Tran1l1t•d !or the TTan1J1tJon Branch Support Seo?'\ ices 'Division School of Aerospace Y.edecine Brooks Alr force lase, Texas ..,.-r t1ARMFUI. EFFECTS OF OIE.~ICAL SUBST.ISCES USED BY TIIE US AR.\N "j /--,• #I" 'j'. ~!-- 1 ;,.<:;) t~ l\OOCfll~A · ,. . I ,· •• by ~ \', I . Q.!nitriycv ~· 'rhc Amcricun troops conducting military act ivity Sn Indochina used various chemical substances (G.~I . Yegia:arov, 1971; Sgo \'in, 1972 tot nl.). We 1i1·ill glve a brief description of ~Oll'O of them. Orthochlorohenzaltr..alononit.rile ~CS). Offlclally lt 1~ an" •&cnt" und 11 1rouped 1i1·ith the so.called toxic a1,cnts for police use . It has the odor of pcprcr. It has an almost lnstant~neous effect on man. A disablln& dose for man is approxiaately 1 S •s.; atn . In its physl~al and chcaic3l properties, it ls a solid substance ~lth boiling tesperature llO··llS•. Tests on animals conducted by \'lt>tnaaesl' scientists sho,.cJ that oonke,.·s die with a toxic agent concentration equal to S0,000 mgml• mln ( Ke)1.lort, 19 -.; l ) . Chloroact>tophenone (CN) has a tear-prodt1cin1o1 effect. The stic.ulus thrt!>"'hold tot 0.3 mg • 3min . .\disabling dose for m:tn is 50··80 mg · .)min m Tho average lethal dose is approximatt-1>' 10,000 mg ~ 3 min m Ln its physical and chemical properties. it is a solid substuncc with boiling temperature of 246'. Ad&&si te (DM) is dih)·drophenarsa:inochloridc .... 1th on improved for· 11Ula. It causes headaches. vo::iiting, :ind irritation of the nasophar}-nx. • froa the editor. The editorial board of the journal has recei,·ed letters requesting a discussion of W"hich cheaical substances '"ere used b)' the US Aray durina the Vietnu var. On our requ~st, candidate cf "!e:Cical Sciences , V.J. Oaitriyev,responds to this question. Th~ ~e s~..f,t o•s occ~r .about 1-- 2 min aft er exposur e t o t he t oxic agent. When re:io ing t he lnJ~rcd f r om a contamination zone , irr itation of the mucous ccmbranes cont. inues t o i ncrease for 10··30 aln . A d"isabi"1ng d ose l:'l" • ··"'r aan ls .,., ~ a in • ..... a,J. In i ts phys ica l and chemical properties, it is a solid substance with boiling teoperatur e of 410•. fth\·lbronacetate. It causes the death of monkeys wi t h a concentra tion of approxiaately 25 000 mg • oin , m3 In the opinion of the \·1 ietnam specialists , the Mcrican command in 196~-1969 use.I a~ut 7000 T of toxic substances in Vietnar.i using chemical :uunit~on of \1U:1ous types. In particular, pumpi ng units £01· injecting -:the tox~c ag~11t. i11to \1ndcrground shcl ters, chcmicn I bombs, plastic contairlcrs 'nd can1~tcrs CJ ected from aircraft a.1td hcl icoptcrs , grenades shot from gren~de launchers "'ere used. For increasing the dar.1aging eff ect of the c:heaicnl ammunition, often they "''ere used simultaneously wi th napal!it and pellet bo~bs, and also with boobs and shells o f the ordinary type ( Kushner 19" I). ' O~foliants off. are substances causing the leaves o f vegetati on to fall Tiier are srouped "ith gro1 easier . The t\mericans used chemical poisons in Indochina in concentrations exceeding , by tens alld hlutdrcds of tines, tl1ose reco1imcnded in the USA for handling agr icultural problems; this converted these substances into 4 chemical weapon . The main 1nj l itory p1·opose for llSing dcfol iants and herbicides in lndochina ...,•o.s destruction of the leafy co\rer in the forests in order to make it easier to discover supply routes and bases of the patriots, and also destruction of agricultural crop plants in liberated regions . According to the data of the foreign press, the herbicide defoliants used in \':ietnam ha\.·e code naces o f " orange, " "ye II o"', " ••bi ue, " a·d •• "·h·te" " 1 ~ products. Compounds of the 2 ,4-0 and 2 ,4 ,S"'T type were us~ in th~ir co.posit ion (respecth•ely manufactur~ on. a base or 2 ,4-dichlor~pnen~xy­ acetic and ~ 4 S-trichorophenoxyacet1c acids), and also cacodylic (dimethylarsoni~) ' acid and other arsenic coopoun~s. The poisonou~ cheaicals were distributed by special spraying devices mounted on aircraft and helicopters . Between 1962 and 1969 a total of S0,000 T of defoliants and herbicides were used in South Vietn8"' ( Kuntse, l972) · 2 In the regions ~hich "'·ere subjected to the chemical 1ubst&nces not only tht't vecot•tion frogs, Insects ut al~o the anlaal ~orld was destroyed. ~Y birds, fish. (espec1allr bees) were killed. The ch..lcal substances ca-:11ed \:arious diseases In do•estic •nl .... 11 (cattle, buffalo and swine). Defoliants and herbicides affect both levels of a two-layer forest. Tb~n 45\ of the trees In the first layer and ZO\ of the bushes in the se.:ond la)er die. Se\'eral years after tho uso of ch...lcal substances t he '•getat lon of the upper l&)·or does not produce leaves. The de- ' foliants and herbl~ides . besideo direct dau11o. have a long-term Indirect hllraful e ffec t on the vegetation. They change tho structure of the soil th~ climat ic ~onJi tion~ , the hydrologic cycle, etc. The results of de ~ t rO) ln£ t he \·~~e t at1on covering ~harply incronsos soil erosion, and ' d e1.. re:t s t"s it s mois t u r e conten t . Du-ring tho rnin9, rnost of the fertile la,·,•r of ~he oo il is >l.l1I p.11 II l'll'a ae .. il:t• I.I{' \ 'l,l l'lt' i Mf ·Mi.It •t10 lJ;i.a- .1v1::. 1ir• .: a .111) <);t<1.10. T~~.,..i:x )ft '{,lr ·11\tl't'll 1 'tj()(t' llC'l>O- Oil 'I.' \'. b pro'-;u;ip(t(>u .1a.i ..'1a~u 1: .. 1n11p11.1 CC S\. 0~- M:J,lU..11>llO tlH II. \ltff) t'T~ ll 4 p.1,.1;'1.lS.l •....::. \I areITT~ \' • • OT Ull"' ... T.IK 83· :IWUf"'\:!.t\l Oli 00.lll:J.f'ft ;aro llAJ'f.l•e •a• lllltti 3.1.n:' nrp::i1 Jl.1 "lt~u i:zp .tHV\.T.d O!C :.tWUn -··~ ~ .:c• ... ,. e .cJ 5 ::--,,.u. c-•rc>J'. awao,i..~.11 coc1aa.1•n .i:o~n np~1· t"roo A"IMlPM(tl 3'T1\.i6po'll.ICll'fllT. Ill 11 ('t r1111>.,i. n(',.(>1 ~· n;·11 1. :l• :11 p.11,.111, p 1ll1l:.lf1 Ujllf ... ~... If. ~ ·•'-·...:r:'.t 1r \J t,r.,.1.l..•t)u11. 1111 l 91'\!::'.1' Hl l\i'3'T~; "' no IH -f"TU.1\1. k it"( 11\1,.~•IO..l>t C'TOB, l~it>J tr 11< 196: COE'llff:\/11! :1\1 ti.lo., ,;111\" •ll- • ll 11 Kl;t;110" , • Bhf"Ul.H'l kltl.«.T'fll C" l:O~:U."IO 11f\lit JC'. •.1!X 6()- tn;> nacOB p l.1lfl'Cm.ll tM:Ju• ..tH..'.b-, I 'l!~lll II; tt.""C"Hlt· tH, ILJ,CfXMWt ):t~!JO&li;H ~-"' :i.aJ;.11-r;";c 011 • QO.t.lf'1111We r'i.:-1"icta. 6ow~. x.oix:cw.. .-:nc 1'0~tctmrpw • u rsi::;rpw. fUolCl '-! )("(O!'.W'!' t6p ~t.m.1.4:\l:WC c cct\fO.leto, • •t"rto.ttroa, 1• M.atL.:. au)'11(!',.,ff· J n;.:i..-.t"we Ml rp~~TO:l,!MOll. ,1..,Jt 'l.eH.1>1 POi)a»i.JIUU;l'ro ;,.·rr :Tlli!>t )l;;•V:·l'f('- 'ICr • M" • ChHe 6otnp11n:s'°w lf<'pc-.11 o :1r·1\!f'1!J1.1:!ct> 0,ll~Ollp ·l~l'."H:!.) (' !f.lll.a.1·.1.J3J l\Tti I' JU)p1! t,()1'1h!l'11 6 l ~. ~It 1,1 1;t• ( (I ••~1.,i \l; II Cl! l' IKJI •' r,;:i, I ' .Jll 1 If< ;i (i ~ , ,, j)..1 \•) ('J(~'. fl:J 1'<:>3. ,1111 TC .QT0j' l I -t•, I 1p1 ~ C·:>P l'H' I' ( 11 c .11,11 ' < II ,. lA\,\f' ! flt·:~ - 11 ,...11 !•J ,,"i:1.-1•1r11111 !lf)f:tr oitUt1·n , \ \1l >i!li\11111 I llj•:l\tf"!l'l :1H $1,";f":,HV.111111111 11 11 l:illCllT.l' 3 h· II y6~ptr1-1 \fl?'t.Jff l't"lltp U,'! \, 11 ;1 ('HTI: I ~I COT1 II pa3 :lilf'· ,,·t.11ra.-:~:tlf' B (Jlj \ ' ,, T , I •• 3' , r " u. " < ' '' , ~:i ;.! ,. !J,. ., ;·< ,.1,a r:, \1t11,1s1·Jtt.:: ('.11.t"tiOf\J t·".ie :'!jof' Tat•ie"lP ......... ~ ir t."flfOJ>l 1 ,1 'II p US 11:4 11 (J'. O• • - ' ' ' ' '' • . HJ CT • T ( :ill • ., .. ) ' , .., " ' I l:l' I l !. "I II • !• np I II I 0-......u.. ~.r, u. r., '"'!1.4)e.l I " 117..; Ep.:lt"miolos), l'r."'\fllh: ; : ; l tt •1n '" " l .,...., • 1111 o • • 1-phoo.~" t i compouM~ II~ Zit 4 I Vo'•" ~14 tRu•anJ '" nc auh::haical torm of poilOftitlS .,,. tract.lor • a:'l4 4o;lt.bnot ••• 1tud.ird Ill :-<: butth) wb)t• ' ' 10 dMN pnt"1dn for ont da) dunac •nan• tioa. 'flat' 1iat,ft;fl 4il.pb)rd no cluual IYlllPIOllU , ,poto14 p •i:.c,•r 1 • luillOCttr l•JMd • titt} upon IC'l'llW'Ut.:> tM expomn lto••Ttt 1t1tnhc-.1n1o wsmficant r~ , twn of l h• h:Qod dtolme, tn•w .11..t u"1t)·. k:;.; ,:>,ytou1, •UU'Oplul11 , •IWI rti.11'.:tioM 1n the- t'l,)l:ln<>f'l'ld, l)'mrflocytt, end mollOC)lc n11IU)'C'V . v_..,..,.., an ln.dc•..1'1n•) \f,d. Zit. I -''"'· ~ ; 1974 ~ -' r.tttfft,t'j) t R11MYll) The humfu tlltCl\ of ro1ton... dtfob• nf5, ano brrt"dlltl dt;ilo)'ird by tht t,;s Arm~· ln "KtiUm art dti bed TM htrb~i dc-ployN n 1.a:, e amoants dn::O)'t'd crops. Utc-i, 1od .1nunat1, ..n.d aho cauwd pot.,...., of &boYl 1.l9J,000 buma:m. 'Ille prUilCIPll htt~ odn vw.S tn \ •lnam wcrc-.;..,.&-D.1nd ~ ..: 5·1 '.'> IW't'llfll, bduymat.:>n,. f''ltftG,. hc-.1d&cbe u-riut"'r. of t2'.Tlli"~ ud otal ca• aad rtttco dndopN after abo'1.t 2.: hr ia mt!ffb t'poted lo lllnt tfC'p;J:at~nt.. The poaoA i:'la ••• f.a;.al man ntanattd JOO eain. -\U.hc-rua, t.kc-rftunru. .and kt.M>n\ of the t ) t perus:.tC"J .:on, ..~~er c'lt~urc The m.utaJm c .1nd tf'~ffccti <>f lht'"U' prC'p.lf.i· l.:>nt. .,.,;:-n;;...,,.\C"f:°-m Jff' ~rto 1.. ttu:'I !ht' Juf'.. 1 t<):io lf'•. rfff'd•. litaf'attJ 1ttqUtft(} of :hro:n1>:1£11?Ul a1'f'l7J til<>ns. aborti· n. st1ll1>1rth. rrl'mltut<" birth. 1rc .. 1t'.JU"J ro1tiut.1I mortal1t~, .and r•rro;ill} ttratOJ<'ntu.. v.rrr obMl\tJ 1n r1t11n.anl ~on11:-n .1nJ th<"lr Nb1r• Roth :.4 S-T •n4 ~. l·OWtl<' (On\tJf'1td 1t1>pons1blc (q1 ,.,n .. tr •n 1n!1n1' lrvn\ n\oth<"tS t'\po~td to tht~r prt1•;11.1t1011~ lh llhl be lqit Inf~~ b o tbt al;-t.abolllt. 'ti' ~'On· '"nmr l• of ttrrPird Vl•D Ai:i 1ncra..tKM11 k ft IM lland 1111 and lu1.11dt ol drC'i.~ tbou1d k FO•dff lor lhc llM'f • U.r ap;- ;-r"'tC' &anilu.rt• )I d&&.,..,I '•ltolll.ll •• borrtws tbl:>uld lktrrllUM lllai of .1 ,- nwr ' corapov.ii4• ue- kdlt •iortd wfrt)' 11\ifd I ran pproprU\r pv.rpow " 4 'P'°"'d d .a t.1fr -.artnrr Knc ... • .. ,..,eida! .(lo. . 1b1 <.i1,11Dp mctu of low'°' · 11) compounJ• for 1otC'.S dtf 11 lft 11..-. d)'fl lor drohf)'1!'!;: dte).U'd 11.a:n. " '°' 1~ 0()1.l l·11r1<·k, I{ l ~l • X·'·,,n·Pt1lcnkofi:r ·ln\ht 11t, lh1'\dt•11i:uAr1tlln. (;t 1n1any). Lrbc1tsmintl· rt<"lll 11a1hn11lr u11d i11Ctrna11onale t.n1w1rklu1111. ( I ht fOl>il l1v. n•Ho1111I 11ud 1ntr n1a1t1>nal dtTrlopmrnl I / l'n"t"111•' • ·.\:•ti- I J II. l .,9·1'11i. l"'J ((;rrm.anl <.c '":(·001! .\non)mou~ Tht u!-t' of 111t.rcur~· and 1ltt111i htt compound\ as \<"td d.r<"'41n$\ ll.'HO T~eh . Rtp. So·1 JJJ '1 ]'I, 191) Tbc UW Of I l.:) lfl'ltfl..\11) CO:tip<>Ul'ldS ol\ 1-C<'~ dri. q , llaou!:d ~c t.tra.;tlt . trutrd ·o lht trr.atmt'nt of •UdC',lf ltOCk• Of (!Cft'I Sttd UU'd :.,1 tht' (Ui.t ftW a" wed ~~ rliatiMI. \•).ml'~.;UI}' 1nd ud hc\.31..bloro~ftttnt lboutd M med 10 drni rre.1 ICCd ool~ f 1koJu;('lf -~ 1!:4 11 ufcr.urdl ' ' '' •o prc"'nt lbt' M:"<" l!t. )1Jl!1.ylmrrait) compoundt. from bt.q d.i.Tnltd l:om ti mrtndrJ uw. 1bc t1tr 4'ould aol be ldtd on cert.a\ wed to be t,potttd l1>r th<" productaon of 'Wed Onl) dtt"Utd KtJ to No f'XP' rtf'd for tht lrodiJ:ll:)rl O( (ood shoul I t'f' di•lltl..;-ll) J)CJ to dJSttft(lluJt. It ftom food Cf.I.ID. 8.IJl> Of dt('SUJ ICtd be adcquattl~ l,ahch·d .and ~pproprJ.Jlt .1uth•)t•l1c\ should hltl!l' o' lt1u1 : 1~ : >ti «' ~--e~1: ·r1 foud 11<11, .al ion. 1,>04 1Jd1ll'W'ft. and tf'£d:Jes n \\'c•t <•rtftUft) anJ -,n an .nll'lft.lhOr.41 ;c\ tJ art wd l''llilt r.u~ 1mum. allo• .1hk rcsid;:c ic·.'t'!s t J vc no- bttn r111bll.twd l<>r 7~ 1,t1~t mpedarms u1 ~I prot:cctic'n formu llOftt. a ·otal of 260 a~= ·-c .:iptJ t"al' ....,. re1 •tercel • \\ ~ <.nm2ftJ. lh<" ttr0 okr.111« ftt.abl \!Nd for p('\t ;J.r tt\ldun .. haby fooJ ll:d cbrlC• t IQCHS ihcNld be .ah.a~DrJ -'" uNt.i ..and aw.1• ltWln'-. • d replatt;J C'rlbcr ft)' tlw 1111111 of wn:w.1...-1ty .nbc'rcM an t he aaa.l:)'tiw.I ml. 1 pp m for m.abthlOft 1n rftpJ rcd food an J Jll 0.0 ; p pm f(Jr .aldtlA, cl~:drlft, 11n.1 othe r d1tnc d ~r-~ 011Tti 1r: i ooJ prod i. ~tsa cl 1erc tl "k; l •II\ RI..,. de\ l!ctit~I'' Drt,dcn, 01c"lt'n. Jll)I{) /ur h)·¥1e1u\\'h·lo,1kolo~1..chrn Urbe1..-."J1.:h\u\a dr, 1taer1t1011• tA. i.t,. vJlur, v I tAuthor .iddtt(~ not IU\'C'l'IJ Por.a1h1~u\h..:ht)'t Jc-) ;.1"1)'t l..h11n1cht"~k1k.h ,.t,hC"htsl\ . prtmf1l)l'"'1U.~\'I 1111\l)'C') SSHA \ lndok1t3)"t'- I ll•tlll· fl.Al tllt.:I\ (If chl'rYlli"&I \Ul"lln('CS u~d b)' lbt' liS .\rn1) ".'I(. Ool I - ,&. "".J lva . . l 111\,1l 1l'' \11n A11101·11c1u1~11lic11. I. ~h1tc1h111a Rutck\IA111h~11111101l~11 \-On POanLCn)(:hutL1n1ttt'ln 1m C:tnlUI' ,.., i\I dr' Hr1 rl..t ~ D 1~.-.Jtr. ( ~) bl'll•~ -tvA. .. vl<>••• ;:-al ~ur\C'1tl .. ncc nl 1ht u."-f of i~n..:ullu1;1l chtm1c.1l\ I . \to1111011111t t•f J>t•lt1.·1Jt 1t1tdu~ in •c•t'tablt prdt1unj G's-me' Ill. /lrN O ' ' I " .: • l .C ~C'(i; :..:r.. i:.l'• '( G e:maa lhc 011111 zo1tion ot th<" h)p;-n11:-·t.;,, K.~ical ' \IT w an.;c ot lbt u.w of pt•tK-wlts and of the P''I Cit tC"iidiae ~llJt ftC an .-qttablt' J. rdtr.lft& IA lht dtitl' K1 of t>rr n I GC"• 1• dn...:r""'td The practl('t of 111 lhf' d&•ltKI n( 01 • ...,lc11.) / G~n:ttb :!O .a" pc\t1 tt\td\tf ntr an lood pt04 .....1t. ll "-°Ofd,n.altd .and •llh \IU'• n...--"t of he ..i.- r uad tt the ,,;.luvi ..1 1.1.:uci;ept1bl) lush C'\M!ilC Jett IC t.h t " ~ ~ t ID<' .aflcf .appllJlllOQ, vrrdo ' ' or u-w a •n>Jp<: m;i.r.ntr. The rc"ult• ot 1bt r ·:uJljt n1ro, .art <"'liJlu.i1t.i ui ..-ooperJllCH'I w1tb tho! h>« tnt 111,pitlll'>n to dttttm1nt the pos..1bk '°'Jin /II{) 1 I/ 75~