport, CT Shore Approach, Trinidad Cooper River, SC 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2006 2006 1996-1997 Fluid Dynamics Technician, Michels Directional Crossings, Brownsville, WI Accountable for mixing bentonite solution used throughout directional drilling and reaming operations. Trained to monitor viscosity of mixture and manipulate ratios of solids and fluid to maintain specific viscosities which continually change based on the environment and which vary by operation phases and subterrain. Experience in operation, maintenance and repair of bentonite mixing equipment. Education: 1996 University of Wisconsin – Madison 1995 Graduate of Goodrich High School, Fond du Lac, WI Page 61 MICHELS DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS PROFESSIONAL RESUME Jeff Nehmer Drilling Survey Technician Michels Corporation 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 Phone: (920) 583-3132 / Fax: (920) 583-3429 Email: 1997-Present Drilling Survey Technician, Michels Directional Crossings, Brownsville, WI Responsible for surveying, staking and design of directional drill path and curve, drilling the pilot hole, tracking and monitoring the drill path and calculating and interpreting the ground elevations and contours. Computer literate with knowledge and experience operating various software including: 1) Magnetic Guidance System, 2) Survey, 3) TruTracker and 4) Microsoft applications. Applied working knowledge of advanced mathematics including: 1) Fluid Dynamics, 2) Advanced Algebra, 3) Trigonometry, 4) Calculus, 5) Statistics and 6) Stress Engineering. Complete surveying skills and experience utilizing a Total Station (Theodolite with built-in EDM) for lay out of grade elevations over all types of topography in establishing alignment tying into existing surveyed points (benchmarks). Additional duties include on-site maintenance of technical equipment, and necessary record-keeping of plots and drilling logs. Performed the above operations for crossings which include, but not limited to: At a minimum on all projects, an Atlas-840 Drill Rig was used for drilling and installing the crossings. If a hole-intersect or additional assistance was required during drilling operations an appropriately sized capacity drill rig was brought in to assist operations. A downhole wire-line probe (MGS) or non-wire line gyroscope was utilized to continuously monitor and survey the location of the pilot-hole drill path. Elevation alignment and distance is calculated and recorded in accordance with industry standard (i.e. maintaining pilot hole alignment due to weight of bit and stem) via a MGS Steer Personnel is not aware of claims filed or in litigation. Diameter 10" 36" 24" 24" 24" 24" 36" 36" 8" 30" 30" 30" 42" Length 4654' 3805' 1935' 2884' 3269' 3275' 1874' 3544' 2545' 4987' 4905' 6544' 4441' Crossing/Location Allegheny River, PA Williamette River, OR Coosa River, AL Hatchett Creek, AL Transfer Line 2, IN Transfer Line 1, IN Wetland S-517C, IN Illinois River, IL MP266, Mountain Green, UT Monksville Reservoir, NJ Merseles St, NJ 1st Street, NJ Goethals Bridge, NY Page 62 Year 2015 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 30" 36" 24" 16" 16" 24" 10" 30" 6" 42" 36" 24" 42" 16" 20" 42" 42" 20" 36" 30" 30" 14" 42" 42" 8101' 6575' 1386' 3894' 5754' 3589' 3447 5786' 1613' 5732' 5325' 1519' 1851' 9931' 5222' 3018' 2975' 3835' 2200' 2564' 3078' 2235' 2295' 2127' Kill Van Kull River NY/NJ St. Johns River, Jacksonville, FL Jonestown, PA Roaring Branch, PA New Berlin, WI Golf Course & Nemacolin, PA Grand Lake, OK Lake Conway, NJ Chippewa River, WI Old River & I-49 Kansas City RR, LA Ditch Crossing 1, FL Siphon Creek, LA Cooper River, SC Pokegama Carnegie, MN State Route 96, IL Illinois River, IL Angeles National Forest, CA Little Red River, AR Kishwaukee River, IL Rock River, WI Pyramid Lake, CA Flambeau River, WI Wisconsin River, WI 2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 1995-1996 Subsurface Exploration, Wisconsin Dept. of Trans., Madison, WI Took core samples vertically from the ground and ran tests on soil conditions for roadways. Education: 1997 MATC – Degree as Civil Engineering Technician 1994 Graduate of Columbus High School, Columbus, WI Page 63 MICHELS DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS PROFESSIONAL RESUME Dan Reynolds Drilling Survey Technician Michels Corporation 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 Phone: (920) 583-3132 / Fax: (920) 583-3429 Email: 2006-Present Drilling Survey Technician, Michels Directional Crossings, Brownsville, WI Responsible for surveying, staking and design of directional drill path and curve, drilling the pilot hole, tracking and monitoring the drill path and calculating and interpreting the ground elevations and contours. Computer literate with knowledge and experience operating various software including: 1) Magnetic Guidance System, 2) Survey, 3) Tru-Tracker and 4) Microsoft applications. Applied working knowledge of advanced mathematics including: 1) Fluid Dynamics, 2) Advanced Algebra, 3) Trigonometry, 4) Calculus, 5) Statistics and 6) Stress Engineering. Complete surveying skills and experience utilizing a Total Station (Theodolite with built-in EDM) for lay out of grade elevations over all types of topography in establishing alignment tying into existing surveyed points (benchmarks). Additional duties include on-site maintenance of technical equipment, and necessary record-keeping of plots and drilling logs. Performed the above operations for crossings which include, but not limited to: Diameter Length Crossing/Location Year 12" and 6" 10" 42" 36" 36" 36" 36" 30" 24" 20" 36" 30" 30" 42" 28" 36" 30" 36" 8" 20" 8" 8" 30" 36" 30" 8" 3173' 1971' 3776' 1613' 1359' 2274' 2133' 2667' 2750' 1193' 2355' 2774' 4400' 4284' 4270' 4304' 1707' 2908' 10,053' 3048' 12,885' 4400' 2906' 4505' 2133' 6669' Beaver Lake, Alberta, Canada Tank Farm/Central Ave, PA MacKay River, Fort McMurray, Canada Fish Pond, Alberta, Canada Wetland Crossing #2, Alberta, Canada Highway 13, Alberta, Canada Wetland Crossing, Aberta, Canada South Fork Ten Mile Creek, PA Escatawpa River, MS SR-265/Leatherwood Rd, OH Salt Fork River, MO South Canadian River, OK Saline Creek, Alberta, Canada Vermillion River, Alberta, Canada Saline Creek, Alberta, Canada Bois D' Arc, TX Bayonne Inlet, NJ Neches River & RR, TX Potomac River, VA/MD St. Clair, Marysville, MI MP66, Big Horn County, MT MP57, Big Horn County, MT Hickory Creek, Marietta, OK Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada Alberta, Canada Wilmington, NC 2015 2015 2015 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 Page 64 32" Bundle (7) 10" HDPE (6) 4" HDPE 8" 30" 16" 16" 16" 42" 36" 16" 42" 42" 30" 42" 42" (3) 12" HDPE 30" 2785' 7019' 3455' 9,931' 2,494' 2,566' 2,178' 2623' 6202' 3043' 3719' 2739' 1666' 2073' 23 Bores 21,200 Total 400 to 1,400' 5668' Vancouver BC, Canada 2011 Decatur, NE St. Claire, MI Cooper River, Charleston, SC Hitchcock Plaza 1, Aiken, SC Hitchcock Plaza 1, Aiken, SC Chatham,LA Hwy 61, MS Newark Bay, NJ Little Miami River, OH Neches River, TX Couse Midden, FL Prairie River, LA Crossway Creek, NJ 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2007 2007 Long Island, NY 2006 Trinidad & Tabego 2006 2003-2006 Drilling Survey Technician, Southeast Pipeline Construction, Casa Grande, AZ All aspects of drilling and design utilizing Tru-Tracker software for contractor. Larger projects include: Diameter Length Location/Customer 56" (3) 2100'-2520' Bechtel/API 16" (9) 800'-3400' Williston Basin 36" 1185' Snelson Hoen Rd 24" 3385' Carbon Mountain 2003 Drilling Survey Technician, H.M.S. Construction, Rio Vista, CA All aspects of drilling and design utilizing Tru-Tracker software for contractor. Larger projects include: Diameter Length Location/Customer 8" & 12" 450' City of Waikiki, HI HDPE 615'-1005' (6) U.S. Navey Aloha-Aina Park 32" 2900' AP & T Tidal Inlet 2002-2003 Drilling Survey Technician, Thunderbird Exploration, Gilbert, AZ Steering hand working on communication projects. Larger projects include: Diameter Length Location/Customer 8" 8" & 10" 24" Various 600'-2400' 800'-1200' Telecommunications U.W. I. Questar 1998-2002 Drilling Survey Technician, Ozzie’s Directional Drilling, Scottsdale, AZ Education: 1980 Graduate of Soper High School, Soper, OK Page 65 MICHELS DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS PROFESSIONAL RESUME Darrell Tise Drilling Survey Technician Michels Corporation 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 Phone: (920) 583-3132 / Fax: (920) 583-3429 email: 2013-Present Drilling Survey Technician, Michels Directional Crossings, Brownsville, WI Responsible for surveying, staking and design of directional drill path and curve, drilling the pilot hole, tracking and monitoring the drill path and calculating and interpreting the ground elevations and contours. Computer literate with knowledge and experience operating various software including: 1) Magnetic Guidance System, 2) Survey, 3) TruTracker and 4) Microsoft applications. Applied working knowledge of advanced mathematics including: 1) Fluid Dynamics, 2) Advanced Algebra, 3) Trigonometry, 4) Calculus, 5) Statistics and 6) Stress Engineering. Complete surveying skills and experience utilizing a Total Station (Theodolite with built-in EDM) for lay out of grade elevations over all types of topography in establishing alignment tying into existing surveyed points (benchmarks). Additional duties include on-site maintenance of technical equipment, and necessary record-keeping of plots and drilling logs. Performed the above operations for crossings which include, but not limited to: Diameter 36" 42" 36" 36" 28" 48" 48" 30" 24" 20" 36" 36" Length 3363' 3114' 1588' 1355' 1741' 2060' 1692' 1376' 2003' 2364' 1640' 1277' Crossing/Location Steeles Ave, Ontario, Canada Beaver Lake, Fort McMurray, Canada Hwy 404, Ontario, Canada Beaver Creek, Ontario, Canada Lafayett River, VA Tres Palacios, TX Navidad River, TX Tom's Creek, MS Highway 612, MS Missouri River, IA/NE La Moine River, IL Bear Creek, IL Year 2015 2015 2015 2015 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2011-2013 Field Technician, Sharewell HDD Services 2008-2011 Computer Tech and Surveyor, Laney Directional Drilling De Mexico 2007-2008 Owner - Operator of DATACOM, San Antonio, TX Installing small underground ductwork and trenches for companies such as AT&T and Time Warner Cable. 2005-2007 Operator, Sidewinder Drilling, New Braunfels, TX and San Antonio, TX Operator of small rigs such as Vermeer 24/40, 80/100, 36/50, 100/120's and 300/500's as well as locating with Digi Track and Ditchwitch walk over units. 2004-2005 Laborer, Laney Directional Drilling Laborer on seven drills crossing the Tigris River in Iraq. 1998-2004 Laborer, for Laney Directional Drilling, W.H.C., and E.T. & D. Education: Austin Community College: Certified Auto-Cad Technician San Marcus Baptist Academy, San Marcus, TX - High School Page 66 MICHELS DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS PROFESSIONAL RESUME Dennis Bush Field Operations Superintendent Michels Corporation 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 Phone: (920) 583-3132 / Fax: (920) 583-3429 Email: 2004-Present Field Operations Superintendent, Michels Directional Crossings, Brownsville, WI Responsible for coordinating and drilling directional boring projects for various size gas, water, sewer, electrical and communication lines. Duties include mobilization of all equipment and personnel to remote job sites throughout the United States; the setup and drilling of crossings; on-site maintenance of mechanical and technical equipment; and necessary record keeping of plots and production. Skilled equipment operator with the operation of technical, lifting and heavy equipment for directional drilling operations. Working knowledge of hydraulic engineering and applied mechanical engineering. Skilled in hydraulics repair, electrical repair, welding and troubleshooting. Working knowledge of computers and downhole survey along with surveying and surveying instrumentation. More notable crossings include, but are not limited to: Diameter Length 36" 36" 2 x 4" Bundle 6" 24" 24" 30" 24" 36" 10" 12" 26" 36" 36" 30" 16" 42" 16" 42" 16" 30" 20" 3363' 1355' 1809' 6999' 1692' 2003' 2890' 1935' 5687' 1573' 6209' 6215' 4342' 2958' 4850' 1717' 1670' 1658' 1658' 5754' 1186' 920' Crossing/Location Year Steeles Ave, Ontario, Canada Beaver Creek, Ontario, Canada Hwy 550, Nageezi, NM Lake Navajo/San Juan River, NM Marshall Smith Rd, MS Highway 612, MS Gaines Creek, MS Coosa River, AL Missouri River, MO Jackson March, WI Jamacian Bay, NY Jamacian Bay, NY Deep Fork river, OK North Sulpher, Mount Joy, TX Red River, Thackerville, TX/OK Morales, TX Morales, TX Cordele, TX Dewitt, TX New Berlin, WI Unnamed Tributary, ND Wild Horse Creek, WY 2015 2015 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 Page 67 20" 10" 36" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42" 36" 20" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42" 3075' 778 2373' 1826' 3443' 4067' 2914' 1906' 1704' 2015' 2129' 3031' 3029' 4068' 2691' 3627' 1992' 3705' 6004' Rock Creek, OR SE 14th & Eller Drive, FL Bayou Fordoche & Levee, LA Interstate 49 and RR, LA Wetland R2, LA LA State Hwy 34, LA Bayou Pierre, LA I-49, LA Willow Creek, LA Flat Creek, LA Ceasars Creek, OH Four Legged Lake, MN Four Legged Lake, MN Illinois River, IL 200th Ave, IL Salt River, MO Hwy 67, TX Neches River, TX Old River, TX Certifications: 2005 Banks Man Orientation (API Pipeline) 2006 John Deere basic Hydraulics - Certified 2006 John Deere basic Electrical - Certified 2008 Cetco mud training 2009 Confined space safety training 2010 Usage of Fusion Equipment 2010 OSHA 10-Hour Training Course 2011 OSHA 30-Hour Training Course 2011 CPR Training Course 2011 Excavation Safety-Competent Person 2011 Confined Space Entry Awareness 2011 Crane Signal Person 2012 Forklift Training 2013 Industrial Millwright V4 2014 Power Safe Education: 2001-2003 Murray State University 2000-2001 Tennessee Technology Center - Mechanic Apprentice Diploma in 2000 & Mechanic 1 Diploma in 2001 2001 GED from the state of Tennessee Page 68 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 MICHELS DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS PROFESSIONAL RESUME Jack Edmunds Field Operations Superintendent Michels Corporation 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 Phone: (920) 583-3132 / Fax: (920) 583-3429 Email: 1998-Present Field Operations Superintendent, Michels Directional Crossings, Brownsville, WI Responsible for coordinating and drilling directional boring projects for various size gas, water, sewer, electrical and communication lines as well as environmental wells. Duties include mobilization of all equipment and personnel to remote job sites throughout the United States; the set-up and drilling of crossings; on-site maintenance of mechanical and technical equipment; and necessary recordkeeping of plots and production. Skilled equipment operator with the operation of technical, lifting and heavy equipment for directional drilling operations. Working knowledge of hydraulic engineering and applied mechanical engineering. Skilled in hydraulics repair, electrical repair, welding and troubleshooting. Working knowledge of computers and downhole survey along with surveying and surveying instrumentation. Some more notable crossings include, but are not limited to: Diameter Length Location Year 36" 18" 36" 24" 24" 30" 42" 30" 16" 42" 10" 24" 12" 10" 12" 42" 42" 36" 42" 42" 36" 30" 30" 42" 42" 30" 2303' 12,459 9040' 3269' 3275' 2344' 3008' 4831' 1664' 1657' 1495' 1546' 1612' 3447' 2484' 1998' 5248' 3942' 2914' 1586' 4512' 2461' 2191' 4975' 2524' 5668' Liberty Street, IL Houston Ship Channel, TX Mississippi River, IL/MO Transfer Line 2, IN Transfer Line 1, IN Delaware River, PA/NJ I-95 & Tidal Wetlands, NJ 18th Street, NJ Morales, TX Morales, TX Missoula, MT Colorado River, CO WBC62 (Offshore), LA Grand Lake, OK Wetland #13, NC I-49, LA Saline Bayou, LA Trinidad & Tabago Bayou Pierre, LA Pearl River, MS Mississippi River, MS Camp Creek, GA Candlewood, GA Indian Bayou, TX Ouachita River, LA Trinidad & Tabago 2015 2015 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2006 1981-1998 Trenchless Technology Operator/Supervisor & Journeyman Welder, Michels Pipeline Construction, Inc., Brownsville, WI As Operator/Supervisor he completed profit and loss responsibility for performing trenchless casing installations for civil, pipeline, communications and power at roads, railroads and rivers. Coordinated and executed entire boring operation from mobilization to demobilization. Page 69 1977-1981 Skilled Laborer/Operator, Beloit Pipe and Dredge Company, Beloit, WI Performed various duties in the construction of natural gas and petroleum product pipeline. Multi-capable to assist with all facets of product pipeline installation including conventional and trenchless methods of construction. Education: Certified for fusion of plastic natural gas pipe and fittings. 1995 Member of Local 601 of United Association of Journeyman and Apprentices for the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada (Steamfitters). Moraine Park Technical College – Welding Courses Certified for butt, sidewall and/or socket fusion of Driscopipe polyethylene pipe and 1994 fittings. 1976 Graduate of Waupun High School, Waupun, WI Page 70 MICHELS DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS PROFESSIONAL RESUME Marcus Carratt Field Operations Superintendent Michels Corporation 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 Phone: (920) 583-3132 / Fax: (920) 583-3429 Email: 2000-Present Field Operations Superintendent, Michels Directional Crossings, Brownsville, WI Responsible for coordinating and drilling directional boring projects for various size gas, water, sewer, electrical and communication lines. Duties include mobilization of all equipment and personnel to remote job sites throughout the United States; the set-up and drilling of crossings; onsite maintenance of mechanical and technical equipment; and necessary record keeping of plots and production. Skilled equipment operator with the operation of technical, lifting and heavy equipment for directional drilling operations. Working knowledge of hydraulic engineering and applied mechanical engineering. Skilled in hydraulics repair, electrical repair, welding and troubleshooting. Working knowledge of computers and downhole survey along with surveying and surveying instrumentation. Some more notable crossings include, but are not limited to: Diameter 36" 42" 42" 42" 42" 16" 42" 16" 42" 36" 24" 36" 42" 36" 16" 42" 42" 36" 42" 30" 30" 42" 42" 42" Length 9040' 1153' 3392' 4441' 3186' 1656' 1650' 1717' 1670' 4505' 2458' 4519' 5117' 4992' 9931' 3485' 4067' 5240' 3800' 2342' 1924' 2691' 3826' 3719' Location Mississippi River, IL/MO Railroad Crossing, TX (Direct Pipe) N. Saskatchewan River, Canada Goethals Bridge, NY Arthur Kill, Staten Island, NJ/NY Chicolete River, TX Chicolete River, TX Morales, TX Morales, TX Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada Jonestown, PA Freeman Road, LA Nature Conservatory, LA Atchafalaya River, LA Cooper River, SC Quachita River, LA LA State Hey 34, LA Pokegama Carnegie, WI Mississippi River, MO S. Fulton Parkway, GA I-20, GA 200th Ave, IL Cole Creek, TX Neches River, TX Page 71 Year 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 1999-2000 Foreman, Schatz Underground Cable, Villa Ridge, MO Working foreman responsibilities included locating, operating Ditch Witch, directional boring rig, trencher, plow, back hoe, and small back hoe. 1997-1999 Laborer, Michels Pipe Line Construction, Brownsville, WI Experience in working on and around directional drilling rigs as an integral member of a specialized team. Multi-capable to assist with all facets of drilling operations. Familiar with mechanical repairs; hydraulics; fluids; set-up and operation of drill motors; power generators; mud pumps; bentonite mixers; drill pipe; reamers; couplings; and overall equipment maintenance and operation. 1993-1997 Beginning Manager, Driver, United States Marine Corps, Camp LeJeune, NC Education: 2014 PCST Certificate Renewal Course 1986 Waupun High School Page 72 MICHELS DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS PROFESSIONAL RESUME Brian Guelig Field Operations Superintendent Michels Corporation 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 Phone: (920) 583-3132 / Fax: (920) 583-3429 email: 2006-Present Field Operations Superintendent, Michels Directional Crossings, Brownsville, WI Responsible for coordinating and drilling directional boring projects for various size gas, water, sewer, electrical and communication lines. Duties include mobilization of all equipment and personnel to remote job sites throughout the United States; the setup and drilling of crossings; on-site maintenance of mechanical and technical equipment; and necessary record keeping of plots and production. Skilled equipment operator with the operation of technical, lifting and heavy equipment for directional drilling operations. Working knowledge of hydraulic engineering and applied mechanical engineering. Skilled in hydraulics repair, electrical repair, welding and troubleshooting. Working knowledge of computers and downhole survey along with surveying and surveying instrumentation. Some more notable crossings include, but are not limited to: Diameter Length Location 36" 3363' Steeles Ave, Ontario, Canada 36" 1588' Hwy 404, Ontario, Canada 36" 1355' Beaver Creek, Ontario, Canada 36" 3805' Williamette River, OR 16" 2951' Line 82, ND 36" 1874' Wetland S-517C, IN 8" 2545' MP266, Mountain Green, UT 30" 1881' Bennekill Stream, NJ 30" 6544' 1st Street, NJ 30" 1633' Brooklyn, NY 30" 5786' Vernon, NJ 42" 1851' Siphin Creek, LA 36" 2096' Prairie River, MN 36" 5237' Pokegema Carnegie, WI 16" 6230' Newark Bay, NJ 30" 4272' St. John's River, NB 24" 6778' Old River, CA 24" 5899' Middle River, CA 24" 6418' Latham Slough, CA 2002-2006 Operator, Michels Directional Crossings, Brownsville, WI Year 2015 2015 2015 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2009 2009 2008 2007 2007 2007 Experience in working on and around directional drilling rigs as an integral member of a specialized team. Multi-capable to assist with all facets of drilling operations. Familiar with mechanical repairs; hydraulics; fluids; set-up and operation of drill motors; power generators; mud pumps; bentonite mixers; drill pipe; reamers; couplings; and overall equipment maintenance and operation. 1999-2002 Laborer, Northeast Asphalt, Fond du Lac, WI Education: 1999 Graduate of New Holstein H.S., New Holstein, WI Page 73 MICHELS DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS PROFESSIONAL RESUME Bryan Ketter Field Operations Superintendent Michels Corporation 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 Phone: (920) 583-3132 / Fax: (920) 583-3429 Email: 1999-Present Field Operations Superintendent, Michels Corporation, Brownsville, WI Responsible for coordinating and drilling directional boring projects for various size gas, water, sewer, electrical and communication lines. Duties include mobilization of all equipment and personnel to remote job sites throughout the United States; the set-up and drilling of crossings; on-site maintenance of mechanical and technical equipment; and necessary record keeping of plots and production. Skilled equipment operator with the operation of technical, lifting and heavy equipment for directional drilling operations. Working knowledge of hydraulic engineering and applied mechanical engineering. Skilled in hydraulics repair, electrical repair, welding and troubleshooting. Working knowledge of computers and downhole survey along with surveying and surveying instrumentation. Some more notable crossings include, but are not limited to: Diameter Length 36" 36" 36" 36" 36" 6" 30" 28" 12" 36" 36" 36" 36" 36" 30" 42" 42" 42" 42" 36" 20" 42" 42" 42" 1613' 2274' 2133' 1020' 925' 1576' 4400' 4270' 4272' 3618' 3314' 1867' 3130' 2496' 1266' 2619' 2094' 1838' 2243' 3999' 1831' 3958' 3629' 4378' Location Year Fish Pond, Alberta, Canada Highway 13, Alberta, Canada Wetland Crossing, Alberta, Canada Range Rd 124, Alberta, Canada Hwy 36, Alberta, Canada Muskwa River, BC, Canada Saline Creek, Alberta, Canada Saline Creek, Alberta, Canada Saline Creek, Alberta, Canada Johnson Creek, TX East Fork Angelina River, TX Flora, TX Cypress, TX Taterville, LA Whitby, Ontario, Canada Natchez, LA Richland Parrish, LA Ryhmes, LA Alto, LA Mississippi River, MN Mississippi River, MN Walnut Creek, OH Salt River, MO Taylor Bayou 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 1997-1999 General Laborer, Michels Corporation, Brownsville, WI Experience in working on and around directional drilling rigs as an integral member of a specialized team. Multi-capable to assist with all facets of drilling operations. Familiar with mechanical repairs; hydraulics; fluids; set-up and operation of drill motors; power generators; mud pumps; bentonite mixers; drill pipe; reamers; couplings; and overall equipment maintenance and operation. Education: 1996 New Holstein High School Graduate 2004 Fox Valley Tech., Bachelors in Hydro Engineering Page 74 MICHELS DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS PROFESSIONAL RESUME Karl Kornkven Field Operations Superintendent Michels Corporation 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 Phone: (920) 583-3132 / Fax: (920) 583-3429 Email: 2002-Present Field Operations Superintendent, Michels Directional Crossings, Brownsville, WI Responsible for coordinating and drilling directional boring projects for various size gas, water, sewer, electrical and communication lines. Duties include mobilization of all equipment and personnel to job sites throughout the United States; the set-up and drilling of crossings; onsite maintenance of mechanical and technical equipment; and necessary record keeping of plots and production. Skilled equipment operator with the operation of technical, lifting and heavy equipment for directional drilling operations. Working knowledge of hydraulic engineering and applied mechanical engineering. Skilled in hydraulics repair, electrical repair, welding and troubleshooting. Some more notable crossings include, but are not limited to: Diameter Length 42" 42" 36" 36" 36" 42" 30" 30" 30" 16" 42" 16" 42" 36" 36" 42" 36" 14" 42" 42" 36" HDPE 20" 42" 30" 42" 24" 26" 24" 3114' 3776' 1613' 1359' 9040' 4284' 4905' 5378' 4850' 1649' 1661' 3214' 3205' 4505' 4993' 4272' 4495' 1554' 4322' 5084' 1873' 2096' 3200' 4300' 2176' 3009' 1820' 1330' 23 Bores 21,200 Total 400 to 1,440' (3) 12" HDPE Crossing/Location Year Beaver Lake, Fort McMurray, Canada MacKay River, Fort McMurray, Canada Fish Pond, Alberta, Canada Wetland Crossing #2, Alberta, Canada Mississippi River, IL/MO Vermillion River, Canada Merseles, NJ Hudson River, NJ/NY Red River, TX/OK Cordele, TX Cordele, TX Dewitt, TX Dewitt, TX Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada Atchafalaya River, LA St. John's River, BC Saskatchewan River, AB St. John's Newfoundland Cache River, AR Mississippi River, AR Moncton, Canada Prairie River, MN Deer Creek, OH Line C, IA Great Miami River, OH Middle Salina River, CA San Juan River, NM Peruque Creek, MO 2015 2015 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 2007 Long Island, NY 2006 Page 75 2000-2002 Drill Rig Operator, Michels Directional Crossings, Brownsville, WI Experience in working on and around directional drilling rigs as an integral member of a specialized team. Multi-capable to assist with all facets of drilling operations. Familiar with mechanical repairs; hydraulics; fluids; set-up and operation of drill motors; power generators; mud pumps; bentonite mixers; drill pipe; reamers; couplings; and overall equipment maintenance and operation. 1998-2000 Drilling Fluid Technician, Michels Directional Crossings, Brownsville, WI Solely responsible for mixing bentonite to the right consistency with an emphasis in directional drilling. Proficient working in and around drilling rigs and overall operation as an integral member of the specialized team. Multi-capable to assist with all types of drilling tasks and familiar with repair, set-up and operation of drill motors, power generators, mud pumps, bentonite mixers, drill pipe, reamers, steer tool wireline connections, couplings, etc. Involved in various types of directional drilling projects, line and cable, water and setting manholes 1991-1997 Machinist, Nissen Manufacturing, Larimore, ND Machinist performing welding, drilling and assembly 1988-1991 Air Traffic Controller, United States Air Force, Grand Forks, ND Education: University of North Dakota Graduate of Bottineau North Dakota High School Page 76 MICHELS DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS PROFESSIONAL RESUME Dan Kriesel Field Operations Superintendent Michels Corporation 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 Phone: (920) 583-3132 / Fax: (920) 583-3429 Email: 2006-Present Field Operations Superintendent Michels Corporation, Brownsville, WI Responsible for coordinating and drilling directional boring projects for various size gas, water, sewer, electrical and communication lines. Duties include mobilization of all equipment and personnel to remote job sites throughout the United States; the set-up and drilling of crossings; on-site maintenance of mechanical and technical equipment; and necessary record keeping of plots and production. Skilled equipment operator with the operation of technical, lifting and heavy equipment for directional drilling operations. Working knowledge of hydraulic engineering and applied mechanical engineering. Skilled in hydraulics repair, electrical repair, welding and troubleshooting. Working knowledge of computers and downhole survey along with surveying and surveying instrumentation. Some more notable crossings include, but are not limited to: Diameter Length Crossing/Location Year 10" 8" 24" HDPE 8" 8" 20" 16" 36" 36" 48" 48" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 16" 10" 16" 30" 42" 42" 36" 3" 3" 30" 36" 32" 36" 4654' 3320' 1061' 7321' 4159' 2364' 2951' 2264' 1611' 1943' 819' 7177' 7304' 3503' 4911' 12,902' 4475' 2645' 3894' 1819' 1818' 5786' 992' 1223' 3030' 1879' 1895' 1275' 1329' 3058' 4512' Allegheny River, PA Yellowstone River, MT Lake Sakakawea, ND MP 49.3 Landslide, MT MP 54.8 Landslide, MT Missouri River, NE/IA Line 82, ND Otter Creek, IL Mackinaw River, IL West Neck Creek, VA Hunt Club Creek, VA 115 KV Power Duct, SC 115 KV Power Duct, SC Hamlin Creek, Charelston, SC 115 KV Power Duct, SC MP66, Wyola, MT MP57, Lodge Grass, MT Tioga Junction, PA Roaring Branch, PA Texas Creek, Tioga, PA Texas Creek, Tioga, PA Lake Conway, Vernon, NJ Bayou Rapids, Bunkie, LA Bayou Robert, Bunkie, LA Black Bear Forest, Bunkie, LA Coquille River, Bandon, OR Coquille River, Bandon, OR Little Powder River, WY US Hwy 75, MN Hudson River, NY Mississippi River, MS 2015 2015 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 Page 77 2006 Operator, InterCon Construction, Madison, WI Duties include rig set-up, operation, maintenance, and mud technician for water lines. 2004-2006 Foreman/Operator, Blue Badger Inc., Rosebush, MI Duties include walk over locating and operating of 80x100 rig for water, gas, fiber optic and sewer line installation. Mears/HDD LLC, Rosebush, MI 2002-2004 Operator/Laborer, Duties include wire line splice technician, mud technician, operate track hoe/back hoe and laborer for water, gas and sewer line installation. Education: 1994 Mason County Central High School – Scottville, MI Page 78 MICHELS DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS PROFESSIONAL RESUME Paul Krings Field Operations Superintendent Michels Corporation 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 Phone: (920) 583-3132 / Fax: (920) 583-3429 Email: 1996-Present Field Operations Superintendent, Michels Directional Crossings, Brownsville, WI Responsible for coordinating and drilling directional boring projects for various size gas, water, sewer, electrical and communication lines. Duties include mobilization of all equipment and personnel to remote job sites throughout the United States; the set-up and drilling of crossings; on-site maintenance of mechanical and technical equipment; and necessary record keeping of plots and production. Skilled equipment operator with the operation of technical, lifting and heavy equipment for directional drilling operations. Working knowledge of hydraulic engineering and applied mechanical engineering. Skilled in hydraulics repair, electrical repair, welding and troubleshooting. Working knowledge of computers and downhole survey along with surveying and surveying instrumentation. Some more notable crossings include, but are not limited to: At a minimum on all projects, an Atlas-840 Drill Rig was used for drilling and installing the crossings. If a hole-intersect or additional assistance was required during drilling operations an appropriately sized capacity drill rig was brought in to assist operations. A downhole wire-line probe (MGS) or non-wire line gyroscope was utilized to continuously monitor and survey the location of the pilot-hole drill path. Elevation alignment and distance is calculated and recorded in accordance with industry standard (i.e. maintaining pilot hole alignment due to weight of bit and stem) via a MGS Steer Tool System, Gyroscope or Para Tracker. Personnel is not aware of claims filed or in litigation. Diameter 36" 36" 18" 1 x 6" & 2 x 4" Bundle 2 x 4" Bundle 6" 36" 24" 24" 36" 30" 42" 30" 30" 36" 24" 36" 42" 24" 16" 42" 30" 36" 42" Length 1755' 2303' 12,459 1568' Location New York St, IL Liberty Street, IL Houston Ship Channel, TX Bore #3, Nageezi, NM Year 2015 2015 2015 2014 1809' 6999' 9040' 2020' 2884' 1277' 4987' 4441' 8101' 3042' 4505' 2458' 4992' 5732' 6091' 2566' 2144' 3248' 4818' 3719' Hwy 550, Nageezi, NM Lake Navajo/San Juan River, NM Mississippi River, IL/MO Unnamed Creek, AL Hatchett Creek, AL Bear Creek, IL Monksville Reservoir, NJ Goethals Bridge, NY Kill Van Kull River, NY/NJ Wyalusing, PA Medicine Hat, Alberta Canada Jonestown, PA Melville, LA Melrose, LA Homestead, FL Hitchcock Plaza, SC Lafourche, LA Chattahoochee River, GA Woodruff Co., AR Neches River, TX 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 2009 2009 2008 Page 79 1992-1996 Fluid Dynamics Technician and Laborer, Michels Directional Crossings, Brownsville, WI Solely responsible for mixing bentonite solution to the right consistency with an emphasis in directional drilling. Proficient working in and around drilling rigs and in the overall operation as an integral member of the specialized team. Multi-capable to assist with all types of drilling tasks and familiar with repair, set-up and operation of drill motors, power generators, mud pumps, bentonite mixers, drill pipe, reamers, steer tool wireline connections, couplings, etc. Involved in various types of directional drilling projects, line and cable, water and setting manholes. Education: 40-Hour Hazmat Training – Approved for PPE Level A Safety Trained – Competent Person Veriforce and Various DOT Pipeline Safety Training Forklift Training CDL with ABCDMNT Endorsements 1989 Moraine Park Technical College Mig and Tig Welding; Rod, Wire and Brazing Applications;Torch Use, Cutting and Welding 1984 Graduate of Waupun High School, Waupun, WI Page 80 MICHELS DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS PROFESSIONAL RESUME Nick LeBlanc Field Operations Superintendent Michels Corporation 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 Phone: (920) 583-3132 / Fax: (920) 583-3429 Email: 2004-Present Field Operations Superintendent, Michels Corporation, Brownsville, WI Responsible for coordinating and drilling directional boring projects for various size gas, water, sewer, electrical and communication lines. Duties include mobilization of all equipment and personnel to remote job sites throughout the United States; the set-up and drilling of crossings; on-site maintenance of mechanical and technical equipment; and necessary record keeping of plots and production. Skilled equipment operator with the operation of technical, lifting and heavy equipment for directional drilling operations. Working knowledge of hydraulic engineering and applied mechanical engineering. Skilled in hydraulics repair, electrical repair, welding and troubleshooting. Working knowledge of computers and downhole survey along with surveying and surveying instrumentation. Some more notable crossings include, but are not limited to: Diameter Length Crossing/Location Year 36" 18" 28" 48" 48" 36" 36" 36" 36" 36" 36" 30" 24" 8" 24" 36" 36" 16" 42" 42" 36" 42" 30" 30" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42" 5128' 12,459 1741' 2060' 1692' 1311' 3544' 3077' 1499' 2133' 2610' 4850' 1386' 6669' 1701' 2496' 5325' 9931' 3485' 4067' 5240' 3800' 2342' 1924' 2691' 3826' 3719' 2763' 1666' 2866' Lake Ave & RR, IL Houston Ship Channel, TX Lafayette River, VA Tres Palacios River, TX Navidad River, TX Fraizer Creek, IL Illinois River, IL UP RR & Jefferson St, Tushka, OK 60" Water Main, OK Little River, OK Stroud, OK Red River, Thackerville, TX/OK Jonestown, PA Wilmington, NC Howard, MD Taterville, LA Kingston, LA Cooper River, SC Quachita River, LA LA State Hey 34, LA Pokegama Carnegie, WI Mississippi River, MO S. Fulton Parkway, GA I-20, GA 200th Ave, IL Cole Creek, TX Neches River, TX Bland Rd/Morgan Ln, TX Prairie River, LA Red River, LA 2015 2015 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 2007 2006 Education: 1999 Carencro High - General Courses Page 81 MICHELS DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS PROFESSIONAL RESUME Cliff Mclain Field Operations Superintendent Michels Corporation 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 Phone: (920) 583-3132 / Fax: (920) 583-3429 Email: 2006-Present Field Operations Superintendent, Michels Corporation, Brownsville, WI Responsible for coordinating and drilling directional boring projects for various size gas, water, sewer, electrical and communication lines. Duties include mobilization of all equipment and personnel to remote job sites throughout the United States; the set-up and drilling of crossings; on-site maintenance of mechanical and technical equipment; and necessary record keeping of plots and production. Skilled equipment operator with the operation of technical, lifting and heavy equipment for directional drilling operations. Working knowledge of hydraulic engineering and applied mechanical engineering. Skilled in hydraulics repair, electrical repair, welding and troubleshooting. Working knowledge of computers and downhole survey along with surveying and surveying instrumentation. Some more notable crossings include, but are not limited to: Diameter Length 12" 36" 36" 36" 36" 30" 16" 20" 12" 10" 30" 42" 42" 42" 20" 20" 3472' 1640' 4304' 4005' 1792' 3042' 3894' 2513' 2530' 964' 3455' 3008' 5084' 3497' 5022' 5087' Location Year Gilmore Lane, OR LaMoine River, IL Bois D' Arc, TX Canadian River, OK North Canadian River, OK Wyalusing, PA Roaring Branch, PA Tioga Junction, PA Cornwall, ONT, Canada US Route 1, Fort Lauderdale, FL Marysville, MI-Searnia, Ontario White River, Russell, AR Mississippi River, Helena, AR Little Red River, AR Pokegama Carnegie, WI Mississippi River, Empire, LA 2014 2013 2013 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 1995-2006 Drill Operator, InterCon Construction, Madison, WI Crane operator responsible for safe operation and timely placement of drill stem and equipment. Integral link in the drilling operation, from drill rig set-up, pipe pull back and rig-down of equipment. Also conducted pipe support operations at the exit side during pipeline pullback. Responsible for permitting and mobilization/demobilization of heavy and non-dimensional equipment to drill sites. Education: Florence High School, Florence, WI Graduate - General Courses Page 82 MICHELS DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS PROFESSIONAL RESUME Curt Rischmueller Field Operations Superintendent Michels Corporation 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 Phone: (920) 583-3132 / Fax: (920) 583-3429 Email: 2006-Present Field Operations Superintendent, Michels Directional Crossings, Brownsville, WI Responsible for coordinating and drilling directional boring projects for various size gas, water, sewer, electrical and communication lines. Duties include mobilization of all equipment and personnel to remote job sites throughout the United States; the set-up and drilling of crossings; on-site maintenance of mechanical and technical equipment; and necessary record keeping of plots and production. Skilled equipment operator with the operation of technical, lifting and heavy equipment for directional drilling operations. Working knowledge of hydraulic engineering and applied mechanical engineering. Skilled in hydraulics repair, electrical repair, welding and troubleshooting. Working knowledge of computers and downhole survey along with surveying and surveying instrumentation. Some more notable crossings include, but are not limited to: Diameter Length 36" 36" 12" 36" 36" 36" 36" 36" 36" 36" 36" 36" 30" 42" 30" 42" 42" 20" 42" 10" HDPE 30" 30" 22" 42" 36" 36" 36" 14" 42" 2697' 3031' 2557' 2355' 2077' 3892' 4213' 3571' 2908' 4505' 2567' 1640' 2133' 3443' 5786' 992' 1223' 2855' 1786' 1723 1283' 1341' 2400' 3043' 2190' 4022' 3899' 8500' 2100' Crossing/Location Year Barrington Rd, IL BNSF RR & Aurora Rd, IL Arkansas River, AR Salt Fork River, MO Chariton River, MO Red River, OK Menard Creek, TX Angelina River, TX Neches River & RR, TX S. Saskatchewan River, Alberta S. Sulpher, Sandhill, TX Sabine River, Pine Hurst Farm, TX Alberta, Canada Wetland R2, Bienville Parish, LA Lake Conway, Vernon, NJ Bunkie, LA Bunkie, LA Suwannee River, FL Big Creek, LA McRAE Airport, McRAE, GA Lakewood Freeway, GA Kings Ridge, GA Bridgewood Sub., IN Little Miami River, OH Souris River, Canada Hwy 401, Canada Alberta, Canada Dustin Beach, FL Wisconsin River, WI 2015 2015 2014 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 2007 2000-2006 HDD Foreman, InterCon Construction, Madison, WI Set up drill site location. Maintain daily operations of Directional Drill. Direct correspondence with contractors, landowners and other personnel dealing with drill operations. 1995-2000 Fuser/Welder, InterCon Construction, Madison, WI Ran house service and mainline extension for MG&E and Wisconsin Power and Light. Education: 1980 Sauk Prairie High School, Sauk City, WI Page 83 MICHELS DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS PROFESSIONAL RESUME Steve Sanders Field Operations Superintendent Michels Corporation 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 Phone: (920) 583-3132 / Fax: (920) 583-3429 Email: 2002-Present Field Operations Superintendent, Michels Directional Crossings, Brownsville, WI Responsible for coordinating and drilling directional boring projects for various size gas, water, sewer, electrical and communication lines. Duties include mobilization of all equipment and personnel to remote job sites throughout the United States; the set-up and drilling of crossings; on-site maintenance of mechanical and technical equipment; and necessary record keeping of plots and production. Skilled equipment operator with the operation of technical, lifting and heavy equipment for directional drilling operations. Working knowledge of hydraulic engineering and applied mechanical engineering. Skilled in hydraulics repair, electrical repair, welding and troubleshooting. Working knowledge of computers and downhole survey along with surveying and surveying instrumentation. Some more notable crossings include, but are not limited to: Diameter 36" 30" 24" 24" 24" 30" 30" 30" 30" 20" 20" 16" 20" 30" 42" 42" 20" 36" 20" 12" 42" 12" 12" 12" Length 1812' 1376' 2750' 3030' 2020' 2774' 4987' 1707' 8101' 869' 2458' 3894' 2513' 5786' 3008' 1851' 5222' 2096' 1130' 2837' 1147' 665' 762' 744' Location Highway 394, IL Tom's Creek, MS Escatawpa River, MS Big Creek Lake, AL Unnamed Creek, AL South Canadian River, OK Monksville Reservoir, NJ Bayonne Inlet, NJ Kill Van Kull River, NY/NJ Centerview, MO Centerview, MO Roaring Branch, PA Tioga Junction, PA Lake Conway, NJ White River, AR Siphon Creek, LA Pokegama Carnegie, WI Prairie River, MN Wilson Bay, NC Halifax Harbour, Nova Scotia Wisconsin River, WI Monee, IL Monee, IL Monee, IL Page 84 Year 2015 2014 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2007 2007 2006 1995-2002 HDD Rig Operator, Michels Directional Crossings, Brownsville, WI Experience in working on and around directional drilling rigs as an integral member of a specialized team. Multi-capable to assist with all facets of drilling operations. Familiar with mechanical repairs; hydraulics; fluids; set-up and operation of drill motors; power generators; mud pumps; bentonite mixers; drill pipe; reamers; couplings; and overall equipment maintenance and operation. Education: 1994 UW Stout, WI 1990 Graduate of Berlin High School, Berlin, WI Page 85 MICHELS DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS PROFESSIONAL RESUME Dale Schinderle Field Operations Superintendent Michels Corporation 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 Phone: (920) 583-3132 / Fax: (920) 583-3429 Email: 1998 - Present Field Operations Superintendent, Michels Corporation, Brownsville, WI Responsible for coordinating and drilling directional boring projects for various size gas, water, sewer, electrical and communication lines. Duties include mobilization of all equipment and personnel to remote job sites throughout the United States; the set-up and drilling of crossings; onsite maintenance of mechanical and technical equipment; and necessary record keeping of plots and production. Skilled equipment operator with the operation of technical, lifting and heavy equipment for directional drilling operations. Working knowledge of hydraulic engineering and applied mechanical engineering. Skilled in hydraulics repair, electrical repair, welding and troubleshooting. Working knowledge of computers and downhole survey along with surveying and surveying instrumentation. Some more notable crossings include, but are not limited to: Diameter Length 36" 36" 16" 10" 12" 30" 12" 2303' 2908' 1110' 3745' 4300' 7600' 6106' Location Year Liberty Street, IL Neches River & RR, TX New Berlin, WI Fort Lauderdale, FL Marathon County, WI Livingston & Oakland County, MI Westmoreland County, PA 2015 2013 2012 2012 2012 2011 2010 1992 - 1998 Foreman, Michels Dirrecional Crossings, Brownsville, WI Responsible for coordinating directional boring rigs for various size gas, water, sewer, electrical and communication lines throughout the United States. Complete knowledge of directional drilling technology and procedures. Duties include rig set-up, operation and maintenance, employee management. 1987 -1992 Laborer/Operator, Michels Corporation Pipeline Division, Brownsville, WI Experience in working on and around directional drilling rigs as an integral member of a specialized team. Multi-capable to assist with all facets of drilling operations. Familiar with mechanical repairs; hydraulics; fluids; set-up and operation of drill motors; power generators; mud pumps; bentonite mixers; drill pipe; reamers; couplings; and overall equipment maintenance and operation. Was a member or the IBEW out of Michigan. Education: A Year of Mechanical Drawing at NWTI (Norheast Wisconsin Technical Institute) 1995 Became a member of Operationg Engineers Page 86 MICHELS DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS PROFESSIONAL RESUME Ryan Jackson Field Operations Superintendent Michels Corporation 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 Phone: (920) 583-3132 / Fax: (920) 583-3429 Email: 2012-Present Field Operations Superintendent, Michels Corporation, Brownsville, WI Responsible for coordinating and drilling directional boring projects for various size gas, water, sewer, electrical and communication lines as well as environmental wells. Duties include mobilization of all equipment and personnel to remote job sites throughout the United States; the set-up and drilling of crossings; on-site maintenance of mechanical and technical equipment; and necessary recordkeeping of plots and production. Skilled equipment operator with the operation of technical, lifting and heavy equipment for directional drilling operations. Working knowledge of hydraulic engineering and applied mechanical engineering. Skilled in hydraulics repair, electrical repair, welding and troubleshooting. Working knowledge of computers and downhole survey along with surveying and surveying instrumentation. Some more notable crossings include, but are not limited to: Diameter Length 18" 36" 30" 30" 30" 30" 42" 30" 30" 12,459 3805' 1701' 2344' 1246' 4987' 4441' 4801' 5378' Location Houston Ship Channel, TX Williamette River, OR Red River, OK Delaware River, PA/NJ OK City Water Main, OK Monksville Reservoir, NJ Goethals Bridge, NY 18th Street, NJ Hudson River, NY/NJ Year 2015 2014 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2012 2007-2012 HDD Operator, Michels Directional Crossings, Michels Corporation, Brownsville, WI Skilled equipment operator with the operation of technical, lifting and heavy equipment for directional drilling operations. Working knowledge of hydraulic engineering and applied mechanical engineering. Skilled in hydraulics repair, electrical repair, welding and troubleshooting. Working knowledge of computers and down hole survey along with surveying and surveying instrumentation. Responsible for surveying, staking and design of directional drill path and curve, drilling the pilot hole, monitoring the drill path and calculating and interpreting the ground elevations and contours. Complete surveying skills and experience utilizing a Total Station (Theodolite with builtin EDM) for lay out of grade elevations over all types of topography in establishing alignment tying into existing surveyed points (benchmarks). On-site maintenance of technical equipment, and necessary record-keeping of plots and drilling logs. Some more notable crossings include, but are not limited to: Page 87 Diameter Length 16" 42" 10" 24" 12" 10" 12" 42" 42" 36" 42" 1664' 1657' 1495' 1546' 1612' 3447' 2484' 1998' 5248' 3942' 2914' Location Morales, TX Morales, TX Missoula, MT Colorado River, CO WBC62 (Offshore), LA Grand Lake, OK Wetland #13, NC I-49, LA Saline Bayou, LA Trinidad & Tabago Bayou Pierre, LA Education: 30 Hour OSHA Training Safety Trained with Forklift & Excavator - Competent Person 2004 Graduate of Winnebago Luthern Academy, Fond du Lac, WI Page 88 Year 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 2010 MICHELS DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS PROFESSIONAL RESUME Matthew Smith Manager - Direct Pipe Michels Corporation 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 Phone: (920) 583-3132 / Fax: (920) 583-3429 email: PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 2013-Present Manager - Direct Pipe, Michels Directional Crossings, Brownsville, WI Responsible for coordinating Direct Pipe projects for various size gas, water, sewer, electrical and communication lines. Assists with project design and methods of operation. Oversees clarification and interpretation of construction drawings. Assumes accountability for the direction and performance of construction personnel. Oversees project schedule, safety, profitability and cost control. DIRECT PIPE INSTALLATIONS/PIPE ASSISTS Diameter Length Crossing/Location 36" 36" 48" 42" 42" 42" 1,002' 1,092' 2,455' 1,200' 1,050' 470' Year Hwy 225, Deer Park, TX - HK300PT Installation Lubrizol Drainage, LaPorte, TX - HK300PT Installation Rio Grande River, El Refugio, TX - HK750PT Installation Railroad Crossing, Groves, TX - HK750PT Installation Beaver River, Alberta, Canada - HK750PT Installation I-84, Westfall, PA - HK750PT Installation 2015 2015 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 Project Manager, Michels Tunneling, New Berlin, WI Responsible for overall site/field management and safety of microtunneling/tunneling projects. Monitor project budget including month end computations and projections. Coordinate project development between project engineer, superintendent and foreman. Prepare/submit all submittals, RFIs, extra work, contract change orders and pay requests. 2011-2013 Project Engineer, Michels Tunneling, New Berlin, WI Planned, scheduled, conducted, and coordinated assigned engineering work; monitored work for compliance to appplicable codes, accepted engineering practices, and ensured effective communication and coordination on projects between all disciplines and project participants. 2010 Engineer Internship, Michels Tunneling, New Berlin, WI 2009 Pipeline Laborer, Michels Tunneling, New Berlin, WI 2003-2007 Concrete/General Laborer, Forino Developers, Skinking Springs, PA PROJECT PROFILE: OCI Project No. DB10-WASD-01 ESP - Miami, FL Mico-tunnel installation of 1200 LF of 72" Permalok steel casing under the Government Cut Channel in Miami. The casing will be installed through the coral rock formation from a shaft constructed by others on Fisher Island to a shaft in the water off South Beach. Page 89 Intracoastal Waterway Pipeline Relocation, Galveston Causeway, Galveston, TX 700' of 48" Permalok tunnel drives through clay underneath the Galveston Bay for installation of new waterline for the City of Galveston. Michels Tunneling was the 4th contractor to attempt this project and completed it successfully and under budget. Akron II - Akron, Ohio The second phase of a sewer installation, including 2 microtunneling runs installed 1,086 LF 48" Hobas. Massillon Road Sanitary Sewer Improvement - Akron, Ohio Massillon Road 2,925 LF of 42" Cenrifugally Cast Fiberglass Reinforced Polymer Motar Pipe sanitary sewer gravity sewer, microtunnel installation; 1,328 LF of 48" CCFRPM pipe on micropile support, 29 LF of 36" OH CCFRPM pipe, gravity sewer, micropile support. 7 EA shaft excavations with steel sheeted ground and 7 EA manholes structures. 250 LF of open cut excavation with steel sheeted support. SFPUC Bay Tunnel - San Francisco, CA The project includes 26,208 LF of 12'-10" diameter concrete segmented tunnel under the San Francisco Bay from Menlo Park on the S.F. Peninsula Bay to Newark in the East Bay area, two slurry diaphragm wall shafts, and 108" cement motor lined steel pipe welded in the tunnel and shafts as a final liner carrier pipe. TRAINING AND CERTIFICATIONS: Confined Space Certified Crane Signaler Certified EDUCATION: Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA Bachelors of Science: International Business Page 90 MICHELS DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS PROFESSIONAL RESUME Eric McBrair Superintendent/DIRECT PIPE Michels Corporation 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 Phone: (920) 583-3132 / Fax: (920) 583-3429 email: 2010-Present Superintendent/DIRECT PIPE, Michels Directional Crossings, Brownsville, WI Responsible for coordinating and drilling directional boring projects for various size gas, water, sewer, electrical and communication lines. Duties include mobilization of all equipment and personnel to remote job sites throughout the United States; the set-up and drilling of crossings; on-site maintenance of mechanical and technical equipment; and necessary record keeping of plots and production. Skilled equipment operator with the operation of technical, lifting and heavy equipment for direct pipe & directional micro-tunnel operations as well as directional drilling operations. Working knowledge of hydraulic engineering and applied mechanical engineering. Skilled in hydraulics repair, electrical repair, welding and troubleshooting. Working knowledge of computers and downhole survey along with surveying and surveying instrumentation. Some more notable crossings include, but are not limited to: DIRECT PIPE INSTALLATIONS/PIPE ASSISTS Diameter Length Crossing/Location 36" 36" 48" 42" 42" 42" 48" 30" 36" 42" 1,002' 1,092' 2,455 1,200' 1,050' 470' 333' 5,378' 6,500' 426' Year Hwy 225, Deer Park, TX - HK300PT Installation Lubrizol Drainage, LaPorte, TX-HK300PT Installation Rio Grande River, El Refugio, TX-HK750PT Installation Railroad Crossing, Groves, TX-HK750PT Installation Beaver River, Alberta, Canada-HK750PT Installation I-84, Westfall, PA - HK750PT Installation 18th Street, Jersey City, NJ - HK750PT Installation Hudson River, Manhattan, NJ/NY - HK300PT Assist St. Johns River, Jacksonville, FL - HK300PT Assist Chemung River, Corning, NY - HK750PT Installation 2015 2015 2014 2014 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 2011 HDD INSTALLATIONS Diameter Length Crossing/Location 8" 42" 30" 8" 30" 24" 20" 36" 16" 24" 24" 24" 36" 30" 42" 42" 36" 36" 16" 42" 7321' 4441' 5378' 2645' 3042' 2458' 2108' 1392' 5754' 1701' 3589' 2645' 4992' 5786' 5117' 5732' 5325' 3776' 9931' 4067' Year MP 9.3 Landslide, MT Goethals Bridge, NY Hudson River, NJ/NY Schmelzie, Tioga Junction, PA Susquehanna River, Wyalusing, PA Interstate 70, Jonestown, PA Bayonne West, Bayonne, NJ Hackensack River, Secaucus, NJ West Joliet Circle, New Berlin, WI Wetland P, Howard, MD Golf Course & Nehamcolin, Jonestown, PA Chemung River, Corning, NY Atchafalaya & 2 Levees, Melville, LA Lake Conway, Vernon, NJ Nature Conservatory, Westdale, LA Old River & I-49, Melrose, LA Kansas City RR, Kingston, LA Bruce B. Downs, Tampa, FL Cooper River, Charleston, SC LA State Hwy 34, Chatam, LA Page 91 2014 2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 2011-2012 Operator/Surveyor, Michels Directional Crossings, Brownsville, WI Skilled equipment operator with the operation of technical, lifting and heavy equipment for directional drilling operations. Working knowledge of hydraulic engineering and applied mechanical engineering. Skilled in hydraulics repair, electrical repair, welding and troubleshooting. Working knowledge of computers and down hole survey along with surveying and surveying instrumentation. Responsible for surveying, staking and design of directional drill path and curve, drilling the pilot hole, monitoring the drill path and calculating and interpreting the ground elevations and contours. Complete surveying skills and experience utilizing a Total Station (Theodolite with built-in EDM) for lay out of grade elevations over all types of topography in establishing alignment tying into existing surveyed points (benchmarks). On-site maintenance of technical equipment, and necessary record-keeping of plots and drilling logs. 2003-2011 General Laboror, Michels Directional Crossings, Brownsville, WI Experience in working on and around directional drilling rigs as an integral member of a specialized team. Multi-capable to assist with all facets of drilling operations. Familiar with mechanical repairs; hydraulics; fluids; set-up and operation of drill motors; power generators; mud pumps; bentonite mixers; drill pipe; reamers; couplings; and overall equipment maintenance and operation. 2001-2003 House Builder Education: 2001 Graduate of Fox Valley Technical College, Appleton, WI 2000 Graduate of Berlin H.S., Berlin, WI Page 92 MICHELS DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS PROFESSIONAL RESUME Jeremiah Yliniemi Field Operations Foreman Michels Corporation 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 Phone: (920) 583-3132 / Fax: (920) 583-3429 2006-Present Field Operations Foreman, Michels Corporation, Brownsville, WI Responsible for coordinating and drilling directional boring projects for various size gas, water, sewer, electrical and communication lines. Duties include mobilization of all equipment and personnel to remote job sites throughout the United States; the set-up and drilling of crossings; on-site maintenance of mechanical and technical equipment; and necessary record keeping of plots and production. Skilled equipment operator with the operation of technical, lifting and heavy equipment for directional drilling operations. Working knowledge of hydraulic engineering and applied mechanical engineering. Skilled in hydraulics repair, electrical repair, welding and troubleshooting. Working knowledge of computers and downhole survey along with surveying and surveying instrumentation. Some more notable crossings include, but are not limited to: Diameter Length Crossing/Location Year 12" and 6" 42" 42" 30" 20" 24" 36" 42" 42" 42" 30" 36" 36" 36" 36" 20" 42" 14" 42" 36" 24" 24" 30" 30" 30" 20" 30" 32" 3173' 3114' 3776' 2667' 1193' 3269' 1874' 4284' 3392' 4441' 8101' 2133' 4342' 4505' 4993' 3080' 4272' 1633' 2204' 1873' 3009' 1985' 1657' 2739' 2007' 3835' 1330' 3947' Beaver Lake, Alberta, Canada Beaver Lake, Fort Mc Murray, Canada MacKay River, Fort McMurray, Canada South Fork Ten Mile Creek, PA SR-265/Leatherwood Rd, OH Transfer Line 2, IN Wetland S-517C, IN Vermillion River, Canada N. Saskatchewan River, Canada Goethals Bridge, NY Kill Van Kull River, NY/NJ Little River, OK Deep Fork river, OK Medicine Hat Alberta Canada Atchafalaya River, LA Rock Creek, OR St. John's River, BC Ocean Sciences, Newfoundland Bayou Comitte, LA Petitcodic River, Canada Middle Salinas River, CA Paso Robles Turnout, CA St. Lucie Canal, FL Couse Midden, FL L-8 Canal, FL Angles National Forest, CA Peruque Creek, MO King County, WA 2004-2006 Nick's Conoco, Park Rapids, MN Education: 2002 Park Rapids Area High School Page 93 2015 2015 2015 2014 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 2010 2009 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 ATTACHMENT HDD PLAN AND PROFILE Michels Directional Crossings © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2015 Page 94 E ST RE 38TH ND-WI-250.000 T NW 1900 1900 MO-B-3 250' EXISTING OVERHEAD POWER LINE 75' MP 94.0 PROPOSED 24" HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILL - 2,715' MO-B-1 75' 254' C-25 N D-M 200' PROPOSED TEMPORARY 1.96 ACRES ODD SHAPED HDD ENTRY WORKSPACE ND-MC-251.000 MO-B-2 1.90 ND-MC-001.000 ND-MC-001.900 EXISTING FENCE 100' TY MCKENZIE COUN PROPOSED HDD EXIT POINT N. 17430484.08835 E. 1908080.20028 LAT. N47° 57' 48.6263" LONG. W103° 54' 25.4824" PROPOSED TEMPORARY HDD EXIT WORKSPACE WILLIAMS COUNTY EXISTING PIPELINE (TYP.) 2050 19 50 0 PROPOSED DAKOTA ACCESS GATHERING SYSTEM PIPELINE ALIGNMENT (07-13-2015) 2000 21 00 ND-WI-249.000 PROPOSED HDD ENTRY POINT N. 17427849.55032 E. 1908736.27522 LAT. N47° 57' 22.5296" LONG. W103° 54' 16.3901" MP 94.5 PROPOSED PRODUCT PIPE STRINGING AND FABRICATION AREA (SEE SHEET 2 FOR LAYOUT) MISSOURI RIVER MATCH LINE (SEE SHEET 2) ND-MC-251.200 1900 WATERBODY (TYP.) PROPERTY LINE (TYP.) ND-MC-001.300 ND-MC-001.900 DATUM: HORIZONTAL: NAD83 with UTM Datum, Zone 13, US Foot; Central Meridian 105° W VERTICAL: NAVD 88 PROPOSED HDD EXIT POINT GROUND SURFACE (LIDAR)(TYP.) MISSOURI RIVER (APPROX. WATER LEVEL) 38TH STREET NW 10° 7 7 7 11 SAND W/ PT2 6 17 12 12 8 8 12 5 10 14 11 22 (1% GRAVEL) SAND 2 WOH 20 20 25 26 23 PC2 69' SILTY SAND W/ TRACE (44% GRAVEL) 50 GRAVEL W/ SILT AND SAND (51% GRAVEL) 21 SAND W/ SILT SILTY GRAVEL W/ SAND 29 26 RECOMMENDED TOLERANCES P:\18\18782011\01\CAD\Crossings\North Dakota Gathering\Missouri River\Drawings\Missouri River HDD_IFB.dwg\TAB:SHEET 1 modified on Jul 15, 2015 - 1:12pm MISSOURI RIVER HDD ITEM DESC RIPTION STATION * (FT) ELEVATION (FT) ENTRY @ 14° 36+15.00 1875.52 PC 1 (14.00° @ 2,400 FT R.) 35+90.02 1869.29 PT1 30+09.41 1798.00 PILOT HOLE ENTRY ANGLE PILOT HOLE ENTRY LOCATION PILOT HOLE EXIT ANGLE PILOT HOLE EXIT LOCATION PC 2 (10.00° @ 2,600 FT R.) 15+38.26 1798.00 PT2 10+86.78 1837.50 PILOT HOLE DEPTH EXIT @ 10° 9+00.00 1870.43 PILOT HOLE ALIGNMENT HORIZONTAL DISTANC E = 2,715.00 FT TOLERANCE INCREASE ANGLE UP TO 1º (STEEPER), BUT NO DECREASE IN ANGLE ALLOWED. WITHIN 5 FEET OF ENTRY POINT. WITH NO CHANGES WITHOUT COMPANY APPROVAL. INCREASE ANGLE UP TO 1º (STEEPER) OR DECREASE UP TO 2º (FLATTER). UP TO 30 FEET BEYOND THE EXIT STAKE. BETWEEN 10 FEET LEFT AND 10 FEET RIGHT OF CENTERLINE. UP TO 10 FEET BELOW THE DESIGN DRILL PROFILE ALLOWED. SHALL REMAIN WITHIN 10 FEET LEFT OR RIGHT OF THE HDD ALIGNMENT. GROUND SURFACE (SURVEY) 2,400 FT R. 33' 36' SAND W/ SILT GRAVEL W/ SILT AND 50/6" 100/15" 100/16" 87 50/4" SAND (51% GRAVEL) SILTY SAND W/ OCCASIONAL GRAVEL SANDY 14° PC1 SILT SILTY SAND SANDY SILT SILTY SAND CLAY W/ SAND 100/16" PT1 SAND W/ SILT AND TRACE FINE GRAVEL 50/2" 50/3" SILTY SAND 50/5" 50/5" MO-B-2 50/5" PROPOSED 24" HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILL PROFILE (REFER TO BASIS OF DESIGN NOTES) MO-B-1 DIREC TIONAL DRILL DATA ORGANICS 16 25 22 32 SAND (3% GRAVEL) 21 8 2,600 FT R. SILT W/ SAND 10 25 13 21 10 8 6 WOH 50/2" 50/3" 36 50/4" SILT 2 56' PROPOSED HDD ENTRY POINT CLAY W/ SAND 75 MO-B-3 LEGEND SPT (N) TYPE OF SOIL (% GRAVEL) BORING LOCATION MAJOR CONTOUR - 50' INTERVAL MINOR CONTOUR - 10' INTERVAL DIREC TIONAL DRILL PIPE LENGTH = 2,726.76 FT © ISSUED FOR BID Page 95 MISSOURI RIVER ND-MC-251.200 ET NW ST RE EXISTING PIPELINE (TYP.) PROPOSED PRODUCT PIPE STRINGING AND FABRICATION AREA (50' X 2,790') ND-WI-249.000 MATCH LINE (SEE SHEET 1) 38T H ND-WI-250.000 250' MP 94.0 MP 93.5 75' 75' 1.90 0 PROPOSED PRODUCT PIPE STRINGING ALIGNMENT PROPOSED TEMPORARY HDD EXIT WORKSPACE PROPOSED DAKOTA ACCESS GATHERING SYSTEM PIPELINE ALIGNMENT (07-13-2015) PROPERTY LINE (TYP.) WETLAND (TYP.) PROPOSED HDD EXIT POINT N. 17430484.08835 E. 1908080.20028 LAT. N47° 57' 48.6263" LONG. W103° 54' 25.4824" ND-MC-001.900 P:\18\18782011\01\CAD\Crossings\North Dakota Gathering\Missouri River\Drawings\Missouri River HDD_IFB.dwg\TAB:SHEET 2 modified on Jul 15, 2015 - 1:20pm ND-WI-249.300 DATUM: HORIZONTAL: NAD83 with UTM Datum, Zone 13, US Foot; Central Meridian 105° W VERTICAL: NAVD 88 © LEGEND ISSUED FOR BID Page 96 BORING LOCATION MAJOR CONTOUR - 10' INTERVAL MINOR CONTOUR - 2' INTERVAL TY MCKENZIE COUN MO-B-2 WILLIAMS COUNTY ND-MC-251.000 MO-B-1 C-25 N D-M 200' PROPOSED 24" HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILL - 2,715' ATTACHMENT TYPICAL ENTRY/EXIT LAYOUT REQUIREMENTS Michels Directional Crossings © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2015 Page 97 ZOOSXI 509 TEMP WORKSPACE RIICYCLE PIT I 4o?x8.5' 8 I SKID, PUMP SKID, PUMP POWER I I 24 xs 24 x3 UNIT TRAILE ENTRYI POINT DRILLING RIG I MUD RIG . 45'x8.5? I I I 35"? I 2W8. 2W8. gl?y?l- I I 48?x8.5' I I I I TRUCK TURN I AROUND SPACE I (IS ACCESS wx- STORAGE GEE: g?l VEHICLE PARKING I NOTE: THIS IS A TYPICAL SITE THERE ARE VARIOUS CONFIGURATIONS USED DEPENDING UPON SITE RESTRICTIONS. FIELD MODIFICATIONS TO SUIT SITE. NOTE: BENTONITE SLURRY PUMPED FROM PIT, COLLECTED RECYCLED OR DISPOSED OF AT AN APPROVED LOCATION NOTE: PRELIMINARY DESIGNED MAWING MAY BE MODIFIED IN FIELD BASED ON CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED. REVISIONS NOTE: FI LD VERIFICATION 0F AND ELEVATIONS REQUIRED. NOTE: PLACEMENT OF DRILL IS NOT FIX CNATED ENTRY AND EXIT POINTS. MICHELS RESERVES TIE RIGHT TO N94 25;:sz (gr-F D?Igou?oglgoAug?ogRgsEsElacm DUAL RIGs (I-RIG AT ENTRY AND 1-RIG AT EXIT) OVERALL SAFETY STRUCT IJTY . NOTE: DRAWING IS PROPRIETARY T0 MICHELS CORPORATION. ANY UNAUTHORIZED USE OR DUPLICATION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. RECEIPT OF THIS DRAWING SIGNIFIES ACCEPTANCE OF SAID CONDITIONS. MICHELS DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS. A DIVISION OF MICHELS CORPORATION, 2013 MICHELS DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS A DIVISION OF MICHELS CORPORATION 817 W. MAIN PO. BOX 128 BROWNSIQHE WISCONSIN 53006 PHONE: S20) 583-3132 FAX: 920) 924-4323 DIRECTIONAL BORE FOR: OWNER 935mm: mam. 5m: LAYOUT DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS ?rs - B.J.E. - DATE: 13 TYPICAL EXIT SITE EQUIPMENT LAYOUT PRODUCT LINE SUPPORT WORK AREA 75? 100? PIPE STRING OUT AREA LENGTH OF INSTALL 50? WIDE Page 99 I ACCESS I ROAD I I SPOIL I I CONTAINED RIG DESILTEFSHAKER I I 6' mm": I A I I I: IDEBOOM 004m; PULLIEACK PIPE REILLESROS EIRAEIKFIDS IF REQD PLACED WITHIN qur CLEISER IF NECESSARY DEPENDING TRAILER TRAILER I TEIPEIGRAPHY I SIDEBOOM DURING PULLBACK NOTE: THIS IS A TYPICAL SITE DEPENDING UPON SITE RESTRICTIONS. MODIFICATIONS MADE TO SUIT THE SITE. PIPE ROLLERS THERE ARE VARIOUS CONFIGURATIONS USED SKID FIELD A DIVISION OF MICHELS 817 W. MAIN ST.. P.O. BOX 128 PHONE: (920) 583-3132 IRECTIONAL CROSSINGS MICHELS CORPORATION BROWNSVI LE. WISCONSIN 53006 FAX: 920) 583-3429 DIRECTIONAL BORE FOR: SITE LAYOUT EXIT SIDE DIRECTIONAL CROSSINGS DRAWN BY: G.S.G. DRAWING: TYPICAL EXIT SITE LAYOUT PIPE SUPPORT ISCALE: NONE DATE 1 .95.. SHEET 1 or 1 ATTACHMENT GRUNDORAM PNEUMATIC HAMMER Michels Directional Crossings © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2015 Page 100 Conductor Barrel'M A surestartfor yourboreevenin the worstsoil. .Ram casingsthroughdifficultsoil conditionsto moredesirabledrill startingpoints. .Guide down-holeor mudmotorsto rocky soilsthroughthe conductorbarrel.Provides friction-freesectionfor product pullback. Pullback Assist Overcome hydrolock witha piperammer. .Rammer attachedto productpipeduring pullback. .Percussiveactionkeepspipemovingand helpspreventhighlevelsof pullback stress. .Percussive powerfrees immobilized productpipes. Pipe Removal Removestuckproductpipe and bore again. .Rammer attached to product pipe after pullback fails. .Percussive action pulls product pipe, removing it from the bore. .Salvage the job and bore again. Drill Stem Recovery Retrieve stuckdrill stems. .Pipe Rammerfitted with a specialsleeve. .Stuck drill stemweldedto the backof the rammersleeve. .Percussive powerfreesdrill stem,saving time andmoney. Page 101 I "' II p OIJle,I"\ \ lJlit~o(j.t \Ci/f!itg! . . ... Who would have thought that there would be an international requirement for a GRUNOORAM hammer -larger than the GOLIA TH 450 mm (18} machine? International demand has made the new TAURUS 600 mm (24') a must. Thanks to its dimensions and thrust of up to 2,000 tons (4,480 Ibs) the TAURUS is the largest steel pipe ramming machine that exists. Steel pipes up to 2, 000 mm (80') can now be installed with this powerful machine when installing casing or product pipes for the water, sewage, telephone, electricityand gas industries or railway authorities. When other ramming equipment has reached its power limit the TAURUS offers that extra power to get that pipe into the ground. It is designed of a monoblock main casing made from a high quality alloy with a unique flexible control stud for perfect impact transmission onto the steel pipe. This makes it a reliable and lasting boring unit even in difficult soil conditions or over long stretches of steel pipe installation. A GRUNOORAM's number of strokes has a direct influence on the forward ramming speed. However, high ground Page 102 22 TAURUS ! 24" AirWeight Length 0oframmer consumption. 12 ft 10,580Ibs .1.766 ft3/min Strokes Suitable Thrust per for min. pipes. 180 . 4,400 Ibs >380 A T AURUS pipeline I resistance and friction require / a low stroke frequency with a higher single impact. The GRUNDORAMmodel TAURUS with 180 strokes/min and more than 2,000 tons (4,480 Ibs) of dynamic thrust ensures high ramming speeds even under the most difficult conditions. used on a gas installation. to resist the highest stress in diffi cult soils thanks to its monoblock casing and flexible control stud. The development of the new TAURUS is the result of years of R & D in the field of trenchless pipe laying systems. Page 103 23 Page 104 i Ir.- HF: I . .-.-1 rlr.? ATTACHMENT MGS STEER TOOL SYSTEM Michels Directional Crossings © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2015 Page 106 MAGNETIC GUIDANCE SYSTEM The Magnetic Guidance System (M.G.S.) is designed to address a wide range of applications from normal oil and gas drilling to drainhole and pipeline river crossing drilling. PROBE SPECIFICATIONS SENSORS: 3 Axis Accelerometers All Angle Capability While directional drilling with either a downhole motor or jetting operation, the system permits you to guide the bit with utmost accuracy. Data is transmitted to surface via a single-conductor wireline. 3 Axis Magnetometers DIMENSION & RATING: Probe Length ……………………………………………….…. 47.25” Probe Diameter …………………………………………………. 1.38” Protective Housing ……………………………………….… 1.75” x 6’ Protective Housing Pressure Rating ………………… 20,000 P.S.I. o Maximum Operating Temperature …………………………... 125 C o Repeatability ……………………………………… 0.2 at Horizontal o o 0.5 at 4 or Less Accuracy ………………………………………………………… ± 1% The system comprises three main sub-sections: the downhole probe, the surface processing unit, and the driller’s remote display. Useful features include the ability to monitor the magnetic moments during drilling operations and to perform probe operational diagnostics while downhole as well as to verify probe calibration at the drilling location. DRILLER’S CONSOLE: Two 4-character L.C.D. displays for Inclination, Azimuth and Tool Face Mode o 360 Rotating Pointer for Tool Face Position Hermetically Sealed Unit 12 Vac Operation Electronics Isolated From Case Easily Positioned Near Driller The directional engineer has the option to drill using either magnetic tool face or gravity tool face, along with having the magnetic hole direction and hole inclination displayed on a continuous basis from the remote readout. The surface processing unit provides duplicate output as the remote display, as well as the magnetic parameters including voltage temperature. A printed record of the data is available at selected intervals by the operator. The M.G.S. downhole probe incorporates the latest technology in accelerometers, magnetometers, calibration and modeling techniques to provide a rugged and reliable tool. SOFTWARE: Displays Individual Sensor Values Display of All Magnetic Parameters Tool Face Offset Option Complete Diagnostic Check Automatic Tool Face Switching Mode Option Data Printout on Request Menu Driven Borehole Survey Calculations SURFACE PROCESSOR: COMPAQ Portable or IBM Compatible with Printer Page 107 80L 959d 6279-289 (026) XVJ 2212?299 (026) 90099 NISNOOSIM 8Zl X08 'O'd NIVW ?l8 _-lO NOISIAICI SDNISSOHO 075mm; ANV (HOVJEIEILNI VIA) 33V;l ?8 3H1. 3H1. NEI 33V NEIN Eln?LL=i Ill. HOVJ ?8 EOVJ SGNEIS ?8 '(iINn VIA) 3H1 A8 GELLVOIUNI SI 3H1 NEI 38V BUDN EOVJ ?8 3H1 NEI 38V NEIN 3nm=1 ?8 'iINn 3H1 VIA ?Eli?dNElO 3H1. ?8 all-l) 3AIEICI GTOSNOO VIA 3H1. ELL .LI SUNEIS ?8 3H1 Ill. .LNEIS ?8 SIH.L EIJ. .LNEIS SI ?8 aanad 3H.L ELL SI ?8 ?8 DNIIVWOUEIN .LIEJICI (SEIEISNEIS ?8 Banana SIH.L SIH.L WEIEIJ SI HEIIM A8 d? CEILLIIAISNVEIJ. ?l?lV .LEIVEIH 3H.L SI SEIEITIIEIG ATTACHMENT GYROSCOPIC STEER TOOL SYSTEM Michels Directional Crossings © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2015 Page 109 DRILLGUIDE GYRO STEERING TOOL Technical Specifications – Electric Power (Input on surface) Electric Power (Output to Downhole Tool) Tool OD Tool Length Tool Joint Connection (Box Up x Pin Down) Maximum Allowed Torque (on Tool Housing) Maximum Allowed Push/Pull (on Tool Housing) Maximum Allowed Temperature (on Tool) Maximum Allowed Shock (on Tool) Maximum Allowed Vibration (on Tool) Maximum Allowed Mud Pressure (on Tool) Maximum Allowed Side Load (on Tool Housing) 110-Volts AC / 50 Hz 48-Volts AC 6-5/8-inches 9-ft 4-1/2 IF 18,000-foot pounds 75,000-pounds 120-f 50-g (half sine wave) 20-g up to 200-Hz 650-psi 33,000-pounds Accuracy – Azimuth Inclination Tool Face 0.04° 0.01° 0.02° For additional information - Page 110 ATTACHMENT PARA TRACKER SYSTEM Michels Directional Crossings © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2015 Page 111 ParaTrack2 Survey and Guidance System Specifications Downhole Survey Probe Shock mounted triaxial accelerometers and magnetometers, temperature sensor and digitizing circuitry contained in 1.750 in. dia. x 55.3 in. long beryllium copper pressure barrel. Telemetry and power via wireline. Temperature Rating: 85°C Pressure Rating: 1200 bar Survey Accuracy: Inclination: ±0.1° Azimuth: ±0.4° Toolface: ±0.5° Maximum wireline length: 5000 meters Interface Unit Input: Output: 85-265 VAC 50-60 HZ 48VDC, 50 mA Guidance System A single signal wire earthed at each end or with a return wire to close the loop. Guidance Unit Input: 85-265 VAC 50-60 HZ Guidance Unit Output: 34 VRMS, 6 Amps p-p max. Position Accuracy: ±2% of separation from signal wire Drillpipe and Borehole Pressure Module (requires compatible survey probe) Borehole gauge, 0-500 psi Full Scale, 1200 psi survival, 2400 psi burst Drillpipe gauge, 0-2000 psi Full Scale, 6000 psi survival, 10000 psi burst Non-linearity +/-0.1 %FS Hysteresis +/-0.015 %FS Repeatability +/-0.01 %FS Page 112 ATTACHMENT DRILL RIGS SPECIFICATION Michels Directional Crossings © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2015 Page 113 A DIVISION OF MICHELS CORPORATION 817 W. Main Street, P.O. Box 128 Brownsville, WI 53006 Telephone: (920) 583-3132 Fax: (920) 583-3429 ATLAS 840 (7) RIG OWNED & OPERATED DRILL RIG SPECIFICATIONS Weight: Height: Length: Width: Engine: Horsepower: DRILLING SPECIFICATIONS (ROCK) 88,000 – 93,000Lbs Varies 13’ 6” 54’ 8’ 6” Dsl Cat Model 3456 or 3412 660 HP or 750 HP MAXIMUM RECOMMENDED Back Ream: 52” Drilling Distance: 6,500’ SURVEY SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS Type: DRILL RIG CAPACITY Torque Capacity: Max Spindle Speed: Thrust/Pull: 160,000 Ft/Lbs 100 RPM 840,000 Lbs Accuracy: Max Locating Depth: DRILLING SPECIFICATIONS (DIRT) MAXIMUM RECOMMENDED Back Ream: 60” Drilling Distance: 6,500’ Downhole probe transmits tool face, 3 dimensional coordinate data +/-0.1o All Angles Unlimited Toolface ±0.5o SECONDARY SURVEY SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS Page 114 Type: Accuracy: Tru-Track ± 2% of Vertical Depth of borehole Type: Accuracy: ParaTrack Inclination Azimuth Toolface ±0.1o ±0.4o ±0.5o A DIVISION OF MICHELS CORPORATION 817 W. Main Street, P.O. Box 128 Brownsville, WI 53006 Telephone: (920) 583-3132 Fax: (920) 583-3429 HERCULES (4) RIGS OWNED & OPERATED DRILL RIG SPECIFICATIONS Height: Length: Width: Horsepower: SURVEY SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS 13’ 6” 53’ 8’ 6” 1500+ HP (750 HP ea) Type: DRILL RIG CAPACITY Torque Capacity: Max Spindle Speed: Thrust/Pull: Accuracy: Max Locating Depth: 160,000 Ft/Lbs 100 RPM 1,260,000 Lbs Downhole probe transmits tool face, three dimensional coordinate data to surface +/-0.1o All Angles Unlimited SECONDARY SURVEY SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS DRILLING SPECIFICATIONS (DIRT) MAXIMUM RECOMMENDED Back Ream: 96” Drilling Distance: 8,000’ DRILLING SPECIFICATIONS (ROCK) MAXIMUM RECOMMENDED Back Ream: 60” Drilling Distance: 8,000’ Page 115 Type: Accuracy: Tru-Track ± 2% of Vertical Depth of borehole Type: Accuracy: ParaTrack Inclination Azimuth Toolface ±0.1o ±0.4o ±0.5 ATTACHMENT BENTONITE BRANDS PRODUCT DATA/MSDS SHEETS Michels Directional Crossings © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2015 Page 116 Product Bulletin MAX GEL  MAX GEL viscosifier is a premium Wyoming bentonite blended with special extenders producing a viscosifier that will yield more than twice as much viscosity as regular Wyoming bentonite. MAX GEL is a high-yielding, easily mixed, superior mud making bentonite in fresh water. Certified to ANSI/NSF 60 APPLICATIONS ADVANTAGES MAX GEL is used in the following applications to rapidly build mud viscosity and provide superior hole cleaning, as well as to help control lost circulation, formation sloughing and promote hole stability in unconsolidated formations. • • • • • • • Potable water wells Mineral exploration (coring and rotary drilling) Horizontal directional drilling Blast holes Shaft drilling Monitor / observation wells Gel-foam air drilling applications • • • • Yields more quickly than API-standard bentonite Non-toxic and proven suitable for use in drilling potable water wells Increased penetration rates are exhibited due to lower solids content than regular bentonite systems Transportation and storage costs are reduced due to lower treatment requirements as compared to bentonite TYPICAL AMOUNTS OF MAX GEL ADDITIONS ADDED TO FRESH WATER Drilling Application/Desired Results lb/100gal lb/bbl kg/m3 Normal drilling 15 - 25 6 - 11 15 - 30 In gravel or other poorly consolidated formation 25 - 40 12 - 18 35 - 50 Lost circulation control 35 - 45 15 - 20 40 - 45 Added to freshwater mud to improve hole cleaning properties, increase hole stability and develop filter cakes 5 - 10 2-5 6 - 14 Page 117 LIMITATIONS TYPICAL PHYSICAL PROPERTIES • • Loses effectiveness in water containing >7500 mg/l sodium chloride / 240 mg/l calcium If dispersants or thinners are to be used, they should be added sparingly, using 50% or less of the normal treatment Physical appearance.............. Light tan / gray – green powder Specific gravity .................... 2.3 - 2.5 Approximate yield ................ 220 bbl/ton TOXICITY AND HANDLING Bioassay information available upon request. No special requirements are necessary for handling and storage. Avoid inhalation of dust. A dust respirator and goggles are recommended if mixing in an enclosed area. PACKAGING AND STORAGE MAX GEL is packaged in 50 lb. (22.7-kg), multi-wall, paper sacks and is available in bulk. Store in a dry location (slip hazard when wet) and minimize dust (use dust-less systems for handling, storage and cleanup). This material is supplied solely for informational purposes and M-I L.L.C. makes no guarantees or warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy or use of this data. All product warranties and guarantees shall be governed by the Standard Terms of Sale. Page 118 10618 - MAX GEL MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET MAX GEL 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION TRADE NAME: MAX GEL OTHER NAME: Bentonite CHEMICAL CLASS: Naturally occuring mineral. APPLICATIONS: Oil well drilling fluid additive. Viscosifier. EMERGENCY TELEPHONE: 281-561-1600 SUPPLIER: TELEPHONE: FAX: Supplied by a Business Unit of M-I L.L.C. P.O. Box 42842, Houston, Texas 77242-2842 See cover sheet for local supplier. 281-561-1509 281-561-7240 CONTACT PERSON: Sam Hoskin - Manager, Occupational Health 2. COMPOSITION, INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS INGREDIENT NAME: Silica, crystalline, quartz Bentonite Silica, crystalline, Cristobalite Silica, crystalline, Tridymite Gypsum CAS No.: 14808-60-7 1302-78-9 14464-46-1 15468-32-3 13397-24-5 CONTENTS : 2-15 % 70-95 % 2-12 % 1-5 % 0-1 % EPA RQ: TPQ: 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION EMERGENCY OVERVIEW: CAUTION! MAY CAUSE EYE, SKIN AND RESPIRATORY TRACT IRRITATION. Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Avoid breathing airborne product. Keep container closed. Use with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. This product is a/an gray to tan powder. Slippery when wet. No significant immediate hazards for emergency response personnel are known. ACUTE EFFECTS: HEALTH HAZARDS, GENERAL: Particulates may cause mechanical irritation to the eyes, nose, throat and lungs. Particulate inhalation may lead to pulmonary fibrosis, chronic bronchitis, emphysema and bronchial asthma. Dermatitis and asthma may result from short contact periods. INHALATION: May be irritating to the respiratory tract if inhaled. INGESTION: May cause gastric distress, nausea and vomiting if ingested. 1/7 Page 119 10618 - MAX GEL SKIN: May be irritating to the skin. EYES: May be irritating to the eyes. CHRONIC EFFECTS: CARCINOGENICITY: IARC: Not listed. NTP: Not listed. OSHA: Not regulated. ATTENTION! CANCER HAZARD. CONTAINS CRYSTALLINE SILICA WHICH CAN CAUSE CANCER. Risk of cancer depends on duration and level of exposure. IARC Monographs, Vol. 68, 1997, concludes that there is sufficient evidence that inhaled crystalline silica in the form of quartz or cristobalite from occupational sources causes cancer in humans. IARC classification Group 1. ROUTE OF ENTRY: Inhalation. Skin and/or eye contact. TARGET ORGANS: Respiratory system, lungs. Skin. Eyes. 4. FIRST AID MEASURES GENERAL: Persons seeking medical attention should carry a copy of this MSDS with them. INHALATION: Move the exposed person to fresh air at once. Perform artificial respiration if breathing has stopped. Get medical attention. INGESTION: Drink a couple of glasses water or milk. Do not give victim anything to drink of he is unconscious. Get medical attention. SKIN: Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing. Get medical attention if any discomfort continues. EYES: Promptly wash eyes with lots of water while lifting the eye lids. Continue to rinse for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention if any discomfort continues. 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES AUTO IGNITION TEMP. (?F): FLAMMABILITY LIMIT - LOWER(%): FLAMMABILITY LIMIT - UPPER(%): N/D N/D N/D EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: This material is not combustible. Use extinguishing media appropriate for surrounding fire. SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: No specific fire fighting procedure given. UNUSUAL FIRE & EXPLOSION HAZARDS: No unusual fire or explosion hazards noted. HAZARDOUS COMBUSTION PRODUCTS: Not relevant. 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES PERSONAL PRECAUTIONS: Wear proper personal protective equipment (see MSDS Section 8). 2/7 Page 120 10618 - MAX GEL SPILL CLEAN-UP PROCEDURES: Avoid generating and spreading of dust. Shovel into dry containers. Cover and move the containers. Flush the area with water. Do not contaminate drainage or waterways. Repackage or recycle if possible. 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE HANDLING PRECAUTIONS: Avoid handling causing generation of dust. Wear full protective clothing for prolonged exposure and/or high concentrations. Eye wash and emergency shower must be available at the work place. Wash hands often and change clothing when needed. Provide good ventilation. Mechanical ventilation or local exhaust ventilation is required. STORAGE PRECAUTIONS: Store at moderate temperatures in dry, well ventilated area. Keep in original container. 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS, PERSONAL PROTECTION INGREDIENT NAME: Silica, crystalline, quartz CAS No.: 14808-60-7 OSHA PEL: TWA: STEL: * ACGIH TLV: OTHER: TWA: STEL: TWA: STEL: 0.1 Bentonite 1302-78-9 5 3 Silica, crystalline, Cristobalite 14464-46-1 * 0.05 Silica, crystalline, Tridymite 15468-32-3 * 0.05 Gypsum 13397-24-5 15 UNITS: mg/m3 resp.dust mg/m3 resp.dust mg/m3 resp.dust mg/m3 resp.dust mg/m3 total dust INGREDIENT COMMENTS: * OSHA PELs for Mineral Dusts containing crystalline silica are 10 mg/m3 / (%SiO2+2) for quartz and 1/2 the calculated quartz value for cristobalite and tridymite. PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: ENGINEERING CONTROLS: Use appropriate engineering controls such as, exhaust ventilation and process enclosure, to reduce air contamination and keep worker exposure below the applicable limits. VENTILATION: Supply natural or mechanical ventilation adequate to exhaust airborne product and keep exposures below the applicable limits. RESPIRATORS: Use at least a NIOSH-approved N95 half-mask disposable or reuseable particulate respirator. In work environments containing oil mist/aerosol use at least a NIOSH-approved P95 half-mask disposable or reuseable particulate respirator. For exposures exceeding 10 x PEL use a NIOSH-approved N100 Particulate Respirator. PROTECTIVE GLOVES: Use suitable protective gloves if risk of skin contact. EYE PROTECTION: Wear dust resistant safety goggles where there is danger of eye contact. PROTECTIVE CLOTHING: Wear appropriate clothing to prevent repeated or prolonged skin contact. 3/7 Page 121 10618 - MAX GEL HYGIENIC WORK PRACTICES: Wash promptly with soap and water if skin becomes contaminated. Change work clothing daily if there is any possibility of contamination. 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES APPEARANCE/PHYSICAL STATE: COLOR: ODOR: SOLUBILITY DESCRIPTION: DENSITY/SPECIFIC GRAVITY (g/ml): BULK DENSITY: VAPOR DENSITY (air=1): VAPOR PRESSURE: Powder, dust. Grey. to Tan. Odorless or no characteristic odor. Insoluble in water. 2.3-2.6 TEMPERATURE (?F): 68 67 lb/ft3; 1068 kg/m3 N/A N/A TEMPERATURE (?F): 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY: Normally stable. CONDITIONS TO AVOID: N/A. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not polymerize. POLYMERIZATION DESCRIPTION: Not relevant. MATERIALS TO AVOID: N/A HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: No specific hazardous decomposition products noted. 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION: No toxicological data is available for this product. 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION: Contact M-I Environmental Affairs for ecological information. 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS WASTE MANAGEMENT: This product does not meet the criteria of a hazardous waste if discarded in its purchased form. Under RCRA, it is the responsibility of the user of the product to determine at the time of disposal, whether the product meets RCRA criteria for hazardous waste. This is because product uses, transformations, mixtures, processes, etc, may render the resulting materials hazardous. Empty containers retain residues. All labeled precautions must be observed. 4/7 Page 122 10618 - MAX GEL DISPOSAL METHODS: Recover and reclaim or recycle, if practical. Should this product become a waste, dispose of in a permitted industrial landfill. Ensure that containers are empty by RCRA criteria prior to disposal in a permitted industrial landfill. 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION PRODUCT RQ: N/A U.S. DOT: U.S. DOT CLASS: Not regulated. CANADIAN TRANSPORT: TDGR CLASS: Not regulated. SEA TRANSPORT: IMDG CLASS: Not regulated. AIR TRANSPORT: ICAO CLASS: Not regulated. 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION REGULATORY STATUS OF INGREDIENTS: NAME: Silica, crystalline, quartz Bentonite Silica, crystalline, Cristobalite Silica, crystalline, Tridymite Gypsum US FEDERAL REGULATIONS: WASTE CLASSIFICATION: REGULATORY STATUS: CAS No: 14808-60-7 1302-78-9 14464-46-1 15468-32-3 13397-24-5 TSCA: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes CERCLA: No No No No No SARA 302: No No No No No SARA 313: No No No No No DSL(CAN): Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Not a hazardous waste by U.S. RCRA criteria. See Section 13. This Product or its components, if a mixture, is subject to following regulations (Not meant to be all inclusive - selected regulations represented): SECTION 313: This product does not contain toxic chemical subject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act of 1986 and 40 CFR Part 372. SARA 311 Categories: 1: Immediate (Acute) Health Effects. 2. Delayed (Chronic) Health Effects. The components of this product are listed on or are exempt from the following international chemical registries: TSCA (U.S.) DSL (Canada) EINECS (Europe) STATE REGULATIONS: 5/7 Page 123 10618 - MAX GEL STATE REGULATORY STATUS: This product or its components, if a mixture, is subject to following regulations (Not meant to be all inclusive - selected regulations represented):. None. PROPOSITION 65: This product contains the following chemical(s) considered by the State of California's Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 as causing cancer or reproductive toxicity, and for which warnings are now required: Silica, crystalline CANADIAN REGULATIONS: LABELS FOR SUPPLY: REGULATORY STATUS: This Material Safety Data Sheet has been prepared in compilance with the Controled Product Regulations. Canadian WHMIS Classification: D2A - Other Toxic Effects: Very Toxic Material 16. OTHER INFORMATION NPCA HMIS HAZARD INDEX: FLAMMABILITY: REACTIVITY: NPCA HMIS PERS. PROTECT. INDEX: * 1 Slight Hazard 0 Minimal Hazard 0 Minimal Hazard E - Safety Glasses, Gloves, Dust Respirator USER NOTES: N/A = Not applicable N/D = Not determined INFORMATION SOURCES: OSHA Permissible Exposure Limits, 29 CFR 1910, Subpart Z, Section 1910.1000, Air Contaminants. ACGIH Threshold Limit Values and Biological Exposure Indices for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents (latest edition). Sax's Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials, 9th ed., Lewis, R.J. Sr., (ed.), VNR, New York, New York, (1997). IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Humans, Silica, Some Silicates, Coal Dust, and para-Aramid Fibrils, Vol. 68, World Health Organization, Lyon, France, 1997. Product information provided by the commercial vendor(s). PREPARED BY: Sam Hoskin/bb REVISION No.: 0 MSDS STATUS: Approved. DATE: June 1, 1999 DISCLAIMER: 6/7 Page 124 10618 - MAX GEL MSDS furnished independent of product sale. While every effort has been made to accurately describe this product, some of the data are obtained from sources beyond our direct supervision. We cannot make any assertions as to its reliability or completeness; therefore, user may rely on it only at user's risk. We have made no effort to censor or conceal deleterious aspects of this product. Since we cannot anticipate or control the conditiions under which this information and product may be used, we make no guarantee that the precautions we have suggested will be adequate for all individuals and/or situations. It is the obligation of each user of this product to comply with the requirements of all applicable laws regarding use and disposal of this product. Additional information will be furnished upon request to assist the user; however, no warranty, either expressed or implied, nor liability of any nature with respect to this product or to the data herein is made or incurred hereunder. 7/7 Page 125 Water Well Drilling & Mineral Exploration Products AMERICAN Colloid Company Water/Mineral Division Super Gel-X High Yield Bentonite DESCRIPTION: • Super Gel-X is a 200 mesh, high viscosity 200-bbl yield, sodium bentonite for use in all freshwater drilling conditions. RECOMMENDED USE: • May be used for all types of freshwater mud rotary drilling. CHARACTERISTICS: • • • • • • Highly concentrated for maximum yield. Fast and easy mixing. Reduces solids and increases lifting power. Removes cuttings. Cools and lubricates bit. Stabilizes bore holes. MIXING AND APPLICATION: • Mixing ratios are based on 200-bbl yield material using freshwater. Level of water purity will affect bentonite performance. • Super Gel-X mixing ratio in lbs. per 100 gallons of water: Normal conditions …………………………… 15 to 25 lbs. Sand and gravel …………………………….. 25 to 35 lbs. Fluid loss controls …………………………… 35 to 40 lbs. PACKAGING: 1500 W. Shure Drive • 50 pound, multi-wall, non-tear, waterproof bags, 48 bags per pallet, and all pallets are stretch-wrapped. Arlington Heights, IL 60004 1434-(3112) 392-4600 The information and data contained herein are believed to be accurate and reliable. American Colloid Company makes no warranty of any kind and accepts no responsibility for the results obtained through this application of this information. Page 126 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET May be used to comply with OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200. Standard must be consulted for specific requirements. 69101/69101 Page 1 of 3 PRODUCT NAME: SUPER GEL-X™ Section I MANUFACTURER'S INFORMATION MANUFACTURER’S NAME & ADDRESS: Date Prepared: June 1, 2002 CETCO – Drilling Products Group 1500 West Shure Drive Arlington Heights, IL 60004 Telephone Number: 847-392-5800 Fax 847-506.6150 EMERGENCY CONTACT: CHEMTREC 800-424-9300 E-mail: Section II HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS/IDENTITY INFORMATION HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS: (Specific Chemical Identity: Common Name(s)) Crystalline Quartz: CAS# 14808-60-7 Respirable Crystalline Quartz: Present (TWA) Proposed (TWA) Nuisance Dust: Respirable Total Dust OSHA PEL ACGIH TLV 0.1 mg/m3 0.1 mg/m3 50.0 ug/m3 5 mg/m3 15 mg/m3 5 mg/m3 10 mg/m3 Other Limits Recommended * NIOSH3 50 ug/m % (optional) < 6% < 2% * WARNING: This product contains a small amount of crystalline silica, which may cause delayed respiratory disease if inhaled over a prolonged period of time. Avoid breathing dust. Use NIOSH/MSHA approved respirator where TLV for crystalline silica (Quartz) may be exceeded. IARC Monographs on the evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Humans (volume 68, 1997) concludes that crystalline silica is carcinogenic to humans in the form of quartz. IARC classification 1. The small quantities of crystalline silica (quartz) found in this product are, under normal conditions, naturally coated with an unremovable layer of amorphous silica and/or bentonite clay. IARC (vol. 68, 1997, pg. 191-192) has stated that crystalline silica (quartz) can differ in toxicity depending on the minerals with which it is combined, citing studies in IARC (vol. 42, 1987, p. 86) which stated that the toxic effect of crystalline silica (quartz) is reduced by the “protective effect...due mainly to clay minerals...” National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has recommended that the permissible exposure limit be changed to 50 micrograms respirable free silica per cubic meter of air (0.05 mg/ m3) as determined by a full shift sample up to a 10 hour working day, 40 hours per week. See: 1974 NIOSH criteria for a recommended Standard for Occupational Exposure to Crystalline Silica should be consulted for more detailed information. PEL - OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit. TLV - American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) Threshold Limit Value. TWA - 8 hour time weighted average Note: The Permissible Exposure Limits (PEL) reported above are the pre - 1989 limits that were reinstated by OSHA June 30, 1993 following a decision by the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit. Federal OSHA is now enforcing these PELs. More restrictive exposure limits may be enforced by some other jurisdictions. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Chemical Name: Dry Mixture of Inorganic Mineral Compounds. NFPA/HMIS: Health - 2, Fire - 0, Reactivity - 0, Specific Hazard - See Section VI. Shipping Class: Not Regulated (DOT / 49CFR, IMDG, ICAO / IATA). Section III PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS Boiling Point: Not Applicable. Vapor Pressure (mm Hg.): Not Applicable. Vapor Density (AIR = 1): Not Applicable. Solubility in Water: Negligible. Specific Gravity (H2O = 1): 2.5 Melting Point: 1400°F Evaporation Rate (Butyl Acetate = 1): Not Applicable. Appearance and Odor: Tan or beige to light gray colored powder to fine granules, odorless. 1500 W. Shure Dr., Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004 USA / +1 800.527.9948 / tel +1 847.392.5800 / fax +1 847.577.5571 Page 127 Copyright 2002 CETCO All rights reserved. CETCO is a wholly owned subsidiary of AMCOL International Corp. 69101/69101 Page 2 of 3 PRODUCT NAME: SUPER GEL-X™ Section IV FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA Flash Point (Method Used): Not Available. Flammable Limits: Not Available. LEL - NA. UEL - NA. Extinguishing Media: Not Applicable. Special Fire Fighting Procedure: Not Applicable. Unusual Fire/Explosion Hazards: Product may pose possible dust explosion under extremely rare circumstances or conditions. Section V REACTIVITY DATA Stability: Stable Conditions to Avoid - None Known. Incompatibility (Materials to Avoid): Powerful oxidizing agents such as fluorine, chlorine trifluoride, manganese trioxide, etc. Hazardous Decomposition or By-products: Silica will dissolve in hydrofluoric acid producing a corrosive gas, silicon tetrafluoride. Hazardous Polymerization: Will Not Occur Conditions to Avoid - None Known. Section VI HEALTH HAZARD DATA Route(s) of Entry: Inhalation? Yes Health Hazards (Acute and Chronic): Skin? No Ingestion? No Inhalation: Breathing silica dust may not cause noticeable injury or illness even though permanent lung damage may be occurring. Inhalation of dust may have the following serious chronic health effects: Silicosis: Excessive inhalation of respirable crystalline silica dust may cause a progressive, disabling and sometimes-fatal lung disease called silicosis. Symptoms include cough, shortness of breath, wheezing, non-specific chest illness and reduced pulmonary function. Smoking exacerbates this disease. Individuals with silicosis are predisposed to develop tuberculosis. Cancer Status: The International Agency for Research on Cancer has determined that crystalline silica inhaled in the form of quartz or cristobalite from occupational sources is carcinogenic to humans (Group 1 - carcinogenic to humans). Refer to IARC Monograph 68, Silica, Some Silicates and Organic Fibers (published in June 1997) in conjunction with the use of these materials. The National Toxicology Program classifies respirable crystalline silica as “reasonably anticipated to be a carcinogen”. For further information See: “Adverse effects of Crystalline Silica Exposure” published by the American Thoracic Society Medical Section of the American Lung Association, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Volume 155, page 761-765, 1997. Other Data with Possible Relevance to Human Health: The small quantities of crystalline silica (quartz) found in this product are, under normal conditions, naturally coated with an unremovable layer of amorphous silica and/or bentonite clay. IARC (Vol. 68, 1997, pg. 191-192) has stated that crystalline silica (quartz) can differ in toxicity depending on the minerals with which it is combined, citing studies in IARC (Vol. 42, 1987 pg. 86) which stated that the toxic effect of crystalline silica (quartz) is reduced by the “protective effect....due mainly to clay minerals...” Carcinogenicity: NTP? No IARC Monographs? Yes OSHA Regulated? No Signs and Symptoms of Exposure: Excessive inhalation of generated dust may result in shortness of breath and reduced pulmonary function. Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure: Individuals with respiratory disease, including but not limited to, asthma and bronchitis, or subject to eye irritation should not be exposed to respirable crystalline silica (quartz) dust. Emergency and First Aid Procedures: Eyes & Skin: Flush with water. Gross Inhalation of Dust: Remove to fresh air; give oxygen or artificial respiration if necessary; seek medical attention. Ingestion: If large amounts are swallowed, get immediate medical attention. Section VII PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFE HANDLING AND USE Steps to be Taken in Case Material is Released or Spilled: Vacuum if possible to avoid generating airborne dust. Avoid breathing dust. Wear an approved respirator. Avoid adding water; product will become slippery when wet. Waste Disposal Method: Bury in an approved sanitary landfill, in accordance with federal, state and local regulations. Precautions to Be Taken in Handling and Storing: Avoid breathing dust, use NIOSH/MSHA approved respirator where TLV limits for Crystalline Silica may be exceeded. Other Precautions: Slippery when wet. 1500 W. Shure Dr., Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004 USA / +1 800.527.9948 / tel +1 847.392.5800 / fax +1 847.577.5571 Page 128 Copyright 2002 CETCO All rights reserved. CETCO is a wholly owned subsidiary of AMCOL International Corp. 69101/69101 Page 3 of 3 PRODUCT NAME: SUPER GEL-X™ Section VIII CONTROL MEASURES Respiratory Protection: Use appropriate respiratory protection for respirable particulate based on consideration of airborne workplace concentration and duration of exposure arising from intended end use. Refer to the most recent standards of ANSI (z88.2) OSHA (29 CFR 1910.134), MSHA (30 CFR Parts 56 and 57) and NIOSH Respirator Decision Logic. Ventilation: Use local exhaust as required to maintain exposures below applicable occupational exposure limits (See Section II). See also ACGIH "Industrial Ventilation – A Manual for Recommend Practice", (current edition). Protective Gloves: Not Required. Eye Protection: Recommended. Other Protective Clothing or Equipment: None. Work/Hygienic Practices: Use good housekeeping practices. Section IX REGULATORY INFORMATION SARA 311/312: Hazard Categories for SARA Section 311/312 Reporting: Chronic Health SARA 313: This product contains the following chemicals subject to annual release reporting requirements under the SARA section 313 (40 CFR 372): None CERCLA section 103 Reportable Quantity: None California Proposition 65: This product contains the following substances known to the state of California to cause cancer and/or reproductive harm: This product contains crystalline silica (respirable); however, the user should note that the small quantities of crystalline silica (quartz) found in this product are, under normal conditions, naturally coated with an unremovable layer of amorphous silica and/or bentonite clay. IARC (Vol. 68, 1997, pg. 191-192) has stated that crystalline silica (quartz) can differ in toxicity depending on the minerals with which it is combined. Citing studies in IARC (Vol. 42, 1987, p. 86) which stated that the toxic effect of crystalline silica (quartz) is reduced by the “protective effect....due mainly to clay minerals...”. Toxic Substances Control Act: All of the components of this product are listed on the EPA TSCA Inventory or are exempt from notification requirements. Canadian Environmental Protection Act: All the components of this product are listed on the Canadian Domestic Substances List or exempt from notification requirements. European Inventory of Commercial Chemical Substances: All the components of this product are listed on the EINECS Inventory or exempt from notification requirements. (The EINECS number for Quartz: 231-545-5) European Community Labeling Classification: Harmful (Xn) European Community Risk and Safety Phrases: R40, R48, S22 Japan MITI: All the components of this product are existing chemical substances as defined in the Chemical Substance Control Law. Australian Inventory of Chemical Substances: All the components of this product are listed on the AICS Inventory or exempt from notification requirements. Canadian WHMIS Classification: Class D, Division 2, Subdivision A (Very Toxic Material causing other Toxic Effects) NF-+PA Hazard Rating: HMIS Hazard Rating: Health: 2 Health: * Fire: 0 Fire: 0 Reactivity: 0 Reactivity: 0 *Warning - Chronic health effect possible - inhalation of silica dust may cause lung injury/disease (silicosis). Take appropriate measures to avoid breathing dust. See Section II. REFERENCES: Registry for Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances (RTECS), 1995. Patty’s Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology. NTP Seventh Annual Report on Carcinogens, 1994. IARC Monograph Volume 68, Silica, Some Silicates and Organic Fibers, 1997. The information herein has been compiled from sources believed to be reliable and is accurate to the best of our knowledge. However, CETCO cannot give any guarantees regarding information from other sources, and expressly does not make any warranties, nor assumes any liability, for its use. 1500 W. Shure Dr., Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004 USA / +1 800.527.9948 / tel +1 847.392.5800 / fax +1 847.577.5571 Page 129 Copyright 2002 CETCO All rights reserved. CETCO is a wholly owned subsidiary of AMCOL International Corp. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Product Trade Name: BARA-KADE® BENTONITE Revision Date: 31-Mar-2005 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Trade Name: Synonyms: Chemical Family: Application: BARA-KADE® BENTONITE None Mineral Additive Manufacturer/Supplier BPM Minerals LLC 3000 N Sam Houston Parkway East Houston, TX 77032 Telephone: (281) 871-7900 Fax: (281) 871-7940 Emergency Telephone: (800) 666-9260 or (713) 753-3000 Prepared By Chemical Compliance Telephone: 1-580-251-4335 2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS SUBSTANCE CAS Number Crystalline silica, cristobalite 14464-46-1 PERCENT 0 - 1% ACGIH TLV-TWA 0.05 mg/m3 Crystalline silica, tridymite 15468-32-3 0 - 1% 0.05 mg/m3 Crystalline silica, quartz 14808-60-7 1 - 5% 0.05 mg/m3 Bentonite 1302-78-9 60 - 100% Not applicable OSHA PEL-TWA 1/2 x 10 mg/m3 %SiO2 + 2 1/2 x 10 mg/m3 %SiO2 + 2 10 mg/m3 %SiO2 + 2 Not applicable More restrictive exposure limits may be enforced by some states, agencies, or other authorities. 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION BARA-KADE® BENTONITE Page 1 of 7 Page 130 Hazard Overview CAUTION! - ACUTE HEALTH HAZARD May cause eye and respiratory irritation. DANGER! - CHRONIC HEALTH HAZARD Breathing crystalline silica can cause lung disease, including silicosis and lung cancer. Crystalline silica has also been associated with scleroderma and kidney disease. This product contains quartz, cristobalite, and/or tridymite which may become airborne without a visible cloud. Avoid breathing dust. Avoid creating dusty conditions. Use only with adequate ventilation to keep exposures below recommended exposure limits. Wear a NIOSH certified, European Standard EN 149, or equivalent respirator when using this product. Review the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for this product, which has been provided to your employer. 4. FIRST AID MEASURES Inhalation If inhaled, remove from area to fresh air. Get medical attention if respiratory irritation develops or if breathing becomes difficult. Skin Wash with soap and water. Get medical attention if irritation persists. Eyes In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes and get medical attention if irritation persists. Ingestion Under normal conditions, first aid procedures are not required. Notes to Physician Treat symptomatically. 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Flash Point/Range (F): Flash Point/Range (C): Flash Point Method: Autoignition Temperature (F): Autoignition Temperature (C): Flammability Limits in Air - Lower (%): Flammability Limits in Air - Upper (%): Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Fire Extinguishing Media All standard firefighting media. Special Exposure Hazards Not applicable. Special Protective Equipment for Not applicable. Fire-Fighters NFPA Ratings: HMIS Ratings: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Flammability 0, Reactivity 0, Health 0* 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Personal Precautionary Measures Use appropriate protective equipment. Avoid creating and breathing dust. Environmental Precautionary Measures None known. Procedure for Cleaning / Absorption Collect using dustless method and hold for appropriate disposal. Consider possible toxic or fire hazards associated with contaminating substances and use appropriate methods for collection, storage and disposal. BARA-KADE® BENTONITE Page 2 of 7 Page 131 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE Handling Precautions This product contains quartz, cristobalite, and/or tridymite which may become airborne without a visible cloud. Avoid breathing dust. Avoid creating dusty conditions. Use only with adequate ventilation to keep exposure below recommended exposure limits. Wear a NIOSH certified, European Standard En 149, or equivalent respirator when using this product. Material is slippery when wet. Storage Information Use good housekeeping in storage and work areas to prevent accumulation of dust. Close container when not in use. Do not reuse empty container. 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION Engineering Controls Use approved industrial ventilation and local exhaust as required to maintain exposures below applicable exposure limits listed in Section 2. Respiratory Protection Wear a NIOSH certified, European Standard EN 149, or equivalent respirator when using this product. Hand Protection Normal work gloves. Skin Protection Wear clothing appropriate for the work environment. Dusty clothing should be laundered before reuse. Use precautionary measures to avoid creating dust when removing or laundering clothing. Eye Protection Wear safety glasses or goggles to protect against exposure. Other Precautions None known. 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Physical State: Color: Odor: pH: Specific Gravity @ 20 C (Water=1): Density @ 20 C (lbs./gallon): Bulk Density @ 20 C (lbs/ft3): Boiling Point/Range (F): Boiling Point/Range (C): Freezing Point/Range (F): Freezing Point/Range (C): Vapor Pressure @ 20 C (mmHg): Vapor Density (Air=1): Percent Volatiles: Evaporation Rate (Butyl Acetate=1): Solubility in Water (g/100ml): Solubility in Solvents (g/100ml): VOCs (lbs./gallon): Viscosity, Dynamic @ 20 C (centipoise): Viscosity, Kinematic @ 20 C (centistrokes): Partition Coefficient/n-Octanol/Water: Molecular Weight (g/mole): Solid Various Odorless 8-10 2.65 Not Determined 50-70 Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Insoluble Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Stability Data: Stable Hazardous Polymerization: Will Not Occur BARA-KADE® BENTONITE Page 3 of 7 Page 132 Conditions to Avoid None anticipated Incompatibility (Materials to Avoid) Hydrofluoric acid. Hazardous Decomposition Products Amorphous silica may transform at elevated temperatures to tridymite (870 C) or cristobalite (1470 C). Additional Guidelines Not Applicable 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Principle Route of Exposure Eye or skin contact, inhalation. Inhalation Inhaled crystalline silica in the form of quartz or cristobalite from occupational sources is carcinogenic to humans (IARC, Group 1). There is sufficient evidence in experimental animals for the carcinogenicity of tridymite (IARC, Group 2A). Breathing silica dust may cause irritation of the nose, throat, and respiratory passages. Breathing silica dust may not cause noticeable injury or illness even though permanent lung damage may be occurring. Inhalation of dust may also have serious chronic health effects (See "Chronic Effects/Carcinogenicity" subsection below). Skin Contact May cause mechanical skin irritation. Eye Contact May cause eye irritation. Ingestion None known Aggravated Medical Conditions Individuals with respiratory disease, including but not limited to asthma and bronchitis, or subject to eye irritation, should not be exposed to quartz dust. Chronic Effects/Carcinogenicity Silicosis: Excessive inhalation of respirable crystalline silica dust may cause a progressive, disabling, and sometimes-fatal lung disease called silicosis. Symptoms include cough, shortness of breath, wheezing, non-specific chest illness, and reduced pulmonary function. This disease is exacerbated by smoking. Individuals with silicosis are predisposed to develop tuberculosis. Cancer Status: The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has determined that crystalline silica inhaled in the form of quartz or cristobalite from occupational sources can cause lung cancer in humans (Group 1 - carcinogenic to humans) and has determined that there is sufficient evidence in experimental animals for the carcinogenicity of tridymite (Group 2A - possible carcinogen to humans). Refer to IARC Monograph 68, Silica, Some Silicates and Organic Fibres (June 1997) in conjunction with the use of these minerals. The National Toxicology Program classifies respirable crystalline silica as "Known to be a human carcinogen". Refer to the 9th Report on Carcinogens (2000). The American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) classifies crystalline silica, quartz, as a suspected human carcinogen (A2). There is some evidence that breathing respirable crystalline silica or the disease silicosis is associated with an increased incidence of significant disease endpoints such as scleroderma (an immune system disorder manifested by scarring of the lungs, skin, and other internal organs) and kidney disease. BARA-KADE® BENTONITE Page 4 of 7 Page 133 Other Information For further information consult "Adverse Effects of Crystalline Silica Exposure" published by the American Thoracic Society Medical Section of the American Lung Association, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Volume 155, pages 761-768 (1997). Toxicity Tests Oral Toxicity: Not determined Dermal Toxicity: Not determined Inhalation Toxicity: Not determined Primary Irritation Effect: Not determined Carcinogenicity Refer to IARC Monograph 68, Silica, Some Silicates and Organic Fibres (June 1997). Genotoxicity: Not determined Reproductive / Developmental Toxicity: Not determined 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Mobility (Water/Soil/Air) Not determined Persistence/Degradability Not determined Bio-accumulation Not Determined Ecotoxicological Information Acute Fish Toxicity: TLM96: 10000 ppm (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Acute Crustaceans Toxicity:Not determined Acute Algae Toxicity: Not determined Chemical Fate Information Not determined Other Information Not applicable 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Disposal Method Bury in a licensed landfill according to federal, state, and local regulations. Contaminated Packaging Follow all applicable national or local regulations. 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION Land Transportation DOT Not restricted Canadian TDG Not restricted ADR Not restricted BARA-KADE® BENTONITE Page 5 of 7 Page 134 Air Transportation ICAO/IATA Not restricted Sea Transportation IMDG Not restricted Other Shipping Information Labels: None 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION US Regulations US TSCA Inventory All components listed on inventory. EPA SARA Title III Extremely Hazardous Substances Not applicable EPA SARA (311,312) Hazard Class Acute Health Hazard Chronic Health Hazard EPA SARA (313) Chemicals This product does not contain a toxic chemical for routine annual "Toxic Chemical Release Reporting" under Section 313 (40 CFR 372). EPA CERCLA/Superfund Not applicable. Reportable Spill Quantity For This Product EPA RCRA Hazardous Waste Classification If product becomes a waste, it does NOT meet the criteria of a hazardous waste as defined by the US EPA. California Proposition 65 The California Proposition 65 regulations apply to this product. MA Right-to-Know Law One or more components listed. NJ Right-to-Know Law One or more components listed. PA Right-to-Know Law One or more components listed. Canadian Regulations Canadian DSL Inventory All components listed on inventory. WHMIS Hazard Class D2A Very Toxic Materials (Crystalline silica) 16. OTHER INFORMATION The following sections have been revised since the last issue of this MSDS Not applicable BARA-KADE® BENTONITE Page 6 of 7 Page 135 Additional Information For additional information on the use of this product, contact your local Halliburton representative. For questions about the Material Safety Data Sheet for this or other Halliburton products, contact Chemical Compliance at 1-580-251-4335. Disclaimer Statement This information is furnished without warranty, expressed or implied, as to accuracy or completeness. The information is obtained from various sources including the manufacturer and other third party sources. The information may not be valid under all conditions nor if this material is used in combination with other materials or in any process. Final determination of suitability of any material is the sole responsibility of the user. ***END OF MSDS*** BARA-KADE® BENTONITE Page 7 of 7 Page 136 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Product Trade Name: BARA-KADE® BENTONITE Revision Date: 31-Mar-2005 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Trade Name: Synonyms: Chemical Family: Application: BARA-KADE® BENTONITE None Mineral Additive Manufacturer/Supplier BPM Minerals LLC 3000 N Sam Houston Parkway East Houston, TX 77032 Telephone: (281) 871-7900 Fax: (281) 871-7940 Emergency Telephone: (800) 666-9260 or (713) 753-3000 Prepared By Chemical Compliance Telephone: 1-580-251-4335 2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS SUBSTANCE CAS Number Crystalline silica, cristobalite 14464-46-1 PERCENT 0 - 1% ACGIH TLV-TWA 0.05 mg/m3 Crystalline silica, tridymite 15468-32-3 0 - 1% 0.05 mg/m3 Crystalline silica, quartz 14808-60-7 1 - 5% 0.05 mg/m3 Bentonite 1302-78-9 60 - 100% Not applicable OSHA PEL-TWA 1/2 x 10 mg/m3 %SiO2 + 2 1/2 x 10 mg/m3 %SiO2 + 2 10 mg/m3 %SiO2 + 2 Not applicable More restrictive exposure limits may be enforced by some states, agencies, or other authorities. 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION BARA-KADE® BENTONITE Page 1 of 7 Page 137 Hazard Overview CAUTION! - ACUTE HEALTH HAZARD May cause eye and respiratory irritation. DANGER! - CHRONIC HEALTH HAZARD Breathing crystalline silica can cause lung disease, including silicosis and lung cancer. Crystalline silica has also been associated with scleroderma and kidney disease. This product contains quartz, cristobalite, and/or tridymite which may become airborne without a visible cloud. Avoid breathing dust. Avoid creating dusty conditions. Use only with adequate ventilation to keep exposures below recommended exposure limits. Wear a NIOSH certified, European Standard EN 149, or equivalent respirator when using this product. Review the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for this product, which has been provided to your employer. 4. FIRST AID MEASURES Inhalation If inhaled, remove from area to fresh air. Get medical attention if respiratory irritation develops or if breathing becomes difficult. Skin Wash with soap and water. Get medical attention if irritation persists. Eyes In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes and get medical attention if irritation persists. Ingestion Under normal conditions, first aid procedures are not required. Notes to Physician Treat symptomatically. 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Flash Point/Range (F): Flash Point/Range (C): Flash Point Method: Autoignition Temperature (F): Autoignition Temperature (C): Flammability Limits in Air - Lower (%): Flammability Limits in Air - Upper (%): Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Fire Extinguishing Media All standard firefighting media. Special Exposure Hazards Not applicable. Special Protective Equipment for Not applicable. Fire-Fighters NFPA Ratings: HMIS Ratings: Health 0, Flammability 0, Reactivity 0 Flammability 0, Reactivity 0, Health 0* 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Personal Precautionary Measures Use appropriate protective equipment. Avoid creating and breathing dust. Environmental Precautionary Measures None known. Procedure for Cleaning / Absorption Collect using dustless method and hold for appropriate disposal. Consider possible toxic or fire hazards associated with contaminating substances and use appropriate methods for collection, storage and disposal. BARA-KADE® BENTONITE Page 2 of 7 Page 138 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE Handling Precautions This product contains quartz, cristobalite, and/or tridymite which may become airborne without a visible cloud. Avoid breathing dust. Avoid creating dusty conditions. Use only with adequate ventilation to keep exposure below recommended exposure limits. Wear a NIOSH certified, European Standard En 149, or equivalent respirator when using this product. Material is slippery when wet. Storage Information Use good housekeeping in storage and work areas to prevent accumulation of dust. Close container when not in use. Do not reuse empty container. 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION Engineering Controls Use approved industrial ventilation and local exhaust as required to maintain exposures below applicable exposure limits listed in Section 2. Respiratory Protection Wear a NIOSH certified, European Standard EN 149, or equivalent respirator when using this product. Hand Protection Normal work gloves. Skin Protection Wear clothing appropriate for the work environment. Dusty clothing should be laundered before reuse. Use precautionary measures to avoid creating dust when removing or laundering clothing. Eye Protection Wear safety glasses or goggles to protect against exposure. Other Precautions None known. 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Physical State: Color: Odor: pH: Specific Gravity @ 20 C (Water=1): Density @ 20 C (lbs./gallon): Bulk Density @ 20 C (lbs/ft3): Boiling Point/Range (F): Boiling Point/Range (C): Freezing Point/Range (F): Freezing Point/Range (C): Vapor Pressure @ 20 C (mmHg): Vapor Density (Air=1): Percent Volatiles: Evaporation Rate (Butyl Acetate=1): Solubility in Water (g/100ml): Solubility in Solvents (g/100ml): VOCs (lbs./gallon): Viscosity, Dynamic @ 20 C (centipoise): Viscosity, Kinematic @ 20 C (centistrokes): Partition Coefficient/n-Octanol/Water: Molecular Weight (g/mole): Solid Various Odorless 8-10 2.65 Not Determined 50-70 Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Insoluble Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined Not Determined 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Stability Data: Stable Hazardous Polymerization: Will Not Occur BARA-KADE® BENTONITE Page 3 of 7 Page 139 Conditions to Avoid None anticipated Incompatibility (Materials to Avoid) Hydrofluoric acid. Hazardous Decomposition Products Amorphous silica may transform at elevated temperatures to tridymite (870 C) or cristobalite (1470 C). Additional Guidelines Not Applicable 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Principle Route of Exposure Eye or skin contact, inhalation. Inhalation Inhaled crystalline silica in the form of quartz or cristobalite from occupational sources is carcinogenic to humans (IARC, Group 1). There is sufficient evidence in experimental animals for the carcinogenicity of tridymite (IARC, Group 2A). Breathing silica dust may cause irritation of the nose, throat, and respiratory passages. Breathing silica dust may not cause noticeable injury or illness even though permanent lung damage may be occurring. Inhalation of dust may also have serious chronic health effects (See "Chronic Effects/Carcinogenicity" subsection below). Skin Contact May cause mechanical skin irritation. Eye Contact May cause eye irritation. Ingestion None known Aggravated Medical Conditions Individuals with respiratory disease, including but not limited to asthma and bronchitis, or subject to eye irritation, should not be exposed to quartz dust. Chronic Effects/Carcinogenicity Silicosis: Excessive inhalation of respirable crystalline silica dust may cause a progressive, disabling, and sometimes-fatal lung disease called silicosis. Symptoms include cough, shortness of breath, wheezing, non-specific chest illness, and reduced pulmonary function. This disease is exacerbated by smoking. Individuals with silicosis are predisposed to develop tuberculosis. Cancer Status: The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has determined that crystalline silica inhaled in the form of quartz or cristobalite from occupational sources can cause lung cancer in humans (Group 1 - carcinogenic to humans) and has determined that there is sufficient evidence in experimental animals for the carcinogenicity of tridymite (Group 2A - possible carcinogen to humans). Refer to IARC Monograph 68, Silica, Some Silicates and Organic Fibres (June 1997) in conjunction with the use of these minerals. The National Toxicology Program classifies respirable crystalline silica as "Known to be a human carcinogen". Refer to the 9th Report on Carcinogens (2000). The American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) classifies crystalline silica, quartz, as a suspected human carcinogen (A2). There is some evidence that breathing respirable crystalline silica or the disease silicosis is associated with an increased incidence of significant disease endpoints such as scleroderma (an immune system disorder manifested by scarring of the lungs, skin, and other internal organs) and kidney disease. BARA-KADE® BENTONITE Page 4 of 7 Page 140 Other Information For further information consult "Adverse Effects of Crystalline Silica Exposure" published by the American Thoracic Society Medical Section of the American Lung Association, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Volume 155, pages 761-768 (1997). Toxicity Tests Oral Toxicity: Not determined Dermal Toxicity: Not determined Inhalation Toxicity: Not determined Primary Irritation Effect: Not determined Carcinogenicity Refer to IARC Monograph 68, Silica, Some Silicates and Organic Fibres (June 1997). Genotoxicity: Not determined Reproductive / Developmental Toxicity: Not determined 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Mobility (Water/Soil/Air) Not determined Persistence/Degradability Not determined Bio-accumulation Not Determined Ecotoxicological Information Acute Fish Toxicity: TLM96: 10000 ppm (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Acute Crustaceans Toxicity:Not determined Acute Algae Toxicity: Not determined Chemical Fate Information Not determined Other Information Not applicable 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Disposal Method Bury in a licensed landfill according to federal, state, and local regulations. Contaminated Packaging Follow all applicable national or local regulations. 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION Land Transportation DOT Not restricted Canadian TDG Not restricted ADR Not restricted BARA-KADE® BENTONITE Page 5 of 7 Page 141 Air Transportation ICAO/IATA Not restricted Sea Transportation IMDG Not restricted Other Shipping Information Labels: None 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION US Regulations US TSCA Inventory All components listed on inventory. EPA SARA Title III Extremely Hazardous Substances Not applicable EPA SARA (311,312) Hazard Class Acute Health Hazard Chronic Health Hazard EPA SARA (313) Chemicals This product does not contain a toxic chemical for routine annual "Toxic Chemical Release Reporting" under Section 313 (40 CFR 372). EPA CERCLA/Superfund Not applicable. Reportable Spill Quantity For This Product EPA RCRA Hazardous Waste Classification If product becomes a waste, it does NOT meet the criteria of a hazardous waste as defined by the US EPA. California Proposition 65 The California Proposition 65 regulations apply to this product. MA Right-to-Know Law One or more components listed. NJ Right-to-Know Law One or more components listed. PA Right-to-Know Law One or more components listed. Canadian Regulations Canadian DSL Inventory All components listed on inventory. WHMIS Hazard Class D2A Very Toxic Materials (Crystalline silica) 16. OTHER INFORMATION The following sections have been revised since the last issue of this MSDS Not applicable BARA-KADE® BENTONITE Page 6 of 7 Page 142 Additional Information For additional information on the use of this product, contact your local Halliburton representative. For questions about the Material Safety Data Sheet for this or other Halliburton products, contact Chemical Compliance at 1-580-251-4335. Disclaimer Statement This information is furnished without warranty, expressed or implied, as to accuracy or completeness. The information is obtained from various sources including the manufacturer and other third party sources. The information may not be valid under all conditions nor if this material is used in combination with other materials or in any process. Final determination of suitability of any material is the sole responsibility of the user. ***END OF MSDS*** BARA-KADE® BENTONITE Page 7 of 7 Page 143 ATTACHMENT DAILY MUD TESTING REPORT Michels Directional Crossings © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2015 Page 144 Date: Location: Contractor: Tester Name Michels Directional Crossings 817 W. Main Street, Brownsville, WI 53006 FIELD REPORT TIME DENSITY "MUD WEIGHT" (lbs/gal) FUNNEL VISCOSITY use Marsh funnel (sec/qt) Solids/Sand Content (% by Vol) DRILL FLUID PRODUCT USED Bentonite Type: pH Comments DRILL FLUID HAULED OFF Additives: Drill-Terge: Page 145 ATTACHMENT ADDITIVES PRODUCT DATA SHEETS Michels Directional Crossings © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2015 Page 146 TYPICAL - DRILLING FLUID PRODUCTS LIST MI HDD Mining Products or EQUAL Note: Typical drilling fluid product list is as follows. Michels utilizes various brands of drilling fluid products based on: functionality, economics, geographic-location to supplier, and type of formation anticipated on encountering. The brand represented below is MI HDD MINING & WATERWELL brand. An equal brand of products may be supplied as an alternative. 1. High Yield Bentonite: is an easy-to-mix, finely ground (200-mesh), premium-grade, high-yielding Wyoming sodium bentonite. MAX-GEL/Pargel-220 imparts viscosity, fluid loss control and gelling characteristics to freshwater-based drilling fluids. Quantity - As Required 2. Poly-Pac R is a non fermenting cellulosic polymer, provides filtration control in water based drilling fluids with out substantially increasing the viscosity of the drilling fluid pressures. This product is a primary drilling fluid rheology enhancing additive. Quantity - minimum 10 (25 lb bags) 3. Poly Plus (Emulsion Liquid Polymer) is used primarily as a borehole stabilizer to prevent reactive shale and clay from swelling and sloughing. It is also used to increase lubricity, fluid viscosity, and to improve cuttings carrying capacity. Quantity - minimum 10 (5-gallon containers) 4. Duo-Vis/Super-Vis is used to increase viscosity for cuttings transport and suspension. Works to provide an optimized rheological profile with elevated low-shear-rate viscosity and highly shear-thinning characteristics with low “n” values. Quantity – minimum 10 (2-gallon containers) Quantity – minimum 10 (25-lb bags) 5. DrilPlex is used for increased yield point and gel strength. Allows the formulation of fluids with exceptional shear-thinning properties. Quantity – minimum 5 (40-lb bag) 6. Soda Ash is used to increase Ph in the make-up water. Primarily used to reduce soluble calcium in water-based drilling muds and make-up waters. Calcium is present in many make-up waters and formations. Quantity – minimum 5 (40-lb bag) 7. Smooth Grout 20 is a one sac borehole plugging and grouting material. It is commonly used in grouting of water well applications. This product will be used to plug excessive losses. Quantity - minimum 20 (50-lb bags) 8. Smooth Bore/Maxbore HDD is a single sack, premium grade, Wyoming sodium bentonite designed for fast, easy mixing. Smooth Bore/Maxbore HDD imparts superior suspension properties and filtration control to freshwater fluids. Although designed for use in horizontal directional drilling, it can be used in Water Wells in unconsolidated formations or when additional gel strengths are required to compensate for low annular velocity. Quantity - As Required Michels “MI-Brand” Drill Fluid Product List Confidential Page 1 Page 147 1/15/2007 ATTACHMENT DRILL FLUID RECYCLING FLOW CHART Michels Directional Crossings © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2015 Page 148 MUD RECYCLE FLOW CHART CLOSED LOOP A TO BACK END OF DRIL RIG Page 149 ?1 1 mu: STMII com? A NOTE: BENTONITE SLURRY PUMPED FROM PIT, COLLECTED RECYCLED 0R DISPOSED or Mum AT AN APPROVED LOCATION ATTACHMENT DOWNHOLE TOOLS/REAMERS Michels Directional Crossings © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2015 Page 150 Reaming Tools/Equipment The reamers utilized for hole-opening operations are custom fabricated by Michels Corporation, however equivalent or better tools may be substituted depending on availability of other suppliers’ products, or, if changes in anticipated drilling conditions are encountered. Michels R&D program for downhole tools includes monitoring of performance & longevity of reaming equipment in differing soil conditions throughout North America as well as foreign destinations. Utilizing the latest technology, tooling and materials available to the industry is a continuing goal of Michels. There is essentially no limit to the length of time these tools can be run since simple repairs can be made in the field to keep the reamers in good working condition. The condition of the reamers will depend on the type of ground encountered; typically these reamers are discarded when they are observed to be beyond field repair. Initial maximum run time for specific reamers recommended by Michels is 50-100 hours. TELECOMMUNICATIONS y GAS PIPELINE y DIRECTIONAL DRILLING y ELECTRICAL y AGGREGATE MATERIALS SEWER, WATER & TUNNELING y CONCRETE y ENGINEERING y DESIGN/BUILD BROWNSVILLE, WI y SEATTLE, WA y MILWAUKEE, WI y HARRISBURG, PA y NEENAH, WI y TOPEKA, KS y GREEN BAY, WI y CALGARY, AB "AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER" Page 151 Reaming Tools/Equipment The Yo-Yo reamer is a custom built tool used by Michels for downhole reaming operations. This tool has had proven success reaming difficult heavy gravel and fractured rock conditions. It is a very aggressive reamer for some of the most difficult soil conditions. Initial maximum run time for Yo-Yo reamers recommended by manufacturer is 50-100 hours based on extremeness of soil conditions encountered downhole. TELECOMMUNICATIONS y GAS PIPELINE y DIRECTIONAL DRILLING y ELECTRICAL y AGGREGATE MATERIALS SEWER, WATER & TUNNELING y CONCRETE y ENGINEERING y DESIGN/BUILD BROWNSVILLE, WI y SEATTLE, WA y MILWAUKEE, WI y HARRISBURG, PA y NEENAH, WI y TOPEKA, KS y GREEN BAY, WI y CALGARY, AB "AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER" Page 152 I :10 I 133HS I I 1A8 70/ Elva] 3NON ?Gl - ?7/2-8 GZIS 3DNIMVHCI - 90029 SEEN?gsguy?gtl IAg??oaa us a? 51-13? AGOEI GNV NI nnsaa NVO SEIIGOEI (JEITIIEICI 01 .06 .LV SEIIGOEI GEITIIEICI S?SllEl HODOEIHJ. NOLLOV SMOTIV TIALS SIHJ. ONllan 300 SONIEIVEIS 38V AEIHJ. 380.438 .LIEI HGVW 38V .LIS-ll'ldS EIO EICIIGEIVO NELLSONFLI. 38 OJ. AHHJ. EIO 83H13HM - TIIM EIO M308 .10 SSEINEIAISVEIEIV GNV 99L 959d CIEITIIW EIO ElElHllI-l NVO SEIEILLHO ElclAJ. .LlEl-ll?chS 1838 SI EIONVEI ?7/2 9 OJ. ?z/l-V 8 .LO?Ilcl iIS-il?lclS ATTACHMENT MUD CLEANING EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS Michels Directional Crossings © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2015 Page 154 Drill Mud Cleaning and Disposal The first phase of the mud cleaning system is displacement of solid returns at the shakers. Heavy solids are sifted out by a shaker with screens and deposited into a pit. From here they will be transported by dump truck to a site for disposal. Drill Mud Cleaning Equipment Specifications Volume of Mixing/Scalper Tank ................ 54.0-Bbls Volume of Desander Tank ........................ 72.0-Bbls Volume of Desilter Tank ........................... 72.0-Bbls Quantity of Scalping Shakers ..................... 1.0-Shakers Mesh Size of Scalping Shakers ................ 10-20 Double Stacked Desander Capability .............................. 2 @ 500-GPM (1,000 GPM Total) Desander Cones ......................................... 2.0-Cones Desander Mesh Size ................................ 40 to 165 Quantity of Desilter Cones ........................ 10 Ea @ 100-GPM Desilter Mesh Size .................................... 60 to 250 Steel Mud Circulating Tank Volume ....... 160-Bbls Returns Tank Volume (Mud Pit) ............. 320-Bbls Cuttings Tank Volume (20-yd Roll-off).... 150-Bbls Mud Screening, Max Pass Size ................ 40 Mesh Due to the quantity and types of mud pumps owned by Michels and located on multiple drill sites Michels utilizes one of the following pumps based on availability and geographic location: Bentonite Pump Capabilities (ENTRY/EXIT) Name Brand............................................. Gardner Denver OPI-350 Liner Size ........................................................................... 6-Inches Maximum Pressure .......................................................... 1,469 PSI Maximum Flow Rate ......................................................... 529 GPM Gallons Per Stroke..................................... 2.94 Gallons Per Stroke 11/4/2010 Page 155 Bentonite Pump Capabilities (ENTRY/EXIT SIDE) Name Brand................................ Ellis Williams W-446 Super Force Triplex Piston Model Liner Size ........................................................................... 6-Inches Maximum Pressure .......................................................... 1,027 PSI Maximum Flow Rate ......................................................... 661 GPM Gallons Per Stroke..................................... 2.20 Gallons Per Stroke Bentonite Pump Capabilities (ENTRY/EXIT SIDE) Name Brand............................................. Gardner Denver OPI-700 Liner Size ........................................................................... 7-Inches Maximum Pressure .......................................................... 1,690 PSI Maximum Flow Rate ......................................................... 599 GPM Gallons Per Stroke..................................... 3.99 Gallons Per Stroke 11/4/2010 Page 156 ATTACHMENT MICHELS ROLLERS Michels Directional Crossings © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2015 Page 157 Michels Directional Crossings Pipeline Rollers General Description: Steel tubing welded frame supporting two urethane coated rollers. Pillow block bearings are used to mount the rollers. The rollers are apposed to each other and set @ 125° to accommodate various pipe sizes. (See attached PDF for Roller Schematic) Size: Footprint of 50”x48” with overall height of 40” Load Capacity: 167,000 Lbs per assembly Shafts: Material is steel 4140, 2-15/16 Diameter. Frame: Frame weldment made of steel ASTM A-500 Grade square tubing Rollers: 11” O.D., 20” face width, 8-5/8” core size. Coating is urethane approximately 1” thick (95 Shore-A) Bearings: 4-required per assembly, 2 on each coated roller. Manufacturer is Linkbelt, Part Number PB22447E w/ 2-15/16” spherical roller, self aligning, contact seal. Load Capacity for Bearings; Basic = 41,800 Lbs Static = 71,500 Lbs, L-10 Life = 9,410 Hours @ 300 RPM Page 158 ATTACHMENT CONTINGENCY PLANS FOR HDD CROSSINGS Michels Directional Crossings © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2015 Page 159 DIRECTIONAL DRILL CONTINGENCY PLANS HDD CROSSINGS INFRASTRUCTURE/RIPARIAN Horizontal Directional Drilling March 11, 2011 Page 160 CONTINGENCY PLANS Michels believes contingency planning begins with the appointment of competent field personnel having the greatest amount of experience to complete a project. Michels’ personnel are some of the most qualified drilling experts in the industry, as demonstrated by resumes and experience lists highlighting past projects completed. With the abundant resources at their disposal, Michels has overcome risks associated with some of the most difficult drilling projects ever attempted and has evolved into an industry leader. Michels Project Managers are some of the best in the industry utilizing the many resources available while coordinating the various facets of a productive drill site. Michels’ Drill Superintendents are highly experienced at utilizing drill rigs and ancillary equipment of every size. They have worked up though the ranks providing them a complete and comprehensive understanding of safety, environmental monitoring, manpower, equipment operations and repairs for each phase of the drilling operation. As noted on the attached resumes, each Superintendent has drilled throughout North America and has encountered varying soil conditions, from sands, gravels, clay and cobble to solid rock formation. They are well respected throughout the industry and have worked with a majority of the major Pipeline Construction Companies in North America. Michels’ personnel maintain continuous certification through accredited schooling for all phases of the drilling operation. Contingency planning is conducted in response to unforeseen events and conditions, which could occur during normal operating sequences. The following contingency plans are in place to ensure completion of the project in accordance with governing authorities. The Field Operations Superintendent oversees preventative measures before product line installation. This alleviates the probability for adverse conditions such as stuck pipe. The following are some of the more common variables, which we have developed contingency plans for. They include but are not limited to: HDD Contingency Plan 1 of 13 3/11/2011 Rivers/Roads/Streams/Beach Approach © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2011 Page 161 Possible Condition: Contingency: EQUIPMENT MALFUNCTION/FAILURE-SPARE PARTS Based on past experience, Michels can reasonably estimate the average life expectancy of all major components of the drilling operation under normal operating conditions. The operating hours of the equipment are recorded prior to start of drilling operations and maintained throughout completion of the crossing. Documentation and maintenance records are maintained by the drilling superintendent so that replacement of key components can be routinely performed in a timely manner to prevent failure. Occasionally, a component of the drilling operation will fail unexpectedly even with the most stringent maintenance and replacement schedule. These types of failures have occurred in the past and Michels has established a spare parts inventory with each drill rig based on the most common failures of this type. Spare parts kept on site include hydraulic pumps, flendor motors, and drive gears. In addition, odd sized or extremely high pressure hydraulic hoses that are not readily available “off the shelf” are kept on site. Major Spare Parts kept on-site • 1,800-Mission pump • 1 – Circulation Pump • 2,500-Halco pump • 2 – Mud Swivels • Mud Rig – Clutch and Transmission • 2 – Complete Rebuilds for OPI-350 • 11 – Vise Blocks • Rebuild Parts for EW-446 • 4 - Vise Hydraulic Rams • Electric Motor for Halco • 2 - Rotary Motors • Electric Motor for Cooling Fans • 2 – Drive Motors • 2 – Shaker Motors • 1 – Hydraulic Pump • 2 – Vise Travel Motors It is not feasible to maintain a complete spare parts inventory with each drilling rig on site so Michels immediately identifies local sources for commonly available spare parts and equipment upon job start up. Spare parts not readily available locally are kept in one of four Michels’ permanent warehouse locations in Bothell, Washington; Nisku, Alberta Canada; Harrisburg, HDD Contingency Plan 2 of 13 3/11/2011 Rivers/Roads/Streams/Beach Approach © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2011 Page 162 Pennsylvania; or Brownsville, Wisconsin, where the parts can be shipped overnight to the job site to prevent extensive down time caused as a result of equipment failure if necessary. Possible Condition: Contingency: STUCK PIPE The following are some of the preventative measures invoked by the Drilling Foreman in order to reduce the chances for complications while pulling back product pipe. 1. Utilize drilling equipment capable of supplying enough power to remove seized pipe from either entry or exit location. 2. Performing an extra reaming pass with the purpose of cleaning out the reamed hole (not a cutting pass) and adding proper lubrication with precise weight bentonite mixture. 3. Reduce torsional and axial loads through the use of properly spaced rollers, well maintained swivels and creating a smooth transition between downhole exit angle and pipe strung out on top of ground readied for pullback. 4. Utilize Ballasting to control the weight of the pipe by achieving negative or neutral buoyancy. Contingencies for stuck pipe If above preventative methods fail and the pipe become seized in the borehole we invoke Best Available Control Technology (BACT). One of the methods involves specific techniques in conjunction with ballasting, which is controlled loading with water. Past experience has shown us that if the leading end of the pipe remains too heavy during ballasting, air can be supplied to this area of pipe, displacing water back toward the middle, and in some circumstances freeing up the point of greatest friction. If the drilling rig is unable to supply the initial thrust to release the seized pipe, side booms and or track-hoes can supply thrusting pressure from the exit side in order to start momentum. Michels drilling rigs have the potential to supply up to 1,200,000 pounds of thrust and pulling-force, add additional equipment and there is not much that cannot be dislodged. HDD Contingency Plan 3 of 13 3/11/2011 Rivers/Roads/Streams/Beach Approach © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2011 Page 163 If percussion assistance is determined to be necessary to supply the energy required to complete the pullback operation, Michels is capable of performing this operation utilizing a GrundoRam percussion hammer supplied by TT-Technologies. The work area needed for invoking hammer assist procedures is located on the pipe pullback side of the crossing. This will encompass an area of 40-feet long x 20-feet wide for staging of the “Taurus” GrundoRam percussion hammer and assist equipment. This pipe-ramming machine has a thrust of up to 2,000 tones and a ramming speed of 180-strokes/minute. A GrundoRam and 1600 CFM air compressor will be made available by Michels on-site. Additional sources for spare parts and accessories should also be identified. (See Attachment Grundo-Ram Percussion) A specially manufactured reinforced push ring is positioned at the back end of the product line so that equal transmission of percussion energy can be transmitted down the product pipe, and to protect the steel pipe end while in contact with the GrundoRam “Taurus”. The persistent exertion of energy along the descending steel pipeline aids in aggressively sliding the pipe through suspect areas of unconsolidated formation or through areas of cave-in. Although this is not a regular occurrence due to mitigative measures taken prior to installation, Michels has successfully completed this unique form of pipeline pullback assist periodically over the past 10-years and has built a solid reputation as an innovator in this field. Not only can force be applied from the drill-rig side but additional force can be applied from the pipe installation side for large diameter installations through the use of a Herrenknect pipe thruster for land to land crossings. This alternative source of power supplied from the opposite end can dramatically assist large diameter pipe pullback during significant changes in the effective weight of the pipe during pullback (buoyancy) caused by either losing circulation or re-establishing circulation unexpectedly therefore causing drastic changes in the buoyancy of the pipe. This method also reduces the risk for damage to pipe coating during pullback by reducing the tensile force needed to pull back the pipe. If a large diameter pipe becomes stuck after the swabbing run additional control can be established to move pipe back and forth in the event gravel, cobble and/or boulder sized materials fall in the hole. This piece of equipment can be used as an HDD Contingency Plan 4 of 13 3/11/2011 Rivers/Roads/Streams/Beach Approach © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2011 Page 164 alternative to the percussion hammer which has been used as a main contingency measure by Michels on previous HDD installation. (See Attachment Herrenknect Pipe Thruster) Possible Condition: Contingency: INCLEMENT WEATHER Key personnel monitor long range forecasts for the project areas to be affected. Various weather services (i.e. NOAA, Weather Channel etc) are monitored by computer for bad weather and potential hurricanes. Regular updates are given to Michels’ personnel to make them aware of approaching weather conditions. Evacuation routes will be identified and reviewed with all personnel for potential hurricanes prior to beginning work and responsibilities will be assigned. If electrical storms are projected to affect a drill site, approaching storms will be monitored by radar and radio and communication will be maintained between Project Manager and personnel. Electrical storms can potentially cause serious problems for a drilling operation. The Drill Superintendent must use his discretion as to the appropriate safe action to be taken for the safety of the crew and entire drilling operation. Proper grounding must be maintained throughout a drilling operation. A safe area on the site will also be designated for response to an approaching tornado. Stream gages will also be identified and monitor for potential flooding conditions. Possible Condition: Contingency: NOISE Noise reduction can be accomplished using several methods. To begin with, a site reconnaissance or noise modeling must be completed by the Owner to determine what decibel (dB) level will be allowable at the affected locations. Some of the Noise Control Considerations include: Redirection of sound waves or deadening just by the simple positioning of drilling equipment and strategic location of frac-tanks. This option generally has little affect upon cost and may cause minor inconveniences for the drilling operation. HDD Contingency Plan 5 of 13 3/11/2011 Rivers/Roads/Streams/Beach Approach © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2011 Page 165 Another option is to utilize hospital/industrial grade mufflers to deaden sound as it leaves engines of motorized equipment. This could impede maximum operating output from equipment and also slow down the drilling operation. More costly forms of Sound Control include; Building walls made of hay bales, sound curtain matting or plywood, or, building sound deadening enclosures constructed of wood. Possible Condition: Contingency: DAMAGE TO EXISTING UTILITIES Preventative measures include proper notification of local utilities through area one-call programs or site investigation and recording of area markers, manholes and valves. Pot-holing existing utilities is the most reliable method of exact utility location Damage to existing utilities or structures may occur during drilling or reaming operations. Occasionally unknown or unmarked utilities may be hit during drilling or reaming operations. If this circumstance does occur the type of utility is first identified so that severity of response can be identified. Emergency personnel for the identified utility are then notified. Pertinent personnel for the Owner and/or Owner Representatives are then notified, following the chain of command. Decisions are then made as to appropriate action to be taken. Possible Condition: Contingency: ENCOUNTERING SUBSURFACE OBSTRUCTION Occasionally an unknown subsurface obstruction is encountered during drilling operations such as; 1) buried tanks, 2) Building foundations/piers/pilings, 3) buried junk/cars. If this situation occurs, the location of the object is first identified in relation to the drill path. If the current R.O.W. is ample and soils provide adequate steering capabilities, the drill head is pulled back to a pre-calculated point along the previously drilled path and the drill bit is rotated and steered around the obstruction. The chance of encountering an obstruction during reaming operations is highly unlikely. But, if this should occur, the magnitude of the obstruction must first be evaluated. If the obstruction is HDD Contingency Plan 6 of 13 3/11/2011 Rivers/Roads/Streams/Beach Approach © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2011 Page 166 determined to be impassible, operations will be halted until an agreeable solution can be determined. Possible Condition: Contingency: RUNNING SANDS It is possible that loose cohesionless soils, such as running sands, may not support the drilled annular space over a long directional drill length. Although this circumstance sounds serious, it may not prevent the installation of a pipeline. Mechanical agitation of the formation by the downhole tool and trailing drill string, combined with the injection of bentonite drilling fluid causes the soils to experience a decrease in shear strength. When the resulting shear strength is low enough, the soil will react in a fluid-like manner thus, allowing the pipeline to be pulled through it. It would be highly unusual for soil strata to be of the same consistency from drill entry to drill exit, especially at the various depths encountered during pilot hole drilling. Prior to drilling, only general soil information is known for estimating and hypothesizing. The type of drilling fluid providing the best performance capabilities for the conditions is chosen based upon this information. Adjustments are then made in the field correlating to specific soil properties in order to improve performance. Possible Condition: Contingency: PIPELINE MISALIGNMENT Today’s technology in the directional drilling industry provides state of the art instrumentation and tracking capabilities. The directional drill alignment is accurately known to within ± 0.01° or, ± 1.4 feet per 1,000 feet in both profile and plan view. The addition of Para Tracker as a secondary form of verification and validation for plan view orientation, left and right of center line, provides precise information which is updated regularly during drilling operations. The most frequent cause of misalignment is the inability to steer in transitional zones near the exit location. These soils may include varying degrees of overburden or formations allowing unpredictable degrees of penetration. The orientation or angle of these zones from horizontal may deflect the drill bit having a direct affect upon steering capabilities. HDD Contingency Plan 7 of 13 3/11/2011 Rivers/Roads/Streams/Beach Approach © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2011 Page 167 In any case, the steering probe maintains its tracking capabilities and allows the Survey Technician continuous feedback for locating the drill string in a three dimensional plane. Any deviation from the targeted exit is known and can be compensated for. If the target area is not large enough to accommodate the deviation, the drill string can be pulled back to a calculated point and be redirected toward the proposed exit location. Possible Condition: Contingency: PRESSURE CONTROL An important function of the drilling fluid is to prevent the uncontrolled entry into the hole of fluids from the formation penetrated by the bit. The pressure exerted by the column of drilling fluid (hydrostatic head) must be somewhat greater than the pressure exerted by the formation fluids to allow raising the drill string without any problems. Following are some mitigative measures taken to counteract pressures. 1. Avoid swabbing drill string (plunging the drill string back and forth with great force) 2. Keep the hole full of drill mud while pulling the drill pipe, especially when hydrostatic head is not much greater than formation pressure. At any given depth, the hydrostatic pressure (in psi) of the mud column is equal to mud density (in lb/gal) times depth (in feet) times 0.052 Psi (hydrostatic = lb/gal x feet (density) (depth) x 0.052 pressure) Possible Condition: Contingency: HOLE COLLAPSE Most drillable formations, whether consolidated or unconsolidated, have some form of cohesive properties allowing drilling fluid to interact and add to its bonding properties, thus avoiding hole collapse. Some soils, such as large gravel zones or cobble areas may not be capable of holding a hole. If this type of formation exists in the overburden soil (upper strata), a steel casing pipe may be washed over the drill stem into competent soil and left in place during operations. Drilling and reaming operations will then resume utilizing this conduit as a HDD Contingency Plan 8 of 13 3/11/2011 Rivers/Roads/Streams/Beach Approach © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2011 Page 168 means of carrying drill cuttings back up-hole without obstruction. If this type of formation exists throughout the borehole, it should be known and researched prior to drilling so that an alternate route may be researched. The route that provides the best chance for success should be the route chosen. If a competent drilling contractor properly investigates a route, the chance for a hole collapse is greatly reduced. Possible Condition: Contingency: PIPELINE COLLAPSE Pipeline collapse during pulling operations is a rare occurrence caused by certain factors, which must be considered before pullback begins. Some of the main factors, which must be considered during pre-planning stages or prior to pipeline pullback operations, include: 1. Pre-engineered profile must reflect the minimum radius of curvature calculated for the given pipe (wall thickness, pipe size, tensile strength, X-rating) 2. Drilled profile should not exceed pipe tolerance throughout the drilled borehole. 3. Experienced directional drilling Survey Technician verifies three joint radii calculations for maximum degree of bend per 30-foot joint. 4. Industry standard safety factor should be included in the profile and calculations taking into account unknowns. 5. Exit and entry angles must be within specified tolerances so that support equipment capabilities are not exceeded in order to provide the pipeline a smooth, uninhibited transition into the opened hole. 6. Calculations performed for anticipated stresses the pipe will be subjected to during pullback (i.e. Pull loads, tensile, unconstrained buckle, hoop stress.) This way upper stress limits will be known. 7. Proper ballasting of product line through controlled loading of water to the leading end of pipeline. This procedure also provides internal pressure to the product line as a counter balance to external pressures. If water is added to the opened end of HDD Contingency Plan 9 of 13 3/11/2011 Rivers/Roads/Streams/Beach Approach © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2011 Page 169 the product line and allowed to flow down toward the leading end during pullback, a vacuum may occur creating undue stress on the product line which would increase the possibility of implosion or collapse. Therefore, a conduit is positioned to carry water through the interior of the product pipe dispersing water at the leading end of the pipe filling it from the lowest portion (elevation) toward the highest elevation. Volume calculations are maintained to ensure only the lowest portion of the pipe is maintained full of water. The appointment of highly competent personnel experienced in pipeline pullback procedures is a must. There is no substitute for experience. Experienced personnel should be placed at critical positions at both the drill entry and exit locations. HDD Contingency Plan 10 of 13 3/11/2011 Rivers/Roads/Streams/Beach Approach © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2011 Page 170 ATTACHMENT GRUNDO RAM PNEUMATIC PIPE RAMMER HDD Contingency Plan 3/11/2011 Rivers/Roads/Streams/Beach Approach © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2011 Page 171 Conductor Barrel'M A surestartfor yourboreevenin the worstsoil. .Ram casingsthroughdifficultsoil conditionsto moredesirabledrill startingpoints. .Guide down-holeor mudmotorsto rocky soilsthroughthe conductorbarrel.Provides friction-freesectionfor product pullback. Pullback Assist Overcome hydrolock witha piperammer. .Rammer attachedto productpipeduring pullback. .Percussiveactionkeepspipemovingand helpspreventhighlevelsof pullback stress. .Percussive powerfrees immobilized productpipes. Pipe Removal Removestuckproductpipe and bore again. .Rammer attached to product pipe after pullback fails. .Percussive action pulls product pipe, removing it from the bore. .Salvage the job and bore again. Drill Stem Recovery Retrieve stuckdrill stems. .Pipe Rammerfitted with a specialsleeve. .Stuck drill stemweldedto the backof the rammersleeve. .Percussive powerfreesdrill stem,saving time andmoney. Page 172 I "' II p OIJle,I"\ \ lJlit~o(j.t \Ci/f!itg! . . ... Who would have thought that there would be an international requirement for a GRUNOORAM hammer -larger than the GOLIA TH 450 mm (18} machine? International demand has made the new TAURUS 600 mm (24') a must. Thanks to its dimensions and thrust of up to 2,000 tons (4,480 Ibs) the TAURUS is the largest steel pipe ramming machine that exists. Steel pipes up to 2, 000 mm (80') can now be installed with this powerful machine when installing casing or product pipes for the water, sewage, telephone, electricityand gas industries or railway authorities. When other ramming equipment has reached its power limit the TAURUS offers that extra power to get that pipe into the ground. It is designed of a monoblock main casing made from a high quality alloy with a unique flexible control stud for perfect impact transmission onto the steel pipe. This makes it a reliable and lasting boring unit even in difficult soil conditions or over long stretches of steel pipe installation. A GRUNOORAM's number of strokes has a direct influence on the forward ramming speed. However, high ground Page 173 22 TAURUS ! 24" AirWeight Length 0oframmer consumption. 12 ft 10,580Ibs .1.766 ft3/min Strokes Suitable Thrust per for min. pipes. 180 . 4,400 Ibs >380 A T AURUS pipeline I resistance and friction require / a low stroke frequency with a higher single impact. The GRUNDORAMmodel TAURUS with 180 strokes/min and more than 2,000 tons (4,480 Ibs) of dynamic thrust ensures high ramming speeds even under the most difficult conditions. used on a gas installation. to resist the highest stress in diffi cult soils thanks to its monoblock casing and flexible control stud. The development of the new TAURUS is the result of years of R & D in the field of trenchless pipe laying systems. Page 174 23 Page 175 i Ir.- HF: I . .-.-1 rlr.? ATTACHMENT HERRENKNECT PIPE THRUSTER HDD Contingency Plan 3/11/2011 Rivers/Roads/Streams/Beach Approach © Copyright, Michels Directional Crossings, a Division of Michels Corporation, 2011 Page 177 TECHNICAL DATA SHEET PIPE THRUSTER Additional Power for Pipe Pullback. The newly developed Herrenknecht Pipe Thruster is an auxiliary device for Horizontal Directional Drilling Technology and extends its field of application. The Thruster is mounted at the exit point and helps to push the entire pipeline into the ground. It is particularly suited for extremely long pipelines, very large diameters or difficult geological conditions. Depending on the project the Pipe Thruster can be used as a support tool, a rescue tool or as a pipe installation tool. After finishing the pilot hole and the reaming procedures using a HDD Rig the Pipe Thruster assists during the pipe pull. The Pipe Thruster is mounted at the exit point and pushs the product pipe into the enlarged hole while the Rig is pulling the pipe. This simultaneuos process will reduce the stresses on the drillpipe and the product pipe. Beside improved safety the Pipe Thruster allows drill lengths of more than 3,000m and makes the use of big pipe diameters more common. Herrenknecht AG D-77963 Schwanau Tel +49 7824 302 0 Fax +49 7824 302 364 Page 178 TECHNICAL DATA SHEET PIPE THRUSTER Innovative Solution: The Pipe Thruster Range of Application ❚ Support of the HDD process during pipe pullback. ❚ Sea Outfall projects: ashore thrusting of the product pipeline. ❚ Rescue Tool for the recovery of stucked pipelines, e.g. in difficult geological conditions. Advantages of the Method ❚ The deployment of the Pipe Thruster allows to add a push force from the exit point to the pull force of the HDD Rig. ❚ The flexible load distribution at the entry and exit point increases safety during the trenchless installation of pipelines considerably. ❚ Reduced stress for drill pipes and rigsite equipment during pipe pullback. ❚ Increase of drill lengths to more than 3,000m and more frequent use of large 48“ product pipe diameters. Advantages of the Herrenknecht Pipe Thruster ❚ The Herrenknecht Pipe Thruster can be used for all pipe diameters ranging between 20“ and 48“ by just changing the clamping inserts. ❚ Due to a tilting clamping device the Pipe Thruster can even be installed when the pipeline pullback is already in progress. ❚ The clamping device is suitable for all types of pipelines and coatings. ❚ The modular design does not require special cargo transports. Technical Data Power Unit Pipe Thruster ❚ Operating angle: 5° - 15° ❚ Dimensions: 20ft container ❚ Push and pull force (normal): 250t (2,500kN) ❚ Installed power: 400kW ❚ Push and pull force (maximum): 500t (5,000kN) ❚ Weight: 10t ❚ Min. clamp diameter: 20“ (508mm) ❚ Remote control and hydraulic hoses to the Pipe Thruster are included. ❚ Max. clamp diameter: 48“ (1,219mm) ❚ Max. speed: 5m/min. ❚ Stroke of push/pull cylinder: 5,000mm ❚ Dimensions: 9 x 4.1 x 4.4m ❚ Weight: 45t Page 179 HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILL CONTINGENCY PLAN Dakota Access, LLC Dakota Access Pipeline Project (DAPL) 1.0 INTRODUCTION Portions of the proposed DAPL Project will be installed using horizontal directional drilling (HDD) technology. This baseline directional drill contingency plan provides specific procedures and steps to detect and respond to any inadvertent release of drilling fluids for the above-described canal crossings. A site specific HDD contingency plan may be provided by the contractor selected to perform the HDD, that plan would meet or exceed the standards established in this document. Elements of this plan include: • Preparation; • Monitoring Procedures; • Notification Procedures; • Corrective Action and Cleanup; and • Abandonment. 2.0 PREPARATION An Environmental Inspector will be employed throughout construction and restoration of this Project. All work will be performed in compliance with environmental permits, laws, and regulations. The Pipeline Construction Contractor – supervisory personnel will be provided environmental training prior to commencing work, and the Contractors will be provided a Project specific Environmental Clearance Package including copies of all environmental permits secured for the Project in advance of commencing activities. Best management practices employed during this Project include the use of erosion control devices and turbidity control measures to protect sensitive resources (e.g. wetlands and waterbodies). Furthermore, containment equipment including earthmoving equipment, portable pumps, hand tools, sand, hay bales, silt fencing, turbidity screens, and/or lumber will be readily available at the project site in the event of a fracout and vacuum truck will be employed as necessary. 3.0 MONITORING PROCEDURES The Drilling Contractor personnel will monitor operations during drilling activities. Monitoring will include: • Inspection along the drill path, including surface waters along the path for evidence of a release. • Continuous examination of drilling fluid pressures and return flows. • The Drilling Contractor will provide information regarding drilling conditions to the company representative and the Pipeline Construction Contractor during the course of drilling activities. • Monitoring will be documented by the Pipeline Construction Contractor. Page 1 of 3 4.0 NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES If an inadvertent release is discovered, steps will be taken by Drilling Contractor to contain the release as described below in the Corrective Action and Cleanup Section below (Section 5.0). If monitoring indicates an in-stream or wetland release has occurred, the Drilling Contractor will immediately notify DAPL’s construction management and environmental management personnel. The Drilling Contractor’s crew will take immediate corrective action to contain the release and to prevent or minimize impacts. DAPL will notify the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and County Environmental Department as soon as possible (within 24 hours), and provide details of the nature of the release and corrective actions being taken, completed, and/or planned. DAPL will work with the respective agencies regarding additional measures that may be warranted. If it is determined that the release cannot be remedied without causing additional negative environmental impacts, DAPL will request that drilling operations continue. 5.0 CORRECTIVE ACTION AND CLEANUP By monitoring drilling operations continuously, DAPL intends to correct problems before they occur. However, if a release does occur, the following measures will be implemented to stop or minimize the release and to clean it up:  The Drilling Contractor will decide what modifications to make to the drilling technique or composition of drilling fluid (i.e., thickening of fluid by increasing bentonite content) to reduce or stop minor losses of drilling fluid.  If a minor bore path void is encountered during drilling, making a slight change in the direction of the bore path may avoid loss of circulation.  If the borehead becomes lodged resulting in loss of drilling pressure, the borehole may be sized by moving the borehead back and forth to dislodge the stuck materials.  If public health and safety are threatened, drilling fluid circulation pumps will be turned off. This measure will be taken as a last resort because of the potential for drill-hole collapse resulting from loss of down-hole pressure. Land Release:  If a land release is detected, the drilling crew will take immediate corrective action to contain the release and to prevent or minimize migration off site.  Steps will be taken (such as installing berms, silt fence and/or hay bales) to prevent silt-laden water from flowing into protected resources.  The contractor will construct pits and/or berms around the frac-out point to contain inadvertent releases onto the ground.  Vacuum trucks may be called in as necessary to assist in the removal of released material.  If the amount of an on-land release does not allow practical collection, the affected area will be diluted with fresh water and allowed to dry.  If hand tools cannot contain a small on-land release, small collection sumps (less than 5 cubic yards) may be constructed to pump the release material into the mudprocessing system. Page 2 of 3  Once the release is contained and materials are removed, it will be disposed of properly. Wetland or Waterbody Release:  If a release occurs within a waterbody, USACE will be contacted as soon as possible (within 24 hours) by DAPL. DAPL will inform USACE about any threat to public health and safety and explain whether or not the release can be corrected without incurring additional environment impact. If necessary, drilling operations will be reduced or suspended to assess the extent of the release and to implement corrective actions.  Temporary dams (e.g. sand bags) may be installed to isolate the fluid from a frac-within a protected feature.  Vacuum trucks will be called in as necessary to assist in timely, effective removal of released drilling mud.  Once the release is contained and materials are removed, it will be properly disposed of. 6.0 ABANDONMENT If corrective actions do not prevent or control releases from occurring into a protected feature, DAPL may opt to re-drill the hole along a different alignment within their easement rights or suspend the installation altogether. Other issues may require abandoning the hole, such as refusal or misalignment. In any case, the following procedures will be implemented to abandon the drill hole:  The method for sealing the abandoned drill hole is to pump thickened drilling fluid into the hole as the drill assembly is extracted and using cement grout to make a cap.  Closer to the surface (within approximately 10 feet of the surface), a soil cap will be installed by filling with soil extracted during construction of the pit and berms.  The borehole entry location will be graded and seeded by the contractor to its original grade and condition after the drill hole has been abandoned. Page 3 of 3 APPENDIX Right-of-Way Configurations and Typical Construction Details gg_Zld I ='ddv =3'Ivos I ?vl/Ql/SO =31va I 13 3A8 (II-DIOEIHO tl/Ql/SO arms mea OOLQSQO loaroad Tl?:l 0NV'ldn 3m Noudmosga *9 3m 7cm 303 GEIHSSI aw H/9l/6 Mal/Ga 303 2333 ?vl/Zl/Zl a 303 838 NOdn 03134938933 _-lO H. .d30 CD MOEI Fla-u. 533 BL .09 MOEI MOEI 'W?l3d M08 .09 .09 .17 I 'llOSclOl Q) SV 030 .LH9I3MEI31N009 M08 30 3903 M08 30 3903 NOTES: 6) DEPTH OF TOPSOIL EDGE OF CONSTRUCTION ROW D: 9 SIDEBOOM SIDEBOOM WITH 'g WITH COUNTERWEIGHT n: COUNTERWEIGHT RETRACTED EXTENDED TOPSOIL DITCH STORAGE SPOIL 0 AS STORAGE APPLICABLE LIJ TOPSOIL [Fir?4?7 6 50, TEMP. ROW WIDTH PERM. ROW WIDTH TEMP. ROW WIDTH 50? 75? SPOIL SIDE WORKING SIDE 12 5? CONST. ROW WIDTH SEGREGATED BASED UPON CONDITIONS. 12/12/1111111 1SSUED 1011 MW TYPICAL RIGHT-OF-WAY CONFIGURATION 12/12/14 RER ISSUED FOR REVIEW A 9/16/14 MR ISSUED FOR REVIEW DATE BY UPLAND DITCH LINE AND SPOIL SIDE TOPSOIL SEGREGATION PROJECT NO. 10395700 DRAWN BY: MR IDATE: 09/15/14 IDWG. No. REV. CHECKED BY: RL IDATE: 09/15/14 I SCALE: N.T.S. IAPP.: I 0 793 I "ddV I I ?vl/6l/60 am I HVO 3A8 03M03H0 I tl/Ql/SO 3A8 NMWG .LN39EI3W3 0019620 A0 31V0 M3IA3EI 803 tl/Sl/G 803 333 ?vl/Zl/Zl a 803 333 ?vl/Zl/Zl Olle3dS-3lIS 03SV8 0334038938 Hld30 (D M08 ONIMEIOM MOEI 'dW3l MOEI .09 M08 h. 0313\13133 030N3.LX3 .LHOI3MEI31NO0C) MOEI 30 3003 ?09 ?fe?H 0) SV MOEI 30 3903 ='ddv ?vl/Ql/BO am I HVCI 3A8 03M03H0 3A8 NMWG 0 I tl/Ql/SO 0019620 03133803 GNV AH M3IA33 303 tl/Sl/G Mal/G3 303 333 ?vl/Zl/Zl a M3IA33 303 333 ?vl/Zl/Zl MOEI NOdn CD ONIMEIOM ?98 .99 M08 MOEI 'WEl3d .09 M08 ..-- 030N3.LX3 M08 30 3003 8V 'llOSd O.L MOEI 30 3003 gg_Zld I ='ddv =3'Ivos I ?vl/Ql/SO =31va I 13 3A8 (II-DIOEIHO tl/Ql/SO arms mea OOLQSQO loaroad Tl?:l 0NV'ldn 3m Noudmosga *9 3m 7cm 303 GEIHSSI aw H/9l/6 Mal/Ga 303 2333 ?vl/Zl/Zl a 303 838 NOdn 03134938933 _-lO H. .d30 CD MOEI Fla-u. 533 BL .09 MOEI MOEI 'W?l3d M08 .09 .09 .17 I 'llOSclOl Q) SV 030 .LH9I3MEI31N009 M08 30 3903 M08 30 3903 NOTES: 6) DEPTH OF TOPSOIL EDGE OF CONSTRUCTION ROW D: 9 SIDEBOOM SIDEBOOM WITH 'g WITH COUNTERWEIGHT n: COUNTERWEIGHT RETRACTED EXTENDED TOPSOIL DITCH STORAGE SPOIL 0 AS STORAGE APPLICABLE LIJ TOPSOIL [Fir?4?7 6 50, TEMP. ROW WIDTH PERM. ROW WIDTH TEMP. ROW WIDTH 50? 75? SPOIL SIDE WORKING SIDE 12 5? CONST. ROW WIDTH SEGREGATED BASED UPON CONDITIONS. 12/12/1111111 1SSUED 1011 MW TYPICAL RIGHT-OF-WAY CONFIGURATION 12/12/14 RER ISSUED FOR REVIEW A 9/16/14 MR ISSUED FOR REVIEW DATE BY UPLAND DITCH LINE AND SPOIL SIDE TOPSOIL SEGREGATION PROJECT NO. 10395700 DRAWN BY: MR IDATE: 09/15/14 IDWG. No. REV. CHECKED BY: RL IDATE: 09/15/14 I SCALE: N.T.S. IAPP.: I 0 793 I "ddV I I ?vl/6l/60 am I HVO 3A8 03M03H0 I tl/Ql/SO 3A8 NMWG .LN39EI3W3 0019620 A0 31V0 M3IA3EI 803 tl/Sl/G 803 333 ?vl/Zl/Zl a 803 333 ?vl/Zl/Zl Olle3dS-3lIS 03SV8 0334038938 Hld30 (D M08 ONIMEIOM MOEI 'dW3l MOEI .09 M08 h. 0313\13133 030N3.LX3 .LHOI3MEI31NO0C) MOEI 30 3003 ?09 ?fe?H 0) SV MOEI 30 3903 ='ddv ?vl/Ql/BO am I HVCI 3A8 03M03H0 3A8 NMWG 0 I tl/Ql/SO 0019620 03133803 GNV AH M3IA33 303 tl/Sl/G Mal/G3 303 333 ?vl/Zl/Zl a M3IA33 303 333 ?vl/Zl/Zl MOEI NOdn CD ONIMEIOM ?98 .99 M08 MOEI 'WEl3d .09 M08 ..-- 030N3.LX3 M08 30 3003 8V 'llOSd O.L MOEI 30 3003 APPENDIX Geotechnical Report Horizontal Directional Drill Design Services Dakota Access Pipeline Project Lake Oahe HDD Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota for Dakota Access, LLC August 28, 2015 Horizontal Directional Drill Design Services Dakota Access Pipeline Project Lake Oahe HDD Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota for Dakota Access, LLC August 28, 2015 3050 South Delaware Avenue Springfield, Missouri 65804 417.831.9700 Horizontal Directional Drill Design Services Dakota Access Pipeline Project Lake Oahe HDD Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota File No. 18782-011-01 August 28, 2015 Prepared for: Dakota Access, LLC 711 Louisiana Street, Suite 900 Houston, Texas 77002 Attention: Mike Futch Prepared by: GeoEngineers, Inc. 3050 South Delaware Avenue Springfield, Missouri 65804 417 .831.9700 Sarkar M. Sayem, EIT SMS:MAM:JLR:kjb Disclaimer: Any electronic form, facsimile or hard copy of the original document (email , text, table, and/or figure) , if provided, and any attachments are only a copy of the original document. The original document is stored by Geo Engineers, Inc. and will serve as the official document of record. GEoENGINEERS CJ Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................ES-1 1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1. Basis of Design ............................................................................................................................. 1 2.0 HDD CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................................... 2 2.1. General .......................................................................................................................................... 2 2.2. Construction Recommendations ................................................................................................. 2 3.0 HDD CONSTRUCTION RISKS AND CONSIDERATIONS ..................................................................... 3 3.1. Construction Risks ........................................................................................................................ 3 3.1.1. Inadvertent Drilling Fluid Returns Evaluation .................................................................. 4 3.1.2. Results of Hydraulic Fracture Evaluation ......................................................................... 5 3.1.3. Drill Hole Stability .............................................................................................................. 7 3.1.4. Hole Flushing ..................................................................................................................... 7 3.2. Construction Considerations ........................................................................................................ 8 3.2.1. Site Access ......................................................................................................................... 8 3.2.2. Workspace Considerations ............................................................................................... 8 3.2.3. Proposed HDD Plan and Profile ........................................................................................ 8 3.2.4. Pilot Hole Considerations .................................................................................................. 9 3.2.5. Reaming and Swabbing Considerations ........................................................................ 10 3.2.6. Pullback Considerations ................................................................................................. 10 4.0 OPERATING CONDITIONS ................................................................................................................. 11 5.0 LIMITATIONS ......................................................................................................................................... 12 6.0 REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................................... 13 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Vicinity Map Figure 2. Estimated Annular Drilling Fluid and Formation Limit Pressures for Pilot Hole Intersect Figure 3. Hydraulic Fracture and Drilling Fluid Surface Release Factors of Safety for Pilot Hole Intersect Figure 4. Example Calculation for Formation Limit Pressure in Clay. Figure 5. Example Calculation for Formation Limit Pressure in Sand Figure 6. Estimated Annular Drilling Fluid and Formation Limit Pressures for 30-Inch Ream Pass Figure 7. Hydraulic Fracture and Drilling Fluid Surface Release Factors of Safety for 30-Inch Ream Pass APPENDICES Appendix A. HDD Design Drawings and Calculations Appendix B. Geotechnical Data Report Appendix C. Report Limitations and Guidelines for Use August 28, 2015 Page i File No. 18782-011-01 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report provides the Horizontal Directional Drill (HDD) design of GeoEngineers, Inc. (GeoEngineers) for the proposed Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) Lake Oahe HDD at approximate DAPL milepost (MP) 166 in Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota. This report replaces and supersedes previous HDD reports for this proposed crossing. The location of the site is shown on the Vicinity Map, Figure 1. We understand that Dakota Access, LLC (Dakota Access) is proposing to construct approximately 1,020 miles of 30-inch-diameter steel pipeline extending from Mountrail County, North Dakota through eastern South Dakota, Central Iowa, and terminating in Marion County, Illinois. The proposed Lake Oahe HDD would cross beneath Lake Oahe in Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota. The layout of the proposed HDD and approximate boring locations are shown in the attached design drawings in Appendix A. We explored subsurface conditions near the proposed HDD site from October 28 through November 4, 2014, and from April 27 through May 4, 2015 by drilling seven geotechnical borings (LO-B-1 through LO-B-7) to depths of up to approximately 235 feet below ground surface (bgs) adjacent to the alignment of the proposed HDD. In general, the subsurface conditions encountered in the borings were consistent with published geology for the area, consisting predominantly of medium stiff to hard clay with varying amount of sand, overlaid by medium dense to very dense sand with varying amounts of silt, clay and gravel. A thin layer of gravel was encountered at boring LO-B-7. Details of our subsurface exploration program are included in our geotechnical data report which is attached as Appendix B. Hydraulic fracture and drilling fluid surface release analyses were performed along the HDD profile assuming the pilot hole is completed using the intersect method, which is the method that Michels Directional Crossings (Michels) has outlined in their drill plan for this installation dated August 18, 2015. In general, the results of the analysis indicate the risk of inadvertent returns of drilling fluid to the ground surface is generally low with factors of safety greater than 2.0. Based on the information available at this time, the subsurface conditions observed in our geotechnical explorations, our detailed HDD constructability review and review of Michels’ drill plan for this installation, it is our opinion that the proposed Lake Oahe HDD is feasible. There are, however, potential risks associated with the HDD method of construction at this crossing location that will require mitigation during construction. The primary risk to this HDD is related to the elevation differential between entry and exit. The exit point is approximately 68 feet higher than the entry point which will create approximately 390 feet of “dry hole” located on the exit side of the crossing. This length of “dry hole” will increase the risk of hole instability, groundwater influx, hole flush, stuck tooling, and ground subsidence. To mitigate the risks associated with the dry hole section, we understand that Michels will install 200 feet of large-diameter casing through the loose to medium dense soils within exit tangent of the HDD profile to stabilize the soils through that portion of the dry hole. Further, we understand Michels plans to ream the remainder of the dry hole section (or uncased dry hole section) last by reaming the hole from the entry (east) side to the exit (west) side. This Executive Summary should be used only in context of the full report which it is intended. August 28, 2015 Page ES-1 File No. 18782-011-01 1.0 INTRODUCTION At the request of Dakota Access, LLC (Dakota Access) and in general accordance with our subcontract agreement (No. 07-PSA-0017) GeoEngineers, Inc. (GeoEngineers) is pleased to submit this report which provides the Horizontal Directional Drill (HDD) design for the proposed Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) Lake Oahe HDD in Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota. This report replaces and supersedes previous HDD reports for this proposed crossing.The project site is shown on the Vicinity Map, Figure 1. We understand that Dakota Access is proposing to construct approximately 1,020 miles of 30-inch-diameter steel pipeline extending from Mountrail County, North Dakota through eastern South Dakota, Central Iowa, and terminating in Marion County, Illinois. Further, we understand Dakota Access is proposing to construct approximately 151 miles of gathering line, consisting of 12.75-, 20-, 24-, and 30-inch-diameter steel pipeline in McKenzie, Mountrail, and Williams Counties, North Dakota. The proposed Lake Oahe HDD is a part of 30-inch DAPL mainline and would cross beneath Lake Oahe at approximate DAPL milepost (MP) 166 in Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota. The layout of the proposed HDD and approximate boring locations are shown in the attached design drawings included in Appendix A. We explored subsurface conditions near the proposed HDD site from October 28 through November 4, 2014, and from April 27 through May 4, 2015 by drilling seven geotechnical borings (LO-B-1 through LO-B-7) to depths of up to approximately 235 feet below ground surface (bgs) adjacent to the alignment of the proposed HDD. In general, the subsurface conditions encountered in the borings were consistent with the published geology for the area, consisting predominantly of medium stiff to hard clay with varying amount of sand, overlaid by medium dense to very dense sand with varying amounts of silt, clay and gravel. A layer of gravel was encountered at boring LO-B-7 near the entry point. Details of our subsurface exploration program are included in our geotechnical data report attached as Appendix B. We understand that Michels Directional Crossings (Michels) will be the contractor for this HDD installation. Further, following discussions with Michels and Dakota Access and their review of our geotechnical report and a previous version of this design report, Michels has developed and provided a drill plan dated August 18, 2015 which addresses mitigation of the primary risks we previously identified at this crossing. We have reviewed and this report references Michels drill plan. 1.1. Basis of Design Our HDD design has been completed in general accordance with the latest versions of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 49, Part 195, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) B31.4, and generally accepted practices within the pipeline industry. When more conservative, we analyzed the design per the gas pipeline requirement found in CFR, Title 49, Part 192, and ASME B31.8. The HDD design engineering was completed based on the parameters presented below in Table 1. August 28, 2015 Page 1 File No. 18782-011-01 TABLE 1. BASIS OF DESIGN FOR THE 30-INCH LAKE OAHE HDD Product Pipe Data Design Parameter Product Pipe Specifications 30 inches x 0.625 inches w.t.a API 5L – X70 Horizontal Crossing Length 7,500 feet Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure 1,440 psigb Maximum Operating Temperature 100 degrees F Tie-In Temperature 70 degrees F Design Factorc 0.50 Notes: a w.t. – wall thickness b psig – pounds per square inch gauge c As defined in CFR 49, Sections 192.5 and 192.111 2.0 HDD CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS 2.1. General Based on the information available at this time, the results of our subsurface exploration and laboratory testing program and our engineering analyses, it is our opinion the proposed Lake Oahe HDD is technically feasible, provided the construction requirements specified within the Dakota Access Construction Specification, Specification Number: DAPL-WGM-GN000-PRE-SPC-00001 (Construction Specification) dated April 20, 2015 and noted in the design drawings along with the mitigation measures outlined in Michels’ drill plan are incorporated into the construction process. In addition, Michels should make all reasonable attempts to utilize “best drilling practices” during all construction phases of the project. This report also provides our construction recommendations that, in our opinion will help mitigate some of the risks inherent with this project and increase the likelihood the installation will be completed successfully and on schedule. The construction recommendations for consideration by the project team are provided in Section 2.2. A detailed discussion of the construction risks and general construction considerations is provided in Section 3.0. 2.2. Construction Recommendations This section provides GeoEngineers’ construction recommendations that in our judgment should be considered by Michels to increase the likelihood the pipeline can be successfully installed without damage or significant construction difficulties and delays. Our recommendations are not meant to be exhaustive and do not relieve Michels from the responsibility of reviewing all of the information related to the proposed crossing. August 28, 2015 Page 2 File No. 18782-011-01 TABLE 2. GEOENGINEERS’ CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS General Recommendations We recommend Michels visit the site and evaluate the designated access routes to determine what improvements might be necessary and what considerations may be needed to mobilize their equipment to the site. We recommend Michels visit the workspace areas to determine the extent of preconstruction site preparation necessary for HDD activities. Pilot Hole Recommendations We recommend the secondary survey wires be placed at least as wide as the survey probe is deep plus an allowance for the vertical pilot hole tolerance. As a result, the depth of the HDD profile will require the coil to increase in width from approximately 20 feet wide near the entry and exit locations to a minimum of approximately 140 feet wide through portions of the drill profile. After surveying the secondary survey wire, Michels’ pilot hole surveyor should report any lack of closure that may indicate incorrectly located entry and/or exit points or any other potential discrepancy with the design information provided on the design drawing. We recommend Michels review the project plans and workspace limitations to determine the most appropriate configuration for the secondary survey system. Depending on the lake elevation at the time of construction, it may be difficult to accurately place and survey the secondary survey coil wire along much of the HDD alignment. Since Michels may use a gyroscopic steering tool to survey the pilot hole, a secondary survey coil wire may not be needed. We recommend Michels’ as-built drawing be reviewed by GeoEngineers prior to storing the data in the project file. Reaming and Swabbing Recommendation We recommend Michels adjust the penetration and/or pump rates while conducting reaming operations to maintain an annular solids content of 30 percent or less. Installation Recommendations We recommend limiting the overbend radius to a minimum of 1,000 feet to reduce the risk of damaging the product pipe during pullback operations. 3.0 HDD CONSTRUCTION RISKS AND CONSIDERATIONS 3.1. Construction Risks Michels’ means and methods during construction are critical to the successful completion of the HDD. Because the subsurface conditions can vary between borings, we recommend GeoEngineers be on-site to document the drilling process in real time to mitigate risks and increase the potential for a successful installation of this HDD. The following items have been considered during design and preconstruction planning to increase the likelihood of the successful installation of this HDD: ■ The entry point is approximately 68 feet lower than the exit point creating approximately 390 feet of “dry hole” located on the exit side of the crossing. ■ We understand that the risk of hole instabilities within the dry section of the hole will be mitigated by the installation of approximately 200 feet of large-diameter casing through the loose to medium dense soils within exit tangent of the HDD profile to stabilize the soils through that portion of the dry hole. ■ We understand the risk of a potential “hole flush” of drilling fluid will be mitigated by maintaining drilling fluid returns to the entry (east) side of the crossing and swabbing the hole as necessary to prevent the August 28, 2015 Page 3 File No. 18782-011-01 buildup of cuttings downhole restricting the flow of drilling fluid to entry. The drilling fluid properties will be carefully monitored and amended as necessary to optimize the removal of cuttings from the hole. 3.1.1. Inadvertent Drilling Fluid Returns Evaluation General The procedures used to evaluate the potential for drilling fluid loss through hydraulic fracturing are based primarily on research completed by Delft Geotechnics, as discussed in Appendix B of the USACE Report CPAR-GL-98 (Staheli, et al., 1998, “Installation of Pipelines Beneath Levees Using Horizontal Directional Drilling,” United States Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station, CPAR-98-1). The methodologies used to estimate the hydraulic fracture potential outlined in the research are based on cavity expansion theory. The cavity expansion model is used to estimate the maximum effective pressure in the drill hole before plastic deformation of the drill hole occurs. Model Input Parameters In order to evaluate the hydraulic fracture and inadvertent drilling fluid returns potential for a given case, assumptions must be made when selecting the input parameters. The assumptions used in the model include the extent and uniformity of soil layers, hydrostatic water pressures, drilling fluid properties, penetration rates and pump rates. The soil strength properties are estimated based on interpretations of the boring logs and laboratory test results. The drilling fluid properties, penetration rates and pump rates are estimated based on generally accepted best management practices (BMPs) of the HDD industry. Consequently, the results of the evaluation are only estimates of the potential for hydraulic fracture and inadvertent drilling fluid returns. The soil units encountered in the vicinity of the HDD are characterized by borings LO-B-1 through LO-B-7. In general, the subsurface conditions encountered in the borings consisted predominantly of medium stiff to hard clay with varying amount of sand, overlaid by medium dense to very dense sand with varying amounts of silt, clay and gravel. A layer of gravel was encountered at boring LO B-7 near the entry point. Details of our subsurface exploration program are included in our geotechnical data report attached as Appendix B. Based on the results of the exploration program and subsequent laboratory testing program, the soil properties used in the evaluation are presented in Table 3 below. TABLE 3. ESTIMATED SOIL PROPERTIES Soil Description Unit Weight (pcfa) Friction Angle (degrees) Cohesion (psfb) Soft silt and clay 110 0 250 Stiff clay 120 0 1,250 Hard clay 125 0 3,000 to 4,000 Loose sand with silt and clayey sand 115 26 0 Medium dense silty sand 120 30 0 125 to 130 34 0 Very dense sand with variable silt and clay Notes: a pcf – pounds per cubic feet b psf – pounds per square foot August 28, 2015 Page 4 File No. 18782-011-01 In addition to the subsurface soil conditions, the drilling fluid properties influence the risk of hydraulic fracture and inadvertent returns and are dependent on the field conditions and the construction practices of the HDD contractor and “mud engineer.” Changes in these properties can significantly affect the potential for hydraulic fracture and inadvertent drilling fluid returns. The parameters used in the evaluation for the Lake Oahe HDD installation are summarized in Table 4. Michels’ drill plan indicates they will utilize a drill bit with a diameter of 12.625 inches. Because this is slightly larger than the drill bit diameter we used in our analyses, the risk of inadvertent drilling fluid returns during construction will be less than we have estimated because the larger annulus created by the larger bit reduces annular drilling fluid pressures. TABLE 4. ESTIMATED TOOL DIMENSIONS AND RHEOLOGICAL PARAMETERS Parameter Value Pilot Hole Bit Diameter 12.25 inches Drill Pipe Diameter 6.625 inches Drilling Fluid Weight 9.5 ppga Plastic Viscosity 12 CPb Yield Point 26 lb/100 sfc Notes: a ppg – pounds per gallon b CP – centipoise c lb/100 sf – pounds per 100 square feet 3.1.2. Results of Hydraulic Fracture Evaluation Based on the soil properties, rheological parameters and anticipated tool dimensions, the model considers the total and effective overburden stresses, shear strengths of the soil, and the estimated drilling fluid pressures along the drill path. A comparison is then made of the estimated drilling fluid pressures immediately behind the drill bit and the ability of the formation to resist plastic deformation. When evaluating the risk of hydraulic fracture and inadvertent drilling fluid returns, the analysis computes two types of factors of safety. These are: ■ factor of safety against localized hydraulic fracture ■ factor of safety against drilling fluid surface release Local Hydraulic Fracture: The factor of safety against hydraulic fracture is the ratio of the formation limit pressure to the estimated drilling fluid pressure along the profile, shown as the green line in Figure 3. This represents the factor of safety against hydraulic fracture of the soil immediately surrounding the HDD profile and is a localized condition. Drilling Fluid Surface Release: The factors of safety against inadvertent drilling fluid returns considers the strength of the soil column above the HDD profile that resists drilling fluid migrating to the ground surface. It is computed by comparing the formation limit pressure of the soil units above a specific point along the planned HDD alignment to the anticipated drilling fluid pressure at that same point. The factors of safety against inadvertent drilling fluid returns are shown in Figure 3 at selected points shown as red triangles. In some cases, the evaluation may indicate a high potential for, or a low factor of safety against, hydraulic August 28, 2015 Page 5 File No. 18782-011-01 fracture in the soils surrounding the drill bit; however, a higher-strength layer may be present above the weaker layer that may prevent the migration of drilling fluid toward the ground surface, thus providing a higher factor of safety against inadvertent drilling fluid returns. Table 5 below shows the relative risk associated with the estimated factors of safety against hydraulic fracture and inadvertent drilling fluid returns. TABLE 5. RELATIVE HYDRAULIC FRACTURE AND INADVERTENT DRILLING FLUID RETURNS RISK Factor of Safety Relative Risk Less than 1 Very High Between 1 and 1.5 High Between 1.5 and 2 Moderate Greater than 2 Low Our analyses were completed assuming the pilot hole would be completed using the intersect method based on the procedures outlined in Michels’ drill plan. As a result, we performed two sets of analyses to model drilling the pilot hole from entry to exit and also from exit to entry. The resulting data were then combined to represent intersecting the pilot hole at Station 35+00. The combined results of the hydraulic fracture evaluations are presented in Figures 2 and 3. The formation limit pressure, presented in Figure 2, is the ability of the soil to resist plastic deformation and is reflective of the shear strength of the soil through which the HDD profile passes. Example calculations for the formation limit pressure are provided in Figures 4 and 5. Based on the HDD design, the proposed HDD profile passes through (from entry to exit) predominately medium stiff to hard clay through the entry tangent and entry curve before entering dense to very dense sands in the bottom tangent of the profile. Approximately mid-way through the bottom tangent, the profile enters a very stiff to hard clay unit before entering units of very dense silty and clayey sand through the exit tangent of the profile. The estimated drilling fluid pressure is shown in Figure 2 as the heavy red and brown lines which represent the drilling fluid pressure required to maintain drilling fluid circulation along the HDD profile based on the anticipated drilling fluid properties shown in Table 4. The drilling fluid surface release (inadvertent returns) pressure profile is shown as the red line with red triangles in Figure 2. The risk of inadvertent drilling fluid returns surfacing along the alignment is generally low along the entire alignment with factors of safety above 2.0 as shown as the red triangles in Figure 3. This outcome is the result of the medium dense to very dense sand layers overlying the deeper clay units which act as a barrier to drilling fluid flow to the surface and the fact that a pilot hole intersect will be completed. We also evaluated the risk of inadvertent drilling fluid returns during a 30-inch-diameter reaming pass from entry to exit as shown in Figures 6 and 7. We understand Michels intends to ream the hole to a final diameter of 42 inches in a single pass from entry to exit; however, they may conduct a 30-inch ream pass prior to the 42-inch pass based on the subsurface conditions encountered during pilot hole operations and other factors. The results of the analysis indicate that the factors of safety against inadvertent returns along the HDD alignment remain above 4.0 during the 30-inch ream pass which corresponds to a very low risk of inadvertent returns. Based on Michels’ drill plan, they will use BMPs to reduce the potential for hydraulic fracture and drilling fluid surface releases. This includes, but is not limited to, the installation of 120 feet of large-diameter August 28, 2015 Page 6 File No. 18782-011-01 conductor casing along the entry tangent of the HDD profile, continuous monitoring of drilling fluid returns, maintaining drilling fluid circulation during all phases of HDD operations, swabbing the hole as necessary to help remove cuttings from the hole and reduce downhole pressures, and the use of weeper subs in the downhole drill pipe string. These measures will help to prevent the annular drilling fluid pressures from exceeding the inadvertent drilling fluid returns pressure as shown in Figure 2. 3.1.3. Drill Hole Stability In general, soil conditions encountered in the exploration borings near the proposed HDD alignment were consistent with the published geology for the area consisting predominantly of medium stiff to hard clay with varying amounts of sand, overlaid by medium dense to very dense sand with varying amounts of silt, clay and gravel. A layer of gravel was encountered at boring LO-B-7 near the entry point. The difference in elevation between the entry and exit points of the proposed HDD (approximately 68 feet) will cause the drilling fluid within the hole to come to equilibrium at the lower of the two points, resulting in a portion of the hole to be situated above the drilling fluid equilibrium elevation. This condition creates a dry section within the hole, which will increase the risk of hole collapse, groundwater influx and poor cuttings removal from the annulus during reaming operations which, in turn may lead to additional risks (ground settlement and loss of drilling fluid returns). As designed, approximately 390 feet of the exit tangent will be dry hole. The subsurface units along this section of the profile are likely to consist primarily of clayey sand with trace gravel. To mitigate the risks associated with the dry hole section, Michels will install 200 feet of large-diameter casing through the loose to medium dense soils within exit tangent of the HDD profile to stabilize the soils through that portion of the dry hole. Michels also plans to ream the remainder of the dry hole section last by reaming the hole from the entry (east) side to the exit (west) side. 3.1.4. Hole Flushing If the hole becomes obstructed with soil or cuttings generated during pilot hole or reaming operations, the drilling fluid level in the hole can begin to rise above the low end of the crossing into the normally “dry” portion of the hole. The drilling fluid will often continue to rise in the “dry” section of the hole until the hydrostatic pressures within the hole causes a breach in the obstruction and the drilling fluid level in the hole begins to equalize. This is often referred to as a “hole flush.” Depending on the diameter of the hole and the height of the drilling fluid above the low side of the crossing when the hole flushes, the volume of drilling fluid that is expelled from the hole can be significant. If Michels is not prepared to collect and contain the volume of drilling fluid generated during the hole flush, the drilling fluid can impact sensitive areas outside of the designated workspace areas. We understand Michels will take the following steps to prevent hole flushing from occurring.: ■ Employing a drilling fluid (“mud”) engineer to test the drilling fluid properties and implement methods to optimize the drilling fluid properties through the use of additives, as necessary. ■ Making attempts to restore drilling fluid returns should drilling fluid returns begin to slow. The slowing of drilling fluid returns may indicate that drilled cuttings are accumulating in the hole, restricting the flow and that fluid is beginning to back up within the “dry” portion of the hole. Proactive methods to prevent a hole flush will include the use of “weeper” subs or swabbing the hole to help entrain drilled cuttings into the drilling fluid and transport them out of the hole. August 28, 2015 Page 7 File No. 18782-011-01 ■ The use of multiple high pressure drilling fluid pumps to allow for high drilling fluid flow rates and higher annular velocities, which helps to transport drilled cuttings from the hole. 3.2. Construction Considerations 3.2.1. Site Access The proposed HDD entry workspace may be accessed via pipeline right-of-way (ROW) from Highway 1804 east of the workspace. Minor clearing and grading may be required prior to mobilizing equipment to the site. The HDD exit workspace may be accessed via pipeline ROW and an access road from Highway 1806 northwest of the workspace. Because of the topography along the pipeline ROW northwest of the exit workspace, significant grading along portions of the ROW will likely be required prior to mobilizing equipment to the site. Depending upon conditions at the time of construction, load-dispersing materials such as timber mats or quarry rock may be required to maintain stabilization of the equipment entering the locations. We recommend Michels visit the site and evaluate the designated access routes to determine what improvements might be necessary and what considerations may be needed to mobilize their equipment to the site. 3.2.2. Workspace Considerations The temporary workspace at entry includes a rectangular-shaped area measuring 200 feet wide by 250 feet in length with the entry point positioned 50 feet from the front (west side) of the workspace. The entry workspace is located in a relatively flat grassy pasture such that significant clearing and grading should not be needed prior to mobilization of equipment to the site. The temporary workspace at exit includes a rectangular-shaped area measuring 200 feet wide by 250 feet in length with the exit point positioned 75 feet from the front (east side) of the workspace. The exit workspace is located in a grassy pasture area such that only stripping of the top soil should be needed prior to mobilization of equipment to the site. The ground surface within the exit workspace is gently sloped such that minor grading may be required prior to mobilization of equipment to the site. The proposed product pipe stringing and fabrication workspace will extend 7,575 feet west of the temporary exit workspace and has a radius of 3,000 feet that curves northward as depicted in the HDD design drawings in Appendix A. The product pipe stringing and fabrication workspace is of sufficient length to string the product pipe in one continuous section during pullback operations; however, the workspace crosses three narrow drainages. Grading within the product pipe stringing area will be needed prior to the fabrication and stringing of the product pipe. We recommend that Michels visit the workspace areas to determine the extent of clearing and grading necessary to prepare the site for HDD activities and to facilitate stringing of the product pipe pull sections and handling of the pipe during pullback operations. 3.2.3. Proposed HDD Plan and Profile A plan and profile design drawing for the proposed Lake Oahe HDD is included in Appendix A. The design drawing includes the necessary geometric information required to complete the pilot hole and the site August 28, 2015 Page 8 File No. 18782-011-01 specific construction requirements. Detailed calculations for minimum allowable radius of curvature, operating stresses and installation loads and stresses are also included for reference in Appendix A. The proposed Lake Oahe HDD is 7,500 feet long as measured along the HDD centerline, with a length of approximately 7,529 feet as measured along the drill profile. The radius of curvature for the entry and exit vertical curves are 3,600 feet which is larger than the standard to provide additional tolerance while advancing the pilot hole. The HDD profile was designed to a depth to help provide adequate cover beneath the Lake Oahe and to avoid the gravelly sand units observed in borings LO-B-3 and LO-B-4. 3.2.4. Pilot Hole Considerations Pilot Hole Survey Michels should provide and maintain at all times instrumentation to document and accurately locate the pilot hole. This effort should include the use of a downhole steering tool as well as a secondary survey system (TruTrack, ParaTrack, or equivalent) or a gyroscopic steering tool. If the Michels elects to use the wire coil grids with these secondary survey systems, we recommend the secondary survey wires be placed at least as wide as the survey probe is deep plus an allowance for the pilot hole vertical tolerance. As a result, the depth of the HDD profile will require the coil to increase in width from approximately 20 feet wide near the entry and exit locations to a minimum of approximately 130 feet wide through portions of the drill profile. The placement of the coils is limited to areas where ground surface conditions, permit requirements, and agreements with landowners allow and as such, we recommend Michels review the project plans and workspace limitations to determine the most appropriate configuration for the secondary survey system. After surveying the secondary survey wire, Michels’ pilot hole surveyor should report any lack of closure that may indicate incorrectly located entry and/or exit points or any other potential discrepancy with the design information provided on the design drawing. Tolerances Based on the design geometry and proposed product pipe specifications, the minimum allowable three-joint vertical radius over any consecutive three-joint section should not be less than 2,050 feet. The three-joint radius should be calculated for each three-joint (for Range 2 drill pipe) section (approximately 90 feet) drilled during pilot hole operations. The recommended horizontal pilot hole tolerances are 10 feet left and 10 feet right of the designed alignment. The vertical pilot hole tolerances are 2 feet above and 10 feet below the designed profile. We recommend the pilot hole not be accepted if its location would result in the pipeline being installed in violation of the ROW and permit stipulations section of the contract, any federal, state or local permit requirements or required clearances between Dakota Access and foreign owned utilities and structures. For the entry and exit point tolerances please refer to the HDD design drawings in Appendix A. We recommend that, upon completion of the pilot hole, GeoEngineers have the opportunity to review the pilot hole survey data prior to the start of reaming operations. Pilot Hole As-Built We recommend Michels be required to produce and submit an as-built drawing of the pilot hole survey data within two weeks of the completion of pullback operations. This drawing should include a tabulation of the supporting as-built survey data used to generate the drawing. We recommend that Michels’ as-built drawing be reviewed by GeoEngineers prior to storing the data in the project file. August 28, 2015 Page 9 File No. 18782-011-01 3.2.5. Reaming and Swabbing Considerations Reaming We understand that Michels will ream the hole to a minimum final hole diameter of at least 42 inches and that reaming operations will be conducted from entry to exit (east to west) to allow for the dry hole section to be reamed last, thereby mitigating the risk of hole instabilities through the exit tangent of the HDD profile. Because a pilot hole intersect will be completed, Michels will have all the necessary equipment on each side of the crossing needed to accomplish this. Hole Swabbing Swabbing the hole after the completion of reaming operations is generally one of the best methods to evaluate if the hole is in a condition to receive the product pipe. Irregularities in the hole, zones of instability and areas where drill cuttings may have accumulated can often be detected during the swab pass. In the event that any of these conditions are detected, or suspected, mitigation measures can be employed prior to pullback operations to increase the likelihood of successfully installing the product pipe without damage. Mitigation measures may include additional reaming or swab passes. We understand Michels will complete at least one (1) swab pass to evaluate the condition of the hole prior to pullback operations and review the data collected during the reaming and swab passes with Dakota Access before pullback operations begin. 3.2.6. Pullback Considerations Handling of the Product Pipe The minimum allowable radius of curvature for handling and positioning the product pipe in preparation for pullback operations is 800 feet (see Appendix A for detailed calculations of the overbend radius). This radius of curvature results in a bending stress of approximately 67 percent of the Specified Minimum Yield Stress (SMYS) (47,200 pounds per square inch). We recommend the overbend radius be limited to at least 1,000 feet to reduce the risk of damaging the product pipe during pullback operations. Installation Loads For the proposed HDD, we analyzed the anticipated pull loads for the as-designed HDD geometry based upon different drilling fluid weights in the hole and with and without the use of buoyancy control inside the product pipe. The proposed 30-inch-diameter steel product pipe will be positively buoyant in the anticipated drilling fluid weights. Because of the length of this proposed crossing, we understand Michels will add water to product pipe in an effort to reduce positive buoyancy during pullback. Our analyses include a range of cases with differing drilling fluid densities in the hole during pullback and with and without the use of buoyancy control and one in which neutral buoyancy is achieved, for comparison. Installation load and stress calculation results are attached in Appendix A. The five cases analyzed are as follows: 1. The annulus contains 9.5 pounds per gallon (lb/gal) drilling fluid and the product pipe is empty. 2. The annulus contains 9.5 lb/gal drilling fluid and the product pipe is full of water. 3. The annulus contains 12 lb/gal drilling fluid and the product pipe is empty. 4. The annulus contains 12 lb/gal drilling fluid and the product pipe is full of water. 5. The annulus contains 10 lb/gal drilling fluid and the product pipe is neutrally buoyant. August 28, 2015 Page 10 File No. 18782-011-01 The following table presents a summary of the calculated installation loads for the crossing. TABLE 6. INSTALLATION LOADS FOR THE 30-INCH LAKE OAHE HDDA Drilling Fluid Weight (lb/gal) Buoyancy Condition Effective Pipe Weightb (lb/ft) Pullback Forcec (lb) 9.5 Empty -152 844,000 9.5 Full 129 690,000 12 Empty -244 1,076,000 12 Full 37 515,000 10 Neutral 0 457,000 Notes: A Assumes the as-designed HDD profile. See Appendix A for detailed calculations. b Negative values indicate upward force (positive buoyancy). c. Assumes a fully open drilled hole with no obstructions. Based on our analysis of the installation loads (see Table 6) and the fact that Michels will utilize buoyancy control within the product pipe, the pullback force during installation of the 30-inch-diameter product pipe may be as high as approximately 690,000 pounds depending on the weight of the drilling fluid in the hole at the time of pullback. The calculated safe pull force for this installation is in excess of 2,000,000 pounds such that the limiting pull force will depend on the capacity of the tooling Michels intends to utilize during pullback operations. Pneumatic Hammer Usage In some instances, a pneumatic hammer can be utilized to assist the installation of the product pipe. We understand Michels will not employ the use of a pneumatic hammer without prior approval from Dakota Access. Drilling Fluid Displacement During pullback operations, the product pipe will displace approximately 276,000 gallons of drilling fluid. Because of the geometry of the HDD profile we anticipate that much of the displaced drilling fluid will likely flow to the entry point on the east side of the crossing. 4.0 OPERATING CONDITIONS For our analysis of the operating stresses, the installation and operating temperatures utilized for the 30-inch pipeline were 70 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit, respectively. We can further evaluate different installation and operating temperatures, if necessary. Also, the operating stresses are based on a minimum allowable pilot hole radius of curvature of 2,050 feet. If the as-built minimum radius of the pilot hole is less than 2,050 feet, the operating stresses will be increased. The following table presents a summary of the operating stresses for the product pipe specifications proposed for the HDD. August 28, 2015 Page 11 File No. 18782-011-01 TABLE 7. OPERATING STRESSES FOR THE 30-INCH LAKE OAHE HDD * Stress Component Stress (psi) Percent SMYSa (%) Maximum Allowable Percent SMYSa (%) Longitudinal Bending Stress 17,900 26 - Hoop Stress 34,600 49 50b Longitudinal Tensile Stress from Hoop Stress 10,400 15 - Longitudinal Stress from Thermal Expansion -5,700 8 90c Maximum Net Longitudinal Stress 22,500 32 67c Maximum Shear Stress 23,900 34 45d Maximum Combined Effective Stress 47,800 68 90c Notes: * Operating Stresses are based on an Allowable Minimum Radius of 2,050 feet a Specified Minimum Yield Stress b. Limited by design factor from design basis c. Limited by section 402.3.2 of ASME B31.4 d. Limited by Section 402.3.1 of ASME B31.4 5.0 LIMITATIONS We have prepared this report for use by Dakota Access, LLC and their authorized agents and other approved members of the design team involved with this project. The report is not intended for use by others, and the information contained herein is not applicable to other sites. Our report, conclusions and interpretations should not be construed as a warranty of the subsurface conditions. To increase the likelihood of a successful installation, the conclusions and recommendations in this report should be applied in their entirety. Variations in subsurface conditions are possible between the explorations. Subsurface conditions may also vary with time. A contingency for unanticipated conditions should be included in the project budget and schedule for such an occurrence. We recommend that sufficient monitoring, testing and consultation be provided by GeoEngineers during construction to confirm that the conditions encountered are consistent with those indicated by the explorations, to provide recommendations for design changes should the conditions revealed during the work differ from those anticipated, and to evaluate whether earthwork and pipeline installation activities comply with contract plans and specifications. The scope of our services does not include services related to construction safety precautions. Our recommendations are not intended to direct the contractor's methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, except as specifically described in our report for consideration in developing an HDD Work Plan. Within the limitations of scope, schedule and budget, our services have been executed in accordance with generally accepted practices in this area at the time the report was prepared. No warranty or other conditions, express, written, or implied, should be understood. Any electronic form, facsimile or hard copy of the original document (email, text, table and/or figure), if provided, and any attachments are only a copy of the original document. The original document is stored by GeoEngineers, and will serve as the official document of record. August 28, 2015 Page 12 File No. 18782-011-01 Please refer to Appendix C, titled “Report Limitations and Guidelines for Use,” for additional information pertaining to use of this report. 6.0 REFERENCES From the CFR Title 49, Part 195  Code of Federal Regulations (2013), “Design Factor for Steel Pipe,” CFR Transportation, Title 49 Part 192.111  Code of Federal Regulations (2013), “Design Factor for Steel Pipe,” CFR Transportation, Title 49 Part 195.106 From ASME, Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquid Hydrocarbons and Other Liquids (B31.4)  The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2012), “Allowable Stress Values,” ASME Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquid Hydrocarbons and Other Liquids, B31.4 Part 402.3.1  The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2012), “Limits of Calculated Stresses Due to Suspended Loads and Thermal Expansion,” ASME Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquid Hydrocarbons and Other Liquids, B31.4 Part 402.3.2 From ASME, Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems (B31.8)  The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2010), “Summation of Longitudinal Stress in Restrained Pipe,” ASME Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems, B31.8 Part 833.3  The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2010), “Combined Stress for Restrained Pipe,” ASME Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems, B31.8 Part 833.4 Pipeline Research Committee International (PRCI) of the American Gas Association “Installation of Pipelines by Horizontal Directional Drilling, An Engineering Design Guide,” November, 2008. Dakota Access, LLC, Pipeline Construction Plan Document No. DAPL-WGM-GN000-PRE-SPC-00001, Project No. 10395700, Revision C, Issue Date: April 20, 2015. August 28, 2015 Page 13 File No. 18782-011-01 SEIH Ri ce re e C k Creek Badger Morton i ss tbyrd 1806 M aheLa k e O V U V U 1804 Ri ve r o nb a ll R iv er C Emmons ve r i Ri Map Revised: 21 August 2015 o ur no an n b a ll LAKE OAHE HDD n n Ca Sioux V U PROPOSED DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE ALIGNMENT (08-17-2015) Office: SPR o H Path: P:\18\18782011\01\GIS\Vicinity Maps\North Dakota\Lake Oahe HDD.mxd rs eh e a d C r e ek 24 Mercer µ Oliver Burleigh Kidder Morton North Dakota Grant Sioux DAPL Mainline Corson Logan Emmons McIntosh South Dakota Campbell Notes: 1. The locations of all features shown are approximate. 2. This drawing is for information purposes. It is intended to assist in showing features discussed in an attached document. GeoEngineers, Inc. cannot guarantee the accuracy and content of electronic files. The master file is stored by GeoEngineers, Inc. and will serve as the official record of this communication. Data Sources: ESRI Data & Maps, Street Maps 2008. Imagery from ESRI Data Online. Projection: NAD 1983, UTM Zone 14 North. 2 0 2 Miles DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE PROJECT VICINITY MAP PROPOSED 30" PIPELINE LAKE OAHE HDD MORTON AND EMMONS COUNTIES, NORTH DAKOTA Figure 1 LAKE  OAHE  HDD   1100   18782-­‐011-­‐01    RTB/AES      150819         LO-­‐B-­‐7   Entry   800   LO-­‐B-­‐6   700   1600   600   1575   500   1550   400   1525   300   1500   200   1475   100   1450   00+00   05+00   10+00   15+00   20+00   25+00   30+00   35+00   40+00   45+00   50+00   55+00   60+00   65+00   70+00   75+00   80+00   0   85+00   Sta/on   7500   Crossing  Length  (J)   12.250   Hole  Diameter  (in)   6.625   Drill  Pipe  O.D.  (in)   Drilling  Fluid  Weight  (ppg)   9.5   12   Plas   LO-­‐B-­‐7   Entry   7.0   1600   6.0   1575   5.0   1550   4.0   1525   3.0   1500   2.0   1475   1.0   1450   00+00   05+00   10+00   15+00   20+00   25+00   30+00   35+00   40+00   45+00   50+00   55+00   60+00   65+00   70+00   75+00   80+00   0.0   85+00   Sta/on   Crossing  Length  (J)   Hole  Diameter  (in)   Drill  Pipe  O.D.  (in)   7500   12.250   6.625   Ground  Surface  Eleva0 condition: € 0 P f$ = σ o $ ⋅ (1 + sin φ ) + c ⋅ cos φ 68.7 Pf" = _______ psi € FORMATION LIMIT PRESSURE CALCULATIONS FIGURE 4 1C. Calculate Qd = Qd σ o# ⋅ sin φ + c ⋅ cos φ 0.004 0 4000 psf ) ⋅ (cos_______)) 1000 = _______ 5897.2 psf ) ⋅ (sin______) 0 = ((___________ + (_________ /________ G € 1D. Calculate € µ 118.0 ft) ⋅ (62.4 pcf ) = _______ 7319.5 psf µ = H 2 ⋅ γ ω = (______ 0 1E. € Calculate Pmax € − sin φ +% Ro (2 .1+sin φ 120 Pmax = (P "f + c ⋅ cot φ ) ⋅ -' + Q − c ⋅ cot φ + u = ___________ psi * d0 & R p max ) 0 , / € € FORMATION LIMIT PRESSURE CALCULATIONS FIGURE 4 FORMATION LIMIT PRESSURE CALCULATIONS FOR LAKE OAHE HDD - ENTRY TO EXIT - STATION 17+80 - SAND Objective: Calculate the factor of safety against hydraulic fracture Conditions: See sketch -25.2 ft H1 = ____ 8 € 59.00 ft H 2 = ____ € 86.60 ft H 3 = ____ € 33.72ft H = ____ € Task 1: Calculate allowable mud pressure at 33.7 ft depth 2 Reference: "Installation of Pipelines Beneath Levees Using Horizontal Directional Drilling", US Army Corp of Engineers CPAR-GL-98-1, and Appendix C Cappozzoli Report. Task 1: Calculate formation limit pressure Pmax at 33.7 feet depth. 1A. Delft Equation to estimate the formation limit pressure: 2 − sin φ Pmax +% Ro ( 2 .1+ sin φ " = ( P f + c ⋅ cot φ ) ⋅ -' € * + Qd 0 − c ⋅ cot φ + u -,& Rp max ) 0/ where: P f$ = σ o $ ⋅ (1 + sin φ ) + c ⋅ cos φ € Qd = Ro = € σ o# ⋅ sin φ + c ⋅ cos φ G DH 0.77 = (________) ft 2 22.48 ft Rp max = (________) € 1B. Calculate Pf" € -25. σ "o = σ "v = H1 ⋅ γ m + H 2 ⋅ γ b = (_______ ft) ⋅ (______ = 2313.3 _______ psf 132.5 pcf ) + (______ 70.1 59.00 ft) ⋅ (_______)pcf 28 € For φ>0 condition: € P f$ = σ o $ ⋅ (1 + sin φ ) + c ⋅ cos φ 25.0 Pf" = _______ psi € FORMATION LIMIT PRESSURE CALCULATIONS FIGURE 5 1C. Calculate Qd = Qd σ o# ⋅ sin φ + c ⋅ cos φ 0.002 34 0 714.28 = _______ 2313.3 psf ) ⋅ (sin______) 34 = ((___________ + (_________ psf ) ⋅ (cos_______)) /________ G 57143 € 1D. Calculate € µ 59.00 ft) ⋅ (62.4 pcf ) = _______ 3636.7 psf µ = H 2 ⋅ γ ω = (______ 1E. € Calculate Pmax € − sin φ +% Ro (2 .1+sin φ 227 Pmax = (P "f + c ⋅ cot φ ) ⋅ -' + Q − c ⋅ cot φ + u = ___________ psi * d0 & R p max ) 0 , / € € FORMATION LIMIT PRESSURE CALCULATIONS FIGURE 5 LAKE  OAHE  HDD   1100   LO-­‐B-­‐2   Exit   1700   1000   18782-­‐011-­‐01    AES      150714         800   LO-­‐B-­‐6   LO-­‐B-­‐5   LO-­‐B-­‐4   Eleva/on  (2)   1625   LO-­‐B-­‐3   Lake  Oahe   1650   Entry   900   LO-­‐B-­‐7   1675   700   1600   600   1575   500   1550   400   1525   300   1500   200   1475   100   1450   00+00   05+00   10+00   15+00   20+00   25+00   30+00   35+00   40+00   45+00   50+00   55+00   60+00   65+00   70+00   75+00   80+00   0   85+00   Sta/on   7500   Crossing  Length  (G)   30.000   Hole  Diameter  (in)   6.625   Drill  Pipe  O.D.  (in)   Drilling  Fluid  Weight  (ppg)   9.5   12   PlasEc  Viscosity  (CP)   Yield  Point  (lb/100  G)   26   Ground  Surface  ElevaEon  (G)   HDD  Profile  (G)   FormaEon  Limit  Pressure  (psi)   EsEmated  Annular  Drilliing  Fluid  Pressure  (psi)  for  30-­‐inch  Ream   ESTIMATED  ANNULAR  DRILLING  FLUID  AND  FORMATION  LIMIT  PRESSURES   LAKE  OAHE  HDD   FIGURE  6   Pressure  (psi)   1725   1200   LO-­‐B-­‐1   1750   LAKE  OAHE  HDD   22.0   Exit   20.0   LO-­‐B-­‐2   1700   18.0   18782-­‐011-­‐01    AES      150714         16.0   LO-­‐B-­‐6   LO-­‐B-­‐5   LO-­‐B-­‐4   Eleva/on  (2)   1625   LO-­‐B-­‐3   Lake  Oahe   1650   LO-­‐B-­‐7   Entry   1675   14.0   1600   12.0   1575   10.0   1550   8.0   1525   6.0   1500   4.0   1475   2.0   1450   00+00   05+00   10+00   15+00   20+00   25+00   30+00   35+00   40+00   45+00   50+00   55+00   60+00   65+00   70+00   75+00   80+00   0.0   85+00   Sta/on   Crossing  Length  (G)   7500   Hole  Diameter  (in)   30.000   Drill  Pipe  O.D.  (in)   6.625   Drilling  Fluid  Weight  (ppg)   9.5   PlasEc  Viscosity  (CP)   12   Yield  Point  (lb/100  G)   26   Ground  Surface  ElevaEon  (G)   HDD  Profile  (G)   Hydraulic  Fracture  Factor  of  Safety  for  30-­‐inch  Ream   Drilling  Fluid  Surface  Release  Factor  of  Safety  for  30-­‐inch  Ream   Factor  of  Safety  =  2   HYDRAULIC  FRACTURE  AND  DRILLING  FLUID  SURFACE  RELEASE  FACTORS  OF  SAFETY   LAKE  OAHE  HDD   FIGURE  7   Factor  of  Safety   1725   24.0   LO-­‐B-­‐1   1750   APPENDIX A HDD Design Drawings and Calculations 1650 MATCH LINE (SEE SHEET 2) PROPOSED 30" HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILL - 7,500' 175' PROPOSED TEMPORARY HDD EXIT WORKSPACE LO-B-3 EDGE OF WATER (TYP.) LO-B-5 LO-B-6 1750 150' 170 200' TY COUN ONS EM M TY COUN TON 200' ND-MO-194.000 PROPOSED HDD EXIT POINT N. 16876250.75915 E. 1236590.48869 LAT. N46° 26' 14.5344" LONG. W100° 36' 08.2166" PROPOSED PRODUCT PIPE STRINGING AND FABRICATION AREA (SEE SHEET 2 FOR LAYOUT) N D-EM -0 02.9 LO-B-4 LO-B-2 ND-MO-197.000 MOR LO-B-1 LO-B-7 EXISTING PIPELINE 50' 1650 250' LAKE OAHE ND-MO-198.000 M ND-EM-002.300 16 PROPERTY LINE (TYP.) 1700 50 ND-EM-004.000 PROPOSED HDD EXIT POINT LARGE DIAMETER CASING (SEE NOTE #17) 10 15 16 13 13 52 64 50/5" 50/4" PROPOSED HDD ENTRY POINT 50/3" 70 50/5" 50/6" 50/3" CLAYEY SAND W/ OCCASIONAL GRAVEL 50/6" 67 7 5 7 8 56 70 70 50/4" 83 50/4" 84 100/15" 73 50/4" 32/3" 88 50/1" 50/6" 72 50/6" 50/4" 50/3" 50/4" SAND W/ INTERBEDDED CLAYSTONE SAND W/ CLAY 100/16" 50/6" FLUID EQUILIBRIUM ELEVATION (1638') 100/14" 100/16" 100/16" 50/6" 73/6" 50/6" 50 SAND W/ TRACE CLAY 1 2 2 2 2 4 SILTY SAND 105' 11 20 78 22 73 15 82 29 74 50 100/15" 50 18 50 26 50/6" 92' 27 50 25 50 50/4" 27 50 50/4" 50 50/5" 50 50/5" 50 50/6" 65 42 50 37 CLAY W/ SAND LO-B-2 (2% GRAVEL) LO-B-3 P:\18\18782011\01\CAD\Crossings\North Dakota\Lake Oahe\Drawings\Lake Oahe HDD_IFP.dwg\TAB:SHEET 1 modified on Aug 20, 2015 - 3:11pm DESC RIPTION STATION * (FT) ELEVATION (FT) ENTRY @ 10° 79+50.00 1637.59 P C 1 (9.90° @ 3,600 FT R.) 74+40.77 1547.80 P T1 68+21.92 1493.11 P C 2 (10.10° @ 3,600 FT R.) 20+23.34 1484.74 P T2 13+91.93 1539.42 EXIT @ 10° 4+50.00 1705.51 HORIZONTAL DISTANC E = 7,500.00 FT DIREC TIONAL DRILL PIPE LENGTH = 7,528.76 FT PILOT HOLE ENTRY ANGLE PILOT HOLE ENTRY LOCATION PILOT HOLE EXIT ANGLE PILOT HOLE EXIT LOCATION PILOT HOLE DEPTH PILOT HOLE ALIGNMENT UP TO 30 FEET BEYOND THE EXIT STAKE. BETWEEN 10 FEET LEFT AND 10 FEET RIGHT OF CENTERLINE. CLAYEY SAND GRAVEL (10% GRAVEL) 7 14 30 15 10 30 68 30 19 31 (25% GRAVEL) 50 53 CLAY W/ SAND 48 32 35 47 27 60 69 31 44 38 SANDY CLAY SAND W/ SILT 34 57 55 LO-B-4 37 38 54 (26% GRAVEL) 32 51 42 62 CLAY W/ SAND (1% GRAVEL) GRAVEL W/ SILT AND SAND (52% GRAVEL) SAND PC1 36 50 38 SILTY SAND 117' 34 44 49 SAND W/ SILT 17 SAND W/ SILT 34 -0.1° SLOPE 39 CLAY 11 26 SAND CLAY 6 23 26 36 48 TOLERANCE INCREASE ANGLE UP TO 1º (STEEPER), BUT NO DECREASE IN ANGLE ALLOWED. WITHIN 5 FEET OF ENTRY POINT AS SHOWN ON DRAWING. WITH NO CHANGES WITHOUT COMPANY APPROVAL. INCREASE ANGLE UP TO 1º (STEEPER) OR DECREASE UP TO 2º (FLATTER). SILTY SAND (7% GRAVEL) 25 58 2 4 6 4 7 11 14 26 16 CLAY W/ SAND 25 18 CLAY W/ SAND SANDY SILT W/ CLAY 17 16 35 46 RECOMMENDED TOLERANCES SILTY SAND 19 (32% GRAVEL) 49 ITEM CLAY 8 37 SAND W/ CLAY AND TRACE GRAVEL 43 44 PROPOSED 30" HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILL PROFILE (REFER TO BASIS OF DESIGN NOTES) 2 1 3 5 20 6 5 28 13 20 39 LO-B-1 DIREC TIONAL DRILL DATA 9 41 PC2 CLAY W/ SILT 14 SAND W/ SILT AND TRACE FINE GRAVEL 26 3,600 FT R. 50 100/15" LAKE OAHE HDD SANDY CLAY W/ OCCASIONAL FINE SANDY SILT CLAY SANDY SILT 14 (4% GRAVEL) 26 50/5" 100/15" SILTY SAND 26 100/15" CLAY CLAY 22 PT2 100/15" 50/5" 1 1 2 3 2 3 3 10 11 2 50 74 78 10° SILTY SAND GROUND SURFACE (SURVEY) 99 50/3" 100/16" 63 LARGE DIAMETER CASING (SEE NOTE #17) LAKE OAHE (APPROX. WATER LEVEL) SAND W/ SILT 45 SAND W/ SILT AND LIGNITE LENSES SILTY SAND PT1 SAND W/ SILT AND FINE GRAVEL (38% GRAVEL) 3,600 FT R. 7 6 9 5 6 10 13 13 11 11 8 42 20 10 20 13 11 44 18 39 28 26 31 40 58 33 31 39 48 54 67 LO-B-7 LO-B-6 CLAY AND SAND LO-B-5 LEGEND SPT (N) TYPE OF SOIL (% GRAVEL) BORING LOCATION MAJOR CONTOUR - 50' INTERVAL MINOR CONTOUR - 10' INTERVAL UP TO 2 FEET ABOVE THE DESIGN DRILL PROFILE ALLOWED. UP TO 10 FEET BELOW THE DESIGN DRILL PROFILE ALLOWED. SHALL REMAIN WITHIN 10 FEET LEFT OR RIGHT OF THE HDD ALIGNMENT. © ISSUED FOR PERMIT P 16 7. 0 170 0 DATUM: HORIZONTAL: NAD83 with UTM Datum, Zone 14, US Foot; Central Meridian 99° W VERTICAL: NAVD 88 10° ND-EM-003.000 ND-EM-002.000 ND-MO-199.900 SILTY SAND 0 PROPOSED DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE ALIGNMENT (08-17-2015) 00 150' MP 166.0 50 16 PROPOSED TEMPORARY HDD ENTRY WORKSPACE MP 166.5 250' Y 1804 00 PROPOSED HDD ENTRY POINT N. 16877035.65755 E. 1244049.30458 LAT. N46° 26' 23.7611" LONG. W100° 34' 21.9398" HIGHWA ND-EM-001.100 MP 165.5 16 5. 0 00 P 17 -1 99.0 N D-M O M 00 17 ND-MO-196.000 ND-EM-001.000 16 4.5 MATCH LINE (SEE SHEET 1) MP ACCESS ROAD 18 00 180 0 PROPERTY LINE (TYP.) LAKE OAHE WATERBODY (TYP.) 1750 EXISTING PIPELINE 17 00 ND-MO-195.000 17 00 PROPOSED PRODUCT PIPE STRINGING ALIGNMENT 16 5. 0 P ND-MO-196.000 00 PROPOSED PRODUCT PIPE STRINGING AND FABRICATION AREA (100' X 7,575) M PROPOSED DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE ALIGNMENT (08-17-2015) 250' 50 16 175' PROPOSED TEMPORARY HDD EXIT WORKSPACE 150' LO-B-1 1700 SURVEYED WETLAND (TYP.) ND-MO-197.000 200' ND-MO-194.000 1700 GROUND SURFACE (DEM) 800 FT. R (TYP.) 9' 7' P:\18\18782011\01\CAD\Crossings\North Dakota\Lake Oahe\Drawings\Lake Oahe HDD_IFP.dwg\TAB:SHEET 2 modified on Aug 20, 2015 - 3:13pm 7' LEGEND ISSUED FOR PERMIT BORING LOCATION MAJOR CONTOUR - 50' INTERVAL MINOR CONTOUR - 10' INTERVAL © ND-MO-198.000 TY COUN ONS EM M TY COUN TON 50 50 PROPOSED PRODUCT PIPE STRINGING PROFILE MOR 16 16 00 17 DATUM: HORIZONTAL: NAD83 with UTM Datum, Zone 14, US Foot; Central Meridian 99° W VERTICAL: NAVD 88 LO-B-2 PROPOSED 30" HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILL - 7,500' PROPOSED HDD EXIT POINT N. 16876250.75915 E. 1236590.48869 LAT. N46° 26' 14.5344" LONG. W100° 36' 08.2166" 170 0 MP 165.5 HI G 3,000 FT R. -1 99.0 N D-M O HW AY 18 06 00 17 0 175 HDD Design Summary Project Name: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Project No: 18782-011-01 By: SMS HDD Name: Lake Oahe HDD Ck'd By: MAM Owner: Dakota Access, LLC Location: Morton/Emmons Counties, ND Date: Monday, June 1, 2015 Design Parameters Pipe Diameter = 30.000 in Assumed Installation Temp = 70 °F Pipe Material = Steel Assumed Operating Temp= 100 °F Yield Stress = 70,000 psi Design Factor = 0.5 Wall Thickness = 0.625 in MAOP = 1,440 psi Drill Data Box Profile Segment Information Point Station (ft) Elevation (ft) Segment Name Segment Type Segment Length (ft) ENTRY @ 10° 7,950.00 1,637.59 Entry Tangent Straight 517.08 P C 1 (9.90° @ 3,600 ft R.) 7,440.77 1,547.80 Entry Curve Vertical Curve 622.04 PT1 6,821.92 1,493.11 Bottom Tangent Straight 4,798.58 P C 2 (10.10° @ 3,600 ft R.) 2,023.34 1,484.74 Exit Curve Vertical Curve 634.60 PT2 1,391.93 1,539.42 Exit Tangent Straight 956.46 EXIT @ 10° 450.00 1,705.51 Pipe Length = 7,528.76 ft Horizontal Alignment Length = 7,500.00 ft Installation Load Summary Drilling Fluid Weight (lb/gal) Buoyancy Condition Buoyancy Control (lb/ft) Effective Pipe Weight (lb/ft) Total Installation Force (lb) 9.50 Empty 0.00 -152.27 844,000 9.50 Full 281.31 129.04 690,000 12.00 Empty 0.00 -244.07 1,076,000 12.00 Full 281.31 37.24 515,000 10.00 Neutral 170.63 0.00 457,000 Page 1 of 1 Minimum Radius Calculations Project Name: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Project No: 18782-011-01 By: SMS HDD Name: Lake Oahe HDD Ck'd By: MAM Owner: Dakota Access, LLC Location: Morton/Emmons Counties, ND Date: Monday, June 1, 2015 Design Parameters: Pipe Diameter = 30.000 in Wall Thickness = 0.625 in D/t Ratio = 48.00 MAOP = 1,440 psi Factor of Safety = 2.00 SMYS = 70,000 psi Modulus of Elasticity (E) = 2.93E+007 psi Hoop Stress: Calculated Hoop Stress = (MAOP * Pipe Diameter) / (2 * Wall Thickness) = 34,560 psi Longitudinal Stress: Calculated Longitudinal Stress = Hoop Stress / 2 = 17,280 psi Allowable Stress: Calculated Allowable Stress = SMYS / Factor of Safety = 35,000 psi Bending Stress: Calculated Bending Stress = Allowable Stress - Longitudinal Stress = 17,720 psi Minimum Radius: Calculated Minimum Radius = (E * Pipe Diameter) / (2 * Bending Stress) = 2,046 ft Page 1 of 1 Operating Stress Summary Project Name: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Project No: 18782-011-01 By: SMS HDD Name: Lake Oahe HDD Ck'd By: MAM Owner: Dakota Access, LLC Location: Morton/Emmons Counties, ND Date: Monday, June 1, 2015 Design Parameters Pipe diameter = 30.000 in Minimum Radius of Curvature = 2,050 ft Wall Thickness = 0.625 in Coefficient of Thermal Expansion = 6.5E-06 in/in/°F SMYS = 70,000 psi Assumed Installation Temperature = 70 °F MAOP = 1,440 psi Assumed Operating Temperature = 100 °F Poissons's Ratio = 0.30 Temperature Derating Factor = 1.00 Young's Modulus (E) = 2.93E+007 psi Groundwater Table Head = 0.00 ft Design Factor = 0.5 Stress Analyses Longitudinal Stress from Bending = 17,893 psi Percent SMYS = 25.56 % Hoop Stress = 34,560 psi Percent SMYS = 49.37 % Limited by Design Factor (0.5) according to 49 CFR 195.106 Longitudinal Tensile Stress from Hoop Stress = 10,368 psi Percent SMYS = 14.81 % Longitudinal Stress from Thermal Expansion = -5,722 psi Percent SMYS = 8.17 % Limited to 90% SMYS by ASME/ANSI B31.4 section 402.3.2 Net Longitudinal Stress (Comp. side of Curve) = -13,247 psi Percent SMYS = 18.92 % Limited to 67.5% SMYS by ASME/ANSI B31.4 section 402.3.2 Net Longitudinal Stress (Tension side of Curve) = 22,539 psi Percent SMYS = 32.20 % Limited to 67.5% SMYS by ASME/ANSI B31.4 section 402.3.2 Maximum Shear Stress = 23,903 psi Percent SMYS = 34.15 % Limited to 45% SMYS by ASME/ANSI B31.4 section 402.3.1 Combined BiaxialSress Check = 47,807 psi Percent SMYS = 68.30 % Limited to 90% SMYS by AMSE/ANSI B31.4 section 402.3.2 Page 1 of 2 Operating Stress Summary Project Name: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Project No: 18782-011-01 By: SMS Ck'd By: MAM HDD Name: Lake Oahe HDD Location: Morton/Emmons Counties, ND Page 2 of 2 Owner: Dakota Access, LLC Date: Monday, June 1, 2015 Installation Load Calculations Project Name: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Project No: 18782-011-01 By: SMS HDD Name: Lake Oahe HDD Ck'd By: MAM Owner: Dakota Access, LLC Location: Morton/Emmons Counties, ND Date: Monday, June 1, 2015 Installation Case:9.50 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Empty Product Pipe Parameters Effective Weight Calculations Pipe Diameter = 30.000 in Total Empty Pipe Weight In Air= 196.56 lb/ft Wall Thickness = 0.625 in Pipe Interior Volume = 4.51 ft³ SMYS = 70,000 psi Coating Thickness = 0.00 in Young's Modulus = 2.90E+007 psi Coating Density = 0.00 lb/ft³ Total Pipe Length = 7,529 ft Pipe Exterior Volume = 4.91 ft³/ft Moment of Inertia = 6,224 inЇ Displaced Fluid Weight = 348.84 lb/ft Pipe Face Area = 57.68 in² B.C. Line(s) Weight = 0.00 lb/ft D/t Ratio = 48.00 B.C. Line(s) Volume = 0.00 ft³/ft Poisson Ratio = 0.30 Unit Weight of B.C. Fluid = 62.40 lb/ft³ Coefficient of Soil Friction = 0.30 Effective Weight of Pipe = -152.27 lb/ft Fluid Drag Coefficient = 0.05 Installation:9.50 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Empty Segment 1 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Exit Tangent Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 0 ft Straight Segment Length = 956.46 ft Angle Turned = 0.00 deg Center Displacement = 0.00 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 0 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Calculated Allowable Drag Force = 54,086 lb Segment Axial Stress = 2,122 psi Friction Force = 43,029 lb Cumulative Axial Stress = 2,122 psi 56,000 psi Segment Weight = 25,291 lb Bending Stress = 0 psi 45,696 psi 1,967 psi 7,384 psi Tension = 0 lb Hoop Stress = Average Tension = 0 lb Combined Stress = 0.0379 < 1.0 Total Stress = 0.0746 < 1.0 Segment Force = 122,407 lb Cumulative Force = 122,407 lb Page 1 of 15 Installation Load Calculations Installation:9.50 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Empty Segment 2 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Exit Curve Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 3,600 ft Vertical Curve Segment Length = 634.60 ft Angle Turned = 10.10 deg Center Displacement = 13.97 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 77,020 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Calculated Allowable Drag Force = 35,886 lb Segment Axial Stress = 1,571 psi Friction Force = 23,106 lb Cumulative Axial Stress = 3,693 psi 56,000 psi Bending Stress = 17,683 psi 45,696 psi Tension = 213,011 lb Hoop Stress = 2,615 psi 7,384 psi Average Tension = 167,709 lb Combined Stress = 0.4529 < 1.0 Total Stress = 0.3300 < 1.0 Segment Weight = 8,506 lb Segment Force = 90,604 lb Cumulative Force = 213,011 lb Installation:9.50 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Empty Segment 3 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Bottom Tangent Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 0 ft Straight Segment Length = 4,798.58 ft Angle Turned = 0.00 deg Center Displacement = 0.00 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 0 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Calculated Allowable Drag Force = 271,354 lb Segment Axial Stress = 8,483 psi Friction Force = 219,210 lb Cumulative Axial Stress = 12,176 psi 56,000 psi 0 psi 45,696 psi 2,615 psi 7,384 psi Segment Weight = -1,275 lb Bending Stress = Tension = 0 lb Hoop Stress = Average Tension = 0 lb Combined Stress = 0.2174 < 1.0 Total Stress = 0.2043 < 1.0 Segment Force = 489,288 lb Cumulative Force = 702,299 lb Page 2 of 15 Installation Load Calculations Installation:9.50 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Empty Segment 4 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Entry Curve Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 3,600 ft Vertical Curve Segment Length = 622.04 ft Angle Turned = 9.90 deg Center Displacement = 13.43 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 126,796 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Calculated Allowable Drag Force = 35,175 lb Segment Axial Stress = 1,787 psi Friction Force = 38,039 lb Cumulative Axial Stress = 13,963 psi 56,000 psi Segment Weight = -8,173 lb Bending Stress = 17,683 psi 45,696 psi Tension = 805,379 lb Hoop Stress = 2,516 psi 7,384 psi Average Tension = 753,839 lb Combined Stress = 0.6363 < 1.0 Segment Force = 103,080 lb Total Stress = 0.5215 < 1.0 Cumulative Force = 805,379 lb Installation:9.50 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Empty Segment 5 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Entry Tangent Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 0 ft Straight Segment Length = 517.08 ft Angle Turned = 0.00 deg Center Displacement = 0.00 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 0 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Drag Force = 29,240 lb Segment Axial Stress = Friction Force = 23,263 lb Cumulative Axial Stress = Segment Weight = -13,673 lb Bending Stress = Calculated Allowable 673 psi 14,637 psi 56,000 psi 0 psi 45,696 psi 1,868 psi 7,384 psi Tension = 0 lb Hoop Stress = Average Tension = 0 lb Combined Stress = 0.2614 < 1.0 Total Stress = 0.1610 < 1.0 Segment Force = 38,830 lb Cumulative Force = 844,209 lb Page 3 of 15 Installation Load Calculations Project Name: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Project No: 18782-011-01 By: SMS HDD Name: Lake Oahe HDD Ck'd By: MAM Owner: Dakota Access, LLC Location: Morton/Emmons Counties, ND Date: Monday, June 1, 2015 Installation Case:9.50 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Full Product Pipe Parameters Effective Weight Calculations Pipe Diameter = 30.000 in Total Empty Pipe Weight In Air= 196.56 lb/ft Wall Thickness = 0.625 in Pipe Interior Volume = 4.51 ft³ SMYS = 70,000 psi Coating Thickness = 0.00 in Young's Modulus = 2.90E+007 psi Coating Density = 0.00 lb/ft³ Total Pipe Length = 7,529 ft Pipe Exterior Volume = 4.91 ft³/ft Moment of Inertia = 6,224 inЇ Displaced Fluid Weight = 348.84 lb/ft Pipe Face Area = 57.68 in² B.C. Line(s) Weight = 0.00 lb/ft D/t Ratio = 48.00 B.C. Line(s) Volume = 0.00 ft³/ft Poisson Ratio = 0.30 Unit Weight of B.C. Fluid = 62.40 lb/ft³ Coefficient of Soil Friction = 0.30 Effective Weight of Pipe = 129.04 lb/ft Fluid Drag Coefficient = 0.05 Installation:9.50 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Full Segment 1 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Exit Tangent Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 0 ft Straight Segment Length = 956.46 ft Angle Turned = 0.00 deg Center Displacement = 0.00 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 0 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Calculated Allowable Drag Force = 54,086 lb Segment Axial Stress = 1,198 psi Friction Force = 36,463 lb Cumulative Axial Stress = 1,198 psi 56,000 psi 0 psi 45,696 psi Segment Weight = -21,431 lb Bending Stress = Tension = 0 lb Hoop Stress = 240 psi 7,384 psi Average Tension = 0 lb Combined Stress = 0.0214 < 1.0 Total Stress = 0.0018 < 1.0 Segment Force = 69,118 lb Cumulative Force = 69,118 lb Page 4 of 15 Installation Load Calculations Installation:9.50 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Full Segment 2 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Exit Curve Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 3,600 ft Vertical Curve Segment Length = 634.60 ft Angle Turned = 10.10 deg Center Displacement = 13.97 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = -36,098 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Calculated Allowable Drag Force = 35,886 lb Segment Axial Stress = Friction Force = 10,829 lb Cumulative Axial Stress = 2,071 psi 56,000 psi Segment Weight = -7,208 lb Bending Stress = 17,683 psi 45,696 psi Hoop Stress = 319 psi 7,384 psi Average Tension = 94,286 lb Combined Stress = 0.4240 < 1.0 Segment Force = 50,337 lb Total Stress = 0.1334 < 1.0 Tension = 119,455 lb 873 psi Cumulative Force = 119,455 lb Installation:9.50 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Full Segment 3 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Bottom Tangent Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 0 ft Straight Segment Length = 4,798.58 ft Angle Turned = 0.00 deg Center Displacement = 0.00 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 0 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Calculated Allowable Drag Force = 271,354 lb Segment Axial Stress = 7,944 psi Friction Force = 185,758 lb Cumulative Axial Stress = 10,015 psi 56,000 psi 0 psi 45,696 psi Segment Weight = 1,081 lb Bending Stress = Tension = 0 lb Hoop Stress = 319 psi 7,384 psi Average Tension = 0 lb Combined Stress = 0.1788 < 1.0 Total Stress = 0.0374 < 1.0 Segment Force = 458,193 lb Cumulative Force = 577,647 lb Page 5 of 15 Installation Load Calculations Installation:9.50 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Full Segment 4 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Entry Curve Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 3,600 ft Vertical Curve Segment Length = 622.04 ft Angle Turned = 9.90 deg Center Displacement = 13.43 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 15,933 lb Drag Force = 35,175 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Calculated Segment Axial Stress = Allowable 896 psi Friction Force = 4,780 lb Cumulative Axial Stress = 10,911 psi 56,000 psi Segment Weight = 6,926 lb Bending Stress = 17,683 psi 45,696 psi Tension = 629,308 lb Hoop Stress = 307 psi 7,384 psi Average Tension = 603,478 lb Combined Stress = 0.5818 < 1.0 Total Stress = 0.2723 < 1.0 Segment Force = 51,661 lb Cumulative Force = 629,308 lb Installation:9.50 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Full Segment 5 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Entry Tangent Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 0 ft Straight Segment Length = 517.08 ft Angle Turned = 0.00 deg Center Displacement = 0.00 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 0 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Calculated Allowable Drag Force = 29,240 lb Segment Axial Stress = 1,050 psi Friction Force = 19,713 lb Cumulative Axial Stress = 11,960 psi 56,000 psi Segment Weight = 11,586 lb Bending Stress = 0 psi 45,696 psi Tension = 0 lb Hoop Stress = 228 psi 7,384 psi Average Tension = 0 lb Combined Stress = 0.2136 < 1.0 Total Stress = 0.0496 < 1.0 Segment Force = 60,540 lb Cumulative Force = 689,848 lb Page 6 of 15 Installation Load Calculations Project Name: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Project No: 18782-011-01 By: SMS HDD Name: Lake Oahe HDD Ck'd By: MAM Owner: Dakota Access, LLC Location: Morton/Emmons Counties, ND Date: Monday, June 1, 2015 Installation Case:12.00 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Empty Product Pipe Parameters Effective Weight Calculations Pipe Diameter = 30.000 in Total Empty Pipe Weight In Air= 196.56 lb/ft Wall Thickness = 0.625 in Pipe Interior Volume = 4.51 ft³ SMYS = 70,000 psi Coating Thickness = 0.00 in Young's Modulus = 2.90E+007 psi Coating Density = 0.00 lb/ft³ Total Pipe Length = 7,529 ft Pipe Exterior Volume = 4.91 ft³/ft Moment of Inertia = 6,224 inЇ Displaced Fluid Weight = 440.64 lb/ft Pipe Face Area = 57.68 in² B.C. Line(s) Weight = 0.00 lb/ft D/t Ratio = 48.00 B.C. Line(s) Volume = 0.00 ft³/ft Poisson Ratio = 0.30 Unit Weight of B.C. Fluid = 62.40 lb/ft³ Coefficient of Soil Friction = 0.30 Effective Weight of Pipe = -244.07 lb/ft Fluid Drag Coefficient = 0.05 Installation:12.00 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Empty Segment 1 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Exit Tangent Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 0 ft Straight Segment Length = 956.46 ft Angle Turned = 0.00 deg Center Displacement = 0.00 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 0 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Calculated Allowable Drag Force = 54,086 lb Segment Axial Stress = 2,836 psi Friction Force = 68,970 lb Cumulative Axial Stress = 2,836 psi 56,000 psi Segment Weight = 40,538 lb Bending Stress = 0 psi 45,696 psi 2,485 psi 7,384 psi Tension = 0 lb Hoop Stress = Average Tension = 0 lb Combined Stress = 0.0506 < 1.0 Total Stress = 0.1198 < 1.0 Segment Force = 163,594 lb Cumulative Force = 163,594 lb Page 7 of 15 Installation Load Calculations Installation:12.00 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Empty Segment 2 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Exit Curve Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 3,600 ft Vertical Curve Segment Length = 634.60 ft Angle Turned = 10.10 deg Center Displacement = 13.97 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 115,752 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Calculated Allowable Drag Force = 35,886 lb Segment Axial Stress = 2,063 psi Friction Force = 34,725 lb Cumulative Axial Stress = 4,899 psi 56,000 psi Segment Weight = 13,634 lb Bending Stress = 17,683 psi 45,696 psi Tension = 282,565 lb Hoop Stress = 3,303 psi 7,384 psi Average Tension = 223,080 lb Combined Stress = 0.4745 < 1.0 Segment Force = 118,971 lb Total Stress = 0.4401 < 1.0 Cumulative Force = 282,565 lb Installation:12.00 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Empty Segment 3 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Bottom Tangent Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 0 ft Straight Segment Length = 4,798.58 ft Angle Turned = 0.00 deg Center Displacement = 0.00 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 0 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Calculated Allowable Drag Force = 271,354 lb Segment Axial Stress = 10,761 psi Friction Force = 351,363 lb Cumulative Axial Stress = 15,660 psi 56,000 psi 0 psi 45,696 psi 3,303 psi 7,384 psi Segment Weight = -2,044 lb Bending Stress = Tension = 0 lb Hoop Stress = Average Tension = 0 lb Combined Stress = 0.2796 < 1.0 Total Stress = 0.3298 < 1.0 Segment Force = 620,672 lb Cumulative Force = 903,237 lb Page 8 of 15 Installation Load Calculations Installation:12.00 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Empty Segment 4 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Entry Curve Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 3,600 ft Vertical Curve Segment Length = 622.04 ft Angle Turned = 9.90 deg Center Displacement = 13.43 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 176,960 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Calculated Allowable Drag Force = 35,175 lb Segment Axial Stress = 2,224 psi Friction Force = 53,088 lb Cumulative Axial Stress = 17,884 psi 56,000 psi Bending Stress = 17,683 psi 45,696 psi Hoop Stress = 3,178 psi 7,384 psi Segment Weight = -13,100 lb Tension = 1,031,488 lb Average Tension = 967,363 lb Combined Stress = 0.7063 < 1.0 Segment Force = 128,251 lb Total Stress = 0.7100 < 1.0 Cumulative Force = 1,031,488 lb Installation:12.00 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Empty Segment 5 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Entry Tangent Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 0 ft Straight Segment Length = 517.08 ft Angle Turned = 0.00 deg Center Displacement = 0.00 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 0 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Drag Force = 29,240 lb Segment Axial Stress = Friction Force = 37,287 lb Cumulative Axial Stress = Segment Weight = -21,916 lb Bending Stress = Calculated Allowable 773 psi 18,657 psi 56,000 psi 0 psi 45,696 psi 2,360 psi 7,384 psi Tension = 0 lb Hoop Stress = Average Tension = 0 lb Combined Stress = 0.3332 < 1.0 Total Stress = 0.2593 < 1.0 Segment Force = 44,612 lb Cumulative Force = 1,076,100 lb Page 9 of 15 Installation Load Calculations Project Name: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Project No: 18782-011-01 By: SMS HDD Name: Lake Oahe HDD Ck'd By: MAM Owner: Dakota Access, LLC Location: Morton/Emmons Counties, ND Date: Monday, June 1, 2015 Installation Case:12.00 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Full Product Pipe Parameters Effective Weight Calculations Pipe Diameter = 30.000 in Total Empty Pipe Weight In Air= 196.56 lb/ft Wall Thickness = 0.625 in Pipe Interior Volume = 4.51 ft³ SMYS = 70,000 psi Coating Thickness = 0.00 in Young's Modulus = 2.90E+007 psi Coating Density = 0.00 lb/ft³ Total Pipe Length = 7,529 ft Pipe Exterior Volume = 4.91 ft³/ft Moment of Inertia = 6,224 inЇ Displaced Fluid Weight = 440.64 lb/ft Pipe Face Area = 57.68 in² B.C. Line(s) Weight = 0.00 lb/ft D/t Ratio = 48.00 B.C. Line(s) Volume = 0.00 ft³/ft Poisson Ratio = 0.30 Unit Weight of B.C. Fluid = 62.40 lb/ft³ Coefficient of Soil Friction = 0.30 Effective Weight of Pipe = 37.24 lb/ft Fluid Drag Coefficient = 0.05 Installation:12.00 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Full Segment 1 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Exit Tangent Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 0 ft Straight Segment Length = 956.46 ft Angle Turned = 0.00 deg Center Displacement = 0.00 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 0 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Calculated Allowable Drag Force = 54,086 lb Segment Axial Stress = 1,013 psi Friction Force = 10,522 lb Cumulative Axial Stress = 1,013 psi 56,000 psi Segment Weight = -6,185 lb Bending Stress = 0 psi 45,696 psi Tension = 0 lb Hoop Stress = 758 psi 7,384 psi Average Tension = 0 lb Combined Stress = 0.0181 < 1.0 Total Stress = 0.0113 < 1.0 Segment Force = 58,424 lb Cumulative Force = 58,424 lb Page 10 of 15 Installation Load Calculations Installation:12.00 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Full Segment 2 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Exit Curve Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 3,600 ft Vertical Curve Segment Length = 634.60 ft Angle Turned = 10.10 deg Center Displacement = 13.97 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = -3,133 lb Drag Force = 35,886 lb Friction Force = 940 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Calculated Segment Axial Stress = Allowable 619 psi Cumulative Axial Stress = 1,632 psi 56,000 psi Segment Weight = -2,080 lb Bending Stress = 17,683 psi 45,696 psi Tension = 94,110 lb Hoop Stress = 1,007 psi 7,384 psi Average Tension = 76,267 lb Combined Stress = 0.4161 < 1.0 Segment Force = 35,685 lb Total Stress = 0.1589 < 1.0 Cumulative Force = 94,110 lb Installation:12.00 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Full Segment 3 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Bottom Tangent Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 0 ft Straight Segment Length = 4,798.58 ft Angle Turned = 0.00 deg Center Displacement = 0.00 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 0 lb Drag Force = 271,354 lb Friction Force = 53,606 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Calculated Allowable Segment Axial Stress = 5,639 psi Cumulative Axial Stress = 7,271 psi 56,000 psi 0 psi 45,696 psi 1,007 psi 7,384 psi Segment Weight = 312 lb Bending Stress = Tension = 0 lb Hoop Stress = Average Tension = 0 lb Combined Stress = 0.1298 < 1.0 Total Stress = 0.0431 < 1.0 Segment Force = 325,271 lb Cumulative Force = 419,381 lb Page 11 of 15 Installation Load Calculations Installation:12.00 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Full Segment 4 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Entry Curve Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 3,600 ft Vertical Curve Segment Length = 622.04 ft Angle Turned = 9.90 deg Center Displacement = 13.43 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 33,275 lb Drag Force = 35,175 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Calculated Segment Axial Stress = Allowable 991 psi Friction Force = 9,982 lb Cumulative Axial Stress = 8,262 psi 56,000 psi Segment Weight = 1,999 lb Bending Stress = 17,683 psi 45,696 psi Tension = 476,520 lb Hoop Stress = 969 psi 7,384 psi Average Tension = 447,950 lb Combined Stress = 0.5345 < 1.0 Total Stress = 0.2597 < 1.0 Segment Force = 57,139 lb Cumulative Force = 476,520 lb Installation:12.00 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Full Segment 5 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Entry Tangent Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 0 ft Straight Segment Length = 517.08 ft Angle Turned = 0.00 deg Center Displacement = 0.00 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 0 lb Drag Force = 29,240 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Segment Axial Stress = Friction Force = 5,689 lb Cumulative Axial Stress = Segment Weight = 3,344 lb Bending Stress = Calculated Allowable 664 psi 8,925 psi 56,000 psi 0 psi 45,696 psi Tension = 0 lb Hoop Stress = 719 psi 7,384 psi Average Tension = 0 lb Combined Stress = 0.1594 < 1.0 Total Stress = 0.0418 < 1.0 Segment Force = 38,273 lb Cumulative Force = 514,792 lb Page 12 of 15 Installation Load Calculations Project Name: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Project No: 18782-011-01 By: SMS HDD Name: Lake Oahe HDD Ck'd By: MAM Owner: Dakota Access, LLC Location: Morton/Emmons Counties, ND Date: Monday, June 1, 2015 Installation Case:10.00 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With Neutral Pipe Buoyancy Product Pipe Parameters Effective Weight Calculations Pipe Diameter = 30.000 in Total Empty Pipe Weight In Air= 196.56 lb/ft Wall Thickness = 0.625 in Pipe Interior Volume = 4.51 ft³ SMYS = 70,000 psi Coating Thickness = 0.00 in Young's Modulus = 2.90E+007 psi Coating Density = 0.00 lb/ft³ Total Pipe Length = 7,529 ft Pipe Exterior Volume = 4.91 ft³/ft Moment of Inertia = 6,224 inЇ Displaced Fluid Weight = 367.20 lb/ft Pipe Face Area = 57.68 in² B.C. Line(s) Weight = 0.00 lb/ft D/t Ratio = 48.00 B.C. Line(s) Volume = 0.00 ft³/ft Poisson Ratio = 0.30 Unit Weight of B.C. Fluid = 62.40 lb/ft³ Coefficient of Soil Friction = 0.30 Effective Weight of Pipe = 0.00 lb/ft Fluid Drag Coefficient = 0.05 Installation:10.00 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With Neutral Pipe Buoyancy Segment 1 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Exit Tangent Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 0 ft Straight Segment Length = 956.46 ft Angle Turned = 0.00 deg Center Displacement = 0.00 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 0 lb Drag Force = 54,086 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Calculated Allowable Segment Axial Stress = 938 psi Friction Force = 0 lb Cumulative Axial Stress = 938 psi 56,000 psi Segment Weight = 0 lb Bending Stress = 0 psi 45,696 psi Tension = 0 lb Hoop Stress = 2,071 psi 7,384 psi Average Tension = 0 lb Combined Stress = 0.0167 < 1.0 Total Stress = 0.0789 < 1.0 Segment Force = 54,086 lb Cumulative Force = 54,086 lb Page 13 of 15 Installation Load Calculations Installation:10.00 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With Neutral Pipe Buoyancy Segment 2 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Exit Curve Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 3,600 ft Vertical Curve Segment Length = 634.60 ft Angle Turned = 10.10 deg Center Displacement = 13.97 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 11,118 lb Drag Force = 35,886 lb Friction Force = 3,335 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Calculated Segment Axial Stress = Allowable 738 psi Cumulative Axial Stress = 1,676 psi 56,000 psi Bending Stress = 17,683 psi 45,696 psi Tension = 96,643 lb Hoop Stress = 2,753 psi 7,384 psi Average Tension = 75,365 lb Combined Stress = 0.4169 < 1.0 Segment Force = 42,556 lb Total Stress = 0.3139 < 1.0 Segment Weight = 0 lb Cumulative Force = 96,643 lb Installation:10.00 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With Neutral Pipe Buoyancy Segment 3 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Bottom Tangent Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 0 ft Straight Segment Length = 4,798.58 ft Angle Turned = 0.00 deg Center Displacement = 0.00 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 0 lb Drag Force = 271,354 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Calculated Allowable Segment Axial Stress = 4,705 psi Friction Force = 0 lb Cumulative Axial Stress = 6,380 psi 56,000 psi Segment Weight = 0 lb Bending Stress = 0 psi 45,696 psi Tension = 0 lb Hoop Stress = 2,753 psi 7,384 psi Average Tension = 0 lb Combined Stress = 0.1139 < 1.0 Total Stress = 0.1669 < 1.0 Segment Force = 271,354 lb Cumulative Force = 367,996 lb Page 14 of 15 Installation Load Calculations Installation:10.00 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With Neutral Pipe Buoyancy Segment 4 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Entry Curve Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 3,600 ft Vertical Curve Segment Length = 622.04 ft Angle Turned = 9.90 deg Center Displacement = 13.43 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 41,702 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Calculated Allowable Drag Force = 35,175 lb Segment Axial Stress = 1,044 psi Friction Force = 12,510 lb Cumulative Axial Stress = 7,424 psi 56,000 psi Bending Stress = 17,683 psi 45,696 psi Tension = 428,193 lb Hoop Stress = 2,648 psi 7,384 psi Average Tension = 398,095 lb Combined Stress = 0.5195 < 1.0 Total Stress = 0.4003 < 1.0 Segment Weight = 0 lb Segment Force = 60,196 lb Cumulative Force = 428,193 lb Installation:10.00 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With Neutral Pipe Buoyancy Segment 5 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Entry Tangent Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 0 ft Straight Segment Length = 517.08 ft Angle Turned = 0.00 deg Center Displacement = 0.00 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 0 lb Drag Force = 29,240 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Segment Axial Stress = Friction Force = 0 lb Cumulative Axial Stress = Segment Weight = 0 lb Bending Stress = Tension = 0 lb Hoop Stress = Average Tension = 0 lb Segment Force = 29,240 lb Cumulative Force = 457,433 lb Page 15 of 15 Calculated Allowable 507 psi 7,931 psi 56,000 psi 0 psi 45,696 psi 1,966 psi 7,384 psi Combined Stress = 0.1416 < 1.0 Total Stress = 0.1061 < 1.0 Overbend Radius Calculations Project Name: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Project No: 18782-011-01 By: SMS HDD Name: Lake Oahe HDD Ck'd By: MAM Location: Morton/Emmons Counties, ND Owner: Dakota Access, LLC Date: Monday, June 1, 2015 Design Parameters: Pipe Diameter = 30.000 in Wall Thickness = 0.625 in D/t Ratio = 48.00 MAOP = 0 psi Factor of Safety = 1.50 SMYS = 70,000 psi Modulus of Elasticity (E) = 2.93E+007 psi Hoop Stress: Calculated Hoop Stress = (MAOP * Pipe Diameter) / (2 * Wall Thickness) = 0 psi Longitudinal Stress: Calculated Longitudinal Stress = Hoop Stress / 2 = 0 psi Allowable Stress: Calculated Allowable Stress = SMYS / Factor of Safety = 46,667 psi Bending Stress: Calculated Bending Stress = Allowable Stress - Longitudinal Stress = 46,667 psi Minimum Radius: Calculated Minimum Radius = (E * Pipe Diameter) / (2 * Bending Stress) = 777 ft Page 1 of 1 Overbend Stress Summary Project Name: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Project No: 18782-011-01 By: SMS HDD Name: Lake Oahe HDD Ck'd By: MAM Owner: Dakota Access, LLC Location: Morton/Emmons Counties, ND Date: Monday, June 1, 2015 Design Parameters Pipe diameter = 30.000 in Factor of Safety = 1.50 Wall Thickness = 0.625 in Overbend Radius of Curvature = 777 ft SMYS = 70,000 psi Assumed Installation Temperature = 70 °F Internal Pressure = 0 psi Poissons's Ratio = 0.30 Young's Modulus (E) = 2.93E+007 psi Stress Analyses Longitudinal Stress from Bending = 47,221 psi Percent SMYS = 67.46 % Limited to 80% SMYS Hoop Stress = 0 psi Percent SMYS = 0 % Longitudinal Tensile Stress from Hoop Stress = 0 psi Percent SMYS = 0 % Longitudinal Stress from Thermal Expansion = 0 psi Percent SMYS = 0 % Net Longitudinal Stress (Comp. side of Curve) = -47,221 psi Percent SMYS = 67.46 % Limited to 80% SMYS Net Longitudinal Stress (Tension side of Curve) = 47,221 psi Percent SMYS = 67.46 % Limited to 80% SMYS Maximum Shear Stress = 23,610 psi Percent SMYS = 33.73 % Limited to 40% SMYS Combined Biaxial Stress Check = 47,221 psi Percent SMYS = 67.46 % Page 1 of 2 Limited to 80% SMYS Overbend Stress Summary Project Name: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Project No: 18782-011-01 By: SMS Ck'd By: MAM HDD Name: Lake Oahe HDD Location: Morton/Emmons Counties, ND Page 2 of 2 Owner: Dakota Access, LLC Date: Monday, June 1, 2015 APPENDIX Geotechnical Data Report Geotechnical Data Report Dakota Access Pipeline Project Lake Oahe HDD Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota for Dakota Access, LLC May 29, 2015 3050 South Delaware Avenue Springfield, Missouri 65804 417.831.9700 Geotechnical Data Report Dakota Access Pipeline Project Lake Oahe HDD Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota File No. 18782-011-01 May 29, 2015 Prepared for: Dakota Access, LLC 711 Louisiana Street, Suite 900 Houston, Texas 77002 Attention: Mark Bullock Prepared by: GeoEngineers, Inc. 3050 South Delaware Avenue Springfield, Missouri 65804 417.831.9700 Nicholas A. Arens Geotechnical Engineer Jonathan L. Robison, PE Principal NAA:JLR:kjb Disclaimer: Any electronic form, facsimile or hard copy of the original document (email, text, table, and/or figure), if provided, and any attachments are only a copy of the original document. The original document is stored by GeoEngineers, Inc. and will serve as the official document of record. Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 1 2.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES ............................................................................................................................. 1 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................................. 2 3.1 Geology ............................................................................................................................................ 2 3.1.1 Regional Geologic Setting..................................................................................................... 2 3.1.2 Site Geology ........................................................................................................................... 3 3.1.3 Surficial Soils ......................................................................................................................... 3 3.2 Surface Conditions .......................................................................................................................... 3 3.2.1 General .................................................................................................................................. 3 3.2.2 Surface Description .............................................................................................................. 3 3.3 Subsurface Conditions .................................................................................................................... 4 3.3.1 General .................................................................................................................................. 4 3.3.2 Subsurface Description ........................................................................................................ 4 3.3.3 Groundwater Conditions ....................................................................................................... 5 4.0 LIMITATIONS ........................................................................................................................................... 5 5.0 REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................................... 6 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Vicinity Map Figure 2A. Conceptual Plan and Profile Figure 2B. Conceptual Stringing Workspace Figures 3 through 5. Site Photographs APPENDICES Appendix A. Field Explorations and Laboratory Testing Figure A-1 – Key to Exploration Logs Figures A-2 through A-8 – Logs of Borings Figures A-9 through A-15 – Sieve Analysis Results Figures A-16 through A-18 - Atterberg Limits Results Appendix B. Report Limitations and Guidelines for Use May 29, 2015 Page i File No. 18782-011-01 1.0 INTRODUCTION At the request of Dakota Access, LLC (Dakota Access), and in general accordance with our contract agreement (No. 07-PSA-0017), GeoEngineers, Inc. (GeoEngineers) is pleased to submit this final geotechnical data report for the proposed Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) Project Lake Oahe Horizontal Directional Drill (HDD) near proposed DAPL Milepost (MP) 167 in Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota. The general location of the proposed HDD is noted on the attached Vicinity Map, Figure 1. We understand that Dakota Access is proposing to construct a 30-inch-diameter steel pipeline extending from Mountrail County, North Dakota through eastern South Dakota, Central Iowa, and terminating in Wayne County, Illinois. The proposed Lake Oahe HDD would cross beneath Lake Oahe in Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota. The layout of the proposed HDD is shown in the attached Site Plan and Profile, and Stringing Workspace, Figures 2A and 2B, respectively. This final geotechnical data report follows up and supersedes our previously-provided geotechnical data report (Dakota Access Pipeline Project, Geotechnical Data Report, Lake Oahe HDD, dated April 23, 2015). The purpose of this revision is to provide the details and results of the additional geotechnical exploration and laboratory testing program performed to further characterize the subsurface conditions in the area of the proposed HDD crossing. Our geotechnical services included completing a subsurface soil exploration program by drilling an additional five borings that were previously inaccessible on Lake Oahe near the proposed trenchless crossing alignment and preparing this final geotechnical data report. 2.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES The purpose of our services was to evaluate the existing surface and subsurface soil and groundwater conditions and to prepare a final geotechnical data report. The specific scope of services provided by GeoEngineers included the following: 1. Contacted the North Dakota “One-Call” utility locating agency to locate utilities in the project area prior to the start of the exploratory borings. 2. Explored subsurface conditions by drilling seven borings to depths of up to 235 feet below ground surface (bgs) using hollow-stem auger and/or mud rotary drilling equipment. GeoEngineers field staff directed the drilling completed by STS Enterprises, LLC, Northern Technology, Inc., and Strata Earth Systems, LLC using All-Terrain-Vehicle (ATV), track, and barge-mounted drilling equipment. 3. Obtained soil samples at representative intervals from the borings, and: ■ Classified the soils encountered in the borings in general accordance with ASTM D2488; and ■ Observed groundwater conditions encountered in the borings, where possible. 4. Completed a laboratory-testing program on selected soil samples obtained from the borings to evaluate pertinent engineering properties. The tests included the following: ■ Moisture Content (ASTM D2216); and ■ Atterberg limits determination (ASTM D4318). ■ Sieve Analysis (ASTM D422). May 29, 2015 Page 1 File No. 18782-011-01 5. Prepared logs of the borings which included the following: ■ SPT values as an indication of in-situ soil density; ■ Index and classification properties of soil, as applicable; and ■ Other soil and groundwater properties as applicable. 6. Prepared and submitted to Dakota Access this data report summarizing the results of the geotechnical investigation. 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION 3.1 Geology 3.1.1 Regional Geologic Setting North Dakota lies within the Interior Plains, a vast region stretching from the Rocky Mountains to the Appalachians. In North Dakota, the Interior Plains are divided into two major physiographic provinces by the Missouri Escarpment. To the north and east of the escarpment lies the Central Lowlands Province, characterized by its glacially smoothed landscape. To the south and west, the Great Plains Province rises gradually westward toward the Rocky Mountains. The proposed Dakota Access alignment from MP 0 to MP 212 is located within the Great Plains Province in North Dakota. The Missouri Escarpment, while prominent and readily defined along most of its length, does not neatly separate these two major physiographic divisions, but, as with most things natural, the boundary is marked by a transition zone, called the Missouri Coteau. The Great Plains Province is divided into the Missouri Plateau (or Missouri Slope Upland), Little Missouri Badlands, Coteau Slope, and Missouri Coteau. The Great Plains Province thus contains both glaciated and non-glaciated regions. Southwest of the Missouri River, the broad valleys, hills, and buttes of the Missouri Plateau are largely the result of erosion of flat-lying beds of sandstone, siltstone, claystone, and lignite. These sediments belong primarily to the Paleocene-age Fort Union Group and were deposited by ancient rivers flowing away from the rising Rocky Mountains between about 65 to 55 million years ago. From about 10 to 5 million years ago, streams began eroding the sediments that had so long ago been deposited, dissecting the plateau with a series of rivers flowing northeast to Hudson Bay. The modern landscape over most of southwestern North Dakota thus formed over an exceptionally long period of time, unlike the much more recent topography of the glaciated portion of the state (Bluemle, J. and Biek, B., 2007). The proposed alignment from approximately MP 21.5 to the Missouri River (Lake Oahe) crosses the Missouri Plateau. Beginning about 5 million years ago, regional uplift of the western part of the continent forced streams, which for 30 million years had been depositing sediment nearly continuously on the Great Plains, to change their behavior and begin to cut into the layers of sediment they so long had been depositing. The predecessor of the Missouri River ate headward into the northern Great Plains and developed a tributary system that excavated deeply into the accumulated deposits near the mountain front and carried away huge volumes of sediment from the Great Plains to Hudson Bay. By 2 million years ago, the streams had cut downward to within a few hundred feet of their present level. This region that has been so thoroughly dissected by the Missouri River and its tributaries is called the Missouri Plateau (Trimble, D., 1980). May 29, 2015 Page 2 File No. 18782-011-01 The proposed alignment from the east of the Missouri River (Lake Oahe) to approximately MP 185 crosses the Coteau Slope. The Coteau Slope is a rolling to hilly region that contains both glacial and erosional landforms. Unlike the Coteau that bounds its eastern margin, drainage within the Coteau Slope is generally well developed, so that there are comparatively few potholes. The north and east margin of the Missouri Coteau is marked by the Missouri Escarpment. The escarpment is a prominent feature along most of its length, in places rising 600 feet above the comparatively level terrain of the Glaciated Plains (Bluemle, J. and Biek, B., 2007). 3.1.2 Site Geology Geologic mapping indicates that the Late Cretaceous Age (99.6 million to 65.5 million years ago) Fox Hills Formation is present at the Lake Oahe Crossing Site (Carlson, 1983). The Fox Hills Formation consists of olive-brown sand, shale and sandstone derived from marine shoreline and offshore sediments and can be up to 400 feet thick (USGS Mineral Resources). Geologic mapping indicates the Holocene Age (11,700 years to present) Coleharbor Formation overlies the Fox Hills Formation on the east side of Lake Oahe. The Coleharbor consists of sand and gravel river sediments. The Pierre Formation may be encountered below the Fox Hills Formation, particularly on the east side of Lake Oahe. The Pierre consists primarily of dark gray shale derived from marine offshore sediment (Bluemle, 1979), (Bluemle, 1984), (USGS Mineral Resources). 3.1.3 Surficial Soils Mapping indicates that the near surface soil types likely to be encountered at the Lake Oahe Crossing Site are silt loam and clay loam derived from loess and clayey alluvium on the west side of Lake Oahe and silt loam and loam derived from alluvium and sedimentary bedrock on the east side of the lake. Surficial materials and bedrock as described above is likely to be encountered below these surficial soils (NRCS Soil Survey). 3.2 Surface Conditions 3.2.1 General We evaluated the surface conditions in the vicinity of the proposed trenchless crossing during our geotechnical exploration program on October 28 through November 4, 2015, April 27 through May 1, 2015, and May 4 through May 7, 2015. 3.2.2 Surface Description The proposed HDD alignment trends roughly east to west (proposed entry to proposed exit), crossing beneath Lake Oahe as shown in Conceptual Site Plan and Profile, and Conceptual Stringing Workspace, Figures 2A and 2B, respectively. The conceptual entry point is located approximately 950 feet east of Lake Oahe, in a gradually sloping cultivated field. The entry point is at an elevation of roughly 1638 feet (North American Vertical Datum [NAVD] 88). Westward from entry, the ground surface along the proposed HDD alignment slopes gradually downward toward Lake Oahe where the ground surface remains relatively flat at an elevation of approximately 1605 feet NAVD 88. The ground surface slopes steeply upward approximately 600 feet from the west bank where it begins to slope more gently up to the conceptual exit point at roughly 1705 feet NAVD 88. Photographs of the site are attached in Figures 3 through 5. May 29, 2015 Page 3 File No. 18782-011-01 3.3 Subsurface Conditions 3.3.1 General Subsurface conditions were explored at the site on October 28 through November 4, 2015, April 27 through May 1, 2015, and May 4 through May 7, 2015 by drilling seven geotechnical borings (LO-B-1 through LO-B-7). The borings were drilled to depths of up to 235 feet bgs using ATV, track, and barge-mounted drilling equipment. In order to characterize the subsurface conditions for trenchless crossing design, the borings were drilled near the alignment of the proposed crossing. Soil samples were generally obtained from the borings at 5-foot depth intervals using 1.5-inch inside-diameter (I.D.) split spoon samplers to the top of rock. GeoEngineers staff managed the geotechnical explorations and logged the borings on a full-time basis. Soil samples were visually classified and collected. Other pertinent drilling information was also documented. Laboratory tests, including moisture content determinations, sieve analyses and Atterberg limits were completed on selected samples from the borings. A description of the field exploration and laboratory testing procedures, logs of the borings, and graphs and tables of our laboratory testing results are presented in Appendix A. 3.3.2 Subsurface Description was drilled with ATV-mounted drilling equipment to a depth of approximately 235 feet bgs. From the ground surface, the boring encountered approximately 3 ½ feet of medium dense silty sand overlying roughly 115 feet of medium dense to very dense clayey sand with varying amounts of clay and gravel, 15 feet of very dense sand with clay and interbedded claystone, 5 feet of very dense sand with clay, and roughly 96 ½ feet of hard high plasticity clay. Boring LO-B-1 Boring LO-B-2 was drilled with track-mounted drilling equipment to a depth of approximately 165 feet bgs. From the ground surface, the boring encountered approximately 13 ½ feet of loose sand with silt overlying roughly 80 feet of very dense silty sand, and approximately 71 ½ feet of hard high plasticity clay with varying amounts of sand. Boring LO-B-3 was drilled on Lake Oahe with barge-mounted drilling equipment to a depth of approximately 141 ½ feet below mud line (bml). The water level measured approximately 6 feet between the mud line and the water surface. From the mud line, the boring encountered approximately 24 feet of very soft to medium stiff low plasticity clay with varying amounts of sand overlying roughly 10 feet of very loose to medium dense silty sand, 30 feet of medium dense sand with silt and varying amounts of fine gravel, 35 feet of medium dense sand with clay and varying amounts of fine gravel, and roughly 41 ½ feet of hard high plasticity clay with varying amounts of sand. Boring LO-B-4 was drilled on Lake Oahe with barge-mounted drilling equipment to a depth of approximately 142 ½ feet bml. The water level measured approximately 4 feet between the mud line and the water surface. From the mud line, the boring encountered approximately 2 ½ feet of very soft organic clay with silt overlying roughly 23 ½ feet of very soft to soft low plasticity clay with varying amounts of sand, 30 feet of loose to medium dense silty sand with varying amounts of fine gravel, 50 feet of medium dense to dense sand with silt and varying amounts of fine gravel, and roughly 36 ½ feet of hard high plasticity clay with varying amounts of sand and gravel. May 29, 2015 Page 4 File No. 18782-011-01 Boring LO-B-5 was drilled on Lake Oahe with barge-mounted drilling equipment to a depth of approximately 141-½ feet bml. The water level measured approximately 5 feet between the mud line and the water surface. From the mud line, the boring encountered approximately 7-½ feet of very soft to soft sandy silt overlying roughly 2-½ feet of medium stiff clay with sand, 15 feet of loose to medium dense clayey sand, 95 feet of medium dense to very dense sand with silt and varying amounts of gravel, 20 feet of dense to very dense sand with silt, and roughly 1-½ feet of hard high plasticity clay with sand. Boring LO-B-6 was drilled on Lake Oahe with barge-mounted drilling equipment to a depth of approximately 122-½ feet bml. The water level measured approximately 9 feet between the mud line and the water surface. From the mud line, the boring encountered approximately 16 feet of soft to medium stiff low plasticity clay with varying amounts of sand overlying roughly 20 feet of medium dense sand with silt and varying amounts of gravel, 30 feet of medium stiff to very stiff high plasticity clay with varying amounts of sand, 40 feet of dense to very dense sand with silt and varying amounts of gravel, 10 feet of dense to very dense silty sand, and roughly 6-½ feet of sand with silt and varying amounts of gravel. was drilled with ATV-mounted drilling equipment to a depth of approximately 150 feet bgs. From the ground surface, the boring encountered approximately 3 feet of medium dense silty sand overlying roughly 15-½ feet of medium stiff to very stiff sandy low plasticity clay with varying amounts of gravel, 5 feet of medium stiff sandy silt, 5 feet of stiff low plasticity clay, 5-½ feet of medium stiff sandy silt, 29-½ feet of medium stiff to stiff low plasticity clay with varying amounts of sand, 20 feet of loose to dense silty sand, 5 feet of dense silty gravel with sand, 10 feet of medium dense to dense sand with varying amounts of gravel, and roughly 51-½ feet of very stiff to hard sandy high plasticity clay. Boring LO-B-7 3.3.3 Groundwater Conditions At the time of drilling, groundwater was not observed in the borings. Due to the drilling techniques used, the groundwater level can be difficult to measure and will likely fluctuate over time due to seasonal variations in precipitation and the level of Lake Oahe. 4.0 LIMITATIONS We have prepared this data report for use by Dakota Access, their authorized agents and other approved members of the design team involved with this project. The data report is not intended for use by others, and the information contained herein is not applicable to other sites. The data and report should be provided to prospective contractors, but our report, conclusions and interpretations should not be construed as a warranty of the subsurface conditions. Variations in subsurface conditions are possible between the explorations. Subsurface conditions may also vary with time. A contingency for unanticipated conditions should be included in the project budget and schedule for such an occurrence. We recommend that sufficient monitoring, testing and consultation be provided by GeoEngineers during construction to evaluate that the conditions encountered are consistent with those indicated by the explorations, to provide recommendations for design changes should the conditions revealed during the work differ from those anticipated, and to evaluate whether earthwork and pipeline installation activities comply with contract plans and specifications. May 29, 2015 Page 5 File No. 18782-011-01 The scope of our services does not include services related to construction safety precautions. Our recommendations are not intended to direct the contractor's methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, except as specifically described in our report for consideration in design. Within the limitations of scope, schedule and budget, our services have been executed in accordance with generally accepted practices in this area at the time the report was prepared. The conclusions, recommendations, and opinions presented in this report are based on our professional knowledge, judgment and experience. No warranty or other conditions, express, written or implied, should be understood. Any electronic form, facsimile or hard copy of the original document (email, text, table and/or figure), if provided, and any attachments are only a copy of the original document. The original document is stored by GeoEngineers, and will serve as the official document of record. Please refer to Appendix B, titled “Report Limitations and Guidelines for Use,” for additional information pertaining to use of this report. 5.0 REFERENCES ASTM International. 2010. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Volume 04.08, “Soil and Rock,” Bluemle, J.P., 1979, Geology of Emmons County, North Dakota: Part 1, North Dakota Geological Survey, Bulletin 66, Scale 1:126,720. Bluemle, J.P., 1984, Geology of Emmons County, North Dakota, North Dakota Geological Survey, Bulletin 66: Part 1 (Text to Accompany Geologic Map). Bluemle, John and Biek, Bob, Updated July, 27, 2007, No Ordinary Plain: Dakota’s Physiography and Landforms, North Dakota Geological Survey, North Dakota Notes No. 1. Carlson, C.G., 1983, Geology of Morton County, North Dakota: Part 1, North Dakota Geological Survey, Bulletin 72, Scale 1:127,400. NRCS Soil Survey, National Cooperative Soil Survey, Natural Resources Conservation Service, USDA, ( Trimble, Donald E., 1980, The Geologic Story of the Great Plains, Geological Survey Bulletin 1493, United States Government Printing Office, Washington. USGS Mineral Resources, U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Department of the Interior, Mineral Resources OnLine Spatial Data, ( May 29, 2015 Page 6 File No. 18782-011-01 Ri ce ee Cr k Ba d ge r Cr e ek Morton LAKE OAHE HDD Emmons i ss mclevenger M a h eLa k e O V U 1806 ll Ri ve r no nb a ll Ri ve r C 1804 iv e r i R Map Revised: 29 May 2015 our no an n b a V U Ca n V U Sioux 24 Office: SPR or H Path: P:\18\18782011\01\GIS\Vicinity Maps\North Dakota\Lake Oahe HDD.mxd se h ea d C r eek PROPOSED DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE ALIGNMENT (05-26-2015) Mercer μ Oliver Burleigh Kidder Morton North Dakota Grant Sioux DAPL Mainline Corson Logan 2 0 2 Emmons Miles McIntosh South DakotaCampbell Notes: 1. The locations of all features shown are approximate. 2. This drawing is for information purposes. It is intended to assist in showing features discussed in an attached document. GeoEngineers, Inc. cannot guarantee the accuracy and content of electronic files. The master file is stored by GeoEngineers, Inc. and will serve as the official record of this communication. Data Sources: ESRI Data & Maps, Street Maps 2008. Imagery from ESRI Data Online. Projection: NAD 1983, UTM Zone 14 North. DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE PROJECT VICINITY MAP PROPOSED 30" PIPELINE LAKE OAHE HDD MORTON AND EMMONS COUNTIES, NORTH DAKOTA Figure 1 150' ND-MO-197.000 1700 MAM : MWC LO-B-2 ND-MO-198.900 CONCEPTUAL PRODUCT PIPE STRINGING AND FABRICATION AREA (SEE FIGURE 2B FOR LAYOUT) LO-B-4 LO-B-5 EDGE OF WATER (TYP.) LO-B-6 TY COUN ONS TY E MM COUN T ON MO R LO-B-1 200' LO-B-3 MP 166.0 MP 165.5 5. 0 50 16 175' P M 00 CONCEPTUAL 30" HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILL - 7,500' 250' 1650 00 LAKE OAHE 17 -1 99.0 N D-M O CONCEPTUAL TEMPORARY HDD EXIT WORKSPACE MP 166.5 00 17 16 LINE (SEE FIGURE 2B) MATCH ND-EM-001.000 CONCEPTUAL TEMPORARY HDD ENTRY WORKSPACE CONCEPTUAL HDD ENTRY POINT N. 16877035.65755 E. 1244049.30458 LAT. N46° 26' 23.7611" LONG. W100° 34' 21.9398" 150' 200' LO-B-7 50' EXISTING PIPELINE CONCEPTUAL HDD EXIT POINT N. 16876250.75915 E. 1236590.48869 LAT. N46° 26' 14.5344" LONG. W100° 36' 08.2166" 250' ND-EM-002.000 PROPERTY LINE (TYP.) PROPOSED DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE ALIGNMENT (05-26-2015) ND-MO-199.900 DATUM: HORIZONTAL: NAD83 with UTM Datum, Zone 14, US Foot; Central Meridian 99° W P:\18\18782011\01\CAD\Crossings\North Dakota\Lake Oahe\Drawings\Lake Oahe HDD Figure 2.dwg\TAB:Figure 2A modified on May 29, 2015 - 4:47pm VERTICAL: NAVD 88 CONCEPTUAL HDD EXIT POINT 10 15 16 13 13 52 64 50/5" 50/4" 50/3" 70 50/5" 50/6" 50/3" 100/15" 73 50/4" 50/6" 67 50/4" 50/4" 32/3" 50/3" 50/1" 50/6" 50/4" 50/3" 100/16" 63 50/4" 100/16" 50/6" 100/14" 100/16" 100/16" 100/15" 100/15" 100/15" 50/5" 50/6" 50/5" 50/4" 50/4" 50/5" 50/5" 50/6" 65 100/15" 100/15" SILTY SAND (1% GRAVEL) 7 CLAYEY SAND W/ TRACE GRAVEL 7 5 8 56 70 70 79 82 79 75 100/18" 69 SAND W/ INTERBEDDED CLAYSTONE SAND W/ TRACE CLAY SAND W/ CLAY FLUID EQUILIBRIUM ELEVATION (1,638') CLAY LO-B-1 50/6" 100/12" 100/8" 50 100/14" 100/17" 73 74 100/18" 100/16" 100/16" 100/16" 74 100/17" 100/14" 100/12" 100/11" 100/9" 100/8" 50/6" 50/6" 50/6" LAKE OAHE (APPROX. WATER LEVEL) SAND W/ SILT CONCEPTUAL HDD ENTRY POINT GROUND SURFACE (SURVEY) SILTY SAND SANDY CLAY W/ FINE GRAVEL (10% GRAVEL) 70' 2 2 SILTY SAND 4 66' CLAY W/ SAND LO-B-2 1 2 2 2 11 20 22 15 29 22 26 27 26 18 26 25 27 26 41 39 42 37 43 44 49 46 48 CLAY SILTY SAND (4% GRAVEL) SAND W/ SILT AND TRACE FINE GRAVEL (2% GRAVEL) SAND W/ CLAY AND GRAVEL (32% GRAVEL) CLAY W/ SAND LO-B-3 1 1 2 3 2 3 3 10 11 14 14 9 8 25 30 30 30 20 37 19 18 35 25 36 39 58 50 53 49 62 54 CLAY W/ SILT CLAY SILTY SAND (7% GRAVEL) SAND W/ SILT (25% GRAVEL) 38 CLAY W/ SAND LO-B-4 2 1 3 5 20 6 5 28 13 17 16 23 26 26 15 68 19 31 44 50 35 27 34 51 42 57 44 38 55 38 SANDY SILT CLAY SANDY SILT SANDY SILT CLAY W/ SAND CLAYEY SAND SAND W/ SILT 69 2 4 6 4 7 11 14 26 16 6 11 7 14 10 17 34 36 48 32 47 60 32 34 37 31 45 SAND W/ SILT CLAY CLAY SAND W/ SILT (1% GRAVEL) 122' FINE TO CLAY W/ SAND COARSE GRAVEL W/ SILT AND SILTY SAND SAND (52% GRAVEL) SAND (26% GRAVEL) SANDY CLAY SAND W/ SILT SILTY SAND SAND W/ SILT AND FINE GRAVEL (38% GRAVEL) 10 20 13 6 9 5 6 10 13 13 11 11 8 42 20 7 11 44 18 39 28 26 31 40 58 33 31 39 48 54 67 LO-B-7 LO-B-6 CLAY AND SAND LO-B-5 CONCEPTUAL 30" HDD PROFILE Notes: 1. The locations of all features shown are approximate. 2. This drawing is for information purposes. It is intended to assist in showing features discussed in an attached document. GeoEngineers, Inc. can not guarantee the accuracy and content of electronic files. The master file is stored by GeoEngineers, Inc. and will serve as the official record of this communication. 3. Refer to the boring logs in the accompanying report for more detailed soil descriptions. 4. GeoEngineers, Inc. has not verified the field location of the existing utilities. Reference: Ground surface DEM (1/3 Arc Second) downloaded from http://NationalMap.Gov. Aerial image taken from Google Earth Pro © 2015, licensed to GeoEngineers, Inc., image dated 09/30/13. Ground surface survey provided by Wood Group Mustang, Inc. Shape files provided by Contract Land Staff, LLC. LEGEND: SPT (N) NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOR DISCUSSION ONLY TYPE OF SOIL (% GRAVEL) Boring Location Major Contour - 50' Interval Minor Contour - 10' Interval DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE PROJECT CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN AND PROFILE PROPOSED 30" PIPELINE LAKE OAHE HDD MORTON & EMMONS COUNTIES, NORTH DAKOTA FIGURE 2A ISSUED DATE: MAY 29, 2015 Looking East Toward The Conceptual Entry Workspace Near Boring LO-B-7 Looking West Along The Proposed Pipeline Alignment Near The Proposed Entry Point Dakota Access Pipeline Project – Lake Oahe HDD Site Photographs FIGURE 3 Looking East Along The Proposed Pipeline Alignment Near Boring LO-B-4 Looking West Along The Proposed Pipeline Alignment Near Boring LO-B-4 Dakota Access Pipeline Project – Lake Oahe HDD Site Photographs FIGURE 4 Looking East Along The Proposed Pipeline Alignment Near Boring LO-B-2 Looking West Toward The Proposed Exit Workspace Near The Proposed Exit Point Dakota Access Pipeline Project – Lake Oahe HDD Site Photographs FIGURE 5 APPENDIX A Field Explorations and Laboratory Testing APPENDIX A FIELD EXPLORATIONS AND LABORATORY TESTING Field Explorations Subsurface conditions were explored at the Lake Oahe HDD site on October 28 through November 4, 2015, April 27 through May 1, 2015, and May 4 through May 7, 2015 by drilling seven geotechnical borings using an All-Terrain-Vehicle (ATV), track, and barge-mounted drilling equipment. The North Dakota State “One-Call” utility locating agency was contacted to locate utilities in the project area prior to the start of the exploratory borings. The borings were drilled near the alignment of the proposed trenchless crossing in order to characterize the subsurface conditions. The drilling operations were monitored by GeoEngineers staff who examined and classified the soils encountered, obtained representative samples, observed groundwater conditions where possible and prepared a detailed log of each exploration. The soils encountered were classified visually in general accordance with ASTM International (ASTM) D2488, which is described in Figure A-1. The approximate locations of the explorations are shown in the Conceptual Site Plan and Profile, Figure 2A. In general, soil samples were obtained from the borings at 5-foot-depth intervals using a 1.5-inch inside-diameter (I.D.) split spoon standard penetration test (SPT) sampler. The SPT sampler was driven 18 inches, using a 140-pound hammer with a 30-inch drop. The number of hammer blows required to drive the sampler the final 12-inches was recorded on field logs. Each boring was backfilled full depth with cement-bentonite grout. The relative density of the SPT samples recovered at each interval was evaluated based on correlations with lab and field observations in general accordance with the values outlined in Table A-1 below. TABLE A-1 CORRELATION BETWEEN BLOW COUNTS AND RELATIVE DENSITY 1 Cohesive Soils (Clay/Silt) Parameter Very Soft Soft Medium Stiff Stiff Very Stiff Hard Blows, N <2 2–4 4–8 8 – 16 16 – 32 >32 Cohesionless Soils (Gravel/Sand/Silty Sand) 2 Blows, N Very Loose Loose Medium Dense Dense Very Dense 0–4 4 – 10 10 – 30 30 – 50 > 50 Notes: 1 After Terzaghi, K and Peck, R.B., “Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice,” John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1962. 2 Classification applies to soils containing additional constituents; that is, organic clay, silty or clayey sand, etc. The exploration logs are presented in Figures A-2 through A-8. The logs are based on our interpretation of the field data and indicate the various types of soils encountered. They also indicate the approximate depths at which the subsurface conditions change. May 29, 2015 Page A-1 File No. 18782-011-01 Laboratory Testing General Soil samples obtained from the explorations were transported to our Springfield, Missouri office and examined to confirm or modify field classifications. Representative samples were selected for laboratory testing consisting of moisture content determinations, sieve analyses, and Atterberg limits testing. The laboratory testing procedures are discussed in more detail below. Moisture Content Testing Moisture content tests were completed for representative soil samples obtained from the explorations in general accordance with ASTM D2216. The results of these tests are presented on the exploration logs in Figures A-2 through A-8 at the depths at which the samples were obtained. Sieve Analysis Sieve analyses were performed on selected samples in general accordance with ASTM D422. The results of the sieve analyses were plotted and classified in general accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) and are presented in Figures A-9 through A-15. The sample gravel content (% Gravel) and the percentage passing the U.S. No. 200 sieve (% Fine) are shown on the boring logs at the respective sample depths. Atterberg Limits Testing Atterberg Limits testing was performed on selected fine grained soil samples in general accordance with ASTM D4318. The tests were used to classify the soil as well as to evaluate its index properties. The results of the Atterberg Limits testing are shown in Figures A-16 through A-18. May 29, 2015 Page A-2 File No. 18782-011-01 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL SYMBOLS SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART MAJOR DIVISIONS GRAVEL AND GRAVELLY SOILS COARSE GRAINED SOILS MORE THAN 50% OF COARSE FRACTION RETAINED ON NO. 4 SIEVE MORE THAN 50% RETAINED ON NO. 200 SIEVE CLEAN GRAVELS GW WELL-GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL - SAND MIXTURES (LITTLE OR NO FINES) GP POORLY-GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL - SAND MIXTURES GRAVELS WITH FINES GM SILTY GRAVELS, GRAVEL - SAND - SILT MIXTURES (APPRECIABLE AMOUNT OF FINES) GC CLAYEY GRAVELS, GRAVEL SAND - CLAY MIXTURES CLEAN SANDS SAND AND SANDY SOILS SANDS WITH FINES (APPRECIABLE AMOUNT OF FINES) SILTS AND CLAYS FINE GRAINED SOILS LIQUID LIMIT LESS THAN 50 MORE THAN 50% PASSING NO. 200 SIEVE SILTS AND CLAYS SW WELL-GRADED SANDS, GRAVELLY SANDS SP POORLY-GRADED SANDS, GRAVELLY SAND SM SILTY SANDS, SAND - SILT MIXTURES SC CLAYEY SANDS, SAND - CLAY MIXTURES ML INORGANIC SILTS, ROCK FLOUR, CLAYEY SILTS WITH SLIGHT PLASTICITY CL INORGANIC CLAYS OF LOW TO MEDIUM PLASTICITY, GRAVELLY CLAYS, SANDY CLAYS, SILTY CLAYS, LEAN CLAYS OL ORGANIC SILTS AND ORGANIC SILTY CLAYS OF LOW PLASTICITY MH INORGANIC SILTS, MICACEOUS OR DIATOMACEOUS SILTY SOILS LIQUID LIMIT GREATER THAN 50 CH INORGANIC CLAYS OF HIGH PLASTICITY OH ORGANIC CLAYS AND SILTS OF MEDIUM TO HIGH PLASTICITY HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PT PEAT, HUMUS, SWAMP SOILS WITH HIGH ORGANIC CONTENTS TYPICAL DESCRIPTIONS AC Asphalt Concrete CC Cement Concrete CR Crushed Rock/ Quarry Spalls TS Topsoil/ Forest Duff/Sod Groundwater Contact (LITTLE OR NO FINES) MORE THAN 50% OF COARSE FRACTION PASSING NO. 4 SIEVE SYMBOLS GRAPH LETTER TYPICAL DESCRIPTIONS SYMBOLS GRAPH LETTER NOTE: Multiple symbols are used to indicate borderline or dual soil classifications Sampler Symbol Descriptions 2.4-inch I.D. split barrel Standard Penetration Test (SPT) Shelby tube Piston Direct-Push Bulk or grab Continuous Coring Blowcount is recorded for driven samplers as the number of blows required to advance sampler 12 inches (or distance noted). See exploration log for hammer weight and drop. A "P" indicates sampler pushed using the weight of the drill rig. "WOH" indicates sampler pushed using the weight of the 140-pound SPT hammer. Measured groundwater level in exploration, well, or piezometer Measured free product in well or piezometer Graphic Log Contact Distinct contact between soil strata or geologic units Approximate location of soil strata change within a geologic soil unit Material Description Contact Distinct contact between soil strata or geologic units Approximate location of soil strata change within a geologic soil unit Laboratory / Field Tests %F AL CA CP CS DS HA MC MD OC PM PI PP PPM SA TX UC VS Percent fines Atterberg limits Chemical analysis Laboratory compaction test Consolidation test Direct shear Hydrometer analysis Moisture content Moisture content and dry density Organic content Permeability or hydraulic conductivity Plasticity index Pocket penetrometer Parts per million Sieve analysis Triaxial compression Unconfined compression Vane shear Sheen Classification NS SS MS HS NT No Visible Sheen Slight Sheen Moderate Sheen Heavy Sheen Not Tested NOTE: The reader must refer to the discussion in the report text and the logs of explorations for a proper understanding of subsurface conditions. Descriptions on the logs apply only at the specific exploration locations and at the time the explorations were made; they are not warranted to be representative of subsurface conditions at other locations or times. KEY TO EXPLORATION LOGS FIGURE A-1 Start Drilled 10/28/2015 End 10/31/2014 Surface Elevation (ft) Vertical Datum Total Depth (ft) Logged By DJJ Checked By JLR 235 1711 46° 26' 14.071" N 100° 36' 10.641" W Latitude Longitude Driller Drilling HSA/Mud Method Rotary STS Enterprises, LLC Hammer Data Automatic 140 (lbs) / 30 (in) Drop System Datum Geographic Drilling Equipment CME-750 ATV Mounted Groundwater Date Measured Depth to Water (ft) Elevation (ft) N/A Notes: Upon completion, borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. Tan silty fine sand (medium dense, dry) 9 15 S2 SC Gray clayey fine sand with occasional gravel (medium dense, moist) 16 16 S3 11 13 S4 10 16 13 S5 9 17 52 S6 Becomes tan and very dense 15 64 S7 Becomes orange and tan 16 50/5" S8 With trace gravel 10 50/4" S9 Group Classification Moisture Content, % SM Graphic Log S1 Water Level 10 Dry Density, (pcf) Sample/Run Testing/Fractures Blows/foot RQD % Collected Sample Recovered (in) 15 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION REMARKS 17 10 0 Interval Depth (feet) Elevation (feet) FIELD DATA Poor recovery due to coarse gravel stuck in shoe 17 05 5 Without gravel 17 00 10 16 90 20 16 85 25 14 % Fine = 16 % Gravel = 1 30 16 80 Springfield: Date:5/29/15 Path:P:\18\18782011\01\GINT\DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE BORING LOGS.GPJ DBTemplate/LibTemplate:GEOENGINEERS8.GDT/GEI8_GEOTECH_SOIL_ROCK 16 95 15 35 Log of Boring LO-B-1 Project: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Lake Oahe HDD Project Location: Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota Project Number: 18782-011-01 Figure A-2 Sheet 1 of 6 35 16 16 40 45 16 50 16 16 60 16 65 16 70 40 45 50 55 75 16 Interval Depth (feet) Elevation (feet) 3 50/3" S10 15 70 S11 11 50/5" S12 6 50/6" S13 9 50/3" S14 65 70 15 100/15" S15 17 73 S16 10 50/4" S17 Group Classification Graphic Log Water Level Sample/Run Testing/Fractures Collected Sample Blows/foot RQD % 55 16 35 Recovered (in) Springfield: Date:5/29/15 Path:P:\18\18782011\01\GINT\DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE BORING LOGS.GPJ DBTemplate/LibTemplate:GEOENGINEERS8.GDT/GEI8_GEOTECH_SOIL_ROCK MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Project: Project Number: 18782-011-01 Dry Density, (pcf) Moisture Content, % FIELD DATA REMARKS Becomes gray 60 Becomes tan % Fine = 28 75 Log of Boring LO-B-1 (continued) Dakota Access Pipeline Project Lake Oahe HDD Project Location: Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota Figure A-2 Sheet 2 of 6 67 S19 10 50/4" S20 10 50/4" S21 15 100/5" S22 9 50/3" S23 1 50/1" S24 12 50/6" S25 Dry Density, (pcf) 18 Moisture Content, % S18 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Group Classification 50/6" Graphic Log 5 Water Level Sample/Run Testing/Fractures Blows/foot RQD % Collected Sample Recovered (in) Interval Depth (feet) Elevation (feet) FIELD DATA REMARKS 16 30 80 Becomes dark gray 16 25 85 16 20 90 16 15 95 % Fine = 28 10 16 16 05 105 Becomes gray clayey fine to medium sand 16 00 110 95 115 15 Springfield: Date:5/29/15 Path:P:\18\18782011\01\GINT\DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE BORING LOGS.GPJ DBTemplate/LibTemplate:GEOENGINEERS8.GDT/GEI8_GEOTECH_SOIL_ROCK 100 Log of Boring LO-B-1 (continued) Project: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Lake Oahe HDD Project Location: Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota Project Number: 18782-011-01 Figure A-2 Sheet 3 of 6 50/3" S27 Dry Density, (pcf) 3 SP Moisture Content, % S26 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Group Classification 50/4" Graphic Log 6 Water Level Sample/Run Testing/Fractures Blows/foot RQD % Collected Sample Recovered (in) Interval Depth (feet) Elevation (feet) FIELD DATA REMARKS Gray fine to medium sand with interbedded brown claystone (very dense, moist) 15 90 120 15 85 125 18 100/16" S28 18 63 S29 SP-SC 4 50/4" S30 CH 15 80 130 Dark gray fine to medium sand with clay (very dense, moist) 15 75 135 Dark gray clay (hard, moist) 26 16 100/16" S31 24 18 S32 24 18 100/14" S33 29 18 100/16" S34 38 15 65 145 50/6" LL = 117 PI = 83 15 60 150 55 155 15 Springfield: Date:5/29/15 Path:P:\18\18782011\01\GINT\DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE BORING LOGS.GPJ DBTemplate/LibTemplate:GEOENGINEERS8.GDT/GEI8_GEOTECH_SOIL_ROCK 15 70 140 160 Log of Boring LO-B-1 (continued) Project: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Lake Oahe HDD Project Location: Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota Project Number: 18782-011-01 Figure A-2 Sheet 4 of 6 10 15 15 15 15 20 15 25 Springfield: Date:5/29/15 Path:P:\18\18782011\01\GINT\DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE BORING LOGS.GPJ DBTemplate/LibTemplate:GEOENGINEERS8.GDT/GEI8_GEOTECH_SOIL_ROCK 30 15 35 15 40 15 15 45 50 15 Group Classification Graphic Log Water Level Sample/Run Testing/Fractures Collected Sample Blows/foot RQD % Recovered (in) Interval Depth (feet) Elevation (feet) MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Project: Project Number: 18782-011-01 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 16 100/16" S35 29 15 100/15" S36 30 15 100/15" S37 31 15 100/15" S38 32 11 50/5" S39 39 12 50/6" S40 40 11 50/5" S41 31 10 50/4" S42 33 Dry Density, (pcf) Moisture Content, % FIELD DATA REMARKS Project Location: Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota LL = 100 PI = 59 200 Log of Boring LO-B-1 (continued) Dakota Access Pipeline Project Lake Oahe HDD Figure A-2 Sheet 5 of 6 85 90 14 95 14 00 15 210 215 220 225 230 15 05 Interval Depth (feet) Elevation (feet) 10 50/4" S43 34 11 50/5" S44 33 11 50/5" S45 56 12 50/6" S46 36 18 65 S47 32 15 100/15" S48 28 15 100/15" S49 30 Group Classification Graphic Log Water Level Sample/Run Testing/Fractures Collected Sample Blows/foot RQD % 14 205 Recovered (in) 80 14 Springfield: Date:5/29/15 Path:P:\18\18782011\01\GINT\DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE BORING LOGS.GPJ DBTemplate/LibTemplate:GEOENGINEERS8.GDT/GEI8_GEOTECH_SOIL_ROCK MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Project: Project Number: 18782-011-01 Dry Density, (pcf) Moisture Content, % FIELD DATA REMARKS 235 Log of Boring LO-B-1 (continued) Dakota Access Pipeline Project Lake Oahe HDD Project Location: Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota Figure A-2 Sheet 6 of 6 Start 5/4/2015 Drilled End 5/4/2015 Surface Elevation (ft) Vertical Datum Total Depth (ft) Logged By EAW Checked By NAA 165 1649 46° 26' 15.393" N 100° 35' 55.054" W Latitude Longitude Driller Northern Technology, Inc. Hammer Data Automatic 140 (lbs) / 30 (in) Drop System Datum Geographic Drilling Equipment Groundwater Date Measured Drilling HSA/Mud Method Rotary Diedrich D-50 Track Rig Depth to Water (ft) Elevation (ft) N/A Notes: Upon completion, borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. S2 12 7 S3 10 8 S4 18 56 S5 18 70 S6 18 70 S7 18 79 S8 18 82 S9 Dry Density, (pcf) 5 SP-SM Moisture Content, % 6 Group Classification S1 Graphic Log 7 Water Level Sample/Run Testing/Fractures Blows/foot RQD % Collected Sample Recovered (in) 12 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION REMARKS Brown mottled sand with silt (loose, moist) 16 45 0 Interval Depth (feet) Elevation (feet) FIELD DATA 16 40 5 16 35 10 SM Brown silty fine to medium sand (very dense, moist) 11 % Fine = 24 16 30 16 2 5 20 16 20 25 30 16 15 Springfield: Date:5/29/15 Path:P:\18\18782011\01\GINT\DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE BORING LOGS.GPJ DBTemplate/LibTemplate:GEOENGINEERS8.GDT/GEI8_GEOTECH_SOIL_ROCK 15 35 Log of Boring LO-B-2 Project: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Lake Oahe HDD Project Location: Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota Project Number: 18782-011-01 Figure A-3 Sheet 1 of 5 75 15 80 15 85 15 90 15 Springfield: Date:5/29/15 Path:P:\18\18782011\01\GINT\DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE BORING LOGS.GPJ DBTemplate/LibTemplate:GEOENGINEERS8.GDT/GEI8_GEOTECH_SOIL_ROCK 95 15 00 16 40 10 Interval Depth (feet) Elevation (feet) 18 79 S10 18 75 S11 50 55 18 100/18" S12 18 69 S13 13 50/6" S14 65 70 12 100/12" S15 18 100/8" S16 18 50 S17 Group Classification Graphic Log Water Level Sample/Run Testing/Fractures Collected Sample Blows/foot RQD % 16 35 Recovered (in) 05 16 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Project: Project Number: 18782-011-01 Dry Density, (pcf) Moisture Content, % FIELD DATA REMARKS 45 60 % Fine = 25 75 Log of Boring LO-B-2 (continued) Dakota Access Pipeline Project Lake Oahe HDD Project Location: Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota Figure A-3 Sheet 2 of 5 14 100/14" S18 18 100/17" S19 18 73 S20 18 74 S21 Dry Density, (pcf) Moisture Content, % MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Group Classification Graphic Log Water Level Sample/Run Testing/Fractures Collected Sample Blows/foot RQD % Recovered (in) Interval Depth (feet) 15 70 Elevation (feet) FIELD DATA REMARKS With shell fragments 15 65 80 15 60 85 15 55 90 CH Dark gray clay with trace sand (hard, moist) 29 15 50 95 18 100/18" S22 29 16 100/16" S23 31 16 100/16" S24 32 16 100/16" S25 36 LL = 107 PI = 69 45 15 15 40 105 35 110 15 Springfield: Date:5/29/15 Path:P:\18\18782011\01\GINT\DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE BORING LOGS.GPJ DBTemplate/LibTemplate:GEOENGINEERS8.GDT/GEI8_GEOTECH_SOIL_ROCK 100 115 Log of Boring LO-B-2 (continued) Project: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Lake Oahe HDD Project Location: Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota Project Number: 18782-011-01 Figure A-3 Sheet 3 of 5 S26 35 17 100/17" S27 33 14 100/14" S28 33 12 100/12" S29 33 11 100/11" S30 35 9 100/9" S31 6 100/8" S32 32 12 50/6" S33 35 9 50/6" S34 33 Dry Density, (pcf) Moisture Content, % MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Group Classification Graphic Log Water Level 74 Sample/Run Testing/Fractures Blows/foot RQD % 18 Collected Sample Recovered (in) Interval Depth (feet) 15 30 Elevation (feet) FIELD DATA REMARKS 15 25 120 15 20 125 15 15 130 15 10 135 LL = 98 PI = 64 05 15 33 With shale layer 15 00 145 14 95 150 90 155 14 Springfield: Date:5/29/15 Path:P:\18\18782011\01\GINT\DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE BORING LOGS.GPJ DBTemplate/LibTemplate:GEOENGINEERS8.GDT/GEI8_GEOTECH_SOIL_ROCK 140 160 Log of Boring LO-B-2 (continued) Project: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Lake Oahe HDD Project Location: Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota Project Number: 18782-011-01 Figure A-3 Sheet 4 of 5 Springfield: Date:5/29/15 Path:P:\18\18782011\01\GINT\DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE BORING LOGS.GPJ DBTemplate/LibTemplate:GEOENGINEERS8.GDT/GEI8_GEOTECH_SOIL_ROCK 12 50/6" Group Classification Graphic Log Water Level Sample/Run Testing/Fractures Collected Sample Blows/foot RQD % Interval Depth (feet) Elevation (feet) Recovered (in) 85 14 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION S35 Project: Project Number: 18782-011-01 Dry Density, (pcf) Moisture Content, % FIELD DATA REMARKS 35 165 Log of Boring LO-B-2 (continued) Dakota Access Pipeline Project Lake Oahe HDD Project Location: Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota Figure A-3 Sheet 5 of 5 Drilled Start 4/30/2015 End 5/1/2015 Surface Elevation (ft) Vertical Datum Total Depth (ft) 1610 46° 26' 16.950" N 100° 35' 33.749" W Latitude Longitude Logged By DS/KW Checked By NAA 146.5 Driller Strata Earth Services, LLC Hammer Data Automatic 140 (lbs) / 30 (in) Drop System Datum Geographic Drilling Equipment Groundwater Date Measured Drilling Mud Rotary Method Diedrich D-25 Depth to Water (ft) Elevation (ft) N/A Notes: Upon completion, borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. 18 2 S2 With trace sand and soft 18 2 S3 Becomes tan and gray 15 2 S4 Becomes gray 16 2 S5 12 4 S6 16 2 S7 Group Classification Dry Density, (pcf) S1 Graphic Log 1 Water Level 14 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Moisture Content, % Sample/Run Testing/Fractures Blows/foot RQD % Collected Sample Recovered (in) Interval Depth (feet) Elevation (feet) FIELD DATA REMARKS 5 CL Mudline at 6 feet below water surface Gray clay with organic material (very soft) 10 41 15 25 45 Becomes medium stiff LL = 36 PI = 17 28 30 SM Gray silty fine sand (very loose, moist) % Fine = 19 5 15 8 0 15 85 90 15 20 15 7 Springfield: Date:5/29/15 Path:P:\18\18782011\01\GINT\DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE BORING LOGS.GPJ DBTemplate/LibTemplate:GEOENGINEERS8.GDT/GEI8_GEOTECH_SOIL_ROCK 15 95 16 00 16 05 0 35 Log of Boring LO-B-3 Project: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Lake Oahe HDD Project Location: Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota Project Number: 18782-011-01 Figure A-4 Sheet 1 of 4 S9 15 22 S10 14 15 S11 15 29 S12 13 22 S13 15 26 S14 16 27 S15 14 26 S16 Dry Density, (pcf) 20 Moisture Content, % 12 Group Classification S8 Graphic Log 11 Water Level Sample/Run Testing/Fractures Blows/foot RQD % Collected Sample Recovered (in) 8 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION REMARKS Becomes medium dense 40 SP-SM Gray sand with silt and trace fine gravel (medium dense, moist) 45 % Fine = 7 % Gravel = 4 50 Becomes sand with silt 60 65 15 40 15 45 15 50 55 70 SP-SC Gray sand with clay and trace gravel (medium dense, moist) % Fine = 10 % Gravel = 2 35 15 Springfield: Date:5/29/15 Path:P:\18\18782011\01\GINT\DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE BORING LOGS.GPJ DBTemplate/LibTemplate:GEOENGINEERS8.GDT/GEI8_GEOTECH_SOIL_ROCK 15 55 15 60 15 65 15 70 35 Interval Depth (feet) Elevation (feet) FIELD DATA 75 Log of Boring LO-B-3 (continued) Project: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Lake Oahe HDD Project Location: Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota Project Number: 18782-011-01 Figure A-4 Sheet 2 of 4 S18 11.5 25 S19 10 27 S20 12 26 S21 16 41 S22 18 39 S23 11 42 S24 Dry Density, (pcf) 26 Moisture Content, % 11 Group Classification S17 Graphic Log 18 Water Level Sample/Run Testing/Fractures Blows/foot RQD % Collected Sample Recovered (in) Interval Depth (feet) 14 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION REMARKS 80 85 90 95 % Fine = 8 % Gravel = 32 With fine gravel 105 CH Gray clay with occasional fine to medium sand (hard, moist) 15 00 15 05 100 110 95 14 Springfield: Date:5/29/15 Path:P:\18\18782011\01\GINT\DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE BORING LOGS.GPJ DBTemplate/LibTemplate:GEOENGINEERS8.GDT/GEI8_GEOTECH_SOIL_ROCK 15 10 15 15 15 20 15 25 15 30 Elevation (feet) FIELD DATA 115 33 Log of Boring LO-B-3 (continued) Project: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Lake Oahe HDD Project Location: Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota Project Number: 18782-011-01 Figure A-4 Sheet 3 of 4 14 75 14 80 14 14 125 130 135 140 145 85 90 14 Interval Depth (feet) Elevation (feet) 10 37 S25 31 10 43 S26 34 9 44 S27 31 14 49 S28 32 18 46 S29 33 18 48 S30 29 Group Classification Graphic Log Water Level Sample/Run Testing/Fractures Collected Sample Blows/foot RQD % 70 14 120 Recovered (in) 65 Springfield: Date:5/29/15 Path:P:\18\18782011\01\GINT\DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE BORING LOGS.GPJ DBTemplate/LibTemplate:GEOENGINEERS8.GDT/GEI8_GEOTECH_SOIL_ROCK MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Project: Project Number: 18782-011-01 Dry Density, (pcf) Moisture Content, % FIELD DATA REMARKS Project Location: Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota LL = 83 PI = 63 Log of Boring LO-B-3 (continued) Dakota Access Pipeline Project Lake Oahe HDD Figure A-4 Sheet 4 of 4 Drilled Start 4/29/2015 End 4/30/2015 Surface Elevation (ft) Vertical Datum Total Depth (ft) 1608 46° 26' 18.993" N 100° 35' 21.974" W Latitude Longitude Logged By DS/KW Checked By NAA 146.5 Driller Strata Earth Services, LLC Hammer Data Automatic 140 (lbs) / 30 (in) Drop System Datum Geographic Drilling Equipment Groundwater Date Measured Drilling Mud Rotary Method Diedrich D-25 Depth to Water (ft) Elevation (ft) N/A Notes: Upon completion, borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. OH Gray organic clay (very soft, moist) 32 18 1 S2 CL Gray clay with organic material (very soft, moist) 28 18 2 S3 Becomes soft 36 18 3 S4 With sand 25 18 2 S5 Without sand 31 17 3 S6 31 18 3 S7 29 16 10 S8 Group Classification Moisture Content, % S1 Graphic Log 1 Water Level 9 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Dry Density, (pcf) Sample/Run Testing/Fractures Blows/foot RQD % Collected Sample Recovered (in) Interval Depth (feet) Elevation (feet) FIELD DATA REMARKS 16 05 0 Mudline at 4 feet below water surface 16 00 5 15 9 5 10 0 15 9 15 85 20 15 80 25 SM Gray silty sand (medium dense) 75 30 15 Springfield: Date:5/29/15 Path:P:\18\18782011\01\GINT\DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE BORING LOGS.GPJ DBTemplate/LibTemplate:GEOENGINEERS8.GDT/GEI8_GEOTECH_SOIL_ROCK 15 35 Log of Boring LO-B-4 Project: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Lake Oahe HDD Project Location: Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota Project Number: 18782-011-01 Figure A-5 Sheet 1 of 4 S10 15 14 S11 15 9 S12 12 8 S13 14 25 S14 13.5 30 S15 15 30 S16 12 30 S17 Dry Density, (pcf) 14 Moisture Content, % 13 Group Classification S9 Graphic Log 11 Water Level Sample/Run Testing/Fractures Blows/foot RQD % Collected Sample Recovered (in) 15 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION REMARKS 15 70 35 Interval Depth (feet) Elevation (feet) FIELD DATA 15 65 40 15 60 45 With trace fine gravel and lignite and becomes loose % Fine = 13 % Gravel = 7 15 55 50 SW-SM Gray fine to coarse sand with silt (medium dense, moist) 15 45 60 Becomes dense 15 40 65 35 70 15 Springfield: Date:5/29/15 Path:P:\18\18782011\01\GINT\DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE BORING LOGS.GPJ DBTemplate/LibTemplate:GEOENGINEERS8.GDT/GEI8_GEOTECH_SOIL_ROCK 15 50 55 75 Log of Boring LO-B-4 (continued) Project: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Lake Oahe HDD Project Location: Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota Project Number: 18782-011-01 Figure A-5 Sheet 2 of 4 14 37 S19 Becomes dense 12 19 S20 With fine gravel and lignite and becomes medium dense 12 18 S21 10 35 S22 Becomes dense 15 25 S23 Becomes medium dense 18 36 S24 18 39 S25 Group Classification Dry Density, (pcf) Becomes medium dense Graphic Log S18 Water Level 20 Moisture Content, % Sample/Run Testing/Fractures Blows/foot RQD % Collected Sample Recovered (in) Interval Depth (feet) 16 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION REMARKS 15 30 Elevation (feet) FIELD DATA 15 25 80 15 20 85 15 15 90 % Fine = 8 % Gravel = 25 15 10 95 05 15 15 00 105 CH Gray clay with fine to coarse sand (hard, wet) 39 14 95 110 39 90 115 14 Springfield: Date:5/29/15 Path:P:\18\18782011\01\GINT\DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE BORING LOGS.GPJ DBTemplate/LibTemplate:GEOENGINEERS8.GDT/GEI8_GEOTECH_SOIL_ROCK 100 Log of Boring LO-B-4 (continued) Project: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Lake Oahe HDD Project Location: Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota Project Number: 18782-011-01 Figure A-5 Sheet 3 of 4 32 18 50 S27 With occasional fine to medium sand 35 18 53 S28 With occasional fine gravel 32 18 49 S29 31 18 62 S30 139 18 54 S31 34 Group Classification Moisture Content, % With fine gravel Graphic Log S26 Water Level 58 Dry Density, (pcf) Sample/Run Testing/Fractures Blows/foot RQD % Collected Sample Recovered (in) 18 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION REMARKS 14 85 120 Interval Depth (feet) Elevation (feet) FIELD DATA 14 80 125 14 75 130 14 70 135 65 14 Springfield: Date:5/29/15 Path:P:\18\18782011\01\GINT\DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE BORING LOGS.GPJ DBTemplate/LibTemplate:GEOENGINEERS8.GDT/GEI8_GEOTECH_SOIL_ROCK 140 145 Log of Boring LO-B-4 (continued) Project: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Lake Oahe HDD Project Location: Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota Project Number: 18782-011-01 Figure A-5 Sheet 4 of 4 Drilled Start 4/28/2015 End 4/29/2015 Surface Elevation (ft) Vertical Datum Total Depth (ft) 1608 46° 26' 19.470" N 100° 35' 03.989" W Latitude Longitude Logged By DS/KW Checked By NAA 146.5 Driller Strata Earth Services, LLC Hammer Data Automatic 140 (lbs) / 30 (in) Drop System Datum Geographic Drilling Equipment Groundwater Date Measured Drilling Mud Rotary Method Diedrich D-25 Depth to Water (ft) Elevation (ft) N/A Notes: Upon completion, borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. 1 18 Dry Density, (pcf) 14 Moisture Content, % S1 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Group Classification 2 Graphic Log 9.5 Water Level Sample/Run Testing/Fractures Blows/foot RQD % Collected Sample Recovered (in) Interval Depth (feet) Elevation (feet) FIELD DATA REMARKS 16 05 0 16 00 5 15 9 5 10 38 S2 Becomes very soft 41 3 S3 Becomes brown sandy silt and soft 44 9.5 5 S4 CL Brown clay with trace fine sand (medium stiff, wet) 40 12 20 S5 SC Brown clayey sand (medium dense, moist) 8 6 S6 10 5 S7 13 28 S8 15 9 0 Mudline at 5 feet below water surface Becomes grayish brown and loose 15 85 20 % Fine = 12 15 80 25 SP-SM Brown fine to coarse sand with silt (medium dense, moist) 75 30 15 Springfield: Date:5/29/15 Path:P:\18\18782011\01\GINT\DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE BORING LOGS.GPJ DBTemplate/LibTemplate:GEOENGINEERS8.GDT/GEI8_GEOTECH_SOIL_ROCK 15 Gray and brown fine sandy silt with trace clay (soft, wet) ML 35 Log of Boring LO-B-5 Project: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Lake Oahe HDD Project Location: Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota Project Number: 18782-011-01 Figure A-6 Sheet 1 of 4 11 17 S10 With trace fine gravel 8.5 16 S11 Without gravel 10 23 S12 With occasional gravel and lignite lenses 10 26 S13 9 26 S14 8 15 S15 10.5 68 S16 Becomes very dense 9 19 S17 Becomes medium dense Group Classification Dry Density, (pcf) Becomes grayish brown Graphic Log S9 Water Level 13 Moisture Content, % Sample/Run Testing/Fractures Blows/foot RQD % Collected Sample Recovered (in) 9.5 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION REMARKS 15 70 35 Interval Depth (feet) Elevation (feet) FIELD DATA % Fine = 7 % Gravel = 1 15 65 40 15 60 45 15 55 50 Becomes gray fine to coarse sand 15 45 60 15 40 65 35 70 15 Springfield: Date:5/29/15 Path:P:\18\18782011\01\GINT\DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE BORING LOGS.GPJ DBTemplate/LibTemplate:GEOENGINEERS8.GDT/GEI8_GEOTECH_SOIL_ROCK 15 50 55 75 Log of Boring LO-B-5 (continued) Project: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Lake Oahe HDD Project Location: Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota Project Number: 18782-011-01 Figure A-6 Sheet 2 of 4 13 44 S19 With fine to coarse gravel 17 50 S20 Becomes very dense 6.5 35 S21 Becomes dense 9.5 27 S22 Becomes medium dense 13 34 S23 Becomes dense 10.5 51 S24 With lignite lenses and becomes very dense 11.5 42 S25 Becomes dense Group Classification Dry Density, (pcf) Becomes dense Graphic Log S18 Water Level 31 Moisture Content, % Sample/Run Testing/Fractures Blows/foot RQD % Collected Sample Recovered (in) Interval Depth (feet) 14 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION REMARKS 15 30 Elevation (feet) FIELD DATA 15 25 80 15 20 85 15 15 90 15 10 95 15 05 % Fine = 6 % Gravel = 45 15 00 105 14 95 110 90 115 14 Springfield: Date:5/29/15 Path:P:\18\18782011\01\GINT\DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE BORING LOGS.GPJ DBTemplate/LibTemplate:GEOENGINEERS8.GDT/GEI8_GEOTECH_SOIL_ROCK 100 Log of Boring LO-B-5 (continued) Project: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Lake Oahe HDD Project Location: Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota Project Number: 18782-011-01 Figure A-6 Sheet 3 of 4 S27 15 44 S28 13 38 S29 11 55 S30 13 38 S31 Dry Density, (pcf) 57 Moisture Content, % 13 Group Classification S26 Graphic Log 38 Water Level Sample/Run Testing/Fractures Blows/foot RQD % Collected Sample Recovered (in) 14.5 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION REMARKS With occasional fine gravel 14 85 120 Interval Depth (feet) Elevation (feet) FIELD DATA SP Gray sand with trace silt and lignite lenses (very dense) 14 80 125 With silt and becomes dense 14 75 130 14 70 135 65 Becomes very dense 14 Springfield: Date:5/29/15 Path:P:\18\18782011\01\GINT\DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE BORING LOGS.GPJ DBTemplate/LibTemplate:GEOENGINEERS8.GDT/GEI8_GEOTECH_SOIL_ROCK 140 145 CH Gray laminated clay and sand (hard, wet) 48 Log of Boring LO-B-5 (continued) Project: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Lake Oahe HDD Project Location: Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota Project Number: 18782-011-01 Figure A-6 Sheet 4 of 4 Drilled Start 4/27/2015 End 4/27/2015 Surface Elevation (ft) Vertical Datum Total Depth (ft) 1608 46° 26' 20.910" N 100° 34' 46.981" W Latitude Longitude Logged By DS/KW Checked By NAA 131.5 Driller Strata Earth Sciences, LLC Hammer Data Automatic 140 (lbs) / 30 (in) Drop System Datum Geographic Drilling Equipment Groundwater Date Measured Drilling Mud Rotary Method Diedrich D-25 Depth to Water (ft) Elevation (ft) N/A Notes: Upon completion, borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. 11 4 S2 16 6 S3 13 4 S4 With trace fine sand 47 15 7 S5 Becomes sandy clay 39 7 11 S6 11 14 S7 Group Classification Moisture Content, % S1 Graphic Log 2 Water Level 12 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Dry Density, (pcf) Sample/Run Testing/Fractures Blows/foot RQD % Collected Sample Recovered (in) Interval Depth (feet) Elevation (feet) FIELD DATA REMARKS 16 05 0 16 00 5 CL Gray clay with organics (soft, wet) 55 With trace organics and becomes medium stiff 46 Mudline at 9 feet felow water surface 15 9 5 10 43 0 15 9 15 85 20 SP-SM Gray fine to coarse sand with silt (medium dense, moist) 15 80 25 With fine sand 75 30 15 Springfield: Date:5/29/15 Path:P:\18\18782011\01\GINT\DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE BORING LOGS.GPJ DBTemplate/LibTemplate:GEOENGINEERS8.GDT/GEI8_GEOTECH_SOIL_ROCK 15 35 Log of Boring LO-B-6 Project: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Lake Oahe HDD Project Location: Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota Project Number: 18782-011-01 Figure A-7 Sheet 1 of 4 16 S9 18 6 S10 16.5 11 S11 Becomes stiff 18 7 S12 Becomes gray fine sandy clay and medium stiff 28 16 14 S13 Becomes stiff 47 18 10 S14 18 17 S15 10.5 34 S16 Group Classification Moisture Content, % 12 Graphic Log S8 Water Level 26 Dry Density, (pcf) Sample/Run Testing/Fractures Blows/foot RQD % Collected Sample Recovered (in) 14.5 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION REMARKS % Fine = 7 % Gravel = 1 With trace fine gravel 15 70 35 Interval Depth (feet) Elevation (feet) FIELD DATA 15 65 40 CH Gray clay with fine sand (medium stiff, wet) 15 60 45 15 55 50 15 45 60 30 15 40 65 40 Becomes very stiff 35 70 15 Springfield: Date:5/29/15 Path:P:\18\18782011\01\GINT\DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE BORING LOGS.GPJ DBTemplate/LibTemplate:GEOENGINEERS8.GDT/GEI8_GEOTECH_SOIL_ROCK 15 50 55 75 SP-SM Gray fine to medium sand with silt (dense, wet) Log of Boring LO-B-6 (continued) Project: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Lake Oahe HDD Project Location: Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota Project Number: 18782-011-01 Figure A-7 Sheet 2 of 4 8 48 S18 With fine to coarse gravel 10 32 S19 Becomes gray and light brown 9.5 47 S20 Becomes fine to coarse sand with lignite 12.5 60 S21 Becomes very dense 12 32 S22 Becomes dense 18 34 S23 15 37 S24 Group Classification Dry Density, (pcf) With occasional fine gravel Graphic Log S17 Water Level 36 Moisture Content, % Sample/Run Testing/Fractures Blows/foot RQD % Collected Sample Recovered (in) Interval Depth (feet) 12 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION REMARKS 15 30 Elevation (feet) FIELD DATA 15 25 80 % Fine = 9 % Gravel = 26 15 20 85 15 15 90 15 10 95 05 15 15 00 105 14 95 110 SM Gray silty sand (dense) 90 115 14 Springfield: Date:5/29/15 Path:P:\18\18782011\01\GINT\DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE BORING LOGS.GPJ DBTemplate/LibTemplate:GEOENGINEERS8.GDT/GEI8_GEOTECH_SOIL_ROCK 100 Log of Boring LO-B-6 (continued) Project: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Lake Oahe HDD Project Location: Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota Project Number: 18782-011-01 Figure A-7 Sheet 3 of 4 Springfield: Date:5/29/15 Path:P:\18\18782011\01\GINT\DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE BORING LOGS.GPJ DBTemplate/LibTemplate:GEOENGINEERS8.GDT/GEI8_GEOTECH_SOIL_ROCK 125 130 85 14 Interval Depth (feet) Elevation (feet) 16 69 S25 13 31 S26 10 45 S27 Group Classification Graphic Log Water Level Sample/Run Testing/Fractures Collected Sample Blows/foot RQD % 80 120 Recovered (in) 14 SW-SM MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Project: Project Number: 18782-011-01 Dry Density, (pcf) Moisture Content, % FIELD DATA REMARKS Becomes very dense Gray sand with silt and fine gravel (dense) Project Location: Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota % Fine = 7 % Gravel = 38 Log of Boring LO-B-6 (continued) Dakota Access Pipeline Project Lake Oahe HDD Figure A-7 Sheet 4 of 4 Drilled Start 11/1/2014 End 11/4/2014 Surface Elevation (ft) Vertical Datum Total Depth (ft) Logged By DJJ Checked By JLR 150 1637 46° 26' 23.615" N 100° 34' 23.821" W Latitude Longitude Driller Drilling HSA/Mud Method Rotary STS Enterprises, LLC Hammer Data Automatic 140 (lbs) / 30 (in) Drop System Datum Geographic Drilling Equipment Groundwater Date Measured CME-750 ATV Mounted Depth to Water (ft) Elevation (ft) N/A Notes: Upon completion, borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. Brown silty fine sand (medium dense, dry) 10 20 S2 CL Gray fine sandy clay with occasional fine gravel (very stiff, dry) 14 13 S3 Becomes tan and stiff 14 11 S4 Becomes moist 10 15 7 S5 Becomes medium stiff 13 1 6 S6 ML Tan fine sandy silt (medium stiff, wet) 44 18 9 S7 CL Gray clay (stiff, wet) 35 18 5 S8 ML Tan fine sandy silt (medium stiff, wet) 42 18 6 S9 Group Classification Moisture Content, % SM Graphic Log S1 Water Level 10 Dry Density, (pcf) Sample/Run Testing/Fractures Blows/foot RQD % Collected Sample Recovered (in) 13 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION REMARKS 16 35 0 Interval Depth (feet) Elevation (feet) FIELD DATA 16 30 5 % Fine = 61 % Gravel = 10 16 25 10 16 Poor recovery due to possible cobble or coarse gravel 16 15 20 16 10 25 05 30 16 Springfield: Date:5/29/15 Path:P:\18\18782011\01\GINT\DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE BORING LOGS.GPJ DBTemplate/LibTemplate:GEOENGINEERS8.GDT/GEI8_GEOTECH_SOIL_ROCK 20 15 35 33 CL Gray clay (medium stiff, wet) Log of Boring LO-B-7 Project: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Lake Oahe HDD Project Location: Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota Project Number: 18782-011-01 Figure A-8 Sheet 1 of 4 18 13 S11 18 13 S12 18 11 S13 41 18 11 S14 51 18 8 S15 14 42 S16 Becomes dense 18 20 S17 Becomes medium dense Group Classification Moisture Content, % S10 Graphic Log 10 Water Level 18 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Dry Density, (pcf) Sample/Run Testing/Fractures Blows/foot RQD % Collected Sample Recovered (in) Interval Depth (feet) Elevation (feet) FIELD DATA REMARKS 16 00 35 30 Becomes stiff LL = 50 PI = 25 15 95 40 32 15 90 45 With occasional fine sand 31 15 85 50 15 75 60 SM Gray silty fine sand (loose, moist) % Fine = 47 15 70 65 65 70 15 Springfield: Date:5/29/15 Path:P:\18\18782011\01\GINT\DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE BORING LOGS.GPJ DBTemplate/LibTemplate:GEOENGINEERS8.GDT/GEI8_GEOTECH_SOIL_ROCK 15 80 55 75 Log of Boring LO-B-7 (continued) Project: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Lake Oahe HDD Project Location: Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota Project Number: 18782-011-01 Figure A-8 Sheet 2 of 4 15 44 S19 GM Gray silty fine to coarse gravel with sand (dense, moist) 17 18 S20 SW Gray fine to coarse sand (medium dense, moist) 14 39 S21 18 28 S22 18 26 S23 18 31 S24 18 40 S25 Dry Density, (pcf) S18 Moisture Content, % 25 Graphic Log 18 Water Level Group Classification Sample/Run Testing/Fractures Blows/foot RQD % Collected Sample Recovered (in) Interval Depth (feet) MATERIAL DESCRIPTION REMARKS 15 60Elevation (feet) FIELD DATA 15 55 80 % Fine = 15 % Gravel = 52 15 50 85 15 45 90 With fine to coarse gravel and dense 15 40 95 CH Gray sandy clay (very stiff, moist) 27 Without sand 35 35 15 15 30 105 34 15 25 110 33 Becomes hard LL = 98 PI = 67 20 115 15 Springfield: Date:5/29/15 Path:P:\18\18782011\01\GINT\DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE BORING LOGS.GPJ DBTemplate/LibTemplate:GEOENGINEERS8.GDT/GEI8_GEOTECH_SOIL_ROCK 100 Log of Boring LO-B-7 (continued) Project: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Lake Oahe HDD Project Location: Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota Project Number: 18782-011-01 Figure A-8 Sheet 3 of 4 18 33 S27 18 31 S28 Becomes very stiff 37 18 39 S29 Becomes hard 37 18 48 S30 34 18 54 S31 49 18 67 S32 35 Group Classification Moisture Content, % S26 Graphic Log 58 Water Level 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Dry Density, (pcf) Sample/Run Testing/Fractures Blows/foot RQD % Collected Sample Recovered (in) Interval Depth (feet) Elevation (feet) FIELD DATA REMARKS No recovery, possible obstruction in shoe 15 15 120 41 15 10 125 15 05 130 15 00 135 90 145 14 Springfield: Date:5/29/15 Path:P:\18\18782011\01\GINT\DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE BORING LOGS.GPJ DBTemplate/LibTemplate:GEOENGINEERS8.GDT/GEI8_GEOTECH_SOIL_ROCK 14 95 140 150 Log of Boring LO-B-7 (continued) Project: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Lake Oahe HDD Project Location: Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota Project Number: 18782-011-01 Figure A-8 Sheet 4 of 4 U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 3” 1.5” 3/4” 3/8” #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 #200 100 PERCENT PASSING BY WEIGHT 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS COBBLES Symbol GRAVEL COARSE SAND FINE COARSE MEDIUM Exploration Number Sample Depth (feet) Soil Classification LO-B-1 LO-B-1 LO-B-1 28.5 – 30.0 68.5 – 70.0 98.5 – 100.0 Orange and tan clayey fine SAND (SC) Tan clayey fine SAND (SC) Gray clayey fine SAND (SC) Note: This report may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval of GeoEngineers, Inc. Test results are applicable only to the specific sample on which they were performed, and should not be interpreted as representative of any other samples obtained at other times, depths or locations, or generated by separate operations or processes. SILT OR CLAY FINE Sieve Analysis Results Dakota Access Pipeline Project – Lake Oahe HDD Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota Figure A-9 U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 3” 1.5” 3/4” 3/8” #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 #200 100 PERCENT PASSING BY WEIGHT 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS COBBLES Symbol GRAVEL COARSE SAND FINE COARSE MEDIUM Exploration Number Sample Depth (feet) Soil Classification LO-B-2 LO-B-2 LO-B-3 14.5 – 16.0 64.5 – 66.0 45.0 – 46.5 Brown silty fine SAND (SM) Brown silty fine SAND (SM) Gray silty fine SAND (SM) Note: This report may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval of GeoEngineers, Inc. Test results are applicable only to the specific sample on which they were performed, and should not be interpreted as representative of any other samples obtained at other times, depths or locations, or generated by separate operations or processes. SILT OR CLAY FINE Sieve Analysis Results Dakota Access Pipeline Project – Lake Oahe HDD Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota Figure A-10 U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 3” 1.5” 3/4” 3/8” #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 #200 100 PERCENT PASSING BY WEIGHT 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS COBBLES Symbol GRAVEL COARSE SAND FINE COARSE MEDIUM Exploration Number Sample Depth (feet) Soil Classification LO-B-3 LO-B-3 LO-B-4 69.0 – 71.5 95.0 – 96.5 50.0 – 51.5 Gray fine SAND with clay and trace fine gravel (SP-SC) Gray fine to coarse SAND with clay and gravel (SP-SC) Gray silty SAND with trace fine gravel (SM) Note: This report may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval of GeoEngineers, Inc. Test results are applicable only to the specific sample on which they were performed, and should not be interpreted as representative of any other samples obtained at other times, depths or locations, or generated by separate operations or processes. SILT OR CLAY FINE Sieve Analysis Results Dakota Access Pipeline Project – Lake Oahe HDD Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota Figure A-11 U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 3” 1.5” 3/4” 3/8” #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 #200 100 PERCENT PASSING BY WEIGHT 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS COBBLES Symbol Exploration Number Sample Depth (feet) LO-B-4 95.0 – 96.5 LO-B-5 25.0 – 26.5 LO-B-5 40.0 – 41.5 GRAVEL COARSE SAND FINE COARSE MEDIUM Soil Classification Gray fine to coarse SAND with fine gravel and silt (SW-SM) Grayish-brown fine SAND with clay (SC) Grayish-brown fine SAND with silt and trace fine gravel (SP-SM) Note: This report may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval of GeoEngineers, Inc. Test results are applicable only to the specific sample on which they were performed, and should not be interpreted as representative of any other samples obtained at other times, depths or locations, or generated by separate operations or processes. SILT OR CLAY FINE Sieve Analysis Results Dakota Access Pipeline Project – Lake Oahe HDD Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota Figure A-12 U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 3” 1.5” 3/4” 3/8” #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 #200 100 PERCENT PASSING BY WEIGHT 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS COBBLES Symbol GRAVEL COARSE SAND FINE COARSE MEDIUM Exploration Number Sample Depth (feet) Soil Classification LO-B-5 LO-B-6 LO-B-6 100.0 – 101.5 35.0 – 36.5 85.0 – 86.5 Gray fine to coarse SAND with silt and gravel (SP-SC) Gray fine to coarse SAND with silt (SP-SM) Gray fine to coarse SAND with gravel and silt (SP-SM) Note: This report may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval of GeoEngineers, Inc. Test results are applicable only to the specific sample on which they were performed, and should not be interpreted as representative of any other samples obtained at other times, depths or locations, or generated by separate operations or processes. SILT OR CLAY FINE Sieve Analysis Results Dakota Access Pipeline Project – Lake Oahe HDD Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota Figure A-13 U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 3” 1.5” 3/4” 3/8” #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 #200 100 PERCENT PASSING BY WEIGHT 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS COBBLES Symbol GRAVEL COARSE SAND FINE COARSE MEDIUM Exploration Number Sample Depth (feet) Soil Classification LO-B-6 LO-B-7 LO-B-7 125.0 – 126.5 8.5 – 10.0 63.5 – 65.0 Gray fine to coarse SAND with gravel and silt (SW-SM) Tan sandy CLAY (CL) Gray silty fine SAND (SM) Note: This report may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval of GeoEngineers, Inc. Test results are applicable only to the specific sample on which they were performed, and should not be interpreted as representative of any other samples obtained at other times, depths or locations, or generated by separate operations or processes. SILT OR CLAY FINE Sieve Analysis Results Dakota Access Pipeline Project – Lake Oahe HDD Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota Figure A-14 U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 3” 1.5” 3/4” 3/8” #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 #200 100 PERCENT PASSING BY WEIGHT 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS COBBLES Symbol GRAVEL COARSE SAND FINE COARSE MEDIUM Exploration Number Sample Depth (feet) Soil Classification LO-B-7 83.5 – 85.0 Gray silty fine to coarse GRAVEL with sand (GM) SILT OR CLAY FINE Sieve Analysis Results Dakota Access Pipeline Project – Lake Oahe HDD Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota Note: This report may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval of GeoEngineers, Inc. Test results are applicable only to the specific sample on which they were performed, and should not be interpreted as representative of any other samples obtained at other times, depths or locations, or generated by separate operations or processes. Figure A-15 PLASTICITY CHART 100 90 80 70 Plasticity Index CH or OH 60 50 40 30 MH or OH 20 CL or OL 10 ML or OL CL-ML 0 0 Symbol 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Liquid Limit 80 90 100 110 120 Exploration Number Sample Depth (feet) Moisture Content (%) Liquid Limit (%) Plasticity Index (%) Soil Description LO-B-1 LO-B-1 LO-B-2 148.5 – 150.0 193.5 – 195.0 99.5 – 101.0 24 31 29 117 100 107 83 59 69 Gray high plasticity CLAY (CH) Gray high plasticity CLAY (CH) Gray high plasticity CLAY with trace sand (CH) Atterberg Limits Test Results Note: This report may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval of GeoEngineers, Inc. Test results are applicable only to the specific sample on which they were performed, and should not be interpreted as representative of any other samples obtained at other times, depths or locations, or generated by separate operations or processes. Dakota Access Pipeline Project – Lake Oahe HDD Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota Figure A-16 PLASTICITY CHART 100 90 80 70 Plasticity Index CH or OH 60 50 40 30 MH or OH 20 CL or OL 10 ML or OL CL-ML 0 0 Symbol 10 20 30 40 50 Liquid Limit 60 70 80 90 100 Exploration Number Sample Depth (feet) Moisture Content (%) Liquid Limit (%) Plasticity Index (%) Soil Description LO-B-2 LO-B-3 LO-B-3 139.5 – 141.0 20.0 – 21.5 135.0 – 136.5 35 45 32 98 36 83 64 17 63 Gray high plasticity CLAY with trace sand (CH) Gray low plasticity CLAY (CL) Gray high plasticity CLAY (CH) Atterberg Limits Test Results Note: This report may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval of GeoEngineers, Inc. Test results are applicable only to the specific sample on which they were performed, and should not be interpreted as representative of any other samples obtained at other times, depths or locations, or generated by separate operations or processes. Dakota Access Pipeline Project – Lake Oahe HDD Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota Figure A-17 PLASTICITY CHART 100 90 80 70 Plasticity Index CH or OH 60 50 40 30 MH or OH 20 CL or OL 10 ML or OL CL-ML 0 0 Symbol 10 20 30 40 50 Liquid Limit 60 70 80 90 100 Exploration Number Sample Depth (feet) Moisture Content (%) Liquid Limit (%) Plasticity Index (%) Soil Description LO-B-7 LO-B-7 38.5 – 40.0 113.5 – 115.0 30 33 50 98 25 67 Gray low plasticity CLAY (CL) Gray high plasticity sandy CLAY (CH) Atterberg Limits Test Results Note: This report may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval of GeoEngineers, Inc. Test results are applicable only to the specific sample on which they were performed, and should not be interpreted as representative of any other samples obtained at other times, depths or locations, or generated by separate operations or processes. Dakota Access Pipeline Project – Lake Oahe HDD Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota Figure A-18 APPENDIX Report Limitations and Guidelines for Use APPENDIX B REPORT LIMITATIONS AND GUIDELINES FOR USE1 This appendix provides information to help you manage your risks with respect to the use of this report. Geotechnical and Environmental Services Are Performed for Specific Purposes, Persons and Projects This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Dakota Access, and their authorized agents. This report is not intended for use by others, and the information contained herein is not applicable to other sites. GeoEngineers structures our services to meet the specific needs of our clients. For example, a geotechnical or geologic study conducted for a civil engineer or architect may not fulfill the needs of a construction contractor or even another civil engineer or architect that are involved in the same project. Similarly, an environmental assessment study conducted for a property owner may not fulfill the needs of a prospective purchaser of the same property. Because each study is unique, each report is unique, prepared solely for the specific client and project site. Our report is prepared for the exclusive use of our Client. No other party may rely on the product of our services unless we agree in advance to such reliance in writing. This is to provide our firm with reasonable protection against open-ended liability claims by third parties with whom there would otherwise be no contractual limits to their actions. Within the limitations of scope, schedule and budget, our services have been executed in accordance with our Agreement with the Client and generally accepted geotechnical practices in this area at the time this report was prepared. This report should not be applied for any purpose or project except the one originally contemplated. A Geotechnical Engineering or Environmental Report Is Based on a Unique Set of ProjectSpecific Factors This report has been prepared for the proposed Lake Oahe HDD located in Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota. GeoEngineers considered a number of unique, project-specific factors when establishing the scope of services for this project and report. Unless GeoEngineers specifically indicates otherwise, do not rely on this report if it was: ■ not prepared for you, ■ not prepared for your project, ■ not prepared for the specific site explored, or ■ completed before important project changes were made. For example, changes that can affect the applicability of this report include those that affect: ■ the function of the proposed structure; Developed based on material provided by ASFE/The Best People on Earth, Professional Firms Practicing in the Geosciences; 1 May 29, 2015 Page B-1 File No. 18782-011-01 ■ elevation, configuration, location, orientation or weight of the proposed structure; ■ composition of the design team; or ■ project ownership. If important changes are made after the date of this report, GeoEngineers should be given the opportunity to review our interpretations and recommendations and provide written modifications or confirmation, as appropriate. Subsurface Conditions Can Change This report is based on conditions that existed at the time the study was performed. The findings and conclusions of this report may be affected by the passage of time, by manmade events such as construction on or adjacent to the site, by new releases of hazardous substances, or by natural events such as floods, earthquakes, slope instability or groundwater fluctuations. Always contact GeoEngineers before applying a report to determine if it remains applicable. Top Soil For the purposes of this report, we consider topsoil to consist of generally fine-grained soil with an appreciable amount of organic matter, based on visual examination, and to be unsuitable for direct support of the proposed improvements. However, the organic content and other mineralogical and gradational characteristics used to evaluate the suitability of soil for use in landscaping and agricultural purposes were not determined, nor were they considered in our analyses. Therefore, the information and recommendations in this report, and our logs and descriptions, should not be used as a basis for estimating the volume of topsoil available for such purposes. Most Geotechnical and Environmental Findings Are Professional Opinions Our interpretations of subsurface conditions are based on field observations and laboratory test results from widely spaced sampling locations at the site. Site exploration identifies subsurface conditions only at those points where subsurface tests are conducted or samples are taken. GeoEngineers reviewed field and laboratory data and then applied our professional judgment to render an opinion about subsurface conditions throughout the site. Actual subsurface conditions may differ, sometimes significantly, from those indicated in this report. Our report, conclusions and interpretations should not be construed as a warranty of the subsurface conditions. Geotechnical Engineering Report Recommendations Are Not Final Do not over-rely on the preliminary construction recommendations included in this report. These recommendations are not final, because they were developed principally from GeoEngineers’ professional judgment and opinion. GeoEngineers’ recommendations can be finalized only by observing actual subsurface conditions revealed during construction. GeoEngineers cannot assume responsibility or liability for this report’s recommendations if we do not perform construction observation. Sufficient monitoring and consultation by GeoEngineers should be provided during construction to confirm that the conditions encountered are consistent with those indicated by the explorations, to provide recommendations for design changes should the conditions revealed during the work differ from those anticipated, and to evaluate whether or not construction activities are completed in accordance with our May 29, 2015 Page B-2 File No. 18782-011-01 recommendations. Retaining GeoEngineers for construction observation for this project is the most effective method of managing the risks associated with unanticipated conditions. A Geotechnical Engineering or Geologic Report Could Be Subject to Misinterpretation Misinterpretation of this report by other design team members can result in costly problems. You could lower that risk by having GeoEngineers confer with appropriate members of the design team after submitting the report. Also, retain GeoEngineers to review pertinent elements of the design team's plans and specifications. If important changes are made after the date of this report, GeoEngineers should be given the opportunity to review our interpretations and recommendations and provide written modifications or confirmation, as appropriate. Contractors can also misinterpret a geotechnical engineering or geologic report. Reduce that risk by having GeoEngineers participate in pre-bid and preconstruction conferences, and by providing construction observation. Do Not Redraw the Exploration Logs Geotechnical engineers and geologists prepare final boring and testing logs based upon their interpretation of field logs and laboratory data. To prevent errors or omissions, the logs included in a geotechnical engineering or geologic report should never be redrawn for inclusion in architectural or other design drawings. Only photographic or electronic reproduction is acceptable, but recognize that separating logs from the report can elevate risk. Give Contractors a Complete Report and Guidance Some owners and design professionals believe they can make contractors liable for unanticipated subsurface conditions by limiting what they provide for bid preparation. To help prevent costly problems, give contractors the complete geotechnical engineering or geologic report, but preface it with a clearly written letter of transmittal. In that letter, advise contractors that the report was not prepared for purposes of bid development and that the report’s accuracy is limited; encourage them to confer with GeoEngineers and/or to conduct additional study to obtain the specific types of information they need or prefer. A pre-bid conference can also be valuable. Be sure contractors have sufficient time to perform additional study. Only then might an owner be in a position to give contractors the best information available, while requiring them to at least share the financial responsibilities stemming from unanticipated conditions. Further, a contingency for unanticipated conditions should be included in your project budget and schedule. Contractors Are Responsible for Site Safety on Their Own Construction Projects Our geotechnical recommendations are not intended to direct the contractor’s procedures, methods, schedule or management of the work site. The contractor is solely responsible for job site safety and for managing construction operations to minimize risks to on-site personnel and to adjacent properties. Read These Provisions Closely Some clients, design professionals and contractors may not recognize that the geoscience practices (geotechnical engineering or geology) are far less exact than other engineering and natural science disciplines. This lack of understanding can create unrealistic expectations that could lead to disappointments, claims and disputes. GeoEngineers includes these explanatory “limitations” provisions in our reports to help reduce such risks. Please confer with GeoEngineers if you are unclear how these “Report Limitations and Guidelines for Use” apply to your project or site. May 29, 2015 Page B-3 File No. 18782-011-01 Geotechnical, Geologic and Environmental Reports Should Not Be Interchanged The equipment, techniques and personnel used to perform an environmental study differ significantly from those used to perform a geotechnical or geologic study and vice versa. For that reason, a geotechnical engineering or geologic report does not usually relate any environmental findings, conclusions or recommendations; e.g., about the likelihood of encountering underground storage tanks or regulated contaminants. Similarly, environmental reports are not used to address geotechnical or geologic concerns regarding a specific project. May 29, 2015 Page B-4 File No. 18782-011-01 APPENDIX Report Limitations and Guidelines for Use APPENDIX C REPORT LIMITATIONS AND GUIDELINES FOR USE1 This appendix provides information to help you manage your risks with respect to the use of this report. Geotechnical and Environmental Services Are Performed for Specific Purposes, Persons and Projects This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Dakota Access, LLC (Dakota Access) and their authorized agents. This report is not intended for use by others, and the information contained herein is not applicable to other sites. GeoEngineers structures our services to meet the specific needs of our clients. For example, a geotechnical or geologic study conducted for a civil engineer or architect may not fulfill the needs of a construction contractor or even another civil engineer or architect that are involved in the same project. Similarly, an environmental assessment study conducted for a property owner may not fulfill the needs of a prospective purchaser of the same property. Because each study is unique, each report is unique, prepared solely for the specific client and project site. Our report is prepared for the exclusive use of our Client. No other party may rely on the product of our services unless we agree in advance to such reliance in writing. This is to provide our firm with reasonable protection against open-ended liability claims by third parties with whom there would otherwise be no contractual limits to their actions. Within the limitations of scope, schedule and budget, our services have been executed in accordance with our Agreement with the Client and generally accepted geotechnical practices in this area at the time this report was prepared. This report should not be applied for any purpose or project except the one originally contemplated. A Geotechnical Engineering or Environmental Report Is Based on a Unique Set of Project-Specific Factors This report has been prepared for the proposed Lake Oahe HDD located in Morton and Emmons Counties, North Dakota. GeoEngineers considered a number of unique, project-specific factors when establishing the scope of services for this project and report. Unless GeoEngineers specifically indicates otherwise, do not rely on this report if it was: ■ not prepared for you, ■ not prepared for your project, ■ not prepared for the specific site explored, or ■ completed before important project changes were made. Developed based on material provided by ASFE/The Best People on Earth, Professional Firms Practicing in the Geosciences; 1 August 28, 2015 Page C-1 File No. 18782-011-01 For example, changes that can affect the applicability of this report include those that affect: ■ the function of the proposed structure; ■ elevation, configuration, location, orientation or weight of the proposed structure; ■ composition of the design team; or ■ project ownership. If important changes are made after the date of this report, GeoEngineers should be given the opportunity to review our interpretations and recommendations and provide written modifications or confirmation, as appropriate. Subsurface Conditions Can Change This report is based on conditions that existed at the time the study was performed. The findings and conclusions of this report may be affected by the passage of time, by manmade events such as construction on or adjacent to the site, by new releases of hazardous substances, or by natural events such as floods, earthquakes, slope instability or groundwater fluctuations. Always contact GeoEngineers before applying a report to determine if it remains applicable. Most Geotechnical and Environmental Findings Are Professional Opinions Our interpretations of subsurface conditions are based on field observations and laboratory test results from widely spaced sampling locations at the site. Site exploration identifies subsurface conditions only at those points where subsurface tests are conducted or samples are taken. GeoEngineers reviewed field and laboratory data and then applied our professional judgment to render an opinion about subsurface conditions throughout the site. Actual subsurface conditions may differ, sometimes significantly, from those indicated in this report. Our report, conclusions and interpretations should not be construed as a warranty of the subsurface conditions. Geotechnical Engineering Report Recommendations Are Not Final Do not over-rely on the preliminary construction recommendations included in this report. These recommendations are not final, because they were developed principally from GeoEngineers’ professional judgment and opinion. GeoEngineers’ recommendations can be finalized only by observing actual subsurface conditions revealed during construction. GeoEngineers cannot assume responsibility or liability for this report’s recommendations if we do not perform construction observation. Sufficient monitoring and consultation by GeoEngineers should be provided during construction to confirm that the conditions encountered are consistent with those indicated by the explorations, to provide recommendations for design changes should the conditions revealed during the work differ from those anticipated, and to evaluate whether or not construction activities are completed in accordance with our recommendations. Retaining GeoEngineers for construction observation for this project is the most effective method of managing the risks associated with unanticipated conditions. A Geotechnical Engineering or Geologic Report Could Be Subject to Misinterpretation Misinterpretation of this report by other design team members can result in costly problems. You could lower that risk by having GeoEngineers confer with appropriate members of the design team after August 28, 2015 Page C-2 File No. 18782-011-01 submitting the report. Also retain GeoEngineers to review pertinent elements of the design team’s plans and specifications. Contractors can also misinterpret a geotechnical engineering or geologic report. Reduce that risk by having GeoEngineers participate in pre-bid and preconstruction conferences, and by providing construction observation. Do Not Redraw the Exploration Logs Geotechnical engineers and geologists prepare final boring and testing logs based upon their interpretation of field logs and laboratory data. To prevent errors or omissions, the logs included in a geotechnical engineering or geologic report should never be redrawn for inclusion in architectural or other design drawings. Only photographic or electronic reproduction is acceptable, but recognize that separating logs from the report can elevate risk. Give Contractors a Complete Report and Guidance Some owners and design professionals believe they can make contractors liable for unanticipated subsurface conditions by limiting what they provide for bid preparation. To help prevent costly problems, give contractors the complete geotechnical engineering or geologic report, but preface it with a clearly written letter of transmittal. In that letter, advise contractors that the report was not prepared for purposes of bid development and that the report’s accuracy is limited; encourage them to confer with GeoEngineers and/or to conduct additional study to obtain the specific types of information they need or prefer. A pre-bid conference can also be valuable. Be sure contractors have sufficient time to perform additional study. Only then might an owner be in a position to give contractors the best information available, while requiring them to at least share the financial responsibilities stemming from unanticipated conditions. Further, a contingency for unanticipated conditions should be included in your project budget and schedule. Contractors Are Responsible for Site Safety on Their Own Construction Projects Our geotechnical recommendations are not intended to direct the contractor’s procedures, methods, schedule or management of the work site. The contractor is solely responsible for job site safety and for managing construction operations to minimize risks to on-site personnel and to adjacent properties. Read These Provisions Closely Some clients, design professionals and contractors may not recognize that the geoscience practices (geotechnical engineering or geology) are far less exact than other engineering and natural science disciplines. This lack of understanding can create unrealistic expectations that could lead to disappointments, claims and disputes. GeoEngineers includes these explanatory “limitations” provisions in our reports to help reduce such risks. Please confer with GeoEngineers if you are unclear how these “Report Limitations and Guidelines for Use” apply to your project or site. August 28, 2015 Page C-3 File No. 18782-011-01 Have we delivered World Class Client Service? Please let us know by visiting Horizontal Directional Drill Design Services Dakota Access Pipeline Project Missouri River HDD Williams and McKenzie Counties, North Dakota for Dakota Access, LLC August 31, 2015 Horizontal Directional Drill Design Services Dakota Access Pipeline Project Missouri River HDD Williams and McKenzie Counties, North Dakota for Dakota Access, LLC August 31, 2015 3050 South Delaware Avenue Springfield, Missouri 65804 417.831.9700 Horizontal Directional Drill Design Services Dakota Access Pipeline Project I Missouri River HDD Williams and McKenzie Counties, Prepared for: Dakota Access, LLC 711 Louisiana Street, Suite 900 Houston, Texas 77002 Attention: Mike Futch Prepared by: GeoEngineers, Inc. 3050 South Delaware Avenue Springfield, Missouri 65804 417.831.9700 .. Sarka?rzM. Sayem, EIT Civil Engineer MarkA. Miller, PE Princi al anafhan L. Robison, PE Principal North Dakota File No. 18782-011?01 August 31, 2015 Disclaimer: Any electronic form, facsimile or hard copy ofthe original document (email, text, table, and/orfigure), if provided, and any attachments are only a copy of the original document. The original document is stored by GeoEngineers, Inc. and will serve as the official document of record. Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................ES-1 1.0 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Basis of Design ................................................................................................................................ 1 2.0 HDD CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS ....................................................................................... 2 2.1 General ............................................................................................................................................ 2 2.2 Construction Recommendations .................................................................................................... 2 3.0 HDD CONSTRUCTION RISKS AND CONSIDERATIONS ........................................................................ 3 3.1 Construction Risks .......................................................................................................................... 3 3.1.1 Inadvertent Drilling Fluid Returns Evaluation ...................................................................... 3 3.1.2 Results of Hydraulic Fracture Evaluation ............................................................................ 5 3.1.3 Drill Hole Stability .................................................................................................................. 6 3.2 Construction Considerations .......................................................................................................... 6 3.2.1 Site Access ............................................................................................................................ 6 3.2.2 Workspace Considerations ................................................................................................... 7 3.2.3 Proposed HDD Plan and Profile ........................................................................................... 7 3.2.4 Pilot Hole Considerations ..................................................................................................... 7 3.2.5 Reaming and Swabbing Considerations .............................................................................. 8 3.2.6 Pullback Considerations ....................................................................................................... 9 4.0 OPERATING CONDITIONS .................................................................................................................... 10 5.0 LIMITATIONS ......................................................................................................................................... 10 6.0 REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................................... 11 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Vicinity Map Figure 2. Estimated Annular Drilling Fluid and Formation Limit Pressures Figure 3. Hydraulic Fracutre and Drilling Fluid Surface Release Factors of Safety APPENDICES Appendix A. HDD Design Drawings and Calculations Appendix B. Geotechnical Data Report Appendix C. Report Limitations and Guidelines for Use August 31, 2015 Page i File No. 18782-011-01 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report provides the Horizontal Directional Drill (HDD) design of GeoEngineers, Inc. (GeoEngineers) for the proposed Dakota Access Pipeline Project (DAPL) Missouri River HDD at approximate milepost (MP) 94.5 of the gathering line located in Williams and McKenzie Counties, North Dakota. The location of the site is shown on the Vicinity Map Figure 1. This report replaces and supersedes previous versions of this report. We understand that Dakota Access, LLC (Dakota Access) is proposing to construct approximately 1,020 miles of 30-inch-diameter steel pipeline extending from Mountrail Country, North Dakota through eastern South Dakota, Central Iowa, and terminating in Marion County, Illinois. Further, we understand Dakota Access is proposing to construct approximately 151 miles of gathering line, consisting of 12.75, 20, 24, and 30-inch–diameter steel pipelines in McKenzie, Mountrail, and Williams Counties, North Dakota. The proposed Missouri River HDD is part of the 24-inch gathering line and would cross beneath the Missouri River, a delineated wetland, an existing pipeline and 38 th Street in Williams and McKenzie Counties, North Dakota. The layout of the proposed HDD and approximate boring locations are shown in the attached design drawings in Appendix A. We explored subsurface conditions near the proposed HDD site from November 20 to December 3, 2014, by drilling three (3) geotechnical borings (MO-B-1, MO-B-2 and MO-B-3) to depths of up to approximately 95 feet below ground surface (bgs) adjacent to the alignment of the proposed HDD. In general, the subsurface conditions encountered in the borings were consistent with published geology for the area, consisting of very loose to medium dense sand with varying amounts of silt and gravel, medium dense to very dense gravel with varying amounts of silt and sand, very soft to hard silt and hard clay. Details of our subsurface exploration program are included in our geotechnical data report attached as Appendix B. Hydraulic fracture and drilling fluid surface release analyses were performed along the HDD profile assuming the pilot hole is advanced from entry (south) to exit (north), which is the method that Michels Directional Crossings (Michels) has outlined in their drill plan for this installation dated August 19, 2015. In general, the results of the analysis indicate the risk of inadvertent returns of drilling fluid to the ground surface is generally low with factors of safety greater than 2.0. Based on the information available at this time, the subsurface conditions observed in our geotechnical exploration, our detailed HDD constructability review and review of Michels’ drill plan for this installation, it is our opinion that the proposed Missouri River HDD is feasible provided Michels use industry standard best drilling practices and follow the project specifications, requirements, and recommendations provided or referenced in this report. This Executive Summary should be used only in context of the full report for which it is intended . August 31, 2015 Page ES-1 File No. 18782-011-01 1.0 INTRODUCTION At the request of Dakota Access and in general accordance with our subcontract agreement (No. 07-PSA-0017) GeoEngineers, Inc. (GeoEngineers) is pleased to submit this report which provides the Horizontal Directional Drill (HDD) design for the proposed Missouri River HDD located in Williams and McKenzie Counties, North Dakota. The project site is shown on the Vicinity Map, Figure 1. This report replaces and supersedes previous design reports provided for this crossing. We understand that Dakota Access, LLC (Dakota Access) is proposing to construct approximately 1,020 miles of 30-inch-diameter steel pipeline extending from Mountrail Country, North Dakota through eastern South Dakota, Central Iowa, and terminating in Marion County, Illinois. Further, we understand Dakota Access is proposing to construct approximately 151 miles of gathering line, consisting of 12.75, 20, 24, and 30-inch–diameter steel pipelines in McKenzie, Mountrail, and Williams Counties, North Dakota. The proposed Missouri River HDD will consist of a 24-inch-diameter steel crude oil pipeline crossing beneath the Missouri River, a delineated wetland, an existing pipeline and 38th Street as part of the 24-inch-diameter gathering line of Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) Project. The proposed plan and profile of the HDD are shown on the design drawings in Appendix A. We explored subsurface conditions near the proposed HDD site from November 20 to December 3, 2014, by drilling three (3) geotechnical borings (MO-B-1, MO-B-2 and MO-B-3) to depths of up to approximately 95 feet below ground surface (bgs) adjacent to the alignment of the proposed HDD. In general, the subsurface conditions encountered in the borings were consistent with published geology for the area, consisting of very loose to medium dense sand with varying amounts of silt and gravel, medium dense to very dense gravel with varying amounts of silt and sand, very soft to hard silt and hard clay. GeoEngineers previously submitted a Geotechnical Data Report for the referenced location dated February 3, 2015; this report is attached as Appendix B. We understand that Michels Directional Crossings (Michels) will be the contractor for this HDD installation. Further, following discussions with Michels and Dakota Access and their review of our geotechnical report and a previous version of this design report, Michels has developed and provided a drill plan dated August 19, 2015 which outlines their planned drilling procedures for this crossing. We have reviewed, and this report references Michels drill plan. 1.1 Basis of Design Our HDD design has been completed in general accordance with the latest versions of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 49, Part 195, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) B31.4 and generally accepted practices within the pipeline industry. Where more conservative, we analyzed the design per the gas pipeline requirements found in Section 192 of the CFR, Title 49 and ASME B31.8. The HDD design engineering was completed based on the parameters discussed with the project team, and are presented below in Table 1. August 31, 2015 Page 1 File No. 18782-011-01 TABLE 1. BASIS OF DESIGN FOR THE 24-INCH MISSOURI RIVER HDD Product pipe Data Design Parameter Product pipe Specifications 24 inches x 0.500 inches w.t.a API 5L – X70 Horizontal Crossing Length 2,715 feet Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure 1,440 psigb Maximum Operating Temperature 100 degrees F Tie-In Temperature 70 degrees F Design Factorc 0.50 Notes: a w.t. – wall thickness b psig – pounds per square inch gauge c As defined in CFR, Title 49, Sections 192.5 and 192.111 2.0 HDD CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS 2.1 General Based on the information available at this time, the results of our subsurface exploration and laboratory testing program and our engineering analyses, it is our opinion that the proposed Missouri River HDD is technically feasible, provided the construction requirements specified within the Dakota Access Construction Specification, Specification Number: DAPL-WGM-GN000-PRE-SPC-00001 (Construction Specification) dated April 20, 2015 and noted in the design drawings along with the procedures outlined in Michels’ drill plan are incorporated into the construction process. In addition, Michels should make all reasonable attempts to utilize “Best Drilling Practices” during all construction phases of the project. This report also provides our construction recommendations that, in our opinion will help mitigate some of the risks inherent with this project and increase the likelihood that the installation will be completed successfully and on schedule. The construction recommendations for consideration by the project team are provided in Section 2.2. A detailed discussion of the construction risks and general construction considerations is provided in Section 3.0. 2.2 Construction Recommendations This section provides GeoEngineers’ construction recommendations that in our opinion should be considered by Michels and the project team to increase the likelihood that the pipeline can be successfully installed without damage, significant construction difficulties or delays. Our recommendations are not meant to be exhaustive and do not relieve Michels from the responsibility of reviewing all of the information related to the proposed crossing. TABLE 2. GEOENGINEERS’ CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS General Recommendations We recommend that Michels visit the site and evaluate the designated access routes to determine what improvements might be necessary and what considerations may be needed to mobilize their equipment to the site We recommend that Michels visit the workspace areas to determine the extent of clearing and grading necessary to prepare the site for HDD activities. August 31, 2015 Page 2 File No. 18782-011-01 Pilot Hole Recommendations If Michels elects to survey the pilot hole with a TruTracker, ParaTrack or equivalent system, we recommend that the secondary survey wires be placed at least as wide as the downhole survey probe is deep plus an allowance for vertical pilot hole tolerances. As a result, the depth of the HDD profile will require the coil to increase in width from approximately 20 feet wide near the entry and exit locations to a minimum of approximately 95 feet wide through portions of the drill profile. We recommend that Michels review the project plans and workspace limitations to determine the most appropriate configuration for the secondary survey system. We recommend that Michels’ as-built drawing be reviewed by GeoEngineers prior to storing the data in the project file. Reaming Recommendations We recommend that Michels adjust the penetration and/or pump rates while conducting reaming operations to maintain an annular solids content of 30 percent or less. Installation Recommendations We recommend a minimum bending radius of 800 feet while stringing and handling the product pipe to protect against pipe damage while moving the product pipe into position for pullback. 3.0 HDD CONSTRUCTION RISKS AND CONSIDERATIONS 3.1 Construction Risks Michels’ means and methods during construction are critical to the successful completion of the HDD. We recommend contacting GeoEngineers immediately if subsurface conditions are claimed to be different than presented in this report. Because subsurface conditions can vary between borings, we recommend GeoEngineers be retained to provide on-site services during construction to document the drilling process as it occurs and to identify potential risks and increase the potential for a successful installation of this HDD. The following items have been considered during design and pre-construction planning to promote the likelihood of a successful installation. 3.1.1 Inadvertent Drilling Fluid Returns Evaluation General The procedures used to evaluate the potential for drilling fluid loss through hydraulic fracturing are based primarily on research completed by Delft Geotechnics, as discussed in Appendix B of the USACE Report CPAR-GL-98 (Staheli, et al., 1998, “Installation of Pipelines Beneath Levees Using Horizontal Directional Drilling,” United States Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station, CPAR-98-1). The methodologies used to estimate the hydraulic fracture potential outlined in the research are based on cavity expansion theory. The cavity expansion model is used to estimate the maximum effective pressure in the drill hole before plastic deformation of the drill hole occurs. Model Input Parameters In order to evaluate the hydraulic fracture and inadvertent drilling fluid returns potential for a given case, assumptions must be made when selecting the input parameters. The assumptions used in the model include the extent and uniformity of soil layers, hydrostatic water pressures, drilling fluid properties, penetration rates and pump rates. The soil strength properties are estimated based on interpretations of August 31, 2015 Page 3 File No. 18782-011-01 the boring logs and laboratory test results. The drilling fluid properties, penetration rates and pump rates are estimated based on generally accepted best management practices (BMPs) of the HDD industry. Consequently, the results of the evaluation are only estimates of the potential for hydraulic fracture and inadvertent drilling fluid returns. The soil units encountered in the vicinity of the HDD are characterized by borings MO-B-1, MO-B-2 and MO-B-3. In general, the subsurface conditions encountered in the borings were consistent with published geology for the area, consisting of very loose to medium dense sand with varying amounts of silt and gravel, medium dense to very dense gravel with varying amounts of silt and sand, very soft to hard silt and hard clay. Details of our subsurface exploration program are included in our geotechnical data report attached as Appendix B. Based on the results of the exploration program and subsequent laboratory testing program, the soil properties used in the evaluation are presented in Table 3 below. TABLE 3. ESTIMATED SOIL PROPERTIES Soil Description Unit Weight (pcfa) Friction Angle (degrees) Cohesion (psfb) Soft silt 110 0 250 Hard clay 130 0 4,000 Very loose to loose silty sand 110 20 - 28 0 Medium dense silty sand 115 30 0 120 to 125 32 - 36 0 Dense silty sand Notes: a pcf – pounds per cubic feet b psf – pounds per square foot In addition to the subsurface soil conditions, the drilling fluid properties influence the risk of hydraulic fracture and inadvertent returns and are dependent on the field conditions and the construction practices of the HDD contractor and “mud engineer.” Changes in these properties can significantly affect the potential for hydraulic fracture and inadvertent drilling fluid returns. The parameters used in the evaluation for the Missouri River HDD installation are summarized in Table 4. TABLE 4. ESTIMATED TOOL DIMENSIONS AND RHEOLOGICAL PARAMETERS Parameter Value Pilot Hole Bit Diameter 12.625 inches Drill Pipe Diameter 6.625 inches Drilling Fluid Weight 9.5 ppga Plastic Viscosity 14 CPb Yield Point 30 lb/100 sfc Notes: a ppg – pounds per gallon b CP – centipoise c lb/100 sf – pounds per 100 square feet August 31, 2015 Page 4 File No. 18782-011-01 3.1.2 Results of Hydraulic Fracture Evaluation Based on the soil properties, rheological parameters and anticipated tool dimensions, the model considers the total and effective overburden stresses, shear strengths of the soil, and the estimated drilling fluid pressures along the drill path. A comparison is then made of the estimated drilling fluid pressures immediately behind the drill bit and the ability of the formation to resist plastic deformation. When evaluating the risk of hydraulic fracture and inadvertent drilling fluid returns, the analysis computes two types of factors of safety. These are: ■ factor of safety against localized hydraulic fracture ■ factor of safety against drilling fluid surface release Local Hydraulic Fracture: The factor of safety against hydraulic fracture is the ratio of the formation limit pressure to the estimated drilling fluid pressure along the profile, shown as the green line in Figure 3. This represents the factor of safety against hydraulic fracture of the soil immediately surrounding the HDD profile and is a localized condition. Drilling Fluid Surface Release: The factor of safety against inadvertent drilling fluid returns considers the strength of the soil column above the HDD profile that resists drilling fluid migrating to the ground surface. It is computed by comparing the formation limit pressure of the soil units above a specific point along the planned HDD alignment to the anticipated drilling fluid pressure at that same point. The factors of safety against inadvertent drilling fluid returns are shown in Figure 3 at selected points shown as red triangles. In some cases, the evaluation may indicate a high potential for, or a low factor of safety against, hydraulic fracture in the soils surrounding the drill bit; however, a higher-strength layer may be present above the weaker layer that may prevent the migration of drilling fluid toward the ground surface, thus providing a higher factor of safety against inadvertent drilling fluid returns. Table 5 below shows the relative risk associated with the estimated factors of safety against hydraulic fracture and inadvertent drilling fluid returns. TABLE 5. RELATIVE HYDRAULIC FRACTURE AND INADVERTENT DRILLING FLUID RETURNS RISK Factor of Safety Relative Risk Less than 1 Very High Between 1 and 1.5 High Between 1.5 and 2 Moderate Greater than 2 Low Our analyses were completed assuming the pilot hole would be advanced from entry to exit based on the procedures outlined in Michels’ drill plan. The results of the hydraulic fracture evaluation are presented in Figure 2 and 3. The formation limit pressure, presented as the green line in Figure 2, is the ability of the soil to resist plastic deformation and is reflective of the shear strength of the soil through which the HDD profile passes. Based on the HDD design, the proposed HDD profile generally passes through medium dense to very dense sands with variable silt content. The estimated drilling fluid pressure is shown in August 31, 2015 Page 5 File No. 18782-011-01 Figure 2 as the heavy red line which represents the drilling fluid pressure required to maintain drilling fluid circulation along the HDD profile based on the anticipated drilling fluid properties shown in Table 4. The risk of inadvertent drilling fluid returns surfacing along the alignment is generally low along the entire alignment with factors of safety above 2.0 as shown as the red triangles in Figure 3. This outcome is the result of the medium dense to very dense sand layers through which the HDD profile passes. The risk of inadvertent returns during pilot hole is elevated within approximately 150 feet of the exit point because of the reduced depth of cover near the exit point and the loose near-surface soils. Based on Michels’ drill plan, they will use BMPs to reduce the potential for hydraulic fracture and drilling fluid surface releases. This includes, but is not limited to, continuous monitoring of drilling fluid returns, maintaining drilling fluid circulation during all phases of HDD operations, swabbing the hole as necessary to help remove cuttings from the hole and reduce downhole pressures, and the use of weeper subs in the downhole drill pipe string. These measures will help to prevent the annular drilling fluid pressures from exceeding the inadvertent drilling fluid returns pressure. 3.1.3 Drill Hole Stability In general, soil conditions encountered in the exploration borings near the proposed HDD alignment were consistent with published geology for the area, consisting of very loose to medium dense sand with varying amounts of silt and gravel, medium dense to very dense gravel with varying amounts of silt and sand, very soft to hard silt, and hard clay. The gravel content encountered in borings MO-B-1 and MO-B-2 was generally between 1 and 51 percent. The units of gravel and gravelly soil were generally less than 5 feet thick and the gravel portion primarily composed of fine gravel passing the 3/8-inch sieve. The HDD profile was designed to attempt to avoid the units of gravel encountered in borings MO-B-1 and MO-B-2; however, alluvial soils such as those encountered in the borings can be highly variable and units of gravel may be encountered at different depths along other portions of the designed HDD profile. Fine gravel can typically be removed from the hole by the drilling fluid circulated downhole during pilot hole and reaming operations. We anticipate that proper management of drilling fluid properties throughout the HDD installation process should help maintain the stability of the drilled hole and remove the majority of the gravel encountered so long as the gravels are relatively fine. We understand that Michels will monitor and adjust the drilling fluid properties to optimize the drilling fluid for the conditions encountered during drilling operations. 3.2 Construction Considerations 3.2.1 Site Access The proposed HDD entry workspace may be accessed from an unnamed gravel road from Highway 16 south of the entry workspace. The HDD exit and product pipe stringing and fabrication workspaces may be accessed via a temporary access road from 38th Street NW south of the exit workspace. Depending upon conditions at the time of construction, load-dispersing materials such as timber mats or quarry rock may be required to maintain stabilization of the equipment entering the locations. We recommend that Michels visit the site and evaluate the designated access routes to determine what August 31, 2015 Page 6 File No. 18782-011-01 improvements might be necessary and what considerations may be needed to mobilize their equipment to the site. 3.2.2 Workspace Considerations The temporary workspace at entry includes a 1.65 acres odd shaped area that is located at the base of a bluff south of and adjacent to the Missouri River. The entry workspace is located in an area that is partially wooded such that clearing will be needed prior to mobilization of equipment to the site. Generally speaking, the ground surface within the entry workspace is relatively flat, however; the western portion of the entry workspace is bounded by an incised stream channel that will restrict access to the workspace. The temporary workspace at exit includes a rectangular-shaped area measuring 200 feet wide by 250 feet in length with the exit point positioned 75 feet from the front (south side) of the workspace. The exit workspace is located in a relatively flat grassy pasture area such that clearing and grading should not be needed prior to mobilization of equipment to the site. The proposed product pipe stringing and fabrication workspace will extend 2,790 feet north of the temporary workspace at exit as depicted in the HDD design drawings in Appendix A. The product pipe stringing and fabrication workspace is of sufficient length to string the product pipe in one continuous section during pullback operations, however we recommend load-dispersing materials such as timber mats to be used within the product pipe stringing area over the existing pipeline depicted in the drawings within Appendix A. We recommend that Michels visit the workspace areas to determine the extent of clearing and grading necessary to prepare the site for HDD activities. 3.2.3 Proposed HDD Plan and Profile Plan and profile design drawings for the proposed Missouri River HDD are included in Appendix A. The design drawings include the necessary geometric information required to complete the pilot hole and the site specific construction requirements. Detailed calculations for minimum allowable radius of curvature, operating stresses and installation loads and stresses are also included for reference in Appendix A. The proposed Missouri River HDD is 2,715 feet long as measured along the HDD centerline, with a length of approximately 2,727 feet as measured along the drill profile. The radius of curvature for the entry and exit vertical curves is 2,400 feet and 2,600 feet, respectively. The HDD profile was designed to a depth to avoid drilling through the gravel unit encountered in boring MO-B-2 and depicted in the drawings within Appendix A, to provide adequate cover beneath the Missouri River, delineated wetlands, and 38th Street and to reduce the risk of inadvertent drilling fluid returns along the alignment. 3.2.4 Pilot Hole Considerations Downhole Survey Because of the short distance between the entry point and the south bank of the Missouri River, we understand that Michels may utilize a gyroscopic steering tool to complete the pilot hole. The use of the more traditional downhole survey tools (TruTracker and ParaTrack) requires the HDD contractor to establish a magnetic line azimuth which is accomplished by using secondary survey coil wires installed along the HDD alignment. These coil wires are used to help correct for spurious magnetic interference received by the downhole survey probe. Since the secondary survey coil wire on the entry side of the crossing will likely August 31, 2015 Page 7 File No. 18782-011-01 only extend to the south bank of the river, Michels will have only about 250 feet in which to establish an accurate magnetic line azimuth before the pilot hole is advanced beneath the river. If an accurate line azimuth is not established prior to advancing the pilot hole under the river and/or magnetic interference is encountered while advancing the pilot hole under the river, the pilot hole may exceed the specified lateral tolerances before the pilot hole is advanced to the north side of the river where the downhole survey data can be checked using a secondary survey coil on the north side of the river. Tolerances Based on the design geometry and proposed product pipe specifications, we recommend the minimum allowable three-joint vertical radius over any consecutive three-joint section not be less than 1,650 feet. We recommend the three-joint radius be calculated for each three-joint (for Range 2 drill pipe) section (approximately 90 feet) drilled during pilot hole operations. For the HDD horizontal, vertical, and entry and exit point tolerances please refer to the HDD design drawings in Appendix A. We recommend that, upon completion of the pilot hole, GeoEngineers have the opportunity to review the pilot hole survey data prior to the start of reaming operations. Pilot Hole As-Built We recommend that Michels be required to produce and submit an as-built drawing of the pilot hole survey data within two weeks of the completion of pullback operations. This should include a tabulation of the supporting as-built survey data used to generate the drawing. We recommend that Michels’ as-built drawing be reviewed by GeoEngineers prior to storing the data in the project file. 3.2.5 Reaming and Swabbing Considerations Reaming We understand that Michels will ream the hole to a minimum final hole diameter of at least 36 inches. If pull ream passes from exit to entry are conducted, a drilling fluid recycling system and high pressure drilling fluid pump operating from the exit side of the crossing would be advantageous to facilitate circulating drilling fluid downhole and recycling of the drilling fluid returns on that side of the crossing. Generally accepted best management practices (BMPs) within the HDD industry recommend an annular solids percentage of 30 percent or less, which requires pumping a volume of drilling fluid greater than 3 times the volume of soil cuttings being generated. We recommend that Michels adjust the penetration and/or pump rates while conducting reaming operations to maintain an annular solids content of 30 percent or less. Hole Swabbing Swabbing the hole after the completion of reaming operations is generally one of the best methods to determine if the hole is in a condition to receive the product pipe. Irregularities in the hole, zones of instability and areas where drill cuttings may have accumulated can often be detected during the swab pass. In the event that any of these conditions are detected or suspected, mitigation measures can be employed prior to pullback operations to increase the likelihood of successfully installing the product pipe without damage. Mitigation measures may include additional reaming or swab passes. We understand Michels will complete at least one (1) swab pass to evaluate the condition of the hole prior to pullback operations. Because of the potential for encountering gravelly soil units along the drilled HDD profile, additional swab passes may be warranted prior to pullback operations. Michels will review the data collected during the reaming and swab passes with Dakota Access before pullback operations begin. August 31, 2015 Page 8 File No. 18782-011-01 3.2.6 Pullback Considerations Handling of the Product Pipe The minimum allowable radius of curvature for handling and positioning the product pipe in preparation for pullback operations is 800 feet (See Appendix A for detailed calculations of the overbend radius). This radius of curvature results in a bending stress of approximately 67 percent SMYS (47,200 pounds per square inch [psi]). Installation Loads For the proposed HDD, we analyzed the anticipated pull loads for the as-designed HDD geometry based upon different drilling fluid weights in the hole with and without the use of buoyancy control inside the product pipe. The proposed 24-inch-diameter steel product pipe will be positively buoyant in the anticipated drilling fluid weights. Our analyses include a range of cases with differing drilling fluid densities in the hole during pullback with and without the use of buoyancy control, and one in which a neutral buoyancy is achieved, for comparison. Installation load and stress calculation results are attached in Appendix A. The five cases analyzed are as follows: 1. The annulus contains 9.5 pounds per gallon (lb/gal) drilling fluid and the product pipe is empty. 2. The annulus contains 9.5 lb/gal drilling fluid and the product pipe is full of water. 3. The annulus contains 12 lb/gal drilling fluid and the product pipe is empty. 4. The annulus contains 12 lb/gal drilling fluid and the product pipe is full of water. 5. The annulus contains 10 lb/gal drilling fluid and the product pipe is neutrally buoyant. The following table presents a summary of the calculated installation loads for the crossing. TABLE 6. INSTALLATION LOADS FOR THE 24-INCH MISSOURI RIVER HDDA Drilling Fluid Weight (lb/gal) Buoyancy Condition Effective Pipe Weightb (lb/ft) Pullback Forcec (lb) 9.5 Empty -97 229,000 9.5 Full 83 178,000 12 Empty -156 284,000 12 Full 24 144,000 10 Neutral 0 137,000 Notes: A Assumes the as-designed HDD profile. See Appendix A for detailed calculations. b Negative values indicate upward force (positive buoyancy). c. Assumes a fully open drilled hole with no obstructions. Based on our analysis of the installation loads (see Table 6), the pullback force during installation of the 24-inch diameter product pipe may be as high as approximately 284,000 pounds depending on the weight of the drilling fluid in the hole at the time of pullback and buoyancy control measures utilized by Michels. The calculated safe pull force for this installation is 1,300,000 pounds. We recommend that Michels be required to provide the maximum anticipated pull force required to install the product pipe and the maximum allowable pull force that can be applied to their downhole tooling with their HDD Work Plan. August 31, 2015 Page 9 File No. 18782-011-01 Pneumatic Hammer Usage In some instances, the use of a pneumatic hammer can be utilized to assist the installation of the product pipe. We understand that Michels will not employ the use of a pneumatic hammer without prior approval from Dakota Access. Drilling Fluid Displacement During pullback operations, the product pipe will displace approximately 64,000 gallons of drilling fluid. Because of the geometry of the HDD profile we anticipate that the displaced drilling fluid will flow to both the entry and exit points during pullback operations. 4.0 OPERATING CONDITIONS For our analysis of the operating stresses, the installation and operating temperatures utilized for the 24-inch pipeline were 70 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit, respectively. We can further evaluate different installation and operating temperatures, if necessary. Also, the operating stresses are based on a minimum allowable pilot hole radius of curvature of 1,650 feet. If the as-built minimum radius of the pilot hole is less than 1,650 feet, the operating stresses will be increased. The following table presents a summary of the operating stresses for the product pipe specifications proposed for the HDD. TABLE 7. OPERATING STRESSES FOR THE 24-INCH MISSOURI RIVER HDD* Stress (psi) Percent SMYSa (%) Maximum Allowable Percent SMYSa (%) Longitudinal Bending Stress 17,800 25 - Hoop Stress 34,600 49 50b Longitudinal Tensile Stress from Hoop Stress 10,400 15 - Longitudinal Stress from Thermal Expansion -5,700 8 90c Maximum Net Longitudinal Stress 22,400 32 67c Maximum Shear Stress 23,800 34 45d Maximum Combined Effective Stress 47,700 68 90c Stress Component Notes: * Operating Stresses are Based on an Allowable Minimum Radius of 1,650 feet a Specified Minimum Yield Stress b. Limited by design factor from Design Basis c. Limited by section 402.3.2 of ASME B31.4 d. Limited by Section 402.3.1 of ASME B31.4 5.0 LIMITATIONS We have prepared this report for use by Dakota Access and their authorized agents and other approved members of the design team involved with this project. The report is not intended for use by others, and the information contained herein is not applicable to other sites. Our report, conclusions and interpretations should not be construed as a warranty of the subsurface conditions. To increase the likelihood of a successful installation, the conclusions and recommendations in this report should be applied in their entirety. August 31, 2015 Page 10 File No. 18782-011-01 Variations in subsurface conditions are possible between the explorations. Subsurface conditions may also vary with time. A contingency for unanticipated conditions should be included in the project budget and schedule for such an occurrence. We recommend that sufficient monitoring, testing and consultation be provided by GeoEngineers during construction to confirm that the conditions encountered are consistent with those indicated by the explorations, to provide recommendations for design changes should the conditions revealed during the work differ from those anticipated, and to evaluate whether earthwork and pipeline installation activities comply with contract plans and specifications. The scope of our services does not include services related to construction safety precautions. Our recommendations are not intended to direct the contractor's methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, except as specifically described in our report for consideration in developing an HDD Work Plan. Within the limitations of scope, schedule and budget, our services have been executed in accordance with generally accepted practices in this area at the time the report was prepared. No warranty or other conditions, express, written, or implied, should be understood. Any electronic form, facsimile or hard copy of the original document (email, text, table and/or figure), if provided, and any attachments are only a copy of the original document. The original document is stored by GeoEngineers, and will serve as the official document of record. Please refer to Appendix C, titled “Report Limitations and Guidelines for Use,” for additional information pertaining to use of this report. 6.0 REFERENCES From the CFR Title 49, Part 192 and 195  Code of Federal Regulations (2013), “Design Factor for Steel Pipe,” CFR Transportation, Title 49 Part 192.111  Code of Federal Regulations (2013), “Design Factor for Steel Pipe,” CFR Transportation, Title 49 Part 195.106 From ASME, Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquid Hydrocarbons and Other Liquids (B31.4)  The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2012), “Allowable Stress Values,” ASME Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquid Hydrocarbons and Other Liquids, B31.4 Part 402.3.1  The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2012), “Limits of Calculated Stresses Due to Suspended Loads and Thermal Expansion,” ASME Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquid Hydrocarbons and Other Liquids, B31.4 Part 402.3.2 From ASME, Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems (B31.8)  The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2010), “Summation of Longitudinal Stress in Restrained Pipe,” ASME Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems, B31.8 Part 833.3 August 31, 2015 Page 11 File No. 18782-011-01  The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2010), “Combined Stress for Restrained Pipe,” ASME Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems, B31.8 Part 833.4 Pipeline Research Committee International (PRCI) of the American Gas Association “Installation of Pipelines by Horizontal Directional Drilling, An Engineering Design Guide,” November, 2008. Dakota Access, LLC, Pipeline Construction Plan Document No. DAPL-WGM-GN000-PRE-SPC-0001, Project No. 10395700, Revision C, Issue Date: April 20, 2015. August 31, 2015 Page 12 File No. 18782-011-01 SEIH La ke Tr e nt on V U 5 Roosevelt V U Williams Map Revised: 31 August 2015 mclevenger M ri R ive r 1804 i ss ou V U 147 MISSOURI RIVER HDD V U McKenzie 58 Office: SPR e R iv e r o w s to n Richland Ye l l Path: P:\18\18782011\01\GIS\Vicinity Maps\North Dakota Gathering\Missouri River HDD.mxd PROPOSED DAKOTA ACCESS GATHERING SYSTEM PIPELINE ALIGNMENT (08-31-2015) V U 200 µ Sheridan Roosevelt Williams Mountrail DAPL Gathering System Montana Richland North Dakota DAPL Mainline Dawson Wibaux McLean 2 0 2 McKenzie Billings Dunn Miles Mercer Golden Valley Notes: 1. The locations of all features shown are approximate. 2. This drawing is for information purposes. It is intended to assist in showing features discussed in an attached document. GeoEngineers, Inc. cannot guarantee the accuracy and content of electronic files. The master file is stored by GeoEngineers, Inc. and will serve as the official record of this communication. Data Sources: ESRI Data & Maps, Street Maps 2008. Imagery from ESRI Data Online. Projection: NAD 1983, UTM Zone 13 North. DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE PROJECT VICINITY MAP PROPOSED 24" GATHERING SYSTEM MISSOURI RIVER HDD WILLIAMS AND MCKENZIE COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA Figure 1 MISSOURI  RIVER  HDD     18782-­‐011-­‐01    AES      150818         Entry   MO-­‐B-­‐3   MO-­‐B-­‐2   400   350   1850   300   1825   250   1800   200   1775   150   1750   100   1725   50   1700   06+00   08+00   10+00   12+00   14+00   16+00   18+00   20+00   22+00   24+00   26+00   28+00   30+00   32+00   34+00   36+00   0   38+00   Sta/on   2715   Crossing  Length  (J)   Hole  Diameter  (in)   Drill  Pipe  O.D.  (in)   12.625   6.625   Drilling  Fluid  Weight  (ppg)   9.5   PlasHc  Viscosity  (CP)   14   Yield  Point  (lb/100  J)   30   Ground  Surface  ElevaHon  (J)   HDD  Profile  (J)   FormaHon  Limit  Pressure  (psi)   EsHmated  Annular  Drilling  Fluid  Pressure  (psi)  for  Pilot  Hole   ESTIMATED  ANNULAR  DRILLING  FLUID  AND  FORMATION  LIMIT  PRESSURES   MISSOURI  RIVER  HDD     FIGURE  2   Pressure  (psi)   Eleva/on  (2)   1875   MO-­‐B-­‐1   Exit   1900   Missouri  River   450   38th  Street  NW   1925   MISSOURI  RIVER  HDD     18782-­‐011-­‐01    AES      150818         Entry   MO-­‐B-­‐3   MO-­‐B-­‐2   8.0   7.0   1850   6.0   1825   5.0   1800   4.0   1775   3.0   1750   2.0   1725   1.0   1700   06+00   08+00   10+00   12+00   14+00   16+00   18+00   20+00   22+00   24+00   26+00   28+00   30+00   32+00   34+00   36+00   0.0   38+00   Sta/on   Crossing  Length  (J)   Hole  Diameter  (in)   Drill  Pipe  O.D.  (in)   2715   12.625   6.625   Ground  Surface  ElevaHon  (J)   HDD  Profile  (J)   Hydraulic  Fracture  Factor  of  Safety  for  Pilot  Hole   Drilling  Fluid  Weight  (ppg)   9.5   PlasHc  Viscosity  (CP)   14   Drilling  Fluid  Surface  Release  Factor  of  Safety  for  Pilot  Hole   Yield  Point  (lb/100  J)   30   Factor  of  Safety  =  2   HYDRAULIC  FRACTURE  AND  DRILLING  FLUID  SURFACE  RELEASE  FACTORS  OF  SAFETY   MISSOURI  RIVER  HDD     FIGURE  3   Factor  of  Safety   Eleva/on  (2)   1875   MO-­‐B-­‐1   Exit   1900   Missouri  River   9.0   38th  Street  NW   1925   APPENDIX A HDD Design Drawings and Calculations E ST RE 38TH ND-WI-250.000 T NW 1900 EXISTING OVERHEAD POWER LINE 75' MO-B-1 75' 254' C-25 N D-M 200' 1900 MO-B-3 250' MP 94.0 PROPOSED 24" HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILL - 2,715' PROPOSED TEMPORARY 1.96 ACRES ODD SHAPED HDD ENTRY WORKSPACE ND-MC-251.000 MO-B-2 1.90 ND-MC-001.000 ND-MC-001.900 EXISTING FENCE 100' TY MCKENZIE COUN PROPOSED HDD EXIT POINT N. 17430484.08835 E. 1908080.20028 LAT. N47° 57' 48.6263" LONG. W103° 54' 25.4824" PROPOSED TEMPORARY HDD EXIT WORKSPACE WILLIAMS COUNTY EXISTING PIPELINE (TYP.) 2050 19 50 0 PROPOSED DAKOTA ACCESS GATHERING SYSTEM PIPELINE ALIGNMENT (08-31-2015) 2000 21 00 ND-WI-249.000 PROPOSED HDD ENTRY POINT N. 17427849.55032 E. 1908736.27522 LAT. N47° 57' 22.5296" LONG. W103° 54' 16.3901" MP 94.5 PROPOSED PRODUCT PIPE STRINGING AND FABRICATION AREA (SEE SHEET 2 FOR LAYOUT) MISSOURI RIVER MATCH LINE (SEE SHEET 2) ND-MC-251.200 1900 WATERBODY (TYP.) PROPERTY LINE (TYP.) ND-MC-001.300 ND-MC-001.900 DATUM: HORIZONTAL: NAD83 with UTM Datum, Zone 13, US Foot; Central Meridian 105° W VERTICAL: NAVD 88 PROPOSED HDD EXIT POINT GROUND SURFACE (LIDAR)(TYP.) MISSOURI RIVER (APPROX. WATER LEVEL) 38TH STREET NW 10° 7 7 7 11 SAND W/ PT2 6 17 12 12 8 8 12 5 10 14 11 22 (1% GRAVEL) SAND 2 WOH 20 20 25 26 23 PC2 69' SILTY SAND W/ TRACE (44% GRAVEL) 50 GRAVEL W/ SILT AND SAND (51% GRAVEL) 21 SAND W/ SILT SILTY GRAVEL W/ SAND 29 26 RECOMMENDED TOLERANCES P:\18\18782011\01\CAD\Crossings\North Dakota Gathering\Missouri River\Drawings\Missouri River HDD_IFB.dwg\TAB:SHEET 1 modified on Aug 31, 2015 - 9:33am MISSOURI RIVER HDD ITEM DESC RIPTION STATION * (FT) ELEVATION (FT) ENTRY @ 14° 36+15.00 1875.52 PC 1 (14.00° @ 2,400 FT R.) 35+90.02 1869.29 PT1 30+09.41 1798.00 PILOT HOLE ENTRY ANGLE PILOT HOLE ENTRY LOCATION PILOT HOLE EXIT ANGLE PILOT HOLE EXIT LOCATION PC 2 (10.00° @ 2,600 FT R.) 15+38.26 1798.00 PT2 10+86.78 1837.50 PILOT HOLE DEPTH EXIT @ 10° 9+00.00 1870.43 PILOT HOLE ALIGNMENT HORIZONTAL DISTANC E = 2,715.00 FT TOLERANCE INCREASE ANGLE UP TO 1º (STEEPER), BUT NO DECREASE IN ANGLE ALLOWED. WITHIN 5 FEET OF ENTRY POINT. WITH NO CHANGES WITHOUT COMPANY APPROVAL. INCREASE ANGLE UP TO 1º (STEEPER) OR DECREASE UP TO 2º (FLATTER). UP TO 30 FEET BEYOND THE EXIT STAKE. BETWEEN 10 FEET LEFT AND 10 FEET RIGHT OF CENTERLINE. UP TO 10 FEET BELOW THE DESIGN DRILL PROFILE ALLOWED. SHALL REMAIN WITHIN 10 FEET LEFT OR RIGHT OF THE HDD ALIGNMENT. GROUND SURFACE (SURVEY) 2,400 FT R. 33' 36' SAND W/ SILT GRAVEL W/ SILT AND 50/6" 100/15" 100/16" 87 50/4" SAND (51% GRAVEL) SILTY SAND W/ OCCASIONAL GRAVEL SANDY 14° PC1 SILT SILTY SAND SANDY SILT SILTY SAND CLAY W/ SAND 100/16" PT1 SAND W/ SILT AND TRACE FINE GRAVEL 50/2" 50/3" SILTY SAND 50/5" 50/5" MO-B-2 MO-B-1 DIREC TIONAL DRILL DATA ORGANICS 16 25 22 32 SAND (3% GRAVEL) 21 8 2,600 FT R. SILT W/ SAND 10 25 13 21 10 8 6 WOH 50/2" 50/3" 36 50/4" SILT 2 56' PROPOSED HDD ENTRY POINT 50/5" PROPOSED 24" HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILL PROFILE (REFER TO BASIS OF DESIGN NOTES) CLAY W/ SAND 75 MO-B-3 LEGEND SPT (N) TYPE OF SOIL (% GRAVEL) BORING LOCATION MAJOR CONTOUR - 50' INTERVAL MINOR CONTOUR - 10' INTERVAL DIREC TIONAL DRILL PIPE LENGTH = 2,726.76 FT © ISSUED FOR BID MISSOURI RIVER ND-MC-251.200 ET NW ST RE EXISTING PIPELINE (TYP.) PROPOSED PRODUCT PIPE STRINGING AND FABRICATION AREA (50' X 2,790') 250' MP 93.5 ND-WI-249.000 MATCH LINE (SEE SHEET 1) 38T H ND-WI-250.000 MP 94.0 75' 75' 1.90 0 PROPOSED PRODUCT PIPE STRINGING ALIGNMENT PROPOSED TEMPORARY HDD EXIT WORKSPACE PROPOSED DAKOTA ACCESS GATHERING SYSTEM PIPELINE ALIGNMENT (08-31-2015) PROPERTY LINE (TYP.) WETLAND (TYP.) PROPOSED HDD EXIT POINT N. 17430484.08835 E. 1908080.20028 LAT. N47° 57' 48.6263" LONG. W103° 54' 25.4824" ND-MC-001.900 P:\18\18782011\01\CAD\Crossings\North Dakota Gathering\Missouri River\Drawings\Missouri River HDD_IFB.dwg\TAB:SHEET 2 modified on Aug 31, 2015 - 9:34am ND-WI-249.300 DATUM: HORIZONTAL: NAD83 with UTM Datum, Zone 13, US Foot; Central Meridian 105° W VERTICAL: NAVD 88 © LEGEND ISSUED FOR BID BORING LOCATION MAJOR CONTOUR - 10' INTERVAL MINOR CONTOUR - 2' INTERVAL TY MCKENZIE COUN MO-B-2 WILLIAMS COUNTY ND-MC-251.000 MO-B-1 C-25 N D-M 200' PROPOSED 24" HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILL - 2,715' HDD Design Summary Project Name: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Project No: 18782-011-01 By: SMS HDD Name: Missouri River HDD Ck'd By: MAM Owner: Dakota Access, LLC Location: Williams & McKenzie Co, ND Date: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 Design Parameters Pipe Diameter = 24.000 in Assumed Installation Temp = 70 °F Pipe Material = Steel Assumed Operating Temp= 100 °F Yield Stress = 70,000 psi Design Factor = 0.5 Wall Thickness = 0.5 in MAOP = 1,440 psi Drill Data Box Profile Segment Information Point Station (ft) Elevation (ft) Segment Name Segment Type Segment Length (ft) ENTRY @ 14° 3,615.00 1,875.52 Entry Tangent Straight 25.75 P C 1 (14.00° @ 2,400 ft R.) 3,590.02 1,869.29 Entry Curve Vertical Curve 586.43 PT1 3,009.41 1,798.00 Bottom Tangent Straight 1,471.14 P C 2 (10.00° @ 2,600 ft R.) 1,538.26 1,798.00 Exit Curve Vertical Curve 453.79 PT2 1,086.78 1,837.50 Exit Tangent Straight 189.66 EXIT @ 10° 900.00 1,870.43 Pipe Length = 2,726.76 ft Horizontal Alignment Length = 2,715.00 ft Installation Load Summary Drilling Fluid Weight (lb/gal) Buoyancy Condition Buoyancy Control (lb/ft) Effective Pipe Weight (lb/ft) Total Installation Force (lb) 9.50 Empty 0.00 -97.46 229,000 9.50 Full 180.04 82.58 178,000 12.00 Empty 0.00 -156.21 284,000 12.00 Full 180.04 23.83 144,000 10.00 Neutral 109.21 0.00 137,000 Page 1 of 1 Minimum Radius Calculations Project Name: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Project No: 18782-011-01 By: SMS HDD Name: Missouri River HDD Ck'd By: MAM Location: Williams & McKenzie Co, ND Owner: Dakota Access, LLC Date: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 Design Parameters: Pipe Diameter = 24.000 in Wall Thickness = 0.500 in D/t Ratio = 48.00 MAOP = 1,440 psi Factor of Safety = 2.00 SMYS = 70,000 psi Modulus of Elasticity (E) = 2.93E+007 psi Hoop Stress: Calculated Hoop Stress = (MAOP * Pipe Diameter) / (2 * Wall Thickness) = 34,560 psi Longitudinal Stress: Calculated Longitudinal Stress = Hoop Stress / 2 = 17,280 psi Allowable Stress: Calculated Allowable Stress = SMYS / Factor of Safety = 35,000 psi Bending Stress: Calculated Bending Stress = Allowable Stress - Longitudinal Stress = 17,720 psi Minimum Radius: Calculated Minimum Radius = (E * Pipe Diameter) / (2 * Bending Stress) = 1,637 ft Page 1 of 1 Operating Stress Summary Project Name: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Project No: 18782-011-01 By: SMS HDD Name: Missouri River HDD Ck'd By: MAM Location: Williams & McKenzie Co, ND Owner: Dakota Access, LLC Date: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 Design Parameters Pipe diameter = 24.000 in Minimum Radius of Curvature = 1,650 ft Wall Thickness = 0.500 in Coefficient of Thermal Expansion = 6.5E-06 in/in/°F SMYS = 70,000 psi Assumed Installation Temperature = 70 °F MAOP = 1,440 psi Assumed Operating Temperature = 100 °F Poissons's Ratio = 0.30 Temperature Derating Factor = 1.00 Young's Modulus (E) = 2.93E+007 psi Groundwater Table Head = 0.00 ft Design Factor = 0.5 Stress Analyses Longitudinal Stress from Bending = 17,784 psi Percent SMYS = 25.41 % Hoop Stress = 34,560 psi Percent SMYS = 49.37 % Limited by Design Factor (0.5) according to 49 CFR 195.106 Longitudinal Tensile Stress from Hoop Stress = 10,368 psi Percent SMYS = 14.81 % Longitudinal Stress from Thermal Expansion = -5,722 psi Percent SMYS = 8.17 % Limited to 90% SMYS by ASME/ANSI B31.4 section 402.3.2 Net Longitudinal Stress (Comp. side of Curve) = -13,138 psi Percent SMYS = 18.77 % Limited to 67.5% SMYS by ASME/ANSI B31.4 section 402.3.2 Net Longitudinal Stress (Tension side of Curve) = 22,430 psi Percent SMYS = 32.04 % Limited to 67.5% SMYS by ASME/ANSI B31.4 section 402.3.2 Maximum Shear Stress = 23,849 psi Percent SMYS = 34.07 % Limited to 45% SMYS by ASME/ANSI B31.4 section 402.3.1 Combined BiaxialSress Check = 47,698 psi Percent SMYS = 68.14 % Limited to 90% SMYS by AMSE/ANSI B31.4 section 402.3.2 Page 1 of 2 Operating Stress Summary Project Name: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Project No: 18782-011-01 By: SMS Ck'd By: MAM HDD Name: Missouri River HDD Location: Williams & McKenzie Co, ND Page 2 of 2 Owner: Dakota Access, LLC Date: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 Installation Load Calculations Project Name: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Project No: 18782-011-01 By: SMS HDD Name: Missouri River HDD Ck'd By: MAM Owner: Dakota Access, LLC Location: Williams & McKenzie Co, ND Date: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 Installation Case:9.50 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Empty Product Pipe Parameters Effective Weight Calculations Pipe Diameter = 24.000 in Total Empty Pipe Weight In Air= 125.80 lb/ft Wall Thickness = 0.500 in Pipe Interior Volume = 2.89 ft³ SMYS = 70,000 psi Coating Thickness = 0.00 in Young's Modulus = 2.90E+007 psi Coating Density = 0.00 lb/ft³ Total Pipe Length = 2,727 ft Pipe Exterior Volume = 3.14 ft³/ft Moment of Inertia = 2,549 inЇ Displaced Fluid Weight = 223.26 lb/ft Pipe Face Area = 36.91 in² B.C. Line(s) Weight = 0.00 lb/ft D/t Ratio = 48.00 B.C. Line(s) Volume = 0.00 ft³/ft Poisson Ratio = 0.30 Unit Weight of B.C. Fluid = 62.40 lb/ft³ Coefficient of Soil Friction = 0.30 Effective Weight of Pipe = -97.46 lb/ft Fluid Drag Coefficient = 0.05 Installation:9.50 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Empty Segment 1 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Exit Tangent Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 0 ft Straight Segment Length = 189.66 ft Angle Turned = 0.00 deg Center Displacement = 0.00 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 0 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Calculated Allowable Drag Force = 8,580 lb Segment Axial Stress = 467 psi Friction Force = 5,461 lb Cumulative Axial Stress = 467 psi 56,000 psi Segment Weight = 3,210 lb Bending Stress = 0 psi 45,696 psi Tension = 0 lb Hoop Stress = 450 psi 7,384 psi Average Tension = 0 lb Combined Stress = 0.0083 < 1.0 Total Stress = 0.0039 < 1.0 Segment Force = 17,250 lb Cumulative Force = 17,250 lb Page 1 of 15 Installation Load Calculations Installation:9.50 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Empty Segment 2 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Exit Curve Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 2,600 ft Vertical Curve Segment Length = 453.79 ft Angle Turned = 10.00 deg Center Displacement = 9.89 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 33,603 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Calculated Allowable Drag Force = 20,529 lb Segment Axial Stress = 1,207 psi Friction Force = 10,081 lb Cumulative Axial Stress = 1,674 psi 56,000 psi Bending Stress = 17,576 psi 45,696 psi Segment Weight = 3,854 lb Tension = 61,795 lb Hoop Stress = 918 psi 7,384 psi Average Tension = 39,523 lb Combined Stress = 0.4145 < 1.0 Segment Force = 44,545 lb Total Stress = 0.1531 < 1.0 Cumulative Force = 61,795 lb Installation:9.50 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Empty Segment 3 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Bottom Tangent Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 0 ft Straight Segment Length = 1,471.14 ft Angle Turned = 0.00 deg Center Displacement = 0.00 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 0 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Calculated Allowable Drag Force = 66,553 lb Segment Axial Stress = 2,968 psi Friction Force = 43,011 lb Cumulative Axial Stress = 4,642 psi 56,000 psi 0 psi 45,696 psi Segment Weight = 0 lb Bending Stress = Tension = 0 lb Hoop Stress = 918 psi 7,384 psi Average Tension = 0 lb Combined Stress = 0.0829 < 1.0 Total Stress = 0.0266 < 1.0 Segment Force = 109,564 lb Cumulative Force = 171,360 lb Page 2 of 15 Installation Load Calculations Installation:9.50 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Empty Segment 4 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Entry Curve Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 2,400 ft Vertical Curve Segment Length = 586.43 ft Angle Turned = 14.00 deg Center Displacement = 17.89 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 61,698 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Calculated Allowable Drag Force = 26,529 lb Segment Axial Stress = 1,533 psi Friction Force = 18,510 lb Cumulative Axial Stress = 6,175 psi 56,000 psi Segment Weight = -6,965 lb Bending Stress = 17,576 psi 45,696 psi Tension = 227,943 lb Hoop Stress = 918 psi 7,384 psi Average Tension = 199,651 lb Combined Stress = 0.4949 < 1.0 Total Stress = 0.2195 < 1.0 Segment Force = 56,584 lb Cumulative Force = 227,943 lb Installation:9.50 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Empty Segment 5 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Entry Tangent Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 0 ft Straight Segment Length = 25.75 ft Angle Turned = 0.00 deg Center Displacement = 0.00 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 0 lb Drag Force = 1,165 lb Friction Force = 730 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Segment Axial Stress = Cumulative Axial Stress = Calculated Allowable 35 psi 6,210 psi 56,000 psi Bending Stress = 0 psi 45,696 psi Tension = 0 lb Hoop Stress = 74 psi 7,384 psi Average Tension = 0 lb Combined Stress = 0.1109 < 1.0 Total Stress = 0.0129 < 1.0 Segment Weight = -607 lb Segment Force = 1,288 lb Cumulative Force = 229,231 lb Page 3 of 15 Installation Load Calculations Project Name: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Project No: 18782-011-01 By: SMS HDD Name: Missouri River HDD Ck'd By: MAM Owner: Dakota Access, LLC Location: Williams & McKenzie Co, ND Date: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 Installation Case:9.50 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Full Product Pipe Parameters Effective Weight Calculations Pipe Diameter = 24.000 in Total Empty Pipe Weight In Air= 125.80 lb/ft Wall Thickness = 0.500 in Pipe Interior Volume = 2.89 ft³ SMYS = 70,000 psi Coating Thickness = 0.00 in Young's Modulus = 2.90E+007 psi Coating Density = 0.00 lb/ft³ Total Pipe Length = 2,727 ft Pipe Exterior Volume = 3.14 ft³/ft Moment of Inertia = 2,549 inЇ Displaced Fluid Weight = 223.26 lb/ft Pipe Face Area = 36.91 in² B.C. Line(s) Weight = 0.00 lb/ft D/t Ratio = 48.00 B.C. Line(s) Volume = 0.00 ft³/ft Poisson Ratio = 0.30 Unit Weight of B.C. Fluid = 62.40 lb/ft³ Coefficient of Soil Friction = 0.30 Effective Weight of Pipe = 82.58 lb/ft Fluid Drag Coefficient = 0.05 Installation:9.50 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Full Segment 1 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Exit Tangent Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 0 ft Straight Segment Length = 189.66 ft Angle Turned = 0.00 deg Center Displacement = 0.00 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 0 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Calculated Allowable Drag Force = 8,580 lb Segment Axial Stress = 284 psi Friction Force = 4,627 lb Cumulative Axial Stress = 284 psi 56,000 psi 0 psi 45,696 psi Segment Weight = -2,720 lb Bending Stress = Tension = 0 lb Hoop Stress = 108 psi 7,384 psi Average Tension = 0 lb Combined Stress = 0.0051 < 1.0 Total Stress = 0.0003 < 1.0 Segment Force = 10,488 lb Cumulative Force = 10,488 lb Page 4 of 15 Installation Load Calculations Installation:9.50 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Full Segment 2 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Exit Curve Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 2,600 ft Vertical Curve Segment Length = 453.79 ft Angle Turned = 10.00 deg Center Displacement = 9.89 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = -17,860 lb Drag Force = 20,529 lb Friction Force = 5,358 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Calculated Segment Axial Stress = Allowable 758 psi Cumulative Axial Stress = 1,042 psi 56,000 psi Segment Weight = -3,266 lb Bending Stress = 17,576 psi 45,696 psi Tension = 38,466 lb Hoop Stress = 165 psi 7,384 psi Average Tension = 24,477 lb Combined Stress = 0.4032 < 1.0 Segment Force = 27,978 lb Total Stress = 0.1145 < 1.0 Cumulative Force = 38,466 lb Installation:9.50 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Full Segment 3 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Bottom Tangent Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 0 ft Straight Segment Length = 1,471.14 ft Angle Turned = 0.00 deg Center Displacement = 0.00 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 0 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Calculated Allowable Drag Force = 66,553 lb Segment Axial Stress = 2,790 psi Friction Force = 36,448 lb Cumulative Axial Stress = 3,832 psi 56,000 psi 0 psi 45,696 psi Segment Weight = 0 lb Bending Stress = Tension = 0 lb Hoop Stress = 165 psi 7,384 psi Average Tension = 0 lb Combined Stress = 0.0684 < 1.0 Total Stress = 0.0059 < 1.0 Segment Force = 103,001 lb Cumulative Force = 141,467 lb Page 5 of 15 Installation Load Calculations Installation:9.50 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Full Segment 4 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Entry Curve Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 2,400 ft Vertical Curve Segment Length = 586.43 ft Angle Turned = 14.00 deg Center Displacement = 17.89 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = -3,429 lb Drag Force = 26,529 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Calculated Segment Axial Stress = Allowable 934 psi Friction Force = 1,029 lb Cumulative Axial Stress = 4,767 psi 56,000 psi Segment Weight = 5,902 lb Bending Stress = 17,576 psi 45,696 psi Tension = 175,955 lb Hoop Stress = 165 psi 7,384 psi Average Tension = 158,711 lb Combined Stress = 0.4697 < 1.0 Total Stress = 0.1638 < 1.0 Segment Force = 34,489 lb Cumulative Force = 175,955 lb Installation:9.50 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Full Segment 5 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Entry Tangent Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 0 ft Straight Segment Length = 25.75 ft Angle Turned = 0.00 deg Center Displacement = 0.00 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 0 lb Drag Force = 1,165 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Segment Axial Stress = Friction Force = 619 lb Cumulative Axial Stress = Segment Weight = 514 lb Calculated Allowable 62 psi 4,829 psi 56,000 psi Bending Stress = 0 psi 45,696 psi Tension = 0 lb Hoop Stress = 62 psi 7,384 psi Average Tension = 0 lb Combined Stress = 0.0862 < 1.0 Total Stress = 0.0078 < 1.0 Segment Force = 2,298 lb Cumulative Force = 178,254 lb Page 6 of 15 Installation Load Calculations Project Name: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Project No: 18782-011-01 By: SMS HDD Name: Missouri River HDD Ck'd By: MAM Owner: Dakota Access, LLC Location: Williams & McKenzie Co, ND Date: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 Installation Case:12.00 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Empty Product Pipe Parameters Effective Weight Calculations Pipe Diameter = 24.000 in Total Empty Pipe Weight In Air= 125.80 lb/ft Wall Thickness = 0.500 in Pipe Interior Volume = 2.89 ft³ SMYS = 70,000 psi Coating Thickness = 0.00 in Young's Modulus = 2.90E+007 psi Coating Density = 0.00 lb/ft³ Total Pipe Length = 2,727 ft Pipe Exterior Volume = 3.14 ft³/ft Moment of Inertia = 2,549 inЇ Displaced Fluid Weight = 282.01 lb/ft Pipe Face Area = 36.91 in² B.C. Line(s) Weight = 0.00 lb/ft D/t Ratio = 48.00 B.C. Line(s) Volume = 0.00 ft³/ft Poisson Ratio = 0.30 Unit Weight of B.C. Fluid = 62.40 lb/ft³ Coefficient of Soil Friction = 0.30 Effective Weight of Pipe = -156.21 lb/ft Fluid Drag Coefficient = 0.05 Installation:12.00 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Empty Segment 1 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Exit Tangent Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 0 ft Straight Segment Length = 189.66 ft Angle Turned = 0.00 deg Center Displacement = 0.00 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 0 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Calculated Allowable Drag Force = 8,580 lb Segment Axial Stress = 609 psi Friction Force = 8,753 lb Cumulative Axial Stress = 609 psi 56,000 psi Segment Weight = 5,144 lb Bending Stress = 0 psi 45,696 psi Tension = 0 lb Hoop Stress = 569 psi 7,384 psi Average Tension = 0 lb Combined Stress = 0.0109 < 1.0 Total Stress = 0.0062 < 1.0 Segment Force = 22,477 lb Cumulative Force = 22,477 lb Page 7 of 15 Installation Load Calculations Installation:12.00 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Empty Segment 2 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Exit Curve Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 2,600 ft Vertical Curve Segment Length = 453.79 ft Angle Turned = 10.00 deg Center Displacement = 9.89 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 50,757 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Calculated Allowable Drag Force = 20,529 lb Segment Axial Stress = 1,549 psi Friction Force = 15,227 lb Cumulative Axial Stress = 2,157 psi 56,000 psi Bending Stress = 17,576 psi 45,696 psi Tension = 79,638 lb Hoop Stress = 1,160 psi 7,384 psi Average Tension = 51,058 lb Combined Stress = 0.4231 < 1.0 Segment Force = 57,161 lb Total Stress = 0.1739 < 1.0 Segment Weight = 6,178 lb Cumulative Force = 79,638 lb Installation:12.00 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Empty Segment 3 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Bottom Tangent Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 0 ft Straight Segment Length = 1,471.14 ft Angle Turned = 0.00 deg Center Displacement = 0.00 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 0 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Calculated Allowable Drag Force = 66,553 lb Segment Axial Stress = 3,671 psi Friction Force = 68,941 lb Cumulative Axial Stress = 5,828 psi 56,000 psi 0 psi 45,696 psi 1,160 psi 7,384 psi Segment Weight = 0 lb Bending Stress = Tension = 0 lb Hoop Stress = Average Tension = 0 lb Combined Stress = 0.1041 < 1.0 Total Stress = 0.0423 < 1.0 Segment Force = 135,494 lb Cumulative Force = 215,132 lb Page 8 of 15 Installation Load Calculations Installation:12.00 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Empty Segment 4 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Entry Curve Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 2,400 ft Vertical Curve Segment Length = 586.43 ft Angle Turned = 14.00 deg Center Displacement = 17.89 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 87,150 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Calculated Allowable Drag Force = 26,529 lb Segment Axial Stress = 1,833 psi Friction Force = 26,145 lb Cumulative Axial Stress = 7,661 psi 56,000 psi Segment Weight = -11,164 lb Bending Stress = 17,576 psi 45,696 psi Tension = 282,788 lb Hoop Stress = 1,160 psi 7,384 psi Average Tension = 248,960 lb Combined Stress = 0.5214 < 1.0 Total Stress = 0.2600 < 1.0 Segment Force = 67,655 lb Cumulative Force = 282,788 lb Installation:12.00 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Empty Segment 5 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Entry Tangent Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 0 ft Straight Segment Length = 25.75 ft Angle Turned = 0.00 deg Center Displacement = 0.00 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 0 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Drag Force = 1,165 lb Segment Axial Stress = Friction Force = 1,171 lb Cumulative Axial Stress = Calculated Allowable 37 psi 7,698 psi 56,000 psi Bending Stress = 0 psi 45,696 psi Tension = 0 lb Hoop Stress = 93 psi 7,384 psi Average Tension = 0 lb Combined Stress = 0.1375 < 1.0 Total Stress = 0.0199 < 1.0 Segment Weight = -973 lb Segment Force = 1,363 lb Cumulative Force = 284,150 lb Page 9 of 15 Installation Load Calculations Project Name: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Project No: 18782-011-01 By: SMS HDD Name: Missouri River HDD Ck'd By: MAM Owner: Dakota Access, LLC Location: Williams & McKenzie Co, ND Date: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 Installation Case:12.00 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Full Product Pipe Parameters Effective Weight Calculations Pipe Diameter = 24.000 in Total Empty Pipe Weight In Air= 125.80 lb/ft Wall Thickness = 0.500 in Pipe Interior Volume = 2.89 ft³ SMYS = 70,000 psi Coating Thickness = 0.00 in Young's Modulus = 2.90E+007 psi Coating Density = 0.00 lb/ft³ Total Pipe Length = 2,727 ft Pipe Exterior Volume = 3.14 ft³/ft Moment of Inertia = 2,549 inЇ Displaced Fluid Weight = 282.01 lb/ft Pipe Face Area = 36.91 in² B.C. Line(s) Weight = 0.00 lb/ft D/t Ratio = 48.00 B.C. Line(s) Volume = 0.00 ft³/ft Poisson Ratio = 0.30 Unit Weight of B.C. Fluid = 62.40 lb/ft³ Coefficient of Soil Friction = 0.30 Effective Weight of Pipe = 23.83 lb/ft Fluid Drag Coefficient = 0.05 Installation:12.00 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Full Segment 1 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Exit Tangent Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 0 ft Straight Segment Length = 189.66 ft Angle Turned = 0.00 deg Center Displacement = 0.00 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 0 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Calculated Allowable Drag Force = 8,580 lb Segment Axial Stress = 247 psi Friction Force = 1,335 lb Cumulative Axial Stress = 247 psi 56,000 psi 0 psi 45,696 psi Segment Weight = -785 lb Bending Stress = Tension = 0 lb Hoop Stress = 226 psi 7,384 psi Average Tension = 0 lb Combined Stress = 0.0044 < 1.0 Total Stress = 0.0010 < 1.0 Segment Force = 9,130 lb Cumulative Force = 9,130 lb Page 10 of 15 Installation Load Calculations Installation:12.00 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Full Segment 2 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Exit Curve Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 2,600 ft Vertical Curve Segment Length = 453.79 ft Angle Turned = 10.00 deg Center Displacement = 9.89 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = -2,016 lb Drag Force = 20,529 lb Friction Force = 605 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Calculated Allowable Segment Axial Stress = 563 psi Cumulative Axial Stress = 811 psi 56,000 psi 17,576 psi 45,696 psi Segment Weight = -943 lb Bending Stress = Tension = 29,926 lb Hoop Stress = 406 psi 7,384 psi Average Tension = 19,528 lb Combined Stress = 0.3991 < 1.0 Segment Force = 20,796 lb Total Stress = 0.1192 < 1.0 Cumulative Force = 29,926 lb Installation:12.00 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Full Segment 3 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Bottom Tangent Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 0 ft Straight Segment Length = 1,471.14 ft Angle Turned = 0.00 deg Center Displacement = 0.00 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 0 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Calculated Allowable Drag Force = 66,553 lb Segment Axial Stress = 2,088 psi Friction Force = 10,518 lb Cumulative Axial Stress = 2,899 psi 56,000 psi 0 psi 45,696 psi Segment Weight = 0 lb Bending Stress = Tension = 0 lb Hoop Stress = 406 psi 7,384 psi Average Tension = 0 lb Combined Stress = 0.0518 < 1.0 Total Stress = 0.0069 < 1.0 Segment Force = 77,071 lb Cumulative Force = 106,997 lb Page 11 of 15 Installation Load Calculations Installation:12.00 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Full Segment 4 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Entry Curve Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 2,400 ft Vertical Curve Segment Length = 586.43 ft Angle Turned = 14.00 deg Center Displacement = 17.89 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 11,301 lb Drag Force = 26,529 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Calculated Segment Axial Stress = Allowable 949 psi Friction Force = 3,390 lb Cumulative Axial Stress = 3,847 psi 56,000 psi Segment Weight = 1,703 lb Bending Stress = 17,576 psi 45,696 psi Tension = 142,011 lb Hoop Stress = 406 psi 7,384 psi Average Tension = 124,504 lb Combined Stress = 0.4533 < 1.0 Total Stress = 0.1591 < 1.0 Segment Force = 35,013 lb Cumulative Force = 142,011 lb Installation:12.00 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With the Pipe Annulus Full Segment 5 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Entry Tangent Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 0 ft Straight Segment Length = 25.75 ft Angle Turned = 0.00 deg Center Displacement = 0.00 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 0 lb Drag Force = 1,165 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Segment Axial Stress = Friction Force = 179 lb Cumulative Axial Stress = Segment Weight = 148 lb Calculated Allowable 40 psi 3,888 psi 56,000 psi Bending Stress = 0 psi 45,696 psi Tension = 0 lb Hoop Stress = 81 psi 7,384 psi Average Tension = 0 lb Combined Stress = 0.0694 < 1.0 Total Stress = 0.0053 < 1.0 Segment Force = 1,492 lb Cumulative Force = 143,502 lb Page 12 of 15 Installation Load Calculations Project Name: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Project No: 18782-011-01 By: SMS HDD Name: Missouri River HDD Ck'd By: MAM Owner: Dakota Access, LLC Location: Williams & McKenzie Co, ND Date: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 Installation Case:10.00 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With Neutral Pipe Buoyancy Product Pipe Parameters Effective Weight Calculations Pipe Diameter = 24.000 in Total Empty Pipe Weight In Air= 125.80 lb/ft Wall Thickness = 0.500 in Pipe Interior Volume = 2.89 ft³ SMYS = 70,000 psi Coating Thickness = 0.00 in Young's Modulus = 2.90E+007 psi Coating Density = 0.00 lb/ft³ Total Pipe Length = 2,727 ft Pipe Exterior Volume = 3.14 ft³/ft Moment of Inertia = 2,549 inЇ Displaced Fluid Weight = 235.01 lb/ft Pipe Face Area = 36.91 in² B.C. Line(s) Weight = 0.00 lb/ft D/t Ratio = 48.00 B.C. Line(s) Volume = 0.00 ft³/ft Poisson Ratio = 0.30 Unit Weight of B.C. Fluid = 62.40 lb/ft³ Coefficient of Soil Friction = 0.30 Effective Weight of Pipe = 0.00 lb/ft Fluid Drag Coefficient = 0.05 Installation:10.00 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With Neutral Pipe Buoyancy Segment 1 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Exit Tangent Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 0 ft Straight Segment Length = 189.66 ft Angle Turned = 0.00 deg Center Displacement = 0.00 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 0 lb Drag Force = 8,580 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Calculated Allowable Segment Axial Stress = 232 psi Friction Force = 0 lb Cumulative Axial Stress = 232 psi 56,000 psi Segment Weight = 0 lb Bending Stress = 0 psi 45,696 psi Tension = 0 lb Hoop Stress = 474 psi 7,384 psi Average Tension = 0 lb Combined Stress = 0.0042 < 1.0 Total Stress = 0.0041 < 1.0 Segment Force = 8,580 lb Cumulative Force = 8,580 lb Page 13 of 15 Installation Load Calculations Installation:10.00 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With Neutral Pipe Buoyancy Segment 2 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Exit Curve Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 2,600 ft Vertical Curve Segment Length = 453.79 ft Angle Turned = 10.00 deg Center Displacement = 9.89 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 4,711 lb Drag Force = 20,529 lb Friction Force = 1,413 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Calculated Allowable Segment Axial Stress = 633 psi Cumulative Axial Stress = 865 psi 56,000 psi 17,576 psi 45,696 psi Segment Weight = 0 lb Bending Stress = Tension = 31,935 lb Hoop Stress = 966 psi 7,384 psi Average Tension = 20,258 lb Combined Stress = 0.4001 < 1.0 Segment Force = 23,356 lb Total Stress = 0.1451 < 1.0 Cumulative Force = 31,935 lb Installation:10.00 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With Neutral Pipe Buoyancy Segment 3 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Bottom Tangent Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 0 ft Straight Segment Length = 1,471.14 ft Angle Turned = 0.00 deg Center Displacement = 0.00 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 0 lb Drag Force = 66,553 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Calculated Allowable Segment Axial Stress = 1,803 psi Friction Force = 0 lb Cumulative Axial Stress = 2,668 psi 56,000 psi Segment Weight = 0 lb Bending Stress = 0 psi 45,696 psi Tension = 0 lb Hoop Stress = 966 psi 7,384 psi Average Tension = 0 lb Combined Stress = 0.0476 < 1.0 Total Stress = 0.0217 < 1.0 Segment Force = 66,553 lb Cumulative Force = 98,488 lb Page 14 of 15 Installation Load Calculations Installation:10.00 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With Neutral Pipe Buoyancy Segment 4 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Entry Curve Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 2,400 ft Vertical Curve Segment Length = 586.43 ft Angle Turned = 14.00 deg Center Displacement = 17.89 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 18,349 lb Drag Force = 26,529 lb Friction Force = 5,505 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Calculated Allowable Segment Axial Stress = 1,017 psi Cumulative Axial Stress = 3,685 psi 56,000 psi Bending Stress = 17,576 psi 45,696 psi Segment Weight = 0 lb Tension = 136,028 lb Hoop Stress = 966 psi 7,384 psi Average Tension = 117,258 lb Combined Stress = 0.4504 < 1.0 Total Stress = 0.1839 < 1.0 Segment Force = 37,539 lb Cumulative Force = 136,028 lb Installation:10.00 lb/gal Drilling Fluid With Neutral Pipe Buoyancy Segment 5 of 5 Segment Parameters Segment Name = Entry Tangent Segment Type = Radius of Curvature = 0 ft Straight Segment Length = 25.75 ft Angle Turned = 0.00 deg Center Displacement = 0.00 ft Segment Force Components Normal Force = 0 lb Drag Force = 1,165 lb Segment Installation Stress Checks Stress Component Segment Axial Stress = Friction Force = 0 lb Cumulative Axial Stress = Segment Weight = 0 lb Calculated Allowable 32 psi 3,717 psi 56,000 psi Bending Stress = 0 psi 45,696 psi Tension = 0 lb Hoop Stress = 78 psi 7,384 psi Average Tension = 0 lb Combined Stress = 0.0664 < 1.0 Total Stress = 0.0048 < 1.0 Segment Force = 1,165 lb Cumulative Force = 137,192 lb Page 15 of 15 Overbend Radius Calculations Project Name: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Project No: 18782-011-01 By: SMS HDD Name: Missouri River HDD Ck'd By: MAM Location: Williams & McKenzie Co, ND Owner: Dakota Access, LLC Date: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 Design Parameters: Pipe Diameter = 24.000 in Wall Thickness = 0.500 in D/t Ratio = 48.00 MAOP = 0 psi Factor of Safety = 1.50 SMYS = 70,000 psi Modulus of Elasticity (E) = 2.93E+007 psi Hoop Stress: Calculated Hoop Stress = (MAOP * Pipe Diameter) / (2 * Wall Thickness) = 0 psi Longitudinal Stress: Calculated Longitudinal Stress = Hoop Stress / 2 = 0 psi Allowable Stress: Calculated Allowable Stress = SMYS / Factor of Safety = 46,667 psi Bending Stress: Calculated Bending Stress = Allowable Stress - Longitudinal Stress = 46,667 psi Minimum Radius: Calculated Minimum Radius = (E * Pipe Diameter) / (2 * Bending Stress) = 621 ft Page 1 of 1 Overbend Stress Summary Project Name: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Project No: 18782-011-01 By: SMS HDD Name: Missouri River HDD Ck'd By: MAM Owner: Dakota Access, LLC Location: Williams & McKenzie Co, ND Date: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 Design Parameters Pipe diameter = 24.000 in Factor of Safety = 1.50 Wall Thickness = 0.500 in Overbend Radius of Curvature = 621 ft SMYS = 70,000 psi Assumed Installation Temperature = 70 °F Internal Pressure = 0 psi Poissons's Ratio = 0.30 Young's Modulus (E) = 2.93E+007 psi Stress Analyses Longitudinal Stress from Bending = 47,221 psi Percent SMYS = 67.46 % Limited to 80% SMYS Hoop Stress = 0 psi Percent SMYS = 0 % Longitudinal Tensile Stress from Hoop Stress = 0 psi Percent SMYS = 0 % Longitudinal Stress from Thermal Expansion = 0 psi Percent SMYS = 0 % Net Longitudinal Stress (Comp. side of Curve) = -47,221 psi Percent SMYS = 67.46 % Limited to 80% SMYS Net Longitudinal Stress (Tension side of Curve) = 47,221 psi Percent SMYS = 67.46 % Limited to 80% SMYS Maximum Shear Stress = 23,610 psi Percent SMYS = 33.73 % Limited to 40% SMYS Combined Biaxial Stress Check = 47,221 psi Percent SMYS = 67.46 % Page 1 of 2 Limited to 80% SMYS Overbend Stress Summary Project Name: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Project No: 18782-011-01 By: SMS Ck'd By: MAM HDD Name: Missouri River HDD Location: Williams & McKenzie Co, ND Page 2 of 2 Owner: Dakota Access, LLC Date: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 APPENDIX Geotechnical Data Report Geotechnical Data Report Dakota Access Pipeline Project Missouri River HDD Williams and McKenzie Counties, North Dakota for Energy Transfer Company February 3, 2015 3050 South Delaware Avenue Springfield, Missouri 65804 417.831.9700 Geotechnical Data Report Dakota Access Pipeline Project Missouri River HDD Williams and McKenzie Counties, North Dakota File No. 18782-011-01 February 3, 2015 Prepared for: Energy Transfer Company 711 Louisiana Street, Suite 900 Houston, Texas 77002 Attention: Mark Bullock Prepared by: GeoEngineers, Inc. 3050 South Delaware Avenue Springfield, Missouri 65804 417.831.9700 Michael A. Fritz Senior Geotechnical Engineer Jonathan L. Robison, PE Associate Disclaimer: Any electronic form, facsimile or hard copy of the original document (email, text, table, and/or figure), if provided, and any attachments are only a copy of the original document. The original document is stored by GeoEngineers, Inc. and will serve as the official document of record. Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 1 2.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES ............................................................................................................................. 1 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................................. 2 3.1 Geology ............................................................................................................................................ 2 3.1.1 Regional Geologic Setting..................................................................................................... 2 3.1.2 Site Geology ........................................................................................................................... 3 3.2 Surface Conditions .......................................................................................................................... 3 3.2.1 General .................................................................................................................................. 3 3.2.2 Surface Description .............................................................................................................. 3 3.3 Subsurface Conditions .................................................................................................................... 4 3.3.1 General .................................................................................................................................. 4 3.3.2 Subsurface Description ........................................................................................................ 4 3.3.3 Groundwater Conditions ....................................................................................................... 4 4.0 LIMITATIONS ........................................................................................................................................... 4 5.0 REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................................... 5 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Vicinity Map Figure 2A. Conceptual Site Plan and Profile Figure 2B. Conceptual Stringing Workspace Figures 3 and 4. Site Photographs APPENDICES Appendix A. Field Explorations and Laboratory Testing Figure A-1 – Key to Exploration Logs Figures A-2 through A-4 – Logs of Borings Figures A-5 and A-6 – Sieve Analysis Results Figure A-7 – Atterberg Limits Results Appendix B. Report Limitations and Guidelines for Use February 3, 2015 Page i File No. 18782-011-01 1.0 INTRODUCTION At the request of Energy Transfer Company (ETC), and in general accordance with our subcontract agreement (No. 07-PSA-0017), GeoEngineers, Inc. (GeoEngineers) is pleased to submit this geotechnical data report for the proposed Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) Project Missouri River Horizontal Directional Drill (HDD) near DAPL Gathering System Milepost (MP) 98.5 located in Williams and McKenzie Counties, North Dakota. The general location of the proposed HDD is noted on the attached Vicinity Map, Figure 1. We understand that ETC is proposing to construct approximately 1,020 miles of 30-inch-diameter steel pipeline extending from Mountrail County, North Dakota through eastern South Dakota, Central Iowa, and terminating in Wayne County, Illinois. Further, we understand ETC is proposing to construct approximately 151 miles of gathering line, consisting of 12.75, 20, 24, and 30-inch-diameter steel pipeline in McKenzie, Mountrail, and Williams Counties, North Dakota. The proposed Missouri River HDD would cross beneath Missouri River in Williams and McKenzie Counties, North Dakota. The layout of the proposed HDD is shown in the attached Conceptual Site Plan and Profile and Conceptual Stringing Workspace, Figures 2A and 2B. Our geotechnical services included completing a subsurface soil exploration program by drilling three borings near the proposed trenchless crossing alignment and preparing this geotechnical data report. Our assessment of the feasibility of HDD installation and detailed engineering design, and recommendations for HDD construction will be provided under a separate cover. 2.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES The purpose of our services was to evaluate the existing surface and subsurface soil and groundwater conditions and to prepare a geotechnical data report. The specific scope of services provided by GeoEngineers included the following: 1. Contacted the local “One-Call” utility locating agency to locate utilities in the project area prior to the start of the exploratory borings. 2. Explored subsurface conditions by drilling three borings to depths of up to 95 feet below ground surface (bgs) using hollow-stem auger and/or mud rotary drilling equipment. GeoEngineers field staff directed the drilling completed by STS Enterprises using an All-Terrain-Vehicle (ATV) mounted drilling equipment. 3. Obtained soil samples at representative intervals from the borings using Standard Penetration Test (SPT), and: ■ Classified the soils encountered in the borings in general accordance with ASTM D2488; and ■ Observed groundwater conditions encountered in the borings, where possible. 4. Completed a laboratory-testing program on selected soil samples obtained from the borings to evaluate pertinent engineering properties. The tests included the following: ■ Moisture Content (ASTM D2216); ■ Atterberg limits determination (ASTM D4318); and February 3, 2015 Page 1 File No. 18782-011-01 ■ Sieve Analysis (ASTM D422). 5. Prepared logs of the borings which included the following: ■ SPT values as an indication of in-situ soil density; ■ Other soil, and groundwater properties as applicable; and ■ Index and classification properties of soil, as applicable. 6. Prepared and submitted to ETC this data report summarizing the results of the geotechnical investigation. 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION 3.1 Geology 3.1.1 Regional Geologic Setting North Dakota lies within the Interior Plains, a vast region stretching from the Rocky Mountains to the Appalachians. In North Dakota, the Interior Plains are divided into two major physiographic provinces by the Missouri Escarpment. To the north and east of the escarpment lies the Central Lowlands Province, characterized by its glacially smoothed landscape. To the south and west, the Great Plains Province rises gradually westward toward the Rocky Mountains. The proposed DAPL Gathering System alignment from MP 0.0 to the terminal point with the proposed Dakota Access Mainline is located within the Great Plains Province in North Dakota. The Missouri Escarpment, while prominent and readily defined along most of its length, does not neatly separate these two major physiographic divisions, but, as with most things natural, the boundary is marked by a transition zone, called the Missouri Coteau. The Great Plains Province is divided into the Missouri Plateau (or Missouri Slope Upland), Little Missouri Badlands, Coteau Slope, and Missouri Coteau. The Great Plains Province thus contains both glaciated and non-glaciated regions. Southwest of the Missouri River, the broad valleys, hills, and buttes of the Missouri Plateau are largely the result of erosion of flat-lying beds of sandstone, siltstone, claystone, and lignite. These sediments belong primarily to the Paleocene-age Fort Union Group and were deposited by ancient rivers flowing away from the rising Rocky Mountains between about 65 and 55 million years ago. From about 10 to 5 million years ago, streams began eroding the sediments that had so long ago been deposited, dissecting the plateau with a series of rivers flowing northeast to Hudson Bay. The modern landscape over most of southwestern North Dakota thus formed over an exceptionally long period of time, unlike the much more recent topography of the glaciated portion of the state (Bluemle, J. and Biek, B., 2007). The proposed DAPL Gathering System alignment from MP 0 to north of the Missouri River at approximately MP 98.5 crosses the Coteau Slope. The Coteau Slope is a rolling to hilly region that contains both glacial and erosional landforms. Unlike the Coteau that bounds its eastern margin, drainage within the Coteau Slope is generally well developed, so that there are comparatively few potholes. The north and east margin of the Missouri Coteau is marked by the Missouri Escarpment. The escarpment is a prominent feature along most of its length, in places rising 600 feet above the comparatively level terrain of the Glaciated Plains (Bluemle, J. and Biek, B., 2007). From approximately DAPL Gathering System MP 98.5 at the Missouri River to the terminal point at the proposed mainline, the alignment crosses the Missouri Plateau. Beginning about 5 million years ago, regional uplift of the western part of the continent forced streams, which for 30 million years had been February 3, 2015 Page 2 File No. 18782-011-01 depositing sediment nearly continuously on the Great Plains, to change their behavior and begin to cut into the layers of sediment they so long had been depositing. The predecessor of the Missouri River are headward into the northern Great Plains and developed a tributary system that excavated deeply into the accumulated deposits near the mountain front and carried away huge volumes of sediment from the Great Plains to Hudson Bay. By 2 million years ago, the streams had cut downward to within a few hundred feet of their present level. This region that has been so thoroughly dissected by the Missouri River and its tributaries is called the Missouri Plateau (Trimble, D., 1980). 3.1.2 Site Geology Geologic mapping indicates that Holocene Age (11,700 years ago to present) river sediment is present on the north side of and underlying the Missouri River at the Missouri River HDD Site. The sediment consists of dark, obscurely bedded clay and silt (overbank sediment); generally overlying cross-bedded sand (channel sediment); as thick as 30 feet (Clayton, et al, 1980). Geologic mapping indicates the Paleocene Age (65.5 to 55.8 million years ago) Tongue River Formation will be present on the south side of the Missouri River at the Crossing Site. The Tongue River Formation consists of interbedded buff and light gray sand, silt, clay and lignite. The Pliocene Age (5.3 to 2.6 million years ago) Wiota gravel may be present near the southern end of the crossing. The Wiota gravel consists of brownish gray, sand and gravel, generally well rounded pebbles and cobbles, fairly well sorted (Carlson, 1985). Geologic mapping indicates the Paleocene Age (65.5 to 55.8 million years ago) Bullion Creek Formation underlies the surficial materials at the Missouri River HDD Site and outcrops near the riverbank on the south side of the Missouri River. The Bullion Creek Formation consists of yellowish-brown silt, sand, clay, sandstone and lignite; river, lake and swamp sediment; as thick as 600 feet (Clayton, et al, 1980), (Bluemle, 1983) 3.2 Surface Conditions 3.2.1 General We evaluated the surface conditions in the vicinity of the proposed trenchless crossing during our geotechnical exploration program between November 20 and December 3, 2014. 3.2.2 Surface Description The proposed HDD alignment trends roughly south to north (proposed entry to proposed exit), crossing beneath the Missouri River as shown in Conceptual Site Plan and Profile, Figure 2A. The conceptual entry point is located approximately 400 feet south of the south bank of the Missouri River, in a shallow valley at the base of a steep slope at an elevation roughly 1,870 feet (North American Vertical Datum [NAVD] 88). Moving north from the entry, the ground surface along the proposed HDD alignment ascends to approximately 1,885 feet NAVD 88, and gradually descends toward the south Missouri River bank roughly 1,855 feet NAVD 88. From the south bank, the alignment crosses the Missouri River nearly perpendicularly for approximately 900 feet in horizontal length. Moving north from the river, the ground surface remains relatively flat for roughly 700 horizontal feet, and then ascends toward the conceptual exit point in a relatively flat field at roughly 1,870 feet NAVD 88. February 3, 2015 Page 3 File No. 18782-011-01 3.3 Subsurface Conditions 3.3.1 General Subsurface conditions were explored at the site between November 20 and December 3, 2014 by drilling three geotechnical borings (MO-B-1, MO-B-2 and M0-B-3). The borings were drilled to depths of up to 95 feet bgs using ATV-mounted drilling equipment. In order to characterize the subsurface conditions for trenchless crossing design, the borings were drilled near the alignment of the proposed crossing. Soil samples were generally obtained from the borings at 5-foot depth intervals using 1.5-inch insidediameter (I.D.) split spoon samplers. GeoEngineers staff managed the geotechnical explorations and logged the borings on a full-time basis. Soil samples were visually classified and collected. Other pertinent drilling information was also documented. Laboratory tests, including moisture content determinations, sieve analyses, and Atterberg limits tests were completed on selected samples from the borings. A description of the field exploration and laboratory testing procedures, logs of the borings, and graphs and tables of our laboratory testing results are presented in Appendix A. 3.3.2 Subsurface Description Boring M0-B-1 was drilled with ATV-mounted drilling equipment to a depth of approximately 95 feet bgs. From the ground surface, the boring encountered approximately 83-½ feet of very loose to medium dense fine sand with varying amounts of silt and gravel, overlying approximately 5 feet of very dense gravel with silt and sand, 5 feet of medium dense fine sand, and roughly 1-½ feet of dense silty gravel with sand. Boring M0-B-2 was drilled with ATV-mounted drilling equipment to a depth of approximately 75 feet bgs. From the ground surface, the boring encountered approximately 3-½ feet of medium stiff silt with sand, overlying approximately 35 feet of very loose to medium dense sand, 10 feet of very loose silty sand, 10 feet of medium dense fine sand with silt, 5 feet of medium dense gravel with silt and sand, and roughly 11-½ feet of medium dense sand with silt and some gravel. Boring M0-B-3 was drilled with ATV-mounted drilling equipment to a depth of approximately 95 feet bgs. From the ground surface, the boring encountered approximately 6 feet of medium dense silty sand, overlying approximately 17-½ feet of very soft to hard low plasticity silt, 20 feet of dense to very dense silty sand, 5 feet of hard sandy silt, 5 feet of very dense silty sand, 10 feet of hard low plasticity clay with sand, 15 feet of very dense silty sand, and roughly 16-½ feet of hard low plasticity clay with sand. 3.3.3 Groundwater Conditions At the time of drilling, groundwater was observed at 13 feet bgs in Boring MO-B-1 and at 10 feet bgs in Boring MO-B-2. Due to the drilling techniques used, the groundwater level can be difficult to measure and will fluctuate over time due to seasonal variations in precipitation and the level of the Missouri RIver. 4.0 LIMITATIONS We have prepared this data report for use by ETC, their authorized agents and other approved members of the design team involved with this project. The data report is not intended for use by others, and the information contained herein is not applicable to other sites. The data and report should be provided to prospective contractors, but our report, conclusions and interpretations should not be construed as a February 3, 2015 Page 4 File No. 18782-011-01 warranty of the subsurface conditions. A trenchless feasibility assessment for this location will be delivered separately with our conclusions and recommendations based on our subsurface exploration program, design recommendations are not covered in this data report. Variations in subsurface conditions are possible between the explorations. Subsurface conditions may also vary with time. A contingency for unanticipated conditions should be included in the project budget and schedule for such an occurrence. We recommend that sufficient monitoring, testing and consultation be provided by GeoEngineers during construction to evaluate that the conditions encountered are consistent with those indicated by the explorations, to provide recommendations for design changes should the conditions revealed during the work differ from those anticipated, and to evaluate whether earthwork and pipeline installation activities comply with contract plans and specifications. The scope of our services does not include services related to construction safety precautions. Our recommendations are not intended to direct the contractor's methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, except as specifically described in our report for consideration in design. Within the limitations of scope, schedule and budget, our services have been executed in accordance with generally accepted practices in this area at the time the report was prepared. The conclusions, recommendations, and opinions presented in this report are based on our professional knowledge, judgment and experience. No warranty or other conditions, express, written or implied, should be understood. Any electronic form, facsimile or hard copy of the original document (email, text, table and/or figure), if provided, and any attachments are only a copy of the original document. The original document is stored by GeoEngineers, and will serve as the official document of record. Please refer to Appendix B, titled “Report Limitations and Guidelines for Use,” for additional information pertaining to use of this report. 5.0 REFERENCES ASTM International. 2010. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Volume 04.08, “Soil and Rock,” Bluemle, J.P., 1983, Geologic and Topographic Bedrock Map of North Dakota, North Dakota Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Map MM-25, Scale 1:670,000. Bluemle, John and Biek, Bob, Updated July, 27, 2007, No Ordinary Plain: Dakota’s Physiography and Landforms, North Dakota Geological Survey, North Dakota Notes No. 1. Carlson, C.G., 1985, Geology of Mckenzie County North Dakota, North Dakota Geological Survey Bulletin 80, Scale 1:126,720. Clayton, Lee, Moran, S.R., Bluemle, J.P., Carlson, C.G., 1980, Geologic Map of North Dakota, U.S. Geological Survey, Scale 1:500,000. Trimble, Donald E., 1980, The Geologic Story of the Great Plains, Geological Survey Bulletin 1493, United States Government Printing Office, Washington. February 3, 2015 Page 5 File No. 18782-011-01 m i l C r e e e V U i l e Cr eek i x k tm S Lake Trent on Ei gh 5 Williams V U ek MISSOURI RIVER HDD C re McKenzie ia y ee No hl 58 Cr V U Br k PROPOSED DAKOTA ACCESS GATHERING SYSTEM PIPELINE ALIGNMENT (01-26-2015) e Path: P:\18\18782011\01\GIS\Vicinity Maps\North Dakota Gathering\Missouri River HDD.mxd 147 Ye ll ow st on R i ve r Office: SPR V U r Map Revised: 29 January 2015 mclevenger M iss ou ri Ri ve r 1804 V U 200 Daniels Sheridan Williams Roosevelt Montana McCone Richland Dawson Divide Mountrail North Dakota McKenzie DAPL Mainline Wibaux µ Burke DAPL Gathering System Golden Valley Billings McLean Dunn Prairie Notes: 1. The locations of all features shown are approximate. 2. This drawing is for information purposes. It is intended to assist in showing features discussed in an attached document. GeoEngineers, Inc. cannot guarantee the accuracy and content of electronic files. The master file is stored by GeoEngineers, Inc. and will serve as the official record of this communication. Data Sources: ESRI Data & Maps, Street Maps 2008. Imagery from ESRI Data Online. Projection: NAD 1983, UTM Zone 13 North. 2 0 2 Miles ETC - DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE PROJECT VICINITY MAP PROPOSED 24" GATHERING SYSTEM MISSOURI RIVER HDD WILLIAMS AND MCKENZIE COUNTIES, NORTH DAKOTA Figure 1 75' 75' 2020 2000 1990 1980 1970 1960 1940 1950 1930 1920 1910 ND-MC-001.300 1900 EXISTING PIPELINE (TYP.) 18 1880 ND-MC-001.900 2010 ND-MC-001.000 MO-B-3 1870 1860 ND-MC-001.900 0 187 MAM : TJB CONCEPTUAL HDD EXIT POINT N. 17430484.08835 E. 1908080.20028 LAT. N47° 57' 48.6263" LONG. W103° 54' 25.4824" MCKENZIE COUNTY WILLIAMS COUNTY 60 P:\18\18782011\01\CAD\Crossings\North Dakota Gathering\Missouri River\Drawings\Missouri River HDD Figure 2.dwg\TAB:Figure 2A modified on Feb 03, 2015 - 3:20pm CONCEPTUAL 24" HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILL - 2700' MO-B-2 1.900 C-25 CONCEPTUAL TEMPORARY HDD EXIT WORKSPACE ND-MC-251.000 WATERBODY 20 30 N D-M 200' MO-B-1 CONCEPTUAL TEMPORARY 1.65 ACRES ODD SHAPED HDD ENTRY WORKSPACE CONCEPTUAL HDD ENTRY POINT N. 17427864.10579 E. 1908732.65056 LAT. N47° 57' 22.6738" LONG. W103° 54' 16.4404" 1860 ET 250' MISSOURI RIVER STRE CONCEPTUAL PRODUCT PIPE STRINGING AND FABRICATION AREA (SEE FIGURE 2B FOR LAYOUT) WETLAND (TYP.) MP 94.5 3 8TH MATCH LINE (SEE FIGURE 2B) ND-MC-251.200 PROPOSED DAKOTA ACCESS GATHERING SYSTEM ALIGNMENT (01-30-2015) DATUM: HORIZONTAL: NAD83 with UTM Datum, Zone 13, US Foot; Central Meridian 105° W VERTICAL: NAVD 88 EXISTING PIPELINE (DEPTH UNKNOWN) 38TH STREET GROUND SURFACE (DEM) CONCEPTUAL HDD EXIT POINT CONCEPTUAL HDD ENTRY POINT GROUND SURFACE (SURVEY) 7 SAND W/ OCCASIONAL SILT 7 7 11 SILT W/ SAND SAND 2 48' 5 57' 10 SAND W/ SILT 14 21 22 25 SAND W/ SILT SILTY SAND W/ TRACE ORGANICS 26 13 SILTY GRAVEL W/ SAND SAND W/ OCCASIONAL SILT SILTY GRAVEL W/ SAND 25 SANDY GRAVEL W/ SILT 23 16 SAND W/ SILT AND TRACE FINE GRAVEL 50 21 34' SANDY SILTY SILT SAND CLAY W/ SAND SILTY SAND 26 CLAY W/ SAND CONCEPTUAL 24" HDD PROFILE 87 50/4" 100/16" 50/2" 50/3" 50/5" 50/5" MO-B-3 MO-B-1 Reference: Ground surface DEM (1/3 Arc Second) downloaded from http://NationalMap.Gov. Ground surface survey provided by Wood Group Mustang, Inc. Aerial Image taken from Google Earth Pro © 2015, licensed to GeoEngineers, Inc., image dated 08/15/14. Shape files provided by Contract Land Staff, LLC. 100/16" 75 32 Notes: 1. The locations of all features shown are approximate. 2. This drawing is for information purposes. It is intended to assist in showing features discussed in an attached document. GeoEngineers, Inc. can not guarantee the accuracy and content of electronic files. The master file is stored by GeoEngineers, Inc. and will serve as the official record of this communication. 3. Refer to the boring logs in the accompanying report for more detailed soil descriptions. 4. GeoEngineers, Inc. has not verified the field location of the existing utilities. 100/15" 50/5" 29 MO-B-2 50/4" 50/6" 67' WOH SAND W/ SILT WOH 50/2" 50/3" 36 SILTY SAND 20 20 21 10 8 6 SANDY SILT 2 8 25 22 SILTY SAND W/ OCCASIONAL FINE GRAVEL 6 17 12 12 8 8 12 10 11 MISSOURI RIVER (APPROX. WATER LEVEL) LEGEND: SPT (N) NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOR DISCUSSION ONLY TYPE OF SOIL Boring Location Major Contour - 10' Interval Minor Contour - 2' Interval ETC - DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE PROJECT CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN AND PROFILE PROPOSED 24" GATHERING SYSTEM MISSOURI RIVER HDD WILLIAMS & MCKENZIE COUNTIES, NORTH DAKOTA FIGURE 2A ISSUED DATE: FEBRUARY 03, 2015 MATCH LINE (SEE FIGURE 2A) WETLAND (TYP.) ND-WI-250.000 EXISTING PIPELINE (TYP.) ND-MC-251.200 ND-WI-249.000 MP 93.5 CONCEPTUAL PRODUCT PIPE STRINGING ALIGNMENT CONCEPTUAL PRODUCT PIPE STRINGING AND FABRICATION AREA (50' X 2775') ND-WI-249.000 250' MP 94.0 75' 75' CONCEPTUAL TEMPORARY HDD EXIT WORKSPACE ND-MC-251.000 1.900 C-25 PROPOSED DAKOTA ACCESS GATHERING PIPELINE ALIGNMENT (01-30-15) N D-M 200' CONCEPTUAL HDD EXIT POINT N. 17430484.08835 E. 1908080.20028 LAT. N47° 57' 48.6263" LONG. W103° 54' 25.4824" PROPERTY LINE (TYP.) 2 49 -WIND 0 .30 P:\18\18782011\01\CAD\Crossings\North Dakota Gathering\Missouri River\Drawings\Missouri River HDD Figure 2.dwg\TAB:Figure 2B modified on Feb 03, 2015 - 3:20pm MAM : TJB CONCEPTUAL 24" HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILL - 2700' ND-WI-248.300 DATUM: HORIZONTAL: NAD83 with UTM Datum, Zone 13, US Foot; Central Meridian 105° W ND-WI-249.300 VERTICAL: NAVD 88 Notes: 1. The locations of all features shown are approximate. 2. This drawing is for information purposes. It is intended to assist in showing features discussed in an attached document. GeoEngineers, Inc. can not guarantee the accuracy and content of electronic files. The master file is stored by GeoEngineers, Inc. and will serve as the official record of this communication. 3. GeoEngineers, Inc. has not verified the field location of the existing utilities. Reference: Ground surface DEM (1/3 Arc Second) downloaded from http://NationalMap.Gov. Ground surface survey provided by Wood Group Mustang, Inc. Aerial Image taken from Google Earth Pro © 2015, licensed to GeoEngineers, Inc., image dated 08/15/14. Shape files provided by Contract Land Staff, LLC. LEGEND: Boring Location Major Contour - 10' Interval Minor Contour - 2' Interval NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOR DISCUSSION ONLY ETC - DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE PROJECT CONCEPTUAL STRINGING WORKSPACE PROPOSED 24" GATHERING SYSTEM MISSOURI RIVER HDD WILLIAMS & MCKENZIE COUNTIES, NORTH DAKOTA FIGURE 2B ISSUED DATE: FEBRUARY 03, 2015 Looking South Along The Proposed Pipeline Alignment Near Boring MO-B-1 Looking South Along The Proposed Pipeline Alignment Near Boring MO-B-2 ETC Dakota Access Pipeline Project - Missouri River HDD Williams and McKenzie Counties, North Dakota Site Photographs FIGURE 3 Looking North Along The Proposed Pipeline Alignment Near Boring MO-B-3 Looking Southwest Toward The Proposed Entry Point ETC Dakota Access Pipeline Project - Missouri River HDD Williams and McKenzie Counties, North Dakota Site Photographs FIGURE 4 APPENDIX A Field Explorations and Laboratory Testing APPENDIX A FIELD EXPLORATIONS AND LABORATORY TESTING Field Explorations Subsurface conditions were explored at the site between November 20 and December 3, 2014 by drilling three geotechnical borings using an All-Terrain-Vehicle (ATV) mounted drill rig. The North Dakota State “One-Call” utility locating agency was contacted to locate utilities in the project area prior to the start of the exploratory borings. The borings were drilled near the alignment of the proposed trenchless crossing in order to characterize the subsurface conditions. The drilling operations were monitored by GeoEngineers staff who examined and classified the soils and encountered, obtained representative samples, observed groundwater conditions where possible and prepared a detailed log of each exploration. The soils encountered were classified visually in general accordance with ASTM International (ASTM) D2488, which is described in Figure A-1. The approximate locations of the explorations are shown in the Conceptual Site Plan and Profile, Figure 2A. In general, soil samples were obtained from the borings at 5-foot-depth intervals using a 1.5-inch insidediameter (I.D.) split spoon standard penetration test (SPT) sampler. The SPT sampler was driven 18 inches, using a 140-pound hammer with a 30-inch drop. The number of hammer blows required to drive the sampler the final 12-inches was recorded on field logs. Each boring was backfilled full depth with cement-bentonite grout. The relative density of the SPT samples recovered at each interval was evaluated based on correlations with lab and field observations in general accordance with the values outlined in Table A-1 below. TABLE A-1 CORRELATION BETWEEN BLOW COUNTS AND RELATIVE DENSITY 1 Cohesive Soils (Clay/Silt) Parameter Very Soft Soft Medium Stiff Stiff Very Stiff Hard Blows, N <2 2–4 4–8 8 – 16 16 – 32 >32 Cohesionless Soils (Gravel/Sand/Silty Sand) 2 Blows, N Very Loose Loose Medium Dense Dense Very Dense 0–4 4 – 10 10 – 30 30 – 50 > 50 Notes: 1 After Terzaghi, K and Peck, R.B., “Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice,” John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1962. 2 Classification applies to soils containing additional constituents; that is, organic clay, silty or clayey sand, etc. The exploration logs are presented in Figures A-2, A-3 and A-4. The logs are based on our interpretation of the field data and indicate the various types of soils and rock encountered. They also indicate the approximate depths at which the subsurface conditions change. February 3, 2015 Page A-1 File No. 18782-011-01 Laboratory Testing General Soil samples obtained from the explorations were transported to our Springfield, Missouri office and examined to confirm or modify field classifications. Representative samples were selected for laboratory testing consisting of moisture content determinations, sieve analyses, and unconfined compression tests. The laboratory testing procedures are discussed in more detail below. Moisture Content Testing Moisture content tests were completed for representative soil samples obtained from the explorations in general accordance with ASTM D2216. The results of these tests are presented on the exploration logs in Figures A-2, A-3 and A-4 at the depths at which the samples were obtained. Sieve Analyses Sieve analyses were performed on selected samples in general accordance with ASTM D422. The results of the sieve analyses were plotted and classified in general accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) and are presented in Figures A-5 and A-6. The sample gravel content (% Gravel) and percentage passing the U.S. No. 200 sieve (% Fine) is shown on the boring logs at the respective sample depths. Atterberg Limits Testing Atterberg Limits were performed on selected fine grained soil samples in general accordance with ASTM D4318. The tests were used to classify the soil as well as to evaluate its index properties. The results of the Atterberg Limits testing are shown in Figure A-7. February 3, 2015 Page A-2 File No. 18782-001-01 SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART MAJOR DIVISIONS GRAVEL AND GRAVELLY SOILS COARSE GRAINED SOILS MORE THAN 50% OF COARSE FRACTION RETAINED ON NO. 4 SIEVE MORE THAN 50% RETAINED ON NO. 200 SIEVE CLEAN GRAVELS GW WELL-GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL - SAND MIXTURES (LITTLE OR NO FINES) GP POORLY-GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL - SAND MIXTURES GRAVELS WITH FINES GM SILTY GRAVELS, GRAVEL - SAND - SILT MIXTURES (APPRECIABLE AMOUNT OF FINES) GC CLAYEY GRAVELS, GRAVEL SAND - CLAY MIXTURES SW WELL-GRADED SANDS, GRAVELLY SANDS SP POORLY-GRADED SANDS, GRAVELLY SAND SANDS WITH FINES SM SILTY SANDS, SAND - SILT MIXTURES (APPRECIABLE AMOUNT OF FINES) SC CLAYEY SANDS, SAND - CLAY MIXTURES ML INORGANIC SILTS, ROCK FLOUR, CLAYEY SILTS WITH SLIGHT PLASTICITY CL INORGANIC CLAYS OF LOW TO MEDIUM PLASTICITY, GRAVELLY CLAYS, SANDY CLAYS, SILTY CLAYS, LEAN CLAYS OL ORGANIC SILTS AND ORGANIC SILTY CLAYS OF LOW PLASTICITY MH INORGANIC SILTS, MICACEOUS OR DIATOMACEOUS SILTY SOILS CH INORGANIC CLAYS OF HIGH PLASTICITY OH ORGANIC CLAYS AND SILTS OF MEDIUM TO HIGH PLASTICITY PT PEAT, HUMUS, SWAMP SOILS WITH HIGH ORGANIC CONTENTS SILTS AND CLAYS FINE GRAINED SOILS LIQUID LIMIT LESS THAN 50 MORE THAN 50% PASSING NO. 200 SIEVE SILTS AND CLAYS LIQUID LIMIT GREATER THAN 50 HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS TYPICAL DESCRIPTIONS AC Asphalt Concrete CC Cement Concrete CR Crushed Rock/ Quarry Spalls TS Topsoil/ Forest Duff/Sod Groundwater Contact (LITTLE OR NO FINES) MORE THAN 50% OF COARSE FRACTION PASSING NO. 4 SIEVE SYMBOLS GRAPH LETTER TYPICAL DESCRIPTIONS SYMBOLS GRAPH LETTER CLEAN SANDS SAND AND SANDY SOILS ADDITIONAL MATERIAL SYMBOLS Measured groundwater level in exploration, well, or piezometer Measured free product in well or piezometer Graphic Log Contact Distinct contact between soil strata or geologic units Approximate location of soil strata change within a geologic soil unit Material Description Contact Distinct contact between soil strata or geologic units Approximate location of soil strata change within a geologic soil unit Laboratory / Field Tests NOTE: Multiple symbols are used to indicate borderline or dual soil classifications Sampler Symbol Descriptions 2.4-inch I.D. split barrel Standard Penetration Test (SPT) Shelby tube Piston Direct-Push Bulk or grab Blowcount is recorded for driven samplers as the number of blows required to advance sampler 12 inches (or distance noted). See exploration log for hammer weight and drop. A "P" indicates sampler pushed using the weight of the drill rig. "WOH" indicates sampler pushed using the weight of the 140-pound SPT hammer. %F AL CA CP CS DS HA MC MD OC PM PI PP PPM SA TX UC VS Percent fines Atterberg limits Chemical analysis Laboratory compaction test Consolidation test Direct shear Hydrometer analysis Moisture content Moisture content and dry density Organic content Permeability or hydraulic conductivity Plasticity index Pocket penetrometer Parts per million Sieve analysis Triaxial compression Unconfined compression Vane shear Sheen Classification NS SS MS HS NT No Visible Sheen Slight Sheen Moderate Sheen Heavy Sheen Not Tested NOTE: The reader must refer to the discussion in the report text and the logs of explorations for a proper understanding of subsurface conditions. Descriptions on the logs apply only at the specific exploration locations and at the time the explorations were made; they are not warranted to be representative of subsurface conditions at other locations or times. KEY TO EXPLORATION LOGS FIGURE A-1 Start Drilled 11/20/2014 End 11/21/2014 Surface Elevation (ft) Vertical Datum Total Depth (ft) Logged By NAA Checked By MAF 95 1873 47° 57' 42.8699" N 103° 54' 23.0981" W Latitude Longitude Driller Drilling Mud Rotary Method STS Enterprises, LLC Hammer Data Automatic 140 (lbs) / 30 (in) Drop System Datum Geographic Drilling Equipment Groundwater Date Measured CME-750 ATV Mounted Depth to Water (ft) Elevation (ft) N/A Notes: Upon completion, borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. S2 13 7 S3 15 11 S4 Dry Density, (pcf) 7 SP-SM Moisture Content, % 0 Group Classification S1 Graphic Log 7 Water Level Sample/Run Testing/Fractures Blows/foot RQD % Collected Sample Recovered (in) 14 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION REMARKS Brown fine sand with silt (loose, moist) 18 70 0 Interval Depth (feet) Elevation (feet) FIELD DATA No recovery 5 Brown fine sand (loose, moist) 18 65 SP Becomes medium dense 18 6 0 10 Water observed at 13 feet bgs 5 18 5 6 2 S5 Becomes wet and very loose 13 5 S6 Becomes loose 12 10 S7 Becomes medium dense 13 14 S8 18 50 20 18 45 25 40 30 18 Springfield: Date:1/29/15 Path:P:\18\18782011\01\GINT\DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE BORING LOGS.GPJ DBTemplate/LibTemplate:GEOENGINEERS8.GDT/GEI8_GEOTECH_SOIL_ROCK 15 25 % Fine = 12 % Gravel = 1 35 Log of Boring MO-B-1 Project: ETC-Dakota Access Pipeline Project Missouri River HDD Project Location: Williams and McKenzie Counties, North Dakota Project Number: 18782-011-01 Figure A-2 Sheet 1 of 3 14 22 S10 10 25 S11 12 8 S12 Becomes loose 12 20 S13 Becomes medium dense 13 26 S14 8 13 S15 9 25 S16 Group Classification Dry Density, (pcf) S9 Graphic Log 11 Water Level 12 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Moisture Content, % Sample/Run Testing/Fractures Blows/foot RQD % Collected Sample Recovered (in) Interval Depth (feet) Elevation (feet) FIELD DATA REMARKS 18 35 35 18 30 40 Grades to gray 18 25 45 18 20 50 18 10 60 18 05 65 00 70 18 Springfield: Date:1/29/15 Path:P:\18\18782011\01\GINT\DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE BORING LOGS.GPJ DBTemplate/LibTemplate:GEOENGINEERS8.GDT/GEI8_GEOTECH_SOIL_ROCK 18 15 55 With gravel and coarse sand 20 % Fine = 5 % Gravel = 44 75 Log of Boring MO-B-1 (continued) Project: ETC-Dakota Access Pipeline Project Missouri River HDD Project Location: Williams and McKenzie Counties, North Dakota Project Number: 18782-011-01 Figure A-2 Sheet 2 of 3 11 50 S18 GW-GM 13 21 S19 SP Gray fine sand with occasional silt (medium dense, moist) 9 32 S20 GM Gray silty gravel with sand (dense, moist) Group Classification Dry Density, (pcf) SP Graphic Log S17 Water Level 22 Moisture Content, % Sample/Run Testing/Fractures Blows/foot RQD % Collected Sample Recovered (in) Interval Depth (feet) 18 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION REMARKS 17 95 Elevation (feet) FIELD DATA Becomes fine to medium sand 17 90 80 Gray gravel with silt and sand (very dense, moist) 8 % Fine 7 % Gravel = 51 17 85 85 17 80 90 Springfield: Date:1/29/15 Path:P:\18\18782011\01\GINT\DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE BORING LOGS.GPJ DBTemplate/LibTemplate:GEOENGINEERS8.GDT/GEI8_GEOTECH_SOIL_ROCK 95 Log of Boring MO-B-1 (continued) Project: ETC-Dakota Access Pipeline Project Missouri River HDD Project Location: Williams and McKenzie Counties, North Dakota Project Number: 18782-011-01 Figure A-2 Sheet 3 of 3 Start Drilled 11/21/2014 End 11/21/2014 Surface Elevation (ft) Vertical Datum Total Depth (ft) Logged By NAA Checked By MAF 75 1866 47° 57' 36.4878" N 103° 54' 21.6319" W Latitude Longitude Driller Drilling Mud Rotary Method STS Enterprises, LLC Hammer Data Automatic 140 (lbs) / 30 (in) Drop System Datum Geographic Drilling Equipment Groundwater Date Measured CME-750 ATV Mounted Depth to Water (ft) Elevation (ft) N/A Notes: Upon completion, borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. Brown silt with sand (medium stiff, moist) 15 17 S2 SP Brown fine sand (medium dense, moist) 16 12 S3 18 12 S4 Group Classification Dry Density, (pcf) ML Graphic Log S1 Water Level 6 Moisture Content, % Sample/Run Testing/Fractures Blows/foot RQD % Collected Sample Recovered (in) 12 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION REMARKS 18 65 0 Interval Depth (feet) Elevation (feet) FIELD DATA 18 60 5 10 18 55 Water observed at 10 feet bgs 13 8 S5 2 8 S6 9 12 S7 12 10 S8 13 21 S9 Becomes loose 18 45 20 Becomes fine to medium sand and medium dense 18 % Fine = 4 % Gravel = 3 18 40 25 30 18 35 Springfield: Date:1/29/15 Path:P:\18\18782011\01\GINT\DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE BORING LOGS.GPJ DBTemplate/LibTemplate:GEOENGINEERS8.GDT/GEI8_GEOTECH_SOIL_ROCK 18 50 15 Grades to gray 35 Log of Boring MO-B-2 Project: ETC-Dakota Access Pipeline Project Missouri River HDD Project Location: Williams and McKenzie Counties, North Dakota Project Number: 18782-011-01 Figure A-3 Sheet 1 of 2 WOH S11 14 20 S12 10 25 S13 8 23 10 Dry Density, (pcf) 4 Moisture Content, % S10 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Group Classification 2 Graphic Log 3 Water Level Sample/Run Testing/Fractures Blows/foot RQD % Collected Sample Recovered (in) Interval Depth (feet) Elevation (feet) FIELD DATA REMARKS 18 30 35 SM Gray silty sand with trace organics (very loose, moist) SP-SM Gray fine sand with silt (medium dense, moist) S14 GP-GM Gray gravel with silt and sand (medium dense, moist) 16 S15 SP 12 29 S16 Becomes fine sand 6 26 S17 With gravel 18 25 40 18 20 45 18 15 50 7 % Fine = 6 % Gravel = 51 18 05 60 Gray fine sand with silt and trace fine gravel (medium dense, moist) 18 00 65 95 70 17 Springfield: Date:1/29/15 Path:P:\18\18782011\01\GINT\DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE BORING LOGS.GPJ DBTemplate/LibTemplate:GEOENGINEERS8.GDT/GEI8_GEOTECH_SOIL_ROCK 18 10 55 75 Log of Boring MO-B-2 (continued) Project: ETC-Dakota Access Pipeline Project Missouri River HDD Project Location: Williams and McKenzie Counties, North Dakota Project Number: 18782-011-01 Figure A-3 Sheet 2 of 2 Drilled Start 12/2/2014 End 12/3/2014 Surface Elevation (ft) Vertical Datum Total Depth (ft) Logged By DJJ Checked By MAF 95 1874 47° 57' 24.2845" N 103° 54' 14.1564" W Latitude Longitude Driller Drilling Mud Rotary Method STS Enterprises, LLC Hammer Data Automatic 140 (lbs) / 30 (in) Drop System Datum Geographic Drilling Equipment Groundwater Date Measured CME-750 ATV Mounted Depth to Water (ft) Elevation (ft) N/A Notes: Upon completion, borehole backfilled with cement-bentonite grout. S2 17 8 S3 17 6 17 Dry Density, (pcf) 10 SM Moisture Content, % 14 Group Classification S1 Graphic Log 21 Water Level Sample/Run Testing/Fractures Blows/foot RQD % Collected Sample Recovered (in) 11 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION REMARKS Brown silty fine to medium sand with occasional fine gravel (medium dense, moist) Becomes gray and brown silty fine sand 18 70 0 Interval Depth (feet) Elevation (feet) FIELD DATA 18 65 5 Gray fine sandy silt (stiff, wet) 25 S4 Becomes medium stiff 29 WOH S5 Becomes very soft 30 14 50/2" S6 With coal and becomes hard 23 15 50/3" S7 9 36 S8 Becomes dense 16 50/4" S9 Becomes very dense ML 18 60 10 % Fine = 94 % Gravel = 0 18 55 18 5 0 20 SM Gray silty fine sand (very dense, moist) 18 45 25 30 18 40 Springfield: Date:1/29/15 Path:P:\18\18782011\01\GINT\DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE BORING LOGS.GPJ DBTemplate/LibTemplate:GEOENGINEERS8.GDT/GEI8_GEOTECH_SOIL_ROCK 15 35 Log of Boring MO-B-3 Project: ETC-Dakota Access Pipeline Project Missouri River HDD Project Location: Williams and McKenzie Counties, North Dakota Project Number: 18782-011-01 Figure A-4 Sheet 1 of 3 Dry Density, (pcf) Moisture Content, % MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Group Classification Graphic Log Water Level 50/6" Sample/Run Testing/Fractures Blows/foot RQD % 12 Collected Sample Recovered (in) Interval Depth (feet) Elevation (feet) FIELD DATA REMARKS 18 35 35 S10 18 30 40 15 100/15" S11 ML Gray fine sandy silt (hard, moist) 16 100/16" S12 SM Gray silty fine sand (very dense, moist) 17 87 S13 CL Gray clay with fine sand (hard, moist) 10 50/4" S14 18 18 25 45 18 20 50 21 15 18 22 18 10 60 16 100/16" S15 2 50/2" S16 15 50/3" S17 SM Gray silty fine sand (very dense, moist) 18 05 65 00 70 18 Springfield: Date:1/29/15 Path:P:\18\18782011\01\GINT\DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE BORING LOGS.GPJ DBTemplate/LibTemplate:GEOENGINEERS8.GDT/GEI8_GEOTECH_SOIL_ROCK 55 75 Log of Boring MO-B-3 (continued) Project: ETC-Dakota Access Pipeline Project Missouri River HDD Project Location: Williams and McKenzie Counties, North Dakota Project Number: 18782-011-01 Figure A-4 Sheet 2 of 3 Springfield: Date:1/29/15 Path:P:\18\18782011\01\GINT\DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE BORING LOGS.GPJ DBTemplate/LibTemplate:GEOENGINEERS8.GDT/GEI8_GEOTECH_SOIL_ROCK 85 85 90 90 17 17 95 Interval Depth (feet) Elevation (feet) 11 50/5" S18 17 50/5" S19 19 5 50/5" S20 18 75 S21 22 Group Classification Graphic Log Water Level Sample/Run Testing/Fractures Collected Sample Blows/foot RQD % 17 80 Recovered (in) 80 17 CL MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Gray clay with fine sand (hard, moist) Project: Project Number: 18782-011-01 Dry Density, (pcf) Moisture Content, % FIELD DATA REMARKS 21 Project Location: Williams and McKenzie Counties, North Dakota LL = 46 PI = 27 95 Log of Boring MO-B-3 (continued) ETC-Dakota Access Pipeline Project Missouri River HDD Figure A-4 Sheet 3 of 3 U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 3” 1.5” 3/4” 3/8” #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 #200 100 PERCENT PASSING BY WEIGHT 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS COBBLES Symbol GRAVEL COARSE SAND FINE COARSE MEDIUM Exploration Number Sample Depth (feet) Soil Classification MO-B-1 MO-B-1 MO-B-1 33.5 – 35.0 73.5 – 75.0 83.5 – 85.0 Brown SAND (SP-SM) with silt Gray SAND (SP-SM) with silt and gravel Gray GRAVEL (GW-GM) with silt and sand Note: This report may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval of GeoEngineers, Inc. Test results are applicable only to the specific sample on which they were performed, and should not be interpreted as representative of any other samples obtained at other times, depths or locations, or generated by separate operations or processes. FINE SILT OR CLAY Sieve Analysis Results ETC Dakota Access Pipeline Project – Missouri River HDD Williams and McKenzie Counties, North Dakota Figure A-5 U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 3” 1.5” 3/4” 3/8” #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 #200 100 PERCENT PASSING BY WEIGHT 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS COBBLES Symbol GRAVEL COARSE SAND FINE COARSE MEDIUM Exploration Number Sample Depth (feet) Soil Classification MO-B-2 23.5 – 25.0 Brown fine to medium SAND (SP) MO-B-2 58.5 – 60.0 Gray GRAVEL (GP-GM) with silt and sand Note: This report may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval of GeoEngineers, Inc. Test results are applicable only to the specific sample on which they were performed, and should not be interpreted as representative of any other samples obtained at other times, depths or locations, or generated by separate operations or processes. FINE SILT OR CLAY Sieve Analysis Results ETC Dakota Access Pipeline Project –Missouri River HDD Williams and McKenzie Counties, South Dakota Figure A-6 PLASTICITY CHART 100 90 80 70 Plasticity Index CH or OH 60 50 40 30 MH or OH 20 CL or OL 10 ML or OL CL-ML 0 0 Symbol 10 20 30 40 50 Liquid Limit 60 70 80 90 100 Exploration Number Sample Depth (feet) Moisture Content (%) Liquid Limit (%) Plasticity Index (%) Soil Description MO-B-3 MO-B-3 13.5 – 15.0 83.5 – 85.0 30 19 N/A* 46 N/A* 27 Gray low plasticity SILT (ML) Gray low plasticity CLAY (CL) with fine sand * Non-plastic sample Atterberg Limits Test Results Note: This report may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval of GeoEngineers, Inc. Test results are applicable only to the specific sample on which they were performed, and should not be interpreted as representative of any other samples obtained at other times, depths or locations, or generated by separate operations or processes. ETC Dakota Access Pipeline Project – Missouri River HDD Williams and McKenzie counties, North Dakota Figure A-7 APPENDIX Report Limitations and Guidelines for Use APPENDIX B REPORT LIMITATIONS AND GUIDELINES FOR USE1 This appendix provides information to help you manage your risks with respect to the use of this report. Geotechnical and Environmental Services Are Performed for Specific Purposes, Persons and Projects This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of ETC, and their authorized agents. This report is not intended for use by others, and the information contained herein is not applicable to other sites. GeoEngineers structures our services to meet the specific needs of our clients. For example, a geotechnical or geologic study conducted for a civil engineer or architect may not fulfill the needs of a construction contractor or even another civil engineer or architect that are involved in the same project. Similarly, an environmental assessment study conducted for a property owner may not fulfill the needs of a prospective purchaser of the same property. Because each study is unique, each report is unique, prepared solely for the specific client and project site. Our report is prepared for the exclusive use of our Client. No other party may rely on the product of our services unless we agree in advance to such reliance in writing. This is to provide our firm with reasonable protection against open-ended liability claims by third parties with whom there would otherwise be no contractual limits to their actions. Within the limitations of scope, schedule and budget, our services have been executed in accordance with our Agreement with the Client and generally accepted geotechnical practices in this area at the time this report was prepared. This report should not be applied for any purpose or project except the one originally contemplated. A Geotechnical Engineering or Environmental Report Is Based on a Unique Set of ProjectSpecific Factors This report has been prepared for the proposed Missouri River HDD located in Morton County, North Dakota. GeoEngineers considered a number of unique, project-specific factors when establishing the scope of services for this project and report. Unless GeoEngineers specifically indicates otherwise, do not rely on this report if it was: ■ not prepared for you, ■ not prepared for your project, ■ not prepared for the specific site explored, or ■ completed before important project changes were made. For example, changes that can affect the applicability of this report include those that affect: ■ the function of the proposed structure; ■ elevation, configuration, location, orientation or weight of the proposed structure; Developed based on material provided by ASFE/The Best People on Earth, Professional Firms Practicing in the Geosciences; 1 February 3, 2015 Page B-1 File No. 18782-011-01 ■ composition of the design team; or ■ project ownership. If important changes are made after the date of this report, GeoEngineers should be given the opportunity to review our interpretations and recommendations and provide written modifications or confirmation, as appropriate. Subsurface Conditions Can Change This report is based on conditions that existed at the time the study was performed. The findings and conclusions of this report may be affected by the passage of time, by manmade events such as construction on or adjacent to the site, by new releases of hazardous substances, or by natural events such as floods, earthquakes, slope instability or groundwater fluctuations. Always contact GeoEngineers before applying a report to determine if it remains applicable. Top Soil For the purposes of this report, we consider topsoil to consist of generally fine-grained soil with an appreciable amount of organic matter, based on visual examination, and to be unsuitable for direct support of the proposed improvements. However, the organic content and other mineralogical and gradational characteristics used to evaluate the suitability of soil for use in landscaping and agricultural purposes were not determined, nor were they considered in our analyses. Therefore, the information and recommendations in this report, and our logs and descriptions, should not be used as a basis for estimating the volume of topsoil available for such purposes. Most Geotechnical and Environmental Findings Are Professional Opinions Our interpretations of subsurface conditions are based on field observations and laboratory test results from widely spaced sampling locations at the site. Site exploration identifies subsurface conditions only at those points where subsurface tests are conducted or samples are taken. GeoEngineers reviewed field and laboratory data and then applied our professional judgment to render an opinion about subsurface conditions throughout the site. Actual subsurface conditions may differ, sometimes significantly, from those indicated in this report. Our report, conclusions and interpretations should not be construed as a warranty of the subsurface conditions. Geotechnical Engineering Report Recommendations Are Not Final Do not over-rely on the preliminary construction recommendations included in this report. These recommendations are not final, because they were developed principally from GeoEngineers’ professional judgment and opinion. GeoEngineers’ recommendations can be finalized only by observing actual subsurface conditions revealed during construction. GeoEngineers cannot assume responsibility or liability for this report’s recommendations if we do not perform construction observation. Sufficient monitoring and consultation by GeoEngineers should be provided during construction to confirm that the conditions encountered are consistent with those indicated by the explorations, to provide recommendations for design changes should the conditions revealed during the work differ from those anticipated, and to evaluate whether or not construction activities are completed in accordance with our recommendations. Retaining GeoEngineers for construction observation for this project is the most effective method of managing the risks associated with unanticipated conditions. February 3, 2015 Page B-2 File No. 18782-011-01 A Geotechnical Engineering or Geologic Report Could Be Subject to Misinterpretation Misinterpretation of this report by other design team members can result in costly problems. You could lower that risk by having GeoEngineers confer with appropriate members of the design team after submitting the report. Also, retain GeoEngineers to review pertinent elements of the design team's plans and specifications. If important changes are made after the date of this report, GeoEngineers should be given the opportunity to review our interpretations and recommendations and provide written modifications or confirmation, as appropriate. Contractors can also misinterpret a geotechnical engineering or geologic report. Reduce that risk by having GeoEngineers participate in pre-bid and preconstruction conferences, and by providing construction observation. Do Not Redraw the Exploration Logs Geotechnical engineers and geologists prepare final boring and testing logs based upon their interpretation of field logs and laboratory data. To prevent errors or omissions, the logs included in a geotechnical engineering or geologic report should never be redrawn for inclusion in architectural or other design drawings. Only photographic or electronic reproduction is acceptable, but recognize that separating logs from the report can elevate risk. Give Contractors a Complete Report and Guidance Some owners and design professionals believe they can make contractors liable for unanticipated subsurface conditions by limiting what they provide for bid preparation. To help prevent costly problems, give contractors the complete geotechnical engineering or geologic report, but preface it with a clearly written letter of transmittal. In that letter, advise contractors that the report was not prepared for purposes of bid development and that the report’s accuracy is limited; encourage them to confer with GeoEngineers and/or to conduct additional study to obtain the specific types of information they need or prefer. A pre-bid conference can also be valuable. Be sure contractors have sufficient time to perform additional study. Only then might an owner be in a position to give contractors the best information available, while requiring them to at least share the financial responsibilities stemming from unanticipated conditions. Further, a contingency for unanticipated conditions should be included in your project budget and schedule. Contractors Are Responsible for Site Safety on Their Own Construction Projects Our geotechnical recommendations are not intended to direct the contractor’s procedures, methods, schedule or management of the work site. The contractor is solely responsible for job site safety and for managing construction operations to minimize risks to on-site personnel and to adjacent properties. Read These Provisions Closely Some clients, design professionals and contractors may not recognize that the geoscience practices (geotechnical engineering or geology) are far less exact than other engineering and natural science disciplines. This lack of understanding can create unrealistic expectations that could lead to disappointments, claims and disputes. GeoEngineers includes these explanatory “limitations” provisions in our reports to help reduce such risks. Please confer with GeoEngineers if you are unclear how these “Report Limitations and Guidelines for Use” apply to your project or site. February 3, 2015 Page B-3 File No. 18782-011-01 Geotechnical, Geologic and Environmental Reports Should Not Be Interchanged The equipment, techniques and personnel used to perform an environmental study differ significantly from those used to perform a geotechnical or geologic study and vice versa. For that reason, a geotechnical engineering or geologic report does not usually relate any environmental findings, conclusions or recommendations; e.g., about the likelihood of encountering underground storage tanks or regulated contaminants. Similarly, environmental reports are not used to address geotechnical or geologic concerns regarding a specific project. February 3, 2015 Page B-4 File No. 18782-011-01 APPENDIX Report Limitations and Guidelines for Use APPENDIX C REPORT LIMITATIONS AND GUIDELINES FOR USE1 This appendix provides information to help you manage your risks with respect to the use of this report. Geotechnical and Environmental Services Are Performed for Specific Purposes, Persons and Projects This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Dakota Access, LLC (Dakota Access) and their authorized agents. This report is not intended for use by others, and the information contained herein is not applicable to other sites. GeoEngineers structures our services to meet the specific needs of our clients. For example, a geotechnical or geologic study conducted for a civil engineer or architect may not fulfill the needs of a construction contractor or even another civil engineer or architect that are involved in the same project. Similarly, an environmental assessment study conducted for a property owner may not fulfill the needs of a prospective purchaser of the same property. Because each study is unique, each report is unique, prepared solely for the specific client and project site. Our report is prepared for the exclusive use of our Client. No other party may rely on the product of our services unless we agree in advance to such reliance in writing. This is to provide our firm with reasonable protection against open-ended liability claims by third parties with whom there would otherwise be no contractual limits to their actions. Within the limitations of scope, schedule and budget, our services have been executed in accordance with our Agreement with the Client and generally accepted geotechnical practices in this area at the time this report was prepared. This report should not be applied for any purpose or project except the one originally contemplated. A Geotechnical Engineering or Environmental Report Is Based on a Unique Set of Project-Specific Factors This report has been prepared for the proposed Missouri River HDD located in Williams and McKenzie Counties, North Dakota. GeoEngineers considered a number of unique, project-specific factors when establishing the scope of services for this project and report. Unless GeoEngineers specifically indicates otherwise, do not rely on this report if it was: ■ not prepared for you, ■ not prepared for your project, ■ not prepared for the specific site explored, or ■ completed before important project changes were made. Developed based on material provided by ASFE/The Best People on Earth, Professional Firms Practicing in the Geosciences; 1 August 31, 2015 Page C-1 File No. 18782-011-01 For example, changes that can affect the applicability of this report include those that affect: ■ the function of the proposed structure; ■ elevation, configuration, location, orientation or weight of the proposed structure; ■ composition of the design team; or ■ project ownership. If important changes are made after the date of this report, GeoEngineers should be given the opportunity to review our interpretations and recommendations and provide written modifications or confirmation, as appropriate. Subsurface Conditions Can Change This report is based on conditions that existed at the time the study was performed. The findings and conclusions of this report may be affected by the passage of time, by manmade events such as construction on or adjacent to the site, by new releases of hazardous substances, or by natural events such as floods, earthquakes, slope instability or groundwater fluctuations. Always contact GeoEngineers before applying a report to determine if it remains applicable. Most Geotechnical and Environmental Findings Are Professional Opinions Our interpretations of subsurface conditions are based on field observations and laboratory test results from widely spaced sampling locations at the site. Site exploration identifies subsurface conditions only at those points where subsurface tests are conducted or samples are taken. GeoEngineers reviewed field and laboratory data and then applied our professional judgment to render an opinion about subsurface conditions throughout the site. Actual subsurface conditions may differ, sometimes significantly, from those indicated in this report. Our report, conclusions and interpretations should not be construed as a warranty of the subsurface conditions. Geotechnical Engineering Report Recommendations Are Not Final Do not over-rely on the preliminary construction recommendations included in this report. These recommendations are not final, because they were developed principally from GeoEngineers’ professional judgment and opinion. GeoEngineers’ recommendations can be finalized only by observing actual subsurface conditions revealed during construction. GeoEngineers cannot assume responsibility or liability for this report’s recommendations if we do not perform construction observation. Sufficient monitoring and consultation by GeoEngineers should be provided during construction to confirm that the conditions encountered are consistent with those indicated by the explorations, to provide recommendations for design changes should the conditions revealed during the work differ from those anticipated, and to evaluate whether or not construction activities are completed in accordance with our recommendations. Retaining GeoEngineers for construction observation for this project is the most effective method of managing the risks associated with unanticipated conditions. A Geotechnical Engineering or Geologic Report Could Be Subject to Misinterpretation Misinterpretation of this report by other design team members can result in costly problems. You could lower that risk by having GeoEngineers confer with appropriate members of the design team after August 31, 2015 Page C-2 File NO. 18782-011-01 submitting the report. Also retain GeoEngineers to review pertinent elements of the design team’s plans and specifications. Contractors can also misinterpret a geotechnical engineering or geologic report. Reduce that risk by having GeoEngineers participate in pre-bid and preconstruction conferences, and by providing construction observation. Do Not Redraw the Exploration Logs Geotechnical engineers and geologists prepare final boring and testing logs based upon their interpretation of field logs and laboratory data. To prevent errors or omissions, the logs included in a geotechnical engineering or geologic report should never be redrawn for inclusion in architectural or other design drawings. Only photographic or electronic reproduction is acceptable, but recognize that separating logs from the report can elevate risk. Give Contractors a Complete Report and Guidance Some owners and design professionals believe they can make contractors liable for unanticipated subsurface conditions by limiting what they provide for bid preparation. In that letter, advise contractors that the report was not prepared for purposes of bid development and that the report’s accuracy is limited; encourage them to confer with GeoEngineers and/or to conduct additional study to obtain the specific types of information they need or prefer. A pre-bid conference can also be valuable. Be sure contractors have sufficient time to perform additional study. Only then might an owner be in a position to give contractors the best information available, while requiring them to at least share the financial responsibilities stemming from unanticipated conditions. Further, a contingency for unanticipated conditions should be included in your project budget and schedule. Contractors Are Responsible for Site Safety on Their Own Construction Projects Our geotechnical recommendations are not intended to direct the contractor’s procedures, methods, schedule or management of the work site. The contractor is solely responsible for job site safety and for managing construction operations to minimize risks to on-site personnel and to adjacent properties. Read These Provisions Closely Some clients, design professionals and contractors may not recognize that the geoscience practices (geotechnical engineering or geology) are far less exact than other engineering and natural science disciplines. This lack of understanding can create unrealistic expectations that could lead to disappointments, claims and disputes. GeoEngineers includes these explanatory “limitations” provisions in our reports to help reduce such risks. Please confer with GeoEngineers if you are unclear how these “Report Limitations and Guidelines for Use” apply to your project or site. August 31, 2015 Page C-3 File No. 18782-011-01 Have we delivered World Class Client Service? Please let us know by visiting APPENDIX Blasting Plan Blast Plan Dakota Access Pipeline North & South Dakota, Iowa, Illinois A. Scope of Blasting Project Blasting will take place along the Dakota Access Pipeline right-of-way. The Blasting Contractor will blast only in the areas where the rock cannot be economically excavated by conventional means. It is anticipated that this may occur anywhere along the right-of-way, site-specific locations will be determined as project progresses. As much as possible due to safety reasons, drilling and blasting will occur through the natural dirt overburden. Blasting activities will take place during daylight hours Monday through Saturday. B. Types of Blasting Primary type of blasting will be for ditch excavation. Blasting may also be required during the right-of-way grading operation. If any streams and wetland areas require blasting to perform the ditch excavation, the streams and wetland areas will be tested for rock and shot by the mainline blasting crew. Once blasted, the creeks will be fixed back to original condition and all ECD’s replaced until the time of the tie ins. C. Location of Shots and Proximity to Existing Facilities No blasting will occur within 15 feet of existing loaded pipelines or within 10 feet of other structures that may be of concern. All blasting located along adjacent power line rights-of-way shall be conducted in a manner that will not cause damage to the power company property and facilities. The blast be drilled through natural dirt overburden or covered by blasting mats and/or other material as needed to protect nearby existing facilities, structures, highways, railroads or significant natural resources from thrown rock fragments. D. Method to be Used to Minimize Hole-to-Hole Propagation Hole-to-hole propagation problems are not anticipated with the proposed product and pattern for the following reasons: E. 1. Only cartridge explosives will be used. 2. The amount and type of explosives anticipated does not lend to the likelihood of propagation issues. Types of Explosives / Initiation System to be Used 1. Dyno Nobel Unimax®: An extra gelatin dynamite with a specific gravity of 1.51 g/cc, a detonation rate of 17,400 f/s (unconfined) and a calculated energy of 1,055 c/g. 2. D-GEL 1000 is a desensitized, nitroglycerin-based dynamite formulated to reduce sensitivity to sympathetic detonation (hole-to-hole propagation) with 1 DAPL 8/11/14 Blast Plan Dakota Access Pipeline North & South Dakota, Iowa, Illinois superior water resistance. The product has a specific gravity of 1.36 g/cc and a detonation rate of 16,900 f/s (unconfined) and a calculated energy of 1045 c/g. F. 3. DYNOMAX PRO is desensitized extra gelatin dynamite designed to satisfy the majority of explosive application requirements consistently delivering delivering high detonation velocity and excellent water resistance while reducing cartridge to cartridge gap sensitivity and hole-to-hole propagation problems. The product has a specific gravity of 1.45g/cc and a detonation rate of 19,700 f/s (unconfined) and a calculated energy of 1055 c/g. 4. Dyno Nobel TX: A cap sensitive high explosive with a specific gravity of 1.17 g/cc and a detonation rate of 16,400 f/s (unconfined) and a calculated energy of 1170 c/g. 5. Dyno Nobel Blastex TX: A cast booster sensitive, water resistant, packaged emulsion explosive specifically formulated to provide increased resistance to hydrostatic and/or dynamic transitory shock pressures which can result when used in wet and/or water saturated geologies. The product has a specific gravity of 1.26g/cc and a detonation rate of 15,400 f/s (unconfined) and a calculated energy of 808 c/g. 6. Orica Senatel Pulsar : The premier, packaged, detonator-sensitive emulsion explosive for pipeline, trenching and site preparation projects is Senatel™Pulsar™ energized emulsion. This product is packaged in a semirigid, film cartridge for loading into ragged holes in surface rock. Senatel™Pulsar™ will not propagate yet it has energetic additives to give added breaking power and heave with excellent pre-compression resistance. The product has a specific gravity of 1.23g/cc and a detonation rate of 14,740 f/s (unconfined) and a calculated energy of 950 c/g. 7. Dyno Nobel NONEL® 25 Millisecond Delay Connectors or Dyno Nobel NONEL EZ Det® (nonelectric) 25/350 millisecond delay. 8. A Dyno Nobel NONEL nonelectric shock tube system detonator will initiate all shots. This NONEL will be attached at one point only for initiation of the entire shot and will not be used for down hole priming. Drill and Blast Pattern The drilling program will be based on 2 rows of 3 inch diameter holes drilled with a grid spacing of approximately 4 feet wide by 5-7 feet along the ditch line. If rock breakage is not optimum a third row of holes will be added to the blast pattern (dice “5” pattern). The drill pattern will be established using a powder factor between 2.0 and 4.0 pounds per cubic yard to achieve the desired explosive energy ratio needed to break the rock and pull the ditch. This shot pattern may be adjusted on a site-specific basis to compensate for different geology, nearby structures, utilities or other sensitive areas. 2 DAPL 8/11/14 Blast Plan Dakota Access Pipeline North & South Dakota, Iowa, Illinois G. Charge Weight and Delays Delays will be used accordingly to control the vibration as well as limiting the transmission of energy below the damaging levels at any existing structure. The delay pattern will be created to provide the energy relief immediately down the ditch in preference to a horizontal direction. The main type of delays will be NONEL® EZDet 25/350 or 25/500 which are color-coded for easy identification of delay length. The amount of dynamite used in each hole will be limited to the manufacturer’s recommendations and specifications. The Blasting Contractor will also use multiple caps per hole (decking) as needed to meet maximum charge per delay requirements as necessary. H. Flyrock Control Plan All shots will be carefully designed by the Licensed Blaster to control flyrock. All hole loading activity will be supervised by the Licensed Blaster. The Licensed Blaster will communicate with the drillers to obtain geological information for each shot. A good quality, non-bridging stemming material that completely fills any voids in the drill hole will also be used to reduce the amount of flyrock. A minus 3/8” crushed rock is typically used for this purpose. This stemming size has been a standard for U.S. Corps of Engineers for decades. I. Selection of Blasting Products and Methods These blasting products were chosen because of many years of dependable use and positive results on pipeline projects throughout the world which are demonstrated by the:  quality, safety and reliability of the product  support offered by the manufacturer  availability  price A nonelectric detonator will initiate all shots. A completely nonelectric system (including initiation) for several important reasons: 1. Due to the proximity of the high voltage power lines, stray current may be an issue that could result in the premature firing of an electric detonator. 2. The numerous radio equipped trucks belonging to all personnel (surveyors, inspectors and other subcontractors) on the project mandate that all shots be totally nonelectric to eliminate accidental detonation of electric caps. Furthermore, there may be other commercial and/or non-commercial radio users in the area not associated with the project (logging operations, quarry sites, etc.) who could compromise the safety of the blasting operations. 3 DAPL 8/11/14 Blast Plan Dakota Access Pipeline North & South Dakota, Iowa, Illinois 3. J. The nonelectric detonator shock tube system works instantaneously (like electric blasting caps). This allows for precise and reliable initiation of shots in congested areas, adjacent to highways or in other locations where blast initiation control is an issue. Monitoring, Reporting and Controlling Ground Cracking and Displacement It is not expected that this type of rock will fracture in such a way as to cause any kind of ground displacement. Following each blast, the area will be examined for signs of ground cracking. Any indication of overbreak (cracks greater than half the distance to the existing pipeline) will be brought to the attention of the Company Inspector and noted on the blast report. The shot pattern and/or loading will be adjusted to minimize or eliminate overbreak. K. Explosives Storage and Transportation Procedures Explosives storage and transportation will follow the guidelines and regulations of all federal, state and local agencies. L. Peak Particle Velocity Monitoring and Control Each blast will be monitored by a licensed blaster or other person experienced in monitoring blasts using a seismograph. The seismograph will be placed at the “point of interest”. In most cases, this will be next to the foundation of the closest building, power line foundation, utility or well. In all cases, both the sensor and seismograph will be protected from flyrock. This recorder gives a direct peak particle velocity (PPV) reading that is indicated on a tape as well as decibel reading to capture sound levels. The industry standard for many years has been 12 inches per second maximum PPV on any underground structures. DAPL expects the PPV’s to be kept under 6 inches per second or lower on any underground structures & 2 inches per second or lower on wells and above ground inhabited structures. After each blast, a blast report with a print out of the seismograph readings will be will be compiled and a copy presented to the Company inspector for Company records. M. Fire Prevention Following the required waiting period after each shot, the blast area will be inspected for any indication of fire or fire hazard. Particular attention will be paid to the vegetated areas outside of the R.O.W. Normally, the explosives vaporize at the instant of detonation and there is no fiber or other material left to smolder or be a source of concern. 1. The blasting operation will generally take place after the grading operation has graded the right-of-way to bare mineral soil. The blaster shall ensure that the 4 DAPL 8/11/14 Blast Plan Dakota Access Pipeline North & South Dakota, Iowa, Illinois initiating detonator is placed on bare mineral soil and that there is no vegetation within a 20-foot radius. N. 2. The shock tube initiating system will be initiated a minimum of 250 feet from the nearest loaded hole. 3. When fire danger is high due to forest conditions, a 2-man fire watch team will patrol each blast area for a period of 1hour after the required waiting period. Environmental Concerns All residents within 300 feet of the blast will be notified of blasting activity and offered a pre-blast survey of their residence or structure of concern. In any case, communications with property owners will be maintained. All necessary measures will be taken to exclude livestock from the blasting area. During the normal safety check prior to blasting, the area will be checked for both livestock and wildlife. The blast will not be initiated until the area is clear. 5 DAPL 8/11/14 Blast Plan Dakota Access Pipeline North & South Dakota, Iowa, Illinois EXPLOSIVES SAFETY PROGRAM 1. 2. The Blasting Contractor will follow all Federal and State regulations. A. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms – 27CFR 181 (Commerce in Explosives). B. Occupational Safety and Health Administration – 29CFR 1926.90 (Safety and Health Regulations for Construction Blasting and Use of Explosives). C. Carriage by Public Highway – 49CFR 177 (self-explanatory). D. Explosives and Blasting Agents – OSHA, 29CFR 1910.109 (Safety in the Workplace When Using Explosives). E. Guidelines to be Followed by Natural Gas Pipeline Companies in the Planning, Locating, Clearing and Maintenance of Right-of-Way and the Construction of Above Ground Facilities – 18CFR 2.69. General Regulations A. Only authorized and qualified personnel shall handle explosives and shall always be under the direct supervision of a blaster licensed, if required, by the state of use. B. No flame, heat, radio transmitter or spark-producing device shall be permitted in or near explosives during handling, transport or use. C. No person shall be allowed to handle, use or work in the area while under the influence of liquor, narcotic or dangerous drugs. D. Explosives shall be accounted for at all times. Explosives not in use shall be kept in locked, approved storage magazines. A running inventory shall be maintained at all times. Appropriate authorities shall be notified of any loss, theft or unauthorized entry into a magazine. E. No explosives shall be abandoned. F. No fires shall be fought where contact with explosives is imminent. All personnel shall be cleared and area guarded against other intruders. G. Separate Class I and II magazines shall be used for transport of detonators and explosives from magazine storage area to blast site. Magazines shall be kept locked except for removal of material for use. In addition, explosives will be loaded directly to each shot point from the magazines on approved ground transportation equipment. 6 DAPL 8/11/14 Blast Plan Dakota Access Pipeline North & South Dakota, Iowa, Illinois H. When blasting in areas of congestion or in close proximity of other structures or services, special precaution will be taken to avoid damage or personal injury. I. Every reasonable precaution shall be used to notify others of use of explosives (visual, audible, flags, barricades, etc.). No onlookers or unauthorized personnel will be permitted within 500 feet during loading or blasting. Flaggers shall be stationed on roadways that pass through the danger zone to stop traffic during blasting operations. J. All necessary precautions shall be taken to prevent accidental current discharge from any possible source. The exclusive use of a nonelectric initiation system will eliminate this possibility in nearly every situation with the possible exception of lightning strikes. 1. Electrical storms a. All blasting operations shall be suspended and all persons shall be removed from the blasting areas during the approach and progress of an electrical storm. The following rules must be followed: 1. A lightning detector should be used to monitor the proximity of lightning to the shot. When the storm is 10 miles distant as identified by the lightning detector, notify all persons in the blasting crew of approaching storm. Stop all loading of holes and evacuate all personnel, except blaster and assistant, to a safe distance (500 feet) from the blast area. 2. If the blast cannot be initiated before the storm arrives (within 10 miles as indicated by the lightning detector), the blaster shall evacuate the site to a safe distance. 3. Personnel may return to worksite when the storm has passed and is 10 miles distant as determined by the lightning detector or after the completion of blast which allows for inspection of site and/or misfire. 4. If no lightning detector is available, the “1 second per mile” rule of thumb may be used. This rule of thumb is used to estimate the distance of the storm between sight and sound. When lightning is sighted the sound wave typically travels at approximately 1 mile per second. So, if the lightning is spotted and 10 seconds elapses it is about 10 miles away. 7 DAPL 8/11/14 Blast Plan Dakota Access Pipeline North & South Dakota, Iowa, Illinois K. Empty packing material shall not be used again for any purpose. It shall be burned at an approved location. Typically, this will be in the excavated trench or other designated area. L. Damaged or deteriorated blasting supplies shall not be used. M. Delivery and issue of explosives shall only be under, by and to authorized persons and into authorized magazine or temporary storage handling areas. N. Blasting operations shall not be carried out in the proximity of other utilities or property owners without prior approval. “ONE CALL” notification requirements shall be followed. O. All loading and firing shall be directed and supervised by a competent and experienced person. P. No loaded holes shall be left unattended or unprotected. No explosives or blasting agents shall be abandoned on the right-of-way. Explosives shall not be primed until immediately before use and shall not be allowed to lay overnight in drilled holes. Q. All jurisdictional authorities shall be granted unrestricted access to all explosive records as well as site access for procedural inspections. All personnel not involved with the current blasting operation must check in with the blaster before entering the blasting zone. R. Warning signs, indicating the blast area, shall be erected and maintained at all approaches to the blast area. Warning sign lettering shall be readable from a reasonable distance and on a contrasting background. S. The warning signs will be erected and maintained at all approaches to the blast area. Flaggers will be stationed on all roadways passing within 500 feet of the blast area and be responsible to stop all traffic during blasting operations. All personnel not involved in the actual blast shall stand back at least 500 feet from the time the blast signal is given until the “All Clear” has been sounded. An audible blasting signal (air horn or siren) shall be used. The following blast signals will be used during blasting. 1. Warning Signal A series of two long horn or siren sounds will be made 2 minutes prior to the blast. 2. Blast Signal One prolonged horn or siren sound will be sounded one minute prior to the blast. 8 DAPL 8/11/14 Blast Plan Dakota Access Pipeline North & South Dakota, Iowa, Illinois 3. All Clear Signal Two short blasts on the horn or siren sound will be sounded following the blast once the blast area has been inspected and deemed safe. T. All blasting will be performed with a nonelectric initiation system and shall follow standard industry guidelines in regard to use and safety. U. Blaster qualifications shall meet all federal, state and local standards. V. Misfires 1. If there are any misfires, all employees shall remain away from the suspected misfire area for at least 15 minutes. Misfires shall be handled under the direction of the blaster in charge. All leads shall be carefully traced and a search made for unexploded charges. 2. If a misfire is found, the blaster shall provide proper safeguards for excluding all employees from the danger zone. 3. No other work shall be done except that necessary to remove the hazard of the misfire and only those employees necessary to do the work shall remain in the danger zone. 4. No attempt shall be made to extract explosives from any charged or misfired hole! A new primer shall be inserted into the hole and the hole shall be reshot. If re-firing of the misfired hole presents a hazard, the explosives may be removed by washing out with water or, where the misfire is underwater, blown out with air. 5. No drilling, digging or picking shall be permitted until all missed holes have been detonated or the authorized representative has approved that work can proceed. 6. Prior to the end of the working day, any misfires shall be located and rendered safe. 9 DAPL 8/11/14 APPENDIX F Unanticipated Discoveries Plan Cultural Resources, Human Remains, Paleontological Resources & Contaminated Media UNANTICIPATED DISCOVERIES PLAN CULTURAL RESOURCES, HUMAN REMAINS, PALEONTOLOGICAL RESOURCES & CONTAMINATED MEDIA Dakota Access Pipeline Project (DAPL) A. INTRODUCTION Dakota Access, LLC is proposing to install approximately 1,100 miles of 12- to 30-inch pipeline from Stanley, North Dakota, crossing South Dakota and Iowa, to an existing tank hub near Patoka, Illinois crossing South Dakota and Iowa as well. This document describes the procedures for dealing with unanticipated discoveries during the course of project construction. It is intended to:     Maintain compliance with applicable Federal and State laws and regulations during construction of the Project; Describe to regulatory and review agencies the procedure the project or its representative will follow to prepare for and deal with unanticipated discoveries; and, Provide direction and guidance to project personnel as to the proper procedure to be followed should an unanticipated discovery occur. The plan will be implemented across all lands in the State of North Dakota regardless of ownership. B. PROCEDURES FOR THE PROTECTION and DISCOVERY OF CULTURAL RESOURCES Prior to construction, the EI staff across the Project will be part of a comprehensive training program with construction and environmental staff on how to identify and protect cultural resources. Additionally, the EI staff will also be responsible for erecting exclusionary fencing in select locations where significant cultural resource sites are mapped directly adjacent to Project workspace area. The EI staff may also install exclusionary signage that indicates that a sensitive resource is present, and no trespassing may occur beyond the boundary fencing. EI staff will also be responsible for monitoring and spot-checking exclusion zones throughout all stages of construction to ensure the sites are entirely avoided by construction staff, equipment, or activity. If an exclusion zone is breached, or a cultural resources discovery is encountered, the following plan will be implemented: 1. All ground disturbing work within a 100 foot radius of the discovery will immediately stop and the Environmental Inspector (EI) will be notified. The area of work stoppage will be adequate to provide for the security, protection, and integrity of the materials. A cultural resource can be prehistoric or historic and could consist of, but not limited to, for example:  An accumulation of shell, burned rocks, or other subsistence related materials  An area of charcoal or very dark soil with artifacts  Stone tools, arrowheads, or dense concentrations of stone artifacts 1   A cluster of bones in association with shell, charcoal, burned rocks, or stone artifacts A historic structure or assemblage of historic materials older than 50 years 2. If the EI believes that the discovery is a cultural resource, the EI will take appropriate steps to protect the discovery site, including the following:  Flag the buffer zone around the find spot  Ensure adequate security is in place to keep workers, press, and curiosity seekers, away from the find spot until the status of the discovery can be determined  Tarp the find spot  Have an individual stay at the location to prevent further disturbance until a qualified archaeologist has arrived 3. Upon discovery, the EI will notify the environmental Project Manager and/or Company Representative. Work in the immediate area will not resume until treatment of the discovery has been completed. 4. Dakota Access or its representative will arrange for discoveries on all lands to be evaluated by a qualified archaeologist in accordance with applicable regulations. A qualified archaeologist is an archaeologist who meets or exceeds the Secretary of Interior’s Qualification and Standards, as outlined in 36 CFR, Part 61, and is permitted by the State Historical Society of North Dakota (SHSND). 5. If the discovery is within an area of federal jurisdiction, the appropriate federal agency will be immediately notified and consulted accordingly. If the discovery is determined to have the potential for eligibility, the archaeologist and Dakota access will also consult with the SHPO on how best to avoid, minimize, or otherwise mitigate further impacts. Treatment measures may include mapping, photography, sample collection, or excavation safety. 6. The archaeologist will implement the appropriate treatment measure(s) and provide a report on its methods and results as required. The investigation and technical report will be performed in compliance with the Secretary of Interior’s Standards and Guidelines for Archaeological Documentation (48 CFR 44734—44737); the Advisory County on Historic Preservation (ACHP) publication “Treatment of Archaeological Properties” (ACHP 1980); and follow the guidelines set forth by the North Dakota State Historic Preservation Office. C. PROCEDURES FOR THE DISCOVERY OF HUMAN REMAINS In the event that human remains or funerary objects are inadvertently discovered during either construction or maintenance activities, the following steps will be taken pursuant to North Dakota Century Code 23-06-27: 1. The On-site manager/Contractor (EI) shall immediately halt all ground disturbing work within a 150 foot radius from the point of discovery and implement measures to protect the discovery from looting and vandalism. No digging, collecting, or moving human remains or other items shall occur after the initial discovery. Protection measures may include the following:  Flag the buffer zone around the find spot. 2     Ensure adequate security is in place to keep workers, press, and curiosity seekers, away from the find spot until the status of the discovery can be determined. Tarp the find spot. Prohibit photography of the find unless requested by the agency official. Have an individual stay at the location to prevent further disturbance until a law enforcement officer arrives. 2. The On-Site manager/Contractor (EI) shall notify law enforcement, the Federal/State Agency responsible for the project and the North Dakota State Archaeologist (Chief Archaeologist) within forty-eight (48) hours of the discovery. 3. The Federal/State Agency responsible for the project shall notify the North Dakota State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), Indian tribes, and other consulting parties within forty-eight (48) hours of the discovery. 4. If local law enforcement determines that the remains are not associated with a crime, the Federal/State Agency responsible for the project shall determine if it is prudent and feasible to avoid disturbing the remains. If the Federal/State Agency in consultation with the Project Proponent/Applicant/Contractor determine that disturbance cannot be avoided, the Federal/State Agency shall consult with the Chief Archaeologist, SHPO, Indian tribes, and other consulting parties to determine acceptable procedures for the removal, treatment and repatriation of the burial or remains. The Federal/State Agency shall ensure that the Project Proponent/Applicant/Contractor implements the plan for removal, treatment and disposition of the burial or remains as authorized by the North Dakota Chief Archaeologist. 5. The Federal/State Agency shall notify the Project Proponent/Applicant/Contractor that they may resume construction activities in the area of discovery upon completion of the plan authorized by the Chief Archaeologist. D. PROCEDURES FOR THE DISCOVERY OF PALEONTOLOGICAL RESOURCES In the event that any member of the construction work force believes that a paleontological resource discovery is encountered the following plan will be implemented: 1. All ground disturbing work within a 100 foot radius of the discovery will immediately stop and the EI will be notified. The area of work stoppage will be adequate to provide for the security, protection, and integrity of the materials. A paleontological resource would be expected to be in the form of fossils. In-situ fossils are usually found within layers of geologically old sediments and rocks where the creature lived, died, and became fossilized. However, through geologic, hydrologic, and marine activity, many fossils and parts of fossils have been carried into younger geologic areas. 2. If the EI believes that the discovery is a paleontological resource, the EI will take appropriate steps to protect the discovery site. This will include flagging the immediate area of discovery and stop work or exclusion zone, as well as notifying the Environmental Project Manager and/or Company Representative. Work in the immediate area will not resume until treatment of the discovery has been completed. 3 3. The Project Environmental Manager will arrange for the discovery to be evaluated by a qualified geologist/paleontologist in accordance with applicable regulations. The geologist/paleontologist will evaluate the site and provide recommendations for how to manage the resource. 4. If the find is on state land, the Project Environmental Manager will notify the land managing state agency and the North Dakota Geological Survey, pursuant to North Dakota’s Century Code Chapters 54-17.3 and 43-04 of the Administrative Code, which addresses the need to obtain a permit to record, excavate, or collect paleontological resources on state land. If the find is on federal or municipal land, the Project Environmental Manager will inform the appropriate land managing agency of the find. Treatment measures may include mapping, photography, sample collection, or excavation activity. The geologist/paleontologist will implement the appropriate treatment measure(s) and provide a report on its methods and results as required. E. PROCEDURES FOR THE DISCOVERY OF CONTAMINATED MEDIA Indicators of possible contamination include, but are not limited to:  Buried drums or containers, rusted or in otherwise poor condition  Stained or otherwise discolored soil (in contrast to adjoining materials)  Spoil material containing debris other than obvious construction material  Chemical or hydrocarbon odors emanating from excavations  Oily residues  Visible sheen or other discoloration on groundwater  Structures such as pipelines (concrete, PVC or steel) or underground storage tanks. The EI and appropriate contractor personnel will be trained in hazard identification and worker protection and these topics will be discussed regularly in safety meetings. A desktop assessment for contaminated along the Project route indicated that contamination it not likely to be encountered during construction. In the unlikely event that contamination is encountered the following activities should take place: 1. Immediately cease construction activities within that area and notify the EI and Project Environmental Manager. Work in the immediate area will not resume until an assessment of the discovery has been completed and the Company has released the site. If safe to do so, the EI will take appropriate steps to mark (flag) off the area to identify the exclusion zone. Work in the immediate area will not resume until an assessment discovery has been completed. 2. If potentially contaminated groundwater or soil reaches (or has the potential to reach) surface waters, booms and/or absorbent materials shall be immediately deployed to contain and reduce downstream migration of the spilled material. 3. Upon notification, the Project Environmental Manager will perform or direct a hazard assessment to determine appropriate control measures to be implemented at the specific site. Activities may include sampling vapors, soil, sediments, groundwater, and/or wipe samples of materials. 4. If warranted by the assessment, the Project Environmental Manager will notify appropriate Federal, State and Local agencies. 5. Company or the designated person(s) will make appropriate notifications to regulating agencies as necessary. Upon evaluation of the sampling results, additional notifications may be made to coordinate a work plan for measures to be implemented in the contaminated area to resume activities in a safe, environmentally compliant, and effective manner. Measures may include 4 additional personal protective equipment, segregation of contaminated media, treatment or off-site disposal of contaminated media. 6. All identification /characterization, handling, labeling, storage, manifesting, transportation, record keeping, and disposal of potentially contaminated materials shall be conducted in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local regulations and guidance. F. PROJECT CONTACTS Environmental Inspector Contact: Telephone: Email: Address: DAPL Project Managers Spreads 7,8,&9 Contact: Telephone: Email: Address: Spread 6 Contact: Telephone: Email: Address: Tim Bowen 601-862-9500 Dakota Access- Bismarck Construction Office Michael Futch 713-201-1946 Dakota Access- Bismarck Construction Office Jack Edwards 832-421-5691 Dakota Access- Sioux Falls Construction Office DAPL Project Environmental Manager Contact: Monica Howard Telephone (o) 713-989-7186 (c) 713-898-8222 Email: Address: 1300 Main Street, Houston, TX 77002 DAPL Retained Archeologist, Alpine Archaeological Consultants, Inc. Contact: Matthew J. Landt Telephone: (o) 970-249-6761 E-mail: Address: PO Box 2075, Montrose, CO 81402 North Dakota State Historical Society Contact: Paul Picha, Chief Archeologist Telephone: (701) 328-2666 E-mail: Address: State Historical Society of North Dakota 612 East Boulevard Avenue Bismarck, ND 58505 5 Native American Tribal Contacts Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska Contact: Lance Foster, Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Telephone: 785-595-3258 E-mail: Address: 3345 B Thrasher Road White Cloud, KS 66094 Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Contact: Steve Vance, Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Telephone: 605-964-7554 E-mail: Address: Cultural Preservation Office 98 South Willow Street Eagle Butte, SD 57625-0590 North Dakota Geological Survey Contact: Edward C. Murphy, State Geologist Telephone: (701) 328-8000 Email: Address: 600 East Boulevard Avenue Bismarck, ND 58505 County Sherriff Contact Information County Mountrail Sherriff Kenneth G. Halvorson Williams Scott Busching McKenzie Gary Schwartzenberger Dunn Clay Coker Mercer Dean Danzeisen Morton Kyle Kirchmeier Emmons Gary Sanders Address P.O. Box 309 Stanley, ND 58757 223 East Broadway, Suite 301 Williston, ND 58801 201 5th Street NW, Ste 1775 Watford City, ND 58854 205 Owens Street Manning, ND 58642 P.O. Box 39 Slanton, ND 58571 205 1st Ave NW Mandan, ND 58554 P.O. Box 159 Linton, ND 58552 6 Phone 701-628-2975 701-577-7700 701-444-3654 701-573-4449 701-745-3333 701-667-3330 701-254-4411 APPENDIX Environmental Construction Plan DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE PROJECT NORTH DAKOTA ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRUCTION PLAN Prepared for: North Dakota Public Service Commission 600 East Boulevard, Department 408 Bismarck, ND 58505 April 2015 1.0 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 6 2.0 PRECONSTRUCTION .............................................................................................. 7 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4 3.3.5 3.3.6 3.4 3.4.1 3.5 3.6 3.6.1 3.6.2 3.6.3 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.11.1 3.11.2 3.11.3 3.11.4 CONSTRUCTION ROW FLAGGING AND PROJECT SIGNAGE ....................................................... 7 IDENTIFICATION OF AVOIDANCE AREAS ................................................................................... 7 CONSTRUCTION LINE LIST AND PERMITS .................................................................................. 8 GENERAL PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES ................................................. 9 ROW ACCESS AND REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................... 9 CLEARING AND GRADING .......................................................................................................... 9 TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL ............................................................................................ 10 Temporary Stabilization .......................................................................................................... 11 Erosion Control Blanket ........................................................................................................... 11 Mulch....................................................................................................................................... 11 Cat Tracking ............................................................................................................................. 11 Temporary Slope Breakers ...................................................................................................... 12 Sediment Barriers .................................................................................................................... 12 TOPSOIL REMOVAL AND STORAGE ......................................................................................... 13 Topsoil Stripping Procedures................................................................................................... 13 PIPE STRINGING, BENDING, AND WELDING ............................................................................ 13 TRENCHING.............................................................................................................................. 13 Open Trench Wildlife and Livestock Mitigation ...................................................................... 13 Trench Breakers....................................................................................................................... 14 Shallow to Bedrock Conditions................................................................................................ 14 TRENCH DEWATERING, LOWERING-IN, AND BACKFILLING..................................................... 14 HYDROSTATIC TESTING ........................................................................................................... 15 FINAL TIE-INS, COMMISSIONING, AND MARKERS................................................................... 15 SOIL DECOMPACTION.............................................................................................................. 15 CLEANUP AND ROUGH/FINAL GRADING ................................................................................. 15 Permanent Slope Breakers ...................................................................................................... 16 Stone removal ......................................................................................................................... 16 Repair of Damaged Conservation Practices ............................................................................ 16 Restoration of Pre-construction Contours .............................................................................. 16 4.0 ROAD, HIGHWAY, RAILROAD, FOREIGN UTILITY CROSSINGS ................................ 17 5.0 WATERBODY CROSSINGS .................................................................................... 18 5.1 5.2 5.2.1 5.3 5.4 5.4.1 5.4.2 5.4.3 5.4.4 5.4.5 5.5 NOTIFICATION ......................................................................................................................... 18 INSTALLATION ......................................................................................................................... 18 Additional Temporary Workspace........................................................................................... 18 BRIDGES ................................................................................................................................... 18 OPEN CUT CROSSING METHOD ............................................................................................... 18 Sediment Control .................................................................................................................... 19 Trench Plugs ............................................................................................................................ 19 Pipeline Burial Depth ............................................................................................................... 19 Backfill Material....................................................................................................................... 19 Streambed and Bank Stabilization .......................................................................................... 19 FLUME CROSSING METHOD .................................................................................................... 20 1 5.6 5.7 DAM AND PUMP CROSSING METHOD .................................................................................... 20 TRENCHLESS INSTALLATION (BORE OR HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILL) ........................... 20 6.0 WETLAND CROSSINGS......................................................................................... 23 7.0 ABOVE GROUND FACILITY CONSTRUCTION ......................................................... 25 7.1 7.1.1 7.1.2 7.1.3 7.1.4 7.1.5 7.1.6 7.1.7 7.1.8 7.2 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.2.1 8.2.2 8.2.3 8.3 8.3.1 8.3.2 8.3.3 8.3.4 8.3.5 8.4 8.5 8.5.1 8.5.2 8.5.3 8.5.4 8.5.5 8.5.6 8.5.7 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.8.1 8.8.2 8.9 8.9.1 8.10 9.0 9.1 9.2 TANK TERMINALS AND PUMP STATIONS ................................................................................ 25 Clearing and Grading ............................................................................................................... 25 Foundations ............................................................................................................................. 25 Building Design and Construction ........................................................................................... 25 Pressure Testing ...................................................................................................................... 26 Commissioning ........................................................................................................................ 26 Final Grading and Landscaping ................................................................................................ 26 Infrastructure Facilities............................................................................................................ 26 Erosion Control, Revegetation, and Maintenance Procedures ............................................... 26 MAINLINE VALVES AND LAUNCHERS/RECEIVERS ................................................................... 26 SPECIAL PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES ................................................. 28 TRIPLE DITCH METHODS.......................................................................................................... 28 DIFFICULT SOILS....................................................................................................................... 28 Shallow Soils and Steep Soils ................................................................................................... 28 Salinity/Sodicity ....................................................................................................................... 28 Droughty Soils and Flooding Soils ........................................................................................... 29 SIDE SLOPE CUTTING AND STEEP TERRAIN ............................................................................. 29 Stockpiling ............................................................................................................................... 29 Temporary and Permanent Slope Breakers and Trench Breakers .......................................... 29 Recontouring and Slope Reduction ......................................................................................... 29 Rock Mulch .............................................................................................................................. 30 Pocking .................................................................................................................................... 30 GRAZING MITIGATION ............................................................................................................. 30 WINTER CONSTRUCTION ......................................................................................................... 31 Snow and Cold Weather Management ................................................................................... 31 Soil Handling and Trenching .................................................................................................... 32 Temporary and Permanent Erosion Control Methods ............................................................ 32 Lowering in and Backfill........................................................................................................... 33 Hydrostatic Testing/Dewatering ............................................................................................. 33 Post-Construction Monitoring ................................................................................................. 34 Spring Thaw Conditions ........................................................................................................... 34 BLASTING ................................................................................................................................. 34 DUST CONTROL ....................................................................................................................... 34 WASTE MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................................... 34 HAZARDOUS WASTES .............................................................................................................. 35 ABRASIVE BLAST DEBRIS.......................................................................................................... 35 WEED MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................................. 35 Prevention and Control Measures .......................................................................................... 35 WET WEATHER SHUTDOWN AND RUTTING ........................................................................... 36 RESTORATION PROCEDURES ............................................................................... 37 SEEDBED PREPARATION .......................................................................................................... 38 PLANTING METHOD ................................................................................................................ 38 2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 NURSE AND COVER CROP........................................................................................................ 39 SEED SOURCE AND QUALITY ................................................................................................... 40 SEEDING MIXTURES ................................................................................................................. 40 FERTILIZER AND SOIL AMENDMENTS ...................................................................................... 43 10.0 POST CONSTRUCTION MONITORING ................................................................... 44 LIST OF TABLES Table 2.2-1 Table 3.3.5-1 Table 9.5-1 Table 9.5.2 Table 9.5.3 Dakota Access Project Signage Spacing of Slope Breakers Seeding Dates Pipeline, Access Roads and Other Narrow Disturbance Upland Site Grass Seed Mixtures Upland Mixture (loamy, clayey, sandy, sands, shallow loamy, thin loamy) Pipeline, Access Roads and Other Narrow Disturbance Wet Meadow, Saline and/or Sodic Site Seed Mixtures LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A: Typical Figures P12-1 ROCK OR MAT BRIDGE WITH CULVERTS P12-2 EROSION CONTROL STRAW BALE SEDIMENT BARRIER P12-3 DRAINAGE AND IRRIGATION TEMPORARY DRAIN TILE REPAIR (TDR) P12-4 TEMPORARY FENCE DETAIL FOR WOVEN WIRE & BARBED WIRE FENCES P12-5 WOVEN WIRE & BARBED WIRE FENCE REPLACEMENT FENCE DETAIL P12-6 PROPOSED PIPELINE TEMPORARY FLUME CROSSING P12-6A PROPOSED PIPELINE DAM AND PUMP CROSSING P12-7 STRAW BALE FILTER P12-8 EROSION CONTROL STRAW BALE SEDIMENT BARRIER P12-9 EROSION CONTROL RIPRAP AT WATERBODY BANKS P12-10 TEMPOARY SLOPE BREAKERS SLOPE DIRRECTION WITH SLOPE P12-11 SILT FENCE P12-12 EROSION CONTROL SILT FENCE SEDIMENT BARRIER P12-13 EROSION CONTROL STRAW BALE AND SILT FENCE P12-14 CONSTRUCTION RIGHT-OF-WAY ARRANGEMENT (DOUBLE DITCH) P12-15 CONSTRUCTION RIGHT-OF-WAY ARRANGEMENT (TRIPLE DITCH) P12-16 WATERBODY CROSSING HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILL P12-17 TOPSOIL SALVAGE CROSSING BORE (CB) P12-18 WATERBODY BRIDGE FLEXIFLOAT TYPE (FF) P12-19 WATERBODY BRIDGE TIMBER MAT (TM) P12-20 PIPELINE MARKING INSTALLATION P12-21 TEMPORARY CROSSING RAMP OVER EXISTING PIPELINE - UTILITY P12-22 PAVED ROAD CROSSING CONTROL DETAILS P12-23 WETLAND AND UPLAND FORESTED AREAS P12-24 HERBACEOUS WETLAND P12-25 PERMANENT WATER BARS OR TERRACES 3 P12-26 TEMPORARY TRENCH PLUG INSTALLATION P12-27 SILT REINFORCED FENCE INSTALLATION P12-28 HAY BALE STRUCTURE P12-29 ENERGY DISSIPATOR P12-30 PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE P12-31 SPLASH PUP FOR TEST WATER DISCHARGE P12-32 GEOTEXTILE FILTER BAG FOR DEWATERING P12-33 STRAW BALE DEWATERING STRUCTURE (LARGE VOLUME) P12-34 SOIL CONTAINMENT BERM FOR WATERBODY TRENCH SPOIL P12-35 SLOPE BREAKER P12-36 SLOPE BREAKER P12-37 PIPING PLAN RECEIVER AND LAUNCHER PIPELINE P12-38 CLEARSPAN BRIDGE WITH RAILCAR P12-39 PIPING PLAN AND ELEVATION 30in MAINLINE VALVE PIPELINE P12-40 CONSTRUCTION PERMANENT DRAIN TILE REPAIR P12-41 TRENCH AND SPOIL SIDE HILL CONSTRUCTION P12-55 TYPICAL RIGHT-OF-WAY CONFIGURATION UPLAND CONSTRUCTION FULL WIDTH TOPSOIL SEGREGATION P12-56 TYPICAL RIGHT-OF-WAY CONFIGURATION UPLAND DITCH LINE AND SPOIL SIDE TOPSOIL SEGREGATION P12-57 TYPICAL RIGHT-OF-WAY CONFIGURATION EMERGENT NON-SATURATED WETLANDS P12-58 TYPICAL RIGHT-OF-WAY CONFIGURATION UPLAND AND WETLAND FORESTED AREAS 4 1.0 INTRODUCTION This Environmental Construction Plan (ECP) is structured to address construction mitigation, reclamation, and revegetation for the Dakota Access Pipeline Project (DAPL or Project) route within the state of North Dakota. This ECP was developed based on decades of experience implementing Best Management Practices (BMPs) during construction in accordance with generally accepted industry practices for linear infrastructure and cross-country pipelines. It is intended to meet or exceed federal, state, tribal, and local environmental protection and erosion control requirements, specifications, and practices. The ECP is designed to address typical circumstances that may be encountered along the Project. Project-specific permit conditions and/or landowner agreements may supersede general practices described in this document. 6 2.0 PRECONSTRUCTION 2.1 CONSTRUCTION ROW FLAGGING AND PROJECT SIGNAGE Dakota Access will complete a final civil survey and stake/flag the right-of-way (ROW) to locate the pipeline centerline and the construction ROW boundaries. Staking may include the Additional Temporary Workspace (ATWS) boundaries, staging areas, sensitive environmental areas, reclamation treatment areas and access roads. Stakes will be placed along the ROW as appropriate to maintain lineof-sight from one stake to the next. All known underground crossings (e.g., gas and water pipelines, fiber optic cable, telephone lines, etc.) and overhead crossings (power lines) will be located and marked to prevent accidental damage during construction. Signs will be posted along the construction ROW to identify sensitive areas and to alert construction personnel of restrictions that apply. The limits of these areas will be delineated at the edge of the ROW. Fencing may also be required in some areas to further protect site-specific resources. Signs and/or flags will be posted for sensitive environmental features such as wetlands, waterbodies, buffer zones, etc. 2.2 IDENTIFICATION OF AVOIDANCE AREAS Signs and/or flagging will be posted identifying sensitive features such as wetlands, waterbodies, jurisdictional drainages, buffer zones, rare plant or ecological community sites, regulated wildlife habitat and cultural resources. These indicators will be posted prior to construction in coordination with the survey activities. Indicators will be maintained throughout construction and will be replaced as necessary. An example of signage typical of these projects is below and will be finalized prior to construction in coordination and compliance with all obtained permits, clearance, agency requirements and landowner agreements. Table 2.2-1 Dakota Access Project Signage Sign Description No Refueling Zone Signs will be placed at the boundary of the restricted work areas such as wetlands, streams, wells, and environmentally sensitive areas. Approved Access Road Project-related access roads will be identified. No Project Access Roads that lead to the ROW and could be confused with approved access roads but are not approved for use will be identified. Exclusion Zone Exclusion areas where equipment and personnel are not permitted to enter without approval will be identified with signs posted on the ROW boundary. Waterbody Waterbodies will be identified; Dakota Access’ waterbody procedures or site-specific plans will apply at these waterbodies. Wetland Wetlands will be identified; Dakota Access’ wetland procedures will apply at these wetlands. 7 2.3 CONSTRUCTION LINE LIST AND PERMITS A document that addresses special requirements (e.g., timber salvage, topsoil segregation, restoration measures, fencing requirements, etc.) as identified in landowner agreements and permit conditions, will be implemented, provided the conditions conform to the Project’s permits. The Contractor will comply with these requirements and/or conditions as identified in the Construction Line List (CLL) and Environmental Compliance Binder (ECB). The CCL identifies some requirements provided in landowner agreements; however, it will not be a comprehensive list of construction requirements. The document will be considered in conjunction with other Projects documents, permits, and agreements. The CLL may include but is not limited to the following: • Drain tiles; • Irrigation systems; • Above and below ground water lines; • Above and below-ground utilities; • Landowners that utilize pivot irrigation systems; • Grazing deferment plans, fence cutting and bracing, cattle guard locations, and water requirements for livestock; and • Specific landowner seeding/restoration requirements. Any component of irrigation systems, waterlines, utilities, or other physical impediments encountered during construction will be repaired to pre-construction conditions or better and in accordance with applicable permits and easements. 8 3.0 GENERAL PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES In upland areas, the pipeline will be installed using a construction right-of-way varying in width from 75 feet to 150 feet wide depending on soil conditions, vegetation types, and landowner specifications (see Appendix A). In emergent non-saturated wetland areas, the construction ROW width may be reduced to 100 feet (see Appendix A); in saturated and/or forested, and/or scrub shrub wetlands, upland forested areas, or other sensitive areas as conditioned in permits, the construction workspace may be reduced to 85 feet (see Appendix A). Additional temporary workspace will be required to facilitate crossings of other utilities, roads, railways, waterbodies, and wetlands, etc. At all locations, 50 feet of the construction ROW (generally 25 feet on either side of the centerline of the pipeline) will be secured for permanent easement to facilitate pipeline operations, inspection, and integrity management. Fee owned lands have been or will be secured for all tank sites and pump stations. ATWS at these locations will be acquired as necessary. 3.1 ROW ACCESS AND REQUIREMENTS Access to the ROW will be from public roadways and approved private access roads only. Signs and project maps will be used to identify approved access roads in the field and to ensure that access is confined to only the approved roads. Vehicle tracking of soil from the construction site will be minimized by installation and implementation of BMPs such as stone pads, timber mats, reducing equipment/vehicle access to the construction ROW where practicable (i.e. off-ROW parking), or the equivalent. Installation of stone or timber mat access pads will be in accordance with applicable permits and state/federal specifications. If such BMPs are not adequately preventing sediment from being tracked onto public roads, street sweeping or other equivalent means of collecting sediment will be used. If soil is tracked onto a roadway, accumulated material will be removed from the road and returned to the construction ROW within an upland area as soon as practical at the end of each workday. Construction equipment and vehicles will be confined to the approved construction footprint and access routes. Standard pipeline construction is composed of specific activities that make up the linear construction sequence. These operations collectively include survey and staking of the ROW; clearing and grading; trenching; pipe stringing, bending, and welding; lowering the pipeline into the trench; backfilling the trench; hydrostatic testing; final tie-ins; commissioning; and ROW cleanup and restoration (see Appendix A). Construction personnel will be limited to the areas required to conduct these activities and will not be allowed off-ROW unless landowner permission is granted or emergency conditions dictate it. 3.2 CLEARING AND GRADING Following the completion of surveys, the construction ROW will be cleared of vegetation and debris to the extent necessary to facilitate access for construction, operations, and maintenance of the pipeline. Before clearing and grading are conducted, landowner fences may be braced and cut according to Dakota Access specifications as described in Section 8.7 and typical figures in Appendix A. At stream approaches, the contractor may leave an approximate 20‐foot buffer (typically from the Ordinary High Water Mark) of undisturbed herbaceous vegetation on all stream banks during initial clearing, except where grading is needed for bridge installation, or where restricted by applicable regulations and/or permit conditions (such as impaired waterways). A clearing crew will clear the work area of vegetation and obstacles (e.g., trees, logs, brush, rocks). Grading will be conducted where necessary to provide a reasonably level work surface for safe and 9 efficient operation of equipment. In forested areas, stumps will be cut as close to the ground as practical and left in place except over the trenchline or as necessary to create a safe work surface. Cleared vegetation and debris along the ROW will be disposed of in accordance with federal, state, and local regulations either by burning, chipping and spreading, or transportation to a disposal facility. 3.3 TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL Where necessary to contain disturbed soils and to minimize potential erosion and sedimentation, temporary erosion control devices (ECDs) will be installed and maintained throughout construction (see Appendix A). Vegetative buffers will be left where practical at all wetland and waterbody crossings to limit the exposure and impact to these features, final clearing would take place immediately prior to crossing the feature in advance. Temporary ECDs include, but are not limited to, slope breakers, sediment barriers (i.e., silt fence, straw bales, bio-logs, etc.), stormwater diversions, trench breakers, mulch, and temporary seeding of exposed soils (see Appendix A). The Contractor will maintain ECDs as required in Project construction documents and in compliance with all applicable permits. ECDs will typically be installed after initial clearing and selected grading activities, and will be replaced by permanent ECDs (if needed) as restoration is completed. Temporary ECDs will be installed: • Across the entire construction ROW at the base of slopes greater than 5 percent where the base of the slope is less than 50 feet from tile line inlets, drainage ways, wetlands, and/or waterbodies until the area is revegetated or replaced with permanent control device(s); • At the outlet of a temporary slope breaker when vegetation is not enough to control erosion; • downslope of any stockpiled soil in the vicinity of waterbodies and wetlands; • For hydrostatic test water discharges, the water should be released directly into the silt fence/ or hay bale structures in conjunction with other approved velocity dissipating devices; • The base of sloped approaches to streams, wetlands, and roads; • The edge of the construction ROW as needed; and • Other areas as necessary to slow water leaving the site and prevent siltation of waterbodies and wetlands down slope or outside of the construction ROW. Adequate room will be available between the base of the slope and the sediment barrier to accommodate ponding of water and sediment deposition. Temporary ECDs installed across the travel lane may be removed during active daytime construction; however, ECDs will be properly reinstalled after equipment passage, or activities in the area are completed for the day. Temporary ECDs that will be used during construction are further explained in the following subsections. 10 3.3.1 Temporary Stabilization Temporary stabilization measures will be initiated as soon as practicable in portions of the ROW where construction activities have temporarily or permanently ceased. Where the initiation of stabilization measures by the 14th day is precluded by weather, stabilization measures will be initiated as soon as machinery is able to access the ROW. If activities will resume within 21 days from when the activities ceased in any given area, temporary stabilization measures are not required. In the event that construction is completed more than 30 days before the seeding season for perennial vegetation, areas adjacent to waterbodies will be mulched with 3 tons/acre of straw, or its equivalent, to a minimum of 100 feet on either side of the waterbody. A temporary seed mix or cover crop may be applied when the native/preferred seed mix cannot be planted until the next growing season. Recommendations for cover crop seeding can be found in Section 9.3 of this plan. Temporary sediment barriers may be removed from an area when that area is successfully revegetated (i.e., if the right-of-way surface condition is similar to adjacent undisturbed lands) or it is replaced with a permanent sediment barrier. 3.3.2 Erosion Control Blanket The appropriate class of erosion control blanket (e.g., jute matting, straw blankets with plastic netting, or curlex) may be installed in accordance with manufacturer recommendations and/or state Department of Transportation (DOT) specifications on slopes greater than 5 percent that would be exposed over the winter and drain to surface waters (see Section 8.8). 3.3.3 Mulch Mulch (weed-free straw, wood fiber hydromulch, or a functional equivalent) will be applied to disturbed areas during restoration and seeding (except for actively cultivated land and wetlands) if requested by the landowner or land managing agency, if specified by the applicable permits or licenses, or deemed appropriate by the contractor. Mulch is a suitable ECD in combination with other restoration techniques on: • Slopes greater than 5 percent; • Dry, sandy areas that can blow or wash away (field decision). Mulch will be free of noxious weeds as listed in applicable state laws. Sources will be approved by Dakota Access prior to purchase. When applied, mulch will be applied at a minimum rate of 2 tons per acre to cover at least 75 percent of the ground surface. If mulch is to be applied before seeding, the rate shall be increased to 3 tons per acre on slopes within 100 feet of waterbodies and wetlands unless otherwise stipulated by permit conditions. Mulch may be uniformly distributed by a mechanical mulch blower or by hand. Mulch will be anchored/crimped using a mulch-anchoring tool, disc set in the straight position to minimize loss by wind and water as site conditions allow or other acceptable means to achieve the desired cover. 3.3.4 Cat Tracking Cat tracking, also known as horizontal slope grading, may be implemented based on site conditions (e.g., sandy or silty soils) to reduce erosion potential. Cat tracking is achieved by driving a bulldozer vertically 11 up and down the slope which results in the tracks being oriented horizontally; creating small speed bumps for water. 3.3.5 Temporary Slope Breakers Temporary slope breakers will be installed diagonally across the ROW on slopes to control erosion by shortening the slope length and reducing the velocity and concentration of runoff on the ROW (see Appendix A) . Temporary slope breakers may be constructed of materials such as soil (never topsoil), staked straw bales, sand bags or silt fence. Temporary slope breakers may be installed on slopes greater than 5 percent where the base of the slope is less than 50 feet from waterbody, wetland, or road crossings at the following spacing or closer: Table 3.3.5-1 Spacing of Slope Breakers Slope (percent) Spacing (feet) 5 to 15 percent 300 feet 15 to 25 percent 200 feet >30 percent 100 feet or as necessary The outfall of each temporary slope breaker will be directed to a stable, well vegetated area or into an energy-dissipating device at the end of the slope breaker and off the construction ROW. The outfall of each temporary slope breaker will be positioned so as to prevent sediment discharge into wetlands, waterbodies or other sensitive resources. Temporary slope breakers will be inspected on a weekly basis in areas of active construction; on a bi-weekly basis in areas with no active construction or within 24 hours of each 0.5-inch or greater rainfall. 3.3.6 Sediment Barriers Sediment barriers are intended to stop the flow of sediments and to prevent the deposition of sediments into sensitive resources. Barriers may be constructed of materials such as silt fence, staked straw bales, l o g s , compacted earth (i.e., drivable berms), sand bags or other appropriate materials (see Appendix A). Where silt fence is used, J-hooks will be installed at outlets. At a minimum, temporary sediment barriers will be installed across the entire construction ROW at the base of slopes greater than 5 percent where the base of the slope is less than 50 feet from a waterbody, wetland, or road crossing until construction is complete. Adequate room will be left between the base of the slope and the sediment barrier to accommodate ponding of water and sediment deposition. Where wetlands or waterbodies are adjacent to and downslope of construction work areas, sediment barriers may be installed along the edge of the right-of-way at these areas to prevent sediment flow into the wetland or waterbody. In travel lanes, drivable berms may be installed rather than removable sediment barriers such as straw bales. 12 3.4 TOPSOIL REMOVAL AND STORAGE Upland areas where topsoil will be stripped include cropland, hay fields, certain pasture lands, selected areas of sensitive native range, residential areas and/or other areas specified in Project plans, commitments and/or permits. Topsoil will not be used to construct trench breakers, temporary slope breakers, to improve or maintain roads, or to pad the pipe. Gaps will be left and ECDs installed where stockpiled topsoil and spoil piles intersect with water conveyances (i.e., ditches, swales and waterways) to maintain natural drainage. 3.4.1 Topsoil Stripping Procedures Dakota Access will perform topsoil segregation in accordance with landowner agreements and agency conditions. Up to 12-inches of topsoil will be stripped from the trench and spoil area or from across the full construction ROW (see Appendix A). Topsoil will be stored in a manner to avoid mixing with excavated subsoil. 3.5 PIPE STRINGING, BENDING, AND WELDING Generally, sections of coated pipe (also referred to as joints) up to 80-feet long will be transported over public road networks and authorized private access roads to the ROW by truck and placed or “strung” along the trench line. Pipe is generally placed on wooden skids to keep the pipe off the ground and facilitate welding. After the pipe sections are strung along the ROW and before they are joined together, individual sections of the pipe will be bent where necessary to allow for uniform fit of the pipeline with the varying contours of the bottom of the trench. Typically, a track-mounted, hydraulic pipe-bending machine will tailor the shape of the pipe to conform to the contours of the terrain. Where direction changes require bends greater than what can be properly bent in the field, a factory made “induction bend” will be used. After the pipe sections are bent, they will be welded together into long sections and placed on wooden support skids. 3.6 TRENCHING Trenching involves excavation of a ditch for pipeline placement and is accomplished through the use of a trenching machine, backhoe, or similar equipment. Trenching would occur after necessary clearing and grading, with applicable ECD’s installed. Trench spoil will be deposited along the trench within the construction work areas with topsoil segregation utilized where necessary (see the typical ROW construction drawings in Appendix A). Gaps will be left between the soil piles to facilitate natural drainage patterns and to prevent stormwater runoff from backing up or flooding adjacent areas. Generally, the trench will be excavated to a sufficient depth to allow for a minimum of 3 feet of cover over the pipe as required by federal laws, regulations and industry best practices. Typically the bottom width of the trench will be cut at least 12 inches wider than the width of the pipe. The width at the top of the trench will vary to allow the side slopes to be adapted to local conditions at the time of construction for safety and compliance. 3.6.1 Open Trench Wildlife and Livestock Mitigation Trench plugs will be installed at visible wildlife game trails as identified by an EI or wildlife agency and livestock watering trails as identified by landowner that intersect the trench line to allow cattle and wildlife to cross the trench. Gaps will be left in spoil and topsoil stockpiles at all trench plugs to permit unimpeded movement of wildlife and livestock. Suitable ramps will be installed from the bottom of 13 trench to the top with a minimum of 5-foot wide open path across the trench plug. A corresponding gap in the welded pipe string will be left at each trench plug. 3.6.2 Trench Breakers Trench breakers are intended to slow the flow of subsurface water along the trench. Trench breakers may be constructed of materials such as sand bags or polyurethane foam. Topsoil will not be used to construct a trench breaker. A typical figure showing trench breaker installation is provided in Appendix A. Trench breaker locations will generally coincide with slope breakers as discussed in Sections 3.3.5 and 3.11.1. At a minimum, a trench breaker will be installed at the base of slopes greater than 5 percent where the base of the slope is less than 50 feet from a waterbody or wetland and where needed to avoid draining a waterbody or wetland. 3.6.3 Shallow to Bedrock Conditions When shallow bedrock conditions are encountered, topsoil and unconsolidated subsoil will be stripped and stored on the ROW as separate lifts from the underlying paralithic bedrock. Mechanical rippers will be used to fracture rock prior to excavation. Rock will be stockpiled along the edge of the construction ROW and either used during reclamation or disposed of off-site. Rock will not be permanently windrowed along the edge of the construction work area, unless specifically requested by the landowner to keep the rock. 3.7 TRENCH DEWATERING, LOWERING-IN, AND BACKFILLING When water accumulates in the trench (via groundwater infiltration or precipitation), it will be dewatered using pump(s) or well pointing. The water will be discharged to an upland area, utilizing the appropriate sediment filtration/energy dissipation device, within or adjacent to the approved workspace (see Appendix A). Dewatering devices will typically be located on the edge of the construction ROW as detailed in Dakota Access’ Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). Prior to lowering-in, the trench will be visually inspected to ensure that it is free of rock and other debris that could damage the pipe or coating. Once the trench is ready to receive the pipe, completed sections of pipe will be lifted off the temporary supports by side boom tractors or similar equipment and placed into the trench. Tie-in welding and inspection will occur within the trench to join the newly lowered-in sections with the previously installed sections of pipe. In rocky areas, padding material such as finer grain sand, soil, or gravel will be placed in the bottom of the trench to protect the pipeline. No topsoil will be used as padding material. The pipeline may also be wrapped in a rock shield, which is typically made of fabric or screen. Prior to backfilling, permanent trench breakers will be installed where necessary to minimize the potential for water movement down the ditch and potential subsequent erosion (see Section 3.6.2). Excavated soils will be replaced in the opposite order it was removed and returned to the horizon in which they originally occurred. First, subsoil will be returned to the trenched area, then topsoil will be replaced. Excess rock will be removed in accordance with Section 3.11.2 below. Areas with compacted subsoils may require decompaction measures prior to the replacement of topsoil as described in Section 3.10. Soil may be mounded over the trench in upland areas, establishing a thin crown to compensate for normal soil settling. 14 3.8 HYDROSTATIC TESTING After backfilling, the pipeline will be hydrostatically tested to ensure the integrity of the line. The pipeline will be broken into test segments based on final design, water availability, permitting requirements, and terrain. Water for hydrostatic testing will likely be obtained from a combination of groundwater and surface water sources in accordance with all applicable regulations and permit conditions. Internal test pressures will be tested at a pressure 25 percent greater than the maximum operating pressure for a minimum of 8 hours. If leaks are found, the leaks will be repaired and the pipe retested until the test is successful. Following testing, the hydrostatic test water will be discharged to well vegetated, stable, upland areas utilizing the appropriate energy dissipating devices along the construction ROW. Details related to hydrostatic testing including test segments, water requirements, withdrawal and discharge locations, aquatic mitigation techniques used during withdrawal, and discharge mitigation techniques will be conducted in accordance with applicable regulations, permits, and authorizations. 3.9 FINAL TIE-INS, COMMISSIONING, AND MARKERS Following successful hydrostatic testing, test manifolds will be removed and the final pipeline tie-ins will be made. After final tie-ins are complete, the tie-in welds are inspected, and the line is sufficiently dried, pipeline commissioning will commence. Commissioning involves activities to verify that equipment is properly installed and working, the controls and communications systems are functional, and that the pipeline is ready for service. Finally, the pipeline is prepared for service by purging the line of air and loading the line with product. Markers showing the location of the pipeline will be installed at all public road crossings in order to identify the owner of the pipeline and convey emergency information in accordance with applicable governmental regulations. Additional markers may be installed on fence lines and other areas to facilitate line of sight of the pipeline. Aerial markers providing information and guidance to aerial patrol pilots may also be installed. 3.10 SOIL DECOMPACTION Both topsoil and subsoil may be decompacted. Soils that have received substantial construction traffic may be tested at the conclusion of construction activities in disturbed areas using penetrometers or other appropriate devices. Similar soil types under similar moisture conditions may be examined in disturbed areas and in undisturbed, off-ROW areas to evaluate compaction on the ROW. Areas with compacted subsoils (where subsurface rock does not interfere with ripping) may be scarified or ripped to a depth up to 18 inches in lands used for crop production and to a depth up to 12 inches in other agricultural lands using rippers, chisel plow, para-plow, or other similar tillage equipment until the soil density is comparable to adjacent areas off the construction ROW. If ripped, the ripper shanks will be set apart 12 to 18 inches. Topsoil will be replaced after decompaction is completed. Sandy soils will not be scarified. Topsoils exhibiting compaction will be decompacted with a harrow plow or other deep tillage equipment prior to seeding and mulching, as needed. 3.11 CLEANUP AND ROUGH/FINAL GRADING Construction debris on the ROW will be disposed of at off-site facilities. Subsequent to backfill, the construction ROW will be rough graded, or generally returned to approximate elevations. All work areas will be graded and restored to preconstruction contours. During cleanup, a travel lane may be 15 temporarily left open to allow access by construction traffic. Interim ECDs will be inspected and maintained during this period. When access is no longer required, the travel lane will be removed and the ROW restored. Access to the newly created ROW may be restricted from unauthorized vehicles at public access points by installing gates, boulders, or other barriers. 3.11.1 Permanent Slope Breakers Permanent slope breakers are intended to reduce runoff velocity, divert water off the construction ROW, and prevent sediment deposition into non-affected areas and sensitive resources. Permanent slope breakers are typically constructed of materials such as soil, sand bags, or a functional equivalent. With landowner permission, slope breakers may extend slightly (about 4 feet) beyond the edge of the construction ROW to effectively drain water off the disturbed area. Spacing for permanent slope breakers are typically the same as those for temporary slope breakers described in Section 3.3.5, however, land use and landowner specifications may alter the configuration and spacing. Slope breaker spacing may also be modified to correspond with slope breakers from adjacent facilities (see Appendix A). In the absence of stable, adjacent areas, energy-dissipating devices will be constructed at the end of the breaker. 3.11.2 Stone removal In cultivated or rotated cropland and managed pasture, stones equal to or larger than 4 inches in diameter will be removed from the upper 12 inches of topsoil or as specified in permit conditions, contract documents, or landowner agreements. After the topsoil is replaced, stone removal efforts will cease when the size and density of stones on the construction ROW are similar to undisturbed areas adjacent to the construction ROW as necessary. Excess rock will be piled in upland areas where obtained in accordance with landowner specifications, or will be hauled off-site to an approved site. 3.11.3 Repair of Damaged Conservation Practices The Contractor will restore all soil conservation practices (e.g., terraces, grassed waterways, etc.) that are damaged by the pipeline construction to preconstruction conditions. 3.11.4 Restoration of Pre-construction Contours Final grading will be completed within approximately 10 to 20 days of construction completion (including the installation of permanent erosion control measures in the areas of steep slopes) weather permitting. The construction ROW will be restored to its pre-construction conditions as practical. In upland areas, a thin crown will be graded over the trench to account for expected settling of trench backfill. Should uneven settling or documented surface drainage problems occur following the completion of pipeline construction and restoration, the appropriate steps will be taken to remedy the issue. 16 4.0 ROAD, HIGHWAY, RAILROAD, FOREIGN UTILITY CROSSINGS Construction across public roads, highways, and railroads will be in accordance with the requirements of road and railroad crossing permits and approvals. Major paved roads, highways and railroads generally will be crossed by bores or horizontal directional drilling (HDD) completed beneath the road or railroad (see Appendix A). HDD methods are described in Section 5.7 below. Boring requires the excavation of a pit on each side of the feature, the placement of boring equipment in the pit, then boring a hole under the road at least equal to the diameter of the pipe. Once the hole is bored, the pipe will be pulled through the borehole. There will be little or no disruption to traffic at road, highway or railroad crossings that are bored or HDD’d. Most smaller, unpaved roads and driveways may be crossed using the open-cut method where permitted by local authorities or private owners. The open-cut method will require temporary closure of the road to traffic and establishment of detours. If no reasonable detour is feasible, at least one lane of the road being crossed will be kept open to traffic, except during brief periods when it is essential to close the road to install the pipeline. Most open-cut road crossings will be completed and the road resurfaced in a few days. Measures such as posting signs at open-cut road crossings and utilizing flagmen to ensure safety and minimize traffic disruptions will be taken. Coordination activities with the North Dakota Department of Transportation and counties crossed by the pipeline route are being conducted to obtain permits and develop road mitigation measures that might be necessary for construction and post-construction of the project. Foreign pipeline and utility infrastructure crossings will meet or exceed industry standard engineering practices and be done in coordination with the owner of the utility. Generally, a one to two foot separation between foreign utilities will be kept. 17 5.0 WATERBODY CROSSINGS 5.1 NOTIFICATION Applicable notifications will be made for waterbody crossings to entities including potable water intake authorities as required by local laws and/or regulatory agencies as required by permit. 5.2 INSTALLATION The majority of the perennial waterbodies will be crossed using the open-cut, flume, or dam and pump method depending on conditions at time of construction (see Appendix A). The HDD method will be used to cross larger waterbodies and in other areas where conventional installation is not idea due to conditions such as topography, saturation or proximity to other sensitive features. All waterbody crossings will be conducted according to the requirements of waterbody crossing permits. Many small waterbodies crossed by the Project have ephemeral to intermittent flows. If these waterbodies are dry when crossed, Dakota Access will use conventional upland cross-country construction techniques. If the waterbodies are flowing when crossed, the open-cut, flume, or dam and pump methods, described below will be used. All construction activities in waterbodies will be expedited to the extent practicable to minimize impacts. There will be no refueling of equipment, storage of fuel, lubricants or hazardous materials within 100 feet of a waterbody unless no reasonable alternative exists and additional containment measures are implemented. 5.2.1 Additional Temporary Workspace ATWS areas may be required on both sides of waterbody crossings to stage construction, fabricate pipe, and/or stockpile soils. These ATWS areas will generally be located at least 20 feet away from the water’s edge. 5.3 BRIDGES During the clearing and grading efforts, temporary bridges may be installed across waterbodies to allow construction equipment to cross. Bridges will be designed to withstand the expected flow of a given waterbody. Construction equipment will be required to use the bridges, except for clearing crews which will be allowed one pass through a waterbody before the bridges can be installed. Bridges will be removed as soon as practical after restoration. Equipment bridges will consist of one of the following: clean rock placed over flume pipes, prefabricated construction mats, rail flat cars placed over the waterbody with or without a culvert, or flexi-float or other temporary bridging deemed appropriate for site conditions (see Appendix A). In addition, ECDs will be installed along the edges of the equipment bridges to prevent sediment from entering the waterbody being crossed. 5.4 OPEN CUT CROSSING METHOD For open-cut crossings, clearing adjacent to waterbodies will involve the removal of trees and brush from the construction ROW and ATWS areas. Woody vegetation within the construction ROW will be cut at ground level and cleared to the edge of the waterbody. Sediment barriers will be installed at the top of the streambank if no herbaceous strip exists. Initial grading of the herbaceous strip will be limited to the extent needed to create a safe approach to the waterbody and to install a bridge. 18 During clearing, sediment barriers will be installed and maintained across the ROW adjacent to a waterbody and within ATWS areas to minimize the potential for sediment runoff (see Appendix A). Silt fence and/or straw bales located across the working side of the ROW will be removed during the day when vehicle traffic is present and will be replaced each night. Alternatively, drivable berms may be installed and maintained across the ROW in lieu of silt fence and/or straw bales. Once the trench is excavated, the prefabricated segment of pipe will be installed in the trench. Most pipe installed under a waterbody will be coated with concrete or equipped with set-on weights to provide negative buoyancy. 5.4.1 Sediment Control As stated in Section 3.3, ECDs will be installed and maintained throughout construction where necessary to contain disturbed soils during clearing and grading, and to minimize potential erosion and sedimentation. Vegetative buffers will be left where practical at all wetland and waterbody crossings to limit the exposure and impact to these features, final clearing would take place immediately prior to crossing the feature in advance. ECDs will be properly installed along the banks of waterbodies. Sediment control devices will be maintained until revegetation of adjacent areas is considered successful or the area is stabilized. Permanent diversion berms may be constructed at the base of slopes near waterbodies, unless otherwise specified by the landowner or land-managing agency. 5.4.2 Trench Plugs Earthen trench plugs will generally be left in place on both banks of the waterbody until immediately before pipe installation. This will separate the waterbody trench from the upland trench to prevent water from being diverted into the upland portions of the pipeline trench and to prevent the accumulation of sediment laden water from flowing into the waterbody. 5.4.3 Pipeline Burial Depth The pipeline will be installed at a depth below the bed of waterbodies consistent with DOT pipeline design and operating code as set forth in 49 CFR, PART 195-TRANSPORTATION OF HAZARDOUS LIQUIDS BY PIPELINE, to prevent exposure of the pipeline and maintain the integrity of the system in event of a flash flood. 5.4.4 Backfill Material Excavated native streambed spoil will be used for trench backfill in waterbodies, unless expressly permitted or conditioned otherwise by the respective regulatory agency. Backfilling will begin as soon as practical after installation of the pipe. 5.4.5 Streambed and Bank Stabilization Original channel configurations will be reestablished, and the banks replaced, compacted, and restored to the original condition. Banks may be graded to a more stable configuration if eroding or unstable conditions were present prior to construction. To provide additional erosion control, erosion control fabrics (e.g., jute matting, straw blankets with plastic netting, or curlex) will be used on the banks of washes and waterbodies where steep slopes are present and as warranted in other locations. 19 The banks of perennial streams will be seeded with mixes listed in Section 9.5 or according to landowner agreements. Dry wash bottoms will not be seeded. If required, temporary fences will be installed at the edges of waterbodies to prevent grazing cattle from disturbing the area before a mature vegetative cover is established and the banks stabilized. 5.5 FLUME CROSSING METHOD The flume crossing method will involve diverting the flow of water across the trenching area through one or more flume pipes placed in the waterbody (see Appendix A). The first step in the flume crossing method will involve placing a sufficient number of adequately sized flume pipes in the waterbody to accommodate the anticipated flow during construction. After placing the flume pipes in the waterbody, sand or pea gravel bags, water bladders, or metal wing deflectors will be placed in the waterbody upstream and downstream of the proposed trench to dam the stream in order to seal the waterbody and divert the water flow through the flume pipes, thereby isolating the water flow from the construction area between the dams. Leakage from the dams, or subsurface flow from below the waterbody bed, may cause water to accumulate in the isolated area. As water accumulates in this area, it may be periodically pumped out and discharged into upland areas away from the water’s edge. Trackhoes located on the bank(s) of the waterbody will excavate a trench under the flume pipe in the dewatered streambed. Spoil excavated from the waterbody trench will be placed or stored a minimum of 10 feet from the edge of the waterbody, or in accordance with applicable permit conditions. Once the trench is excavated, the pipe will be installed beneath the flume pipes. The trench will then be backfilled with the native spoil and banks stabilized before removing the dams and flume pipes and returning flow to the waterbody channel. 5.6 DAM AND PUMP CROSSING METHOD The dam and pump crossing method i s a n alternative to the flume crossing method where pumps and hoses will be used instead of flumes to move water around the construction work area (see Appendix A). The technique involves damming the waterbody with sandbags, steel plates, water bladders or the like upstream and downstream of the trench area. Pumps will be set up at the upstream dam with the discharge line routed across the ROW, discharging water immediately downstream of the downstream dam. The intake will be screened to prevent entrainment of aquatic species, and suspended in the water column to reduce uptake of sediment and the benthic community. Water flow will be maintained through all but a short reach of the waterbody at the actual crossing. The pipeline will be installed in the isolated area between the dams at least 5 feet below the streambed. After backfilling, the dams will be removed and the banks restored and stabilized. 5.7 TRENCHLESS INSTALLATION (BORE OR HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILL) Trenchless installation is utilized to avoid direct impacts to sensitive features, provide efficient and safe installation across major waterbodies, and is used in areas where topography, soils, or other constraints deem conventional techniques unsuitable. A bore beneath a waterbody is the same as a bore for crossing of features discussed above in Section 4.0. Geotechnical surveys, including bores, are completed during the design phase to evaluate the success potential of an HDD at each particular location. An HDD requires a drill rig to be set up on one side to drill a small-diameter pilot hole from one side of the crossing (entry side) to the other (exit side). Drilling will be achieved using a powered drill bit. The drilling fluid, commonly referred to as mud, will be a mixture of water and bentonite (a naturally occurring clay mineral), which will be pumped into the drill hole through the drill pipe during the drilling process. The pressure of the drilling mud will transmit hydraulic power through the drill bit, transport 20 cuttings to the surface, lubricate the drill bit and stabilize the drill hole. Water, the main ingredient of drilling mud, will be obtained from the waterbody during drilling or will be trucked in from another source. Water use permits will be obtained prior to uptake if applicable. Small pits will be dug at or near the entry and exit holes to temporarily store the mud and cuttings. The mud and cuttings will be pumped from the temporary storage and properly disposed. As drilling the pilot hole progresses, segments of drill pipe will be inserted into the pilot hole to extend the length of the drill across and under the waterbody. The drill bit will be steered and monitored throughout the process to maintain the designated path of the pilot hole. Once the pilot hole is complete, a larger reaming tool will be attached to the end of the drill pipe on the exit side of the hole. The reamer will then be drawn back through the pilot hole to the drill rig (entry side). Drill pipe sections will be added to the rear of the reamer as it progresses toward the rig, thereby allowing a string of drill pipe to remain in the hole at all times. Typically, several passes of consecutively larger reaming tools are required before the hole will be of sufficient size. The pipeline segment to be installed beneath the waterbody will be fabricated into one section on the ROW on the exit side of the crossing. The pipe segment will be radiographically inspected and/or hydrostatically tested prior to installation. After the hole is completed, the pipeline segment will be attached to the drill pipe on the exit side of the hole and pulled back through the drill hole toward the drill rig. Once the pipeline is installed, excess drilling mud will be collected and disposed of in accordance with applicable regulations. If water will be left over from the drilling process, it will be discharged into a well-vegetated upland area utilizing the appropriate energy dissipation/sediment filtration device, such as a geotextile filter bag or straw bale dewatering structure at the site. Ideally, the HDD process involves no disturbance to the bed or bank of the waterbody being crossed. However, if a natural fracture or void in the ground is encountered, an unexpected release of drilling mud could occur. Unconsolidated gravel, coarse sand, and fractured bedrock present paths that can run laterally or vertically and allow the flow of drilling mud. If drilling mud moves laterally, the release may not be evident on the ground whereas a flow path extending vertically from the drill hole to the surface may be. The volume of mud released will be dependent on a number of factors, including the size of the fault, the permeability of the geologic material, the viscosity of the drilling mud, and the pressure of the hydraulic drilling system. Releases to surface generally occur above or near the drill path. In the event drilling mud is released on surface, including within a wetland, it could be immediately contained with straw bales, silt fence, or berms. A small pit may be dug at the release site to contain its spread, and a pump be used to transfer the drilling mud from the pit and into a containment vessel. A drilling mud release to a waterbody could be more difficult to contain because mud may be quickly dispersed into the water and carried downstream. In the event of a release to a waterbody, an attempt may be made to plug the fault by lowering the drilling pressure and thickening the drilling mud with additional bentonite, or other non-hazardous materials that are compatible with the drill equipment being used. In-stream sediment barriers such as silt screens or small coffer dam type structures may be deployed to minimize impacts and facilitate remediation. 21 The Horizontal Directional Drilling Contingency Plan which has been developed for the Project will describe the prevention, detection, monitoring, notification and corrective action procedures in the event of an inadvertent release of drilling fluid. In most cases, horizontal directional drilling can be completed in spite of an inadvertent drilling mud release. However, in rare situations, an HDD may be unsuccessful and the waterbody may not be able to be crossed using this method. The presence of outwash interspersed with boulders and cobbles, fractured bedrock, or non-cohesive coarse sands and gravels increase the likelihood an HDD may fail due to refusal of the drill bit or collapse of the bore hole in non-cohesive, unstable substrate. 22 6.0 WETLAND CROSSINGS The method of pipeline construction in wetlands will depend largely on the stability of the soils at the time of construction. If wetland soils are not excessively saturated at the time of construction and can support construction equipment on equipment mats, timber riprap, or straw mats, construction will occur in a manner similar to conventional upland cross-country construction techniques. Several modifications and limitations to conventional upland construction procedures can be implemented during wetland construction to reduce the impacts to wetland hydrology and soil structure, ensure the integrity of the pipeline within the feature, and also to facilitate restoration. In emergent non-saturated wetland areas, the construction ROW width may be reduced to 100 feet; in saturated, forested, and scrub shrub wetlands, or other sensitive areas as prescribed in permits or consultations, the construction workspace may be reduced to 85 feet. ATWS areas will be required on both sides of wetlands to stage construction, fabricate the pipeline, and store materials. ATWS areas will typically be located in upland areas a minimum of 30 feet from the wetland edge. Construction equipment working in wetlands will be limited to that essential for proper installation. In areas where there is no reasonable access to the ROW except through wetlands, non-essential equipment will be allowed to travel along the prescribed travel path across wetlands. The refueling of equipment, storage of fuel, lubricants or hazardous materials within 100 feet of a wetland in not to be conducted unless no reasonable alternative exists and additional containment measures are implemented. Clearing of vegetation in wetlands will be limited to trees and shrubs, which will be cut flush with the surface of the ground and removed from the wetland. Generally stump removal, grading, topsoil segregation, and excavation will be limited to the area immediately over the trenchline. Stump removal and grading may be conducted in other areas if dictated by safety-related concerns. In unsaturated wetlands, topsoil from the trenchline and spoil pile area will be stripped and stored separately from subsoil. Topsoil segregation is generally not feasible in saturated soils. ECDs such as silt fence and staked straw bales will be installed and maintained as necessary to minimize the potential for sediment runoff into wetlands as discussed in Section 3.3. Sediment barriers will be installed across the full width of the construction ROW at the base of slopes adjacent to wetland boundaries. Silt fence and/or straw bales installed across the working side of the ROW may be removed during active construction but will be replaced after each pass or at the end of the working day. Alternatively, drivable berms may be installed and maintained across the ROW. Sediment barriers will also be installed within wetlands along the edge of the ROW, where necessary, to minimize the potential for sediment to run off the construction ROW and into wetland areas outside the work area. If trench dewatering is necessary in wetlands, silt-laden trench water will be discharged into an energy dissipation/sediment filtration device, such as a geotextile filter bag or straw bale structure, to minimize the potential for erosion and sedimentation. Where wetland soils are saturated and/or inundated, the pipeline may be installed using the pushpull technique. The push-pull technique will involve stringing and welding the pipeline outside of the wetland and excavating and backfilling the trench using a backhoe supported by equipment mats or timber riprap. The prefabricated pipeline will be installed in the wetland by equipping it with buoys and pushing or pulling it across the water-filled trench. After the pipeline is floated into place, the floats will be removed and the pipeline will sink into place. Most pipe installed in wetlands will be coated 23 with concrete or equipped with set-on weights to provide negative buoyancy. Additionally, trench plugs are often installed at the entry and exit points of the feature to facilitate restoration of the subsurface hydrology and prevent the pipeline trench from inadvertently draining the feature. Because little or no grading will occur in wetlands, restoration of contours will be accomplished during backfilling. Prior to backfilling, trench breakers will be installed where necessary to prevent subsurface drainage of water from wetlands. In areas where topsoil has been segregated from subsoil, the subsoil will be backfilled first, followed by the topsoil. Construction in wetlands under wet conditions may require use of equipment mats, timber riprap, gravel fill, geotextile fabric, and/or straw mats which will be removed following backfilling. Where wetlands are located at the base of slopes, permanent slope breakers will be constructed across the ROW in upland areas adjacent to the wetland boundary. Temporary sediment barriers will be installed where necessary until revegetation of adjacent upland areas is successful. Once revegetation is successful, sediment barriers will be removed from the ROW and disposed of properly. In wetlands where no standing water is present, the construction ROW will be seeded utilizing the seed mixes located in Section 9.5 or be allowed to revegetate naturally based on site condition. Lime, mulch, and fertilizer will not be used in wetlands. 24 7.0 ABOVE GROUND FACILITY CONSTRUCTION 7.1 TANK TERMINALS AND PUMP STATIONS Six tank terminal sites and associated infrastructure are planned for the Project. Details are in the North Dakota Public Service Commission Application. The sites are variably sized from 20 to 50 acres and will consist of the following infrastructure. • Two to three 100,000 to 200,000 barrel storage tanks; • Three to 5 client shipper receiving traps; • Three to six booster and mainline pumps; • Two main pipeline meter skids; and • One each main pipeline receiver and launcher traps. Construction activities at each of the tank terminal facilities will be similar and include a standard sequence of activities. These include clearing and grading, installing foundations, undergrounds, and control buildings and associated facilities. 7.1.1 Clearing and Grading Sites will be cleared of vegetation and graded as necessary to create a level surface for the movement of construction vehicles and to prepare the area for foundations. ECDs will be installed to minimize the potential for erosion. Topsoil may be stripped and segregated from areas that are likely to be used for non-industrial purposes following completion of construction. Reserve soil stored on site will be seeded with a temporary cover crop as described in Section 9.3 to minimize the potential for erosion and sedimentation from these areas. 7.1.2 Foundations Soils will be excavated as needed for the foundations of buildings, tanks, pumps, traps, and associated infrastructure. Forms will be set, rebar installed, and concrete poured and cured in accordance with applicable standards. Concrete pours will be randomly sampled to verify compliance with minimum strength requirements. Backfill will be compacted in place; excess topsoil and subsoil may be later used onsite for final grading and landscaping or hauled offsite. 7.1.3 Building Design and Construction Building construction will begin after concrete foundations are completed. Typically, the steel frame of the building is erected, followed by the installation of the roof, exterior casing, insulation, and interior casing. The air inlet and exhaust facilities are then added. Cut-outs for protrusions through the siding (such as inlet and exhaust vents) will be flashed to ensure that the building will be weather-tight. The buildings may be acoustically insulated per design specifications. Aboveground storage tanks will be installed within diked areas or secondary containment in accordance with regulations and operational standards. Each Tank Terminal may include one or more prefabricated buildings, which will be set on the completed foundation(s). 25 To the extent compatible with Good Engineering Practice, the station buildings will be architecturally designed (form) and painted (color) to be compatible with landscapes in the areas in which they are located. Additionally, the appropriate agencies will be consulted to determine if additional aboveground facilities will require specific measures to enhance visual quality. 7.1.4 Pressure Testing High pressure piping in the tank terminal facilities will be hydrostatically tested with pressurized water in the piping to ensure the piping is free from leaks and capable of withstanding the operating pressure for which it is designed. Internal test pressures and durations will be in accordance with local, state and Federal requirements, company standards, and applicable permits. Hydrostatic test water appropriation and discharge will be conducted with applicable permits. 7.1.5 Commissioning Commissioning is performed prior to placing the site in service. Commissioning involves activities to verify that all equipment is properly installed and working; the controls, safety devised, and communications systems are functional; and all associated infrastructure is ready for service. 7.1.6 Final Grading and Landscaping During startup and testing, or as soon as weather permits thereafter, the tank terminal sites will be final graded and landscaped. If construction extends into the winter, landscaping (if any) may be postponed until the following spring or early summer. A permanent security fence will be installed around the Tank Terminal sites. Tank terminal access roads also will be final graded. Parking areas for vehicles will similarly be paved or graveled. Because each of the Tank Terminal sites are located in remote, undeveloped areas and/or adjacent to existing commercial/industrial facilities, the station buildings will be designed to be consistent with the character of the surrounding land uses (to the extent possible). 7.1.7 Infrastructure Facilities The Tank Terminals will operate on locally-purchased power, and will be fully automated for unmanned operation. The power will be utilizing nearby high voltage transmission lines and install a transformer to reduce the voltage to provide 4,160V power. This 4,160V power will be for the motors that drive the pumps. A second transformer will be installed to reduce the transmission line voltage to provide 480V power for other pump station equipment. 7.1.8 Erosion Control, Revegetation, and Maintenance Procedures During the construction of the tank sites, all applicable state and local permits will be adhered to, as well as site-specific measures developed in consultation with land managing agencies. ECDs will be properly maintained throughout construction and reinstalled as necessary until stabilization is achieved. Areas that are not used for industrial purposes may be restored and reseeded in accordance with Section 9.0. 7.2 MAINLINE VALVES AND LAUNCHERS/RECEIVERS As part of construction of the pipeline, valves will be installed in accordance with the DOT’s Title 49 CFR Part 195.260. Valve construction will include clearing and grading, installing underground piping, testing the piping, testing the control equipment, cleaning up the work area, graveling the site, and fencing the facilities. Valve construction will generally be concurrent with the construction of the pipeline. Upon 26 completion, the disturbed area will be stabilized with gravel within a chain-link or barbed wire security fence. 27 8.0 SPECIAL PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES In addition to standard pipeline construction methods, special construction techniques will be used where warranted by site-specific conditions. 8.1 TRIPLE DITCH METHODS Alternate soil handling-procedures may be necessary in areas where standard two-lift pipeline soil handling procedures may result in mixing of dramatically different subsoil and topsoil layers and thereby reducing soil productivity. In these areas, the topsoil (i.e., the “first lift”) would be salvaged at a minimum over the trench according to the depth determined during pre-construction surveys. The “second-lift” material (generally B-horizon material that is non-saline and/or has significantly less coarse fragment than the subsoil) would then be salvaged and windrowed next to the salvaged topsoil. The trench spoil material (the “third lift”) that would be saline or have a large volume of coarse fragments would then be placed adjacent to the second-lift material. Following construction, the soils would be replaced in the opposite order of extraction and would be feathered across the proposed Project route area. 8.2 DIFFICULT SOILS To promote the optimum regrowth potential for areas with difficult soils, a detailed analysis of soils along the pipeline route was conducted to assess areas which contain shallow soils, saline/sodic soils, droughty soils, highly erodible soils, and those with a high potential for flooding. Slope, geomorphologic features, and vegetative cover were also accounted for U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service county field office and North Dakota State University Soils Laboratory personnel’s knowledge of problem areas based on adjacent project ROW or other factors were used to produce recommendations for site-specific mitigation and seed mixes which are best suited to produce a stable ROW and maximize regrowth potential. 8.2.1 Shallow Soils and Steep Soils On steep slopes, shallow soils can be extremely erosive having limited root depths and water storage capacity. These areas are referred to as shallow bedrock, and bedrock outcrop areas. Special site treatment during construction will allow the best chance of successful post-construction restoration. A combination of previously detailed measures will be utilized in these areas. These measures could consist of installation of erosion control blankets, maintaining topsoil through stripping/segregation, and hydroseeding, in addition to normal best management practices on slopes. 8.2.2 Salinity/Sodicity Saline soils are the result of accumulated soluble salts in concentrations that can prevent plants from taking water and therefore severely limit germination potential. Sodic soils are the result of accumulated sodium which crusts at the ground surface. Plant germination and the potential for root penetration is typically greatly reduced in these areas. In many areas these soils are found together and are therefore discussed together in this plan. Depending on conditions, these soils may require that the non-saline topsoil, non-saline subsoils, and saline subsoil and/or rock be kept separate. This determination will be made prior to construction based on a soil salinity map prepared from the SSURGO2 digital Soil Survey. Soil amendments or topsoil supplementation will be evaluated on a case by case basis in these areas to ensure successful revegetation. 28 8.2.3 Droughty Soils and Flooding Soils Droughty soils occur as a result of soil texture, landscape position, aspect and slope and occur in several areas along the pipeline route. They typically occur in south and west aspects, sandy flat areas, and steep slope areas with limited water holding capacity where run off is a problem. Flooding soils include waterbody “low bottoms” and wetlands that are prone to flooding. These areas are addressed as flooding or unstable areas. Construction procedures that will be used to minimize impacts in droughty soils and flooding soils are addressed in Sections 3.3, 3.6, 5.0 and 6.0. 8.3 SIDE SLOPE CUTTING AND STEEP TERRAIN Side slope cutting may be necessary in rough, steep terrain, and in areas where rerouting the pipeline is not feasible due to mitigating factors such as sensitive resource avoidance, collocation, etc. Where the pipeline crosses laterally along the side of a slope, cut and fill grading may be required to obtain a safe, flat work terrace. Temporary sediment barriers such as silt fence and straw bales would be installed during clearing to prevent the movement of disturbed soil into wetlands, waterbodies, or other environmentally sensitive areas in steep terrain. Temporary slope breakers consisting of mounded and compacted soil would be installed across the right-of-way during grading. Topsoil would be stripped from the entire right-of-way and stockpiled prior to cut-and-fill grading on steep terrain. Generally, on steep side slopes, soil from the high side of the ROW will be excavated and moved to the low side of the ROW to create a safe and level work surface. In forested areas the ROW will generally be 85 feet in width to minimize clearing of woody vegetation. In forested areas with steep slopes the ROW may be increased to up to 150 feet in width as necessary to provide safe working conditions. After the pipeline is installed, the soil from the low side of the ROW will be returned to the high side, and the slope’s original contours will be restored to the extent practical. See Appendix A for workspace requirements and layout. 8.3.1 Stockpiling On steep slopes where topsoil, debris, and rock cannot be conventionally stockpiled at the edge of the construction ROW, the material will be pushed to ATWS until hauled offsite for disposal or used during restoration. 8.3.2 Temporary and Permanent Slope Breakers and Trench Breakers Temporary slope breakers and trench breakers in areas of steep terrain and side slope cuts will be spaced at intervals as necessary (see Appendix A). A temporary breaker may be installed 10 to 30 feet from the crest of a slope to act as a reference point for spacing the remaining breakers. Temporary slope breakers may be omitted where the surface is predominately rock and the potential for erosion is minimal. Permanent slope and trench breakers will be installed on steep slopes similarly to those described for temporary slope and trench breakers. Where the ground surface is naturally rocky and resistant to erosion, permanent breakers may be omitted or the spacing increased as feasible. 8.3.3 Recontouring and Slope Reduction Special attention will be given to shaping the construction ROW to direct runoff into existing drainages off the ROW. Cut and fill slopes may have the slope reduced to 3:1 or 4:1 ratio or to match the adjacent utility ROW to aid in reclamation and stabilization. If necessary, energy dissipation devices will 29 be installed at the bases of cut and fill slopes to prevent scour in adjacent steep banks not located in the construction ROW. 8.3.4 Rock Mulch Rock mulch may be used to control erosion in areas that have a native gravel, cobble, boulder, or bedrock surface. Rock salvaged and stockpiled from these areas during construction will be distributed over the construction ROW during restoration and seeded with broadcast seeder. The gaps in the rocks will provide a micro environment beneficial to seed germination by allowing moisture to collect and provide protection from wind. A rock cover will also blend the construction ROW into undisturbed areas. 8.3.5 Pocking In some instances, mulch and erosion control fabrics may not be used. In many areas where slope is 10 percent or greater, a technique called pocking may be used. Pocking creates a seedbed which is conducive to the establishment of permanent vegetative cover that will stabilize steep areas, provide forage for wildlife, and create an aesthetically compatible reclaimed ROW to that of adjacent areas. Pocking will involve creating a series of regularly spaced depressions, or mini terraces, using a backhoe. The depressions are the width of a standard backhoe bucket and are approximately 8 inches to 12 inches in depth. The following schematic outlines generally how the pocking technique occurs. The small depressions retain water runoff, creating a more mesic site to facilitate seed germination and subsequent seedling establishment. They will also minimize the potential for rill and gullies to form by diverting runoff and retaining a large portion of collecting precipitation. The depressions are offset from one another in order to minimize the potential that lower terraces would fail should a terrace above it fail. Where pocking is used, permanent slope breakers will not be used. 8.4 GRAZING MITIGATION Dakota Access will work with each landowner/tenant with livestock to avoid and minimize impacts. Ideally the livestock would utilize a field that is not planned to be crossed by the project. Other options to protect livestock include exclusion fencing for the animals, trench plugs across the pipeline trench at livestock trails, trench ramps to allow for the escape of livestock from the trench. Gaps will be left between strung sections of pipe or wherever there is a feature crossing (e.g., waterbody, road, utility), 30 or where identified by the landowner or EI to allow livestock to pass between long, continuous sections prior to pipe lowering in. Each fence crossed by construction crews will be braced and secured to prevent slacking of the wire (see Appendix A). The opening created will be closed when construction crews leave the project area to prevent passage of livestock. Any gaps in natural barriers used for livestock control created by construction activity will be fenced according to landowner or lease holder agreements. All fences, gates, irrigation ditches, cattle guards, and reservoirs will be maintained during construction and repaired to pre-construction conditions or better. Following construction and restoration, temporary fences will be removed and livestock will be allowed to graze and roam freely over the permanent ROW. 8.5 WINTER CONSTRUCTION Dakota Access is currently anticipated to start upon receipt of pending permits and approvals for inservice before the end of 2016. Inclement weather such as snow fall or sub-freezing temperatures during the construction period has the potential to impact construction activities. Pipeline construction typically can take place during difficult weather conditions, although construction progress may be slowed. To maintain the environmental objectives of DAPL, the construction mitigation techniques discussed in this section would be implemented as applicable during inclement weather (winter) in the event that mitigation found elsewhere in this document cannot be implemented due to winter weather. The winter construction period applies when any of the following conditions occur: • The ground is frozen and plating of topsoil occurs; • Equipment slippage from operating on frozen ground results in scalping plant root systems; • Vehicles slide outside established ROW clearing limits; • Road crossings cannot be adequately compacted; • Topsoil is frozen and cannot be separated from sub-grade material; • Backfill material freezes to the extent that adequate compaction becomes difficult; or • Topsoil stockpiles are frozen and cannot be uniformly redistributed across disturbed areas. In general, the following procedures and considerations will be implemented during frozen soil conditions, defined for DAPL as when frost has penetrated the depth of the boundary between topsoil and subsoil on most agricultural lands. 8.5.1 Snow and Cold Weather Management • Snow, when present, may be stored over the trench line prior to excavation to prevent deep frost penetration in areas requiring excavation. Remove this snow to the edge of the ROW prior to topsoil removal and trenching activities. 31 • Snow not packed or used to prevent deep frost should be graded/pushed off the ROW to ensure sufficient workspace. Gaps in the windrowed snow should be left at obvious drainage crossings. • Snow may be removed from the travel lane prior to grading to improve driving conditions. • Consider additional ATWS, as needed on the working side to store snow. • Soils and snow should not be mixed when clearing access roads. • Leave gaps in windrowed snow at drainage crossings in access roads. • Limit snow removal from the spoil side until trenching activities begin. • Place subsoil on straw layer to minimize soil mixing in the event the spoil pile freezes and is left over winter. • Remove excess snow that could interfere with trench backfilling operations. 8.5.2 Soil Handling and Trenching • Minimize the amount of open trench. • Limit frozen topsoil stripping activities to equipment capable of accurately stripping variable depths of topsoil. • Include breaks at drainage crossings in the topsoil or spoil piles left over-winter to allow runoff and snowmelt to be diverted and minimize interference with spring runoff. • Suspend final clean-up activities and topsoil placement if stored/reserved topsoils are frozen and cannot be uniformly redistributed across the ROW. • Apply normal temporary ROW stabilization procedures as ground conditions permit. • Where final clean up and restoration has not been completed, leave the ROW in a significantly roughened condition to reduce potential for erosion during snowmelt. 8.5.3 Temporary and Permanent Erosion Control Methods • When soils are frozen, utilize erosion control measures such as trench interceptor excavated across slope, mulching, silt fence, straw bales, sandbags in lieu of slope breakers. • Install silt fence in frozen soils with “ditch witch” trencher, placing silt fence and wooden stakes (hammered below frost line) in the narrow trench, then backfill and tamp with trench cuttings. • Anchor hay bales with rebar instead of wooden stakes as needed. 32 • Install ECDs at locations indicated in the erosion control procedures (Section 3.3). Consider winter/spring rains and snowmelt when sizing, locating, and installing and ECDs. • Stabilize unreclaimed soil surfaces and remaining soil piles left over winter or for more than 7-21 days (depending on slope) with weed free straw mulch applied at a rate of 2.0 tons per acre and sprayed with water to freeze in in lieu of crimping. If significant snow cover exists the decision to apply mulch will be determined by the EIs. • As applicable, remove temporary bridges and mats before the contractor leaves the ROW for the winter. Store temporary bridges on the ROW in a secure upland area near the crossing for spring re-installation. • Engineer equipment crossings remaining in place for spring/summer cleanup to handle maximum predicted spring runoff flows. 8.5.4 Lowering in and Backfill • Clear the pipeline trench of snow prior to lowering in, but limit the mixing of snow with spoil material. • Backfill trench with unfrozen soil as practical. The first several inches of frozen subsoil may have to be removed from the spoil piles to expose unfrozen soil. • If subsoil on the spoil side is substantially frozen, backfill the trench with frozen subsoil, broken up as practical. Repair settled areas the following spring using the spoil (previously protected with mulch or functional equivalent) that remains. • Backfilling activities should immediately follow lowering-in activities, to prevent the infill of snow and reduce excessive freezing of spoil piles. Regrade ROW immediately following backfilling. • The final clean-up schedule will vary, depending on ground conditions and time of construction. The EI should determine if spring thaw reclamation activities are required. 8.5.5 Hydrostatic Testing/Dewatering • Carefully consider the locations where hydrostatic testing water and trench water are discharged. • Depending upon the temperature, filter bags may be subject to freeze and straw bale dewatering structures may need to be replaced daily due to freezing. • Consider the volume of water discharged and the resulting frozen temporary pond. This area may remain until spring thaw. 33 • If discharge occurs on agricultural land consult with ROW and landowner to obtain permission for winter discharge of dewatering or hydrostatic test water. 8.5.6 Post-Construction Monitoring • Identify ECDs requiring repair, areas of slope instability, and areas where significant levels of erosion are occurring. • The extent of inspections will be based on precipitation events, runoff amounts, and thawing. When snow melts or the ground thaws, the potential for erosion increases and the frequency of inspections would increase. • Corrective actions may be deferred until spring where no sensitive resources are impacted, where access is not feasible, or where damage from accessing the site would outweigh the benefits of correcting the issue during the winter. 8.5.7 Spring Thaw Conditions 8.6 • Work in non-problem areas, such as well drained, dry sites or in shaded and frozen areas until conditions improve. • Install mats in problem areas until conditions improve. • Postpone construction activities until evening or early morning in problem areas, when ground conditions are frozen. • Suspend construction in unsuitable areas. BLASTING Limited blasting may be necessary as a last resort in areas where competent shallow bedrock or boulders are encountered that cannot be removed by conventional excavation. See project-specific Blasting Plan. 8.7 DUST CONTROL Dust control activities will occur throughout the project area, as needed to minimize impacts from dust generated by construction equipment and traffic across exposed soils. These activities will be performed using primarily water spraying trucks in construction work areas and on access roads. 8.8 WASTE MANAGEMENT The Contractor will properly handle, store and dispose of all solid and hazardous materials and wastes that are used or generated by the Contractor as a result of the Project. The Contractor will determine if the materials and wastes associated with the Project classify as hazardous materials and/or wastes in accordance with applicable federal and/or state criteria. Upon request by Dakota Access, the Contractor will provide documentation to substantiate findings of the regulatory status of materials and/or wastes used and/or generated as a result of the Project. The Contractor will collect all waste materials, including oil or other waste liquids generated as a result of equipment maintenance, daily in suitable or approved containers (i.e., labeled and meeting any relevant regulatory requirements). On a routine basis, the Contractor will remove the containers of 34 waste from the site and properly dispose of them. Throughout the duration of the Project, the Contractor will cleanup areas to the satisfaction of Dakota Access. The Contractor is responsible for proper off-site disposal of all wastes generated during the Project. No wastes are to be left on Dakota Access property, along the ROW, or buried in an excavation or otherwise disposed of on Dakota Access property or ROW. Temporary portable sanitary facilities will be installed during construction in areas where crews are present. 8.8.1 HAZARDOUS WASTES If a Contractor generates a hazardous waste from materials they have brought on-site (e.g., paint cleanup solvents, waste paints, etc.), then the Contractor is responsible for proper waste collection, storage and disposal in accordance with all applicable regulations. The Contractor remains responsible for the proper handling, storage and disposal of the hazardous waste. Any release of the hazardous waste as a result of the improper handling, storage or disposal by the Contractor in this instance is the responsibility of the Contractor to rectify to the satisfaction of Dakota Access and all applicable regulatory agencies. 8.8.2 ABRASIVE BLAST DEBRIS The Contractor will contain and collect spent abrasive blast materials as required by local or state laws or ordinances and place the spent material into appropriate containers. The Contractor is responsible for covering the containers with appropriate means of rainwater and stormwater control to prevent said waters from entering or exiting the container. The Contractor is responsible for disposal of the spent abrasive in accordance with applicable federal, state and local regulatory requirements. The Contractor is responsible for determining if the spent abrasive is classified as a “hazardous” or “special” waste as defined by applicable federal and state regulations. 8.9 WEED MANAGEMENT It is Dakota Access’ intent to minimize the potential introduction and/or spread of undesirable species (i.e., invasive species, noxious weeds, or crop diseases) along the construction ROW due to pipeline construction activities. However, it is not practicable for Dakota Access to eradicate undesirable species that are adjacent to the construction ROW. Dakota Access will minimize the potential for the establishment of undesirable species by minimizing the time duration between final grading and/or temporary or permanent seeding. The state of North Dakota has 11 state listed noxious and invasive weeds (“invasive species”). The species listed are: Russian knapweed (Acroptilon repens), absinth wormwood (Artemisia absinthium), musk thistle (Carduus nutans), diffuse knapweed (Centaurea diffusa), yellow toadflax (Linaria vulgaris), spotted knapweed (Centaurea maculosa), Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense), leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula), dalmatian toadflax (Linaria dalmatica), purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria), and saltcedar (Tamarix chinensis). These state invasive species are controlled and regulated under North Dakota Law (NDCC § 4.1-47-02). 8.9.1 Prevention and Control Measures To prevent the introduction of the noxious weeds and invasive species identified into the Project area from other construction sites, construction equipment will be cleaned prior to arriving at the Project site. This cleaning consists of removing visible dirt from the equipment and blowing loose material from equipment using compressed air. Equipment found to be in noncompliance with the cleaning requirement will not be allowed on the Project site until it has been adequately cleaned. 35 Prior to clearing and grading of the construction right-of-way and pending landowner permission, major infestation areas identified during surveys or by Project EIs may be treated with the recommended herbicides or their equivalents as identified through consultation with local authorities. Alternatively, full construction ROW topsoil segregation may be implemented for weed control to allow equipment to work through the area after topsoil has been stripped, as long as equipment stays on the subsoil (clearing, grading, and restoration equipment will still be cleaned). The Contractor will obtain necessary permits and/or certifications for the use of the applicable herbicides, is responsible to limit off-ROW overspray, and will comply with state laws regarding the use of those herbicides. Contractors will keep proper documentation of the locations where the herbicides have been used and provide such documentation to Dakota Access. If necessary, treatment of known infestation areas will be completed in accordance with applicable chemical contact times (as specified by the manufacturer) in advance of clearing and grading within the construction ROW. Treatment may be restricted in areas that are not readily accessible, such as areas where access is limited by topography or other site conditions such as saturated/inundated soils. In the event that an area is determined to be inaccessible, the EI will be notified and a site-specific alternative treatment may be warranted. To prevent the spread of noxious weeds and invasive species during construction, mulch used on the Project will be composed of weed-free material. Certified weed-free mulch may also be required at sitespecific locations. The Contractor will be responsible for identifying and acquiring sources of weed-free and certified weed-free mulch. Sources will be approved by Dakota Access prior to purchase. 8.10 WET WEATHER SHUTDOWN AND RUTTING During construction, certain activities may be suspended in wet soil conditions, based on consideration of the following factors: • extent of surface ponding; • extent and depth of rutting and potential mixing of soil horizons; • areal extent and location of potential rutting and compaction (i.e., can traffic be rerouted around wet area); and • type of equipment and nature of the construction operations proposed for that day. Tasks will be restricted or work will cease in the applicable area until site conditions are such that work may continue. The EIs, in collaboration with chief inspectors and Dakota Access construction management, will ultimately decide if wet weather shutdown is necessary in a given location. In areas where topsoil has not been removed, rutting from construction equipment will be considered excessive if greater than 4 inches. Topsoil removal techniques may be modified to remedy topsoil rutting. Rutting stipulations will not apply in areas where topsoil removal has occurred. 36 9.0 RESTORATION PROCEDURES The soils and land use along the pipeline and at above ground facilities have been reviewed. The importance of cattle ranching on native and managed pastures as well as intensive agricultural cropping is recognized. The restoration process for cropped agricultural fields, tame pastureland, and native rangeland is based on site soil characteristics and land use, ecological site characteristics, preconstruction conditions, and recommendations from state specialists and include the following general reccomendations: • Standard area construction and reclamation. Prescriptive reclamation procedures for areas that are not “sensitive” (fragile) have been developed using existing state-specific recommendations and consultation with specialists with the Natural Resource Services Conservation Services (NRCS) and the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station. Non sensitive areas would have soil and landform characteristics that would not compromise an effective restoration, can be identified in the field, and would be suited to most farming/ranching operations on active cropland, managed rotation pasture, or extensive grazing with little high maintenance management. • Sensitive area construction and reclamation. These areas would consist of but not be limited to steep slopes, shallow-to-bedrock soil areas with loamy/silty/sandy soils (highly erosive), saline sodic areas, and droughty areas situations. Reclamation starts with appropriate construction procedures: identifying areas requiring triple lift, dealing with shallow bedrock, special erosion controls, and special cover-crop seeding specifications. Post restoration monitoring and adaptive management may be required on these areas to ensure an acceptable restoration. • Landowner-Specific Options. Some areas may require site-specific reclamation plans, including pre-construction soil and vegetation assessments, specific prescriptions for implementation of BMPs provided in this ECP, special soil handling procedures, and sitespecific planting plans to include a mix of warm and cool season grasses, and native forbs, etc. The reclamation plan for these areas is not prescriptive but a process to be implemented that is site-specific. A site-specific plan would consist of: o Pre-construction evaluation of ecological sites and soils: Grassland habitat will be evaluated from the perspective of grasslands with a probable history of tillage and those grassland areas that are untilled. In grassland areas, specialists will evaluate grassland communities through plant transects to determine grassland species distribution in and near the construction corridor. o Site specific construction and grading plans: Construction specialists will evaluate landscapes from the perspective of constructability, identifying areas where BMPs are applicable for use on steep terrain and shallow soils. o Soil handling procedures: Topsoil stripping and potential subsoil handling procedures during and after construction and reclamation are tailored to facilitate successful restoration for areas with problem soils. 37 o Soil restoration and seeding/site preparation: Prescriptions are provided for specific restoration and revegetation settings. Implementing a proper seeding plan will enhance the diversity of native vegetation and reduce the presence of non-native vegetation occurring in the project area. The sections below clarify the steps necessary to facilitate effective reseeding, which includes preparation of the seed bed, acceptable planting methods, nurse and cover crops, seed sources and quality, warm and cool season seed mixtures, seeding dates, and soil amendments. 9.1 SEEDBED PREPARATION First, ensure that excessive competitive cover from invasive weed species is not present. If undesirable vegetation is present, if possible it should be removed prior to seeding. A herbicide application may be appropriate provided a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) approved formulation is used consistent with labeled instructions by a licensed applicator. If herbicides are to be used or have been applied to areas to be seeded within the last 4 years, consult with restoration specialists for the local NRCS office for information concerning planting timing after spraying. However, if foliar herbicides such as glyphosate are applied to suppress non-native grasses and weeds, no herbicide residue on the soil remains that would prevent or delay seeding after herbicide application. Prepare areas to be seeded to produce a friable, smooth, firm seedbed. Soil particles should be half an inch or smaller in the top inch of soil. Conventional tillage should result in a clean tilled, smooth seedbed. Use of a no-till seed drill requires a firm seed bed before seeding. The seedbed is considered firm when you can walk on it without sinking more than ½ inch (sole of shoe). Firming of the seedbed after tillage operations can be achieved by rolling or cultipacking prior to planting. If a drop seeder or a broadcast seeder is used for seeding, the site should be cultipacked only after seeding. Compacted soil prevents the seed from being planted at a proper depth and inhibits root penetration of new seedlings. This severely reduces the establishment of the planted seed. If surface compaction that would preclude establishment of a proper seed bed is observed, rototill the site to loosen the upper four inches of soil. Then harrow the site using a drag harrow or a piece of chain link fence with weight added. 9.2 PLANTING METHOD Grass Drill Native seeding is best achieved by use of a grass drill equipped with a double disc or coulter furrow openers with depth bands and press wheels, cultipacker, or drag chains. Seed should be planted ⅛ to ½ inch deep. Always operate the grass drill at the recommended speed. Excessive ground speed will cause the drill to plant the seed improperly. Inspect the drill while operating it. Avoid drilling in wet conditions. If the seed level drops below the agitators in the seed boxes, seed doesn’t feed as efficiently, resulting in uneven seeding. For smaller sites (less than 1 acre), the seed may not adequately fill the seed boxes. Inert filler material, similar in size to the seed should be added to the seed box to increase the volume. Vermiculite, cat litter, or cracked corn can be used as filler. After placing the seed in the seed box, add an equal amount of filler. Seed the site twice to achieve the required volume of seed to be planted. 38 Broadcast If a grass drill cannot be used, seed may be broadcast. For large areas a tractor or ATV-mounted EZEE Flow spreader or Brillion seeder is recommended. For smaller areas, a hand-held seeder is effective. The recommended seeding rates will be doubled when the broadcast method of seed application is utilized. If using a nurse crop, blend nurse crop seed with the native seed to help distribute small, fine textured native seed evenly across the site. After the seed is broadcast, incorporate the seed into the soil be using a drag harrow, dragging a piece of heavy chain or raking in the seed with a garden rake. Seed should be planted ⅛ to ½ inch deep. Then pack the soil with a cultipacker or lawn roller. Brillion seeders are equipped with both a soil conditioning implement and a cultipacker. Hydroseeding Hydroseeding has an advantage on areas where steep slopes are inaccessible to seeding equipment and also provides erosion control. The recommended seeding rates should be doubled when the hydroseeding method of seed application is utilized. A good time to hydroseed is just after a rain. The seed and mulch adhere better to the soil, and some moisture is captured under the mulch. Do no start hydroseeding if rain is in the immediate forecast since mulch needs time to set up before it rains. 9.3 NURSE AND COVER CROP A cover crop may be used when native/preferred seed mix cannot be planted within the recommended seeding dates provided in Table 9.5-1. The cover crop is planted alone and should be fast-growing, nonnative, short-lived annual species that does not form a dense canopy. Oats and winter wheat are recommended because they grow rapidly in cool weather, they withstand moderate frost, and their seed is relatively inexpensive. If needed, cover crops may need to be mowed the following spring prior to planting the native/preferred seed mix. Recommended cover crop seeding is as follows: • • Summer (July to September) – 30 pounds of oats, 10 pounds annual rye, and one of the following warm-season species per acre: o 5 pounds piper sudan o 10 pounds of millet (Japanese or Pearl variety) or o 30 pounds of sorghum Fall (Mid-September to November 1) – 25 pounds of winter wheat per acre. A nurse crop is planted with the native grass species to minimize soil erosion and invasion of weed species. A nurse crop may be applied in areas where erosion is a severe hazard but are generally not recommended because of excessive competition with the seeded perennial species. Recommended nurse crop seeding is as follows: • Spring (Late March to Mid-June) – 1.5 bushel of oats per acre • Summer (July to September) – 2 bushels of oats per acre 39 • 9.4 Fall (Mid-September to November 1) – 20 pounds of winter wheat per acre SEED SOURCE AND QUALITY Seed and planting materials should meet state of North Dakota quality standards. All seed analyses must be conducted in accordance with the North Dakota Seed Law and Rules which specify the kind and amount of weed seed permitted, the requirements for a current analysis report and labeling of all seed to show its purity, germination, date of last germination test, and weed content. The germination test used to determine pure live seed (PLS) is valid for 9 months after the end of the month the test was made so long as the seed remains in North Dakota. When seed is purchased and shipped across state lines, the germination test is valid for 5 months after the end of the month the test was made, according to Federal Seed Law. PLS is a measure of the proportion of the viable seed that potentially will germinate of a species or variety per unit weight for a given lot of seed. Purity, germination, and dormancy are used to calculate the PLS. #PLS = (bulk pounds) X (% purity) X (% germination + % dormancy) Seed should be obtained from a local seed supplier who can verify that the seed is genetically appropriate for the project site. Select seed and plants that are not considered noxious species by federal, state, or local regulations. 9.5 SEEDING MIXTURES Tables 9.5.2 and 9.5.3 indicate recommended native seed mixes that have been designed for restoration of native rangeland based on the North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension Service Publication, Successful Reclamation of Lands Disturbed by Oil and Gas Development and Infrastructure Construction. The contractor shall apply these mixes in rangeland areas where native seeding is preferable unless a landowner requests a unique seed mix. The tables detail the PLS planting rate for each selected species. The use of forbs is recommended as they will inhibit noxious weeds and other weedy species. The use of highly competitive introduced grasses, particularly crested wheatgrass and smooth brome, is not recommended unless the area to be seeded is in, or next to, an area where such species are already established. Listed forbs and legumes may be substituted for other forb and legume species depending on availability/pricing with approval from Dakota Access. Additional information regarding seed mixtures and seed application can be found in the NDSU Extension Service Publication, Successful Reclamation of Lands Disturbed by Oil and Gas Development and Infrastructure Construction. This publication includes additional seed mixtures for small disturbance sites (well pads, staging areas, power sites, pumping stations and other construction disturbance), hay land reclamation and tame pasture reclamation. Prior to the application of the seed mixtures shown in tables 9.5.2 and 9.5.3 in pasture lands, individual landowners/managers will be consulted to identify seed mixtures that meets the needs of the present and/or future use of the land. Local NRCS offices may be contacted if questions or concerns arise when selecting appropriate seed mixtures. 40 Table 9.5-1. Seeding Dates Species Type and Season of Planting North Dakota Warm/Cool Season Seeding Plan Spring 1 Late summer 2 Late fall (dormant) April 20 to June 15 Not recommended 3 See footnote 2 1 Weather and soil moisture conditions permitting. If soil moisture levels are forecasted and precipitation amounts are not favorable, this time period of seeding is not recommended. 2 Seeding may be extended with adequate soil moisture and wen favorable precipitation and temperatures are forecast. 3 o Seed after October 10 when ground temperatures at a depth of 4 inches are 45 Fahrenheit or lower and cooler air temperatures are forecast. Table 9.5.2 Pipeline, Access Roads and Other Narrow Disturbance Upland Site Grass Seed Mixtures Upland Mixture (loamy, clayey, sandy, sands, shallow loamy, thin loamy) 1 PLS Seeding Rates Lb/ac Species Grass Species Western wheatgrass 2.5 Green needlegrass 2.0 Slender wheatgrass 1.5 Little bluestem 1.0 Prairie sandreed 1.0 Sideoats grama 2.0 Blue grama 0.5 Total Grass Seed Mixture 10.5 Forb and Legume Species 2 Purple prairieclover 0.1 White prairieclover 0.1 Purple coneflower 0.1 Maximillian sunflower 0.1 41 Table 9.5.2 Pipeline, Access Roads and Other Narrow Disturbance Upland Site Grass Seed Mixtures Upland Mixture (loamy, clayey, sandy, sands, shallow loamy, thin loamy) Blanket flower 0.1 Black-eyed Susan 0.05 Stiff sunflower 0.1 Goldenrod 0.05 Lewis flax 0.1 Scarlet globemallow 0.05 Prairie coneflower 0.1 1 2 PLS = Pure live seed: Seeding rates are 1.5 times the normal seeding rate based on 30 seed/ft . Select a minimum of three (3) forb/legume species from the list. The seeding rate of three (3) selected forb/legumes at the prescribed rate will equal approximately 5 percent of the mixture. 2 42 Table 9.5.3 Pipeline, Access Roads and Other Narrow Disturbance Wet Meadow, Saline and/or Sodic Site Seed Mixtures Wet Meadow, Saline/Sodic Mixture 1 PLS Seeding Rates Lb/ac Species Grass Species Western wheatgrass 7.5 Slender wheatgrass 2.5 Prairie cordgrass 1.5 Inland saltgrass 0.5 Total Grass Seed Mixture 12.0 Forb Species Western yarrow 2 0.05 4 Gardner saltbush Fourwing saltbush 0.3 4 0.45 Lewis flax 0.1 Blanket flower 0.1 1 2 PLS = Pure live seed: Seeding rates are 1.5 times the normal seeding rate based on 30 seed/ft . Select a minimum of one (1) forb species from the list. 3 Gardner and fourwing saltbush should be used only on the saline/sodic sites. 2 9.6 FERTILIZER AND SOIL AMENDMENTS In general, soil additives or amendments (specifically fertilizing) are not recommended to establish native seed mixes as they can enhance exotic grasses and annual weed growth, thereby reducing the chances of success. Should potentially problematic soil characteristics be identified during preconstruction surveys or during post-construction restoration activities, soils will be assessed for nutrient balance and soil nutrient amendments will be applied as needed to meet specific restoration objectives. In areas of improved pasture or active agricultural, Dakota Access will work with landowners to achieve their specific revegetation goals, which may require soil amendments. No amendments will be utilized in wetlands and/or other sensitive environmental features without the express recommendation of resource agencies. 43 10.0 POST CONSTRUCTION MONITORING Dakota Access will monitor and address all areas where stabilization techniques have been implemented in accordance with conditions identified in the applicable Project permits, plans, and/or licenses. The monitoring program will identify remedial measures that will be considered to mitigate environmental degradation if the initial treatments were not effective in achieving reclamation objectives. Periodic ground and aerial inspection of the route would detect areas of erosion (i.e., formation of gullies, deposition of sediment) and uncontrolled runoff (i.e., berm washouts) before significant impacts occur. Successful reclamation performance will be based on revegetation success (e.g., cover, frequency, and diversity), the presence of weeds or invasive plants, stability of the construction ROW, waterbody bed and bank stability and returned hydrology in wetlands. As success criteria are met at a given location, additional monitoring will cease. 44 Appendix A: Typical Figures -s-l-N :mvos OOLSSEOI .LOZ-lr?08d l-Z ld 31"? 93"? 03mm mas 000M 7?33 Elva oar :Ag NMWG 818%?an HJJM 1039088 NW 80 > 008 AEI 31v0 08 380 80:l 03nssu 93? fl/Sl/Zl UV DTI a '(sovaans so save MV8.LS nus) 7053 NW 80 8008 A8 0310081880 .LON SI M0'l: 1VW8ON Oi SV (S)3dld 183A1f10 ANVW SV 380 'l W083 W803 mamas iNI-l/G8d 01 sv (IDS-IN GVOH SSHOOV an:mrnin (53mm) V38V xaom I. I I I I .LVW 80 8008 033/]ng 133/000 do 831N30 ii if as =31v0 .lO'ld .L03f?08d dn?? 000M z'ddV :31vos ld =31va HVO 3A8 03X03H0 90/ 80 HVO 1A8 NMVEIG 31V8 MVEIJS NOISOEI3 A8 3m 'Az-Ial 08 380 803 aanssn 03F fl/Ql/Zl UV DTI 3HJ. _-lO 3HJ. HODOEIHJ. 38 TIVHS 0NO03S 3HJ. N33M.L38 J.0VJ.NO0 OJ. 83080 NI 030V'ld 3HJ. 3HJ. J.VHJ. OS 310NV NV J.V 3H.L _-lO 3H.L 3HJ. 3AVH TIVHS ?83l88V8 3HJ. 83lN30 80 80N3 3HJ. .LV 3SOH.L NVH.L 83H.LO '5 3HJ. HODOEIHJ 3AVH 3H.L _-lO 0N3 0NV 83J.N30 3HJ. SI NV 80 M008 30 30NVJ.SIO 0N0080 3HJ. TIVHS 3HJ. 3HJ. _-lO 3HJ. HODOHHJ. 8V838 80 N3000M OMJ. 30V'ld NI A138003S MVEIJS 80HONV 3808M OJ. MVEIJS NO .LN3A388 O.L MVEIJS NO 30V'ld M008 A13W3EIJX3 80 NI 30 OJ. 0N0080 3HJ. S3-IV8 MVEIJS HON38.LN3 '0380 38 TIVHS MVEIJS 3-IV8 3N0 38 TIVHS 83l88?v?8 3HJ. 3N0 OJ. 38 TIVHS S31V8 3H.L J.0VJ.NO0 NI .LON S3LL) 3003 .L?0-838l3 3HJ. NO 030V'ld MVEIJS 30 M08 30 .LSISNO0 TIVHS .LN3WI03S MVEIJS 3H.L A8 SV 0 0NV 3H.L NI SV '5 A00883JVM TIV J.V SSOEIOV 0 NI '5 f03033N SV 80 SWV38J.S 0NV N33M.L38 0 5AVM-30-JHOIEI 3H.L OJ. 38V 03NOIJN3W-3AO8V 3HJ. ANV 383HM 3003 AVM-JO-JHOIEI 3HJ. '5 0NV 3AO8V TIV _-lO 3SV8 3HJ. 8* ONIMOTIOJ 3HJ. J.V 38 AVW 3?lV8 MVEIJS OJ. 80 ?ll SV .LV 83d N3000M 30 A08d O.L 08VMOJ. 310NV NVHJ 38 1an 2 3.LON NI SV S31V8 MVEIJS NI 0 0 80 .luv I M, I I A AHVLNEWICIES (3?I?v?8 838 so GNnog MM 8V838 80 N3000M as Gm 101:: Mpmsow FILE: Master.dwg PLOT DATE: 12/15/2014 BY: GIBUN, JOHN EXISTING DRAIN TILE TEMPORARY SUPPORT (IF NECESSARY) LINE 30? PIPELINE . .. . . . RIGID PVC PIPE OR DOUBLE WALL TRENCH REPAIR BELL HOLE CORRUGATED PLASTIC PIPE (TYPICAL) SLIP COUPLINGS FOR END CONNECTIONS RIGID PVC PIPE OR DOUBLE WALL CORRUGATED PLASTIC PIPE WITH TEMPORARY SUPPORT 8c SLIP TEMPORARY SUPPORT COUPLINGS FOR END CONNECTIONS NECESSARY) REPAIR EXISTING PIPE 12? OVERLAP (TYPICAL) NATURAL GROUND A Imam SAND BAG ?24? MINIMUM CLEARANCE (IF NECESSARY) PIPELINE CROSS SECTION N.T.s. NQTES: 1. IMMEDIATELY REPAIR TILE IF WATER IS FLOWING THROUGH TILE AT TIME OF TRENCHING. 2. SCREEN ALL EXPOSED ENDS OF TILE LINES. 6% DAKOTA ACCESS, LLC am 0 12/15/14 JEG ISSUED FOR USE RC TYPICAL PROJECT No, TEMPORARY DRAIN TILE REPAIR (TDR) DRAWN BY: DAH DATE: 08/05/14 DWG. N0. REV. WOOD GRUP MUSIANGI INC CHECKED BY: DAH DATE: 08/05/14 PROJECT No: 10395700 SCALE: N.T.S. APPS FILE: Master.dwg PLOT DATE: 12/15/2014 BY: GIBUN, JOHN 1. CATTLE AND LIVESTOCK MUST BE MOVED TO ANOTHER PASTURE OR TEMPORARY FENCED AREA AND THEY MUST CROSS THE RIGHT-OF-WAY, THEN TRENCH WILL BE BRIDGED AND TEMPORARY FENCING WILL BE INSTALLED. ?3 DAKOTA ACCESS, LLC An ENERGY 0 12/15/14 JEG ISSUED FOR USE RC TYPICAL DATE BY CHK- TEMPORARY FENCE DETAIL FOR PROJECT No. WOVEN WIRE BARBED WIRE FENCES DRAWN BY: DAH IDATE: 08/07/14 ch. NO. REV. WOOD GROUP INC- CHECKED BY: DAH IDATE: 08/07/14 PROJECT N0: 10395700 SCALE: N.T.s. IAPP.: I P12-4 OOLQSEOI 133P08d '3Nl 000M 03)l03H0 HVCI 1A8 NMVEICI 9-th "ddv' rt/Lo/soalval :31va lOElf?OEld 3HIM ?9 3?l M N3AOM QTI ?ll?v?i3Cl SH3NMO 83d V38V 80 3801998 83H10NV 38 AVW CINV 03801838 38 TIVHS 83d 38 OJ. AVM .LHOIEI N0 TIV '3NI'I3dld 3H.L OJ. 3ON33 3H1 N0 ONLLSIX3 838WON 38? 30 3WVS 3H.L 3? CINV 300W) ONLLSIX3 80 ONLLSIX3 SV HS3W M3N 38 TIVHS S3ON33 TIV ONINIOPCIV 38 30 CIN3 HOV3 .LV lSOd 831N30 .Ol 30 38 OJ. lSOd Ol .LHOI3H 3AVH 3? 3GV89 M0138 30 WDWINIW 180W M3N TIV Ix. ?Nnalo 1A8 zalva .lO'ld ?mp'msow FILE: Master.dwg PLOT DATE: 12/15/2014 BY: GIBUN, JOHN I4 50? A 150? A 50? H, II II ATWS I 2 DEWATERING ?2 SILT FENCE II ALONG II I TOP BANK I I lo) II TOP OF BANK . II II Y1 USE WATER 4: I USE WATER BARRIER QM I BARRIER i: I I . STREAM . I FLOW FLUME I: I PIPE BANK to II II II PROPOSED V0 II PIPELINE SILT FENCE ALONG . I TOP BANK I ATWS I - RARY N.T.S. II II FL 6" MIN. (TYP.) II FLUME PIPE I 2 119*: NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN STREAM FLOW AT STREAM BED ALL TIMES. I 2. ALL WATER BARRIERS SHALL BE REMOVED 30.. PIPE INSTALLATION OF CROSSING AND STREAM BED AND BANKS SHALL BE RESTORED TO ORIGINAL $9119? SHAPE AND ELEVATION. N.T.S. - 3. SIZE OF FLUME PIPE MUST BE SUFFICIENT FOR CONTROL FLOW, (SILT FENCE, STRAW BALES OR SANDBAGS). f. DAKOTA ACCESS, LLC An ENERGY 0 12/15/14 JEG ISSUED FOR USE RC TYPICAL IREV. DATE BY DESCRIPTION CHK. PROJECT No. TEMPORARY FLUME CROSSING DRAWN BY: DAH IDATE: 08/07/14 N0. REV. WOOD GROUP INC- CHECKED BY: DAH IDATE: 08/07/14 P1 2 6 0 PROJECT N0: 10395700 SCALE: N.T.S. IAPP.: I I 50' 150' SILT FENCE ALONO . I TOP BANK TRENCH 8 Am DEWATERING I STREAM BYPASS USE WATER BARRIER 3 II. SIREAM - 55. FLOW BANK SI PROPOSED PIPELINE I TOP BANK :8 ATVIS I I I 50' IL MW N.T.s. NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN STREAM AT ALL TIMES. FLE: Momma-g PLOT DATE- 3/6/2015 BY: CIBLIN. .IOI-II 2. ALL WATER BARRIERS SHALL BE REMOVED AFTER INSTALLATION OF CROSSING AND STREAM BED SLPEIAVLL BE RESTORED TO ORIGINAL AN ATION. 3. SIZE OF PUMPS STREAM BYPASS LINE MUST EROSION CONTROL DEVICE BE SUFFICIENT FOR FLOW. (SILT FENCE. STRAW BALES 0R SANDBAGS). I I: DAKOTA ACCESS. LLC I II lulu/Isl .IEO ISSUED FOR USE SK 17pm ME I DESCRIPIION CHIS PROPOSDJ PIPEUNE I PROJECT N0. PROPOSED PIPEIJNE DAM AND PUMP CROSSING IDATE: 00/07/14 N0. REV. PROJECT SCALE: N.T.S. APP.: A -s-l-N :mvos ioar?oad L-Z ld . . *l/10/90 ?Va? 03mm '?Nl (HIGHS 000M :31v0 HVCI as NMVEICI AEI 08 380 80.4 03033: 939 fl/Ql/Zl 0 UV DTI 9? MOTIV SV NOOS SV EIO ?vZ EICIVW 38 HSEIHJ. 3H1 _-lO 3H1 2/ SEIHOVEIEI .LNEIWICIEIS 80 HWOOEIG NEIHM 80 38 180W STIOEI 80 0.L TIV 'l 3310N awe msnovxaad CIEIVMOJ. 3>ms 310W ?2 .Z OJ. ?Z/l SEMVLS 80 NO (333de CEILL ?17 NEIGOOM 80 l3>10 c as :31v0 .lO'ld ?mp'Jaxsow FILE: Master.dwg PLOT DATE: 12/15/2014 BY: GIBUN, JOHN 991+?! EROSION CONTROL DEVICE . PLACE STRAW BALES SO THEY ARE EFFECTIVE BUT DO NOT HINDER CONSTRUCTION. INSTALLATIONS AT VEHICLE CROSSINGS OF WATERBODIES AND WETLANDS WATERBODY OR 10? MIN. ?10? MIN. I PROPOSED PIPELINE STRAW BALE SEDIMENT .I. .II. . STRAW BALES OR ACROSS KEYED INTO VEHICLE MAINTAINED DRIVABLE DRIVABLE EARTH BERM CROSSING EARTH BERM ACROSS . VEHICLE CROSSING ELAN II II STRAW BALES OR MAINTAINED DRIVABLE EARTH BERM ACROSS VEHICLE CROSSING (SILT FENCE, STRAW BALES OR SANDBAGS). WATERBODY OR NOTES: IF NECESSARY, A 15' GAP IN STRAW BALE BARRIERS SHALL BE PROVIDED, AS NEEDED, TO ACCOMMODATE TRAFFIC ON TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ROADS. THE GAP SHALL BE CLOSED AT THE END OF EACH WORK DAY USING STRAW BALE BARRIERS, OR A DRIVABLE EARTH BERM TIED INTO ADJACENT STRAW BALES. THE BALES USED TO CLOSE THE GAP SHALL BE PLACED ON THE UPHILL SIDE OF THE STRAW BALE BARRIER, THE END BALES OF THE GAP SEGMENT SHALL OVERLAP A MINIMUM OF 12?. A MAINTAINED DRIVABLE EARTH BERM MAY BE INSTALLED ACROSS VEHICLE CROSSING IN LIEU OF STRAW BALES DURING ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION. BERM MUST BE TIED INTO STRAW BALES. BERM MUST BE MAINTAINED TO ENSURE SEDIMENT TRAPPING CAPACITY. WHEN ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE, INSTALL STRAW BALES ACROSS ENTIRE R.O.W. MONITOR FOR UNDERMINING OR INSPECT BALE POSITION TO ASSURE THAT THEY REMAIN CLOSE TOGETHER. MAINTAIN STRAW BALE BARRIERS BY REPLACING DAMAGED BALES AND REMOVING SEDIMENT LOAD. WHEN SEDIMENT LOAD IS GREATER THAN 1/3 THE HEIGHT OF THE BARRIER, SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED AND PLACED IN AN AREA WHERE IT SHALL NOT REENTER THE BARRIER OR A WATERWAY. IF SEDIMENT BEHIND STRAW BALE BARRIERS CANNOT BE REMOVED, A SECOND ROW OF BALES SHALL BE INSTALLED UPSLOPE OF THE BARRIER. WHERE STRAW BALES AND SILT FENCE ARE INSTALLED AS A UNIT, THE STRAW BALES SHALL BE INSTALLED ON THE DOWN SLOPE SIDE OF THE SILT FENCE. EROSION CONTROL STRUCTURES SHALL BE INSPECTED DAILY IN AREAS OF ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION. STRUCTURES SHALL BE INSPECTED WEEKLY AT INACTIVE CONSTRUCTION AREAS AND WITHIN 24 HOURS OF EACH RAINFALL EVENT WITH 0.5 INCH OR MORE. STRUCTURES SHALL BE REPAIRED AS NECESSARY. STRAW BALE BARRIERS SHALL BE REMOVED ONLY AS DIRECTED BY THE PIPELINE INSPECTOR. DAKOTA ACCESS, LLC An ENERGY 12/15/14 JEG ISSUED FOR USE RC TYPICAL IREV. DATE BY DESCRIPTION CHK. EROSION CONTROL PROJECT No, STRAW BALE SEDIMENT BARRIER DRAWN BY: DAH CHECKED BY: DAH SCALE: N.T.S. DATE: 08/07/14 DWG. N0. DATE: 08 o7 14 REV. 0 WOOD OROUP MUSTANG. INC. PROJECT N0: 10395700 FILE: Master.dwg PLOT DATE: 12/15/2014 BY: GIBUN, JOHN RIPRAP TO TOP OF WELL GRADED RIPRAP INSTALLED TO a 00 WATERCOURSE @590 1 oogo 1.5 To SECURE PLACE LARGER ROCKS AT SLOPE (MAX.) BASE AND ON FACE ,0 9?00 FILTER FABRIC 3 30. GRAVEL LAYER 0 :99" 0,93%) I?Lan Mm EXTEND BELOW DEPTH OF SCOUR AND ABOVE DESIGN FLOOD LEVEL TOE TRENCH SEQIIQN A-A VW I 2 .03 8 (I: PIPELINE 8 3 L1. A ?113:1. 5 {ml [iridil? 31:11 m: 51:: Puma 5m Penn: 2 (lulu-1 sun-r [Inch-0) chum-.1 smug 20 1! MIT 36 IS 110-90 22 50-50 29 55-35 443W 1030 24 13-50 ID 0110 :11 0-5 10 10-15 15 0-: 11 0-: 0-2 NQIESJ 1. STREAM BANK RIPRAP STRUCTURES SHALL CONSIST OF A LAYER OF STONE UNDERLAIN WITH APPROVED GEOTEXTILE FILTER FABRIC OR A GRAVEL FILTER BLANKET DESIGNED TO PROTECT AND STABILIZE AREAS PRONE TO EROSION. 2. GRAVEL FILTER BLANKET SHALL MEET THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS: HAVE A PERMEABILITY GREATER THAN THAT OF THE SUBGRADE IF A WELL-GRADED GRAVEL OR SAND-GRAVEL LAYER IS USED, THE LAYER SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 6" THICK AND SPREAD IN A UNIFORM LAYER OVER THE IF WATER TURBULENCE COULD RESULT IN EROSION OF BANK MATERIAL BETWEEN LARGE ROCKS (AS DETERMINED BY THE REPRESENTATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTOR), A GEOTEXTILE FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE USED BETWEEN THE GRAVEL LAYER AND THE RIPRAP. 3. THE GEOTEXTILE FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE PERMATEX 4000 SERIES OR AN APPROVED EQUIVALENT MEETING THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS: A BE COMMERCIAL QUALITY NONWOVEN FABRIC DESIGNED FOR RIPRAP BE A MINIMUM OF 20 MILS IN HAVE A GRAB STRENGTH BETWEEN 90 TO 120 HAVE A GREATER THAN 4% OPEN AREA (U.S. STANDARD SIEVE NUMBER 100 (0.15 HAVE A DENSITY OF 8 02. PER SQUARE YARD. 4. THE USE OF RIPRAP SHALL BE LIMITED TO AREAS WHERE FLOWING CONDITIONS PREVENT EFFECTIVE VEGETATIVE STABILIZATION TECHNIQUES. a 0 12/15/14 JEG ISSUED FOR USE RC TYPICAL IREV. DATE BY DESCRIPTION CHK. EROSION CONTROL PROJECT No. RIPRAP AT WATERBODY BANKS DRAWN BY: DAH IDATE: 08/07/14 ch. NO. REV. WOOD GROUP lNc- CHECKED BY: DAH IDATE: 08/07/14 PROJECT N0: 10395700 SCALE: N.T.s. IAPP.: I P12-9 FILE: Master.dwg PLOT DATE: 12/15/2014 BY: GIBUN, JOHN If 7 HAY BALES OR EARTH 3 AT TOP OF SLO 1&1 HAY BALES ON STEEPER SLOPES HAY BALES OR EARTH BERM DIVERSIONS HAY BALES ON MIDSPAN POSITIONS HAY BALE OR SILT FENCE SEDIMENT TRAP 1 ?53" \3 Ag: 1. OUTLET INTO AREAS STABILIZED BY DEGREES EXISTING VEGETATION OR INSTALL 5_15 300 ft. MAX. STAKED FENCE. 15?30 200 ft. MAX. 2. TOPSOIL MAY NOT BE USED FOR SLOPE BEARKERS. 30 100 ft- MAX- DAKOTA ACCESS, LLC 0 12/15/14 JEG ISSUED FOR USE RC TYPICAL IREV. DATE BY DESCRIPTION CHK. PROJECT No, SLOPE DIRRECTION WITH SLOPE DRAWN BY: DAH IDATE: 08/07/14 ch. No. REV. WOOD GROUP lNc- CHECKED IDATE: 08/07/14 P12 10 0 PROJECT N0: 10395700 SCALE: N.T.s. IAPP.: I FILE: Master.dwg PLOT DATE: 12/15/2014 BY: GIBUN, JOHN FILTER FABRIC (COMPACTED) POLE 5. COUPLER POLES FILTER FABRIC 4' me SEE DETAIL NATIVE SOIL . DAKOTA ACCESS, LLC 0 12/15/14 JEG ISSUED FOR USE RC TYPICAL IREV. DATE BY DESCRIPTION CHK. PROJECT NO. DRAWN BY: DAH IDATE: 08/07/14 IDWG. N0. REV. WOOD GROUP lNc- CHECKED IDATE: 08/07/14 P12 1 1 0 PROJECT N0: 10395700 SCALE: N.T.s. IAPP.: I FILE: Master.dwg PLOT DATE: 12/15/2014 BY: GIBUN, JOHN T-BAR OR STAKE APPROXIMATELY 5' 6/0 AEELTOEE BOLECEJ 10' MIN. DETAILS BELOW RUNOFF SIDE VIEW OF SILT FENCE OR STAKE FILTER FABRIC T-BAR OR STAKE FILL WITHOUT TRENCH IN ROCKY AREAS ONLY MIN. 6? WITH TRENCH GENERALLY WHEN A LONG SEDIMENT BARRIER IS REQUIRED, SILT FENCE WILL BE UTILIZED RATHER THAN STRAW BALES AT: 0THE BASE OF ALL SLOPES ABOVE ROADS, SPRINGS, WETLANDS, IMPOUNDMENTS AND PERENNIAL AND INTERMITTENT STREAMS. DOWN SLOPE RIGHT-OF-WAY EDGE WHERE ANY OF THE ABOVE MENTIONED LOCATIONS ARE ADJACENT TO THE R.0.W.BOUNDARIES 0F WETLAND CONSTRUCTION. OACROSS CONSTRUCTION R.0.W. AT ALL WATERBODY CROSSINGS. OAS SPECIFIED IN THE SPILL PREVENTION, CONTAINMENT, AND COUNTERMEASURE PLAN. -AS DIRECTED BY THE INSPECTOR. THE SILT FENCE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AS FOLLOWS: USED FOR THE SILT FENCE SHALL BE A GEOTEXTILE, SUCH AS MIRAFI 100X OR AN APPROVED EQUIVALENT. FABRIC SHALL BE CUT FROM A CONTINUOUS FABRIC ROLL. HEIGHT OF THE FENCE SHALL NOT EXCEED 36". SHALL ONLY BE DONE AT POSTS AND SHALL CONSIST OF A MINIMUM OF 6" OF OVERLAP WITH BOTH ENDS SECURED TO THE POST. SHALL BE POSITIONED A MAXIMUM OF 5' APART. OPOSTS SHALL CONSIST OF WOODEN STAKES OF SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO EXTEND A MINIMUM OF 12" INTO THE GROUND. SHALL BE STAPLED OR WIRED TO POSTS A MAXIMUM OF EVERY THE SILT FENCE SHALL BE INSTALLED AS SPECIFIED BY THE MANUFACTURER OR AS FOLLOWS: 0A TRENCH, 4? WIDE AND 6? DEEP, SHALL BE EXCAVATED ALONG THE CONTOUR. THE POST SHALL BE DRIVEN INTO THE BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH ON THE SIDE OF THE FILTER FABRIC. THE TRENCH SHALL BE BACK FILLED AND COMPACTED, ENSURING 6? OF FENCE IS BURIED WITHIN THE TRENCH. AREAS WHERE THE TERRAIN IS TOO ROCKY FOR TRENCHING, A 4? GROUND FLAP WITH ROCK FILL TO HOLD IT IN PLACE SHALL BE USED. ALL CONTROL DEVICES SIMILAR TO SILT FENCE OR FIBER ROLLS MUST BE REPAIRED, REPLACED, OR SUPPLEMENTED WHEN THEY BECOME NONFUNCTIONAL OR THE SEDIMENT REACHES 1/3 OF THE HEIGHT OF THE DEVICE. THESE REPAIRS MUST BE MADE WITHIN 24 HOURS OF DISCOVERY, OR AS SOON AS FIELD CONDITIONS ALLOW ACCESS. DAKOTA ACCESS, LLC An ENERGY 12/15/14 JEG ISSUED FOR USE RC TYPICAL IREV. DATE BY DESCRIPTION CHK. EROSION CONTROL PROJECT No, SILT FENCE SEDIMENT BARRIER DRAWN BY: DAH CHECKED BY: DAH SCALE: N.T.S. IDATE: 08/07/14 N0. IDATE: 08/07/14 WP, I P12-12 REV. 0 WOOD GROUP MUSTANG. INC. PROJECT N0: 10395700 FILE: Master.dwg PLOT DATE: 12/15/2014 BY: GIBUN, JOHN FLow TOP OF GROUND SILT FENCE STAKED STRAW BALES PROTECTED RESOURCE AREA KEY FABRIC ALONG TRENCH AWAY FROM STRAW BACKFILL AND TAMP. BALES. WHERE EXTREMELY ERODIBLE SOIL CONDITIONS EXIST AND AT THE DIRECTION OF THE INSPECTOR, A COMBINED STRAW BALE AND SILT FENCE SEDIMENT CONTROL BARRIER SHALL BE INSTALLED. 2. ALL CONTROL DEVICES SIMILAR TO SILT FENCE OR FIBER ROLLS MUST BE REPAIRED, REPLACED, OR SUPPLEMENTED WHEN THEY BECOME NONFUNCTIONAL OR THE SEDIMENT REACHES 1/3 OF THE HEIGHT OF THE DEVICE. THESE REPAIRS MUST BE MADE WITHIN 24 HOURS OF DISCOVERY, 0R AS SOON AS FIELD CONDITIONS ALLOW ACCESS. . DAKOTA ACCESS, LLC 0 12/15/14 JEG ISSUED FOR USE RC TYPICAL IREV. DATE BY DESCRIPTION CHK. PROJECT N0. STRAW BALE AND SILT FENCE DRAWN BY: DAH IDATE: 08/07/14 IDWG. N0. REV. WOOD GROUP lNc- CHECKED IDATE: 08/07/14 P12 13 0 PROJECT N0: 10395700 SCALE: N.T.s. IAPP.: I FILE: Master.dwg PLOT DATE: 12/ 15/2014 BY: GIBUN, JOHN PROPOSED PERMANENT PROPOSED TEMPORARY WORKSPACE EASEMENT WORKSPACE A 25 #4 25 EXCAVATION A 1o, TOP OF TRENCH 9 NATURAL 1.. GROUND CONSTRUCTION WILL TYPICALLY BE 125 FEET WIDE CONSISTING OF 50 FEET PERMANENT EASEMENT AND UP TO 50 FEET OF TEMPORARY WORKSPACE. EXTRA TEMPORARY WORK SPACE WILL BE NECESSARY AT MAJOR ROAD, RAIL AND RIVER CROSSINGS AND OTHER SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES, AS REQUIRED. CERTAIN SITUATIONS MAY REQUIRE A NARROWER WIDTH. UTILIZE THE TOPSOIL SALVAGE METHOD AT LOCATIONS SUCH AS RIPARIAN AREAS OR UNMANAGED WOODLAND, WHERE IDENTIFIED ON THE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS, OR AS DIRECTED BY THE PIPELINE INSPECTOR. THE TRENCH ONLY METHOD IS NOT TO BE USED ON AGRICULTURAL LAND EXCEPT AS DIRECTED BY THE INSPECTOR (PER LANDOWNER REQUEST). FOR TRENCH ONLY STRIPPING, THE STRIPPED AREA SHALL BE WIDE ENOUGH TO ACCOMMODATE TRENCHING EQUIPMENT. DEPTH OF TOPSOIL STRIPPING NOT TO EXCEED 12 INCHES. STOCKPILE TOPSOIL AS SHOWN OR IN ANY CONFIGURATION APPROVED BY THE PIPELINE INSPECTOR. KEEP TOPSOIL AND SPOIL PILES CLEAN OF ALL CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS. MAINTAIN A MINIMUM 12 INCHES OF SEPERATION BETWEEN TOPSOIL AND TRENCH SPOIL PILES. LEAVE GAPS IN TOPSOIL AND SPOIL PILES AT OBVIOUS DRAINAGES. DO NOT PUSH UPLAND SOILS INTO CREEKS 0R WETLANDS. DO NOT USE TOPSOIL FOR PADDING. AVOID SCALPING VEGETATED GROUND SURFACE WHEN BACKFILLING SPOIL AND TOPSOIL PILES. SAME LAYOUT APPLIES WHERE CONSTRUCTION R.O.W. DOES NOT ABUT EXISTING R.O.W. TEMPORARILY SUSPEND TOPSOIL HANDLING OPERATIONS DURING INORDINATELY WINDY CONDITIONS UNTIL MITIGATIVE MEASURES TO MINIMIZE WIND EROSION CAN BE IMPLEMENTED. TOPSOIL AND TRENCH SPOIL RELATIVE POSITIONS CAN, AS DIRECTED BY THE PIPELINE INSPECTOR, BE REVERSED. a DAKOTA ACCESS, LLC An ENERGY 12/15/14 JEG ISSUED FOR USE RC TYPICAL IREV. DATE BY DESCRIPTION CHK. CONSTRUCTION RIGHT-OF-WAY ARRANGEMENT PROJECT NO. (DOUBLE DITCH) DRAWN BY: DAH CHECKED BY: DAH SCALE: N.T.S. IDATE: 08/07/14 No. IDATE: 08/07/14 I P12-14 REV. 0 WOOD GROUP MUSTANG. INC. PROJECT N0: 10395700 FILE: Master.dwg PLOT DATE: 12/15/2014 BY: GIBUN, JOHN 1 50' 25? 50? 75? 7 PROPOSED PERMANENT PROPOSED TEMPORARY WORKSPACE EASEMENT WORKSPACE A 25 25 EXCAVATION 10? TOPSPOIL of TRENCH NATURAL GROUND O: i .. 0 1.1.1 0 ?5 CL 5? 5? NQIESS CONSTRUCTION WILL TYPICALLY BE 150 FEET WIDE CONSISTING OF 50 FEET PERMANENT EASEMENT AND UP TO 75 FEET OF TEMPORARY WORKSPACE. EXTRA TEMPORARY WORK SPACE WILL BE NECESSARY AT MAJOR ROAD, RAIL AND RIVER CROSSINGS AND OTHER SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES, AS REQUIRED. CERTAIN SITUATIONS MAY REQUIRE A NARROWER WIDTH. 2, UTILIZE THE TOPSOIL SALVAGE METHOD AT LOCATIONS SUCH AS RIPARIAN AREAS OR UNMANAGED WOODLAND, WHERE IDENTIFIED ON THE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS, 0R AS DIRECTED BY THE PIPELINE INSPECTOR. 3. THE TRENCH ONLY METHOD IS NOT TO BE USED ON AGRICULTURAL LAND EXCEPT AS DIRECTED BY THE INSPECTOR (PER LANDOWNER REQUEST). 4. FOR TRENCH ONLY STRIPPING, THE STRIPPED AREA SHALL BE WIDE ENOUGH TO ACCOMMODATE TRENCHING EQUIPMENT. 5, DEPTH OF TOPSOIL STRIPPING NOT TO EXCEED 12 INCHES. 6. STOCKPILE TOPSOIL AS SHOWN OR IN ANY CONFIGURATION APPROVED BY THE PIPELINE INSPECTOR. KEEP TOPSOIL AND SPOIL PILES CLEAN OF ALL CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS. MAINTAIN A MINIMUM 12 INCHES OF SEPERATION BETWEEN TOPSOIL AND SUBSOIL PILES. 7. LEAVE GAPS IN TOPSOIL AND SPOIL PILES AT OBVIOUS DRAINAGES. DO NOT PUSH UPLAND SOILS INTO CREEKS OR WETLANDS. DO NOT USE TOPSOIL FOR PADDING. 8, AVOID SCALPING VEGETATED GROUND SURFACE WHEN BACKFILLING SPOIL AND TOPSOIL PILES. 9. SAME LAYOUT APPLIES WHERE CONSTRUCTION R.O.W. DOES NOT ABUT EXISTING ROW. 10. TEMPORARILY SUSPEND TOPSOIL HANDLING OPERATIONS DURING INORDINATELY WINDY CONDITIONS UNTIL MITIGATIVE MEASURES TO MINIMIZE WIND EROSION CAN BE IMPLEMENTED. 11. TOPSOIL AND TRENCH SPOIL RELATIVE POSITIONS CAN, AS DIRECTED BY THE PIPELINE INSPECTOR, BE REVERSED. DAKOTA ACCESS, LLC 0 12/15/14 JEG ISSUED FOR USE RC TYPICAL DATE BY CHK- CONSTRUCTION RIGHT-OF-WAY ARRANGEMENT PROJECT No. (TRIPLE DRAWN BY: DAH IDATE: 08/07/14 N0. REV. WOOD GROUP lNc- CHECKED IDATE: 08/07/14 P12 15 0 PROJECT N0: 10395700 SCALE: N.T.s. IAPP.: I FILE: Master.dwg PLOT DATE: 12/15/2014 BY: GIBUN, JOHN APPROXIMATELY 300ENTRY POINT A DRILL RIG MUD PUMPS CONSOLE MUD PIT GENERATOR - FRAC TANKS - DRILL DRILLING MUD CRANE (PALLETS) - PARTS VAN - PARKING - MUD CLEANING UNIT MUD MIXING TANK - OFFICE TRAILER - CONTAINMENT BERM APPROXIMATELY 300' PIPE II II II Ii! POINT APPROXIMATELY 300' A I EXIT PIT LIFT EQUIPMENT WELDING AREA - MUD PIT MUD CLEANING GENERATOR FRAC TANKS CONTAINMENT BERM I SET UP DRILLING EQUIPMENT A MINIMUM OF 300 FROM THE EDGE OF THE WATERCOURSE. DO NOT CLEAR 0R GRADE WITHIN THE 100 FOOT ZONE. ENTRY EXIT POINT POINT WATERBODY CONCEPTUAL PIPE PROFILE 30? MIN. DEPTH ERQELLE .NDIESE PROJECT N0: 10395700 SCALE: 2. DO NOT ALLOW THE USE OF ANY ADDITIVES TO THE DRILLING MUD WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE APPROPRIATE REGULATORY AUTHORITIES AND CLIENTS REPRESENTATIVE. 3. INSTALL SUITABLE DRILLING MUD TANKS 0R SUMPS TO PREVENT CONTAMINATION 0F WATERCOURSE. 4. INSTALL BERMS DOWNSLOPE FROM THE DRILL ENTRY AND ANTICIPATED EXIT POINTS TO CONTAIN ANY RELEASE OF DRILUNG MUD. 5- DISPOSE 0F DRILLING MUD IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROPRIATE REGULATORY AUTHORITY REQUIREMENTS. DAKOTA ACCESS, LLC An ENERGY 0 12/15/14 JEG ISSUED FOR USE RC TYPICAL IREV. DATE BY DESCRIPTION CHK. WATERBODY CROSSING PROJECT No. HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILL DRAWN BY: DAH IDATE: 08/07/14 ch. NO. REV. WOOD GROUP lNc- CHECKED IDATE: 08/07/14 I P12-16 APP.: FILE: Master.dwg PLOT DATE: 12/15/2014 BY: GIBUN, JOHN STANDARD R.O.W. WIDTH NOTES: ALTERNATE TOPSOI TRENCH SPOIL PILE IRENCH (g TRENCH SPOIL PILE ATWS TRENCH BORING MACHINE _l OVERSIZE I BELLHOLE TOPSOIL OR CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT STORAGE AREA WHERE REQUIRED EROSION CONTROL DEVICE (SILT FENCE, STRAW BALES OR SANDBAGS). SUBSOIL 8 095353553 ROAD, RAILROAD, ETC. CROSSING ?363 ?3538 PIAN BORING MACHINE N.T.S. PROFILE N.T.S. BELLHOLE 2% SUBSOIL PROPOSED PIPELINE ml? 50' STANDARD R.O.W. WIDTH 1. STRIP TOPSOIL FROM BELLHOLE AREA IN UNMANAGED WOODLANDS. STRIP TOPSOIL FROM THE BELLHOLE AND SPOIL STORAGE AREA ON AGRICULTURAL LAND. 2. EXCAVATE BELLHOLE, STORING TRENCH SPOIL ON OPPOSITE SIDE OF FROM TOPSOIL, OR ADJACENT TO TOPSOIL MAINTAINING A 12" MINIMUM SEPARATION TO AVOID MIXING TOPSOIL AND TRENCH SPOIL. 3. AFTER COMPLETION OF PIPE BACKFILL AND COMPACT. LEAVE A CROWN TO ALLOW FOR SUBSIDENCE. 4. INSTALL TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL PROCEDURES AS SPECIFIED BY THE PIPELINE INSPECTOR. a a DAKOTA ACCESS, LLC An ENERGY TOPSOIL SALVAGE CROSSING BORE (CB) DWG. N0. P12-17 0 12/15/14 JEG ISSUED FOR USE RC TYPICAL IREV. DATE BY DESCRIPTION CHK. PROJECT NO. DRAWN BY: DAH DATE: 08/07/14 Wm? GROUP ENC CHECKED BY: DAH DATE: 08/07/14 PROJECT N0: 10395700 SCALE: N.T.S. APP.: REV. I SIN :mvos 103r?08d 0 81-3ch I 31"? 03mm '3Nl 000M H/Lo/sozzuvaI 3cm 3OGIEI8 AGO8EI31VM ?Ho Noudmsga 3M. My. O8 380 803 aanssn 93? ?/Sl/Zl AOH3N3 UV OTI . MOTIV SV NOOS SV 80 SHOOH ?t'Z 38 .Lan 3H.L .LN3WICI3S 3H1 80 3WOO38 N3HM EIO 38 STIOEI 838B EIO Ol TIV '8 OJ. SMNV8 CINV G38 3Zl'll8VlS GNV 3801338 1 A8 SV M008 30 '9 SI O.L SS3OOV CINV CINV SNICIVEIS N33MJ.38 3N0 380W SI 383Hl 38 SI A8 $33?an SV NOOS SV 3AOW38 '9 0380 38 AVW (SOV8GNVS 80 '30N3:l S3OIA3CI MEIOM HOV3 3H1 A8 38 108 NOLLOHELLSNOO MOTIV G3AOW38 38 AVW SEI3I8EIV8 MOV8 W803 'llOcIS ONV 831VM 38 lN3 3H1 SSOEIOV "v .LON S300 ?0380 3?lnSN3 3HOSN3 83A383HM 3H1 CIIOAV Ol 83H10 80 SCIIMS M008 32mm 'Cl3?llno3?l .-ll "2 'All'll8VlS 803 EIOHONV Oi O3EIOHONV 38 TIVHS 'soNIssoao ?3ch NO aasn A'I'IvaaNz-Io SI 390mg :10 3cm sn?u ?l '(sovaost ao sanva mvals m5) m3 1081N00 NOISOEI3 7053 99 9 310M 333 n'rn' wawma 003 33$ 033\ A. ?a ?tr?"n 33S 17 3.LON 338 3.LON 33S ACIO8EI31VM as 101:: ?mpumsow FILE: Master.dwg PLOT DATE: 12/15/2014 BY: GIBUN, JOHN WATERBODY NEED DRIVABLE BERM OR REMOVABLE BARRIER NEED DRIVABLE BERM OR REMOVABLE BARRIER SEE NOTE 4 TH II II 3 L1. ELAN ?l?Mm SEE NOTES 3 8c 6 (TYPICAL) EROSION CONTROL DEVICE (SILT FENCE, STRAW BALES OR SANDBAGS). 1. THIS TYPE OF BRIDGE IS GENERALLY USED ON NARROW CROSSINGS. LESS THAN 20 FEET WIDE WITH APPROPRIATE BANK CONFIGURATION. MULTIPLE MATS MAY BE LAYERED FOR HEAVIER EQUIPMENT CROSSINGS. 2. BRIDGE SHALL BE TEMPORARILY REMOVED IF HIGH WATER RENDERS IT UNSAFE TO USE. 3. IF REQUIRED, UTILIZE APPROACH FILLS OF CLEAN ROCK MATERIAL, SWAMP MATS, SKIDS OR OTHER SUITABLE MATERIALS TO AVOID CUTTING THE BANKS WHEREVER FEASIBLE. ENSURE ADEQUATE FREEBOARD. ENSURE THAT FILL MATERIAL, IF USED, DOES NOT SPILL INTO WATERCOURSE INCLUDING REMOVAL OF DIRT FROM DECK DURING OPERATION. 4. CONSTRUCT SEDIMENT BARRIERS ACROSS THE ENTIRE CONSTRUCTION R.O.W. TO PREVENT SILT LADEN WATER AND SPOIL FORM FLOWING BACK INTO WATERBODY. BARRIERS MAY BE TEMPORARILY REMOVED TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES BUT MUST BE REPLACED BY THE END OF EACH WORK DAY. SILT FENCE, STRAW BALES OR SANDBAGS MAY BE USED INTERCHANGEABLY. 5. REMOVE TIMBER MATS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AFTER PERMANENT SEEDING UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY REPRESENTATIVE. THE STRUCTURE IS TO BE REMOVED IF THERE IS MORE THAN ONE MONTH BETWEEN FINAL GRADING AND SEEDING, AND ALTERNATIVE ACCESS TO THE CONSTRUCTION R.O.W. IS AVAILABLE. 6. DISPOSE OF A ROCK AS DIRECTED BY COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE. 7. RESTORE AND STABILIZE BED AND BANKS TO APPROXIMATE PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS. DAKOTA ACCESS, LLC 0 12/15/14 JEG ISSUED FOR USE RC TYPICAL DATE BY WATERBODY BRIDGE TIMBER MAT (TM) PROJECT NO. I I DRAWN BY: DAH DATE: 08/07/14 DWG. NO. REV. WOOD GROUP lNc- CHECKED IDATE: 08/07/14 P12 19 0 PROJECT N0: 10395700 SCALE: N.T.s. IAPP.: I FILE: Master.dwg PLOT DATE: 12/15/2014 BY: GIBUN, JOHN SEE NOTE 2 SEE NOTE 2 BAC FI LL PIPE DITCH SEE NOTE 6 TOPSOIL A A PIPE DIA. TAPE WIDTH 6" 24? 12? 8" 24? 12? 10" 24? 12? 12" 24? 12" 14" 24? 12" 16" 24" 12" PIPE DIA. TAPE WIDTH 20PIPELINE MARKING TAPE SHALL BE INSTALLED AT OPEN CUT ROAD AND UTILITY CROSSINGS AND AT ALL CLASS 2, 3 4 LOCATIONS, OR AS DIRECTED BY COMPANY. . TAPE IS TO BE INSTALLED 1 FOOT BELOW GRADE EXCEPT IN AGRICULTURAL AREAS, WHERE IT SHALL BE LAID BELOW GRADE. FOR CONVENIENCE, TAPE CAN BE INSTALLED LEVEL AT ROAD CROSSINGS. 1 FOOT BELOW ROAD DITCHES. . TAPE IS TO BE INSTALLED ACROSS AND 15 FEET UPSTREAM AND 0R ROAD OR UTILITY INCLUDING EXPOSED PORTION OF BORED CROSSINGS. IF NO EXISTS. . GAP BETWEEN ADJACENT TAPES SHALL BE . TAPE IS TO BE INSTALLED 15 FEET UPSTREAM AND OF UTILITY CROSSING . TOP OF BACKFILL SHALL BE AS LEVEL AS POSSIBLE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF TAPE. . DAKOTA ACCESS, LLC 0 12/15/14 JEG ISSUED FOR USE RC TYPICAL I . . REV DATE BY CHK PIPELINE MARKING INSTALLATION PROJECT NO. DRAWN BY: DAH IDATE: 08/07/14 IDWG. N0. REV. WOOD GROUP lNc- CHECKED IDATE: 08/07/14 P12 20 0 PROJECT N0: 10395700 SCALE: N.T.s. IAPP.: I FILE: Master.dwg PLOT DATE: 12/15/2014 BY: GIBUN, JOHN 1. 2. .NDJISJ SEE NOTE #5 i a r? EXISTING (I. CROSSING RAMP 3 .o I I I GRANULAR I I FILL, STABLE SOIL OR I MATTING TIMBER I I I I I .I APPROXIMATE EDGE OF COMPACTED GRANULAR FILL. STABLE SOIL OR N.T.S. MATTING TIMBER 15' MIN. 15? MIN. I . 12? MIN. (TYP.) . MN COMPACTED GRANULAR FILL, STABLE SOIL OR SEE NOTE #5 MATTING TIMBER (L EXISTING N.T.S. CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY EXISTING COMPANY PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF CROSSING RAMP. LENGTH OF RAMP TO VARY IN ACCORDANCE WITH CROSSING ANGLE. MINIMUM CROSSING ANGLE TO BE 45 DEGREES. . VEHICLES OR EQUIPMENT USING CROSSINGS SHALL PROCEED SLOWLY WITH CAUTION TO MINIMIZE IMPACT LOADING REDUCTION ON DEPTH 0F COVER OVER UTILITY. . ON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION, CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE COMPLETE RAMP RESTORE AREA TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE EXISTING COMPANY 8: THE CUENT INSPECTOR. GEOTEXTILE FABRIC GEOTEXTILE GRID WHERE REQUIRED) SHALL BE INSTALLED TO PROTECT NATIVE TOP SOIL AS DIRECTED BY THE CLIENT INSPECTOR WHEN IMPORTED GRANULAR FILL. NATIVE SUBSOIL FILL OR MATTING TIMBER MATERIAL IS UTIUZED. IMPORTED GRANULAR FILL MATERIAL 0R NATIVE SUBSOIL FILL MATERIAL TO BE REMOVED DISPOSED 0F AS DIRECTED BY THE CUENT INSPECTOR. DAKOTA ACCESS, LLC An ENERGY 0 12/15/14 JEG ISSUED FOR USE RC TYPICAL IREV. DATE BY DESCRIPTION CHK. PROJECT No. OVER EXISTING PIPELINE - UTILITY BY: DAH IDATE: 08/07/14 No. REV. WOOD GROUP MUSTANGI lNc- CHECKED BY: DAI-I IDATE: 08/07/14 PROJECT N0: 10395700 SCALE: N.T.S. IAPP.: I P12-21 FILE: Master.dwg PLOT DATE: 12/15/2014 BY: GIBUN, JOHN TYPICAL PAVED ROAD CROSSING CONTROL DETAILS ROADSIDE DITCH TIRES PLYWOOD MATS FOR EQUIPMENT CROSSING 15' "i ?12 . EDGE OF PAVEMENT . a? v? was SILT FENCE CRUSHED STONE RAMP (WITH FABRIC MAT IN AGRICULTURAL AREAS) T0 CONSTRUCTED FOR ENTRANCE AND EXIT OF VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT. 2. ALL VEHICLES SHALL TRAVEL ON ACCESS RAMP WHEN ENTERING OR EXITING THE 3. STREETS TO BE CLEANED AT THE END OF EACH DAY AS REQUIRED. 4. FLAGGER TO BE PRESENT WHILE TIRES IN ROAD. 5. TIRES ARE TO BE MOVED AFTER TRACK VEHICLES CROSS. E9 DAKOTA ACCESS, LLC 0 12/15/14 JEG ISSUED FOR USE RC TYPICAL I . . REV DATE BY CHK PAVED ROAD CROSSING CONTROL DETAILS PROJECT NO. DRAWN BY: DAH DATE: 08/07/14 DWG. N0. REV. WOOD GROUP iNc- CHECKED DATE: 08/07/14 P12 2 2 0 PROJECT N0: 10395700 SCALE: N.T.S. APP.: - FILE: Master.dwg PLOT DATE: 12/15/2014 BY: GIBUN, JOHN $12 LIMITS OF FORESTED WETLAND BOUNDARY SPOIL AREA .8 1% 11 11 11 RIPELINE 11 . 3 II 1011 II . 3 ?g 1'0 "?11 38 11 II WORK PAD AS REQUIRED "4 SPOIL PILE 50? SADDLE WEIGHTS (IF REQUIRED) CROSS SECTION THROUGH RIGHT-OF-WAY NOTES 1. WORK PAD AND OR EQUIPMENT MATS TO BE INSTALLED AS REQUIRED. 2. STUMPS TO BE REMOVED FROM WORKING a; DAKOTA ACCESS, LLC a? An ENERGY 0 12/15/14 JEG ISSUED FOR USE RC TYPICAL I . . REV DATE BY CHK WETLAND AND UPLAND FORESTED AREAS PROJECT NO. DRAWN BY: DAH DATE: 08/07/14 ch. N0. REV. Wm? GROUP ENC CHECKED BY: DAH DATE: 08/07/14 P1 2 23 0 PROJECT N0: 10395700 SCALE: N.T.S. APP.: - FILE: Master.dwg PLOT DATE: 12/15/2014 BY: GIBUN, JOHN N2 LIMITS OF HERBACEOUS WETLAND BOUNDARY $12 II II II SPOIL AREA II II II 8 8 EXCAVATED TRENCH 8 8 II II II PIPELINE ATWS ATWS IS 1? 150? 150' I: VARIES NTS DITCH WATER TO BE PUMPED FILTER. CLOTH OVERLAIN WITH INTO HAY APRON 0R VECETATION IF SADDLE CLEAN GRANULAR WEIGHTS ARE TO BE UTIUZED WOOD MATS MOVED AHEAD OF (WHERE BACKHOE AS TRENCH IS EXCAVATED SPOIL PILE 3 LIJ c_L I FLOODED OR DRY TRENCH INSTALLED PIPE BOLT ON WEIGHTS (SADDLE WEIGHT MAY BE UTILIZED IF TRENCH CAN BE PUMPED SUCH THAT PIPE IS VISIBLE) NOTES CROSS SECTION THROUGH RIGHT-OF-WAY 1. WORK PAD OF LOG AND OR FILTER CLOTH WITH CRANULAR MATERIAL TO BE CONSTRUCTED FOR ACCESS FOR ALL EQUIPMENT. 2. TRENCH TO BE EXCAVATED BY BACKHOE POSITIONED ON WOOD MATS. 3. PIPE To BE FABRICATED ON WORK PAD WITHIN WEILAND. 5; DAKOTA ACCESS, LLC g? An ENERGY 0 12/15/14 JEG ISSUED FOR USE RC TYPICAL IREV. DATE BY DESCRIPTION CHK. PROJECT NO. DRAWN BY: DAH DATE: 08/07/14 DWG. NO. REV. Wm? BRBUP ENC CHECKED BY: DAH DATE: 08/07/14 P1 2 24 0 PROJECT N0: 10395700 SCALE: N.T.S. APR: FILE: Master.dwg PLOT DATE: 12/15/2014 BY: GIBUN, JOHN Mia?" RIGHT 49:51.? DIVERSICIN ETERM BEYOND THE UT DISTUREAMCE . 1WD #15 8?1? ENVIRONMENTAL END STABILIEED OUTLET SPREADER DR APRDH EPAUNE DEWHMWEU EV DEGREE l?le SLOPE PLAN CDMFACTED SOIL I I 1? NOTES: I. PERMANENT BREHHERS DRAINAGE NJ .5. DUTLET. 2. SPECIHCEITIDNS- BE H-DDIFIEU BY THE TC SUIT 5'71: 3. THE EHALF. AND PERMANENT BREAKERS Oh GREATER APPROXIMATELY 55'; ALI. CIESTURBEU LANDS AT THE REC-UHHENCJEEI SEE-LUNG: I 1le IE IN 97: 5?15 339 20th :55 1-00 "v DAKOTA ACCESS, LLC An ENERGY 0 12/15/14 JEG ISSUED FOR USE RC TYPICAL I . - REV DATE 3* CHK PERMANENT WATER BARS OR TERRACES PROJECT NO. DRAWN BY: DAH IDATE: 08/21/14 IDWG. N0. REV. WOOD GROUP lNc- CHECKED IDATE: 08/21/14 P12 25 0 PROJECT N0: 10395700 SCALE: N.T.S. IAPP.: I - FILE: Master.dwg PLOT DATE: 12/15/2014 BY: GIBUN, JOHN GRADED RIGHT-OF-WAY SAN DBAGS MIN. 2 SACKS WIDE CROWN OVER DITCH RESTORED GRADE EXCEPT WHERE COMPACTION HAS BEEN ACHIEVED DEGREES SPACING 5?15 300 ft. MAX. 15-30 200 ft. MAX. 30 100 ft. MAX. NQIES: . CONSTRUCT 0N SLOPING TERRAIN, AT BASE OF SLOPES ADJACENT TO WATERBODIES, AND AT BOTH SIDES OF WETLAND AND WATERBODY CROSSINGS. PRIOR TO LOWERING PIPE REMOVE ALL DECOMPOSABLE MATERIAL AND LARGE ROCKS. BREAKERS MAY BE COMPOSED OF SANDBAG OR OTHER APPROVED MATERIALS. MINIMUM 12 INCHES COVER OVER SANDBAGS IN ALL CASES. BOTTOM OF DITCH . DAKOTA ACCESS, LLC 0 12/15/14 JEG ISSUED FOR USE RC TYPICAL DATE BY TEMPORARY TRENCH PLUG INSTALLATION PROJECT NO. I I DRAWN BY: DAH DATE: 08/21/14 DWG. N0. REV. WOOD GROUP lNc- CHECKED IDATE: 08/21/14 P1 2 26 0 PROJECT N0: 10395700 SCALE: N.T.s. IAPP.: I FILE: Master.dwg PLOT DATE: 12/15/2014 BY: GIBUN, JOHN WATER OP 5.15.: RAILROAD 0350 . FRONT VIEW N.T.S. 34? 2? 2? MIN. REINFORCED FENCE POSTS DRIVEN MIN. 16? INTO GROUND AS SITE CONDITIONS EMBEDDED 6" MIN. 1. REINFORCED FENCE SHOULD BE INSTALLED 9 ?9 INTO GROUND AS SITE SO POSTS ARE ON THE DOWNSLOPE SIDE CONDITIONS OF THE FABRIC. DAKOTA ACCESS, LLC a? An ENERGY 0 12/15/14 JEG ISSUED FOR USE RC TYPICAL DATE BY SILT REINFORCED FENCE INSTALLATION PROJECT NO. DRAWN BY: DAH DATE: 08/21/14 ch. No. REV. Wm? BRBUP ENC CHECKED BY: DAH DATE: 08/21/14 P1 2 27 0 PROJECT N0: 10395700 SCALE: N.T.S. APR: - FILE: Master.dwg PLOT DATE: 12/15/2014 BY: GIBUN, JOHN DOUBLE ROW HAY BALES RECESSED IN GROUND 8c SECURED STAKES INNER ROW IS 30 FEET DIA. MIN. FILTER FABRIC PLACED UNDER EXACT LOCATION TO BE DETERMINED IN FIELD BOTTOM ROW RIP RAP PLACED SAND BAG SUPPORT TO INSU RE THAT DISCHARGE PIPE DOES NOT REST ON HAY BALES DISCHARGE PIPES lg UNDER DIVERTER CONTRACTOR TO ANCHOR ADEQUATELY. ff A 3L DIVERTER Op PIPE 30 INCH MN I DIA. MIN. GRADE END OF SUCTION PIPE WILL BE SCREENED. 1. ENERGY TRANSFER WILL DETERMINE SIZE TO BE UTILIZED BASED UPON WATER FLOW RATES AT TIME OF INSTALLATION . DAKOTA ACCESS, LLC An ENERGY 0 12/15/14 JEG ISSUED FOR USE RC TYPICAL IREV. DATE BY DESCRIPTION CHK. PROJECT NO. I I DRAWN BY: DAH DATE: 08/21/14 DWG. N0. REV. WOOD GROUP lNc- CHECKED IDATE: 08/22/14 P12 28 0 PROJECT N0: 10395700 SCALE: N.T.s. IAPP.: I FILE: Master.dwg PLOT DATE: 12/15/2014 BY: GIBUN, JOHN STEEL PLATES UNDER FLOW WEIR OVER FLOW WEIR 30? PIPE 1. ENERGY DISSIPATOR TO BE ANCHORED BY CONTRACTOR TYPICAL ENERGTY DISSIPATOR MUST BE USED IN CONJUNCTION (AS APPROPRIATE) . DAKOTA ACCESS, LLC An ENERGY 0 12/15/14 JEG ISSUED FOR USE RC TYPICAL IREV. DATE BY DESCRIPTION CHK. PROJECT NO. DRAWN BY: DAH DATE: 08/21/14 DWG. N0. REV. WOOD GROUP lNc- CHECKED IDATE: 08/21/14 P1 2 29 0 PROJECT N0: 10395700 SCALE: N.T.s. IAPP.: I l. Sunreglnr and Staking 2. Front-End Clearing 3. Rig ht?ofWay rading 4. Stringing Pipe 5. Bending Pipe 6. Line-U p, Initial Weld Tre nching 8. Final Coating and Inspection 9. Lowering Pipe into Trench 10. Pad, Becki-ill. Rough Grade li.Testing Final Tie-in 12. Final Clean?Lip, Full Restoration f, DAKOTA ACCESS, LLC An ENERGY 0 12/15/14 JEG ISSUED FOR USE RC TYPICAL DATE BY PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE PROJECT NO. I I DRAWN BY: DAH DATE: 08/26/14 ch. N0. REV. WOOD GROUP mc- CHECKED BY: DAH I DATE: 08/26/14 I PROJECT N0: 10395700 SCALE: N.T.s. IAPP.: I FILE: Master.dwg PLOT DATE: 12/15/2014 BY: GIBUN, JOHN i PIPE BODY PLATE END SLOTS i: 1g -- PIPE BODY OPEN END 8 I I PIPE BODY WITH A I . PLATE I TRIANGLE SLOTS .EIAN ELAN ELAN N.T.S. N.T.S. N.T.S. PRQFILE PRQFILE END VIEW N.T.S. N.T.S. N.T.S. BASIC SPLASH PUP BASIC SPLASH PLATE COMBINATION 1. AN ENERGY DISSIPATER SHALL BE UTILIZED WHENEVER WATER DISCHARGE VELOCITIES MAY CAUSE EROSION. 2. THE DESIGN AND EFFECTIVENESS OF THE ENERGY DISSIPATER IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR. 3. ENERGY DISSIPATERS ARE UTILIZED IN CONJUNCTION WITH A DEWATERING STRUCTURE SUCH AS A SETTLING BASIN OR HAY BALES WITH A SILT FENCE. a :31) ??t?g??AE?Eii'RL??my 0 12/15/14 JEG ISSUED FOR USE RC TYPICAL DATE BY SPLASH PUP FOR TEST WATER DISCHARGE PROJECT NO. I I DRAWN BY: DAH DATE: 08/26/14 ch. N0. REV. WOOD GROUP CHECKED I P12-31 0 PROJECT N0: 10395700 SCALE: N.T.S. IAPP.: FILE: Master.dwg PLOT DATE: 12/15/2014 BY: GIBUN, JOHN STAKES (TYPICAL) A 2" 2" STAKES OR REBAR FILTER BAG SHEET ?wizk FILTER BAG CLAMP 12? MINIMUM SEDIMENT AND WATER I 11'; SLOPE 0 TO 10% INSTALL A DEWATERING GEOTEXTILE FILTER BAG AS DIRECTED BY THE INSPECTOR TO PREVENT THE FLOW OF HEAVILY SILT LADEN WATER INTO WATERBODIES OR WETLANDS. DISCHARGE SITE SHALL BE WELL VEGETATED AND THE TOPOGRAPHY OF THE SITE SUCH THAT WATER WILL FLOW AWAY FROM ANY WORK AREAS. THE AREA DOWN SLOPE FROM THE DEWATERING SITE MUST BE REASONABLY PLANE OR STABILIZED BY VEGETATION OR OTHER MEANS TO ALLOW THE FILTERED WATER TO CONTINUE AS SHEET FLOW. TO ATTACH THE DISCHARGE HOSE, CUT A CORNER OF THE BAG, INSERT DISCHARGE HOSE, AND SECURE THE HOSE TO THE BAG WITH BAND CLAMPS. A SINGLE FILTER BAG SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR FLOWS GREATER THAN 600 GALLONS PER MINUTE. REPLACE FILTER BAG BEFORE IT IS COMPLETELY FILLED WITH SEDIMENT. MONITOR DISCHARGE TO AVOID OVER PRESSURING DUE TO PLUGGING, WHICH MAY RESULT IN RUPTURE. DISPOSE OF USED EMPTIED FILTER BAG AT A PIPELINE DESIGNATED FACILITY. DAKOTA ACCESS, LLC An ENERGY 12/15/14 JEG ISSUED FOR USE RC TYPICAL IREV. DATE BY DESCRIPTION CHK. GEOTEXTILE FILTER BAG FOR DEWATERING PROJECT NO. DRAWN BY: DAH CHECKED BY: DAH SCALE: N.T.S. IDATE: 08/26/14 N0. IDATE: 08/26/14 I P12-32 REV. 0 WOOD GROUP MUSTANG. INC. PROJECT N0: 10395700 i'ddVI OOLQSEOI :oN 103F08d . . I w/sz/eo-ml WM 03mm '3Nl ?9Nv13nw dnous 000M 392m mmad 380100818 MV818 AEI 31w 08 380 803 G3088l 031? ?/Ql/Zl 0 AO83N3 801Vd 88 Cl A083N3 NV '9 '380100818 3H1 30 801 3H1 M01383A0 10N 831VM 1VH1 H008 38 831V8 '9 31 8 N080 CI3SV8 3H1 NI 38 380100818 3H1 30 3H1 "l7 0 18V'ld 80 831'll3 380100818 3Nl'l ?8'Il08 30 8V38V NI MV81S H1IM 10N 8 380100818 30 WOLLOS 3 '2 133HS 8V 30NI1N00 01 831VM G3831?ll3 3H1 MOTIV 01 SNV3W 83H10 80 NOI1V1303A A8 80 3NV'ld KISVNOSV38 38 180W 31 8 3H1 W083 3d0' 8 NMOCI V38V 3H1 ANV W083 AVMV M0'l3 831VM 1VH1 H008 31l8 3H1 30 3H1 CINV O31V1303A 38 TIVHS 31l8 80 831VM 1'll8 30 3H1 01 3H1 A8 8V CINV A8V88303N 8 1 83A383HM 380100818 31V8 MV818 '1 0 18V'ld 83MV1S 8O 8313 I3 30N33 1'll8 ?Nnalo 1A8 zalva .lO'ld ?mp'msow FILE: Master.dwg PLOT DATE: 12/15/2014 BY: GIBUN, JOHN 1. 9? SEDIMENT BARRIER TO BE INSTALLED AS SECONDARY PROTECTION IF REQUIRED BERM .: MINIMUM 10? INSTREAM TRENCH SPOIL SILT FENCE STORAGE 12? MINIMU \v SHALLOW SUMP EXCAVATED TO FORM BERM SOIL CONTAINMENT BERMS ARE TO BE USED WHERE INSTREAM TRENCH SPOIL COULD REENTER THE WATERCOURSE DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY AND WITH SIMULTANEOUS UTILIZATION OF SEDIMENT BARRIERS, IF REQUIRED. IF SOIL CONTAINMENT BERMS ARE USED IN AGRICUTURAL AREAS, TOPSOIL MUST BE STRIPPED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF BERM AND PLACEMENT OF SPOIL. MATERIAL USED FOR THE CONTAINMENT BERM SHOULD BE A MINIMUM OF 10 FEET FROM THE WATERS EDGE. SHOULD BE KEPT TO A HEIGHT WHICH REMAINS STABLE DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD. CARE SHOULD BE TAKEN THAT THE SPOIL PILE DOES NOT OVERTOP THE CONTAINMENT BERM. THE CONTAINMENT BERM SHOULD BE DISMANTLED AND THE SITE RESTORED TO THE ORIGINAL CONDITION UPON COMPLETION OF THE WATER CROSSING. WHERE POSSIBLE, RIPARIAN VEGETATION SHALL BE LEFT IN PLACE. STAGED MOVEMENT OF INSTREAM SPOIL MAY BE REQUIRED IF QUANTITIES ARE EXCESSIVE. CARE AND ATTENTION MUST BE TAKEN TO ENSURE SPOIL CONTAINMENT BERMS ARE MAINTAINED. FULL CONSIDERATION FOR OVERALL SLOPE STABILITY IS REQUIRED WHEN SELECTING A SPOIL CONTAINMENT LOCATION. IT a DAKOTA ACCESS, LLC An ENERGY 12/15/14 JEG ISSUED FOR USE RC TYPICAL IREV. DATE BY DESCRIPTION CHK. SOIL CONTAINMENT BERM PROJECT No. FOR WATERBODY TRENCH SPOIL DRAWN BY: DAH CHECKED BY: DAH SCALE: N.T.S. IDATE: 08/26/14 No. IDATE: 08/26/14 I P12-34 REV. 0 WOOD GROUP MUSTANG. INC. PROJECT N0: 10395700 FILE: Master.dwg PLOT DATE: 12/15/2014 BY: GIBUN, JOHN R.O.W. BOUNDARY 0R SILT FENCE 6. ENERGY DISSIPATER EDGE OF DISTURBED ?ijk\ I STRAW BALE ENERGY 4 DISSIPATER DEGREES SPACING 6 5?15 300 ft. MAX. 15?30 200 ft. MAX. 30 100 ft. MAX. ROCK ENERGY DISSIPATER NOTES: 1. SLOPE BREAKERS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED 0F COMPACTED NATIVE SOIL AND INSTALLED AT LOCATIONS AS REQUIRED BY SECTION LIMITS OF DISTURBED BOUNDARY KEY SILT FENCE INTO SLOPE BREAKER I KEY STRAW BALE INTO SLOPE BREAKER II. I KEY ROCK INTO SLOPE BREAKER EIAN RUNOFF SLOPE BREAKER CROSS SECTION DETAIL C1260 OF CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS OR AS DIRECTED BY THE REPRESENTATIVE. 2. SLOPE BREAKERS SHALL BE ORIENTED AS SHOWN OR OTHER PATTERN AS DIRECTED BY THE REPRESENTATIVE TO DIRECT THE WATER OFF THE R.O.W.. 3. SLOPE BREAKERS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AT A 2?87. GRADIENT ACROSS THE SLOPE. 4. THE SLOPE BREAKERS SHALL BE 18" DEEP (AS MEASURED FROM THE TROUGH TO THE TOP OF THE SLOPE BREAKER). THE TROUGH WILL BE A MINIMUM OF 5' WIDE ACROSS THE WIDTH OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY. DWG. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. . DAKOTA ACCESS, LLC An ENERGY 0 12/15/14 JEG ISSUED FOR USE RC TYPICAL IREV. DATE BY DESCRIPTION CHK. PROJECT NO. DRAWN BY: DAH DATE: 08/26/14 DWG. N0. REV. WOOD GROUP lNc- CHECKED IDATE: 08/26/14 P12 35 0 PROJECT N0: 10395700 SCALE: N.T.s. IAPP.: I OOLQSEOI ?0089 GQDM vt/sz/90=31ya :31va 03X03H0 HVCI 1A8 NMVEICI A8 O8 380 803 aanssn oar u/sl/u UV ?x DTI f! 3HJ. A8 38 330N08 .LO38ICI OJ. 3HJ. 30 3983 3HJ. CINOA38 383HM ?9 A983N3 NV 80 V38V TI3M 3:10 TIV 398VHOSICI A13383 30 J31an 3H.L 30 3HJ. SSOEIOV NE 30 38 3H.L 3dO?lS O.L W083 SV) d33C 38 3dO?lS 3HJ. 3HJ. OJ. 80l03c SN 3H.L A8 SV 83Hl0 80 NMOHS SV 38 83MV388 A8 SV .LV CINV 38 TIVHS SH3MV388 3d0?lS ?l A983N3 NV SV V38V 318V.LS 80 $008 AVH l?llS 1A8 :31va .lO'ld ?50' TEMP. WORKSPACE 19' FENCE It?: POWER RTU BLDG. 9 POLEZ In FENCE ?50? TEMP. 100 WORKSPACE 53 1O 53 1O 5 270? 370? Q) 30? BALL VALVE 30? EXPANDING GATE VALVE Q) 30" BARRED TEE CD 30" ECC RED (5) BARRED RED. TEE 30"x24? RED TEE 24" EXPANDING GATE VALVE f; DAKOTA ACCESS, LLC 0 12/15/14 JEG ISSUED FOR USE RC TYPICAL DATE BY PIPING PLAN RECEIVER AND LAUNCHER PIPELINE PROJECT NO. I I DRAWN BY: DAH DATE: 08/26/14 DWG. NO. REV. ween SRQUP INC- CHECKED BY: DAH IDATE: 08/26/14 I PROJECT N0: 10395700 SCALE: N.T.s. IAPP.: I P12-37 i'ddVI :31vos 103r?08d . . I Mesa/90ml 03mm '3Nl ?9Nv13nw dnoue (100M H/6z/90:31va 3mg Nondmosga 3m yam 08 380 803 03F ?/Ql/Zl AO83N3 UV DTI . SMNV8 CINV G38 CINV 3801838 ?9 A8 SV 8008 30 ?9 SI Oi SS300V CINV CINV 3N0 NVH.L 380W SI 383H.L CI3AOW38 38 SI 38nl0n8lS A8 83L-IV SV NOOS SV 3AOW38 "7 0380 38 AVW 80 MV8.LS HOV3 CIN3 3H1 A8 38 180W ma MOTIV G3AOW38 38 AVW 80V8 W803 ?"088 CINV l'llS Oi SSO80V .l.008lSN00 0. .Nl .LON S300 ?0380 _-ll 83A383HM 3H1 0NILL00 CIIOAV 0.L 80 SCIIMS 8008 _-ll '2 unnems 303 sxoma 8OHONV 01 330 can 30/an CIEI8OHONV 39 TIVHS 390mg ?l '(sovaans ao saws nus) 1081N00 NOISO83 70753 3180?88" 99 9 310M 333 wawma I?l I?l'l?l .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. 1?2 3.LON 33$ 5 (3.LON 3:33 033 S8OHONV 3 4? a Ln?n?n?n? ?v 3.LON 338\003 .1 A008831VM a as am 101:: Mpmsow I 344glaDOWN RTU BUILDING 8 OPERATION 3'0" 3?_o In PLATFORM POWER I POLE f\ FENCE - . 4 ID ID PLAN N.T.s. ELBOW 45' 5R WITH 2' TANGENT TYP. 4 30? BALL VALVE I 0 11 .11 6? \y\7 y?yv/?yv/?y I .0 03330 THRUST ELEVATION - THRUST BLOCK N.T.S. DAKOTA ACCESS, LLC 0 12/15/14 JEG ISSUED FOR USE RC TYPICAL DATE BY DESCRIPTION PIPING PLAN AND ELEVATION PROJECT No. 30? MAINLINE VALVE PIPELINE ween SRQUP MUSTANG INC DRAWN BY: DAH IDATE: 09/02/14 IDWG. NO. REV. I - CHECKED BY: DAH IDATE: 09/02/14 I P12 39 0 PROJECT N0: 10395700 SCALE: N.T.s. IAPP.: I - 00336201 1.03f?088 '3Nl 000M 03XO3H0 HVCI 1A8 O?v-Zld 14/20/60 H/co/sozalvq ?Ho A8 08 380 803 oar n/sl/u AO83N3 UV DTI . 80 SV 8V3N SV 38 TIVHS TIV 03880000 SVH 30VWVCI 3 Oi AVM 30 3H.L 30 1103 01 3H.L 8VMS 80.I.OV8.LN00 0.L 80 88 A8 38 Ol TIV '9 803 CINV NVHJ. 83lV380 30 SS30X3 NI 803 8010V81N00 CINV A8 38 1808808 NI GNV A8 3 CINV NI SI 03808088 3 8380 38 AVW 9NLL8088FIS 3O SGOHJJW '9 3H.L 30 Tln3 3H.L 803 3H.L 30 3H.L 803 MOTIV OJ. 3ZIS 31V003GV 30 38 TIVHS 38 8 30 "v 30 838088 0.L ONISII HON38J. 30 .L333 338Hl 30 WOWINIW OJ. G3103NN00 38 TIIM "2 H108 .LN3ICIV89 CINV 1808808 803 OJ. SSV8 GNVS WIHS Oi .LV .LON SI 0NISSO80 3 80 A8 831808808 38 TIVHS 38 8 3O WHWINIW ?0-1 '3 CINV SNOLLIGNOO 3.LIS 01 300 A8VA AVW 310NV 3H.L 38 OJ. SCI33N 3H.L 3 .LN3.LX3 3H.L 0.L CINV .LN3ICIV80 .LN3WN9I1V .LN3W3OV1838 CINV (9 310M 333) 1808808 snonNuNoo 3GIAO88 01 aasn 38 TIVHS 38 8 G31V803838 (new (9 310? 33S: ?4 7? .2 ?638 ?9 38 8 1808808 WHWINIW 0.L .LON (z 310M 338) MW .z smoaans NEIZ-IMEIEI .9 30 'wi II I HJJM 38 OJ. .LON I 30 Tln3 31LL NOLLV8V83S WOWINIW (z 310M 338) sxovs 031m an3 38 d ?7 3.LON 338 CINV 3.LON 33S 338 38 8 8334008800 80 C 0l8 8O N380 0i .LON (9 CINV <2 310M 338) 38 8 GNV NOLLVAVOX3 380338 30 as am 101:: Mpmsow 331VOS 08 3A8 GHMOEIHO O?z'ddv' tau/0 '3Nl anoua 000M A oarrxa NMVEIG 001990 Loaroad TIIH EIGIS ?llOclS GNV A8 SWVOHAL HLHON 33 ill/wad aoj oar I 311 ssaoov a ?Il-x EI?lleEId A ELVLS 80 CIEISVEI :lO 38 OJ. clOJ. chlElCl NOcln AHVA TIIM M08 _-lO dOi _-lO HidElCl 2?99 NOcln CIEISVS dOl HldElCl 'l 3SELLON Aavaodwgi _i4 AHVGNOOS HOWHVS 3GB ONMHOM 3) A AHVGNOOE AHVGNOOE ?lean 3A8 23m iO'Id ANEI as d??zgagmvuawmxoa 23m gg_Zld I renew] =31vos I ?vl/Ql/SO =31va was 03mm 798 w/st/so =31val arms waa OOLQGEOL ioaroad 3m Noudmosga we yam mama 303 aw ?vl/91/6 80:! ?vl/Zl/Zl El 803 838 Wat/u 0 NOcln GEISVEI _-lO HldElCl (D 381LON M08 .OGL EICIIS EICIIS SNIMEIOM ?92 39L ?09 M08 M08 MOEI .09 .09 . mosam SV HSVEI HOVEI HOVH HOJJCI .LHOIEIMEIELLNHOO EIOCIEI M08 3903 99_Zld I =?ddv =31vos I ?vl/Ql/SO am I 13 3A8 CIEIMOEIHO 798 ?vl/Sl/SO :31val awake OOLQGQOL ioaroad CINV ClNV'ldn 3m Noudmosgq *9 give new mama 303 aw ?vl/91/6 303 3323 ?vl/Zl/Zl a 803 838 Wat/u 0 NOdn G3SV8 _-lO (D MOEI .QZL ONIMEIOM ?lg .91 .09 M08 'dV?Gi MOEI 'W83d MOEI ?30% SV .LHOI3MEI3.LNHOO MOEI NOLLOHELLSNOO 30 3903 M08 NOLLOFIELLSNOO 30 3903 I =?ddv =31vos 9 I ?vl/6l/60 =31va HVCI 3A8 (II-IMOEIHO 798 ?vl/Sl/SO :31val .LN39EI3W3 OOLQGQOL ioaroad A0 31V0 mama 303 ?vl/Sl/6 303 GEOSSI 3323 ?vl/Zl/Zl a 303 333 ?vl/Zl/Zl 0 M08 NOdn 30 Hld30 CD M08 'ch31 ?09 MOEI 030N3.LX3 .LH9I3MEI3.LN009 WOOEI30IS MOEI 30 3903 .09 338V9l3ddV SV 39VEIOLS MOEI 30 3903 NOTES: DITCH SPOIL TOPSOIL STORAGE STORAGE AS APPLICABLE EDGE OF CONSTRUCTION ROW CD TOPSOIL SIDEBOOM WITH COUNTERWEIGHT EXTENDED EDGE OF CONSTRUCTION ROW 50? TEMP. ROW WIDTH PERM. ROW WIDTH TEMP. Row WIDTH 50 35 SPOIL SIDE 1'5? WORKING SIDE G) DEPTH OF TOPSOIL SEGREGATED BASED UPON CONDITIONS. CONST. ROW WIDTH TYPICAL RIGHT-OF-WAY CONFIGURATION 12/12/14 RER ISSUED FOR REVIEW 12/12/14 RER ISSUED FOR REVIEW A 9/15/14 JWH ISSUED FOR REVIEW IREV. DATE BY DESCRIPTION CHK. PROJECT No. 10395700 UPLAND AND WETLAND FORESTED AREAS DRAWN BY: JWH IDATE: 09/15/14 IDWG. N0. CHECKED BY: DAH IDATE: 08/18/14 I SCALE: N.T.s. IAPP.: I P12-58 REV. APPENDIX Project Maps And HDD Cross-Section Plan and Profile 1650 MATCH LINE (SEE SHEET 2) PROPOSED 30" HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILL - 7,500' 175' PROPOSED TEMPORARY HDD EXIT WORKSPACE LO-B-3 EDGE OF WATER (TYP.) LO-B-5 LO-B-6 1750 150' 170 200' TY COUN ONS EM M TY COUN TON 200' ND-MO-194.000 PROPOSED HDD EXIT POINT N. 16876250.75915 E. 1236590.48869 LAT. N46° 26' 14.5344" LONG. W100° 36' 08.2166" PROPOSED PRODUCT PIPE STRINGING AND FABRICATION AREA (SEE SHEET 2 FOR LAYOUT) N D-EM -0 02.9 LO-B-4 LO-B-2 ND-MO-197.000 MOR LO-B-1 LO-B-7 EXISTING PIPELINE 50' 1650 250' LAKE OAHE ND-MO-198.000 M ND-EM-002.300 16 PROPERTY LINE (TYP.) 1700 50 ND-EM-004.000 PROPOSED HDD EXIT POINT LARGE DIAMETER CASING (SEE NOTE #17) 10 15 16 13 13 52 64 50/5" 50/4" PROPOSED HDD ENTRY POINT 50/3" 70 50/5" 50/6" 50/3" CLAYEY SAND W/ OCCASIONAL GRAVEL 50/6" 67 7 5 7 8 56 70 70 50/4" 83 50/4" 84 100/15" 73 50/4" 32/3" 88 50/1" 50/6" 72 50/6" 50/4" 50/3" 50/4" SAND W/ INTERBEDDED CLAYSTONE SAND W/ CLAY 100/16" 50/6" FLUID EQUILIBRIUM ELEVATION (1638') 100/14" 100/16" 100/16" 50/6" 73/6" 50/6" 50 SAND W/ TRACE CLAY 1 2 2 2 2 4 SILTY SAND 105' 11 20 78 22 73 15 82 29 74 50 100/15" 50 18 50 26 50/6" 92' 27 50 25 50 50/4" 27 50 50/4" 50 50/5" 50 50/5" 50 50/6" 65 42 50 37 CLAY W/ SAND LO-B-2 (2% GRAVEL) LO-B-3 P:\18\18782011\01\CAD\Crossings\North Dakota\Lake Oahe\Drawings\Lake Oahe HDD_IFP.dwg\TAB:SHEET 1 modified on Aug 20, 2015 - 3:11pm DESC RIPTION STATION * (FT) ELEVATION (FT) ENTRY @ 10° 79+50.00 1637.59 P C 1 (9.90° @ 3,600 FT R.) 74+40.77 1547.80 P T1 68+21.92 1493.11 P C 2 (10.10° @ 3,600 FT R.) 20+23.34 1484.74 P T2 13+91.93 1539.42 EXIT @ 10° 4+50.00 1705.51 HORIZONTAL DISTANC E = 7,500.00 FT DIREC TIONAL DRILL PIPE LENGTH = 7,528.76 FT PILOT HOLE ENTRY ANGLE PILOT HOLE ENTRY LOCATION PILOT HOLE EXIT ANGLE PILOT HOLE EXIT LOCATION PILOT HOLE DEPTH PILOT HOLE ALIGNMENT UP TO 30 FEET BEYOND THE EXIT STAKE. BETWEEN 10 FEET LEFT AND 10 FEET RIGHT OF CENTERLINE. CLAYEY SAND GRAVEL (10% GRAVEL) 7 14 30 15 10 30 68 30 19 31 (25% GRAVEL) 50 53 CLAY W/ SAND 48 32 35 47 27 60 69 31 44 38 SANDY CLAY SAND W/ SILT 34 57 55 LO-B-4 37 38 54 (26% GRAVEL) 32 51 42 62 CLAY W/ SAND (1% GRAVEL) GRAVEL W/ SILT AND SAND (52% GRAVEL) SAND PC1 36 50 38 SILTY SAND 117' 34 44 49 SAND W/ SILT 17 SAND W/ SILT 34 -0.1° SLOPE 39 CLAY 11 26 SAND CLAY 6 23 26 36 48 TOLERANCE INCREASE ANGLE UP TO 1º (STEEPER), BUT NO DECREASE IN ANGLE ALLOWED. WITHIN 5 FEET OF ENTRY POINT AS SHOWN ON DRAWING. WITH NO CHANGES WITHOUT COMPANY APPROVAL. INCREASE ANGLE UP TO 1º (STEEPER) OR DECREASE UP TO 2º (FLATTER). SILTY SAND (7% GRAVEL) 25 58 2 4 6 4 7 11 14 26 16 CLAY W/ SAND 25 18 CLAY W/ SAND SANDY SILT W/ CLAY 17 16 35 46 RECOMMENDED TOLERANCES SILTY SAND 19 (32% GRAVEL) 49 ITEM CLAY 8 37 SAND W/ CLAY AND TRACE GRAVEL 43 44 PROPOSED 30" HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILL PROFILE (REFER TO BASIS OF DESIGN NOTES) 2 1 3 5 20 6 5 28 13 20 39 LO-B-1 DIREC TIONAL DRILL DATA 9 41 PC2 CLAY W/ SILT 14 SAND W/ SILT AND TRACE FINE GRAVEL 26 3,600 FT R. 50 100/15" LAKE OAHE HDD SANDY CLAY W/ OCCASIONAL FINE SANDY SILT CLAY SANDY SILT 14 (4% GRAVEL) 26 50/5" 100/15" SILTY SAND 26 100/15" CLAY CLAY 22 PT2 100/15" 50/5" 1 1 2 3 2 3 3 10 11 2 50 74 78 10° SILTY SAND GROUND SURFACE (SURVEY) 99 50/3" 100/16" 63 LARGE DIAMETER CASING (SEE NOTE #17) LAKE OAHE (APPROX. WATER LEVEL) SAND W/ SILT 45 SAND W/ SILT AND LIGNITE LENSES SILTY SAND PT1 SAND W/ SILT AND FINE GRAVEL (38% GRAVEL) 3,600 FT R. 7 6 9 5 6 10 13 13 11 11 8 42 20 10 20 13 11 44 18 39 28 26 31 40 58 33 31 39 48 54 67 LO-B-7 LO-B-6 CLAY AND SAND LO-B-5 LEGEND SPT (N) TYPE OF SOIL (% GRAVEL) BORING LOCATION MAJOR CONTOUR - 50' INTERVAL MINOR CONTOUR - 10' INTERVAL UP TO 2 FEET ABOVE THE DESIGN DRILL PROFILE ALLOWED. UP TO 10 FEET BELOW THE DESIGN DRILL PROFILE ALLOWED. SHALL REMAIN WITHIN 10 FEET LEFT OR RIGHT OF THE HDD ALIGNMENT. © ISSUED FOR PERMIT P 16 7. 0 170 0 DATUM: HORIZONTAL: NAD83 with UTM Datum, Zone 14, US Foot; Central Meridian 99° W VERTICAL: NAVD 88 10° ND-EM-003.000 ND-EM-002.000 ND-MO-199.900 SILTY SAND 0 PROPOSED DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE ALIGNMENT (08-17-2015) 00 150' MP 166.0 50 16 PROPOSED TEMPORARY HDD ENTRY WORKSPACE MP 166.5 250' Y 1804 00 PROPOSED HDD ENTRY POINT N. 16877035.65755 E. 1244049.30458 LAT. N46° 26' 23.7611" LONG. W100° 34' 21.9398" HIGHWA ND-EM-001.100 MP 165.5 16 5. 0 00 P 17 -1 99.0 N D-M O M 00 17 ND-MO-196.000 ND-EM-001.000 16 4.5 MATCH LINE (SEE SHEET 1) MP ACCESS ROAD 18 00 180 0 PROPERTY LINE (TYP.) LAKE OAHE WATERBODY (TYP.) 1750 EXISTING PIPELINE 17 00 ND-MO-195.000 17 00 PROPOSED PRODUCT PIPE STRINGING ALIGNMENT 16 5. 0 P ND-MO-196.000 00 PROPOSED PRODUCT PIPE STRINGING AND FABRICATION AREA (100' X 7,575) M PROPOSED DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE ALIGNMENT (08-17-2015) 250' 50 16 175' PROPOSED TEMPORARY HDD EXIT WORKSPACE 150' LO-B-1 1700 SURVEYED WETLAND (TYP.) ND-MO-197.000 200' ND-MO-194.000 1700 GROUND SURFACE (DEM) 800 FT. R (TYP.) 9' 7' P:\18\18782011\01\CAD\Crossings\North Dakota\Lake Oahe\Drawings\Lake Oahe HDD_IFP.dwg\TAB:SHEET 2 modified on Aug 20, 2015 - 3:13pm 7' LEGEND ISSUED FOR PERMIT BORING LOCATION MAJOR CONTOUR - 50' INTERVAL MINOR CONTOUR - 10' INTERVAL © ND-MO-198.000 TY COUN ONS EM M TY COUN TON 50 50 PROPOSED PRODUCT PIPE STRINGING PROFILE MOR 16 16 00 17 DATUM: HORIZONTAL: NAD83 with UTM Datum, Zone 14, US Foot; Central Meridian 99° W VERTICAL: NAVD 88 LO-B-2 PROPOSED 30" HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILL - 7,500' PROPOSED HDD EXIT POINT N. 16876250.75915 E. 1236590.48869 LAT. N46° 26' 14.5344" LONG. W100° 36' 08.2166" 170 0 MP 165.5 HI G 3,000 FT R. -1 99.0 N D-M O HW AY 18 06 00 17 0 175 MO-B-1 75' EXTENT OF DAPL FOOTPRINT (TYP.) ND-MC-001.000 TY MCKENZIE COUN TY WILLIAMS COUN PROPOSED HDD EXIT POINT N. 17430484.08835 E. 1908080.20028 LAT. N47° 57' 48.6263" LONG. W103° 54' 25.4824" PROPOSED TEMPORARY HDD EXIT WORKSPACE MP MO-B-2 1.900 C -2 5 EXISTING PIPELINE (TYP.) ND-MC-251.000 58' 254' N D-M PROPOSED DAKOTA ACCESS GATHERING SYSTEM PIPELINE ALIGNMENT (12-11-2015) MP 93.5 EXISTING OVERHEAD POWER LINE 75' 200' PROPOSED TEMPORARY 1.96 ACRES ODD SHAPED HDD ENTRY WORKSPACE MO-B-3 250' MP 93.0 ND-WI-249.000 PROPOSED 24" HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILL - 2,715' PROPOSED HDD ENTRY POINT N. 17427849.55032 E. 1908736.27522 LAT. N47° 57' 22.5296" LONG. W103° 54' 16.3901" 94.0 W ET N STRE PROPOSED PRODUCT PIPE STRINGING AND FABRICATION WORKSPACE (SEE SHEET 2 FOR LAYOUT) MISSOURI RIVER 3 8 TH ND-WI-250.000 MATCH LINE (SEE SHEET 2) ND-MC-251.200 ND-MC-001.900 EXISTING FENCE WATERBODY (TYP.) PROPERTY LINE (TYP.) ND-MC-001.300 ND-MC-001.900 DATUM: HORIZONTAL: NAD83 with UTM Datum, Zone 13, US Foot; Central Meridian 105° W VERTICAL: NAVD 88 PROPOSED HDD EXIT POINT GROUND SURFACE (LIDAR)(TYP.) PROPOSED HDD ENTRY POINT MISSOURI RIVER (APPROX. WATER LEVEL) 38TH STREET NW 10° 7 7 7 11 PT2 2 5 10 14 11 22 25 8 20 26 13 56' 25 22 50 21 32 2,600 FT R. SAND W/ 21 10 8 6 WOH 50/2" 50/3" 36 50/4" SILT (1% GRAVEL) SAND PC2 (44% GRAVEL) GRAVEL W/ SILT AND SAND (51% GRAVEL) SAND W/ SILT SILTY GRAVEL W/ SAND 6 17 12 12 8 8 12 10 21 2 WOH 20 25 23 16 29 26 SILT W/ SAND SAND (3% GRAVEL) GROUND SURFACE (SURVEY) 73' SILTY SAND W/ TRACE ORGANICS RECOMMENDED TOLERANCES P:\18\18782011\01\CAD\Crossings\North Dakota Gathering\Missouri River\Drawings\Missouri River HDD_IFC REV 4.dwg\TAB:SHEET 1 modified on Apr 07, 2016 - 8:57am MISSOURI RIVER HDD ITEM DESC RIPTION STATION * (FT) ELEVATION (FT) ENTRY @ 12° 36+15.00 1871.00 PC 1 (12.00° @ 2,400 FT R.) 34+99.48 1846.45 PT1 30+00.49 1794.00 PILOT HOLE ENTRY ANGLE PILOT HOLE ENTRY LOCATION PILOT HOLE EXIT ANGLE PILOT HOLE EXIT LOCATION PC 2 (10.00° @ 2,600 FT R.) 15+60.95 1794.00 PT2 11+09.46 1833.50 PILOT HOLE DEPTH EXIT @ 10° 9+00.00 1870.43 PILOT HOLE ALIGNMENT TOLERANCE INCREASE ANGLE UP TO 1º (STEEPER), BUT NO DECREASE IN ANGLE ALLOWED. WITHIN 5 FEET OF ENTRY POINT. WITH NO CHANGES WITHOUT COMPANY APPROVAL. INCREASE ANGLE UP TO 1º (STEEPER) OR DECREASE UP TO 2º (FLATTER). UP TO 30 FEET BEYOND THE EXIT STAKE. BETWEEN 10 FEET LEFT AND 10 FEET RIGHT OF CENTERLINE. UP TO 10 FEET BELOW THE DESIGN DRILL PROFILE ALLOWED. SHALL REMAIN WITHIN 10 FEET LEFT OR RIGHT OF THE HDD ALIGNMENT. 2,400 FT R. 36' 39' SAND W/ SILT GRAVEL W/ SILT AND SAND (51% GRAVEL) SAND W/ SILT AND TRACE FINE GRAVEL PT1 MO-B-2 MO-B-1 DIREC TIONAL DRILL DATA 12° PROPOSED 24" HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILL PROFILE (REFER TO BASIS OF DESIGN NOTES) 50/6" 100/15" 100/16" 87 50/4" 100/16" 50/2" 50/3" 50/5" 50/5" 50/5" 75 SILTY SAND W/ OCCASIONAL GRAVEL SANDY SILT PC1 SILTY SAND SANDY SILT SILTY SAND CLAY W/ SAND SILTY SAND CLAY W/ SAND MO-B-3 LEGEND SPT (N) TYPE OF SOIL (% GRAVEL) BORING LOCATION MAJOR CONTOUR - 50' INTERVAL MINOR CONTOUR - 10' INTERVAL HORIZONTAL DISTANC E = 2,715.00 FT DIREC TIONAL DRILL PIPE LENGTH = 2,726.78 FT © FOR DISCUSSION ONLY MATCH LINE (SEE FIGURE 2A) WETLAND (TYP.) ND-WI-250.000 EXISTING PIPELINE (TYP.) ND-MC-251.200 ND-WI-249.000 MP 93.5 CONCEPTUAL PRODUCT PIPE STRINGING ALIGNMENT CONCEPTUAL PRODUCT PIPE STRINGING AND FABRICATION AREA (50' X 2775') ND-WI-249.000 250' MP 94.0 75' 75' CONCEPTUAL TEMPORARY HDD EXIT WORKSPACE ND-MC-251.000 1.900 C-25 PROPOSED DAKOTA ACCESS GATHERING PIPELINE ALIGNMENT (01-30-15) N D-M 200' CONCEPTUAL HDD EXIT POINT N. 17430484.08835 E. 1908080.20028 LAT. N47° 57' 48.6263" LONG. W103° 54' 25.4824" PROPERTY LINE (TYP.) 2 49 -WIND 0 .30 P:\18\18782011\01\CAD\Crossings\North Dakota Gathering\Missouri River\Drawings\Missouri River HDD Figure 2.dwg\TAB:Figure 2B modified on Feb 03, 2015 - 3:20pm MAM : TJB CONCEPTUAL 24" HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILL - 2700' ND-WI-248.300 DATUM: HORIZONTAL: NAD83 with UTM Datum, Zone 13, US Foot; Central Meridian 105° W ND-WI-249.300 VERTICAL: NAVD 88 Notes: 1. The locations of all features shown are approximate. 2. This drawing is for information purposes. It is intended to assist in showing features discussed in an attached document. GeoEngineers, Inc. can not guarantee the accuracy and content of electronic files. The master file is stored by GeoEngineers, Inc. and will serve as the official record of this communication. 3. GeoEngineers, Inc. has not verified the field location of the existing utilities. Reference: Ground surface DEM (1/3 Arc Second) downloaded from http://NationalMap.Gov. Ground surface survey provided by Wood Group Mustang, Inc. Aerial Image taken from Google Earth Pro © 2015, licensed to GeoEngineers, Inc., image dated 08/15/14. Shape files provided by Contract Land Staff, LLC. LEGEND: Boring Location Major Contour - 10' Interval Minor Contour - 2' Interval NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOR DISCUSSION ONLY ETC - DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE PROJECT CONCEPTUAL STRINGING WORKSPACE PROPOSED 24" GATHERING SYSTEM MISSOURI RIVER HDD WILLIAMS & MCKENZIE COUNTIES, NORTH DAKOTA FIGURE 2B ISSUED DATE: FEBRUARY 03, 2015 APPENDIX I Cultural Resources Reports Submitted as Confidential This appendix consists of the following cultural resources report; Landt, M.J., and B. McCord Dakota Access Pipeline Project, Class II/III Cultural Resources Inventory of the Crossings of Flowage Easements and Federal Lands. Prepared collaboratively by Gray & Pape, Inc. and Alpine Archaeological Consultants, Inc., for Dakota Access, LLC. March 2016. The information contained in this report is privileged and confidential due to the locational data it contains in regards to cultural resource properties. This information is not intended for public release. APPENDIX Sample Scoping Letter, Distribution List And Comments Received Solicited Comments on Dakota Access Pipeline Project Proposed Crossing of Flowage Easements Near Upper End of Lake Sakakawea and Federal Lands at Lake Oahe in North Dakota May 2015 Scoping Mailing List AGENCIES Contact Information American Rivers Kristen McDonald 1101 14th Ave. NW STE 1400 Washington, DC 20005‐5637 Bureau of Indian Affairs ‐ Fort Berthold Agency Howard Bemer Earl Silk PO Box 370 New Town, ND 58763 Bureau of Indian Affairs ‐ Great Plains Regional Office Benjamin William 115 4th Avenue Southeast Aberdeen, SD 57401 Bureau of Indian Affairs‐Standing Rock Robert Demery PO Box E Fort Yates, ND 58538 Bureau of Land Management Rick Rymerson 99 23rd Avenue West, Suite A Dickinson, ND 58601 Dakota Prairie Grasslands Dennis Neitzke 1200 Missouri Ave. Bismarck, ND 58504 Dakota Resource Council Mark Trechock PO Box 1095 Dickinson, ND 58601 Bismarck‐Mandan Development Association Brian Ritter 400 East Broadway Avenue, Suite 417 Bismarck, ND 58501 Morton County Commissioners Dawn Rhone 210 2nd Ave NW Mandan, ND 58554 Date Letter was Mailed Date Comments  Received  3/30/2015 N/A 3/30/2015 N/A 1st mailing 3/30/2015 2nd mailing 4/23/2015 N/A 3/30/2015 N/A 3/30/2015 N/A 3/30/2015 N/A 3/30/2015 N/A 3/30/2015 N/A 3/30/2015 N/A EA Section Addressing Comment Morton County Extension Agent Kari Presler 210 2nd Ave NW Mandan, ND 58554‐3158 Morton County Weed Board Wayne Carter 2916 37th St. NW Mandan, ND 58554 Emmons County Commissioners Marlys Ohlhauser PO Box 129 Linton, ND 58552 Emmons County Extension Agent Connie Job 100 SW 4th St. Linton, ND 58552 Emmons County Weed Board Sam Renschler 510 Sampson Ave. Linton, ND 58552 Williams County Commissioner District 1 Martin Hanson 7783 141st Ave. NW  Zahl, ND 58856 Williams County Extension Agent 302 East Broadway Williston, ND 58801 Williams County Weed Board Jim Basaraba 109 Main St Williston, ND 58801‐6018 National Audubon Society State Office Genevieve Thompson 118 Broadway, Suite 512 Fargo, ND 58102 U.S.D.A. Natural Resources Conservation Service Kyle Hartel PO Box 583 Watford City, ND 58854 3/30/2015 N/A 3/30/2015 N/A 3/30/2015 N/A 3/30/2015 N/A 3/30/2015 N/A 3/30/2015 N/A 3/30/2015 N/A 3/30/2015 N/A 3/30/2015 N/A 3/30/2015 N/A U.S.D.A. Natural Resources Conservation Service Michele R. Doyle 2540 Overlook Lane Mandan, ND 58554‐1593 U.S.D.A. Natural Resources Conservation Service Jennifer M.H. Vetter 318 Broadway St. S Linton, ND 58552‐7612 U.S.D.A. Natural Resources Conservation Service David Schmidt 1106 West 2nd St Williston, ND 58801‐5804 NDSU Dept of Soil Science‐Department Chair Tom DeSutter 214 Walster Hall, Box 6050 Fargo, ND 58108‐6050 North Dakota Council of Humane Societies Leo Keelan 1948 Anderson Drive Minot, ND 58701 North Dakota Department of Health Peter Wax 600 East Boulevard Bismarck, ND 58505 North Dakota Farm Bureau Doyle Johannes 4900 Ottawa Street Bismarck, ND 58503 North Dakota Forest Service Larry Kotchman 307 1st Street East Bottineau, ND 58318‐1100 North Dakota Game & Fish Department Steve Dyke Bruce Kreft Terry Steinwand 100 N. Bismarck Expressway Bismarck, ND 58501‐5095 3/30/2015 N/A 3/30/2015 N/A 3/30/2015 N/A 3/30/2015 N/A 3/30/2015 N/A 3/30/2015 N/A 3/30/2015 N/A 3/30/2015  4/22/2015 3/30/2015 N/A Section 2.0 Construction Sequence  and Construction Mitigation  Measures; Section 3.5 Aquatic  Resources North Dakota Game & Fish Department Dave Fryda Fred Ryckman 406 Dakota Ave Riverdale, ND 58565 North Dakota Game & Fish Department Kent Luttschwager 13932 West Front Street Williston, ND 58801‐8602 North Dakota Industrial Commission ‐ Oil and Gas Div. Lynn Helms Bruce E. Hicks 600 East Boulevard Bismarck, ND 58505 North Dakota Land Department Mike Brand 1707 North 9th St. Bismarck, ND 58501‐1853 North Dakota Parks & Recreation Department Kathy Duttenhefner 1600 East Century Avenue, Suite 3 Bismarck, ND 58503‐0649 North Dakota Petroleum Council Ron Ness PO Box 1395 Bismarck, ND 58502 North Dakota State Historical Society Susan Quinnell 612 East Boulevard Ave. Bismarck, ND 58505 North Dakota State Water Commission John Paczkowski 900 East Boulevard Ave. Bismarck, ND 58505‐0850 North Dakota Tourism Division Sarah Otte Coleman PO Box 2057 Bismarck, ND 58502‐2057 3/30/2015 N/A 3/30/2015 N/A 3/30/2015 4/16/2015 3/30/2015 N/A 3/30/2015 4/20/2015 3/30/2015 N/A 3/30/2015 4/2/2015 3/30/2015 N/A 3/30/2015 N/A Section 3.1.2 Mineral Resources;  Section 3.1.3 Geological Hazards;  Section 3.1.4 Paleontology Section 3.3.1 Vegetation; Section  3.4 Wildlife Resources; Section 3.5  Aquatic Resources  Section 3.7.1 Cultural Resources  Studies U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Office Daniel Cimarosti 1513 12th St. SE Bismarck, ND 58504 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, North Dakota Field Office Scott Larson 3425 Miriam Avenue Bismarck, ND 58501‐7926 USDA‐APHIS‐WS Philip Mastrangelo 2110 Miriam Drive, Suite A Bismarck, ND 58501 USDA‐Natural Resources Conservation Service‐North Dakota State  Office Mary Podoll 220 East Rosser Avenue, Room 270 Bismarck, ND 58502‐5020 USDOI‐Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement‐Dick  Cheney Federal Building Jeffrey Fleischman 150 East B Street, Rm 1018 Casper, WY 82601‐7006 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Omaha District; CENWO‐PM‐AA Tiffany Vanosdall 1616 Capitol Avenue Omaha, NE 68101‐4901 North Dakota Parks & Recreation Department Jesse Hanson 1600 E. Century Ave, Suite 3 Bismarck, ND 58503‐0649 North Dakota Chapter of the Wildlife Society Kory Richardson PO Box 1442 Bismarck, ND 58502 Sierra Club ‐ North Dakota Office Blaine Nordwall 311 N. Mandan St. Bismarck, North Dakota 58501 3/30/2015 N/A 3/30/2015 N/A 3/30/2015 N/A 3/30/2015 4/13/2015 Section 3.1.5 Soils; Section 3.2.3  Wetlands 3/30/2015 4/13/2015 Section 1.1 Project Description 3/30/2015 N/A 3/30/2015 N/A 3/30/2015 N/A 1st mailing 3/30/2015 2nd mailing 4/23/2015 N/A LANDOWNERS Kenneth Kjos 3/30/2015 N/A 1st mailing 3/30/2015 2nd mailing 5/6/2015 N/A 3/30/2015 N/A 3/30/2015 N/A 3/30/2015 N/A 3/30/2015 N/A 3/30/2015 N/A 3/30/2015 N/A 3/30/2015 N/A 3/30/2015 N/A Dennis Nelson Williams Co. Highway Department Ken Gardner Buford Township Carlen Welty David C. Braaten Steven Mortenson William Dobias Family Trust David A. Meyer Patricia Higgins Leialoha Family Trust Scoping Letter and Figures VIA CERTIFIED MAIL March 24, 2015 [insert contact name] [insert contact address] Re: Request for Comments on Dakota Access Pipeline Project Proposed Crossing of Flowage Easements Near Upper End of Lake Sakakawea and Federal Lands at Lake Oahe in North Dakota Dear [insert contact name]: Dakota Access, LLC (Project Proponent, Applicant) is proposing to construct the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) Project. The overall proposed DAPL Project is an approximate 1,150 mile long light crude oil pipeline project beginning near Stanley, North Dakota, and ending at Patoka, Illinois. In North Dakota (see attached Figure 1) the proposed pipeline is approximately 358 miles in length and is proposed to cross flowage easements retained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) near the upper end of Lake Sakakawea and on Corps managed Federal land at Lake Oahe by utilizing trench/backfill and Horizontal Directional Drill (HDD) techniques. See attached Figures 2a, 2b and 3 for a map of crossing locations. The proposed crossings will require real estate actions and regulatory permits from the Corps to cross federal lands and flowage easements, which are the federal actions associated with this request for comment on the proposed Project. Background The Lake Sakakawea crossing location is proposed to be installed across Corps Flowage Easements (Figures 2a and 2b). The Lake Oahe crossing location will cross below lands owned by the federal government under management by the Corps (Figure 3). Dakota Access, LLC is sending this letter on behalf of the Corps as the designated non-federal representative for compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) Regulations (40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1500-15-8), Corps of Engineers Regulation ER 200-2-2 (33 CFR Part 230) and related environmental compliance requirements for these crossings. In addition to other requirements, the Lake Sakakawea and Lake Oahe crossings portions of this Project shall comply with the National Historic Preservation Act (Section 106); Tribes, Tribal Historic Preservation Offices, State Historic Preservation Offices, Advisory Council on Historic Preservation and interested parties will be consulted with by Corps Omaha District personnel as required through their Programmatic Agreement with Tribes that reside within the Missouri River basin. These crossings will require Department of the Army (DA) authorization under either Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (Section 404) and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (Section 10). At this time it is not known how many additional crossings may require DA authorization; however, the 1 P a g e Corps will not have regulatory authority over the entire proposed pipeline project. It is anticipated that the majority of the approximate 620-miles of the proposed pipeline construction in the Omaha District will occur in uplands and not impact waters of the United States. The DA - Omaha District will evaluate each separate and distinct crossing of waters of the United States as a single and complete project, consistent with the requirements of Nationwide Permit 12 (NWP 12) for utility lines. A single and complete project includes crossings of a single Waters of the U.S. at a specific location. The affect analysis is being completed in accordance with CEQ regulations in Section CFR 1506.5(b), which allows an applicant to prepare an Environmental Assessment (EA) for a federal action in coordination with the lead federal agency (i.e. Corps). The Corps will make a final determination regarding compliance of the activities with NEPA and NWP 12 once complete information is received. The Corps will independently evaluate and verify the information and analysis undertaken in the EA and take full responsibility for the scope and content contained within. DAPL Project Description Flowage Easement Crossings Near Lake Sakakawea/Missouri River The proposed flowage easement crossings are located in Sections 7, 18, 19, and 30, Township 152 North, Range 103 West in Williams County, North Dakota (see attached Figures 2a and 2b) for a total of 2.97 miles (15,692 feet). The proposed pipeline is routed parallel to an existing buried pipeline, and associated valve sites, that crosses the Missouri River and Corps Flowage Easements just west of the DAPL pipeline. The proposed pipeline route crosses seven privately owned tracts of land which contain Corps Flowage Easements. The majority of the pipeline would be installed using conventional trench/backfill construction methods across the easements; 14,122 feet of the total 15,692 feet across the easements. The remainder of the footage will be drilled in association with the Lake Sakakawea/Missouri River crossing. The HDD entry point and pipeline stringing corridor are located on the easements. The exact HDD entry and exit locations are pending review of geotechnical investigations, but preliminary design indicates that potential HDD crossing length is approximately 2,700 feet. The HDD entry workspace would be located on one of the flowage easement tracts (Corps Easement LL3440E) north of the river. A valve used for operation of the planned pipeline would be installed near the HDD entry point on one of the flowage easement tracts. All contours would be restored to preconstruction contours and conditions, except for the valve site that would be graveled and fenced in. All above ground structures placed within flowage easements (e.g. fill) may require excavation from the easement in order to retain flood retention as calculated when the flowage easements were obtained by the Corps. The exact location of excavation is yet to be determined, but would be within the easement for which the valve site is retained. Federal Lands Crossing at Lake Oahe The proposed Lake Oahe crossing is located in Section 10, Township 134 North, Range 79 West in Morton County, North Dakota, and Section 11, Township 134 North, Range 79 West in Emmons County, North Dakota (Figure 3). The proposed pipeline is routed to parallel existing linear infrastructure (an overhead powerline and a buried pipeline) across Lake Oahe. The exact entry and exit locations are pending review of geotechnical investigations, but preliminary design indicates an HDD crossing of 7,500 feet (Figure 4). 2 P a g e Request for Comment Dakota Access, LLC respectfully requests your comments on the proposed flowage easement crossings near Lake Sakakawea and federal lands crossing at Lake Oahe and any information you may have that will assist in evaluating potential impacts and preparation of an EA in compliance with NEPA requirements. We request information you may have regarding resources and/or concerns about the proposed Project crossing location at these locations which will be reviewed and assessed in the EA document. Specifically, if special features exist with the Project crossing areas (e.g., culturally sensitive areas, domestic water resources, sensitive wildlife habitat, noxious weeds, etc.), please let us know. Please note that the Corps has the ultimate responsibility to determine whether or not to approve the proposed action. If approved, the Corps will decide the terms and conditions under which the Project crossing should occur (e.g. timing restrictions to reduce disturbance to wildlife, recreation or other concerns; revegetation guidelines, monitoring requirements, etc.). Copies of correspondence received in response to this letter will be evaluated and included with the EA document to be prepared for the Project crossings. Dakota Access, LLC respectfully requests receipt of your comments within 30 calendar days of receipt of this letter. We appreciate your assistance and timely response with this request. Should you have any questions or comments, please contact me at 713.898.8222 (cell), 713.989.7186 (office) or Sincerely, Dakota Access, LLC Monica Howard Director Environmental Sciences cc: Johnathan Shelman, Corps Environmental Resource Specialist, Omaha District Enc. Figure 1 Dakota Access Pipeline Project Map Figures 2a and 2b Dakota Access Pipeline Project Proposed Crossing of Flowage Easements Near Upper End of Lake Sakakawea Figure 3 Dakota Access Pipeline Project Proposed Crossings of Federal Lands at Lake Oahe Figure 4 Dakota Access Pipeline Project Conceptual Site Plan and Profile Lake Oahe HDD 3 P a g e Canada Willia m s M c Ke nz ie MT North Dakota MI MN WI Canada South Dakota WY Iowa NE IN Illinois CO KS MO KY Williams Mountrail Missouri River " S McKenzie North Dakota Source: Z:\Clients\E_H\Energy_Transfer\DAPL\ArcGIS\2015\02\EA_Agency_Letter\Figure_1_DAPL_Project_Map.mxd Mercer Morton " S Emmons Lake Oahe South Dakota 0 25 50 Miles For Environmental Purposes Only p Figure 1 Dakota Access Pipeline Project Map Proposed Route Centerline Date: (2/24/2015) Dunn 91.5 Canada ND-WI-244.000 39th Cir NW LL3426E-2 North Dakota T152N R104W Sec. 12 T152N R103W Sec. 7 ND-WI-244.200 LL3426E-2 LL3431E 149th Av e NW T152N R103W Sec. 8 40t h Ln 92 ND-WI-245.000 LL3426E-2 9t h d 92.5 N W 150th Av e NW R ND-WI-246.000 T152N R103W Sec. 18 T152N R103W Sec. 17 ND-WI-246.200 ND-WI-247.000 LL3430E " S 39 LL3453E th St 93 NW ND-WI-248.000 T152N R104W Sec. 24 T152N R103W Sec. 19 T152N R103W Sec. 20 93.5 ND-WI-248.300 LL3483E-1 ND-WI-249.300 0 600 1,200 Feet 1 inch = 1,200 feet For Environmental Review Purposes Only p ND-WI-249.000 Figure 2a Dakota Access Pipeline Project Proposed Crossing of Flowage Easements Near Upper End of Lake Sakakawea " S Proposed Milepost Proposed Valve Site (50' x 75') Proposed Route Centerline Proposed 50ft Permanent Easement HDD Workspace and Stringing Area Proposed Construction Workspace Tracts COE Flowage Easement Area Date: (3/6/2015) 14 T152N R104W Sec. 13 LL3450E-2 Source: Z:\Clients\E_H\Energy_Transfer\DAPL\ArcGIS\2015\02\EA_Agency_Letter\Figure_2a_DAPL_Proposed_Easement_North_Missouri_River.mxd ND-WI-245.200 ND-WI-245.200 92.5 Canada ND-WI-245.000 LL3431E ND-WI-246.000 LL3450E-2 14 9 th Rd North Dakota N W T152N R103W Sec. 18 T152N R103W Sec. 17 ND-WI-246.200 ND-WI-247.000 150th Av e NW 3 St NW " S ND-WI-248.000 93.5 T152N R103W Sec. 19 ND-WI-249.000 ND-WI-248.300 T152N R103W Sec. 20 LL3483E-1 ND-WI-249.300 94 t 38 h St NW ND-WI-250.000 LL3440E ND-WI-251.200 ND-WI-251.000 T152N R103W Sec. 30 T152N R103W Sec. 29 94.5 0 600 1,200 Feet 1 inch = 1,200 feet For Environmental Review Purposes Only p Figure 2b Dakota Access Pipeline Project Proposed Crossing of Flowage Easements Near Upper End of Lake Sakakawea er i Riv r u o Miss " S Proposed Milepost Proposed Valve Site (50' x 75') Proposed Route Centerline Proposed 50ft Permanent Easement HDD Workspace and Stringing Area Proposed Construction Workspace Tracts COE Flowage Easement Area Source: Z:\Clients\E_H\Energy_Transfer\DAPL\ArcGIS\2015\02\EA_Agency_Letter\Figure_2b_DAPL_Proposed_Easement_North_Missouri_River.mxd LL3453E h 9t 93 Date: (3/6/2015) LL3430E T134N R79W Sec. 8 ND-MO-192.000 Private Land T134N R79W Sec. 5 t 1,750 Feet For Environmental Review Purposes Only 1 inch = 1,750 feet 875 ! ( p T134N R79W Sec. 16 ND-MO-194.000 Private Land T134N R79W Sec. 9 165 ND-MO-193.000 Private Land T134N R79W Sec. 4 ! ( ! ( ! ( T134N R79W Sec. 15 T134N R79W Sec. 10 Figure 3 166 ND-MO-197.000 Private Land ! ( ! ( ND-EM-002.300 Private Land ND-EM-002.000 Private Land 167.5 ! ( " S State Hwy 1804 " S Proposed Milepost Proposed Valve Site (50' x 75') Proposed Route Centerline Proposed 50ft Permanent Easement HDD Workspace and Stringing Area Proposed Construction Workspace Tracts T134N R79W Sec. 14 ND-MO-199.900 Lake Oahe ! ( 67th St SW United States of America T134N R79W Sec. 11 167 ND-EM-001.000 Private Land Canada North Dakota T134N R79W Sec. 2 ND-EM-001.100 United States of America ND-MO-199.000 United States of America 166.5 ND-MO-198.000 United States of America T134N R79W Sec. 3 Dakota Access Pipeline Project Proposed Crossings of Federal Lands at Lake Oahe ND-MO-196.000 Private Land 165.5 ND-MO-195.000 Private Land e 0 " S u T134N R79W Sec. 17 Sta 6 80 y1 eH w 164.5 so ve ak Source: Z:\Clients\E_H\Energy_Transfer\DAP L\A rcGIS\2015\02\EA_Agency_Letter\Figure_3_DAPL_P roposed_E asement_Missouri_River_Lake_Oahe.mxd Date: (3/23/2015) s Mi Ri ri r/L Oa he 150' 200' ND-MO-198.900 1700 MAM : MWC 1650 150' 200' 50' PROPOSED LO-B-5 N. 16876684.66291 E. 1241094.42984 LAT. N46° 26' 19.7138" LONG. W100° 35' 04.0321" PROPOSED LO-B-3 N. 16876473.92914 E. 1239005.64260 LAT. N46° 26' 17.2192" LONG. W100° 35' 33.7966" CONCEPTUAL HDD EXIT POINT N. 16876250.75915 E. 1236590.48869 LAT. N46° 26' 14.5344" LONG. W100° 36' 08.2166" CONCEPTUAL PRODUCT PIPE STRINGING AND FABRICATION AREA (SEE FIGURE 2B FOR LAYOUT) EDGE OF WATER (TYP.) LO-B-7 TY COUN ONS TY E MM COUN T ON MO R LO-B-1 ND-MO-197.000 CONCEPTUAL 30" HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILL - 7,500' CONCEPTUAL HDD ENTRY POINT N. 16877035.65755 E. 1244049.30458 LAT. N46° 26' 23.7611" LONG. W100° 34' 21.9398" MP 167.5 50 16 LAKE OAHE MP 167.0 MP 166.0 250' 175' PROPOSED LO-B-2 N. 16876319.02322 E. 1237513.70705 LAT. N46° 26' 15.3928" LONG. W100° 35' 55.0544" PROPOSED LO-B-4 N. 16876608.33334 E. 1239839.86073 LAT. N46° 26' 18.7117" LONG. W100° 35' 21.9238" MP 166.5 9.000 CONCEPTUAL TEMPORARY HDD EXIT WORKSPACE CONCEPTUAL TEMPORARY HDD ENTRY WORKSPACE 00 17 19 ND-M O- MATCH LINE (SEE FIGURE 2B) 00 17 ND-EM-001.000 PROPOSED LO-B-6 N. 16876805.08724 E. 1242288.15925 LAT. N46° 26' 21.1384" LONG. W100° 34' 47.0215" EXISTING PIPELINE 250' ND-EM-002.000 PROPERTY LINE (TYP.) PROPOSED DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE ALIGNMENT (03-09-2015) ND-MO-199.900 P:\18\18782011\01\CAD\Crossings\North Dakota\Lake Oahe\Drawings\Lake Oahe HDD Figure 2.dwg\TAB:Figure 2A modified on Mar 09, 2015 - 7:51pm DATUM: HORIZONTAL: NAD83 with UTM Datum, Zone 14, US Foot; Central Meridian 99° W VERTICAL: NAVD 88 CONCEPTUAL HDD EXIT POINT 10 15 16 13 13 52 64 50/5" 50/4" 50/3" 70 50/5" 50/6" 50/3" 100/15" 73 50/4" 50/6" 67 50/4" 50/4" 32/3" 50/3" 50/1" 50/6" 50/4" 50/3" 100/16" 63 50/4" 100/16" 50/6" 100/14" 100/16" 100/16" 100/15" 100/15" 100/15" 50/5" 50/6" 50/5" 50/4" 50/4" 50/5" 50/5" 50/6" 65 100/15" 100/15" SILTY SAND CLAYEY SAND W/ OCCASIONAL GRAVEL LAKE OAHE (APPROX. WATER LEVEL) SAND CONCEPTUAL HDD ENTRY POINT GROUND SURFACE (SURVEY) SILTY SAND SANDY CLAY W/ OCCASIONAL FINE GRAVEL SANDY SILT CLAY SANDY SILT SAND W/ CLAY CLAYEY SAND 70' CLAY SAND W/ INTERBEDDED CLAYSTONE SAND W/ TRACE CLAY SAND W/ CLAY FLUID EQUILIBRIUM ELEVATION (1638') SILTY SAND 111' 64' FINE TO COARSE GRAVEL W/ SILT AND SAND SAND CLAY LO-B-1 SANDY CLAY PROPOSED LO-B-2 (DEPTH 165') PROPOSED LO-B-3 (DEPTH 140') PROPOSED LO-B-4 (DEPTH 140') PROPOSED LO-B-5 (DEPTH 140') PROPOSED LO-B-6 (DEPTH 140') 10 20 13 6 9 5 6 10 13 13 11 11 8 42 20 7 11 44 18 39 28 26 31 40 58 33 31 39 48 54 67 LO-B-7 CONCEPTUAL 30" HDD PROFILE LEGEND: Notes: 1. The locations of all features shown are approximate. 2. This drawing is for information purposes. It is intended to assist in showing features discussed in an attached document. GeoEngineers, Inc. can not guarantee the accuracy and content of electronic files. The master file is stored by GeoEngineers, Inc. and will serve as the official record of this communication. 3. GeoEngineers, Inc. has not verified the field location of the existing utilities. Reference: Ground surface DEM (1/3 Arc Second) downloaded from http://NationalMap.Gov. Aerial image taken from Google Earth Pro © 2015, licensed to GeoEngineers, Inc., image dated 09/30/13. Ground surface survey provided by Wood Group Mustang, Inc. Shape files provided by Contract Land Staff, LLC. SPT (N) TYPE OF SOIL NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOR DISCUSSION ONLY Proposed Boring Location Major Contour - 50' Interval Minor Contour - 10' Interval DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE PROJECT CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN AND PROFILE PROPOSED 30" PIPELINE LAKE OAHE HDD MORTON & EMMONS COUNTIES, NORTH DAKOTA FIGURE ISSUED DATE: MARCH 09, 2015 16 5. 5 M P ACCESS ROAD 18 00 180 0 PROPERTY LINE (TYP.) 1750 WATERBODY (TYP.) EXISTING PIPELINE 17 00 CONCEPTUAL PRODUCT PIPE STRINGING AND FABRICATION AREA (100' X 7,575) SURVEYED WETLAND (TYP.) DATUM: HORIZONTAL: NAD83 with UTM Datum, Zone 14, US Foot; Central Meridian 99° W VERTICAL: NAVD 88 P:\18\18782011\01\CAD\Crossings\North Dakota\Lake Oahe\Drawings\Lake Oahe HDD Figure 2.dwg\TAB:Figure 2B modified on Mar 09, 2015 - 7:55pm PROPOSED DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE ALIGNMENT (03-09-2015) ND-MO-194.000 MATCH LINE (SEE FIGURE 2A) CONCEPTUAL PRODUCT PIPE STRINGING ALIGNMENT 3,000 FT R. 0 175 MAM : MWC HI GH W AY 18 06 17 00 MP 166.0 ND-MO-195.000 LO-B-1 CONCEPTUAL PRODUCT PIPE STRINGING PROFILE GROUND SURFACE (DEM) 800 FT. R (TYP.) 9' 7' 7' LEGEND: Notes: 1. The locations of all features shown are approximate. 2. This drawing is for information purposes. It is intended to assist in showing features discussed in an attached document. GeoEngineers, Inc. can not guarantee the accuracy and content of electronic files. The master file is stored by GeoEngineers, Inc. and will serve as the official record of this communication. 3. GeoEngineers, Inc. has not verified the field location of the existing utilities. Reference: Ground surface DEM (1/3 Arc Second) downloaded from http://NationalMap.Gov. Aerial image taken from Google Earth Pro © 2015, licensed to GeoEngineers, Inc., image dated 09/30/13. Ground surface survey provided by Wood Group Mustang, Inc. Shape files provided by Contract Land Staff, LLC. Proposed Boring Location Major Contour - 50' Interval Minor Contour - 10' Interval NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOR DISCUSSION ONLY DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE PROJECT CONCEPTUAL STRINGING WORKSPACE PROPOSED 30" PIPELINE LAKE OAHE HDD MORTON & EMMONS COUNTIES, NORTH DAKOTA FIGURE ISSUED DATE: MARCH 09, 2015 Scoping Letter Comments Received With Responses April 22, 2015 Monica Howard, Director Environmental Services, Dakota Access LLC Submitted via email: Re: Dakota Access Pipeline Proposed Crossings at Lake Sakakawea and Lake Oahe Dear Ms. Howard, The North Dakota Forest Service has reviewed the information concerning the abovereferenced project with regard to possible impacts on North Dakota’s forest resources. North Dakota’s forests provide wildlife habitat, recreational opportunities, stabilize river banks, filter water runoff from adjacent agricultural lands, provide wood products, serve as seed sources for conservation tree production, increase the botanical diversity of the state, and provide important wildlife habitat. We encourage the project proponent to replace any trees or shrubs removed during the construction of this project. Native cottonwood forests occurring within the Missouri River floodplain have been identified in North Dakota’s Statewide Assessment of Forest Resources and Forest Resource Strategy as high priority forest areas. We note that the proposed project crosses through a forest of this type at the location noted as Milepost 94.5 in Figure 2b provided. We encourage the project proponent to utilize construction techniques that will avoid or minimize disturbance of the forest in this area. If you have any questions regarding our comments, please feel free to contact this office. Sincerely, Liz Smith, ND Forest Service Cc: Larry Kotchman, State Forester Liz Smith, Forestry Incentives Specialist, NDSU-ND Forest Service Jamestown, North Dakota 58401 Jamestown Field Office 300 2nd Ave NE, Suite 208A 701-400-8330 Archived: Thursday, April 23, 2015 9:25:39 AM From: Howard, Monica Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 12:34:31 PM To: Elizabeth Smith Cc: Larry Kotchman; Dennis Woods; Ashley Thompson; Subject: RE: North Dakota Forest Service Comments re: Dakota Access Pipeline Importance: Normal Attachments: Dakota Access Sakakwea and Oahe .pdf ; Ms. Smith, Thank you for your email and comments. I want to assure you that Dakota Access will adhere to the tree and shrub replanting regulations set forth by the North Dakota Public Service Commission. With regard to the forested area at the Missouri River, there will be no surface disturbance as a result of the project due do our horizontal directional drill beneath the river. We will have to selectively cut trees within 15 feet of the centerline for federal operational compliance; however, I would like to note that the tree density over our alignment here is low compared to the majority of the forest along the bank (please see aerial screen shot below). Please do not hesitate to contact me with any additional questions or concerns relative to the project. Thank you, Monica Howard Director Environmental Sciences 713-989-7186 (o) 713-898-8222 (c) From: Elizabeth Smith [] Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 10:42 AM To: Howard, Monica Cc: Larry Kotchman Subject: North Dakota Forest Service Comments re: Dakota Access Pipeline Dear Ms. Howard, Attached please find comments regarding the Dakota Access Pipeline Proposed Crossings at Lake Sakakawea and Lake Oahe. Liz Smith Forestry Incentives Specialist NDSU-ND Forest Service 300 2nd Avenue NE, Suite 208A Jamestown, ND 58401 701.400.8330 Private and confidential as detailed here. If you cannot access hyperlink, please e-mail sender. North Dakota Geological Survey Edward C. Murphy - Slate Geologist Department of Mineral RC$ourccs Lynn 0. Helms - Director North Dakota Industr ia l Co mmission April 16111 , 20 15 Monica Howard Director of Environmental Sciences Dakota Access, LLC ..... Dear Ms. Howard, Thank you for requesting our commentS. If you have not already, we encourage you to visit the North Dakota Geological Survey {NDGS) website at bUDS:l/wv."' "hich hosts a surplus of maps and information regarding the terrain you will be transeeting. Sections of the proposed pipeline will transect clay-rich terrain with drainages, ravines and coulces characterized by landslide deposits. High concentrations of landslides have been mapped in many regions along the proposed route centerline shown in Figure I of your document. Figure 2b also projects your route centerline within a few hundred feet of small landslides along the south bank of the Missouri River (cf., the Watford City IOOk map sheet on the NDOS website). Many of tl1e landslides are older, vegetated deposilS so difficult to detect, yet they may destabilize if disturbed, so we want to alert you of their locations. In places landslides exceed sizes of 200 acres. Landslide prone areas include the badlands topography and regions where nonglacial sediment such as the Sentinel Butte and Bullion Creek Formations are exposed near or at the surface. Some concentrated regions overlapping your route arc the White Earth River Valley in Mounurin Trail Coun1y: the Lake Sakakawea Region and the Missouri River Valley along the border of Williams and McKenzie counties: the Little Missouri River Valley in McKenzie and Dunn coumies; and the Killdeer Mouniain Region in Dunn County. Landslide maps can be accessed at hnps:u,, Wl•!andslides/. The pipeline will also transec1 terrain rich in paleontological resources and economically mineable coal deposits so we ask that you contact us if you uncover anything of note. Coal deposits are defined as economical if they meet the minimum criteria eslablished by coal compan ies operating surface mines in North Dakola. lnfom1ation regarding paleontologicul resources can be accessed at b11ps;!!$tCripos1cr.a_$1 and coal maps can be accessed at Please contact me if you have any questions. Best regards. Joe Blockland Geologist Nonh Dakota Geological Survey 600 Eas1 Boulevard Ave, Bismarck, ND 58505-0840 Phone: 701-328-80 13; Email: 600 E Boulevard Ave - Dcpl 405, Bismarck. Nortl1 Dakota 58505-0840 Phone (70I)328-8000 Fax (70 I)328-80 I0 Jack Dalrymple, Governor Mark A Zimmerman, Director 1600 Easl Century Avenue, Suite 3 Bismarck, ND 58503-0649 Phone 701-328-5357 Fax 701-328-5363 E-mail parkrec@nd gov April 20, 2015 Energy Transfer c/o Monica Howard 1300 Main Street, RM 14.030 Houston, TX 77002 Re: Dakota Access Pipeline Project Dear Ms. Turnbow, The North Dakota Parks and Recreation Department (the Department) has reviewed the above referenced proposed pipeline project crossing of flowage easement near upper end of Lake Sakakawea and Federal Lands at Lake Oahe in North Dakota. Our agency scope of authority and expertise covers recreation and biological resources (in particular rare plants and ecological communities}. The project as defined does not affect state park lands that we manage or Land and Water Conservation Fund recreation projects that we coordinate. The North Dakota Natural Heritage biological conservation database has been reviewed to determine if any plant or animal species of concern or other significant ecological communities are known to occur within an approximate one-mile radius of the project area. Based on this review, we have several species of concern documented within sections and in adjacent sections to project area. Please see the attached spreadsheet and map for more information on these occurrences. Because this information is not based on a comprehensive inventory, there may be species of concern or otherwise significant ecological communities in the area that are not represented in the database. The lack of data for any project area cannot be construed to mean that no significant features are present. The absence of data may indicate that the project area has not been surveyed, rather than confirm that the area lacks natural heritage resources. We defer any additional comments regarding these animal species to the ND Game and Fish Department and the US Fish and Wildlife Service. Regarding any reclamation efforts, we recommend that any impacted areas be revegetated with species native to the project area. It is our policy to charge out-of-state requests for data services including data retrieval, data analysis, manual and computer searches, packaging and collection of data. An invoice for services provided has been enclosed. We appreciate your commitment to rare plant, animal and ecological community conservation, management and inter-agency cooperation to date. For additional information please contact Kathy Duttenhefner {701328-5370 or} of our staff. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this proposed project. l~CfVJ. J se anson, ~nager anning and Natural Resources Division R.USNDNH1*2015-030 KD4/20/2015DL4.30.2015 .. .. ....... Play in our backyard! ND Parks and Recreation Department INVOIC.E ND Natural Heritage Inventory 1600 East Century Ave., Suite 3 Bismarck, ND 58503-0649 (701) 328-5370 FAX: (701) 328-5363 INVOICE NO: 501 DATE: 4120/2015 Energy Transfer c/o Minica Howard 1300 Main Street, Rm 14.030 Housatan, TX 77002 REFERENCE NO. CONTACT K. Duttenhefner NHl_2015-0001 QUANTITY 1 DATE SHIPPED SHIPPED VIA 1/23/2015 USPS F.O.B. POINT DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE Data retrieval, data analysis, manual and computer searches, $ 60.00 TERMS AMOUNT $ 60.00 packaging and collection of data. Project: Dakota Acess Pipeline Project $ 60.00 SUBTOTAL SALES TAX SHIPPING & HANDLING $ 60.00 TOTAL DUE Make all checks payable to: ND Parks and Recreation Department If you have any questions concerning this invoice, call: Kathy Duttenhefner, (701) 328-5370 THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST IN RARE SPECIES CONSERVATION. Enny Event Fund Dept. Project Activity 463021 398 1508 OR15082 15082 North Dakota Parks and Recreation Department North Dakota Natural Heritage Inventory 35 31 5 / ,, n-===~~~-t-~--/-~-:=-~=1-._(,!_ ~\ 10 11 12 7 29 2B 21 36 31 N .., .... I- z - \11 .... • & Animal Species of Concern Plant Species of Concern Significant Ecological Community 6 I~ R104W R103W 5 4 3 April 2015 North Dilkota Niitural Heritage Inventory Rare Animal and Plant Species and Significant Ecological Communities State Scientific Name Macrhybopsls meekl State Common Name Slcklefln Chub State Global Federal Rank Rank Status Township Ranae Section 52 G3 152N104W • 24 l Last Observation County McKenzie 1994-07-07 Estimated Representation Accuracy Predslon s North Dakota Parks and Recreation Department North Dakota Natural Heritage Inventory 29 i B 25 30 36 31 ) i I 32 j ::· Ii ..,:z....,., I- 1804 I zv i M / I= 5 4 Stema antillarom Least Tern I ,, i 2 j i 1806 P.roject AreJ I \ \ \ Cycleptus elongatus Blue Sucker 6 ~pproximate \' ,, 12 Stema antil/arom 7 ~Si===' Least Tern Scaphirhynchus a/bus Pallid Sturgeon Polyodon spathula Paddlefish • Animal Species of Concern Plant Species of Concern R791t1 April 2015 North Dakota Natural Heritage Inventory Rare Animal and Plant Species and Significant Ecological Communities State Scientific Name State Common Name Charadrlus melodus Plplng Plover Cycleptus elongatus Polyodon spathula Polyodon spathula River-creek Scaphlrhynchus albus Stema antlllarum Sterna antlllarum Blue Sucker Paddleflsh Paddlefish Pallld Sturgeon Least Tern Least Tern State Global Federal Rank Rank Status Township Ran1e Section 5152 S3 SNR SNR Sl Sl Sl Sl G3 LE,LT G3G4 G4 G4 GNR G2 G4 G4 LE PS:LE PS:LE 134N079W - 10; 134N079W - 11 134N079W - 10; 134N079W - 04; 134N079W - 09; 134N079W -15; 134N079W -14; 134N079W -11; 134N079W - 02; 134N079W - 22; 134N079W - 03; 134N079W - 16; 134N079W - 21 134N079W • 14 134N079W • 15; 134N079W - 11; 134N079W - 12; 134N079W - 22; 134N079W - 03; 134N079W - 13; 134N079W - 16; 134N079W - 23; 134N079W - 10; 134N079W -14; 134N079W - 09; 134N079W - 02 134N079W - 15 134N079W - 10; 134N079W - 04; 134N079W - 09; 134N079W - 15; 134N079W - 14; 134N079W - 11; 134N079W - 02; 134N079W - 22; 134N079W - 03; 134N079W - 16; 134N079W - 21 134N079W - 02 134N079W - 10; 134N079W - 11 l County last Observation Estimated Representation Accuracy Precision Emmons 2002·06·09 Medium s Emmons, Morton, Sioux 1975-08-13 Emmons 1994-08·31 M s Emmons, Morton, Sioux 1973-07-03 Sioux 1986 Emmons, Morton, Sioux 1973-07-03 Emmons 1990-07 Emmons 1996-07 M s Low Medium Medium M s s North Dakota Natural Heritage Inventory Biological and Conservation Data Disclaimer The quantity and quality of data collected by the North Dakota Natural Heritage Inventory are dependent on the research and observations of many individuals and organizations. In most cases, this information is not the result of comprehensive or site-specific field surveys; many natural areas in North Dakota have never been thoroughly surveyed, and new species are still being discovered. For these reasons, the Natural Heritage Inventory cannot provide a definite statement on the presence, absence, or condition of biological elements in any part of North Dakota. Natural Heritage data summarize the existing information known at the time of the request. Our data are continually upgraded and information is continually being added to the database. This data should never be regarded as final statements on the elements or areas that are being considered, nor should they be substituted for on-site surveys. Estimated Representation Accuracy Value that indicates the approximate percentage of the Element Occurrence Representation (EO Rep) that was observed to be occupied by the species or community (versus buffer area added for locational uncertainty). Use of estimated representation accuracy provides a common index for the consistent comparison of EO reps, thus helping to ensure that aggregated data are correctly analyzed and interpreted. Very high (>95%) High (>80%, <= 95%) Medium (>20%, <= 80%) Low (>0%, <= 20%) Unknown (null) - Not assessed Precision A single-letter code for the precision used to map the Element Occurrence (EO) on a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5' (or 15') topographic quadrangle map, based on the previous Heritage methodology in which EOs were located on paper maps using dots. S • Seconds: accuracy of locality mappable within a three-second radius; 100 meters from the centerpoint M ·Minute: accuracy of locality mappable within a one-minute radius; 2 km from the centerpoint G ·General: accuracy of locality mappalbe to map or place name precision only; 8 km from centerpoint U • Unmappable Archived: Thursday, April 23, 2015 9:28:06 AM From: Howard, Monica Sent: Monday, April 13, 2015 9:39:44 AM To: Sieving, John Cc: Jeffrey W Fleischman; Dennis Woods; Ashley Thompson; Oh, Meghan; Subject: RE: Request for comment Dakota Access Pipeline Project Importance: Normal Hi Mr. Sieving, Thank you for your response. We will follow-up as needed based on additional review of the Coyote Creek Mine. Sincerely, Monica Howard Director Environmental Sciences 713-989-7186 (o) 713-898-8222 (c) From: Sieving, John [] Sent: Monday, April 13, 2015 9:36 AM To: Howard, Monica Cc: Jeffrey W Fleischman Subject: Request for comment Dakota Access Pipeline Project Ms. Howard, The Office of Surfacing Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE), Casper Area Office, has received your request for comments concerning the Dakota Access Pipeline Project Proposed Crossing of Flowage Easements Near the Upper End of Lake Sakakawea and Federal Lands at Lake Oahe in North Dakota. It does not appear that the project intersects any lands currently regulated by this agency. As such, this office has no comment on the proposed project. The proposed pipeline does, however, appear to extend just southwest of the Coyote Creek Mine (Permit NACC-1302), in Mercer County, ND. This is a new operation and has only been permitted since October of last year. Any questions concerning this mine may be addressed to the North Dakota Public Service Commission, which is the primary regulatory authority concerning mining operations in North Dakota. Thank you for your inquiry. To address any further questions or follow up, feel free to contact John Sieving, Physical Scientist (307) 261-6541 or Jeff Fleischman, DFD Chief, (307) 261-6550. -John Sieving Physical Scientist Office of Surface Mining Casper Field Office 150 East "B" St. Casper, WY 82601 Office: (307)261-6541 Cell: (307)315-4261 Private and confidential as detailed here. If you cannot access hyperlink, please e-mail sender. USDA j{jijjii Natural Resources Conservation Service PO Box 1458 Bismarck, ND 58502-1458 Voice 701 .530.2000 Fax 855-813-7556 United States Department of Agriculture April 13, 2015 Monica Howard Director Environmental Sciences Dakota Access, LLC 1300 Main Street Houston, Texas 77002 Re: Request for Comments on Dakota Access Pipeline Project Proposed Crossing of Flowage Easements Near Upper End of Lake Sakakawea and Federal lands at Lake Oahe in North Dakota Dear Ms. Howard: The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has reviewed your letter dated March 30, 2015, concerning a proposal to construct the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) Project. Farmland Protection Policy Act NRCS has a major responsibility with the Farmland Protection Policy Act (FPPA) in documenting conversion of farmland (i.e., prime, statewide importance and local importance) to non-agriculture use. It appears your proposed project is not supported by federal funding, therefore, FPPA does not apply and no further action is needed. Wetlands The Wetland Conservation Provisions of the 1985 Food Security Act, as amended, provide that if a USDA participant converts a wetland for the purpose, or to have the effect of making agricultural production possible, loss of USDA benefits could occur. The NRCS has developed the following guidelines for the installation of permanent structures where wetlands occur. If these guidelines are followed the impacts to the wetland will be considered minimal allowing USDA participants to continue to receive USDA benefits. Following are the requirements: ~ Disturbance to the wetland must be temporary. No drainage of wetland is allowed (temporary or permanent). ~ Mechanized landscaping necessary for installation is kept to a minimum and preconstruction contours are maintained. ~ Temporary side cast material must be placed in such a manner not to be dispersed in the wetland. ;;;.. All trenches must be backfilled to the original wetland bottom elevation. ~ Helping People Help the Land Dakota Access, LLC Page2 NRCS would recommend that impacts to wetlands be avoided. If you have additional questions pertaining to FPPA, please contact Steve Sieler, Liaison Soil Scientist, NRCS, Bismarck, ND at 701-530-2019. Sincerely, \~~ WADED. BOTT State Soil Scientist STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF NORTH DAKOTA Jack Dalrymple Governor of Norrlt Dak01a North Dakota State Historical Board Calvin Grinnell New Town· President A. Ruric Todd Ill Janumoum • Vice President Margaret Pucu Bismarck· Secretary Albert I. Berger Grand Forks April 2, 2015 Ms. Monica Howard Director Environmental Sciences Dakota Access, LLC Energy Transfer Company 1300 Main Street Houston, TX 77002 ND SHPO REF: 15-0106 COE Dakota Access Crossing of Flowage Easements Near the Upper End of Lake Sakakawea in portions of [Tl52N Rl03W Sections 7, 30, 18, 19] Williams County, North Dakota Gercld Gemtholz valk.>y Ciry Dear Ms. Howard, Diane K. L1rson Bismarck Chester E Nelson, Jr. Bismarck Sam Otte Colcm;in Direc!OT Kelty Schmidt Stale Treasurer Alvin A. Jaeger Secretary of State Mark Zimmerman Director Parks and Recreation Department Grnnc . D1 or Department of T ransportauon We reviewed your correspondence dated March 30, 2015. We recommend a Class Ill (pedestrian) survey of the Area of Potential Effect, as previously requested under the North Dakota Public Service Commission application from Dakota Access Pipeline. Thank you for the opportunity to review this project to date. We look forward to review of the Class Ill survey. Please include the ND SHPO Reference number listed above in further correspondence for this project. If you have any questions please contact Susan Quinnell, Review and Compliance C oordinator at (701)328-3576 or Sincerely, Claudia J. Berg State Historic Preservation Officer (North Dakota) Claudia J. Berg Director Accredited by tlie American Alliance of Museums imce I 986 North Dakota Heritage Center • 612 East Boulevard Avenue, Bismarck, ND 58505-0830 • Phone: 701-328-2666 • Fax: 701· 328-3710 Email: •Web site: • TIY: 1-800-366-6888 Draft EA Public Notice Summary of Comments Received Index of Commenters Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project Crossings of Flowage Easements and Federal Lands Commenter ID # Name/Organization of Commenter Date of Comment 1 Curtis Jundt 8-Jan-16 2 Debb Stroh/Killdeer Landowner UNK 3 EPA 8-Jan-16 and 11-Mar-16 4 Stanley Charging- Tribal 8-Jan-16 5 Thomas Abe/Fort Berthold Reservation 8-Jan-16 6 Amanda Bird Bear/Fort Berthold Reservation 8-Jan-16 7 Lisa Deville/Fort Berthold Reservation 9-Jan-16 8 Friends of Lake Sakakawea 5-Jan-16 9 Joletta Bird Bear/Fort Berthold Reservation UNK 10 Lisa Setzepfandt UNK 11 Midwest Alliance for Infrastructure Now Coalition UNK 12 ND State Water Commission 7-Jan-16 13 Paula Graner UNK 14 Robert Harms 8-Jan-16 15 Standing Rock Sioux Tribe 8-Jan-16 and 24-Mar-16 16 Theodora Bird Bear/Fort Berthold Reservation 8-Jan-16 17 Ray Barker/MHA Nation Elder 8-Jan-16 18 Concerned Tribal Member of the Mandan, Hidatsa & Arikara Nation/New Town, ND 7-Jan-16 19 North Dakota Game and Fish Department 5-Jan-16 20 Northern Cheyenne THPO 6-Jan-16 * Note that in addition to those comments received in response to the Draft Environmental Assessment, other comments regarding this project were submitted to the USACE as part of the USACE's Regulatory Division’s Section 106 Consultation, or in relation to the USACE's Omaha District Programmatic Agreement in place for the Missouri River. These comments often overlapped with comments from correspondence referenced in the above table. No new significant additional information on environmental effects was offered as a result of comments provided in the other correspondence and topics relevant to the Environmental Assessment have already been included and are fully considered in the Environmental Assessment. Index of Commenters Page 1 of 1 Summary of Comments Received Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project Crossings of Flowage Easements and Federal Lands Commenter / Comment ID EA Section where Comment is Addressed Comment USACE Response 1-1 The company carefully considered possible route alternativeness in the EA and considered other transportation options. The route with the least impact has been chosen by the company. N/A No concerns with the Draft EA were identified 2-1 Dakota Access is protecting water resources. The Missouri River and Lake Oahe will be crossed via HDD to mitigate impact during construction and operation, in addition to the monitored valves that can be closed if an anomaly is detected. N/A No concerns with the Draft EA were identified 2-2 Dakota Access is protecting soil resources. Dakota Access has hired companies to assist with Project measures to minimize soil disturbances. N/A No concerns with the Draft EA were identified 2-3 Cultural surveys have been completed to the standards outlined in the ND SHPO Guidelines Manual for Cultural Resources Inventory Projects. Eight sites were identified near the Missouri River and Lake Oahe, all will be avoided by HDDs. N/A No concerns with the Draft EA were identified 3.2.1 Surface Waters and 3.2.2 Groundwater The commenter's concerns are addressed in the Draft EA. Section 3.2 addresses water resources. Surface waters are addressed in Section 3.2.1 and groundwater resources are addressed in Section 3.2.2. Specifically, potential impacts to surface waters are addressed in Section and potential impacts to groundwater resources are addressed in Section Sections and 3.2.2. of the Draft EA have been modified to clarify where direct and indirect impacts to water resources are addressed. 3-1 3-2 Our main concerns with Draft EA document for the North Dakota segment of Dakota Access pipeline are the document lacks sufficient analysis of direct and indirect impacts to water resources. Our main concerns with Draft EA document for the North Dakota segment of Dakota Access pipeline are the document lacks information on the measures that will be required to assure that impacts from construction and operation of the pipeline are not significant. 2.3.2 Description of Construction Techniques and Construction Mitigation Measures (Sections, and Impacts and Mitigation [Groundwater] 3.11 Reliability and Safety Narrative related to emergency response preparedness and discussion of the Facility Response Plan has been added to Section and Section 3.11. A draft of the Facility Response Plan has been included in Appendix L. Tribal contacts were added to the list of entities to be contacted in the event of an inadvertent release in Section 3.11 Reliability and Safety. Other issues raised by the commenter were adequately addressed in the Drat EA. Sections,, and describe that the pipeline will be constructed and operated to meet or exceed the federal regulatory requirements for the construction, operation, maintenance, monitoring, inspection, and repair of liquid pipeline systems. Section and Sections 3.11 describes maintenance, inspection, and integrity testing program to monitor the safety of the pipeline system, leak detection protection procedures, and coordination with local emergency responders. 3-3 Our main concerns with Draft EA document for the North Dakota segment of Dakota Access pipeline are the scope of the 1.3 Authority and Scope of the EA document is limited to small portions of the complete project and does not identify the related effects from the entire 2.3.1 Locations and Detailed Description of the project segment. Proposed Action . As referenced in Section 1.3, the scope of the this EA is limited the proposed Project crossings of Corps-owned lands and flowage easements at the Missouri River and Lake Oahe crossings that would require real estate actions and regulatory permits from the Corps, which are the federal actions associated with this EA. Separate Corps authorizations are being sought for Section 404, Section 10, and Section 408 crossings along the entire DAPL route. The detailed description of the Proposed Action, including all Connected Actions are included in Section 2.3.1. 3-4 Review of the EA was substantially limited by missing information and by limited scope of the EA including Figures 1-13, the maps showing the project layout that are referenced in document index, were not included in the posted document Figures 1-13 The maps were inadvertently left off of the original posting due to a formatting change to the PDF document. The maps were added to the online file on December 11, 2015. The EPA was notified of the posting of the figures by Brent Cossette. 3-5 Review of the EA was substantially limited by missing information and by limited scope of the EA including the EA focuses on the two small segments of Corps lands at Lake Oahe and the Missouri River above Lake Sakakawea and no information was included on the overall impact of project to water resources 3.2.1 Surface Waters and 3.2.2 Groundwater The scope of the EA is addressed in the response to Comment 3-3 and concern with the missing information (delay of one day) is addressed in the response to Comment 3-4. Potential impacts to surface waters are addressed in Section and potential impacts to groundwater resources are addressed in Section Based on their Comment 3-1. Sections and of the Draft EA have been modified to clarify where direct and indirect impacts to water resources are addressed. 3-6 Review of the EA was substantially limited by missing information and by limited scope of the EA including the analysis of environmental impacts (except for stormwater) of constructing and operating the 358 miles of pipeline in ND 1.3 Authority and Scope of the EA The scope of the EA is addressed in the response to Comment 3-3 and the missing information (delay of one day) is addressed in the response to Comment 3-4. 1.3 Authority and Scope of the EA Comments Page 1 of 19 Summary of Comments Received Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project Crossings of Flowage Easements and Federal Lands Commenter / Comment ID Comment EA Section where Comment is Addressed 1.3 Authority and Scope of the EA 2.3.1 Locations and Detailed Description of the Proposed Action . USACE Response As indicated in the response comment 3-1, the scope of the this EA is limited the proposed Project crossings of Corps-owned lands and flowage easements at the Missouri River and Lake Oahe crossings that would require real estate actions and regulatory permits from the Corps, which are the federal actions associated with this EA. The Proposed Action including Connected Action areas is described in detail in Section 2.3.1. The proposed tank terminal sites are not within the proposed Project crossings of Corps-owned lands and flowage easements at the Missouri River and Lake Oahe crossings and consequently are not part of the scope of this EA. 3-7 Review of the EA was substantially limited by missing information and by limited scope of the EA including that the EA did not include potential impacts from the six proposed tank terminal sites. 3-8 The EA should describe the design, operational and planning measures that will be required for protection of water resources from spills and leaks. These include information on the monitoring equipment, valve locations, pipeline design measures and procedures; Dakota Access would implement to prevent and respond to leaks and spills from the pipeline and associated facilities. The analysis should also describe what measures would be in place to enable the operator(s) to quickly detect and locate leaks and spills, limit the volume of any release, and identify the maximum expected spill volume given those measures. For example, will there continuous monitoring for abnormal pressures in the pipeline? For Surface Waters Impacts and Mitigation additional details on the types of emergency preparedness measures that should be included in the EA, please see the Groundwater Impacts and Mitigation EPA Region 8’s comments on the Sakakawea Pipeline System Environmental Assessment Addendum, dated December Habitats and Communities 23, 2015 (enclosed). 3.11 Reliability and Safety DAPL's geographical response plans for the Missouri River crossings near Lake Sakakawea and Lake Oahe were developed in consideration of worst case hypothetical discharge scenarios at the Missouri River crossings. Much of the concern of the commenter was addressed in Section 3.11 Reliability and Safety of the Draft EA. Additional information was provided in Sections Groundwater Impacts and Mitigation, Habitats and Communities Impacts and Mitigation. The Draft EA was revised to include additional information on how DAPL would respond to inadvertent releases from the pipeline. Section and 3.11 have been revised to include information about how DAPL would respond in the unlikely event of a pipeline leak. DAPL has prepared a Facility Response Plan (included as Appendix L) intended to satisfy the requirements of the applicable regulations and has contractually secured personnel and equipment necessary to respond to inadvertent releases from the pipeline. 1.3 Authority and Scope of the EA 3.2.1 Surface Waters Surface Waters Impacts and Mitigation The water resources impacts section of the EA should be expanded to discuss affected water resources and potential impacts from construction and operation of the pipeline for the segment of the pipeline covered by the North Dakota EA. 3.2.2 Groundwater For example, the EA should identify potentially affected waterbodies, designated water uses (water quality standards), 3.5.1 Habitat and Communities Recreation and Special Interest Areas Affected identify impaired waterways, drinking water intakes and aquifers, etc. The enclosed Sakakawea Pipeline letter also Environment provides additional details on potential water quality impacts. The state surface water classifications have been added to Tables 3-5 and 3-6 within the Draft EA. A discussion on potential impacts to drinking water intakes has been added to the Draft EA in Section 3.2.1. A Water Intake Mitigation Measures Section has been added to the EA as a subsection in Section Surface Waters Impacts and Mitigation. The scope of the EA is limited to the description provided in Section 1.3 Authority and Scope of the EA. The remaining concerns of the commenter were addressed in Sections 3.2.1 Surface Waters, 3.2.2 Groundwater, 3.5.1 Habitat and Communities, and Recreation and Special Interest Areas Affected Environment within the Draft EA. The proposed pipeline crosses several important glacial drift and alluvial aquifers. Groundwater in this area tends to be of poor quality, so the alluvial aquifers and particularly the glacial drift aquifers can be important sources of drinking and agricultural water. For more information please see the “North Dakota Source Water Assessment Program, Strategic Plan.”2 The State Water Quality Commission and the USGS have also prepared a series of County Ground-Water 3.2.2 Groundwater resources. For example the Dunn County study discusses the aquifer used by the Town of Killdeer as well as other 3.11 Reliability and Safety domestic and livestock groundwater uses. 4.2 Water and Aquatic Life Resources Groundwater impacts are addressed within Sections 3.2.2 Groundwater and 4.2 Water and Aquatic Life Resources of the Draft EA. No significant impacts to groundwater are anticipated as described in the existing Draft EA Text: Section 3.2.2 Construction activities, such as trenching, dewatering, and backfilling that encounter shallow aquifers would cause minor direct and indirect impacts via fluctuations in groundwater levels and/or increased turbidity within the aquifer adjacent to the activity due to dewatering activities. Shallow aquifers would quickly reestablish equilibrium if disturbed, and turbidity levels would rapidly subside. Consequently, the effects of construction would be minor and short-term. Impacts on deeper aquifers are not anticipated. Impacts to ground water and aquifers from operations are addressed in section 3.11 Reliability and Safety. The stateof-the-art leak detection systems would be capable of detecting leaks down to 1 percent or better of the pipeline flow rate within a time span of approximately 1 hour or less and capable of providing rupture detection within 1 to 3 minutes. Upon leak detection, pump station shut down and isolation valve closures would minimize the potential for impacts to groundwater. 3-9 Comments Page 2 of 19 Summary of Comments Received Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project Crossings of Flowage Easements and Federal Lands Commenter / Comment ID EA Section where Comment is Addressed Comment USACE Response The EA should identify potential wetlands within the construction foot print or easement of the entire segment of the proposed pipeline. Currently, the document does not include any information on impacts to wetlands and other waters of the U.S. outside of pipeline segments on Corps Fee Land (Sections, and 3.2.3 -- Wetlands). Estimating the proposed route (as maps were not included in the EA), it appears that the pipeline would cross a number of larger (for western North Dakota) perennial streams which may warrant site-specific delineation of Waters of the U.S. and potentially require an individual 404 permit. For example, it appears the pipeline will cross the Little Missouri River, Heart River, and Spring and Beaver Creeks. 1.3 Authority and Scope of the EA As indicated in the response to their Comment 3-1, The scope of the EA is limited to the description provided in Section 1.3 Authority and Scope of the EA. Waters of the US crossed outside of the scope of the EA are permitted under Nationwide Permit 12 and not subject to evaluation in this EA. Separate Corps authorizations are being sought for Section 404, Section 10, and Section 408 crossings along the entire DAPL route. 3-10 For major pipeline projects in the western U.S., such as the Dakota Access, we typically see the proponent develop specific mitigation measures to reduce impacts to streams crossings. There have been a number of FERC EISs for natural gas pipelines that have done a good job balancing the protection of water and aquatic resources with simplifying construction requirements. We recommend the EA be revised to discuss the use of the Nationwide 404 permit to mitigate impacts to smaller wetlands/waters of the U.S. and identify additional mitigation measures and procedures for crossing perennial streams or streams that have greater potential for impacts to wetlands/waters of the U.S. or other areas of aquatic habitat. The scope of the EA is limited to the description provided in Section 1.3 Authority and Scope of the EA. Commenter's concerns were addressed Section Surface Waters Impacts and Mitigation. Construction procedures were addressed in Sections and and the Environmental Construction Plan (ECP) (included as Appendix G). Impacts to wetlands were addressed in Section Wetlands Impacts and Mitigation. No wetlands would be impacted by trench excavation within the construction ROW, ATWS, HDD workspace, or HDD stringing corridor on the flowage easements or Connected Action. Note: Although FERC oversees environmental matters related to natural gas pipeline construction, FERC does not have authority over construction of oil pipelines. 3-11 Because they are integral components of the overall project, the EA should include information related to the tank farms and associated impacts. The current Draft EA does not evaluate the environmental impacts of constructing and operating six terminals stations/tank farms and 258 miles of pipelines. Specifically, we recommend a discussion of: Location of tank farms; information on whether the receiving station/tank farms have been located to avoid or reduce impacts to surface and ground waters. In particular, it would be useful to identify whether the facilities been sited over shallow groundwater resources or near any sources of drinking water or critical wildlife areas. Ideally, this EA would document that these facilities do not present a risk to aquatic or drinking water resources; and Facility design features and operational controls to avoid and minimize impacts to surface and groundwater. We note that there is an SPCC plan for construction; however, no plans were included or referenced for proposed terminals/tank farms. 1.3 Authority and Scope of the EA The commenter repeats concerns that are beyond the scope of the Draft EA. As indicated in the response to the commenter's Item 3-1, The majority of the pipeline route and the proposed tank terminal sites are not within the proposed Project crossings of Corps-owned lands and flowage easements at the Missouri River and Lake Oahe crossings and not part of the scope of this EA. 4-1 This was never taken to our people the council we have well do anything for a dollar. N/A Comment is general and does not provide a specific issue that can be addressed within the scope of the EA 5-1 Consider a more thorough review of the consequences of this project before continuing, I am against this. N/A Potential impacts and mitigations are described throughout the Draft EA, Comment does not provide a specific issue that should be addressed further within the scope of the EA. 6-1 I am writing to voice my concerns regarding the pipeline that is going to be built under the Missouri Rive near New Town, ND and the Oahe, not clear on the exact locations but because pipelines are proven to be unstable, via news reports, nationwide/worldwide, and because the people of Fort Berthold seem not to know about this pipeline, at least not a majority and they seemed to have been left out of the picture in order to fill some executives already overflowing pockets, this pipeline is not in our best interests. As it stands north water is contaminated and unfit to drink or use recreationally. I know the government is saying "it's okay" but I have no faith in what they say, because they lie. Now adding this pipeline to the mix without thorough acknowledgement of all hazards which come with these pipelines and without addressing the current issues is rampant misuse of your government agency. Therefore I am against this pipeline at this time. I find it hard to believe that it must run under the water even. Thank you for allowing me to share my concerns. I hope you listen to what the people have to say who actually live there and if not enough are aware of this Surface Waters Impacts and Mitigation then it's time to get out and let them know what may be coming their way, all the hazards they are trying to sweep 3.11 Reliability and Safety Appendix L Draft FRP Added under the rug, or in this case, the river. General concerns on pipeline safety are already addressed in Section 3.11 Reliability and Safety within the Draft EA. However, for the record, the Project crossing at Missouri River is approximately 66 miles west (upstream) of the northern portion of the Fort Berthold Reservation near New Town, ND and the Project crossing at Lake Oahe is approximately 139 miles southeast of New Town, ND. The spill modeling performed on a theoretical "maximum spill volume" based on PHMSA requirements for the design of the pipeline (for the placement of valves) indicates that even a "worst case hypothetical" spill scenario (with the pipeline installed as floating on top of the Missouri River and then experiencing a complete "guillotine" cut at this crossing) impacts would be limited to a geographic area well upstream of the Fort Berthold Reservation located near New Town, ND. Additional information on how DAPL would respond to inadvertent releases from the pipeline has been added to Section and Section 3.11 has been revised to include information about how DAPL would respond in the unlikely event of a pipeline leak. The Draft Facility Response Plan has been added as Appendix L. The Dakota Access Pipeline will cross our lands and water jeopardizing the land and soil and water as well as our primary Surface Waters Impacts and Mitigation source of public drinking water for Fort Berthold Indian Reservation in western North Dakota. Although this pipeline is a 3.11 Reliability and Safety half-mile or two miles away from Missouri River that flows into Lake Sakakawea we are at risk of leakage and seepage. Appendix L Draft FRP Added General concerns on pipeline safety are already addressed in Section 3.11 Reliability and Safety within the Draft EA. As indicated in the response to Comment 6-1, the Missouri River crossing that is upstream of the Fort Berthold Reservation is approximately 66 miles from the northern portion of the reservation. Even a "worst case hypothetical" spill scenario would be limited to a geographic area well upstream of the Fort Berthold Reservation. Additional information on how DAPL would respond to inadvertent releases from the pipeline has been added to Section and Section 3.11 has been revised to include information about how DAPL would respond in the unlikely event of a pipeline leak. The Draft Facility Response Plan has been added as Appendix L. 7-1 1.3 Authority and Scope of the EA Surface Waters Impacts and Mitigation Wetlands Impacts and Mitigation Appendix G Comments Page 3 of 19 Summary of Comments Received Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project Crossings of Flowage Easements and Federal Lands Commenter / Comment ID 8-1 EA Section where Comment is Addressed Comment In the case of other pipelines, we are encouraging shut-off valves on either side of the lake. Groundwater Impacts and Mitigation Habitats and Communities 3.11 Reliability and Safety USACE Response Shut-off valves are located at periodic intervals along the pipeline including one upstream and one downstream of the Missouri River and Lake Oahe crossings. Detection methods for spills and siting shut-off valves on either side of the crossings (Missouri River and Lake Oahe) were addressed in Sections Groundwater Impacts and Mitigation, Habitats and Communities Impacts and Mitigation, and 3.11 Reliability and Safety within the Draft EA. In the event of a leak, Dakota Access would work aggressively to isolate the source through the use of remote-controlled shut-off valves, initiate cleanup activities, and contact the appropriate federal and state authorities to coordinate leak containment and cleanup. 8-2 We request that pipeline come with state-of-the-art detection systems and upgrades in those systems every five years as technology improves. 3.11 Reliability and Safety Discussion relative to detection systems are addressed in Section 3.11 Reliability and Safety of the Draft EA including that fact that the operator would utilize a state-of-the-art Computational Pipeline Monitoring System (CPM) to monitor the pipeline for leaks. Leak Warn, a leading software program for monitoring pipelines, is being tailored to the pipeline facilities, in accordance with Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration requirements. The CPM is and features a real-time transient model that is based on pipeline pressure, flow, and temperature data, which is polled from various field instruments every 6 seconds and updates the model calculations to detect pipeline system variations every 30 seconds. Section 3.11 Reliability and Safety has been updated to state that this state-of-the-art leak detections systems will be updated as required by PHMSA. 9-1 The climate of these 2 proposed hazardous pipeline locations contains sub-freezing temperatures and the lakes freeze over during winter months, when the pipeline leaks and spills, the detection will be hidden by the ice build up, and the emergency response will be hindered by the ice, as it was in the Yellowtail and Blacktail hazardous pipeline leaks and resulting spills into the waters. Leak detection measures are described in Section 3.11. Impacts from winter/ice conditions has been added to Draft EA Section Surface Waters Impacts and Mitigation. 9-2 All Tribal governments in ND should have been consulted in this process. According to documentation, none of the Tribal governments were on the established “Consultation List” and Dakota Access stated that consultation with tribes was not 3.7.1 Cultural Resources Studies completed. 3.7.2 Native American Consultations. 9-3 Any proposed federal action that anticipates environmental impact requires an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) prior to decision making on the approval or denial of the proposed project. N/A Sections 3.7.1 and 3.7.2 have been revised to address this comment. USACE tribal consultations will be complete prior to issuance of a decision document. Based on the Project scope an Environmental Assessment is appropriate for this level of analysis. If, after completing the EA, it is evident that there are significant environmental impacts, an EIS could be prepared. Text has been added to Section 1.0 to clarify that the NEPA process. 9-4 The requirements of the National Historical Preservation Act have not been incorporated in this planning process and a decision to proceed in this process violate those requirements. 3.7.1 Cultural Resources Studies 3.7.2 Native American Consultations. Sections 3.7.1 and 3.7.2 have been revised to address this comment. Consultations under Section 106 of the NHPA will be completed prior to issuance of a decision document. 9-5 The identified drinking water source and the extended cost to replace the Missouri River water as the primary drinking water source for current and future ND citizens, needs to be included in the Environmental Assessment, and if it is determined that that request is beyond the scope of the EA, then it needs to be addressed in the EIS which has been pushed aside in this process. 3.2.1 Water Resources Surface Waters 3.2 .1.2 Surface Resources Impacts and Mitigation 3.10 Hazardous Waste 3.11 Reliability and Safety The scope of the EA is addressed in the response to Comment 3-3. Text has been added to Section 3.2 .1.2 Surface Resources Impacts and Mitigation that describes potential risk and mitigative measures associated with drinking water intakes downstream of the Missouri River and Lake Oahe crossings. Section amended to include additional discussion identifying Dakota Access as the responsible party for implementing the FRP and the measures that would be taken to prevent contamination of the water supply and/or provide alternative water sources. 10-1 Rapidly increasing production in the Bakken and Three Forks region has resulted in a clear need for greater energy infrastructure capable of safely and efficiently transporting our valuable energy resources. Current reliance on accidentprone crude-by-rail shipment methods is a temporary solution unsuitable to meet our long-term needs. If constructed, the Dakota Access Pipeline would relieve the burden currently being placed on rail networks and allow for a safer, more efficient means for transporting our resources. N/A No concerns with the Draft EA were identified. 10-2 Dakota Access has demonstrated a strong commitment to protecting and preserving our natural lands. The company has laid out detailed plans to mitigate potential impacts and employ modern technologies to avoid sensitive areas. N/A No concerns with the Draft EA were identified. 10-3 Once operational, Dakota Access will utilize high-tech monitoring solutions that ensure pipeline integrity and safety standards are met, or exceeded. The pipeline will be constantly monitored and routinely inspected to ensure that both communities and natural lands along the route are protected. N/A No concerns with the Draft EA were identified. 10-4 Dakota Access has gone through an extensive review by multiple state-level agencies and thus far has been approved by both the Illinois Commerce Commissions and South Dakota Public Utilities Commission. It has been evident from the very beginning of this process they are committed to upholding the highest construction and operational standards. N/A No concerns with the Draft EA were identified. Surface Water Impacts and Mitigation 3.11 Safety and Reliability Comments Page 4 of 19 Summary of Comments Received Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project Crossings of Flowage Easements and Federal Lands Commenter / Comment ID EA Section where Comment is Addressed USACE Response 11-1 Comment Dakota Access has committed to either meet, or exceed federal standards for pipeline construction in environmental impact mitigation, and has already taken multiple steps to ensure proper safeguards are in place for both construction and operation of the pipeline. N/A No concerns with the Draft EA were identified. 11-2 They have shown a strong commitment to ensuring that agricultural and land concerns are fully addressed. N/A No concerns with the Draft EA were identified. 11-3 Pipelines offer a more secure and safer alternative of moving product to market than any other form of transportation. N/A No concerns with the Draft EA were identified. 11-4 Additionally, Dakota Access has committed to, use horizontal directional drilling (HDD) in areas of high consequence, such a Lake Oahe and the Missouri River, to ensure the safety the environment and the least impact possible. Other specific commitments include re-contouring land for proper drainage, re-seeding with native grasses, consideration of the location of center pivots and artesian wells, segregation of soil during the construction phase including during streambed crossings, and setbacks for stream and river crossings at and above flood stage. Construction will also be timed according to the needs of sensitive species as well as avoiding construction in winter where the frost line may disrupt efforts to properly segregate soils N/A No concerns with the Draft EA were identified. 11-5 Dakota Access Pipeline will employ state of the art technologies to ensure the integrity of the pipeline during operation, and the safety of the residences and environment that lie along the route. N/A No concerns with the Draft EA were identified. 11-6 Additionally, valves will be placed at stream, river, and lake crossings to ensure the pipe can be isolated in the event of an incident, minimizing any impact on water bodies. The pipe will be monitored from a control center and can be remotely operated, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. N/A No concerns with the Draft EA were identified. 11-7 The plan that Dakota Access has put forward addresses many of the areas examined through each state’s permitting process and has already satisfied the Illinois Commerce Commission and South Dakota Public Utilities Commission who have since granted approval for construction. N/A No concerns with the Draft EA were identified. 12-1 Isolation valves will be installed at the Lake Oahe crossing (Area ID= ND-MO-193.000 in Appendix J). However, an isolation valve in the river crossing upstream of Lake Sakakawea (Area ID=LL3453E, Appendix J) was eliminated from your original plan for valve damage potential because the Omaha District of USACE mentioned potential of ice jam flooding in the area (Dakota Access, 2015). No alternative was discussed about what to do to block the pipeline leak without the isolation valve at the river crossing area after shutting down pumps. 3.11 Reliability and Safety Removal of the valve site in question eliminated a time-independent threat to Dakota Access Pipeline. A separate isolation valve site is included in the design and is situated at the nearest location that provides access and power, approximately 1.6 miles from the isolation valve site in question. The present design incorporates optimal response time for pipeline operations personnel. Operations personnel respond to all automated valve closures and have local ability to ensure the valve is closed. Elevation changes between the sites further mitigate pipeline spill potential. 12-2 Dakota Access said in this report, "This state-of-the-art CPM (Computational Pipeline Monitoring System) is capable of detecting leaks down to 1 percent or better of the pipeline flow rate within a time span of approximately 1 hour or less and capable of providing rupture detection within 1 to 3 minutes". The source for evaluating the performance of CPM is not clear in this report. Including historical data to show the performance of CPM in another area would make the report more responsible. N/A Dakota Access and the State Engineers have been in contact independently from the EA process to discuss Project activities through the Sovereign Lands Permitting Process. The predictive evaluation of performance of the CPM was done in coordination with the CPM vendor and took into account the capabilities of the monitoring program along with the number and type of data inputs to be provided. Dakota Access will have more data inputs than any of our current operational pipelines so review of historical performance on other pipelines may not be indicative of performance on the Project. Reference API RP 1130 for further detail, available from the American Petroleum Institute. 12-3 The operation control center is located in Sugarland, TX and Dakota Access is targeting 100% reliable monitoring/operation in this report. Communication between the control center and monitoring/operation is critical when an emergency happens. Dakota Access needs to show the test results for long distance communication (especially communication with local pressure sensors and shut-off valves) to make a target of 100% reliable monitoring/operation more reasonable. 3.11 Reliability and Safety Communication between the control center and monitoring/operation is addressed in Section 3.11 Reliability and Safety. It should be noted that Dakota Access is coordinating with the State Engineers independently from the EA process to discuss Project activities through the Sovereign Lands Permitting Process. 12-4 Dakota Access said, "At the Missouri River crossing, a 24-inch pipeline would be installed a minimum of 60 feet below the bottom of the Missouri River." However, minimum depth of cover is 34 feet below the bottom of the river in the cross section drawing for the crossing upstream of Lake Sakakawea (Appendix H). This issue should be clarified. In addition, minimum depth of cover at the Lake Oahe crossing is much deeper (92 feet) than the Missouri River crossing upstream of the Lake Sakakawea. It is not clear what criteria were used to decide two different depths of cover. Including the source of the decision (calculation sheet or regulations) would be helpful to prove that Dakota Access applied reasonable criteria, and to understand why shallower cover is acceptable for the Missouri River crossing upstream of the Lake Sakakawea. The difference in depths between the two crossings (Lake Oahe and Missouri River) are due to a combination of factors beyond minimum distance based on geomorphology including variability in geology and the geometry and distance of the HDDs from their respective entry and exit points. The design differences are detailed in the HDD engineering reports which are specific to each site and were included in Appendix D. 3.2.1 Water Resources Surface Waters Appendix D Comments Page 5 of 19 Summary of Comments Received Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project Crossings of Flowage Easements and Federal Lands Commenter / Comment ID Comment EA Section where Comment is Addressed USACE Response 12-5 While Dakota Access's contractor did soil core sampling below Lake Oahe, no soil boring was done below the Missouri River at the crossing upstream of Lake Sakakawea (Appendix D). The reason for excluding soil borings at that area should be mentioned in this report. Section Geology Dakota Access and the State Engineers have been in contact independently from the EA process to discuss Project activities through the Sovereign Lands Permitting Process. Soil borings were conducted within Lake Oahe because the length of crossing is longer, therefore representing a different risk profile that required additional data points. The banks of the Missouri River are much closer together allowing for a comprehensive geotechnical analysis without testing beneath the river. Section Geology has been amended to clarify. 12-6 Dakota Access mentioned maintenance and inspections of the pipeline in accordance with PHMSA regulation, industry codes and prudent pipeline operating protocols and techniques in this report. However, Dakota Access did not describe the scope of maintenance and inspection (pipe, pump, valve, sensor and computer hardware/program) associated with Groundwater Impacts and Mitigation regulations in this report. 3.11 Reliability and Safety Maintenance and inspection are addressed in Sections Groundwater Impacts and Mitigation and 3.11 Reliability and Safety in the Draft EA. 49 CFR 195, Subpart F- Operations and Maintenance describes the minimum scopes of maintenance and inspection that will be achieved by Dakota Access. 12-7 Even though Dakota Access has a CPM and emergency shutdown system, river channel changes at pipeline water crossings should be considered in the Environmental Assessment to avoid pipeline exposure. Two pipeline incidents (Polar and Silvertip pipelines) already occurred within the last 5 years in the Yellowstone River, which is a tributary of the Missouri River (USEPA, 2015; Montana DEQ, 2012). Two reasons for assessing river channel changes are below. First, the environmental and economic consequences of pipeline failures at water-bodies are serious (CEPA, 2014; Montana DEQ, 2015-1). Dakota Access pipeline is designed to carry 570,000 barrels per day (16,600 gal/min) of crude oil. The amounts of oil leak to the Yellowstone River from the Polar and Silvertip pipeline incidents were approximately 30,000 gal and 63,000 gal, respectively (Montana DEQ, 2015-1; Montana DEQ 2015-2). Even if Dakota Access successfully completes emergency shutdown processes including detection of pipe rupture, turning off pumps and closing shut-off valves, the environmental and economic impacts from the oil leak may be more serious than previous pipeline incidents in the Yellowstone River. Second, river channel changes associated with water erosion are very active and unpredictable (CEPA, 2014; Rhoads, 2008; Hamilton, 2002). For example, the Polar (Jan. 2015) and Silvertip (Jul. 2011) pipelines were damaged and leaked due to exposure of the pipeline from water erosion (Montana DEQ, 2015-2; Montana DEQ, 2012). The Silvertip pipeline incident occurred at the peak of a 30-year flood event in 2011 (Montana DEQ, 2012). The Polar Pipeline incident occurred 3.5 years after the 2011 flood (Montana DEQ, 2015-2). A study by the USGS showed severe scouring near bridge piers of the Missouri River in ND during the 2011 flood (USGS, 2014). Comprehensive approaches for evaluating river channel changes are required to decide depth of cover instead of applying simple numerical criteria (USGS, 1999; USBLM, 2007). N/A 12-8 Several different types of geomorphologic movements are possible in river systems including vertical channel movement (scour, degradation and aggredation), horizontal channel movement (bank erosion and encroachment) and channel relocation (avulsion and meander cutoffs)(CEPA, 2014). Those should be considered associated with flood events, especially at the Missouri River crossing upstream of Lake Sakakawea (McKenzie County side) where the minimum depth of cover is only 34 feet in the drawing (Appendix H). Major Waterbody Crossing Method DAPL has evaluated the potential for impacts due to geomorphological movements as part of its coordination with the ND Office of the State Engineer in order to as part of the Sovereign Lands Permitting Process. The results of the analysis are discussed in the response to Comment 12-8. The DAPL pipeline will be crossing the Missouri River and Lake Oahe utilizing the HDD technology whereas it is believed that the Yellowstone River pipeline crossings were installed conventionally. Conventional crossings are typically not as deep below the river bottoms and would therefore be at greater risk to channel movements. Additionally, given the method and year of the installation of the Yellowstone River pipeline crossings they may not have utilized as a pipeline as thick walled as the proposed DAPL pipeline. DAPL has been coordinating with the ND Office of the State Engineer in order to evaluate potential of impacts due to geomorphological movements as part of the Sovereign Lands Permitting Process. The proposed crossing is not located at a bend in the channel (located over 3,000 feet downstream of a bend in the channel). An analysis of historic photographs of the proposed crossing show that the upstream bend has been stable and in the same location and that the potential downstream migration of this bend is highly unlikely. However, although bend scour from the upstream bend is not likely to propagate downstream to the proposed crossing, to be conservative, the professional engineering firm evaluating HDD depths for the Project, GeoEngineers, assumed that the bend could migrate downstream. Conservative assumptions were made when evaluating the proposed crossing. GeoEngineers judges the depth to be appropriate given the location of the crossing, impacts to the pipeline below the river from vertical or horizontal scour are not expected. Text has been added to Section to address the potential affects of scour on the pipeline during operations. 12-9 As determined by FEMA, there may be floodplains identified on a Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) where this proposed project is to take place. Areas designated to be within a Special Flood Hazard Area (all Zone As), must have a permit issued from the local permitting authority, before any work may begin. FIRMS may be viewed at N/A Flood plain permitting would be handled with the local permitting authority if applicable. 13-1 Rapidly increasing production in the Bakken and Three Forks region has resulted in a clear need for greater energy infrastructure capable of safely and efficiently transporting our valuable energy resources. Current reliance on accidentprone crude-by-rail shipment methods is a temporary solution unsuitable to meet our long-term needs. If constructed, the Dakota Access Pipeline would relieve the burden currently being placed on rail networks and allow for a safer, more efficient means for transporting our resources. N/A No concerns with the Draft EA were identified. Comments Page 6 of 19 Summary of Comments Received Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project Crossings of Flowage Easements and Federal Lands Commenter / Comment ID EA Section where Comment is Addressed Comment USACE Response 13-2 Dakota Access has demonstrated a strong commitment to protecting and preserving our natural lands. The company has laid out detailed plans to mitigate potential impacts and employ modern technologies to avoid sensitive areas. N/A No concerns with the Draft EA were identified. 13-3 Once operational, Dakota Access will utilize high-tech monitoring solutions that ensure pipeline integrity and safety standards are met, or exceeded. The pipeline will be constantly monitored and routinely inspected to ensure that both communities and natural lands along the route are protected. N/A No concerns with the Draft EA were identified. 13-4 Dakota Access has gone through an extensive review by multiple state-level agencies and thus far has been approved by both the Illinois Commerce Commissions and South Dakota Public Utilities Commission. It has been evident from the very beginning of this process they are committed to upholding the highest construction and operational standards. N/A No concerns with the Draft EA were identified. 14-1 At the sensitive crossings (Missouri River and Lake Oahe) the company is committed to using HDD at a sufficient depth to mitigate the impact of the line to the rivers both during construction and operation. Dakota Access is installing valves which are monitored 365 days a year, 24 hours a day and can be closed if any anomaly is detected on the line to protect our water resources. N/A No concerns with the Draft EA were identified. 14-2 To mitigate soil disturbances, Dakota Access has hired Duraroot and Key Agricultural Services to assist in reviewing, constructing and maintaining the line. With measures like soil separation; erosion and sedimentation control through silt fences, trench breakers, and mulch; and minimal construction activity during prolonged rainfall to prevent compaction, Dakota Access is working to ensure the soil is disturbed as little as possible, and is productive and fertile once installation is complete. N/A No concerns with the Draft EA were identified. 14-3 Finally, cultural and historic resources: while these are less tangible than water and soil, they are no less important to the heritage and history of our state. Dakota Access has done on the ground surveys for over 99% of the line across all four states, including North Dakota. The surveys were done to the standards outlined in the North Dakota SHPO Guidelines Manual for Cultural Resources Inventory Projects, and have noted eight sites near the Missouri River and Lake Oahe, which will be avoided using HDD. N/A No concerns with the Draft EA were identified. 15-1 Despite the importance of the Tribe's interests, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has not initiated consultation with the 3.7.1 Cultural Resources Studies Tribe as required by law. 3.7.2 Native American Consultations. Sections 3.7.1 and 3.7.2 have been revised to address this comment. USACE tribal consultations will be complete prior to issuance of a decision document. 15-2 The broad scope of the project, and the interests of the Tribe and other affected parties, require a more considered pace and more comprehensive agency decision making, including the development of a full Environmental Impact Statement. 1.3 Authority and Scope of the EA Based on the Project scope an Environmental Assessment is appropriate for this level of analysis. If, after completing the EA, it is evident that there are significant environmental impacts, an EIS could be prepared. Text has been added to Section 1.3 to clarify that the NEPA process. 15-3 Draft EA incorrectly states the Tribe's position at the meeting. Without citation to any source documentation, the draft EA asserts that at the meeting between Dakota Access and the Tribe's THPO, the THPO "indicated that the Lake Oahe HDD appeared to avoid impacts to known sites of tribal significance." Draft EA at 59. This statement is simply wrong 15-4 The Corps should have consulted with the Tribe prior to the start of archeological surveys, and before soil bore testing at the proposed Missouri River crossing — but that did not happen. There has been no effort by the Corps to include the Tribe in connection with the identification of sites or the resolution of adverse effects. N/A Sections 3.7.1 and 3.7.2 have been revised to address this comment. USACE tribal consultations will be complete prior to issuance of a decision document. The Corps conducted Class III Archeology Surveys in 2010, which included the DAPL Missouri River crossing area. Tribes were coordinated with on the scope of survey and the field investigations. Specific to this action, NHPA Section 106 Soil Boring information letters were send to consulting parties on October 24, 2015. NHPA Section 106 Pipeline crossing information letter was sent to consulting parities on July 22, 2015. The applicant conducted cultural resource surveys on lands non under Corps management in 2014. 15-5 The draft EA does not mention much less address any cultural or archeological resource law other than NHPA Section 106. Native American Consultations Additional Information Sections 3.7.1 and 3.7.2 have been revised to address this comment. USACE tribal consultations will be complete prior to issuance of a decision document. 15-6 The Tribe requested that surveys, including a traditional cultural properties survey be done but received no response from the Corps. Cultural Resource Studies Affected Environment NHPA Section 106 consultation is ongoing, the Corps has meet with SRST THPO and is willing to continue information exchange regarding all cultural, sacred and ceremonial sites to ensure they are identified and taken in to consideration for our final effects determination. 15-7 There are documented Lakota, Dakota, Mandan and Arikara camp sites, sacred and ceremonial sites and burials located Cultural Resource Studies Affected along both the Missouri and Cannonball Rivers, including within the direct path of this proposed Pipeline. Environment NHPA Section 106 consultation is ongoing, the Corps has meet with SRST THPO and is willing to continue information exchange regarding all cultural, sacred and ceremonial sites to ensure they are identified and taken in to consideration for our final effects determination. 15-8 The draft EA also apparently excludes from consideration graves, human remains and cultural resources that may be found in burial sites. NHPA Section 106 consultation is ongoing, the Corps has meet with SRST THPO and is willing to continue information exchange regarding all cultural, sacred and ceremonial sites to ensure they are identified and taken in to consideration for our final effects determination. Native American Consultations Additional Information Cultural Resource Studies Affected Environment Comments Page 7 of 19 Summary of Comments Received Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project Crossings of Flowage Easements and Federal Lands Commenter / Comment ID EA Section where Comment is Addressed 15-9 The draft EA fails to look beyond the 400-foot survey corridor. The Tribe has advised the Corps by letter about additional Geology cultural and historic sites of known signicance which are at risk from the proposed Pipeline, including Cannonball Ranch Cultural Resource Studies Affected which is the crossing point of the Dakota Access Pipeline. Environment USACE Response NHPA Section 106 consultation is ongoing, the Corps has meet with SRST THPO and is willing to continue information exchange regarding all cultural, sacred and ceremonial sites to ensure they are identified and taken in to consideration for our final effects determination. The scope of the Corps Cultural Resource review has been adjusted to include the bore holes directly adjacent to the Corps managed lands. Section and has been amended to provide additional information in response to this comment. 15-10 At the Cannonball Ranch, there are burials of notable Standing Rock memebers and their families including Maltida Galpin, Alma Parken, Louisa Degray Van Solen, and Charles Picotte, among whom are signatories on the Treaty of Fort Laramie. There is also an unmarked grave of Mrs. Harrison at the mouth of the Cannonball and Missouri Rivers. Cultural Resource Studies Affected Environment NHPA Section 106 consultation is ongoing, the Corps has meet with SRST THPO and is willing to continue information exchange regarding all cultural, sacred and ceremonial sites to ensure they are identified and taken in to consideration for our final effects determination. 3.1.1 Geology There is no ground movement anticipated outside of the construction areas to install the project. The Class III cultural resources report clearly defines the area of potential effect (APE) for the project to include all areas of potential disturbance associated with the project activities. The APE includes all temporary construction use areas, permanent easements, workspaces associated with the HDD, and any area where ground disturbance has the potential to occur. The lack of impact due to physical avoidance is a common and successful avoidance method in the pipeline industry. The geotechnical analysis performed to support the HDD crossings supports the lack of anticipated impacts due to vibrations related to construction and HDD activities. It remains the opinion of Principal Investigator that no cultural resources will be adversely impacted by the Project at either crossing. While the landscape will be directly impacted during the installation of the pipeline, the temporary workspace and pipeline right-of-way areas will be returned to pre-existing contours. The temporary workspace areas and permanent easements has been specifically designed to avoid impacting cultural resources. Section 3.11 of the EA has been amended to include discussion of vibration associated with construction equipment. Section 3.7 has been amended to include a discussion of the effects of vibration associated with construction equipment on cultural resources. Comment 15-11 The draft EA provides no scientific or engineering support for these conclusions. If drilling is done to build the Pipeline, the removal of rock and earth and the operation of the heavy equipmentn will undoubtedly displace and shift the soil beyond the project corridor itself, including in the staging area for the HDD. 15-12 3.2 Water Resources 3.4 Wildlife Resources 3.6.3 Land Use and Recreation Recreation and Special Section 3.2.1 Surface Water, text was added to address drinking water intakes located downstream. Impacts to waters are addressed in Sections 3.2 Water Resources, 3.4 Wildlife Resources, 3.6.3 Land Use and Recreation Recreation and Special Interest The draft EA fails to properly address the potential for environmental damage to waters which are critically important to Interest Areas 3.11 Reliability and Safety within the Draft EA. Areas, and 3.11 Reliability and Safety within the Draft EA. the Tribe and its members. 15-13 2.1.4 Alternative 4 – Major Waterbody Crossing Alternatives The geotechnical investigations and engineering of the HDD indicate it will be successfully completed. Conventional installation (i.e. wet open-cut crossing method including the use of mechanical dragline dredgers) is discussed in section 2.1.4 Alternative 4 – Major Waterbody Crossing Alternatives. The Draft EA concluded that compared to trenchless technology, the open-cut method would incur far greater impacts on sensitive habitat located on both the banks of the waterbodies and within the waterbodies. Therefore, wet open-cut crossing method including the use of mechanical dragline dredgers is not a feasible option being proposed by the applicant and ruled out in the alternatives analysis. The draft EA contains no maps on which the location of the Pipeline in relation to the Reservation is even shown. As a result, the draft EA fails to discuss the potential impacts of both the construction of the Pipeline as well as its operation on the reserved water rights of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. N/A The project does not cross the reservation and no impacts to the reservation are anticipated. The EA figures have been updated to show SRST reservation in relation to the pipeline route including the Lake Oahe crossing. Many sections of the EA have been revised to discuss the adjacent SRST as appropriate. As the pipeline will be installed under the river, the installation and operation of the pipeline will not have direct impacts to the waterway and there are no anticipated impacts to water rights. Additionally precautions to protect impacts to the Lake during operations of the pipeline are discussed in Section 3.2. Surface Water and 3.11 Reliability and Safety. No impacts to SRST reserved water rights are anticipated. To the extent that this proposed Pipeline may be covered by Nationwide Permit 12, the draft EA fails to address the conditions of that permit which expressly state that "No activity or its operation may impair reserved tribal rights, including, but not limited to, reserved water rights and treaty fishing and hunting rights" (NWP 12 condition 17). 3.11 Reliability and Safety Section 3.4.1 Recreationally and Economically Important Species and Nongame Wildlife Section 3.6.3 Recreation and Special Interest Areas Impacts to surface waters are not anticipated as a result of the Project. The Missouri River and Lake Oahe are being crossed via HDD, therefore avoiding impacts to these waterbodies. Dakota Access will comply with NWP 12 conditions, the commenters concerns on impairment are addressed in Section 3.11 Reliability and Safety of the Draft EA. Text has been added to Section 3.4.1 of the EA to clarify that no impacts to treaty fishing and hunting rights will occur. In addition, a section on the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation has been added to Section 3.6.3 Recreation and Special Interest Areas. 15-14 15-15 The draft EA does not address the environmental impacts if HDD proved to be infeasible and dredging (which would severely damage water supplies) was used instead. Comments Page 8 of 19 Summary of Comments Received Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project Crossings of Flowage Easements and Federal Lands Commenter / Comment ID Comment EA Section where Comment is Addressed USACE Response 15-16 The draft EA does not provide a sufficient analysis of the risk of pipeline leaks or spills overall, or most significantly, at the 3.11 Reliability and Safety Missouri River. Surface Waters Impacts and Mitigation The commenter's concerns are address in the EA under Sections 3.11 Reliability and Safety and Surface Waters Impacts and Mitigation. Additional information on how DAPL would respond to inadvertent releases from the pipeline has been added to Section and Section 3.11 has been revised to include information about how DAPL would respond in the unlikely event of a pipeline leak. The Draft Facility Response Plan has been added as Appendix L. 15-17 While the draft EA recites that Dakota Access will comply with the federal pipeline safety regulations, it leaves wholly unanswered what this means — whether Dakota Access would meet safety standards under the now existing regulations, or bring the pipeline up to the standards set out in the forthcoming regulations which are intended to improve protection of the public, property, and the environment. Section 3.11 Reliability and Safety Dakota Access has taken efforts to construct the pipeline design and planned operations meet or exceed the existing and pending PHMSA regulations. Section 3.11 Reliability and Safety has been updated to state the state-of-the-art leak detections systems will be updated as required by PHMSA. 3.2 Water Resources 3.4 Wildlife Resources 3.11 Reliability and Safety The EA has been updated to discuss the Tribe's water resources in relation to the Project. As indicated in the responses to Section 15-14 and 15-15 the EA has been updated to further clarify the applicants commitment to pipeline safety and reliability in regards to effects to the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation. The project does not cross the reservation and no impacts to the reservation are anticipated. As the pipeline will be installed under the river, the installation and operation of the pipeline will not have direct impacts to the waterway and there are no anticipated impacts to water rights. Water impacts were addressed in Section 3.2 Water Resources and wildlife impacts were addressed in 3.4 Wildlife Resources. No significant impacts to the public are anticipated as a result of construction or operation of the pipeline (native Americans and non-native Americans). The risk of a leak is low given the engineering design and proposed installation methodology and the risk of a leak impacting downstream water intakes is even lower. The EA describes that In the unlikely event of a pipeline leak once in operation, response measures to protect the users of downstream intakes will be implemented. The Facility Response Plan would include notifications to surrounding communities, affected governments, and utilities in the event of an inadvertent pipeline release. The Operator would have oil spill response companies that have the capability and equipment to mobilize to support cleanup and remediation efforts in the event of a pipeline release and the operator would be responsible for any remediation. 15-18 15-19 15-20 The current draft EA is inadequate in addressing pipeline safety as it would affect the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation, the health and safety of Tribal members, the Tribe's water rights and Reservation resources. Section 3.9.2 Environmental Justice Impacts and The draft EA fails to properly address Environmental Justice. Mitigation. These require the agency to: "consider the composition of the affected area, to determine whether minority populations, low-income populations, or Indian tribes are present in the area affected by the proposed action, and if so whether there may be disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects on minority Tables 3-14 and 15; 3.9.2 Environmental Justice populations, low-income populations, or Indian tribes." Impacts and Mitigation. Sections 3.9.2 and 4.10 of the EA have been revised to further clarify and address environmental justice. As outlined in Section 1.3 of the Draft EA, the EA scope is limited to the Corps flowage easements at the Missouri River and the feeowned lands at Lake Oahe. No appreciable minority or low-income populations exist in the Census tracts associated with either crossing (Tables 3-14 through 3-17 of the Draft EA). The proposed Project is being co-located with existing utilities and across USACE easements and fee owned property. The Project is over 1/2 mile from the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation and therefore does not cross the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation. The closest residence located on the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation is located approximately 1.6 miles from the Lake Oahe Project Area. Therefore, this topic was omitted from further analysis in this EA. Section 3.9.2 Environmental Justice Impacts and Mitigation has been amended to further address environmental justice. Comment is addressed in response to comment 15-19. USACE tribal consultations will be complete prior to issuance of a decision document. These require the agency to: "develop effective public participation strategies…community participation must occur as early as possible if it is to be meaningful." Cultural Resource Studies Affected Environment NHPA Section 106 consultation is ongoing, the Corps is willing to meet and discuss all cultural, sacred and ceremonial sites to ensure they are identified and taken in to consideration for our final effects determination. USACE tribal consultations will be complete prior to issuance of a decision document. These require the agency to: "seek tribal representation in the process in a manner that is consistent with the government-to-government relationship between the United States and tribal governments, the federal government's trust responsibility to federally-recognized tribes, and any treaty rights." Cultural Resource Studies Affected Environment NHPA Section 106 consultation is ongoing, the Corps is willing to meet and discuss all cultural, sacred and ceremonial sites to ensure they are identified and taken in to consideration for our final effects determination. USACE tribal consultations will be complete prior to issuance of a decision document. Comments Page 9 of 19 Summary of Comments Received Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project Crossings of Flowage Easements and Federal Lands Commenter / Comment ID 15-21 EA Section where Comment is Addressed Comment The draft EA instead selectively uses and then changes the geographic areas by which it evaluates the impacts of the proposed pipeline, as well as the pipeline alternatives, so that if effectively avoids the potential environmental impacts on the Tribe, the Reservation, and its people. USACE Response Additional clarification is provided in Section 3.9.2 of the EA on the distance of evaluation. As referenced in Section 1.3, the scope of the this EA is limited the proposed Project crossings of Corps-owned lands and flowage easements at the Missouri River and Lake Oahe crossings that would require real estate actions and regulatory permits from the Corps, which are the federal actions associated with this EA. The detailed description of the Proposed Action, including all Connected Actions are included in Section 2.3.1 Locations and Detailed Description of the Proposed Action. 1.3 Authority and Scope of the EA No appreciable minority or low-income populations exist in these Census tracts at either crossing (Tables 3-14 through 3-17). Tables 3-14 through 3-17 Additionally, based on aerial imagery the closest residence located on the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation is located 3.9.2 Environmental Justice Impacts and Mitigation. approximately 1.6 miles from the Lake Oahe Project Area. Therefore, this topic was omitted from further analysis in this EA. Text has been added to Section 3.2 .1.2 Surface Resources Impacts and Mitigation that describes potential risk and mitigative measures associated with drinking water intakes downstream of the Missouri River and Lake Oahe crossings, including the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation. A Water Intake Mitigation Measures Section has been added to the EA as a subsection in Section Surface Waters Impacts and Mitigation. 15-23 3.2 Water Resources The draft EA does not address the potential impact of the proposed pipeline route on water intakes downstream on the Surface Waters Impacts and Mitigation Standing Rock Reservation. "No appreciable minority or low-income populations exist in these Census tracts at either crossing…Therefore, this topic was omitted from further analysis in this EA," (Draft EA at 62). In fact, however, several prominent Indian families, 1.3 Authority and Scope of the EA, Tables 3-14 including the Brave Bulls, McLaughlins, and Thunder Hawks, live in close proximity to the proposed pipeline, just across through 3-17; 3.9.2 Environmental Justice Impacts the Cannonball River. and Mitigation. 16-1 Due to the potentially significant and cumulative adverse environmental impacts to the Missouri River/Lake Sakakawea, I am requesting that the Army Corp of Engineers order a full Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) be completed in regards to the Dakota Access hazardous liquid pipeline. N/A Based on the Project scope, an Environmental Assessment is appropriate for this level of analysis. If, after completing the EA, it is evident that there are significant environmental impacts, an EIS could be prepared. 16-2 For at least 4-5 months out of the year, the surface of the Missouri River/Lake Sakakawea on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation is frozen solid. The Draft Environmental Assessment for the Dakota Access crude pipeline fails to specifically address what happens if there are leaks or explosions in the 140,000 barrel-per-day pipeline under the lakebed when thick ice covers the lake. Surface Waters Impacts and Mitigation Impacts from winter/ice conditions has been added to Draft EA Section Surface Waters Impacts and Mitigation. 16-3 Additional clarification has been provided in Section 4.10 of the EA. The comment is referring to Draft EA Section 4.10 Cumulative Impacts Environmental Justice which states that "the holders of mineral rights and landowners in the Project area have witnessed a recent windfall form the oil and gas development in the region" This coupled with the Project being co-located with existing utilities concludes that no substantive cumulative impacts to minority or low-income populations would result from the proposed Project. As outlined in Section 1.3 of the Draft EA, the EA In the draft EA, Dakota Access wrongly claims that because of oil & gas revenue in the area, there are no Environmental 1.3 Authority and Scope of the EA scope is limited to the Corps flowage easements at the Missouri River and the fee-owned lands at Lake Oahe. No appreciable Justice or low-income, minority communities affected by this hazardous liquid pipeline. (Page 76. Section 4.1.1.). This is Tables 3-14 through 3-17 minority or low-income populations exist in the Census tracts associated with either crossing (Tables 3-14 through 3-17 of the an invalid and incorrect assertion by Dakota Access/Energy Transfer Partners. 3.9.2 Environmental Justice Impacts and Mitigation. Draft EA); therefore, would not result in a direct or indirect impact to low-income or minority communities. 16-4 The cover of the published Draft Environmental Assessment report clearly states that the Dakota Access/Energy Transfer Partners wrote this draft EA Assessment review for their own hazardous liquid pipeline - on behalf of the Army Corp of Engineers. Allowing a for-profit national corporation who will the primary and sole beneficiary of significant financial profit from this federally-approved project, to write the draft EA for their own crude pipeline, is a conflict-of-interest and unethical, according to standards in the federal government. Merely listing two (2) ACOE personnel on the list of "reviewers" at the conclusion of the Draft EA report does not assure, or imply, objectivity in the assessment written on behalf of the Army Corp of Engineers. 9.0 List of Preparers and Reviewers 15-22 17-1 Remediation has not been properly addressed. Who would be accountable for contamination of the Missouri? The Missouri is the source of drinking water for many communities. Section 3.2.1 Surface Waters Surface Waters Impacts and Mitigation Section 3.11 Reliability and Safety Comments Page 10 of 19 Additional clarification is provided in Section 3.9.2 of the EA on the minority and low income populations evaluation. Discussion of potentially affected Indian tribes has been added to Section 3.9.2 Environmental Justice Impacts and Mitigation. This action is being completed in accordance with CEQ regulations in Section 1506.5(a) and 1506.5(b), which allow an applicant to prepare an EA for federal actions. The Corps has independently evaluated and verified the information and analysis undertaken in this EA and takes full responsibility for the scope and content contained herein. The Corps has independently evaluated and verified the information and analysis undertaken in this EA and takes full responsibility for the scope and content. While EAs are often drafted by the applicant, the agency actively participates in review and ultimate acceptance of the document, this is a USACE issued document drafted with the assistance of the applicant. The list of reviewers in Section 9.0 List of Preparers and Reviewers has been updated to include other USACE personnel that materially participated in the review and acceptance of the document. A discussion on potential impacts to drinking water intakes has been added to the Draft EA in Section 3.2.1. A Water Intake Mitigation Measures Section has been added to the EA as a subsection in Section Surface Waters Impacts and Mitigation. Section 3.11 Reliability and Safety states that contracts would be in place with oil spill response companies that have the capability to mobilize to support cleanup and remediation efforts in the event of a pipeline release. The operator would be responsible for any remediation. Additional narrative related to emergency response preparedness and discussion of the Facility Response Plan has been added to Section 3.11. Summary of Comments Received Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project Crossings of Flowage Easements and Federal Lands Commenter / Comment ID EA Section where Comment is Addressed Comment 17-2 How many people downstream of the pipes are in favor of laying the pipes? People who have no stake in any pipeline fallout are ready to say build them 'there'. 18-1 Due to the non-involvement/consultation of our tribe in this project, which will have "epic" impact on our people's lives Cultural Resource Studies Affected and future generations to come, should not move forward in any manner. Environment 19-1 The applicant needs to incorporated pressure sensing block valves on both sides of the water way to help minimize a potential environmental accident. These valves should be placed as close to the waterway as possible yet out of the flood plain to reduce the potential to get damaged from ice and other floating debris. 19-2 A maintenance schedule needs to be developed to insure the integrity of the pipe for years and decades to come. Although this may mean the pipeline needs to be shut down for a period of time, it is important to minimize the risk to the Missouri River reservoirs and their fish and wildlife resources. N/A USACE Response Comment is general and does not provide a specific issue that can be addressed within the scope of the EA NHPA Section 106 consultation is ongoing, the Corps is willing to meet and discuss all cultural, sacred and ceremonial sites to ensure they are identified and taken in to consideration for our final effects determination. USACE tribal consultations will be complete prior to issuance of a decision document. 2.3.1 Location and Detailed Description of the Proposed Action, Aquatic Resources Impacts and Mitigation, and 3.11 Reliability and Safety. Valve operation and placement is discussed in sections 2.3.1 Location and Detailed Description of the Proposed Action, Aquatic Resources Impacts and Mitigation, and 3.11 Reliability and Safety. 3.11 Reliability and Safety Maintenance is described in Section 3.11 Reliability and Safety. As indicated in the Draft EA, Dakota Access has an ongoing maintenance, inspection, and integrity testing program to monitor the safety of the pipeline system. Monitoring activities include constant remote oversight of the entire system 24/7/365 from the control center, routine inspection of the cathodic protection system, and the use of inspection tools that travel through the inside of the pipeline to check pipe integrity. Dakota Access would also perform regular aerial flyovers to inspect the pipeline ROW. Dakota Access would maintain and inspect the pipeline in accordance with PHMSA regulations, industry codes and prudent pipeline operating protocols and techniques. 19-3 A spill prevention and cleanup plan should be provided prior to a permit being issued. The necessary equipment to carry 3.2.1. Surface Water out the plan should be readily available in the area of the crossing to reduce the time to remedy the spill. 3.11 Reliability and Safety 19-4 The Department recommends a scour analysis be conducted to determine adequate depths for the pipe to be buried to reduce any future pipe failure caused by scour. The Draft EA was revised to include additional information on how DAPL would respond to inadvertent releases from the pipeline. Section and 3.11 has been revised to include information about how DAPL would respond in the unlikely event of a pipeline leak. DAPL has prepared a Facility Response Plan (included as Appendix L) intended to satisfy the requirements of the applicable regulations and has contractually secured personnel and equipment necessary to respond to inadvertent releases from the pipeline. Section and Sections 3.11 describes maintenance, inspection, and integrity testing program to monitor the safety of the pipeline system, leak detection protection procedures, and coordination with local emergency responders. DAPL has evaluated the potential for impacts due to geomorphological movements as part of its coordination with the ND Office of the State Engineer in order to as part of the Sovereign Lands Permitting Process. The results of the analysis are discussed in the response to Comment 12-8. 19-5 Required measures include removing any and all aquatic vegetation from vessels, motors, trailers, or construction equipment; all water shall be drained from bilge(s) or confined spaces on vessels, boat motors or construction equipment; all species of ANS (this list can be found on the North Dakota Game and Fish Department website) must be removed from vessels, boat motors or construction equipment. Section was amended to include the following statement. Dakota Access will implement required measures including the removal of all aquatic vegetation from vessels, motors, trailers, or construction equipment. All water would be drained from bilges or confined spaces. All species of Aquatic Nuisance Species will be removed from equipment in accordance with the North Dakota Administrative Code Chapter Title 30, Article 3, Chapter 6. 19-6 The contractor or his agents or subcontractors must provide the Department a reasonable opportunity to inspect any an all vehicles, vessels, pumps and equipment that will be used in the project in or on the waters of the state prior to those Section Surface Waters Impacts and items being launched or placed in the waters of the state. Mitigation Section was amended to include the following statement. All Project construction equipment utilized on or in waters of the state would be subject to inspection by the Department in accordance with the North Dakota Administrative Code, Title 30, Article 3, Chapter 6-01. S Due to the nature of the proposed project, the Department suggests implementing the following recommendations to minimize impacts to fish and wildlife resources: Any unavoidable losses of native forest or riparian forest shall be replace with similar species on a 2;1 basis by incorporating a mitigation planting into the impacted forest to complement the Section Vegetation Impacts and Mitigation existing woody vegetation. Section was amended to include the following statement. Revegetation of trees and shrubs would take place in accordance with the North Dakota tree and shrub regulations. Section Vegetation Impacts and Mitigation 4.3 Vegetation, Agriculture and Range Resources, SWPPP (Appendix A) and ECP (Appendix G) Section was amended to include a discussion of seed mixes. An NRCS native seed mix has been selected for the DAPL project based on North Dakota State University Extension Service Publication, Successful Reclamation of Lands Disturbed by Oil and Gas Development and Infrastructure Construction. If reseeding were to become necessary on Corps fee-owned lands, all activities would be conducted in accordance Garrison Project seed mixes and revegetation guidelines. Due to the nature of the proposed project, the Department suggests implementing the following recommendations to minimize impacts to fish and wildlife resources: Disturbed areas should be planted to a native grass mixture. 19-7 Section Surface Waters Impacts and Mitigation Due to the nature of the proposed project, the Department suggests implementing the following recommendations to minimize impacts to fish and wildlife resources: We request work not take place within the lake from April 15 to June 1 to protect the aquatic environment. The pipeline will be installed via HDD and will not require work in the lake during April 15 to June 1. Comments Page 11 of 19 Summary of Comments Received Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project Crossings of Flowage Easements and Federal Lands Commenter / Comment ID 20-1 Have any surveys been done in the APE? Request copy of findings. 3.7.1 Cultural Resources Studies and Appendix I. USACE Response A description of the field surveys for the flowage easement and federally-owned lands traversed by the Project are presented in Appendix I. As described in Section 3.7.1 Cultural Resources Studies, the Class II/Class III cultural resource inventory of the proposed Project Area was conducted in accordance with the North Dakota SHPO Guidelines Manual for Cultural Resources Inventory Projects (SHSND, 2012). As outlined in Appendix I, systematic survey methods employed by field crews included surface inspection and shovel probing. 20-2 What type of findings have archeologists determined? 3.7.1 Cultural Resources Studies and Appendix I. The results of the cultural resources background studies and field surveys for the flowage easement and federally-owned lands traversed by the Project are presented in Appendix I and summarized in Section Comment EA Section where Comment is Addressed 3(2)-1 We recommend that the Draft EA be revised to assess potential impacts to drinking water and the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. We also recommend addressing additional concerns regarding environmental justice and emergency response actions to spills/leaks. Based on the importance of these concerns and the new information that would supplement the December 2015 Draft EA, we recommend the USACE prepare a revised Draft EA and provide a second public comment period. Executive Summary The Corps published a draft EA on December 8, 2015, on the USACE Omaha District website ( and hard copies were made available at public libraries in Bismarck, Williston, and Pierre. Additionally, notifications where made to cooperating agencies, other federal, state and local agencies, and signatory and non-signatory Tribes to the Omaha Corps District Programmatic Agreement. The Corps received comments from 20 reviewers, primarily from individuals believed to be members of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, and including 2 sets of comments from EPA and the SRST. These comments relate to topics in the EA. The Corps fully considered and responded to these comments. There is no new significant information on environmental effects as a result of these comments. As such, neither a supplemental or revised EA for further public review nor additional NEPA compliance actions was required prior to a decision on the proposed action. Comments from the sierra club were received after the close of the comment period, and while addressed, are not considered to be part of the administrative record. 3(2)-2 Because of the locations of the Missouri River crossings for the DAPL, we recommend additional planning be developed to protect drinking water supplies commensurate with the planning done for the USACE Sakakawea Pipeline EA. This planning should include Williston and other communities using the Missouri River above Lake Sakakawea as well as communities using the Missouri River below the Lake Oahe crossing. Although the main focus of the DAPL Draft EA are the crossings of USACE lands and easements, we recommend that the applicant’s spill planning and emergency response efforts cover the entire length of the pipeline as the proposed pipeline crosses many creeks and rivers that could quickly Section 1.3 Authorigy and Scope convey a spill into the Missouri River or other water resources. Executive Summary As referenced in Section 1.3, the scope of the this EA is limited the proposed Project crossings of Corps-owned lands and flowage easements at the Missouri River and Lake Oahe crossings that would require real estate actions and regulatory permits from the Corps, which are the federal actions associated with this EA. Therefore, the crossings considered for this EA are limited to the Missouri River and Lake Oahe crossings. Accordingly, text was added to Section 3.2.1 Surface Water to address drinking water intakes located downstream. Impacts to waters are addressed in Sections 3.2 Water Resources, 3.4 Wildlife Resources, 3.6.3 Land Use and Recreation Recreation and Special Interest Areas, and 3.11 Reliability and Safety within the Draft EA. Although outside of the scope of this EA, DAPL will plan for the protection of other crossings and associated water intake as part of their emergency preparedness protocol in accordance with PHMSA requirements outlined in 49 CFR 194. The revised Draft EA should disclose potential impacts to downstream water supplies from leaks and spills and include the water systems in emergency preparedness planning. The Draft EA has been updated to include potential impacts to downstream water supplies from leaks and spills. A Water Intake Mitigation Measures Section has been added to the EA as a subsection in Section Surface Waters Impacts and Mitigation. DAPL has included the information on downstream water systems in the emergency preparedness planning. DAPL and its contractors will work with Federal, State, local, and Tribal officials to protect downstream drinking water and irrigation water intakes. To minimize potential impacts to intakes, protection and mitigation measures will be implemented in cooperation with intake operators. Text regarding the flow distance and the time that it would take for the first oil from an unabated release to travel downstream and reach water intakes from the Missouri River and the Lake Oahe crossings has been incorporated into the respective Geographical Response Plans. Contact information for downstream intake operators and the USFWS, North Dakota Game and Fish Department, South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks, the SRST, and the Three Affiliated Tribes is included in the Facility Response Plan. However, worst case discharge volumes and intake locations are considered “Security Sensitive Information” by both DAPL and PHMSA and are protected from public disclosure and therefore will not be included within the EA. This information is reserved for "Privileged and Confidential" documents utilized during training exercises. The USEPA On-Scene Coordinator will have access to the Facility Response Plan through PHMSA. 3(2)-3 3.2 Water Resources Surface Waters Impacts and Mitigation Comments Page 12 of 19 Summary of Comments Received Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project Crossings of Flowage Easements and Federal Lands Commenter / Comment ID 3(2)-4 3(2)-5 Comment EA Section where Comment is Addressed USACE Response DAPL will have three methods of monitoring the pipeline during operation: 1) SCADA, 2) LeakWarn, 3) Physical Pressure and Flow Measurement. The SCADA system shows pump station and valve status. The secondary leak detection system (LeakWarn leak detection system) is a Computational Pipeline Monitoring System (CPM) used to monitor the pipeline for leaks via computational algorithms performed on a continual basis. This measurement data is immediately analyzed to determine potential product releases anywhere on the pipeline system. This state-of-the-art CPM system is capable of detecting leaks down to 1 percent or better of the pipeline flow rate within a time span of approximately 1 hour or less and capable of providing rupture detection within 1 to 3 minutes. The leak detection equipment and software utilized during operations or the pipeline will be updated per federal standards in accordance with PHMSA and American Petroleum Institute requirements. The Physical Pressure and Flow Measurement utilizes stand-alone pressure transmitters and stand-alone ultrasonic meters at each pump station to continuously verify and compare flowrates along the pipeline in real-time in conjunction with the leak detection system. Once in operation, physical observation is made along the entire length of the pipeline which includes aerial patrols at least once every 10 days. We recommend that the NEPA analysis describe the typical size of leak that can be detected by SCADA, the time that would be required for detection and shutoff of the pipeline, and the size of a spill that could occur during that time Sentimental / monitoring wells do not provide real-time feedback and would BE no advantage for monitoring this pipeline operation relative to the above detection methods. period. It may be appropriate to require routine physical inspections in sensitive surface water and groundwater areas to The applicant and the USACE held a joint conference call on February 23, 2016 with Mr. David Lehman, US DOT PHMSA Director augment the ability of the SCADA system to identify small volume leaks. For the sections of the pipeline in close with Emergency Support & Security Division. Mr. Lehman has already reviewed a draft of the DAPL Facility Response Plan proximity to sensitive water resources, we recommend consideration be given to the available alternative systems with more accurate rapid detection abilities than SCADA and establishment of a network of sentinel or monitoring wells along prepared in accordance with 49 CFR 194 supplied by the USACE. Mr. Lehman indicated that this Draft FRP was consistent with other FRPs that he had reviewed from other operators and was generally what he expected to see at this stage of a project. the pipeline, especially in sensitive areas with hydrologic connection to the Missouri River. It may be useful for the PHMSA will review a Final FRP which must be submitted by DAPL prior to pipeline in-service. PHMSA will supply DAPL a Letter of USACE and project proponent to consult with the Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Section 3.11 Reliability and Safety Safety Administration (PHMSA) regarding pipeline leak and spill detection and emergency planning, if it has not already Section Surface Water Impacts and Mitigation Authorization. The Final FRP is protected from public disclosure and therefore will not be included within the EA. However, this "Privileged and Confidential" document will be provided by PHMSA to other Federal agencies. occurred. Appendix L Draft FRP We recommend that Dakota Access adequately plan, prepare and train for such an event and that the revised Draft EA include a requirement to work with the local water districts on spill response strategies and equipment specific to the drinking water intakes in and near the project. DAPL is preparing a Facility Response Plan in accordance with PHMSA 49 CFT 194. In addition to the FRP, DAPL has also developed Geographical Response Plans (GRP’s) for the Missouri River and Lake Oahe crossings to facilitate a rapid and effective response during the incipient stages of a release. The GRP’s include tactical response/mitigation measures, as well as maps depicting potential access, containment, and staging areas. The GRPs will be utilized during training exercises. As part of DAPLs Tier 1 leak response, DAPL will initiate emergency response efforts immediately upon discovery of a release of oil consistent with the FRP and API RP-1174 “Recommended Practice for Onshore Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Emergency Preparedness and Response”, including containment and recovery. Emergency notifications will be made to Federal, State, and Local agencies and tribal officials as outlined in the FRP. DAPL and its contractors will work with Federal, State, local, and Tribal officials to protect downstream water intakes. To minimize potential impacts to intakes, protection and mitigation measures will be implemented into the respective GRPs. DAPL will conduct emergency response drills/exercises in accordance with the National Preparedness for Response Exercise Program (PREP), which is recognized, and approved, by the EPA, USCG, and PHMSA. Emergency response exercises will be conducted in accordance with PREP and will include an annual table top exercise. A worst case, or alternate worst case, discharge exercise will be conducted every triennial cycle. DAPL is committed to conducting a worst case discharge exercise at either Lake Sakakawea or Lake Oahe once every 6 years and will include both open water and ice response. DAPL will alternate the location and type of exercise. Regulatory and stakeholder participation will be encouraged and solicited for the exercise. To minimize potential impacts to intakes, protection and mitigation measures will be implemented in cooperation with intake Section 3.11 Reliability and Safety Section Surface Water Impacts and Mitigation operators. Information on the protection of drinking water and irrigation water intakes will be added as it becomes available into the Geographical Response Plan. Appendix L Draft FRP Comments Page 13 of 19 Summary of Comments Received Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project Crossings of Flowage Easements and Federal Lands Commenter / Comment ID 3(2)-6 USACE Response The response planning and drill frequency is addressed in the response to Comment 3(2)-5. Emergency notification is addressed in the response to Comment 3(2)-5 and the FRP. Impacts from winter/ice conditions has been added to Draft EA Section Surface Waters Impacts and Mitigation. Procedures for rapid notification to downstream Public Water Systems, including the SRST, are included in the FRP. Notification of upstream PWS are not applicable. DAPL will have their own equipment and has contracted professional Oil Spill Response Organizations (OSRO’s) has equipment so that response procedures can be carried out in accordance with federal response requirements including cold weather/ice conditions. Company owned response equipment is listed in the FRP. Any specialized response equipment, beyond company Further, we recommend the NEPA analysis describe additional mitigation measures regarding emergency preparedness to reduce the impacts in the event of a spill. Useful measures include the following: owned response equipment, will be provided by OSRO’s and/or contractors. DAPL has contracted with the National Response Corporation, an international response organization, which maintains contracts with hundreds of OSRO’s nationwide. Resources • Emergency response plan that addresses oil spill response (including a cold weather/ice cover response) and identifies the appropriate agencies/organizations and responsible staff to contact in the event of an emergency response; for all response types can be mobilized as needed. A listing of contractor response equipment is included in the FRP and will • Procedures for rapid notification to Public Water systems (PWS) (e.g., Williston, New Town, Fort Yates and Standing continually be evaluated and updated as necessary. Rock PWS), and domestic well owners; Dakota Access will conduct emergency response drills/exercises in accordance with the National Preparedness for Response • Pre-positioned response assets, including equipment to address oil spills; and Section 3.11 Reliability and Safety Exercise Program (PREP) consisting of table top exercises and equipment deployment drills. Dakota Access is committed to • Spill drills and exercises that include strategies and equipment deployment. Section Surface Water Impacts and Mitigation conducting a worst case discharge full scale exercises at both the Missouri River crossing near Williston and the crossing at Lake Oahe and will include both open water and ice response. Appendix L Draft FRP 3(2)-7 We recognize that except in the case of a major flood and erosion event, depth of cover surveys would not be applicable to Dakota Access’s Missouri River and Lake Oahe crossings due to the use of horizontal directional drilling to bore well below the river / lake bottom; however, such surveys may be appropriate for water body crossings that will not use this drilling technique. For this project, surveys could be triggered by a historically high river stage or the observation of ice damming at the location of the pipeline crossing. We recommend that the revised Draft EA assess and discuss the potential for scour and consider the inclusion of on-going depth of cover surveys associated with hydrological events. Major Waterbody Crossing Method As referenced in Section 1.3, the scope of the this EA is limited the proposed Project crossings of Corps-owned lands and flowage easements at the Missouri River and Lake Oahe crossings. The potential for river channel changes associated with water erosion and scour were considered when selecting the major waterbody crossing methods and locations. DAPL has coordinated with the North Dakota Office of the State Engineer as part of the Sovereign Lands Permitting Process. The Office of the State Engineer has issued a Sovereign Lands Permit for both crossings. 3(2)-8 In responding to the 2015 Bridger Poplar Pipeline spill, we noted that the prolonged oil/water contact and lack of evaporative loss due to ice cover caused a much larger than expected concentration of dissolved-phase organics making it to the subsurface intake at the water treatment plant. This is likely a unique situation to Bakken crude released into an iced-over waterbody. Therefore, we recommend that revised Draft EA note that a winter response on ice for a spill scenario involving Bakken crude actually can be more difficult than a “typical” ice response. In addition, we recommend that Dakota Access include planning for winter response scenarios in their oil spill contingency plans, including measures Section 3.11 Reliability and Safety to ensure that staff are adequately trained for a potential winter response and that an oil spill response organization Section Surface Water Impacts and Mitigation with winter response capabilities has been identified. Appendix L Draft FRP As noted in the response to question 3(2)-6, DAPL has their own equipment and has contracted OSROs that can carry out response procedures in accordance with federal response requirements including ice conditions. DAPL is carrying 100% Bakken Crude Oil (Sweet Bakken Light). The 2015 Bridger Poplar Pipeline spill consisted of heavier crudes. For spills trapped under ice, the Sweet Bakken Light would remain at the top of the water level and would not behave similar to the heavier crudes associated with the 2015 Bridger Poplar Pipeline spill. As a result, there would be less of a concentration of dissolved-phase organics making it to the subsurface intakes. As noted in the response to comment 3(2)-8, Dakota Access will conduct site-specific ice response emergency response drills/exercises. 3(2)- 9 Section 2.3.1 Location and Detailed Description of the Proposed Action Section Surface Waters Affected Environment Section Surface Resources Impacts and Mitigation Section 3.4.1 Recreationally and Economically Important Species and Nongame Wildlife Section 3.6.1 Land Ownership The Draft EA should be revised to disclose the proximity of the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation and potential impacts to Section 3.6.3 Recreation and Special Interest Areas resources downstream of the Lake Oahe crossing. While maps have been added to the Draft EA, no tribal lands or Section Demographics, Employment, and reservations are shown on any of the maps. The Draft EA should be revised to disclose the proximity of the Standing Income Impacts and Mitigation Rock Sioux Reservation and other tribal lands such as the Ft. Berthold and Cheyenne River Sioux Reservations. The Section 3.9.2 Environmental Justice Impacts and analysis should be expanded to disclose potential impacts to water resources and environmental or cultural sites that Mitigation may be affected by potential leaks and spills. Section 3.11 Reliability and Safety Section 12.0 Figures The EA has been revised to reflect publicly available information concerning proximity of the proposed action areas to the Standing Rock Sioux and Ft. Berthold Tribal lands. Other Tribal lands are not within reasonable proximity to the proposed action areas or its potential effects. The EA continues to discuss and has expanded its discussion of potential effects to environmental site, cultural and water resources. Effects from a potential release are speculative and beyond the scope of this EA for a private funded and operated project with nominal federal interests. Federal response plans are prepared pursuant to comprehensive federal regulation, as discussed in the EA. See also the response to comment 15-15, 3(2)-7 and associated discussion in the EA. Comment EA Section where Comment is Addressed Comments Page 14 of 19 Summary of Comments Received Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project Crossings of Flowage Easements and Federal Lands Commenter / Comment ID Comment EA Section where Comment is Addressed USACE Response 3(2)-10 We recommend a more thorough Environmental Justice (EJ) analysis be developed for the revised Draft EA. For linear construction projects, census block groups or census tracts are the preferred level of analysis rather than the county by county or state by state analysis presented in the Draft EA (pages 60, 61 &76). A screening level analysis for EJ, such as shown on EPA’s EJScreen at, indicates there are several census block groups with substantial minority and/or low income demographics that could be potentially impacted by the project. The areas of analysis to assess potential impacts to EJ communities should correspond to the impacts of the proposed project instead of only the area of construction disturbance. For oil pipeline projects, potential impacts to EJ communities would include the effects of leaks and spills to downstream water supplies (both drinking water quality, agricultural uses, and costs) Section 3.9.2 Environmental Justice Impacts and and aquatic resources such as fish and riparian vegetation used by EJ populations. In addition to analyzing potential EJ Mitigation impacts, Executive Order 12898 on Environmental Justice (February 16, 1994) also requires public outreach to Section 4.10 Environmental Justice potentially affected EJ communities. The EA contains an Environmental Justice analysis that conforms with recognized practice. Neither the Project nor the proposed action areas cross tribal land. In fact, tribal land was specifically avoided as a routing mitigation measure. This private project has nominal federal interest and operational effects analysis are not required pursuant to NEPA and the Corps NEPA program. Furthermore, the project is subject to stringent federal response plan regulation, with which DAPL is complying. Predictions of future response actions is speculative and not anticipated for the Project, although comprehensive response plans will be in place pursuant to federal regulation. Additionally, the area of the Lake Oahe crossing will be installed by Horizontal Directional Drilling technique that will allow for deep burial without trenching and will substantially reduce any risk of impacts to Environmental Justice communities or populations. The Project does not anticipate any impact to water supplies along its route, and to the extent a response action is required, federal regulation will be complied with. 3(2)-11 Section 2.3.1 Location and Detailed Description of the Proposed Action Section Surface Waters Affected Environment Section Surface Resources Impacts and Mitigation Section 3.4.1 Recreationally and Economically Important Species and Nongame Wildlife Section 3.6.1 Land Ownership Section 3.6.3 Recreation and Special Interest Areas Section Demographics, Employment, and Income Impacts and Mitigation The Draft EA also did not include any information on coordination and consultation with tribal governments other than Section 3.9.2 Environmental Justice Impacts and in connection to historic and cultural resource impacts. For example, no Tribes were included in Chapter 7 (page 81) Mitigation listing federal, tribal, state and local agency consultation and coordination. We recommend that Tribal consultation and Section 3.11 Reliability and Safety coordination be more thoroughly addressed and the related information be added to the revised Draft EA. Section 12.0 Figures Details of the extensive efforts to conduct Tribal consultation are more fully addressed in the EA. A recent letter from the Corps Omaha District to the Director, Federal Agency Programs, of the ACHP details some of these consultation efforts, including with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, and is now included with the EA. See Response to comment response 15-14 for a list of sections modified regarding the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. We recommend that the discussion of the route alternatives be expanded to discuss how the preferred alternative’s Missouri River crossing locations were determined and whether there are other available routes or crossing locations that would have reduced potential to water resources, especially drinking water supplies. 3(2)-12 15(2)-1 2.1.3 Alternative 3 - Route Alternative The approach to Project routing is described in Section 2.1.3 of the EA. A variety of factors were considered and weighted in the process. Impacts to "waters of the U.S." were avoided to the maximum extent practicable. All wetlands and waterbodies within the action area and connected action area are would be avoided by HDD or bore. Part of this analysis included a preference to colocate the Project with existing linear utility features where practicable. Given the HDD approach used for both crossings and the avoidance of impacts that results from this technique, the attempt to cross at a narrow expanse of the river further limiting risk, the reduced potential for impacts resulting from the HDD process, movement of a pump station away from the River at the request of the Corps, the necessity to cross the Missouri River in at least one location, and the federal programs governing response actions, the risk to water resources from this crossing are minimal. In Section Surface Waters Impacts and Mitigation discusses potential impacts from a release. Additionally, the applicant has filed “Security Sensitive Information” protected from public disclosure (and therefore not included within the EA) that evaluates the risk of an oil spill into Lake Oahe. "Privileged and Confidential" Spill model documents for the pipeline crossings for both the Missouri River and Lake Oahe locations provide USACE staff with the results of worst case risk analysis for spills at both of these crossings. The spill models follow PHMSA modeling and include information on hypothetical worst case discharge volumes, intake locations and an analysis of the flow distance and the time that it would take for the first oil from an unabated The draft EA assumes that there is no need to evaluate the risk of an oil spill into Lake Oahe. Instead the draft EA merely release to travel downstream and reach water intakes. This information has been used to design location-specific Geographic recites that Dakota Access will "construct and maintain the pipeline to meet or exceed industry and government Section 3.11 Reliability and Safety Response Plans for the appropriate staff to utilize during training exercises, also filed as "Privileged and Confidential". More standards." But this bland assertion is no substitute for a scientifically sound risk assessment of the likelihood of an oil Section Surface Water Impacts and Mitigation information on spill risk, mitigation and response measures has been added to the EA in response to comments: 3-8, 6-1, 9-5, 15spill and the impacts such a spill would cause. Appendix L Draft FRP 11, 15-16, 15-18, 15-22, 3(2)-4. Comments Page 15 of 19 Summary of Comments Received Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project Crossings of Flowage Easements and Federal Lands Commenter / Comment ID 15(2)-2 Comment The draft EA assumes that the SRST has no stake at all in the Dakota Access pipeline. In a shocking disregard of the federal trust responsibility and the environmental justice doctrine, the draft EA completely ignores the presence of the Reservation and the interest of the Tribe. Maps in the draft EA omit the Reservation. The text of the draft EA likewise makes no mention of the Reservation notwithstanding its proximity to the proposed pipeline crossing. EA Section where Comment is Addressed USACE Response Section 2.3.1 Location and Detailed Description of the Proposed Action Section Surface Waters Affected Environment Section Surface Resources Impacts and Mitigation Section 3.4.1 Recreationally and Economically Important Species and Nongame Wildlife Section 3.6.1 Land Ownership Section 3.6.3 Recreation and Special Interest Areas Section Demographics, Employment, and Income Impacts and Mitigation Section 3.9.2 Environmental Justice Impacts and Mitigation Section 3.11 Reliability and Safety Section 12.0 Figures As indicated in response to comment 15-14, the EA figures have been updated to show SRST reservation in relation to the pipeline route including the Lake Oahe crossing. The project does not cross the reservation and no impacts to the reservation are anticipated. Many sections of the EA have been revised to discuss the adjacent SRST as appropriate, including Section 3.9.2, Environmental Justice Impacts and Mitigation. 15(2)-3 While the Dakota Access pipeline is a single project, with cumulative environmental impacts, there has been no effort to review the proposal in any comprehensive manner. To the contrary, the federal review process has been uncoordinated 1.3 Authority and Scope of the EA and disjointed, with different offices (including three Corps Districts) looking at limited aspects of the project as if they 2.3.1 Locations and Detailed Description of the were wholly unrelated. Proposed Action . As referenced in Section 1.3 and in response to comment 3-3, and in accordance with relative federal regulations, the scope of the this EA is limited the proposed Project crossings of Corps-owned lands and flowage easements at the Missouri River and Lake Oahe crossings that would require real estate actions and regulatory permits from the Corps, which are the federal actions associated with this EA. Separate Corps authorizations are being sought for Section 404, Section 10, and Section 408 crossings along the entire DAPL route. The detailed description of the Proposed Action, including all Connected Actions are included in Section 2.3.1. Each NEPA document associated with DAPL appropriately considers the effects of the particular action under consideration as well as indirect and cumulative effects. 15(2)-4 Major oil pipelines, with their risk of oil spills and other major effects, clearly do not meet that standard ("result in more than minimal individual or cumulative adverse environmental effects or may be contrary to public interest"), so Nationwide Permit 12 is not a proper vehicle in connection with the Dakota Access pipeline. The Corps should reject the 1.3 Authority and Scope of the EA use of Nationwide Permit 12, which is wholly unsuited to the current purpose, and should review in detail the impacts 2.3.1 Locations and Detailed Description of the (including cumulative impacts) of the project under a single permit application. Proposed Action . This EA is limited to the real estate actions required for the crossing of federal land at Lake Oahe and flowage easements at the Missouri River. These crossings require Department of the Army authorization under Section 404 and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act. Separate Corps authorizations are being sought for Section 404, Section 10, and Section 408 crossings along the route. Consistent with Corps policy and the requirements of NWP 12 for utility lines, the Corps Regulatory branch is evaluating each separate and distinct crossing of waters of the United States as a single and complete project. 15(2)-5 NEPA requires (at a minimum) that all of the pending federal actions regarding the Dakota Access pipeline be reviewed together. Dakota Access is seeking federal approval for a single, linear pipeline, and the various crossings of multiple rivers, wetlands and federal lands clearly constitute "connected" and "cumulative "actions under NEPA. 40 C.F.R. 1508/.25(a). Since the federal approvals Dakota Access seeks concern "physically, functionally, and financially connected and independent" components of the same project, NEPA requires that they be analyzed together. Del. Riverkeeper 1.3 Authority and Scope of the EA Network v. FERC, 753 F.3d 1304, 1308 (D.C. Cir 2014). Furthermore, a meaningful analysis of alternative, as required by 2.3.1 Locations and Detailed Description of the NEPA, cannot be done in the context of the segmented review which is being undertaken here. Proposed Action . Evaluating each separate and distinct crossing of waters of the United States as a single and complete project is consistent with Corps policy and the requirements of NWP 12 for utility lines and has been upheld by the courts for projects with minimal federal nexus. Each NEPA document associated with DAPL appropriately considers the effects of the particular action under consideration as well as indirect and cumulative effects. The Delaware Riverkeeper case cited in the comment involves whole project FERC authorization, which is not a relevant regulatory program for the DAPL project. 15(2)-6 The federal trust responsibility to tribes requires federal agencies to protect tribal rights, resources and cultures and the draft EA ignores the Corps' duties under the trust responsibility. In connection with the Dakota Access proposal, in accordance with the trust responsibility the Corps should have consulted with the Tribe starting at the outset of the scoping process, and the full range of the Tribe's interests -including tribal cultural resources, the natural environment of the Reservation, and the health and safety of its people -should Cultural Resource Studies Affected have been central considerations in the identification, evaluation and selection of alternative routes for the pipeline. Environment Section 106 coordination/consultation was initiated for this project beginning in October 2014, with an information letter regarding a preliminary geo-testing of the proposed Oahe crossing alignment. Per the Omaha District’s usual process, this letter was sent to Tribes, THPOs, SHPOs, agencies and interested parties, soliciting information relevant to this portion of the project. Subsequently, the same process was utilized in circulating information and pertinent data for the installation of the Oahe pipeline crossing, in the form of a letter distributed in July 2015. USACE recommended to North Dakota SHPO a "No Historic Properties Subject to Effect" determination, SHPO concurred in April 22, 2016. Comments Page 16 of 19 Summary of Comments Received Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project Crossings of Flowage Easements and Federal Lands Commenter / Comment ID EA Section where Comment is Addressed Comment USACE Response 15(2)-7 The draft EA is inconsistent with the Environmental Justice Doctrine. The draft EA mentions environmental justice, but fundamentally misapplies the doctrine. With cruel irony, the draft EA looks at a tiny area with a radius of half a mile, concludes that there are no Indians nearby, and dismisses any environmental justice concerns out of hand. Draft EA at 59-61. The reality is very different. The Reservation is less than a mile downstream from the proposed Lake Oahe crossing. The Indian community of Cannonball, ND -with some 875 residents -is located on a bluff immediately overlooking that site. [T]he presence of the Reservation and Indian people in the immediate vicinity of the proposed Lake Oahe crossing, the Section 3.9.2 Environmental Justice Impacts and compelling interests of the Tribe regarding the proposed pipeline, and the disproportionate impacts an oil spill would Mitigation have on the Reservation are completely ignored in the draft EA. No consideration is given to tribal rights and interests, in Section 4.10 Environmental Justice direct contravention to the environmental justice doctrine. As discussed in comment response 3(2)-11 and 15-19, Sections 3.9.2 and 4.10 of the EA have been revised to further clarify and address environmental justice concerns. Further information concerning spill response planning also has been included. The applicant avoided tribal trust lands in project design and has addressed concerns identified by the tribes in project implementation planning. 15(2)-8 The draft EA ignores vitally important facts about the Tribe. [I]n the draft EA, the Corps ignored the Tribe's history -including its Treaty history -which must inform the Corps' decision making. Section 3.6.3 Recreation and Special Interest Areas A discussion on the SRST has been added to the EA in Section 3.6.3. Although the history of the SRST and treaty rights is beyond the scope of the EA, no impact to tribal treaty rights are anticipated due to construction or operation of the pipeline within the Project Area or Connected Actions. No treaty rights have been identified that would be adversely affected by project permitting, construction or operation. 15(2)-9 Section Surface Waters Impacts and Mitigation has been revised to indicate that water intakes located downstream from the Lake Oahe crossing could potentially be at risk temporarily if there was a release that reached this body of water in the vicinity of drinking water intake structures and appropriate response action had not been taken. Additionally, a Water Intake Mitigation Measures Section has been added to the EA as a subsection in Section Surface Waters Impacts and Mitigation. As indicated in the comment response 15[2]-1, the applicant has filed spill model information on hypothetical worst case discharge volumes, intake locations, and an analysis of the flow distance and the time that it would take for the first oil from an unabated release to travel downstream and reach water intakes and this information has been used to design location-specific Geographic Response Plans (all filed as "Privileged and Confidential"). In addition to spill response planning and exercise measures required by PHMSA, DAPL has committed to additional mitigation measures downstream of both crossings as a means to reduce impacts to water intakes and other high consequence areas. Examples of additional mitigation measures include full scale open water and ice scenario emergency response drills/exercises in accordance with the National Preparedness for Response Exercise Program (PREP) downstream of the crossings at Lake Oahe and the Missouri River. Dakota Access will also coordinate with the USACE and any other applicable stakeholders to establish an all[T]he draft EA did not consider the potential impacts of an oil spill on the waters of Lake Oahe, which the Tribe relies on 3.2 Water Resources weather access boat ramp and collection point downstream of both the Missouri River crossing and the Lake Oahe crossing. Each 3.2.1 Surface Waters for life. Approximately 4300 persons on the Reservation are served by a Municipal, Rural and Industrial water system location will be supported with a fenced equipment storage facility that includes a permanent storage area for winter and open that obtains waters from Lake Oahe. The nearest intake for this water system is in Fort Yates, only [WITHHELD] miles Surface Waters Impacts and Mitigation water spill response equipment. Each storage facility will store sufficient response equipment to mitigate an unintended worst downriver from the proposed crossing of Lake Oahe. The Tribe also relies on the waters of Lake Oahe for irrigating over 3.4 Wildlife Resources case release into the river at each crossing and will be constructed within one year after the pipeline becomes operational. 3000 acres of land -and the nearest intake for this purpose is just [WITHHELD] miles downriver from the proposed Lake 3.6.3 Land Use and Recreation Recreation and Special Impacts to fish, wildlife, and plants from construction in jurisdictional areas and to threatened and endangered species are Interest Areas Oahe crossing. The waters of Lake Oahe also provide habitat for fish, wildlife, and plants important to the diet and addressed in Sections 3.2 Water Resources, 3.4 Wildlife Resources, 3.6.3 Land Use and Recreation Recreation and Special Interest 3.11 Reliability and Safety cultural and religious practices of the Tribe. Areas, and 3.11 Reliability and Safety and other locations within the Draft EA. 15(2)-10 Pipeline safety regulations use the concept of high consequence areas (HCAs) to identify specific locales and areas where a release could have the most significant adverse consequences. Lake Oahe at the pipeline crossing location is defined by PHMSA as an ecologically-sensitive HCA. DAPL has prepared a PHMSA approved spill model that considers potential interactions with all HCAs as defined by PHMSA. The spill model accounts for the presence of these and other HCAs and DAPL has designed the pipeline and developed operational parameters to reduce the risk of a release at HCAs in accordance with PHMSA requirements. The draft EA fails to discuss the fact that the Lake Oahe crossing should be designated as a "high consequence" and "unusually sensitive" area, and ignores the legal consequences that would flow from that designation. N/A Comments Page 17 of 19 Summary of Comments Received Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project Crossings of Flowage Easements and Federal Lands Commenter / Comment ID Comment EA Section where Comment is Addressed USACE Response More detailed information is clearly needed regarding the proposed plan for the design, construction, operation, maintenance, and monitoring of the proposed pipeline. Beyond this, more is needed to address the unique and unknown risks that arise from the placement of an oil pipeline (and potential pipeline spills) in the Missouri River, which experiences widely variable water levels from year to year. The draft EA says nothing about the very substantial variations in water level that occur in Lake Oahe - which can 2.3.2 Description of Construction Techniques and experience years of flooding followed by years of drought. Construction Mitigation Measures Surface Waters Impacts and Mitigation Nothing in the draft EA addresses these particular features of Lake Oahe - including how these and other unique and changing factors would impact emergency response plans. Groundwater Impacts and Mitigation Nor is anything said about other variables, such as the ice cover on the Lake during the winter - which is commonplace in Habitats and Communities the harsh North Dakota climate. 3.11 Reliability and Safety Detailed plans for both crossings have been reviewed and approved by USACE engineers and ND State Water Commission and Engineer. Information regarding construction of the pipeline is provided in Section 2.3.2 of the EA. Section 3.11 Reliability and Safety includes detailed information regarding operation, maintenance, and monitoring of the pipeline. The Geographical Response Plans and a Facility Response Plan to address potential spill response. As indicated in the responses to Commenter Number 12, DAPL has been coordinating with the ND Office of the State Engineer in order to evaluate potential of impacts due to changes in river depth/ river movements as part of the Sovereign Lands Permitting Process. Conservative assumptions were made when evaluating the proposed crossings and impacts to the pipeline below the rivers from vertical or horizontal scour are not expected and the ND Office of the State Engineer has issued Sovereign Lands Permits for both crossings. Impacts from winter/ice conditions has been added to Draft EA Section Surface Waters Impacts and Mitigation as discussed in response to comment 9-2. 15(2)-12 The Corps Has Not Complied With Section 106 Of The National Historic Preservation Act, Or Executive Order 13007 Regarding Indian Sacred Sites. The report of these [cultural] matters prepared by Dakota Access's contractor for the draft EA was done without the Corps engaging in the government-to-government consultation required by Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and its regulations. As a result, the draft EA omits much of the unique knowledge of the Tribe regarding Cultural Resource Studies Affected cultural resources along the proposed pipeline route. Environment As stated in the draft EA, tribal coordination/consultation was not complete at the time of the Draft EA. The Corps fully engaged the NHPA section 106 process and satisfied its tribal consultation obligations . The Corps has demonstrated its willingness to meet and discuss all cultural, sacred and ceremonial sites to ensure they are identified and taken into consideration in the final effects determination, the NEPA process and its decision. The applicant avoided tribal trust lands in project design and has addressed concerns identified by the tribes in project implementation planning. There are many ways to conduct tribal consultation. It was most effective when interested tribes chose to participate in a meaningful way with the action agency in the governmental process and with the applicant and exchange information in a timely manner. Multiple opportunities were provided to tribes and the public for input during the project development process. All requests for surveys in action areas were accomodated and requests for information received in a timely manner were addressed. 15(2)-13 The requirements of Section 106, as well as those of NEP A regarding historic properties, have not been satisfied with regard to the Dakota Access pipeline. Instead of government-to-government consultation, the Section 106 issues were handled by sending form letters to the tribes inviting them to public meetings hosted and run by the pipeline company (not the Corps). This attempt to substitute meetings with Dakota Access for consultation by the Corps, is contrary to the Cultural Resource Studies Affected requirements of the law. Environment Section 106 coordination/consultation was initiated for this project beginning in October 2014, with an information letter regarding a preliminary geo-testing of the proposed Oahe crossing alignment. Per the Omaha District’s usual process, this letter was sent to Tribes, THPOs, SHPOs, agencies and interested parties, soliciting information relevant to this portion of the project. Subsequently, the same process was utilized in circulating information and pertinent data for the installation of the Oahe pipeline crossing, in the form of a letter distributed in July 2015. USACE recommended to North Dakota SHPO a "No Historic Properties Subject to Effect" determination, SHPO concurred in April 22, 2016. Two Corps' archeologists came to the Reservation on March 7, 2016. At this preliminary site visit the Tribe's Historic Preservation Officer, along with the Tribe's historian and cultural specialist, showed the Corps' archeologists some of the archeological, cultural, and historic sites in the area that would be affected by the proposed pipeline. We attach here a map showing some of the areas identified by the Tribe during the March 7 site visit. See Attachment C (Map of selected cultural resource sites). Additional details and additional sites were shown during the visit itself. Throughout the site visit, the Corps' archeologists commented that they had not been aware of many of these sites, and many of the sites did not appear on any of the site maps that were being used by the Corps for the Section 106 analysis. The Corps' archaeologists expressed the view that these should be studied and documented. And this is precisely what Section 106 requires - a full Class III cultural resources survey of all these sites, in consultation with and based on the unique Cultural Resource Studies Affected knowledge of the Tribe. Environment The Corps appreciates the additional information provided by the SRST THPO and the unique knowledge held by the Tribal members. The Corps appreciates all relevant information on cultural, sacred and ceremonial sites that is not available to the Corps staff through other avenues to ensure they are identified and taken into consideration in the effects determination and Corps decision making. As discussed in response to comment 15-4, The Corps conducted Class III Archeology Surveys in 2010, which included the DAPL Lake Oahe crossing area. Tribes were coordinated with on the scope of survey and the field investigations. Specific to this action, NHPA Section 106 Soil Boring information letters were sent to consulting parties on October 24, 2014 and in February 2015. NHPA Section 106 Pipeline crossing information letter was sent to consulting parities on July 22, 2015. The applicant conducted cultural resource surveys on lands not under Corps management in 2014. Site visits were conducted with cultural resources personnel from the SRST on March 7, 2016 (west side) and March 22, 2016 (east side). During the March 7th visit, the group relocated two nearby sites (32M00054 and 32M00001) and also visited a historic cemetery (Galpin) near the site of the historic Cannonball Ranch. After this visit, the SRST provided the USACE with information regarding areas/sites in the vicinity of the project that they had recorded (Brave Bull Allard, 2016). All of the sites mentioned in the report are located outside of the areas ofaffect for this project. Corps archeologists have given careful consideration to the information provided by the applicant, the previous 2010 Class III Acheology Survey information, and the additional information provided the SRST THPO and the Corps has made the Effects Determination based on the complete body of information. Additionally, accomodations were made for a late request to survey the DAPL Lake Oahe crossing area in May 2016. No additional items of concern were identified. 15(2)-11 15(2)-14 Comments Page 18 of 19 Summary of Comments Received Environmental Assessment Dakota Access Pipeline Project Crossings of Flowage Easements and Federal Lands Commenter / Comment ID 15(2)-15 15(2)-16 Comment EA Section where Comment is Addressed USACE Response The [March 7] site visit also highlighted the need for a careful examination of the proposed pipeline on endangered species. We also noted the presence of Bald Eagles, who although they were taken off of the endangered species list, are still protected under Federal law. The presence of the eagles marks the beginning of the annual nesting and mating that occurs on the Cannon Ball River where hundreds of have been observed in years past. We have concerns about how the construction of the proposed pipeline will affect the yearly migration of not only the Eagles but also the Western Least Tern and Piping Plover. The Western Least Tern and Piping Plover are on the endangered species list and are protected under federal law. Both of the birds have been observed to nest on the island which once was a Mandan Village site. The proposed pipeline will go right under this site. Section 3.4.2 Threatened and Endangered Species The proposed Project is not anticipated to have any impacts on interior least tern or pping plover as discussed in Section 3.4.2 of the EA and concurred with by the USFWS in a letter to the Corps on May 2, 2016. Additionally, the Project is not anticipated to have any impacts on bald eagles as discussed in Section 3.4.2 of the EA. DAPL obtained known Golden and Bald Eagle nest data from the North Dakota Game and Fish Department (NDGF) and all Bald and Golden Eagle nests, including those indicated by SRST, were identified to be outside of the USFWS recommended nest buffer of 660 feet for linear construction activities. For the Tribe, this is sacred ground. Under Executive Order No. 13,007, 61 Fed. Reg. 26,771 (May 24, 1996), the Corps must "avoid adversely affecting the physical integrity of such sacred sites." Id. § 1(a)(2). The trust responsibility, the NHPA, and E.O. 13,007 all require that all sites the Tribe has identified- including those that contain the remains of our ancestors - must be protected from harm. The draft EA fails to adequately address the sacred nature of these sites. Section 106 coordination/consultation was initiated for this project beginning in October 2014, with an information letter regarding a preliminary geo-testing of the proposed Oahe crossing alignment. Per the Omaha District’s usual process, this letter was sent to Tribes, THPOs, SHPOs, agencies and interested parties, soliciting information relevant to this portion of the project. Subsequently, the same process was utilized in circulating information and pertinent data for the installation of the Oahe pipeline crossing, in the form of a letter distributed in July 2015. USACE recommended to North Dakota SHPO a "No Historic Properties Subject to Effect" determination, SHPO concurred in April 22, 2016. Cultural Resource Studies Affected Environment 3.7.2 3.7.2 Native American Consultations Comments Page 19 of 19 APPENDIX An  environmental  assessment  (EA)  has  been  prepared  to  evaluate  potential  environmental  impacts  from  construction  and  operation  of  a  crude  oil  pipeline  across  private  lands  encumbered by federal flowage easements and federal land managed by the U.S. Army Corps  of Engineers.    Dakota  Access,  LLC  proposes  to  construct  and  operate  the  Dakota  Access  Pipeline  Project  (Project).    The  proposed  Project  would  connect  the  Bakken  and  Three  Forks  crude  oil  production  areas  in  North  Dakota  to  existing  infrastructure  in  Illinois.    In  North  Dakota,  the  Project crosses federal flowage easements at the Missouri River upstream of Lake Sakakawea in  Williams County and federally‐owned lands at Lake Oahe in Morton and Emmons counties.  The  pipeline  is  24  inches  in  diameter  where  it  crosses  approximately  2.83  miles  of  the  U.S.  Army  Corps of Engineers’ flowage easements at the Missouri River and is 30 inches in diameter where  it crosses approximately 0.21 mile of federal lands at Lake Oahe.  The Omaha District is seeking  public comments on the EA for these two project areas.    The public is encouraged to provide comments on the draft EA which is available for viewing at    A  hard  copy will also be available at the following public libraries:    Bismarck Veterans Memorial Public Library    515 N. Fifth Street    Bismarck, ND 58501    Williston Community Library    1302 Davidson Dr.  Williston, ND 58801    Rawlins Municipal Library  1000 East Church Street  Pierre, SD 57501    Comments may be directed to: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District; CENWO‐OD‐TN;  Attn: Brent Cossette; 1616 Capitol Avenue Suite 9000; Omaha, NE 68102.  Comments can also  be emailed to    Comments must be postmarked or received no later than January 8, 2016.  APPENDIX L Draft Facility Response Plan PLEASE NOTE: On page 42 of the Final EA it is stated “A copy of the Draft FRP for the Dakota Access Pipeline North Response Zone is included in Appendix L. Dakota Access anticipates submitting this plan to PHMSA for review and approval in the third quarter of 2016 and will provide a copy of the updated draft to the Corps concurrent with the submittal to PHMSA. The FRP would be in place prior to operating the DAPL Project in accordance with PHMSA and federal regulations. “ Sunoco Pipeline L.P. Facility Response Plan Dakota Access Pipeline North Response Zone Dakota Access, LLC 1300 Main Street Houston, Texas 77002 VERSION 1.0 APRIL 2016 Developed Under the Guidelines: • • • • • • Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA 90) 49 CFR Part 194 Subpart B Oil Spill Response Manual Appendix A 49 CFR Part 195 402 (e) South Dakota Environmental Protection Oil Pipeline Plan Requirements (34A-18). North Dakota Administrative Code 69-09-03-02 American Petroleum Industry (API) RP 1174 - Recommended Practice for Onshore Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Emergency Preparedness and Response Other Guidelines Considered: • • • National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP) and the Mid-Missouri River Sub-Area Contingency Plan (ACP) 40 CFR Part 112 29 CFR Part 1910 DAPL-ETCO Operations Management, LLC has been retained by Dakota Access, LLC as operator of the Dakota Access Pipeline. Sunoco Pipeline L. P. has been appointed as operator of the Dakota Access Pipeline on behalf of DAPL-ETCO Operations Management, LLC. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 INFORMATION SUMMARY ............................................................................1 1.1 PURPOSE OF PLAN .................................................................................1 1.2 RESPONSE ZONE INFORMATION SUMMARY..................................2 Table 1-1 Response Zone Information Summary………………………. 2 Table 1-2 Description of Line Segments/Stations……………………… 4 1.3 OPERATOR CERTIFICATION…………………………………………6 2.0 NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES……………………………………………..6 2.1 NOTIFICATION OVERVIEW…………………………………………. 6 2.2 INFORMATION REQUIRED FOR NOTIFICATION .............................6 Table 2-1 Facility Response Team Contact Information 8 Table 2-2 Local Emergency Response Personnel Contact Info 9 Table 2-3 Regulatory Agency Contact Information 10 Table 2-4 Emergency Services Contact Information 14 Table 2-5 Contractor Contact Information 16 3.0 SPILL DETECTION AND ON-SCENE SPILL MITIGATION PROCEDURES………………………………………………………………...17 3.1 SPILL DETECTION ................................................................................17 3.2 SPILL MITIGATION PROCEDURES ...................................................19 Table 3-1 Spill Mitigation Procedures………………………………… 20 3.3 RESPONSE EQUIPMENT ......................................................................23 4.0 RESPONSE ACTIVITIES ................................................................................24 4.1 SPILL RESPONSE ACTION CHECKLIST ...........................................25 Table 4-1 Spill Response Action Checklist…………………………… 26 4.2 SPILL TRACKING AND SURVEILLANCE .........................................28 Table 4-2 Spill Tracking and Surveillance……………………………. 29 4.3 ESTIMATING SPILL VOLUMES..........................................................31 Table 4-3 Oil Thickness Estimation Chart……………………………. 31 4.4 EMERGENCY RESPONSE PERSONNEL ............................................32 4.5 INCIDENT COMMAND SYSTEM/UNIFIED COMMAND.................32 5.0 CONTAINMENT AND RECOVERY METHODS ........................................30 5.1 SPILL ON LAND (SOIL SURFACES) ...................................................33 5.2 SPILL ON LAKE OR POND (CALM OR SLOW-MOVING WATER) ..................................................................................................34 5.3 SPILL ON SMALL TO MEDIUM SIZE STREAMS (FAST FLOWING CREEKS) .................................................................................................34 5.4 SPILL ON LARGE STREAMS AND RIVERS……………………….. 36 5.5 SPILL ON STREAMS WHICH FLOW INTO A LAKE OR POND….. 38 5.6 SPILL IN URBAN AREAS……………………………………………. 38 5.7 5.8 5.9 SPILL UNDER ICE……………………………………………………. 39 SPILL ON ICE…………………………………………………………. 40 SPILL IN WETLAND AREAS………………………………………... 40 6.0 TRAINING PROCEDURES .............................................................................41 6.1 EXERCISE REQUIREMENTS AND SCHEDULES .............................41 6.2 POST INCIDENT REVIEW ....................................................................41 Table 6-1 Standard Incident Debriefing Form………………………… 43 6.3 TRAINING PROGRAM ..........................................................................44 Table 6-2 Training Requirements……………………………………... 44 7.0 WORST CASE DISCHARGE SUMMARY………………………………… 48 7.1 WORST CASE DISCHARGE SCENARIO ............................................48 7.2 PLANNING VOLUME CALCULATIONS ............................................49 Table 7-1 PHMSA Percent Reduction Allowed………………………. 50 7.3 WORST CASE DISCHARGE VOLUME CALCULATIONS ...............50 7.4 PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS AND HAZARDS ............................52 Table 7-2 Chemical and Physical Characteristics……………………...52 8.0 RESPONSE ZONE MAPS AND ASSOCIATED REFERENCE MATERIAL ........................................................................................................53 8.1 MAP OVERVIEW……………………………………………………... 53 9.0 RESPONSE PLAN REVIEW AND UPDATE PROCEDURES…………… 54 9.1 FACILITY RESPONSE PLAN REVIEW GUIDELINES……………...54 APPENDICES APPENDIX A APPENDIX B APPENDIX C APPENDIX D APPENDIX E APPENDIX F APPENDIX G APPENDIX H PHMSA CROSS REFERNCE MATRIX NOTIFICATION FORMS AND GUIDELINES - PHMSA Hazardous Liquids Accident Form - State of North Dakota General Reporting Guidelines - State of South Dakota General Reporting Guidelines OIL SPILL RESPONSE ORGANIZATION CONTRACTOR INFORMATION INCIDENT COMMAND SYSTEM POSITIONS RESPONSE ZONE MAPS STANDARD INCIDENT DEBRIEFING FORM INCIDENT MANAGEMENT TEAM EPP 101 – PREP TRAINING AND RECORD GUIDE RECORD OF PLAN CHANGES Changes to this Plan will be documented on this page. Plan review and modifications will be initiated and coordinated by the Environmental, Health, Safety, and Security Department (EHS&S) in conjunction with the Area Supervisor/Manager of Operations. CHANGE NUMBER DATE OF CHANGE DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 1 April 2016 Initial Draft PAGE NUMBER 1.0 INFORMATION SUMMARY 1.1 Purpose of Plan The purpose of this Facility Response Plan (FRP) is to provide guidelines to quickly, safely, and effectively respond to a spill from the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) system. The pipeline is owned by Dakota Access, LLC. DAPL-ETCO Operations Management, LLC has been retained by Dakota Access, LLC as operator of the Dakota Access Pipeline. Sunoco Pipeline L. P. has been appointed as operator of the Dakota Access Pipeline on behalf of DAPL-ETCO Operations Management, LLC. This Plan is intended to satisfy the requirements of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA 90), and has been prepared in accordance with the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP) and the Mid-Missouri River Sub-Area Contingency Plan (ACP). Specifically, this Plan is intended to satisfy: • Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), U.S. Department of Transportation requirements for an OPA 90 plan (49 CFR Part 194) • South Dakota Environmental Protection Oil Pipeline Plan Requirements (34A-18). • North Dakota Administrative Code 69-09-03-02 • American Petroleum Industry (API) RP 1174 - Recommended Practice for Onshore Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Emergency Preparedness and Response. Appendix B to 40 CFR 112 outlines the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) among the Secretary of Interior, Secretary of Transportation, and the Administrator of the EPA. The MOU delegates regulatory authority to the Secretary of Transportation (PHMSA) for interstate and intrastate onshore pipeline systems, including pumps and appurtenances related thereto, as well as in-line and breakout storage tanks. As such, DAPL complies with 49 CFR Part 194 as promulgated by PHMSA. A DOT/PHMSA Cross Reference Matrix is provided in APPENDIX A. This plan has been supplemented by, and should be used in conjunction with, the MidMissouri River Sub-Area Contingency Plan and the Region 8 Contingency Plan as appropriate. All Company responders designated in this Plan must have 24 hours of initial spill response training in accordance with 29 CFR Part 1910, as indicated in Table 6.2. April 2016 1 DAPL North Facility Response Plan 1.2 Response Zone Information Summary The information summary for the DAPL - North Response Zone is presented on the following pages: TABLE 1-1 DAPL NORTH RESPONSE ZONE INFO. SUMMARY Owner: Operator: Dakota Access, LLC 1300 Main Street Houston, Texas 77002 Phone: (713) 989-2000 Product Qualified Individuals: Sunoco Pipeline L.P. Western Area One Fluor Daniel Drive Sugar Land, Texas 77478 Crude Oil Fred Ammons - PRIMARY Senior Manager – Pipeline Operations XXX-XXX-XXXX (Office) XXX-XXX-XXXX (Home) 610-207-9945 (Mobile) Frazier Lewis - PRIMARY Manager - Pipeline Operations North Dakota XXX-XXX-XXXX (Office) XXX-XXX-XXXX (Home) XXX-XXX-XXXX (Mobile) Brad Moore - ALTERNATE Supervisor - Pipeline Operations North Dakota XXX-XXX-XXXX (Office) XXX-XXX-XXXX (Home) XXX-XXX-XXXX (Mobile) Francisco Gonzalez - ALTERNATE Supervisor - Pipeline Operations North Dakota XXX-XXX-XXXX (Office) XXX-XXX-XXXX (Home) XXX-XXX-XXXX (Mobile) Butch Till - PRIMARY Manager - Pipeline Operations South Dakota XXX-XXX-XXXX (Office) XXX-XXX-XXXX (Home) XXX-XXX-XXXX (Mobile) Sylis Kariah - ALTERNATE Supervisor - Pipeline Operations South Dakota XXX-XXX-XXXX (Office) XXX-XXX-XXXX (Home) XXX-XXX-XXXX (Mobile) April 2016 2 DAPL North Facility Response Plan Pipeline Description: Response Zone: April 2016 The DAPL pipeline system transports crude oil in North Dakota and South Dakota. The DAPL – North Response Zone includes pipelines and facilities in the following counties of North Dakota: Mountrail, Williams, McKenzie, Dunn, Mercer, Morton, and Emmons; and in South Dakota: Campbell, McPherson, Edmunds, Faulk, Spink, Beadle, Kingsbury, Miner, Lake, McCook, Minnehaha, Turner, and Lincoln. The Response Zone has the potential for “significant and substantial harm” and has the potential for a “worst case discharge” 3 DAPL North Facility Response Plan TABLE 1-2 DESCRIPTION OF LINE SEGMENTS/STATIONS Line Sections Description Counties/Parishes Product Stanley to Ramberg 12” Mountrail & Ramberg, ND Williams, ND Crude Oil Ramberg to Epping 20” Epping to Trenton 20” Williams (McKenzie Maybe), ND Trenton to Watford City 24” Williams & McKenzie, ND McKenzie, ND Watford City to Johnsons Corner 30” Johnsons Corner to Redfield 30” Stations Crude Oil Crude Oil Crude Oil Crude Oil McKenzie, Dunn, Mercer, Morton & Emmons, ND/ Campbell, McPherson, Edmunds, Faulk, Spink, Beadle, Kingsbury, Miner, Lake, McCook, Minnehaha, Turner, Lincoln, SD Crude Oil Stanley Mountrail, ND Crude Oil Ramberg Williams, ND Epping Williams, ND Crude Oil Crude Oil Trenton Williams, ND Crude Oil Watford City McKenzie, ND Crude Oil Johnsons Corner McKenzie, ND Crude Oil Redfield Spink, SD Alignment Maps Location(s): (Piping, Plan Profiles) Spill Detection and Mitigation Procedures: Worst Case Discharge: Maintained in the company’s DSS mapping program Statement of Basis for Operator’s Determination of Significant and Substantial Harm April 2016 Refer to SECTION 3 75,000 bbls (Tankage at Johnsons Corner) 4 DAPL North Facility Response Plan Significant and Substantial Harm: Date Plan Prepared: • The pipeline in the Response Zone is greater than 6 5/8 inches and longer than 10 miles • At least one section of pipeline crosses a river, meeting the requirement for location within one mile of an environmentally sensitive area • Therefore, the potential to cause significant and substantial harm is present within the entire Response Zone June 19, 2015 The information contained in this Plan is intended to be used as guidelines for the spill responder. Actual circumstances will vary and will dictate the procedures to be followed, some of which may not be included in this manual. April 2016 5 DAPL North Facility Response Plan 1.3 Operator Certification In accordance with section 311 (j) (5) (F) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended by Section 4202 of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, I do hereby certify to the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration of the Department of Transportation that Sunoco Pipeline, L.P. has obtained, through contract or other approved means, the necessary private personnel and equipment to respond, to the maximum extent practicable, to a worst case discharge or a substantial threat of such a discharge. Furthermore, Sunoco Pipeline, L.P. has reviewed the National Contingency Plan (NCP) and the Canada-United States Joint Inland Pollution Contingency Plans. This response plan is consistent with the NCP and the above mentioned Contingency Plans. _____________________________ FRED AMMONS SR. MANAGER - OPERATIONS SUNOCO PIPELINE L.P. April 2016 6 DAPL North Facility Response Plan 2.0 NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES 2.1 Notification Overview The Qualified Individual is responsible for initiating and coordinating a response shall be responsible to ensure that all agency notifications are performed. Local government response agencies should be notified first followed by federal and state agencies. Depending on the specifics of the situation, there may be a requirement to perform agency notifications, internal notifications, drug and alcohol testing, Operator Qualification (OQ) suspension of task qualification and written follow-up. In situations where the reporting requirements are not clear or delegation of duties is necessary, HES or DOT Compliance, for jurisdictional pipelines, should be consulted for guidance. In general, the notification sequence for a release is as follows: • • Station/Operations personnel will identify and control the source of the release (if safe to do so) and will notify the Qualified Individual and Operations Control Center. The Qualified Individual will assume the role of Incident Commander (Qualified Individual) and will conduct notifications in general accordance with federal requirements, the States of North Dakota and South Dakota Notification Guidelines. These guidelines, along with additional notification forms/procedures are presented in APPENDIX B of this plan. 2.2 Information Required for Notifications The following information should be available and provided when making initial and follow-up notifications: Name of pipeline: Time of discharge: Location of discharge: Name of oil involved: Reason for discharge (e.g., material failure, excavation damage, corrosion): Estimated volume of oil discharged: Weather conditions on scene: Actions taken or planned by persons on scene: The following tables contain contact information for the facility response team, emergency response personnel, regulatory agencies, and local service providers: April 2016 7 DAPL North Facility Response Plan TABLE 2-1 FACILITY RESPONSE TEAM CONTACT INFORMATION FACILITY RESPONSE TEAM Name/Title Fred Ammons Senior Manager Qualified Individual Frazier Lewis Manager Pipeline Operations North Dakota Qualified Individual Brad Moore Supervisor Pipeline Operations North Dakota Alternate Qualified Individual Francisco Gonzales Supervisor Pipeline Operations North Dakota Alternate Qualified Individual April 2016 Contact Information (XXX) XXX-XXXX (Office) (610) 207-9945 (Mobile) (XXX) XXX-XXXX (Office) (XXX) XXX-XXXX (Mobile) (XXX) XXX-XXXX (Office) (XXX) XXX-XXXX (Mobile) (XXX) XXX-XXXX (Office) (XXX) XXX-XXXX (Mobile) Butch Till Manager Pipeline Operations South Dakota Qualified Individual (XXX) XXX-XXXX (Office) (XXX) XXX-XXXX (Mobile Sylis Kariah Supervisor Pipeline Operations South Dakota Alternate Qualified Individual (XXX) XXX-XXXX (Office) (XXX) XXX-XXXX (Mobile) 8 Response Time Varies depending on location of release Varies depending on location of release Varies depending on location of release Varies depending on location of release Varies depending on location of release Varies depending on location of release DAPL North Facility Response Plan TABLE 2-2 LOCAL ERP CONTACT INFORMATION EMERGENCY RESPONSE PERSONNEL CONTACT INFORMATION Response Time Responsibilities During Response Action (XXX) XXX-XXXX (Office) (610) 207-9945 (Mobile) Varies Incident Commander (XXX) XXX-XXXX (Office) (XXX) XXX-XXXX (Mobile) Varies Operations (XXX) XXX-XXXX (Office) (XXX) XXX-XXXX (Mobile) Varies Planning Mitch Williams District Engineer Alternate Qualified Individual (XXX) XXX-XXXX (Office) (XXX) XXX-XXXX (Mobile) Varies Logistics Justin Minter Senior Manager Emergency Response Alternate Qualified Individual (409) 749-3902 (Office) (409) 377-0054 (Mobile) Varies Agency Liaison (XXX) XXX-XXXX (Office) (XXX) XXX-XXXX (Mobile Varies Safety (281) 637-6576 (Office) (281) 229-5579 (Mobile) Varies DOT Liaison Name/Title Fred Ammons Senior Manager Pipeline Operations Qualified Individual Frazier Lewis Manager Pipeline Operations Qualified Individual Butch Till Manager Pipeline Operations Qualified Individual TBD Health & Safety Specialist Todd Nardozzi Senior Manager DOT Compliance Contact Information In the event the local Emergency Response Personnel require assistance in managing an incident, the District Manager will request the assistance of the company’s Incident Management Team (IMT). The IMT consists of nationwide company personnel capable of managing large scale incidents. The IMT members have received position-specific ICS training and drill on an annual basis. The IMT positions are listed in APPENDIX G. April 2016 9 DAPL North Facility Response Plan TABLE 2-3 – REGULATORY AGENCY AND STAKEHOLDER CONTACT INFORMATION REGULATORY AGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION Agency Federal Agencies National Response Center (NRC) Phone Number (800) 424-8802 or (202) 267-2675 Any spill on water. NRC will contact all other federal agencies including USDOT/PHMSA and EPA U.S. Department of Transportation/Pipeline Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) (800)424-8802 (202) 267-2675 Reporting Requirements or Telephonic notification is required within 1 hour following the discovery of a release that resulted in any discharge to water Telephonic Notification At the earliest practicable moment following discovery of a release of the hazardous liquid resulting in an event described above, the operator shall give notice of any failure that: • • • • • Caused a death or a personal injury requiring hospitalization Resulted in either a fire or explosion not intentionally set by the operator Caused estimated property damage, including cost of cleanup and recovery, value of lost product, and damage to the property of the operator or others, or both, exceeding $50,000 Resulted in pollution of any stream, river, lake, reservoir, or other similar body of water that violated applicable water quality standards, caused a discoloration of the surface of the water or adjoining shoreline, or deposited a sludge or emulsion beneath the surface of the water or upon adjoining shorelines or In the judgment of the operator was significant even though it did not meet the criteria of any of the above. Written Reporting A 7000-1 report is required within 30 days after discovery of the accident for each failure in a pipeline system regulated by DOT 195 in which there is a release of the hazardous liquid transported resulting in any of the April 2016 10 DAPL North Facility Response Plan following: • U.S. Department of Transportation / Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) Continued…… U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service – ND Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office (701) 250-4419 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Garrison Project Mr. Todd J. Lindquist, Operations Project Manager (701) 654-7702 Any spill that enters or threatens to enter the Missouri River near Cannon Ball, ND and Lake Oahe. The owner or operator must notify the Lake Oahe Project as soon as possible and provide all relevant information U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Lake Oahe Project Mr. Eric D. Stasch April 2016 Explosion or fire not intentionally set by the operator • Release of 5 gallons or more of hazardous liquid except that no report is required for a release of less than 5 barrels resulting from a pipeline maintenance activity if the release is: • Not otherwise reportable under this section • Not on water • Confined to company property or pipeline right-ofway and • Cleaned up promptly • Death of any person • Personal injury necessitating hospitalization • Estimated property damage, including cost of clean-up and recovery, value of lost product, and damage to the property of the operator or others, or both, exceeding $50,000. A supplemental report shall be filed within 30 days of receiving any changes in the information reported or additions to the original DOT 7000-1 report. Any spill that results in impacts to Federally protected wildlife or migratory birds. The owner or operator must notify the USFWS as soon as possible and provide all relevant information regarding the spill and impacts to wildlife or wildlife resources Any spill that enters or threatens to enter the Missouri River near Buford, ND and Lake Sakakawea. The owner or operator must notify the Garrison Project as soon as possible and provide all relevant information regarding the spill. 11 DAPL North Facility Response Plan regarding the spill State Agencies North Dakota North Dakota Department of Environment Health State Emergency Response Committee (701) 328-5210 (800) 472-2121 ( 24 hour hotline) (701) 328-8100 Counties: Mountrail, Williams, McKenzie, Dunn, Mercer, Morton, Emmons North Dakota Game and Fish Department Any spill or discharge of liquid or solid waste which may cause pollution of waters of the state must be reported immediately. The owner, operator, or person responsible for a spill or discharge must notify the department or the North Dakota hazardous materials emergency assistance and spill reporting number as soon as possible and provide all relevant information about the spill. (701) 328-6300 Any spill that results in impacts to wildlife, wildlife resources, or aquatic life. The owner or operator must notify the applicable ND Game and Fish Department as soon as possible and provide all relevant information regarding the spill. Main Line (605) 773-3296 After Hours (605) 773-3231 A release or spill of a regulated substance must be reported to the DENR immediately if the release or spill threatens the waters of the state, causes an immediate danger to human health or safety, exceeds 25 gallons, causes a sheen on surface waters, contains any substance that exceeds the groundwater quality standards of ARSD Chapter 74:54:01, contains any substance that exceeds the surface water quality standards of ARSD Chapter 74:54:01, harms or threatens to harm wildlife or aquatic life, or contains crude oil in field activities under SDCL Chapter 45-9 is greater than 1 barrel. Any spill that results in impacts to wildlife, wildlife resources, or aquatic life. The owner or operator must notify the SD Game, Fish, and Parks as soon as possible and provide all relevant information regarding the spill. Counties: Mountrail, Williams, McKenzie, Dunn, Mercer, Morton, Emmons South Dakota South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) State Emergency Response Committee Main Line (800) 433-2288 After Hours (605) 773-3231 Counties: Campbell, McPherson, Edmunds, Faulk, Spink, Beadle, Kingsbury, Miner, Lake, McCook, Minnehaha, Turner, Lincoln South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks April 2016 (605) 223-7660 12 DAPL North Facility Response Plan Sovereign Nations Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Mr. Elliot Ward, SRST Emergency Services (701) 854-8644 Mr. Dave Archambault II, SRST Chairman (701) 854-8500 Mr. Jon Eagle, SRST THPO (701) 854-8645 Any spill in Sioux or Emmons Counties, North Dakota which enters, or threatens to enter, the Missouri River near Lake Oahe. The owner or operator must notify the SRST upon discovery of a spill, as described above, and provide all relevant information regarding the spill Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara Nation (Three Affiliated Tribes) 24-Hour Emergency (701) 627-3618 Environmental (701) 627-4569 April 2016 13 Any spill in Williams, McKenzie, Mountrail, Dunn, or Mercer Counties, North Dakota which enters, or threatens to enter, the Missouri or Little Missouri Rivers near Lake Sakakawea. Any spill that poses an impact to the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation or properties under the stewardship of the Three Affiliated Tribes. The owner or operator must notify the TAT upon discovery of a spill, as described above, and provide all relevant information regarding the spill. DAPL North Facility Response Plan TABLE 2-4 EMERGENCY SERVICES CONTACT INFORMATION EMERGENCY SERVICES BY COUNTY/PARISH Organization Phone Number North Dakota Mountrail County, ND Sheriff Fire LEPC (Emergency Manager) Williams County, ND Sheriff Fire LEPC (Emergency Manager) McKenzie County, ND Sheriff Fire LEPC (Emergency Manager) Dunn County, ND Sheriff Fire LEPC (Emergency Manager) Mercer County, ND Sheriff Fire LEPC (Emergency Manager) Morton County, ND Sheriff Fire LEPC (Emergency Manager) Emmons County, ND Sheriff Fire LEPC (Emergency Manager) (701) 628-2975 (701) 862-3151 (701) 628-2909 (701) 577-7700 (701) 572-2196 (701) 570-6845 (701) 444-3654 (701) 444-3516 (701) 444-6853 (701) 573-4449 (701) 764-5006 (701) 573-4343 (701) 745-3333 (701) 447-2436 (701) 983-4408 (701) 667-3330 (701) 667-3288 (701) 667-3307 (701) 254-4411 (701) 422-3377 (701) 254-4807 South Dakota Campbell County, SD Sheriff Fire LEPC (Emergency Manager) McPherson County, SD Sheriff Fire LEPC (Emergency Manager) Edmunds County, SD Sheriff Fire LEPC (Emergency Manager) Faulk County, SD Sheriff Fire LEPC (Emergency Manager) Spink County, SD Sheriff April 2016 (605) 955-3355 (605) 955-3598 (605) 955-3598 (605) 439-3400 (605) 439-3626 (605) 439-3667 (605) 426-6002 (605) 283-2655 (605) 287-4394 (605) 598-6229 (605) 324-3475 (605)598-6229 (605) 472-4595 14 DAPL North Facility Response Plan Fire LEPC (Emergency Manager) Beadle County, SD Sheriff Fire LEPC (Emergency Manager) Kingsbury County, SD Sheriff Fire LEPC (Emergency Manager) Miner County, SD Sheriff Fire LEPC (Emergency Manager) Lake County, SD Sheriff Fire LEPC (Emergency Manager) McCook County, SD Sheriff Fire LEPC (Emergency Manager) Minnehaha County, SD Sheriff Fire LEPC (Emergency Manager) Turner County, SD Sheriff Fire LEPC (Emergency Manager) Lincoln County, SD Sheriff Fire LEPC (Emergency Manager) April 2016 (605) 472-1907 (605) 472-4591 (605) 353-8424 (605) 353-8520 (605) 353-8421 (605) 854-3339 (605) 690-9977 (605) 854- 3711 (605) 772-4671 (605) 772-5759 (605)772-4533 (605) 256-7615 (605) 256-7523 (605)256-7611 (605) 425-2761 (605) 363-3100 (605) 421-1302 (605) 367-4300 (605) 367-8092 (605) 367-4290 (605) 297-3225 (605) 648-2937 (605) 661-5900 (605) 764-5651 (605) 764-5126 (605) 321- 0220 15 DAPL North Facility Response Plan TABLE 2-5 CONTRACTOR CONTACT INFORMATION CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Organization Phone Number USCG Classified OSRO’s National Response Corporation (Umbrella Network; Numerous contractors throughout the response area.) Garner Environmental Williston, ND (800) 899-4672 Clean Harbors Arnegard, ND (701) 586-3170 (701) 577-1200 (855) 774-1200 Clean-Up Contractors Safety-Kleen Bismarck, ND (701) 222-8262 Hydro-Klean Sioux Falls, SD (605) 988-0500 Seneca Companies South Sioux City, NE (402) 494-7941 (800) 369-5500 Excavation Services Jones Contractors, Inc. Epping, ND (731) 989-0545 (731) 426-2764 B&B Contactors Aberdeen, SD (605) 725-1468 (605) 228-3200 Wildlife Rehabilitation International Bird Rescue, Berkeley, CA Research Center, Galveston Wildlife Center of Texas Sharon Schmaltz Tri-State Bird Rescue Research Center, Newark, DE April 2016 16 (510) 841-9086 (409) 740-4728 (888) 447-1743 (713) 861-9453 (Office) (281) 731-8826 (Mobile) (713) 279-1417 (Pager) (302) 737-7241 (800) 710-0695 DAPL North Facility Response Plan 3.0 SPILL DETECTION AND ON-SCENE SPILL MITIGATION PROCEDURES 3.1 Spill Detection Detection of a discharge from a pipeline system may occur in a number of ways including: • • • Detection by the pipeline controllers Visual detection by Company field personnel or pipeline patrols Visual detection by the public The pipeline system is controlled and monitored continuously by a SCADA system located in Sugar Land, Texas. This system provides the pipeline controllers oversight through real-time access to pertinent information regarding oil movements, pressures, temperature and equipment status and control. The SCADA system allows for remote operation of key equipment including pump stations and isolation valves. Automated Detection The pipelines are equipped with pressure and flow monitors, which exercise local control and transmit data to the control center. These systems are set to alarm or shut down on preset deviations of pressure flow. In case of an alarm, control center personnel will take the appropriate actions in accordance with standard operating procedures. A summary of the operating procedures is provided below. Trained personnel in the control center will monitor the SCADA system for the following parameters: • • • Flow rates Pressure Valve positions AVAILABILITY - ALL LINES Operating Procedures for the Automated System • SCADA System 6-Second Data Access The control center personnel monitor and control pipeline operations with the SCADA system in the Pipeline Control Center. The ultimate decision on leak detection lies with the Pipeline Control Center. AVAILABILITY - ALL LINES • April 2016 Communication Flexibility/Redundancy The Company’s SCADA system acquires data via a satellite network. Satellite communications allow large volumes of data to be transmitted both to and from all field locations very rapidly. Network configuration and transmission protocols provide the flexibility to establish guaranteed delivery transmissions as required. 17 DAPL North Facility Response Plan Communication system redundancy provides accurate and reliable data to pipeline operators. AVAILABILITY - ALL LINES • Parameter Alarms A parameter alarm is a data value limit (high or low) which can be set by the Pipeline Control operator to alert upset conditions regardless of whether the Operator is actively monitoring the data point in question. Operators are required to establish parameter alarm settings on mainline pressures and flow rates for all operating line segments. In combination with ten-second data acquisition rates, parameter alarms provide near instantaneous notification of potential upset conditions on all operation mainlines. AVAILABILITY - ALL LINES • Trending The SCADA system includes a trending facility which graphically displays pressures, temperature, and flow rate data for each mainline pump and oil receiving location on the system. This system can provide valuable insight into operations history and can help the operator proactively address potential upset conditions. AVAILABILITY - ALL LINES • Tank Gauging with Parameter Alarms Tank gauge data is available to Pipeline Control for use by pipeline operators. Company systems are gauged automatically by the SCADA computer and the data is made available to the operator on demand. Parameter alarms (see above) are also available for tank levels, to ensure no potential tank discharge. AVAILABILITY - ALL LINES • Training All operators are compliant with DOT 195 Operator Qualification Requirements. Visual Detection by Company Personnel Aerial patrol flights will be made 26 times a year not to exceed 21 days apart. If unable to fly, area personnel will walk or drive the right-of-way. The intent of the patrol is to observe the area directly over the pipeline right-of-way for leaks, exposed pipes, washes, missing markers, and other unusual conditions. Construction on either side of the pipeline right-of-way is also monitored. Discharges to the land or surface waters may also be detected by Company personnel during regular operations and inspections. Should a leak be detected, the appropriate actions are taken including but not limited to: • • April 2016 Notifications as per SECTION 2 A preliminary assessment of the incident area 18 DAPL North Facility Response Plan • If appropriate, initiate initial response actions per SECTIONS 4 and 5. TABLE 4-1 provides a checklist for initial response actions. Visual Detection by the Public Right-of-way marker signs are installed and maintained at road crossing and other noticeable points and provide an Operations Control 24-hour number for reporting emergency situations. The Company also participates in the “call before you dig” or “One Call” utility notification services which can be contacted to report a leak and determine the owner/operator of the pipeline. If the notification is made to a local office or pump station, the Company representative receiving the call will generally implement the following actions: • • • • Notify the Pipeline Control and region/designated office Dispatch Company field personnel to the site to confirm discharge and conduct preliminary assessment Notify their immediate area supervisor and provide assessment results Follow the Procedure for Investigating Incoming Call Reports of Potential Pipeline Releases Pipeline Shutdown If any of these situations are outside the expected values, abnormal conditions are considered to exist. If abnormal conditions exist, Pipeline Control will take the appropriate actions to ensure that a release does not occur. If a discharge has occurred, Pipeline Control will take actions to limit the magnitude. In either case, appropriate actions taken by Company personnel could include, but are not limited to: • • • • • Shut down affected line segment if there is an indication of a leak Isolate line segment Depressurize line Start internal and external notifications Mobilize additional personnel as required 3.2 Spill Mitigation Procedures Each spill mitigation situation is unique and must be treated according to the circumstance present. In every situation, however, personnel safety must be assessed as the first priority. The potential for ignition and/or toxic exposure must be promptly evaluated. If the use of alternative response strategies such as in-situ burning or dispersants, as identified in the Mid-Missouri River Sub Area Contingency Plan or the Region 8 Regional Contingency Plan, Sunoco Pipeline will seek approval from the Regional Response Team as appropriate. An example of spill mitigation procedures is presented below: April 2016 19 DAPL North Facility Response Plan TABLE 3-1 SPILL MITIGATION PROCEDURES TYPE MITIGATION PROCEDURE Failure of Transfer Equipment 1. Personnel and public safety are the first priority. Evacuate nonessential personnel or personnel at high risk. 2. Terminate transfer operations and close block valves. 3. Drain product into containment areas if possible. 4. Eliminate sources of vapor cloud ignition by shutting down all engines and motors. 1. Personnel and public safety are the first priority. Evacuate nonessential Tank Overfill/Failure personnel or personnel at high risk. 2. Shut down or divert source of incoming flow to tank. 3. Transfer fluid to another tank with adequate storage capacity (if possible). 4. Shut down source of vapor cloud ignition by shutting down all engines and motors. 5. Ensure that dike discharge valves are closed. 6. Monitor diked containment area for leaks and potential capacity limitations. 7. Begin transferring spilled product to another tank as soon as possible 1. Personnel and public safety are the first priority. Evacuate nonessential personnel or personnel at high risk. 2. Shut down pumps. Close the closest block valves on each side of the rupture. Piping 3. Drain the line back into contained areas (if possible). Alert nearby Rupture/Leak personnel of potential safety hazards. (under pressure and 4. Shut down source of vapor cloud ignition by shutting down all engines no pressure) and motors. 5. If piping is leaking and under pressure, then relieve pressure by draining into a containment area or back to a tank (if possible). Then repair line according to established procedures. Fire/Explosion Manifold Failure April 2016 1. Personnel and public safety are the first priority Evacuate nonessential personnel or personnel at risk of injury. 2. Notify local fire and police departments. 3. Attempt to extinguish fire if it is in incipient (early) stage and if it can be done safely. 4. Shut down transfer or pumping operation. Attempt to divert or stop flow of product to the hazardous area (if it can be done safely). 5. Eliminate sources of vapor cloud ignition shutting down all engines and motors. 6. Control fire before taking steps to contain spill. 1. Personnel and public safety are the first priority. Evacuate nonessential personnel or personnel at high risk. 2. Terminate transfer operations immediately. 20 DAPL North Facility Response Plan 3. Isolate the damaged area by closing block valves on both sides of the leak/rupture. 4. Shut down source of vapor cloud ignition by shutting down all engines and motors. 5. Drain fluids back into containment areas (if possible). It is important to note that the actions above are intended only as guidelines. The appropriate response to a particular incident may vary depending on the nature and severity of the incident and other factors that are not readily addressed. After initial response has been taken to stop further spillage, and notifications have been made to the required agencies, Sunoco Pipeline will begin spill containment, recovery, and disposal operations. The Incident Commander will assess the size and hazards of the spill. The location of the spill and the predicted movement of the spill will be considered. Based on this assessment, additional response personnel and equipment may be dispatched to the site and deployed to control and contain the spill. Boom may be deployed in waterways to contain the spill and to protect socio-economic, environmentally sensitive, and historical/archaeological areas. Booms may also be used in waterways to deflect, or guide the spill, to locations where it can more effectively be recovered using skimmers, vacuum trucks, or sorbent material. Cleanup equipment and material will be used in the manner most effective for rapid and complete recovery of spilled material. When initiating response tactics and deploying response resources, consideration will be given to protect natural resources, environmentally sensitive areas, and historical/archaeological resources. Sunoco Pipeline will consult with, and cooperate with, Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Trustees, as well as the appropriate state and tribal Historical Preservation Officers (HPO’s) to identify and protect natural resources and historical/archaeological resources. In limited circumstances, alternative response strategies such as in-situ burning, dispersants, and/or bioremediation may be most effective at protecting natural resources, environmentally sensitive areas, and/or historical/archaeological resources. These alternative response strategies will be considered in consultation with NRDA Trustees and HPO’s. Any plans to use alternative response strategies will be submitted to the Federal On-Scene Commander for Regional Response Team approval prior to implementation. When considering the use of in-situ burning, the following considerations should be evaluated. In most cases, an agency application with further consideration will need to be completed before burning will be approved by the agency. Size, Nature, and Product Spilled • • • April 2016 Flammability of the product (Will the product burn?) Location of the spill (Distance and direction to the nearest human use areas) Volume of the product released 21 DAPL North Facility Response Plan • • • Estimate of the surface area covered by the spill How long has the oil been exposed to weathering? Will burning cause more hazards from by-products? Weather and Forecast • • • • Current weather conditions Wind speed and direction 24-hour forecast 48-hour forecast Evaluate the Response Operations • • • • Is there time enough to conduct burning? Is safety equipment available? Is adequate personnel available for monitoring/emergency response? Is mechanical recovery more intrusive than burning? Habitats Impacted and Resources at Risk • Have local agencies and officials been contacted, including: • • • • • • • • • • Public Health Land Owner/Manager Local Fire Officials (Fire Marshal) Historic Preservation Officer State Resource Agency Tribal Officials What is/will be the impact to surface water intakes and wells? Are endangered habitats/endangered species present? Is the area used by migratory animals? What wildlife is present? Burn Plan • • • • • How much of the oil is expected to burn? How long will it be expected to burn? How will the burn be ignited? How will the burn be extinguished? What are the monitoring protocols? Dispersants are not commonly used on inland spills. Working closely with federal, state, and local agencies will be necessary for gaining approval to use dispersants. It is important to look at the total effect the oil will have on the environment when considering the use of dispersants. April 2016 22 DAPL North Facility Response Plan 3.3 Response Equipment Emergency equipment is available to allow personnel to respond safely and quickly to emergency situations. Fire extinguishers are located throughout the facility and meet National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA) and OSHA standards. The majority of the response equipment will be supplied by the OSRO(s) listed in TABLE 2-5. This equipment is maintained regularly and inspected on a monthly basis. OSRO resources and response times are verified periodically. Response equipment is mobilized and deployed by the Supervisor of Pipeline Operations, the Manager of Pipeline Operations, or their designee. The following is a description of company owned response equipment and the respective staging locations: Watford City Station in North Dakota: • • • • 4 totes of firefighting foam 1 radio repeater and 12 radio’s 1 response tent/command post 20 portable 4 gas monitors Redfield Pump Station located in South Dakota: • • • • • • • • 1,000 feet of 10” skirt containment boom 1,000 feet of 5” sorbent boom Enclosed 18’ response trailer Boom accessories (rope, anchors & buoy’s) 18’ response boat with motor (slow water boom deployment) 1 radio repeater and 12 radio’s 1 response tent/command post 14 portable 4 gas monitors Sioux Falls Field Office located in South Dakota: • • • • • 1,000 feet of 10” skirt containment boom 1,000 feet of 5” sorbent boom Boom accessories (rope, anchors & buoy’s) 18’ response boat with motor (slow water boom deployment) 2 portable 4 gas monitors Sunoco Pipeline inspects and exercises company-owned equipment in accordance with the National Preparedness for Response Exercise Program (PREP) guidelines. April 2016 23 DAPL North Facility Response Plan Sunoco Pipeline L.P. requires an annual certification from each OSRO to assure compliance with the National Preparedness for Response Exercise Program (PREP) guidelines. Each listed OSRO has their own response equipment, a minimum of 1,000 feet of containment boom, absorbents, boats, and vacuum trucks. Lists of the OSRO's equipment resources may be found in their services contract. OSRO response equipment is inspected and refurbished after each use. The primary OSRO's equipment is inspected, minimally, on a bi-monthly basis. Sunoco Pipeline has contractually secured personnel and equipment necessary to respond, to the maximum extent practicable, to a worst case discharge or a substantial threat of such discharge in this response zone. An equipment list and list of trained personnel necessary to continue operation of the equipment and staff the oil spill removal organization for the first 7 days of a response for each of the OSRO contractors listed in TABLE 2-5 is provided in APPENDIX C. In addition to the company owned response equipment listed above, the following response equipment has been donated to the Three Affiliated Tribes located at Buffalo Ranch North Dakota: • • • • • • • • 1,000 feet of 10” skirt containment boom 1,000 feet of 5” sorbent boom Enclosed 18’ response trailer Boom accessories (rope, anchors & buoy’s) 18’ response boat with motor (slow water boom deployment) 1 radio repeater and 12 radio’s 1 response tent/command post 14 portable 4 gas monitors Sunoco Pipeline is not responsible for maintaining or inspecting the equipment donated to the Three Affiliated Tribes. 4.0 RESPONSE ACTIVITIES Sunoco Pipeline L.P. will take a 3-Tiered approach for responding to a pipeline failure. The three tiers are described in more detail below and are based on incident complexity. Tier 1: A Tier 1 response consists of company owned response resources and local personnel. This tier consists of defensive and offensive tactics Tier 2: A Tier 2 response consists of company owned response resources, area personnel, and local OSRO personnel and resources. This tier consists of defensive and offensive tactics. April 2016 24 DAPL North Facility Response Plan Tier 3: A Tier 3 response consists of company owned response resources, nationwide company personnel (IMT) and nationwide OSRO personnel and resources. This tier consists of defensive and offensive tactics. Sunoco Pipeline personnel will work in unison, following Incident Command protocols, to cooperate with, and assist, Fire, Police and other first responders with: • • • • Halting or redirecting traffic on roads and railroads in the affected area as appropriate. Assessing the extent and coverage of a potential vapor cloud, using the current DOT Emergency Response Guidebook to determine safe approach distances. Sunoco Pipeline, L.P. and Emergency Response Personnel will establish hot, warm and cold zones for emergency response operations following Incident Command protocols Gas meter equipment as specified below will be used to establish emergency responders’ approach distances and hot / warm / cold zones. In the event of a failure of a pipeline, Sunoco Pipeline, L.P. will employ instrumentation (appropriate for the product contained in the pipeline at the time of failure) to access and determine the extent and coverage of a potential vapor cloud, if present. The instrumentation used in the determination will have the following capabilities: Petroleum Products • • • Combustible gas meter with 0-100% read out. Alarm calibrated to sound at 10% of LEL. Ability to quantify the following gases: O2, H2S, LEL and CO Industrial Scientific MX6, MSA Altair 5X or equivalent gas meter 4.1 Spill Response Actions In the event of a spill, actions will be taken to protect personnel and public safety, as well as the environment. The checklist provided below is an example of some of the activities conducted during a spill. Table 4-1 is an example of a Spill Response Checklist. April 2016 25 DAPL North Facility Response Plan TABLE 4-1 SPILL RESPONSE ACTION CHECKLIST PERSONNEL RESPONSE ACTION TAKING ACTION DOCUMENT ALL ACTIONS TAKEN DATE/TIME ACTION TAKEN First Person to Discover Spill Immediately notify Qualified Individual and Operations Control Center or posted emergency contacts. Take appropriate action to protect life and ensure safety of personnel. Immediately shut down terminal operations (if applicable). If applicable, remotely controlled motor operated valves will be closed by the Operations Center as soon as a leak is detected. It may not be best to immediately close valves due to line drain or line depressurization. Secure the scene. Isolate the area and assure the safety of people and the environment. Keep people away from the scene and outside the safety perimeter. Advise personnel in the area of any potential threat and/or initiate evacuation procedures. Qualified Individual Assume role of Incident Commander until relieved. Conduct preliminary assessment of health and safety hazards. Request medical assistance if an injury has occurred. Evacuate nonessential personnel, notify emergency response agencies to provide security, and evacuate surrounding area (if necessary). Make appropriate regulatory notifications. • National Response Center • Appropriate State Agency (See List of Federal, State, & Local agencies along with notification procedures in TABLES 2-3 and 2-4) Call out spill response contractors (See List in TABLE 2-5) Atmospheric conditions in the release area should be monitored using a four gas meter – ensuring oxygen, H2S, carbon dioxide and lower explosive limit (LEL) are all at safe levels. Atmospheric monitoring should continue throughout the response activities. These activities should be consistent with Sunoco Pipeline L.P. Health & Safety policy. If safe to do so, direct facility responders to shut down and control the source of the spill. Be aware of potential hazards associated with product and ensure that flammable vapor concentrations are within safe atmosphere before sending personnel into the spill area. If safe to do so, direct facility responders to shut down potential ignition sources in the vicinity of the spill, including April 2016 26 DAPL North Facility Response Plan motors, electrical pumps, electrical power, etc. Keep drivers away from truck rack if spill occurs there. If safe to do so, direct facility responders to stabilize and contain the situation. This may include berming or deployment of containment and/or sorbent boom. For low flash oil (<100ºF), consider applying foam over the oil, using water spray to reduce vapors, grounding all equipment handling the oil, and using non-sparking tools. If there is a potential to impact shorelines, consider lining shoreline with sorbent or diversion boom to reduce impact. Notify Local Emergency Responders. Obtain the information necessary to complete the Accident Report - Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Systems (APPENDIX B) and phone this information to the Emergency Response Manager. On-Scene Coordinator Activate all or a portion of local ERP (as necessary). Liaison Officer will maintain contact with notified regulatory agencies Document all response actions taken, including notifications, agency/media meetings, equipment and personnel mobilization and deployment, and area impacted. Water Based Spills: Initiate spill tracking and surveillance operations utilizing information in SECTION 4.2. Determine extent of pollution via surveillance aircraft or vehicle. Estimate volume of spill utilizing information in SECTION 4.3. Send photographer /videographer if safe. Land Based Spills: Initiate spill tracking and surveillance if applicable. SECONDARY RESPONSE ACTIONS (Refer to ICS job descriptions in APPENDIX D) April 2016 27 DAPL North Facility Response Plan 4.2 Spill Tracking and Surveillance The following guidelines should be utilized when tracking a spill and/or conducting spill surveillance: • • • • • • • • • • • • • Surveillance of an oil spill should begin as soon as possible following discovery to enable response personnel to assess spill size, movement, and potential impact locations; Dispatch observers to crossings downstream or down gradient to determine the spill's maximum reach; Clouds, shadows, sediment, floating organic matter, submerged sand banks or windinduced patterns on the water may resemble an oil slick if viewed from a distance; Sorbent pads may be used to detect oil or water; Use surface vessels to confirm the presence of any suspected oil slicks (if safe to do so); consider directing the vessels and photographing the vessels from the air, the latter to show their position and size relative to the slick; It is difficult to adequately observe oil on the water surface from a boat, dock, or shoreline; Spill surveillance is best accomplished through the use of helicopters or small planes; helicopters are preferred due to their superior visibility and maneuverability; If fixed-wing planes are to be used, high-wing types provide better visibility than low-wing types; All observations should be documented in writing and with photographs and/or videotapes; Describe the approximate dimensions of the oil slick based on available reference points (i.e. vessel, shoreline features, facilities); use the aircraft or vessel to traverse the length and width of the slick while timing each pass; calculate the approximate size and area of the slick by multiplying speed and time; Record aerial observations on detailed maps, such as topographic maps In the event of reduced visibility, such as dense fog or cloud cover, boats may have to be used to patrol the area and document the location and movements of the spill; however, this method may not be safe if the spill involves a highly flammable product; Surveillance is also required during spill response operations to gauge the effectiveness of response operations; to assist in locating skimmers; and to assess the spill's size, movement, and impact. An example of a spill surveillance checklist is presented on TABLE 4-2. April 2016 28 DAPL North Facility Response Plan TABLE 4-2 SPILL SURVEILLANCE CHECKLIST SPILL SURVEILLANCE CHECKLIST General Information Date: Tidal or river stage (flood, ebb, slack, low water): Time: On-Scene Weather Conditions: Incident Name: Platform (helicopter, fixed-wing aircraft, boat, shore): Observers Name: Flight path/trackline: Observers’ Affiliation: Altitude where observation taken: Location of Source: Areas not observed (i.e. foggy locations, restricted air spaces, shallow water areas): Oil Observations Slick location(s): Slick dimensions: Color and appearance (i.e. rainbow, dull or silver sheen, black or brown in color or mousse): Percent coverage: Orientation of slick(s): Is oil recoverable (Y/N)?: Distribution of oil (i.e. windrows, streamers, pancakes or patches): Considerations • • During surveillance, go beyond known impacted areas to check for additional oil spill sites Include the name and phone number of the person making the observations Clearly describe the locations where oil is observed and the areas where no oil has been seen • Other Observations April 2016 29 DAPL North Facility Response Plan SPILL SURVEILLANCE CHECKLIST Response Operations Equipment deployment locations: Boom deployment locations: Environmental Operations Locations of convergence lines, terrain, and sediment plumes: Locations of debris and other features that could be mistaken for oil: Wildlife present in area (locations and approximate numbers): Spill Sketch (Use Additional Pages if Needed) April 2016 30 DAPL North Facility Response Plan 4.3 Estimating Spill Volumes Early in a spill response, estimation of spill volume is required in order to: • • • • Report to agencies Determine liquid recovery requirements Determine personnel and equipment requirements Estimate disposal and interim storage requirements Some rapid methods to estimate spill size are: • • • Transfer operations: Multiply the pumping rate by the elapsed time that the leak was in progress, plus the drainage volume of the line between the two closest valves or isolation points (volume loss = pump rate [bbls/min] x elapsed time [min] + line contents [bbl]) Tank overfills: Elapsed time multiplied by the pumping rate Visual assessment of the surface area and thickness (TABLE 4-3); this method may yield unreliable results because: • • • Interpretation of sheen color varies with different observers Appearance of a slick varies depending upon amount of available sunlight, seastate, and viewing angle Different products may behave differently, depending upon their properties TABLE 4-3 OIL THICKNESS ESTIMATION CHART OIL THICKNESS ESTIMATIONS STANDARD FORM Approx. Film Thickness Approx. Quantity of Oil in Film Inches Millimeters gallons/mile2 liters/km2 Barely Visible 0.0000015 0.00004 25 44 Silvery 0.000003 0.00008 50 88 Slightly Colored 0.000006 0.00015 100 179 Brightly Colored 0.000012 0.0003 200 351 Dull 0.00004 0.001 666 1,167 Dark 0.00008 0.002 1,332 2,237 Thickness of light oils: 0.0010 inches to 0.00010 inches Thickness of heavy oils: 0.10 inches to 0.010 inches April 2016 31 DAPL North Facility Response Plan 4.4 Emergency Response Personnel The local Emergency Response Personnel (ERP) has been created and organized to plan for and manage emergencies. The local ERP is composed of Company personnel from offices within the Area. Additional personnel from outlying offices may be used (if needed). The local ERP will develop strategies and priorities for a response, then will supervise contractors, handle safety and security matters, and will provide logistical support for contractor personnel. The local ERP will handle all communications with the media and the public. Job descriptions for each local ERP member are provided in APPENDIX D. The local ERP will train by participating in exercises as noted in SECTION 6. Activation of the local ERP may be accomplished in stages. Initially, the First Responder assumes the role of Incident Commander (IC). During a spill incident, the initial IC may be able to respond without assistance from the local ERP. If the situation requires more resources, he may request additional personnel or management support from the local ERP. This request is made to the Qualified Individual (QI). Depending on the situation, the QI may then assume the role of Incident Commander. The QI would then call out the other local ERP members. In the event the local Emergency Response Personnel require assistance in managing an incident, the District Manager will request the assistance of the company’s Incident Management Team (IMT). The IMT consists of nationwide company personnel capable of managing large scale incidents. The IMT members have received position-specific ICS training and drill on an annual basis. The IMT positions are listed in APPENDIX G. 4.5 Incident Command System/Unified Command The Incident Command System (ICS) will be used by the local ERP for spill response. The ICS position descriptions are defined in APPENDIX D and can be expanded or contracted as necessary. The Unified Command System (UCS) is the accepted method of organizing key spill management entities within the Incident Command System. The primary entities include: • • • Federal On-Scene Coordinator (FOSC) State On-Scene Coordinator (SOSC) Company Incident Commander These three people share decision-making authority within the Incident Command System and are each responsible for coordinating other federal, state, and company personnel to form an effective integrated emergency management team. Refer to APPENDIX D for detailed description of the ICS roles and responsibilities as well as organizational interfaces with external parties. April 2016 32 DAPL North Facility Response Plan 5.0 CONTAINMENT AND RECOVERY METHODS A general description of various response techniques that may be utilized during a response are discussed below. Sunoco Pipeline and its response contractors are free to use all or any combination of these methods as specific incident conditions dictate, provided they meet the appropriate safety standards and other requirements relative to the incident. The most effective cleanup will result from an integrated combination of cleanup methods. Each operation should complement and assist related operations. 5.1 Spill on Land (Soil Surfaces) Containment Methods Product can be contained in ditches and gullies by earthen dams. Where excavating machinery is available, earthen dams can be used to prevent the spread of oil. Dams, small and large, should be effectively utilized to protect priority areas such as inlets to drains, sewers, ducts, and watercourses. These can be constructed of earth, sandbags, absorbents, planks, or any other effective material. If time does not permit construction of a large dam, a series of small dams can be used, each on holding a portion of the oil as it advances. The terrain will ultimately dictate the placement of dams. If the spill is minor, natural dams or earth absorption will usually stop the oil before it advances a significant distance. In situations where vapors from a spill present a clear and present danger to property or life, spraying the surface of the spill with an appropriate vapor suppressor will greatly reduce the release of additional vapors. Recovery Methods The recovery and removal of free oil from soil surfaces is a difficult job. Some effective approaches seem to be: • • • April 2016 Removal with suction equipment to tank truck, if concentrated in volumes large enough to be picked up. Channels can be formed to drain pools of product into storage pits and facilitate the use of suction equipment. Small pockets may have to be recovered with sorbent material Once free oil has been recovered to the extent practical, mechanical removal of impacted soils can commence until impacts have been adequately removed. Contaminated soils should be handled in accordance with all federal and state requirements. 33 DAPL North Facility Response Plan 5.2 Spill on Lake or Pond (Calm or Slow-Moving Water) Containment Methods A lake or pond offers the best conditions for removal of product from water. Although the removal is no easy task, the lake or pond presents the favorable conditions of low or no current and low or no waves. The movement of product on a lake or pond is influenced mainly by wind. The product will tend to concentrate on one shore, bank or inlet. Booms should be set up immediately to hold the product in the confined area in the event of a change in wind direction. If the spill does not concentrate itself on or near a shore (no wind effect), then a sweeping action using boats and floating booms may be necessary. The essential requirement for this operation is that it be done very slowly. The booms should be moved at not more than 40 feet per minute. Once the slick is moved to a more convenient location (near shore), the normal operations of removal should begin. If the slick is small and thin (rainbow effect) and not near the shoreline, an absorbent boom instead of a regular boom should be used to sweep the area very slowly and absorb the slick. The product may not have to be moved to the shoreline. Recovery Methods If the Containment slick is thick enough, regular suction equipment may be used first; however, in most instances, a floating skimmer should be used. If the floating skimmer starts picking up excess water (slick becomes thin), drawing the boom closer to the bank as product is removed will also keep film of product thicker. However, when the slick becomes too thin, the skimmer should be stopped and an absorbent applied (with a boat if necessary) to remove the final amounts. Product-soaked absorbent can be drawn in as close to the shore as possible with the booms used to confine the product initially. The absorbent can then be hand skimmed from the water surface and placed in drums, on plastic sheets or in lined roll-off boxes. It should then be disposed of in accordance with federal and state requirements. The final rainbow on the surface can be removed with additional absorbent. 5.3 Spill on Small to Medium Size Streams (Fast-Flowing Creeks) Containment Methods April 2016 The techniques used for product containment on fast-flowing shallow streams are quite different from the ones used on lakes, ponds, or other still bodies of water. The containment and removal processes require a calm stretch of water to allow the product to separate onto the surface of the water. If a calm stretch of water does not exist naturally, a deep slow-moving area should be created by damming. The dam can be constructed by 34 DAPL North Facility Response Plan using sandbags, planks or earth. If a dam is required, it should be situated at an accessible point where the stream has high enough banks. The dam should be constructed soundly and reinforced to support the product and water pressure. • • Underflow dam – An underflow dam is one method that can be used, especially on small creeks. The water is released at the bottom of the dam using a pipe, or multiple pipes, which are installed during construction of the dam. The flow rate through the pipe(s) must be sufficient to keep the dam from overflowing. The pipe(s) should be installed at an angle through the dam (during construction) so that the height of the discharge end of the pipe(s) will determine the height of the water on the upstream side of the dam. Overflow dam – Another method of containment is an overflow dam. An overflow dam is constructed so that water flows over the dam, but a deep pool is created which reduces the surface velocity of the water, thereby creating a calm stretch of water to facilitate containment and recovery efforts. The overflow dam may be used where large flow rates, such as medium sized creeks, are involved. With this type of dam, a separate barrier, such as a floating or stationary boom, must be placed across the pool created by the dam to contain the oil. This boom should be placed at an angle of 45 degrees across the pool to decrease the effective water velocity beneath it. Also, this angle helps to concentrate the oil at the bank and not along the boom. A second boom should be placed approximately 10 to 15 feet downstream of the first on as a secondary backup. A stationary boom type barrier can be made of wood planks or other suitable material. The stationary boom should be securely constructed and sealed against the bank. The ends of the planks can be buried in the banks of the stream and timber stakes driven into the stream bed for support as needed. The necessary length of boom will be approximately 1-1/2 times the width of the waterway. A stationary boom should extend six to eight inches deep into the water and about two inches or higher above the water level. If the increase in velocity under the stationary boom is causing the release of trapped oil, it should be moved upward slightly. At no time should the stationary boom be immersed more than 20% of the depth of the pool created by the overflow dam. That is, if the pool is three feet deep, do not exceed an immersion depth of seven inches with the stationary boom. A floating boom can be used in place of a stationary boom if the created pool’s size (bank to bank) and depth will permit. The advantages of using floating boom are the speed of deployment and the fact that there is no need for additional support as with stationary boom. • April 2016 Multiple Impoundments – Since emergency built dams (either underflow or overflow) are seldom perfect, a series of dams may be required. The first one, or two, will contain the bulk of the oil and the ones downstream will contain the last traces of oil. Precautions should be taken to ensure that the foundations of emergency dams are not washed away by the released water. If earth is used to construct an overflow dam, a layer of earth-filled bags (or other suitable material) should be placed on top of the dam to reduce erosion. 35 DAPL North Facility Response Plan Recovery Methods Once the containment dams are constructed, recovery of the oil from the water surface should be the primary consideration. The recovery must be continuous or else build-up of product behind the dams or booms might lead to product escaping. The type of recovery used depends largely on the amount of oil being contained in a given span of time, if the amount of oil moving down the stream is of sufficient quantity, the first dam or fixed boom should contain enough oil for the floating skimmer to work efficiently. The skimmer will pump the product and possibly some water to a tank truck or other holding tank. Separated water may be released from the bottom of the tank truck if it becomes necessary. Absorbents may be used at downstream dams or booms. It is inadvisable to place an absorbent in the stream prior to or at the first dam in anticipation of the arriving product. Let the product accumulate at the first dam and use the floating skimmer to recover the product. The containment and removal of oil on small to medium fast-flowing streams might require a combination of underflow or overflow dams, fixed booms, floating booms, skimmers, and absorbents to ensure an effective cleanup. 5.4 Spill on Large Streams and Rivers Containment Methods The containment techniques differ considerably on large streams and rivers. First, the smooth calm area of water necessary for oil-water separation must be found along the stream or river rather than creating one, as with small streams. Floating booms (rather than fixed booms or dams) must be used to contain the oil. Local conditions of current and wind must be considered when selecting the site for the deployment of boom. A point with a low water velocity near the bank, sufficient depth to operate the oil recovery equipment, and good access is required. The fact that wind may tend to concentrate the oil against one bank must be considered. A smooth, undisturbed area of water is required immediately upstream of the boom to ensure that the oil has opportunity to separate out onto the surface. The boom should be positioned where the current is at a minimum. It is more effective to boom at a wide, slow position than on a narrow, fast stretch of water. If the booms are positioned straight across a river or stream, or at right angles to the flow, surface water tends to drive oil beneath the boom when current velocities exceed about ½ knot (0.8 ft/sec.). However, if the current of the entire river is ½ knot or less, then a boom can be positioned straight across the river or large stream, but angled slightly in relation to the banks. By placing the boom at an angle to the banks, oil on the surface is diverted along the boom to the side of the river. The current velocity is usually much slower near the river bank than in the center and the oil will move along the boom toward the bank for removal. A water-tight seal between the bank and the boom is essential. A secondary boom should be set up immediately April 2016 36 DAPL North Facility Response Plan downstream of the first one to capture any oil that escapes the upstream boom. A boom can be deployed parallel to the river flow at the bank to form the seal with the booms used to trap the product. Where the current velocity of the chosen site exceeds ½ knot, the boom may be positioned in two smooth curves from the point of maximum velocity (usually the center of the river) to both banks. However, this double-boom requires oil to be recovered from both sides of the river. To determine the appropriate angle of boom placement and support (mooring) needed to hold the booms in position, the current velocity should be measured by timing a floating object which is 80% submerged over a distance of 100 feet. A time of 60 seconds over this distance indicates a water current of approximately 1 knot. For currents from 1 to 2.5 knots (1.7 to 4.2 ft/sec.), the more the boom will have to be angled acute to the bank. The length of the boom will have to be such to reach the center of the river. For currents between ½ and 1 knot (0.8 and 1.7 ft./sec.), the angle of deployment can be enlarged. The major load on the boom is taken by the terminal moorings, particularly the one in the center of the river. However, intermediate moorings are also required both to maintain the smooth curve of the boom to prevent breaking of the boom and to assist with preventing skirt deflection. The intermediate moorings are preferably positioned every 25 feet and must be adjusted to avoid the formation of indentations in the boom profile. These trap oil in pockets, prevent its deflection to the bank, and also encourage diving currents. In certain situations, it might be advantageous to position booms to deflect the approaching oil to a slower moving area. Naturally, additional booms would have to be positioned around this slower moving area prior to deflecting the product to the area. This approach may be used along rivers which have lagoons, etc., with a very low current action. The recovery would take place in the lagoons and not along the river bank. Recovery Methods Any oil contained upstream of the floating booms in a large stream or river should be removed from the water surface as it accumulates. Regular suction equipment, a floating skimmer, and/or absorbents (including absorbent booms) should be used to remove the oil as appropriate. If the amount of oil moving downstream is of sufficient quantity, the primary floating boom will likely contain enough oil for the floating skimmer to work efficiently. The skimmer will pump the product and some water to a tank truck or other holding tank. The absorbents would then be used upstream of the secondary boom to absorb any potential underflow from the primary boom. An absorbent boom can also be placed between the primary and secondary booms to help the other absorbents control any underflow from the primary boom. It is best to hand skim the saturated absorbents and place them in plastic bags for disposal. April 2016 37 DAPL North Facility Response Plan 5.5 Spill on a Stream Which Flows into a Lake or Pond In certain locations where streams flow into lakes or ponds at relatively short distances, it is conceivable that a spill may reach the lake before containment and recovery operations are set up. If time permits containment operations to be set up on the stream in question, containment and recovery methods can be utilized as described above. However, if oil in the stream is near the lake or if oil is flowing into the lake with a significant amount yet to arrive, different containment methods may be required. Containment Methods Oil on a stream flowing into a lake should be boomed as close to the entrance as possible. The boom should be positioned on the lake at an angle to the residential stream current so as to direct the surface water to a slower moving area. The area where the product is being deflected should be enclosed by booms to contain the oil. An additional boom for sweeping the product to the bank may be required. This area of containment should not have a current velocity of more than 1/2 knot (0.8 ft./sec.), preferably less. Removal Methods The recovery of oil from the lake or pond’s surface should be handled as described above. For sizable releases, collected oil will usually be pumped into tank trucks and transported to a storage facility. 5.6 Spill in Urban Areas Oil spills in urban areas can greatly impact recreational use, human health, wildlife habitat(s), and potential result in beach or park closures. Manmade structures along waterways require unique protection strategies. Manmade structures could include vertical shore protection structures such as seawalls, piers, and bulkheads, as well as riprap revetments and groins, breakwaters, and jetties. Vertical structures can be constructed of concrete, wood, and corrugated metal. They usually extend below the water surface, although seawalls can have beaches or riprap in front of them. These structures are very common along developed shores, particularly in harbors, marinas, and residential areas. Maintaining shipping or other kinds of vessel traffic through navigation channels or waterways during a spill response is a difficult consideration because there is usually economic and political pressure to re-establish normal operations as soon as possible. This consideration extends to vehicular traffic through urban areas. Deploying booms and skimmers or constructing recovery sites can conflict with such traffic for several days. Also, passage of deep-draft vessels through the waterway can suddenly change water level and flow or create wakes, causing booms to fail. For these reasons, recovery efforts must be coordinated through the Unified Command to ensure the cooperation of all parties involved. Containment Methods April 2016 38 DAPL North Facility Response Plan Containment techniques in an urban area depend greatly on the ability to deploy equipment due to obstacles presented by the urban area. Most booming and containment techniques will work with slight modifications such as direct anchoring instead of the use of booming buoys. Recovery Methods Normal recovery techniques work when recovering oil in an urban area. However, recovery can be hampered by several situations. Floating debris clogging skimming equipment is the main cause for low recovery rates. Another problem for recovery in an urban area is lack of storage space. Often traffic problems or lack of access prevent storage equipment such as frac tanks and vacuum trucks from approaching the recovery zone. Consideration should be given to these situations and appropriate measures taken. 5.7 Spill Under Ice Containment Methods The traditional strategy for dealing with oil under the ice in a river or lake is to cut a slot to facilitate oil recovery. Ice slots can be cut using chain saws, handsaws, ice augers or some form of trencher. Another effective variation of this technique is the diversionary plywood barrier method which is also discussed below. Recovery Methods Ice slotting is a very basic technique used to gain access to oil trapped beneath the ice. In ice slotting, a J shaped outline is sketched into the ice at a 30 degree angle to the current. The slight J hook or curve is necessary at the upstream side to provide flow towards the recovery area. In general, the slot width should be 1.5 times the thickness of the ice. Remember, a block of ice is heavy and the width of the slot must be taken into consideration so it can be safely removed or pushed under if the water beneath the ice is sufficiently deep. The length of the slot will be determined by the width of the river and strategy. Ice slotting is a successful strategy to implement. However, there are a few pit falls to be aware off. First, responders may experience fatigue rapidly if required to cut the slot(s) by hand using a chain saw or hand held saw. Secondly, when cutting with chain saws, large volumes of water are kicked up, by the moving chain, onto the responder. This is a safety problem when the responders get wet in extreme cold weather conditions. However, wearing rain gear will provide some protection and can greatly reduce this problem. A second technique is to slot the ice and use plywood to help divert oil beneath the ice to a recovery area. This technique is referred to as the diversionary plywood barrier method. In this technique, a narrow slot is made through the ice and 4' x 8' sheets of plywood, or equivalent material, are dropped into the slot to create a barrier and force the oil to follow the barrier to the collection area. This is the same principal employed when using floating boom. April 2016 39 DAPL North Facility Response Plan The slot can be cut or drilled depending on the equipment available at the time of the response. If drilling is required, a gas powered ice auger can be used. In this scenario a series of 8" or 10" holes are drilled next to each other in the J pattern. A chain saw can be used to connect the holes if an ice bridge exists between two auger holes. After the ice auguring is complete, plywood can be dropped into the augured slot. River ice is dirty and chipper blades on the augers may only last long enough to complete a single auger hole. This technique requires a large inventory of chipper blades. Extra auger flights can be used, which reduces down time to change blades. A real plus to slotting the ice with an ice auger is the limited exposure of responders to water. The water is generally restricted to the area around the responder's feet. 5.8 Spill on Ice When managing an oil spill on ice special consideration must be given to several safety factors. Thickness of the ice and general accessibility of equipment must be considered when planning for on-ice recovery. Ice that is too thin to safely traverse or broken ice may prevent active recovery. Containment Methods For ice-covered on-land or on-water spills, snow or earthen berms may be constructed to contain oil around the leak, if terrain permits. Dikes filled with sorbent materials may be used on spills in smaller streams to create a manmade dam to prevent further migration of the oil. Recovery Methods Generally, on-ice recovery consists of the manual recovery of the oil from the spill site. If conditions permit, vacuum trucks or suction pumps may be used to recover pools of oil that may have collected. Often, oil recovery will be completed by hand using brooms, shovels and rakes. Manually moving the oil/snow mixture into piles for collection, where it is either vacuum or manually collected into storage containers, may expedite the recovery process. 5.9 Spill in Wetland Areas Wetlands, which may include upland and inland marshes, swamps and bogs, are highly sensitive to spills because they collect run-off from surrounding environments, and because they are home to many commercially and ecologically important species. Wetlands are very susceptible to damage and are a high priority to protect. Precautions should be taken so that the recovery effort does not cause more damage than that cause by the spill. Containment Methods April 2016 Containment booms can be strategically deployed to contain or divert the oil into collection areas where skimmers and vacuums can be used to recover the oil. Berms can 40 DAPL North Facility Response Plan also be constructed to contain or divert the oil. Consideration must be given to the damage that can be caused by containing and recovering the oil in the wetland areas. Often, allowing the product to flow to natural collection areas and possibly assisting the flow by the use of high volume low pressure water pumps may be the best course of action. Recovery Methods Skimmers and vacuums can be deployed to recover contained oil. Other acceptable response techniques might include bioremediation, sorbents and in-situ burning. The use of heavy equipment is often not practical because of the damage it can cause to plant and animal life. During recovery, specially designed flat bottom shallow draft vessels and the use of plywood or boards may be used to reduce the damage caused by recovery personnel. If the water table is high and the oil will not permeate the soil, shallow trenches may be dug to collect oil for removal. The Unified Command must balance the need to recover the product with the damage caused by active recovery. Considerations should be given for long term, passive recovery techniques. 6.0 TRAINING PROCEDURES 6.1 Exercise Requirements and Schedules The Company participates in the National Preparedness for Response Exercise Program (PREP) in order to satisfy the exercise requirements of PHMSA and EPA. Emergency responders, regulatory agencies and other stake holders are routinely invited to observe or participate in table top and equipment deployment drills. A description of exercise requirements and documentation procedures is included in APPENDIX H. The Manager – Pipeline Operations is responsible for the following aspects: • • • • • Scheduling Maintaining records Implementing Evaluation of the Company's training and exercise program Post-drill evaluation improvements 6.2 Post Incident Review In the case of the following spills from a 49 CFR Part 195 regulated pipeline, a Standard Incident Debriefing Form as noted in TABLE 6-1 will be completed: • • • • • April 2016 Any spill resulting in an explosion or fire Any spill resulting in the death of any person Any spill resulting in an injury requiring inpatient hospitalization Any spill impacting a lake, reservoir, stream, river or similar body of water Any spill resulting in more than $50,000.00 in damage including the cost of damage to facilities, spill cleanup, emergency response, value of lost product and damage to property 41 DAPL North Facility Response Plan In the case of spills from other facilities a Standard Incident Debriefing Form as noted in TABLE 6-1 will be completed on an as determined basis which will be dictated by individual circumstances. Pertinent facility personnel involved in the incident shall be debriefed (by the Company) within the calendar quarter after termination of operations. A Standard Incident Debriefing Form is provided in TABLE 6-1. The primary purpose of the post-incident review is to identify actual or potential deficiencies in the Plan and determine the changes required to correct the efficiencies. The post-incident review is also intended to identify which response procedures, equipment, and techniques were effective and which were not and the reason(s) why. This type of information is very helpful in the development of a functional Plan by eliminating or modifying those response procedures that are less effective and emphasizing those that are highly effective. This process should also be used for evaluating training drills or exercises. Key agency personnel that were involved in the response may be invited to attend the post-incident review. A copy of the Incident debriefing form may be sent to agency personnel who were invited to the drill, but were unable to attend. April 2016 42 DAPL North Facility Response Plan TABLE 6-1 STANDARD INCIDENT DEBRIEFING FORM See Appendix F - Standard Incident Debriefing Form April 2016 43 DAPL North Facility Response Plan 6.3 Training Program A Health, Environment and Safety Training Program has been developed to include a detailed discussion of training required for personnel, regulations covered by the training, frequency of the specific training, method of training (i.e. computer based, classroom, live training by demonstration, etc.) and training duration. Training requirements are presented in Table 6-2, below: TABLE 6-2 TRAINING REQUIREMENTS Training Type Training in Use of Oil Spill Plan Training Characteristics • • • OSHA Training Requirements (HAZWOPER) • Spill Management Team Personnel Training • Training for Casual Laborers or Volunteers • Hydrogen Sulfide (H 2 S) Monitoring and • Procedures Wildlife April 2016 • All field personnel will be trained to properly report/monitor spills Plan will be reviewed annually with all employees and contract personnel A record of Personnel Response Training will be maintained. All Company responders designated in Plan must have 24 hours of initial spill response training in accordance with 29 CFR 1910: • Laborers having potential for minimal exposure must have 24 hours of initial oil spill response instruction and 8 hours of actual field experience • Spill responders having potential exposure to hazardous substances at levels exceeding permissible exposure limits must have 40 hours of initial training offsite and 24 hours of actual field experience • On-site management/supervisors required to receive same training as equipment operators/general laborers plus 8 hours of specialized hazardous waste management training • Managers/employees require 8 hours of annual refresher training Will follow EPP 101 – PREP Training and Record Guide Company will not use casual laborers/volunteers for operations requiring HAZWOPER training. Will follow company Health, Environment, and Safety Training Program and Respiratory Protection Program. Only trained personnel approved by USFWS and appropriate state agency will be used to treat oiled wildlife 44 DAPL North Facility Response Plan Training Type Training Documentation and Record Maintenance Emergency Response Training (HAZWOPER) Training Characteristics • Training activity records will be retained five years for all personnel following completion of training • Company will retain training records indefinitely for individuals assigned specific duties in Plan • Training records will be retained. The Company has established and conducts a continuing training program to instruct emergency response personnel to: • Carry out emergency procedures established under 195.402 that relate to their assignments; • Know the characteristics and hazards of the hazardous liquids or carbon dioxide transported, including, in case of flammable HVL, flammability of mixtures with air, odorless vapors, and water reactions; • Recognize conditions that are likely to cause emergencies, predict the consequences of facility malfunctions or failures and hazardous liquids or carbon dioxide spills, and take appropriate corrective action; • Take steps necessary to control any accidental release of hazardous liquid or carbon dioxide and to minimize the potential for fire, explosion, toxicity, or environmental damage; and • Learn the proper use of fire-fighting procedures and equipment, fire suits, and breathing apparatus by utilizing, where feasible, a simulated pipeline emergency condition. At intervals not exceeding 15 months, but at least once each calendar year, the Company shall: • Review with personnel their performance in meeting the objectives of the emergency response training program set forth in 195.403(a), and • Make appropriate changes to the emergency response training program as necessary to ensure that it is effective. The Company requires and verifies that its supervisors maintain a thorough knowledge of that portion of the emergency response procedures established under 195.402 for which they are responsible to ensure compliance. April 2016 45 DAPL North Facility Response Plan Training Type Training Characteristics Minimum requirements for operator qualification of individuals performing covered tasks on a pipeline The Company has a written qualification program that includes provisions to: • Identify covered tasks; • Ensure through evaluation that individuals performing covered tasks are qualified; • Allow individuals that are not qualified pursuant to 49 CFR 195 Subpart G to perform a covered task if directed and observed by an individual that is qualified; • Evaluate an individual if the operator has reason to believe that the individual’s performance of a covered task contributed to an accident as defined in Part 195; • Evaluate an individual if the operator has reason to believe that the individual is no longer qualified to perform a covered task; • Communicate changes that affect covered tasks to individuals performing these covered tasks; and • Identify those covered tasks and the intervals at which evaluation of the individual’s qualifications is needed. Breathing Exposure April 2016 RECORDS Each operator shall maintain records that demonstrate compliance with 49 CFR Part 195, Subpart G. Qualification records shall include: • Identification of qualified individuals • Identification of covered tasks the individual is qualified to perform • Date(s) of current qualification Records supporting an individual’s current qualification shall be maintained while the individual is performing the covered task. Records of prior qualification and records of individuals no longer performing covered tasks shall be retained for a period of five years. • HES Respiratory Protection Training Personal Protective Equipment • HES Personal Protective Equipment • Emergency Response Guidebook: Purpose and Uses • Hazard Communication - Generic ComplianceWire (CW) course • HES HAZCOM (face -2-face) 46 DAPL North Facility Response Plan Training Type MX6 Instrument Training Characteristics • HES MX6 Gas Meter User Training • HES Operation and Maintenance of Monitoring Equipment Fit-Testing • HES Respirator Fit-Testing HES Emergency Response Plan Review (FRC, State Plan) This is face-2-face area specific training. • • • • Incident Command System (ICS) National Incident Management System (NIMS) Computer Based Training: • ICS 100 • ICS 200 • ICS 700 • ICS 800 April 2016 HAZWOPER Awareness - Generic CW course Emergency Response Guidebook: Purpose and Uses Hazard Communication - Generic CW course HES HAZCOM (face -2-face) PREP Emergency Response Plan Review 47 DAPL North Facility Response Plan 7.0 WORST CASE DISCHARGE SUMMARY 7.1 Worst Case Discharge Scenario The equipment and personnel to respond to a spill are available from several sources and are provided with the equipment and contractors in TABLE 2-5. The following sections are discussions of these scenarios. Worst case discharge calculations are provided in SECTION 6.3. Upon discovery of a spill, the following procedures would be followed: 1. The First Responder would notify the Manager of Pipeline Operations and the Operations Control Center. Notifications would be initiated in accordance with SECTION 2.0. The First Responder would advise the Manager of Pipeline Operations with any concerns of public safety. 2. The Area Supervisor/Manager of Operations would assume the role of Incident Commander/Qualified Individual until relieved and would initiate response actions and notifications in accordance with SECTION 2.0. If this were a small spill, the local/company personnel may handle all aspects of the response. Among those actions would be to:      Conduct safety assessment and evacuate personnel as needed in accordance with SECTION 3.2 Direct facility responders to shut down ignition sources Direct facility personnel to position resources in accordance with SECTION 4.0 and SECTION 7.0 Complete spill report form provided in APPENDIX B Ensure regulatory agencies are notified 3. If this were a small or medium spill, the Qualified Individual/Incident Commander may elect for the First Responder to remain the Incident Commander or to activate selected portions of the Emergency Response Personnel. However, for a large spill, the Qualified Individual would assume the role of Incident Commander and would activate the entire Emergency Response Personnel in accordance with activation procedures described in SECTION 4.4. 4. The Incident Commander would then initiate spill assessment procedures including surveillance operations, trajectory calculations, and spill volume estimating in accordance with SECTIONS 4.2 and 4.3. April 2016 48 DAPL North Facility Response Plan 5. The Incident Commander would then utilize checklists in SECTION 4.0 as a reminder of issues to address. The primary focus would be to establish incident priorities and objectives and to brief staff accordingly. 6. The Emergency Response Personnel would develop the following plans, as appropriate (some of these plans may not be required during a small or medium spill): • Site Safety and Health • Site Security • Incident Action • Decontamination • Disposal • Demobilization 7. The response would continue until an appropriate level of cleanup is obtained. 7.2 Planning Volume Calculations Once the worst case discharge volume has been calculated, response resources must be identified to meet the requirements of 49 CFR 194.105(b). Calculations to determine sufficient amount of response equipment necessary to respond to a worst case discharge are described below. A demonstration of the planning volume calculations is provided below. DOT/PHMSA Portion of Pipeline/Facilities The worst case discharge (WCD) for the DOT portion of the pipeline and facilities, as defined in 49 CFR 194.105(b), as the largest volume of the following: 1. The pipeline’s maximum shut-down response time in hours (based on historic discharge data or in the absence of such data, the operators best estimate), multiplied by the maximum flow rate expressed in barrels per hour (based on the maximum daily capacity of the pipeline), plus the largest drainage volume after shutdown of the line section(s) in the response zone expressed in barrels; or 2. The largest foreseeable discharge for the line section(s) within a response zone, expressed in barrels (cubic meters), based on the maximum historic discharge, if one exists, adjusted for any subsequent corrective or preventative action taken; or 3. If the response zone contains one or more breakout tanks, the capacity of the single largest tank or battery of tanks within a single secondary containment system, adjusted for the capacity or size of the secondary containment system, expressed in barrels. April 2016 49 DAPL North Facility Response Plan Under PHMSA’s current policy, operators are allowed to reduce the worst case discharge volume derived from 49 CFR 194.105(b)(3) by no more than 75% if an operator is taking certain spill prevention measures for their breakout tanks and presents supporting information in the response plan. An operator can reduce the worst case discharge volume based on breakout tanks in the response zones as follows: TABLE 7-1 PHMSA PERCENT REDUCTION ALLOWED SPILL PREVENTION MEASURES PERCENT REDUCTION ALLOWED Secondary containment capacity greater than 100% capacity of tank and designed according to NFPA 30 50% Tank built, rebuilt, and repaired according to API Std 620/650/653 10% Automatic high-level alarms/shutdowns designed according to NFPA/API RP 2350 5% Testing/cathodic protection designed according to API Std 650/651/653 5% Tertiary containment/drainage/treatment per NFPA 30 5%* Maximum allowable credit or reduction 75% The worst case discharge is based on the largest volume of the three criteria given above. The Company has determined the worst case discharge of a catastrophic tank failure using the allowed reductions listed in Table 6-1 (70% reduction). All of the breakout tanks in the pipeline system are within adequate secondary containment, built according API Standard 650, have automatic high-level alarms/shutdowns designed according to NFPA/API RP 2350, testing/cathodic protection designed according to API Standard 650, therefore, the discharge volumes for the largest tank were determined by adjusting the total tank volume downward by 70% per the company guidelines. The line sections with the highest throughput and largest drainage volume between block valves on pump stations were chosen to calculate the pipeline worst case discharge. Although the entire discharge volume of each line was used for the worst case discharge, in an actual spill event, it would take days to drain the line completely. The line would be April 2016 50 DAPL North Facility Response Plan sealed early in the response effort. Considering the volume of release from a line break compared to that of historic discharge in each zone and to the volumes released from a tank failure, a tank failure was found to represent the worst case scenario. The maximum historic discharge is not applicable for WCD covered by this plan. Given below are the tank and pipeline WCD calculations for this plan. The largest tank volume is as follows: VOLUME (BBLS) LOCATION Johnsons Corner, ND 250,000 Johnsons Corner, ND 250,000 7.3 Worst Case Discharge Volume Calculations Tanks The worst case tank volume is calculated as follows: Largest Tank X Credit for Containment Tank Standards = Tank Standards Credit The Company has implemented all of the spill prevention measures listed on the previous page, except tertiary containment. Therefore, the percent reduction allowed for credit equals 70% and the worst case discharge volume in tanks is 30% of the total volume of the largest tank. 250,000 bbls X 0.30 = 75,000 bbls Pipelines The worst case discharge for the pipeline segment. WCD = [(DT + ST) x MF] + DD 25,174 = [(0.2) x 25,000] + 20,174 Where: WCD = worst case discharge (bbl) DT + ST = maximum detection time + maximum shut down time in adverse weather MF = maximum flow rate (bph) DD = drain down volume (bbl) April 2016 51 DAPL North Facility Response Plan WCD = 25,174 barrels located at Mile Post 294 in South Dakota. As detailed above, the discharges for the pipeline are less than discharges from the tanks; therefore, the DOT/PHMSA WCD volume for this plan is: 75,000 barrels. For planning purposes, an alternative worst case discharge volume has been calculated for the Missouri River crossing near Buford, ND and the Missouri River crossing near Cannon Ball, ND. The alternative worst case discharge volume calculated at each of these locations was compared to the worst case discharge volume, as calculated above, and determined to be significantly less. Therefore, the notification procedures and mitigation and response measures outlined in this plan are sufficient to respond to an alternative worst case discharge at the Missouri River crossings near Buford, ND and Cannon Ball, ND. 7.4 Product Characteristics and Hazards Pipeline systems described in this plan may transport various types of commodities including but not limited to: • Crude Oil The key chemical and physical characteristics of each of these oils and/or other small quantity products/chemicals are identified in TABLE 7-2, below. TABLE 7-2 CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS COMMON NAME SDS NAME Crude Oil Appropriate Product Name HEALTH FLASH SPECIAL HEALTH HAZARD REACTIVITY HAZARD POINT HAZARD WARNING STATEMENT 1 3 C, H2S Health Hazard 4 = Extremely Hazardous 3 = Hazardous 2 = Warning 1 = Slightly Hazardous 0 = No Unusual Hazard Special Hazard A = Asphyxiant Reactivity C = Contains Carcinogen Hazard W = Reacts with Water Y = Radiation Hazard COR = Corrosive OX = Oxidizer H2S = Hydrogen Sulfide P = Contents under Pressure T = Hot Material April 2016 Fire Hazard (Flash Point) 52 0 May Contain benzene, a carcinogen, or hydrogen sulfide, which is harmful if inhaled; flashpoint varies widely. 4 = Below 73° F, 22° C 3 = Below 100° F, 37° C 2 = Below 200° F, 93° C 1 = Above 200° F, 93° C 0 = Will not burn 4 = May Detonate at Room Temperature 3 = May Detonate with Heat or Shock 2 = Violent Chemical Change with High Temperature and Pressure 1 = Not Stable if Heated 0 = Stable DAPL North Facility Response Plan 8.0 RESPONSE ZONE MAPS AND ASSOCIATED REFERENCE MATERIAL 8.1 Map Overview Pipeline Sensitivity Maps are being developed to include in APPENDIX E. The District Overview map includes the entire DAPL North Response Zone and illustrates the eighteen (18) Pipeline Sensitivity Map locations. The pipeline sensitivity maps will indicate the locations of the worst case discharge, distance between each line section in the response zone, public drinking water intakes within 5 miles of any pipeline segment, and any potentially environmentally sensitive areas located within 1 mile of any pipeline segment. The following maps are included in this section: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • North Response Zone Overview Aberdeen Bismarck De Smet Eureka Gettysburg Glen Ullin Hazen Killdear Linton Mobridge Parshall Redfield Salem Sioux Falls Stanley Watertown Watford City Williston A Pipeline Map Feature Index Table, TABLE E-1, will be presented following the maps. The Pipeline Map Feature Index Table will provide an explanation of potentially sensitive areas that are numerically coded on the Pipeline Sensitivity Maps. April 2016 53 DAPL North Facility Response Plan 9.0 RESPONSE PLAN REVIEW AND UPDATE PROCEDURES 9.1 Facility Response Plan Review Guidelines In accordance with 49 CFR Part 194.121, this Plan will be reviewed annually and modified to address new or different operating conditions or information included in the Plan. Upon review of the response plan for each five-year period, revisions will be submitted to PHMSA provided the changes to the current plan are needed. If revisions are not needed, a current plan will be submitted to PHMSA. Company internal policy states that the Plan will be reviewed at least annually and modified as appropriate. Annual review of this Plan will be documented on the Certification of Annual Review. In the event the Company experiences a Worst Case Discharge, the effectiveness of the plan will be evaluated and updated as necessary. If a new or different operating condition or information would substantially affect the implementation of the Plan, the Company will modify the Plan to address such a change and, within 30 days of making such a change, submit the change to PHMSA. Changes to this Plan will be documented on the Record of Plan Changes, located at the beginning of the Plan. Examples of changes in operating conditions that would cause a significant change to the Plan include the following: CONDITIONS REQUIRING REVISIONS AND SUBMISSIONS • • • • • • Relocation or replacement of the transportation system in a way that substantially affects the information included in the Plan, such as a change to the Worst Case Discharge volume. A change in the type of oil handled, stored, or transferred that materially alters the required response resources. A change in key personnel (Qualified Individuals). A change in the name of the Oil Spill Removal Organization (OSRO). Any other changes that materially affect the implementation of the Plan. A change in the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan or Area Contingency Plan that has significant impact on the equipment appropriate for response activities. All requests for changes must be made through the Sr. Manager – Pipeline Operations and will be submitted to PHMSA by the Emergency Planning and Response Group. April 2016 54 DAPL North Facility Response Plan Appendix A- Cross Reference Matrix Appendix A TABLE A - DOT/PHMSA CROSS REFERENCE MATRIX OPA 90 REQUIREMENTS (49 CFR 194) LOCATION Information Summary • For the core plan: • • • TABLE 1-1 For each Response Zone which contains one or more line sections that meet the criteria for determining significant and substantial harm (§194.103), listing and description of Response Zones, including county(s) and state(s) TABLE 1-1 For each Response Zone appendix: • Information summary for core plan • QI names and telephone numbers, available on 24-hr basis Description of Response Zone, including county(s) and state(s) in which a worst case discharge could cause substantial harm to the environment List of line sections contained in Response Zone, identified by milepost or survey station or other operator designation Basis for operator’s determination of significant and substantial harm • • • • • Name and address of operator SECTION 1.2 The type of oil and volume of the worst case discharge Certification that the operator has obtained, through contract or other approved means, the necessary private personnel and equipment to respond, to the maximum extent practicable, to a worst case discharge or threat of such discharge TABLE 1-1 TABLE 1-1, TABLE 1-2 TABLE 1-2 TABLE 1-2 TABLE 1-2, TABLE 7-2 SECTION 1.3 Notification Procedures • • • Notification requirements that apply in each area of operation of pipelines covered by the plan, including applicable state or local requirements Checklist of notifications the operator or Qualified Individual is required to make under the response plan, listed in the order of priority Name of persons (individuals or organizations) to be notified of discharge, indicating whether notification is to be performed by operating personnel or other personnel • Procedures for notifying Qualified Individuals • Primary and secondary communication methods by which notifications can be made July 2012 1 SECTION 2.0 TABLE 2-3, TABLE 2-4 SECTION 2.1, TABLE 2-3, TABLE 2-4 SECTION 2.1, TABLE 2-1 TABLE 2-3 PHMSA Facility Response Plan – Central Texas Response Zone – Appendix A Appendix A OPA 90 REQUIREMENTS (49 CFR 194) • Information to be provided in the initial and each follow-up notification, including the following: • Name of pipeline • Time of discharge • Location of discharge • Name of oil recovered • Reason for discharge (e.g. material failure, excavation damage, corrosion) • Estimated volume of oil discharged • Weather conditions on scene • Actions taken or planned by persons on scene LOCATION SECTION 2.2 Spill Detection and On-Scene Spill Mitigation Procedures • • • SECTION 3.1 Methods of initial discharge detection Procedures, listed in order of priority, that personnel are required to follow in responding to a pipeline emergency to mitigate or prevent any discharge from the pipeline List of equipment that may be needed in response activities based on land and navigable waters including: • Transfer hoses and pumps • Portable pumps and ancillary equipment • Facilities available to transport and receive oil from a leaking pipeline • Identification of the availability, location, and contact phone numbers to obtain equipment for response activities on a 24-hour basis • Identification of personnel and their location, telephone numbers, and responsibilities for use of equipment in response activities on a 24-hour basis SECTION 3.2, TABLE 3-1 SECTION 3.3, APPENDIX C Response Activities • • • • July 2012 Responsibilities of, and actions to be taken by, operating personnel to initiate and supervise response actions pending the arrival of the Qualified Individual or other response resources identified in the response plan Qualified Individual’s responsibilities and authority, including notification of the response resources identified in the response plan Procedures for coordinating the actions of the operator or Qualified Individual with the action of the OSC responsible for monitoring or directing those actions Oil spill response organizations (OSRO) available through contract or other approved means, to respond to a worst case discharge to the maximum extent practicable 2 SECTION 4.1, TABLE 4-1 SECTION 4.1, TABLE 4-1 TABLE 4-1 TABLE 2-5, APPENDIX C PHMSA Facility Response Plan – Central Texas Response Zone – Appendix A Appendix A OPA 90 REQUIREMENTS (49 CFR 194) • For each organization identified under paragraph (d), a listing of: • Equipment and supplies available • Trained personnel necessary to continue operation of the equipment and staff the oil spill removal organization for the first seven days of the response LOCATION APPENDIX C List of Contacts • List of persons the Plan requires the operator to contact TABLE 1-1, TABLE 2-3 • Qualified individuals for the operator areas of operation TABLE 1-1 • Applicable insurance representatives or surveyors for the operator’s areas of operation Persons or organizations to notify for activation of response resources TABLE 1-1 • TABLE 2-1, TABLE 2-2, TABLE 2-4, TABLE 2-5 Training Procedures • Description of training procedures and programs of the operations SECTION 6.0, TABLE 6-2 Drill Procedures (Section 7) • • TABLE 6-2, APPENDIX H Announced and unannounced drills Types of drills and their frequencies; for example: • • • • • Manned pipeline emergency procedures and qualified individual notification drills conducted quarterly Drills involving emergency actions by assigned operating or maintenance personnel and notification of qualified individual on pipeline facilities which are normally unmanned, conducted quarterly Shore-based spill management team (SMT) tabletop drills conducted yearly Oil spill removal organization field equipment deployment drills conducted yearly A drill that exercises entire response plan for each Response Zone, would be conducted at least once every three years TABLE 6-2, APPENDIX H Response Plan Review and Update Procedures • • Procedures to meet §194.121 SECTION 9.1 Procedures to review plan after a worst case discharge and to evaluate and record the plan’s effectiveness SECTION 9.1 Response Zone Appendices July 2012 3 PHMSA Facility Response Plan – Central Texas Response Zone – Appendix A Appendix A • Name and telephone number of the qualified individual • Notification procedures SECTION 2.0 OPA 90 REQUIREMENTS (49 CFR 194) • • • TABLE 1-1 LOCATION SECTION 3.0 Spill detection and mitigation procedures Name, address, and telephone number of oil spill response organizations Response activities and response resources including— TABLE 2-5 • • • • • • • July 2012 Equipment and supplies necessary to meet §194.115, and • The trained personnel necessary to sustain operation of the equipment and to staff the oil spill removal organization and spill management team for the first 7 days of the response Names and telephone numbers of Federal, state and local agencies which the operator expects to assume pollution response responsibilities TABLE 2-5, APPENDIX C TABLE 2-3, TABLE 2-4 SECTION 7.0, TABLE 1-2 The worst case discharge volume The method used to determine the worst case discharge volume, with calculations A map that clearly shows: • Location of worst case discharge • Distance between each line section in the Response Zone: • Each potentially affected public drinking water intake, lake, river, and stream within a radius of five miles of the line section • Each potentially affected environmentally sensitive area within a radius of one mile of the line section Piping diagram and plan-profile drawing of each line section; (may be kept separate from the response plan if the location is identified) For every oil transported by each pipeline in the response zone, emergency response data that: • Include name, description, physical and chemical characteristics, health and safety hazards, and initial spill handling and firefighting methods • Meet 29 CFR 1910.1200 or 49 CFR 172.602 4 SECTION 7.3 APPENDIX E APPENDIX E SECTION 7.4, TABLE 7-2 PHMSA Facility Response Plan – Central Texas Response Zone – Appendix A Appendix B- Notifications D R AF T • DOT Reporting Form • North Dakota Reporting Guidelines • South Dakota Reporting Guidelines NOTICE: This report is required by 49 CFR Part 195. Failure to report can result in a civil penalty not to exceed $100,000 for each violation for each day that such violation persists except that the maximum civil penalty shall not exceed $1,000,000 as provided in 49 USC 60122. OMB NO: 2137-0047 EXPIRATION DATE: 7/31/2015 Report Date ACCIDENT REPORT – HAZARDOUS LIQUID PIPELINE SYSTEMS U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration No. (DOT Use Only) A federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act unless that collection of information displays a current valid OMB Control Number. The OMB Control Number for this information collection is 2137-0047. Public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to be approximately 10 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. All responses to this collection of information are mandatory. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: Information Collection Clearance Officer, PHMSA, Office of Pipeline Safety (PHP-30) 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, D.C. 20590. INSTRUCTIONS Important: Please read the separate instructions for completing this form before you begin. They clarify the information requested and provide specific examples. If you do not have a copy of the instructions, you can obtain one from the PHMSA Pipeline Safety Community Web Page at PART A – KEY REPORT INFORMATION Report Type: (select all that apply)  Original  Supplemental  Final 1. Operator’s OPS-issued Operator Identification Number (OPID): / / / / / / 2. Name of Operator: ______________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Address of Operator: 3.a _______________________________________________________________________ (Street Address) 3.b ___________________________________________________ / 3.d Zip Code: / / / / / / - / / / / / AF / T (City) 3.c State: / 4. Local time (24-hr clock) and date of the Accident: / / / / / / Hour / / / Month 5. Location of Accident: Latitude: / / / . / / Longitude: - / / / / . / / / 6. National Response Center Report Number (if applicable): / Day / / / / / / / / / Year 7. Local time (24-hr clock) and date of initial telephonic report to the National Response Center (if applicable): / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Hour / / / Month / Day / / / / Year R 8. Commodity released: (select only one, based on predominant volume released)  Crude Oil D  Refined and/or Petroleum Product (non-HVL) which is a Liquid at Ambient Conditions  Gasoline (non-Ethanol)  Diesel, Fuel Oil, Kerosene, Jet Fuel  Mixture of Refined Products (transmix or other mixture)  Other  Name: __________________________________  HVL or Other Flammable or Toxic Fluid which is a Gas at Ambient Conditions  Anhydrous Ammonia  LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) / NGL (Natural Gas Liquid)  Other HVL  Name: _______________________________  CO 2 (Carbon Dioxide)  Biofuel / Alternative Fuel (including ethanol blends)  Fuel Grade Ethanol  Biodiesel  Blend (e.g. B2, B20, B100): B/___/___/___/ 9. Estimated volume of commodity released unintentionally:  Ethanol Blend  % Ethanol: /___/___/  Other  Name: _______________________ / / / /,/ / / /./ / / Barrels 10. Estimated volume of intentional and/or controlled release/blowdown: (only reported for HVL and CO 2 Commodities) / / / /,/ / / /./ / / Barrels 11. Estimated volume of commodity recovered: / / / /,/ / / /./ / / Barrels Form PHMSA F 7000-1 (rev 7-2014) Page 1 of 17 Reproduction of this form is permitted 12. Were there fatalities?  Yes  No If Yes, specify the number in each category: 13. Were there injuries requiring inpatient hospitalization? If Yes, specify the number in each category:  Yes  No 12.a Operator employees / / / / / 13.a Operator employees / / / / / 12.b Contractor employees working for the Operator / / / / / 13.b Contractor employees working for the Operator / / / / / 12.c Non-Operator emergency responders / / / / / 13.c Non-Operator emergency responders / / / / / / / / / / 12.d Workers working on the right-of-way, but NOT associated with this Operator / / / / / 13.d Workers working on the right-of-way, but NOT associated with this Operator 12.e General public / / / / / 13.e General public / / / / / 12.f Total fatalities (sum of above) / / / / / 13.f Total injuries (sum of above) / / / / / 14. Was the pipeline/facility shut down due to the Accident?  Yes  No  Explain: ______________________________________________________________________________ If Yes, complete Questions 14.a and 14.b: (use local time, 24-hr clock) 14.a Local time and date of shutdown / / / / / / / Hour 14.b Local time pipeline/facility restarted / / / / / /  Yes  No 16. Did the commodity explode?  Yes  No 17. Number of general public evacuated: / / / /,/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Hour 18.b Local time Operator resources arrived on site / / / Day  Still shut down* / (*Supplemental Report required) Year AF / / / 18. Time sequence: (use local time, 24-hour clock) 18.a Local time Operator identified failure / Year / Month / / Day T Hour 15. Did the commodity ignite? / Month / / / / / / / Month / / / / Day / / Day / Year / / / / Year D R Hour / Month Form PHMSA F 7000-1 (rev 7-2014) Page 2 of 17 Reproduction of this form is permitted PART B – ADDITIONAL LOCATION INFORMATION *1. Was the origin of the Accident onshore?  Yes (Complete Questions 2-12)  No (Complete Questions 13-15) If Onshore: 2. State: / If Offshore: / / 3. Zip Code: / / 13. Approximate water depth (ft.) at the point of the Accident: / / / / - / 4._______________________ / / / / 5_______________________ City County or Parish 6. Operator-designated location: (select only one)  Milepost/Valve Station (specify in shaded area below) / / /,/ / / Area: ___________________ Block/Tract #: /___/___/___/___/ Nearest County/Parish: ________________  On the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) 8. Segment name/ID: __________________________________  Specify: Area: ___________________ 9. Was Accident on Federal land, other than the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS)?  Yes  No or migrated off the property  Pipeline right-of-way 11. Area of Accident (as found): (select only one) / Shoreline/Bank crossing or shore approach Below water, pipe buried or jetted below seabed Below water, pipe on or above seabed Splash Zone of riser Portion of riser outside of Splash Zone, including riser bend Platform  AF  Tank, including attached appurtenances  Underground  Specify:  Under soil  Under a building  Under pavement  Exposed due to excavation  In underground enclosed space (e.g., vault)  Other ____________________________      T  Totally contained on Operator-controlled property  Originated on Operator-controlled property, but then flowed / Block #: /___/___/___/___/ 15. Area of Accident: (select only one) 10. Location of Accident: (select only one) /,/ /  In State waters  Specify: State: / /___/___/___/___/___/___/___/___/___/___/___/___/___/ Depth-of-Cover (in): / / 14. Origin of Accident:  Survey Station No. (specify in shaded area below) 7. Pipeline/Facility name: _______________________________ / / D R  Aboveground  Specify:  Typical aboveground facility piping or appurtenance  Overhead crossing  In or spanning an open ditch  Inside a building  Inside other enclosed space  Other ____________________________  Transition Area  Specify:  Soil/air interface  Wall sleeve  Pipe support or other close contact area  Other _________________________ 12. Did Accident occur in a crossing?:  Yes  No If Yes, specify type below:  Bridge crossing  Specify:  Cased  Uncased  Railroad crossing  (select all that apply)  Cased  Uncased  Bored/drilled  Road crossing  (select all that apply)  Cased  Uncased  Bored/drilled  Water crossing  Uncased  Specify:  Cased Name of body of water, if commonly known: _____________________________________ Approx. water depth (ft) at the point of the Accident: / /,/ / / / (select only one of the following)  Shoreline/Bank crossing  Below water, pipe in bored/drilled crossing  Below water, pipe buried below bottom (NOT in bored/drilled crossing)  Below water, pipe on or above bottom Form PHMSA F 7000-1 (rev 7-2014) Page 3 of 17 Reproduction of this form is permitted PART C – ADDITIONAL FACILITY INFORMATION 1. Is the pipeline or facility:  Interstate  Intrastate 2. Part of system involved in Accident: (select only one)  Onshore Breakout Tank or Storage Vessel, Including Attached Appurtenances   Atmospheric or Low Pressure  Pressurized       Onshore Terminal/Tank Farm Equipment and Piping Onshore Equipment and Piping Associated with Belowground Storage Onshore Pump/Meter Station Equipment and Piping Onshore Pipeline, Including Valve Sites Offshore Platform/Deepwater Port, Including Platform-mounted Equipment and Piping Offshore Pipeline, Including Riser and Riser Bend 3. Item involved in Accident: (select only one)  Pipe  Specify:  Pipe Body  Pipe Seam 3.a Nominal diameter of pipe (in): / / /./ 3.b Wall thickness (in): / / / / /./ / / / 3.c SMYS (Specified Minimum Yield Strength) of pipe (psi): / / / /,/ / / / 3.d Pipe specification: _____________________________  Specify:  Longitudinal ERW - High Frequency  Longitudinal ERW - Low Frequency  Longitudinal ERW – Unknown Frequency  Spiral Welded ERW  Spiral Welded SAW  Lap Welded  Seamless  Single SAW  DSAW  Flash Welded  Continuous Welded  Furnace Butt Welded  Spiral Welded DSAW  Other ________________________ T 3.e Pipe Seam AF 3.f Pipe manufacturer: _______________________________ 3.g Year of manufacture: / / / / / 3.h Pipeline coating type at point of Accident  Fusion Bonded Epoxy  Specify:  Coal Tar  Asphalt  Polyolefin  Extruded Polyethylene  Field Applied Epoxy  Cold Applied Tape  Paint  Composite  None  Other _______________________________  Weld, including heat-affected zone  Specify:  Pipe Girth Weld  Other Butt Weld  Fillet Weld  Other_____________  Valve R If Pipe Girth Weld is selected, complete items 3.a. through h. above. If the values differ on either side of the girth weld, enter one value in 3.a. through h. and list the different value(s) in Part H - Narrative Description of the Accident.  Mainline  Specify:  Butterfly  Check  Gate  Plug  Other __________________________  Ball  Globe              D 3.i Mainline valve manufacturer: ______________________________ 3.j Year of manufacture: / / / / /  Relief Valve  Auxiliary or Other Valve Pump Meter/Prover Scraper/Pig Trap Sump/Separator Repair Sleeve or Clamp Hot Tap Equipment Stopple Fitting Flange Relief Line Auxiliary Piping (e.g. drain lines) Tubing Instrumentation Tank/Vessel  Specify:  Single Bottom System  Roof/Roof Seal  Appurtenance  Other ___________________________________ 4. Year item involved in Accident was installed: / /  Double Bottom System  Tank Shell  Chime  Roof Drain System  Mixer  Pressure Vessel Head or Wall  Other ________________________________ / / / Form PHMSA F 7000-1 (rev 7-2014) Page 4 of 17 Reproduction of this form is permitted 5. Material involved in Accident: (select only one)  Carbon Steel  Material other than Carbon Steel  Specify: ____________________________________________ 6. Type of Accident involved: (select only one)  Mechanical Puncture  Approx. size: /__/__/__/__/./__/in. (axial) by /__/__/__/__/./__/in. (circumferential)  Leak  Select Type:  Pinhole  Crack  Rupture  Select Orientation:  Circumferential  Connection Failure  Seal or Packing  Other  Longitudinal  Other ________________________________ Approx. size: /__/__/__/__/./__/ in. (widest opening) by /__/__/__/__/__/./__/in. (length circumferentially or axially)  Overfill or Overflow  Other  Describe: _______________________________________________________________________________________ PART D – ADDITIONAL CONSEQUENCE INFORMATION 1. Wildlife impact:  Yes  No 1.a If Yes, specify all that apply:  Fish/aquatic  Birds  Terrestrial  Yes  No  Yes  No 4. Anticipated remediation:  Yes  No (not needed) 4.a If Yes, specify all that apply:  Surface water  Groundwater  Soil  Yes 5.a Specify all that apply:  Ocean/Seawater  Surface  Groundwater  Drinking water   Vegetation  (Complete 5.a – 5.c below)  Wildlife  No AF 5. Water contamination: T 2. Soil contamination: 3. Long term impact assessment performed or planned: (Select one or both)  Private Well  Public Water Intake 5.b Estimated amount released in or reaching water: / / / /,/ / /___/./___/___/ Barrels R 5.c Name of body of water, if commonly known: __________________________________________ 6. At the location of this Accident, had the pipeline segment or facility been identified as one that “could affect” a High Consequence Area (HCA) as determined in the Operator’s Integrity Management Program?  Yes  No 7. Did the released commodity reach or occur in one or more High Consequence Area (HCA)?  Yes  No D 7.a If Yes, specify HCA type(s): (select all that apply)  Commercially Navigable Waterway Was this HCA identified in the “could affect” determination for this Accident site in the Operator’s Integrity Management Program?  Yes  No  High Population Area Was this HCA identified in the “could affect” determination for this Accident site in the Operator’s Integrity Management Program?  Yes  No  Other Populated Area Was this HCA identified in the “could affect” determination for this Accident site in the Operator’s Integrity Management Program?  Yes  No  Unusually Sensitive Area (USA) – Drinking Water Was this HCA identified in the “could affect” determination for this Accident site in the Operator’s Integrity Management Program?  Yes  No  Unusually Sensitive Area (USA) – Ecological Was this HCA identified in the “could affect” determination for this Accident site in the Operator’s Integrity Management Program?  Yes  No Form PHMSA F 7000-1 (rev 7-2014) Page 5 of 17 Reproduction of this form is permitted 8. Estimated Property Damage: 8.a Estimated cost of public and non-Operator private property damage $/ / / /,/ / / /,/ / / / 8.b Estimated cost of commodity lost $/ / / /,/ / / /,/ / / / 8.c Estimated cost of Operator’s property damage & repairs $/ / / /,/ / / /,/ / / / 8.d Estimated cost of Operator’s emergency response $/ / / /,/ / / /,/ / / / 8.e Estimated cost of Operator’s environmental remediation $/ / / /,/ / / /,/ / / / 8.f Estimated other costs $/ / / /,/ / / /,/ / / / /,/ / / / Describe ___________________________________________________ 8.g Total estimated property damage (sum of above) $/ / / /,/ / / 1. Estimated pressure at the point and time of the Accident (psig): / / /,/ / / / 2. Maximum Operating Pressure (MOP) at the point and time of the Accident (psig) : / / /,/ / / / PART E – ADDITIONAL OPERATING INFORMATION 3. Describe the pressure on the system or facility relating to the Accident: (select only one)  Pressure did not exceed MOP  Pressure exceeded MOP, but did not exceed 110% of MOP  Pressure exceeded 110% of MOP 4. Not including pressure reductions required by PHMSA regulations (such as for repairs and pipe movement), was the system or facility relating to the Accident operating under an established pressure restriction with pressure limits below those normally allowed by the MOP?  (Complete 4.a and 4.b below) T  No  Yes  Yes  No 4.b Was this pressure restriction mandated by PHMSA or the State?  PHMSA  State AF 4.a Did the pressure exceed this established pressure restriction?  Not mandated 5. Was “Onshore Pipeline, Including Valve Sites” OR “Offshore Pipeline, Including Riser and Riser Bend” selected in PART C, Question 2?  No  Yes  (Complete 5.a – 5.e below)  Manual  Automatic  Remotely Controlled 5.b Type of downstream valve used to initially isolate release source:  Manual  Automatic  Check Valve  Remotely Controlled R 5.a Type of upstream valve used to initially isolate release source: 5.c Length of segment initially isolated between valves (ft): / / / /,/ / / / 5.d Is the pipeline configured to accommodate internal inspection tools? D  Yes  No  Which physical features limit tool accommodation? (select all that apply)  Changes in line pipe diameter  Presence of unsuitable mainline valves  Tight or mitered pipe bends  Other passage restrictions (i.e. unbarred tee’s, projecting instrumentation, etc.)  Extra thick pipe wall (applicable only for magnetic flux leakage internal inspection tools)  Other  Describe:__________________________________________________________________ 5.e For this pipeline, are there operational factors which significantly complicate the execution of an internal inspection tool run?  No  Yes  Which operational factors complicate execution?      (select all that apply) Excessive debris or scale, wax, or other wall build-up Low operating pressure(s) Low flow or absence of flow Incompatible commodity Other  Describe:__________________________________________________________________ 5.f Function of pipeline system: (select only one)  > 20% SMYS Regulated Trunkline/Transmission  ≤ 20% SMYS Regulated Trunkline/Transmission  > 20% SMYS Regulated Gathering  ≤ 20% SMYS Regulated Gathering Form PHMSA F 7000-1 (rev 7-2014) Page 6 of 17 Reproduction of this form is permitted 6. Was a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)-based system in place on the pipeline or facility involved in the Accident?  No  Yes  6.a Was it operating at the time of the Accident?  Yes  No  Yes  No 6.b Was it fully functional at the time of the Accident? 6.c Did SCADA-based information (such as alarm(s), alert(s), event(s), and/or volume calculations) assist with the detection of the Accident?  Yes  No 6.d Did SCADA-based information (such as alarm(s), alert(s), event(s), and/or volume calculations) assist with the confirmation of the Accident?  Yes  No 7. Was a CPM leak detection system in place on the pipeline or facility involved in the Accident?  No  Yes   Yes 7.a Was it operating at the time of the Accident?  No  Yes  No 7.b Was it fully functional at the time of the Accident? 7.c Did CPM leak detection system information (such as alarm(s), alert(s), event(s), and/or volume calculations) assist with the detection of the Accident?  Yes  No 7.d Did CPM leak detection system information (such as alarm(s), alert(s), event(s), and/or volume calculations) assist with the confirmation of the Accident?  Yes  No 8. How was the Accident initially identified for the Operator? (select only one) T  CPM leak detection system or SCADA-based information (such as alarm(s), alert(s), event(s), and/or volume calculations)  Static Shut-in Test or Other Pressure or Leak Test  Controller  Local Operating Personnel, including contractors  Air Patrol  Ground Patrol by Operator or its contractor  Notification from Public  Notification from Emergency Responder  Notification from Third Party that caused the Accident  Other _________________________________________________ 8.a If “Controller”, “Local Operating Personnel, including contractors”, “Air Patrol”, or “Ground Patrol by Operator or its contractor” is selected in Question 8, specify the following: (select only one)  Contractor working for the Operator AF  Operator employee 9. Was an investigation initiated into whether or not the controller(s) or control room issues were the cause of or a contributing factor to the Accident? (select only one) D R  Yes, but the investigation of the control room and/or controller actions has not yet been completed by the Operator (Supplemental Report required)  No, the facility was not monitored by a controller(s) at the time of the Accident  No, the Operator did not find that an investigation of the controller(s) actions or control room issues was necessary due to: (provide an explanation for why the Operator did not investigate) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________  Yes, specify investigation result(s): (select all that apply)  Investigation reviewed work schedule rotations, continuous hours of service (while working for the Operator) and other factors associated with fatigue  Investigation did NOT review work schedule rotations, continuous hours of service (while working for the Operator) and other factors associated with fatigue (provide an explanation for why not) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________  Investigation identified no control room issues  Investigation identified no controller issues  Investigation identified incorrect controller action or controller error  Investigation identified that fatigue may have affected the controller(s) involved or impacted the involved controller(s) response  Investigation identified incorrect procedures  Investigation identified incorrect control room equipment operation  Investigation identified maintenance activities that affected control room operations, procedures, and/or controller response  Investigation identified areas other than those above  Describe: ___________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Form PHMSA F 7000-1 (rev 7-2014) Page 7 of 17 Reproduction of this form is permitted PART F – DRUG & ALCOHOL TESTING INFORMATION 1. As a result of this Accident, were any Operator employees tested under the post-accident drug and alcohol testing requirements of DOT’s Drug & Alcohol Testing regulations?  No  Yes  *1.a Specify how many were tested: / / / *1.b Specify how many failed: / / / 2. As a result of this Accident, were any Operator contractor employees tested under the post-accident drug and alcohol testing requirements of DOT’s Drug & Alcohol Testing regulations?  No  Yes  *2.a Specify how many were tested: *2.b Specify how many failed: PART G – APPARENT CAUSE / / / / / / Select only one box from PART G in the shaded column on the left representing the APPARENT Cause of the Accident, and answer the questions on the right. Describe secondary, contributing, or root causes of the Accident in the narrative (PART H). G1 - Corrosion Failure – *only one sub-cause can be picked from shaded left-hand column  External Corrosion 1. Results of visual examination:  Localized Pitting  General Corrosion  Other _______________________________________________ T 2. Type of corrosion: (select all that apply)  Galvanic  Atmospheric  Stray Current  Microbiological  Other ________________________________________________  Selective Seam AF 3. The type(s) of corrosion selected in Question 2 is based on the following: (select all that apply)  Field examination  Determined by metallurgical analysis  Other _____________________________________________________________ 4. Was the failed item buried under the ground?  Yes  4.a Was failed item considered to be under cathodic protection at the time of the Accident?  Yes  Year protection started: / / / / / R  No D 4.b Was shielding, tenting, or disbonding of coating evident at the point of the Accident?  Yes  No  No  4.c Has one or more Cathodic Protection Survey been conducted at the point of the Accident?  Yes, CP Annual Survey  Most recent year conducted: / / /  Yes, Close Interval Survey  Most recent year conducted: /  Yes, Other CP Survey  Most recent year conducted: /  No 4.d Was the failed item externally coated or painted? / / / / / / / / / /  Yes  No 5. Was there observable damage to the coating or paint in the vicinity of the corrosion?  Yes  No Form PHMSA F 7000-1 (rev 7-2014) Page 8 of 17 Reproduction of this form is permitted  Internal Corrosion 6. Results of visual examination:  Localized Pitting  General Corrosion  Not cut open  Other _______________________________________________ 7. Cause of corrosion: (select all that apply)  Corrosive Commodity  Water drop-out/Acid  Microbiological  Other ________________________________________________  Erosion 8. The cause(s) of corrosion selected in Question 7 is based on the following: (select all that apply)  Field examination  Determined by metallurgical analysis  Other _____________________________________________ 9. Location of corrosion: (select all that apply)  Low point in pipe  Elbow  Other_____________________________________ 10. Was the commodity treated with corrosion inhibitors or biocides? 11. Was the interior coated or lined with protective coating?  Yes  No  Yes  No 12. Were cleaning/dewatering pigs (or other operations) routinely utilized?  Not applicable - Not mainline pipe  Yes  No 13. Were corrosion coupons routinely utilized?  Not applicable - Not mainline pipe  Yes  No Complete the following if any Corrosion Failure sub-cause is selected AND the “Item Involved in Accident” (from PART C, Question 3) is Tank/Vessel. / / / / / / / / / /  No Out-of-Service Inspection completed  No In-Service Inspection completed T 14. List the year of the most recent inspections: 14.a API Std 653 Out-of-Service Inspection 14.b API Std 653 In-Service Inspection AF Complete the following if any Corrosion Failure sub-cause is selected AND the “Item Involved in Accident” (from PART C, Question 3) is Pipe or Weld. 15. Has one or more internal inspection tool collected data at the point of the Accident?  Yes  No 15.a. If Yes, for each tool used, select type of internal inspection tool and indicate most recent year run: / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / R  Magnetic Flux Leakage Tool  Ultrasonic  Geometry  Caliper  Crack  Hard Spot  Combination Tool  Transverse Field/Triaxial  Other __________________________ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / D / / 16. Has one or more hydrotest or other pressure test been conducted since original construction at the point of the Accident?  Yes  Most recent year tested: / / / / / Test pressure (psig): / / / / / /  No 17. Has one or more Direct Assessment been conducted on this segment?  Yes, and an investigative dig was conducted at the point of the Accident  Yes, but the point of the Accident was not identified as a dig site  No  Most recent year conducted:  Most recent year conducted: / / / / / / / / / / 18. Has one or more non-destructive examination been conducted at the point of the Accident since January 1, 2002?  Yes  No 18.a If Yes, for each examination conducted since January 1, 2002, select type of non-destructive examination and indicate most recent year the examination was conducted:  Radiography  Guided Wave Ultrasonic  Handheld Ultrasonic Tool  Wet Magnetic Particle Test  Dry Magnetic Particle Test  Other __________________________ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Form PHMSA F 7000-1 (rev 7-2014) Page 9 of 17 Reproduction of this form is permitted G2 - Natural Force Damage - *only one sub-cause can be picked from shaded left-hand column  Earth Movement, NOT due to 1. Specify:  Earthquake  Subsidence  Landslide  Other ____________________  Heavy Rains/Floods 2. Specify:  Washout/Scouring  Flotation  Mudslide  Other _________________  Lightning 3. Specify:  Direct hit  Temperature 4. Specify:  Thermal Stress  Frozen Components Heavy Rains/Floods  Secondary impact such as resulting nearby fires  Frost Heave  Other ________________________________  High Winds  Other Natural Force Damage 5. Describe: _________________________________________________ Complete the following if any Natural Force Damage sub-cause is selected.  Yes 6. Were the natural forces causing the Accident generated in conjunction with an extreme weather event? 6.a If Yes, specify: (select all that apply)  No  Hurricane  Tropical Storm  Tornado  Other ______________________________ G3 – Excavation Damage - *only one sub-cause can be picked from shaded left-hand column T  Excavation Damage by Operator  Excavation Damage by Operator’s Contractor (Second Party)  Excavation Damage by Third Party  Previous Damage due to Excavation Activity AF (First Party) Complete Questions 1-5 ONLY IF the “Item Involved in Accident” (from PART C, Question 3) is Pipe or Weld. R 1. Has one or more internal inspection tool collected data at the point of the Accident?  Yes  No D 1.a If Yes, for each tool used, select type of internal inspection tool and indicate most recent year run:  Magnetic Flux Leakage  Ultrasonic  Geometry  Caliper  Crack  Hard Spot  Combination Tool  Transverse Field/Triaxial  Other _____________________ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 2. Do you have reason to believe that the internal inspection was completed BEFORE the damage was sustained?  Yes  No 3. Has one or more hydrotest or other pressure test been conducted since original construction at the point of the Accident?  Yes  Most recent year tested: Test pressure (psig): / / / / / /, / / / / / /  No 4. Has one or more Direct Assessment been conducted on the pipeline segment?  Yes, and an investigative dig was conducted at the point of the Accident  Most recent year conducted: / / / / /  Yes, but the point of the Accident was not identified as a dig site  Most recent year conducted: / / / / /  No Form PHMSA F 7000-1 (rev 7-2014) Page 10 of 17 Reproduction of this form is permitted 5. Has one or more non-destructive examination been conducted at the point of the Accident since January 1, 2002?  Yes  No 5.a If Yes, for each examination conducted since January 1, 2002, select type of nondestructive examination and indicate most recent year the examination was conducted:  Radiography  Guided Wave Ultrasonic  Handheld Ultrasonic Tool  Wet Magnetic Particle Test  Dry Magnetic Particle Test  Other __________________________ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Complete the following if Excavation Damage by Third Party is selected as the sub-cause. 6. Did the Operator get prior notification of the excavation activity? 6.a If Yes, Notification received from: (select all that apply)  Yes  No  One-Call System  Excavator  Contractor  Landowner Complete the following mandatory CGA-DIRT Program questions if any Excavation Damage sub-cause is selected. Yes 7. Do you want PHMSA to upload the following information to CGA-DIRT (  No 8. Right-of-Way where event occurred: (select all that apply)  Public  Specify:  City Street  State Highway  County Road  Interstate Highway  Private  Specify:  Private Landowner  Private Business  Private Easement  Pipeline Property/Easement  Power/Transmission Line  Railroad  Dedicated Public Utility Easement  Federal Land  Data not collected  Unknown/Other 9. Type of excavator: (select only one)  Contractor  Railroad  County  State AF T  Other  Developer  Utility  Farmer  Municipality  Data not collected  Occupant  Unknown/Other 10. Type of excavation equipment: (select only one)  Backhoe/Trackhoe  Farm Equipment  Trencher  Boring  Grader/Scraper  Vacuum Equipment R  Auger  Explosives  Probing Device  Drilling  Directional Drilling  Hand Tools  Milling Equipment  Data not collected  Unknown/Other 11. Type of work performed: (select only one)  Cable TV  Curb/Sidewalk  Driveway  Electric  Irrigation  Landscaping  Pole  Public Transit Authority  Site Development  Steam Traffic Signal  Traffic Sign  Unknown/Other  Building Construction  Engineering/Surveying  Liquid Pipeline  Railroad Maintenance  Storm Drain/Culvert  Water D  Agriculture  Drainage  Grading  Natural Gas  Sewer (Sanitary/Storm)  Telecommunications  Data not collected 12. Was the One-Call Center notified?  Yes *12.a If Yes, specify ticket number: / /  Building Demolition  Fencing  Milling  Road Work Street Light  Waterway Improvement  No / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / *12.b If this is a State where more than a single One-Call Center exists, list the name of the One-Call Center notified: _____________________________________________________________ 13. Type of Locator:  Utility Owner  Contract Locator  Data not collected  Unknown/Other  No  Data not collected  Unknown/Other 14. Were facility locate marks visible in the area of excavation?  No 15. Were facilities marked correctly? 16. Did the damage cause an interruption in service? 16.a If Yes, specify duration of the interruption:  No  Yes  Yes  Yes  Data not collected  Data not collected  Unknown/Other  Unknown/Other /___/___/___/___/ hours Form PHMSA F 7000-1 (rev 7-2014) Page 11 of 17 Reproduction of this form is permitted 17. Description of the CGA-DIRT Root Cause (select only the one predominant first level CGA-DIRT Root Cause and then, where available as a choice, the one predominant second level CGA-DIRT Root Cause as well):  One-Call Notification Practices Not Sufficient: (select only one)  No notification made to the One-Call Center  Notification to One-Call Center made, but not sufficient  Wrong information provided  Locating Practices Not Sufficient: (select only one)  Facility could not be found/located  Facility marking or location not sufficient  Facility was not located or marked  Incorrect facility records/maps  Excavation Practices Not Sufficient: (select only one)  Excavation practices not sufficient (other)  Failure to maintain clearance  Failure to maintain the marks  Failure to support exposed facilities  Failure to use hand tools where required  Failure to verify location by test-hole (pot-holing)  Improper backfilling  One-Call Notification Center Error T  Abandoned Facility  Deteriorated Facility  Data Not Collected AF  Previous Damage  Other / None of the Above (explain)____________________________________________________________________ D R ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Form PHMSA F 7000-1 (rev 7-2014) Page 12 of 17 Reproduction of this form is permitted G4 - Other Outside Force Damage - *only one sub-cause can be picked from shaded left-hand column  Nearby Industrial, Man-made, or Other Fire/Explosion as Primary Cause of Accident  Damage by Car, Truck, or Other 1. Vehicle/Equipment operated by: (select only one)  Operator  Operator’s Contractor Motorized Vehicle/Equipment NOT Engaged in Excavation  Damage by Boats, Barges, Drilling Rigs, or Other Maritime Equipment or Vessels Set Adrift or Which Have Otherwise Lost Their Mooring  Third Party 2. Select one or more of the following IF an extreme weather event was a factor:  Hurricane  Tropical Storm  Tornado  Heavy Rains/Flood  Other ______________________________  Routine or Normal Fishing or Other Maritime Activity NOT Engaged in Excavation  Electrical Arcing from Other Equipment or Facility  Previous Mechanical Damage NOT Related to Excavation Complete Questions 3-7 ONLY IF the “Item Involved in Accident” (from PART C, Question 3) is Pipe or Weld. T 3. Has one or more internal inspection tool collected data at the point of the Accident?  Yes  No AF 3.a If Yes, for each tool used, select type of internal inspection tool and indicate most recent year run: R  Magnetic Flux Leakage  Ultrasonic  Geometry  Caliper  Crack  Hard Spot  Combination Tool  Transverse Field/Triaxial  Other _____________________ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / D 4. Do you have reason to believe that the internal inspection was completed BEFORE the damage was sustained?  Yes  No 5. Has one or more hydrotest or other pressure test been conducted since original construction at the point of the Accident?  Yes  Most recent year tested: Test pressure (psig): / / / / / /, / / / / / /  No 6. Has one or more Direct Assessment been conducted on the pipeline segment?  Yes, and an investigative dig was conducted at the point of the Accident  Most recent year conducted: / / / / /  Yes, but the point of the Accident was not identified as a dig site  Most recent year conducted: / / / / /  No (This section continued on next page with Question 7.) 7. Has one or more non-destructive examination been conducted at the point of the Accident Form PHMSA F 7000-1 (rev 7-2014) Page 13 of 17 Reproduction of this form is permitted since January 1, 2002?  Yes  No 7.a If Yes, for each examination conducted since January 1, 2002, select type of nondestructive examination and indicate most recent year the examination was conducted: / / / / /  Radiography  Guided Wave Ultrasonic / / / / /  Handheld Ultrasonic Tool / / / / /  Wet Magnetic Particle Test / / / / /  Dry Magnetic Particle Test / / / / /  Other __________________________ / / / / /  Intentional Damage 8. Specify:  Other Outside Force Damage 9. Describe: _________________________________________________________  Vandalism  Terrorism  Theft of transported commodity  Theft of equipment  Other ________________________________________ G5 - Material Failure of Pipe or Weld Use this section to report material failures ONLY IF the “Item Involved in Accident” (from PART C, Question 3) is “Pipe” or “Weld.” *Only one sub-cause can be picked from shaded left-hand column 1. The sub-cause selected below is based on the following: (select all that apply)  Field Examination  Determined by Metallurgical Analysis  Other Analysis__________________________ Fabrication-related  Original Manufacturing-related (NOT girth weld or other welds formed in the field)  Environmental Cracking-related 2. List contributing factors: (select all that apply)  Fatigue- or Vibration-related:  Mechanically-induced prior to installation (such as during transport of pipe)  Mechanical Vibration  Pressure-related  Thermal  Other __________________________________  Mechanical Stress  Other __________________________________ AF  Construction-, Installation-, or T  Sub-cause is Tentative or Suspected; Still Under Investigation (Supplemental Report required) 3. Specify:  Stress Corrosion Cracking  Sulfide Stress Cracking  Hydrogen Stress Cracking  Other ______________________________ Complete the following if any Material Failure of Pipe or Weld sub-cause is selected. R 4. Additional factors: (select all that apply)  Dent  Gouge  Pipe Bend  Lamination  Buckle  Wrinkle  Misalignment  Other __________________________________  Arc Burn  Crack  Burnt Steel 5. Has one or more internal inspection tool collected data at the point of the Accident?  Yes  Lack of Fusion  No D 5.a If Yes, for each tool used, select type of internal inspection tool and indicate most recent year run:  Magnetic Flux Leakage Tool / / / / /  Ultrasonic / / / / /  Geometry / / / / /  Caliper / / / / /  Crack / / / / /  Hard Spot / / / / /  Combination Tool / / / / /  Transverse Field/Triaxial / / / / /  Other __________________________ / / / / / 6. Has one or more hydrotest or other pressure test been conducted since original construction at the point of the Accident?  Yes  Most recent year tested: / / / / / Test pressure (psig): / / /,/ / / /  No 7. Has one or more Direct Assessment been conducted on the pipeline segment?  Yes, and an investigative dig was conducted at the point of the Accident  Most recent year conducted:  Yes, but the point of the Accident was not identified as a dig site  Most recent year conducted:  No / / / / / / / / / / 8. Has one or more non-destructive examination(s) been conducted at the point of the Accident since January 1, 2002?  Yes  No 8.a If Yes, for each examination conducted since January 1, 2002, select type of non-destructive examination and indicate most recent year the examination was conducted:  Radiography / / / / /  Guided Wave Ultrasonic / / / / /  Handheld Ultrasonic Tool / / / / /  Wet Magnetic Particle Test / / / / /  Dry Magnetic Particle Test / / / / /  Other ________________________________ / / / / / Form PHMSA F 7000-1 (rev 7-2014) Page 14 of 17 Reproduction of this form is permitted G6 - Equipment Failure - *only one sub-cause can be picked from shaded left-hand column  Malfunction of Control/Relief Equipment 1. Specify: (select all that apply)  Control Valve  Instrumentation  SCADA  Communications  Block Valve  Check Valve  Relief Valve  Power Failure  Stopple/Control Fitting  ESD System Failure  Other ________________________________________________________  Pump or Pump-related Equipment 2. Specify:  Seal/Packing Failure  Body Failure  Crack in Body  Appurtenance Failure  Other ________________________________________________________  Threaded Connection/Coupling 3. Specify:  Pipe Nipple  Valve Threads  Mechanical Coupling  Threaded Pipe Collar  Threaded Fitting  Other ________________________________________________________ 4. Specify:  O-Ring  Gasket  Seal (NOT pump seal) or Packing  Other ________________________________________________________ Failure  Non-threaded Connection Failure  Defective or Loose Tubing or Fitting  Failure of Equipment Body (except 5. Describe: ___________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ AF  Other Equipment Failure T Pump), Tank Plate, or other Material Complete the following if any Equipment Failure sub-cause is selected. 6. Additional factors that contributed to the equipment failure: (select all that apply)  Excessive vibration D R  Overpressurization  No support or loss of support  Manufacturing defect  Loss of electricity  Improper installation  Mismatched items (different manufacturer for tubing and tubing fittings)  Dissimilar metals  Breakdown of soft goods due to compatibility issues with transported commodity  Valve vault or valve can contributed to the release  Alarm/status failure  Misalignment  Thermal stress  Other _______________________________________________________ Form PHMSA F 7000-1 (rev 7-2014) Page 15 of 17 Reproduction of this form is permitted G7 - Incorrect Operation - *only one sub-cause can be picked from shaded left-hand column  Damage by Operator or Operator’s Contractor NOT Related to Excavation and NOT due to Motorized Vehicle/Equipment Damage  Tank, Vessel, or Sump/Separator 1. Specify: Allowed or Caused to Overfill or Overflow  Valve misalignment  Incorrect reference data/calculation  Miscommunication  Inadequate monitoring  Other ____________________________________  Valve Left or Placed in Wrong Position, but NOT Resulting in a Tank, Vessel, or Sump/Separator Overflow or Facility Overpressure  Pipeline or Equipment Overpressured  Equipment Not Installed Properly T  Wrong Equipment Specified or Installed 2. Describe: __________________________________________________ AF  Other Incorrect Operation Complete the following if any Incorrect Operation sub-cause is selected. 3. Was this Accident related to: (select all that apply)  Inadequate procedure  No procedure established  Failure to follow procedure  Other: ______________________________________________________ D R 4. What category type was the activity that caused the Accident:  Construction  Commissioning  Decommissioning  Right-of-Way activities  Routine maintenance  Other maintenance  Normal operating conditions  Non-routine operating conditions (abnormal operations or emergencies) 5. Was the task(s) that led to the Accident identified as a covered task in your Operator Qualification Program?  Yes  No 5.a If Yes, were the individuals performing the task(s) qualified for the task(s)?  Yes, they were qualified for the task(s)  No, but they were performing the task(s) under the direction and observation of a qualified individual  No, they were not qualified for the task(s) nor were they performing the task(s) under the direction and observation of a qualified individual G8 – Other Accident Cause - *only one sub-cause can be picked from shaded left-hand column  Miscellaneous 1. Describe: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. Specify:  Unknown  Investigation complete, cause of Accident unknown  Still under investigation, cause of Accident to be determined* (*Supplemental Report required) Form PHMSA F 7000-1 (rev 7-2014) Page 16 of 17 Reproduction of this form is permitted PART H – NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION OF THE ACCIDENT (Attach additional sheets as necessary) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ T __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AF __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ R __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ D __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PART I – PREPARER AND AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE Preparer's Name (type or print) Preparer’s Telephone Number Preparer's Title (type or print) Preparer's E-mail Address Authorized Signer’s Name Preparer’s Facsimile Number Date Authorized Signer Telephone Number Authorized Signer’s E-mail Address Authorized Signer’s Title Form PHMSA F 7000-1 (rev 7-2014) Page 17 of 17 Reproduction of this form is permitted Page 1 of 2 North Dakota Hazardous Waste When to Report Notification Numbers What to Report National Response Center (800) 424-8802 if water is Immediately - any spill or discharge threatened or impacted of waste which may cause pollution and of waters of the state Citation Within thirty days of detection of a release to the environment, a report containing the following information must be submitted to the department (of health): (1) Likely route of migration of the release; (2) Characteristics of the surrounding soil (soil composition, geology, hydrogeology, climate); (3) Results of any monitoring or sampling conducted in connection with the release (if available). If sampling or monitoring data relating to the release are not available within thirty days, these data must be submitted to the department as soon as they become available; (4) Proximity to downgradient drinking water, surface water, and populated areas; and (5) Description of response actions taken or planned. NDAC 33-24-05109. Response to leaks or spills and disposition of leaking or unfit-foruse tank systems. Written Follow-Up Reports Citation Written report within 10 days after cleanup including the following information: operator , description of the facility, legal description of the location, date of occurrence, date of cleanup, amount and type of each fluid involved, amount of each fluid recovered, steps taken to remedy the situation, cause, and action taken to prevent reoccurrence Chapter 38-08, Title 38 of North Dakota Century Code: 4302-03-30 NOTIFICATION OF FIRES, LEAKS, SPILLS, OR BLOWOUTS T North Dakota Dept. of Health (701) 328-5210 or ND Dept. of Emergency Services & Div. of State Radio (800) 4722121 AF Within 24 hours (unless 1 pound or less and immediately contained & cleaned up) See attached online reporting form ( Written Follow-Up Reports RCRA Exempt Oil and Gas When to Report and Within a reasonable time frame the operator must notify surface owners upon whose land the incident occurred or traveled See attached RCRA Exempt Reporting Form for online reporting of RCRA exempt oil field releases ( crude oil, water, oil/water emulsion, drilling fluids / cuttings, well completion, treatment, and stimulation fluids, tank bottoms from product and exempt waste containment, workover wastes, packing fluids, pipe scale and other solids, hydrocarbonbearing soil, pigging wastes from gathering lines, and oil reclamation wastes): m.asp R or What to Report D Verbally report within 24 hours any release that: 1) is one barrel or greater, or 2) travels offsite Notification Numbers North Dakota Industrial Commission Oil and Gas Division (701) 328-8020 North Dakota Emergency Management 24-Hour Hotline (800)-472-2121 and National Response Center (800) 424-8802 if water is threatened or impacted Page 2 of 2 North Dakota Non- Exempt Oil and Gas and General Environmental Release When to Report Notification Numbers What to Report Written Follow-Up Reports Citation As directed by North Dakota Department of Health contact the NDDH to obtain information on what reporting will be required) NDAC 33-16-02.111 paragraph 4, bottom of page 22 North Dakota Dept. of Health 1 (701) 328-5210 Immediately report all incidents which may potentially impact human health or safety, waters of the state, either surface water or ground water, or other impacts to the environment, must be reported. or ND Dept. of Emergency Services & Div. of State Radio (800) 4722121 See attached Environmental Incident Report form for online reporting of environemntal releases at m.asp If a release is considered a potential danger to persons offsite Non- Exempt Oil and Gas and General Environmental Release Notification Numbers What to Report Written Follow-Up Reports Pertinent information for protection of public and emergency responders (material, hazards, wind direction, etc.) as required. AF When to Report T and National Response Center (800) 424-8802 if water is threatened or impacted 911 & Local Emergency Planning Commission As requested Citation Dept. of Environmental and Natural Resources verbal instruction Butane and Ethane What to Report Pertinent information for protection of public and emergency responders (material, hazards, wind direction, etc.) R If a release is considered a potential danger to persons offsite Notification Numbers 911 & Local Emergency Planning Commission D When to Report As Requested Written Follow-Up Reports Citation Dept. of Environmental health verbal instruction South Dakota Hazardous Waste For waste generators that generate between l00 kilograms and 1,000 kilograms of hazardous waste per month, if a release could threaten human health outside the fac ility or the generator knows the spill has reached surface water Notification Numbers National Response Center (800) 424-8802 South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources (605) 773-3153 (Office hours) (605) 773-3296 (Office hours, Spill report) (605) 773-323 1 (24-hour) What to Report Written Follow-Up Reports Citation The report, to be made immediately, shou ld indicate: I. The name, address, and EPA identification number of the generator. 2. The date, time, and type of incident. 3. The quantity and type of hazardous waste involved. 4. The extent of injuries, if any. 5. The estimated quantity and dispos ition of any recovered material The report, to be made immediately, should indicate: I. Name and telephone number of the reporter. 2. Name and address of the facility. 3. Time and type of incident. 4. Name and quantity of materials involved. 5. The extent of injuries, if any. 6. Possible hazards to human health or the environment, outside the facility. Within 15 days after the incident, a written report must be submitted to the Department, providing the above information and describing the quantity and disposition of any material recovered from the incident. South Dakota Administrative Rules, Title 74, Section 74:28:23:0 I, adopting by reference 40 CFR 262.34(d) South Dakota Administrative Rules, Title 74, Section 74:28:23: 0 I, adopting by reference 40 CFR 262.34(a), referring to 40 CFR 265.56 T When to Report RCRA Exempt Oil and Gas South Dakota Dept. of Environment & Natural Resources (605) 773-3296 (605) 773-3231 (24 hr) and / or National Response Center (800) 424-8802 if water is threatened or impacted AF What to Report Provide the fo llowing information (DENR may also request further details): I. The specific location of the discharge. 2. The type and amount of regulated substance discharged. 3. The responsible person's name, address, and telephone number. 4. An explanation of any response action that was taken. 5. The list of agencies notified. 6. The suspected cause of the discharge. 7. The date and time of the discharge to the extent known. 8. The immediate known impacts of the discharge. R Fires, breaks, leaks, releases, and blowouts as soon as they are discovered. I. Threatens or is in a position to threaten an adjacent body of water,causes an immediate danger to human health or safety, or harms or threatens to harm wildlife or aquatic life. 2. Crude oil in field activities that exceeds the reportable quantity 1 barrel. 3. Petroleum or petroleum product that is greater than 25 gallons, causes a sheen on surface water, or exceeds any water quality standards. 4. Gas that exceeds 1,000,000 cubic feet. If a gas loss of less than 1,000,000 cubic feet causes the evacuation of an area or threatens pubIic health, it must be reported immediately. Notification Numbers D When to Report Written Follow-Up Reports Citation A written repott must be submitted within 30 days, inc luding in formation on: I. The location of the incident by quarter-quarter section, township, and range. 2. The date and time of the incident and the amount of oiI or gas lost or destroyed. 3. The responsible person's or operator's name, address, South Dakota Administrative Rules, Title 74, Section 74: 12:04: I 0 and telephone number. 4. The surface owner's name, address, and telephone number. 5. The suspected cause of the incident and any steps or procedures used to remedy the situation, including plans for soil disposal and treatment and any additional assessment and remediation. South Dakota Non- Exempt Oil and Gas and General Environmental Release Written Follow-Up Reports Notification Numbers What to Report South Dakota Dept. of Environment & Natural Resources (605) 773-3296 (605) 773-3231 (24 hr) and / or National Response Center (800) 424-8802 if water is threatened or impacted When to Report Notification Numbers If a release is considered a potential danger to persons offsite Citation Provide the fo llowing information (DENR may also request further details): I. The specific location of the discharge. 2. The type and amount of regulated substance discharged. 3. The responsible person's name, address, and telephone number. 4. An explanation of any response action that was taken. 5. The list of agencies notified. 6. The suspected cause of the discharge. 7. The date and time of the discharge to the extent known. 8. The immediate known impacts of the discharge. DENR will send a follow-up report to the responsible party (see South Dakota Incident Form at page South Dakota - 7), which must be completed and submitted to the above address within 30 days. In addition, the Department requires cleanup of spills and wi ll review the adequacy of cleanup activities. South Dakota Legislative Code 74:34:01:04 T Report releases immediately if any one of the following conditions is met: I. The release threatens or is in a position to threaten surface waters or groundwaters of the state. 2. The release threatens or poses an immediate danger to human health or safety. 3. The discharge harms or threatens wildlife or aquatic life. 4. The release is greater than 25 gallons, or exceeds I barrel or 42 gallons if it is a release of crude oil related to field activities regulated under state oil and gas conservation laws. 5. The release causes a sheen on surface water, or exceeds any groundwater or surface water quality standard. AF When to Report Non- Exempt Oil and Gas and General Environmental Release What to Report 911 & Local Emergency Planning Commission Pertinent information for protection of public and emergency responders (material, hazards, wind direction, etc.) as required. Written Follow-Up Reports As requested Citation Dept. of Environmental and Natural Resources verbal instruction Butane and Ethane Notification Numbers What to Report R When to Report Pertinent information for protection of public and emergency responders  (material, hazards, wind direction, etc.) as required. D If a release is considered a potential danger to  911 & Local Emergency Planning Commission persons offsite Written Follow-Up Reports As requested Citation Dept. of   Environmental and Natural Resources  verbal instruction Appendix C- OSRO Contractor Information National Response Corporation (NRC) D R AF T • Appendix C PHMSA Facility Response Plan – East Texas Response Zone AMENDMENT NUMBER THREE PROVISION OF RESPONSE RESOURCES SL01012005 NATIONAL RESPONSE CORPORATION THIS AMENDMENT NUMBER THREE OF PROVISION OF RESPONSE RESOURCES AGREEMENT SL01012005 (this ?Third Amendment?) is entered into as of January 24, 2014, by and between Sunoco Pipeline L.P. and/or Sunoco Partners Marketing Terminals L.P. (?Client?), and National Response Corporation (?Provider?). WITNESSETH: Provider and Client are parties to that certain ?Provision Of Response Resources Agreement? dated as of January 1, 2005 (the ?Response Resources Agreement?), and amended pursuant to First Amendment of Response Resources Agreement dated as of May 10, 2005 (?First Amendment?) and Second Amendment of Response Resources Agreement dated as of May 6, 2013 (?Second Amendment?). Provider and Client wish to amend the Response Resources Agreement and the aforementioned Amendments for the purposes of amending the Annual Retainer Fee and sectio 2.6 and 12.1. set forth in the ipt of which is hereby NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the Agreement and for other good and valuable consider 1 n, the 1.1 Amendment. In the event there et een the terms and conditions of this Amendment and the terms a cond sponse Resources Agreement and/or the First and Second 1 terms and conditions of this Third Amendment shall control. se urces Agreement, the First and Second Amendments, and this Th - - hereinafter be referred to collectively as the ?Agreement?. A first sentence is hereby deleted and replaced in its entirety ing: 0 Section 2. with the folio Notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement to the contrary, the Provider may, in its discretion, cease to deploy Response Resources for Response Activities of the Client or to provide any other services provided herein, if the Client fails to make or secure payment in accordance with, and within the time periods provided within, this Agreement so long as Provider provides Client with notice of such intent to withhold services and a reasonable time to cure any deficiencies. 0 Section 12.1 is hereby deleted and replaced in its entirety with the following: Third Amendment Response Resources Agreement# SL01012005 Page I of 3 AMENDMENT NUMBER THREE PROVISION OF RESPONSE RESOURCES SL01012005 NATIONAL RESPONSE CORPORATION 12.1 The Provider and the Client (including both party?s principals, employees, offices, directors, and agents) shall treat as confidential and proprietary and not disclose to others during or subsequent to the term of this Agreement, except as is necessary to perform this Agreement (and then only a confidential basis satisfactory to both parties), any information (whether verbal or written), or any description whatsoever (including any technical information, experience or data) regarding the terms of this Agreement or information regarding any spill or incident or the Provider?s Response Resources and Contractors without, in each instance, securing the prior written consent of the other party, except when both parties agree that the other may disclose that the Client has contracted with the Provider or such information is otherwise in the public domain. Provider shall not discuss any details of any services provided, tails of any spill to any media, or the public in any way without th itten authorization of Client. Any requests for information 5 cted to Client for handling. Schedule 3 (?Basic Compensation? - The Annual Retainer fee is $211 through January 25, 201 The Annual Retainer fe through January 25, 201 The Annual Ret - 'or the period of January 26, 2014 the period of January 26, 2015 for the period of anuaiy 26, 2016 ?78.88 for the period of January 26, 2017 ARTICLE II ENERAL PROVISIONS 2.1 Effective Dat January 24, 2014. endment. This Third Amendment is effective as of 2.2 Governing Law. This Third Amendment shall be construed, governed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of 2.3 Counterparts. This Third Amendment may be executed by the parties hereto in any number of separate counterparts and all of such counterparts when together shall be deemed to constitute one and the same instrument. 2.4 Captions. The paragraph headings which appear at the beginning of each Section herein are included only for convenience of reference and are not intended to constitute a part of this Third Amendment. Third Amendment Re5ponse Resources Agreement# SL01012005 Page 2 of 3 AMENDMENT NUMBER THREE PROVISION OF RESPONSE RESOURCES SL01012005 NATIONAL RESPONSE CORPORATION 2.5 Partial Invalidity. If any provision of this Third Amendment or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall to any extent be held invalid, then the remainder of this Third Amendment or the application of such provision to persons or circumstances other than those to which it is held invalid shall not be affected thereby, and each provision of this Third Amendment shall be valid and enforced to the fullest extent permitted by law. 2.6 Authorization. The signatories to this Third Amendment are duly authorized to execute this Amendment on behalf of Provider and Client. 2.7 Reaffirmation of Agreement. Except as expressly amended hereby, the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and the parties hereby ratify and confirm their rights, duties and obligations under the Agreement, inc 'ng, Without limitation, any waiver of jury trial therein contained. IN WI 1 NES the parties hereto have entered into this Third Amendment as o' A . first written above. Sunoco Partne Terminals L.P. National Re3ponse Corporation and/or Sunoco Pi (?Client?) (?Provider?) Kw ?x By: Name: 34/1744? ?6 Nameb?Egc?der?? CL): Title: f?xreing? M?ysf Date: Date: \jk 2f: 2.0/94 Third Amendment Response Resources Agreement# 81.01012005 Page 3 of 3 National Response Corporation Equipment Types: Boom/Portable Storage/Skimmer/Support Equipment/Vacuum System/Vessel Resource Availability By Type Zone: Williston, ND Williston ND - Case# DM15-0085 April 20, 2015 00 to 06 hours (* Does not include recall/mobilization time) ContractorLocation Boom >=6 and <18 inch 8" Boom 6" Boom 10" Boom Stencil # Quantity 0 0 BM10-001 10,000 300 1,000 Sub Total >=6 and <18 inch: EDRC 0 0 0 11300 0 0 ICN 0 ICN 0 NRC 0 0 0 0 Quantity 8,500 1,700 1,200 4,500 0 0 0 0 15900 0 0 Total Boom: 27200 0 0 Quantity ICN ICN ICN ICN EDRC ND MT ND City State Clean Harbors Environmental Services Garner Environmental Services, Inc. Environmental Restoration LLC Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Williston Williston Sidney Minot ND ND MT ND City State Clean Harbors Environmental Services Clean Harbors Environmental Services Global Companies LLC (Columbus, ND) Global Companies LLC (Columbus, ND) Global Companies LLC (Columbus, ND) Global Companies LLC (Columbus, ND) Basin Transload Beulah Basin Transload Beulah Basin Transload Beulah Basin Transload Beulah Williston Williston Columbus Columbus Columbus Columbus Beulah Beulah Beulah Beulah ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND City State Clean Harbors Environmental Services Garner Environmental Services, Inc. Garner Environmental Services, Inc. Williston Williston Williston ND ND ND Storage Owner R Stencil # 0 0 ELS-39 ELS-40 ELS-41 ELS-38 ELS-42 ELS-43 ELS-58 ELS-59 88 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D Description Storage Owner Sub Total 18": Portable Storage 55 Gallon Drum Tote Tank Pillow Tank Pillow Tank Pillow Tank Pillow Tank Pillow Tank Pillow Tank Pillow Tank Pillow Tank EDRC 0 0 0 0 Portable Tank Williston Sidney Beulah Clean Harbors Environmental Services Environmental Restoration LLC Basin Transload Beulah AF Containment Boom 18" Boom 18" Boom 18" Boom Stencil # State *Time Away (hr:mm) 00:04 01:05 02:51 0 18" Description City Storage Owner T Description 0 72 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 Sub Total Portable Tank: 108 0 264 Total Portable Storage: 108 0 264 ICN ICN NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC NRC *Time Away (hr:mm) 00:04 00:06 01:05 03:04 *Time Away (hr:mm) 00:04 00:04 01:50 01:50 01:50 01:50 02:51 02:51 02:51 02:51 Skimmer Drum Description Small Drum Skimmer 23' Drum Skimmer 36" Drum Skimmer 00 to 06 hours Stencil # 0 0 0 Quantity EDRC 2 2 2 342 342 494 Storage Owner 0 ICN 0 ICN 0 ICN RESOURCE AVAILABILITY BY TYPE *Time Away (hr:mm) Page 1 of 10 00:04 00:06 00:06 00 to 06 hours (* Does not include recall/mobilization time) Elastec TDS118 Skimmer 0 Sub Total Drum: ContractorLocation 2 8 480 1658 0 ICN Environmental Restoration LLC Sidney MT City State Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Minot ND City State Global Companies LLC (Columbus, ND) Basin Transload Beulah Columbus Beulah ND ND 01:05 0 Floating Suction Description Stencil # Floating Suction Skimmer 0 Sub Total Floating Suction: Quantity 1 1 EDRC 274 274 Storage Owner 0 ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 03:04 0 Oleophilic Disk Description Crucial ORD Disk Skimmer Crucial ORD Disk Skimmer Stencil # Quantity EDRC ORD-003 ORD-005 1 1 342 342 Storage Owner 0 NRC 0 NRC Sub Total Oleophilic Disk: 2 684 0 Total Skimmer: 11 2616 0 *Time Away (hr:mm) 01:50 02:51 Support Equipment Stencil # 0 Sub Total Blower: Quantity EDRC 7 0 7 0 Communications Description Stencil # Mobile Command Unit Mobile Command Center Office Trailer 0 0 0 Sub Total Communications: EDRC 1 1 1 0 0 0 3 Stencil # 0 0 0 Sub Total Compressor: Quantity 5 Stencil # 0 Sub Total Crane Truck: Dump Truck/Trailer Description Stencil # Tractor Dump Truck Dump Truck End Dumps Dump Truck 0 0 0 0 0 Sub Total Dump Truck/Trailer: 0 0 0 Quantity EDRC 1 0 1 0 Quantity EDRC 5 1 12 13 3 0 0 0 0 0 34 State ND City State Clean Harbors Environmental Services Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Clean Harbors Environmental Services Williston Minot Regina ND ND Canada City State Franz Construction, Inc. Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Sidney Minot MT ND City State Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Minot ND City State Williston Williston Williston Minot Minot ND ND ND ND ND City State *Time Away (hr:mm) 00:04 *Time Away (hr:mm) 00:04 03:04 04:43 Storage Owner 0 ICN 0 ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 01:06 03:04 0 D Description Crane Truck 0 ICN 0 ICN 0 ICN City Williston 0 EDRC 4 1 Crane Truck Clean Harbors Environmental Services Storage Owner R Description Compressor Compressor 0 ICN 0 Quantity Compressor Storage Owner AF Description Various Blower T Blower 0 Storage Owner 0 ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 03:04 0 Storage Owner 0 0 0 0 0 ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN Clean Harbors Environmental Services Clean Harbors Environmental Services Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Strata Corporation (Earthmover) *Time Away (hr:mm) 00:04 00:04 00:06 03:04 03:04 0 Earth Moving Equipment Description 00 to 06 hours Stencil # Quantity EDRC Storage Owner RESOURCE AVAILABILITY BY TYPE *Time Away (hr:mm) Page 2 of 10 (* Does not include recall/mobilization time) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sub Total Earth Moving Equipment: ContractorLocation 1 4 6 1 1 1 30 12 20 3 6 2 2 31 8 10 26 29 15 2 5 10 225 0 Flatbed Trailer Stencil # 0 0 0 0 0 Sub Total Flatbed Trailer: EDRC 1 2 4 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 Generator Stencil # 0 0 0 Sub Total Generator: Pick-Up Truck Description Pick-Up Truck UTV Pick-Up Truck Pick-Up Truck Pick-Up Truck Pick-Up Truck Pick-Up Truck Stencil # 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sub Total Pick-Up Truck: 00 to 06 hours Quantity 0 EDRC 14 1 1 16 0 0 0 0 Quantity EDRC 2 2 2 3 71 48 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 135 Clean Harbors Environmental Services Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Garner Environmental Services, Inc. Garner Environmental Services, Inc. Environmental Restoration LLC Franz Construction, Inc. Franz Construction, Inc. Franz Construction, Inc. Franz Construction, Inc. Franz Construction, Inc. Franz Construction, Inc. Franz Construction, Inc. Franz Construction, Inc. Franz Construction, Inc. Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Williston Williston Williston Williston Williston Sidney Sidney Sidney Sidney Sidney Sidney Sidney Sidney Sidney Sidney Minot Minot Minot Minot Minot Minot Minot ND ND ND ND ND MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT MT ND ND ND ND ND ND ND City State Environmental Restoration LLC Environmental Restoration LLC Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Clean Harbors Environmental Services Sidney Sidney Minot Minot Regina MT MT ND ND Canada City State Franz Construction, Inc. Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Clean Harbors Environmental Services Sidney Minot Regina MT ND Canada City State Williston Williston Williston Sidney Sidney Minot Regina ND ND ND MT MT ND Canada 0 00:04 00:06 00:06 00:06 00:06 01:05 01:06 01:06 01:06 01:06 01:06 01:06 01:06 01:06 01:06 03:04 03:04 03:04 03:04 03:04 03:04 03:04 Storage Owner 0 0 0 0 0 ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 01:05 01:05 03:04 03:04 04:43 0 D Description Generator Generator Generator ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN 0 Quantity 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R Description Equipment Trailer Stakebed Flatbed Trailer Tandem Trailer Flat Deck Trailer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T Backhoe Dozer Excavator Rubber Tire Backhoe Rubber Track Front Loader Skidsteer Scraper Grader Dozer Track Hoe Excavator Back-Hoe Extend-A Hoe Loader Skid-Steer Roller Loader Excavator Skid Steer Grader Scraper Dozer AF 00 to 06 hours Storage Owner 0 ICN 0 ICN 0 ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 01:06 03:04 04:43 0 Storage Owner 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN Clean Harbors Environmental Services Clean Harbors Environmental Services Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Environmental Restoration LLC Franz Construction, Inc. Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Clean Harbors Environmental Services *Time Away (hr:mm) 0 RESOURCE AVAILABILITY BY TYPE Page 3 of 10 00:04 00:04 00:06 01:05 01:06 03:04 04:43 00 to 06 hours (* Does not include recall/mobilization time) ContractorLocation Pressure Washer Description Stencil # Pressure Washer Pressure Washer High Pressure Water Blaster Mobile Hotsy 0 0 0 0 Sub Total Pressure Washer: Quantity EDRC 1 1 4 1 0 0 0 0 7 0 City State Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Clean Harbors Environmental Services Clean Harbors Environmental Services Clean Harbors Environmental Services Minot Regina Regina Regina ND Canada Canada Canada City State Clean Harbors Environmental Services Garner Environmental Services, Inc. Williston Williston ND ND City State Minot ND City State Clean Harbors Environmental Services Canada City State Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Minot ND City State Garner Environmental Services, Inc. Franz Construction, Inc. Clean Harbors Environmental Services ND MT Canada City State Clean Harbors Environmental Services Clean Harbors Environmental Services Garner Environmental Services, Inc. Environmental Restoration LLC Environmental Restoration LLC Global Companies LLC (Columbus, ND) Basin Transload Beulah Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Williston Williston Williston Sidney Sidney Columbus Beulah Minot ND ND ND MT MT ND ND ND City State Sidney MT Storage Owner 0 0 0 0 ICN ICN ICN ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 03:04 04:43 04:43 04:43 0 Roll-Off Container Description Stencil # Vacuum Box Containers 20 yd Roll Off Container 0 0 Sub Total Roll-Off Container: Quantity EDRC 16 6 0 0 22 0 Storage Owner 0 ICN 0 ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 00:04 00:06 0 SCBA SCBA Stencil # 0 Sub Total SCBA: Quantity EDRC 6 0 6 0 Storage Owner 0 ICN 0 Steam Cleaner Steamer Stencil # 0 Sub Total Steam Cleaner: Quantity 1 Description Stencil # 0 Sub Total Support Truck: Quantity EDRC 1 14 1 0 0 0 Williston Sidney Regina 0 EDRC 5 0 5 0 Sub Total Truck - Semi: Utility Trailer Description Vessel Transport Trailer Boat Trailer Response Trailer Boom Trailer Utility Trailer Fast Response Trailer Fast Response Trailer Small Trailer Stencil # 0 0 0 0 0 738 739 0 Sub Total Utility Trailer: 16 Storage Owner 0 ICN Storage Owner R Stencil # 0 0 0 0 Quantity EDRC 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 03:04 *Time Away (hr:mm) 04:43 *Time Away (hr:mm) 03:04 0 D Description 0 ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 0 Quantity Truck - Semi Roll Off Truck Bobtail Tractor Tractor 0 Storage Owner Regina 1 Support Truck Support Truck EDRC AF Description Strata Corporation (Earthmover) T Description 0 0 ICN 0 ICN 0 ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 00:06 01:06 04:43 0 Storage Owner 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN NRC NRC ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 00:04 00:04 00:06 01:05 01:05 01:50 02:51 03:04 0 Utility Truck Description Utility Vehicle 00 to 06 hours Stencil # 0 Quantity EDRC 2 0 Storage Owner 0 ICN Environmental Restoration LLC RESOURCE AVAILABILITY BY TYPE *Time Away (hr:mm) Page 4 of 10 01:05 (* Does not include recall/mobilization time) 00 to 06 hours Sub Total Utility Truck: ContractorLocation 2 0 0 Van Trailer Description Stencil # Red Enclosed Trailer Lab Trailer Decon Trailer Boom Trailer Van Trailers 0 0 0 0 0 Quantity EDRC 2 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 City State Clean Harbors Environmental Services Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Clean Harbors Environmental Services Williston Minot Minot Minot Regina ND ND ND ND Canada City State Clean Harbors Environmental Services Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Williston Williston Minot ND ND ND Storage Owner 0 0 0 0 0 Sub Total Van Trailer: 7 0 0 Total Support Equipment: 532 0 0 ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 00:04 03:04 03:04 03:04 04:43 Vacuum System Vacuum Trailer Stencil # 0 0 0 Sub Total Vacuum Trailer: Quantity EDRC 1 1 1 343 542 343 3 1228 Storage Owner 71 ICN 71 ICN 20 ICN 162 Vacuum Transfer Unit Stencil # 0 0 0 Sub Total Vacuum Transfer Unit: Quantity EDRC 2 1 1 686 343 549 4 1578 Vacuum Truck Sub Total Vacuum Truck: Total Vacuum System: Vessel Quantity EDRC 5 1 1 1 1 1 3 1,715 343 528 4,032 343 343 1,029 City State Clean Harbors Environmental Services Clean Harbors Environmental Services Garner Environmental Services, Inc. Williston Williston Williston ND ND ND City State Clean Harbors Environmental Services Clean Harbors Environmental Services Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Environmental Restoration LLC Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Clean Harbors Environmental Services Clean Harbors Environmental Services Williston Williston Williston Sidney Minot Regina Regina ND ND ND MT ND Canada Canada City State Clean Harbors Environmental Services Clean Harbors Environmental Services Garner Environmental Services, Inc. Environmental Restoration LLC Environmental Restoration LLC Environmental Restoration LLC Williston Williston Williston Sidney Sidney Sidney ND ND ND MT MT MT Storage Owner 355 119 71 71 71 71 213 ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN R Stencil # 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ICN 0 ICN 71 ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 00:04 00:06 03:04 *Time Away (hr:mm) 00:04 00:04 00:06 71 D Description High Powered Vacuum Truck Vacuum Tanker Vacuum Truck Vacuum Truck Vacuum Truck Vacuum Truck Presvac Storage Owner AF Description Cyclone Vactor Guzzler Vacuum Transfer Unit Cusco Portable Vacuum Tranfer Unit T Description Trailer Skid Vac Vacuum Trailer Vacuum Trailer 13 8333 971 20 11139 1204 *Time Away (hr:mm) 00:04 00:04 00:06 01:05 03:04 04:43 04:43 Deployment Craft (< 25 foot) Description Stencil # 18' Deployment Craft 28' Deployment Craft Response Boat Custom Flat 17' Deployment Craft 28' Deployment Craft 17' Deployment Craft 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sub Total Deployment Craft (< 25 foot): 00 to 06 hours Quantity EDRC 2 1 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 Storage Owner 0 0 0 0 0 0 ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 0 RESOURCE AVAILABILITY BY TYPE Page 5 of 10 00:04 00:04 00:06 01:05 01:05 01:05 00 to 06 hours (* Does not include recall/mobilization time) ContractorLocation Deployment Craft (> 25 foot) Description Stencil # 30' Deployment Craft 0 Quantity 1 Sub Total Deployment Craft (> 25 foot): 1 Total Vessel: 9 Storage Owner EDRC 0 0 ICN 0 Clean Harbors Environmental Services City State Williston ND *Time Away (hr:mm) 0 0 13755 1,468.00 Running Total from 0 to unknown: 13755 1468 D R AF T 0 Total 00 to 06 hours: 00 to 06 hours RESOURCE AVAILABILITY BY TYPE Page 6 of 10 00:04 06 to 12 hours (* Does not include recall/mobilization time) ContractorLocation Boom 18" Description Stencil # 18" Boom 18" Boom 18" Boom 0 0 0 Quantity EDRC 200 1,400 1,000 0 0 0 Storage Owner 0 ICN 0 ICN 0 ICN Sub Total 18": 2600 0 0 Total Boom: 2600 0 0 Euroway Industrial Services Beltrami Industrial Services OSI Environmental, Inc. City State Winnipeg Solway Bemidji Canada MN MN City State Solway MN *Time Away (hr:mm) 09:18 11:24 11:37 Portable Storage Frac Tank Description Stencil # Frac Tank 0 Sub Total Frac Tank: Quantity EDRC 2 2 0 0 Storage Owner 952 ICN Beltrami Industrial Services *Time Away (hr:mm) 11:24 952 Stencil # 0 Quantity EDRC 1 0 1 0 12 Total Portable Storage: 3 0 964 Drum Stencil # 0 Quantity EDRC 1 240 240 0 Total Skimmer: 1 240 0 Stencil # 0 Sub Total Communications: Compressor Description Compressor Air Compressor Compressor Stencil # 0 0 0 Sub Total Compressor: Quantity EDRC D Description Command Post Trailer 0 ICN 1 Support Equipment State Canada City State Euroway Industrial Services Winnipeg Canada City State Beltrami Industrial Services Solway MN City State Clean Harbors Environmental Services Prairie Consulting Group Beltrami Industrial Services Winnipeg Watertown Solway Canada SD MN City State Hulcher Services, INC. Hulcher Services, INC. Laurel Laurel MT MT Storage Owner Sub Total Drum: Communications City Winnipeg Clean Harbors Environmental Services R Medium Drum Skimmer 12 ICN Sub Total Portable Tank: Skimmer Description Storage Owner AF Description Poly Tank T Portable Tank 1 1 0 0 Quantity EDRC 1 1 1 0 0 0 3 0 Storage Owner 0 ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 09:10 *Time Away (hr:mm) 09:18 *Time Away (hr:mm) 11:24 0 Storage Owner 0 ICN 0 ICN 0 ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 09:10 10:54 11:24 0 Crane Truck Description Sideboom/Padded Sideboom/Steel Stencil # 0 0 Sub Total Crane Truck: 06 to 12 hours Quantity EDRC 1 1 0 0 2 0 Storage Owner 0 ICN 0 ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 0 RESOURCE AVAILABILITY BY TYPE Page 7 of 10 08:24 08:24 06 to 12 hours (* Does not include recall/mobilization time) ContractorLocation Dump Truck/Trailer Description Stencil # Dump Truck Dump Truck 0 0 Sub Total Dump Truck/Trailer: Quantity EDRC 1 1 0 0 2 0 City State Beltrami Industrial Services Olympus Technical Services, Inc. Solway Helena MN MT City State Hulcher Services, INC. Beltrami Industrial Services Beltrami Industrial Services Beltrami Industrial Services Beltrami Industrial Services Beltrami Industrial Services Olympus Technical Services, Inc. Olympus Technical Services, Inc. Olympus Technical Services, Inc. Olympus Technical Services, Inc. Laurel Solway Solway Solway Solway Solway Helena Helena Helena Helena MT MN MN MN MN MN MT MT MT MT City State Winnipeg Winnipeg Solway Canada Canada MN City State Moorhead Solway Bemidji MN MN MN City State Euroway Industrial Services Beltrami Industrial Services OSI Environmental, Inc. Winnipeg Solway Bemidji Canada MN MN City State Clean Harbors Environmental Services Prairie Consulting Group Beltrami Industrial Services OSI Environmental, Inc. Winnipeg Watertown Solway Bemidji Canada SD MN MN Storage Owner 0 ICN 0 ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 11:24 11:32 0 Earth Moving Equipment Stencil # 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sub Total Earth Moving Equipment: Quantity EDRC 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 Storage Owner 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN 0 Flatbed Trailer Flatbed Trailer Flatbed Trailer Lowboy Trailer Stencil # 0 0 0 Sub Total Flatbed Trailer: Quantity EDRC 1 1 1 0 0 0 3 0 Fork Lift Forklift Forklift Forklifts Stencil # 0 0 0 Sub Total Fork Lift: EDRC 1 1 1 0 0 0 3 Generator Generator Generator Stencil # 0 0 0 Sub Total Generator: 0 Quantity EDRC 2 1 1 0 0 0 4 08:24 11:24 11:24 11:24 11:24 11:24 11:32 11:32 11:32 11:32 *Time Away (hr:mm) 09:18 09:18 11:24 Storage Owner 0 ICN 0 ICN 0 ICN OSI Environmental, Inc. Beltrami Industrial Services OSI Environmental, Inc. *Time Away (hr:mm) 09:31 11:24 11:37 0 D Description Euroway Industrial Services Euroway Industrial Services Beltrami Industrial Services *Time Away (hr:mm) 0 Quantity Generator 0 ICN 0 ICN 0 ICN R Description Storage Owner AF Description T Description 977 Track Loader Crawler Loader Backhoe Skidsteer Loader Caterpillar Excavator Backhoe Skidsteer Excavator Skidsteer 0 Storage Owner 0 ICN 0 ICN 0 ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 09:18 11:24 11:37 0 Pick-Up Truck Description Pick-Up Truck Pick-Up Truck Pick-Up Truck Pick-Up Truck Stencil # 0 0 0 0 Sub Total Pick-Up Truck: Quantity EDRC 3 2 4 2 0 0 0 0 11 0 Storage Owner 0 0 0 0 ICN ICN ICN ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 0 Pressure Washer 06 to 12 hours RESOURCE AVAILABILITY BY TYPE Page 8 of 10 09:10 10:54 11:24 11:37 06 to 12 hours (* Does not include recall/mobilization time) Description Stencil # Pressure Washer-Hot Waterblast Unit Pressure Washer Pressure Washer Pressure Washer 0 0 0 0 0 Sub Total Pressure Washer: ContractorLocation Quantity EDRC 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 City State Winnipeg Winnipeg Watertown Solway Bemidji Canada Canada SD MN MN City State Beltrami Industrial Services Solway MN City State Beltrami Industrial Services OSI Environmental, Inc. Solway Bemidji MN MN Storage Owner 0 0 0 0 0 ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN Clean Harbors Environmental Services Clean Harbors Environmental Services Prairie Consulting Group Beltrami Industrial Services OSI Environmental, Inc. *Time Away (hr:mm) 09:10 09:10 10:54 11:24 11:37 0 Roll-off Truck Description Stencil # Roll-off Truck 0 Sub Total Roll-off Truck: Quantity EDRC 1 1 0 0 Storage Owner 0 ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 11:24 0 SCBA Stencil # 0 0 Sub Total SCBA: Quantity EDRC 2 1 0 0 3 0 Storage Owner 0 ICN 0 ICN 0 Steam Cleaner Stencil # 0 Sub Total Steam Cleaner: Quantity EDRC 1 0 1 0 Truck - Semi Description Stencil # Tractor 0 Sub Total Truck - Semi: EDRC 1 0 0 Utility Truck Box Truck Response Truck Box Truck 0 0 0 Sub Total Utility Truck: Van Trailer Description Stencil # Response Trailer with Semi Recovery Spill Trailer Response Trailer 0 0 0 Sub Total Van Trailer: Quantity EDRC 1 1 1 0 0 0 3 0 Quantity EDRC 1 1 1 0 0 0 3 State Canada City State Solway MN City State Moorhead Bemidji Bemidji MN MN MN City State Prairie Consulting Group Beltrami Industrial Services OSI Environmental, Inc. Watertown Solway Bemidji SD MN MN City State Euroway Industrial Services Winnipeg Canada Storage Owner 0 ICN Beltrami Industrial Services Storage Owner R Stencil # City Winnipeg Clean Harbors Environmental Services 11:24 11:37 *Time Away (hr:mm) 09:10 *Time Away (hr:mm) 11:24 0 D Description 0 ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 0 Quantity 1 Storage Owner AF Description Steamer Truck T Description SCBA SCBA 0 0 ICN 0 ICN 0 ICN OSI Environmental, Inc. OSI Environmental, Inc. OSI Environmental, Inc. *Time Away (hr:mm) 09:31 11:37 11:37 0 Storage Owner 0 ICN 0 ICN 0 ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 10:54 11:24 11:37 0 Workboat Trailer Description Workboat Trailer Stencil # 0 Quantity EDRC 1 0 Storage Owner 0 ICN Sub Total Workboat Trailer: 1 0 0 Total Support Equipment: 57 0 0 *Time Away (hr:mm) Vacuum System Vacuum Trailer 06 to 12 hours RESOURCE AVAILABILITY BY TYPE Page 9 of 10 09:18 06 to 12 hours (* Does not include recall/mobilization time) Description Stencil # Vacuum Trailer Vacuum Trailer 0 0 Sub Total Vacuum Trailer: ContractorLocation Quantity EDRC 1 1 0 0 2 City State Olympus Technical Services, Inc. Olympus Technical Services, Inc. Helena Helena MT MT City State Clean Harbors Environmental Services OSI Environmental, Inc. Beltrami Industrial Services OSI Environmental, Inc. OSI Environmental, Inc. Winnipeg Moorhead Solway Bemidji Bemidji Canada MN MN MN MN City State Winnipeg Watertown Canada SD Storage Owner 0 ICN 24 ICN 0 *Time Away (hr:mm) 11:32 11:32 24 Vacuum Truck Description Stencil # Vacuum Straight Truck Pump Truck Vacuum Truck Vacuum Truck Pump Truck 0 0 0 0 0 Quantity EDRC 1 1 1 1 1 343 651 343 343 651 Storage Owner 71 71 71 71 71 Sub Total Vacuum Truck: 5 2331 355 Total Vacuum System: 7 2331 379 ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 09:10 09:31 11:24 11:37 11:37 Vessel Description Stencil # 16' Deployment Craft 18' Deployment Craft 0 0 Quantity EDRC 1 1 0 0 Storage Owner 0 ICN 0 ICN 2 0 Total Vessel: 2 0 0 0 Total 06 to 12 hours: 2571 1,343.00 Running Total from 0 to unknown: 16326 2811 Euroway Industrial Services Prairie Consulting Group *Time Away (hr:mm) D R AF Sub Total Deployment Craft (< 25 foot): T Deployment Craft (< 25 foot) 06 to 12 hours RESOURCE AVAILABILITY BY TYPE Page 10 of 10 09:18 10:54 National Response Corporation Equipment Types: Support Equipment Resource Availability By Type Zone: Bismarck, ND - Case# DM15-0099 May 04. 2015 to 05 hours Does not include time) Support Equipment Earth Moving Equipment Description Stencil Quantity @59- Storage 0_w_r?5 91y *Tlme Roller 10 0 ICN Minot ND 02251 Loader lo 26 0 ICN Minot ND 02:51 Excavator 29 0 0 ICN Minot ND 02151 Skid Steer 15 ICN Minc?#? ?mm ND 02:51 Grader 2 0 ICN Minot ND 02251 Scraper 0 5 ICN Minot ND 02:51 Dozer 0 10 0 ICN Minot ND 02151 I Backhoe 0 1 ICN Wliieton ND 04138 Dozer 4 ICN Wziliston ND 04:39 Excavator 6 ICN Williston ND 04139 Rubber Tire Backhoe 1 0 I Williston ND 04241 Rubber Track Front Loader 0 1 Williston ND 04141 Scraper 0 30 0 0 ICN MT 04151 Track Hoe 0 0 ICN ey MT 04151 Excavator 6 0 0 Si MT 04151 Back?Hoe 0 2 0 Sidney MT 04:51 Extend-A Hoe 0 2 0 ICN Sidney MT 04:51 Loader 0 31 ICN Sidney MT 04:51 Skid-Steer 0 8 Sidney MT 04151 Grader 12 CN Sidney MT 04351 Dozer 0 2D ICN Sidney MT 04151 Skidsteer Sidney MT 04:52 Sub Total Earth Moving Equipment: Cl Roll-Off Container Description Stencil# Storage gyro?w Sting ?Time Vacuum Box Containers 0 ICN Willislon ND 04:38 20 yd Roll Off Container 0 ICN Wlliston ND 04141 Sub Total Roll-Off Contain 0 0 Total Support Equipment: 0 0 Total 00 to 06 hours: 0 0 Running Total from 0 to_ unknown: 0 .. wrote.? 00 to 08 hours RESOURCE AVAILABILITY BY TYPE Page 1 of 5 Does not include recalilmobilization time) 06 to 12 hours Support Equipment Earth Moving Equipment QLntitl M12 Mil-Um i Crawler Loader 0 1 ICN Soiway MN 07:48 Backhoe 0 1 0 Solway MN 07f43 Skidsteer Loader 0 1 0 ICN Solway MN 07:48 Caterpillar 0 1 0 ICN Solway MN 07:43 Excavator 0 1 0 0 ICN Solway MN 07:48 Track Loader 0 1 0 0 ICN Roseville MN 10259 Track Loader 0 1 0 ICN Laurel MT 11203 Backhoe?Loader 0 1 0 ICN Eveleth MN 11307 Skid Steer-Loader 0 1 0 0 ICN Eveleth MN 11207 Backhoe 0 1 0 North Platte NE 11359? Wheel Loader 0 1 0 0 ICN NOrlh Platte NE 11:09 Uniloader 0 1 0 ICN North Platte NE 11309 Trackhoe-Mini 1 0 ICN North Platte NE 11:09 Toolcat 1 0 ION North Platte NE 11209 325 Excavator 0 1 0 ICN North Platte NE 11210 I 966 Wheel Loader 0 1 0 0 ICN North Platte NE 11110 Backhoe 1 I Duluth MN 11:39 Skid Steer 0 1 0 0 Duluth MN 11:39 Mini Excavator 0 1 0 uluth MN 1139 Mini Excavator 0 1 0 ICN th MN 11239 Skid Steer with Tracks 0 1 Du MN 11:39 1 track Loader 0 1 Hudson WI 11140 Excavator 0 2 0 ICN Hudson 11240 I Skid Steer 1 0 ICN Hudson 11:40 Sub Total Earth Moving Equipment: 25 Roll-Off Container Description Stencil gm State mum Roll-Off Box 0 ICN Anoka MN 10134 5 Roll-Off Container 0 ICN Eveleth MN 11307 Haz Roll-Off ICN North Platte NE 11309 Non-Haz Roll?Off ICN North Platte NE 11209 Sub Total Roll-Off Container: Total Support Equipme Total 06 to 12 hou Running Totalfrom 0 to' unknownhours RESOURCE BY TYPE mix .J It?? Page 2 of 5 ?ii? National Response Corporation Equipment Types: Vacuum System Resource Availability By Type Zone: Bismarck, ND - Case# DM15-0099 May 04,2015 00 to 05 hours Does not include recallfmobilization time) Vacuum System Vacuum Truck Description ?t?ngil mm m: aner gale Vacuum Truck 0 1 343 71 ION Minot ND 02151 High Powered Vacuum Truck 0 5 1715 355 ICN Williston ND 04238 Vacuum Tanker 1 343 119 ICN Williston ND 04238 Vacuum Truck 0 1 528 71 Williston ND 04239 Vacuum Truck 0 1 4032 71 ICN Sidney MT 04:52 Pump Truck 0 1 651 71 ICN Moorhead MN 05:27 Sub Total Vacuum Truck: 10 7612 758 Total Vacuum System: 10 7612 758 Total 00 to 06 hours: 7612 758 Running Total from 0 to unknown: 7612 758 whiz.? 5a? bun-VIM!? 1 I Mr 3b!" 58"? W634 21'\ as Mib??A'Au no 00 to 06 hours RESOURCE AVAILABILITY BY TYPE Page 1 of 2 06 to 12 hours Does not include recallimobilization time) Vacuum System Vacuum Truck Quantity Me aner Qty 533 Vacuum Straight Truck 0 1 343 71 ICN Winnipeg Canad: 07145 Vacuum Truck 0 1 343 71 ICN Solway MN 07:48 Vacuum Truck 0 1 343 T1 Bemidji MN 08200 Pump Truck 0 1 651 71 ICN Bemidji MN 03:00 Vacuum Truck 0 1 343 71 ICN Regina Canadi 08:42 Presvac 0 3 1029 213 ICN Regina Canadi 08:42 Vacuum Truck 0 3 1029 213 ICN Anoka MN 10134 Pump Truck 0 4 2604 284 ICN Anoka MN 10234 Vacuum Truck 0 4 1372 572 ICN Eveleth MN 11207 Pump Truck 0 2 1302 142 ICN Eveleth MN 11:07 Vacuum Truck 0 2 686 142 ICN Eveleth MN 11207 Vacuum Truck 0 3 1029 210 North Platte NE 11209 Vacuum Truck 0 1 343 70 ICN North Platte NE 11210 Vacuum Truck 0 2 686 240 ICN Hudson WI 11140 Vacuum Truck 0 1 343 120 ICN Hudson WI 11140 Vacuum Truck 0 2 686 142 ICN Cannon Falls MN 11243 Sub Total Vacuum Truck: 32 13132 2703 Total Vacuum System: 32 13132 2703 Total 06 to 12 hours: 13132 27 Running Total from 0 to unknown: 20744 1 gag-emuw-mmw-"m - 06 to 12 hours RESOURCE AVAILABILITY BY TYPE u'm-u . A Page 2 of 2 National Response Corporation Resource Availability By Type Zone: Bismarck, ND Equipment Types: SkimmerNessel - Case# DM15-0099 May 04, 2015 00 to 06 hours Does not include recalli?mobilization time) Skimmer Drum Description Stencil Quantity Storage We; ?y WM Small Drum Skimmer 0 2 342 0 ICN Williston ND 0438 "23' Drum Skimmer 2 342 0 ICN Williston ND 04:41 36" Drum Skimmer 0 2 494 0 ICN Williston ND 04341 Elastec T081 18 Skimmer 0 2 480 0 ICN Sidney MT 04252 Sub Total Drum: 8 1658 0 Floating Suction ri i Stencil QM LRC Slate mum Waiting Suction Skimmer o 1 274 i Minot i 02:51 i Sub Total Floating Suction: 1 274 Oleophilic Disk ri i Stencil it Stale mum Crucial 0RD Disk Skimmer ORB-005 1 342 ?tiff 01:45 Crucial 0RD Disk Skimmer_ ORB-003 1 342 ND 04:52 Sub Total Oleophilic Disk: 2 684 Total Skimmer: 11 2616 Vessel Deployment Craft 25 foot) i i Stencil Qujmtijy wner Qty State ?18' Deployment Craft 0 Williston ND i 04138 28' Deployment Craft 0 Williston ND I 04138 I Response Boat Custom Fiat 0 ICN Williston ND 04:41 Deployment Craft 0 ICN Sidney MT 5 04:52 28' Deployment Craft 0 0 ICN Sidney MT 04352 Deployment Craft 0 ICN Sidney MT 0452 Sub Total Deployment Craft 25 foo 0 Deployment Craft 25 foot) Description EDELQ Deployment Craft o 0 0 IICN IWilliston IND 04:38 Sub Total Deployment Craft 25 foot): 1 0 0 Total Vessel: 9 0 Total 00 to 06 hours: 2616 0 Running Total from 0 to unknown: 2616 00 to 06 hours I RESOURCE AVAILABILITY BY TYPE Page 1 of2 06 to 12 hours Does not include recall/mobilization time) Skimmer Drum r' i ?lgngil EDRC We mug: ?y State Medium Drum Skimmer 0 1 240 0 ICN [Winnipeg Canadi 07153 Medium Drum Skimmer 1 240 0 Eveleth MN 11:07 i Elastec Mini Max Skimmer 1 137? 0 ICN North Platte NE 11109 Elastec Skimmer 1 480 0 ICN North Platte NE 11:09 Crucial 1D18P48 Skimmer 2 686 0 ICN Cannon Falls MN ?343 Sub Total Drum: 6 1783 0 Floating Suction Description Stencil i Storage Owner g1 51% *?Li_1TIme Awa hrimm Douglas SkimPac I 1 240 I ICN INorth Platte INE I 11:09 1 Sub Total Floating Suction: 1 240 0 Multi Skimmer Description Stencil Quantity Storage Owner ?y State Action 24 Skimmer 0 1 823 ICN Duluth MN I 11:39 Action 24 Skimmer AP-24-110 1 823 0 NRC Superior WI 11:42 Action 24 Skimmer AP-24-120 1 823 NRC Superior WI I 11:42 Sub Total Multi Skimmer: 3 2469 0 Total Skimmer: 10 4492 0 Vessel Deployment Craft 25 foot) Description Stencil Quantity ra wner ?y 5% *Ti Awa hrimm 18' Deployment Craft 0 0 ICN Watertown SD 05313 16' Deployment Craft 0 1 CN Winnipeg Canadi 07153 17? Deployment Craft 0 1 0 0 Roseville MN 1059 14? Deployment Craft 0 2 ICN Eyeleth I MN 11107 18' Deployment Craft 0 0 North Platte NE 11:09 18' Deployment Craft 0 ICN Duluth MN 11339 15' Deployment Craft 0 1 0 0 ICN Duluth MN 11539 18' DeploymentCraft WB-ZOS 1 0 NRC Superior WI 11142 17' Deployment Craft 0 0 0 ICN Cannon Falls MN 11:43 12' Deployment Craft 0 1 0 0 ICN Cannon Falls MN 11143 21' Deployment Craft 0 1 0 0 ICN Cannon Falls MN 11:43 Sub Total Deployment Craft 25 foo 0 Total Vessel: 0 0 Total 06 to 12 hours: 4492 0 Running Total from to unknown: 7108 0 "Wow 'W'Ammn I-D 3631-1 WIMWIE w?-Uii .m-r'uw 75L: minds Mad-W LM?ufu-Anr?d?v Mann-u nr' 06 to 12 hours RESOURCE AVAILABILITY BY TYPE Page 2 of 2 National Response Corporation Equipment Types: Portable Storage Resource Availability By Type Zone: Bismarck, ND - Case# DM15-0099 May 04, 2015 06 to 12 hours Does not include time) Portable Storage Frac Tank mm ore 9mm git! Frac Tank 0 2 952 ICN Solway MN 07:48 1 Mobile Storage Trailer 0 2 0 1000 ICN Eyeleth MN 11107 I Sub Total Frac Tank: 4 0 1952 Total Portable Storage: 4 0 1952 Total 06 to 12 hours: - 0 . 1952 Running Total from to unknown: 0 1952 Hammad-J "ha-ti: ?1.354;; WUin .5. ur'u'i 5.313?.- mi?; xmasa-a'iryn: 51 mun-cum can. at 06 to 12 hours RESOURCE AVAILABILITY BY TYPE Page 1 of 2 National Response Corporation Equipment Types: Boom/Portable Storage/Skimmer/Support Equipment/Vacuum System/Vessel Resource Availability By Type Zone: Sioux Falls, SD Williston ND - Case# DM15-0085 April 20, 2015 00 to 06 hours (* Does not include recall/mobilization time) ContractorLocation Boom >=6 and <18 inch Stencil # Absorbent Boom 8"x40' Bundle 10" Containment Boom 10" Fast Water Boom 12" Boom 0 0 0 0 Sub Total >=6 and <18 inch: Quantity EDRC 25 1,300 200 200 0 0 0 0 1725 0 Storage Owner 0 0 0 0 ICN ICN ICN ICN Stencil # 0 0 Quantity 8,000 1,900 0 0 9900 0 0 11625 0 0 Sub Total Dracone/Bladder: Quantity 25 10 35 Frac Tank Stencil # 0 Sub Total Frac Tank: Portable Tank Description 3000 Gallon Poly Tank 95 Gallon Poly Overpack 85 Gallon Steel Overpack Portable Tank Stencil # 0 0 0 0 0 0 Quantity 0 EDRC 1 1 State Omaha Omaha Omaha Anoka NE NE NE MN *Time Away (hr:mm) 04:52 04:52 04:52 05:44 City State Environmental Restoration LLC Clean Harbors Environmental Services Omaha Cannon Falls NE MN City State Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Omaha Omaha NE NE City State Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Omaha NE City State Omaha Omaha Omaha Anoka NE NE NE MN City State Storage Owner 25 ICN 0 ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 04:33 05:45 *Time Away (hr:mm) 04:52 04:52 25 D Description EDRC R Stencil # 0 0 Mini Frac Tank 0 ICN 0 ICN Total Boom: Dracone/Bladder Description Storage Owner Sub Total 18": Portable Storage 55 Gallon Drum DOT 55 Gallon Poly EDRC AF Description City 0 18" 18" Boom 18" Boom Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. OSI Environmental, Inc. T Description 0 0 Quantity EDRC 4 10 10 1 0 0 0 0 Storage Owner 240 ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 04:52 240 Storage Owner 284 20 0 0 Sub Total Portable Tank: 25 0 304 Total Portable Storage: 61 0 569 ICN ICN ICN ICN Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. OSI Environmental, Inc. *Time Away (hr:mm) 04:52 04:52 04:52 05:44 Skimmer Drum Description 00 to 06 hours Stencil # Quantity EDRC Storage Owner RESOURCE AVAILABILITY BY TYPE *Time Away (hr:mm) Page 1 of 16 00 to 06 hours (* Does not include recall/mobilization time) Elastec TDS118 Skimmer Crucial 1D18P48 Skimmer 0 0 ContractorLocation 1 2 240 686 0 ICN 0 ICN Sub Total Drum: 3 926 0 Total Skimmer: 3 926 0 Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Clean Harbors Environmental Services Omaha Cannon Falls NE MN City State Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Omaha Omaha NE NE City State Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Omaha NE 04:52 05:45 Support Equipment Ancillary Gear Description Stencil # 3" Hydrocarbon Hose 2" Hydrocarbon Hose 0 0 Sub Total Ancillary Gear: Quantity EDRC 70 160 0 0 230 0 Storage Owner 0 ICN 0 ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 04:52 04:52 0 Blower Stencil # 0 Sub Total Blower: Quantity EDRC 1 0 1 0 Storage Owner 0 ICN Compressor Stencil # 0 0 0 Sub Total Compressor: Quantity EDRC 1 1 1 0 0 0 3 0 Crane Truck Description Stencil # Sidebooms/Padded 0 Sub Total Crane Truck: EDRC 2 0 0 Description Stencil # Dump Truck 0 Sub Total Dump Truck/Trailer: EDRC 1 0 Description Stencil # Skid Steer Mini-Excavator Uniloader Drum Grabber Trackhoe Mini Backhoe Track Loader 325 Excavator 977 Track Loader D6T Dozer 966 Wheel Loader 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sub Total Earth Moving Equipment: 0 Quantity EDRC 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 State Watertown Anoka Cannon Falls SD MN MN City State Hulcher Services, INC. Bondurant IA City State OSI Environmental, Inc. Anoka MN City State Environmental Restoration LLC Environmental Restoration LLC Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Environmental Restoration LLC Hulcher Services, INC. Hulcher Services, INC. Hulcher Services, INC. Hulcher Services, INC. Omaha Omaha Omaha Omaha Omaha Omaha Roseville Bondurant Bondurant Bondurant Bondurant NE NE NE NE NE NE MN IA IA IA IA 0 *Time Away (hr:mm) 02:43 05:44 05:45 Storage Owner 0 ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 05:58 Storage Owner 0 ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 05:44 0 D Earth Moving Equipment City Prairie Consulting Group OSI Environmental, Inc. Clean Harbors Environmental Services 0 Quantity 1 0 ICN 0 ICN 0 ICN R Dump Truck/Trailer 04:52 0 Quantity 2 Storage Owner AF Description Air Compressor Compressor Compressor *Time Away (hr:mm) 0 T Description Leaf Blower Storage Owner 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 0 Flatbed Trailer 00 to 06 hours RESOURCE AVAILABILITY BY TYPE Page 2 of 16 04:33 04:33 04:52 04:52 04:52 04:52 05:46 05:58 05:58 05:58 05:58 00 to 06 hours (* Does not include recall/mobilization time) Description Flatbed Trailer Stencil # 0 Sub Total Flatbed Trailer: ContractorLocation Quantity EDRC 1 0 1 0 City State Environmental Restoration LLC Roseville MN City State OSI Environmental, Inc. Anoka MN City State OSI Environmental, Inc. Clean Harbors Environmental Services Environmental Restoration LLC Anoka Cannon Falls Roseville MN MN MN Storage Owner 0 ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 05:46 0 Fork Lift Description Forklift Stencil # 0 Sub Total Fork Lift: Quantity EDRC 1 0 1 0 Storage Owner 0 ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 05:44 0 Generator Description Generator Generator Generator Stencil # 0 0 0 Sub Total Generator: Quantity EDRC 2 2 1 0 0 0 5 0 Storage Owner 0 ICN 0 ICN 0 ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 05:44 05:45 05:46 0 Pick-Up Truck Sub Total Pick-Up Truck: Quantity EDRC 2 3 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 Pressure Washer Sub Total Pressure Washer: Roll Off Container Description Haz-Roll Off Stencil # 0 Sub Total Roll Off Container: Roll-Off Container Description Roll-Off Box Stencil # 0 Sub Total Roll-Off Container: Quantity EDRC 1 2 1 2 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN Quantity 0 0 0 Quantity EDRC 2 0 2 State Watertown Omaha Anoka Cannon Falls Roseville SD NE MN MN MN City State Prairie Consulting Group OSI Environmental, Inc. OSI Environmental, Inc. Clean Harbors Environmental Services Clean Harbors Environmental Services Environmental Restoration LLC Watertown Anoka Anoka Cannon Falls Cannon Falls Roseville SD MN MN MN MN MN City State Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Omaha NE City State OSI Environmental, Inc. Anoka MN City State Haz-Mat Response, Inc. OSI Environmental, Inc. Clean Harbors Environmental Services Environmental Restoration LLC Omaha Anoka Cannon Falls Roseville NE MN MN MN *Time Away (hr:mm) 02:43 04:52 05:44 05:45 05:46 0 0 0 0 0 0 ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 02:43 05:44 05:44 05:45 05:45 05:46 0 EDRC 6 6 City Prairie Consulting Group Haz-Mat Response, Inc. OSI Environmental, Inc. Clean Harbors Environmental Services Environmental Restoration LLC Storage Owner R Stencil # 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D Description Pressure Washer Pressure Washer Hydro Jetter Pressure Washer- Cold Pressure Washer- Hot Pressure Washer Storage Owner T Stencil # 0 0 0 0 0 AF Description Pick-Up Truck 3/4 Ton or Smaller Pick-Up Truck Pick-Up Truck Pick-Up Truck 0 Storage Owner 0 ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 04:52 0 Storage Owner 0 ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 05:44 0 SCBA Description SCBA SCBA SCBA SCBA 00 to 06 hours Stencil # 0 0 0 0 Quantity EDRC 6 2 4 3 0 0 0 0 Storage Owner 0 0 0 0 ICN ICN ICN ICN RESOURCE AVAILABILITY BY TYPE *Time Away (hr:mm) Page 3 of 16 04:52 05:44 05:45 05:46 (* Does not include recall/mobilization time) 00 to 06 hours Sub Total SCBA: ContractorLocation 15 0 0 Truck - Semi Description Stencil # Tractor Trailer Trucks Roll-Off Truck 0 0 Sub Total Truck - Semi: Quantity EDRC 1 1 0 0 2 0 City State OSI Environmental, Inc. Clean Harbors Environmental Services Anoka Cannon Falls MN MN City State Haz-Mat Response, Inc. OSI Environmental, Inc. Environmental Restoration LLC Environmental Restoration LLC Omaha Anoka Roseville Roseville NE MN MN MN Storage Owner 0 ICN 0 ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 05:44 05:45 0 Utility Trailer Description Stencil # Response Trailer Response Trailer Cargo Trailer Boom Trailer 0 0 0 0 Sub Total Utility Trailer: Quantity EDRC 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 4 0 Storage Owner 0 0 0 0 ICN ICN ICN ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 04:52 05:44 05:46 05:46 0 Utility Truck Sub Total Utility Truck: Quantity EDRC 2 2 1 0 0 0 5 0 Van Trailer Description Stencil # Response Trailer with Semi Van Trailer Response Trailer Boom Trailer 0 0 0 0 EDRC 1 2 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Vacuum Transfer Unit Description Stencil # 0 Sub Total Vacuum Transfer Unit: Quantity EDRC 1 343 D Sub Total Loader: ICN ICN ICN ICN 1 343 Quantity EDRC 1 343 1 343 State MN MN MN City State Watertown Anoka Cannon Falls Cannon Falls SD MN MN MN City State Clean Harbors Environmental Services Cannon Falls MN City State Clean Harbors Environmental Services Cannon Falls MN City State Haz-Mat Response, Inc. OSI Environmental, Inc. OSI Environmental, Inc. Clean Harbors Environmental Services Omaha Anoka Anoka Cannon Falls NE MN MN MN Storage Owner 71 ICN City Anoka Anoka Cannon Falls Prairie Consulting Group OSI Environmental, Inc. Clean Harbors Environmental Services Clean Harbors Environmental Services R 7 323 Stencil # Vacuum Transfer Unit 0 0 0 0 Sub Total Van Trailer: 0 OSI Environmental, Inc. OSI Environmental, Inc. Clean Harbors Environmental Services Storage Owner Total Support Equipment: Loader Description 0 ICN 0 ICN 0 ICN 0 Quantity Vacuum System Guzzler- Air Mover Storage Owner T Stencil # 0 0 0 AF Description Box Truck Response Truck Rack Truck *Time Away (hr:mm) 05:44 05:44 05:45 *Time Away (hr:mm) 02:43 05:44 05:45 05:45 *Time Away (hr:mm) 05:45 71 Storage Owner 12 ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 05:45 12 Vacuum Truck Description Vac Truck Vacuum Truck Pump Truck Vacuum Truck Stencil # 0 0 0 0 Sub Total Vacuum Truck: 00 to 06 hours Quantity EDRC 1 3 4 2 343 1,029 2,604 686 10 4662 Storage Owner 70 213 284 142 ICN ICN ICN ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 709 RESOURCE AVAILABILITY BY TYPE Page 4 of 16 04:52 05:44 05:44 05:45 00 to 06 hours (* Does not include recall/mobilization time) Total Vacuum System: ContractorLocation 12 5348 792 Vessel Deployment Craft (< 25 foot) Stencil # 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Quantity EDRC 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Owner 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 Total Vessel: 8 0 0 Total 00 to 06 hours: 6274 1,361.00 Running Total from 0 to unknown: 6274 1361 Prairie Consulting Group Environmental Restoration LLC Environmental Restoration LLC Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Clean Harbors Environmental Services Clean Harbors Environmental Services Clean Harbors Environmental Services Environmental Restoration LLC City State Watertown Omaha Omaha Omaha Cannon Falls Cannon Falls Cannon Falls Roseville SD NE NE NE MN MN MN MN *Time Away (hr:mm) 0 D R AF Sub Total Deployment Craft (< 25 foot): ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN T Description 18' Deployment Craft 15' Deployment Craft 20' Deployment Craft 18' Deployment Craft 17' Deployment Craft 12' Deployment Craft 21' Deployment Craft 17' Deployment Craft 00 to 06 hours RESOURCE AVAILABILITY BY TYPE Page 5 of 16 02:43 04:33 04:33 04:52 05:45 05:45 05:45 05:46 06 to 12 hours (* Does not include recall/mobilization time) ContractorLocation Boom >=6 and <18 inch Description Stencil # 10" Boom 6" Boom 6" Absorbent Boom 10" Boom 10" Fast Water Boom 12" Boom 10" Boom 10" Boom 10" Boom Super Mini Boom 0 0 0 0 0 0 BM10-001 0 0 0 Sub Total >=6 and <18 inch: Quantity EDRC 800 400 1 1,200 850 2,000 1,000 1,500 850 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8751 0 Storage Owner 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN NRC ICN ICN ICN Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Environmental Troubleshooters Environmental Troubleshooters Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. OSI Environmental, Inc. Basin Transload Beulah Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Eagle Environmental Services Eagle Environmental Services City State North Platte Duluth Duluth Olathe Olathe Eveleth Beulah Great Bend Wichita Wichita NE MN MN KS KS MN ND KS KS KS City State Duluth Duluth MN MN *Time Away (hr:mm) 07:34 08:59 08:59 09:37 09:37 09:40 10:16 10:39 11:36 11:36 0 Stencil # 21" Boom 21" Boom 0 0 Sub Total >18 and <42 inch: Quantity 3,400 50 0 0 3450 0 18" Sub Total 18": Total Boom: Portable Storage Dracone/Bladder Description Stencil # Bladder Canflex FCB-43E Bladder Canflex FCB-43E Bladder 0 BC-60 BC-80 Sub Total Dracone/Bladder: Quantity 1,400 1,000 1,500 1,500 1,000 500 4,500 400 1,000 12800 0 ICN 0 ICN EDRC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ICN ICN NRC NRC ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN City State Beltrami Industrial Services OSI Environmental, Inc. Environmental Troubleshooters Environmental Troubleshooters Heritage Environmental Services Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Eagle Environmental Services Future Environmental, Inc. Solway Bemidji Superior Superior Kansas City Olathe Minot Wichita Peoria MN MN WI WI MO KS ND KS IL City State Environmental Troubleshooters Environmental Troubleshooters Environmental Troubleshooters Duluth Superior Superior MN WI WI City State Solway Olathe Olathe MN KS KS *Time Away (hr:mm) 08:59 08:59 *Time Away (hr:mm) 08:10 08:13 09:00 09:00 09:14 09:37 11:09 11:36 11:49 0 0 Quantity EDRC 1 1 1 0 0 0 3 Environmental Troubleshooters Environmental Troubleshooters Storage Owner R Stencil # 0 0 BM21-714 BM21-715 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Owner 0 D Description 18" Boom 18" Boom 18" Boom 18" Boom 18" Boom 18" Boom 18" Boom 18" Boom 18" Boom EDRC AF Description T >18 and <42 inch 0 0 Storage Owner 100 ICN 100 NRC 100 NRC *Time Away (hr:mm) 08:59 09:00 09:00 300 Frac Tank Description Frac Tank Mini Frac Tank Frac Tank 06 to 12 hours Stencil # 0 0 0 Quantity EDRC 2 2 1 0 0 0 Storage Owner 952 ICN 476 ICN 500 ICN Beltrami Industrial Services Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. RESOURCE AVAILABILITY BY TYPE *Time Away (hr:mm) Page 6 of 16 08:10 09:37 09:37 06 to 12 hours (* Does not include recall/mobilization time) Mobile Storage Trailer Mini Frac Tank Frac Tank Frac Tank 0 0 0 0 Sub Total Frac Tank: ContractorLocation 2 1 1 1 10 0 0 0 0 0 1,000 240 238 476 ICN ICN ICN ICN OSI Environmental, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Eagle Environmental Services Eagle Environmental Services Eveleth Great Bend Wichita Wichita MN KS KS KS City State Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Environmental Troubleshooters Environmental Troubleshooters Environmental Troubleshooters Environmental Troubleshooters Environmental Troubleshooters Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. OSI Environmental, Inc. OSI Environmental, Inc. Basin Transload Beulah Basin Transload Beulah Basin Transload Beulah Basin Transload Beulah Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Eagle Environmental Services Eagle Environmental Services Future Environmental, Inc. Future Environmental, Inc. North Platte North Platte North Platte Duluth Duluth Duluth Duluth Duluth Olathe Olathe Olathe Eveleth Eveleth Beulah Beulah Beulah Beulah Great Bend Great Bend Great Bend Great Bend Wichita Wichita Peoria Peoria NE NE NE MN MN MN MN MN KS KS KS MN MN ND ND ND ND KS KS KS KS KS KS IL IL City State Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Heritage Environmental Services Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. OSI Environmental, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Eagle Environmental Services North Platte North Platte Kansas City Olathe Olathe Olathe Eveleth Great Bend Wichita NE NE MO KS KS KS MN KS KS 09:40 10:39 11:36 11:36 3882 Portable Tank 216 229 Stencil # 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sub Total Drum: 06 to 12 hours 0 213 180 12 84 7 0 0 213 0 108 95 0 24 24 24 24 6,000 0 0 0 0 71 285 572 0 7936 0 12118 Quantity EDRC 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 137 480 171 240 137 480 240 240 240 9 Storage Owner ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN NRC NRC NRC NRC ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Portable Storage: Skimmer Description 5 3 5 1 4 1 10 10 3 100 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 25 15 10 4 1 3 4 Sub Total Portable Tank: Drum Elastec Mini Max Skimmer Elastec TDS118 Skimmer Small Drum Skimmer Elastec TDS118 Skimmer Elastec Mini Max Skimmer Elastec TDS118G Skimmer Medium Drum Skimmer Elastec TDS118 Skimmer Elastec TDS118 Skimmer EDRC AF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ELS-42 ELS-43 ELS-58 ELS-59 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Quantity R 55 Gallon Poly 3000 Poly Tank 1500 Poly Tank Poly Tank Poly Tank Poly Tank 55 Gallon Steel Drums 55 Gallon Steel Drums Poly Tank 55 Gallon Drum DOT Poly Tank Storage Trailer Portable Tanks Pillow Tank Pillow Tank Pillow Tank Pillow Tank Poly Tank 55 Gallon Drum DOT 95 Gallon Poly Overpack 85 Gallon Steel Overpack Oil Water Seperator Unit Poly Tank Portable Tank Portable Tank Stencil # D Description 2365 Storage Owner 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 07:34 07:34 07:34 08:59 08:59 08:59 08:59 08:59 09:37 09:37 09:37 09:40 09:40 10:16 10:16 10:16 10:16 10:39 10:39 10:39 10:39 11:36 11:36 11:49 11:49 *Time Away (hr:mm) 0 RESOURCE AVAILABILITY BY TYPE Page 7 of 16 07:34 07:34 09:14 09:37 09:37 09:37 09:40 10:39 11:36 06 to 12 hours (* Does not include recall/mobilization time) ContractorLocation Description Stencil # Douglas SkimPac Douglas SkimPac Floating Suction Skimmer Douglas 4300 SkimPac 0 0 0 0 Sub Total Floating Suction: City State Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Veolia Environmental Services North Platte Olathe Minot Neenah NE KS ND WI City State Environmental Troubleshooters Environmental Troubleshooters Environmental Troubleshooters Duluth Superior Superior MN WI WI City State Basin Transload Beulah Beulah ND AF Floating Suction City State Duluth MN City State 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 North Platte North Platte North Platte North Platte North Platte North Platte North Platte Duluth Duluth Duluth Olathe Olathe Olathe Olathe Olathe Olathe Olathe Olathe Olathe Olathe NE NE NE NE NE NE NE MN MN MN KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS KS Quantity EDRC 1 1 1 2 240 240 274 960 5 1714 Storage Owner 0 0 0 0 ICN ICN ICN ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 07:34 09:37 11:09 11:46 0 Multi Skimmer Description Stencil # Action 24 Skimmer Action 24 Skimmer Action 24 Skimmer 0 AP-24-110 AP-24-120 Sub Total Multi Skimmer: Quantity EDRC 1 1 1 823 823 823 3 2469 Storage Owner 0 ICN 0 NRC 0 NRC *Time Away (hr:mm) 08:59 09:00 09:00 0 Oleophilic Disk Stencil # Quantity EDRC ORD-005 1 342 0 NRC Sub Total Oleophilic Disk: 1 342 0 Total Skimmer: 18 6890 0 Support Equipment Air Monitoring and Detection Equipment Description Negative Air Machines Stencil # 0 Sub Total Air Monitoring and Detection Equipment: Quantity EDRC 2 0 2 0 Ancillary Gear 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Quantity 0 ICN EDRC 6 17 1 10 10 470 3 1 1 12 10 3 2 6 20 20 6 20 250 2,000 Environmental Troubleshooters Storage Owner R SCBA Full Face Respirator Manifold Breathing System 95 Gallon Poly Overpack 85 Gallon Steel Overpack Hose Variety Drum Grabber Cutting Torches Water Sampling Multi Meter Anchors Drum Grabber High Intensity Light Plant Manifold Breathing System 110 Gallon Poly Overpack 85 Gallon Steel Overpack 95 Gallon Poly Overpack 55 Gallon Stainless Steel Drum 55 Gallon Poly 2" Chemical Hose Hydrocarbon Hose Variety Stencil # Storage Owner *Time Away (hr:mm) 10:16 *Time Away (hr:mm) 08:59 0 D Description 06 to 12 hours Storage Owner T Description Crucial ORD Disk Skimmer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Environmental Troubleshooters Environmental Troubleshooters Environmental Troubleshooters Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. RESOURCE AVAILABILITY BY TYPE *Time Away (hr:mm) Page 8 of 16 07:34 07:34 07:34 07:34 07:34 07:34 07:34 08:59 08:59 08:59 09:37 09:37 09:37 09:37 09:37 09:37 09:37 09:37 09:37 09:37 06 to 12 hours (* Does not include recall/mobilization time) Power Pack Hydrocarbon Hose 0 0 Sub Total Ancillary Gear: ContractorLocation 1 170 3039 0 0 0 0 ICN 0 ICN Veolia Environmental Services Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Wausau Great Bend WI KS City State Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Olathe KS City State Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Environmental Troubleshooters Environmental Troubleshooters Environmental Troubleshooters Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. North Platte North Platte Duluth Duluth Duluth Olathe Great Bend NE NE MN MN MN KS KS City State Beltrami Industrial Services Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Solway Olathe Minot MN KS ND City State Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Beltrami Industrial Services Environmental Troubleshooters Haz-Mat Response, Inc. OSI Environmental, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Strata Corporation (Earthmover) North Platte Solway Duluth Olathe Eveleth Great Bend Minot NE MN MN KS MN KS ND City State Hulcher Services, INC. Hudson WI City State Hulcher Services, INC. Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Hudson Minot WI ND City State 10:24 10:39 0 ATV Description Stencil # ATV- Gator 0 Sub Total ATV: Quantity EDRC 2 0 2 0 Storage Owner 0 ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 09:37 0 Blower Stencil # 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sub Total Blower: Quantity EDRC 3 2 2 1 2 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 Storage Owner 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN 0 Communications Stencil # Command Post Trailer Office River Trailer Mobile Command Center 0 0 0 Sub Total Communications: Quantity 1 1 1 3 Sub Total Compressor: Crane Description Crane Stencil # 0 Sub Total Crane: 0 ICN 0 ICN 0 ICN Quantity EDRC 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Owner 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN R Stencil # 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Owner 9 Quantity 0 EDRC 1 1 *Time Away (hr:mm) 07:34 07:34 08:59 08:59 08:59 09:37 10:39 *Time Away (hr:mm) 08:10 09:37 11:09 0 D Description 0 0 0 0 Compressor Air Compressor Compressor Air Compressor Air Compressor Compressor Air Compressor Compressor EDRC AF Description T Description Boom Inflator/Leaf Blower Blower Blower Blower Ventilation Unit Boom Inflator Boom Inflator 0 0 *Time Away (hr:mm) 07:34 08:10 08:59 09:37 09:40 10:39 11:09 0 Storage Owner 0 ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 06:19 0 Crane Truck Description Grapple Truck Crane Truck Stencil # 0 0 Sub Total Crane Truck: Quantity EDRC 1 1 0 0 2 0 Storage Owner 0 ICN 0 ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 06:19 11:09 0 Dump Truck/Trailer Description 06 to 12 hours Stencil # Quantity EDRC Storage Owner RESOURCE AVAILABILITY BY TYPE *Time Away (hr:mm) Page 9 of 16 06 to 12 hours (* Does not include recall/mobilization time) Dump Truck End Dump Dump Truck Dump Truck Dump Truck Dump Truck End Dump End Dumps Dump Truck 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sub Total Dump Truck/Trailer: ContractorLocation 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 3 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Beltrami Industrial Services Environmental Troubleshooters Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Strata Corporation (Earthmover) North Platte North Platte Solway Duluth Olathe Great Bend Great Bend Minot Minot NE NE MN MN KS KS KS ND ND City State Hudson Hudson Hudson North Platte North Platte North Platte North Platte North Platte North Platte North Platte Solway Solway Solway Solway Solway Duluth Duluth Duluth Duluth Duluth Kansas City Olathe Olathe Olathe Olathe Eveleth Eveleth Galesburg Galesburg Great Bend Great Bend Great Bend Great Bend Great Bend Great Bend Minot Minot WI WI WI NE NE NE NE NE NE NE MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MN MO KS KS KS KS MN MN IL IL KS KS KS KS KS KS ND ND 07:34 07:34 08:10 08:59 09:37 10:39 10:39 11:09 11:09 0 Earth Moving Equipment 06 to 12 hours 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 26 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Owner 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN Hulcher Services, INC. Hulcher Services, INC. Hulcher Services, INC. Hulcher Services, INC. Hulcher Services, INC. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Beltrami Industrial Services Beltrami Industrial Services Beltrami Industrial Services Beltrami Industrial Services Beltrami Industrial Services Environmental Troubleshooters Environmental Troubleshooters Environmental Troubleshooters Environmental Troubleshooters Environmental Troubleshooters Heritage Environmental Services Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. OSI Environmental, Inc. OSI Environmental, Inc. Hulcher Services, INC. Hulcher Services, INC. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Strata Corporation (Earthmover) T EDRC AF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Quantity R track Loader Excavator Skid Steer 325 Excavator 966 Wheel Loader Backhoe Wheel Loader Uniloader Trackhoe-Mini Toolcat Crawler Loader Backhoe Skidsteer Loader Caterpillar Excavator Backhoe Skid Steer Mini Excavator Mini Excavator Skid Steer with Tracks Backhoe Excavator Uniloader Trackhoe - mini Wheel Loader Backhoe-Loader Skid Steer-Loader Track Loader Excavator Uni Loader Trackhoe Trencher (Uniloader Mount) Excavator (JD 200) D 6 Dozer with winch Kubota Tractor Loader Excavator Stencil # D Description RESOURCE AVAILABILITY BY TYPE *Time Away (hr:mm) Page 10 of 16 06:19 06:19 06:19 07:33 07:33 07:34 07:34 07:34 07:34 07:34 08:10 08:10 08:10 08:10 08:10 08:59 08:59 08:59 08:59 08:59 09:14 09:37 09:37 09:37 09:37 09:40 09:40 10:33 10:33 10:39 10:39 10:39 10:39 10:39 10:39 11:09 11:09 06 to 12 hours Skid Steer Grader Scraper Roller Dozer (* Does not include recall/mobilization time) 0 0 0 0 0 Sub Total Earth Moving Equipment: ContractorLocation 15 2 5 10 10 134 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Minot Minot Minot Minot Minot ND ND ND ND ND City State Hulcher Services, INC. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Beltrami Industrial Services Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. OSI Environmental, Inc. OSI Environmental, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Strata Corporation (Earthmover) North Platte North Platte North Platte Solway Olathe Olathe Eveleth Eveleth Great Bend Great Bend Minot Minot NE NE NE MN KS KS MN MN KS KS ND ND 11:09 11:09 11:09 11:09 11:09 0 Flatbed Trailer Sub Total Flatbed Trailer: Quantity EDRC 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 Fork Lift Stencil # 0 0 0 0 0 Sub Total Fork Lift: EDRC 1 1 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 7 Stencil # 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sub Total Generator: 0 Quantity EDRC 1 1 1 5 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 City State OSI Environmental, Inc. Beltrami Industrial Services OSI Environmental, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. OSI Environmental, Inc. Moorhead Solway Bemidji Olathe Eveleth MN MN MN KS MN City State Beltrami Industrial Services OSI Environmental, Inc. Environmental Troubleshooters Haz-Mat Response, Inc. OSI Environmental, Inc. Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Solway Bemidji Duluth Olathe Eveleth Minot MN MN MN KS MN ND City State North Platte Olathe Great Bend NE KS KS City State Storage Owner 0 0 0 0 0 ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 07:33 07:34 07:34 08:10 09:37 09:37 09:40 09:40 10:39 10:39 11:09 11:09 *Time Away (hr:mm) 06:33 08:10 08:13 09:37 09:40 0 D Description Generator Generator Generator Generator Generator Generator ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN 0 Quantity Generator 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R Description Forklift Forklift Forklifts Forklift Forklifts Storage Owner T Stencil # 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AF Description Skid Steer Lowboy Trailer Response Trailer Lowboy Trailer LowBoy Trailer Response Trailer Lowboy Trailer Deck Trailer Lowboy Trailer Response Trailer Flatbed Trailer Tandem Trailer 0 Storage Owner 0 0 0 0 0 0 ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 08:10 08:13 08:59 09:37 09:40 11:09 0 Light Plant Description Light Plant Portable Light Set Light Tower Stencil # 0 0 0 Sub Total Light Plant: Quantity EDRC 5 5 2 0 0 0 12 0 Storage Owner 0 ICN 0 ICN 0 ICN Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. *Time Away (hr:mm) 07:34 09:37 10:39 0 Pick-Up Truck Description 06 to 12 hours Stencil # Quantity EDRC Storage Owner RESOURCE AVAILABILITY BY TYPE *Time Away (hr:mm) Page 11 of 16 06 to 12 hours (* Does not include recall/mobilization time) Pick-Up Truck Pick-Up Truck Pick-Up Truck Pick-Up Truck Pick-Up Truck Pick-up truck Pick-Up Truck Pick-Up Truck 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ContractorLocation 4 2 1 11 9 2 48 2 Sub Total Pick-Up Truck: 79 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN Beltrami Industrial Services OSI Environmental, Inc. Heritage Environmental Services Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. OSI Environmental, Inc. Veolia Environmental Services Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Veolia Environmental Services Solway Bemidji Kansas City Olathe Eveleth Wausau Minot Neenah MN MN MO KS MN WI ND WI City State Environmental Troubleshooters Environmental Troubleshooters Veolia Environmental Services Superior Superior Neenah WI WI WI 08:10 08:13 09:14 09:37 09:40 10:24 11:09 11:46 0 Power Pack Description Power Pack Diesel Power Pack Power Pack Stencil # DPP-AP-24-110 DPP-10-120 0 Sub Total Power Pack: Quantity EDRC 1 1 2 0 0 0 4 0 Storage Owner 0 NRC 0 NRC 0 ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 09:00 09:00 11:46 0 Sub Total Pressure Washer: Quantity EDRC 3 1 1 1 1 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 Roll-Off Container Haz Roll-Off Non-Haz Roll-Off Haz Roll-Off Non-Haz Roll-Off Roll-Off Container Haz Roll-Off Non-Haz Roll-Off Stencil # 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sub Total Roll-Off Container: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN Quantity EDRC 4 1 16 2 20 12 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 56 City State North Platte North Platte Solway Bemidji Kansas City Olathe Eveleth Great Bend Great Bend Minot NE NE MN MN MO KS MN KS KS ND City State North Platte North Platte Olathe Olathe Eveleth Great Bend Great Bend NE NE KS KS MN KS KS City State Beltrami Industrial Services Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Solway Great Bend MN KS City State Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Olathe KS Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Beltrami Industrial Services OSI Environmental, Inc. Heritage Environmental Services Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. OSI Environmental, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Strata Corporation (Earthmover) *Time Away (hr:mm) 07:34 07:34 08:10 08:13 09:14 09:37 09:40 10:39 10:39 11:09 0 D Description Storage Owner AF Stencil # 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 R Description Pressure Washer- Hot Pressure Washer- Cold Pressure Washer Pressure Washer Pressure Washer Pressure Washer - Hot Pressure Washer Pressure Washer-Hot Pressure Washer- Cold Pressure Washer T Pressure Washer 0 Storage Owner 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. OSI Environmental, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. *Time Away (hr:mm) 07:34 07:34 09:37 09:37 09:40 10:39 10:39 0 Roll-off Truck Description Roll-off Truck Roll-Off Truck Stencil # 0 0 Sub Total Roll-off Truck: Quantity EDRC 1 1 0 0 2 0 Storage Owner 0 ICN 0 ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 08:10 10:39 0 Sand Blaster Description Sand Blaster 06 to 12 hours Stencil # 0 Quantity EDRC 1 0 Storage Owner 0 ICN RESOURCE AVAILABILITY BY TYPE *Time Away (hr:mm) Page 12 of 16 09:37 06 to 12 hours (* Does not include recall/mobilization time) Sub Total Sand Blaster: ContractorLocation 1 0 0 SCBA Description Stencil # SCBA SCBA SCBA Full Face Respirator SCBA Manifold Breathing System Full Face Respirator SCBA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sub Total SCBA: Quantity EDRC 2 1 22 22 8 1 10 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 72 0 City State Beltrami Industrial Services OSI Environmental, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Solway Bemidji Olathe Olathe Great Bend Great Bend Great Bend Minot MN MN KS KS KS KS KS ND City State Hulcher Services, INC. Hulcher Services, INC. Hulcher Services, INC. Hulcher Services, INC. Hudson Hudson North Platte Galesburg WI WI NE IL City State Peoria IL City State Minot ND City State Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Beltrami Industrial Services Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. OSI Environmental, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. North Platte North Platte Solway Olathe Olathe Olathe Eveleth Great Bend NE NE MN KS KS KS MN KS City State Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Environmental Troubleshooters Environmental Troubleshooters Heritage Environmental Services Inc. North Platte North Platte Superior Superior Kansas City NE NE WI WI MO Storage Owner 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 08:10 08:13 09:37 09:37 10:39 10:39 10:39 11:09 0 Side Boom Sub Total Side Boom: Quantity EDRC 2 3 2 2 0 0 0 0 9 0 Spares Van Trailer Description Stencil # Semi Trailer 0 Sub Total Spares Van Trailer: EDRC 1 0 0 Support Truck Support Truck Stencil # 0 Sub Total Support Truck: EDRC 5 0 Truck - Semi Tractor 16' Response Truck Tractor Tractor Roll-Off Truck 21-2 Ton Stakebed Truck Tractor Trailer Trucks Semi Tractor Stencil # 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sub Total Truck - Semi: 0 0 ICN Quantity EDRC 1 1 1 3 1 1 6 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 Future Environmental, Inc. 06:19 06:19 07:33 10:33 *Time Away (hr:mm) 11:49 Storage Owner 0 ICN Strata Corporation (Earthmover) *Time Away (hr:mm) 11:09 0 D Description Storage Owner *Time Away (hr:mm) 0 Quantity 5 ICN ICN ICN ICN R Description 0 0 0 0 0 Quantity 1 Storage Owner T Stencil # 0 0 0 0 AF Description Sideboom Sideboom-Padded Sideboom-Padded Sideboom-Padded 0 Storage Owner 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN *Time Away (hr:mm) 07:34 07:34 08:10 09:37 09:37 09:37 09:40 10:39 0 Utility Trailer Description Guzzler Trailer River Trailer Fast Response Trailer Fast Response Trailer Response Trailer 06 to 12 hours Stencil # 0 0 714 715 0 Quantity EDRC 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Owner 0 0 0 0 0 ICN ICN NRC NRC ICN RESOURCE AVAILABILITY BY TYPE *Time Away (hr:mm) Page 13 of 16 07:34 07:34 09:00 09:00 09:14 06 to 12 hours (* Does not include recall/mobilization time) Guzzler Trailer Low Pressure Transfer Trailer IDLH Trailer River Trailer Fast Response Trailer Small Trailer 0 0 0 0 739 0 Sub Total Utility Trailer: ContractorLocation 1 1 1 1 1 18 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ICN ICN ICN ICN NRC ICN Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Basin Transload Beulah Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Olathe Olathe Olathe Olathe Beulah Minot KS KS KS KS ND ND City State Moorhead Bemidji Bemidji Eveleth Neenah Peoria MN MN MN MN WI IL City State Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Beltrami Industrial Services OSI Environmental, Inc. Environmental Troubleshooters Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. OSI Environmental, Inc. OSI Environmental, Inc. OSI Environmental, Inc. Veolia Environmental Services Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Veolia Environmental Services Future Environmental, Inc. North Platte Solway Bemidji Duluth Olathe Olathe Olathe Eveleth Eveleth Eveleth Wausau Minot Minot Minot Neenah Peoria NE MN MN MN KS KS KS MN MN MN WI ND ND ND WI IL City State Environmental Troubleshooters Superior WI City State North Platte North Platte NE NE 09:37 09:37 09:37 09:37 10:16 11:09 0 Utility Truck Stencil # Box Truck Response Truck Box Truck Box Truck Stake Truck Service Trucks 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sub Total Utility Truck: Quantity EDRC 1 1 1 2 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 Storage Owner 0 0 0 0 0 0 ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN Sub Total Van Trailer: Workboat Trailer Description Workboat Trailer Stencil # WBT-208 1 1 1 3 1 5 2 3 3 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Owner 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN AF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 EDRC R Roll-Off Trailer Recovery Spill Trailer Response Trailer ER Trailers Roll-Off Trailer Equipment Trailer Response Truck Response Trailer Van Trailer Roll-Off Trailer Emergency Response Traile Lab Trailer Boom Trailer Decon Trailer Response Trailer Spill Response Trailer Quantity D Stencil # 30 *Time Away (hr:mm) 06:33 08:13 08:13 09:40 11:46 11:49 0 Van Trailer Description OSI Environmental, Inc. OSI Environmental, Inc. OSI Environmental, Inc. OSI Environmental, Inc. Veolia Environmental Services Future Environmental, Inc. T Description 0 Quantity EDRC 1 0 *Time Away (hr:mm) 07:34 08:10 08:13 08:59 09:37 09:37 09:37 09:40 09:40 09:40 10:24 11:09 11:09 11:09 11:46 11:49 0 Storage Owner 0 NRC Sub Total Workboat Trailer: 1 0 0 Total Support Equipment: 3610 0 0 *Time Away (hr:mm) 09:00 Vacuum System Loader Description Guzzler Dry Vac Vacuum Box Stencil # 0 0 Sub Total Loader: 06 to 12 hours Quantity EDRC 3 1 1,029 343 4 1372 Storage Owner 36 ICN 71 ICN Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. *Time Away (hr:mm) 107 RESOURCE AVAILABILITY BY TYPE Page 14 of 16 07:34 07:34 (* Does not include recall/mobilization time) 06 to 12 hours ContractorLocation Mini-Vac Description Stencil # Guzzler Dry Vac Vacuum Box HEPA Vac 0 0 0 Sub Total Mini-Vac: Quantity EDRC 1 1 3 343 343 1,029 5 1715 Storage Owner 12 ICN 71 ICN 0 ICN Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. City State Olathe Olathe Olathe KS KS KS City State Minot ND City State Great Bend KS *Time Away (hr:mm) 09:37 09:37 09:37 83 Vacuum Trailer Description Stencil # Vacuum Trailer 0 Sub Total Vacuum Trailer: Quantity EDRC 1 343 1 343 Storage Owner 20 ICN Strata Corporation (Earthmover) *Time Away (hr:mm) 11:09 20 Vacuum Transfer Unit Description Stencil # Guzzler Dry Vac 0 Sub Total Vacuum Transfer Unit: Quantity 1 1 EDRC 343 343 Storage Owner 0 ICN Haz-Mat Response, Inc. *Time Away (hr:mm) 10:39 0 EDRC 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 5 1 4 4 2 2 2 1 1 5 1 1 686 343 651 343 1,029 343 343 651 1,715 343 1,372 1,372 1,302 686 686 343 343 1,715 343 3,086 Storage Owner 240 120 71 70 210 71 71 71 120 119 280 572 142 142 96 71 71 655 80 71 ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN Hulcher Services, INC. Hulcher Services, INC. OSI Environmental, Inc. Hulcher Services, INC. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Beltrami Industrial Services OSI Environmental, Inc. OSI Environmental, Inc. Heritage Environmental Services Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. OSI Environmental, Inc. OSI Environmental, Inc. OSI Environmental, Inc. Veolia Environmental Services Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Strata Corporation (Earthmover) Veolia Environmental Services Eagle Environmental Services Future Environmental, Inc. AF Quantity R Stencil # 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D Description Vacuum Truck Vacuum Truck Pump Truck Vacuum Truck Vacuum Truck Vacuum Truck Vacuum Truck Pump Truck Vacuum Truck Vacuum Tanker Vacuum Truck Vacuum Truck Pump Truck Vacuum Truck Vacuum Truck Vacuum Truck Vacuum Truck Vacuum Truck Vacuum Truck Liquid Vac Truck T Vacuum Truck Sub Total Vacuum Truck: 40 17695 3343 Total Vacuum System: 51 21468 3553 City State Hudson Hudson Moorhead North Platte North Platte Solway Bemidji Bemidji Kansas City Olathe Olathe Eveleth Eveleth Eveleth Wausau Great Bend Minot Fort Atkinson Wichita Peoria WI WI MN NE NE MN MN MN MO KS KS MN MN MN WI KS ND WI KS IL City State North Platte Duluth Duluth Superior NE MN MN WI *Time Away (hr:mm) 06:19 06:19 06:33 07:33 07:34 08:10 08:13 08:13 09:14 09:37 09:37 09:40 09:40 09:40 10:24 10:39 11:09 11:22 11:36 11:49 Vessel Deployment Craft (< 25 foot) Description 18' Deployment Craft 18' Deployment Craft 15' Deployment Craft 18' Deployment Craft 06 to 12 hours Stencil # 0 0 0 WB-208 Quantity EDRC 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 Storage Owner 0 0 0 0 ICN ICN ICN NRC Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Environmental Troubleshooters Environmental Troubleshooters Environmental Troubleshooters RESOURCE AVAILABILITY BY TYPE *Time Away (hr:mm) Page 15 of 16 07:34 08:59 08:59 09:00 06 to 12 hours 16' Deployment Craft 18' Deployment Craft 14' Deployment Craft 14' Deployment Craft 18' Deployment Craft 21' Deployment Craft (* Does not include recall/mobilization time) 0 0 0 0 0 0 ContractorLocation 1 2 2 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 Total Vessel: 13 0 0 Total 06 to 12 hours: 28358 15,670.90 Running Total from 0 to unknown: 34632 17032 Heritage Environmental Services Inc. Haz-Mat Response, Inc. OSI Environmental, Inc. Veolia Environmental Services Haz-Mat Response, Inc. Veolia Environmental Services Kansas City Olathe Eveleth Wausau Great Bend Neenah MO KS MN WI KS WI 0 D R AF T Sub Total Deployment Craft (< 25 foot): ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN ICN 06 to 12 hours RESOURCE AVAILABILITY BY TYPE Page 16 of 16 09:14 09:37 09:40 10:24 10:39 11:46 National Response Corporation Equipment Types: Boom Resource Availability By Type Zone: Sioux Falls, SD Demo - Sioux Falls - Case# DM15-0101 May 04,2015 00 to 06 hours Does not include recallfmobilization time) Boom and <18 inch MM EQBQ 519L191: 9m Qt! tat lAbsorbent Boom 8"x40' Bundle 0 25 0 0 ICN Omaha NE 04152 (10" Containment Boom 1300 0 ICN Omaha NE 0452 510" Fast Water Boom 200 0 0 ICN Omaha NE 04252 i 12" Boom 200 0 Anoka MN 05244 Sub Total and <18 inch: 1725 0 0 Total Boom: 1725 0 0 Total 00 to 06 hours: 0 0 Running Total from 0 to unknown: 0 0 \1 min .2131) .- 4 $31 JUN.- ?lnl-M' uan. ?AH-?Riimw?? Vim} Ni? 1? .00 to 08 hours RESOURCE BY TYPE Page 1 of 2 05 to 12 hours Does not include recallrmobllization time) Boom and <18 inch ri i Quantity ?tgrage aner ?ag MW {10" Boom 0 800 0 0 ICN North Platte NE 07:34 6" Boom 400 0 0 ICN Duluth MN 08159 6" Absorbent Boom 0 1 0 0 ICN Duluth MN 03359 .10" Boom 0 1200 Olathe K8 09:37 i 10" Fast Water Boom 850 0 0 ICN Olathe KS 09137 - 12" Boom 0 2000 0 0 ICN Eveleth MN 09340 10" Boom BM10-001 1000 0 0 NRC Beulah ND 10115 10" Boom 0 1500 0 ICN Great Bend KS 10339 10" Boom 0 850 0 0 ICN Wichita KS 11:36 Super Mini Boom 0 150 0 0 Wichita KS 11135 Sub Total and <18 inch: 8751 0 0 Total Boom: 8751 0 0 Total 06 to 12 hours: .0 Running Total from 0 to unknown: 0 0 05 to 12 hours .. RESOURCE AVAILABILITY BY TYPE Page 2 of 2 National Response Corporation Equipment Types: Vacuum System Resource Availability By Type Zone: Sioux Falls, SD Demo - Sioux Falls - Case# DM15-0101 May 04, 2015 00 to 06 hours Does not include recall?mobilization time) Vacuum System Vacuum Truck cr' i ?tencil nti EQBQ Signage wn 51m [Vac Truck 0 1 343 70 ICN Omaha NE 04152 {Vacuum Truck 0 3 1029 213 ICN Anoka MN 05:44 [Pump Truck 0 4 2604 284 ICN Anoka MN 05:44 IVacuum Truck 0 2 686 142 ICN Cannon Falls MN 05:45 Sub Total Vacuum Truck: 10 4662 709 Total Vacuum System: 10 4662 709 Total 00 to 06 hours: 4662 709 Running Total from 0 to unknown: 4662 709 ?data 821 .lthi. lumn' 3? I 3" .Il. "Lupin 4 . aid him :x.:unwamm:muiw IU-ii In}! 346%? +12 00 to 06 hours RESOURCE AVAILABILITY BY TYPE Page 1 of 2 05 to 12 hours Does not include recalle'mobilization time) Vacuum System Vacuum Truck ri i ?1gncil nti ?Loragg angr Qty ?lm Vacuum Truck 0 2 686 240 ICN Hudson WI 06:19 Vacuum Truck 0 1 343 120 ICN Hudson WI 05219 Pump Truck 0 1 651 71 ICN Moorhead MN 06:33 Vacuum Truck 0 1 343 - H70 ICN North Platte NE 07233 Vacuum Truck 0 3 1029 210 ICN North PIatte NE 07334 Vacuum Truck 0 1 343 71 ICN Solway MN 08:10 Vacuum Truck 0 1 343 71 ICN Bemidji MN 08113 Pump Truck 0 1 651 71 ICN Bemidji MN 08:13 Vacuum Truck 0 5 1715 120 ICN Kansas City MO 09214 Vacuum Tanker 0 1 343 119 ICN Olathe KS 09:37 Vacuum Truck 0 4 1372 280 ICN I Olathe KS 09:37 i Vacuum Truck 0 4 1372 572 ICN Eveleth MN 09240 Pump Truck 0 2 1302 142 LICN Eveleth MN 09:40 Vacuum Truck 0 2 686 142 ICN Eveleth MN 09:40 Vacuum Truck 0 2 686 96 ICN Wausau WI 10124 [Vacuum Truck 0 1 343 71 ICN Great Bend KS 10:39 {Vacuum Truck 0 1 343 71 1 Minot ND 11:09 Vacuum Truck 0 5 1715 Fort Atkinson WI 1 1 :22 IVacuum Truck 0 1 343 ichita KS 11:36 ?3 Liquid Vac Truck 0 1 3086 ia IL 11:49 Sub Total Vacuum Truck: 40 17695 Total Vacuum System: 40 17695 Total 06 to 12 hours: 17695 Running Total from 0_ to unknown: ?1 3h amok?: WijghA' W'Xlae?k. 'a?lama?ms .?w'fama, '3 M11. . iv 51 '3 'bie'. 23-1! .dzl: v?l' Wum~3?l? MPH 06 to 12 hours RESOURCE AVAILABILITY BY TYPE Page 2 of 2 National Response Corporation Resource Availability By Type Zone: Sioux Falls, SD Equipment Types: SkimmerNessel 00 to 06 hours Does not include recall?mobilization time) Demo - Sioux Falls - Case# DM15-0101 May 04, 2015 Skimmer Drum Descripgign Stencil Qua?my Storage angr 9111 51m WM jElastecTDS1 18 Skimmer 1 240 Omaha NE 04:52 ICrucia 1D18P48 Skimmer 2 586 Cannon Falls MN 05g Sub Total Drum: 3 926 0 Total Skimmer: 3 926 0 Vessel Deployment Craft 25 foot) Description Stencil Quantity g! 18' Deployment Craft 0 1 0 Watertown SD 02143 i 15' Deployment Craft 0 1 0 0 IC Omaha NE 04333 20' Deployment Craft 0 1 0 0 Omaha NE 04133 18' Deployment Craft 0 1 0 Omaha NE 04152 17' Deployment Craft 0 1 0 non Falls MN 05:45 12' Deployment Craft 0 1 0 0 Falls MN 05345 21' Deployment Craft 0 1 0 Cannon Falls MN 05345 17' Deployment Craft 0 1 0 - Rosevilie MN 05145 Sub Total Deployment Craft 25 foot): 8 Total Vessel: 8 Total 00 to 06 hours: 0 Running Total from to unknown: 9 memehours RESO I mgu1u_-' URCE AVA ILABILITY BY TYPE mm - - - Page 1 of 2 05 to 12 hours Does not include recall/mobilization time) Skimmer Drum Description Stencil Quantity ?ange angr Q?y [Elastec Mini Max Skimmer 1 137 0 North Platte NE 07:34 I IElastec TDS118 Skimmer 1 480 ICN North Platte NE 07:34 I Small Drum Skimmer 0 1 171 0 ICN Kansas City MO 09114 IEIastec Mini Max Skimmer 0 1 137 0 ICN Olathe KS 09237 IElastec TDS118 Skimmer 0 1 240 ICN Olathe KS 0937 'Elastec TDS118G Skimmer 0 1 480 0 ICN Olathe KS 09137 Medium Drum Skimmer 0 1 240 ICN Eveleth MN 3 09140 Elastec TDS118 Skimmer 0 1 240 0 ICN Great Bend KS 10139 EIastecTDS118 Skimmer 0 1 240 0 ICN Wichita KS 11135 Sub Total Drum: 9 2365 Floating Suction Description Stencil Quantity Storage Owner Q1 State hrimm Douglas Skim Pac 1 240 0 North Platte NE 07334 Douglas Skim Pac 0 1 240 ICN Olathe KS 09137 Floating Suction Skimmer 0 1 274 Minot ND 11:09 Douglas 4300 SkimPac 0 2 960 0 IC Neenah WI 11246 Sub Total Floating Suction: 5 1714 0 Multi Skimmer Description Stencil Quantity 5 AWE hi" I Action 24 Skimmer 1 823 0 MN 08:55? 1 Action 24 Skimmer 1 823 RC Superior WI 09:00 Action 24 Skimmer 1 823 NRC Superior WI 09:00 Sub Total Multi Skimmer: 3 Oleophilic Disk Description Stencil Quantity angr Qty *Tim AW imm Crucial 0RD Disk Skimmer I NRC I Beulah 10:16 1 Sub Total Oleophilic Disk: Total Skimmer: Vessel Deployment Craft 25 foot) 99.5mm Engage Lawn State Wall 118' Deployment Craft 0 0 ICN North Platte NE 07:34 3 I 18' Deployment Craft 0 1 ICN Duluth MN 08:59 15' Deployment Craft 0 1 0 ICN Duluth MN 03159 18' Deployment Craft WB-208 1 0 NRC Superior WI 09100 16' Deployment Craft 0 1 0 ICN, Kansas City MO 09214 18' Deployment Craft_ 0 2 0 0 ICN Olathe KS 09337 14' Deployment Craft 0 2 0 0 ICN Eyeleth MN 09240 14' Deployment Craft 0 1 0 0 ICN Wausau WI 10124 18' Deployment Craft 0 1 0 ICN Great Bend KS 10139 I 21' DeploymentCraft 0 I 2 0 ICN Neenah WI 11145 Sub Total Deployment Craft 25 foot): 13 0 Total Vessel: 13 0 Total 06 to 12 hours: 6890 0 Running Total from to unknown: 7816 0 we" .w 4' ?4155.935; '1 3? LYN i?st?w ?Jar-5&1 (K- ?wv?uvu "dds?Um um um' My "oh?u; an mum": late-.3 .1513 x317. ui?e?mu-?h-m . Luau .. 1 D6 to 12 hours RESOURCE AVAILABILITY BY TYPE Page 2 of2 National Response Corporation Equipment Types: Portable Storage Resource Availability By Type Zone: Sioux Falls, SD Demo Sioux Falls - Case# DM15-0101 May 04, 2015 00 to 06 hours Does not include time) Portable Storage Frac Tank mm Quentin gm Slime 9m; git! ?t_at.e Mini Frac Tank lo 1 240 0maha 04:5? Sub Total Frac Tank: 1 240 Total Portable Storage: 1 240 Total 00 to 06 hours: 0 240 Running Total from 0 to unknown: 0 240 w?i??rm IWI Ma" ?aw isxmw; Iii-4M 00 to 06 hours RESOURCE AVAILABILITY BY TYPE Page 1 of 2 06 to 12 hours Portable Storage Frac Tank Does not include recalUmobilization time) Des I'i i '1 Sim Quwtitx Stats: IFrac Tank 0 2 952 ICN Solway MN 08:10] Mini Frac Tank 0 2 476 ICN Olathe KS 09:37 I Frac Tank 0 1 0 500 ICN Olathe KS 09:3? 1 Mobile Storage Trailer 0 2 0 1000 ICN Eveleth MN 09140 Mini Frac Tank 0 1 0 240 ICN Great Bend KS 10139 Frac Tank 0 1 0 238 ICN Wichita KS 11135 Frac Tank 0 1 0 478 ICN Wichita KS 11335 Sub Total Frac Tank: 10 0 3882 Total Portable Storage: 10 3882 Total 06 to 12 hours: 0 3882 Running Total from to unknown: 0 4122 06 to 12 hours AVAILABILITY BY a Page 2 of 2 National Response Corporation Equipment Types: Support Equipment Resource Availability By Type Zone: Sioux Falls, SD Demo - Sioux Falls - Case# DM15-0101 May 04, 2015 00 to 06 hours Does not include recaiifmobilization time) Support Equipment Earth Moving Equipment 29531191191: ii Quentin We Queer git! ?ats: Skid Steer 0 1 0 0 Omaha NE 04233 Mini-Excavator 1 0 0 Omaha NE 04133 Uniloader 0 1 0 0 Omaha NE 04152 Drum Grabber 1 0 Omaha NE 04152 Trackhoe Mini 0 1 0 0 Omaha NE 04152 Backhoe 0 1 0 Omaha NE 0452 Track Loader 0 1 0 0 Rosevilie MN 05:45 325 Excavator 0 1 0 0 Bondurant IA 05153 977 Track Loader 0 1 0 0 Bondurant IA 05153 D6T Dozer 0 1 0 Bondurant IA 05358 966 Wheel Loader 0 1 0 0 Bondurant IA 05158 Sub Total Earth Moving Equipment: 11 0 Roll-Off Container Description ?tenci Quantity Owner *?Y_l_lTim9 Awa hrimm Roll-Off Box lo 2 JAnoka WIN 1 05:44 5 Sub Total Roll-Off Container: 2 0 Total Support Equipment: 13 0 Total 00 to 06 hours: Running Total from 0 to unknown: Iii-W; A. week 45.3: J?lkikli lum. 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LII: ii 00 to 06 hours RESOURCE AVAILABILITY BY TYPE Page 1 of 3 05 to 12 hours Does not include recallt'mobilization time) Support Equipment Earth Moving Equipment track Loader 0 1 0 0 ICN Hudson WI 05119 Excavator 0 2 _0 ICN Hudson WI 05219 Skid Steer 0 1 0 0 ICN Hudson WI 06:19 325 Excavator 0 1 0 0 ICN North Platte NE 07:33 066 Wheel Loader 0 1 0 0 ICN North Platte NE 07:33 Wheel Loader 0 1 0 0 ICN North Platte NE 07234 Backhoe 0 1 0 0 ICN North Platte NE 07134 _Uni oader 0 1 0 0 ICN North Platte NE 07134 .Trackhoe-Mini 1 0 0 ICN North Platte NE 07134 1 ICN North Platte NE 07:34 iExcavator 0 1 0 ICN Solway MN 08110 lBackhoe 0 1 ICN 'Solway MN 08:10 i lSkidsteer Loader 0 1 ICN Solway MN 08:10 Caterpillar 1 0 0 ICN Solway MN 08:10 Crawler Loader 0 1 0 ICN Solway MN 08:10 i Backhoe 0 1 0 0 ICN Duluth MN 08259 Skid Steer 0 1 0 I Duluth MN 08:59 3 Mini Excavator 0 1 0 0 Duluth MN 08259 Mini Excavator 0 1 0 uluth MN 08159 Skid Steer with Tracks 0 1 0 th MN 08:59 Backhoe 1 Ka as City MO 09:14 Uniloader 0 2 0 Olathe KS 09237 Trackhoe - mini 0 1 0 Olathe KS 09137 Excavator 1 Otathe KS 09:37 Wheel Loader 0 1 Otathe KS 09:37 Backhoe-Loader 0 1 Eveleth MN 09240 Skid Steer-Loader 0 1 I ICN Eveleth MN 09:40 Track Loader 0 0 ICN Galesburg IL 10:33 Excavator 0 0 ICN Galesburg IL 10:33 Uni Loader 0 0 ICN Great Bend KS 10139 Trackhoe 0 I I 0 ICN Great Bend KS 10:39 Excavator (JD 200) 0 0 ICN Great Bend KS 1039 6 Dozer with winch 0 0 0 ICN Great Bend KS 10:39 Kubota Tractor 0 0 0 ICN Great Bend KS 10239 [Trencher (Uniloader Mount) 0 0 0 ICN Great Bend KS 10239 i Loader 0 0 0 ICN Minot ND 11209 Excavator 0 0 ICN Minot ND 11:09 Skid Steer 0 15 0 0 Minot ND 11309 Grader 0 2 0 0 ICN Minot ND 11109 Roller 0 10 0 0 ICN Minot ND 11209 Scraper 0 5 ICN Minot ND 11:Minot ND 11:09 1; Sub Total Earth Moving Equipment: 134 0 0 Roll-Off Container Description ?tengil Quantity m3 Storage Owner ?y mum Haz Roll-Off 0 4 0 ICN North Platte NE 07:34 Non-Haz Roll?Off 0 1 0 0 ICN North Platte NE 07134 I-laz Roll-Off 0 16 0 0 ICN Olathe KS 09:3? Non-Haz Roll-Off 2 0 0 ICN Olathe KS 09237 Roll-Off Container 0 20 0 0 ICN Eveleth MN 09140 Haz Roll-Off 0 12 ICN Great Bend KS 10:39 Non-Haz Roll-Off 1 ICN Great Bend KS Sub Total Roll-Off Container: 56 0 0 Total Support Equipment: 190 0 0 Total 06 to 12 hOurs: 0 0 waw?mw'w?arm?ae Daydrea- 06 to 12 hours magnet-s: um RESOURCE AVAILABILITY BY TYPE m. A n2mac-Aware n. Page 2 of 3 hiNW? Appendix D- Emergency Response Personnel Job Descriptions and Guidelines EMERGENCY RESPONSE PERSONNEL JOB DESCRIPTIONS AND GUIDELINES The following job descriptions and guidelines are intended to be used as a tool to assist ERP members in their particular positions within the Incident Command System (ICS): R AF T Incident Commander Public Information Officer Liaison Officer Safety Officer Operations Section Chief Staging Group Leader Repair Group Leader Containment Group Leader Planning Section Chief Environmental Group Leader Situation Group Leader Logistics Section Chief Communications Group Leader Security/Medical Group Leader Supply/Ground Support Group Leader Finance Section Chief Accounting Group Leader Claims Group Leader Legal Group Leader Business Resumption Section Chief Repair Coordinator D • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • INCIDENT COMMANDER The Incident Commander (IC) manages all activities related to an emergency response and acts as Qualified Individual (QI). As such, the Incident Commander needs to be familiar with the contents of the Facility Response Plan (FRP), Oil Spill Response Plan (OSRP), Emergency Response Action Plan (ERAP), and the Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan (SPCC). The Incident Commander (IC) must also be familiar with the operation of the Incident Command System (ICS) and the Unified Command Structure (UCS). T The primary goal of this system is to establish and maintain control of the emergency response. If the emergency involves a multi-jurisdictional response (Federal and State), the Unified Command Structure (UCS) should be established. Realize that the Federal On-Scene Coordinator (FOSC) does have the authority to override the Incident Commander and assume control of the response. Every effort should be made to establish a collaborative relationship to manage the incident site with the appropriate responding agencies. AF As soon as possible following an incident, a critique of the response shall be conducted and follow-up action items identified. Participants may include Operations Control personnel, Company supervisors, and employees and outside agencies involved in the response. D R Responsibilities: • Maintain Activity Log. • Establish Incident Command/Unified Command Post. • Activate necessary section(s) of the Incident Command System (ICS) to deal with the emergency. Fill out the appropriate section(s) of the Incident Command organization chart and post it at the Incident Command Center. • Develop goals and objectives for response. • Work with Safety Officer and Planning Section Chief to develop a Site Safety Plan (SSP). • Approve, authorize, and distribute Incident Action Plan (IAP) and SSP. • Conduct planning meetings and briefings with the section chiefs. • As Qualified Individual coordinate actions with Federal On-Scene Coordinator (FOSC) and State On-Scene Coordinator (SOSC). • In a multi-jurisdictional response, ensure all agencies are represented in the ICS. • Coordinate /approve media information releases with the FOSC, SOSC, and Public Information Officer (PIO). • Keep management informed of developments and progress. • Authorize demobilization of resources as they are no longer needed. • Complete Incident Debriefing Form PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER The Public Information Officer (PIO) provides critical contact between the media/public and the emergency responders. The PIO is responsible for developing and releasing information about the incident to the news media, incident personnel, appropriate agencies and public. When the response is multi-jurisdictional (involves the federal and state agencies), the PIO must coordinate gathering and releasing information with these agencies. The PIO needs to communicate that the Company is conducting an effective response to the emergency. The PIO is responsible for communicating the needs and concerns of the public to the Incident Commander (IC). Responsibilities: T AF D • • • • • • • Maintain Activity Log. Obtain briefing from IC. Participate in all planning meetings and briefings. Obtain outside information that may be useful to incident planning. Develop goals and objectives regarding public information. Arrange for necessary workspace, materials, telephones and staffing for Public Information Center (PIC). Establish a PIC, ensuring all appropriate agencies participate. Provide a single point of media contact for the IC. Coordinate media access to the response site as approved by the IC. Obtain approval for release of information from the IC. Arrange for meetings between media and emergency responders. Maintain list of all media present. Participate in Post Incident Review. R • • • • • • LIAISON OFFICER If a Unified Command Structure is not established, a Liaison Officer is appointed as the point of contact for personnel assigned to the incident from assisting or cooperating agencies. D R AF T Responsibilities: • Maintain Activity Log. • Obtain briefing from Incident Commander (IC). • Participate in planning meetings and briefings. • Identify and maintain communications link with agency representatives, assisting, and coordinating agencies. • Identify current or potential inter-organizational issues and advise IC as appropriate. • Coordinate with Legal Group Leader and Public Information Officer (PIO) regarding information and documents released to government agencies. • Participate in Post Incident Review SAFETY OFFICER The Safety Officer is responsible for assessing and monitoring hazardous and unsafe situations at the emergency response site(s). The Safety Officer must develop measures that assure the safety of the public and response personnel. This involves maintaining an awareness of active and developing situations, ensuring the preparation and implementation of the Site Safety Plan (SSP) and assessing safety issues related to the Incident Action Plans (IAP). D R AF T Responsibilities: • Maintain Activity Log. • Obtain briefing from Incident Commander (IC). • Develop, implement, and disseminate SSP with IC and section chiefs. • Participate in planning meetings and briefings. • Establish safety staff if necessary. • Identify emergency contact numbers. Fill out emergency contact chart and post in the Incident Command Center. • Conduct safety briefings with all emergency responders. • Investigate accidents that have occurred during emergency response. • Ensure proper hazard zones are established. • Ensure all emergency responders have appropriate level of training. • Ensure proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is available and used. • Advise Security/Medical Group Leader concerning PPE requirements. • Ensure emergency alarms/warning systems are in place as needed. • Participate in Post Incident Review OPERATIONS SECTION CHIEF The Operations Section Chief is responsible for the management of all operations applicable to the field response and site restoration activities. Operations directs field activities based on the Incident Action Plan (IAP) and Site Safety Plan (SSP). D R AF T Responsibilities: • Maintain Activity Log. • Obtain briefing from Incident Commander (IC). • Participate in Incident Command planning meetings and briefings. • Conduct planning meetings and briefings for Operations Section. • Develop operations portion of IAP. • Supervise the implementation of the IAP. • Make or approve expedient changes to the IAP. • Request resources needed to implement IAP. • Approve list of resources to be released. • Ensure safe tactical operations. • Establish a staging area for personnel and equipment. • Confirm first responder actions. • Confirm the completion of rescue/evacuation and administering of first aid. • Confirm site perimeters have been established. • Coordinate activities of public safety responders, contractors, and mutual assistance organizations. • Participate in Post Incident Review STAGING GROUP LEADER The Staging Group Leader is responsible for managing all activities within the staging area(s). The Staging Group Leader will collect, organize, and allocate resources to the various response locations as directed by Operations Section Chief. D R AF T Responsibilities: • Maintain Activity Log. • Obtain briefing from Operations Section Chief. • Participate in Operations' planning meetings and briefings. • Advise Operations Section Chief of equipment location and operational status. • Periodically advise Operations Section Chief on inventory status of consumable items (sorbent pads, sorbent boom, etc.). • Coordinate with Logistics Section Chief regarding inbound equipment, personnel, and supplies. • Participate in development of Operations' portion of Incident Action Plan (IAP). • Establish check-in function and inventory control as appropriate. • Allocate personnel/equipment to site(s) as requested. • Establish and maintain boundaries of staging area(s). • Demobilize/relocate staging area as needed. • Post signs for identification and traffic control. • Participate in Post Incident Review REPAIR GROUP LEADER The Repair Group Leader is responsible for supervising the repair and restoration of pipeline facilities. D R AF T Responsibilities: • Maintain Activity Log. • Obtain briefing from Operations Section Chief. • Periodically advise Operations Section Chief on status of restoration activities. • Conduct frequent hazard assessments and coordinate safety needs with Operations Section Chief and Safety Officer. • Participate in Operations' planning meetings and briefings. • Participate in development of Operations' portion of Incident Action Plan (IAP). • Conduct facility restoration activities in accordance with Company procedures, Site Safety Plan (SSP) and IAP. • Determine and request additional materials, equipment, and personnel as needed. • Ensure all equipment is decontaminated prior to being released. • Participate in Post Incident Review CONTAINMENT GROUP LEADER The Containment Group Leader is responsible for supervising the containment and recovery of spilled product and contaminated environmental media both on land and on water. D R AF T Responsibilities: • Maintain Activity Log. • Obtain briefing from Operations Section Chief. • Participate in Operations' planning meetings and briefings. • Participate in development of Operations' portion of Incident Action Plan (IAP). • Conduct activities in accordance with the IAP. • Assess overall situation for containment and recovery needs and supervise group activities. • Periodically advise the Operations Section Chief on the status of containment and recovery actions. • Ensure hazard zones are established and maintained. • Ensure adequate communication equipment for the containment group response. • Determine and request additional resources as needed. • Participate in Post Incident Review PLANNING SECTION CHIEF The Planning Section Chief is responsible for collecting, evaluating, and disseminating information related to the current and future events of the response effort. The Planning Section Chief must understand the current situation; predict the future course of events; predict future needs; develop response and cleanup strategies; and review the incident once complete. The Planning Section Chief must coordinate activities with the Incident Commander (IC) and other Section Chiefs to ensure that current and future needs are appropriately handled. D R AF T Responsibilities: • Maintain Activity Log. • Obtain briefing from the IC. • Establish and maintain communication with IC and other Section Chiefs. • Advise IC on any significant changes of incident status. • Conduct planning meetings and briefings for Planning section. • Coordinate and provide input to the preparation of the Incident Action Plan (IAP). • Participate in Incident Command planning meetings and briefings. • In a multi-jurisdictional response, ensure that all agencies are represented in the Planning Section. • Coordinate future needs for the emergency response. • Determine response personnel needs. • Determine personnel needs and request personnel for Planning section. • Assign technical specialists (archaeologists, historians, biologists, etc.) where needed. • Collect and analyze information on the situation. • Assemble information on alternative response and cleanup strategies. • Ensure situation status unit has a current organization chart of the Incident Command Organization. • Provide periodic spill movement/migration prediction. • Participate in Post Incident Review ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP LEADER The Environmental Group Leader is responsible for ensuring that all areas impacted by the release are identified and cleaned up following company and regulatory standards. The Environmental Group Leader supports Planning and Operations to minimize and document the environmental impact of the release. The Environmental Group Leader must plan for future site considerations such as long-term remediation and alternative response strategies in unusually sensitive areas. In a Unified Command Structure (UCS), representatives from the federal and state responding agencies will be included in this group. D R AF T Responsibilities: • Maintain Activity Log. • Obtain briefing from the Planning Section Chief. • Participate in Planning section meetings and briefings. • Participate in development of Planning's portion of Incident Action Plan (IAP). • Coordinate environmental activities with responding regulatory agencies. • Periodically advise the Planning Section Chief on status of group activities. • Request additional personnel/specialists to support response effort. • Determine environmental group resource needs. • Identify and develop a prioritized list of natural, cultural, and economic (NCE) resources at risk. • Initiate and coordinate Natural Resources Damage Assessment (NRDA) activities. • Develop a management plan for recovered contaminated media and ensure coordination with Containment Group Leader. • Ensure proper management of injured/oiled wildlife. • Determine alternative cleanup strategies for response. • Participate in Post Incident Review SITUATION GROUP LEADER The Situation Group Leader is responsible for the collection, evaluation, display, and dissemination of all information related to the emergency response effort. The Situation Group Leader must establish and maintain communications with all portions of the Incident Command and the response site in order to collect the information. The Situation Group Leader also attempts to predict spill movement/migration and identifies areas that may be impacted by the emergency. D R AF T Responsibilities: • Maintain Activity Log. • Obtain briefing from the Planning Section Chief. • Participate in Planning section meetings and briefings. • Participate in development of Planning's portion of Incident Action Plan (IAP). • Maintain a master list of response resources ordered, in staging and in use. • Collect and display current status of requested response resources. • Collect and display current status of resources, current spill location, personnel, and weather. • Analyze current information to determine spill trajectory and potential impacts. • Disseminate information concerning the situation status upon request from the emergency responders. • Provide photographic services and maps. • Establish periodic reconnaissance of impacted area to support information needs. • Collect information on the status of the implementation of Incident Action Plans. Display this information in the Incident Command Center. • Participate in Post Incident Review LOGISTICS SECTION CHIEF The Logistics Section Chief is responsible for procuring facilities, services, and material in support of the emergency response effort. D R AF T Responsibilities: • Maintain Activity Log. • Obtain briefing from the Incident Commander (IC). • Participate in Incident Command planning meetings and briefings. • Conduct planning meetings and briefings for Logistics section. • Participate in the preparation of the Incident Action Plan (IAP). • Identify service and support requirements for planned operations. • Identify sources of supply for identified and potential needs. • Advise IC on current service and support requirements. • Procure needed materials, equipment and services from sources by means consistent with the timing requirements of the IAP and Operations. • Ensure all purchases are documented. • Participate in Post Incident Review COMMUNICATIONS GROUP LEADER The Communications Group Leader is responsible for ensuring that the Incident Command and emergency responders have reliable and effective means of communication. This may involve activation of multiple types of communications equipment and coordination among multiple responding agencies and contractors. D R AF T Responsibilities: • Maintain Activity Log. • Obtain briefing from Logistics Section Chief. • Periodically advise Logistics Section Chief on status of communications group. • Participate in Logistics section planning meetings and briefings. • Participate in development of Logistics' portion of Incident Action Plan (IAP). • Establish an Incident Command communications center. • Ensure Incident Commander (IC) has communications compatible with other response agencies. • Identify all communications circuits/equipment used by emergency responders and keep a chart updated with this information. • Determine the type and amount of communications required to support the response effort (computer, radio, telephone, fax, etc.). • Ensure timely establishment of adequate communications equipment and systems. • Advise Logistics Section Chief on communications capabilities/limitations. • Establish an equipment inventory control system for communications gear. • Ensure all equipment is tested and repaired. • Participate in Post Incident Review SECURITY/MEDICAL GROUP LEADER The Security/Medical Group Leader is responsible for developing a plan to deal with medical emergencies, obtaining medical aid and transportation for emergency response personnel, and preparation of reports and records. The Security/Medical Group Leader is responsible for providing safeguards needed to protect personnel and property from loss or damage. The Security/Medical Group Leader also controls access to the emergency site and Incident Command Center. D R AF T Responsibilities: • Maintain Activity Log. • Obtain briefing from Logistics Section Chief. • Periodically advise Logistics Section Chief on the status of security and medical problems. • Participate in Logistics meetings and briefings. • Participate in development of Logistics' portion of Incident Action Plan (IAP). • Determine and develop security/medical support plan needs. • Request medical or security personnel, as needed. • Work with Safety Officer to identify/coordinate local emergency medical services. • Coordinate with Safety Officer and Operations Section Chief to establish the Site Safety Plan (SSP) with site boundaries, hazard zones, escape routes, staging areas, Command Center and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) requirements. • Coordinate/develop an identification system in order to control access to the incident site. • Participate in Post Incident Review SUPPLY/GROUND SUPPORT GROUP LEADER The Supply/Ground Support Group Leader is responsible for procurement and the disposition of personnel, equipment, and supplies; receiving and storing all supplies for the incident; maintaining an inventory of supplies; and servicing non-expendable supplies and equipment. The Supply/Ground Support Group Leader supports the following: transportation of personnel; supplies, food, equipment; and fueling, service, maintenance and repair of vehicles and equipment. D R AF T Responsibilities: • Maintain Activity Log. • Obtain briefing from Logistics Section Chief. • Periodically advise Logistics Section Chief on status of supply/ground support group. • Participate in Logistics meetings and briefings. • Participate in development of Logistics' portion of Incident Action Plan (IAP). • Communicate with Staging Group Leader concerning material, equipment and personnel that are inbound and the approximate time of arrival. • Coordinate with other Section Chiefs to ascertain the priority of needed materials, equipment and services. • Coordinate with Finance Section Chief to establish accounts, purchase orders, AFEs and procedures as necessary. • Establish an inventory control system for materials and equipment. • Maintain roads, when necessary. • Participate in Post Incident Review FINANCE SECTION CHIEF The Finance Section Chief is responsible for accounting, legal, right-of-way and risk management functions that support the emergency response effort. In this role, the primary responsibility is supporting the Command Staff and Logistics Section matters pertaining to expenses during and following the emergency response. D R AF T Responsibilities: • Maintain Activity Log. • Obtain briefing from Incident Commander (IC). • Participate in Incident Command planning meetings and briefings. • Conduct planning meetings and briefings for Finance section. • Participate in preparation of the Incident Action Plan (IAP). • Participate in planning meetings. • Participate in Unified Command System (UCS) as incident warrants. • Request assistance of corporate accounting, legal, right-of-way or risk management as needed. • Assist with contracting administration. • Participate in Post Incident Review ACCOUNTING GROUP LEADER The Accounting Group Leader is responsible for accumulating and dispensing funding during an emergency response. All charges directly attributed to the incident should be accounted for in the proper charge areas. D R AF T Responsibilities: • Maintain Activity Log. • Obtain briefing from Finance Section Chief. • Periodically advise Finance Section Chief. • Participate in Finance planning meetings and briefings. • Participate in development of Finance's portion of Incident Action Plan (IAP). • Make recommendations for cost savings to Finance and Logistics Section Chiefs. • Establish accounts as necessary to support the Logistics section. • Ensure all invoices are documented, verified, and paid accordingly. • Involve corporate accounting group for assistance as necessary. • Participate in Post Incident Review CLAIMS GROUP LEADER The Claims Group Leader is responsible for managing all risk management and right-of-way issues at, during, and following an emergency response. It is important that all claims are investigated and handled expediently. D R AF T Responsibilities: • Maintain Activity Log. • Obtain briefing from Finance Section Chief. • Participate in Finance planning meetings and briefings. • Participate in development of Finance's portion of Incident Action Plan (IAP). • Periodically inform affected parties of status of emergency response. • Review and authorize payment of all claims. • Provide needs of evacuated persons or groups. • Purchase or acquire property. • Inform and update necessary insurance groups and underwriters. • Involve corporate Risk Management or Land, Records, and Claims as needed. • Participate in Post Incident Review LEGAL GROUP LEADER The Legal Group Leader is responsible for advising the Incident Command Staff and Section Chiefs on all matters that may involve legal issues. D R AF T Responsibilities: • Maintain Activity Log. • Obtain briefing from Finance Section Chief. • Periodically advise Finance Section Chief of status. • Participate in Finance planning meetings and briefings. • Participate in development of Finance's portion of Incident Action Plan (IAP). • Conduct investigations per Incident Commander's (IC) request. • Provide skilled negotiators. • Communicate to all affected emergency response personnel if work product is declared "Attorney-Client Privilege. " • Participate in Post Incident Review BUSINESS RESUMPTION SECTION CHIEF The Business Resumption Section Chief is responsible for managing and directing activities of the repair crews and contractors. D R AF T Responsibilities: • Establish and direct the repairs activities. • Ensure that all work is done in a manner to ensure the safety of all employees and the public. • Establish and direct any required staging activities. • Participate in Post Incident Review REPAIR COORDINATOR The Repair Coordinator is responsible for the timely, efficient, and safe repair of the damaged pipeline segment so that loss of service will be as brief as possible without compromising safety or integrity of repair. Ensure that temporary and/or permanent repair of the affected asset is done in accordance with approved methods. D R AF T Responsibilities: • Determine extent and cause of damage. • Obtain necessary materials, personnel and equipment to repair damage. • Plan and execute repairs. • Verify that repairs are complete and sound using proven test methods (x-ray, hydrostatic test or other accepted methods) and in compliance with DOT requirements. • Supervise completion of repair by the use of proper back-fill materials and techniques. • Return the ROW to acceptable condition. • Inform the Incident Commander when pipeline is ready for return to service. • Coordinate activities with HES and DOT representatives. • Participate in Post Incident Review       AF R   Aberdeen  Bismarck  De Smet  Eureka  Gettysburg  Glen Ullin  Hazen  Killdear  Linton   Mobridge  Parshall  Redfield  Salem  Sioux Falls  Stanley  Watertown  Watford City  Williston    D                   T Appendix E‐ Response Zone Maps   DAPL North Map References Name Johnson Corners Christian Academy Name Fort Lincoln State Park Little Misssouri State Park AF T System Name Yellowstone River Walther Slough Baumgartner Lake Schwahn Lake Rice Lake Unknown Twin Lakes Lake Byron Buffalo Lake Clear Lake Grass Lake Fensterman Slough Rice Lake Byron, Lake Missouri River Lake Intermittent Lake Intermittent Lake Intermittent Lake Intermittent D R Schools Map Number 1 Parks Map Number 2 3 Municipal Water Intake Map Number 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Appendix F- Standard Incident Debriefing Form Drill/Exercise/Incident Response PREP Self-Assessment Form Exercise/Drill Title: Location: Date of Exercise/Drill: Starting Time: Date Evaluation Completed: Evaluator Name: Evaluator Name: Evaluator Name: Evaluator Name: Ending Time: Company: Company: Company: Company: Equipment Deployment Actual Spill/Release Exercise/Drill was: Scenario: Emergency Procedures Qualified Individual Emergency Telephone Number Verification AF Table Top Drill T Type of Exercise/Drill: Announced Average Most Probable Unannounced Maximum Most Probable Worst Case • D • R Summary of Exercise/Incident: Note: Lessons learned and/or corrective actions will be documented on an action item tracking report. Revision Date: 01/02/14 This record when completed, contains confidential information that is controlled under the Corporate Disclosure Policy. The completed record, must be protected from inadvertent disclosure to unauthorized persons and maintained under the proper document controls measures. Disclosure of the completed record without consent is prohibited. Drill/Exercise/Incident Response PREP Self-Assessment Form 1. Notifications: Test the notifications procedures identified in the Area Contingency Plan (ACP) and the Facility Response Plan (FRP), where applicable. NRC Report # 1075053 Were the notification procedures identified in the FRP tested? Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed Was the spill response organization, including Response Contractor notified in a timely manner, following plan procedures? Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed Notifications to government agencies were made in a timely manner following plan procedures? Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed T Observations identified: 1. 1 Agencies Notified: Identify all agencies that were notified: EPA USCG PHMSA OSHA Department of Homeland Security NRC Report #: MI- DEP State Police Other (Canadian Officials- please list) LEPC Office of Emergency Management Fire Department Police Department Sherriff’s Dept. Other: Observations identified: AF Federal: State: Local: R 2. Staff Mobilization: Demonstrate the ability to assemble the spill response organization identified in the Facility Response Plan. D Was the Spill Management Team (SPMT) identified in the FRP? Was the SPMT mobilized for the incident or event? Observations identified: Yes Yes No No 3. Ability to Operate Within the Response Management System Described in the Plan: NA NA 3.1 Unified Command: Demonstrate the ability to form or interface within a Unified Command. (Simulated interaction with Fire Chief, Police and responding local agencies) Demonstrate the ability to consolidate the concerns of the other members of the unified command into a unified strategic plan with tactical operations. Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed 3.1.1 Federal Representation: Was a Federal Representative involved in the drill/incident? Demonstrate the ability to function within the Unified Command structure, and reflect federal concerns and goals. Yes No Not Tested Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed 3.1.2 State Representation: Was a State Representative involved in the drill/ incident. Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed NA Note: Lessons learned and/or corrective actions will be documented on an action item tracking report. Revision Date: 01/02/14 This record when completed, contains confidential information that is controlled under the Corporate Disclosure Policy. The completed record, must be protected from inadvertent disclosure to unauthorized persons and maintained under the proper document controls measures. Disclosure of the completed record without consent is prohibited. Drill/Exercise/Incident Response PREP Self-Assessment Form Demonstrate the ability to function within the Unified Command structure, and reflect state concerns and goals. (Simulated) Yes No Not Tested 3.1.3 Local Government Representation: Was a Local Representative involved in the drill/incident? Yes No Not Tested Demonstrate the ability to function within the Unified Command structure and reflect local government concerns and goals. Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed NA NA Not Observed List the federal, state and local representatives involved: Local Government -. Observations identified: Yes No Not Tested T 3.1.4 Responsible Party Representative: Was a Responsible Party Representative involved in the drill/incident? Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed 3.2.2. Planning Section: Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed Demonstrate the ability to consolidate the various concerns of the members of the unified command into “joint” planning recommendations and specific long-range strategic plans? Demonstrate the ability to develop short-range tactical plans for the operations division. Observations identified: Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed AF Demonstrate the ability to function within the Unified Command structure and reflect responsibility party concerns and goals. NA List the federal, state and local representatives involved: Responsible party representatives involved -. Observations identified: R 3.2 Response Management System: D Did the SPMT operate within the framework of the response management system identified in their respective plans? Observations identified: 3.2.1 Operation Section: Demonstrate the ability to coordinate or direct operations related to the implementation of the IAP? Observations identified: Note: Lessons learned and/or corrective actions will be documented on an action item tracking report. Revision Date: 01/02/14 This record when completed, contains confidential information that is controlled under the Corporate Disclosure Policy. The completed record, must be protected from inadvertent disclosure to unauthorized persons and maintained under the proper document controls measures. Disclosure of the completed record without consent is prohibited. Drill/Exercise/Incident Response PREP Self-Assessment Form Yes No Not Tested Planning – Situation Unit Demonstrate the ability to collect, compile, display and disseminate current response information including: the amount and type of product spilled/released, location, trajectory, natural resources impacted, locations of the spill response command post, staging and operational areas utilizing written forms, charts, tables and photographs in a location and scale that is sufficient for the needs of the response management team, including maintenance of the incident situation. display. Observations identified: Note: Examine if having a Situational Unit Leader would benefit the process for future exercises. Yes No Planning – Resource Unit Not Tested Demonstrate the ability to maintain the status of all incident resources. NA Not Observed NA Not Observed T Observations identified: Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed AF Planning – Environmental Unit Demonstrate the ability to prepare environmental data including assessments, modeling, surveillance, resources at risk, and impacts on environmentally sensitive sites. Observations identified: Observations identified: D 3.2.3 Logistics: R Planning – General Planning Demonstrate the ability to provide the necessary support of both the short-term and long-term action plans. Observations identified: 3.2.4 Finance: Demonstrate the ability to document the daily expenditures of the organization, forecast and provide cost estimates for continuing operations. Observations identified: 3.2.5 Public Affairs: Demonstrate the ability to form a joint information center and provide the necessary interface between the unified command and the media. Note: Lessons learned and/or corrective actions will be documented on an action item tracking report. Revision Date: 01/02/14 This record when completed, contains confidential information that is controlled under the Corporate Disclosure Policy. The completed record, must be protected from inadvertent disclosure to unauthorized persons and maintained under the proper document controls measures. Disclosure of the completed record without consent is prohibited. Drill/Exercise/Incident Response PREP Self-Assessment Form Observations identified: 3.2.6 Safety: Demonstrate the ability to monitor, assess and/or anticipate hazardous and unsafe situations and ensure compliance with safety standards. Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed Observations identified: 3.2.7 Legal: Demonstrate the ability to provide the unified command with suitable legal advice and assistance. Observations identified: Yes No Not Tested T 3.2.8 Liaison Affairs: NA Not Observed AF Demonstrate the ability to integrate assisting and or cooperating agency Representatives into the organization. Observations identified: 4. Discharge Control: Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed R Demonstrate the ability of the spill response organization to control and stop the discharge at the source. Observations identified: D 4.1 Emergency Services: Demonstrate the ability to assemble and deploy emergency resources identified in the FRP. Observations identified: 4.2 Firefighting: Demonstrate the ability to assemble and deploy the firefighting resources identified in the response plan. Observations identified: 4.3 Lightering: Did the SPMT demonstrate the ability to assemble and deploy the lightering resources identified in the response plan. Note: Lessons learned and/or corrective actions will be documented on an action item tracking report. Revision Date: 01/02/14 This record when completed, contains confidential information that is controlled under the Corporate Disclosure Policy. The completed record, must be protected from inadvertent disclosure to unauthorized persons and maintained under the proper document controls measures. Disclosure of the completed record without consent is prohibited. Drill/Exercise/Incident Response PREP Self-Assessment Form Observations identified: 5. Assessment: Demonstrate the ability to provide an initial assessment of the discharge and provide continuing assessments of the effectiveness of the tactical operations. Observations identified: 6. Containment: Demonstrate the ability to contain the discharge at the source or in various locations for recovery operations. Observations identified: Lewis Environmental did a nice job planning out 7. Recovery: AF 7.1 On-Water Recovery: Demonstrate the ability to assemble, deploy and effectively operate the on-water response resources identified in the FRP. Observations identified: 7.2 Shore-Based Recovery: D R Demonstrate the ability to assemble and deploy the shore side clean-up resources identified in the FRP? Observations identified: 8. Protection: NA Not Observed Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed T Demonstrate the ability to recover, mitigate, and remove the discharged product? Includes mitigation and removal activities, e.g. dispersant use, In-Situ Burn (ISB) or bioremediation use. Observations identified: Yes No Not Tested Demonstrate the ability to protect the environmentally and eco-sensitive areas identified in the ACP and the FRP. Observations identified: . 8.1 Protective Booming: Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed Demonstrate the ability to implement the protection strategies contained in the ACP and the FRP. Observations identified: 8.2 Water Intake Protection: Note: Lessons learned and/or corrective actions will be documented on an action item tracking report. Revision Date: 01/02/14 This record when completed, contains confidential information that is controlled under the Corporate Disclosure Policy. The completed record, must be protected from inadvertent disclosure to unauthorized persons and maintained under the proper document controls measures. Disclosure of the completed record without consent is prohibited. Drill/Exercise/Incident Response PREP Self-Assessment Form Demonstrate the ability to quickly identify water intakes and implement the proper protection procedures from the ACP, FRP or develop a plan for use. Observations identified: Note: Team discussed reservoir dam protection. 8.3 Wildlife Recovery and Rehabilitation: Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed Did the spill response organization demonstrate the ability to quickly identify these resources at risk and implement the proper protection procedures from the ACP, FRP or develop a plan for use. Observations identified: 8.4 Population Protection (Protect Public Health and Safety): T Demonstrate the ability to quickly identify health hazards associated with the discharged product and the population at risk from these hazards, and to implement the proper protection procedures or develop a plan for use? Observations identified: AF 9. Disposal: Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed Demonstrate the ability of the spill response organization to dispose of the recovered material and contaminated debris? R Note: Discussed potential clean-up of any contaminated materials used during response. Observations identified: Disposal - Waste Management: D Demonstrate the ability to properly manage the recovered material and contaminated debris, and to develop the waste management plan for approval by the Unified Command? The plan will include appropriate procedures for obtaining permits and/or waivers, water characterization, waste minimization, volumetric determination, and overall waste management and final disposition, as appropriate. Note: Interface with the liaison officer to facilitate contacts with appropriate state and local agencies. Observations identified: 10. Communications: Demonstrate the ability to establish an effective communications system for the spill response organization? Observations identified: 10.1 Internal Communications: Note: Lessons learned and/or corrective actions will be documented on an action item tracking report. Revision Date: 01/02/14 This record when completed, contains confidential information that is controlled under the Corporate Disclosure Policy. The completed record, must be protected from inadvertent disclosure to unauthorized persons and maintained under the proper document controls measures. Disclosure of the completed record without consent is prohibited. Drill/Exercise/Incident Response PREP Self-Assessment Form Demonstrate the ability to establish an intra-organization communications system. This encompasses communications at the command post and between the command post and deployed resources. Observations identified: 10.2 External Communications: Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed Demonstrate the ability to establish communications both within the response organization and other entities (e.g., RRT, claimants, media, regional or HQ agency offices, non-governmental organizations, etc.). Observations identified: 11. Transportation: T Demonstrate the ability to provide effective multi-mode transportation both for execution of the discharge and support functions. Observations identified: AF 11.1 Land Transportation: Demonstrate the ability to provide effective land transportation for all elements of the response. Observations identified: 11.2 Waterborne Transportation: R Demonstrate the ability to provide effective waterborne transportation for all elements of the response. Observations identified: D 11.3 Aviation Operations Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed Demonstrate the ability to provide effective airborne transportation and/or spill tracking for the response. Observations identified: 12. Personnel Support: Demonstrate the ability to provide the necessary support of all personnel associated with the response. Observations identified: 12.1 Management: Demonstrate the ability to provide administrative management of all personnel involved in the response. This requirement includes the ability to move personnel Note: Lessons learned and/or corrective actions will be documented on an action item tracking report. Revision Date: 01/02/14 This record when completed, contains confidential information that is controlled under the Corporate Disclosure Policy. The completed record, must be protected from inadvertent disclosure to unauthorized persons and maintained under the proper document controls measures. Disclosure of the completed record without consent is prohibited. Drill/Exercise/Incident Response PREP Self-Assessment Form into or out of the response organization with established procedures. Observations identified: 12.2 Lodging (Berthing): Demonstrate the ability to provide overnight accommodations on a continuing basis for a sustained response. Observations identified: 12.3 Food (Messing) Demonstrate the ability to provide suitable feeding arrangements for personnel involved with the management of the response? Observations identified: 12.4 Operational and Administrative Spaces: NA Not Observed Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed T Demonstrate the ability to provide suitable operational and administrative spaces for personnel involved with the management of the response. Observations identified: Yes No Not Tested AF 12.5 Emergency Procedures: Demonstrate the ability to provide emergency services for personnel involved in the response. Observations identified: Team discussed residential evacuations and sheltering in place plans. R 13. Equipment Maintenance and Support: D Demonstrate the ability to maintain and support all equipment associated with the response. Observations identified: 13.1 Response Equipment: Demonstrate the ability to provide effective maintenance and support for all response equipment. Observations identified: 13.2 Response Equipment: Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed Demonstrate the ability to provide effective maintenance and support for all equipment that supports the response? This requirement includes communications equipment, transportation equipment, administrative equipment, etc. Observations identified: Note: Lessons learned and/or corrective actions will be documented on an action item tracking report. Revision Date: 01/02/14 This record when completed, contains confidential information that is controlled under the Corporate Disclosure Policy. The completed record, must be protected from inadvertent disclosure to unauthorized persons and maintained under the proper document controls measures. Disclosure of the completed record without consent is prohibited. Drill/Exercise/Incident Response PREP Self-Assessment Form 14. Procurement: Demonstrate the ability to establish an effective procurement system. Observations identified: 14.1 Personnel: Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed Demonstrate the ability to procure sufficient personnel to mount and sustain an organized response? Includes insuring that all personnel have qualifications and training required for their position within the response organization. Observations identified: 14.2 Response Equipment: T Demonstrate the ability to procure sufficient response equipment to mount and sustain an organized response. Observations identified: 14.3 Support Equipment: NA Not Observed Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed Demonstrate the ability of the spill response organization to document all operational and support aspects of the response. Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed Demonstrate the ability to provide detailed records of decisions and actions taken. Yes No Not Tested NA Not Observed AF Yes No Not Tested Observations identified: D 15. Documentation: R Demonstrate the ability to procure sufficient support equipment to support and sustain an organized response. Demonstrate the ability to collect, compile and preserve all documents associated With the response? Observations identified: Note: Lessons learned and/or corrective actions will be documented on an action item tracking report. Revision Date: 01/02/14 This record when completed, contains confidential information that is controlled under the Corporate Disclosure Policy. The completed record, must be protected from inadvertent disclosure to unauthorized persons and maintained under the proper document controls measures. Disclosure of the completed record without consent is prohibited.     Appendix G‐ Incident Management Team (IMT)  D R AF T                                                                                                                               TEAM C AF R D IC OSC OSC‐B/U PSC PSC‐B/U STUL STUL‐B/U RSUL RSUL‐B/U DCUL DCUL‐B/U EUL LSC LSC‐ B/U LNO LNO‐Staff TechSpec ROW ROW SFO SFO ‐ B/U FSC PIO Situation‐  Staff IT Comms TEAM B T TEAM A TEAM D Appendix EPP 101 PREP Training and Record Guide PREP Training and Record Guide EPP 101 PREP Training and Record Guide EPP 101 PREP Training & Record Guide Issue Date: May 1, 2015 Document Authorizer: VP, Sunoco Logistics HES&S Document Author: Sr. Manager Emergency Planning & Response Next Review Date: May 1, 2016 1.0 Purpose/Scope Sunoco Logistics Partners, L.P. participates in the National Preparedness for Response Exercise Program (PREP) in order to satisfy the exercise requirements of the Oil Pollution Act Of 1990 (OPA 90). The purpose of this guidance document is to outline the exercise requirements and identify the roles and responsibilities of key individuals in order to maintain compliance. Where practicable, the text from the PREP Guidelines has been utilized in this procedure. This procedure applies to all facilities and pipeline operations owned and/or operated by Sunoco Logistics (SXL). 2.0 General Requirements In accordance with PREP and Company Guidelines, the following exercise requirements are to be completed within the three-year (triennial) cycle. These requirements include: Qualified Individual (QI) Notifications, Tabletop Exercises, Equipment Deployment Exercises, if the asset identifies company owned spill response equipment in the Facility Response Plan (FRP), Telephone Verification Exercise, Emergency Procedures Exercises, and the annual FRP Review. Details of the individual exercise requirements including frequency, scope, objectives, records, credit, and roles and responsibilities are outlined on the following pages. Credit for Spill Response Plan holders may take credit for internal exercises conducted in response to actual spills provided spill response activities are evaluated and properly documented. The plan holder must determine which exercise components were completed during the spill response. This determination should be based on whether the response effort meets the objectives of the exercise as listed in the PREP guidelines. The plan holder must document the exercises completed. The PREP Evaluation and Self Evaluation Report shall be completed in its entirety. Self-Certification: Self-certification is a declaration made by the facility that their exercise has met the following requirements: a. Completing the exercise; b. Conducting of the exercise in accordance with the PREP Guidelines; c. Meeting all objectives listed; and d. Evaluating the exercise using a mechanism that evaluates the effectiveness of the plan, exercise, and response. Control Level: Guideline Revision Date: 012/02/2015 Page 1 of 17 Paper copies are uncontrolled. This copy valid only at the time of printing. The controlled version of this document can be found on the HES&S Section of Sunoco Logistics Document Repository. PREP Training and Record Guide EPP 101 The ICS 211 Check-in/Attendance Form should be completed to document participation and attendance in all Table Top Exercises (TTE), Emergency Procedure Exercises, and Equipment Deployment Exercises. ICS 201 Forms should be utilized to document the Table Top Exercises and small events. Other ICS Forms may be used for additional documentation, if applicable, for the exercise or event. All exercise documents should be completed in entirety and signed by the Terminal Supervisor or Manager, or Pipeline Supervisor or Manager. Any PREP component(s) exercised, should be documented on the appropriate exercise form, and/or within the ICS 201 Forms. Credit will be provided for PREP components only if the relevant information is documented on the applicable exercise form. PREP Training Records and PREP Triennial Cycle Summary Form must be maintained at the Facility or District Office. All completed exercise forms including supporting documentation (i.e. QI Notification Forms, PREP Exercise Evaluation and Self Certification Report, Internal Response Equipment Deployment Exercise Form, ICS 201 Forms, IAP Documents (if applicable), ICS 211 Checkin/Attendance Sheets, etc.) must be maintained within a separate PREP file, identified by year. Exercise records are required to be retained for a minimum of five years after completion of the triennial cycle. Control Level: Guideline Revision Date: 012/02/2015 Page 2 of 17 Paper copies are uncontrolled. This copy valid only at the time of printing. The controlled version of this document can be found on the HES&S Section of Sunoco Logistics Document Repository. PREP Training and Record Guide EPP 101 PREP Requirement Matrix Requirement/Scope/Objective Qualified Individual QI Notification Exercise; Scope: To exercise the communication between the facility personnel and the Qualified Individual. Frequency Quarterly Note: One of the four quarterly exercises must be conducted during non-business hours. Comments This is a quarterly phone call to the QI or Alt. QI. The person calling needs to ask how long it would take the QI to reach the site in the event of a release. Use QI Notification Form 2 Objective: Contact must be made with a QI or Alternate QI as identified in the FRP. Telephone Phone Number Verification Exercise: Scope: On a semi-annual basis, facility personnel check all contacts and phone numbers listed within the FRP to verify the listing is active and correct. Objective: Verify phone numbers on Notification Lists are correct and modify as required. Emergency Procedures Exercise: Scope: Exercise emergency procedures for the facility to mitigate or prevent any discharge or substantial threat of discharge resulting from the facility operational activities. Objective: Conduct an exercise of the facility’s emergency procedures to ensure personnel knowledge of actions to be taken to mitigate the solution. Semi-Annual (once during the 1st half of the year and once during the second half of the year). Conduct a review and update, as necessary, the Telephone Verification Form or contact lists from the FRP as part of the normal course of conducting business. Use Telephone Verification Form 3 Quarterly This exercise shall test the facility's emergency procedures to ensure personnel knowledge of actions to be taken to mitigate a spill. This exercise may consist of a walk-through of the emergency procedures. The exercise should involve one or more of the sections of the emergency procedures for spill mitigation. This exercise may be utilized by facilities with no equipment for deployment to meet the requirement for an unannounced exercise. The exercise can be unannounced, or completed in conjunction with regularly scheduled safety meetings or other training. The facility can take credit for actual incidents if the proper documentation is completed and submitted to to receive credit. The exercise can be accomplished by EITHER method listed: Control Level: Guideline Revision Date: 012/02/2015 Page 3 of 17 Paper copies are uncontrolled. This copy valid only at the time of printing. The controlled version of this document can be found on the HES&S Section of Sunoco Logistics Document Repository. PREP Training and Record Guide EPP 101 1) During the QI Exercise notification. 2) By randomly asking employees what he/she would do in response to an incident. 3) The Exercise shall review components associated with an emergency such as: safe response measures, isolation, control, containment, recovery measures, protection of the population, etc. A Security Exercise DOES NOT satisfy the Exercise Procedure requirement except if the aforementioned components are built into the security scenario and submitted to to receive credit. Use Emergency Procedure Exercise Form 4 Equipment Deployment SXL Owned: Scope: To deploy and operate the SXL owned emergency equipment identified in the response plan. Objective: Demonstrate the ability of contracted personnel to deploy and operate response equipment. In cases where the facility is trained on spill response equipment deployment and meets all applicable guidelines, the facility personnel assigned to the response team may deploy the company owned equipment. Equipment Deployment OSRO Owned: Scope: To deploy and operate the OSRO owned emergency equipment identified in the plan. Objective: Demonstrate the ability of contracted personnel to deploy and operate response equipment Semi-annual (DOT Facilities are annual) Equipment requiring deployment is hard boom and skimmers and other response equipment listed in the plan. One Deployment per year must be unannounced. Use Internal Equipment Deployment Use Facility Owned Response Equipment Exercise Form 5 Annual (A certification letter documenting equipment deployment will be provided by the OSRO) A letter will be requested by the Emergency Response Specialist and posted on the SXL Intranet page. The letter from the OSRO will state they have deployed the necessary equipment in the same operating environment as the facility. The Certification Letter will serve as verification. Control Level: Guideline Revision Date: 012/02/2015 Page 4 of 17 Paper copies are uncontrolled. This copy valid only at the time of printing. The controlled version of this document can be found on the HES&S Section of Sunoco Logistics Document Repository. PREP Training and Record Guide EPP 101 Local Response Team Tabletop Exercise (TTX): Scope: This exercise should be developed to allow the Local Response Team to demonstrate the team's ability to organize, communicate, and make strategic decisions regarding managing a response, environmental protection, and protection of the population. Objectives: The team should demonstrate: Knowledge of the Facility Response Plan (FRP) Ability to organize team members to effectively work within the unified command structure Communications capabilities Coordination for response capabilities as outlined in the response plan. Proper notifications Ability to access an OSRO Coordination with internal personnel with responsibility for the response. Annual review of the transition from a local team to the IMT as necessary. Ability to access information in the ACP for sensitive areas, and know resources that are available in the area and any unique conditions that may exist within these areas. Facilities may participate in the Quarterly On-Line Webinar Table Top Exercise (when offered) to gain credit for this exercise. Facilities have the option to schedule, participate in individual or cooperative group tabletop exercises. All PREP documentation shall be completed and emailed to Annual Exercise must be documented on the ICS 201 Forms. Attendance must be documented on the ICS 211 Check-in/Attendance Form. If the exercise is conducted unannounced, the facility may take credit for an annual internal unannounced exercise requirement. Credit may be claimed for an actual response when objectives are met, the response is evaluated, and the proper documentation is submitted to A minimum of one Local Response Team exercise within the triennial cycle, shall involve simulation of a Worst Case Discharge (WCD)/Alternative WCD scenario. Use Local Response Team Tabletop Form 6 FRP Plan Review: Scope: Review the Facility Response Plan (FRP) at least one time annually. Objective: Ensure that information contained in the FRP and ERAP is current and accurate. If a new or different operating condition or information would substantially affect the implementation of the Plan, the Manager of Pipeline Operations or Sr. Manager of Terminal Operations, shall ensure the Plan is revised. Annual Any corrections or updates to the Plan must be emailed to . A revised printed copy of any page or section revised, shall be placed in the onsite FRP. Use FRP Plan Review and Acknowledgement Form 7 3.0 Key Responsibilities The Manager, Pipeline Operations and Sr. Terminal Manager, are responsible to manage the PREP process including, but not limited to the following: Control Level: Guideline Revision Date: 012/02/2015 Page 5 of 17 Paper copies are uncontrolled. This copy valid only at the time of printing. The controlled version of this document can be found on the HES&S Section of Sunoco Logistics Document Repository. PREP Training and Record Guide EPP 101 • • • Assure the PREP Exercises and Exercise requirements are met. Recordkeeping and certifications are current. Lessons learned or corrective actions are acted on in a timely fashion. The Manager, Pipeline Operations and Sr. Terminal Manager have the responsibility to ensure all PREP Exercise Forms and associated documentation along with the Triennial Cycle Exercise Summary Form, are updated and submitted to on a quarterly basis. The Emergency Planning and Preparedness Department will review and, if necessary, comment on exercise documentation received. A report will be provided periodically to the Manager, Pipeline Operations and Sr. Terminal Manager. The Sr. Manager of Emergency Planning and Response is responsible for providing the latest information on PREP requirements to the SXL locations participating in the program and annually review the triennial exercise requirements and exercise summary. The Emergency Planning and Preparedness Department is required to collect and file the annual Oil Spill Recovery Organization (OSRO) updated certification information as required by PREP. The Emergency Planning and Preparedness Department will advise and assist the SXL field organization in meeting the PREP requirements. It is the responsibility of the Terminal or Pipeline Operations Supervisors to create and maintain a PREP Book, to be kept in a secure area (e.g., supervisor’s office). The contents should be as follows: PREP Training & Records Guide PREP Log - Triennial Cycle Summary Report Form 1 PREP Three Year Cycle Documents (including all exercise documents) for Each Year of the Cycle PREP Exercise Work Sheet and Self Evaluation Form 8 4.0 Key Documents/Tools/References DOT/PHMSA, USCG, EPA, Minerals Management Service. National Preparedness for Response Exercise Program (PREP) Guidelines 2015. 5.0 Records Form 1 - PREP Triennial Cycle Summary Log Form 2 - Qualified Individual Exercise Form 3 - Telephone Verification Instructions and Sample Form 4 - Emergency Procedure Exercise Form 5 - Facility Owned Response Equipment Deployment Form 6 - Local Response Team Tabletop Exercise Form 7 - FRP Plan Review Acknowledgement Form 8 - PREP Evaluation and Self Certification Report Form 9 – ICS Forms 201, 202, & 211 6.0 Recordkeeping 1. PREP guidance stipulates that all facilities will be on a 3-year Exercise Cycle. During the 3-year period, all aspects of the Plan shall be included in the facility’s exercises. 2. All documentation is kept on file at the facility at all times and retained for five years. Control Level: Guideline Revision Date: 012/02/2015 Page 6 of 17 Paper copies are uncontrolled. This copy valid only at the time of printing. The controlled version of this document can be found on the HES&S Section of Sunoco Logistics Document Repository. PREP Training and Record Guide EPP 101 3. All documentation will be made available for agency inspection. 4. All facilities are subject to Government-Initiated Unannounced Exercises (GIUA) and AREA Exercises. . All Terminal or Pipeline facilities are required to participate as directed by the EPA, USCG, and/or PHMSA as requested. The cost of an unannounced exercise would be owned by the facility. Revision Log: Revision Date Document Authorizer Document Author Revision Details October 15, 2007 HES&S Manager Tom Crawford February 10, 2009 HES&S Manager Kelly Wright Update Previous version and format. November 21, 2011 HES&S Manager Ron O’Toole Update Log Forms August 13, 2012 HES&S Manager Ron O’Toole May 1, 2015 VP HES&S Justin Minter Update page 15 Editorial revisions throughout document. New forms developed Points of clarification to assist field personnel understand what forms are to be used during specific exercises. 12/02/2015 VP HES&S Justin Minter Editorial Changes to Section 3 Control Level: Guideline Revision Date: 012/02/2015 Page 7 of 17 Paper copies are uncontrolled. This copy valid only at the time of printing. The controlled version of this document can be found on the HES&S Section of Sunoco Logistics Document Repository. PREP Training and Record Guide EPP 101 Qualified Individual (QI) Notification Applies To: Pipeline and Terminal Frequency: Quarterly Initiating Authority: Pipeline, Terminal or Control Center Personnel Participating Elements: Facility personnel and QI Scope: Exercise communications between facility personnel and QI Procedure: • Each quarter, contact must be made with the QI (or alternate QI). • At least once per year, the QI notification exercise should be conducted during nonbusiness hours. • Contact by telephone or radio must be made with the QI, and confirmation must be received from him or her to satisfy the requirements of this exercise. Electronic messaging is an acceptable alternative if voice contact is not available. • Caller shall ask the QI how long it would take to respond to the facility or site. • Document the QI's response on PREP Exercise Work Sheet and Self Evaluation Qualified Notification Exercise Form 2 Documentation Required: Certification: Self-certification Verification: To be conducted by responsible regulatory agency during periodic site visits. Records: Retention: Five years Location: Records to be kept at the facility within the PREP Book. Evaluation: Self-evaluation Credit: Plan holder may claim credit for this exercise when conducted in conjunction with other exercises, as long as all objectives are met, the exercise is evaluated, and a proper record is generated. Credit may be claimed for an actual response when these objectives are met, the response is evaluated, and a proper record is generated. Control Level: Guideline Revision Date: 012/02/2015 Page 8 of 17 Paper copies are uncontrolled. This copy valid only at the time of printing. The controlled version of this document can be found on the HES&S Section of Sunoco Logistics Document Repository. PREP Training and Record Guide EPP 101 Telephone Verification Exercise Applies To: Pipeline and Terminal Frequency: Semi-Annual Initiated by: Facility Personnel Participants: Facility Personnel Objective: To verify and/or update current telephone numbers on emergency call out listings. Procedures: • Semi-annually, a Pipeline or Terminal employee must verify and/or update the emergency notification telephone numbers on file at the facility. • This contact can be initiated at any time by telephone. • Caller should explain that the purpose of the call is to verify the phone number(s) listed within the Facility Response Plan (FRP). • All phone number corrections or updates and/or contact names should be documented on THE Telephone Verification Form 3. Documentation Required: Verification: Telephone Verification Exercise Form 3 To be conducted by responsible regulatory agency during periodic site visits. 5 years Records Retention: Records to be kept at the facility in the PREP Book. Evaluation: Self-evaluation: The evaluation should assess the Pipeline's or Terminal’s ability to maintain an up to date notification list with proper telephone numbers. Credit: This exercise is a required procedure to maintain the Facility Response Plan Control Level: Guideline Revision Date: 012/02/2015 Page 9 of 17 Paper copies are uncontrolled. This copy valid only at the time of printing. The controlled version of this document can be found on the HES&S Section of Sunoco Logistics Document Repository. PREP Training and Record Guide EPP 101 Emergency Procedures Exercises Applies To: Pipeline and Terminal Frequency: Quarterly Initiated By: Pipeline or Terminal Facility Participants: Facility personnel Scope: Exercise the emergency procedures for the facility to mitigate or prevent any discharge or a substantial threat of such discharge of oil resulting from facility operational activities associated with oil transfers. Objectives: Conduct an exercise of the facility's emergency procedures to ensure personnel knowledge of actions to be taken to mitigate a spill. This exercise may consist of a walkthrough of the emergency procedures. Procedure: • • Exercise should involve one or more of the sections of the emergency procedures for spill mitigation (e.g., the exercise may involve a simulation of a response to an oil spill). Facility should ensure that spill mitigation procedures for all contingencies at the facility are addressed at some time. Documentation: Emergency Procedure Exercise Form 4 Certification: PREP Evaluation and Self-certification Form 8 Verification: To be conducted by the responsible regulatory agency during periodic site visits. Records: Retention: Five years Location: At each Facility Evaluation: PREP Evaluation and Self-certification Form 8 Credit: Plan holder may claim credit for this exercise when conducted in conjunction with other exercises, as long as all objectives are met, the exercise is evaluated, and a proper record is generated. Credit may be claimed for an actual response when these objectives are met, the response is evaluated, and a proper record is generated. * Facilities may use this exercise to fulfill the internal unannounced exercise requirement Control Level: Guideline Revision Date: 012/02/2015 Page 10 of 17 Paper copies are uncontrolled. This copy valid only at the time of printing. The controlled version of this document can be found on the HES&S Section of Sunoco Logistics Document Repository. PREP Training and Record Guide EPP 101 FACILITY OWNED EQUIPMENT DEPLOYMENT DRILLS Applies To: Facilities with facility owned and operated response equipment. Facilities with company-owned response equipment, but operated by the OSRO. Frequency: Semiannually Initiated By: Pipeline or Terminal Supervision Participants: Facility personnel Scope: Objectives: Deploy and operate facility owned and operated response equipment identified in the response plan. Ensure the equipment is in proper working order. Demonstrate ability of facility personnel to deploy and operate equipment. Procedure: Deploy and operate a representative sample of facility-owned response equipment identified in the Facility Response Plan necessary to respond to a small discharge at the facility, whichever is less. For facilities with boom and skimmers, 1,000' of each type of boom and one of each type of skimmer must be deployed twice per year. (If the facility does not have 1,000' of boom, deploy entire length of boom available.) A plan holder’s equipment deployment exercise program should include the following components: • Personnel who would normally operate or supervise the operation of the response equipment must participate in the exercise. • Personnel must demonstrate the ability to deploy and operate the equipment, while wearing appropriate personal protective equipment. • A training program must be provided for the personnel involved in equipment deployment and for equipment operators. The operating personnel should participate in exercises or responses on an annual basis in order to ensure that they remain trained and qualified to operate equipment in the operating environment. Control Level: Guideline Revision Date: 012/02/2015 Page 11 of 17 Paper copies are uncontrolled. This copy valid only at the time of printing. The controlled version of this document can be found on the HES&S Section of Sunoco Logistics Document Repository. PREP Training and Record Guide EPP 101 • Response equipment must be in good operating condition. • Equipment must be appropriate for the intended operating environment. • Equipment must be operated during the exercise. • There must be a maintenance program for all response equipment. Plan holders are responsible for ensuring that all equipment types cited in their respective plan are exercised, whether the equipment is plan holder owned and operated, or supplied through an OSRO provider. It is not necessary to deploy every piece of each type of equipment as long as all equipment is included in a periodic inspection and maintenance program intended to ensure that the equipment remains in good working order. Documentation: Certification: Verification: Fill out form ICS 211 Check-in Attendance Sheet Facility Owned Equipment Deployment Exercise Form 5 PREP Evaluation and Self-certification Form 8 To be conducted by the responsible regulatory agency during periodic site visits. Records: Retention: Location: Evaluation: Credit: Five years Records to be kept at the facility PREP Evaluation and Self-certification Form 8 Plan holder may claim credit for this exercise when conducted in conjunction with other exercises, as long as all objectives are met, the exercise is evaluated, and a proper record is generated. Credit may be claimed for an actual response when these objectives are met, the response is evaluated, and a proper record is generated. Note: If a facility with facility owned and operated equipment also identifies OSRO equipment in its response plan, the OSRO equipment must also be deployed and operated in accordance with the equipment deployment requirements for OSRO-owned equipment. Control Level: Guideline Revision Date: 012/02/2015 Page 12 of 17 Paper copies are uncontrolled. This copy valid only at the time of printing. The controlled version of this document can be found on the HES&S Section of Sunoco Logistics Document Repository. PREP Training and Record Guide EPP 101 LOCAL RESPONSE TEAM EXERCISE Applies To: Pipeline and Terminal Local Facility Response Team Frequency: Annually Initiated By: Pipeline or Terminal Supervision Participants: : Local Response Team members identified in the Facility Response Plan (FRP) Scope: Objectives: Exercise the Team’s organization, communication, and decision making in managing a spill response. Exercise the Local Response Team in a review of: A. B. C. D. E. Knowledge of the response plan; Proper notifications; Communications system; Ability to access an OSRO; Coordination of internal organization personnel with responsibility for spill response; F. Annual review of the transition from a local team to a national, team as appropriate; G. Ability to effectively coordinate spill response activity with the National Response System (NRS) infrastructure (If personnel from the NRS are not participating in the exercise, the Team should demonstrate knowledge of response coordination with the NRS); H. Ability to access information in the ACP for location of sensitive areas, resources available within the area, unique conditions of area, etc.; and I. Minimum of one exercise in a triennial cycle must involve J. Procedure: Documentation: Certification: Verification: simulation of a WCD scenario. Other company required objectives. • Document attendance on the ICS 211 Check-in Form. • Use at a minimum, the ICS 201 Form to document the exercise. • At least one exercise every 3 years shall involve a simulated Worst Case Discharge or alternative (WCD) scenario. Local Response Team Tabletop Exercise Form 6 PREP Evaluation and Self-certification Form 8 To be conducted by the responsible regulatory agency during periodic site visits. Control Level: Guideline Revision Date: 12/02/2015 Page 13 of 17 Paper copies are uncontrolled. This copy valid only at the time of printing. The controlled version of this document can be found on the HES&S Section of Sunoco Logistics Document Repository. PREP Training and Record Guide EPP 101 Records: Retention: Location: Five years At each facility or within each pipeline response zone Evaluation: PREP Evaluation and Self-certification Form 8 Credit: Plan holder may claim credit for this exercise when conducted in conjunction with other exercises, as long as all objectives are met, the exercise is evaluated, and a proper record is generated. Credit may be claimed for an actual response when these objectives are met, the response is evaluated, and a proper record is generated. Plan holders are responsible for ensuring that LIMTs are familiar with Area Committees/RRTs and Area Contingency Plans (ACP) where the plan holder operates. (LFRT) is expected to review ACPs annually and the makeup of Area Committees/RRTs. Self-certification for exercise credit should include LIMT certification that the (LFRT) has completed annual review and is familiar with the ACPs and Area Committees/RRTs in all areas in which the plan holder operates. Control Level: Guideline Revision Date: 12/02/2015 Page 14 of 17 Paper copies are uncontrolled. This copy valid only at the time of printing. The controlled version of this document can be found on the HES&S Section of Sunoco Logistics Document Repository. PREP Training and Record Guide EPP 101 OSRO EQUIPMENT DEPLOYMENT DOCUMENTATION Applies to: All facilities Frequency: Annually Initiated By: Pipeline or Terminal Supervision Contractor Participants: Objectives: Ensure response equipment is operational. Ensure capability of contractor personnel in the deployment and operation of equipment. Ensure that the primary contractor participates in annual deployment Exercises. - Procedures: • • • Documentation: Deploy and operate a representative sample of each type of response equipment identified in the FRP. Equipment that is not deployed must be included in a comprehensive inspection and maintenance program which ensures that the equipment is being kept in good operating condition. Each terminal/pipeline response zone must maintain proper documentation of all inspection and maintenance conducted by the OSRO. Annual letter received from the contractor certifying the details of the contractor company exercise program and equipment deployed. Documentation should be signed by the contractor. To be conducted by responsible agency during periodic site visits Verification: 5 years Records Retention: Records to be kept at the facility in the OPA-90 Exercise file (OSRO Annual Certification Deployment Letters will be available at SXL Intranet - HES page) Self-evaluation by OSRO Evaluation: Credit: Credit may be taken for this exercise if completed as part of another exercise or an actual spill response, provided that the objectives of the Exercise are met and the Exercise is properly documented. SXL may take credit for OSRO equipment deployed by contractor exercises at other facilities if the deployment method is consistent with deployment defined in the FRP. Control Level: Guideline Revision Date: 12/02/2015 Page 15 of 17 Paper copies are uncontrolled. This copy valid only at the time of printing. The controlled version of this document can be found on the HES&S Section of Sunoco Logistics Document Repository. PREP Training and Record Guide EPP 101 Government-Initiated Unannounced Exercises Applies to: Pipeline and Terminal Frequency: Annually, if selected. Initiated By: U.S. Coast Guard, USEPA and/or PHMSA Participants: Terminal Pipeline Personnel Scope: These exercises are designed to provide an evaluation, on a random basis, of the response preparedness of Facility Response Plan (FRP) holders. If selected, facility will be required to participate in either a table top exercise or an equipment deployment exercise as directed by the U.S. Coast Guard, US EPA or PHMSA. A scenario will be presented by the senior on-scene Agency representative. Objectives: Documentation Verification: • Exercises would involve response to an average most probable discharge scenario (50 bbls or 2,100 gallons). • • • • • • Exercises are limited to ap proximately 4 hours in duration. Conduct proper notifications as addressed in FRP Activate QI and Spill Management Team Verify equipment availability from OSRO in accordance with the FRP Deploy equipment, if applicable, to respond to spill scenario Demonstrate the initiation of an Incident Action Plan (IAP) • • • • Fill out form ICS 211 Check-in Attendance Sheet Fill out form 5 Facility Equipment Deployment Exercise Form 5 Fill out form 7 PREP Evaluation and Self Certification If you use your own inspection and maintenance program documentation, include this documentation in the OPA-90 Inspection/Exercise file(s). U.S. Coast Guard, USEPA or PHMSA Evaluation: U.S. Coast Guard, USEPA or PHMSA PREP Evaluation and Self-certification Form 8 Records Retention: 5 years Records to be kept at the facility in the OPA-90 Exercise file. Control Level: Guideline Revision Date: 12/02/2015 Page 16 of 17 Paper copies are uncontrolled. This copy valid only at the time of printing. The controlled version of this document can be found on the HES&S Section of Sunoco Logistics Document Repository. PREP Training and Record Guide EPP-101 Credit: Credit may be taken for other required exercises (a Qualified Individual Notification, Equipment Deployment Exercise and unannounced exercise) if the government-initiated unannounced exercise is successfully completed, objectives of the other exercise(s) are met, and a proper record is generated. Control Level: Guideline Revision Date: 12/02/2015 Page 17 of 17 Paper copies are uncontrolled. This copy valid only at the time of printing. The controlled version of this document can be found on the HES&S Section of PREP Three Year Cycle Exercise Summary Report Exercise Type Date QI Notification Exercise (Quarterly) Year 1 QI Notification Exercise (Quarterly) Year 2 QI Notification Exercise (Quarterly) Year 3 Date Date Date NOTE: One notification each year must be conducted during NON-BUSINESS hours. Local Response Team Exercise Table Top (Annual) Local Response Team Exercise Table Top (Annual) Local Response Team Exercise Table Top (Annual) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 NOTE: During the three year cycle, one exercise (table top), must be a worst case discharge scenario. Certification to be provided by OSROs on Equipment Deployment Exercise Year 1 an annual basis. A letter will be forwarded OSRO Owned (Annual) to the facility for record purposes Equipment Deployment Exercise Year 2 OSRO Owned (Annual) Equipment Deployment Exercise OSRO Owned (Annual) Year 3 Equipment Deployment Exercise SXL Owned (Semiannual) Equipment Deployment Exercise SXL Owned (Semiannual) Equipment Deployment Exercise Sunoco Owned (Semiannual) Year 1 Emergency Procedure Exercise Year 1 Emergency Procedure Exercise Year 2 Emergency Procedure Exercise Year 3 Telephone Verification Exercise Year 1 Telephone Verification Exercise Year 2 Telephone Verification Exercise Year 3 Year 2 DOT facilities with equipment identified within the FRP require annual deployment Year 3 NOTE: Shall be completed semi-annually each year. Year of Government Initiated Unannounced Occurrence Annual Plan Review (Jan. – Dec.) Annual Plan Review Year 1 Annual Plan Review Year 2 Annual Plan Review Year 3 Shall be conducted by the Facility Supervisor / Manager in conjunction with the Emergency Response Specialist. NOTE: Denote “unannounced” exercises with “U” and date. Initial Version Date: 05/01/15 Print Date: 01/15/16 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED. THIS COPY VALID ONLY AT THE TIME OF PRINTING. THE ORIGINAL VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT CAN BE LOCATED WITHIN THE SXL PREP GUIDE FOLDER Page 1 of 1 Qualified Individual (QI) Notification Exercise Qualified Individual Notification Exercise must be completed by the end of each quarter. Facility / Location Name: Date of Notification: Quarter: Person Initiating the Notification: Notification Made to: Qualified Individual (QI) Time Contact Was Initiated: Alternate Qualified Individual (AQI) Time Contact Was Confirmed: Name of QI/Alternate QI Notified: Comments: Method of Contact: Telephone: Radio: Pager: Notification Made in Conjunction with a Drill or Exercise: Other: Yes No Drill or Exercise Event Name: Event Name: Description of Notification Scenario: Certifying Signature: Date: Initial Version Date: 05/01/15 Print Date: 06/17/15 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED. THIS COPY VALID ONLY AT THE TIME OF PRINTING. THE ORIGINAL VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT CAN BE LOCATED WITHIN THE SXL PREP GUIDE FOLDER Page 1 of 1 Telephone Verification Exercise 1. All telephone verification calls shall begin with: “This is Sunoco Logistics, we are verifying the contact information contained within the Facility Response Plan. 2. All phone numbers listed within the Facility Response Plan (FRP) contact lists, must be called and verified to obtain credit for Telephone Verification Exercise. 3. Document date and time the number was called to verify. 4. If the contact information is correct and no changes are required, enter a check mark  next to the number or in the table next to the line item. 5. If a phone number or contact name has changed, document the revision in the “revision” column or next to the phone number within the contact table list. 6. If a phone number is observed to be incorrect, document the correct number in the response plan in black ink. 7. All corrections must be submitted to the with name and location that the Telephone Verification Exercise is being completed. (Table format and information is for example purposes only) FACILITY RESPONSE PERSONNEL For Example Purposes Only Document Revisions (if applicable) Name/Title Contact Information Joe Smith Supervisor, Pipeline Ops (123) 456-7890 Response Time 1 Hour EMERGENCY SERVICES BY COUNTY Organization Police Phone Number 911 (Alternate #: (123) 555-1212 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Organization OSRO Service Phone Number 24 Hour Number: (111) 555-1212 Date/Time Contacted 6/01/2015 3:00PM For Example Purposes Only Date/Time Contacted 6/01/2015 3:05PM   For Example Purposes Only Date/Time Contacted 6/01/2015 3:10PM Change (111) 555-1220 Initial Version Date: 05/01/15 Print Date: 06/17/15 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED. THIS COPY VALID ONLY AT THE TIME OF PRINTING. THE ORIGINAL VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT CAN BE LOCATED WITHIN THE SXL PREP GUIDE FOLDER Page 1 of 1 Emergency Procedures Exercise Emergency Procedure must be completed by the end of each quarter. Exercise Scope: • Exercise the emergency procedures for the facility to mitigate or prevent any discharge, or a substantial threat of such discharge. • Attendance must be documented on the ICS 211 Check-in/Attendance Form. • The exercise shall contain measures to ensure personnel knowledge of actions to be taken to mitigate a spill. This exercise may consist of a walk-through of the emergency procedures. • Exercise should involve one or more of the sections of the emergency procedures for spill mitigation. • For example, the exercise should involve a simulation of a response to an oil spill. • If the exercise is conducted unannounced, the facility may take credit for an annual internal unannounced exercise requirement. • Facility may claim credit for this exercise when conducted in conjunction with other exercises, as long as all objectives are met, the exercise is evaluated, and a proper record is generated. • Credit may be claimed for an actual response when these objectives are met, the response is evaluated, and the proper documents are submitted. • The PREP Evaluation and Self Certification is required for this exercise. Facility / Location Name: Date: Time: Quarter: Description of Scenario: Exercise Objective Examples: The number of objectives shall be set by the person facilitating the exercise. Safe response practices Ability to complete required notifications. Knowledge and use the Facility Response plan. Ability to mobilize response personnel. Ability to Operate Within the Response System Described in the Plan Ability to secure the discharge of spilled product. Ability to contain spilled product. Shut down transfer or pumping operations. Ability to eliminate sources of vapor cloud ignition by shutting down all engines and motors. Ability to provide initial assessment of the discharge. Ability to initiate notifications to external agencies (local state and federal). Initiating contact with the OSRO (within 30 minutes via phone) to verify current resource availability. Demonstrate the ability to coordinate and interface with contractor and agency personnel. Develop a recovery plan (including disposition of recovered product). Knowledge of sensitive areas and the actions necessary to protect these areas. Protect the community Personnel support associated with response. Multi-mode transportation both for execution of the discharge and support functions. Establish an effective communications system for the spill response organization. Spill response organization plans for the disposal of the recovered material and contaminated debris. Establish an effective procurement (burn rate) tracking system. Maintain and support all equipment associated with the response. Proper documentation including detailed records of decisions and actions taken. Exercise control room response to simulated scenarios. Certifying Signature: Date: Facility Owned Response Equipment Deployment Check All That Apply Facility Name: ____________ Drill Date: __________ Observer: __________________ Check one: Exercise Actual Response: Check One: Announced Unannounced Check One: Facility Initiated Government Unannounced Initiated Exercise (GUIE): Time Started: _________ (This is the point the exercise begins) Scenario or Event Description: Check all that apply: Equipment Owned by: OSRO Facility Other Equipment Deployed by: OSRO Facility Other OSRO Response Time Listed in the Plan: _________ Actual OSRO Response Time: ____________________ 1.) Time boom arrives on site: ________ 2.) Time boom was deployed: ________ 3.) Amount of boom deployed: _______ Amount of boom available: ________ 4.) Time Vacuum Truck arrives on site: _______ 5.) Is equipment part of an inspection maintenance program: Yes No 6.) Did the OSRO respond with enough equipment to meet the requirements of an average Yes No most probable spill scenario? Equipment Type (List all equipment deployed) Quantity (List units) Deployment Location (On-site ACP strategy or Other Location) Operational Issues Note: Use additional pages to document findings if necessary. Personnel: 1.) Was equipment deployed by personnel responsible for its deployment in an actual spill? 2.) Are facility personnel responsible for response operations involved in a training program? 3.) Contract security contacted? Yes No 4.) Contract security response time available within 12 hours? Yes No Actions taken to correct or replace inoperable equipment. Yes Yes No No Initial Version Date: 05/01/15 Print Date: 06/17/15 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED. THIS COPY VALID ONLY AT THE TIME OF PRINTING. THE ORIGINAL VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT CAN BE LOCATED WITHIN THE SXL PREP GUIDE FOLDER Page 1 of 1 Local Response Team Exercise – Tabletop Exercise Exercise - Local Response Team Tabletop Exercise must be completed annually Exercise Scope: • • • • • • This exercise shall be developed to allow the Local Response Team to demonstrate the team's ability to organize, communicate, and make strategic decisions regarding managing a response, environmental protection, and protection of the population. Exercise shall be documented at a minimum, on the ICS 201 Forms. Attendance must be documented on the ICS 211 Check-in/Attendance Form. If the exercise is conducted unannounced, the facility may take credit for an annual internal unannounced exercise requirement. Facility may claim credit for this exercise when conducted in conjunction with other exercises, as long as all objectives are met, the exercise is evaluated, and the proper completed documentation is submitted. Credit may be claimed for an actual response when these objectives are met, the response is evaluated, and the proper documents are submitted. • Minimum of one Local Response Team exercise within the triennial cycle, shall involve simulation of a Worst Case Discharge (WCD)/Alternative WCD scenario. • The completed PREP Evaluation and Self Certification Report shall accompany all completed Tabletop Exercise documentation. Facility / Location Name: Date: Time: Description of Exercise Scenario: Objectives: For a complete list of PREP Components that can be added to the exercise scenario or used to develop objectives, see the PREP Evaluation and Self-Assessment Checklist Report. • Knowledge of the response plan • Proper notifications • Communications system • Ability to access an OSRO • Coordination of internal organization personnel with responsibility for response • Annual review of the transition from a local team to the Incident Management Team (IMT) as appropriate • Ability to access information in ACP for location of sensitive areas, resources available within the area, unique conditions of area, etc. Certifying Signature: Date: Facility Response Plan Annual Review In accordance with 49 CFR Part 194.121, and Company policy, the Facility Response Plan (FRP) shall be reviewed annually and revised to address new or different operating conditions or information included in the Plan. In the event the Company experiences a Worst Case Discharge, the effectiveness of the plan will be evaluated and updated as necessary. If a new or different operating condition or information would substantially affect the implementation of the Plan, the Manager of Pipeline Operations or Sr. Manager of Terminal Operations, shall ensure the Plan is revised. Examples of conditions requiring Plan revision include the following: • Relocation or replacement of the transportation system in a way that substantially affects the information included in the Plan, such as a change to the Worst Case Discharge volume. • A change in the type of oil handled, stored, or transferred that materially alters the required response resources. • A change in key personnel (Qualified Individuals). • A change in the name of the Oil Spill Removal Organization (OSRO). • Any other changes that materially affect the implementation of the Plan. • A change in the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan or Area Contingency Plan that has significant impact on the equipment appropriate for response activities. All requests for changes must be made through the Manager of Pipeline Operations or Sr. Manager of Terminal Operations, and submitted to the Emergency Planning and Preparedness Department. Date of Plan Review: Facility Location: Facility Plan Reviewer(s): Revisions Requested: (Use additional pages if necessary. Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ________________ Manager of Terminal Operations / Manager of Pipeline Operations: Initial Version Date: 05/01/15 Print Date: 06/17/15 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED. THIS COPY VALID ONLY AT THE TIME OF PRINTING. THE ORIGINAL VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT CAN BE LOCATED WITHIN THE SXL PREP GUIDE FOLDER Page 1 of 1 PREP Evaluation & Self-Certification Report Section 1: Exercise/Incident Information: Date: Time: Location: Exercise/Incident Title: Person Completing This Exercise or Incident Commander: Exercise Category: Emergency Procedure Exercise IMT Exercise Internal Equipment Deployment Un-Announced Exercise Exercise (GIUE) Actual Incident Local Response Team Exercise Fire Equipment Deployment OSRO Equipment Deployment Government Initiated Unannounced Actual Event Incident IMPACT (Report #: ____________) Type of Release Exercise or Event: Small (Average Most Probable) Medium (Maximum Most Probable) Worse Case Discharge Agency Involvement: USCG PHMSA County Officials Fed EPA State EPA Fire Dept. NRC Notified (Report #:_____________) Federal Railroad Administration DHS FBI Law Enforcement DOT FEMA LEPC GLO Others (identify): _________________ Simulated Agency Personnel by Company or Third Party Representative None Comments: Summary Description of Exercise/Incident: Provide a brief description of the exercise or event and details below (i.e. Emergency Procedure, Local Response Team Exercise (tabletop), Equipment Deployment Exercise, OSRO Equipment Deployment, GIUE, or IMT Exercise below. Attach all supporting exercise or event documentation with the PREP Evaluation and Self Certification Report. Note: Include additional pages if necessary. Initial Version Date: 12/02/2015 Print Date: 12/02/15 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED. THIS COPY VALID ONLY AT THE TIME OF PRINTING. THE ORIGINAL VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT CAN BE LOCATED WITHIN THE SXL PREP GUIDE FOLDER Page 1 of 7 Section 2 – PREP Components (See Appendix A for PREP Component Descriptions) Component: Satisfactory Area for Improvement Not Tested Organizational Design: Notifications – Test notifications in FRP Staff Mobilization Ability to operate within the Response Mgmt. System Unified Command (UC): Unified Command Federal Representation Unified Command State Representation Unified Command Local Representation Response Management System: Operations: Planning: Logistics Finance Public Affairs Safety Legal Affairs Operational Response: Discharge Prevention/ Source Control Ability to assemble emergency resources Firefighting: Assessment Containment Recovery On-Water Recovery Shore-Based Recovery Protection of environmentally sensitive & economically areas Disposal: Protective Booming Water Intake Protection Wildlife Recovery and Rehabilitation: Population Protection (protect public health & safety) Response Support: Communications Internal Communications External Communications Transportation Land Transportation Waterborne Transportation Airborne Transportation Personnel Support Management Berthing (rest/overnight accommodations) Messing Initial Version Date: 12/02/2015 Print Date: 12/02/15 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED. THIS COPY VALID ONLY AT THE TIME OF PRINTING. THE ORIGINAL VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT CAN BE LOCATED WITHIN THE SXL PREP GUIDE FOLDER Page 2 of 7 Component: Satisfactory Area for Improvement Not Tested Operational and Administrative Spaces Emergency Procedures Response Equipment Maintenance and Support Response Equipment (i.e. communications, transportation & administrative equipment, etc.) Procurement Personnel Response Equipment Support Equipment Documentation Section 3- Evaluation Section Evaluation Team Participants: Company Identify achievements and areas for improvement that were identified during the exercise using the Section 2 PREP Components Checklist, objectives set by the exercise facilitator and the below checklist. Describe How the Following Objectives Were Exercised: Knowledge of Facility Response Plan Was the Plan used during the response? Was the Plan referenced during the exercise or response? Was the information in the plan accurate? Are there Plan corrections or revisions required or recommended? Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No N/A N/A N/A N/A Notification Phase: Were the numbers in the Plan correct? Were there any numbers missing from the Plan? Were internal and/or external notifications made in a timely manner? Yes Yes Yes No No No N/A N/A N/A Yes No N/A Yes Yes No No N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes No No No N/A N/A N/A Communications system: Were operational units able to communicate directly with the ICS team? Could the team communicate efficiently with all necessary parties? Did communication abilities affect decision making? Response Efforts: Were SXL response actions done in a timely manner? Were resources requested in a timely manner? Were adequate SXL resources available in a timely manner? Initial Version Date: 12/02/2015 Print Date: 12/02/15 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED. THIS COPY VALID ONLY AT THE TIME OF PRINTING. THE ORIGINAL VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT CAN BE LOCATED WITHIN THE SXL PREP GUIDE FOLDER Page 3 of 7 Were any improvements suggested? Did information get properly communicated during the meetings? Was the ICS team established in a timely manner? Was the ICS team properly staffed? Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No N/A N/A N/A N/A OSRO Performance: Did the OSRO respond in a timely manner? Did the OSRO respond with the proper resources? Did the OSRO have enough resources? Was the OSRO’s performance adequate? Were the OSRO’s personnel knowledgeable in their assigned tasks? Was the OSRO’s equipment in good working order? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes No N/A Yes Yes No No N/A N/A Yes No N/A Coordination with Agencies: Did regulatory agencies come to the release site? Did regulatory agencies call about the spill? Did the ICS interact with the agencies? Were all of the appropriate agencies notified? Were agency notifications made? Was all of the needed information made available to the person making the notification? Ability to access sensitive area information” Was the Team able to identify the sensitive area information through the FRP or Area Contingency Plan? Was the sensitive area information identified in the Plan? Was the sensitive area information available to the people in the field? Are updates to the sensitive information required? Achievements Identified: Areas for Improvement Identified: 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. Remarks, Corrective Actions and/or Follow up Actions: Action Item Assigned To: Target Completion Date: 1. 2. 3. 4. ____________________________ Signature: Exercise Facilitator _ ___ __ Date ____________________________ Signature _ _____ Date: Terminal Supervisor / Pipeline Manager Initial Version Date: 12/02/2015 Print Date: 12/02/15 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED. THIS COPY VALID ONLY AT THE TIME OF PRINTING. THE ORIGINAL VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT CAN BE LOCATED WITHIN THE SXL PREP GUIDE FOLDER Page 4 of 7 Appendix A - PREP Component Description List 1. Notifications: Test the notifications procedures identified in the Area Contingency Plan and the associated Responsible Party Response Plan. 2. Staff Mobilization: Demonstrate the ability to assemble the spill response organization identified in the FRP or ACP? 3. Ability to Operate Within the Response Management System Described in the Plan: 3.1 Unified Command: Demonstrate the ability of the spill response organization to work within a unified command 3.1.1 Federal Representation: Demonstrate the ability to consolidate the concerns and interests of the other members of the unified command into a unified strategic plan with tactical operations. 3.1.2 State Representation: Demonstrate the ability to function within the unified command structure. 3.1.3 Local Representation: Demonstrate the ability to within the unified command structure. 3.1.4 Responsible Party Representation: Demonstrated (to function within the unified command structure. 3.2. Response Management System: Demonstrate the ability of the response organization to operate within the framework of the response management system identified in their respective plans. 3.2.1 Operations: Demonstrate the ability to coordinate or direct operations related to the implementation of action plans contained in the respective response and contingency plans developed by the unified command. 3.2.2 Planning: Demonstrate the ability to consolidate the various concerns of the members of the unified command into joint planning recommendations and specific long-range strategic plans. Demonstrate the ability to develop short-range tactical plans for the operations division. 3.2.3 Logistics: Demonstrate the ability to provide the necessary support of both the short-term and long-term action plans. 3.2.4 Finance: Demonstrate the ability to document the daily expenditures of the organization and provide cost estimates for continuing operations. 3.2.5 Public Affairs: Demonstrate the ability to form a joint information center and provide the necessary interface between the unified command and the media. 3.2.6 Safety Affairs: Demonstrate the ability to monitor all field operations and ensure compliance with safety standards. 3.2.7 Legal Affairs: Demonstrate the ability to provide the unified command with suitable legal advice and assistance. 4. Source Control: Demonstrate the ability of the spill response organization to control and stop the discharge at the source. 4.1 Salvage: Not Applicable Demonstrate the ability to assemble and deploy salvage resources identified in the response plan. 4.2 Firefighting: Demonstrate the ability to assemble and deploy the firefighting resources identified in the response plan. 4.3 Lightering: Not Applicable Demonstrate the ability to assemble and deploy the lightering resources identified in the response plan. 4.4 Not Applicable Other salvage equipment and devices: (electrical and manual controls and barriers to control the source) Demonstrate the ability to assemble and deploy the other salvage devices identified in the response plan 5. Assessment: Demonstrate the ability of the spill response organization to provide an initial assessment of the discharge and provide continuing assessments of the effectiveness of the tactical operations. 6. Containment: Demonstrate the ability of the spill response organization to contain the discharge at the source or In various locations for recovery operations. 7. Recovery: Demonstrate the ability of the spill response organization to recover, mitigate, and remove the discharged product. Includes mitigation and removal activities, e.g. dispersant use, ISB use, and bioremediation use. 7.1 On-Water Recovery: Demonstrate the ability to assemble and deploy the on-water response resources identified in the response plans. 7.2 Shore-Based Recovery: Demonstrate the ability to assemble and deploy the shoreside response resources identified in the response plans. Initial Version Date: 12/02/2015 Print Date: 12/02/15 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED. THIS COPY VALID ONLY AT THE TIME OF PRINTING. THE ORIGINAL VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT CAN BE LOCATED WITHIN THE SXL PREP GUIDE FOLDER Page 5 of 7 8. Protection: Demonstrate the ability of the spill response organization to protect the environmentally and economically sensitive areas identified in the Area Contingency Plan and the respective industry response plan. 8.1 Protective Booming: Demonstrate the ability to assemble and deploy sufficient resources to implement the protection strategies contained in the Area Contingency Plan and the respective industry response plan. 8.2 Water Intake Protection: Demonstrate the ability to quickly identify water intakes and implement the proper protection procedures from the Area Contingency Plan or develop a plan for use. 8.3 Wildlife Recovery and Rehabilitation: Demonstrate the ability to quickly identify these resources at risk and implement the proper protection procedures from the Area Contingency Plan to develop a plan for use. 8.4 Population Protection (Protect Public Health and Safety): Demonstrate the ability to quickly identify health hazards associated with the discharged product and the population at risk from these hazards, and to implement the proper protection procedures from the Area Contingency Plan or develop a plan for use. 9. Disposal: Demonstrate the ability of the spill response organization to dispose of the recovered material and contaminated debris. 10. Communications: Demonstrate the ability to establish an effective communications system for the spill response organization. 10.1 Internal Communications: Demonstrate the ability to establish an intra-organization communications system. This encompasses communications at the command post and between the command post and deployed resources. 10.2 External Communications: Demonstrate the ability to establish communications both within the response organization and other entities (e.g., RRT, claimants, media, regional or HQ agency offices, non-governmental organizations, etc.). 11. Transportation: Demonstrate the ability to provide effective multi-mode transportation both for execution of the discharge and support functions. 11.1 Land Transportation: Demonstrate the ability to provide effective land transportation for all elements of the response. 11.2 Waterborne Transportation: Demonstrate the ability to provide effective waterborne transportation for all elements of the response. 11.3 Airborne Transportation: Demonstrate the ability to provide the necessary support of all personnel associated with the response. 12. Personnel Support: Demonstrate the ability to provide the necessary support of all personnel associated with the response. 12.1 Management: Demonstrate the ability to provide administrative management of all personnel involved in the response. This requirement includes the ability to move personnel into or out of the response organization with established procedures. 12.2 Berthing: Demonstrate the ability to provide overnight accommodations on a continuing basis for a sustained response. 12.3 Messing: Demonstrate the ability to provide suitable feeding arrangements for personnel involved with the management of the response. 12.4 Operational and Administrative Spaces: Demonstrate the ability to provide suitable operational and administrative spaces for personnel involved with the management of the response. 12.5 Emergency Procedures: Demonstrate the ability to provide emergency services for personnel involved in the response. 13. Equipment Maintenance and Support: Demonstrate the ability to maintain and support all equipment associated with the response. 13.1 Response Equipment: Demonstrate the ability to provide effective maintenance and support for all response equipment. 13.2 Response Equipment: Demonstrate the ability to provide effective maintenance and support for all equipment that supports the response. This requirement includes communications equipment, transportation equipment, administrative equipment, etc. 14. Procurement: Demonstrate the ability to establish an effective procurement system. 14.1 Personnel: Demonstrate the ability to procure sufficient personnel to mount and sustain an organized response. This requirement includes insuring that all personnel have qualifications and Initial Version Date: 12/02/2015 Print Date: 12/02/15 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED. THIS COPY VALID ONLY AT THE TIME OF PRINTING. THE ORIGINAL VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT CAN BE LOCATED WITHIN THE SXL PREP GUIDE FOLDER Page 6 of 7 training required for their position within the response organization. 14.2 Response Equipment: Demonstrate the ability to procure sufficient response equipment to mount and sustain an organized response. 14.3 Support Equipment: Demonstrate the ability to procure sufficient support equipment to support and sustain an organized response. 15. Documentation: Demonstrate the ability of the spill response organization to document all operational and support aspects of the response and provide detailed records of decisions and actions taken. Initial Version Date: 12/02/2015 Print Date: 12/02/15 PAPER COPIES ARE UNCONTROLLED. THIS COPY VALID ONLY AT THE TIME OF PRINTING. THE ORIGINAL VERSION OF THIS DOCUMENT CAN BE LOCATED WITHIN THE SXL PREP GUIDE FOLDER Page 7 of 7 1. Incident Name 2. Operational Period (Date/Time) From: To: Personnel Check-In Information 4. Name 5. Company/Agency 3. Check-in Location  Command Post  Other __________  Staging Area __________ 8. Initial Check-in? 6. ICS Section/Assignment/ Quals. 7. Contact Information CHECK-IN LIST (Personnel) ICS 211p-OS 9. TIME (x) IN OUT                               10. Prepared by: CHECK-IN LIST (Personnel) Date/Time 11. Date/Time Sent to Resources Unit June 2000 ICS 211p-OS CHECK-IN LIST Personnel (ICS FORM 211p-OS) Special Note. This form is used for personnel check-in only. Purpose. Personnel arriving at the incident can be checked in at various incident locations. Check-in consists of reporting specific information that is recorded on the form. Preparation. The Check-In List is initiated at a number of incident locations including staging areas, base, camps, helibases, and ICP. Managers at these locations record the information and give it to the Resources Unit as soon as possible. Distribution. Check-In Lists are provided to both the Resources Unit and the Finance/Administration Section. The Resources Unit maintains a master list of all equipment and personnel that have reported to the incident. All completed original forms MUST be given to the Documentation Unit. Item # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Item Title Incident Name Operational Period Check-in Location Name Company/Agency ICS Section / Assignment / Quals. Contact Information Initial Incident Checkin? Time In/Out Prepared By Date/Time Prepared Date/Time Sent to Resources Unit Instructions Enter the name assigned to the incident. Enter the time interval for which the form applies. Record the start and end date and time. Check the box for the check-in location. Enter the name of the person. Enter the company or agency with which the individual is associated. Enter ICS Section and assignment, if known, and note any other ICS qualifications, if needed. Enter the contact information for the person. Check if this is the first time a person has checked in for this incident. Enter the time the person checks in and/or out (24-hour clock). Enter name and title of the person preparing the form. Enter date (month, day, year) and time prepared (24-hour clock). Enter date (month, day, year) and time (24-hour clock) the form is sent to the Resources Unit. APPENDIX M State of North Dakota Sovereign Land Permits for Lake Oahe and Missouri River Crossings Issued 2016-04-01 Sovereien Land Permit No. 5-1951 Permittee: Dakota Access, LLC 1300 Main Street Ifouston, TX 77002 Location N % of Section l0 and N % of Section 11., Township 134 North, Range 79 West, Morton and Emmons Counties. Project Description: The Permittee is hereby authorized to install a welded steel crude oil pipeline beneath the bed of Lake Oahe (Missouri River) in Morton and Emmons Counties via horizontal directional drilling (HDD). The project will involve installing approximately 8,250 lineal feet of 30-inch diameter welded steel pipe beneath Lake Oahe (horizontal distance: 71500 feet) via HDD. Approximately 1,150 lineal feet of the bore will occur a minimum of 92 feet below the bed of the Missouri River within Lake Oahe. The beginning and end points of the bore will be located on private land approximately 960 feet and 1,170 feet from the east and west full pool (1,620 feet msl) shore line of Lake Oahe respectively. Block valves will be installed on each side of the crossing. Prior to being put into service, the pipeline will be subjected to inspection and testing to compliance with specifications, including hydrostatic pressure testing, checking coating integrity, and X-ray inspection of welds. In addition to the testing and inspection measures, the Permittee will utilize a superuisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system to provide constant remote oversight of pipeline facilities during operation. Power for the SCADA system will be provided from an existing power grid with a backup system in case of power failure. Communication with the SCADA system will be accomplished via satellite and telephone to the Operations Control Center in Sugarland, Texas with a backup control room in Bryan, Texas. veriff its integrity and The Permittee will also maintain emergency response equipment and personnel at strategic locations along the pipeline route. Personnel will be trained to respond to pipeline emergencies as well coordinate and conduct drills with local emergency responders. This authonzation is subject to the conditions listed below and to the attached North Dakota Department of Health "Construction and Environmental Disturbance Requirements." Any other use of sovereign land is prohibited. Any proposed additional use must comply with the application and permitting process and all other requirements of state law. Page 1 of3 General Conditions 1. Authorization of this undertaking is a privileged use of a public resource and does not constitute a property right. The public use and enjoyment of the Missouri River is of high priority. 2. All construction, testing, operation, maintenance, and reclamation activities shall be carried out in a manner reasonably designed to prevent degradation of the Missouri River. 3. The Permittee shall install andtúilize a SCADA system to provide constant remote oversight of pipeline facilities during operation. 4. The Permittee shall maintain emergency equipment and personnel at strategic locations along the pipeline route. 5. The Permittee shall implement measures to minimize the opportunity for sediment to enter the Missouri River during construction. 6. The Permittee shall comply with the North Dakota Department of Health's Construction and E nv i r o nme nt a I D i s t ur b øn c e Re q uir e m e nt s (c opy attached). 7. No work shall be conducted within the waters of the Missouri River from April 15 to June in order to protect fishery resources. 8. The Permittee shall comply with all state regulations with regard to the prevention of introduction of Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS) into the state's waters. The Permittee shall contact Ms. Jessica Howell, ANS Biologist, North Dakota Game and Fish Department at (l0l) 253-6480 to schedule an inspection of all vehicles and equipment a minimum of T2hours prior to those items being launched or placed in the Missouri River. 9. Any construction debris or excess material shall be disposed timbered upland site or in an approved landfill. 10. Any disturbed areas shall be revegetated 1 of in a non-wetland, non- with species native to the area. if items of substantial archeological value are discovered or a deposit of such items is disturbed, the Permittee shall cease construction activities in the area so affected. The State Engineer shall be promptly notified of the discovery, and construction will not resì;me until the State Engineer gives written permission. 11. Prior to or during construction, 12. This Authorization is site specific for the project as proposed and outlined in the application and supporting documents. Any changes or deviation from the site or design will need atthorization from the State Engineer. Sovereign Land Permit S-1951 Page 2 of 3 13.Atthe discretion of the State Engineer, in accordance withthe exercise of any of the State project Engineer's duties, the is subject to modification or removal at the expense of the Permittee. or the State Engineer's representative shall have access to inspect the project authorized during construction and associated activities and for the life of the project to ensure that it is being or has been accomplished and maintained in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Authorization. 14. The State Engineer 15. The Permittee is responsible for obtaining any other local, state, or federal permits or approvals thatmay be necessary prior to construction. 16. By granting this Authorization, no liability for darnages of any kind, including those caused by improper construction, operation and maintenance, design or failure in design, materials, or workmanship, is assumed by or transferred to the State of North Dakota, the State Engineer, the State Water Commission or any of their respective employees, agents, or assigns. The Permittee will indemnifr and hold harmless the State of North Dakota, its officials, employees, agents, boards, commissions, and assigns for any and all liability for work performed and action taken under this AuthoÅzatíot. Date: Todd Sando State Engineer Sovereign Land Permit S-1951 Page 3 of3 +I tltc Sovereien Land Permit No. 5-1952 Permittee Dakota Access, LLC 1300 Main Street flouston, TX 77002 Location: N\il NE % of Section 30, Township 152 North, Range 103 West, Williams and McKenzie Counties. % of Section 29 and, Project Description: The Permittee is hereby authorized to install a welded steel crude oil pipeline beneath the bed of the Missouri River in Williams and McKenzie County via horizontal directional drilling (HDD). The project would involve installing approximately 21780 lineal feet of 24-inch diameter welded steel pipe beneath the Missouri River (horizontal distancez 21700 feet) via HDD. Approximately 900 lineal feet of the bore would occur a minimum of 36 feet below the bed of the Missouri River. The beginning and end points of the bore would be located on private land approximately 280 feet and 1,520 feet from the right and left banks of the Missouri River respectively. Block valves would be installed on each side of the crossing. Prior to being put into service, the pipeline will be subjected to inspection and testing to verify its integrity and compliance with specifications, including hydrostatic pressure testing, checking coating integrity, and X-ray inspection of welds. In addition to the testing and inspection measures, the Permittee will utilize a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system to provide constant remote oversight of pipeline facilities during operation. Power for the SCADA system will be provided from an existing power grid with a backup system in case of power failure. Communication with the SCADA system will be accomplished via satellite and telephone to the Operations Control Center in Sugarland, Texas with a backup control room in Bryan, Texas. The Permittee will also maintain emergency response equipment and personnel at strategic locations along the pipeline route. Personnel will be trained to respond to pipeline emergencies as well coordinate and conduct drills with local emergency responders. This authorization is subject to the conditions listed below and to the attached North Dakota Department of Health "Construction and Environmental Disturbance Requirements." Any other use of sovereign land is prohibited. Any proposed additional use must comply with the application and permitting process and all other requirements of state law. Page I of3 General Conditions 1. Authorization of this undertaking is a privileged use of a public resource and does not constitute a properly right. The public use and enjoyment of the Missouri River is of high priority. 2. All construction, maintenance, and reclamation activities shall be carried out reasonably designed to prevent degradation of the Missouri River. in a manner 3. The Permittee shall install and utilize a SCADA system to provide constant remote oversight of pipeline facilities during operation. 4. The Permittee shall maintain emergency equipment and personnel at strategic locations along the pipeline route. 5. The Permittee shall implement measures to minimize the opportunity for sediment to enter the Missouri River during construction. 6. The Permittee shall comply with the North Dakota Department of Health's Construction and E nv ir o nm e nt al D i s t ur b an c e R e q uir e m e nt s (c opy attached). 7. No work shall be conducted within the waters of the Missouri River from April 15 to June 1 in order to protect fishery resources. 8. The Permittee shall comply with all state regulations with regard to the prevention of introduction of Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS) into the state's waters. The Permittee shall contact Ms. Jessica Howell, ANS Biologist, North Dakota Game and Fish Department at (701) 253-6480 to schedule an inspection of all vehicles and equipment a minimum of 72 hours prior to those items being launched or placed in the Missouri River. 9. Any construction debris or excess material shall be disposed of in a non-wetland, nontimbered upland site or in an approved landfrll. 10. Any disturbed areas shall be revegetated with species native to the area. I 1. Prior to or during construction, if items of substantial archeological value are discovered or a deposit of such items is disturbed, the Permittee shall cease construction activities in the area so affected. The State Engineer shall be promptly notif,red of the discovery, and construction will not resume until the State Engineer gives written permission. 12. This Authorization is site specific for the project as proposed and outlined in the application and supporting documents. Any changes or deviation from the site or design will need authorization from the State Engineer. Sovereign Land Permit S-1952 Page2 of 3 13. At the discretion of the State Engineer, in accordance with the exercise of any of the State Engineer's duties, the project is subject to modification or removal at the expense of the Permittee. 14. The State Engineer or the State Engineer's representative shall have access to inspect the authorized project during construction and associated activities and for the life of the project to ensure that it is being or has been accomplished and maintained in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Authorization. 15. The Permittee is responsible for obtaining any other local, state, or federal permits or approvals that may be necessary prior to construction. 16. By granting this Authorization, no liability for damages of any kind, including those caused by improper construction, operation and maintenance, design or failure in design, materials, or workmanship, is assumed by or transferred to the State of North Dakota, the State Engineer, the State Water Commission or any of their respective employees, agents, or assigns. The Permittee will indemnify and hold harmless the State of North Dakota, its officials, employees, agents, boards, commissions, and assigns for any and all liability for work performed and action taken under this Authorization. Date: Todd Sando State Engineer Sovereign Land Permit S-1952 Page 3 of3 +l t /tø