15:44lbi?osiza ODobnddomoer my? INWNOW HlYousef. - Thanlcandaubost. John DearAmbassadorOtalba. OnbohallotFDD. Including oonfonncoon'l?uudly??ayn 0: - . We'dbehonomdtohostyouandmy m. - audience. We'll be announcing the noon? vary sooty. 1: 4; lineup of speak?. lhopotoseeyouonthe23". Bast wards, John NYT pro?le of M85 (must-read; HH MBZ mentioned) Foad 1? I 8 ?aepiy You, Rmhavd Minu (mhard manu?harb0urgrp com) 8 4300 words. Here's the section 01 the profile on AD: someevenmliitenvy? iorthekhgdorn's more modern and progressive neighbor in the Persian Go?. the Urited Arab Embates. Crown Princebinlayed. the United Arab Emirates'detacto ruier. isntm?emngObmuaana?onot?ciab. tnApn?totlastyear. Mr. Obarna'snationalsecuityadviser SusanE. Rice. ledasmalldeiegn?onottopmm Va. Duringthemoeting. attended El): Nan ?ork Eimcs Rise of Saudi Prince Shatters Decades of Royal ?adition 15.2016 is"! 'h