Nu‘ M 1: MICHAEL A. HESTRIN BAIL: $25,000.00 District Attorney . . . County of Riverside I3960 Orange Street ' , F ll: E @ . um or CALIFORNIA I sUPEEli)Lll\fi$ OF RIVERSIDE _ ‘ ‘MAY 11 20]] _ Riverside, California 92501 ‘ . 5 ~ - p. Kamaria Hemy Y Supervising Deputy District Attomey 10 11 ‘12 13 14 15 16 17 118 19 20 21 22 g 23 24 25 26 27 2s w 29 30 .9 31 32 ' 33 34 35 36 Stt B N .204602 a6 I O _ I IQIAL SUPERIOR COURT‘ OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ‘ 'I (Riverside) ' V THE PEOPLE or THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, 1\Io.PI» T.I 7701563 Plaintiff, v. _ INDICTMENT 4 MARK ANTHONY OROZCO . L 1 AGENCY#: DAR201625 1001/RDA Defendant. 1 - COUNT l " . ~ The Criminal Grand Jury of the County of Riverside by this Indictment hereby accuses MARK ANTHONY OROZCO of a violation of Penal Code section 86, a felony, in that on or ' about January l_3, 2016, in the County of Riverside, State of California, the defendant, being a member ofIa house of the Legislature, and a member of the legislative body of a city, county, city and county, school district, and other special district, did willfully and unlawfully ask for, receive, and agree. to receive a bribe upon an understanding that his official vote, opinion, judgment, and action shall be influenced thereby, and shall give, in any particular manner, and upon any particular side of any question and matter upon which he may be required to actin his official capacity, and did‘ give, and offer and promise to give, any official vote in consideration that another Member of the Legislature, and another member of the legislative body of a city, county, city and county, school district, and other special district shall give this vote upon the DISTRICT ATTORNEY State of California __ 4», MICHAEL A. IIESTRIN County of Riverside ' ' Telephone: (951) 955-5400 \DO \IO\U' -{>0-)l\>-A L'lfiZ:¢1I/\VF\l _ l 1 i 1 same and another question. _ COUNT 2 5 For a further and separate cause of action, being a different offense from but connected in its commission with the charge set forth in count 1 hereof, the Criminal -Grand Jury of the County of Riverside by this Indictment hereby accuses MARK ANTHONY OROZCO of a violation of Penal Code section 118, a felony, in that on or about July 30, 2013, in the County of Riverside, State of California, the defendant being a person who testified, declared, deposed, and certified under penalty of‘perjury in a casein which such testimony, declaration, \O O\IO\UI-l>UJl\ r-4 10 '11 12 13 14 deposition, and certification is permitted by law under penalty of perjury, to wit, OROZCO FOR SUPERVISOR FORM 460 FOR THE REPORTING PERIOD OF JANUARY 1, 2013 THROUGH JUNE 310, 2013, did willfully state as true a material matter which the defendant knew to be false, to wit: IDENTIFICATION OF LOAN. ‘ - COUNT 3 " For a further and separate cause of action, being a different offense from but cormected in its commission with the charge set forth in counts 1 and 2 hereof, the Criminal Grand Jury of the County of Riverside by this Indictment hereby accuses MARK ANTHONY OROZCO. of a violation of Penal Code section 118, a felony, in that on or about January 31, 2014, in the County of Riverside, State of California, the defendant being a person who testified, declared, >—*r l>—1>—l>-1 \OOO\IO\U1 20 ' 21 deposed, and certified under penalty of perjury in a case in» which_such testimony, declaration, deposition, and certification is permitted by law under penalty of perjury, to wit, OROZCO FOR SUPERVISOR FORM 460 FOR THE REPORTING PERIOD FOR JULY 1, 2013 22 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2013, did willfully‘ state as true a material matter which the 23 defendant knew to be false, to wit: IDENTIFICATION OF LOAN. " 24 25 26 27 COUNT 4 ' For a further and separate cause of action, beinga different offense from but connected in its commission with the charge set forth ‘in counts 1 through 3 hereof, the Criminal Grand 28 Jury of the County of Riverside by this Indictment hereby accuses MARK ANTHONY OROZCO of a violation of_Penal Code section 118, a felony, in that on or about April 29, 2014, 29 in the County of Riverside, State of Califomia, the defendant being a person who testified, 30 declared, deposed, and certified under penalty of perjury in a case in which such testimony, ' 31 declaration, deposition, and certification is permitted by law under penalty of perjury, to wit, - 32 OROZCO FOR SUPERVISOR AMENDED FORM 460 FOR THE REPORTING PERIOD OF 33 JANUARY 1, 2013 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2013, did willfully state as true a material matter 34 which the defendant knew to be false, to wit: IDENTIFICATION OF LOAN. 35 36 MICHAEL A. HESTRIN I)IS'I'RICI‘A'ITORNEY County of Riverside State of Callfornla COUNT 5 For a further and separate cause of action, being a different offense from but connected 2 . - in its commission with the charge set forth in counts 1 through 4 hereof, the Criminal Grand Jury of the County of Riverside by this Indictment hereby accuses MARK ANTHONY OROZCO a violation of Penal Code section 118, a felony, in that on or about April 1, 2014, in the County of Riverside, State of Califomia, the defendant being a person who testified, - declared, deposed, and certified under penalty of perjury in a case in which such testimony, declaration, deposition, and certification is permitted by law under penalty of perjury, to wit, OROZCO FOR SUPERVISOR FORM 460 FOR THE REPORTING PERIOD OF JANUARY 1, 2014 THROUGH MARCH 17, 2014, did willfully state as true a material matter \O0 \IO\U1-hb->l\J*- 10 11 12 13 which the defendant knew to be false, to wit: IDENTIFICATION OF LOAN. . -COUNT 6 For a further and separate cause of action, being a different offense from but connected in its commission with the charge set forth in counts 1 through 5 hereof, the Criminal Grand Jury of the County of Riverside bythis Indictment hereby accuses ANTHONY l 14 OROZCO a violation of Penal Code section 118, a felony, in that on or about June 9, 2016, in 15 the County of Riverside, State of California, the defendant being a person who testified, 16 declared, deposed, and certified under penalty of perjury in a case in which such testimony, 17 declaration, deposition, and certification is permitted by law under penalty of perjury, to wit, 18 OROZEQ l29I{_f{§UPERVISOR FORM 460 FOR THE REPORTING PERIOD OF - 19 JUNE %, 2014 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2014, did willfully state as true a material matter 20 which the defendant knew to be false, to wit: IDENTIFICATION 013 LOAN. 21 22 COUNT 7 For a further and separate cause‘ of action, being a different offense fiom but connected 23 in its commission with the charge set forth in counts 1 through 6 hereof, the Criminal Grand 24 Jury of the County of Riverside by this Indictment hereby accuses MARK ANTHONY , 25 26 OROZCO of a violation of Penal Code section 118, a felony, in that on or about June 9, 2016, in the County of Riverside, State of California, the defendant being a person who testified, 27 declared, deposed, and certified under penalty of perjury in a case in which such testimony, 28 declaration, deposition, and certification is permitted by law under penalty of perjury, to wit, 29 30 OROZCO FOR SUPERVISOR FORM 460 FOR THE REPORTING PERIOD OF DECEMBER 31, 2014 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2015, did willfully state as true a material matter 31 which the defendant$) knew to be false, to wit: IDENTIFICATION OF LOAN. 32 33 3*“ COUNT s For a further and separate cause of action, being a different offense from but connected 34 in its commission with the charge set forth in counts 1 through 7 hereof, the Criminal Grand 35 Jury of the County of Riverside by this Indictment hereby accuses MARK ANTHONY 36 OROZCO a violation of Penal Code section 118, a felony, in that on or about June 9, 2016, in “LE’lZ$}'Ie'iZiZ'e“i“ ‘§'.',Z'.'I.‘1°é.'§¥.f.'.‘.lZ.‘” 3 I -1. .1‘ the County of Riverside, State of Califomia, the defendant being a person who testified, ' declared, deposed, and certified under penalty of perjury in a case in which such testimony, declaration, deposition, and certification is pemritted by law under penalty of perjury, to wit, OROZCO FOR SUPERVISOR FORM 460 FOR THE REPORTING PERIOD OF . JULY 1, 2015 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2015, did willfully state as true a material matter which the defendant knew to be false, to wit: IDENTIFICATION OF LOAN. ' V COUNT 9 ' . For a further and separate cause ofaction, being a different offense from but comrected \O O\I U1-I>~L»Jl\.)>—1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 q rs 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2s 29 in its commission with the charge set forth in counts 1 through 8 hereof, the Criminal Grand Jury of the County of Riverside by thislndictment hereby accuses MARKANTHONY OROZCO of a violation of Penal Code section 118, a felony, in that on or about March 16, 2017, in the County of Riverside, State of California, the defendant being a person who testified, declared, deposed, and certified under penalty of perjury in a casein which such testimony, declaration, deposition, and certification is permitted by law under penalty of perjury, t6 wit, OROZCO FOR SUPERVISOR FORM 460 FOR THE REPORTING PERIOD OF JANUARY 1, 2016 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2016, did willfully state as true a material matter which the defendantg) knew to be false, to wit: IDENTIFICATION OF LOAN. ’ >“ COUNT 10 I 1 1 For a further and separate cause of action, being a ‘different offense from but comrected in its commission with the charge set forth in counts 1 through 9 hereof, the Criminal Grand Jury of the County of Riverside by this Indictment hereby accuses MARK ANTHONY OROZCO a violation of Penal Code section 118, a felony, in that on or about March 16, 2017, in the County of Riverside, State of Califomia, the defendant being a person who testified, declared, deposed, and certified under penalty of perjury in a case in which such testimony, declaration, deposition, and certification is permitted‘ by law under penalty of perjury, to wit, OROZCO FOR SUPERVISOR FORM 460 FOR THE REPORTING PERIOD OF JULY 1, 2016 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2016, didtwillfully state as true a material matter which the defendantgl knew to be false, to wit: IDENTIFICATION OF LOAN. rt‘ 39 I 31 32 May 9, 2017 ‘ MICHAEL A. HESTRIN District Attomey i 33 34 35 36 “.§E‘l2.'iZ'Z.-‘I313? §i.1'lT.’t°$'ti§§§i§° l Q. _),L4,./\.,\6 KAMARIA=HENRY Supervising Deputy District Attomey 4 . 4 l 1 KAH:iw I . 1 Names of witnesses examined by the Criminal Grand Jury on finding of the foregoing Indictment: Jeffrey ChambersDouglas Doyle, DAI Mitch Star I Michael Taylor David Weiner , , \O O\I U1-I>~UJI\ >—* - 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ‘-23 24 25 26 27 2s 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 A TRUE BILL: \ Foreperson 0'5////Z0/7 \ \ MICHAEL A. HESTRIN DISTRICT KITORNEY County of Riverside State of California A q ‘ _ q if al Grand Jury tr‘\;i 5