2m 5% Page 1 efl TYPE: FEDERAL 5. Fi?delke CN=Dehhie E. CREATIDH EATEITIME: hetien update en Senate climate title T?:aameran L. Unley 1 CH=Kameran L. EEG T?:Phil Ceeney CH-Phil EEQ I TEHT: fyi Ferwarded by Debbie S. en 65:01 PM Ehell smehell?cei-erga 04I0332003 34:51:49 PM Recerd Type; Te: Myren Ehell amebell?eei,erge ee: Subject: actien update an Senate climate title 1. Heme at us had a useful meeting this afterneen with Bryan Hannegan and Jehn Feaehke ef the majerity staff ef the Senate Energy and Natural ?eseurces Cemmittee te discuss the climate title. he made eur views knewn. particularly eur view that the three ehnexieus previaiene in the climate title sheuld he remeved hefere cemmittee mark?up. We had a geed discussien ef the pres and eens ef varieus strategies. 2- Heat impertantly. Bryan Hannegan clarified a misunderstanding. He teld us that he had tried te make the climate title as censistent with Bush Administratien pelicy as pesaihle. hut that the climate title was written witheut input free the Bush Administratien and was net supperted by the Bush Administratien. That sheuld settle that particular centreversy. 3. Speaking just fer CEI. we infermed them that we theught the negatives in the climate title eutweighed the pesitivee in the energy bill as a whele and that we weuld therefere assemble a ceneervatiee cealitien te eppese the Senate energy bill if it included a climate title with the three ehnexieus erevisiens. a. The schedule remains the same: cemments are being accepted threugh Friday; the cemmittee staff will then prepare the chairman's mark fer release Tuesday an that it can he marked up in cemmittee en Thursday the l?th. Se we must make eur eppesitien hnewn te Chairman Demenici as quickly as Feasible. yeast-a5