RCMP STATEMENT TO CBC NEWS May 2017 Good afternoon Dave, The majority of information the RCMP generates is of non-archival value. The RCMP does not transfer this information to Library and Archives Canada (LAC) because there is no reason or requirement to do so. The RCMP is only required to transfer information that LAC has identified under a specific Disposition Authority (e.g. an Institution-Specific Disposition Authority, which pertains to the RCMP or a Multi-Institutional Disposition Authority, which pertains to all federal government departments and agencies). The RCMP's policy on disposing of information resources of business value is to destroy, archive or alienate it. Information is alienated when it is transferred out of the Government of Canada's control at the end of its prescribed retention period. Most of the information the RCMP alienates is sent to police services that have received assistance from the RCMP.  The RCMP is actively complying with and participating in the Treasury Board Secretariats Open Government Principles and Directives (https://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/pol/doc-eng.aspx? id=28108 ). Information deemed to be declassified, and for which there is no restriction requirement, will be digitized and published to the Government of Canada`s Open Information Portal: http://open.canada.ca/en/open-information. Rgds Harold Harold Pfleiderer, Sergeant/Sergent Media Relations Officer / Agent des relations avec les médias National Communication Services/ Services nationaux de communication 73 Leikin Drive / 73 promenade Leikin Suite 801, M8 Building, Mailstop #68 / Suite 801, Immeuble M8, Arrêt postal 68 Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R2 Tel: (613)843-5999 Fax/Téléc.: (613)825-8250 Harold.Pfleiderer@rcmp-grc.gc.ca