CASE Document 97 Filed 06/09/17 Page 1 of 12 Saint Paul Police Departmen. ORIGINAL OFFENSE 1' INCIDENT REPORT Iii-arr: Tin-:9 121104.12015 13:01:00 Champlain! CW '1 5258 935 Nil-me L'Ilrfurl-5115135053111035. ism-?m nr-?ncim-u: 2m PA 53$me renew-11:: af?rm: ST PAUL MN 5:11:14 0.31:: time of 133-132015 10220100 15' Emir-"cf: Waste Sim: 1210412015 10.2000 Fri-nan; Giff-3 Ran-nary asp-IMF 545 Eur-'93! made: T35 Sewn?aw u?ense: DPE Puff-5'3 G?fccr?ssaLr-?rr?n' cur {quart-3': Pan'fsu {Ember Enigma: Gn'ma Scone Hammad-$95 OFFENSE DETAILS ASEAULT-DTHER ASSAULTSALL in I ?dc-mm C'my. Hun-weer: fr: he Gang ?tmmn'.? Cn'nm Scene Mumnd :1 Paint 0! Entry Hid i urea Eionzll Fara-9 mart Echo-30:01:99 u! ErIqu.? 30'; Dell's} Used rf and-#1: r'star'l? eat Haul-?5 UPERATIDNS Cm? 1143;93:5- be Ema-3: .1 1.;13331 5 mm: ram. 73:31:23 1 5 1 Backed . ru'I-Iun' -- :11. . 1" Exhibitl 35:01:! .- I. CASE Document 97 Filed 06/09/17 Page 2 of 12 Saint Paui Poiice Departmen. 9- ORIGINAL OFFENSE 1' INCIDENT REPORT Canwm'mlui 1' r_ it - - .- HI. 15.255.r Fuur?u I: Daft" Raga-r 15255535 1315412515 13:51:55 Phl'ri'a r3; 5.51m: 5' Bani-ted 12i'54i?2515 '55 WW Grit-"9515 121'5-112'2515 15:25 Bats-5mg; time: 1 1:31} Hrrsa't 515555 52:? L515- w: V95 Bucking #r 515-25 rria-zh- tm warrant previous EH: NE. Warrant immbm'.? 555155555 SPPD Wan-anuype: D'Jaiyafwtatianf?a?Armani: 2115 Degree Aggaua: NAM E5 Arrestea 555w? cir Aliases Nick 5.51.555: ?it-'55. 'qr'f?q Firs-'1 MENTIO- L'u'il' anat'fs 355'- Hmum 555 ?a 555m 555-5-- Agni-5- Iran: to Parent cur Guardian Part-mt Phones 5555?: 11-5355: Png?r: Dmi-?iz-N-?w-n' STUDENT 5:55-55:55: SH HIGH .I'dlei'ficaiicli'l rt.? (3'15: ?yxcr?ufion Ur. rim-.5: I I . I lid-?PIE" II. ?1 I- II I. 5-5-5: 5-51-25! Exhibit .I IJ CASE Document 97 Filed 06/09/17 Page 3 of 12 Saint Paul Palice Departn'lel .. ORIGINAL OFFENSE INCIDENT REPORT Dare ?nal: ?13:01:00 Carr my CH 15258935 ASSAULT-OTHER - Drfender Informah'nn ?rmsruc": T95 F?urEul'! Esau-awning Hallmurltered.? [imm'f?am' Taken I'u care MEI-1T: Maui-khan} .rel'caa-L- abraj'nod: Weapuns Used by Sumac-z at Time {If Arrest Hands:r Fact Wasp urns Usud by Puff-m Armame- KNOWN Nl'cknamab' ur Niagara; Hams-J: Miss: AHA Ari-f1 Les: Name: Dcm?'s Sexr- magi ma. 9mm: Eml?ucr; yc? fr: Farm! Parent i Filmer? 77% new sch-Jem- War-k: Fax. Pa gar.- E?mpfuynren: Elm-anuaricn: CENTRAL 5H. HIGH .ru'un?fl'vza?un SN: L'n' [-25:135- Eran-.- Smurfpn'cm U3 Mall.- fa.- Heigh'ar {mgr-'1' Gen-?Jr: Skirt Hair Tam-1' Sew-Li Exhibjtl CASE Document 97 Filed 06/09/17 Page 4 of 12 Saim Pam Pause ORIGINAL OFFENSE I INCIDENT REPORT and .Tr'tia a: Hap-rm: Page ammu? "u 1 5 2 53 935 Prinz-try Offender "1?95 Hermenengdyulf'. DUI: Resistance Car. Takzm hes-W1 cars faci?'tyr Med-tar wins-ass small-rod: Weapms Used by Palms Wampum Used by Suspect at Tr'rm? cu" Arrest and set Nicknames nr Nisan-s Mink I'u'arng' He'l'ss: AHA Hist AHA Sarah's Ear Fernaf? UUH: :5 23E: Phunns hrs-11?: 5mm 'r'1r'crk.? Firs! . Pay; 9r; Employ-mam EmpJ'sysr-s n'u?a'nfr'?catr'un 5' W. u: 55mm; cur J?a'r'il'mjs it. I .- AK Law! .-. .- . II Exhibitl I3 CASE Document 97 Filed 06/09/17 Page 5 of 12 ORIGINAL OFFENSE I INCIDENT REPORT Data and Tu'nm Fin-surf 13:91 Faun 5 .1 5'1: Nu.- rrl??jmm" m.e_ EraIus; go. from h: Phone-5' We rk: Fa Pa gar: EfrilpI'?ymEInf G?cupafl'm' TEACHER Emwc'wrf EENTRAL SR HIGH Idenlr'?'c?l'n??n 53H- Lira-ms- .Ll'conxa 33am. Physical US: ND NU Height ELI-H.- Hm? I. a: .1 Ir Caron Wufgm.? tu Sam.- Ila-fr; Hair Ty?a: Team: Cir-'3': THE: Victim Type: Innr'u'idual Can T35 {a Pram Charges; Gondr'l'r'a.'r: Ireal'rh ND Madica.? ref-gnarl {:15 Ni] frjjurles TYPE Lot-aria" tint-ships Known :1 Vict?m I?u'a'cI': names or Milli-5 Her?" stub-.13: Aft-I Exhibit Pug-3 :1 CASE Document 97 Filed 06/09/17 Page 6 of 12 Saint Paul Puffer-3 Departme. ORIGINAL OFFENSE i INCIDENT REPORT ?19.13: aim" Helm-r4 12i04i201513z?ir?? {Burn-lta-?in-?ni Ci"; 1 5258 935 Fri-army Grim-.39: Damiis ser- Age- from Finn-ire: ink-rm Ge ?u m? rm.- Pager.- Empiuymani Gmupair'cn: PRINCIPN. CENTRAL SR HIGH id rm ri?'caa?ian SEN: License or License Siam: Descriprian Ng Main-15:: Heigiir: ta Bi .?iiri; .?rir i engrir: Hair Cain-r.- Wc'igriir.? l3- E-?ifin: Fag-in: .I'air Typo: Tc-clrii: EEG Gui-3r: 5:de Type.- Viciim in I'idi'iidU-E'l 55? WEN-W ?r?es main-19 .ru Press Charges: Tam? 1'61 ND Mum'r'ccri mic-n59 dimmer-"2' iir?irimr ann?inn Type Heinrich ship: Utms?rwiae Finn's-in Arman-E Witneas Nicimumns m- Mingus .. rink-i;- Sit}: tuba-r?- a . Exhibit li'Il CASE Document 97 Filed 06/09/17 Page 7 of 12 Saint Pam Police Departmei .. ORIGINAL OFFENSE I INCIDENT REPORT Duh} and th.? 12ED4IEU15 CH 15253935 Pn'utran Uafah?s tm- Hes-'w-warusr Hispanic: Aga' - from Pb ones Home: Si Emmet: Work: a Pa Empioyment Occupation: STAFF Emmet: CENTRAL SH Hie-H Idanh'ficariun Witness Line-we Hemmer State: Nicknames m- Mines Nick Nam-9: Mia's: n'u'arute.? Name: DefaHs Sex;- Hacu- DOB. Siam-x.- Hispanic: .?rJ Phone-s um- in?? mm;- Fax: Paw-Jr] Ema-'oyrrimi CENTRAL SH Identification Start-3 Umrwc SSfa'.? Witn?fits Exhibit! CASE Document 97 Filed 06/09/17 Page 8 of 12 Saint Paul Police Departmem ORIGINAL OFFENSE REPORT Ham and Thin; 'lEi?U-deD?i? Page E. .Were-nawm CH 15258935 it"inmi}: HSSAULT-DTHER Nicknamnas or Aiiasas Nitric Nam e; . AKA First Name: L33: Mama.- Dnlar'is 55E- Rama; - DUB: Firm-Hen! grams.- Am; r'mm in Phone-s Hame.? Cuff? Clarita-5i: Warm ax- Pagcr: ?ucupah'on: STAFF CENTRAL HIGH License or J'I'Jla'i; Stare.- 35w.- EOLVABILITY FACTORS Siispe? Era-r: T95 wig?m'g. wit?esgag . . Evidence Pmneriy in Weiared {milks-Iris Lab Hf?ingl'cef Anaiys?: Tartan- .?u'arml'iu: Andi-gain: Horns Ff: geranium-2": Lab Exhibitl Eta-H5333?! CASE Document 97 Filed 06/09/17 Page 9 of 12 Saint Paul Palica Dapartmer.. ORIGINAL OFFENSE 1' INCIDENT REPORT i?L'Irri' .a I . 1.. CH Ju'l'? 152585335 13:01:00 Inf-"Elm: ITEM .IH T?j? at Lass: Heggvere {Jars Last: Ell-wran? Data 12f34r'2'315 Racattarad-_ ii. Quantity: 1 if: Article- Tap-effluent Dthar prapenty Miscellanea-us itarns Daacriplfart.? SlEIE-I'nenf Turned In at: r1? {Durn luckier Ltirr?tar 5 Lab nxarrm; Participants: Pars-an Typa' Name: Address: F'Imng; 1?7 victim Wim HARRAHVE luau ICE Ian 13:11-21:15 al was; limira I, squad #aeia Sahara. la Central Sr High [at-a a "ll'lULl ar? a lit'ht i-w [ha animal rafatr-ria I ?new infar'mhd arm at [ha ?aaie.? i II x- Ii_. Lllal. Lama-glam} was il'lr'LJ S?i'li?l Eahibitl 5:397? CASE Document 97 Filed 06/09/17 Page 10 of 12 Saint Paul Felice Departmein ORIGINAL OFFENSE INCIDENT REPORT and Time at Rupert ?alga. IF. Rufercnce 15250035 12f04f2015 13:01:00 ASSAULTSALL hs'and m1 self appreached the incident in the cafeteria. we ceuld see a veev large crewd farming areund the fighthend I then split effgeing separate ways areund the crewd due Ie NUT being able te enter thru it. he I made me way areund the heel: side at the incident. I sat-grating te gain central efa atudeh ?as trying ta held him frern behind using a bear hug technique an the same student then pushed acltwarde ihte the adjacent wall with great ferce. astrvihgte ain central at was later lde a I then went te seal-Atheh he stated get him. hell. it sheuld be nete_e a Teacher the scheelr and he tea was helping separate the student's fighting. It eheuld else be nete ene at the manv Teacher'ef staff whe assist with menitei'tng the cafeteria during scheel all three lunches. dust as I turned te leek famed pulled away freWnd came charging at me. He wee sweating and cut ef rea "re. I then lmmediatelv grabbed held ef his rig term with my left hand, while at the same time at pulling eut my department issued AER and held it ta the student's face. I then seer.I heading mute assist him. was later Identified as There was a secehd student lhvelved ehrl tater feund ta be the brethert was laid he tee had assaulted staff I then telw'Pelice. step resisting-Stated "Get the fuck. cut at my face and I will!" I then infermed hini agan ice. step resisting." He then stated willescert him Ie the main effice. he began pulling awav frem me. I then leel-ied areund at staff. becaus?ag trying te head fer a mere which is EldjElLIE-ttli la the cafeteria where his brether was heir-g taken tee an member? it 500?? 5'3 ?have verv large muscular individual. and I was infermed he's the running back fer the feet'eell team. Se. Lie ten-else, I then infermed stalfl wee allewing jeih up with his hrather in that adjacent reem whfle radieed St Paul Dispatch asltihg fer assisting sgut te help make the arrest fer eeth hrethere. Squad aft?'10 arrived at the scheel. alerg with seuad #550. and tegether we entered the reem there beth brethers were and arrested [hand-cuffed. deuhle leclted}: them wiihe_it ineiciert mgr; infermad bath tliev were arrested fer assault en eeheel staff. It be hc-tee-egan te laugh. I?eras escerted but at the echeel and placed ir- squad tit-?tbs veh'cle eseertetl ant ef the echeel and placed in squad #:350?s vehicle #1000}. I then had eeth #140 and #550 transpertec' brethe'e la the St Paid Peifee Juvenile Llrzil fer the beehir-g r. speae wt'ivhc was far te he a victim as well as a the Exhibiti . mnree._ . . CI tlt. l. .I CASE Document 97 Filed 06/09/17 Page 11 of 12 Saint Paul Pelice Department OFFENSE i INCIDENT REPORT Chile and uf Heperf 12fD4f2D15 13:01:00 Page Fr'e Cr"! 1 52 58 935 diff-tines. ASSAULTSALL "rt. fight hrelte eat in the cafeteria during a. lunch. I went te the scene ?El."id witit-essedmushing and hittinglt staff memeer. and telling him- te "get the fuel: eff me at l'm genna ttnec ye eut". dust as he said that he physically picked the staff memes inte the air and fercefully slammed him en his haclt ente the eafeteria table and seatsstarted cheiting him and hitting him in his face and necit area repeatedly. As a resultl-giasses were reltsn. At this I grahhe nd attempted centinued te use threatening statements indicating if I didn't let him ge he was geing te "fuck. me ue?. ff e'F-Jut efthe eerner at my i saw semeens ceming at me saying. "get As i centinusd te try and ge far he made the fuck eff my hrether er i'r'n genna fuel: yea up". Student was identi?ed the threat he began punching me repeatedly in the Upper chest as I was restrainln at this pain anether staff member arriyed and iraibic?and restrained him frem punching me anymere. r'tt Itienal assistance frem staff and arriyed te try and gain erder in the cafeteria and aise eut efthe cafeteria. hit the whileintineed te escalate and refused te assisted in gettin the tyre? calm dewn untihpulled set his pepper spray and held it up face and at that paint he started is salt the cafeteria.? F?iease see his attached paper staternent. which far was turned inte laslte the needed any medical attentien. and he stated i then nee-age a medical releaae term, which was alse turned inte ithen speae with three ether witness'sf staff member's whe saw the entire incident. All three werlt in the scheei starts and they all stated they ceuldn't heliaye what had Jlust happen, because they feared fer the safety eh asidng "i hepe he's elm". all three witness's were later identified as the feliewtng; e?ng piehed up ewn en the cafeteria which was seein eff his feet by a strangulahen held Is} and then seeing him slarr table, than slammed him dewn ente the chair cennected tep the table. than slarnme him dewn ente the f.'eer it sheuld he neted FALL three stated and saw the same a next t0 the tahie. tnen met will whe was hreught te the main effee by staff. it sheeld he nets-d feurL an injury 1e the left side ef his face. and he was t'iele?ng h's prescripiien g'asses in his hand whfeh were cempleieiy damaged (frames Lac-lit. glass Lireite, set]. est-tee law his face get injured. anti he stated ?e than stated he remembers -- rememeers being pushed hard up against the censrete wall by "ah-L?s tit-Teppfi?ig arniinti his rte?eh, art-Li then he stated Lie-usn'i remehhe? anything else until the same hands are released frem his nee . it sheutd he neted, after fdr't'ter irwestigsiien, and after with all yes uncenscices fer apnmsimete'y te pessihle secene?s in t-yltl?iessea i! was [ha 'ength. as was ta'king tell wasi'i". fully what I was saying er aside-g. The schc-el Exhibltl t} CASE Document 97 Filed 06/09/17 Page 12 of 12 Saint Paul Pelice Departmet .. ORIGINAL OFFENSE INCIDENT REPORT [Iii-'9 and Time r.-i Hapeir ?l2i'04i'2015 13:01 :00 Page I: .I?Jumhc'r Reference 15250035 Pris-Hi}: effecse ER ASSAULTS.ALL nurse was called. and after a medical check hv her. she stated his pupils? eyes were net eperating tegether. and she requested he ge te the haematm {Assistant Principaij then effered te transpar? the hespital. which thev then headed far In dewn tewn St Paul. F?rier tt-Ieaving. squad #146 teelt pictures t-injuries. Please see their supplement. as well as the medical release ferrn thev had him sign. i then seeks with mate student frem the etiginai'ljir started fight. ard he was identified as ?his infermed mEWe cafeteria started between him an ver feeteall stats. it sheuld lee neted him and the tirethers are an the Central feethall teem tegether. stated the verbai argument ever whe was better lead te the physical altercation. were getting werse. He stated as i then went te 8t Jee's heepitel. and was inferrned fingers, time was geing by he was new feeling neuseeus, feeling a tingling in bath hands in the ring and pint-iv heel: pain, and neck pain. ssigned te the Juvenile Unit was infermed efthe Incident. as well as -cenditien at St Jee's. I med with the transpert ef the twt-hrethers te the Ramsev L?euntjir LEE fer heel-ting. hen assisted with transperting heth brethers la the Juvenile Detentien Center ail witheut incident. PUBLIC NARRATIVE Assault en schee! staff en at Central Sr High {2?5 N. Lesingtenj. A Teacher and a Assistant Principal were each assaulted frem fwe f2] studer-t's. Teacher Wes slammed against the wall injuring the side ef his face and breaking his glasses. Santa Teacher was then picked up e?f his feet cv same student using a strangie he'd and was then slammed dewn en the near 'ev cafeteria table, than slammed tc chair. then eventuailv slammed la the item. Teacher stated he blast-ted eut lasing censeieusness during the strangulatien. While the Assistant Principal witnessed the event, he then immediatelv tried te render assist with pulling the student eff the Teacher. A secend student {bretherj then appreached vetting prefanitv at the Assistant Principal, while at the same time slrilti'ngf punching the Principal in the chest area with a clesed fist multiple times. Pe'ice arrived en scars and student'sir suspect's were arrested with-eui incident. Beth juvenile ma.'es were arrested and transperted te Saint Paul Felice Headquarters where thev were heth heeimd. Cine juvenile male was healted fci' 2nd Degree Assault. and secend juvenile male was hee'ted fer Degree Assault. Last page er the reps-rt Eitl'tihit I i"