New Entrant Report I L¡.S. Ofice of Government Ethics; 5 C.F.R. paÌt 2634 Fonn Approveil: OMB No. (3209-0007) (March 2014) Executive Branch Personnel Public Financial Disclosure Report (OGE Form 278e) Filer's lnformation FISHER, TRAVIS SCOTT Assistant to the secretary, Department of Energy Date of Appointment: 01 /2O/2O17 Other Federal Government Pos¡t¡ons Held During the Preceding 12 Months: None Electronic S¡gnature - I certiry that the statements I have made in this form are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. /s/ FISHER, TRAVIS SCOTT lelectron¡cally signed on 01/18117 by F SHER, TRAVIS SCOTT ¡n] below). /s/ Beard. Susan F, Cert¡fy¡ng Off¡cial [electronically signed on 02117117 by Beard, Susan F in lntegr¡] Other review conducted by /s/ Beard. Susan F, Ethics Official [electronicallysigned on 02117117 by Beard. Susan U.S. Office of -Govern Data Revised F in] ment Ethics Certifi cation O2l 17 12017 Data Revised 02/ 1 OI 2017 Data Revised 02/09 12017 Comments of Reviewing Officials (public annotations): PART # REFERENCE COMMENT N/A N/A General (02117117, Beard, Susan F):502 and EO advice re lnstitute for Enerry Research and New entrantadv 1. Filer5 Positions Held Outside United States Government ORGANIZA.I.ION NAME CMY, STATE lnstitute for Energy Research Washington, Distr¡ct Non-Prof¡t ORGANIZATONTYPE POSMONHEI.D FROM TO Econom¡st 6t2013 1t2017 VATUE INCOMETYPE INCOMEAMOUNT Salary/Bonus $53,789 of Columbia 2. Filer's Employment Assets & Income and Retirement Accounts # DESCHPnON EIF lnstitute for Energy Research N/A 2 United States Brokerage #1 2.1 VANGUARD TOTAL BOND MARKET ETF $1,001 - $1s,000 Yes None (or less than $201 ) 2.2 2.3 RUSSELL lOOO VALUE (ISHARES) $1,001 -$15,000 Yes None (or less than $201 ) RUSSELL 1000 GROWTH ( SHARES) $1,001 -$15,000 Yes None (or less than $201) 2.4 RUSSELL 2000 TNDEX ( SHARES) Yes $1,001 -$15,000 2.5 VANGUARD FTSE DEVELOPD MKT ETF Yes $1,001 - $1 5,000 None (or less than $201) None (or less than $201 ) 2.6 VOYA INTERMEDIATE BOND FUND $1,001 -$1s,000 Yes None (or less than $201 ) 2.7 VOYA GLOBAL REAL ESTATE FUND Yes $1,001 - $15,000 None (or less than $2O1) 2.8 VOYA CORPORATE LEADERS 1OO FD $1,001 -$15,000 Yes None (or less than $201 ) 3 lnstitue for Enerry Research 401 k 3.1 American Funds 2045 Target Date Retirement Fund 4 Charles Koch lndustr¡es 401 k 4.1 Target Ret¡rement 2040 Fund Yes $15,001 - $s0,000 Yes $1,001 -$1s,000 $1,001 - $2,s00 None (or less than $201 ) 3. Filer's # 2 Em ployment Agreements a nd Arrangements EMPLOYERORPARTY CITY,STATE lnstitute for Energy Research Washington, Distr¡ct lwill continue to participate in this defined contribut¡on plan. of The plan sponsor no longer makes contributions after my separation. Charles Koch lnstitue Arlington, STAIUSANDTERMS DATE Columbia Virginia lwill cont¡nue to participate in this defined contribution plan, but the plan sponsor no longer makes contributions. 6/2014 6/2013 4. Filer's Sources of Compensation Exceeding $5,000 in a Year # SOURCE NAME CITY, STAÏE lnst¡tute for Energy Research Washington, of Columbia BRJEF DÊSCRIPnON OF DUÏES District Econom¡st 5. Spouse's Employment Assets & lncome and Retirement Accounts None 6. Other Assets and lncome # DESCRPT ON EIF VALUE U.S. bank accounts (cash) N/A $100,001 - $250,000 INCOMETYPE INCOMEAMOUNT None (or less than $201 ) 7. Transactions (N/A) - Not required for this type of repoft 8. Liabilities None 9. G¡fts and Travel Reimbursements (N/A) - Not required for this type of Endnotes report PART ENDNOTE Summary of Contents l-. Filer's Positions Held Outside United States Government receive compensation. company. 2. Filer's Employment Assets & Income and Retirement Accounts Part 2 discloses the following: and intellectual propefty, such as book deals and patents) investment fund (ElF). 3. Filer's Employment Agreements and Arrangements . . . . Future employment Leave ofabsence Continuing payments from an employer, including severance and payments not yet received for previous work (excluding ordinary salary from ¿ current employer) Continuing partic¡pat¡on in an employee welfare, retirement, or other benefit plan, such as pensions or a deferred compensation plan 4. Filer's Sources of Compensation Exceeding $5,000 in a Year Part 4 discloses sources (except the United States Government) that paid more than $5,000 in a calendar year for the filer's services during any year of the report¡ng per¡od. employer and notto thefiler. Thefiler does notdisclose a client's paymenttothefiler's employer ¡f the fìler did not provide the servicesforwhich the client is paying. 5. Spouse's Employment Assets & Income and Retirement Accounts Part 5 discloses the following: . >ources oT rìofìor¿na for rrìe Tilef s sPouse greater tnarì $zuu ouflng tne reporung peÍoo deferred compensation, and ¡ntellectual propefty, such as book deals and patents) excepted¡nvestmentfund(ElF).Amountsofincomearenotrequ¡redforaspouse'searnedincor e(excludinghonoraria). 6. Other Assets and Income period. For purposes ofthe value and income thresholds, the filer aggregates the f¡ler's interests with those ofthe filer's spouse and dependent children. investment fund (ElÐ. 7. Transactions money market mutual funds; (3) Treasury bills, bonds, and notes; and (4) holdings w¡thin a federal Thrift Savings Plan account. Addltioñal exceptións app-ly. 8. Liabilities Part 8 d¡scloses liabilities over exceed $1 $1 0,000 that the filer. the filer's spouse or dependent child owed at any time during the report¡ng per¡od. 0,000 at the end of the reporting period. Additional exceptions apply. 9. Gifts and Travel Reimbursements This section discloses . . Gifts total¡ng more than $375 that the filer, the filer's spouse, and dependent chlldren received from any one source during the reporting period. Travel reimbursementstotalingmorethan$3T5thatthefiler,thefiler'sspouse,anddependentchildrenreceivedfromanyonesourceduringthereportingperiod. Privacy Act Statement executive branch-wide Pr¡vary Act system of records. Public Burden Information Ethics (OGE), Suite 500, 1201 New York Avenue, NW., Wash¡ngton, DC 20005-391 7. valid OMB control number(that number,3209-0001, is displayed here and atthetop of the first page of this OGE Form 278e).