United States Environmental Protection Agency As EPA emers Us foon?eemh year. we can ,ono?e upon :rs many eoeonw/xs/wnews. T/ws report soecn?oe/ly addresses our ee/w'evemems dunno fxsoe/ 7983, as we? as {he Che/lenges We! WW us no [he fun/re. l8 my hope I/7/s WW be usefu/ fo [hose who are mvprovmg our enwrormyem and preservmg {he Cher/shed nan/re/ resOurces Wei are so p/enm?o/ our Regxon fr [eke {he besz? efforts of of us?cmzons, government a?zgenexes, ermromHeme/Isis end Io H869 Io [he [asks sm/ e/veed. M, . l/e/des VT eg/on ?j lLlH Li Hf.) Mrs- 59f? Hahn?11m: mm 11:? we arm LH 41.11 an L7 0 ng Lil vii-18H] moi) [11(19me pun eat'ir'ul ax {aawam 8mm aqi w; {1:4 1m] 4:141 Jag.) 1. EL pug aldwad LIOIHILLJ 121;; "mm? ?930le ?37 ?-3319 mg); Eganqu; :9.Ja?JLfa?Jl 6L11 51-LJ ISI. .1 C: ?mcygaLJmm '9 Helpw "sinfivulm?A Lujuf?aa at.? 89111318 ms aqi But the very things that made the Midwest great also make it vulnerable to erwironmental damage. The Regions coal-fired power plants emit much of the sulfur dio>