{)Rl Maine State Senate President, The Honorabie Michaei Thibodeau 3 State House Station Augusta, Maine 04333 May 15, 2017 Dear President Thibodeau: My name is Mark Brown and i am the CEO of the Sazerac Company. Presentiy, we proudiy own and operate the Sazerac of Maine facility in Lewiston, Maine. iwouid like to express our opposition to L0 56. Sazerac employs 130 people at our Boston Brands Lewiston facility, formerly known as the White Rock distillery. The average salary there is $50,000.00 Our Boston Brands of Maine facility finishes and bottles Fireball whiskey, including bottling Fireball in SO-miliiliter bottles otherwise known as "nips." This homegrown product has created numerous jobs that L0 56 is now attempting to target and inadvertently diminish. In fact, the sale of Firebali 50mi bottles account for roughly 50% of ali ?nip? safes in Maine. Like you, we are concerned about the apparent littering problem as it pertains to the 50 mls. in fact, in the spirit of being a good corporate citizen, we reached a compromise with Senator Tom Savielio. Under that compromise, we concluded that we couid incorporate the 5 cent deposit into our costs without passing it on to the consumer and without negatively impacting any of the 130 jobs in Lewiston. Unfortunately, the situation in Augusta has changed and it has caused us to reevaluate our position. When we first heard that Governor LePa'ge might delist 50 mis if LD 56 passed, we became concerned about its impact on our operations in Maine. i have since confirmed with the Governor that his position on deiisting is very reai. While we could have lived with a 5 cent redemption sticker if the state realiy thought that wouid soive the littering probiem, we can no longer support the legislation while under the threat of having 50 delisted. Such a move wouid be detrimentai to the state?s finances as this is one of the fastest growing sectors in Maine. In fact, at present growth rates, 50mis of spirits will eventuaily generate $8.4 miilion dollars a year for the state, and become a 200,000 case business. That equates to 15% of the state?s sale of spirits. Not only would the state lose the profits from the saie of the products, it would aiso shift business to neighboring states who wouid certainly see their sales of 50 rise. It would negatively impact the finances of Maine corporate resident Sazerac, the largest producer of 50 in Maine. As a result, we cannot support LD 56 or any other legislation that would have such a drastic impact on our company and our employees Sazerac is an American, independent and family~owned company. We are the largest distiller in the United States and the fifth largest in the world. We presently have 2,200 employees and have operations in Kentucky, Louisiana, South Carolina, Virginia, California, Maryland, New Hampshire and Maine. Over the last 35 years, we have doubled in size every five years. We are proud to be on this iourney with Maine as our partner, unfortunately we see LD 56 as a threat to the goodwill we have come to expect from our relationship. We urge you to help defeat this issue. If you or your colleagues have any questions regarding our position or our operations in Lewiston, please feel free to reach out to me directly at mbrown@sazerac.com. My number is 502. 695-5978 or call our Jason Underwood at 502.376.3100. Thank you for letting us register our concerns and we look forward to moving forward and growing our business in Maine. Respectfully, may Mark Brown CEO, Sazerac