Form 0 1 Design and Construction Capital Talgle Cost Categgm Cagj'tal Cost Project Management (Including project oversight costs and Developer cost/overhead) Design and Construction management and general activities Design Environmental Roadways Construction Structures Construction Utilities During Construction Public Information and Coordination Contingency and Pro?t Labor Cost Non-Labor Cost Subtotals Totals 53.25.530.779 (Total Project Capital Costs) 4? Tile-werence between Total Capital Costs in Farm 01 and Form 02 arises due to there being no inflation applied to the Operating Costs presented in Form 01. I, [961 mem psalms i '?wawm . - a . . .. . ?33h: . 1,9441 .. . .. . -. .- table? -m - - Date of Issuance: Jan/?3, 2014 c. raborcast NemEahorCost Project Management (including project oversight costs and Developer cost/overhead) Design and Construction management and general activities Design PLEUAQY 90m Environmental Roadways Construction Structures Construction Utilities During Construction Pubiic Information and Coordination Contingency and Pro?t Subtotals Total Project Capital Cost - Additional amounts included within construction budget - - . vu.: 5-1-1 . -- c. - . in?, r. i} -.: . - l?hvet?e?" dehecstril'ahle. . . 4 . . Construction Year Construction Year 2 Construction Year 3 . .. Total Project Capital Cost 406,579,940 CONFIDENTIAL Plenary Group Form 0 119.93:an and. severest Table Cost Category Project Management Design! Construction and General Activities Design Environmental Roadways Construction Structures Construction . Utilities During Construction Public information and Coordination Contingency and Profit Labor Cost Subtotals Non?Labor Cost Totals 397.651.991 (Total Project Capital Costs) Merl Indiana Finance Auihoriiy 1?69 Section 5 Project Form 0 Page 2 of 5 271 CONFIDENTIAL Requesi for Proposals Forms Addendum #3 Form 0 Table cast-.categom Capyital Costhominal ?j Project Management (Including project oversight costs and Developer costioverhead) Design and Construction management and general activities Design Environmental Roadways Construction Structures Construction Utilities earn Durlng Constructlon Public Information and Coordination Contingency and Profit Subtotals Totals - 5 ?19.993,431 {Total Project Capital Costs) lndiana Finance Authority Form 0 Request for Proposals l-69 Section 5 Project Page 2 of 6 ITP Forms Addendum #3