591? Page 1 of 2 TYPE: FEDERAL - Ebcll emchell?cci.orge Myron Ehell {mebell?cei.urge DATEITIHE: Update on Senate climate titlc-?gcod nawe TG:Hyron Ebell emehell?cei.crgh i Myron Ehell amehellicei.orge unenown EC?1Dehhie S. Piddelke EH=chbic S. CED 1 TEXT: I think the word in out, no let me updete everyone on what'e happening with the climate title in Senator Domenici'a energy bill. Republican memhere of the committee met laet evening to talk about the energy bill draft. Several Senatora raised concerne with the climate title. The Chairmen agreed to have etatf re-write the title with the underetanding that members may etill decide to advieefeupoort leaving it out altogether. It in being written along two lines: firat. by re?writing the current draft to take out the climate rear and White Houee office. take out early action credite. and weaken the national strategy language and put the Secretary of not in charge of the int-regency group in charge of the etrategy: and aecond. eubatitute eome or moat of B. 1294 from the 107th Congreaa :tha Craig-Hurkoweki-Hagel bill. which wae ottered an a reeponeihle alternative to Hyotc-atyle ooliciee]. two draEte ehould be out today for review by Senate etaffere. It in my underetanding that the Chairman will then make hie decieion. Hark?up could atill be on Thuraday or could elip until after the So there are now three alternativee: a re-written dratt with nearly all the bad etuff taken out: a re-written dratt with objectionable atuEi put in; or no climate title in the Chairman'a mark. He are making progreal. no climate title ie etill the preferred alternative in my view and tho-e I've talked to thin morning [admittedly an unrepreeantative eampling of the publicl. It pute the Chairman and rinht-thinkin? membera of the committee in a atronger neeiticn to opboae harry. Lieberman. McCain at al with the argument that thin ie too important to toee in without much fuller coneideration and debate. It alao doeen?t commit con-ervativee to eupporting baby atepe on climate action. which commitment is need by the alarmiete to argue that conlervativee agree that global warming la a problem but are unwilling to do anything eerioue about it. [Actually, the only aericue reeponee ie long-term ecientific and technological ae wae laid out in Preeident Bueh'e program. The leading alermiet ecientiate now agree that Hyoto-atyle attempt: to control ie a dead end and that long-term technological innovation la the correct and only real reeponee.i Until we hear about Chairman Domenioi'e decieion. we can't do a whole lotr but I urge everyone to thank Chairman Domenici {perhaoa through hie committee chief of etatt ale: Flint} and tell him that you atronoly auppert the decision to re-write or (preferably! drop the climate title. senator Domenici and hie etaff lull credit for taking our criticiame eeriouely and without rancor and for putting the draft out in the Eiret place for public reaction. I can think of few committee etaite I have dealt with over 15 yearn who have been no pleasant. capable. and coneervative. The Senator haa put together a Eiret~claee operation. I also urge you to thank thoee membere of the committee lend their staff} who voiced their concerne. I don't know who epoke up and who didn't. but most likely our etrongaet alliee are Senatore Hicklee :HcLane Layton}. ?lm?'Ddaeerch