OFM, State Human Resources Division ?Others 2017-19 Cost of Interest Arbitration Awards and Negotiations General Fund- State 5 Total Union Description of Item FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2018 FY 2019 Biennial Inlandboatmen's Union of the Paci?c Labor Relations Negotiations General Wage Increase 7/1/17 (4 711/18 - - 2,285,820 2,880,133 2,285,820 2,880,133 5,165,953 Wage Differential Increases: AB will be paid $5 more per hour than an 08 by 7/1/2018. After a General Wage Increase of 4% and the AB wage rate increases $1.21 per hour effective 771/2017 and additional $1.08 per hour, effective 7/1/2018; Shore Gang Foreman $1.00 increase eff. 7l1l17. Maintain Wage Differential between Shore Gang series and Web Information Agent $1.00 increase eff 7/1/17. - - 846,689 1,590,224 846,689 1,590,224 2,436,913 Apply Relief Assignment Pay to Leave Hours (Comp Time, Sick Leave, Annual Leave) - - 79,569 79,569 79,569 79,569 159,138 Remove Leave Accrual Schedule 2 and move all employees to Schedule 1. - - 985 7,745 985 7,745 8,730 Health Care 85% Employerl 15% Employee - - 657,540 1,517,400 657,540 1,517,400 2,174,940 Subtotal - 3,870,603 6,075,070 3,870,603 6,075,070 9,945,673 Marine Engineers' Bene?cial Association Licensed Engineer Of?cers abor Relations Negotiations 1 General Wage Increase mm 8 7/1/18 - 710,307 1,198,052 710,307 1,198,052 6,30% Increase Staff Chief Engineer Pay 20.0% to address pay inversion with Relief Chief Engineer. - - 637,311 637,311 637,311 637,311 1,274,622, . Apply Relief Assignment Pay to Leave Hours (Annual Leave, Sick Leave, and Comp Time) 7 - 93,898 93,898 93,898 93,898 187,796 Increase callback pay from three hours to four hours - - . - - e. -- .2, - -2. 127,741 127,741 127,741 255,482 Increase WSF Contribution to MEBA Training School from 00 to 50 7/1/2017 and $2.50 to $3.00 7/1l2018 per employee per day - - 12,616 25,232 12,616 25,232 37,848 ?rovnoe?aumonai Maintenance and ure paymen perday forthe first 90 days - - 17,375 17,375 17,375 17,375 34,750 Health Care 85% Employerl 15% Employee - - 147,420 340,200 147,420 340,200 487,620 Subtotal - - - 1,746,668 2,520,857 1,746,668 2,520,857 4,267,525 Marine Engineers' Bene?cial Association Unlicensed Engine Room Employees Labor Relations Negotiations General Wage Increase 7/1/17 (3. 8 7l1/18 (2. .. - 374,978 632,463 374,978 632,463 1,007,441 Apply - 3 Increase ?l - r: . MEBA Training School from $2.00 to $2.50 on 7/1/2017 and $2.50 tol$3.00 on 7l1/2018 per employee, day. 12,797 25,594 12,797 25,594 38,391 me am enan an Cure payment of $60 per day for the ?rst 90 days - - 15,308 15,308 15,308 15,308 30,616 Health Care 85% Employerl 15% Employee 142,740 329,400 142,740 329,400 472,140 Subtotal - - 583,294 1 ,062,770 583,294 1 062,770 1 ,646,065 Page 1 of 12 9? OFle, State Human Eessmg Division 2017-19 Cost of Interest Arbitration Awards and Negotiations General Fund-State Other 95 Total 5 Union Description of Item FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2018 FY 2019 Biennial Intl Organization of Masters, Mates and Pilots - Mates Labor Relations tiegotiations General 7/1/18 2.0% - - 294,997 497,562 294,997 497,562 792,559 oliday . Increase license renewal reimbursements from $185 to $225 once every 5 years - - 68 768 Health Care 85% Employer! 15% Employee - - 72,540 167,400 72,540 167,400 239,940 Subtotal - 403,794 701,219 403,794 701,219 1,105,013 Intl Organization of Masters, Mates and Pilots - Masters - Interest Arbitration Award General Wage Increase mm 8 7/1/18 - - 517,372 765,474 517,372 765,474 1,282,846 Increase Staff Master Pay 20% to address inversion with the Relief Master - - 462,642 474,187 462,642 474,187 936,829 Increase Holiday Pay from 8 hour to 10 hours for non-working employees. - - 34,175 34,175 34,175 34,175 68,350 Increase Deck Of?cer Uniform Allowance from $800 to $1,000 per year. - - 14,600 14,600 14,600 14,600 29,200 Labor Relations Negotiations Health Care 85% Employer! 15% Employee - - 56,160 129,600 56,160 129,600 185,760 Subtotal - - 1,084,949 1,418,036 1,084,949 1,418,036 2,502,985 Intl Organization of Masters, Mates and Pilots Watch Supervisors Labor Rotations Negotiations General Wage Increase 7/1/17 8 7/1/18 - - 23,752 32,035 23,752 32,035 55,787 Increase Fleet Safetyfl' raining Administrator positions 24% to same level as Watch Center Su rvi or 1,681 41,404 41,681 83,085 WCS. Health Care 35% Employer/15% Employee 6,240 14,400 6,240 14,400 20,64 Subtotal - - 72,317 89,037 72,317 89,037 161,354 Puget Sound Metal Trades Council Interest Arbitration Award General Wage Increase 8 711/18 - - 178,455 362,319 178,455 362,319 540,774 Increase overtime pay from time-and-a-half (1.5 X) to double time (2 X) after an employee has already worked without an eight hour rest period. - - 46,862 46,862 46,862 . 46,862 93,724 Weekend work (Sat and Sun) is already paid at we Increase overtime from 1.5x to 2.0x for work over 8 hours on Saturday and all hours works on Sunday. - - 22,914 22,914 22,914 22,914 45,828 Labor Relations Negotiations After a General Wage Increase of 3.0% and Increase Foreperson differential from 7% to 10%, Health and Safety Supervisor from 5% to 10%, and General Foreperson from 9.5% to 12%. - - 19,018 19,621 19,018 19,621 38,639 Increased Safety Shoe reimbursement. - - 505 505 505 505 1,010 gezith Care 85% Employer] 15% Employee - - 63,180 145,800 63,180 145,800 208,980 otal - - 330,934 598,021 330,934 598,021 928,955 Page 2 of 12