Executive Summary Westinghuuse Campany requested Lus Alamus Teehnieal Assueiates. Ina. tn malte an independent eyaluatinn of the structural integrity nf Stnrage Tunnel #1 in respunse tn questinns by the State uf Washingtun Department at' Eeblugy as tn the adsisahility nf enntinuing to stare dangernus waste in Tunnel LATA ?nds that there is very low probability of any degradatiun ut? the timbers in the tunnel due tn deeay er inseet attack. The only structural degradatiun that is neeurring is due tn the enntinued espusure ef the timbers tn the high ganuna radiatiun ?eld in the tunnel, and this e?eet is rrdne-r. In the Silyan evaluatiun of the tunnel (Silvan 193m, the strength bf the timbers at that time was determined tn be 155.4% at the nriginat strength. Based on the same rnethuds ut? ealeulating radiatinn damage effects as used in the Silyan repurt, it is ennseryatlyely estimated that the strength bf the timbers will be 613% {If un'ginal strength in the year At that time it is reennunended that the stnietura] integrity ef the tunnel he reevaluated in light at tests being enndueted by the United States Furest Prnduet Labnratery and uthers an the resistance of treated weed tn damage by decay ur inseet attaelt.