secfraudt?lcyveil lance.cnm Il'I?ed nesday 13:33 Dur client: Trademark Registratinn Hns-: [Cnmcast 1421433. 2442345. 2453331. 2433333. 2433333] [hi?nit'lc 3353333. 3351523. 3344233. 4133213. 4233434] REGARDING CDMCASTS INTELLECTUAL RIGHTS Dear Sir nr l'u'ladame: This cnmpany represents Cnmcast purpnses nf prntecting its intellectual prnpertv rights. lDur client. nne nf the leading media. entertainment and cnmmunicatinns cnmpanies. has rights in the trademark EDMCAST andInr which is registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Df?ce as Registratinn Numbers [Cnmcast 1421433. 2442345. 2453331. 2433333. 2433333] [I?nity: 3353333. 3351523. 3344233. 4133213. 4233434] It has recently cnme tn nur client?s attentinn that ynu are the Registrar the ddmain name (the "Dnmain Anticybersduatting l:Innsumer Prntectinn Act 15 USE. E. 112Sidi{1}iA} prnhibits registering. traf?cl-ting in. nr using ddmain names that are identical nr cnnfusinglyI similar tn a prntected distinctive marlt. Similarly. the Llnifnrm Dispute Resnlutinn F'nlic'..r prnhibits penple using dnmain names that are identical nr cnnfusingly similar tn snmenne else?s trademarlt. The Dnmain Marne is cnnfusingly similar tn the Prnperty because it snunds the same. lnnl-ts the same. and is spelled similarly tn Cnmcast. Additinnally. the unauthnriaed registratinn and use nf the Dnmain Name. which is cnnfusingly similar tn the Prnperty. trademarlc infringement and unfair cnmpetitinn in vinlatinn nf Sectinns 32 and nf the Lanham Act. 15 USE. 114. 112Sia]. state law and law. lDur tn cnntact the registrant. nf the Dnmain Name have been successful. sn this serves tn nntify ynu nfthe registrant's infringing activities. This letter shall serve as nur client's fnrmal and ?nal nnti? catinn that ynur client is vinlating Cnmcast's valuable intellectual prnperty rights- Please talce all steps tn 1.mur client he.n'she is vinlating Cnmcast's intellectual prnpertv rights. and talce all steps necessary tn see that the Dnmain Name is assigned tn linmcast. Please cnn?rm in writing within ten days nf receiving this that such actinn will be talcen- lDur client is. hnweyer. prepared tn resnlve this matter amicablyI and withnut pursuing its claims damages. but nnly if ynu immediater cnmva with its demands- Hnthing in this letter shnuld be as a waiver. relinguishment nr electinn nf rights nr remedies by nur client. which expressly reserves all rights and remedies under all applicable federal and state laws- Regards. . Cyber Threat Analyst LnnRingElass Cyber Security Center lIEyber Snlutinns lnc. (Fnrmerlv nyeillance. In Il'I?eln: Email: +1 [3331 553-3343 Free US +1 [2331 351?2433 Direct lntl. +1 [2331 331?2333 Fax