I I H55 IilNGr 8C Abdul L's Practices Peeple U?iees Alumni Careers Heme News in Insights an Industry Ferum r5: NEWS .3. ? Quarterly Energy Ferum: Frees Climate Change te PEDPLE All News The Enexgj.r Seeter in the Ureashe?iirs ef Dixie Jehnsen t- Geyernment Enfereement Brandt Leibe t- ":21th Keith MTewnsend t- u} Even?; tr?ee 2e15, thee- Ei-?Iri - 9:36! {Central Time} Christ?pher A. Wray s- Client Learning 3mm Ener Natural Heseurces t- a Lead Directer Netwerit A1TENDEES gy "a Media Centacts F30 an'l 9:30 am L?l' OFFICES The Heustenian Hetel hertn Pest G-alc Lane Heusten- Texas EEGEA H?u?tun SEARCH CRITERIA .S'reaitt?ast be seryeeI beginning at arn. Fresentatie ns hegih prerhptiy at SJGIG arn. WEBINAR ATTENDEES dithered d?t Insights i a'l?l 9:30 am Diai?in inferrhatien be distributed prier tn the pregrarn. i Dyeryiew: Recent news ef inyestigatiens inte ExxenMebil's innate cnange sclesures nighlights the challenges energy cerneanies face in the realn'l ef geyernrnent r?l?Pi?tIc??c?ES i nyestigatiens and enfe'cernent actiens. Ciyen ts prerninent rele in the eba DAT ecenen'ly. the energy industry is at tne ierefrent ef many geyernrnent enfetcernent trends and must nay gate an eyes?cnang ng and increas ngly cernplicated legal and regu ateny andscaee. -II- Mantis Peer Dur panel nas extensiye geyernn'lent and private secter experience in tne energy industry. handl ng geye'nrnent nyestigatiens. securities and regulatery CLEAR. enfetcernent. and re ated cerperate geyernance and disc esure ssues and will erey de insights in the fellewing areas: Mantis Hear . Recent Climate Change lnyestigatiens and Disclesure Requirements . Lpdate en inyest gat en trends by the Hew?r'erlt Atterney Cenera and ether State Atterneys' general affect ng energy cernpanies. . sclesure ru es and industny practices cencern ng secia and en itical issues. - Anti?Cerruptien Enfercentent and Cempliance . Trends federal anti?cerruptien and Fe'eign Cerrupt Practices Act enfercernent. includ ng the petential rnpact ef the DIDJ's new fecus en indiy dua acceuntability and cerperate cernpliance eregrarns. Securities and Related Hegulatery Enfercement . Deyelepn'lents in federal securities and re ated regu atety enfetcernent issues cnest cal te the energy ndustry. nc uding disc esure practices. securities and deriyatiye trad ng. and ether SEC. CFTC. and rnatters- . Dther Fteleyant Trends and Deyelepments Speakers: . Christepher A. Wray chairs Icing nit Spalding's Special Matters and Ceyetnn?ient lnyestigatiens practice. EGGS te EGGS. Mt. Wray seryed as tne Assistant Atterney Ceneral charge ef the US. Department eflustice's Crin'linal yisien. . Dixie LJehnsen is widely recegnieed as ene ef tne natien?s lead ng SEC enfetcernent la'wyers- A partner in Icing a Spalding?s Seecial Matters and Ceyernment lnyestigatiens practice. she has dyer ES years ef experience representing public cernpanies. ?nancial nstitutiens. duel acceunt ng fihns. beards ef rectecs and beards ef trustees- cerperate efficers and etner indiy dua in securities enfercen'lent nyestigatiens. Ms.lehnsen a se has served tne egal ptefessien nc uding as Chair ef tne Federal Flegulatien ef Secur es Cern'nittee and Chair ef tne Business Law Sect en ef tne Arner can Eat As seciatien- . The Henerable LB. ?Itan Hellen preyides egal and related censultancy ser-r ces in the areas ef state geyernn'lent relatiens. inyestigatien and itigatien as dart ef a strategic alliance with the law fir'n ef lsing IS Spalding. He seryed as Wiscensin's 43rd Atterney Ceneral ftern EGGE te In EG13.Atterney Ceneral Stan Helen was elected Pres dent ef the part san hatienal Asseciatien ef Atterneys Ceneral IihlAACl. F'r er te seryice as Atterney Ceneral. Mr. Van Helen seryed as the United States Atterney fer the Western District ef IIiliiscens frern EGGE te EGGS. . Keith M. Tewnsend has sign ficant exper ence adyising pubic cernpany cl ents en SEC reperting and disclesute redu rennents. cerperate geyernance issues and ether cerperateisecurities matters. nc uding energy?related matters such as climate change and cenflicts 'ninerals. He is a sen er partner in King is Spalding?s Cereecate practice. . Brandt Leibe [panel'mederateri has extensiye expet ence representing and adyis ng energy secter cernpanies in cennect en with the He a partner in Icing Ea Spalding's Special Matters and Ceyetnment lnyestigatiens practice. F'rier teje ng the firm. Mr. Leibe seryed as a aw cleric te Justice atence The'nas ef tne United States Sueren'le Ceurt. The icing paidih Energy Ferurh is an i'hierhnatiee dearteriy series that addresses issues tacihg the energy industry. Centinuing Educatien Credit: ES heurs er? credit be appiied ten in CA. GA. Air. TX and. if needed. ehd Wt. Attendees receive a Uniterrh Certi?cate di? Attendance we erhaii within 3G days after the pregrarn tn seeit CLE credit in ether jerisdictiens. Alew 1r?erh iewyers: This preg rent is cehsidered beth Transitiehei ih centeht and Traditidhei in fdrinat and appre yed fer ah ia wyeis. hing Speiding itdd Peachtree Street. Atiehta. EA i CA Prnyi'der rr t-Gsi'si Elli-till? LEGAL HDTICE AIWERTISINE U5 EIHAEI ATLANTA AUSTIN DUBAI FRANKFURT LEE ANCELE PARIS- SAN WASHINETCIIN. ELIE.