PALM BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT Event Report Event 10: 1011-1304115 Daldfime Received: 05/10/1713: 9.00 RM "2 Prime 105 Sen/Ices Involved Call Source: PHONE Uni" ALLISON. STEPHEN LAW RE 6 OCEAN LN Jul: PALM ServiDe' LAW Agency: PBPD 51mm. 525 424 RA22 Business: 5 OCEAN LN Pnune GP: GFS Nature: FALLS Alarm Lvl' 1 Pnorily, 2 Medical Priority Radassrfied Natu/e' Caller: Alarm' Addr: 5 OCEAN LN -- Alarm Type Venide SI: Repon Only No Sex; Age. Call Taker: Console: CALLTAKER1 Geo-Verified Addr.: Ves Nature Summary Code: Disposilinn: TOT Close Comments Nines: male 1e1I and hit nead [05/10/17 1:49:07 77-year-old. Male. Conscious. Eraalhing. Caller statemen - male /etI and nit head Chiet complaim Fells [05/10/1713 52 SUBJI [vs/10117135025 Dispatch Cod 17 Sum: (on Ihe ground or floor) Respense: Della Quesflans: -- This happened nuw (less than 6m ago). -- ll's repaned that he tell at ground level. -- The tall was aoa'denlal. -- There is SERIOUS bleeding, -- No special concerns have been reported. -- Hers not completo alert (no1 responding appropriately). The injury Is la the head. -- He is still on the [05/10/17 13:51:50 LOCATED IN BATHROOM COME IN GATES AND GO THROUGH GARAGE DOORS [05/10/17 13:51.27 Call Received 05/10/17 13:4 :00 WW Ca" named; 05/10/17 13-4901; Unit Reaction: 00000;" (15! D'spetcn Io 1slAm'I/s) Ca" rake Finish" 05/10/17 1 Ell-Route: {15! Dispatch to Emmy mamas (rme) Orr-Scene: coo-12:55 {1stAnivstaLes16/ear) 1st En-Rume: 05/1011 7 1 0110:0035 1stArrive. 05/10/171 1300;111:111 (Rees/Ian Time) Last Cleal: 05/10/171 000114213 Clo/5e LInit Empl ID Type Description Tlme Stamp Comments Code User 105 0202130 Dispatched 05/10/1713-49Aa Stat/Beat: 525 COLEMAN 105 0292130 En-Rame 05/10/1713:49:43 Stat/Beat: 525 COLEMAN Regen W: 05/10r2017 09.50 25 User In: OREGERO page 1 of 2 EVent ID: 2017-1140075 Call Ref #2 541 FALLS at 6 OCEAN LN 105 0292130 A Arrived 05110117 15:50:25 COLEMAN 105 0292130 0 Clealed 05/10/17 11:05:21 101' 101 COLEMAN Evont Log Unil Empl 10 1 Dentiplinn Time Stamp Cam ls User 15 111110 spewneu 05110117131 . call received 1105110120171 . . ARM Added Remaru 051101111 25 1151-151. ARM Adam Remarks 05I10I17 I3151I19 ARM Added Remam 05110117 135 27 1151-1151. 1mm 11.111" lasl. Fiul, MI Sulfix Type Rica Sex HT DOB Ag: Home] MobiIe Fh Ph cm 0 -- Address: 5. Ocean Ln Palm Beach. FL 53400 0 A Oln sc: Emelpo't Page 2 or 2