WE STAND FOR ENERGY Urge Your Senator to Vote preFirst Harrie Clur laws sheuld inneyatipn. By transparent. fair pelieies Last Name regarding parts at eur stateis energy ydu can help hedress guarantee a mere sustainable energy future fer indiana. Address 2 Urge yeur senate-rs tci supper! SEI EDS fer a icing-term salutien tn pur state's energy needs. City State Senatbr Hershman intreduced Senate Bill 369,energy legislatien that z'p will premete cb-generatien and adyance renewables in Indiana. belieye it is a cdmmensense apprbach that addresses existing Erna'l cbncerns and will make it easier tci ensure a bright energy future bur state. . . . hunts Cb-generatibn is a ltey te a sustainable, lbng-term salutibn bur energy needs,and SE essentially alle-ws mere participants by expanding the scbpe tb add?ibnal facilities and third parties. It alse- IllnlSTAND FOBI ENERGY _':ill'I .