. lgerSWan . . Solutlons tn Uncertamty? DAPL SITREP 022 - Jothorter ENERGY TRANSFER INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS REPORT IS PROPRIETARY AND SENSITIVE. DO NOT RELEASE OUTSIDE OF AUTHORIZED AND APPROVED RECIPIENTS. INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS REPORT IS PROPRIETARY AND SENSITIVE DO NOT RELEASE OUTSIDE OF AUTHORIZED AND APPROVED RECIPIENTS The Highlights A convov of more than 100 vehicles departed the Sacred Stone Camp in North Dakota and moved toward previous access road protest locations. DAPL security elements moved quickly and successfullv evacuated construction personnel from these sites before the convoy arrived. It appears the lack of DAPL personnel at these sites may have dissuaded the convoy from forming a single protest and it eventually returned to the Sacred Stone Camp without dismounting. Social media reporting indicates the protestors were disheartened that they were unable to confront DAPL personnel and resorted to spinning their efforts as a ?win? by assuming they had successfully halted construction. The evacuation caused 2-2.5hrs of lost work, but thwarted another phvsical act of protest and allowed the workers to return after the convoy had passed without incident. Direction of Movement 5 . redStono Main Camp The Details 1. REGIONAL UPDATES A. North Dakota i. Intel Update TigerSwan Prepared for Energyr Transfer Partners 1 INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS REPORT IS PROPRIETARY AND DO NOT RELEASE OUTSIDE OF AUTHORIZED AND RECIPIENTS a. The 03 OCT protestor convoy fit with an observed pattern of movements beginning at ""1000 hrs. b. Source reporting stated it takes up to three hours to assemble protestors for action; the protesters may be more disorganized than initially believed. Their delay in movement and DAPL security?s quick mobilization allowed for an effective evacuation of construction personnel that precluded protestor interaction with pipeline employees. Such interaction appears to be a desired key element in the anti-DAPL protests. c. Protesters may resort to more erratic behavior to catch security off gu ard. I?v'lultiple anti-DAPL social media posts indicate that the lack of a standoff between pipeline personnel and the protestors negatively affected the collective protest ii. Past 24 Hours a. On 03 OCT, DAPL security elements ef?ciently cleared all work sites of personnel in anticipation of rioters arriving in a large convoy. b. KNOWNS Media inside the camp, as well as social media postings, has become more restricted. Internal divisions between Natives and "White Allies? persist, along with drug use and sexual activity. Native American women have departed the camps and have return ed to the reservation to protect their children. c. UNKNOWNS Uncertainty remains concerning the number and type of weapons within the camps or who has been providing military-style training sessions. We also lack knowledge on how camp leaders communicate with one another. d. Met with Michel?s Pipeline to integrate construction and security planning efforts concerning the HDD reoccupation plan east of 1806. Next 24 Hours a. Continue to support worksites along the and static DAPL sites off the ROW. b. Set a meeting with US. Army Corps of Engineers B. Iowa i. Intel Update a. Intelligence staff manning in progress. ii. Past 24 Hours a. No protestor activity observed. Next 24 Hours a. 1v?vill continue monitoring social media for developments within the Iowa anti- DAPL movement. C. Illinois i. Intel Update a. Met with campus police from University of Illinois and Lincoln Land College in Spring?eld, IL. Both agencies reported nothing seen or heard of public postings about developing protest support among the students against the DAPL project. TigerSwan Prepared for Energy Transfer Partners 2 INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS REPORT IS PROPRIETARY AND DO NOT RELEASE OUTSIDE OF AUTHORIZED AND RECIPIENTS Past 24 Hours a. Interface and coordination with the different equites is progressing smoothly. b. Developed a security personnel staffing plan for utilizing local law enforcement assets to staff all positions to include uniformed of?cers and marked units at fixed site locations. c. The Construction Manager said fencing was being installed as soon as possible by the contractor. He said some fences would only be six feet tall due to a lack of available materials, but razor wire would be installed on top as recommended. d. We discussed double fencing or clearing areas for placement of razor wire on the ground. Additional temporary workspace would have to be purchased from the landowner, but the cost would likely be prohibitive. e. Discussed of?ce space for a small fusion center.? is working with us to identify an other location for the team?s operations. Next 24 Hours a. The anti-DAPL movement will likely continue focusing efforts in areas with ongoing DAPL construction operations. Assess the movement will continue gaining traction in IL over the next 24hrs. Will continue monitoring social media channels for developments. b. Meeting with ETP Illinois Project Safety representative this week to review and discuss established incident response plans. c. Expect to have a meeting with the area Illinois Law Enforcement Alert System liaison this week as well to discuss critical incident response in the event a major protest occurs. D. South Dakota Intel Update TigerSwan a. A landowner reported his wife observed two individuals in a blue Chevrolet Suburban vehicle stop at a pump location, dismount and jump the gate, and that they departed after a few minutes; this vehicle has been added to our BOLO list and security personnel will be on watch. The event highlights the importance of securing pump locations. All SD pump locations have been identi?ed and will be included in an observation plan for security purposes. We intend to be visible through out the SD ROW so that protesting Individuals and other potential belligerents will be deterred from destroying property. SD is a serious pheasant hunting location for both instate and out-of-state hunters with a season that runs from 15 OCT to 1 JAN, 201?. This influx on armed hunters may frustrate our security efforts. 10 OCT is Native American Day in SD. The celebration usually occurs near the Crazy Horse Monument in SW SD which may temporarily draw Native American personnel away from protesting along the DAPL ROW. Th ere is potential that anti-DAPL efforts may organize there and return in greater force following the observation. Past 24 Hours Prepared for Energy Transfer Partners 3 INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS REPORT IS PROPRIETARY AND DO NOT RELEASE OUTSIDE OF AUTHORIZED AND RECIPIENTS a. Spoke with the On Point CEO, to discuss future operations and made a plan to link up with his personnel in Huron, SD. b. Met with the Asst Supervisor for Michels Spread 5, and- Michels? responsible for all of SD in Huron, SD. Th ev provided a trailer that will be utilized for the SD Fusion Center. Discussed priorities for securityr efforts with On Point leadership and provided them numerous copies of maps ofthe ROW. c. Conducted a teleconference with? and_ TigerSwan to discuss their efforts in social media analysis in SD. Next 24 Hours a. Meet with On Point Securityr leadership at the Huron Michels Construction ?fard to plan operations and discuss efforts in response to the pheasant hunting season and Native American Dav. Manning requirements will also be addressed. E. Houston DSOC i. Intel Update a. Movement at the Sacred Stone Camp may;r indicate diminishing anti-DAPL presence and support. Women and children reportedlyr continue to leave the camp due to the presence of drug use I sales activityr and sexual deviance. b. Exploitation of ongoing native versus non-n ative rifts, and tribal rifts between peaceful and violent elements is critical in our effort to delegitimize the anti- DAPL movement. ii. Past 24 Hours a. The massive 03 OCT protestor convovr {10? vehicles} was assessed as a protestor method of both gauging DAPL securityr measures with the intent to halt DAPL operations. b. Protestors involved in the O3 OCT HIT-vehicle convov have the perceived success of halting DAPL ops. c. DAPL response noted as effective in removing workers from all sites. Next 24 Hours a. Continue exploitation of ongoing native versus non-native rifts and the tribal rifts between peaceful and violent elements. b. Monitor Grassroots American Indian Movement camp security measures, through social media, informant collection, and Fusion Center collaboration, to gauge their effectiveness and develop possible counter- measures moving forward. c. Continue pattern analvsis to predict the next location, time, and capacitvr of next major protest event to inform protective measures. 2. TIGERSWAN DAPL News UPDATE (NORTH CAROLINA) TigerSwan Prepared for Energyr Transfer Partners 4 INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS REPORT IS PROPRIETARY AND SENSITIVE DO NOT RELEASE OUTSIDE OF AUTHORIZED AND APPROVED RECIPIENTS i. ALLEGEDLY HIREO RY NORTH DAKOTA AUTHORITIES FOUNO FLYING IN VIOLATION OF FAA HUFFINGTON POST BY GEORGIANNE NIENARER LINK: HIRE 12 320482 .HTML SUMMARY: THIS ARTICLE GIVES A BRIEF OVERVIEW OF THE PROTEST SOLELY FROM THE VIEW OF THE PROTESTORS RESULTING IN AVERY PRO ANTI-DAPL MESSAGE. THE MAIN FOCUS OF THE ARTICLE IS THE HELICOPTER OVERFLIGHTS AND ALTERATION OF THE REGISTRATION NUMBER OF ONE OF THE HELICOPTERS USED BY DAP L. THERE IS ALSO A PHOTO OF AN INDIVIDUAL IN A HELICOPTER WITH A CAMERA ADDING TO THE MILITARIZED NARRATIVE. THE ARTICLE ALSO MAKES CLAIMS OF EXCESSIVE FORCE, USE OF PSYOPS, AND GENERATIONAL TRAUMA TO THE PROTESTORS. ANALYST NOTE: THIS ARTICLE IS ONLY INTHE HUFFINGTON POST, BUT THE EXPANSION OF THE NARRATIVE OUTSIDE OF THE NATIVE AMERICAN COMMUNITY MEDIA OUTLETS IS OF CONCERN. THE STORY IS COM PELLING BECAUSE THEY INITIALLY PRESENT PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE OF ALLEGED WRONG DOING. THE LOCAL SHERIFF HAS CONCLUDED THAT THE TAIL NUMBERS WERE NOT MODIFIED AND THAT THE HUFFINGTON POST SOURCE LIKELY ALTERED THE PHOTOGRAPHS THEMSELVES. ii. PIPELINE PROTESTER ACCUSED OF TERRORIZING OFFICE ABC NEWS BY ASSOCIATED PRESS DAOCT 16 LINK: TERRORIZING- OFFICER-42550242 SUMMARY: THIS PRESS RELEASE STATES THATA FELONY WARRANT HAS BEEN ISSUEO FOR MANSON REOWING OF FORT THOMPSON SOUTH DAKOTA OUE TO HIS ACTION ON ESSEP WHERE HE ALLEGEOLY CHARGEO HIS HORSE AT A OISMOUNTEO POLICE OFFICER. MR. REOWING ALSO HAS A WARRANT FOR CRIMINAL TRE SPASS FROM A PREVIOUS INCIOE NT. ANALYST NOTE: WHILE THE FACT THAT LAW ENFORCEMENT IS ACTIVELY CHARGING INDIVIDUALS FOR THEIR WRONG DOING IS A POSITIVE, THIS ACTION IS LIKELY TO FURTHER INFLAME THE MOVEMENT IN THE NEAR TERM. THE MOVEMENT WILL LIKELY USE THIS AS A MOTIVATOR FOR THE MOVEMENT AND FRAME IT TO FURTHER THE NARRATIVE THAT THE POLICE AND SECURITY PERSONNEL ARE USING EXCESSIVE FORCE AND ARE HEAVY HANDED AGAINST THE PROTESTORS. PIPELINE PROJECTS GROW, SO OO PBS NEWSHOUR RYJEN FIFIELO LINK: SUMMARY: THIS ARTICLE GIVES AN OVERVIEW OF THE PIPELINE SITUATION ACROSS THE US. THE AUTHOR OESCRIRES THE ARGUMENTS AGAINST MULTIPLE PIPELINES PAINTING ROTH RE PURLICANS ANO DEMOCRATS AS REING AGAINST THE PIPELINE ANO PIPELINE COMPANIES AS BEING THE CULPRITS FOR A MULTITUOE OF ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES. THE ARTICLE OESCRIRES EFFORTS AGAINST DAP L, KEYSTONE KL, ANO UNNAMEO PI PELINES IN SOUTH CAROLINA, GEORGIA, FLORIOA, NEW JERSEY, ANO NEW YORK. TigerSwan Prepared fOr Energy Transfer Partners 5 TigerSwan INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS REPORT IS PROPRIETARY AND SENSITIVE DO NOT RELEASE OUTSIDE OF AUTHORIZED AND APPROVED RECIPIENTS ANALYST NOTE: THIS ARTICLE GIVES A NEGATIVE VIEW OF PIPELINES AND THE OIL AND GAS INDUSTRY. BECAUSE OF ITS PERCEIVED OBJECTIVITY AND WIDE REACH, THIS STORY IS LIKELY TO BUILD NATIONAL SUPPORT FOR ENVIRONMENTALISTS IN GENERAL AND THE MOVEMENT SPECIFICALLY. ADDITIONALLY, THE ARTICLE CAN SERVE TO GIVE IDEAS TOTHE PROTESTORS ABOUT HOW THEY CAN IMPACT THE PIPELINE USING OTHER METHODS THAT WERE SUCCESSFUL IN OTHER STATES SUCH AS USING LEGISLATION TO LIMIT THE USE IMMINENT DOMAIN. Prepared for Energyr Transfer Partners 6