RETU WITNESS SUMMON State of Louisiana -- Parish of St. Tammany No. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear in Covingion, Louisiana in the Twenty-ngd Judicial District Coun Parish ntSt. Tammany for meweek Tuesday, (A August 2, 2016 at 9:00 am. and from day to day and term to term untilm'iqubarga by tiara Court, to testify to the truth according to your knowledge, in a matter pending between tn' atemflS" n1 . -- Lou1s1ana, and James L. Balemnn. defendant, on me part ofthe State :1 9,2 1' 9 f1 And rhererere you are not to fail to appear, under penalty of law. '3 By order plilre Court, this 15Lh day ofAugust, 2016. I 0 Upon Receipl of this Notice Please La conmcl ADA Adlir or I I Fitz crald at (985)309-8387 1L COPY Deputy Clerk MELISSA R. HENRY AUG I 3 2015 Clerk of Court MELISSA R, HENRY-CLERK SCANN AUG 22 2016