of the ?JtIuiteh States Washington, 20515 .lune 19, 2017 Intel Group, IJLC c/o Robert K. Kelner, Esq. Rear Admiral Michael W. Hewitt (Ret.) 11'! i rman namics Inc./lronBridge Group Inc. Alex G. Copson Managing Director ACU Strate ric Partners Dear Mr. Kelner, Rear Admiral Hewitt, and Mr. (.?opson: We are writing to request documents relating to the work of former National Security Advisor Michael regarding Saudi Arabia, Russia, and other countries, as well as his failure to accurately report his t?oreign travel and contacts in 2016 when he submitted an application to renew his security clearance and was interviewed by security clearance investigators. First, it appears that General failed to disclose a trip he took to the Middle East in the summer ol?ZOl 5 to pursue ajoint U.S.-Russian business venture to develop nuclear facilities located in?and ?nanced by?Saudi Arabia. Soon after he took this trip, Saudi Arabia announced an agreement with Russia?s state nuclear corporation, Rosatom, that resulted in a $100 billion deal in 2016 to build 16 nuclear power units. It does not appear that General disclosed this trip or any Foreign contacts as part of his security clearance renewal process. Second, General did report making a later trip to the Middle East?uto Saudi Arabia in October "2015 - but be omitted signi?cant details. He reported that he traveled to Saudi Arabia with a Friend for six days to speak at a conference. that he stayed at the King Khalcd International Hotel, and that his expenses were paid by a ?work sponsor.? l-lowevcr, General failed to disclose the identity of the friend who accompanied him; of?cials from General speaker?s bureaus could not identify any conference he may OH PAWEH Intel Group, LLC - Rear Admiral Michael W. Hewitt (Rot) Mr. Alex G. Copson Page 2 - have attended during this time period; there does not appear to be a hotel. with the name General provided; and. General failed to disclose who sponsored his trip. Most troubling of all, We have no record of General identifying on his security clearance renewal application?wet during; his interview with security clearance. investigators?m even a single foreign government official he had contact with in the seven years prior to submitting his security clearance application. General Trip to the Middle East in the Summer of 2015 On June 9,20 1 7, Newsweek reported". that General traveled to the Middle East in ?the. summer of 2015? on behalf ofX'?Co Dynamics .Inc./IronBridge Group to promote. a joint UiSmRussian, Saudi-?nanced program to provide nuclear power to the Arab world,I The article reported that ?the genius idea developed by and. Co. was a partnership to build and operate plants and e-X?port the dangerous Spent'fuel under strict controls.? Based on an internal memo from ACU Strategic Partners, which reportedly was one of the lead companies involved the plan would be ?funded entirely by Saudi Arabia and other Gulf." countri?es, and the Saudis would recoup their costs by selling energy to Egypt Jordan Yemen Kuwait Bahrain, Oman the United Arab Emirates and Qata1 2 According to an email from chief economist, the consortium ofArab countries would then purchase ?Russian military hardware.?- These purchases by the consortium would. substitute for pro?ts that Russia otherwise would have derived from ?Russian military sales to Iran.? In. promoting this consortium, Mr. Copson', as the "head of ACU, also reportedly touted connections. to General and thenuSenator Jeff Sessions, who served as the. Trump campaign?s top foreign policy adviser.3 In contrast to this report we have no receid of General reporting this trip or any contacts with foreign of?cials on his. security clearance renewal application or in his interview with security clearance investigators General submitted his application for a ?ve-year security clearance reinvestigation in January 2016. That application, Standard Form 86 (SF-86L explains: ?All questions on this form must he answered. completely and. truthfully It also warns applicants: ?The S. Criminal. Code (title. .18 section 100.1) provides that knowingly falsifying or concealing a material. fact 18 a felony which may result 1n 1" nes and/or. up to ?ve (5) years imprisonment Michael Russia and a Grand Scheme to Budd Nuclear Power Plants- in Saudi Arabia and the Arab Worid, News-week (June 9, 2017) (online at 2 Id. 2 [d1 intel Group, LLC Rear Admiral. Michael W. Hewitt (Rat) Mr. Alex .G. Copson Page 3 The application requires applicants to disclose a wide range of foreign travel. and foreign. contacts over the past seven years. For example, it asks each applicant if he or she ?had. any - contact with. a foreign government or its representatives,? ?provided advice or support to any individual associated with a foreign. business or other foreign organization,? was ?asked to provide advice or serve as a consultant, even informally, by any foreign government official or agency,? was asked by a foreign national ?to work as a consultant,? or ?participated in any conferences, trade shows, or meetings outside the If this press report is accurate, General failure to report this trip and. any contacts with. foreign government officials- about this Sau?di-Russian nuclear preposal appears to be a potential. violation of 18 U.S.C. 10011. . General Testimony Before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs It is unclear precisely when during the summer of 2015 that General traveled to the- Middle East, 0r whether he may have taken multiple trips that he failed. to disclose. According to a ?nancial disclosure form that. General submitted after he was fired - as National Security Advisor, he did. not begin advising XnCo Dynamics IncJIronBridge Group until August 20] 5 ,4 However, General testi?ed on June 10, 2015, before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs? Subcommittee on the. Middle East and North Africa that he had taken. an extensive. trip to the Middle. East prior to his testimonywand. t?herefOre well before August 2015 . - General testi?ed": . I I just came from a trip?fairly extensive trip to the Middle East and this was one of the big issues that came up. And they?re already talking?MI mean, youhad the Crown Prince of Saudi already in Korea, already talking to the French about nuclear deiaeloprnenti5 He also testi?ed: [T]here?s speci?c numbers of Saudi, Jordan, the UAE, Kuwait and Egypt already talking to the Russians and the Chinese about developing nuclear capabilities in their countries, it?s a very real issue.6 In his written testimony, he warned: 4 Executive Branch Personnel Public Financial. Disclosure Report (OGE Form. 27812), Michael. (Mar, 31, 20W) (online at aa9697e0000). 5 House Committee on Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Middle East and North Africa, Hearing on Iran ?3 Missile Defense Capabilities, ll4th Cong. "(June 10, 201.5) (online at 5M, lntel Group, LLC Rear Admiral Michael W. Hewitt (Rf-1t.) Mr. Alex G. Copson Page 4 - The perceived acceptance. of Iran?s nuclear program is likely to touch off a dangerous domino effect in the region, as other countries, such as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, look for strategic counterweights to the emerging Iranian bomb, already manifesting in . fairly open KSA outreach to Pakistan for nuclear capability/.7 Finally, he testi?ed: Saudi. Arabia has been openly planning on acquiring South Korean, French, and. Japanese leactors ostensibly to power desalinization plants Beyond their well- documented relationship With Pakistan their options are as diverse as their portfolios. And who can question. their will or their reasons?8 About one week after his testimony, on um: 18, 2015, Saudi Arabia and. Russia?s state- nuclear corporatigon Rosatorn, signed an agreement to cooperate on nuclear ene1gy development 9 On September 5, 2016, Rosatom announced its plans to build .16. nuclear power units in Saudi Arabia for app1 ox1mate $100 billion. [0 General submitted a signed Truth in Testimony form to the Committee on Foreign Affairs claiming that he was testifying on behalf of the Intel Group. He reported that neither he nor his organization had received any payments from a foreign government related to the subject of the hearing or his representational capacity at the hearing. 12 General Trip to Saudi Arabia in October 2015 General did report a later trip to the Middle East on his. security clearance renewal applicationmto Saudi Arabia in October 2015wfour months after he testi?ed before the Committee on Foreign Aftairs. However, General omitted. key details regarding this trip General provided the following information on his security clearance renewal application: 7 1d. '3 Id. 9 Saudi Arabia. Russia Sign NuclearPowerCoopemtion Deal, Reuters (June 19, 20 (online at- 19), ?0 Russia ?3 Rosanna Says Ready To Build I 6 Sandi Nuciear Fewer Stations, Arabian Business (Sept. 5, 201.6) (online at 644543html). House Committee on Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Middle East and North Africa, ?truth in Testimony Disciosnre am (June 10, 2015) (online at ?2 Id. Intel Group, LLC Rear Admiral Michael W. Hewitt (RetJ Mr. Alex G. Copson Page 5 Provide the country Provide the dates of your Provide the total number of days visited. travel to this country. involved in the visit. From Date To Date [3 1?5 a 111' -20 [It More Saudi Arabia (Month/Year) (Month/Year) - than 30 10/2015 10l20'15 6-10 21-30 I: Many short "trips Provide the purpose of the travel to this country (Check all that apply). B?usinessl Professional [3 Education Trade. shows, in Other conference conferences, and seminars Volunteer activities in Tourism a Visit family or friends Security clearance investigators subsequently interviewed General as part of his security clearance renewal process, and they issued a Report eflnvestigation, which stated: In October of 2015 HE visited Saudi Arabia with a friend, who is a US citizen, for six days. The purpose of the trip was to speak at a conference. As a business owner, HE is working on deveIOping business with another country. HE- stayed at the King Khaled International Hotel. The report also said General stated that a ?work sponsor? paid his expenses. Unfortunately, General did not disclose to security clearance investigator-s what type ot??business? he had in Saudi Arabia, who his US. citizen ?friend?- was who accompanied him, what ?conference? he attended, or which ?work sponsor? paid for his expenses. Our staff contacted. three speakers? bureaus General was af?liated wittheading Authorities, Inc, Premiere Speakers? Bureau, and Washington Speakers? Bureauwand none reported any involvement with General trip to Saudi Arabia or any conference there. In addition, there does not appear to be any King Khaled International Hotel in Saudi Arabia, although this name is: similar to the name of the airport in Riyadh. Finally, on January 27, .2011. 6t?just' days after submitting his security clearance renewal application?General gave a public lecture during. which he claimed: ?I?ve talked to many of these leaders there, you. know,- over the last few years, certainly over the last decade, if not the last, probably, six months?? With respect to of?cials in Saudi Arabia, General stated: ?I?m actually talking to a .lot of folks in that country.?14 Yet, General failed to disclose any of these contacts with Saudi or other foreign officials on his security clearance application or during his interview with security clearance investigators, which could constitute further violations oflS U..S.C. 1001. - '3 Lt. General Michael (rel), Predictions far on lncreasingly Volatile Middle East, Endowment for Middle East Truth (Jan. 21, 201.6) (onllne at ?4 with LTG Michael ?Predictions for an Increasingly Volatile Middle East,? Endowment for Middle East Truth (Jan. 21, 2016) (online at. Wzsk). "Intel Group, LLC Rear Admiral Michael W. (Ret) Mr. Alex G. Copson Page 6 Request for Documents The scope of General unreported foreign contacts and foreign ?nancial interests is unclear from the time he left the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2014 until President Trump appointed him as National Security Advisor in 2017. It is also unclear what influence General business interests with Saudi Arabia, Russia, or other countries may have had after?he assumed. his post in the White House. For example, Saudi Arabia was the ?rst foreign country that President Trump visited,15 the Trump Administration recently concluded an arms deal with. Saudi Arabia reportedly worth $350 billion over ten and the President?s hotel in Washington DC. received approximately $270,000 in payments linked to Saudi Arabia while that country has continued to press for'limiting the rights of U.S. citizens to sue the Saudi government.? It is unknown. what advice or input General may have offered relating to these matters, if any. For these reasons, We request that you produce, by June 30, .2017: 1.. all documents and. communications. referring or relating to any relationship between Dynamics Inc?ronBridge Group and General or the Intel Group, or to any relationship between ACU Strategic Partners and General or the Intel Group; 2.. all documents and conmiunieations referring or relating to any advisory or consulting relationship between Dynamics Inchr-onB-ri-dge Group and General or the Intel. Group, or between ACU Strategic Partners and General or the Intel Group, including all bids, pitches, contracts, agreements, invoices, and billings; 3. all?documents and communications in the possession of XaCo Dynamic Inc./IronBridge Group or ACU Strategic Partners mentioning, copying, involving, referring, or relating to General or any member of'the Intel Group; 4. all documents and communications referring or relating to work done or travel by General the Intel Group, its subcontractors, or its affiliates on behalf of Dynamics Group or ACU Strategic Partners, including "5 President Trump ?3 First Foreign Trip Will Include Red-Carpet Welcome in Saudi Arabia, NPR (May 1'2, 20.17) (online at 1 '5 US-SoudiArabt-o Sea! Weapons Deal Worth Nearly 31 Immediately, 3.350 Billion Over {0 . Years, CNBC (May 20, 20'i 7) [online at nearly- I Trump Hotel Received $270,000 From Lobbying Campaign Tied to Saudis, Wall Street Journal (June 2017) (online at 1496700739). Intel Group, LLC Rear Admiral Michael W. Hewitt (Ret.) Mr. Alex G. Copson Page 7 any draft or ?nal deliverables, reports, analyses, memoranda, letters, emails, pitches, video recordings, audio recordings, ?nancial records, flight itineraries, and hotel reservations; 5. all business records in the possession of Intel Group referring or relating to General foreign travel, including financial records, contracts, ?ight itineraries, hotel reservations, and communications; and 6. all documents and communications reflecting payments from Dynamic Inc./IronBridge Group or ACU Strategic Partners to General or Intel Group, including bills, contracts, reimbursements for travel, pay stubs, cancelled checks, and ?nancial records. If you have any questions about this request, please contact Janet Kim of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee staff at (202) 225-5051 or Mark Iozzi of the Foreign Affairs Committee staff at (202) 226-8467. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Sincerely, I'E-I-iot L. Engel Ranking Member Ranking Member Committee on Oversight and Committee on Foreign Affairs Government Reform cc: The Honorable Trey Gowdy Chairman, Committee on Oversight and Government Reform The Honorable Ed Royce Chairman, Committee on Foreign Affairs