TTPE: FEDERAL Ehell Hyren Shall rmehellicai.erge I UHEHUWH I CHERTIGN DRTEETIHE: 10:30:d3.n? Fm: Pleaae ennaider signing jeint letter ta Dnmenini on climate title in a Ebell emehellitai.ergr I Ehell :mehellicei.urgr UHKHUHH I i 5. Fiddelk? CH-Debhie 3. SEQ I TEITL For your a Bear Cutler Head: Coalition member: and allied; Please enneider eigning thie jnint letter to Chairman Damenici on the in the climate title in hie tnmmittee stati'a draft energy bill. I hepe tn aend it early next week, an pleana let me knew as Iaan ae pnaeible. The simple nee-age ie, it thin climate title in enacted. then we don't need the rest at the bill becaule America will he ?ning an a Earned energy diet. we are all: in the middle 0! arranging meeting: with etatterl for member: of the committee. yen are interelted in participating in any at these meetinge. plea-e let me knew and I'll rand you the achedule. At thie point. Chairman Domeniti nae net claimed owner-in or hie Itatt'a draft. an we have an appartunity ta get it fixed nature it became: the chairman's mart. Enmmittee mark-up at the climate title hae already been delayed ta alter the lang Beater recall. you have any gueetinnr pleaee ring me at [202} 331-2256 direct or e-mail me. Thanke, Ehell. Sign ue up! [far 501 {glt3} and {Elli} erganitatinnl only] Organization Signature Telephone Print Name Title E?mail Pleaee return to Myron Bhell: e-mail mebellitei.arg: {an 1202: 331-0540: telephdna 331-2255. 1 DRAFT Jnint Letter an Senate Climate Title 1 Tu senate: Pete Damenini. Chairmen. Committee an Energy and Natural [Date] Dear Chairman Demaniei: a The undersigned organization: write ta ehara nu: view: an the climate title in the draft camprehanaiye energy legislatien prepared by ynur cammittaer '3 I ataff. The draft bill in our view in better in