A F0 Arent Fox LLP I Attorneys at Law re Les Angcles, CA I New York, NY I San Francisco. CA 1' Washington. DC June 19, 2017 Eater Zeldenberg anncr 202.357.6139 DIRECT PARA Registration Unit 2023515395 FAX U.S. Department of Justice peler com 600 Street, NW Washington DC 20004 Matthew NOIM Partner Re: Jack Abramoff FARA Registration 33:32:23; ms? Dear Sirs: On behalf of Jack Abramoff, we are submitting the enclosed Foreign Agents Registration Act registration, as requested by the Department of Justice. This registration is made as a result of Mr. Abramoft?s efforts, in late 2016 and early 2017, on behalf of an Italian National who, by obtaining the cooperation of the United States, sought to assist the Republic of Congo in helping the Congo to, among other things, defeat the terrorist organization Boko Haram. As this registration makes clear, Mr. Abramoff never had a written or oral agreement with the Italian national or the Republic of Congo and, as far as Mr. Abramoff knows, the Republic of Congo never engaged the Italian National to provide services. Mr. Abramoff did not receive any remuneration in connection with his unsuccessful efforts to assist the Italian National in obtaining an engagement with the Republic of Congo, and Mr. Abramoff has no prospect or anticipation of any future engagement with the Republic of Congo or the Italian National. In short, to counsel?s understanding, there is no ?foreign principal? as required under FARA, and no agreement to perform activities on behalf or for the bene?t of the Republic of Congo. Nor was any compensation received. Further, it does not appear that the Government of the Congo bene?tted in any way as a result of Mr. AbramofPs activities or those of the Italian National. Nevertheless, we are hereby complying with the Department?s request that Mr. Abramoff ?le a retroactive registration and simultaneously terminate said registration. Respectfully submitted, 1% t; 1 Peter Zeidenberg I Matthew Nolan Enclosure 555 West Filth Stroct, 48'" Floor 1675 Broadway 55 Street 21 Floor 1717 Slrect. NW Lon Angolan. CA 90013-1065 New York. NY 10019 5320 San Francisco. CA 9-1105 3470 Washington DC 20006-5344 913 599 740-1- T?q-u: as; immeamrm: :r em Hr 4