SEATTLE POLICE DEPARTMEI{T W NARRATIVE TEXT HARDCOPY GO# 2017-174283 OPEN 13I3-O ASSLT-NONAGG ASSLT-NONAGG GO NARRATIVE NARRATIVE ITT VERSTON 1. r] IGO TEMPLATE 1 BACK-UP OFFICERS(S): (NAMES, SERIAL #'s, 5885-WONG, MARK H [K93-K9 3812-PT P 7427-HELLER, THOMAS S ] AND ROLES TN INCIDENT) 7473-.JEROME, NATHAN A] 2 CIIARGES: [Booked KCJ CHARGE DESCRIPT]ON: [Assault, Property Destruction 3 ARREST SCREENED BY: (SUPERVISOR'S NAME AND [sergeant Street. #5983 PHOTO ( S ) 4 IF SO, TAKEN? [X ]UPLOADED RECORDED STATEMENT 5 IF SO, 6 I. tY] TO DEMS, (S) TAKEN? OR IN] ]UPLOADED TO DEMS, OR SERIAL) ] [ ] rcv usED t I rcv usED VTDEO: A. DIGTTAL IN-CAR VIDEO(S) UPLOADED? tYl rF NO, PROVTDE REASON t RECORDING OFFICER(S) [K93-K9 3812-PT P B. BODY-V'IORN : NAME(S), SERIAL #'(S) 5885-WONG, MARK H 7427-HELLER, THOMAS S 7A73-JEROME, NATHAN A] VIDEO(S) UPLOADED? tNl IF NO, PROVTDE REASON: lNot trained or equípped RECORDING OFFTCER(S) : NAME(S), SERIAL #'(S) t For:ll Printed On: May-18-2017 (Thu.) Page 1 of6 SEATTLE POLICE DEPARTMENT W NARRATIVE TEXT HARDCOPY GO# 2017-174283 OPEN r313-O ASSLT-NONAGG 7 DNA 8 FINGERPRINTS: FTNGERPRINTS SEARCH MADE? FINGERPRINT EVIDENCE OR CARDS SUBMITTED? ANALYS]S REQUEST SUBMITTED? COMPAR]SON REQUEST SUBMITTED? 9 / ToRnms]C EVIDENCE SUBMITTED? IN FELONY ALERT PACKET SUBMITTED? OFFICER SUBMITTING: t FOLLOW-UP UNIT DESTfNATION: tm i t t tm t 1.0 USE OF FORCE REPORT SUBMITTED? IN] USE OF FORCE SCREENED BY (SUPERVTSORIS NAME AND SER]AL): tl I 1- L]ST ALL I t i t t t t t t t t t HARDCOPY PAPERWORK SUBMITTED: IARREST REFERRAL TRACKING SHEET (Crisis ] CRIM]NAL TRESPASS WARN]NG 5 .34.I ] DUI PACKET ] DV SUPPLEMENTALS I IDENTITY and MAIL THEFT (Photocopy ] INVENTORY SEARCH FORM ]MENTAL HEALTH CONTACT REPORT ] PARK EXCLUSION ] TOW ]MPOUND RECORD ] VEHTCLE REPORT IWRITTEN STATEMENTS (Required I OTHER (Describe in Box Below) Solution Center) of Recovered ID or Mail-) on Felony Arr, .Tuveníle Críme, DV Incident) t 12 VICTIM(S) INJURIES: SFD Responded? tNl t l-3 INCIDENTAL PROPERTY DAMAGE: leuto body, -$]-500 14 VEHTCLE IMPOUNDED? (DESCRIPTTON AND VALUE) IN] STORAGE LOCAT]ON: / NARRÄ,TrVE: 0225 hours, while on routine uniformed patrol at approxímateLy [On /te/ZOtl, in a marked Seattl-e Políce vehicle as unit. 3-B-L2, Ry partner Officer Jerome and I responded to 20t.h Ave NW and NW 57th St in the City of SeatLle, for a 1-5 TNTTIAL INCTDENT DESCRTPTION 5 For:#$ Printed On: May-18-2017 (Thu.) Page 2 of 6 SEATTLE POLICE DEPARTMENT W NARRATIVE TEXT HARDCOPY GO# r313-O ASSLT-NONAGG 2017-174283 OPEN report from complainant üffi 2 AGO.. m, statíng: RIDER STRUCK UBER DRTVERS CAR AND CAUSED DAMAGER.. (sic) The suspects \^/ere described as 2 WM AND 2 WF.. UNK DESC The involved vehicl-e was described as a grey-colored 2007 Toyota Avalon. icer .Terome and I arrived at 0226 hours. We ]ocated Lhe Avalon, with WA p1ate..ffi,Stoppednearthewestcurbínthe570ob1ockof20thAveNVlwíth The its hazard f lashers on. This vehícle was registered to *.ffi. (hereaf ter 'Ht3" ) , who st.epped out t.o vehicle was occupied bV ffiffiffi Of f contact us as we approached. stat.ed the following: who drives for the Uber ridesharing applícation, picked up two white males and two white females who appeared to be a family from. 22# NW Market St. Their listed destination was f-834 8Lh Ave NlV in Shoreline, WA. As he slarted the trip, he was notified t.he tríp had been cancel-l-ed in the Uber application. asked the This meant if he continued the tríp, he would not be paid. ¡:# cash, riders to request another ride in the application. They offered ff t.he car in ffi stopped rules to accept cash. by Uber's is not. alIowed but he The oldest male the 5800 block of 20th Ave NVrl so t.he passengers woul-d alight. believed was the father, kicked the outside of the rear in t.he group, who ry of the passenger side of Lhe vehicle, causing a dent. A woman who Iil believed was the fat.her's wife was asking hím not to do that. The woman who appeared to be the also was beggíng her father to stop. The damage then drove away to escape, stopping here, a was consistent wíth a kick. æ block to the south. Everyone in the vehicl-e was wearing suits. The same man who kicked the car also spat on 1H-' s head and the back of the dríverrs seat The young man with The spit did land on fm. white síttíng behind affi. ff ffi, the f ather also spat on tþf . I observed several droplets of the driverrs headrest . On t.he there was a roughly foot-sized appearing to indicate that the to be fluid off the ríght side apparently fresh-Iooking saliva on the back of body of the vehicle in the location indicated, dent, scrape-marks, and displacement of dust, damage was fresh The driver wiped what appeared of his head as we spoke. a North Officer ,Jerome photographed the saliva and the damage. I gave # Precínct business card with my name and serial- number and the incident number A computer return on the famíly's destination address showed three residents For:# Printed On: May-18-2017 (Thu.) Page 3 of6 SEATTLE POLICE DEPARTMENT W NARRATIVE TEXT HARDCOPY GO# 1313-0 ASSLT.NONAGG 2017-174283 OPEN currently tisted there. They were *#. (hereafter "Hansen" Hansen DOB {m flnlrr ) , Sigurd ,J and I proceeded to the Shoneline address with permission from Sergeant Street, arriving at approximately 0247 hours. As we drove by the residence we saw lights on ínside, and it appeared people were in the foyer. Officer Jerome and I approached the resídence and knocked on the door. I asked for'rrsigurd,rr who T estimated was most likely t.o be the person who had committed the assault and propert.y destruction. A \^¡oman, who we believe was went out of view, apparently to go speak with Hansen, and a young ff: ffIff, man who Hansen later stat.ed was his son-in-Iaw, who we believe to betrÈ ffi(basedonmatchinghisappearancetoat'aggedphotoonHansen's publically avail-able Facebook page), came to speak to me in the doorway. He was heavíly intoxicat.ed. He informed me he did not wanL me to come inside the resídence. T asked what happened with the Uber driver. For some reason he told me he was inside Lhe house, which I could see. He then tol-d me rrwerr \^¡ere in an tllcer and the driver stated the ride was cancelled and kicked them out of the car "in such an abrupL manner.rr He refused to say who was ín the vehicle with him. He stated they had lost. a cell phone, and so someone volunteered to order the Uber for them before the ride was cancelled. He denied that. anyone offered the driver cash. Officer ,Jerome and After a few minutes, Hansen came outside the doorway. He walked right. up to me and shook my hand. I introduced myself and Officer,Jerome. I explained why we were there. He asked, I'What's the Uber guy?tr He said he did not talk to an Uber guy and did not. care about an Uber guy. f explained we were here to hear his side of the story. He asked, rrllühat story?rr He was obviously intoxicated. He vociferously declared that he did not know what I was talking about, that he got a ride from I'an Uber guy, his name is lfp, he took me home, w€rre here, we had Norwegian Independence Day, everybody's happy, frve got my family home, werre safe and sound, that's it ! " I asked if there had been another confronlation with an lllcer driver in a Toyota Avalon. He said, "Nope! So, no is no! That means werre done!'r He clapped his hands conclusively. I explaíned that we were not done, and to come with me. He tried to walk inside his house. T to1d hím he was not free to go and put out my arm Lo rest.rain him. T told him several times to t'Stoplr' He briefly continued t.rying to enter the door of his house. Officer Jerome assisted me in pulling him away from the door. He then resisted our attempts and commands to place his hands behind his back. After a few seconds he st.opped resisting so strenuously, and we were able t,o handcuff him. He was compliant thereafter. He apologized for not stopping when f told hím to Officer Jerome and I escorted Hansen to the front of our paLrol vehicle. For: Printed On: May-18-2017 (Thu.) Page 4 of6 SEATTLE POLICE DEPARTMENT W NARRATIVE TEXT HARDCOPY GO# 1313-0 ASSLT-NONAGG 2017-174283 OPEN who responded to the scene. While we waited, I Communícations contacted lG, advised Hansen of his Miranda Rights. When I asked if he understood his rights, he said he did. Hansen stated he supposed he had 'rto pay the piper. " He stated his son-in-law offered the Ulcer driver $1-00 to take them home, but the driver would not accept it because it didn't "jive" on hís paperwork. I asked Hansen if he had spit on the driver. Hansen asked if it would be in his best interest to ans\n¡er that. I told Hansen f was not a lawyer. Hansen stated the driver musl have been stupid for not taking the $100. Hansen stated he thought he kicked the After I told him there hras a dent, Hansen stated, "Of course vehícle's tire. I'11 pay for ít !" and informed him the person we had det.ained Officer .Terome spoke with ro, person who damaged the car. He advisednËclothing may or may not be the identified the family as the family cou]d have changed.. rypositively positively ident,ified Hansen as the man and also in the disturbance, involved who damaged his vehicle, with l-00? cert.ainty. came over and took custody of the watch Hansen was wearing on his left wrist, which Hansen stat.ed was worLh $46,000. in the back seaL of my pat,rol vehicle and seat-belted him. I the answered the family's queslions about what had occurred and why. ffr, declined to províde theír information for the other woman and ffi tË,alt report, and also declined my ínvitation to provide their side of the story. I seated Hansen to North Precinct, where Sergeant Street screened the arrest. We transported Hansen to King Count,y JaíI, and booked him for Assault and Property Destruction. Officer Jerome drove Hansen and me Basedonm'spositiveidentificaLíon,itappearsthatffiwasthe second suspect who spat on {Hffi.l Author:HEI¿LER, THOMAS S Related date:May- L8-2017 (Thu. ) 552 I hereby declare (certify) under penalty of perjury under the l-aws of the State of WashingLon thaL this report j-s true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief (RCW 94.72.085) El-ectroníca11y signed HELLER, THOMAS For: S : Date: May-L8-20L7 Printed On: May-18-2017 (Thu.) Place: Seattle, VüA Page 5 of6