Fundacic?Jn Ci MEDICAMENTALIA VACCINES MEDICAMENTALIA VACCINES PRICES READ MORE mCiViO Fundacion Ciudadana VACCINATION LEVELS I.TI 31;; READ MORE STOCKOUT I?iv" . it] :inf?lI'i'II' n?jII? I r-T If - READ MORE VACCINES ANTI-VACCINES .Ii' I I I I READ MORE VACC SUCCESSES Ix READ MORE MEDICAMENTALIA VACCINES 83 Fundaci?n Ciudadana I?HomoILayoutImIcm 0 Master - Precios.xlsx .5 #:259er9, Edit Alignment Number Format ?3 Full Calibri . - _abc E.) mount General .5. comm Formatting 7-Price per Price per Moe per Currency? Currency My Vaccine Taxes Total docea do? - doses Type Corny-I Corr-par Carr-our corneal corners! 1 Cat-my Code Vacdne orglnal name Veer Doses Total in nae: applied has via/taxes Net 1155 Net data 2 3 Currency on on Notes URI. URI. 2 2 Hurgary HUN BCG 0C6 2016 300.000 472.50 450.00 1.54 1.44 Price per r. Hurgaropharrna Hungarian 293.08 311.79 3 Nurgary NUN ECG BCG 2016 INDEX) 472.50 450.00 1.54 1.44 Price per Nurgaropharrna Hungarian 293.08 311.79 4 Hurgary HUN 01? Adult DTPadult 2016 101130 4.882.50 4,650.00 15.87 14.91 Price per 1 65K Hungaan 293.08 311.79 5 Hurgary HUN ln'luenza children gripe 2016 4.000 1.474.20 1,404.00 4.79 4.50 Price per r. Hurgaropharma Hungarian 293.08 311.79 6 Hurgary HUN Men A Iadulto) HepA 2016 5.000 5.229.00 4.980.00 16.99 15.97 Price per r. 65K Hungaan 293.08 311.79 7 Nurgary HUN Hep reoornbinante (adulto) Hep?aduIto 2016 2.000 3.094.35 2.947.00 10.06 9.45 Price per r. 65! Hungarian 293.08 311.79 8 Nurgary NUN Polio IPV 2015 3.000 1095.40 2,948.00 10.14 9.50 Price per Nurglropharma Hungarian 290.64 310.13 IWVAX 9 Hurgary HUN Rania rabi- 2015 20.000 9.135.00 29,93 28.05 Price per r. Novena Hungarian 310,18 10 Hurgary HUN t?rIua 2015 500 4.305.00 4.100.00 14.11 13.22 Price per Hurgaropharma Hungaan 310.13 _11_ Italy ITA oer adull Men 2015 1.000 NIA 40030.03 40.00 42.69 40.03 Calculate 65? Euro 0.94 1.00 http://ww Italy rm antimeningococcico per adull Men 2015 1.000 40000.00 NM 4003 42.69 40.03 Calculate 65? Euro 0.94 1.00 http://ww Italy per adull Men 2015 300 10,317.00 34,39 36,70 34,39 Calculate Navarro Euro 0.94 1,00 http://ww Italy ant'rlelanico dilterico per adu DT 2015 400 956.00 2.39 2.55 2,39 Calculate Sano? Euro 0.94 1.00 http://ww Italy ITA antitetanicod'r?terioo irn UT 2015 son NIA 1.195.00 2.39 2.55 2.39 Calculate Sano? Euro 0.94 1.00 http://ww Italy antltetanico?di?teriooim DT 2015 900 4.144.00 5.18 5.53 5.18 Calculate Sarto? Euro 0,94 1.00 http://ww Italy antin?luenule gripe 2015 4m 1.200.00 3.00 3.20 Calculate Sanoll Euro 0. 94 1. 00 http://ww Italy antin'luenule per adulti gripe 2015 340 1,020.00 3.00 3.20 Calculate Sano? Euro 0. 94 1. 00 http://ww Italy ITA antin'luenule oer adulti gripe 2015 360 1.080.00 3.00 3.20 3.00 Calculate Sandi Euro 0.94 1.00 http://ww Italy antiepatiteA per adulti NepA 2015 26.18am 26,18 27.94 26.18 Calculate Sarto? Euro 0.94 LCD http://ww Italy antiepatiteA per adulti He? 2015 1.003 NIA 26,18 27,94 26,18 Calculate Sanotl Euro 0.94 1.00 hunt/[w .2 Italy antiepatite per adulti HepG?adulto 2015 1.000 15400.?) 15,40 16,44 15,40 Qlculate Sanotl Euro 0.94 1.00 http://ww 23 Italy antipolio IPV tipo Salk IPV 2015 300 NIA 1190.00 NIA 10.63 11.35 10.63 Calculate Sandi Euro 0.94 1.00 http://ww _24_ Italy ITA vaccino antipoliornieitico per IPV 2015 400 NIA 2.672.00 6.68 7.13 6,60 Calculate Sano? Euro 0.94 1.00 http://ww Italy antiprleurnococcica per adult pneumcn 2015 500 9100.00 NIA 18,40 19.64 18.40 Calculate Sanoll Euro 0.94 1.00 http://ww Italy antrtif'rcn oral: tilus 2015 soc 4.20100 8.40 8.96 0.40 Calculate Pam Euro 0.94 1,00 http://ww Italy ITA ant?rl'rfrco im t'rIus 2015 295 2,598.95 8.81 9.40 0.81 Calculate Sano? Euro 0.94 1.00 http://ww Italy ITA antit'r?coim oer adulti t'rlus 2015 300 NIA 2.643.00 8.81 9.40 8.81 Calculate Sano? Euro 0.94 1.00 http://ww Italy antit'rf'rco irrI per adulti t'rlus 2015 1.000 9.220.00 NIA 9.22 9.84 9.22 Calculate Sartoll Euro 0.94 1.00 http://ww Italy antiarnarill'rm yellow 2015 4.660 59,275.20 12.72 13,58 12,72 Calculate Sanoll Euro 0.94 1.00 http://ww Italy antiamarillioa yellow 2015 12.799 151400.00 11.91 12,71 11,91 Calculate Sano? Euro 0.94 http: l/ww Ml?: ?hilt. gov Uportale/m?nistro/M_ 1 2 Italy yellow 2015 LCDI NIA 13.393.36 13.34 14.24 13.34 Calculate Sano? Euro 0.94 1.00 htt? l/ww Into: salute. gov. 1 33 Italy 6055 divaocino Starnaril 119000.00 Calculate Sarto? -: . 1 34 Italy vaccine Sta 3S MS5 M55 VACCINE 36 MS5 M55 VACCINE CH I 37 MS5 MS5 VACCINE I 38 M55 M55 VACCINE I 39 M55 M55 VACCINE INF . MS5 ms: VACCINE m: 41 MS5 M55 VACCINE NE 42 M55 M55 VACONE NE 43 M55 M55 VACCINE NE 44 5555 M55 VACCINE NE 45 M55 M55 VACCINE NE 46 M55 M55 VACONE M55 VACCINE .APANESE Japanese 2016 ?.50 89.89 04.50 Euro 0.94 LN 49 M55 M55 (VACCINE MEASLES. SIOI). Measle: 2016 Euro 0.94 1.00 50 M55 M55 VACCINE MEASLES. 1 dose. Measles 2016 0.31 0.33 0.31 Euro 0.94 LCD 51 M55 M55 WACCIN MENINGITIS A 2016 0.00 Euro 0.94 1.00 I Master) _Paplloma1 Pneumo13 1 Hep! pediatrlcal 1 1 duplicados) Prvot va i Normal View I Ready I I I MEDICAMENTALIA VACCINES Fundaci?n Ciudadana PRICES Numbers that don't fit Some countries pay for their vaccines more than others with higher incomes. The opacity in the sector hides the cost for governments and prevents them from demanding better prices Per dose prices paid per governments Tuberculosis (BCG) Pentavalent (DTP, polio and Hib) Tetanus, reduced diphtheria and reduced acellular pertussis (Tdap) W03) USA 0 Italy Spain Portugal ?7 Poland . Hungary Ukraine UNICEF . PAHO O. MSF MEDICAMENTALIA VACCINES Per dose prices paid per governments Tubemulosls (8C6) Diphlaerla, tetanus and perlussls (DTP) Diphteria, tetanus and aeellular pertus?s Hepatitis pediatric Polio (IPV) Measles, mumps and rubella Tetanus, reduced diphtheria and reduced acellular pertussis Udap) (13) USA POLAND Italy (DTP, polio and Spain 25.86: Portugal (55K . Poland -Q- Jr . Hungary Ukraine . . UNICEF . PAHO Q. MSF . 0? 20? 40? 60? 806 100? MEDICAMENTALIA VACCINES Fundacion Ciudadana VACCINATION LEVELS Holes in the shield Half of the countries in the world do not achieve immunization rates suf?cient to curb the transmission of illnesses such as measles Measles The percentage of measles vaccination (first dose) in Spain in 2015 was 96% 99% 96% . . immunity Turkmenistan Spain MEDICAMENTALIA VACCINES Since the measles vaccine was invented and introduced worldwide, the disease has nearly disappeared in certain regions and countries, to the point where many young people do not even remember it. Measles cases Per 100,000 inhabitants Year of vaccine introduction 100 200 300 400 1950 1935 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Hungary I Portugal I Mexico I Finland I Colombia Uruguay - I In other regions, where the situation had previously improved and the disease had been practically eradicated, outbreaks have rebounded. This was the case in Iraq in 1998 and 2009, linked to the problems of access and lack of resources before, during and after these con?ict periods. Bulgaria had gone nearly a decade without a recorded case, when in 2009 the country saw a resurgence of measles with over 2,000 cases. In 2010, this ?gure reached 22,000, the greatest number ever recorded in the country. MEDICAMENTALIA VACCINES Measles immunization rates (second dose) Sri Lanka Algeria 2006 l. imes y'aunger . ors, thoie that would hide ave near seen es, fa that disease kills? MEDICAMENTALIAVACCINES ??CiVi0 Fundacion Ciudadana STOCKOUT Vaccines that don't arrive The vaccine market is an oligopoly centered around four large companies. If a laboratory runs into production problems, countries have few alternatives to satisfy demand. Stockouts of anti tuberculosis vaccine Number of years in the last decade in which stockouts were reported to the WHO 5 I '1 \1?5 "1 Reported BCG stockouts In 3 different years .Ll' MEDICAMENTALIA Fundaci?n Ciudadana HPV Vaccines against cancer Immunization against human papillomavirus, along with screening and pre-cancer treatment, can completely eliminate cervix cancer. Against: the high cost of the vaccine and cultural and social reluctance Deaths due to cervical cancer in 2015 Estimated deaths per 100,000 women ages 30 and over versus GDP of the country . Countries vaccinating (as of end of 2015) . Countries not vaccinating (as of end of 2015) at ,5 . . Countrieswith highest mortalityfrom cervicalcancerare also the poorest and had not introduced the vaccine by 2015 r. . 0 0 Only a few low-income countries had introduced the vaccine 4? O. . . assistance . . .rich countries with low mortality from cervical cancer 59,09me 2.33 32.53 "Hug: ss <>6C2>mu Ewan?Om GHQ 20 09?ng grace. 3'3! 2 I 9.1 35.13. ?1.24: 35- 93955 a 3.8. . .. .I .33. .135. . in. $5202 rigging-5;. xlzol'l' mud.? ?all. {munall. 95. oil.. Hill?s! scaly-.6 ?unnu??nlh OOZE mr 0" Vanni?:8 I I- ?ul. ?13: .P Quitti: r! I I. ill a Ill: 'ul-ll?l . ll 11: :5 {t 27?- ..a77 a. In .I F. In, It?ll-Ill lull-I'll n? ?Iill ill .1. it}! l'ltl?olv nl?l'l I?ll. null I--. II II I.-. . I (tilt..ila .l II 0 View? 3:2 n: DH. nm