"--"'''"Contents ...,..,...... 1 able No. 01 Page "...,.1 ( I) 41 Article (I) - Preamble 2. Article (2)- Term orlhe Contract Article (3)- Obligations orlhc Second Party Article (4)- Obligations of the First 4. e.....yJl Subject 1. 3. . 2 ..,m """ i;.- (2) ..... -'-""I .;.1..1.;.11(3) ..... 3 3 JJ~ -'.»n ""-1.;.11 (4) 4 1 6 _ (6) ""'" . ~.b~J-'.J • """ ..... 7 S Party S. 6. 7. B. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. lS. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 2l. 22. 23. Article (5)- Rates Article (6)- Contract Value and Payment Conditions. Article (7). Penoillies Article (8)- Performance Bond Article (9)- Offset prOOr;tm Article (10)- Miscellaneous Article (11)- Contract Termination and Bank Guarantee Confiscation Article (12)- Amendment of the Contract Article (13)- Force Majeure Article (14)- Indemnity Article (15)- Assignment Article (16)- Modification Article (17)- Compliance with the Laws RCi!ulations and Bv Laws Article (18)- Prior Agreements Article (19)- Settlement of Conflicts Ar1ide (20)- Confidentiality Article (21)- Addresses Article (22)- Contr'dcl Counterparts Article (2l)- uW2uaee J No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ;'-~I .:.~ .... (5) 4 1 .:.L.I.,.,I (7) 4 1 , 1"11U11 (S) ..... .' '1 ' n ~~ (9) ""I Ii "-oli~ W~· . ':'ufo. to} 4 1 ~ .~J.wl ,.~! (11) ~ (;";--'I l.J.isJI)~ """ J.I.>o' (12) 41 iJlol.i.l1i..t1ll (13) ~ """""I (14) 4 1 u..~ I (l5) ..... ~(16}"'" Wl.."il, u.,ll-"" ~" ( 17) 4 1 "'I....., ........ .:.UU.."i\ (IS) ..... "'-'F-JI"""" (19) 4 1 '<>-" (20) ..... Ui..l\ I:" ~Y ---; ",..., L...;i 4;l! ~w.,) 1.-,ul.t11 "'I) .r ~~,;.II -'--' (' J~~I u.)oli' ',; ~ .»-'."....,...,...sJi....; d~ .~ .J-li ~ ~1.Sl\ J .,..,..io:. .2 '~I ....,yJl ':'I}""il 132606 ,J~ <;"J! I~ .>....i..I1 I:" ~Y ...,..?l '.L...l1 u~' --i ".., t..,i 4;l! ~w.,) .,.~~ J ' JS..I..o Ccr'tlll PREAMBLE Whereas the Firsl Party wishes to obtain manpower for the provision of services to the various units penaining thereto, with the option 10 include additional services. and <-<. ....... ,1';;"1 ~ J yC J! W~I u.)oJl ~ ~ ':'1"...,11 ~ .:,I...>i.. ..,.,.. .;lli , .:."Lo~ .J ·~L41 uL....l.;. ~\...Q) ~1&! C'" • .lW\ \ ~ Whereas the competent Purchasing and Projects Committee of the first Party has agreed to contract with the Second Party by way of direct negotiation; Whereas the Seco nd Party undertook to provide the above mentioned manpower (hereinafter referred to as "Personnel" ) in accordance with the tenns and conditions st ipulared in this Contract. and wi th the conditions and specifications sti pulated in the said Direct Negotiation's documents; Now. therefore, the two parties agrccd to contract pursuant to the Decision of the Deputy Supreme Commander of the L..c ~ .Jii.Y-! L...ii, (' .1 ~r .li ""Ull u~ 0 1 ~ .J --i ".., t..,i ~! ~w.,) .:."LoWI ¥ J .~\ ILA ~ 'i>J".u.-JI .l...Jy!J1 .J J~ .1L.."il yL, '~fii.--..ll ':'1.i....1.,.J1 , .l.J.".:.J4 .~4-J\ The Seco nd Pa rty shall for the fulfillment of this task abide by the following: 1. Perso nnel .Joining: 1~ I. 1-2. The Secon d Party undertakes to provide the numbers of Personnel detennined in Addendum (G) Statement of Work to provide the Services to the First Pa rty throughout the Contract tenn. The Personnel shall attend training courses on the account of the Seco nd Party for a period of time in accordance with the schedule set out in Addendum (G) Annex (8) Statement of Work. calculated within the Contract tenn prior to joining work with the Firs t Party. so as to boost some ski ll s and experience required from them as described in Paragraph b.(2) here ",.jj illJ ~ .;i'il (JL-..c'il 0Y) J ;"-0 ..):ol,;. *"". ~ ....).11 I-I (j) ~I ~ .;fo..ll .J!l.i" Jill ....;l>ll .:.I...illl ,b'i .;ll; . .>i.l1 ~y:i ~\JY J~ ~\~'JI rJi! ....:.~.2-1 L..i!-' 4- ...!.J (,.j~l u~ '-:-l~ ~ ,PeocYI 041) "'- (Y) Jiy (j) .y,J.1l r ~"\ 'I 1 _~ ~\ .. ~ • • ~ ~J ~ . ~ ~ .;ll; J J i ll ....;.n '-'"" J..ll J--' L..S ,....; ...yJl .:.1 ~ J WI.;1.t-ol1 .• ll>i (2) y ~c, .;fo below. 1-3. 1-4. In the event wbere the First Party wishes to have any of the Personnel replaced for incompetence or security or conduct reasons, the Seco nd Party is committed to replace him with another person who has the same experience and qualifications without any additional cost to the First Pa rty and within 60 days following the date of nOlice sent by the First Pa r ty in this respect. If the Fi rst Party needs additiona1 numbers of Personnel, a Task Order will be submitted to the Second Party to undertake the request to provide the required numbers within a reasonable period under the same conditions and rales stipulated in this Contract. 0-.,,1 Ji."...1 JJ~I "'~I:...,c.; 11 .)c- <.,;w,! WS; JJ~I .....,....IolI Jl-.o.;! 1::<)0 0- t...., 60 .•J .!J\ I~ ~ ~ J.l...i.J .3-1 ~I 2. Miliiarv Experience and Co urses 2-1. ... ,;.....\1 i Militan' Ex perience All Personnel intending to work for the First Party must have received prior military tTaining. and have served in field military units for at least two (2) years, and they shal l be selected through the fonnation of a joint commi ttee be""een the two panies, after verification of their identity papers, personal interviews. and then physical fitness tests and complete medical examinations. 2-2. 4..t p.....a.l\ 0 >eiJ! . 2 1 ,.J.\1 I Jiil upl ".>l ~ t'j.J1 ~L....;~ ..,-,y:. ~ J ~.1-2 'I.)~I jS ~ I ......... .llIYfo. ,) 'i L.. 1...,1 .ll Iy fo. ,;I J • j....JI., ci6:J'i I ~ .:.1.>.->.,1 YI.,..J1 ~I ..,.J .:fo-. ;:p ji, :u,J w1 14! ";;yJl (Y) &,. :.r"i l ..,......JI ...,.;l J fo.Jl J;.... ~ :Ul.fol • ~I J '-I..,..JI,~ ':'l.lJyll wl~I;:p~1 ~'J~-:Jl eJ-II Y-" JtiII ~W\5.. w)fill J w\..j"ll ~ .... ~ yu.:.J\ ~\"....ill ;""W, o.ll..jill 0fil.,i > w pI • • • • • • • w....J1 ~~I ~yJ1 ~\j....'jl -¥'--i:i .J ~\..l~ I ~I u~\ ~W.w....3-2 Second Partv 's Responsibilitie.1i 2-3-1. The 041 (j) ..;..wI ~ ';l! J • J r~1 .bl, ",~I upl \ ~ .l~ J .b"y!.llliJ .;:,\ :II;,. l:.s *'"' .1-3-2 ..:..41~\ J (.,.) ~ J .w~1 ,wI u).l\ 2-3-2. The Second Party IS responsible ror the recruitment. training and management or the Personnel as provided in Addendum G Statement of Work. 2-3-3. The if"" 1".>Jl., ~I u.).ll .,.." . 3 - 3- 2 """,,;., .oW .:,,!.,..:...JI ~1.;iYI ",yJI .:..,ljv.YI :.1", c:;'1"lJ ......J Second Party undertakes that all 'he individuals included in this Contract shall abide by the UAE and Armed Forces laws, regulations and by laws. ,*' .~I wl."illJ o~ "--'" J ~ u.).ll ,,,;., u".. ,4- 3- 2 ~ '",L.....JI., rlJ'il u.)oll yl.b wL..iil"..JI ..k Jy=ll wl. I.....) w~ 0- ~ljJI; <...ow ..,..';1 2-3-4. The Seco nd Party shall, if requested by the First Party, assist in the process of obtaining security approval ror the Personnel rrom the competent entities or the First Party before starting to fulfill their duties under this Contract. .LJ.j ~ Jj'll u.;l:aJl . .>i,J1 I;' ~ ,I~I ~I 2-3-5. The Second Party may not use the contracted work sites as training fields ror any person other than the Personnel. c.S~ ;, A"I; /'f""i.t-J .11 ~I.>i j.i u.).1l j".., Y .5-3-2 .:..,\..,.\....S ~ ~I j..JI ~u. .~I.;i';1 .JJ'- ~ ,,':! "'Iy:. ",JL~ll u.;-loll ,t....,... J l...b.:.ll .6-3-2 ~.;-JI ~ J ";'I.r--!.'i ~ .W) .;; .11 JJ'i1 u).li 2-3 -6. The Second Party's activities and duties are subject to the supervision and audi t of the First Party's competent staff. ~ "I .1jJ) ....J~I u.).1l j"..,Y.7-3-2 J\ .>...WI ,yol,;'':! JJ'i1 u pl l,;;1>" wy, 2-3-7. The Secon d Party sha ll not use the accommodation racility for non-approved personnel within or outside the purpose of the Contract without the pennission or the Fi rst Party. . "",".JL:.. (4) ',WI A rticle (4) Oblieations of the First Party J .'il u,!oll .:.\.01 ;;31 I. All of the Personnel shall be under the sponsorship of the First Party and holders or valid visas obtained under the license granted to practice their 6 by the respective professions competent authorit ies In the United Arab Emi rates. ~"... ~I ~ J.i"ll u)ctJI t~~.,... .2 <-.l x......... wAll .>lw.!1 uy.Il ..,.., j....$ 2. The First (larry shall appoint one of its stafT as its representative for the Officer's Technical Contracting Representative (COTR) ror the rollow up and execution of this Contract, who shaH have the necessary authorization to take decisions and act as link between the two parties regarding this Contract. U-'""" ~j}1 .J I~I \~ \lij, J ~u.. ~yJ wl).;ill il!,:,'i <.. jlIlt wl;o.)L.JI <;15 j.,.., L...# Uli.;-J.ll ~ Jt-i" ll J ~)ll w~t (j) ..;..J.JI; ~ .,. l.S "-'" ~ ..'l' • Wl...o~I w...!1 wl.,ill ",".,wI A1 ,", :" ':.n ~1.i.J1 ~ -,..,.>-"1 ' ~ '.,I...o'i' w'iL.. ~ ,'.)Y' JI,.:...I ~ .r+'- ",y <..~ _i.t" " wl.;;hlt fil:,o u,J1SO (l.ii L:.wi .>l, ~) ..,.wI ...,......., ~ 7 • Article (6) Co ntract Value and Pavmcnt Conditi.on !; (6) "WI e:i.>ll .. I":' l..a..il J uP It is hereby agreed between the two parties that the total value of this Contract for the Initial Teml is Five hundred and twenty nine million onc hundred and sixty six thousand seven hundred and fifty four United States Dollars and thirteen cents ~ .:WI .}.;l- "" ':'w"il .J ~ .J ~L. .J ..J-*,", 0-,~ -' ~ .J ~~ y .J'i u."...........:.J ~--·d -' ~\ ... ! wi u~ 529.166.754.13) t:.L... ~ ~ J ..,s....,..1 J ~L,l.. -'I.r-J.'11 ':'L-"L, j.lW .;JI J (J'i >' ~ J ~~ .J 0~ ..J~) .J ~ .J ~t-......:i r" y 0~,J 4...........;. .J ~~ .J Ull ..J~ J d 'I J..;'.;' .! ';I~\.o! r"..>'1.947.333.655.20)Wl .':.c ..J,J.J .J.....;; •• ,n r\l>l J ~J""" ....,'" tilJ rr;Ul1 '".r.'-" ~ ..hO ( ~. c;-. (,on .:,L4-ll til J J (d ,:,..J.JJ .) ~.,s:wl JJ'1I ~I .!ll, ",.;l- 0>- J.J~I "'.)oJ! J,i ,:,.. • 0 :.); \.oS ~I Wl.,ill '-.oWl L 20% of the Contract lOtal value as l,.....,i. w,s .li.lI advance payment against the following documents stated in Annex ee) of the Statement of Work: ,ji..,..J4 ,~.,s:wl J o ~..., f' ....... ~I ',.)1 .)) <,..ll4 .li.lI ~)'I <..,ill (USS 529,166,754.13) whieh is agreed between the Parties to be equivalent to One billion nine hundred and forty seven million three hundred and thirty three thousand six hundred and fifty five UAE Dirhams and twenty IiI s (AED 1,947,333.655.20), payable 10 lhe Seco nd Party in accordance w ith the invoice and payment structure set out in Addendum H hereto and further according to the regulations adopted by the First Party through Firsl Gulf Bank, GBQ Anned Forces. as follows: o W 'J'),I • ~)'I '-..;ill ,:,.. %20 . I ..,.'11 wl.lL...!1 J,\i.. .} :Jl..='11 u\;l,:,.. The Second Party' s invoice (ODe original + two copies) indicating the amount of the advance payment, the Contract number. and the details of the Second Party's bank account. u);; .: J J.-I ,:,.. ~I ....).11 ;~yli J .:WI r' ~ J A bank guarantee for the advance ,~ "J;, .~ '-...>WI '..i>ll "'.»lJ ~I . II""'--U.ll '·'1"" ~ .~ ..,...J<. 2. 80% of the Contract total value payable by periodical installments (end of each four months) starting from the beginning of the training course as per the certificate in Addendum (e) attached hereto against the fo llowing documents: 0 o ;,; 0 yL.....l1 wU\;I e )'e. • 'I 1" payment according to Annex (e) attached hereto. F. .; k) •. ··'1 ""' .....r" J ~ .w.Jl ~)'I <;,.' . ..)1.A.o..oOo ~ o ( ) •... n 1: .....>- '-..;ill ,:,.. %80 .2 j...S '.;l<' ~) '.;~>,':'l..iJ (..,......:.i L..,) .,........ L-S ~y:JI UI.J~\ ~,~ 0-- '"'~, Ii...., ,jiyoll ~I .} ,,~ ~P':'.;:'JI wl.lL...!1 Jili.. .} J ,w k) The Second Party's invoice (one original + two copies) indicating the anlount of the ins tallment, the period for which the payment is due, the Contract number, and the .., J J.-i ,:,.. rr~1 ....).11'~yli u[,; ;~l J ' ......u.»ll <.....cl r' F. .......... wU\;I J .:WI ~ J w.,n 4:.c. ~ .~I "'.»lJ y~ 8 I dClails orthc Second Party's bank account. A completion certificate as per Addendum (D) attached hereto. the by signed Director/Commander! Brigade or his deputy. • • 14 c>i.,.11 (» ~ I.il~ Jt..S! ,,~ ~I .I..-J } ......,li ~I -""" u- W yo ,wI .~\.j • Training course commencement certificate of the Second I)arty's Affiliates as per Addendum (C) attached hereto (to be produced only with the first installment payment documents). (7) ••I..oll Arlicle (7) Penalties ul.ol ,All ~I I. If Lhc Second Party is late in providing all or part of the Personnel beyond the deadlines fixed in the Contract. a delay penalty at the rate of 1% of the Contract value shall be imposed on it for the first week or part thereof, and such penalty shall be increased thereafter to 2% of the Contract value for each week or part thereof with a maximum of 10% of the Contract \'alue. The delay period shall be calculated from the beginning of the training period as per Annex B of Addendum (G) Statement of Work attached hereto. J-S .)Ii y ..,; W4 >....i.ll '-.JL... "I <....ill . % I l......; .• . ., - '-"" . ~?-'i ",I } J~'JI t_'J1 LJ'- ...,..l; <..1y.5 %2 ~ ~ ~\fl ,,1\ ..llJi 01 uk- ,.u,. ~ J }JI t _'11 -'"-I ...,..l; ",I ~ o,l.o.~J.~~'1I~\0-- %10 ~ .r-A L.S ~~I o.fo ~I~ 0-- ~I:JI ~ JL....c'J1 w4i (d ~I c>i.,.14 •.:r-.. ...-'I "., u- (..,,) .,w, '4! c>i.,.11 ...,..., ~I JS .)Iiy ..,; c.,..ll 2. If the Second Party fails to provide all or part of the Personnel (i ncluding the rejected elements) within the deadline fixed in the Contract, the First Party may take either ofLhc two following actions without the need to resort to the judicial authorities and after sending a registered notice to the Seco nd Party: • • ~ W'JI ~I~I..>? 'il 0- 4; ~I.:i:il J}il ~ ""L....<.ill wu.L...JI .,J! • y.Jl1 .,J! ","WI .ll .,J! ..-.) .;I;;! j\..) -'"-I .ill; Procure the Personnel not provided by the Second Party through a third party at the Second Party's expense after exhausting the maximum limit of the delay penalty (either by direct negotiation or by means of a local • J or public tender under the same conditions and specifications declared and contracted), provided that the increase in the rates in addition to the administrative expenses at the rate of 5% of the Contract value along with any penalties due fo r the de lay period in the execution shall be deducted from the value of the guarantees provided by the Second Party or from the latter's entitlements due by the First Party or by any other govemmcntal entity. • .... ;'y)1 r----'- %S ~ f'i "I ~ '(1# u-l! 4.!~)'4 ..J~y, .:'i'J~ . \l ~ . .. . < .\....1.Jl L..lI..... <...ill ~ . -...J.J _ . YI .• . ~ ~ • ·!.II '-..1'" ~ .,)Po ~•"J,I • • up! 0-- ~ ~Ut......:.J1 ...)011 ",) ....1.\11 ...)011 wth:..... 0- .J1 ","Ull JJ~I ....fo- ..... .;1 ",) JI • Tenninate the Contract and confiscate the bank guarantee in whole in case no services at all have been provided or confiscate the equivalent of 10% of the Contract value. PROV IDED IIOWEVER, lhal if the Second Party has provided the required number of Personnel. and the First Party has dec li ned to accept a part thereof due to the Fi rst Party's inability to accommodate the said declined parL the Second Party wi ll not be considered as being in breach of its obligations hereunder if subsequently the First Pa rty requests the provision of the previously declined part of the Personnel. ..,..,u..JI '-loll ~ '" ~I ...)olt ~\.i Il! "'! ~ .......,n J"'; ...,:..;Yo JJ~I ...)olt ~\.i J '1 ../;1 0.'-"'.......yll • ftll yl.;'-I ~ .0y; <""'-' ....... IL.. ~ "'LoI.:;;14 J;.... ....1.\11 ....;l>I1 ~ )U .ftll ~y ..,.u., JJ~ I ...)011 \hy ~\J Il! .:WI .,I.;i';1 0- .....,,;~ r" J ..;,... ",lll ;J..- ~ ~I .l!.:.c.)l1 ~\:JI u.;l:JI ..)~ rl Ijl If the Second Pa rty does not within the agreed period provide the required number of Personnel that was declined previously by the First Party, then the Second Party will be considered as being in breach of its obligations. .J...- .....,,;~ r" J ..;,... '" III "...jl wi.,l4 'I.;iY I "";Ull ...i~ .J...- s;..;,.1 ~ J}JI ...i..,lJI ....1.:;;14 3. The First Party may waive the penalties in whole or in part if the Second Party produces documents proving that the delay is allributed to force majeure reasons beyond ilS cont rol as stipulated in Paragraph (2) of Article (13) herein below. 0- '''» JI jS 2F- JjLrJI JJ~I ....;l>ll j......, .3 wl~ 1"1"'! ~1 up\ rli Ijl ul..lyJl ~)~ i.yoli i..,i ..)1 y.,...w ~l:J1 (2 ) '.fol\.-I.w,1 ~J" 10 / J -'ti' "'~ 2F.(13 ) ;,WI 0- -'" \.oS (8) Article (8) Performance Rond f iJ\.oll 1#1 4Jlis 1. Within 20 days at the most after the Second ParI)' is notified that the Contract has been signed and provided that the Second ParI)' has received an original copy of the Contract. the Second Party undertakes to provide a bank guaraotee as perfonnance bond issued by a bank operating in the State and amounting to 10% of the Contract value as per the fonn included in Addendu m (F) attached hereto. . J c'"II"u~ . 'I tJ~ ..Co ~ . . ~. 2 2. The bank guarantee must be unconditional, must remain valid for at least 90 days following the expiry of the Contract, at which time it shall expire. If the Contract is renewed or extended, the Second Party will provide the appropriate bank guarantee at the timc of renewal or extcnsion. , • .1-.1.>---- 3. The value of the bank guarantee shall be reduced in the respective values of the deliverables made in accordance with thi s Contract as referred to in Annex C attached hereto. ~ ~\ t.J~ ~ ~...j.,.... 4. Subject to the provisions of paragraph (c) above, the bank guaranlee shall stipulate that its outstanding value shall be payable 10 Ihe Firsl Party, on immediate basis and upon the mere production of a written letter from the First Party without the need for any judicial proceedings and without any conditions. UJ--' ' .~I (3) '.;iill ,141 '~I.>- t' .4 ~ ,:,.. ~\lI1 .;,1 ~ ~I ,:,t...-.JI ..,..., J J}i l u.;J.II I.;"; ~ (..,.,u.JI uiJ -u.,l) 5. If the value of the bank guarantee decreases due to the deduction of any sums from the Second Party or if the value of the supplies becomes higher than what is mentioned in the Contract as a result of additional demands or amendments, the Second Party must. as soon as it receives a demand from the First Party, lOp up the guarantee value to the equivalent of 10% of the Contracl value after Ihe ~"i 1~~':U~ ~ ~ I~ .5 L- ~I ~'~.Jyl' ~i ,~!)\ <..:Jl.~ . 'I <...w ~ ) I '~I .J. .:L.,ll, . l.S'. . ~ .>ia.IL,<'. . .Jy- .T' ~ ~ • ~I i:l.;U ~ 'h'J ,.Jl 90 ,>-I >I}.... , ........ .>....W "' •• JI ~ :.Jt.. ~ J . .>ia.I1 ."...; ,",""ll. .p, .;,w. ,.".., ~I u.»ll .~I JI ~I ~.;'u .;t.....:... ... t..S J .>ia.I1 1;..1 u; J •.>ia.I1 I;"" ';;.;011 j~'il k:l ';;.;oil! <;I! ..}.u... . . A.h.~. .Jy..- J ~I IL... >Ii -"'" JI .-L-JI .3 ! ... .,..;t...<.i •IY.>! ~~ >II.,..;! ...t..ll -"'" ..h.Jy!. .J~) ~~\ u.)al\ > ~, ~ (20) ,j)to. ~ J JJ~I upl ..,.,u.J '-"""'-I J.L~ ~I .;,t...-.JI '.L,j ;&il ~ t...Jl o.!yy\ ~ ~ ~)'I~' u.- %10 4.....:i "1;)11 ..;.... ~ ~ J}II u.;J.ll .~ It • u.):al\ ....:..a~ "IS 'J! J ~I increase, within twenty (20) days rrom the demand date, otherwise the First Party may retain the required increase from the Second Party's entitlements due by the First Party. 6. If the Second Party does not provide the nccessary guarantee within the deadline indicated in Paragraph 1 and 5 of this Article above, the First Party may cause thc Contract to be executed by a third pany and have the updating, development and maintenance carried out at the Second ()arty 's expense and under its responsibi lity, and claim from the latter payment of al1 financial differences incurred by the First Party as a result thereof by way of deducting the same from the Second Party's entitlements due by the First Party or by any other governmental entity, or claim the same before the courts while blacklisti ng the Second Party and preventing it from pan"icipating in the Armed Forces tenders for at least one year. ,j:Ll1 .;,t....;.Jt ~ ..,..Ull ...)olt '" r.!1;l .6 J (I) •.,;-iill .) -..,ll .;t.:..l, JC-".JI Jll .) ,:,-. .>WI i,;;-, J}II ...»11 ~ ..:lId (5) Article (9) (9) ;,l.olI Offset Program IL is agreed between the First and Second Parties that any con tract/purchase order or a set of contracts/purchase orders entered into between the two parties for n value exceeding within (5) five years the sum of Dirhams 36.730,000, or the equivalent of USD 10,000,000, shall be subjecl 10 the UAE Offset Program. The fi,c year period shall start to run as from the date of the first contract or purchase order entered into betwccn the First and Second Panies. The Second Party undertakes to execute the OfTset Agrt.'ement and/or the complementary agreement with the Offset Program Office. and it is hereby agreed between the two parties subject to the provisions of Article (8) above. thai the Firsl Party shaH only deliver copy of the Contract signed to the Second Party after the Second Party submits a confinn'lion ~L·.ll ill . r;.J ~ J.fi~.J; .!J\\ . , .....->"" > ~ J ..,;ul "'~I '-.iil U\S; ..,..Ull ...)olt ..,lU... 1;S J ' ~ '-'4--1' -4":"'" J.J'II "'~I ~ .,;11 u,l\S:J1 .) ,h;i11 ..,..Uli ....»ll .;:,\W- 0- F I ,j,,). d) ,~"s,. ~ <;1 "Jl JI J.J~I ....»ll ".>3 ... L', ..;.--w . ~J.J <"';w.;J1 <.ltJ...lI ; . N, ~ • U'" J~' 0- ..... J '''"...ll w::tJI .) ~I . ~YI .>.oJ w.....JI .:J,,;II .:A...d"U.. > "'"' • ( S~I ..,..'U' ...)olt ,'1 jl.:lll ~u H J JJ~I ...)olt 0;! <;Ie ~ ,:,. ~"...... JI ,I"'; yol JI ~ ",I t"J, '-1L...) " ! ...... Jll .) ,:"i.;hlt 0;! ,I"'; yo'JI JI 'p- JI .;tJl..l ",y 36730000 & ~ .:.1 ..... ,-,\; ..,....s,.yol .;'J '" 10000000 & J.>I." l.. .r' ",'~"'JI .;,}..-'!I (!-"I.ly,l ~ UJ-' w-=JI oft l-¥i .......,... J ,o.b..WI ~.;all ..:it.)I...'11 ~ \.... ~ Q-l""":' yi JI ~ JJI ~ju w.- Wly..... ,~, u)olt J UJ'i1 u.»l' letter signed by the Offset Program Office stating that the Second Party has signed all the documents req uired for the said Office. (10) Article (IO) ~li Miscellaneous The two panies hereto understand that no commission. remuneration or fees have been or shall be paid by way of tips, gifts, or personaJ payments granted directJy or indirectly or otherwise by the Second Party to any officer, individual. civilian or UAE Amled Forces member. or any of the UAE governmental employees worki ng within or outside the UAE reprcscnting a bribe or commission to ensure the signature of this Contract. ,L.i~ ,I ,1 r1 ....~ ~ .JU.).l\ ,..;, .;Jl " .; " ~ } I;I'fll ~ u.)an .J.o J.,?-l ~.):. ~~ .J\ .';-:40 .)#. Jl ..:.1-,", ~ .:.- ..,.,. } J.:) ,1.l.,W. .:.-.;1 .A L..fo. ~>-,.:.-.;I } .:...I)-,,~I 'J.>Jl w....n '........-'.,s ~J.. ,I 'J"D J,.iJ J.., ":"IJ-.~I 'J..., . .!kl\ 1:3. <.0 jl, r:j.;. ~bl ~~ Ji JC, .;1 J..,., ~ ~ u..,t.l1 ,,); I..< .,.1 ~ ~ u..,t.l1 J~ 'Jt.. ..,--', . ~y\i L.....:,. ,I ~.,.I C" "'" J..,. ~ "., l.. jL. ..,..., y ....~ ';'LJI .; .;; J-.~I 'J,." y~ "WI .:.. ,'&.'J ,I ,lj>lI :.s.,.: } ...m u..,t.l1 ~ 'Jt.. '" . ""."'-.ll ~ .•·"1 u J-" c• ('~ • ,. 1wV ~ • " ..:..;IS ~ " . .L ('..,..J %30 1..),.. JJ~I u.;l>ll ....,.;<. ~ ...m u..,t.l1 ,wI .\0') .; ~I w~1 u.;l>ll :';P,H ,wI .~y\il\ 4i~ Article (II) (11) Contract Termination and Bank Gu arantee Confiscation . t ~ l~ I. The First Party is entitled to tenninate the Contract and to bank <;1 'J>---", '..>---'4-..,J., F If the Second Party violates the provisions of this Article in any manner whatsoever. and if the First Party is able to establi sh such violation, the Second Pa rty is requ ired to pay a penalt) to the First Party amounting to 30% of the Contract value, and the First Party shall be entitled to tenninate the Contmct without prejudice to its legal rights. the J:4 Jl ~\fi'J\ ~.):. ~ ~.Jl U.,.......J ('.JM.J On the other hand, the Second Party confinns that there is no promise binding it legally, and that in case of the Second Party's having ignorant ly committed in the past 10 any li abi lity or undenaking wi th any person, establishment or company in the UAE, such li abi lity or undertaking shall not be binding. confiscate ;Jl..l\ s:L.),' .J.J.l.! ;Jl..l\ 0~ f -*11 ,.l..j.41 ,;.n .\0') .... .;..JI JJ~I u.;l>ll .1 ~ guarantee ~ ~...)ooQo.n ~, •.;J' - -.J ..,..,~ Jj.;.~1 without prejudice to its right to 13 J,,. --. <.;; .:.- - claim for indemnity in any of the fo llowing events without any limitation: ~ ~ u~W1 "" .;1 '" ~ J : ~ ~ jIl.lI J.... ~ a} If the Second Pa rty resorts to fraud or manipula tion in its dealings with the Fi rs t Pa rty; ) J.olI b) If it is established that the Second Party has attempted in person or through a third party. directly or indirectly. to bribe an employee of the First Par ty or has colluded with the latter in a prejudicial manner to the First Pa r ty: and .J1 ....... t J-' V--' . m u J-"' c. $-.J1 y!.4--.J:!~ .1 u.,l>l1 j..:...\ \;! . JJ ~\ u .,l>l1 e-' 41... "'_~ 0 J .;U, I;; .• $- .u-., ~ .", u~ ..;~ ~W\ ~l .~.)..,i y!.4-- u»l4 iJJ-'>! ..... JJ~I ).b\j>ll J\ . JJ~\ c) If the Second Party becomes bankrupt or insolvent. d) If the Second Party stops execut ing the services partially or totally without an acceptable reason for the First Party or breaches any tcnn of the Contract or neglects or delays executing any or its ob ligation decided in the Contract. wL..l:;,.j1 ~ ~ u~ ~.).J' ~ ~ j¥ ~.):!o..J1 .J.J~ "" .J.~.;4 "" "I, ,\;ill", .....b . ,:,.. "-l\ " .J,..\ J\ Subject to Article (19). upon lemlinalion of this Contract the Fi rst Pa r ty, in addition to any other rights provided in this Contract, may require the Second Party 10 deliver to the First Party any property specifically produced or acquired for the perfonnance of such part of this Contract as has been temlinated. The provisions of the "Government Furnished PropenylMaterial (GFEIM)" clause shall apply in such property transrer. The Fi rst Party shall pay lO the Second Part)' the agreed upon price, if separately ,wI ~;. J.;iJl wt...1 y1i1 .Iol! ) w... • -'lli. . ~'1:.11 4lS ~ J;.I Ji .JJ~I ~ JJ~\ .;illl ~..,ul .J.o ..,:..'~\ 2. The First Party is entitled to tenni nate the Contract without any objection from the Second Party in the condition to notifY the Second upon wrilten Party notification of not less than three (3) months before the tennination date. -.Ai) '~J ..l u.»ll .;.., .2 ..;1 jy ~ u...,. ~.J~ . ·1 .- ,-,ul J-'.J "-ill ~ ~.)...>'" . t.J1 · ..If-"'I .J'1 \.: = ,J,; • . c.~ ,wI .t,..;) ~ J ' (i 9) "WI ,\5...1 'ldY' (:" ~ ..,.."....." .....1 ci"b <;i .;\ .)) 'YI, ..,.~I u.)oll JJ';I u pl ,y, .li ,,wI I:" .) '~.l~ .. '_'\ . ~I J i L , t.;\ • .li..:.tSr.... . " ..I ,'" ........ . ~ .... ~ J J . .u~) ~ L..S .li.JI "t...:. u-- I:" .)c ,, .~I ~I stated. for completed work and Services accepted by the First Party and the amount agreed upon by the Second Party for: • Completed work and Services for which no separate price is stated . • Partially completed Services. • Other property or Services that are accepted by the First Party. work &I' J ',liil ...)011 u- .;J1 :..,."11 rY"~ ~I "')o1J t::" ""' ,yolll '" ,J ..,:JI ..::.L.~I '-..~I j\...o';1 ">.;i-o lA~L....1 ~ J and 4.l~! loS..?'}! ~~\ J ~~\ ..>- . rJiJl ...)011 Article (t 2) Amendm ent of the Contract (12) '>W No amendments to this Contract shall be valid except if effected in writing and signed by both parti es. An amendment that is required for improvement and sa fety purposes that affects the rates and the execution timetable shaH be executed pursuant to an amendment in the form of a Task Order to the Contract duly signed by both the parties. J.,.....wl "'~L.., >WI I:" ~ "::'~I .:.fo Y J ~! ~ ..:;uY=JI j,li w.- .wYJ ~t.S. ~t5 I~l 'i) ..,--:JI '-..::L-JI u'ol j-'; J ~ ..l;-"" LiiJ .........)1 J # J ",;;,11 ..::.y,... ~ yy Article (13) Force Majeure (13) .>WI ~ -",W, ~ tiJ\ JO,JI "'.... ..,.,.,u.. ~ I. The follo\ving events arc deemed as causes o f force majeure exempting the from their obligations parties stipulated in this Contract as long as the event remains in existence : w .... "" > j....ll ~~ o.$:/J~ J UO'J ~L.I.:;;l1 ..,.u. (>..... ~ ~ . .;,i.;loll :IS u- ay\Li a.,! ~\ .!JI~YI .# .1 u- w l"';'';1 .t;c! .)! :.~ ~':/J I... .:W1 , ~ ~ ~ D',." c.~ Jl..c.\.J ' ~\ E:YJ ' ~Wl ~ General mobilization, expropriation. acts of God J 2. The party claiming the implementation of lhe force majeure clause is required to notify the other party upon occurrence o f the force majeure by fax or registered mai l. slating the estimated results and asswning the burden of proof. If the force majeure event continues for more than three months. the First Party may terminate the Contract without prejudice to its rights under ."1.1. . ':,.;.;:.. uUI ,- <.>J'U'J . " •2 J"' J" " . -...JtJ..l1 . .>- .r- j>ill W...,...,.. ~ y..'il u.;loll y,.., J .-",\iI1 '-I.;,Il JI w-6til1 ..;,). CF- L.I .-",\iI1 '.,il' . I~ . ".;1 .J •~..r.-• ··"·'1 ~'~I u":!'!J .,,, ,', IY'" ~I a~LilI • .,ill ~~, I~ .~~,",!I "'-:-I' A .>WI .~ JJ';I U).ll j - . , ~l lUX. u- ~.,.., ) .>WI ..,......... <.ifo.; ..,.t....J1 ':'y a.,5 u!~i ~ ~ I.jl ~ . y..l wyli I.jl -~y.J\ ~ Ul~ ~I ~ ~ d ~ ayt.\..i the Contract or under any other law. Any extension granted due to force IS L, / majeure events must take place with LIle mutual consent orthe two panies. (14) ;,L.!I A rticle (14) Indemnity i ~tLlll The Fi rst Party undertakes to indemnifY the Second Pa rty for the harm, injury or death caused to any of the Personnel in accordance with the provisions of this Contract, excluding the events where the injury or death results from the negligence or failure of the Personnel, in which case Party shall assume the Second respons ibility therefore. ~ ~I ...p l The Second Party will bear the indemn ification for the harm should the hann or negligence is caused by the Second Pa rty ..,..,~ J,...:., ....~I --'.;hI1 uti j-o ..,..,yo:., rlJ'il ...p l .,..,u" ... 1 .)<- 4Ul1 'ti.,ll JI ,-!t-.'il } J~ ..!.J\~)t\ ~1.tU..........:4 ' ~\ \~ r\!h'J wJ ~~'JI Jt..>)'1 ~ ~ 4t.; 't.i.,ll JI ,-!t-.'il to;; Ul\5 ..,'!I UWI . i..A ~ ",-)';1 '>lb.1 ~ JI . .illl <,lJ:,....J1 ~I ....).l1 j-o y L-.. JL.,. "11 JI J~ .oF ">"11 ~ (IS) ;,L.!I A rticle (15) Assig-nment u,.~ 1 --'......... li .>WI I;' t;;YI jl.. ~ ~ Jb.>! ~ .:"i.;hll u- ...1 ..,.c J 1,1 'ft JI"J. .>WI I;' rlS...'; "'I...:.! ...1 JI ~I ...---J} y~ ~ Jl-..J ~ , ~4>" JI ~)' . ',11 I~I J..-ot;; ,)! ~ , ....'11 --'.rJ.lI .)<- ..".., ''-!fo..JI util...:.'i l 1"'1...:.1'4 .....i.;--lJI 30 ,J::t;. yll.ll .illl .)<- ',J! J .}!WI ...... J,;-ll .0\5 "! t.. (4b ~ ,jt;;YI f'! Jl t.. 1"'L.:..'i1 Ji ~I I~I u:aiJ JI '-i!lyll .y.'JI --'.;hI1 Jt.....:\ ~ 'J"s:..J! util...:.'i l J I) t...,. ..---k Y-->-J • .:.t.iL.:..'i1 I'.il...:.'il 1~I } ~ ~I ....).l1 ~ 4b t..1 ftl '"'" J .:.tiL.:..'i1 1"'L.:..'i1 JI ~I ~J' .;1~/~1 .:;t.:., .>t;;ifr,,;J1 J J , ........ fo-JI modification(s) or addition(s), and once 16 /~ / full agreement is reached concerning the modification(s) or addition(s). such agreement shall be reduced to vvriling by virtue of an official addendum signed by the legal representative of each party and shall be appended to this Contract. and constitute an integral part thereof. Unless the modification(s) or addition(s) is expressed in a written request and is responded to in writing there is no liability on either party to proceed with the said modification(s) or addition(s). which shall not be complete unless expressed i.n its final and legal fonn and made an integral part of this Contract. " ~I /~ C>--' ~I f'! rl \.oj ~)1 f'J .,,In ..,.u. ..,; w\jW.~1 /"W.'i l 4-ilc .....)0 .,.1 ..,k "'J:.-J1 .,.1 .ru. ufo .) .'-.,t;S ;.)fO...-.Jl "L..>.~I JI ~ ..,; Ld ~I ..,; ~ ..,; ~ ,",-"I Ij! ~I U,lS I;' U.o I.:,.:., ~ I• ufo .) -? J .» ~ .;.II J "'.,>IiJ "'~ .,w Ln case of any contradiction between any provision of this Contract and the new modification(s) or addition(s), the First Party may choose the text that will apply or prevail. Each of the President of the Principa.l Committee and the President of the SubCommitlee for Purchasing and Projects are hereby authorized to sign on any future amendments to this Contract each within the limits ofhjs legal prerogatives. Article (t 7) Co mplian ce with th e Laws. Regulations and Bvlaws The Second Party wldertakes to comply with all the laws, regulations and bylaws in force in the State, and all provisions of the Decision of the Deputy Supreme Commander of the Anned Forces referred to hereinabove shall apply to this Contract, provided that the general legal principles in force in the State concerning contracts and contracting methods of the administration shall apply to any maner regarding which there is no specific provision in the said Decision or in this Contract Article (18) Prior A l!ree m e n t~ The provisions of this Contract shaH prevail and have precedence over all prior ~)I ~ ~.) U.o JS ~jJJ "":"';'J .,.1 ~ ~J":..JlJ .1y!J ,+.;ill ~I """;')J ~j>->..,-i J "-.III~ ~I"'; ~ & .~ ~1.i!I ~~::1...- (17) c:" i~L.l1 ,lll I '--1>."11 I , ,.ll ,all ~I .:,,;I........ul t ,",I jL.:r..~t., ....~I upl ,..:., ~J .'J..,n ..,; '-"' J...,...JI C"I.,JlIJ WolYI J w...JI wl.,ill ..,kYI .,;\ill uu wi).) J rlS..\ J WI I;' ..,k J;l.> .~i 4;l! .)t.W 'Jy>ll ..,; '-"' J.,....JI ....WI '".,>\ill [;~t.,.JI ufo v'~"",,"W.Jl .~ ).;-ill ..,-i ~ p.. ,-",~.J! ~ 'JI.....,.I ulc 1'''1 .... ,. o .L, ".'" ~~ . • .J '\ ~""'J _n •Lo .r-" . .>WI I;' ..,; ) .)~I (18) i~1..Jl l..i,.I...!! .:..Illi.Y I . ' . Ln·~ Wt;J1 .,1 .~ W:?S.,..,.........., declarations or agreements, whether written or oral, existing between the two parties and related to this subject. .,1 ~ys... ~\S .t ........-ll I;"" -+ In the event of a breach, the nonbreaching pany shall notify the breaching party of the said breach and grant the breaching pany lhirty (30) days lO remedy the breach. If the breaching party fails to remedy the breach within the appointed time, a dispute is deemed to have arisen, and the parties shall attempt to resolve the same amicably. Any dispute not capable of being resolved amicably shall be referred to arbitration in Abu Dhabi. the United Arab Emirates, at the Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce and Industry's Abu Dhabi Commercial Conciliation & Arbitration Center (ADCCAC) In accordance with its ru les and pursuant to UAE law. 'JfoL.JI --'.;lJ! JUoo.! ~I G;Il.. ... (30) ~ -..JtW u.;lJ! c-"-J G-' -,,--i ~I --'.;lJ! ~ 10) .'-ilU...ll 1:" ~ ~I C'" 't IyJ <.,.:u ~ ,.., -,,--i ,.u...J1 .:,l.,I1 ~ ...l1 .L...,.>J ~I J..I ...l1 ul.;lo,>,1 .)c J ..-J! t I j.....lll J6; <$'J j.. ..,J! j....;.11 ~ jh .) "...:...11 <;,yJl ':""Jl..'i' '.rl' ...1 .) ~ .rl' ~ .) "u...J1 J ; J~ .rl' ~ '-iyO .;.. ldJ (ADCCAC) ~I .is>''J <$J4"11 ~.i"l .o~l ~y.l\ wl.J!....'/' Article (20) Co nfidentialinr c.Jyl.il W." J • .(.a\.l;.:J (20) .,WI ~ ~ l.;.J"'J .;,.1 .)c .lotwl., .....Uli The Seco nd Party undertakes to preserve the security and confidentiality of all techn ical and administrative data and infonnation resulting from and connected to this Contract and provided to it by the First Party and on the laner's behalf The rematn said information shall confidential. whether security classified or otherwise, and it is prohibited to copy any of such technical and administrative data and infonnalion, reproduce or keep the same in any foml whatsoever or divulge the same to any third party without the prior written consent of the Finf Pa rty, whether throughout the validity period of this Contract or after its expiry or termination. otherwise and if the contrary is established the Fi rst Par ty may take aJl necessary legal proceedings against the Second Pa rty . ~l~ J ...).11 ,.." ~Ull ~L.."l-l\J ~ . J:::''/'J~' ~li4:J' 'JJ~I ....;--loll J..i .;,. <....,i.J1 .>i...ll I;"" 'J....JI , ~.>----" jl.:..j .J ~ o.;fiiJI uli\#1 J ·......-4J t.....i .fo=...:J ' ..!lli .J#. .,,1 ~>" ~ Uj\S ,,' ~ ~)"J 'L.:):.)"J 4.~ii!n ~li\#\ ,,~ .yo IJI · ~ J 1 J\L..!'>'I U""' J 1 -' L....... ··\i,1 J 1 L" '-i,., ......I...W...I J '--",.,. ';;y .:,..... ~ --'.;lo <$i .)! ~ ~ o~ ~ "I".. , J.i J\ up\ 0-0 ~ ~ ~ I~! J ' • j~! J\ ~~1 ~ Ji ~\ 11t. c.J'l.J..>'-i1S oWl J J \/1 --' ..r.LlI U~ .. <. ~ ~~" l.. .:...1..\1 .~~I u~1 ~ ~yJ\ ~yl.il\ u\"'Y:")" 18 Article (21) Addresses (21 ) i.L.li '" t:! tWJI ..k All correspondence related to this Contract must be addressed as follows: I. Firsl ,wI I;" WUJI .:.::Lol yJl <.i1S jt..J y;o; :.)Ull .,..,n I~arty: J--!1 ---.y ' fY'I' ....W1 GHQ Armed Forces. P.O. Box Dhabi, Uni ted Arab Emirates. , Fax no. Telephone no. 009712 009712 r---!.J ' Abu .~\ 009712 4.,;..1' :.yoSt; oJ4ill ~ U1j111 ..,;I> :'-"41' ..:..J jl.A'ji , - - 009712 2. Seco nd Party: • r r .:. ~JJ'j' Reflex Responses Management Consultancy L.L.c.. P.O. Box 132606. Abu Dhabi. United Arab Emirates. ..:.d J\...!U....')J Reflex Response yyJl ..:.I~L..)'I •..,;1> .,,1 • 132606 y . ...,.. .o~ The parties must notify each other by registered letter of any change in their respective address or upon the change of their respective representative. (22) ••WI Article (22) Contract Counterparts Jiall e;..; This Contract has been drafted in four original counterparts in Arabic and English, and in witness whereof. the two parties have set their hands hereunto on the date first written above and the Second Party has received copy hereof to act accordingly herewith. A rticle (23) (23)'JWI T he Lane.uaee WI! This Contract is drafted in Arabic and English language in case of any dispute in relation to the interpretation of the contract the Arabic text shall be the rerercnee. 19 / :/ Signed by: First Party iJIJ'i1 - 4.,1 .. s, ':'I.,t.U GI-IQ med Forces Of the United Arab Emirates ~ ;~I .....,.JI ';'1';"11 - ~" ~ ]I Reflex Response) Consultancy L.L.C. M.1lnageOlcnt =-- 20 AJ)I)END UM (Al TO CONTRACT NO .. . .. . . (I) ,j>J.o • .a.Jl ........ .e!J J) ETAILS OFTli E RATES , i)1.I:.l1 t~ ...A JSl~1 .Jf-";I.; .IiaJI ..... J...J- ~ J.a.!1 4.Jt-!. 1 ... .;J <:... .J U. .J ~ U.J~ .J ~ .J ~ .liall ~~I t.;Al1 ~ ~ ~ .J .;'i.JJ ~ .J ~) . , ": " .J lili u.;... .J .J J.;l.. ~ ul )o~1 ,j~ .J UlI ~ ' t...J; U.J~ .J ~ J.>I.a" --" yo o for the numbers stated in the attendance sheet attached hereto, and thereupon the periodical installment has been paid to the Second Party. , .".--i ~ .)jl..WI ~".Jl .;, 'nan "--'.;,.".--i '~)}I ,I.iJou ' u.--J.l1 ~! '----i.;y!1 <..,i W>ll ""..PI' ~.; .>WI ti' '" .>i , ,-,1 ; .y . ..,.. • r r >.Renex LLC "'~'y ".J, t..,; ~! .;t.:...1I) ,...0..)1 ""yJl ':"').''1' (6) "Wl WJ • :....J...JI .:.I,,;Jl .:,~ "";"oJ •(' ~ , .lll\ jy.!~l ~ , ,,:ic.i ~ .Jt..:...Jl .:i..l\ .;.... . Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (hereinafter referred 10 as "'Firs l Party"), and Mis. Reflex LLC, P.O. Box Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (hereinafter referred to as "Second Pa rty"), for the provision of services to the Anned Forces; and pursuant to Article (6) of the above mentioned Contract, We, the undersigned, hereby undertake to place al Ihe disposal of GBQ Anned Forces, Abu Dhabi, the sum of Dirhams , representing 20% of the Contract value, as guarantee for the advance payment, which guarantee shall take effect as from the date on which the Fi rst Pa rty transfers the swn to the account of the Second Pa r ty. :......,,.,,,. I .rJi> ..,x.n ~.,.....m ~Wl :'..l'yi!1 u~ ~ • .>....W l...;i .:,.. 1. 20 .:;..., ... lll J.r--WI ....;L..... ~ bll ...,; This guarantee shall be unconditional and payable to the First Party upon the latter's first written demand without rcferring to the Second Pa r ty provided that the demand states that the Second Pa rty failed to execute the tenns and conditions of the Contract. rAY J • ~~ .rJi> ",I • w.....Jt • ~ W,]J 0t......S . ~I .....;1>11 yt...J r"'" ...lll {:J.;l:J1 .:,. .1"", ..l1.L.....JI ''''l'",I_ ?oJ.1,J 1:..J~ ~ w~ J ~ w~ l:a l JJ'i1 "';.".....IJl.)J'JI ....fo.Jl '-+Jlb...lI .>l<. JJ'i '-'.;loll <..,JU..JI ~~ J ' .~J .b.J~.J..l~ ~ ~ J,:J ~~I up! wi Thjs guarantee shall remain valid throughout the validity period of the Contract and shall be gradually reduced according to the quantity of services provided pursuant to the Contract and until Abu Dhabi Finance Department confmns the execution of the obligations against the sum paid, then, the guarantee shall expire with the completion of the services without returning the guarantee to the Bank. If the execution of the services is not complete within the deadlinc fixed and no notice is sent regarding the cancellation of the guarantee, this guarantee shall be periodically and automatically renewed until a confinnation is received from the Di rector General of Accounts. Abu Dhabi Finance Department. stating thm the provision of the services is complete or that all the amount paid in advance has been recovered 21 Name of the Bank: : .ili,ll t-' :~ Note: """"J <.,lJ.;.--JI J ,jl~) ~ .:,L.......:.l1 I:" ,s)i) 4y.l1 wl~L...'i1 .J- UoWI ..!l....1 ".'1 UotsJI Thjs guarantee shall be issued or confirmed under the letterhead and full responsibility of a bank operating in the United Arab Emirates. LJ.,., .o~1 2. /. ./ ~ ADDENDUM IF) TO CONTRACT NO. No. Date GOO D PER FORM ANCE BOND With reference to Contract no. , entered into on 2010. between GHQ Anned Forces!Oirectoratc of . P.O. Box • Abu Dhabi. United Arab Emirates (hereinafter referred to as "F;rs' Party"), and Mis. R2, P.O. Box Abu ll' y .,..Y 4 L;,yJI WI~'--'11 ,~ ~ , . y . ..... ' f t ", (' ..,-""I u'-" y t. L..i Y.'.r J""'..., . .._ ·'1. ~t.:...Il) '~I ~L:..JI ,wI .;,.. (8) '>Wlld~ , w....JI wl.,ill w~ ~y. ~ , ollil 0y;.i."...J1 ~ I o~1 ~l , Dhabi. United Arab Emirates (hereinafter referred to as "Second P arty"), for the provision of services to the Armed Forees; and pursuant to Article (8) of the above mentioned Contract, We, the undersigned, hereby undertake to place at the ."......J ..1\ ul.,&U 4.-W, i..l4il\ .....iy.Ai..:..r..:..:i f"Y ,I.,)U ;;~ , ,wI <..,i .;,.. 1. 10 ,.r..., ... ;)1 ~ , ..r.l' disposal ofGHQ Armed Forces. Abu Dhabi , the sum of Dirhams • representing 10% of the Contract value. as guarantee for the perfonnance and execution of the Contract terms and conditions. ,~, \ ."-.bJy!. J .lialI .lI.l...-.JI ~I JJ .bJ~ ~ 0~ .3..tl! \);;. J J ~ ..:"L......;.JI \~ JJ~I u.;--loll ~}JI "ys..J1 <,llJ,.J1 >oc. JJ~I u)ol! lllis guarantee shall be unconditional and payable to the First Party upon the latter's first written demand without referring 10 the Second Pa rty provided that the demand states that the Seco nd Party failed to execute the tenns and conditions of the Contract. This guarantee shall take effect as from the above mentioned date and for at least 90 days following the expiry of the Contract validity term. '-;JU..JI ~Y J u.,y:. ~I u.;l>ll .,JI t .... ) 1 .;,.>' IL-o. ~ .,wl .l.~y:.~ >.>'! ,,;';''''; j.:; ~I u.;l>ll J i::uL.:.II 0--- 1~L,;c 1 i..l......G ~~, ~ L..J:! J....-.w ... ~L. .;,fi;.. .;,t.....II 90 t.Jc. ~ "i WJ ~ .~I J.".s.w . ,wl ~ If the execution of the services is not complete within the deadline fixed and no notice is sent regarding the cancellation of the guarantee, this guarantee shall be periodically and automatically renewed until a confirmation is received from the Director General of Accounts, Abu Dhabi Finance Department, stating that the provision of the obligations have been fulfilled. This guarantee shall be returned upon fulfillment of the obligations. : ~Ir-I alne of the Bank: ,~ Note: This guarantee shall be issued or confirmed under 27 'J~~I~>S~/ the letterhead and full responsibility of a bank operating in the United Arab Emirates. ......,...,.JI ':"'.)L...'i' U-" ..,; >.J.WI ..!ly,ll "."; >.J.lSJI .'j,~ (j) ........ ADDENDUM G STATEMENT OF WORK Each of the Annexes listed below is by this reference hereby incorporated into the SOW . Annex A - Qualification s and Positions of Staff Personnel Annex 8 - Work Breakdown Structure Exhibits A-O Annex C - Fees and Projected Payments Schedule Annex D - Equipment list Annex E - Cost Annex F · Analysis of Option B, Para 3.2 SOW Delillerables (New Task Order) w...J1JL.< ~I 3.2 (_ ACRONYMS and INITIALISMS Administration and logistics ..................... AlOC Annual Work Plan ........................................ AWP Anti-Terrorism/ Force Protection ............. AT/ FP Communication s Element .............................. CE Command Post ................................................. CP i.fo ,(y ) ~1;.iJ1 Joh:l - ,. I (j) ..;t.)O J;..> .)01) JL.< ~I .;;.J Contingency Plans ............................ CONPLANS d .,,1JI,-", ,,i JI.,.- cu'"J. u... u-I Explosive Ordinance Disposa ble ............... EOD Government Furnished Equipment. .......... GFE Government Furnished Material ............. . GFM Headquarters & Headquarters ~i~1 "",,;lIf,W' fi.".JI 11~,..,...I f'o'~"""" ~ yo '-"'->'l' "';j..J1~ ' .;->l!0fo - J;-JI .....,... 1C'~ .:;.,..~~ Ji~I ~.;a-l\~\J,..."i\ (.l.:.,ji ~ .... ..,..1 ..,..1 0fo .",.11 J¥. ~ ylll F \ ~ (.1.,... r:--.fi'J 01.)t iyU J..,..JA ~jl.i ~I~ .~I ..:J4-~'i ~J <..::.JL..t-J1...,i .Ji structures throughout the UAE. The SSG will be such that it shall be scalable, capable of expanding in size and or mission profiles as determined by the needs of the Client. In support of the intent, the Client will establish a Client Coordination Cell for integrated support and Command. The Contractor's training and advisory staff and the SSG will utilize the Client Coordination Cell for both support from and liaison to the Client. The maintain, Contractor update and will develop, implement the program as required. The Contractor shall also at the direction of the Client develop additional training or capabilities to support the Client's objective. ...."tll .1 1.0 MI SSION OBJECTIVE . The Mission Objective of this program is to provide a dedicated Special Security force which, on order will provide Security Support for critical infrastructure, sensitive regional sites and personnel for the United ~ ~I ."i i.l:l.J~,iJ yo ~~\ I ~ 0-" ~\ '#l"""~1 ",.II .;i";. y<~1 "'" - .,,>II ~, n n; ; ' J ~ I ~\ ~l ~ ~I.".J\ .J ~\ ".Ii, ; 1\ ,i.!:..lJ\ ~.>--l\ ul ~.!ill.J .J\.)YI Arab Emirates (UAEI. =·u..JI .2 2.0 SCOPE. .Ji.J\ ~ .2. 1 2. 1 Cont ra ct Objective. The objective is to stand up, train, develop and support a Security Support Group (SSG) for the UAE to increase their overall capabilities to provide a trained and professional security presence, enhance public security, and support the operational direction of the Client's command element. ~J ~~"r-:J.J jl~ J ~.J (.\...!jJ .". ~I "';.,;J ~I "l;jl ~I ",yJI u l.,t..;:ll..,...1 "r-:J .1 ("WI .,:,...'11 .J:!.-.:o.:i .J Y~ ~\~\ ...;...! ~'ji ~ ,. - .1 'J-Ju ; ' <....L;JI • ......1 __ ,....liS ~...)-'d I The SSG will be responsible for nationwide security support that consists of the following (6) essential tasks: • Conduct Security Operations • Conduct Stability Operations • Defend • Conduct Cordon and Search • Conduct Interagency Operational Support • and other duties as assigned by the Client and Support t lhlJ & • Joint .>ioJl4J...~1 2.2 Basic Co ntract References. The Statement of Work (SOW) establishes the requirements for the Contractor to provide support in the areas of Training, Equipment and logistics Support; Professionalism and leadership, Management, Administrative and Program Support. .) .~y,..:W1 ""--j..11 .2.2 u- y.,u..J1~~I.:HI r:-<>.1l .J ~J.J ~.,llJ ~.l.!'.J >.:.i\.la..JI.J ....,..u~, >.:.i'J~ ~u..;.J\ ~.l.J ~jil'.J .}.l'j'.J • .l\#' ~, t.1A 2.3 Peri od of Perform ance. Contract is for 5 years: through 31 May 2015 • .,;.... 31 June 2010 ~.J 20 10 ~.J:! ~ lul.Jl- 5 ~I i.l.a 2015 ~I':'~ .3 3.0 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS ""~I .... ;31 .......... .3.1 3.1 Security Support Group (SSG) . The Contractor shall provide a security support force of an appropriate size to accomplish mission objectives. Develop and establish the essential task lists while identifying supporting individual and collective tasks to ensure that selected individuals have received prior military training and served in field units for a minimum, of two (2) years. The Contractor shall be prepared to provide additional numbers of personnel if required . The .2.3 ~ <.,.l-\.l.p..;., >.:.il~ ~\ ~.l • .} ~ ~I f~ '""~~- ~ - ,., .. '- 'I ...... JU-' ·L•.J•'-'". .J ............. . ' .. 'I ~ ~...- ,) ".;i~' u- ,stu f~1 t ....... J 1"".>11L>"l>..!1 ..s.l.! I ~.J ~ ~ u~,.yj l.,it.li 0:u lA.J1 .ll.k. 'j~ .lfAl.JI {' ~ .....i j*J .J .~ r:.F Ji:! '1 W ul.la..J ~I ('~ .~ ~WI ~ .l\.)~\ ~ .fi.l.l.lC..;,:ijil "" <...,..J11"".>I.!lli J ... .,-.11 ~I JS;,JI ~ ..!illS .J • o.k.L....JI ...>--u.J1US .J i ji1! ul.J..:...J Wp. 'J .J~' ~I->," .J ~-Yilll.$ ).l'ji ~.ill JS.¥. ~ UI.S. \~ .J uL!.WI • .Jb! ~ ~\ ~ ~I .J.,laill I:" -~ .. .;,fo ..r. ""I .....1y..,lWi "'.,u..J1 ~I ""'"" 11 ~' f~ '....,....,t.'~~ ~ ,~ Contractor will also develop the organizational structure of the unit to sup port the stated mission with regards to action units and all required support elements, as well as develop a program structure to provide management of all training and mentoring coordination, curriculum development, sched uling, facilities management and other elements as required to support the development of the SSG. This effort will result in the Contractor providing a qualified staff, capa ble of accomplishing the stated goals and tasks in identified facilities at the direction ofthe Client's requirements . 3.1.1 ...4-lI ':':~ v+ ..,..1..,..1 .j.JlZ.-. J ~I c-"'."JI 3.1.1 Training Program and Advisors of the SSG. The Contractor shall conduct in-country assessments, training and supervision in order to execute the Client's security missions. The Contractor shall be responsible for mentoring, training and management of the SSG. The Trainers and Advisors sha ll work with both SSG and the Client to develop the SSG doctrine and command staff structure in order to provide the capability and procedures to effectively administer and execute the Client's objectives. The Cont ractor will develop a training schedule to support mission objectives. ..,.t '.l..,.-i.J' ~l..!l.Jl .....s u l.l.to)ll J t\.t-JI t3J;' j J u...:lW1J .,.....;->lll J ..,h-JI """'" ,..u.J1,~ U J, , , , . .<. . ~I ' 'I .,........... UJ""'j.~ ~ ....,. ~~J"'" " . . ",ill; ~.llI~ ~'.Jb!J"':J.I~J ~I.."..I1 ~ 'ii>- U"i ~J.-l4~...)~1 J ~~I ~~.....ar' .~)I\ ".)1 JS". J ,.;WJI .J'~,ill; J J-li J v+ ..,..1 ·',.!i ii J ,,*,:a u1c.1'y!-'II J".;-lill ..>:ti jil :.ill,;) J t.l'yill ~\.j..H yfo. ..J.tLW1tJiJ. UJ-' J .~I ""'\.lAo1 .~ ~I u\.l.tol ~~~ The Contractor shall establish a structured program that will build foundational skills within the individual technical fields required to accomplish the mission. The Contractor shall continually assess, recommend and update any training needs of the SSG. The Contractor shall work directly with the SSG staff to assist with aspects of their duties and responSibilities, quality of life, and training and development. Initial mentoring objectives shall at a minimum, include the following: Individual Skills assessment. . ~ • Establish Effective teams at all levels. • Equipment integration and utilization. • Execution of critical individual and collective tasks. To facilitate the above, the Contractor shall develop a Management det ailed plan Execution and Program and of Instruction (POI), including training plans, train ing schedu les and resource requirements. Training, Assessment and Delivery. J...". (Y) Jiy) .~' J~I J ~'3 . 1.1.1 (H (Annex B Exhibit B) The Contractor shall estab lish a system for SSG personnel assessment, training and the requisite organizational structure to support implementation of the program. 3. 1.2 Training Support and Administration. (Annex B Exhibits A, C & 0) The Contractor shall provide support for the training and administration of the SSG unit as required by t he training and deployment schedule determined by the Client. J (') J...". (y) Jiy) .........,;JI J 3.1.2 «J) J (~) .,:'A~....,l ~ jill .J ~yl1l ~.lll ~ ~1 ,~ .....J- ......,J.:ill J ..,...J"ll J...". ~ Ji:iJ W; J if> ",,; ""I .~l cJ.o~1 «J) Jiy) .:.1 . ....11 J Equ ipment and Materials. (Annex 3. 1.3 ~ ~J J'...-" 3. 1.3 0) The Contractor shall conduct a review and assessment of the required equipment and material that will be needed to outfit and support the SSG in their mission and the Contractor staff. The recommended approved equipment and material list will be provided to the Client for acquisition and procurement. 3.1.4 Operations and Force Integration. The Contractor shall provide oversight and mentoring of SSG planni ng, training and execution of operational missions at the 1 direction of the Client and its deSignated .l1.,..J1.J':"'I~t'".!.iii .J~\ jA~~\ ¥ii M- V"l V"\ i.li:.t........ J ,.ii-1....i.J- ~ t.. j:;lll .J ~)h.J1 t..:u,..:a1i . ~, .l\.)i..ill.lS..J ~ .oI.;-!l' J ..,..!oJ1J..I ,;,. J....II .,!! ~ J 'uJh.l1 .:al.,..Jl.J ':"'1..:a.....Jl command authority in the most safe and economical manner. The Contractor shall maximize integration between SSG and Client' s personnel and agencies wherever possible. U"I (,)'II ~ ~! "O.)~ .;s....1\....Ujl J ~1 f' ~ .....i.,... .4.1",),\5 J J t..4-J1.)1.).i J cr.- ~1~ 3. 1.4 . 1 Process. The Contractor shall be responsible for the SSG deployment process from home station to the SSG compound . The Contractor will coordinate with the Client Coordination Cell to ensure all necessary customs / immigration paperwork, Visas and transportation is scheduled and processed with the appropriate UAE officials prior to arrival. ",j&lI1 ......,.,:.II 3. 1.4.2 Language Training. Wl....,h l.) ~ <.::..J\..u;i. ~~ ~I f'~.....i.J­ The Contractor shall provide in-service English training and sustainment testing of SSG personnel. The English language in service training minimum objectives shall include preparing SSG personnel to meet English language proficiency standards (leaders only). ~~ .)\fo.~Wl <.::..JI .J~"1 1 ~ J ~)'I '-'It;..;w. '4 ""'~I ...JI .:,fo ~ .."..';1... .>11 11y"y:ill ..,.; '-;j;4.;~1 ~I) .'-;j;4.;~1 '-'ll ,Ull ':''''''1' "" >' ..l! J ........,ll (.l.d ~~I':'l;ll>W1 .3.2 3.2 OPTIONAL REQUIREMENTS The Client may exercise all or any of the following options to staff and support current and advanced operations appropriately. The Contractors shall provide and maintain qualified personnel in support of this contract and exercised options. 3.2. 1 ..ill:l J ~'"':J I ul .J4iJ1 t.J.o ~\ Ji JS 4......J1...... ~ ~ uJ- J .'-:-Ifo.J1 ~~I J ~I ~~I ~..ll ... .>1 .:,,,J.,;.1101,)';1 wL..Jt, ~I ,;., . ~\ J,liw--~}......JI <.::..JI.Jy:i:;."1 ! J iWl Ii. """.)0 '!'-~.) oyi~ J yfo. ~I ?~""J­ ",.JI ... .>11i JOl .:,fo:i ~ .u,..J1w"*,,ll t:ii ~ " - (-..) # 3.2.2 <,I;.>i (_ The Contracto r sha ll deve lop and provide advance mission training plans to allow the SSG to attain advance capabilities as directed by the Client. The advance mission training capabi lity will be capable of providing the SSG with sniper, EOO, scout I surveillance, milita ry working dogs and other capa bil ities as directed by the Client to the SSG. The Contractor shall be required to conduct an assessment and analysis of the required support and infrastructure for the advance training and shall assist in the development of plans, policies and procedures to support the overall advance mission training of the SSG. 3.2.3 .......>'i ',,1;;) <,IM I ,... .>11_ (1;:) OPTION C - SSG Maritime Support (executing now need new task ord er) ~t,,;J1 3.2.3 (- The Contractor shall develop and provide a Maritime Program to allow the SSG to conduct training and operations in the littoral and maritime environments of the UAE as di rected by the Client. ~ ';J>-! /1"'u -" ~ J -"~ ~I , .... U.,.. ~\ ~ ~ J ~~ ryil\ 1..>-' 1..>-1 Y-"'- i~' ~.;.a-ll ~'.;t..;:ll ~~\ J ~WI The mariti me program shall provide the SSG with the capability to conduct basic small boat operations and seamanship, Maritime Interdiction Operations (MID). Securing Oil Delivery Stations I Platforms and other maritime specific capabilities as directed by the Client Government. The Contractor shall be required to conduct an assessment and analysis to determine the emiSSion tasks, requi rements and capabi lities of the SSG Ma ritime Program as ..,.1..,.1.)1 '.;->ill ,u",H ?-'1\ J ..:.:L4-lI.J ~I J .rr.- vol 1.>'" -! ~WI well as required eq uipment training and support infrast ructure and shall assist in the developmen t of plans, policies and procedu res to support the overall Maritime Program of the SSG. 1C"'J.-lI':'4llW .4 4.0 PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS. (Il .... ..,..1 ""I .fo.a.o .4.1 4.1 SSG Camp (AI The Client sha ll provide a base camp to billet, feed and provide basic comforts and tife support. Client 4.1.1 Arm s Storage. Room and W)I J\.;i~ ~\I 1 ~' ~L.hl' 0>ii:.lf-UJ1r.fo.. wr 4.»l' .)o '-..uW1 c.~I;;fo J .ti...-J4 .:w.-'y..l' ...:.A/,..-,!' J ~ w.)\.a:i..J\ u.:a1jA'JI ~ ~ ~I ~I J <..J...~I ...~ 4.1.2 Weapons Warehouse Management Quartermaster Services. J U~~I ..,.I> J ~I ':'~I 4.1.1 The Contracto r shall develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and maintain Arms Rooms. The Client shall provide sufficient storage capacity to accommodate weapons and ammunition basic load requ irements. 4.1.3 ,.tpJI ~~ Medical and Dental Services. The Co ntractor shall provide basic medical services to on site pe rsonnel. Service provided shall be of a leve l suitable to treat common ailments and injuries. 4.1.2 ..:.ty....LI ~Y.J "2);''i.J c.I~,! ~ 0 )';1 J.!.....ll r~ .b\.i:..l\.J • .br.y w.j>'ll ;Jij;~\c.I..») y~ ~I r~ w.,.... <"'l..... .,.;-'" J.-.\I f .... J .<...!..'11 ij.;t- .)0 w....YI ~~'J ~I .yu.ill &- ~l...\'1 4-oSJ1.J and The Client shall provide a wa rehouse of sufficient size and outfitted with appropriate storage racks, shelf decking, storage cab in ets and material and security. The Contractor shall manage the SSG wareho use and perform quartermaster duties. 4. J.4 Site Security Services. The SSG shall provide site security services 24 hours per day, 7 days per week; this requirement w ill be incorporated into the SSG's t raining and duty cycle. 4. J.5 Communi cation Support. The Client w ill provide based on Contractor ~...-ll ""I .:.t..a 4.1.4 ~ ti.,...llw.-\I1~I..ci.~~w-\ u-I f~u.,.... .,)0011<.:JLci. .# J ,t.Y.-"~\ ..,.t ,,4.1 7 ~\...... 24 .J1.l... .o.r. vI t>'1 w~1 J .J w~~ ..,.t ~ r:i"..J1 0--1.J ~W .illJ J ~"'1 1 iJH.i .;.. ~I ~! .w!~\ ~ .Ji .;S--II '" ~ \"... <.:J41-J1 recommendation sufficient functional communications equipment to allow for safe and secure conduct of the operations present at the camp or during field evolutions. 4.1.6 Vehicle Operations Maintenance. ~1..ol1 ~ .J and The Client will provide -mission related transportation for all SSG personnel and Contractors, .J .:.us . ·'1 '" " 4 .I.6 .v-~ t...rJl ~ ~ Jij JjL.J .»J.fo. J!.-.Il ~..til u.l.r-....,..I \J"I ..;~ J .11 ,)1 ijtSl o.!U.) 4. 1.7 Waste Management. 0-0 ..:..J.ili...J1i l l UIJ.I ~~ The Client shall provide all waste removal from the SSG Camp site. 5.0 OTHER REQUIREMENTS . ..»ifo Jt-.ll f..til ......J-' ...,+ J"I \J"I .fi-- PERFORMANCE 5.1 Ethics and legal Policy. All Contractors shall be subject to local laws, particularly when it comes to illegal or unauthorized substances or items. The Contractor shall document and hold accou ntable all employees and sub Contractors to a comprehensive ethics code of conduct. The overall goal is to ensure that the team members supporting this effort continuously cast the program in a professional and moral light that will hold up to the level of media scrutiny. The Contractor will put in place a system for accountability and diSciplinary actions that will be taken in the event of violations . UH.Ji.ll1 .,:..& Jlb'; • .5.2 5.2 linguist Requirement . The Contractor shall provide and manage the appropriate number of Contract linguists to support the required training evo lutions and daily interaction between the SSG force and training support staff. J ~I ;y. fl.).lc. i .Jl.l! .Jil';;: ~ ffo u."... .J..r-- \J"I \J'" W:H ."...~I ~ 'J I .J ..:.A..u$\ ~~..!lli ...".,uf i' ~.lll .ll,)i 6.0 GOVERNMENT FURNISHEO EQUIPMENT OR MATERIAL {GFE/GFM}. 6.1 Property Management Plan The Contractor shall achieve and maintain .J 39 u.: /.I A full control and accountability of Client furnished property (GFE/GFM) during the period of performance of the contract . The Contractor sha ll develop and implement a Property Management Plan within 30 days of contract award. 6.2 Government Furnished Equipment The Client will provide all equipment, material and supplies required to support and sustai n the SSG and associated Contractor staff. The list of all equipment, material, to include ve hicles, weapons, uniforms, tactical gear, etc., will be provide by the Contractor after analysis and review to determine the Unit Table Organization and Equipment (UTOE) for the SSG and will be included in the Execution and Management Plan . ..::.,\.:iI.lA'!'.J ..)I.".JI.J ..::.,I.&JI ~\,S ~ ~\?~ U-""" ~\ .ll ~\ .J ~ u-I u-' ~.;I.).u-I J~.ll ~ y.I\ ~I.>o...L <..:U..,;:;, • ·"1 - U -""".J . . '~~...;.... 1.., .. " . ,..-------.~ ('.JI:! .....,..ll "), J <...l..~ 1 J ~4S.,..J1 ~ 0 1.)0 ".,..l' J 4 1yJI .J ~I ••...)b'/I .J \Jiii\! ~ ~ 0 1 .a.J1~ 7.0 CONTRACT DELIVERABLES. (Annex B) Annexes A through E attached hereto and incorporated by reference, work to be performed under this SOW, the nature of the working relationship between the Client and the Contractor, and specific obligations of both parties. The Contractor will provide se rvices and staff, and otherwise do all things necessary for or incidental to the performance of work, as set forth below: Identify all tasks, work elements and objectives of the contract, and timetables by which major parts of the work are to be completed. The scope of work may be included within the text of the contract or attached as a separate exhibit as depicted in paragraph 3.2 of the SOW. .»..: I1lli .J cJI ~\ ~I .&Jl .J .,k .,.,. <..>'1 <..>'1 -! ..,.,v.J1 , .....,11 Wl;llW J~ ~ J,wl ,*' .7 ':";;.,..JI J (-").",. J (I) u-- ~w.,..J1 . .... WI ,...YI (CDRL) - Name .::.A.a:!L:i.!\ Deliverables Master Training Yl,Q1, Y2 Q1, Y3 Q1, Program Y4Q1, YS Q1 <.WI .JJYI ~)I :.)JYI <.WI ·" 2)3 'fo J;>.\I <...J.....!l ~ (,.,.. . ~ . ";.J,Ji. '.J·W' .. ~ ~ '.J·W .. ,..• ~1J,6.l ".,;II J,6.l U.Wl •j\.;o.jl fJ to::Jl.k.J1 '.J'WI .• ..,..,foil ~ ~ J,6.l <.iliUII J>'" .. , Uo..i.ll J,6.l , .......J'lll ~ 7.2 Contractor Progress Report The Contractor shall provide a progress report as stated in Annex C attached. """ yo L.5 J...<. ~I r.>ill y->" ?!,,,,.,...:wl ,.,i; u.>- The Client shall pay the Contractor for providing analytical services on unit mission, composition, equipment and training requirements under paragraph 3.2. These Client exercised option will be invoiced separately and for each change to the base plan requested by the Client, upon acceptance by the Client for the finished analysis. The Client shall pay the Contractor for procurement of eqUipment, ammUnition, vehicles or weapons in support of the results of the analytical products or as directed by the Client on a cost plus fee basis. The Client shall pay hiring of additional personnel In support plan as a result the Contractor for the instructors or support of changes to the base of analytical products developed upon approval by the Client. ,.. "''·'1 .>'" (~ ) "'...•. .>"'" ".H -"".,an .7.3 7.3 Invoices The Contractor shall submit invoices at the end of each scheduled payment cycle. Payment Terms and invoice schedule are depicted on Appendix B. Ji..o<' I ,..., .J~R2 Manager for oversight, leadership and management of t his init iative. Additional R2 personnel will incl ude additional Technical Advisors, Table (1): R2 Support Composition for SSG in Abu Dhabi, UAE Manaeement Personnel Number Program Manager 1 Technical Advisors • Execu tive Officer 1 • Command Advisor Training 1 • Sr. Staff 11 Technical Subject Matter Experts 1 1 11 27 Administrative Suppo rt Personnel 1 • Executive Assistance 1 • Administrative/logistics 4 4 1 Support 1 • Financial/Budget 1 • • Facilitator Torol Personnel 48 SSG Program Manager Exercises overall program management, oversight and program responsibility for the SSG Training Program planning, programming and execution . Acts as the primary condu it between u.u ~ ~..,L-.J ¥I.>" J i}J' o.J~ v-}~ 0~ J .• l;;;-;.J dlt:.! J t.r. (,)001 (,)"1..,...,..jlJ ~u.>! " fo. W; \;WI ;J"~I '"'~ <'...Lh l J.,.)I ' W ~I .y!c. J .J.!.-ll ~4-~1 .).,1 ~'il t;j~ ~ W; ~I wt..,W)1 ~ ~I J-JI y.:i-\ ?~ ~ J.- ~ ..r-;.>II vol \JA ~L.:...JI eol..,! Jl"12~.s ~ IJoGWI , ~. W l wt....Wll ~, -I • I ( ~I ? ,) (j'I~~ • ~ Y.'~~ . .JA \j,!) :fi."..I1<.sy> ~ ~,}I :fi."..I1 ~ """.....JI ,',}I ~ ~I JjL.....i.l1 J wl.,ill J ~.l!I ~..;! J ~)l .J.o JS.l JJ,.Jl ~ .J ...,+I~I ~I . ..,r.- ;.>II (,)-1 ..r-- 1,)"1 t.)"'! ~ ~U•.1i ~..Yll1 u lJ..,.l!1 ~..,;JI .J J u1jill.J ~~I .ll.;il u-lJ~~I ~I Ul.hh!...ljlS , ~""'..rJ- 'I -,< .. 'I <.sJ'"""' J~"'" -'I fi.;JI each SSG Group training cycle that reflects 0fo <.:..il.fiiJ1 .J i~L..Jl <.:..i~1 .l1.J'" J IJ"J.;.lll 1..... 15 J)l;."';~ v.u;,;~ _ ~~ I ~ U"'I ~\&. ~ 0-> ~ ~ ~..y:i i.J~ JS ~~ 00- the Group Staff, Troops and Headquarters ..,r.- (,)01 synchronization and resource matrix for and Headquarters Company training plan. All le sson plans and supporting instructional material and student handouts in English . A written After Action Report, due 15 days after the completion of each SSG Group trai ning cycle. SSG Program Executive Officer Support the customer by providing administrative and logistics support for the SSG Training Program , Duties include ~u~ ~..,ul J .;.;IJ'i 1I"'.lll rJ,il! J,.-ll ~\.....;! ..:'A~.;>.l..tll ~ .J .w v I v I -! IJoGWI ~fil ~l yJl u.s. ~ uk u.iL..J1 ~ _ • i.JbJ!.5:!.) ~ ;;'21 nYlI J ;..~..;'.l)'1 .l..b.l 'iC -: -. 7 coordinating all administrative and logistics ~) r l.,tlll ~~ .J ~I ~~ J J.J'~ .J support with the contract management , jI.,ll1 J ':'1,..j1..,.Ll J.-L" J yll. ~ J . (~ JSI ..ill:l J i4=J1iJ ~ ~Li...ll ~l& J-AyJl JJt....:i J team : maintaining budgetary development and execution plan s; leave records and schedules, timesheets (if .01 ...,.....;I1 ,. ,jJJ ". J..r. 1,)-1 c...>-I .,r.ily .;.. applicable) , requesting, receiving and issuing equipment and supplies; facilitating quality of life issues for both SSG Mentors and TCN providers. Deliverables: Quarterly Work Plan that supports the Annual Work Plan; Annual SSG Spend Plan that includes a monthly breakdown of required funds; Facilities Maintenance Plan for SSG· Specific facilities; Equipment Ufe· Cycle Replacement Plan for SSG Equipment; Equipment Accountability System for all SSG Equipment. SSG Command Advisor/Mentor Exercise direct responsibility for the planning and execution of the SSG Training & Fielding Program. Act as the Command Advisor to employment counterparts for of If the SSG. accompany counterparts command oversight operations. supervision Provide to the SSG tactical required, and provide during tactical guidance and Staff advisors. Provide direct supervi sion of embedded SSG Troop advisors. Former Active Duty Special Operations Battalion Commander. Deliverables: An Annual Work Plan that provides detailed information regarding SSG training, equipping and fielding. A detailed Program of Instruction (POI) for the SSG Group Staff, ¥\ ~ .J ~ I.F ~u:al tli:i ~ J,..c. Uoi. ~u J!I J.-i.o ~JI .or ..,.1..,.\, ,",",WI ~I .f.5.y!..J ~.)1 .:fo,rlI .J.r--..,..,1c...>-I .l1 ..i'J u~1 ~I .' • • ; 1.\1 ~I J ':'I.,ill J ","".,11 jSyJl " ~f!k2:~1 ~ rfl~_.~1~~ J Headquarters and Headquarters Company, Support Company, Troops and specialty platoons. A training synchronization and resource matrix for each SSG Group training cycle that reflects the Group Staff, Troops and Headquarters and Headquarters Company training plan. All lesson plans and supporting instructional material and student handouts in English. A written After Action Report, due 15 days after the completion of each SSG Group training cycle and tactical operation. SSG Senior NCO Advisor/Ment or Serves as a CSM/lSG Senior Non· Commissio ned Officer Advisor /Mentor/Trainer Groups. group the for SSG Knowledgeable in all aspects of operations Technically individual and proficient skills and in management. light infantry infantry tactics, techniques and procedures and specialized TIPs for security & support operations. Develop training materials and conduct training and mentoring in NCO duties and responsibilit ies, operations leadership, planning training management. and combat management, Mentor/train the SSG senior NCOs in garrison and field operations including TOe operations and field trains operations. If required, accompanies counterparts and provide NCO oversight during tactical operations. Assist Troop and specialty platoon trainers in training NCOs. Former active·duty combat arms Comma nd Sergeant Major. Deliverables: An Annual Work Plan that outlines the measures undertaken (to include NCO Professional Development and Educational .,.. ""It/ ~I ""I.,..-u "'" > "''''~UIS.. ~ J>I ,",->"IY;Iy./J~J;"'" ~ J 'JIJ) .....u'~ u.s..,k F ..,r.- oJo11...>'1 .J ~,j.ll ~'J.t.J'..,i ~, ~Ul' w.- ~ _ ~ ~I tJM/ rr. ~ Viii J u\~lfo)'1 J ~I J ~I .ll".. y~ r~ .~'il J ~.lll ~..} .. 0 0;· . 1\ > "'Lot-- ..,; <,1'->-"' > ~ rt,ill > ~I ..J\.l) J J,:WI ~ ...;I..l) J ~ J i J\!i .J u'-:!l.,w... .. "r. 'I .JI V"" t.J'1 .J.... '-WI ~ , , , "'I t.J'1 JI '~--t'"..)A ........, c.,.; ..r u-I ",4.;,,-W1 ...,>~, .11_ ...,- JI ..; ..ll u~ ~."...:... w\~1 ..:...41-- J ..:...~W\ ~~ (>*'11r) '~l) r~ .w'~1 '-:-lI..fli":"'~ J ~I J:>";'.11_,;,I JI J ,J';' > ~~I u.)oJl "u W¥.J.l.4 iJC.L.... _ ~, ':'1", .;,L .,-;'J .,.,.J . .,1 _ vi JI ,""->,,.,k .. 0 0;,, ·1\ ~I.J ul."ill """ . Programs) to mentor the Group Command Sergeant Major and the Group NCOs. All jl.,...J vo.Jyll ~ i l l wfi:i .~ ~ JSl J/Y.~)'I ~ ~I ulfo.J i.lt.L..J1 .:.k}"':'..;),1 lesson plans and supporting instructional material and student handouts in English. Personnel/Administrative SSG Advi sor/Mentor SSG Group Staff senior responsible for mentor/trainer personnel and administrative functions. Develops training materials and tra ins group pe rsonnel staff officers 5· 1 section in the full spectrum of duties and responsibilities in the Personnel Administration Discipline. Mentors staff principals while training section personnel in both garrison and field environments to include TOC assessments operations, and operations planning, orders development and military decision making. If required, accompanies counterparts and provides person nel oversight during tactical operations. Provides personnel support to the SSG Program Cadre. Deliverables: An AWP that outlines the measures undertaken to mentor the Group Personnel Officer and the Group S·1 Section. Develop a comprehensive personnel management system and a comp lete Unit Manning Roster for each SSG Group and Brigade (if required). All lesson plans and supporting instructional material and student handouts in English. SSG Intelligence Advisor/Mentor SSG Group Staff senior mentor/trainer. Develops training materials and trains Group staff officers and the 5·2 Section in .::F- ~;'-',r..,.I..,.I"~ JJ~I.,..j>JI/~1 ~I~I J.,Jo, J _~I->,'1>4 m...J1 J 'u1~~1 ...lll>~1 t \bi """ ~I ~I->,I .);.-. ~ ,'" J ..",foIl ":'I.I~ m...J1 "'\!lj>-JI J ,'<--II ill.) 1",-",1 ~ ,'" w" ~I->,~I "J>'".J.; A)~ 'u"~1 wl.)c. wl~\ ~.J w~WI ~ JS...,i tUailI jl.)1 ~I ..:.A.J..JI~· I ....11 uu.t.. ._ .J . ~.JV""'J".J p'i l ......,.>lJ1~~ ,.!.:ill (..>"'JI ~I ~~ ,.4il1 .ill¥. .J .~I ....J4l-!1 J::u. -,r ..,.1 ..,.1 ~WJli ""WI y\5.ll ~I->,~" ~I the full spectrum of in respo nsibi lities duties the and Intelligence Discipline. Mentors staff principals white training section personnel in both garrison and field environments to include TOC operations, operations assessments and & intelligence planning, Intelligence Prepa ration of the Battlefield {IPB}, orders development and military decision making. Ensure coordination between S·2 and Section special Staff platoons (Reconnaissa nce, SIU, etc.) to ensure full· spectrum intelligence fusion . If required, accompanies counterparts and intelligence oversight provides during tactical operations. Provides intelligence support to the SSG Progra m Cadre. Deliverables: An AWP that undertaken outlines to the mentor measures the Group Intelligence Officer and the Group S.2 Section. Develop SAEDA Program for SSG unit and Cadre. intelligence Develop report standardized templates procedures. Develop cu ltural and awareness program for all TCN personnel and SSG training cadre. supporting All lesson instructional plans and material and stu dent handouts in English . SSG Operations Advi sor/M entor SSG Group Staff senior mentor/trainer. Knowledgeable operations and in all aspects management. of SSG Tactically proficient in basic light infantry tactics, techniques and procedures and specialized TIPs for security and support operations. Develops training materials and conducts training and mentoring in staff organization and functions, staff coordination and synch ronization, plan ning and combat operations management, requirements validation resource & Officer S-3 & Sections in garrison and field operations, including TOC/CP operations. & training Serve as operational primary requirements SSG Staff , Troops, HHC and Specialty If required, counterparts and accompanies provides operations oversight during tactical operations. Assists SSG Command Advisor as Chief of Staff for SSG Cadre. Provides operational coordi nation support for SSG Program and Cadre. Deliverables: An AWP that undertaken outlines to the mentor measures the Group Operations Officer and the Group S-3 Section. Develop and maintain SSG Table of Organization & Equipment (TOE) or " Orbot." Develop & training operational requirements validation process for SSG Staff and customer staff. Develop detailed training timeline and training plan for SSG Groups Support & Brigade. Develop Requirements Training Document and management system for all SSG Initial and Sustainment Training. Develop SSG Training and Operational Ammunition Requirements Document & management system. Develop and coordinate integrated Anti- Terrorism/Force Protection (AT/FP) Plan for SSG unit and cadre. All lesson plans and supporting instructional material f"Y \~!) .J .; n .. ;j.1\ JjL...:.il\ J ~~I ~/J\ .....1>,1S,.;w, t..,; ".}~' ,;us 11 ~ -!lliS J.,ts.il J " {.!,ji.J .Po'll ....... y.J1 ~~ {..>""i\ tJI...;t..!:i.....J1 ill •.It:.\....... .J . ~l ":"4l.....l1 J~ training management. Mentor/train the SSG Group Operations ~ and student handouts in English. SSG Operations Planner Advi sor/Ment or 49 SSG Group Staff junior mentor/trainer. Direct Report to Trainer/Mentor. the SSG Operations Knowledgeable in all aspects of SSG operations and planning. Tactically proficient in basic light infantry tactics, techniques and procedures and specialized TIPs for security and support operations. Develops training materials and conducts training and mentoring in staff organization and functions, staff coordi nation and synchronization, Joint and Inter-Agency operations planning & training t~~" r"'·.r.-...,.I <.><1 ""...,...J ""~rl--­ ,-l. ufo. ..r.- ",I vi ~ U"'WI .:.1;1-l1 ,-1.-1..,.~ \.# ~ .r. 1,)"1 vol .J ...:.41-l' J ~l ~.Jl U~ r.>"1 ¢~~.J'.J "':"~ ' fo)!1.J u~ 1 ~ J rt-J.!I u~ ~ l..:!i ~ J iLWl4 ., .,.:" ••1\ J ~ r4il1 J ~y:ill ..)1.".. y.fo ('~ J .(jA"i1 ,. "'1J~-JJ .. ;.,~ " ..r..':0 ..,- p · ·~"'I ..,., J~ -- ~ "'ol' ...:.41-ll'-:'o:!y!\1 J~I.).)l J .)I.)"il ~ u.-1jil\ ..,..,~ I~ r4il\ .ul')':"'Y' ~ lSy.:... Ji 4c-4 3...,.ltu.i J or. ""I ""I ""...,...J.J.,lWlI,,3...... j l ~ u~ ~ 01 ~\ Ji ~W\ u'yLu:. ~ ~~I .... y.J1<".L..., (y~' ,jill!) J . .,.v--Iv-- .4•.sj6'IJ ~I ~ ~41-l1 ~ ~I .>" ~.J .v+ U"'I U"i ylS.l.., b~b;. ;11 ...:.4i-l1 ~J ~ :lA ~ .~)l\ . _. 1- - I..u.JI J.. ~WI .::...t:..., . ....i wI.c. .., ~..r- w. --<.F J .:.41-l1 """ J " " JA ,,:!!:>,,,I/....- JI.,;",·~'Il principals while training section personnel in garrison and field environments to include TOC/ALOC operations, operations and assessments planning, orders development and military decision making. Ensure coordination and understanding between staff sections and special logistics elements (Support Company, Maintenance Platoon, HHC, etc.). Serve as the logistics and budget point of contact in support of the SSG Program in the execution of logistics decisions. If required, accompanies counterparts logistics and provides oversight operational during tactical operations. Provide logistical support to SSG Program Cadre. Deliverables: An AWP that outlines the measures undertaken to me ntor the Group logistics Officer and the Group S~4 Section. Develop an SSG Property Book and Accou ntability System Equipment for all SSG equipment . ICW the Operations Advisor, develop the equipment portion of the SSG H "Or·bot. Develop an SSG Operating Budget and supporting Spend Plan for each contract year. Develop SSG unit Command Operating Budget for each Group & Brigade (as required). supporting All lesson instructional plans and material and student ha ndouts in English. SSG Logist ics Planner Advisor/Trainer SSG Group Staff junior mentor/trainer. Direct Report to the SSG Logistics Trainer/Mentor. Develop training materials and train Group staff officers and the S·4 Section in the full spectrum of duties and responsibilities in the Logistics Planning Discipline. Mentor staff principals while -.,-,,~, ~ ~ ,,;j, . - - _.,."./-. u.:.~¢~ - '7 ~ .) 4 ",-",/ t u.; "'''''''' J ~..u' jL.o "'...,... ~~ r\.J,aj.!illS J '~ ,L,ill (v' J/ "" - j A .,. r4il1 ..liWl1":"'1.Ji,- u.- ~ JSl..;w';il ~~ ~ J ~ ~ ~ "1 u- I iAJ i.Jl.;i ~Ij:.o yfo. .I1"...J V"Jyil.J,..J....;.. ~\.S wfo .(fJjl11 ~) tol"l .~~I ~ ~I u l f o J a.lc.L.....JI ..;J\JUJ~I training section personnel in garrison and field environments operations, to logistics planning, include AlOe assessments consumption rates, and orders development, the logistics Staff Estimate and military decision making. If required, accompanies counterparts and operational logistics provides planning oversight during tactical operations. Provide logistical planning support to SSG Program Cadre. Oeliverables: An AWP that undertaken Section to outlines the mentor the in logistics comprehensive, measures Group S-4 planning. annual A logistiCS requirements & utilization plan for the SSG Groups and Brigade. All lesson plans and supporting instructional material and student handouts in English. SSG Signal Advisor/Trainer SSG Group Staff senior mentor/trainer. Develop training materials and train Group staff officers and the Signal Section in the full spectrum of duties and responsibilities in the Communications Discipline. Mentor staff principals personnel in while both training garrison section and field environments to include Toe operations, operations assessments and planning, orders development and military deCision making. Functions include individual and collective tasks in HF/VHF maintenance and base station operations. Knowledge in communications support for Admin/log and TOe operations nets is essential. Be prepared to Telephone train all Operators procedures. If counterparts and Group on required, provides basic Radioradio accompanies operational communications oversight during tactical operations. Deliverables: An AWP that undertaken outlines to the mentor measures the Group Com munications/ Electronics Officer and the Group Communications/Electronics Section. Develop a Program of Instruction, lesson plans and specific training materials to conduct train ing for Group CE Platoon personnel in the full spectrum of communications functions that support a light infantry battalion. All lesson plans and supporting instructional material and student handouts in English. SSG law Enforcement Advisor/Mentor SSG Group Staff senior mentor/trainer. Develop training materials and train Group staff officers and men in the full spectrum of duties and responsibilities in the law Enforcement Disci pline. principals law in Mentors enforcement staff theory, practices & TIPs. Provides direction and supervision for Troop trainers regarding all law enforcement training. If required, accompanies counterparts and operationa l law en forcement provides oversight during tactical operations. Deliverables: An AWP that outlines the measures undertaken to mentor the Group Staff in Law Enforcement technhniques and doctrine, tactics, procedures. A comprehensive Law Enforcement skills training plan for the SSG Groups and Brigade. All lesson plans and supporting . - ~ instructional material and student handouts in English. SSG Special Investigation s Unit {SIU} Advisor/Trainer SSG Group Staff senior mentor/trainer. Develop training materials and train Group staff officers and men in the full spectrum of duties and responsibilities in the Special Investigations Discipline. Determines requi red capabilities, training & equipment needs for all Stu requirements. If required , accompanies counterparts and provides operational law enforcement oversight during tactical operations. ~~I Deliverables: An AWP that outlines the measures undertaken to mentor the Group Staff in Special Investiga t ions technhn iques and doctrine, tactics, procedures. A comprehensive Special Investigations skills training plan for the SSG Groups and Brigade. All lesson plans and supporting instructional material and student handouts in English. SSG Transportation & Support Advisor/Trainer .....,.... '''''11 ~ <...>.;.JI r-'" ~ 4- ..,.I,-#> tL).; ~ ~I r.Sy..'iI"':'I~~\ ~~ (>"~1 r-Y 1~» J . 4.&.~ . .>lI ~ ~~JJ '-;ilyll """" ~ _ ~ . ~I ~I L..,"'" l4 ~ -r.r-.. transportation and maintenance. Training includes support operation s in garrison and field environments, understanding the interface between the battalion S·4 section and the services and support elements of the Group. If counterparts required , and provides & transportation accompanies operational support planning oversight during tactical operations. Deliverables: An AWP that undertaken to & A measures the Support Operation s, maintenance the mentor & Transportation Support outlines Group Section s in comprehensive, repair parts logistics requirements & utilization plan for the SSG Groups and Brigad e. All lesson plan s and supporting in structional material and student handouts in English. SSG Medical Advisor/Trainer SSG Group Staff senior mentor/trainer. Develop Program of Instruction, lesson plan s and specific training materials to conduct training for SSG Combat Medics and SSG Group Aid Station personnel. Function s include individual and collective tasks in first aid, aid station organ ization, records maintenance, evacuation procedures and medical logistics. Training includes medical support in garrison and field environments. If accompanies counterparts and required, provides operational medical treatment oversight during tactical operations. Deliverables: Develop Program of Instruction, lesson plans and specific training materials to cond uct training for Group medical platoon and Troop Combat Medics personnel in the full spectrum of medical functions that support a light infantry battalion. SSG Troop Advi sor!Tra iner SSG Troop senior mentor/trainer. Develop training materials and train Troop Commander and First Sergeant Counter· parts and the Troop Headquarters Section in the full spectrum responsibilities of of duties the SSG and Troop . Supervises SSG Detai l Advisors regarding all training and operations. Functions include both military and law enforcement- oriented operations covering a wide range of missions, roles & functions in varied environments {including urban, rural, water, air, etc.}. Accompanies counterparts and provides operational oversight during tactical operations. Deliverables: Develop Program of Instruction, lesson plans and specific training materials to conduct training for an SSG Troop . Develop detailed unit training schedules, short·, and long· range t raining plans. SSG Det ail Advisor/Trainer SSG Detail advisor/trainer. Develop training materials and train Detail Commander and Detail Sergeant counter-parts and the Detail Headquarters Section in the full spectrum of duties and responsibilities of the SSG Detail. Supervises SSG Detail personnel as embedded cadre regarding all training and operations. Functions include ¥ ",W .,;ll '-;,lJ1 u:.u..,31 u.s .)<. J.liIl '-;,lJ1 . ~.L!.. both military and law enforcement· oriented operations covering a wide range of missions, roles & functions in varied environments (including urban, rural. water, air, etc.). Accompanies counterparts and provides operational oversight during tactical operations. Deliverables: Develop Program of Instruction, lesson plans and specific training materials to conduct training for an SSG Detail. Develop detailed unit training schedules, short-, and long-range training plans. Annex B Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) SCOP E OF WORK ,,-,,",'J~'1\;~1 ,(,) ~,(I) 0- J,I,.Ji J-JI .,,~ WWI ....WI.lo,.;!ll "ts..~I.).­ Exhibit A through 0 attached hereto and incorporated by reference. comains the General Terms and Conditions governing work to be performed under this contract. the nature of the working relationship between the Client and the Contractor, and specific obligations of both parties. ~ J-JI U)U:. ~ .J .lia.ll I~ ~ ~ y"u..JI ~\yb'J4LWI ~L..I~\ ~ J ~1.JJ.t-ll ~f4i11 ~.J .ll..}! .Jul...li.rJiij!~\ f~ ..J:!.:IA .JAo \..oS J-li ,"1.l"J ......... .;WI J .... j)UI J.,....t:. "JI The Contraclor wi ll provide services and stafT. and otherwise do all things necessary for or incidental to the perfonnance of work. as set forth below: • : ~U.l! Identify all tasks. work elements and objectives of the contract. and timetables by which major parts of the work arc to be completed. The scope of ",ork may be included within the text of the contract or anached as a separate exhibit as depicted in paragraph 3.2 of the SOW. Contract Deliverable (C DRL) - Na me (;;;Ull Due·· - Jlla:Jl .;J 4)1 .j .,.......n .liia:in ,•••• 1 .j~..H Program Contractual Deliverables Exhibit A Deployment Plan Exhibit B Exhibit C 15 June 2010 Operations Plan 15June2010 (I) J....,. ~¥I 20 10 ....... 15 Training Plan Exhibit D Sustainment 2010 ....... 26-1 1-26 June 2010 t.b..i. (Y) J,,,~I ~ 2010 ....... 15 (c) J....,. J.i.-:'li <..lo;. 2010.>14->',,1..;;) (,) J....,. NTE Dec 2010 ~jll ,"\.US'J! ~ Plan EXHIBITS TO BE INSERTED 58 .~~ Annex C Fees and Projected Payments Schedule Timeline and Deliverables: As set forth below. Invoices and Payment: Mobilization costs of U.S. $4,600,000.00 shall be provided upon execution of Contract. Invoices shall be due upon delivery and acceptance of quarterly Interim Program Reviews ("IPR") for Deliverables set forth below as follows: Contract Yeilr 15TOTR :iROQTR 2NOQTR 'turfy 4TH OTR Junl! 2010· May 2011 June 2011Mily20U June 2012· May 20ll $25,751,569.48 $25,751.569.48 525,751,569.48 $25,751,56948 5103,OO6,2n.91 A£094,765.775.67 AE094,16S,nS.67 AE094.765,715.67 AEO 94,765,715.67 AEO 379,063,102.69 $26,468,671.60 $26,468,671.60 $26,468,6n.60 $26,468,671.60 $lOS,874,710.39 AED 91,404,13356 A£097,404,733.$6 AED 97,404,733.56 AED 97,404,733.56 AEO 389,61U14.25 $26,57'9.525.29 $26.S79,S25.29 526,579,525.29 526,579,525,29 $106,318,101,14 AEO 97,812,651.0!. AEO 97,812,65].05 AEO 97,812,65].05 A£097,8U,653.05 AEO ]91,250,612.21 Ju~ 2013May 2014 $26,579,525.29 526,579,525.49 $26,579,525.49 526,579,525.29 $106,318,101.14 MO 97,812.653.05 AEO 97,81.2.65].05 AEO 97,8.12.,65].05 AEO 97,812,653.05 AEO 391,250,612.U $26,801,435.69 $26,801,435.&9 $26,801,435.69 $26,801,435.69 5107,205,742.74 AEO 98,629.28].32 AEO 98,629,283.32 AEO 98,629,283.32 MO 98,649,283.32 AE0394,517,llBO June 2014- MaV 2015 Contract Deliverable (CDRL) - Name Program Schedule ,.....'J \ -~\~~ ~I Deliverable Master Training ..,..j1IJ~1 Timeline elyl :.)J~ I "-11 Y1,Ql, Y2 Q1, Y3 .JJ~I elyl :~ "-11 :~\ ~! Q1, Y4 Q1, YS Q1 .JJ~I elyl .JJ~I elyl : ~!)I ~I Y3 Q1,Q2, 03, Q~ JJ~I elyl :<""wl "-11 .JJ~I ,WI Y4 Q1,Q2, 03, Q4 J JJ~I elyl :~\~, Iyl .!.I.lli .J f l l ~.J YS Q1,Q2, 03, Q4 J JJ~I el)l : ~,), t>..Jl A 59 (!tt~ ..,......>-"1' ~u ~I J".,.. Contractor's ~1)1 Y1 Q1,Q;!, Q3, Progress Report lPR Y2 Q1,Q;!, Q3, J Ullli J ~I J JJ~I eI)l :LLiJI .o..wl ~1)1 J Ullli J.r'1llI Y3 O1,Q2, 03, Invoices Y4 Q1,Q;! , Q3, J JJ~I eI)l : ~J~I ""-11 ~1)1 J Ullli J ~I Y5 Q1,Q2, Q3, J JJ~I elyl J JJ~I elyl J JJ~I elyl :<.,1)1 ""-11 Y2, Q1,Q2, 03, Option S, Para 3 .2 SOW Deliverables (N eI'YI J Ul\lJ1 J ~I J JJ~I elyl :L.WI ""-11 ell)l J Ullli J ~I J JJ~I eI)l ,' ~J~I ""-11 ~1)1 J Ullli J ~I Mission Analysis Complet, Manpower Analysis Comple1 Equipment Analysis Compiet and Cost Estimate Y-'• "ill JJ~I eI)l :<,,;Illi ""-11 eI'yl J Ullli J ~I J Task Order) Billal and training Plan .o..wl Y3 Q1,Q2, Q3, Management Plan Training Analysis :~t eI'YI J Ullli J ~I Yl, Ql,Q2, Q3, yy :<,,;Illi ""-11 Y2 Q1,Q2, 03, Y4 Q1,Q2, 03, Execution & ~ 1,..,., eI')1 J Ullli J ~I Y1 Q1,Q2, Q3, Y5 Q1,Q2, Q3, ,..u.ll J JJ~I elyl :~I ~I t" yl J Ullli J ~I J JJ~I elyl :<.,IYI ""-11 e-!Iyl J Ullli J ~I J JJ~I elyl :L.WI ""-11 eI'yl J Ul\lJ1 J ~I Comple1 J JJ~I elyl :~J~I ""-11 ~1)1 -' Ullli -' ~I J JJ~I eI)l :~I ~~lJylu...;. 4.l..J1 eI'YI J Ullli J ~I (_ '1 ¥") """~I .:H> .:.. 2J3 '.;ii .(.,.) J4i.l1 ~!b.ll~ .. .'W. .I 'WI '.) ~ ~ <..,..II J.l.:; .) ~ ~ U.WI ",,,ill J.l.:; ·L".,il 'J . . 0.)'Wl .. ~ /l 60 /"JJM "- .ws:al ..»W J ~ ~ .tJ....;J1 - J ~I~I ~.J"ll , J.b.:i l-1 J,l..:f V , 7.",( 7 1/ /"--/ Annex 0 Equipment List TO BE INSERTED (4) mm Lilli Annex E Cost Contract Period JUNE 2010 - MAY 2015 Personnel Total Cost USC Total Cost AEO 48 $529,166,754.13 1,947.333,655.20 2015 .,;.. .;... J 2010 .":..,, .;,.. ..a.JI , ... .. ~"l l ........~Il..ils:.ll ';IJ..~I .,.suo" J~yJ.., t"yll; 1.947.333.655.20 529.166.754.1 3 ' f l (j) Annex F JL.<.~I Analysis of Option B, Para 3.2 SOW u1.,.. u.... .;,.. 3.2 ;..... (.,.).# J.I>' (~ 4 Deliverables [New Task Order) .ti.twJl ..)AI) ~ .Jllill .. " 'I • ...-..,." TO BE INSERTED .2 ADD END UM H ------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i:5G 5 VIARS CONfMO .., ..... Uf ..... , ..... , ..... .. .JONtlOJO·MAV 2011 $10),006.1'11.!1 lUNtlOU·MAYlOU $105"'., nO.n JUN £ lOI1-MA'I' 20U $lO(1;n ',JOu. 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