IO S a t., P c t. I, 1977 a b r ?liukrr»iftrill ([a lifn n tia ti Questions people ask Acre rule questioned by agency Prize pig $10 a pound; By Don Hopkins Should fe d e r a l re c la m a tio n la w and the 160-acre lim itation apply to the California State W ater Project? T h e K ern C ounty W ater A gency say s not. And at a recent hearing in F re s n o b e fo re th e California S e n a te C om m ittee on A griculture and W ater, Edward J. Tiedem ann. an attorney ap­ pearing in behalf of the agency, called for revisions in the rules recently pro­ posed by the D epartm ent of the Interi­ or. While the Kern County W ater Agen­ cy is n o t a c o n tr a c to r of B u reau of R eclam ation w ater, it has a num ber of fe d e ra l c o n tr a c to r s w ithin i t s g e o ­ graphic boundaries, and expects to ad­ dress itself a t a la te r date to the prob­ lem s the proposed rules would pose to those districts. The agency’s c o n c e rn , voiced by Tiedemann at the F resno hearing, was about th e effects th e new regulations might h av e on delivery of State P ro ­ ject W ater through the facilities of the San Luis U n it of th e Federal C entral Valley Project. W’hile the latest announcem ent out of Washington indicates the proposed regulations a re not intended to subject the State W ater P ro ject to federal rec­ lam ation law , th e ag en cy spokesman th in k s s o m e re v is io n s in w ording leaves som ething to be desired at the point of clarity and precision if some of the present confusion is to be clea r­ ed up. The proposed rules indicate tha 160a c re lim itation w ould ap p ly to lands served by all w aters which are “ com ­ m ingled.’’ The rules presently say that co m ­ m ingled w a te r s a r e p ro je c t or non­ project w aters delivered by or through a non-federallv constructed facility. Tiedem ann pointed out to the com ­ m ittee that th e San L uis U nit of the F e d e ra l C entral V alley Project w as c o n s tru c te d by th e fe d e ra l g o v e rn ­ m e n t. b u t fin a n c e d jo in tly by th e United States and the state of C alifor­ nia Consequently, th e ag en cy sp o k es­ m an feels th a t without som e am end­ ment there m ay be an attem pt to apply reclam ation law to the non-subsidized S ta te P r o je c t b e c a u s e the proposed rules appear to apply even to those fa­ cilities constructed though not n e c e s­ sarily financed by the Federal Govern­ ment. Exwtftve Vice Present BIB Q: I get the idea that the B etter Business Bureau is against consum er protection laws. Is that true? I). B.. Bakersfield. A: The best protected consum er is the best educated consum ­ er The passing of more and m ore restrictive legislation does lit­ tle to protect the consumer. If all that w as necessary to correct a problem w a s to pass a law, then it would seem that we chould have no m ore burglaries, no m ore m urders, rape or drug abuse since we have laws forbidding such crim es. It is th e contention of the B etter Business Bureau that law s alone will be of little benefit in protecting the consumer What we need is an on-going, greatly increased effort to teach consum ers what to look for and how to buy. And even more important, m ake the consum er realize that he has responsibilities too. Q: I’ve called your office a number of tim es when I've had com plaints a g a in st va rio u s com panies and som etim es y o u ’ve been able to help and som etim es you say the BBB cannot b ecom e involved in certain problems. My question is, just what m atters is the Better Business Bureau concerned with? S. R., B akersfield. oink, oink? Burt Costa, fair exhibitor, tells his prize pig to hog all the food if he w a n ts. F a ir queen J a c k ie N o rd and Costa w ere just told the pig w a s p u r ch a sed fo r $10 a pound. And at 236 pounds, that’s m ore than just a little pork on the hoof. D on B a r k le y of Ke r n County Equipment Company bought the top-selling pig at th e fai r thi s y e a r . Be l o w, the porker h a s had enough food and settles down for a quick nap. — Staff photos by Alan Ferguson A: The basic concern of the B etter Business Bureau in m a r­ ketplace com plaints is m isrepresentation by the seller of goods or services. Specifically, actionable com plaints u su a lly involve one or m ore of the following . ( 1 ) A guarantee or warranty has not been fulfilled. (2 ) P r o m is e s m ad e concerning adjustm ents h ave not b een kept. (3) The product or service purchased is not what it was repre­ sented to be (4) D elivery of m erchandise has not been made. (5) I ^ satisfactory m stallation/or service work. (6) Advertised item s are not available for purchase. However, you should be aware that th e Better Business Bu­ reau is not just a complaint departm ent. Of the 50.OOO individual instances of service we provide fr e e of charge each year (and going up) only IO per cent are com plaints. The rest involve a ssist­ ing consum ers which includes giving reliability reports on firm s to inquirers before they do business with them Q: I sent the trousers of a three-piece suit (almost brand new) to be cleaned and the drycleaner lost them . Now the cleaner says he will only reim burse me for the cost of the trousers but the rest of the suit is w orthless without the pants. I think he should pay me for the whole suit. J. L.. Taft. A: The National Fair Claims Guide (used by BBBs and Sm all Claim s courts) states: “Liability for adjustm ent shall be lim ited to those item s actually received for servicing. For exam ple, un­ less all three pieces of a three-piece suit are received, liability shall extend on ly to the part of the garm ent actually handled Likewise, if only one drapery of a set is serviced and is dam aged in the process, responsibility shall be lim ited to the one drapery received. ’’ Q: We had a burglary of our home recently and the insurance adjuster has questioned the value of som e of the item s that w ere stolen. Do you have any suggestions? P. C., Bakersfield. A: Any suggestions I m ight h a v e would be a little la te for you since th e burglary has already occurred and the burden of proof is alw ays on the loser. For those who have not yet suffered the unfortunate experience of loss by fire or theft. I can advise the following two procedures: (1) Inventory your possessions, room by room List everything of real value. Put the list in an envelope along with receipts and other proof of worth and ownership in a safe place outside your home - - like your safe deposit box It is also a good idea to photo­ graph each room and date each picture (2) Have your valuables appraised Anything costing enough to schedule under an insurance “ floater’’ policy should be profes­ sionally appraised (T he appraisals sh ould go in that envelope mentioned above). Q: Can a store legally limit the number of item s a person can buy? K. M ., L la n o . A: Since I am not an attorney, I won t give you a legal opinion but I will give you a Better Business Bureau opinion If the item is advertised and there is a limitation clearly noted in the ad. it is quite proper for a store to limit the number of item s that can be purchased An advertisem ent is an offer to sell and if restrictions or qualifications are clearly spelled out in the advertisem ent, the consum er can then decide for him self if he w ishes to respond Also, we see nothing wrong with item s that are not advertised but have lim itations placed on them at the point of purchase This occured in a number of stores a tew m onths ago with coffee when no one knew from one day to the next where the price was going Q: I am not sending in my m em bership dues as I do not feel the Better Business Bureau represents business but rather the consum er. L. S., Bakersfield. A: You. sir. am aze me You have been a member of this BBB for eight years and y et you apparently h a v e never understood what our organization is all about Of course we represent con­ sum ers' And legitim ate business firm s have been footing the bill for this service for 25 years because they realize that it is vital to them to see that the consumer gets a fair shake If you have been laboring under the misapprehension that the BBB is a private hunting club, dedicated to the protection of any and all kinds of business, I do believe we are better off without you. Fortunately, I 250 local business and professional firm s rea l­ ize that their present and future livelihood depends, to a great e x ­ tent. on how effectiv e this B etter B usiness Bureau is in coping with false advertisers, the shady operators, the phoney prom oters who prey on their clients and custom ers. And they realize too that the BBB offers the opportunity of self-regulation as opposed to more and m ore government regulation 2 guilty in robbery World from page 9 am ong K ern C ounty agencies which have passed resolution endorsing Expo 81 The fair, which will m ark the 200th anniversav of Los Angeles, will be held on th e grounds of th e O ntario M otor Speedway The 697-acre site w ill fe a ­ tu r e e x h ib its fro m industry, n a tio n s and states of the United States Logan sees h is jo b right now as a prom oter. “ I have to let people know about it and let them know' how it w ill benefit th em .” he said To do this he is arran g in g talks by fair officials for various civic groups Ted Dutton, vice c h airm an of the fair com m issioners, a m a jo r Los Angeles land developer, recen tly spoke before th e B a k e rsfie ld R o ta ry C lu b , at Logan’s invitation J a c k Kelly, ch airm an of th e com ­ m is s io n e rs , h a s b e e n sc h e d u le d by Logan to address sev eral Kern County K iw anis c lu b s in a jo in t m eeting on Oct 24 “ H e’ll deliver a pro g ress re p o rt,” said Ixigan “ And believe m e, people will be surprised how far along things have gotten.” Logan said as it g ets closer to 1981 tv, ra d io and n e w s p a p e r advertising will prom ote th e fair in Kern County and suggest ways fo r Kern to benefit from its proxim ity to the fair site M rs. N elson s e e s th e f a ir as a m a j o r o p p o rtu n ity to p ro m o te th e recreational and scenic attra c tio n s of eastern California. She said she h a s been working on fo rm in g an a s s o c ia tio n a m o n g a ll cham bers fro m R id g ecrest to B ishop to promote tourism and Expo 81 should aid it “ It will be a relativ ely easy drive from th e fair up Highway 395 to our a re a ,” said Mrs Nelson Staff unsuccessful in search for Collingwood H as anyone visited Camp Collingwood on Breckenridge Mountain la te ly 9 T h e cam p w as the site 50 y e a rs ago of a planting of Giant Sequoia tre e s by citizens then prom inent in Kern County The question today is. what has happened to the tre e s 9 And fur­ th er. just w here is Camp Collingwood9 Have the trees, like the citizens, passed on. or have they survived T im e s inexorable dem and9 T he Californian staff has researched th e w hereabouts of C am p Collingwood. but so far without avail Blind alleys followed so far in­ clude m aps going back to 1890 of Mt B reckenridge, interview s with personnel of the U S F'orest Service, Kern County's Board of T rade and M useum, and the Bureau of Land M anagem ent? P a u l Savercool, m a n a g e r of th e K ern C ounty o ffice of BLM points out th at half a century ago. Mt Breckenridge was within its bailiw ick, and later w as placed under the aegis of the U.S. Forest Service E v e n now. Savercool is probing m icrofilm records in th e BLM archives at Sacram ento for a trace of Camp Collingwood Once t h a t is fo u n d , The Californian believes, th e m ystery of th e G ian t Sequoias’ fate may be learned How did it all s ta rt9 W ell, th e r e w as th is article in th e 50 vear-ago to d ay column “ G iant Sequoias planted at Mt B reckenridge in what is believed to be th e southernm ost planting of th e stately tre e s.” The d a te w as Sept 26. 1927 J Police stage big drug bust EARLIM ART (A P) — An e stim at­ ed $2 5 m illio n w o rth of heroin w as confiscated in a drug raid here, author­ ities reported yesterday. fo r investigation of possessing h ero in for sale, and Canrado Acosta, 34 was booked for investigation of assaulting a peace officer. T ulare County and federal officers confiscated m ore than three pounds of heroin plus so m e firearm s and $2.500 in cash Shell Oil reports theft of analyzer They a rre ste d Pedro Fernandez 56 and Audon Fernandez. 30. for investi­ g atio n of violating fe d e ra l narcotics laws M ontenegro P erez 23. was booked An oxygen a n a ly z e r w o rth m o r e than $2 600 was stolen from a rig near In terstate 5 and Twisselm an R oad, a supervisor for Shell Oil Company re ­ ported to the s h e riffs departm ent Candidate wants wire taps from page 9 to monitor the p rogram to see if it is working effectively. The law requires convicted felons to spend a specific am ount of tim e in prison before a parole is considered “ If it doesn't work, then I will have to take steps to get legislation enacted to change the law My real concern is safety for those in the co m m u n ity ,” he said. Now in his 15th y ear ^n the legisla­ ture, D eukm ejian said he has received s u p p o r t f r o m 27 s h e riffs , alth o u g h Kern County Sheriff A1 Loustalot isn t one of them , he said. He e x p e c ts th e campaign through th e J u n e p rim ary to cost about $300,000 . He also has the advantage of stay­ ing in the legislature if he doesn't win th e attorney general post because his senate term , ends in 1980 D eukm ejian said his cam paign will include offering v o te rs a program to reduce juvenile crim e. T he id ea is to reach th e youth before th ey g e t into serious trouble. He has run for the post tw ice, once in 1970 and again in 1974, both tim es losing to Eveile Younger Y o u n g er has an n o u n ced p la n s to seek th e Republican n o m in a tio n for governor.* Two B akersfield men are scheduled to be sentenced Oct 18 for the June 17 robbery of a vacationing family at the Ram ada Inn Donald W ayne Musgrove, 22, 1825 Virginia Street and Donnie Lyle Lewis, 24. who lis ts h im s e lf as a transient, were found guilty by a jury in Superior Court Judge William A Stone s court The David L McClanahan family of O lym pia. W ash te s tifie d tw o m en forced their way into their motel room about IO p rn O ne w as arm ed with a sawed-off shotgun McClanahan. his wife and his two teenaged children w ere forced to lie on th e floor w h ile th e p a i r robbed McClanahan of $864 in cash and trav el­ e rs ’ checks The intruders fled, but w ere later identified by the fam ily m em bers from a photo lineup and arrested D eputy D istrict Attorney Lee F e­ lice prosecuted the case D eputy P u b l i c D e fe n d e r H o lly B row n, representing M usgrove. and attorney D en n is B eaver, representing L ew is, argued th e identification w as invalid The fam ily’s description w as vague, the attorneys said, even d ire c t­ ly a f te r th e c r im e w hen the e v e n ts were fresh in their minds. Deukmejian uncertain on Peripheral State Sen G eorge Deukmejian. RLong Beach, says its “ anyone's guess” what the outcom e will be on a proposal for Peripheral Canal construction "It is in a joint (Senate-Assem bly) conference c o m m ittee,” Deukmejian, the House Minority L eader said T hurs­ day “ But I won t ev en speculate on the outcome ” A candidate fo r a tto rn e y general, D eu k m ejian w a s in B a k e rsfie ld to ra lly su p p o rt fo r Assem blyman W il­ liam T h o m as, R Bakersfield, who is seeking a third term The issue is expected to be consid ered again by the legislature in Janu a ry T h e se s sio n en d ed e a r lie r this month without a solution As p ro p o sed th e 43-m ile c a n a l would carry Sacram ento River water through th e Sacram ento-San Joaquin Delta for export through the California Aqueduct to Southern California Deukmejian said he first supporter the bill before it went to the Assembly He voted against it when it returned ti the Senate with the Assembly amend ments. \ I