?1 INVESTIGATION 424 Fun! Hill August 20M an l-HZlm MPIA 15 706 002 MPIA 15 706 003 POLICE oermum BALTIMORE, MARYLAND 0:th IO. NOTIFICATION OF INTERNAL INVESTIGATION 10- PROM: Calendar-diam Worm-um summer: mm Mammoth imMmemwu?o-hc - .WM-qlal-an?lbh a Mm mortar arm 11"? ?wofmdu'wd?gdwm Whilkmhamducmmummumap ?Mum-d. infuuodutolhatm RECEIPT IWdeamonm. - Ham One 880. in?? Oman Sam Din MPIA 15 706 004 (S Ox??ljk (ml MPIA 15 706 005 mange- hum (IO ?40 l064 humus no '40 000.1 utwu??! ud- F. News. PC Ana". 0. In Ammo. IO. 50 Sum" Own, Sun (cum. $1?qu MOM MPIA 15 706 006 Sr 1.7 {Ji?i? Gnu-is ii i; Am #00 oow 8-7 ?9 Pie-Ill! Pro-Ir; Pi; Fifi-ti vi?iuillia: Pilot 94:31}; purl-:18 99'? will! vi ?at-3.9.5 9% Pt! 989:; Eggnog? if Pig?Yndliiltltitg Pilg?ig 9253' 6i Pail. vi {If if {tn-I; Am #00 oom MPIA 15 706 009 {9r J._d MPIA 15 706 010 MPIA 15 706 011 22.3.0 if}: if rating-d. i488! do." a 38;; Iii-151:5 ?3.38 35.88. gins-It all..??nl??.lag i?diiziOiIlus gig 983 "to! gia?l?gig lain-Ella! 383.: gang-?53; WoMIMAmhu-?-Inm 0.0th Vt mm 90mm 10 OLD. In! Ind! ?33? hi? ?mm mm mun-nun. ?than? anwmmuulnl (I. I ?tuna-nasal! lusuwm mun-manammn mamuocnu MMIDQI I .. - .. 10mm - . mm. .u amok-h minus-II . - - ?bun-?dWomdumd .. uh Oil-Como! . awed . N.- on Jazg Dar MN: MPIA 15 706 013 Ring: dd)dlgl393836. 898258. 5 up! 81.33 5 3: an?. .8: 35.8. 988.: 15 8g all": ??53019.8. 8(55-883 .38 922g rng-g fuse: gig-?33! gagging ba?dgg 3.3 I .933. silk. ?3.33 53% It?l:i?ltiql itii!i?s" 2438?s if; I .08! 5:993:53 grails-g titt?lill?: lggt?iqt?I?g; itiili"l ?4343 91)! gig: I .9: Bg?ibrgg it); big-g. I'l?llt?gr Il?tlili"' itiilitt' ?4.33 9.31. if; I 88.51.2503: 23% ggl'liltgag ilitiili?.' itlili"' g; 9? I as 23-3! g?lot? itiiti?t' ii; I i it. :53 Egg Ito-.3 Elan Am #00 o: F1. ?5 w.m1mm.wwnm alumna '8??:23 MN. ?mam $Vkm I mmhumd ?mm-m haw-mu. ?ammumduu madman a ?It. mm comm-Moo mutmm ?ohm-unmeasu- MPIA 15 706 015 an; t. 39 a ng?. 358 u. 38 3. ?It. I 8. 88:8. gas-03833529.; .Eol?l? I .3!!I-lotl I I '0 I 689.31g ill-It . 188.5 .igigg?itti&? Ut??l; hi Am #00 0.5 . x000!? mum war-n ?mun-m mum-am WID ma .. 31?:me Wan Mm?udm?dmdmim. TmWMummqum .0.-- v- cow.- - 1% unum venetian-um cameo" MPIA 15 706 017 MPIA 15 706 018 Ma Dons-tun! BM Maryland 016??me FIT Ian 24mm to: (?.mo?mw m-z Sana-I TIMI- Coho mm Dam 000m mm 424 font Ihl Aw 0805'" $11 H42 in 8mm himulfwh hand" SW- B-M 008; SW 8. F617 No Injuries ?ml-d by the 0M. M2295 Detective l?d 'l 008: I300: 090"? Seq-noel. P990 Onouty No hint. and.? by 0. o?lwt. Em: 07.1807 Danni?s W-M Om; SW 1256 On My 8. and.? by the Galen. who 00: 08- Datum. DOB: SWO OnDay NON-bum? tom. MPIA 15 706 019 WNW: OnDuy Dwain 000. 800! 121302 Wham 00M Hound?s-?dby?dnw. WW EM 310? WWZIM ?but.? In?; mummy-um wmnumm 3?13 o-oswuuw 1' Tying-Woodsman W-awdmhenaluy 2310140611179). twat-Woodman? 2 MPIA 15 706 020 Binge 5.914.435.8981 393990328: .53838Iu-ga8u?aiutik {118553884993 35.55413?8gi8?c8ggu? 0590. in!? . . E.?ai.?lsis??. 3.931155 03185-8. 8. azagiw fal? .33?9083919330881325'1 31.9.88! [lain-Poi. ?92195. $483.13 Singlet-Stations. gaggle- 88.30.1{89aizsininilggi .a?iag?miill 0-88.63. .i?I-laa Am Mom 0N4 Klsilzgzearigatitlisg gigging; aging-1808.; 9E8.?.S?.?fu?3id?g an! 3-Stitlgeni?wigzts . gnfigigt?xllgi?a?grg ingmingl?Sgruttlziyig 953993I3I1153?idg? labia-lig- {tia?A?viirgig'cuair'i {Claimants-sogaongoa?igg gin?. 8:33.582; ?598.; is. gang-Ingeni- .5433 a Mom CNN mNo QON mr ?3?Eig8g'ig if! .I u! . 5155?. ii?g? 333.32585? "It?33.308.511.- - I 3. col}. ?0 dial?! InuktJ .. .P i i. I?llg g; ?Isl-l all. 3:38. trig; 0.36.-. 0-. .iio"! .13! ?nullity-In . d?ii' t'lliizii?g't?: 3329\- mg 3.313.031.1383?. 3183.38.33.33 Itilzf?iatga: ?wail i Amwom DNA um b? n. a ?a tum-u 889 coma. ?It 103-?. out" 0.00.0140. mm WNW. nan-mm cm LIYMUMI. nut-mm. m? momma recount-?mum?: Mon-n 380m?! to: as h. u. Cannot-nun Inna-I an m: um lacs?: can? to: man ?an: cm? m. m0 ho. 00. .mp0. 008 mm WI by: man. was am "0 no: ?08.500 to mu um u. when 0.?qu m: in? to: mm "i nomads: mu m. n. ?on can? to: mm ?1mm It. nun: mm? mm noun. 10! mm nla gee M3. mun. mm :msmw?ennui?comma?. ammonium-m?. ll?ld?l "9 ~88 In!? ?8 and." MPIA 15 706 025 9.2 umwmm. mm. m. "0 non: am Item to: In? 1th um I'm no!" to: mm MPIA 15 706 026 I 33: Recap Sheet mu MPIA 15 706 027 mum. Imam mutant.? van ?In 1 ?mumsumdcm Mama-am WWMMI-NIQMmadmwauwv-Immwm? Mmebmummu-mmwmuwmwnu ?wmunumm. MPIA 15 706 028 w;suoupmmuum.mwnm. Mum MPIA 15 706 029 Wu s) moms: Room 07mm? 2900 name-u 87KB wmnmemem.woc1tMMm-oa 1M7 2) 19000"me I 3nd MPIA 15 706 030 gagigii?izggi .08 again-33833.: its: giggt?gtitsg'ggig: gziligiiliggsiizgg .332. aging; .20 111} 319038335 gigafalgligioi: 3313?385?8?2?tzggigig 5398-3 ?In igfcolzi.tio:i gi?l?gags-li a Mom ow; Nmo Eggs 2958.83; gig: Egg 4?1 411 1 vg?sgg 88?h k! eggs-8:813:92 8 ?5.33 ?1.33 8808.235 8803455 ?1555. gin-95.055. ?3 .80 igbi?zlgg :1 :85ng .23 1? 03. .IolcloZSoigcig?s-us jolgiglilsliolgnozig is; ziisigiizgzigolizg Inn-gal. iggiil?bsgiggsgii glaiig?iszllallilz??sgs 38.29%; bl mm mum? murmur! MM (41 DATE ;_31 3? II mzuomms ?mama ?unm- mamas-om: ?lm-WW - mam: manna, 7) women m. Form am am qumnqu-W?uwoumw?uom mason Immumm . Wham? mam MPIA 15 706 033 summon. summon-n A A.- mm ommou or? mmvommu mm Wuwmmumummummumaw uummumuu 01on an MPIA 15 706 034 mmo i Sigizggizgt?igg 3.8. .?glgiig giligg 3. glib-13 2p 083352853! .3.?vsog?? rusc?acogg Snags} 82585833 82538.83! 8283858123 .gipogi?lg it: ?gg La. a. 6082383 ?33??933g35333~8 yoga-egg .15 ?1 Recap Sheet - ?93919.53MPIA 15 706 036 00 140611343 0.5m 10910100046 muzzmmamwsn Milan at mmemomuwmm ?You Wm 0mm? ?Wuhan!? saw-mono WW "but MPIA 15 706 037 mamsaawmanm mummy. mum-manners? Mao-tow? amnion-um snowman-vacuum wanna-numb? Tumult-hunt. mum ?mung-um mum muummduwm ?an?duMa-smv mp an mm mm? - mama-mum.? mumuwaumnmumm mmwu.wummwum.w mutated-woman?. ?no: common mm WMMALW Minimum mwamsv MPIA 15 706 038 FAX mm mu?: 0: mm W;swomu_ Macaw: enactment unam- Monecwn ow Locmouocucooa mm: 4r?- mm am To ?can.? mam-um Fm sun-amour M23. mason ammo: wamwummumu.mmamwa.uu Md? Ra? wanna.? mun-um my.? MPIA 15 706 039 gig: 23.33238: 1:50.33 568,916.93 zitgg?353??o?ai8?989?8~t 82.992833313333388 328858? $132.59.; .Q 3893391312893: g?izilzgligie cu." gala-89.80133 {zigziziglg? gg?cz?gi?: gang-98.68588! 28353059913533.9953 ?lling 635:5 9094; 3.382.308.3333. {viliggx?g 38.. ?33389.8?. 5590.83.- 523.381}: 83598.38! [it a Mom 0L0 53.; .ggsg .398; 3.330830: Suggi (?agging; 3.30.39 .gagiig :23; goal-oils; gig. ?.?Igg?lg it. $3483.03. faggot. snuggogz 4;;60331195 aigagngCiix?lt-togsig it?g.? :Oiitggtit?lziqzi 88823! 5? il .3 8.. ?38 ?4.83: gluing-i. gg.rq?. 630-9359.: .3 3.. 82%: i gag-838,31. 1.33?835323333? gi.?.?iz a Mom 03 ?3333; igiai?.? its ?gl?zzgiaggizg?l ?38 ?3 as: I it?lggogitgiiaispo ?sag lax! Citaggiaigg?igigzi 5 egos-93.3.33 gram-843882 gig-383.. a Mom Ohm VOLICI. DEPARTMENT MLTIMORL MARYLAND Oat: Toccmotlw.0flno?mw MWMW Santa: (0101401894 424 to"on Suva: mwrwim Datum Pm 8-H 00: (12/2293 Sagan: 0- Day No blurb. when by he M. Quaint-1 W000: [300:09'06'96 8WD r990 (hDdy mswnoou 0082-1500: mam? Wt. (256 can, muwwu?um. can?: Md:- DOB: 800' ?499binds by the M. MPIA 15 706 043 man-um cam manna-nu MW W-M 008: 800. 07/2402 Scum 0 5913 On Day No HUI-I by ck M. W-HMB: m0: 1 (hm, mun-mum?. In? DOE 01.1mm MWAW ?Damn-out I2l 902 (hf-aduy.Aw-I Foam! Am. Mumps?. Duncan Maw-valued? (muomuwowuum Nag-u ?mum? Mumm?nmhm?dp?m Dwain-Sc? MPIA 15 706 044 Inc-um comm autumn-m f?ncc the urn-alto! palm: whale M1. Wmdwa, and the tn! mutual .?dm {mm {tool as IMmp?n awn-1a! has from the rear Awarding Man: Sum Pace and vacant Th-mm. Mt Wand?: v. a n3 plan! Pm hunts h" had 0mm: watched mum nlu'lc ?mam; Rim?: tum [Mauve \1r ?'axlum': duvdd?? a momma. Humid" hut ?rm and studio! hum of hu pom Ivy Dmum- Sagan! Deanne ohm-u! a blue modal boo?. on Wudmn'a k0 Ind Macwand a result of hon; dam Jul) 2014 79) (?mscqucedy Mm ?lhunpmn nag-ed hm: mat! of ?dung the man ban: to pm mt comm runner may to mum! Mt Waxing mm mm: than be was on under mt In: In bang dawned fut an uns-anhm He was [?xed (ht rut Def! PM ?a on}: Wed pulicc duck. Ih?c Datum: at the nut ndu puma mu Datum: Sum-ant an! Baum: Thump?no Mt Woodvm an ml hxxku?ai hm wall maul has mha Dawn: Scum Phat ?mimic: Dem-m: Sagan! Jam-t ?lion. Saab-wan Dutrxt 'mt. and aimed ht ha: Mt. Woodvm hi? ?My Octal-u: Sagan: md Dutctivr 711mm Mt. ?fund-v (mm the 1WD bio-.5- cl vacnhousc Awmt on OK Sumhumcm 0mm! manta-ski} I103 anus. tho escorted Mt. Woodown {mm lb: muted palm: ml? the Ruhwcucm 0mm: (not awn; handcu?a) what h: was ukcn a noun Soutssc?cm 0mm! Holding Am Damn: Kev: Cant". Mac? and?) Danna Don't?: l?vut. book ?oodm mod: the hu'uttg and mum! km nah! hand a by}: mm! tall 06am: 1km ??nal Data-me (and: that be MW 51:. Woobon (km N: Woody-m I. Maud to th: huh. Ddcuwc Saga-.1 and Dem-xi?: Thaw-um lc? lb: drum! Dunn?: (?ma?a anyhow; :n all an! mun! baking uca 60a mama: match? ?oodwn A: amovmtd) I215 mm Guam: Mamm- 02m. South-aura Damn Dawns: Una owned Mt Wot-dun no the hallway buhmom to ?daft?! Diambo. then ht npuwd the Mldmu an 000:. be ?'46 3 MPIA 15 706 045 man-um cannot?: uneven-m Waxkn uttmg a char rm as}: hand Waited tn the Nit the ?all Dunn?- lhnbu belts-so! that Mr Wat-{nan bad been wudxed, be MA the hunky" at! Mt Wounds tum! and etuvted has In the hallway M?tount Detectne Dam!? dad nut Mun M: Woodwn unite; to the butuoam because he needed crutches to unit When the) emacd the bad-am. Duetume Dacha touched the Warm and each suit to ensure on "turns at (manhunt was but: around. be alto-a1 M: \desm to use the ?rst When Mt. timxbut can; the bothmom. Detectiw [Who escorted Mr Wombat hock to te hiding am and \mdcu?'ad to the bolt Bennett INS hm to W3. Datum: Sergeant lama Fallam, Ododtw M, Oct-due k?ny Comm l. Detect?: Frat lohnro. named 3 tends and einre am at Mr. Wmemk tandem: We to hu mt ?aura. Rammed {mm Wuaduc's batman an I I I Tm: 40 aux-1 Par-5m tau: number 511375312. "mane umutmng tune 19) .40 ?tuba Mad gun use. red lug comm clay-?gm .60 ember rounds. mi It! Phone All pnvuty uu ?banned to the [Hague (?oetml L?mt. Inst-mime tneded tun! an ts aunt to Mr Date" Eugen Amer. 008; Address On July 200). Adm purdmod etc haunt. at was not remand stokn nus Ins to the Gun [nu Umt. (N hum .40 (aha halpm At woumteb' H20 tum {karma For and Convene ret \tr 6x the ?st time ttmde the holdma When they uttered the am. they ohm-ed Mt Woodwn hutdcu?'ed tn the bo't on the wall Ace-wring to Datum: Pow. Mr Volt-dun very \n the) rentan the tandm?' frum Datum? Pow An! ('mwne .3th that the) now wanted M: ?ond?m Name the) Nixon! be [tn may!) ?mum ?in Hunting] M: \h nub-r. and shun! that they hated the thematmmed tut hurt. wind: they was the tune gut mat to the mum; at has ?mo. lemme (Izttun (SID ?23 1 5:02) that warmthe 2500 Matt at Saul Detm'twes Puu n! ('omau nae "tummy to set tu poems!) Mt Hulk-?90d the gum cat that but uni tn Tahe?u Whtte on 23. 2014 at the 2500 Nod of "diets Street Wt" (?mnme rquted Mr. Watson mat to be ?mmed and unused dam- oo smoke a ?We Po? and Convene excite! Mr. Woods-an In?ux Muff; to the rev ot'he drum: smoke a MPIA 15 706 046 393.33 a; gi?i g. {gaming}; ?gurine-030.29 $.?88?9?Bnn??rxi??t??lgga giggigiiwagoqbn 525 (giBEeza?g-ag?ngagzzogw. till?1.. Eat-28338. giggiEBig?gi. ?89896?! 328318.29 ?giglg; sisailltoi?ogirn 1I38t? giggiggli?. Git-3:890:15 5.180308119- ggaigl gasolironuil?ngll? 938333128385 Enid-3335.5; ??82?oni??g farsiginlbag. 83!? Bag. a Mom 0AM mono-m COW mama-m "1mm maid M1 Word-on rammed a Glad: 2? .60 ?Ma hndgun (saw IBHXOH) (nubamplud il (?ocmmnum um M1606 ?(we to the Upon ?nhu manicure. W.Wood 3 MI I Quantum. 008? . Addrvu; (h October 24. 2003. Mt. rattan on It may N19 ban. Mr. We"! upload the Wan noun 1m hm ban to tho CM Count)- Shm??s 00in: no mimic-a was found?! :0 the The: Unit. (Miriwabbahmdanucdww Dan-rm: (Muopba ?spewed h) 0-: beam and mowd baboon Momma Inc: Home Hm! Faginc Murivvdoommd remand Mr, Wax-dam any 8WD). :1 H48 bout. Home Jun 1mm It. WW Wanton I demand some. Woodwa?sb?otd. new shot tantrum!? fra- Mt. Wanton Annamwac wannaba-tbm Comm! (Sm. ?'Mwhicbimh?doocunao?mxuuwdrof [m In US ad tinny dollar: a MI [38 my ($30.00) OMua Mandy-Winder:- mound myaohlimlauxfomml L?u?t. Wanna?: DI. Woodm?ohody?mhtm. MPIA 15 706 048 8; 9.3! i giggigua??g?ssoliggut 13.88383! asiIOotale-icuvizoxgi gag?v.35. iggd?>??ggvi giggling-3038 E331. {Blasts-8.28.3588! gigolig'iaggu? iggid?gizeli?ia?8aazvg [Guglfgavii?oii ?35328. ?tl?giaaingnnEi 3! gii?gisggigazstl snail?pin} 3.: gagicanirzrw gag-budget? dug Flt-589.. an Egigiboa??g?liicvgiax g; agil?ii iimidggoglgoqgi 08835:! I?tZ?woaop Zing?54.8.. a Mom Ohm (be 0 mom: ?000"" Ion! mu Mon.- D?w u: 1h! e'lo.c .. cf LA $k1?du 77w 0 :1'xm (NH V331 "f .L 1\ Ha! ask"! ?Hutu 7am) ura 0 1r. Impru?t'u 11 .-2 Uc?xutz'w [5.11 .?30 'lT-Il 4? . '50. 13? I: lu'um! I?rhdzu' meru?n - 41! "c.1901? .vutamux'lImam! Ln! Yhau??t . Hum? "x 1hr wu?n. ?g Udh? \c ijr Bud - prnun waft-1:; uiuu? uxnwuls!) um ,uxurc?: In 1min .r A Lc (Hum: [.35 .uh ?Hwy-? (up who! Ihvnp'nm 11113113 scum; aux-m uctr rc'u?m. 'v ik'h'mc I?m-Pram? b. Va! ?1 19;: 3.3L: 1' .n nut i?ua! :n ihu Mr? \ugr! IV. Dunn-.1 Vu?ud Hum Hl .a ?and: urt v.1 Ii lx-icdn. Pun, nub-.3. \Ms ncoxui m: Rug. 4 .Illatal Una! u: I'm. um- UV mirth. .. su?muftol In 1 I. Scr?cm?m 3 HM 9mm 'fu? 'f'n .u 9hr ?gix' N'dh x' n! poof: IE \fa {dullm' I ?pft Aznn?vu ZhJoi 34'. \1 ?Huh. . ,3 r. (mu! 0-9%an and aim sann81. ?3'03 . .kgu'ujJYL .I: 0' 3 nun ?mg I mug? MPIA 15 706 050 mun-m cam mic-"Om MPIA 15 706 051 I -- .- 8? . I- 958t?ls?. ow?i Col! all . Ith 60", . 1"IliC' l:t"h O- ?1101?. I I II 10 II IptlIIvvg?rI hr? .aggIAxaav- Etta! gun. (Pt? ,fuhrtI Ekrg ngVIPItqu EII fiwuwz?guliI I II- I I druruI I I II -I . I Uzipeuw (HIEIS- 5.??ka I I Ii II..I IMMIL nub LipI varI'll I - .I - fro; q. r? )1 9? I, CUR mmo wow 3 ?S'Ehgsg'ii . ligatg?l-almvul?mlimm . Hiram En: . it. if?Il tli'll- irzro11.03-5- 30893.10! ku?lgx? I All?! 1.3.133 alt 8"63 .1 II.. . Ill a. a 3.32 293 i I ?339in; 1~d~~n vudwlm .udum tuna-n 2W nun-um ?mum-nun. urn-unnatu- . mutual-um Man-nu ?hdm'?'n tram-Mum 054 Ulla-II- gi am. piggy. [I'll-till. Co; glut-lif'alosaa . . . oigi . I 383$ Silliig?iaigiz. .?i'il?sl Am #00 0mm 13:36 oosc ?me 03?? ?Mice 06 the Sim? ma ?Mound. can-manna? man-- ?can? Ru ?ea-um hum?; mom.m nit-um um cm up- MPIA 15 706 056 mm mm cum-.- mm, yummy-o mom mama-5.0.: 002122) It. Lab a mom ?on runaway-o Oat-o ?13-?60. Hm- Ml' .mUa a 0 - 9" ?0mm?- - . A..- - . - A..- ~mw?mwunmmw~mMMOWUammnm ?mm 3 . MM own ?m-mumvmumm MPIA 15706 057 00 231? '3 (b .ru?l ?:9.an 13+! ?i MPIA 15 706 058 0? aagnopo ~93 3'33no.3 3 .3363? to p6 Eito? $33!.igisii ?i?g?ii?giisti?l? p! fillignaitgo. 313?s. 3.. l?ogglsos'ii'igb giggiigc3?z??ugz tot-"lazy! 3:113:11: ?zgli "a?lizan?!a" is; ?Ei?c?o: -190 I via-9i; 30.310305egg-4n? . Am woo 0mm 23:35 0:50 at: Mild 'Ca") ?on" (In: If, WWI.CM1NOMIWUM than ?WT-um ?9-?me Whm?m an WM?mhMbumnmw?m? aura/abate?. if?! MPIA 15 706 060 Nick?!? 13: .133? 4169,6215: 0m Ca'to'l {Ac-co 9r.? 143"",79: . I. a 03314 m.uaw'. a 1? ?317 ?math-5;: haw-MM mun-32mm MA y? - comm Mm?m 1?an lawman-amour: warm muorawm mm rm numuumuou O- macar- amour 9 numb? cum-awash hitch-w MPIA 15 706 061 .xtsuanb w? 8 or us. 3.. 3 ?539.: to "Olzti??ci {3 s! :8 ?Itiig 35?: 5' ii?r'?ti cifl?gtiz"zi {C'lt'wl' (In Rigglz?ll?a-ztlilc?} (I. It (ggiz?iil I "iit'gxt? In! mtu?ti ?oilizlgiill? 8" rigs. on. "??d??adultgl '1 till-I- ?3 99"- .8 330.: Am woo omm ?tend?s ~38 RE aux?A no 3 0:6: 232:: i ii? El, 85?: 33. .Ilug?i ,lztii'R'lQl-lar. DOSES-?igtil .I?iOl-Ioicli i?u?liglivii .iint ?Iiliiu?lii I'I'uzilic g- gt: .llclII-Si gig?i {if} {t lilo! 85:: 38:0 a?titsage 3.9.3 38!. .ici?g 353301;.? gt: 89.: a: .iogsg? .95. 32? .iliol.? i 8.3.: gl- is! ?u?i?lln It ,l'ilil?ll roll-[23! :??llfi? 3"1'3? ill- Am #00 omw 8x830: :ou 583:3 g: 00.39:: J: . 5.53 ?on. 3 .3333? . .. [Bo-l iglrtiis?l E?g?i?c'zgu it?n?lh?lug . itiiglilill SI Am woo 00A 029.12.: annauopsu ufmm :3054: 0.26.383 WI: I: . on? All? 5 5 31933.88 . 3 - slid-o 3?5 lei-3?8 33803! ?2 Ila a. .14: 1:2: I: it?s; If? 3.3-9.3..in ??Iq 608.113.33x Am woo omm .3 5 .3325? 09.8 n3?. 2 . no.1. .. 273.2: 9; 0'3. 180: 1.. HI. 3 FL rgoog 8 7 ?32; IJ 85.9358 3 9.3: {finitlls 348? it. .ioilgl?g?g? .98.. .828 I so . ?Il?li?il?iil?iuii 9139' ?1 .Ill' . I mm? pckz? {all ?Niu W.. In '?rml?'ll 803:3.3: Ifrth Am Mom 000 11116 ??3115any" our1mm m'ii? van-jg; maVInm mum . mm . 7mm mi}. mum train 1 mm 'im?in m, . mimMPIA 15 706 067 - I ?:35 can 12/!4 ?WAImolmup MPIA 15 706 068 13:! ?anus: an m. MOW. - I-r . on I ?amen memos. acumaurmo . Woo min ?2130103001 Wat-nan W?xtu? lac/Claunuo mutual 37:) In! nonunion Cl?? ?10 ?31.007 on M0 an ?0 MPIA 15 706 069 WWMC can Mill ?Ml ?7 hm! outmochu an ?accountant. law no 11.0mm mum Ian/m can - N. mm mm .1090!? Wu can? lab/W mm car/2am?: Odin-24211 Mama: n- Wumnmum min-um! Want?. me In all/3033301: m: a co man no zoo-nu .2 n. ?it .1935 l? MQ nut.? I. M. $34,000 WI 91 MPIA 15 706 070 • Internal Investigation files are withheld pursuant to General Provisions Article §4-311 of the Annotated Code of Maryland MPIA 15 706 082 • Internal Investigation files are withheld pursuant to General Provisions Article §4-311 of the Annotated Code of Maryland MPIA 15 706 083 MPIA 15 706 084 MPIA 15 706 085 MPIA 15 706 086 MPIA 15 706 087 MPIA 15 706 088 l. 0} PAN Ml I . \R?l MPIA 15 706 091 MPIA 15 706 092 MPIA 15 706 093 MPIA 15 706 095 MPIA 15 706 096 WOODSON. TYREE 0 1547929 CBF2011278850Arrost Date: 2/28/2014 9:00:00 AM DOB: 07/0811976 Height: 5'10" MPIA 15 706 097 Weight: 180 mes 3.1.0. 0 1547920 0m: 2120:2014 0:00:00 All DOB: omenm mam: 5'10" MPIA 15 706 098 wugm: 100 H.- a- acumen cannons. ammo ACTIVITY WEST man-mm. ?anmeG Nan-uncouth Yuma Manama-0 A Taro. 2 3 Yon..? sum 0' WI (?za "nut-um . ?Jo! may .Q??Cngse wanna-um - MPIA 15 706 099 MPIA 15 706100 WW today u] mmumiu 2: up:- lamm 00y mow-rm! Cum Hooch?. cm? W9 #or? Numismatic/m 4554?? ?hmf?l?? Dan dim 9mm awuwmmay Hiatus-plaid annuity-woman?? Yarmdm: Domkmoxmbt?im?n? w: an: dualism; . -- can all me what you haw about - . Ptocecd with lmnicw I: ?me du- )ou ?mould like to a? to you! Duct-Mr do you have an) quoting a On timeany aha Bnhimon City Nia- Omwr Malena! o: am you bu mm.) to gist this aim? lm my mum been male to )m b) to :0 ?than: {at your Hm an cameo am "onMPIA 15 706101 mm mm W0 AND WAIVER OF RIGHTS CG WE LOCATION I Youmunwnon-mum 1.142 2 1, 5?5) 3. Yam-nu. 4 rut-qua!? 11:1 5 MPIA 15 706102 MCDOUGALD, JEROME S.I.D. 3231802 C8F2011201780Arrest Date: 12/260013 8:45:00 AM noe? Height: 5'9" Weight: 170 MPIA 15 706 103 Records of investigation, intelligence information, security procedures, or investigatory files, GP § 4-351 MPIA 15 706 104 Baltimore Police Department Violent Crime Analysis Report no. ?km All IMO/much mun be veri?ed WW to Mung action. OFFDCIAL USE ONLY LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSHIVE Page 2 MPIA 15 706105 Baltimore Police Department Violent Crime Analysis Report 0 no "u WIN-abroougw '85. AU mfonm?on must be miffed prior to taking acrobn. OFFDCIAL WE ONLYLAW ENFORCEMENT SENSHWE Page 3 MPIA 15 706106 Baltimore Police Department Violent Crime Analysis Report .. . 0-- -- .M. 9? Mum-ro- ?aw-I- imam-unpwuhoMM AN in?ormanion must be veri?ed pm! to taking ocMoo. FOR OFFDCIAL USE ONLY ENFORCEHENT SENSITIVE Page 4 MPIA 15 706107 Baltimore Police Department Violent Crime Analysis Report my. its. An Informnm man! be armed to ruling UNCLASSIFIED FOR SENSWIVE Pogo MPIA 15 706108 Baltimore Police Department Violent Crime Analysis Report WCOMN '89. All rnl?omu?m must be ?(mad prior to taking union. UHCLASSIFIED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLYAAW ENFORCENENY Page 6 MPIA 15 706109 Baltimore Police Department Caboodhummuwhm-Mummumwvumm M.Mlm Wmmupwmhomm AN m'omur?m mu bu mined p00! to many action UNCLASQFIED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE Page 7 MPIA 15 706110 Baltimore Police Department Violent Crime Analysis Report It. In. 1h- An must be armed pvtor to taking action. UNCLASSIFIED FOR USE ENFORCEMENY SENSITIVE Page 8 MPIA 15 706111 Caliban? Mld2 chum Chow. new man ?manna Out?. mm: moon 0: team?. 00 M'm? mmzm. Can-w MW mm:mml to. I am II. wove u. not mzmman a! mm an no sputum-om MMWM Daub ?8 MM gunman-x.) Mm ?(hummus manual-u ?(but I 70? ?man MD ?943140)", W. (?(000 mm. MM 8 caucus-m 01/003? to. Via-what. War 00m WW moan: mega SID) wan: to mum? my: Oval-om W.WW I ?zmm 1 (macaw ?mu-a (?sz I. 1.000! mu.? Ila-3mm?! mun-1mm MPIA 15 706112 ?[100" Cue lnfomdioo W: ?mm Event Dane In: ?Inn.? an: ?Inn.? man-u Quinn-u mama manna maul-u ?Imam NM. nun-coco Comment mam M?Ml?m was. mu con-mum man. an mummies um (A. an lacuna-3mm two". ?mun-WM MPIA 15 706113 mmu Huh HI ihs??- ?km. (mstgo? . - Mum-Database MPIA 15 706114 0 dzhc.? rahlu un 916' .i . Lunar .Lw. ?fr. o. ma} ..-.. ?Elatu. mu um?; ('alf'uis '3 ?Tm?lt: [?6210 u: MPIA 15 706116 h'pn min-14v? 2? 43.11)! \Ju um All nul?nfh \huul? .1 In}: '1 h.o. r k1! MPIA 15 706117 ."rx?s draw rmtwin!? N. ."i34 (173m: nuns Ithh-u. . (ltd: ban to ?on Ago-m ?(uh MPIA 15 706118 hi'p- n! vac: u. w; - \m 921801 I. urn. 5 . .- (.. .LJ ..1.. um; Allis .- - HI Um?r- .u?zlu "mm. -. Li ?um! I. - at: w. ?that Ul Um .?xvmf- in? ~?.1Ic ma! 'uJ'uIVn?x mu sfnunU unwinlx 5 t?l MPIA 15 706123 Mfr; 1m! .ls .uui'?'g sra .2 E'ni: shun! DH :dc Hf 3' Truth: 'Mvrux: MPIA 15 706124 M'p- 78.: draw s?rr mu! In nmlum -. .3 -.'mnl unu- .Lu' Afr H: MPIA 15 706125 71m? ?rvI Gina's \Iuc m- in 'lhsh?? durcd . ?ganja! s' Mr um: Untr- ants ?fllg?r. Quay. SLIR IHJ Jullrn' c" yhpgo~( a .3 (Huh bi m2? MPIA 15 706127 3"p "Jr (pg? 4? :nd u. Judd? :11: 5- uxdk ?4419.1?: thus-vhf.? '1 ?Lult' f1. MPIA 15 706128 V-u 3 94:01 I Madam! 0 HHJC HI Ir'xudzu .3 "l MPIA 15 706129 P103. mddu . u? dil 'Ihs?n shun?. (unwisz )2 • MVA record information pursuant to the federal Driver Privacy Protection Act of 1994, 18 U.S.C.A. §§ 2721 et seq., and with §§ 4-101, 4-320, 4-501 of the General Provisions Article and §§ 12-111 through 12-113 of the Transportation Article, Annotated Code of Maryland, which limits access to personal information. MPIA 15 706 130 Whammw he: 18042! 0mm "an out? - GmRodmuon Hum II I..- 6.- Con M1mam7n -mo~rm "It! um mum GmPetmIMomb'on an mm "mm mnuo can Iva-M Doom-mm DID-M no. .o-w mehh-wdm MPIA 15 706131 dram mm? HI u? r38}! I Decline DNA Collecuon lnfovmauon Mayan: sum Nalural Rcmcos Iniormamn WRCE Own-Mm": u! MW Run-Jun MPIA 15 706132 ?Pas sum mi -45 aralstu? . 'qu :32; and.? f'm'.clPu'1- mum! . mend?! 7- I 4 MBIWNW Wan-um bmmwuma? MPIA 15 706133 05/10" leonl manhunt-mum an. MM mot ?33 MPIA 15 706134 mu MPIA 15 706135 MPIA 15 706136 MPIA 15 706137 MPIA 15 706138 '1 MPIA 15 706139 MPIA 15 706140 MPIA 15 706141 MPIA 15 706142 MPIA 15 706143 i MPIA 15 706144 MPIA 15 706145 MPIA 15 706146 MPIA 15 706147 MPIA 15 706148 MPIA 15 706149 a . MPIA 15 706150 MPIA 15 706151 MPIA 15 706152 MPIA 15 706153 MPIA 15 706154 4? WUMRMM. ?wan: ?gum. vs. mm alumna cane-cum no on In! 3.1! IND Ob! hum 003mm; nun-now M) (lanthanum ?"0th cans Amman munch. Mun? mud: ?unusual?. mepuaumm wmuacmm. wmmuocmu WWARRANT .VG . ?1 . -- 10mm mm Momma. unau- mM-d - . mono-amid)! - mu mm . ,?u-utmnuum ?hum umNSF, - I - . him anymoulm . In: . I mum-u alw-domd?wa '1 but mum mm oocmm MPIA 15 706155 53nd. 853. a! lot?Io: 3 .8. arr-go (hr ?0802.3 352.2- 33!.ch ?363.52?! ?82:38 5.8 a! cello. all"; 31?! 353619?25: snag?LR it as an); a: gag; 8. .83 9:8 24.335399 i?gg itiitf?I-t 8 ~36 ?Uni vo< )388?gn 9Qf??93?2 I .98! 88:. Egg Sgt-bag :f?!??ill?ti . :8 9 :3 u? ?P4.g 30?! E: a: ctr-gig . l'sil?l?gv Ilitlilit'l itlititt? 8. . :3 9:3 .oc?ig. gain; ?1?83..ng a 3:12;: 23:; itiilitl 8. .23 33.58 as; uggliprgg Egg; fiat-9itf?" '9 3' 99.28.58 udsri3 gig I 3!.533 Eggs {Egg ~33; a Mom 4mm I CHANG DISTRICTCOQMOFMARWIOIWNW O7 mu (I?m C. ma 11-201mm MM ??lm )Yhm. WIMEMAKMWIIW VI. mm ??y-mm A?HMWdehh m.mw a 30m ?aquarium wan-.muMdO-u mm muhmcomd - nan: num- madam ?mam MMWOTVM r' . MPIA 15 706157 aga?gg; i? i auras: Egg 15:3,! ll Elm-i cor-.03; -. .- if - 2?13?! ?ux. 36.8.8. 8. .8988 gal Ff. gig?wait fl ll: 33:82-4ng; 'lligrix?l?lxoi?igIQIO'3?K? .. It'lriwiigtlalji [lufirllg .2. gig? .ml Ill 1809:: f. . Uttlai - x. a Mom 4mm 93:25:92?; A. ma?a! (ma-u) mm mm- .- mm mas MWUIYJIITJN) urucmon Iron summorcumu mom) .011 M4111 mezm am. mum at mm Mimmnh?s mm? W- 7993191? 0mm whammy! humming .Wm Mr, W. MWnno-anw_ - - Eamon mm on m. 110613638. -- -- SW DMOUW gymoamg ?110MMTM .0 0-. V-.. .. -0..- 22% TVOMWM common MPIA 15 706159 n?ggi'sgi?lo'g?i?oioq?lo?i laitti?giglinitgigi? it?s?itrozg"; 583 gtui?gi!?g!i0?8 36.5 u. ?2 gaitits.gl?tigi its: .0 (323 ?35 ?[18:82! ?I?I'Ei?talilt. 303 or ?0:30:93381?3 Iisll?tt u. '33-'58 ?isglitgli-?lnaogi?oilg .3319}! a Mom ?50 - I- MPIA 15 706161 MPIA 15 706162 MPIA 15 706163 MPIA 15 706164 MPIA 15 706165 Octal .7 fin!? ?to? Mo II ,3 MPIA 15 706166 mum MPIA 15 706167 • Internal Investigation files are withheld pursuant to General Provisions Article §4-311 of the Annotated Code of Maryland MPIA 15 706 168 MPIA 15 706169 . IV I HON MPIA 15 706170 I \l FUR MPIA 15 706171 g; as? yiig?ligtitgiliicii? iztili?o?i i. goiigtgg?isglogi {as-Isiaitilggi?itg? tli?ll} ?mum? 3 ait'iloililuiitf i 3 3 i 8' ittitzllilt' tiltingtitIliloI?luIl-i: i?i?titi'lt?i 3 (I Izsilgilizzctiloitzig. 3 8. UCCV: a 3 2 ?(gigs-(glitiillioag Q- 3889? 3 zitiixigiiogg gil'i?t'i?? "iioggiiziglito"; I. iziitlii?iili?lii? gin-Ill..- lilliit'ii?t? isgiylii?liigtti lisilig?ilttoii Am #00 3N I pl! . 3 {insii?l?ii?l?it?ttitmq? a: Iii'1331io?l?i?i" OICU 91i?i? @131 Deb .. .Iiogitzta ?8108. Eg??av?il- 2.. bibMPIA 15 706174 '4 an I, (halo-o Abbot-o 'Jual 0? ?1 I MPIA 15 706175 5? I 1 . .1. gnaw?? Ibo mu- van mm WW moo ammu- ?w I i MPIA 15 706176 Dona T?v'Yifu?. 5r..'v MPIA 15 706178 I. ??0qu tkth'u .c . II I MPIA 15 706179 \1 \\ll MPIA 15 706180 :83 is: R. inigtgititglug Iii?ti} Iimmi 3 gtlt?l'it'illioitliit i a 3.. 3 1. sill-Isl II. i?tit'Iilil! at: 3 >?io?38r?itlu?tlilplco {titiisclOUSIilgoilou-?Ig? I?318?333131i8iafl88? - B. I. giz?iigit?II?C?cut-S?iit Initit?ii In?r? 0 3 3 3.3388! .3 ziglisig?lio?g ii 8?8: iiti: E?I'gittii?. "iiogigiil!illtto}? ii: {Otig?gl?ill-?igittJt' a Am #00 Am; . gt?. . - t, . '4 o?o'fn? . 3' 03.; a. II. . pt?t? .- 4.410. ?134?? 3"?5air?, - . .. ?rwavwwum -irvv??mammal"? . . 3. (factual W5 f. as. 11.7qu .I. MPIA 15 706182 MPIA 15 706183 OHM I7 (?In Innovat- fit? OIIOGIH CO MPIA 15 706184 MPIA 15 706185 'Ot ICI DCPARWII MPIA 15 706187 MPIA 15 706188 MPIA 15 706189 POL If}. l' . ANI) Jar I VOI ll" MPIA 15 706190 If}. \l \Sl) '0 g2! 3 igitisigt?!clf?ilr o. 3 licoi?lii .. 3 i. 8 . a on. ggii'itga't?i . o. 3 sggtiiligizggi?ig . 8. .8 glitzooQioo-a?lltlilgflai . ?Noon: 3 giggiiggiioig "?ioii3iiliti!lo?? :ifigtitfiittao! I. Ila-rig Qill?il?igit? ii?irltiigigt'g Itigi'ti?zifgl' mm Am #00 3M . 0.5.HA). 0 l" a?5103? 1.. I I .a FKCQ 493mumWOMQUOMpmw-?w .. I . @vuu :m-vuwmummt 1394?? MPIA 15 706193 MPIA 15 706194 Dy (Lulu ?rm ht? I. .7 IOISQ - I. MPIA 15 706195 . 0 Nu. Wt? Egg if pig; can-m- .- A. my: .. w_ ?muggy new nan-W .- om_ mum-Jam hum-?ma; In,? ulna-maul;? ?mama-.2; tuna-ML - oat-ow W, mumMPIA 15 706196 ?700.! K1 A PHYS-W MPIA 15 706198 MPIA 15 706199 MPIA 15 706 200 l( I. DEPARI I. \NlMPIA 15 706 201 \l ll?lURL. l. ll) Al'l'l IHR SI MPIA 15 706 202 g: g; y?ig?os'silitigllotclici ?.iitiliiziit?s??gltisi NJ 3 m. a. ?4 I 13-. . 8 ?ilttiilitlli; M4 .8 Na t. gizix?litlgigoitzgid? o?g?igiitgiz?tgii?ni'g: . WA.. 8. iilgiziigltil: inlailISlO-?oggtg?tlig?ciltl? I. li?gtsii. In .mvau 3 3 in}! ?a 3 gigiixigc?ioi; igtitggitlg!ltiil? 9. ?fllt?iil?!ltcoit Am wow wow .. .. 'mm?! 2mg,? .. . (it"o' .l comfy 'a 'Jn Gill-.- 3-727} ?dw v~ 42?max-m n. - ?powwow? . 0'!an om-momwummn .. q?vg L. .O- 81?3"" MPIA 15 706 204 MPIA 15 706 205 .7 (?In Ian-cm tun 3.0- I. .6 MPIA 15 706 206 a. imam. 0.. "mum a? I. 00 . 977: 31200 new Fum?mum??#m?JT?u n?o not. wan-mum. - (cu-mm Mr mm A 8-3wa _Nlb Wan a. MPIA 15 706 207 ?mm! l?ul'o?L 47? MPIA 15 706 208 MPIA 15 706 209 MPIA 15 706 210 . HON MPIA 15 706 211 POI i . I0 \l MPIA 15 706 212 g: 055;; gttii'!i. 3 iniglgitililog tlg?lii 3 8 .8 if i In! giltgi'it?ils'i 3A 3 )iioig.?itlugt??llalt ?323333?Iitloit?iII-i o. \D?ulxk 3 iigigtiisi?tgt?og I. ggtilillt?titgfsig ?iil'ii a 3 8 8 ?i?itgi? Iiti?!ii? iilittgit?i?t'gi?. 'Qliiogigiilliglt3o?! Ioitofgl?lttuiiligli? fig lililttgittaiillt!til ?i?lt'ii?gitlloit allay-lull!? Am #00 N3 3 :?illtagitth: . . 3 {Sriic?tiitI?i-ait?izl . ll.? 9. I. ENI. a: ?i?l'icitiotiti?itt . colic-liq ?ing?! . .II. 3&8 - K. 56:. Am #00 N: MPIA 15 706 215 ?tn! '1 (?Iain ?kit In. .6 Iosgt?. ?um?t .l MPIA 15 706 216 MPIA 15 706 217 IMTINORI 'Ot ICI "m nu. an? MPIA 15 706 218 MPIA 15 706 219 MPIA 15 706 220 10 HDR \ll.\ll3\1 MPIA 15 706 221 "1 l3. 0} INVESTIGA TIOV an: if; 5 i3ilis?i?l??ls??ilrouml 3 3 glIti'fI'ir?tu?013>iioi?3iittiti??ioo {ig'if?l'tloligrcitolzid? o. giggit?o?g ?1629cll?8.iillxvosa Sglili?ititl?8?ki?i B. issiggttizfigtti?z a It?ll-Zita. I 3 3 zggiilili?g.g a 3 iitilgi?iiti?ligi II fiatilii?iiti?luii? gig lil'liitis?t?. {Infill-'izzigitlutl? :I'is - Am #00 8 >?i!?i?i?f?lt??tci iggitilogtti?!?!?1 - 3 E: a. Ill (in-"t tlit?boil'igigti it! I. . a: >iiI?Ii?itiI'I?ii Iiititilioiit Goodall-lite o?eiogistiu 3% SEER: 3 Am #00 NNL MPIA 15 706 225 uwn- 3.90m 'ltu 2. O. MPIA 15 706 226 1?53 i MPIA 15 706 227 ?Otlfl 2" I. MPIA 15 706 228 MPIA 15 706 229 MPIA 15 706 230 POI Kl I . 3? MPIA 15 706 231 POI l. l0 APPIAR HDR 8! I MPIA 15 706 232 I. guiglgititilogi l'itlii 3 i 8 fill'ltlt?t'it'ltli" . ?321,1tfliig Inittillga an. mu? 3 iggigixilittitzi ?83i?it3i2?gtl?o~l 8. Ital-2898,33; a 3 3 2i?3333l3?i1.g on- 38". xrh'o .8 ?t?tlisigiioig iiligi?tti?l?;z? "il.?3ii?l?tl?t.?? gifigii-fittOI-q In Fligh'l?tlti?ii?i?l'if? lil'liltiil?ct? glossiovtaIi?Il-f?li?; l-It-U-Ill?o: NM Am woo I pl: . CA- 3 szigigtl?i?tgt'i?ilo .. 6" 1r :8 1' I. a: it?l?tilicil' ?131.1.. I . MK Kw.? Sax. Am #00 N3 MPIA 15 706 235 in? Dr ?no; 'n-t OOIOSIN )0 I. ?ray. (O?th MPIA 15 706 236 MPIA 15 706 237 Ml m-ou 'Ol KI MPIA 15 706 238 MPIA 15 706 239 BU \Nl) tuu?ur 4 015 l\ I I MPIA 15 706 240 DEIWRI \Lll?IURli. \R\l AHOV IT) 51' MPIA 15 706 241 g; g; {.iitis! .3 iliifilmms? 3. ioiftigsfcic: gCligiitggi t'igt?l} I. o. I 8 i titl'fftittli' 3 . a Atwom NAN I riiliititlitzi If; II. top-I. 3 utigiitii?tgt'il' it ii!!?il?t??t alltil {li?iitltigtil? in. :3 .i'lititiot?t . Itigtill."tl" "tii? r3- - 56:. Am #00 N55 0) noel-om alumna-mu. . ?0 m?lwm . huh?3 - I. - 000 ,_enccu ?Fum', 88 VW mama-mu mm mm Wm WHOM my WM vu- ?moo-4:5. .. W..- - ?Magma-u. WM MM -mwmm minimum sea-mm Wham nan-mm sun. MPIA 15 706 244 7 0-. '6 1,45 Wu? - .493. mu- In. - a. no. Aal? Conan-an - ?mew - ?wan __leMypo_ mm Gm . cue-can? - m? MM mm lean-com.- -.. IWsm ou- Tm Sum. Low MPIA 15 706 245 UL..- . tum - - m. MPIA 15 706 246 if! I 851's nix,? 0:131! ugh? ?30. . W. g- 03.8! ?lif i, ol- Am Mom NAN I 'mz?a?d_ Mr.- .. mum yzy?z?ldd. hot-MM? W- . - m/zim ii- WU magmas? MW I 88?? mum-mm Managua?Llama . MZQIY -M wool-v may mwmm? - ?It? - may.? mm ma- Wm -W aw.mu_ cumm_ __uuo MM Mm MPIA 15 706 248 ..-- New Wm mm 7 .. mm .. can. -H um m' has cue-mm.-. -.. - mm ?mm non-mm - .. - tum Dunn MPIA 15 706 249 ..-- - . ?your? anyscan-chm Gunmanunion Thu MPIA 15 706 250 MPIA 15 706 251 WED "Mumbmm WM Ibu? W?h-?qukm . mugIn. mmWn-nc MM led-10m -- .. Whats-urn ?Wuhan -- E: - _8nuo_ in?. - MPIA 15 706 252 MPIA 15 706 253 . 1 ?39' m- Q30 can-w - 8- ?(4141! - _m - mou- mm raw as WW ?092595:ng MW Ivan-mwmm.__. W. mm h" WM m- -WWEQL - Wm M. W- calla-unau- ?mu-Iv cwm_ a =1 MPIA 15 706 254 MPIA 15 706 255 MPIA 15 706 256 .. a - 4 WHIIE, 160 no rim?no only) sax?Ion somss Vehmle: NO VEHICLES MVA ID ONLY MPIA 15 706 257 WHITE. TAHESHA S.I.D. 3077253 Date: 008:? Height: 5'6" Weight: 130 MPIA 15 706 258 (HJ. 0.0 ?ch 6-. ?-oo~--aoo 0. moa- 4? .o.--..00noo u-cu- o??do a? gun-grow. 0-0oao-0?vo *0 .1 MPIA 15 706 259 --.- JI: - Pk . . . If I?M-Abunh MPIA 15 706 260 up? vmd. .lr-A uzr oh warm mm In ?Hum -. . Vial: 3-, MI 3- an [1.1 lb Jur- . MPIA 15 706 261 03.1" 'llhf nun. . Hut 2.0 ?111 a. 3.1 9-3: NI Inkhi.? .0 . lla~m.o..~ .. O.?O?o?oo. do.? MPIA 15 706 262 hzxv? ?Irvin: ?un ~hh?llu91m y'un .HI hn?h a Mn ?$1.833 . h! ("rt a . 3 J?ru af?a' .oL .l 2211!; 3., MPIA 15 706 263 K'l MNWW .- oo- - .- ?Moo-n on MPIA 15 706 264 we? M: Ho?. August I), 2014 I PM Ye: Och; mm: 00214133)? MPIA 15 706 266 MPIA 15 706 267 MIG- summon?- an. wows on: a ?was: Gin-I. .31? 01611:! 70-56. on 1101 ?582.3 1; In: "?370: In: In 06?. SID: - in: (in: wanna-n: V. - Luann?MW 0700 Ohio WM JmMim: addi?MPIA15 706 268 uu-na?. ammo?u um.? hum?imam ?32? WEI-6W 2mm "mm" 3007 inn-w . $0 no. 1 WA 5?11 L33 Vin-?- at want a non Bum an ii 12' tax?'00. um In; sin-v? ?Uam-y ?~th .4 I [Renown Y. Du. 080 BMW mam Mom nemcmm MPIA 15 706 269 4 1 nun?.mm sumac-W m? we? MPIA 15 706 270 Mini- In: is 15 So; E- In: in: Elm Non-um leuJio__.. DY. [980 wa - Wadi-cc: New? Whamwm Mh?a?lomcmt)?- halal MPIA 15 706 271 Wthuqu M?s-0- an um um "?21an 1 ?8823152,. 0913,1901 (5.9111119 331?, 05 1! 11mm 1 9601 -4 in I ?Wr?m? 4" II :00. I ?21?wads?4mi- - IWhumW Du 0x. boon-I "Wu: 1 Nan-M L-.. a. ?4 WUUW. We? 4.1 0" ,angi?v Fri-amt may Wan?4 -. .. Wm mu s-E?if .21: th-cL MPIA 15 706 272 I- o- h-Dluo mun-o ??9353? 2. Sam (on) L525 A MPIA 15 706 273 Immune-l man?) I. umm m. wu- .mlou met. comm Dana M.- In? In mu (XM: WM T. Oil-m: 8M W: 1mm? (am) m. am rid- M. Ma) 6m Wm? hiya: (SEN-WM). I light I both lulu: Manama-ado. I ma mumqumumw. Mm? ml may: ram 1/ 1d Id! I sign I I. ?0th mm (M) ha I of 2 MPIA 15 706 274 tun-mau- . Imoolm - MO: [4033495 Cod-Scum I: an I an I ?deft-dyer; MDoWMaMOMammc-camm wading-Woo? mammalian? Mach-UM no I run I magnum No Wmummwm nap-Neal. budget. mm ?Ill-?20? P. 3 ofMFjA 15 706 275 [mo #033495? {on mwomL z: ,m in, gum-gm? .m - Mu - nunown- oun- Run-cg outm- nun-IL 4 can. ?333-: 0mm?: MPIA 15 706 276 rmww'm' m- 4393349 yam? mnmmu E: . my- if?? .. - .332: - mme yaw. m?w 4&1 is?? Wm fi?wtrr mumm- MW l?t mugWm. ?zen Ganv. HD3NOH [Wm 2? q" llq?l Mun-0.1% 4 ?a MPIA 15 706 278 Wham Mutts-9a. 'mw 39mm 09mm mm mamiwfy?i?? mm?wf 5 ??me Fry-mm. I What? .. 0mm? Gammon-unc- own-w aw mum?mmdequ-uo MW 1703399 may? ?Inn?. ?mun-m. "mm .0dequ 3- ?Mm; 924m ?18,224 DWW Mon ?1wa MPIA 15 706 279 aamm #6 "0 ms 8.13? 20,5; . 8908?! (woos mum Mum-u mom mum CO ?WdMMuchm mm AW 01.: AW Tim: 04" - Locum: mumm.m.umdmu~mnmamuwm bC] WWI - - UWW 0mm) ans-an - tn Dunn-c no rm Ln was) ?06 maul: 15406-380.? g; 8?35 Egg ?Swing?? manta?~89: ?3.83 43 gar-n); E: gaff; gala manna zzigislizfl?! gal-Ila- ii! ailggligii.r3; innigle in; {0.25 in; . gg'g"g . . a. I: . nosii?ogaaI-Iolii?iagig [Illa-gig? u. go; . iiagg?.?zlti3?.gi?ai u. go; . Sigliinni . 30:35.! . matings. a Mom Mm: ,1 comma? ?mm It,? WW MdemdM? ur-mz' WI WV MPIA 15 706 282 up?: gala-urinals: gag asp?Juno?. Egre?ua Uta?vac!!? g983; ego?91:. gig guiig ?55.3338.- 389.2,; u. 393% in ~?v395 315388893 9 28.3. .8889. tiles-83.21.93. Vining?! gililltitittit! Ql'g..l1 E39 TEL 83 . uhigl'li?' . $2.829. Egg?lug pigments 8?9?5589. OER?veg Dani 265.93: dag; . ORB-amount? giig? rm853?$ll Sllqozaxthw Siliozerfku oAf?lkz82l983335?fl lilaozex?i iitigdlp! til-.83.! Ila n! I 928' 88-. 0.35., 289.4. 13 2?39 0.3.. 921.. i 9. 88:. 3 83. 0-3390; 8? 82.6 03,3. .3 gigiiltf?i'Il" i??w3?3?3 "iil?f 02>} 3.19.215? Qoilig it; agii'o'loctfii ?3 .38IIQ 5 .5 I ?8.25. af?gi?llit" . I 3 t5?$2t?l my .mw O?~uu 1% ?awn? may. . -- . 2.-.- - Linoleum 315:5.le Noah 1? cc. ?mum movemumuu ?rem oectocuumu dosswmovmm an: out mocx Minnow?! um 1 came?: assume? 4- - :numf?vmeu-umuwaumwmu 88.88.382.223! Seaguitilplaz?oi?sgiitg?siigl {kit-80233.88 Singleixisuidi. I I??flali?itt8??sitiozglnof?2~ ha gig-Rial: 86.. g; g; Jana . ngbgao 93.133 - 0 983.95% .85. (c6 1383 a; 80 in; 3:83: .8 .3083: 8 I is .i a'gog .5. 2?bx . a 8 . 8-5 8885.33 Mu mm mm 3 Munro-?Bacon . 01!.me . (00321.40.an to Hanan ?66! I cc: HIINIW mm (?10 [r on p- - 0?k?0?8 cm p, . mm; (mm mum 00cm . . . - .. Wham i MSW new: mom. on ?comm "now-w Io . 00m. mum w- .Vom. com. 0-.- oom to.? 00m Wham not? about? Coo? com. 00m CM Q. "mum. ?l 0m unamm - - Em -- CL- 3 . ewe-MWMPIA 15 706 287 Lama?s-am 'm MW . WW WWI-yon ?11.!qu Llama-t WKNont l2?, 0am CID - 1 REVEALED scum . comma-om canoe: mm 02. Mom mum. meanness?. was meow Fm mom: a: a9 uw summary?; moo canamam. - -3 C.- wamm - . . .- . . MW: 706 288 a" i I WW Milan.? ?was: Mum! ms nun-Ormy? Imnnaw.mmu a. ?may? my?. l~?NCun? Kmmqaum (mammoth. man. Cm: MPIA 15 706 289 On- cums 91 OS MPIA 15 706 290 10 15 (:63 1439101894 RJM 8368 CCU 1483401894 Rum 8088 474 mu Ave 8:544 Vw.? ?wee om wens De! can Norm. E669 Stem?! by lacy, 7574 Scotch unframed on 14 mm A - eyeglasses. CW 8 - Susp Clo-305mm 1 - (35001 23 handgun {Senal? Evo 2 - 4-3 (.11 (23541:; .O grl'2llLI MPIA 15 706 291 ?Midi mummy?mm mun-mm mamamwmm mumuomwmm man-nut? 1m Maryland (?413 wwummaw mwsmummdw.m 8m W213: wdiwnkvadeW MPIA 15 706 292 POST MOI EM EXAMINATION OFFICE Of MEDICAL EXAMINER STATEOFDIARYLAND N0. um sump-y Inspection manure": Inn-on City mm mutt-a newt: tum-m- a tun-mu- nova-um. at m: syn. mm 0' littm Ammo. 21330 mm: m: m: ?wt out 0' amount: ?loam ?ll: an hour- ms 0' on Pout um Mom. lulu-on. In nan om: 1653 hour- m'llmr?l?a= on M: luau. lulu-on min/OCH Till: "31 hour. Willi): I7 M: R. Manual Ion? mm 1?0 000: um. cu: Ml sot-vie. 0' mar: 0?00 been "1 ?tam cut-6M. U0. hunch" ?thought ammo IJ. mun? AH. II.D.. tut-tut Nicol Mu: 0' can: xncnoul gun-hot mad nun! (DI (cl 1 Ionic?. - 00.10 In .0 bout-Inc och: conditions: non was! Ms lubjoct Ibo! MPIA 15 706 293 A 3.: mm now 0' mum. an Mot: ?.0600! mu 0' Ah utcpoy coo pottothod on tho body 0! "In ot tho Oltlco ct tho Chlo! lodlcol Moor to: tho Itoto o! Iorylood on tho 6" doy of haunt. zou. tho body no thot o! ooll-dovolopod. butt oolo. clad lo bloodootolhod an. t-ohltt. blocd-otolnod ohlto rlbbod (out). yolloo bonto. 0 block bolt (out). bluo coo dlto occh. coo bluo boopltol otylo ooch olth ?lming. coo guy ool coo bluo boot. tho body oolghod l? condo. too lo holght. obd oppootod cowotlhlo olth tho topootod ogo of )0 yooro. tho body coo cold. um coo to on ml doctoo 11: all oxttooltloo. coo cod and co tho pootoolor out-loco ct tho body. moot lo omo oncood to moon". loiuloo to tho body bo bolo- of Injury?). tho oohlp bolt coo ohovod. mlol bolt ct block obd guy bootd cod trl-od block oouotocbo. tho ltldoo ooro hm. tho combo oozo ohlto. tho voro too olth ho ct potochlol tho ocloroo ooto alto cod lojoctod. tho oxtoml oudltosy coulo. moth-l uroo. nod otol covlty ooro blood. tho okolotco boo lhtoct. tho llpo ooro oltboct ovldoat lhjuq. tho tooth ooro natural and la good much o! tho ooch molod ho otldohco o! logo". tho choot no mdoblo. lo lnjoty ot tho olbo co ototouo no ovldoat oxtomlly. tho no (lot. tho (logothollo voto lhtoct. and coho-pt. tho oxtuoltloo hypoplpootod ocou tooglng (m ll. to l-llr coo: tho hobdo. too (ll: 113- old 1/0 8 Hr! hyporplg-outod lrtogclor ocuo ovor tho tight hlp. cod l' to 2-1/2' hmlpootod ochro ovor tbo hock. won octod on tho choot. book. had ?poor oxtrooltloo. tbo outoml gooltollo voro c! on odult oolo. tho poototlox tctoo no olthoot noto. podo ooto co tho mo: rloht choot cod lott choot. h. Mohot Wood: la tho booth. lccotod la tho oldlloo c! colt poloto. I mod gunohot outtohoo wound. hoot coo dopooltod co tho moon and tco'oo onto-mung tho gun-hot wound. Io gnaw-dot who tho ballot lojctod tho oott tloocoo. poototlot cum. coho. poolotol ood porlotol 0n tho pootorlot hood. lccotod a-uv boloo tho to, at tho hood and ot tho 'ootorlor oldlloo. otolloto ult olth toou unglog (too 110' to 1116?. lo bollot or ballot (topohto woo MPIA 15 706 294 A 81-: mm MWMTINW onxco or to: cum norm mill! Mon 100?? mu 0' mm tho mood poth ditoctod treat to hook ond ward. oith tho mohot wound ?to minotod itoctutoo o! tho oiddio ood notorior otonioi oi tho tight poriotoi ioho o! tho hroio 3.3 col. ot tho tight ootohoiiot hooiophoto it 3 co). hiiotoroi in tho toqoroiio mocioo. throughout tho mod ttoch. nod 810' oi tho doop motto oi tho ton'oo. m9W? cioth ond ?ouoo woo nopood omnd tho loit ioot on: in 1/2' with light too rio on: tho iitot oototorooi phoungooi joint nod U2 at Mt? cod with doth htouh tin on tho oi tho ioot. tho and you diroction could not ho dototoiood duo to hooiing mum. tho body no oponod by tho nonoi thoroco-ohdoninol incioion ond tho choot pinto Io odhooiono ot ohootooi oi iloid ooto in ony oi tho hody covitioo. hii body omno ooto in tho notool pooitioo. tho oubcotnnoouo tot ioyot oi tho ohdooinoi on! on air thick. thou no intornoi ovidooco of blunt iotoo or ponottoting injury to tho togioo. tel-nu. novaoo mt too 'tvidooco oi injury.? tho ocoio tho coivotin of tho ohuii no tho ioin ootohti no intott. thoto woo no opiduroi or ouhdu'oi tho uninjnxod ooto thin nod doiicoto. tho ootohroi honiophotoo ooto oy-ottieoi. tho otruototoo ot tho o! tho htoin. bounding cronioi nowoo ood hiood woto ot tho iovol o! tho ooctiono through tho cotohrol hooiqhotoo tovooiod oo non'tuuotie throoah tho htoin otoo nod ooto oo doocrihod ohovo. tho hroio ooiohod mo guns. moiootion oi tho ooit oi tho noch. including ?no meioo. thyroid gland ond tot-go rovooiod no ohnonoiitioo. tho hyoid hono nod int-1n: voto iotoct. tho pot cozdioi outiotoo ooto 'iiotoning nod tho potiootdioi ooc woo itoo oi ?uid or odhooiono. tho ooronory octetioo om. not-Ally. tho um! diotrihotioo ood ooxo oidoiy potont. without oi othorooclotooio or throdooio. tho tholbuo nod voivoo onihitod tho oioo-pooition toiotionohip and voto MPIA 15 706 295 lane: can cure: or Till can? more?. mm Cane lunar: ?-066? mu 0' mm nnrennrhahle. The nyccerdi- nae red?hrou. tire and nnrenarhahla; the atrial and ventriwlar aepta vere intact. The leit ventricular iree nail thicheaa one 1.6 en: the ventricular captu- thichneae nae ca: and the right ventricalar tree call nae 0.: on. The aorta and ita anjcr hranchea arcae nor-ally. followed the canal couree and nere widely yatent. with local out atheroacleroaia o! the right circdlen artery. The vena cava and ita najor trihoteriee returned to the heart in the canal diatrihution and were tree oi thrcai. The heart uni?ed no gran. W: The upper airway Ina tilled with bloody fluid and clear o! ioreign naterial: the .coaal aortacea nere anocth. yelloeotan and nereaarhahle. The pleural anriacee were .ooth. glietening and unrennrhahle bilaterally. The paleonary vne pink-purple. ending alight tc noderate anonnta oi hloody iluidx no local laaicne eere noted. The yalannary arteriea vere nor-ally developed. patent and vithoat thrc?na or eaholue. The right in; neighed soc gran: the leit no crane. NW The hepatic capanle nae enooth. gliatening and intact. covering dark red- noderately ccngeated pareechrna with no local leeiona noted. The gallbladder detained to nl c! green-brow. mccid hile; the ancoaa nee velvety and nnre-arhahle. The extrahepatic hiliary tree nan patent. evidence of calculi. The liver aeighed l5? crane. lee 'lvidence oi lnjury.? The eacchagua nae lined by gray-white. anooth nocoea. The eaatric nccaa nae arranged in the canal royal iclde and the lanen contained no nl oi thin yellow ilnid and aeni-aclid yellow-tan neterial. The cell and large Inc-ole here urn-enable. The pancreea had a nornal yellon-tan lcholated appearance and the docte were clear. The appendix nee nnreurhahle. W: The renal caaenlea acre encoth and thin. aeni-traneparent and atripped vith iron the nnderlying anooth. red-hronn cortical enrtacea. The corticee were connected and aharply delineated iron the nednllary manlde. nhich acre red-purple to tan and unrenerkehle. The calycea. pelvea. and aretern were urenerhahle. The arinary bladder contained )0 nl oi pale yellcn urine: the noccea nan {rerun and anooth. The teatca. orcetate gland and aaninal veaiclee were nithont none. The right kidney new no green.- the leit in green. an The apleen had a anooth. intact capula covering red-purple. noderately iirn the lmhoid iclliclee nere unreaerhahle. The regional nodee appeared nor-cl. The apleen veighad on grana. MPIA 15 706 296 mm nan onxcn 0' can! norm ?or: u-otus sun or been: the phonon. mm? and adrenal gum sou arc-trunk. Ml. Conley-nu count. In sanctum? boo. ot joint mung. In. and. MPIA 15 706 297 ma DOST manna! an mm: or cum tum-u. am we was u-ouu out: 00 mm x. tattoo"! Gunshot W: A. known: pound? colt pun. soot protest a an ml curl-cu an on I. 101081: not: c?m 0! mm. you. ?a ?not? boot. c. hit: but: 0! the w. o: null-o o. Dinette-z has: to but m? I. ?muted ?jut?: but!" mm (nctuu and cantata?. ri?e 02 ?um! lab. 0! bun. ?ght and tom ?accommodate? room a. autumn?. mad path auction and Chen?. tango This at ya: on. than .10. full moon. did at In human! On m: s. 2010. at. as loud in untou- am: a an to his. A: ?too-1. ?not.? on up toned-g day. than? a ?not. ?uncut who: and. dutch can.? ?pitta-t injuries to n- bntu and mu. Io with.? ?juries not. not?. land on polls. ?nonunion. tho In." 0! can to cluoum m. Iva-ocu- toaucoloolc touting to: ?echo! nu lug-u". but us with. (at ?an-091 on lupin?. ?new. among?: ?gum LU 1" an? I. 33.0. ?use?: mun mot-u cunt ladle? mum not. alga?: vb! MPIA 15 706 298 namummo TOXICOLOGY . nepomosnuomos up. ?an: me" may u- anu- hum-u van- m? In. WNW 'uv?m m- 0?.th Cab-m w- h?l?uW. MM un- nigh-W mun-- MWW Dav-om ou- ugh-w own-gum chum 0..qu tun-u 0: mt ?that Dank-m ?an "Yum how I. out - was ?.muwc ~td0 MPIA 15 706 299 MPIA 15 706 300 MPIA 15 706 301 MPIA 15 706 302 MPIA 15 706 303 MPIA 15 706 304 MPIA 15 706 305 MPIA 15 706 306 mm mum MPIA 15 706 307 MPIA 15 706 308 MPIA 15 706 309 MPIA 15 706 310 MPIA 15 706 311 MPIA 15 706 312 Autopsy photos MPIA 15 706 313 MPIA 15 706 314 MPIA 15 706 315 MPIA 15 706 316 MPIA 15 706 317 MPIA 15 706 318 MPIA 15 706 319 MPIA 15 706 320 MPIA 15 706 321 MPIA 15 706 322 MPIA 15 706 323 MPIA 15 706 324 4 MPIA 15 706 325 MPIA 15 706 326 Autopsy photos MPIA 15 706 327 . a g: um 2:35. megaMPIA 15 706 328 him .- -. ?ts?E: my ,1 r? 33:"out MPIA 15 706 329 me! mom-locum .m an? mom DAILY CONFEREDICE sum mun-nun Wmmoszou mum Unholy-ow a has? 80-. u: may w- an. 92 ?um ?humans-gunman? DMD-lulu.? tau IL: Inna-1h: mm by nun-h 08 ?um w?oudmmumh-?MMIu Tonal-m ?and?. own-M. tr 10- (?or Ono-m AM 06 ?um Wumwwh-HMI? Ava-Icahn but. mu In.? an? 00 can? Mnhdumuumhwub It". Id. 5' 10' It: Mir. 6' 9U a. mm 0 Ont-om ?abu?uww?i?nm Old-- any. nun-haunt ?an un: may; 1.21? AM up. hon can-um {Tm Cub can In". mans I1..- m0; ma 0. ?out?, Wm?wmcmuu?m M. no? ?'00!qu an; a: my: can. ?can uni-n; l. ?Om mum on. u- Inn-nor. ha on custom nun-nu ?mutant-Quinn?. no ?h IL: mm ?in? 1W- DAILY CONFERENCE SHEET Cancun! VIM. Am M. 1014 I an.? ?Van ?m *6 11!. an; mm mm Anna-y WM ho. on can!? ?my" It. In. Ir ?In. my: WM mm In. on alum man-nu NM mm u: MOI. On. Mb ecu-"m new. ?no? an ll.- Wit. ~00" one-- luau-o. nun- . alum ?In? NM - IL: my. ?an? MPIA 15 706 332 MPIA 15 706 $33 MPIA 15 706 339 MPIA 15 706 340 MPIA 15 706 341 MPIA 15 706 342 MNWW I. IOc?o cm 70??d??i&oss MPIA 15 706 344 MPIA 15 706 345 MPIA 15 706 347 MPIA 15 706 348 MPIA 15 706 349 MPIA 15 706 350 MPIA 15 706 351 MPIA 15 706 352 MPIA 15 706 353 MPIA 15 706 354 MPIA 15 706 355 "new Yvon W: mum)?. on: Wu 5w: Cow ?no. 008: M: Wu of ?What?? mm W: mm M: mar: 40 m: 2) sum: ?anus mumzmo?am W: Wilt: M: No MUM: W: mm: mm: ?mm: 0 WW mum mes ?3mm? KEVIN mmounozma means mum ?$266. an: moan: mm mm mum and.? mu: mm: mm.? WOW mm: Who W: MPIA 15 706 356 Type: STATION mm ?on: WW mm: mm: mm: ?in: mm noun-om?on. mm mm: mum mum: Whom unmosvms (ROCK INC 6000 mm 0A m2 15.90327 as W: Wit.? M: (770) 01-3202 rm on: comm comm :05 I 73"] zoom on W: M: (006)623-5138 sun 1mm 0?0: Wat/8995 am WC ?no Ga 30032 15021000 an W: m: 319476! 3671200101 :0 1m can: 01/17/2003 can sow vac xox scum 31 m. 00 2:77: ?mm as men: mm that non 019-0321 MPIA 15 706 357 MPIA 15 706 358 MPIA 15 706 359 Woman-dam Pvlo? uwmmwou?Iw ?Inn?? nun?u.- cal-.- MPIA 15 706 360 M- MPIA 15 706 361 MPIA 15 706 362 MPIA 15 706 363 MPIA 15 706 364 MPIA 15 706 365 MPIA 15 706 366 MPIA 15 706 367 MPIA 15 706 368 MPIA 15 706 369 MPIA 15 706 370 MPIA 15 706 371 Lb 9% LAW OFFICE OF JAMES L. RHQDES NORTHEASY OFFICE 6603 BELAZR ROAD SUITE 25 BALTZHORE. HO 2?20? OFFICE: ?30-?54-2?0? FAX: 4 0-25t-2407 20M Mu ww?ummw wars-m szun If: 0w Ciel: Iym Wm (?lu?s 80.: NEW CLAIM mu [103? Tm: m. India 434 Pm "ill Mun: In. sWdS?M?unm?d?mn?w?mm ?Minimum AIM-cutout? Vuni?mh?mbye?y mud. mag WM ?My MPIA 15 706 372 • (h) Search Warrants and inventory list of property seized pursuant to Rule 4-601(d)(e)(g) MPIA 15 706 373 4 HI: r/l) MPIA 15 706 374 ?(him MPIA 15 706 375 MPIA 15 706 376 HI: MPIA 15 706 378 uiw I II HI HI Hm Il?nIHk?l I IN ?m mun? HI IHIHM I MPIA 15 706 381 LI 0 m. coon-nu ?mm mu. m: I. - axon m: Now: by a. 30100005358300" mm I m. Hm.? . aoxmusuauan. ?.mtm.mm.mmo. mm.mm .010! cm l! 15128:? 0t MO MPIA 15 706 383 L) C: ?Cannon 0603000.? In . 0' mun-u aouomuaomu mm? . 30160.? ?2007009 . a.mu?.wo.mo?an. 2 ?mane-mow. an new um mo ?12.1.1 Ct m. 3 MPIA 15 706 384 G- mnt-O m. unca- . . m.mm.mm. .umanu.mm.m . .1 0.303) 8.: Mo ?12000? at cm. ?3300., I MPIA 15 706 385 MPIA 15 706 386 mm Stat 9M mu. mm 10:: 380nm Cc: mulch bonus mm MPIA 15 706 387 (be?ts Iro- Sc"! (t 'llzdbum?! MPIA 15 706 388 ww- . Sont? 'rnm' Sent. . "u Em?? hen? .- . Son! -. '1 . Y0. x. $uhjxt MPIA 15 706 389 Hum Y0 5-- Summt Hom Sew-2 to hoe? Sent To (t Subkti. MPIA 15 706 390 mm - 9am! 10 Ct - . Suhgut-w lmpor?lamr. "Om . . sent. lo QJ?anl "Ct" .- ?an! 70; 5ub3u MPIA 15 706 391 mm. . Com! Semen . MPIA 15 706 392 mm alt m.wumnoum mew Cc: ?Immacu? wa main W'smummn. "maths ?31?.?qu um?: (cal-smart.? mum mono: ImeMW?ucm~um?an mm MPIA 15 706 393 MPIA 15 706 394 2? hiccup-um and.? mam-unman- Rmitval Wm :fsm IMMOQN 00-63748?! To Wh- May Cm; Icha?bdMinu?nhm?bdebu helium. mum acaumnmum?onamcumw. "tampon WbWu?e?mcCinoMthwamMmm (out. mcmimnmyullo- mz4wnumwuw MPIA 15 706 395 in 53874. 5% 0. M6: ?on Golan-gain. Egan?s-IE Gaul; 03233;; lyrical: 2289:3018; '3?:in irrinigilblg ?tantalising 334i litigato; g?itluggil?oil txzigwoaari?g?oii tragiwoaoowgog?ggll ii?gsggi?g. {xi?ii gigaigr?!? (Ia-ragga; {filiglgtir'wi maul-ell?! {pvt?Innis?! guan?slgraungFPI-gSl?nggi ill-8i, ?Qi?tgiklilig?lligt a wow wow E33333?17Q8338?331ug8?83 28.13. Eur-an. van?28.1.8. 8.83:3: g8?i?l?oii?ll~?8u?t? a wow wow transmisuon Report Donn-o 03418? ?0 vow-a Lea m1 madam Con?mnd (reamed amok and details [>ch '00qu fading-Km 2 :m :Omuucn .Mh?w fag-n ?m .110 ?00-.th .n pm a )t a Wind van-noun 0 (m Yum-yuan 'O'Mhl' 8-33. 3,803.. lzgl?gzli?.; gigglialg?laig?oi ilafglgiirggi. zigzliilltlilgl?fitti. iligtsgilggillzgilg our; ?tic-9.39 Sal-18.339053830118935; foreign-3.8.: isg?sz?izvoli. $.gisll! 2118930812 339381-313.th gitizxgilv; on! giitstoo?. 333.13.393.83. 0389-3! {Batting-gaso?zi?. Ego-.92; is figiggili?ogig?i Sill an?; sliig?ii??.?iiz Ital-811.; a wow wow {3:313 {zgtigl'g fifgobclgir-D! $3.30!..ng33. gzitiirgsgoiig?.?. giig?cgfiogiit?.glt?o? [Sn-8" 8-3. a woo hoo shill-Iii Elisa-signing- iig?sg gig! gill 9.39.1131! gig-.153. a Mom ?54 9.9 (loll-.9883; gins.- giggi?s. ggiztiilg?v?kti?gigt?. gilt-I; catalog-.8 ingifgligtzi}; a Mom k5N 3.389.093.3331; an; lilo-l. actor-ii:- 0-838; ckiilstg gigitii?gig taillt' izisiil?gl? gig; 98-2!- giigilgiSB-g'igg 85.189313 g; fig8fogtliig. a Now how its. igigz 8.13.918}; 3393. i3:l:ii?3?fi?. giligizigg g3. is 0-89?? {agig?o?gglgatiri?tlt? II. 3.2182; ggigiri. i3?gici?.?8ggiiftt is i98- a Mom k5m. 021 igig!o??s?!2?8?2? 03-31 3:89:93..- i813'??38388?3?3ll. ?iogsl gzigi g?g?ii. gtg?. if i?.??3oggii3ii58?g. a Mom k5m agitigit. ggitg?.; 3:28.92. gig-lit.- fgiroi itl?igi.? a Now how ?3ogigigitzi2??oyls 83:. igigctg ukugii igio?zo?igglig. flail-231333933858. Sgigtzgili. Belg. ioigig?BE!? (?88:31. to: algii?lgitgs.; pt. gi?.?t?ilitu?8?o?. gigiittiligti-gaigt gogzizilggiziugiitalu 33.31398; ?i'lgcooiix' giigzgig giizg?igg?l?igsligtilt 2::?U38?198gi {Ema-11:81; ggi?.?i 33383.3!8' ggtig. glig?si. gin-?Iqa-Sisxizug a Mom uthMm-imm WdeMm?m. MPIA 15 706 408 MPIA 15 706 409 POLICE DEPAINENI BALTIMORE. MARYLAND Wm BELOW LISTED loom Will DELIVERED suns OFFICE. ON 13. CASE NUMBER IN DELIVERED ?(mm ?g 1 ML J'Z'um, MPIA 15 706 410 Cw Lunar: Ado" 9i ?jkm' VG harm 1W: ?wanna-nu ?0.4,.qu Pg, was 051 tumor! Dan! :9 an an?. ovum UAW ow ??55 ?11.35" 3mm: Gunfun-u A?n?l. . MPIA 15 706 411 MCDOUGALD. JEROME 51.0. a 3231802 Date. :2/2612013 8 45:00 AM Height. 5'9" Weight: 170 706417 • Records of investigation, intelligence information, security procedures, or investigatory files, General Provisions Article § 4-351 of the Annotated Code of Maryland and Md. PUBLIC SAFETY Code Ann. § 3-701. MPIA 15 706 418 Baltimore Police Department Violent Crime Analysis Report 8 Pay? . MPIA 15 706 419 -, . "00? Baltimore Police Department Violent Crime Analysis Report - Page 3 MPIA 15 706 420 Baltimore Police Department Violent Crime Analysis Report Pa-gu 4 MPIA 15 706 421 Baltimore Police Department Violent Crime Analysis Report Page 5 MPIA 15 706 422 Baltimore Police Department Violent Crime Analysis Report 9.0900 MPIA 15 706 423 Baltimore Police Department Violent Crime Analysis Report Fag? 7 MPIA 15 706 424 .r'Q Baltimore Police Department ,ng Violent Crime Analysis Report 9.90015 MPIA 15 706 425 If? Baltimore Police Department Violent Crime Analysis Report Page 9 MPIA 15 706 426 Wilda Involved I CM ?bula-aunt; ?Wu MPIA 15 706 427 (ac-?room? o-nnumam mrmi MW Month? Mfdnomuu Cause-ISM: mwmummum Ohms-?ows? emu O. MPIA 15 706 428 2mm mum 1 6601mm Q) Pm mm WON SI) nuances mam My. HOV $13603 mm?. m. NOV ?tut ?mantra.? wwannuwm mm 2! 89301 my Onion!? womwnmunw mun-um? Wuumuww Inward-Inn mm ?Poo .muumwmumhom -mmwmumm~ . .mmnamm Nommbm MPIA 15 706 429 ManMDde?m a? MPIA 15 706 430 MPIA 15 706 433 MPIA 15 706 434 MPIA 15 706 436 MPIA 15 706 437 MPIA 15 706 438 MPIA 15 706 439 MNWW MIOd?lo MPIA 15 706 440 MPIA 15 706 441 MPIA 15 706 442 TANNER. JAMES 51.0.3! 3451303 C8F2010742840Arrest Date: 10:00:00 AM Height: 6'0" Weight' 200 706 443 lull-'ls -Il?ad [vl th?ldll \l?Jl ll lt'lmll MPIA 15 706 444 -md Inululwn drlul .cu pun MPIA 15 706 445 lulu-Iv All? thidll H?Icoll MPIA 15 706 446 MPIA 15 706 447 MPIA 15 706 449 MPIA 15 706 450 MPIA 15 706 451 MPIA 15 706 452 MPIA 15 706 453 MPIA 15 706 454 Mills-mow M9000 can ?ham?v- 15 706 455 0 WM 0! I. mono ?in ?macaw?u.? museum-o..? .. - MPIA 15 706 456 mm mm? MPIA 15 706 457 am k. "our. h. Door Log C.C. alumna? Loo: 424 Foo! Hill Avenue Sm Dam/Time: 5 Augus120l4 I442 bows 098m Del. Lakmha Wiw Lakisha Degn?'mried will-?WNW Oahu-WM onwWMOWMcum ?.mmcm new? but. ?mm-ow.? on. ?Wm on. mm? moan) mum-pm not.? WWI umwmawm mm. may. Door Log CC. Loc: 424 Foot Hill Avenue Wine: 05 Anna 20 4 I442 hours Dd. Lakmha'?mu Loo: 1200 EmStmet Duo?Timc: 16 May 2014 I405 bows MPIA 15 706 458 MPIA 15 706 459 MPIA 15 706 460 ?ho-um I mm ?lull. fl"- ?ll?n I a M) IGIW 10.1?? woman ?(man "0114?? unmco I?1?8l '0011-0'02 ?93 '0 uot NH . ?1114? Ian?s-n ?Kill '4 Nil} St! \l sl SIUIIHN six-His \Hllolu\ 16in$3IM 140.301098 ZGIXJC 1.90 IOIDKCLIN 3COHOORII64 JCIIJCNIN LIST on .II W210 mu? ?(In mu 0 WM 1) HUN) I) "(mu? "I?DIM LAID Ili?? QIIK t0 IIMK IMM I i AM \tllha?J?qu Mild}. (I\l ?kl 153? (All 9? A Dun-0M. 00mm. UNIT ?mm "woman "om 'c mm MPIA 15 706 462 90 7? (ti LIST tum-Vow on an mucous ?170? "Ml Niki-0N LAI- wtmoa um "bl ll. Wm'w . gl'ClDl?. l'l'mll'n CONTROL MT . . mon?kQ' sugar mum dun . A 331?; M. mum orr . vs" nx?ul MAMHH mm . cums? xomhsmuquXI IAKO. 090 NORRIS. Wu: . nu . orninlu Im'?Aktll: wan-m Lu? aw; mnxw: mu 20 um. 1? m1: 0'06 sum 1 mans ?It? 3! Isljo. no am. .. . - ~0~o~owo 0 v' my . on . man?mag DOLLAR MHI: - "1?5 - un ?tu I. IN 1? 0: 75? [Hm 1.115qu 15 706 463 If mm sul?ao?? if??lm 1 ?033m .wu: -. I?m} 1V :m (MN. um? (ti-M . I mm a i no. umu?tn no. MANY. DALI: 15'?qu mm a m?anni - 1m: ?1.3.91 mm man: a? mum an um). no - 'cmm'lm ?can?: momma noun an? mun!) 7" Md ?Era-imam . tutu nuts Q. I July-a . .12}wa PROPERTY SHEET ?0.23m \uvn nuts. Mme IIKRCI 31. II ARRV Off .ulIu'. I I . I) - puma 22:2 mum" 2.22 .22. 22? umxnm "57010 m7.? ?chm 22.22:. 222.22 2 22.2.22 stun le??llf?. AVE mu to. MonRIVG nu out?! - 50 - 14033491 I (II: IW ?00 3 . MPIA 15 706 465 '59? [An lh?h ?Mow IZVIDM 003mm. UNIT I ?1'08? ant/AD mu I minis?nun 'wu-m :46? {Cut 9.3! was nun will? - - swam; t?l? A "danan?n'n KI @3998. n. may oncegag? wuurr mam 0. Hummus ?1an go s- . mi}: 01495 may? 1.19m - m?fu?mm' mu 4 I v?dihuuvmm Hutu into 6 106?466 mm mm 0 h- W. unnamnm mu 3 acnwum non mono-mm. mm Mvam?mm mu I -MPIA 15 706%] nrmaul mun 3.9m mu [our A mm can. I mm sun- Batman now ?u Tam? m? - me I - nqruygmn 1: cu in gqoonm memw Jim 3 sum Mun-? ulul mus-Immanuel!" jp'umm mu wumm ?Am 7cm IVII ll IV I .1 Wm? m. 1 70mm? - mum-Om 3-131 - MQ-yym . I I I I ?may? mm" ?amm ?Eu-a?m? ?Fuewsr?J 1.099.: I I ?le5 705171": m- tonn- . SUICIDE mucous? EVIDVM CONTROL UNIT l? . I . rnorsnn sussr mm - nan hands nu Jute . IECKIZTIIZ. I "mun cum numb mu ?was.? fun HQ. "but Asmzmoxcuaum cum mn- unmmuulu (M NICIIAEL . mu 8?0 autumn mwanu tum numb - 07-19% . um I stuns Mug. an .. a- - It.? 0 mumm I . ?5?3 I . I PAIR 0" (1.1mm HOLD 1 I 5n 0" mum I .5537 0" HOLD I ILOOD CARD . up.? numx: "nu mm MI I MPIA 15 706 47% ?w Kan-mu - IWMI A MPIA 15 706 473 -Il [qty SUICIDE .1, unnum- morurr sussr Imam I'll-I - \uu m?fun on. ?Icon I1. I "ovum? ?.tmuu as" ?(Hub m. l? mu numuu mun 'uu you ?(an pm .010 . nor (Im? wzm. mama om m. tun mruw . MN - 0.31 ton mnunm mm mm man I MIJOmuumm . nanTANK IIOLII 3 I YELLOW lam . . I . PAIR 0? 81.115 JEANS DELI I .GRAY IIOIJI I . 0001 IIOLD . 7 . I 0" SOCKS. I I GRAY - . ?mum ?maximum-Ivan? mu uuwm mm pump mm mm MPIA 15 706 474' "m on h? can. u' ?nd [an In. A I'm-I'm 0? l. MPIA 15 706 475 PROPERTY WITHDM OVAL RECEIPT not I ?lit-w nu ammo ?than?. cannon. um: u-sw ammo-Manon mm It up so." we ?noun: m. use-u zu? mun mom!- nom {out so.? autumn-ammuwouu no. It. - . mum unim- unumxutm .. "181000" 70?? manna 310m 110m. mun?;- mm MOI: mun.- an: Sl:_ 1M - waawmuaumum MPIA 15 706 475.. .4 I PROPERTY RETURN RECEIPT nu mum mouccmmum ma: mu ?mum . uumo 3 3 . no" . ?000:3? tun 'mvmmu . WMAL 00.00 .961 unu?u (kahuna- I ?noun-an? an? I ?mm-t A ?tattoo-x nan :i man-W swam: mmomo ?100302 mm mm . . nomrr sneer 14035374 - ?sm: with.? ?Ma .. mam mum) numb cm um . an? AN 0031.508. (1W5 on": . cm nor ?manna-mi) um no. (m IOYD. on?: cm 0(an ammo smut? 3 mn _nmmu - - .. nix: on tutu. j? 1 suns lug-c. "mama. now . II .nontusloum. um numu {mu nanuumn tum mu am.? no - - MPIA15 706 "Caught-7M A cf? MPIA 15 706 479 in '5 INNW .H Jun.? (3 "gun. nun 40W mam .9039": .man. {:Hlm (nuunm mm It?! auteur \umms nuns?: s\ 1'10! ?Hull ?nun 0.. gufzumv' I?..ht?l m-l-i' ?imam. m. mm Mm; Inna-.1 ?Ol-iu smuwa us "use mm? mm 0: \uunus ?mnou mm mm .- mm ?mun: (vagina 1mm mam . ?aux-an \uuom m? . .aumsm 03m . I mum: f- dxmav: mm mm.? walla (HI-N nzttomn \uoom . mm on ammo.) u?lm/ mum "stump: NIHKMs 1 swan: ?all" I an was ?mnu?\ as.? mm u'noo?: uuxu? :m?non mum (gunman/J w; mud ?rum \umm umum Gm Jaw (rum . mo. mum.s mum .v (hm. . an: ?mm. mm wunm can nudism 3003):). um no no )1 mum alum-70 Inn . .. . Ina "Thaw-nun muons It'd and won-Inn 1801?" 1517 . A In: phl- IVIDIZNCV. CONTROL NO mam) MPIA 15 706 481 wt (u moans? 9.01"? 10.3: 22M 10.001336. usr(000'. V30 YAMW Mill? 4 ?rhea?" MIC (WI mun CVI Hm 1? swam: mum-9; EVIDENCE (W to . . - a mom"its. OZDSA M. Chih- I. I) maul ?(mush In" ?mam ?nun-u menu tn,? '(Mc ANDIZRSON. - om am mot munmunun tm vvo can? 0W3 .o-m cm . mot unsung stoma-?nun om ?unto - - . 31?2?? 95.99.9359 -- . man on sum 0 mm . sun? fun(Uil? mu mum? mm m! uninio mm mm (?Un?t I - an". A Juli-m Ti 23: TI 1. 335?: 1? 1" lg: - . ?so? Luca-.2. MPIA 15 706 483 MI mmcomtm nan-mmatoms. "mum. -llm u? Win-dud. wan: to unseat? "n (?can .030.? ll.? ?um-mm (mm ?on. Nun MI) mam (hp Vt. ?It! um I . . ?mucus: M1: 1 oomvcum 2 Nu- Ion-numb um mm mm mmuumuumcmcu-ouum WSW mm 1 ??ouummamymamw 8 8 4 MPIA 15706 484 PROPERTY RECEIPT not 00.00 oc- unoouu mun-a tun armaments um 3 LC man ?.00 cc- unmou mun: no. woman . .. - AC1 uomw 3 we mean 00 1 0, 00.Ix: mean my 3 ims ?.00 - A _4 - vac mews cg 09.00 on "menu usemenu a, a 09.00 cu ?noun tun .mm ?if? mtmmumnm mun-mutation ammunition-own com-mums mutt now taxman: WWII. .mm mm;- mm l: 880. AM.- mm 017: 51: (If: mm ??r??l?m-huuoruMImdho-??hwd ucsm 3: gm, now want mu 3 ..-. mvtotu. 004% MPIA T5 706 4m. PROPERTY RETURN RECEIPT . Ml MN mm 3 . nation?: In. In. ?m?n?oc- 13,. um: tun - .21- w- - tc o; I ?.00 ca Isl-noun up uomu tic mm 00.90 nun-no: ?3331; i i - .0 .0 uncut 00 . to ?noon? mm . I mvumu. to.? - man - IAWWINWND Wm 11' mall's-mwsm MPIA 15 706 43:53.. .. . mg :14th Malta??2?. wwl?'. MPIA 15 706 488 A0 mm m. ?00011:? hun- mu Curve-naval.? ?tha?. (hp mm huh-emu .2. m? ?f?i . *m-f .p In! to mm nut-um wan-unu- on salmon? mm Cain-?aw. . Du. MI) -. ?can. (hp vu- - ?inm . manna-mun: .. mint-um. 2 m? ii? nu coo-{?iebi WLL .u-I I a. nun-b 'n?ra?n . hm?- MPIA 15 706 490 ?drum gnu 30-3038. I - 55.9% a in a 11?? . imalWWimkok. a Mom Am: ulh?gl?itit MPIA 15 706 492 MPIA 15 706 493 MPIA 15 706 494 SUP RVISORC SE REVIEW Ammo? uric-I?m mm mm non-unusw soar-0mm me (3me +1me JWW KW LM?torWNaI-s aw 94mm ecu. NO. MPIA 15 706 495 MPIA 15 706 496 ?.(wun IT- JudMPIA 15 706 497 x' Pt: '4 ?3 ?ch. 3 Luna "3 ?5 W: Hwy-1m: MPIA 15 706 498 MPIA 15 706 499 51: van: can! or coats u. Wt ~35. rm: n. O. 9 - ?th ?kf- MPIA 15 706 501 {Ohm 4.453%. 3* ?up; murnn tn zuM ?mu: 92.11 . .?lf Qfl' MPIA 15 706 503 a 9 MPIA 15 706 505 MPIA 15 706 506 ?and ?if; 15*? 13' I li;? I gii!? itii?: iI! .s fiixll ..rtii?E: mm.?omdwm "Charmin-In 7 . 331%? 1,1? 1; itIi 5} it?! i in? fish MPIA 15 706 507 1'1111111111 11111L 1 1 131111 1i111%.1 1111511 Fill a? [1'21 suouLo u' ?m PIE: it 111111111 '1 .11 11? 11111 11111 1 11 - ?.mq?11111. 111 311115 "1111 1111: ?:?1111 11 1 1 1,11 1111 :33! MPIA 15 706 508 2 AkronM~ an.? mu?uhmdy- a i Mm ?ammonia." .13 El 84h Ml town?s-Quittin.EE huh-n it 3 [lab as Oneal (Mn Abununuw .2. in. Mar .u?h lunch ?0 .0.- II. .h-I MPIA ?bowdmwu Wynn-:Isiil? {?44 . 41: ma. aluminum-o- Yb dbw?u?au mums! ?swig: {:Artiltitixii [tutti . - ?ajigi; lg?ECtv i? C?Ei?il-I?Il Isl-8.; it?! 8. :6 a Mom m3 MPIA 15 706 511 11'111411 {11.111111111111111 1111111112: 111111111 .111 111111 1111111111111; 85?. 11111 1111111111 131111]- 1111111: 1 1 1 1 Standard om Precocious ion- I mum-tam: I mm awmm.um?wwu Coma-m .houlo?n magnum W.?Wmomduoouwum mammwomom.umausmdw.w mmaowmnw AdeWm-u Mm mammawmm Sm. I'm MPIA 15 706 512 ?138.28! .goloz?iulol.? .Sieri?sloge?git? 38383593882 .Iknh?aetgisailgsg 81:83.88: Fig.0 .goazsg?gzagoa?g .xvzsenSpa-saiz 880m an .rtz??zgng .N?n iguana-8a .22.. ?gzisgnsi?glge an .3 is! iisgl?gga 2823.35; eggzi? 831??8g??3?.i?98? niggs gaggp8>?? giixilin?.??.s? .n 33.333.68.82 3818:3338; 81133335831333.3322 .882. .u . .8239 ?64 8.0). 1 000800 [no-nu] 10. i2. 13. mumdeumuW marmwmummhowm. 7A. Mummy-occasion. ?mm wmuuwI-anm mmwumuumw-mmw mwuwulannh mm mamwumumwumm. MPIA 15 706 514 6, I DDUOOP [mud-J ?manor-mm. mm)mum. wuwmwm.mm.mmu Meagan-stalling?. 5.1. muwwmumumammw. mum Mn MNOWCWMOIW. 7.1. memmaMWMh-nawuww Manda-ll!? What?. mmwumm?wmm MPIA 15 706 515 m. I 00080? lac-soul a My mamm Mu nan: and 1" In W. WNW. numb-aw maumam?wm.umdummqm leagoodd-huonnm 1. ammo mumam 0.00?de mam-um; Mutant-plum Walnut! wannaw Hopi-Imam Main mwmuw mm MPIA 15 706 516 I mm 2. 10. H. 13 14. Waucmm.owmw.cmw mm. NW3). Wu! who.? am no mm Moths? mm. mummanbmm. manna-Md? law-ob mumbmuwwam. W300. ?21. ammwumwmmun mm.m.mw-mm. umuwmuuwmeMaum-mm Madam. I.budmhm.umwbuw.ummu amt-lam WmmM'umm)wMQW MNWMIWW. MPIA 15 706 517 W. I 00080? Ina-7.00] Want-adorn haWuawMW mmbmowuwm. mum cmummumummahm t. buthwomdlman. mmqu Loam. 2. WW mwuwm. 6. Mammal i 5.1. MPIA 15 706 518 3-3 u. genital-392:2; i 3325.. 3; $98-$90; 03238.1; ganglia? a Mom m3 MPIA 15 706 523 MPIA 15 706 524 MPIA 15 706 525 MPIA 15 706 526 MPIA 15 706 530 MPIA 15 706 533 MPIA 15 706 537 MPIA 15 706 539 ?5 Mom mic 4 4 5 MPIA 15 706 I MPIA 15 706 555 MPIA 15 706 556 MPIA 15 706 557 MPIA 15 706 558 MPIA 15 706 565 .~gl . 40/ MPIA 15 706 569 MPIA 15 706 570 MPIA 15 706 572 ?Lu 3 ch: who amp/me) HO USN 3 Ts? ambo MPIA 15 706 576 MPIA 15 706 577 6 \eCard. I f. I . ?v du-bor 0! mm cl Mm- mm comm tho" [3 "main706 578 MPIA 15 706 580 MPIA 15 706 583 co. co MPIA 15 706 591 - In "b 01* Ht ha; m?vavtw On "\wo 0+ (1 .3c He fauna" mm I f- 'chchuiwv h? 111% . our c? 'wau ad 2.5? Ci", C'fhlr C100 0: (I 3Q Dim): (all back MPIA 15 706 593 MPIA 15-706 594 Iii-"J wonn?cncucp 31k: MPIA 15 706 599 Oak NR \k?mAMu 415 15% ?hid- (4mm WW (new 91+ ?ow} 09L Sky? MM 993.)? i?xu?f SW7 1 '{dL ?at 214(3) 058 Mint. 3m \5m19 Lyn. Loo?': ?b?gdgc?j?gi \?P?abk wk Vn \Wu ?03} ?943} A t1; mem) bu}, NS). (Wm. Jt ind-EL W?A?ql gel SUI-U CM .40 Sm? ?egM?xL 13 . Kw! MM ?Mg MAL H.391 w? 31H E30 IN 83153} howl EM 3 2w 53? Immi- {?4?le (In) WW Ed) ?7 $.me m3 NRA \me 115?} 12:0 JR BM 0. 1'th wa?my: ?43 1% Y1. owe) 3m x; mm? 53%) 30?qu Na 3 5Am?? 01 ?in 3 (A 5:3; a (653?, 03. ?5 Nip ,5 - apt4&1! 9 In. em a 6? lung: Rd x191 Uv. ML ??11 it) 11 (U 3w: m?i Sal! Lt QEEAK +33% int?36? (?211 ?1(lm) 3? ?37? Ag?. (I $205 (I'mq?ms 5&1!!de (43? L, 1'3 SW14 08 TIME i am] 2; k? (94? 9mm?: ?u dim 41*333 Sing? in . 39: 1U why Ski, \S?Ele. 0?1 5% W, EAL \?cl {Eff THE. (?Wu [mug I35 y? (3 ,u (xi (bx i K's 2'10 ugh); C??f\Hv) MM: 607a (Mir ?99?.ng A aura M355 g? ?1&va (A3530) 3% 11% ?Mi (10329? Mum