ll?) Final Report ul'rht' ?ertan 01' Defense lnfurmuliun Task June 15. 20? Infrirmarfnn R?vipm Tuvk Farr-p LSC 424 Defense Inferrigencc Agency Duriud I?mr-I' C-SHOI Rana; Dilliulfy (U) Final Report of the Department of Defense Information Review Task Force TabIe of Con rants (LI) Eltuulh? Smeary- .. .. {Li} . [Uh Data 5:15 and Rn?icw ?rc~ccss.. fL'] Chapter I Suunudry RCpm?x -- Afg'mmamn Data .14 Chapttr I IRTF Summary Htpon Eraq [Jam 5.1.?.qu 34 Hi} Chapttr?! Joint Tack Fort: (jumanarno Rccord; Chipmr ?1 IRTF Summnr?y chun - Ctr-rm: Diplumacy Dam 12? Chap:ch Summary chun AGE Special 97' Chuplcr? Summary Rupert - L'jcrani A'Irntrikc, . . . EU) Cth?ler .7 Summyy??'par?tu Bu?dm?l Airswikc .. {1'1 t?mnclusmn. . Appendix A Dc?r'cnsc 104 Appendix FL - General Backgraund lnl?urmation on Wikilxaks. ..106 [13! Furcign Nation lmpucn .. . It]? Appendix D?r0gatory Informaurm an Foreign Gotcnuncnu 103 L: Index of Rtuards Olhcr Lh?n Dtld'ntc - IRTF-Prnduicd mumrg Informu?nn ,l I 4 {Li} Cab}: Citations . . . . .. . .. Hi (15) Final Repair! 0f the Department ofDefer-se Information Re?t-w Task Force Executive Summary Al the diruchun urine US. (Sm?DcIl. the Rum-v. Tusk Fnru: (IRTFJ aim-su-ll Ihc impact ul'urululhnrixcd WikiLcaks disclosun.? ul'l?nilud Slam; Liuwmmc-nt (U56) rwurdb. ?It IRTF wmpluu?d a. review ul'nmm than Td?ll?? rcuurds knuwn or buliuwcd lu WiktLu-aki coordinulcd in. Tea-mu thmughout Ihc (?cmnnunily 1 ?Cl. and integrand its c?'uns uriih llmsu ul'thc National ExccmiwiNC?le. {Lil Giwn Ihc nl'lhc challenge. ?10 IRTF rcauhuu out and lccuivml suppori from not only the DCpanmcm mum L?umpumnls but also from the multiple federal and agcncios as well. This appmach. With close L-notdinarion with the appmmialc luyl and foreign disclosure of?cials. ambled the to gel ahcad? of [he Wikil?al?: public releases and In Inform Inadcrs and across Ihc USG as wall a: malilinn prior to public diaclosuru lbs! milignlion aclions could be taken (LI) Overall Summary Q?mgm-r; The IRTF comwomiscd darn sets using criicr'ia c5uhl;shcd b3.- Ihc Secllel?lsee .?ppmiix ?ll. any a :cuicw. the IRTF assessed the greatest impact to me Fallowlng Del) militias; {Lil Lives ot?cmcrativc Alghans. Iraqis, and othcr Foreign an; al immucd risk {bH?l USE Egg-?es 5 - 3 me withheld In full use I information canccming 33 HS milltm'y pcrsenncL including full names and 5mm! security numbers. All n??tcmd ind ividunlh Untrc noi?cd. use {l :1 the mlumc of in the reviewed, this report focuses on 1h: mom Signi?cant ?ndings on th: seven icy focus arms, a genera? m-cn'icw of whal was learned, and selected Examples and summarics n! RD pro'u'idc comm. This report. slang with associated analytical and ERTF pmducts. is posted I may?: LSC 424 (w lam-agency Callaburarian IRTF brought Inga-mar representatives from over 20 agencies the intenigcncu. law and dipluman'c commumlics {Figure for 1h: conduct arms review. The supp-3:1 partzseu was. Critical to timely ofthe Task Furcc's work. [an I In? IHICLLIOI ?at am: unn- IRTF Communhyof Interest - "Hugh?. CYBEREEH widll?lm Do! umc 5 USC [bn33'50 USC 3024111") (U) Fina] 11?an the Dtpartment nf Defense lnfurmaiinn Review Task Force (ll) Data and Review Protess compromised data encompass-cs Ibur large data ms containing information up he SECRETHNOFORN The muicwcd this infomulicn in its unlircly. and :1 of data sets and tin: revam' mucus?: is; In additton. the: IRTF reviewed two airsuikt: Videos and an report also mourn have been obtained by WiluLcalts. (w H: Afghan Dam Sc: tactical downloaded from the UttCEmCDM?matn infomtnticn ctassu?cd up tn the SECRETINOFORN Icvcl. The database contains detailed signi?cant activtty reports and is the designated SIG-A CT [opal-ting tool eftccord the ama ufn?sponslhility (ADE). Thu: compromiscd reparts are dated [112:qu Janna 104. and 2009 .Tl-?hc reports contain mponing unit csugnalor null a: int?m?nation an such types as action, cxploxiv: hazard, friendly action, dctamc; operations] ?re, and thruzl rtports {Figure Wlkt?Lcalts has not )?tl tclcasod Ill: full ol'thc 15K data tint: to criticism that the release of?scnsitivc? thrcat report data could place. the lives ofinnoccnt civilians at risk; however. several news organizations . Itf?m. . have ~'ncludcd infonmtion l'mm this data in their rel-toning. - 1954(b)(3)210 use 424 1 Hm -I hm mm. u, 31. I'imuframc and p05ch to the WiitiLeaks wchsib; at- July 25. 201'). ITOK data set: 76.9] i SIGACT and threat reports {mm database cm-c?ng Ihc January Linn-1, to use 424.1.4 wumsmusc wumsausc 30240; {3L1.4{cj The Iraq Dara SH (Him-l9}- Using a and technicai means, 1hr: IRTF condumcd IT, 2013. hr'r .nrc?uicu- nfapprmunatcly 469;! I a n" fOnn?.t.m the; .. .. produced from Nov?nbcr 1033, to May cd to as the Iraq dab sci. Thus: rcpons an: similar in type and opens desmbod above. At the time of the initial the IRTF was unsure many nfthe 409.000 records were in Wikiiraks? possessmn.? we nuw assess. with high con?de-11c: that only ?1,331 reports through December 211?}? war: All an: tamical in sud mmain mformatinn classi?ed up In th: SECR ETHNOFORN level (If) The JTF-GTMO Dan: campmmisrd The NE Data thWr?kiLeaks has :1 total of 15] ms rabies diversi?ed ulster 1h: Jew-.1 and has begun Felt-35mg them in?: the publtc domain. The relay: mnltim? some rcpotting {mm as mad}! as huwc'trrn, tit: bulk aftha reporting is from 2001 to try 23. 2010? -I I'M-u'l'inl hi diplomatic cables are derived from the Des NCD database. is a progrhm that promotes information sharing and suppom the infomaticn of stand personncl in the foreign straits and nationai security cammunitics. NCU brings information frum more than 200 diptomatic posts utd contains carries a! r-mails withttur and wcbt?r-rns. Unicss speci?caily labeled otherwise, minimal in NCD is not rclcasablc to foreign nationals. Some wcbforms and rmzils available it: the dalahasc, such as Action 'l'cam (PHAT) reports. have not can iaed. Th: Eatery Muss (U) The IRTF 1159:] Search engmca to tnittarty triage, Sort and ?atcgonzc the rcports [rt ?ch data sat. This IRTF malt-sis. ta focus this initial etf'arts on reports with a high probability nl' yielding information one afthc key areas. Once 1h: triage of information was began a Jinc-by-Iine review report within that data 5C1. Each rcpun rcczit'cd a two-tier rcvicw. The ?rst-tier ru't'cw, conduutcd by aidcd by an automated captured signi?cant ?ndings and passed the illfo?natton to scniar anaiyst fur a Iiur mu review. All signi?cant reporting was identi?ed. placw in cattle?. and caplumd'l'n 1h? IRTF database for Future reference. 12 Addi?hnal Dam (U) WikiLcaks also posted a I .4 gigabyte (GB) file- lo the "Afghan War Diary. .3304? wehpuge. which is labcled "insurance-?it. Minimal informalian about this ?le is disclos?l on Websilc, DIM: than "name." insuntnce'?ets?? and "type: 9pc. It appears to be with a publicly n'ailablc standard 3 This ?le is publicly available for in its flan?. but has DUI 131635645 "it key/password rcqu'trcd to read its Numcmus websites have. con ?rmitd that they have downloaded the ?Insurancg?lc"znd an: awaiting. the talus; of the petsword lo unluck its eDntans. Julian Assange, an Auwalian who is it] open 5.0mm?. rL?porling as: WikiLc-Jks? foundcr, public1y inmsu?. ht: can release the key 10 the pump: at any time that he Fads his mminuad abiliiy to disseminate me wmpromisad information is an risk. Based on public by the assesses with modem: tint. the "Innumm Fife docs r101 coulain any additional U56 data hcyond that which the has already mvicwcxi. ?us-2 Advm? Emryp?un was a lib-hit mung-pitun USC 302%) USC 302m [33,14 to} -- Chapter One. Summary Report Afghanistan Data Set (U) Background (LI) On July 25,2010, at 1700 how?s Eaattm Daylight Tim: th WikiLcaks organization ?lieu-Cd Governimni mporls lo the general public through in: website, WikiLcaksmg (dcdicamd wcbpagc at hm? .??wardinrymikilcaks. org). WikiLcaks rufcrs to than: documunts as the fghan War Diary." The 76,9[1 released by Wilcilcaks on July 25, 2010, cover - mild, to December 3 l, Ilium. They originaied which resides on Sacra Franco! Ramcr Network Th: 1 acumen were not rcdantcd or altered by Wilcsuaks. (U) Al till: limc. WiKianks abo claimcd to have approximalcly additiomi report i1 would nul post lo ilk website until they had undergone a ?ham minimizauon prm?SS" mricw. W'ihl?ks advised that It View, mimic {?10011} rep-arr: MW be. refrained with arc-axiom! rrdacrions, andcivuluai?e infant a: the security siman?m Arghmisran permirs. As ol'Jun-c 201 those :aports luv: bcen rcporlcd an and rclcasad in I limited [arm by I handful of select WikiLcaks madia partners. IRTF mairlain hi mm?dmee thaithese M1321 repo?s mimic: by WilciLcaks an; a Subset of sari-ml [lam set darrihcdubovc. The WikiLcalls wzbsitc provided access to the Afghan Gala in a varicly of fannals, including HTML (web'j. CSV Gamma-separated values). SQL {database}, and KMI. (Keyhnic Markup Linguagc) gwspatial data that can be used with viswlizalion tools such as Googlc Emil-i. (U) Prior to me July 25, 20:0. public pasting or rcpons from[:i W-ilciLcuks-.pmvided Tire N'm J'nri?c Times, Der Sm'egei. and The Guardian copit? oi'rh: 1'61}! reports posted nnlim: along with remaining appruximaicly 15,000 reports. Each uni-lane media outlets has used this information in their raponuig and poaled a small number afrcdacted reports beyond what is available on the WikiLcal-rs wchsilc. In addition, in (?My April ZCI l, Denmark?s Information began a: Ecrics nl?re .qu based on 14,321 report; that assesses with high axe?ihe-iemaiuing-?cpons the: wikiLcaks had held back. Dagbludy infra-ma?a? claims In haw: rccrived these from Wikilxaks and has posted ml},r meladata and assurioicd manic: rather than mu full text rcpons. USC 3024ii} .. USC 3024(i} Pages 21 are withheld In fuli (U) Key Findings USC I PH conccmingil US. suldicrs. including fuil names and social security numbers. All affected indwiduals have mama. USC (EMA 1%?s 23-24 are withheld in full. (50.1.4 .4 Unrcinsud Ducuman-t; in the Data Sci: Fer rcpons in the EEK dnLa an: to be of minimal aigni?cancc. Page 26 is withheid in full E?l?i?lii'l' 5??qu {152' Tl?lt?. IR . I NSA. NGA. and CIA. rcvicwcd thL? .. .Afghum-m- or inibrmation conccming intelligcmc sourccs and This USC 3024 rwicu? yielded HUMINT, and (SEOINT mpabililics, reporting, and This inf-.nmatian has been divided into three 1) Human Sources and Methods. 2} SIGINT, and 3 GEOTNT. Although the IRTF 3.5325525 there is not any significant ?strategic impact." to rcicasc ofthis infomalion. than: is the potential for: sctiou? damage 11'] [ms criticui areas: i} risks to sources. informants. and the Afghan papuiatiun, and 13.5 ENATU SIUIHT collection and capabilities. I 1' Human and .H'e-ihndr USC 424,1.4 .. (U1 curl - ldisciosing coopmiivt: local national mamas: U30 3024 use 25 Pages 28 - 29 3 are withheld in LSC 424.14 full?(El rcpm?lmg in ca?y AugL-sl rcvcalcd [hm an insurgcm Ic?dcr or?crpd Inicmct document: pertaining to Caulitim: npcnatirms in Afghanistan dismbutcd among subordinatc ale-menu. 10 . - JA Jihadist webs?; pumcd a link lo a British mwspapcraniclc USC 424 'Anglamslm: The War ram-n rradcm] use 424,1.4 I link we have: a maul abfigan?an. not only to our troupx but to :hnsu who haw! workmthrong}! rhme Maryann and Identify pmpfa who haw helped us. 16?me m- harm on obh?gmion rah? Jam-r rim-Ir .wrurJ'Jy Robert Gain, Statuary [If Uti?cnsc. July 29, 2010 USC 424.1.4 27 use 424.1.4 GEOFNT Source: and Men?lods (WHGA analyzind I47 Georgie Earth dmumcms posted Lo the Wikihaks website the! depict Inc Eocation and went for reports. in the data set. Goggle Ear-1h ?les, commonly called EVIL includconc ?le with all ofthc 761': records. The run-mining 146 ?les contain subsm afzhc 76!: data that ponny variaus lhemes Hie-cued by WikiLuks, as: direct ?n:r indirect cxplusivc hamrds. mines: found and clrarod, IEDS. and others. KML docLJmans mated to containing classified SIGACT reporting warn likely created using {bird-party so?u-?arc by the WikiLcaks staff. as they are not srrucluwd in the same manner as the KML ?ies illar are available for downbad via Ihc CIDNE dniabase on SIPRNET. Addillmaily, the between the spreadsheets and KIN-1L ?le: posted to WikiLcaks Ihal the WikiLcaks smirk}: cly derived Ihc KML ?les frum Ihc in order m- nmvidc a visull rcnrescnlauon oflhc data. USC 3i} Pages 32 :53 are withheld in Iutl. ?ll 53"! ?in! (EM-4 (C) 'v'?an uafn'? w?a (Ur Thu uscd search? to idcniify civilian casualties wilhin Ihc dam acts. The switch For umualiics also encompasscd serious inlurics Io civilians. ch-ons mvcalmg details scamhcd and mnmarcd agalnsi Open-source rspom'ng. USC (U) The following two summarics an- afreporls 119*. found in open source could he used by or our Io negalively impact Ruppun for operations in rcgian: use 424,1.4 (Q1 Camry; {mar USC 3i Page 35 is i wihheld in full Chapt?' Two (U) IRTF Summary Reperi - Iraq Data Set (U) Background l'Ui Cm Odom 22. EDI G. at HUG EDT, 1h: WikiLcaks mganizarim refused 391,832 wizards ID the: gar-era] public ugh in. wtbsitc: Wikil' caksmg (dudicatc Prior to lh: Oclo?ner 22 public posting nf'rcpuns (M81150 ]i50 DWEkiLcaks providtd Thy Funk Thaw, Dar Spa?egef. Alina-rag, and The Guardian USC 3024 use 3024 copies nl'these. raped: in Bari}! August Esch ?fth: mndia has uicd this infonn?ion in [hair mparling use 424,1-4 (U) Key Findings I JSC 424.1.4 USC 424,1.4 (U) Analytical Assessments 154(b)(3)210 USC 424 thll?wmg analytical org-mind by seven kc}- fc-aus anus, are taxed an the results or'an imlia! keyword search. {gnawed by an m? depth, "line-byline" retire?: repan in the lraq data set. {ll-'1 Farm Protection fwg?gg?an; (U) The IRTF ?5 rev-icw for farm: protection implications resulted in Ihrce catcgo?es of reporting: ?113. Patron: PH, Cur-rm: and Sem?ar Leadership in Iraq, and Special Operuriam Farce: Idenrg?rng Uni: Informuuon. Summaries and assc?mcms of the corresponding data. are a ddmsaed below. 1' U) DIS thans USC Death: USC (3)314 36 53F '1?-le . 0 L80 424,03) lAnmher report includes sigm?cant dcldilx ofan incident resulting in vchiclc commander's death and anmher seriously wounded member mcciving burns wvcring 90 ofhis body. I: i Jrcidenm! Hem}: USC 424,1.4 (CH - Sclf?Jn?ictcd GSW. use. 424,1.4 0 Framndc USC 424.1.4 (50.1.4 4- Uthur Causes: USC 424.1.4 (50.1.4 3T (3)1111 Pages 39 40 are withheld in full. (If) Murder USC .4 (U) Cut-em and Former Scalar headers?): in hm; [Uf?i??-?yThe scamhzd the Iraq data set Fur ntportq containing Iafu'mces to current and funncr scrim U5. in Iraq The JRTF found two reports with La, or commcnu by, Gonna] David H. Pctracus, and one report with reference To Ricardo Non: of the reports an: damaging in any way. [Ufmml?f? Autumn?: The IRTF assesses wilh high con?dence that disclosure ofthc Iraq data set have no direct F?Tscnal impact on sun-am and fennel senior US. in iraq. 1? Idmrming Unit information: Sprain! amnion; Format (50F) 351 USC (L1 !Un Jul}; 201mm- 17.3. ("tun ol'hprm-En I'm I'm Dimin ul'EIuJumbia dlrrued ?It hlr'hcr {quW m: Mel-i designamm as 4 l'urclgaz mun: due pracrssuf'thc law um dun?; he Sm: pram-em, dcumun 1n mar-man: :Iw Max's dusig?nled ?Mm 359795713: 5? are withheld in full JSC (50.1.4 WWII: Sal manic: cmlilium ni?uihul shelling mm unit: 10 rrunuin K?ufl'tr. Fum?fctl by the United lhe So] pmg?m has Been cnlicircd by Imam a? 3 actual: mill-r1: Fem. Pages 539 f1 withheld in full are Chapter Three Jain! Task Force - Cunntanamu Records (U) Burkgra and On ?prii 25. EDI 1 at H110 EDT. the Wikilmks. organization, through a scrim; of international media Duticls: began rcicasing Guantanamo dmainn ?les to the public. By April 28. 20! 1. Hotel of 769 campromiucd documents pasted In the WikiLcaks website Prior In the public posting nl'mpans from (STD-JO, Wililmks providcd complete copies of these mpons 1H media oui?lcts. InciUdinB The Washirgmn Pam, ?ne Telegraph, Dar Spi?tgei. LeMonde, P055. lhl: i?i?f?'Cl?fE?J} carpal-1y. and several other: The New Yuri Times, Mariana! Pubh'r Radio, and The Guardian also acquired the ITF-GTMO data from a scpamte source. likely fomerly assmialcd with WikiLL?aks name use 42411.4 Key Findings Page 73 is withheld in full. Chapter Four (U) IRTF Summary Report -- Net Centric Diplomacy Data Set (U) Background On Novombarl?, 2010. The WikiLgaksmganizauor-t rein-Isa! 243 DDS cahlc: ?mm the HUD dawns: It) the gench public through the WikiLcaks website, 'WikiLcaki had provided Tho New York Timon. Der Spiegw, The Guardian. Le Hands. and Poi: un- rcdactod topics of Ihcs: rcports in advante. Each modia outlets has oeloc?vel} used this infom?on In their initiai rcponing. which has included concerns about the Iranian nucical program. infomsu ion on historical events (6.3., Nclson rcleasc, Iran hostages. and Manual Noriega}. biographics Qadda?, Mugahc, Ahmad and W211i Karim]. infomtion on domiic politics Germany and Tur?roy), infomwation on Yemen CT operations, Icy} analysis orthc Honduran coup, Nonh Korean missile informatLoo on sanction! againsr Iran. and For wolk-in?defecmr handling. A5 of Jun: 10: 201 I, ?Thinks and its global partners haw: man: man 14,1110 of 25 237 ?raids foam 1h: (Um Based on infomtiou being pul?zlicly rcloased by and its media partners. the has con?rmed as many 55251.18? cables from the DOS NCD dataon have been compromised, with an in?rrmaiion cudeMc of Fcbmary 28. WikiLealcs has slam-d that ?Mb: cmbau?y cable: mm be released in .rtages over the neufew? mama: The s?ubjecl matter of Mesa cabin- is ofxuch fmpanJnce?. and the spreadso brood rho: to do omemise woofd no! do this mafcn?aiju?ico. Key Findings Pages 75 93 are withheld In full. Anaiy?ca.? The ?zllz'fufl?g IRTF analytical organized by Focus area; an: based on the remit: oran mmal kcywurd search, foilowcd by an urn-depth. lino-by?Emc review ofcach rcpn? in the NCD data set. Fart: Prim-aim (?11mm LES. ?rm? Idauf?viug use 424.133) (3150 use . 3024M .. . .. (U) arc: Dr'tpou'?am and Ir'ufnernb?ih'n ( 74 are withheld in full (ilynu '5 I-?les ?drill"- 1 mu: 1 I Curr-em or Mi?mry Hans (Wm 9-1 Pages 98 ?100 are withheld in full. Chapter Five (U) IRTF Summary Report - ACIC Special Report 1- (W ikiLtaks founder Juli-.111 Amnge views the ACIC report as a ?declaration of war," based on a hunt EC IO inrcwiew with The Maw Yorker, which may n3 molivulim for further releascs. (0)114 (Lil ?Eta If "Ira rarterfzulian use use ?97 Chapter Seven IRTF Summary Report Baghdad (L9 Background (UlrFOUG-y-There arc three distinct. engagements shown in the leaked footage. to CNN reports, [he soldier?s ofBravo Company 22-16 infantry had been under all morning on July 1200?. from RPGs and small arms ?re- Air Weapons Tun-um cuminting of two Apache Ali-54's providing aerial support to ground units involved will: Opcra'lior'l Ilaaj. The AWT spotted a group consisting of ?-20 men to be some of'whcm were brandishing Ali-41?s. After receiving permisaron tn engage. 1hr: dispensed JD mm mumis, killing several men, including on: Reuters s'ra?? member, and scum-sly Wounding the urhcr. Crew members mistook thrir video recording equipment for mammary a?cr the initial engagement. a van arrirnd on scene. unarmed men to load Ihc wnundcd Haulers sumecmhc-r into the vehiclc. The Apachc believed man be additional insurgants attempting to bodies and [mm the acerr: and rcqucslud permission to engage. The AWT opened on the: van, kiiling the second Reuters reporter and one other man. Two children Lifting in the van war: severely wounded in the incidcnr- 101 it: a period ofl? minutes not inciudcd In the edited WiltiLealts version of video footage that showed the A WT engaging armed insurgents in ?re?ght on the ground. Some of the immgents were teen entering a building. The ulited WilriLenkr. triden- resumes showing two men holding weapons entering the building. The request permission to engage (ht targel. stating Ihat they believed the buildings to be Uptm receiving pcrmission. the AWT ?res a total ofrhren Hell?re missiles into the target. One ul?thc gunners curt he heard on the video stating. ?There i: goes! Look at that bitch get Pat-002m?" fill Media writing: The lbotage was released by WikiLenlrs Founder Julian Asnange during an April S. press confermce at the National Press Club, and subsequently under tie-signaled website titted "Colluleml Murder." Publicity ofthe incident spiked Following the release otthe feetage. Borne nfrhe more notable media nutter; entering the issue were Al Jean-ere English. RT. Ree tern, The Parr, The M: Yuri Times, the Science Mrmiwr. the BBC. and CNN, Cnvemgc or the event in minntream media was largely unfavorable Inward; the LLB. pmitinn in this incident. one videt?ts with a disclaimer tlut same of the men may have. been armed. Fox News eluims that. "at least one man in that gmup was taunting an RPG, 3 clearly visible uuapgn that runs nearly two-thirds the length nfttit body." Huwever. Glenn Gmnwald nl Salmenm said that the West majority ofthe men were unarmed" and called the incident ?plainly unjusti?ed killing of a group of unarmed men carrying away an unarmed. wounded man to safety." The Gum-dim stated, ?It is unclear theme at the men are armed but Nam-Eldeen Reuters 5mm can be seen with a camera." The Australian newspaper deserihcd the group as displaying ?no obvious aetion.? Reuters Further claims that it could locate anywitnesses who had seen gunmen in the immediate area of the inetdem. Mifr'ran' Legit! Re Pit!" Apnl 5. 2010. USCENTCUM released two separate lS-? investigative reports to coincide wi th the Wikilenks press emfcrenee On the same day. One investigative]: was commissioned by the 1" Air Cavalry Brigade, l"1 Cavalry Division. and another hy till: 2? Brigade Can-that Team. "3 Infantry Division Beth investigations exonerated the individuals involved in this event. concluding that they followed the rules nt?engagement to a. utisfaetery degree Furthermore. the Brigade investigation provided stills from the gun cameras and photos from the ground identi?eng de?nitively that there were Weapons present on the scam: and that the Rattlers Slaleid tint have any identi?cation or clothing identifying them as members of lite press while traveling tat-1th armad insurgents, It}2 Final Report of the Department of Defense lnInrmalEon Review Task Force USC This man along with associated analytical and other nr ucts an: postcd 424 If you have any questions regarding this rcporl plcasc contact the TRTF through Ihc on Ihc JRTF lnicllipodia above. [03 W. . APPENDIX A UNCIASSEFLEDLW SECRETARY OF DEFENSE 1? mm MEMORANDUM FUR SECRETARIES OF THE RY DEPARTMEWS CLMIRMAN UF THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF UNDER. 0F ASSISTANT SECRETARIES OF DEFENSE GENE-TEAL COUNSEL OF HE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE DIRECTOR. ATIUNA TEST AM) EVA LUATTOH DIRECTOR, COST ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION IASPECTDR UF DEPARTMENT OF DEFEXSE A. SEISTILNTS TO SECRETARY OF DEFENSE DIRECTOR. ADMINISTRAHDH AND MANAGEMENT DIRECTOL NET DIRECTORS DEFENSE AGENCIES OFTHE DOD FTELD ACTIVITIES Task Emu-.10 Review WM nfCEusi?ad Won Oull?y Ml. Defunct [malignant Alene)! (Du) nu subli?: an In?mmtiun Renew TuJ-c Fan: (1111'?) to had a. Hep-mum: Iii-mm It?" of district! datumnm post-ad In 11: Villain: whim (wwy??nhaq) on July 2i. 2910, and my am: Wed lulu-i115. [1m truck-m: Cans-ma should provide DD. any minute when! to cum Ila: timely :f'Lb: rn?icw. mm wili mm no impact 0N1: unauthorized dildos-me of :hui?d interwar; lpcd?ad above; The IRTF uriu marina: Maugham 1h: [mllilcml in tmducu'ngm aim-swim: ruin-w and i1: ITEM: . val-?thou a! {he Nl?m? Commkl?am Ema?w. Wm an'il proud: ml! ?was tn 1h: Of?ce am: Sou-m1? of mm? (0513} ?ll it! ?rings. A. campahmive interim repan will In: providedu c?u?lpmu. 'l?hlt rap-on will include UH: follounng inn-15' W133 ruins-ed infonnw?? With in?rm-dial: fore: {aluminium implication; (SI-F0863 All? talcum-cl idormanior. cumming 111qu or mdi?un pU'U'Icm lint may w?nty impact {min-1 pal-icy, I m?iux} all-?; ?mm 0 UN: LASSTIEDLW I [Wain]! [clam-d in {marina or mchoc?; 4- {mm Mm?anon civilian nannies ml wwiuusl'} rclcuad; - {mg-Any daogalory mm regarding Arms Guilty: or ?lm: md Way rained dun that may have also haw. bum relauld but no! postcd. A ?nal Input: will hep-mam once all documenLl utmuscd. Wt: 131'? is at: am no!) crazniznian with ammry Md mapousmi?ty to am: the Don review rum-ding this waif-wind By mun mutingH 1 am Mug to sanctum a nil-Hm: oft: WE procaducu for naming and dusi?cd New 1: up?. Bans. mi mine-d to, my mm inva?ga?m or maimed inhm??m 111.: m1 and rc'vir-r out; Imam isnot minded W. l?d 933113 1101 ?In? in In? 1hr. Fld?'ll Bureau ofhvs?gm?an o: my Muf?n] aiminu invesugnm. mu mm! and pmm?nrs We: investigative trial :3ch in auppcm ofpouible promutians man: the Uniform Cokofl?iiunv Jiutizc Dr Mull Criminal provisions. Dim of?n?ma} Inta?igmca ij?n Bhutan Cum-id mulling: Agency ?1:thth ?511: I'me?i?m a Research Nm?aui Cents: UHCLASSIHEW H35 Page 107? is. withheld in full APPENDIX (U) GENERAL BACKG ROIIND INFORMATION ON WIKILEAKS (U) WilciLoalrs is a oulrlittly.f accessible, websito that host worldwide submissions of sensitive and classi?ed military. govcmmontr corporate, and religious downicnts, Whill: attempting to preserve the anonymity an-zi urlraccahilily ol'irs wmribuiors. (U) It has been described as a web-based modium for peep?: With damning, potentially; or mumssing information In reach the public, without providing any linkage back to the source who discloscd tho infomation. (U) ?M'kiizoh describe-5 itrcifas ?zm fur animate-0M8 mas: document igniting. is? 1103th by PRQ, providing 'iligiriy 1mm. HO-q'desiims-nsked honing ?nicer. is mid fa haw ?oimsa' no information album its dim-?cf: and morntm'nrfew if any of"; own mgr. ?It" set 96"! are Jprfad award the tut-arid with {he caulrar? yarn-r incoled SWEVL Soum' 1vu?lr'iltl' pair: 31 {rctricrai i3 2010?} The WiltiLcaks website. in 20%. is run by The Sunshine Julian Paul an Ausrraiian. is in open source reportmg as the Wikilxais foundcr. Acct-Ming to Asnango, WikiLcoks maintains its Mutant on more than twonty ?was around the world and on hundreds of domain names. (umwmitoaks? main wcbsitc is tie (straight HTTP) or Via hops?socuromikilc altsorg me: 115.? Tho domain name is registered undo: [possible U.S. pcrsoo do Dymdor Privacy, PO Box Til I. San Mateo, CA. 944m {a domain Iookup resolves to 83.33.23J9J. which geolocatos to Stockholm. Sweden}. The domain used to host mail for contacting the own-no. is registered to Slave Tomoz. cro WLK, PO Box 3093?00200. Nairobi: Kenya domain lockup resolws to 88.80. lJJot}. which also geolocatcs l0 Stockholm, Sweden}. (U) 11.5 {Transport Layrr Security]- cn?ptuurwh ii: protocol mu providcs I'ut communicnlion over nuwort: rurl' a! the imam?. TLS protocol rill-11.3 Io communiuto across a notwork in I. ?#14on cartridropping Ind pruninum [i for securing World 113le HTTP to ?rm Pages 109 - 113 are Withheld In full. APPENDIX DEROCATORY INFORMATION ON FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS (U) The: ['ullmuing at": mmric: of reporting found tr: thr: Iain: Task Farce-Guantanamu UTF- GTMO) data sat lhal provide information on [he nefarious aciiwilit?s ofa famrgn pcrs-onncl, or Institutions. Mos: ol'Lhus is (lemma: reported Dut 5mm: ufit is derived I?rum JTF-GTMO and In reponmg. (U) Pail-mm Pages 115 - 119 are withheld In full. APPENDIX (U) IRTF-Prnducrd Cnunlry Information Memorandum . . . . 42': gag-:5 lU) Country SpC?l?c mformalmn arr: 31:ng USC 302%] Afghanistan lndia 50th Africa Africa South Asia Albania Iran Swain Argcmina Iraq Sweden Australia Israel Syria Azerbaijan 1:1 Taiwan Bahrain Japan Tajikistan Hallie Sums Jordan Timur Ltsle Belarus Kazakhastan Uganda Belgium Korca Lil: r3 inc Bolivia Kuwait United Arab Emimcs Bosnia-Hemtgm'ina Lebanon United Kingdom Brazil Uruguay Bulgaria Malaysia Uzbekistan Bwliina Faso Mali Venezuela Burma Mauritius Via-Imam Cambodia Mexico Canada Mozambique limbs we Cups Chili: New Zealand China Nicaragua Colombia Nigc'ia Gringo Oman Croatia Fakistan Coir: d?ltoire Panama Cuba Fcru Cyprus Philippines Catch Republic Poland Denmark Portugal Ecuadcr Principe Egypt Qatar France Romania Georgia Rwanda Germany Saudi Arabia Greece 5110 Tame Guatcm?la Senegal Guinea Serbia Haiti Honduras Singapon: Hungary Somalia