t \ FTlConsulting Report: Young v Young: Exhibit 10 I (o d o o o o o 3 u tO- 3E Fg i5 EF @ o co $a 7 o IU ttt 3p a-5 = I oa ot EN qr; 4 F: I g, at rrb XE =ft J Y F.. a' ut Flll Q> Q2 tJ A z u A L J UJ u o I I o_ o 8. 6 o. G' Y (rl * 8 o- o B o d o o .E s E. c loee Privileged and Confidential Fo; E P5 , F€, D L€ 3,*ge $gg Pase 2e4 of 3 3? o FTI Consulting Report: Young v Young: Exhibit {0 96 'F€ .86 qi €; rR :D g3 {9.P 5b E€ c co o E- 6 0_E =s HE o(9 Eo tDs 9S P9 .BC EB .=! 9.8 xo EE P> e.8 ta(,) loss Privileged and Confidential 6 at o c) x o o c 'o* >ai ts 'tt o '9P ljFO l's tuJY Pase 2e5 or 33s I1 I MT x{ =o #: +o a GI v !too :o GI To bo discrl$6d. In o(cass exit anticipated 2007 Compldion scheduled for 27 or 28 Apri 2006. ownsso% of Parasol aod is cutrenuy ln $e procass of optbns ofover 10fl0 to lhird partiesa o granting KF valualion 4. rCondor I I millions. 95,0tXI,000. wtrlch r,rould giva a valu€ of appm!(lmat8ly f3,0O0,oo0 for SY's holdlng. SY beneficially owns 600,6 of SMS SMS /8. gr benendauy o$ms 1 og% orcondor. fle h6s l€rltE4,txJo,o{Jo to Condor tor il b ma ke varlous inrresunenB. on vacallon. I 5. E)celentlechnology investnenl SY benefEially ohrng 22% of MIG MIG. I flO,000.mo. whi.fi uould gieB avalu? of apprsrdmafery €,E,000,00O ft rSY's holdlng. Thls ass[lmes a trad€ i saldflotaton in 20051, whera rurmbers could spiral . I 6. ',Esendo( Qiosks ! ot SY b€neficislly o'/wrs 2096 ot Qiosks SY hasmade invesrnents budnes+ Tt c cur€ol rnanagement sre confidentth€y can esblbh a bulldlng nunagement company, gsnerating an annLEl lumover of f.l 00,000,O00 in the next Z years. Currenl proFctbns show net 8%. SY may alard managernenl up to 20%, q, (ct o N (o SY benefdally orxrrs 12% of Esendex. EYil proiected at eI00.000.000+ ! owns =. 1 o (EI o CL o = CL OdtlEl Aset LbV1O.32OC6 o o o = o (0 o (0 C\l ul -o o. =! = =. g FTI Consulting Report: Young v Young: Exhibit 10 g o E E I E 6 c I Ig p c o * I I 0l <> g o o ct c5 a o o Jo aaJ I zo A6 r! z F o 5 6 o CI a! h o o T iS g D .c E 6 r! o E o c loee Privileged and Confidential Page 2er or 3 qD MT x-{ =o =.o +o a SCOT YOUNG SCHEOULE OF PRINCIPAL INVESTMENTS (cI vo -,o PROPERTY Description 1 29 South Lodge, Cqrrent Borrowings Valuation :o Legally and beneficially owned by SY, €2,700,000 Current KF valuation is €4,500,000 GI Legally and beneficially owned by SY. €3,600,000 (a further injection oJ t400,000 will be required) Cunent KF valuation is €7,500,000 Legally and beneficially owned by SY. e80O,000 required to extend Cunenl KF valuation is €4,000,000 Ownership sw7 2. 26 Eelgrave Square o- 27 Eaton Square, SW1 4. 28 Eaton Sguare, 29 Eaton Squaro, I lease Legally and beneficially owned by SY. 9800,000 required to extend lease Curent KF valuation is €4,0O0,000 Legally and beneficially owned by SY. e600,000 required to extend leass Current KF valuation is 02,000.000 sw1 5. o SW1 6, Wootton Place, Woolton Legally and beneficially own6d by Michelle Young, €9,500,000 Sale price agreed - t12,50O,000 for property and €4,000,000 for furniture, fixtures and tittings 7. 39 Chester Terrace. NW1 Legally and beneficially owned by SY. s2,200,000 e3,900,000 ! :. s. o o GI !q) GI o N (o cxt o o (o (o C^) f CL q) 3 ct o o 5 EL =l o rli o ) I m'rl x-{ L 21 Upper Grosvanor Street Contracts exchanged to acquire 1 00% of th€ shar€ capital of Boss Holdings Ltd, which is the long leaseholder of this property. Complelion scheduled for 20 February 2006. fl 1,100,000 e20,650,000 (to include acquisition of keehold and full =o =.9 +o a refurbiehment) GI 23 Wilton Croscenl Coniracts exchanged for SY lo acquire 100% of Adamsland. vo Curr€nt KF valuation e2,200;000 allowing for a turther spend o{ E o t200,000 Propertyowned by Fosse Developmenk Ltd. SY beneficially owns 100% of Fosse. Zero in Marsh t535.000 Baldwyn',s Farm, Pebworth Property owned by Fosse Developments Ltd. SY beneficially owns'100% of Fosse. Sales being agreed 81,000,000+ profit expected in Q3 12. Star Lane, lpswich Contracts exchanged in lhe name of Star Lane Estates Ltd, SY benelicially owns 100% of Star Lane, Acquisition and development costs c. 86,000,000 aa Lincoln University Halls ol Residence 5070 beneficially owned by SY. t1,500,000 to complele slte s30,000,000 and 83,500,000 ot existing borrowings (site value with planning -lurther details available) c, €5,000,000 e8,500,000 10. 11 Caerphilly, Moreton - '14. Blunt House Legally owned by Condor Corporate SeMces Ltd. SY beneficially owns 100% of Condor. 15. 3467 Nonh Moorings Way, Miami Property acquired in lhe name of Greenfield Horizon Ltc. SY bene{icially owns 100% of Greenfield. ' Project 6. Malair Contracts about lo be exchanged. SY will own lOOo/" ol this proiect. ! o o GI I o GI 2006 o 911,000,o00 c Valuation being undedaken by CB Richard Ellis Total development costs cE1 00,000,000 (es,000,000 already committed) c. E200.000,000 plus recurring revenue modol ! =. s. o GI o cL o = CL @ (o o o o = o @ o N (D (,,^l -rN =r CL = fqt. m'n x{ =o ='o CORPORATE Entity 1 EPOSS +o Summary of Investment SY will own 50% of EPOSS following the proposed restructuring. Valuatlon a To be discussed. In excess of t7,000,000 (ct vo commifted. Large exit anticipated 2007 / 8. E Project Moscow Properties owned by Parasol Participations Ltd in Moscow. SY owns S0% of Parasol and is currently In the process of granting options of over'107o to third parties, KF valuation available. Profits running J. SMS SY beneficlally owns 60% of SMS. €5,000,000, whlch would give a value of approximately e3,00O,O0o for SY's holding. 4, Condor SY benelicially owns 100% of Condor, He has lent €4,000,000 to Condor for it lo make vadous investments. z. 7. 8. lfformation awaited from GD. He is cunently cl on o vacation. tr10,000,000, vtrhich would give a value of approximarely €8,000,000 for SYs holding. This assumes a trade saley'flotation in 2006f/ where numbers could soiral. SY beneficially owns 127o of Esendex. 81,000,000 for SY's holding. Qiosks SY beneficially owns 207" of Qiosks. Exit projected at IIJM 5Y has made signlficant infrastructure investments in lhis business. The cunent Cityscape management are confident they can eetablish a building management company, generating an annual turnover of €1 00,000,000 in the next 2 years. Current projections show net 8%. SY may award management up to 2ool". t]tt-20,0oo,ooo. SY beneficially owns lQoo/o ol b. I o Exceflent t€chnology Inveslment. SY beneflclally owns 22% ol MlG. MIG o into hundreds ot millions. €1 (cI 00,000,000+ Cityscape. ! =. s. o GI o ! CL 9' A' GI o = CL o o o (.t o o (o (o t t Ur) o * CL o *o =