OFFICE DISTRICT ATTORNEY WARREN MONTGOMERY Criminal District Court for the Parish of St. Tammany Smle vs. Neal Lopez YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED to appear before til: DiKIficI in [he Criminal Dlsn'ict Court for (112 Parish Tammany, an 30th duy ul' January in file year urour Lord, 2017 09:00 AM, to teslify to the truth "cording your knowledge in such mums as may be required oryou. Upon arriving at the Courthouse you will repnrt lo the District Atlurlley': Ofl'lce. Plus: see ADA Darrell Sims. MELISSA R. HENRY, CLERK OFFICE: 701 North Cnllullbia Slreel Covingtou, LA 7043: Deputy Clark OFFICE OF DISTRICT ATTORNEY WARREN MONTGOMERY Criminal District Court for the Parish of St. Tammany To -- State of Louisiana Vs. Neal C. Lopez YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED to upper: before the District Allomcy in the Crim'nal Dislrict Conn for Ihe Parish ol'SL Tammany, on the 30th day 01' January in Lb: year of our Lord, 2017 09:00 AM, lo wslil'y to lb: "1th according your knowledge u. such matters as may be nquired nfyou. On at Ihc Courthouse will report in the Diskrict Attorney's Office. Please see ADA Darrell Sims. MELISSA R. HENRY, CLERK OFFICE: 701 North Columbln Coviugtou LA 70433 COPY nrpuly Cirrh