. HOUSTON POST HOUSTON 1. TEXAS. MONDAY. NOVEMBER 4. 1963 ?mm . nu IIAI. .NUMBER 3 you; ascrloxs TELEPHONE FA 3-3131 POST xcugsam (3A 5-114: ?(and can mm? 0016 at Horton. Yum BOND FUNDS WENT . . . . City Rdecors Hard To Get In Pasadena 3: am dour: i ?Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.? At least,? i ho for Information. - etimes I think this sign should be erected in front of the Pasadena City Hall. ~i - 11!- reason is that the and?: city is being run is often noutedl . ary citizen of Pasadena is "Okla pmdem, 51?? welcome ?t I found this to be true during; Hail if .he has come to look at . . a weary and hopeless search! :20 gbh: Marina?: lasted for six months. I tion that ranges ?3 twas searching for the records from a laughing that would show how the City brushoif to cold A 7 of Pasadena disposed of $6 Mil-l instillty. lion in bond money that them? I lmow. I have 9 aple voted in 1959. tried. And I am a I started looking dibut last; citizen of Pasa- tApril when a man pulled me; dena as well as aside after a commissioners; 4 a reporter. meeting and said: "If you real- Therightof lywantaatormt?b don?t you the citixeqm try to anywhere that know how his Gotta 1' Million . Midwent?? i 9 Bond Issue Faded Into Background He madetwopotnts: Must get a look at the minutest 1! That I would not be able'ol past commissim meetings. . to find out. i There is room. though. to tell? 2) That the city commissimkabout two or three of those ex-' era didn?t know themselves. lpertences. . - In those first months, it was much right on.mor: of a joke than anything i else. am I ?'33 through ?we? Often, I would stick my head? drama. however. it be etinto one or another at the com-l ?m that. the bond issue offices 81d yell:; receded into the backgrounduuwm is that 55 Million?" The WM became Wren? man a ?mm, 0! course. ingly clear and disturbing was it ceased to be Iunnv. mt ii iS/harder for One time I went into the ni- the Pasadena City Hall it engineer, and asked him. "1 for him IO break iDIQdm't m. if I ShOUld you Km: 330d" 5579'?. or not? he said frankly. Theme is not room for me to It reminded me of the time detail here the mom jour- City Secretary Marvin Jacksonit neys I made to, the Qty Hall. had told me, ?It?s none of your?I trying to?get a look at buidibusinesa" when I asked to some financial records. i All Roads Lead Finally to Mayor 1 :1 In the Pasadena City II all?ting ridiculom. There must be a all roads lead eventually to thelreoordol bond [wads around this" mayor. iplace." Mam Jamea L. Brammeri Davis said there surely was, told me frankly once that he and he pulled from a desk draw--r me:- letfer a sheet of paper with some? anybody any records mleu?tigures on it. the. mayor penal-aim: It was supposed to he a record he Id ?re him. ?Allowing how much money was: . he hm: it, Hammer and. theinz 596? on the an? new That explains why. in sewage disposal plant. (I al-. dour: times I NYC asked .7le- mdy knew this was lately ?0 see the minutes, Million). It was not, however, a5 has either ?atly refused "Record ?the th othe Mil-i directed me to the mayor?amm wezt. re ?5 535 cc. Once, on the trail of the bond! DAVIS SAID something about funds. I walked into the o?ioeithl? times not being up to date} at Sammy Davis. and he shoved the paper back? ?Sammy,? I said, ?this is zet- so. o- rm 3' ueond thought. ma?arecordottrmebond medtorsornestxeetand lbridze work. notseen a3