Lugovoy A. K., faction LDPR. Good afternoon dear colleagues! We, the deputies of all factions, have been very active in preparing for the adoption of "The Act named after Dima Yakovlev " in the last week in response to the very Act on the so called Magnitsky’s case which was adopted by the US Congress. And nearly all factions are interested... actually not nearly, but all factions are interested in its adoption since each deputy acrimoniously takes those decisions which are taken against the Russian state. Besides, last week we listened to the address of President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin who rather explicitly drew our attention to the issues of patriotism, the fight against extremism and in what conditions Russia would have to live in the near future. I say this in order to highlight one rather notable story which we have been observing for the past ten years and which should at last, in my view, in the next year or two, reach somewhat of, so to speak, the apotheosis and then it will become clear whether Russia, the Russian state, is able to protect its own interests in the international arena including fighting against so called few and far between opposition especially against those who being at large, on an international wanted list are financing any inflammatory activity directed against the Russian state. I will touch on a story, which is particularly close to me and has been developing around me for the past six years. This story is related to the infamous tycoon, villain, dare I say it, who has been on the international wanted list – I am referring to Berezovsky Boris Abramovich. In August this year the deputies of our faction prepared a number of enquiries — to the General Prosecutor’s Office, Investigation Committee and to the Federal Security Department, in which we urged them to verify information concerning concealment of properties located in Russia, Ukraine, Georgia and Serbia by Berezovsky who is on the international wanted list. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that over these ten years as a result of the investigation of Berezovsky’s case — and he is sentenced to fourteen years imprisonment — it has been discovered that the gross loss to the Russian state, caused by him, amounted to 3 billion roubles and only in the tenth year of the investigation it transpired that in the Russia’s territory there is still a number of assets remaining from which he receives monies which he systematically gears at implementation his own ambitions — inflammatory acts against the Russian Federation, against sitting president Putin. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that criminal proceedings have been initiated against Berezovsky in Ukraine, he was put on the international wanted list in Brazil and Switzerland, all his assets under distraint in France including his houses and yachts in Antibes, a criminal case is opened in the Netherlands, criminal charges are filed in Kirghizia, I might add that an immediate accomplice of Berezovsky, the son of the former president Bakiev, Maxim Bakiev, has been put on the wanted list. Why am I saying this? Because the assets in question are for sale. 50% of them are owned by Berezovsky and the other 50% are owned by the family of the late Patarkatsishvili. Berezovsky to date is, so to speak, in a deep fall, he takes to the antidepressants, flies to Israel from London economy rather than in his private jet. He does not have enough money in order to somehow survive after loosing the court case to another famous but loyal to Russia oligarch, he fights Patarkatsishvili’s family and puts his assets for sale. What kind of assets are on the Russian state’s territory? When we hold meetings we have bottles of water "Svyatoy Istochnik" on our tables, now then this belongs to Berezovsky. "Lipetsky byuvet ", which we also drink, belongs to Berezovsky, "Borzhomi" belongs to him, assets in Ukraine and Serbia also belong to him. I must thank the Investigation Committee which responded to our enquiry – they extremely expeditiously carried out arrests in Russia and Ukraine, in spite of everything the same actions are impending in Georgia and Serbia, in other words everything is being made in order not to allow the exiled tycoon to get the money and gear it again against our state. I would like to remind you that prior to president Putin’s inauguration no other but Berezovsky proposed to carry out the incoming president’s arrest, he even announced a reward for it in the sum of 60 million roubles. Everyone knows that he was actively involved in financing the so called non-systemic opposition which we are observing this year, although, in my view, this non-systemic opposition is best to perform in crowd scenes as goblins and orks in the film "The Lord of the Rings" or in the "Hobbit" which is about to come out in cinemas. I would also like to draw your attention to Litvinenko’s case in which I am involved. Those of you who do not know I would like to inform that at last in October in London an Inquest commenced in which I am participating and last week a court hearing took place during which two sensations were heard. They naturally went unnoticed by the British media as everything in this respect that concerns their, British, interests they simply do not cover, as if they do not notice this, and I would like to provide you with some statements of British lawyers which defend among other things British government. In particular they stated that in the materials submitted by the government there is enough evidence indicating to the Russian state involvement in the death of Litvinenko. Litvinenko’s family lawyers finally officially stated that Litvinenko not only worked for MI-6 but he was also an operative of the British secret service, receiving £2000 in to his and his wife’s joint account monthly, but he also worked for Spanish intelligence services under British secret service instructions. Thus everything falls into places. I would like to draw your attention that all Litvinenko’s activities, all the activities of all British based fugitives and villains are financed by Berezovsky and he does it regularly. However, thank God, it was finally stated in English court that Berezovsky’s involvement would also be considered at the hearing since not only Lugovoy but Ramzan Kadyrov as well as Valter Litvinenko indicate to his involvement. What am I saying all of this for, my friends? I am saying this because in our enquiry (I am continuing about our enquiry) we indicated that a number of Russian companies of so called tycoons were engaged in negotiations with Patarkatsishvili’s family about the purchase of "Salford" which owns Russian assets. We are now verifying this information. Patarkatsishvili’s family entered into a secret agreement with Berezovsky that in case of the sale of the funds of "Salford" he receives $250 million. In other words he settles his debt of $150 million which he spent in the war with Abramovich, as for the remaining $100 million... I believe, he will keep a half and the other half he will gear at the fight against our Russian state. And we are quietly watching this! Moreover, in our enquiry we indicated three Russian companies, rather well-known, which are conducting the negotiation of purchase. It is, of course, rather convenient: to date, after the arrests, companies are worth 1 rouble, their real price is 2 roubles and in three years time the price will be 3 roubles — great, just cool capitalisation for our cash rich tycoons! I have to say that after our enquiry two out of these companies quickly forgot about their negotiations and vanished somewhere but the third one continues to engage In such negotIatIons. I do not know whether the shareholders of ms. company are aware whether "5 managers have any Idea. who represents PatarkatsIshVIlI' Interests To put It In other words It Is sheer canCIsm, shamelessness ol the hIghest degree 7 to spend here our RussIan money (the deal IS Ior 500 mIllIon, as far as I am aware) and gIve $250 mIllIon to Berezovsky to fight agaInst us! And we here WIth you adopt a law as a counten/veIght to the "MagnItsky Law"! The whole world IS teachIng us and we Just, excuse me, so on our hands and patter ourselves on our haunches when our "honourable busInessmen" pay no regard to the Interests of the State and do whatever they want! But SInce we deemed to learn from the Amencans let's contInue to learn! In all I thInk 7 should we not consIder adoptIng an approprIate law would requIre sanctIons for IndIVIduaIs and legal entItIes IncludIng commerCIaI ones In case If theIr actIVIty can potentIaIIy damage the RussIan state 7 why don't we do thIs7I What are we lookIng at all of thIs for?! It Is actually avery Important QUESIIOHI although It mIght seem we a local one as there were all sorts sad about Berezovsky but on the 23rd there be a film on the channel "RussIa I recommend all oI you to watch It belore and after the programme 'Vestr', there be a lot oI InterestIng events talked about mm were not preVIously known (Applause)