Wu Jae": moons Thursday Aple 20 21m 3 23 '5 AM Dar Direclor Kilroy. have been informed lhal as an ola hnsin oi lhe Neighborhnod near Ine's Liqlmn Incaled al 2644 Lnrinner lhal I can flul your Depanmenl sel a Haring nu Ihe mun ol renewing Ihz Rzuil Liquor Slum Licking lor .loe's Liqnnr. I an Ihe owner nILanudio localoo nl 2535 Walnul 5mm. which is approximalely hloclr {mm .loe's We have been al lhis localioo lor om lwo years. I have were inloxioalnd, be more alcohol on numemn: occasions. Lo aooilioo are allowed In drink in public dinme in from of Joe's Liquor: or wilhin shon dislaoce. We have been on a number or by Illnse holizve Ihz way 102': Liqnors ir npenlm'l nu Mm nnirancn lo lhe {or a oncnher nl'yurs aorL I would nqum lhal a hoaring he set nu the renewal Liqnnr Liconre. Thank you. Morin is LI\'sludio ,l A \Hmui miman From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Kenneth Wolf Kilroy, Ashley R. - Mayor"s Office; EXLApplications ari@dpsdenver.com; James Beimford Renewal Thursday, April 20, 2017 9:21:55 AM Denver Department of Excise and Licensing. Attention Director Ashley Kilroy   Dear Director Kilroy,   I am writing this email as a written request to object to the Renewal of the Retail Liquor Store License issued to U K C Inc. doing business as Joes Liquor Store located at 2644 Larimer Street.   I am the owner of multiple commercial properties and businesses within two or three blocks of Joes Liquors including multiple businesses that hold restaurant Liquor Licenses. I also act as the Landlord of numerous businesses that hold Liquor Licenses in the immediate area near Joes Liquors. Specifically I am the landlord of the Denver Central Market, part owner of Sushi-Rama and Il Posto, which are all located across Larimer Street from Joes Liquors. I have had real estate holdings in the same block of Joes, and I lived in the area since 2004.  Over the years, in an effort to clean up the block and transfer to a responsible operator, I have made multiple attempts to purchase the business and real estate by asking the owner what price it would take for him to sell. After agreeing to a price, the owner of Joe’s  would decide not to sell. I have no desire to own a retail Liquor Store, and my efforts to reach an agreement to purchase Joe’s was solely for the purpose of transferring the store to a responsible operator.   I am requesting that the Retail Liquor Store license for Joes be set for a Hearing of their Renewal because of the manner in which Joes is operated. I have personally witnessed customers, who were obviously intoxicated, enter Joes and exit the store with newly purchased alcohol, which they drank in public and at times directly in front of the liquor Store. Customers of Joes routinely are allowed to drink in front of the store and loiter in front of the store.  Customers of Joes are often lined up on the sidewalk waiting for Joes to open at 10:00 AM so they can buy a pint and continue their consumption, it’s always the same 10 or so customers.  Customers of Joes Liquors often sleep or “pass out” in front of the Store resulting in fire trucks and ambulances having to respond.  I have never observed the employees of Joes ever instruct their customers not to drink in front of the store. Nor have I ever heard of anyone being turned away from purchasing liquor at Joes because they were already drunk.  Joes Liquors attracts customers who are allowed to drink in front of the store, sleep nearby and purchase alcohol while they appear to be intoxicated. The business practices of Joes have been a nuisance to the neighborhood a waste of public resources for a number of years.    I believe the overwhelming majority of nearby residents and business owners are upset with the operation of Joes. We recently found out that we can ask for a Renewal Hearing when a Liquor License operates in a manner that adversely affects the public health, welfare or safety of the immediate neighborhood. The manner in which Joes Liquors operates clearly adversely affects the immediate neighborhood.   Please consider my request to schedule a Renewal Hearing for Joes Liquors.   Kenneth Wolf Denver Central Market 2669 Larimer Street Denver CO 80205     Kenneth Wolf       Streamline Designs           Lucy Lu Designs            www.lucylu.com           Mil Besos           www.milbesosmints.com           Global Mints           www.globalmints.net Wolf Restaurant Group www.denvercentralmarket.com   from: rm momma: Subjecl: rw Joe'suqum in '1an mm: Thursday Ale2fl 2mm ism onginni Messng From, Siewnn. Seni, Wednesdnv, April 19.2017 5.13 PM To Cc. Dianpiioniionsmenvergov cum' 'nn@dpsdenyer com' (in-i @dpsdenver.eom> Subjeoi. Inc's Liquox in RiNo Heiio Dircclur Kilmy: A- GM or 10 isnrrei Brewing RiNo iioonied a12620 Wninni Street) my ienm and i are eommined |0 mnning gmat dun brings energy and purpose In the neighborhuudr and i beiieve ihni oi the greni businesses dun surround us shnre our vision and purpose. Whrie 10 Bane] i a Brewery, we never ieyer) serve visibiy inioxronied mdivrdneis, onr goni is ior nii onr gnesis io hnve gmal iirne whiie respeoiing ihe communin nmund us, Nuw on In Iuc' io nied ni 2544 Lnrimer sireei. i do think Ihat fine to imve packagerguud neighborhood inn Inc's does not do bimn: in good iniih, Eneh morning hne or vi, individunly many or whom nppenr |u hav: siepi on the 5|:ch irned up wmiing ior ihe siore |0 open so ihni they enn purchax: rnore chcap nieohoi, And enoh morning, rs soon n. ioe. pulse ihey serve ihern nii, no qnesiions nshed, And mev cumin": io serve indrvidrmi who imve ihonesiiy) no bu ne being servcd' ihe goes on. Th Lhcir eore clicnlelcr ihey serve ohenp nioohoi the horneiess troubled. These ioihs spend the dry rrom onsiomers or ihe iooni shops. until ihev p- om in venous mndom spois around ihe neighhurhood, The eniire armngemcnl serves lu kecp our neighborhood grubby margin' . whrie so much cuumcrrelfon goes in": lifling RiNu rip and oreniing wniknbie neighborhood. My nnde mding is that in bnsin 's noi opemiing in good iniih, niiosving iis oiienieie lu be herring be requesied mgarding Lh: renewal or Lhcir liquor iieens i wonid lik: to rednesi sneh herring. in ihe eirons or rnnidng onr immediale neighhurhood snrer and more weieomrng. Again. no is with being liquor Morse bm ii dlue is one. i| shonid be run by someone who orne sense oirespon, to dreir community Tinmk you very much Stewan Genemi 10 borrei Brewing. Denver 2520 Wnimn SImct Denver 50205 103nm] Emil Disclaimer. hug //wv\w iobonei com/[emu rrom EaumiLl Yo: lg ax em -M.am 'sgm [Mamas Subjecl ices quol -RlNo concerns naie: Thursday #91"le 20w lo AM Dear nirector Kilroy, have been inlormed that as an owner. or manager ol a business or a resident of the Neighborhood near loes Liquors located at 2544 Larimer Street that I can request that your Department set a Hearing on the issue 0! renewingthe lietai Liquor Store License larloes Liquort lam the owner oi Samaria Float Center located at 1307 25'" Street which is a block away lrom loes Liquors, I have been at that location lorthe last 18 months. I have observed customers. who were obviously intoxicated, be sold more alcohol on numerous occasions, in addition customers are allowed to drink in public directly in lront of loes Liquors or within a short distance, This is a consistent place where intoxi ted people congregate because they know they are welcome, I'm not seeing any level ol resistance to try and curb this type oi behavior from loes Liquor. lust within the last 2 months I know of a local business owner who was accosted twice in from onoes by intoxicated people who lrequentJoest one cl these was at gun point and the other was a physical altercation. I believe the wayloes Liquors is operated has been a nuisance to the Neighborhood lor a number olyears and, I would request that a hearing be set on the renewal of their Liquor License, Paul Clift Samana Float Center from: to: Subject: Date: Icestuhats Thursday Apvll2fl 20w tt 2t 09AM Dear Director Kilroy, have been informed that as a resident of the Neighborhood near Joes Liquors located at 2644 Larimer Street that I can request that your Department set a Hearing on the issue of renewing the Retail Liquor Store License for Joes Liquor. I live at 2560 Blake Street which is approximately 3 blocks from Joes Liquors. I have been at that location for 3 years. I am the President of my HOA and run a small Commercial Real Estate firm in Rino as well. I have observed Customers. who were obviously intoxicated, be sold more alcohol on numerous occasions. In addition customers are allowed to drink in public directly in front of Joes Liquors or within a short distance. Those same customers then head over to my alley way and use my trash area as a camping ground and Ioilel. We always feel compelled to walk on the other side of the street due to the clientele that lingers outside Joe's not pleasant even at 9am in the morning. I believe the way Joes Liquors is operated has been a nuisance to the Neighborth for a number of years and. I would request that a hearing be set on the renewal of their Liquor License. CHRIS RIEDL CONSTRUCTION MANAGER TENANT CORPORATE SERVICES COMMUNITY EIRST COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE -- 2560 Blake St. apt 401 DENVER CO 80205 -- wwaQMMl SERVING CLIENTS. SUPPORTING OUR COMMUNITY. "Never. never. never give up" sWinsIon Churchill mm: In: Cc: Ex Angliaxign; Subjecl: issue or Rene-<34 Main St Bozeman, MT 59715 The Stab'e 130 S, Jackson St Jackson, WY 83001 rrorn MW YD: lg ox em -M.am 'sgm Subjecl Joe"s Liquors Date: Thursday #91"le 20w 302mm Denver Department cl Excise and Licensing, Attention Director Ashley lme: Mm: rm WW Cc: EX anemia"; Suhjecl: Uqum License Inr 2w Larlmev 5r Dale: Thursuay Aprll 20 20w 2h 20 Guud Aflemuun Dr. Ktlruy. am the owner at High l>rnnt Creamery lucmed at 2559 Lanrner 5t. my window lace: Joe's liquurs and all lean ray is if: a very sad business, Joe's Liquon emu In our meet vulnerahle pupulmjon's. disease, There are a nearly stream at ubvluusly drunk people who are guing in|u Joe's. lur the airline nzerl butlle: ul liquors (W5. what the can Them people who in ubvluusly need help and NOT more ulcuhul are the at Joe's. Liquurs. They nuke rnuney at the bucks at the despenfle, the humeless. and the addicted. These people stay in the area because 'hls i5. where they gel services at the close hy loud pantries, Joe's. help to ensure that what little pocket muney they do have i5. med to thei addicllon. 1 don't hlarne them lur passing oul in lront ul loe'i ta rlaily occurrence) hut du hlarne Joe's Liquon. they dun'l have to yell visibly drunk people another filth they choose Iu thi a part at their hminess model. Joe's Liquon is nol good lur RiNu. they're nu| sum! for the respunuble blames: that surround them. hut or all they are an Absolute detriment the homelen ulcohollcs whu line their packets. This mosl vulnerahle pupulation need help nm a suppllel'. would mquesl that a heating he se| ml the renewal urtheir llquur llceme. Besb Erika Thoma: High Poim Creamery RlNo 2m Lanrner SL High Poim Creamery 215 5. Holly 5t,