State of Maine Waiver of Competitive Bidding Request Form Form Instructions: Please provide the requested information in the white boxes below. This form is to precede all contract requests that are hot the direct result of a competitive bid process. Arlene Jones Shawn Belanger 29,930.00 Milier 10A 20170426*3256 7-1-17 Maine Seacoast Mission Cherryfieid, Maine After School Experience and Program 6-30-18 To. be completed by the D: WSIOH 9f. Purchas I Postmg dates on DtszIon of Purchases websrte ?me 1 . P1. below Please mark the appropriate .box (X) next to the Justif'catlon WhiCh applles .to this speclfc request A procurement of goods or servrces by the State for county commISSIoners pursuant to. Ttle se I ideSIgnee, an emergency eXIsts that requ;res the Immediate procurement bf goOds or serVIces, -.-1 -- 1- Ifcy?ng the aboyejus?fca?on 3- By Signing below I Signi?/ 35 the Governors desi'gnee there 5 an emergency for; thf5 Wafyer Of Compeytyyegiffj that this procurement Bidding request please have the Signature: requesimg Depamneni?s -11 52 Commissrorier or; Chief Erecuirve (as the Governors "desrgnee?? Leigh and date on the righi. 3'13- 3 '1 fter reasonable InvestIgatIon by; the DIrector of the. Bureau 1o_f_ General Semces, it appears that any requned '1 _if __3Urlit or. item of. Supply,1; or brand Of. that 'uhit or item; is procarahle by .the State from iohiy one source, Difigl't appears to be in the. best interest 'of. the State to negotiate for the procurement Of petroleum productsl'l?zE purchase is part; Of 1a cooperative project between the State and the UniverSIty "of; Maine System, the . Maine Community College System Maine Maritime Academy, or; a pnvate, nonprot? regIonally accredIted 155'; stltutlon :of; higher educatIon With main campus in this State. tnvolvmg .11.;1 - - - a state agency and enhancmg the ability of. the unwerSIty system, community coliege '11sy3tem Maine Academy, or; a private nonproi? regIonaliy accredlted institutlon Of. . .1 -.-1-..-ieducatron with main 'carnpus in this State ._to fulfiil its mission .of. teaching, research and public serVIce, A sharing of preject responsibilities and When appropriate costs - . above Jusirf cation for this 5036315011339. zeques; piease note. that the specrfc approval of the Governor?s Q?ge is requrred accordance With Execubve Order 26 FY- Iii/121,; '_?iAh Order. to. Enhahee Compeimve Bgdd' 1 . - -Printed Name: Date: hiig hiameThe procurement of goods; or; servrces involves expendltures of $10 000 WhiCh case the DIrector of the Bureau "of General 15ervices may 'aCcept Orai proposals 'or bids, . .. 1. source is the mest economIcal effectlve arid appropnate means Of ful?lling a demonstrated need If a. different authorization spea?caliy allows for. this, hour. and Quali?ed - - competitive procurement please provide that reference here BP37WCB Page I of 3 Rev. 7/1312016 State of Maine Waiver of Competitive Bidding Request Form 1 119.. .91 wouid address and which makes the goods 16:? servrces necessary Explaln how the requestan Department determined that the g66ds1or services are critical and/6r eSSential1 t6. agency 6r operations The Department issued a Request for Proposal (#201510185) in November of 2015 but did not receive sufficient proposals to support the program in geographic areas other than Southern Maine. The Department needs to provide this service statewide to provide programs focusing on improving employment and independence outcomes for youth. These activities are reasonably calculated to accomplish TANF purpose 3 and 4. These programs help maintain the relationship between staying in school and lowering teen pregnancy rates. Availability ofother Public Resources 1 1__1_11_1_ ,1 11 E_Fflc?trSe eXp_?ain how the Department concluded that suft? Clent staff ng, resources, orexpe zse :snot variable "3-66 :?EWithin the State 6f. Mame 5 government 6_r other governmental entities (local other state, 6r. federal agencnes) externa ?if to the Department which would be able ?t9 address the identlf ed need more eff?CIently and effectively than the identi?ed vendor Current staf?ng structure and resources would not be suf?cient, nor do they have the expertise for meeting the needs identi?ed in this contract. 4 Cost waiver of competitive .IS being requested for this procurement 1 1 Department tenciuded the negotiated Costs, fees, or rates are fair and reasonable All costs are consistent with competitive awards from RFP (#201510185). 5. Future Competltion PieaSe describe potential opportunltles which may be available t6 foster competition for these goods 66 servrces in the future - 1 11 1 1 1 1 Ali services will be competitively bid in alignment with the end of the procurement period of RFP #201510185 with a contract resulting for April 1, 2019. BP37WCB Page 2 of 3 Rev. 7 I 13 I 2016 State of Maine Waiver of Competitive Bidding Request Form 6 Uniqueness .. . . Please explaln if the goo or servIces requve .areunlque to a specaf'c vendor .escn no __uanue _Ica Ions, abIlItIes, and/or expertlse Of the vendor and how those partlcuiar unlque factors address the. speCIfc need IdentIer above If the vendor has Unique eqUIpment faculties, orgprOprIetarydata also explain the neceSSIty of these particular II assets . . .. l" This vendor was selected to provide services to support the ?Improving Outcomes for Youth" programs statewide. As mentioned above, the significance of this agreement is due to geography. Rural areas of the state have a need for this service, and this vendor can implement services immediately for a two year timeframe until a new RFP can be issued. 7 Tlmeframe (Complete only if B. Isthe Statutory marked on Page Please explain if time? the essence n'd Ian'emergency ex:sts WhiI semces Descnbe the nature of this emergen - I I expiain how that date determmed and its reinformatson as to how it was determlned this vendor Is the best optIon to address this time senSItIve procuremen {Signature of requestmg .5 By beiom I SIyn?j/ that my Department requests, and I approve of, this Department's Cornnf Waiver of Biddng. or Chief. Executive deSIgnee the Commissmner Of?ces): - Printecl Nam - BP37WCB Page 3 of 3 Rev. 7/13/2016