STATE OF COLORADO OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR 136 State Capitol Denver, Colorado 80203 Phone (303) 866-2471 Fax (303) 866-2003 John W. Hickenlooper Governor 2017- 001 EXECUTIVE ORDER Amending Executive Order 2011-00] Regarding the Governor?s Education Leadership Council Pursuant to the authority vested in the Office of the Governor of the State of Colorado and. in particular. pursuant to Article section 2 of the Colorado Constitution. 1. John l-lickenlooper, Governor of the State of Colorado. hereby issue this Executive Order amending Executive Order 20 regarding the Governor's Education Leadership Council. I. Background Need. and Purpose Colorado is a resource rich state, and its most vital resource is its people. Just as we cultivate our natural resources to make Colorado a more prosperous state. so too must we invest in and cultivate our citizens. Each successive generation must foster the development of its future teachers, entrepreneurs, farmers, small business owners, and professionals. To be competitive in the global marketplace. businesses and industries require increasing numbers of highly skilled employees. It is projected that by 2020, close to 75% of all jobs in the state will require some kind of post-secondary degree. The state?s economic competitiveness and the prosperity and quality of life of its residents depend on the universal excellence and competitiveness of its education system. Colorado must educate its way to a stronger economy. The century talent pipeline must be inclusive. diverse, and reach all communities. regardless of location, setting, or resources. It must encompass the state?s early childhood efforts at one end and world-class postsecondary programs and institutions that link directly to the workforce system on the other end. It must prepare students for successful entry into formal education systems, train students to be ready for entry into postsecondary or workforce pursuits upon completion of compulsory education. and ensure that any motivated. interested student can enter into and complete postsecondary studies. And it must be ?exible enough to allow for individuals to enter later in life, whether in the pursuit of mid-career re-training or to support life-long learning. Governor?s Education Leadership Council 2017 001 We must improve high school graduation rates, close our higher education attainment gap, and dramatically increase the number of post-secondary credentials earned by our state?s workforce. To achieve these goals and help create a 21?? century learning system. all facets and stages of providing education within the state must be integrated and positively re-enforcing. We must consider the effect that each part has on the whole, and collectively develop a vision for the system which is supported by a strategic plan to help us achieve that vision over the long term. And we simultaneously realize that to build and sustain momentum towards this vision. we must make quick and early strides toward system improvements that a broad array of stakeholders can agree upon. 'l'herefore. we must continue and expand the work of the Governor?s Education Leadership Council. Executive Order 20] 1-001 shall be amended as set forth below. but otherwise remains in full force and effect. ll. Mission and Scope A. The Education Leadership Council shall be housed in the Lieutenant Governor?s ofliee. The Lieutenant Governor will be responsible for co-chairing the council. scheduling the meetings. setting the agenda, and reporting to the Governor and other appropriate representative groups. B. The purpose of the Education Leadership Council shall be to convene a multi- stakeholder group to develop a strategic plan to drive improvements to Colorado's P-20 educational system in alignment with our workforce system. C. The scope of the Education Leadership Council shall include all elements of the P-20 educational system and connection points with the workforce system. D. The Education Leadership Council shall also provide a forum to discuss policy. legislative and financial initiatives that could be created, implemented or promoted for the purpose of addressing any of the issues identified in the Background, Need and Purpose statement of this Executive Order or other related issues. It is envisioned that the Education Leadership Council will consider the full range of fundamental elements in the education system today. and consider recommendations to improve them over the near and long term. To achieve this, the Education Leadership Council shall pursue the following major activities: I. input already collected by the Colorado Department of Education. the Colorado Department of lligher Education and others in the education system; Governor?s Education Leadership Council B2017 00] 2. Identify critical elements of the education system and benchmark against high-performing states and countries; 3. Identify early legislative and budgetary priorities for the Education Leadership Council to evaluate for potential submission in 20l8 and-"or 2019 to the Administration and General Assembly for their consideration: 4. Create a structure and process for soliciting and input from around the state to create the vision and strategic plan; and 5. Oversee ongoing implementation of a strategic plan. including ongoing measurement and updates as needed. A fundamental aim of the Education Leadership Council will be to give a voice to those who are served by and those who serve within the education system. who are closest to the daily activity of preparing to be successful in tomorrow?s economy and society. and who have critical views on what works and what does not. Therefore. the Education Leadership Council will create advisory groups to gather broad input and ensure well-formulated and supported recommendations for the Governor and Legislature. The Education Leadership Council will leverage existing or newly created bodies to gather input from these critical stakeholders. including: 1. Students 2. Parents 3. Teachers 4. Special needs populations, and 5. Community leadership and interest groups. The Education Leadership Council shall provide a report on its activities and recommendations to the Governor. General Assembly, State Board of Education, and Colorado Commission on Higher Education based on a schedule determined by the Council. and shall gather input from and report out to the state legislative educational committees of reference. The Education Leadership Council shall meet regularly and shall determine its own meeting schedule. Governor?s Education Leadership Council 2017 001 [11. Membership A. The Education Leadership Council may consist 01?25 members appointed by the Governor for two and three?year staggered terms. The co?chairs shall be appointed by the Governor and serve until replaced by the Governor. Members of the Education Leadership Council shall include, but not be limited to: l. The Lieutenant Governor. who will serve as eo-chair of the Council: 2. The Executive Director of the Colorado Department of Higher Education or her or his designee; 3. The Commissioner ol? the Department of Education or her or his designee: 4. The Chair ol'1he Colorado Commission on Higher Education or her or his designec; 5. The Chair 01" the Colorado State Board 01? Education or her or his designee: 6. The Executive Director of the Colorado Department of Human Services or her or his designee; 7. The Executive Director ol? the Colorado Department ol? Labor and Employment or her or his designee; 8. The Executive Director ol? the Of?ce of Economic Development and International Trade or her or his designee; 9. Four state or local elected of?cials with experience and interest in the education system, one of whom will eo-chair the Council: 10. A business member ol? the Colorado Workforce Development Council: I 1. One member who is a member ol'a local school board; 12. One member who is a school superintendent; 13. One member who is a classroom teacher; 14. One member who is a school principal; 15. One member who is a postseeondary administrator representing the two- year sector: Governor?s Education Leadership Council 2017 00] 16. One member who is a postsecondary administrator representing the Four- year sector. and 17. The Governor may appoint other members he considers suitable for the Education Leadership Council. B. The Education Leadership Council may create subcommittees as needed to address speci?c issues and may, at the discretion of the Council. invite experts. consultants, and ex ol'l?icio members to support the work of the subcommittees. The co-chairs ol' the Education Leadership Council will create an Executive Committee in order to facilitate the execution of the Council?s duties. Chairs of subcommittees may serve as ex of?cio voting members of the Council at the discretion of the co-chairs. IV. Staf?ng and Resources The work of the Education Leadership Council will be coordinated out of the Lieutenant Governor?s Office. The Education Leadership Council shall seek support from an outside. non-advocacy based. education-Focused organization to provide facilitation, research and analysis services. In addition, staff from state agencies listed in section (A) above will provide additional support to the Education Leadership Council, including access to data and research and the provision of needed analytical research as appropriate and feasible. The Education Leadership Council shall have the power to accept money and in-kind contributions from private entities and persons to cover research and analytical support. Members of the Education Leadership Council shall serve without compensation, but may. at the discretion of the co-chairs and approval of the OlTice ol' the Governor, be reimbursed for any actual expenses incurred. V. Directive The Governor?s Education Leadership Council is hereby created. This Executive Order supersedes Executive Order 201 l-OOl creating the Governor?s original Education Leadership Council. Govemor?s Education Leadership Council 2017 001 VI. Duration This Executive Order shall remain in force unless modi?ed or rescinded earlier by a subsequent Executive Order. GIVEN under my hand and the Executive Seal of the State of Colorado, this twenty-?rst day John . Hickenlooper . Governor .- 13-" '17\ It"- I'l?fd?? km I