MEMORANDUM. ro: FROIYI: .D onaldF. McGahn II Counsel to the President Elizabeth Fischmaµn Designated Agency Ethics Official Associate Gen~ral ·Counsel DATE: Aprif24, 201T SUBJECT: Request for limited waiver of Executive Order 13770 Pursuant to.Executive Order 13.770, St:ction 3, (January.28, 2017) .(the Executive Order) y():u have been delegated auth-Ority by the President to ,grant a waiver; Mr; Lance.Leggitt;_Chief of -Staff, United·States .Dep;.trtment ofHealth and Human Services (HHS),.requires limited waiyer of Section 1, pa~agt?ph 7.of the Ex~cutive Order t0 enable him to effectively cany out the-full ·range of duties .of his 'HHS.position. On behalf of .M,r,, Leggitt,.I request your.considenJ,tj.On·of a this limited waiyer. Prior to .his.service at HHS, Mr. Leggitt worked ai finn of.Baker Donelson·as.anatto:rney in the firrn' s :health law .practice group. where.he !)erved as the Ch.air ofFederal Health Policy: During the course of his.practice. and within.the two years before.the date ofl:}is HHS. · ·· appointrnent, .he.advise.d clients on matters that required him to register µnder the Lobbying Disclosure.Act. Absent this limited waiver, by the 'terms·of the Executive .Order,.Mr. Leggitt would be ·restri~te<;l .for two yean~. after his·appointment date, from partic;:ipating ii:t any pal:ticular matters ,ort which helobbied within the two yea:rs before the date of his appointment~ moreover, he would be·r~stric~ed froip pari:i¥ipatiilg in the specific iss:ue-.areas in whieh tho$e particular matters fail. The infomiatiori provided to me indicates· tbat Mr; L~ggitt briilgs a unique blend·tJ!" substantive health care expertise to HHS. Prior to betng appointed at HB.S, he h'1,d exte1)~ive health care experience workii1g for bot.h State and tedetal government entities. He worked as the Senior Health Policy Ad:tiisor in the White House·from 2005 to 2006 where he was a member of the J.ln;sidenfsDomestic Policy Counsel~ responsible for acivising 'j:he.P&si.dent on polic)' issues related to HHS, the·:nepartment of Veterans Affairs;· DepartmentofLabor; and Department of l)ef~nse, From.2001 :to 2005' h~ W{)r~ed as a Coun8eJ9r to the Deputy Seciet.ary at HHS. 1-Jis state government experience includes serving as a Special CoWlselor to the Governor of Virginia. a.nd as an Assistant Attorney General i.n the Virginia Attorney General's Office, · Donald F. Mc.Gahn II - Page 2 The ChiefofStaffisat the centetofHHS's public health-and safety related missions. The successful accomplishment of these· HHS missipns relie.s on e7{tensive, ~pen~ and collal;>orative communications.\~ithiil fll-IS.and with external stakeholders and ·other governmentofficials. The Chief of Staff is:needed to facilitate these colla;borative communications, to oversee.mariagement issues· within HliS; to coordinate p·olicy across· HHS; facilitate any Department. . wide response to a public health .emergency, among many other duties. Granting.this limited waiver W.ill alfciw Mi: Leggitt to freely carry out the full" responsibilities of his office-rather than requiring.him to continue·to .recuse from particular matters on which.he.lobbied ~nd, the .specific issue areas in which tb,ose par~icular matters fall. As you consider the merits of granting this·limite!l waiver; it ·is. important to· note that Mr. Leggitt has no personal financi~l interest in lliS: fonner 'empldyer, fonnet 'Clients, ·or in the .particular matters on which he lobbied or the specific issue areas in. which those particular matters fall. He will continue to recµse pursuant fo 5, C.F .R...§ 50~ and Seqtio11 J, par1;1graph 6, of;' Executive Order; for the time frames dictated by those restrietions, from participation in an:y particular matters involving. specificparties where his former employer er former clients are pa,.rties or party r~presentatives. Moreoyer; in o.r.der 10 avoid, pote11tiai confiic:is ofiifrerest duiirig_his appointment a:S Chief of S~- he has ~gx:eed ·that neither he, his spouse; ·11or any mi.nor children ofllis will acquire any. dir.ect financial.interest in en~iHes involved, directly 0,1:· through su'bsidiarjes, in the following industries; (1) research,, manufacture, distribution, of.pharmaceutical, biotechnology, or medical devices,. equipment, preparations,. treatment, .or pro.ducts; (2) veterinary products; (3) .healthcare management or-d~1iveiy; (4) health;. · disa:.bility~ or workers compensation insurance-or related services; (SJ food and/or beverage production; processinKor distribution; .(6) communications media;.(7) computer }iardware, computer softw.are, and ~elated internet technologi~s; (8); (9) social sciences and econorrifo research orgahizatfons;. (i O) energy or utilities; 0 i) :commerciai aidines, railroaQ.s, ~hiplines-, am;i.cargo ca.triers; or (12) $~cfor mufoa,l funds that concentrate their portfolios· Qn orte ~ countcy other than the United States. In addition, he will not.acquire.arty·interests in secto:i;- mutu~l funds that concentrate·in any sectors. . LIMITATIO NS This Iiinhed waiver will not a,ffect the application of any other provision oflaw, inclu<;ling -any f.)therprovisicin of the Ethics Pledge; th~ Standards of Ethical Co1iduct for .Executive Branch Employees (5 G.F..R... part 2635); or the criminal bribery;· graft ~d conflict of intei'e$t statutes (18. U.S.C. 20J-209). In particular, ~s noted above 1 ,Mr. Leggitt will remain restricted by tlie Executive Order,. Section 1, paragraph 6, from partidpating in any particular. matter involvfog· sp~9ific · partfos that ~s. directly-and substantfrdly .rel.ated ~o his.former employer or former clients. Accordingly, although :this limited waive:r:Permits him to participate in the specific issue areas in wlu~h·particul~r matters on°which he lobbi~g ·fall, he is .!>till required to recuse froi)1. ~ny particular matter iri.volvfog·~p¥cific parties that is directly and·substantially.related to.his former employ~r or former clients. · .· · :;.--- .:"' Donald f. MeO~hn II - J?age:3 LIMITED WAIYER ISSUANcE Aft~r.:consid'eration of the info:r;rrl~tion proyified.abo.v~, plea$.e indicate YO.Jlr fin~ decisi9n concerning a limited waiver for Mr. Lance Leggitt by signing below. Please 99 nQt 4esitat~ to conta~t me·if yo.1.;1 have ~ny questions or ne:ed ft,ntber infortnation: A limited waiver pursuant to Stlction 3 of Exeeu.ti:Ve 0fder 13 770. (Janu·ary 28; 20J7), as descrl~d in ·detail above, ls granted to J...k Lanc.e Legg~tt. · · · :z -c /4 r.r ;- I Donald :F. McGahn lI Counsel to the Pi:~ident __ ,, _ ·-.. Date '3:o : 7 • -·--------------------------