329 Page 1 of4 RECORD TYPE: FEDERAL CHEM-unmannatn Peel math Peel. man? 5) CHEATIUH DATEITIHE: 00:27:20.00 Pun: Action alert: Energy hill oloturo not: Fri?ny morning L. Paul I CH-Elnnath L. GEE 1 1 - TEXT ammunmn Mm (90 Action 111 oloturl vote Friday morning Data: Thu. 31 Jul 2011! -DIDD AETIDH ALERT From: 'Hyron Sonata cloture vote on the onnroy hill. Fridny morning To: 'Hyron Hajority Landnr Frilt tiiod I oiotura potition last night on 5. 14. The vnto will bl Friday morning. It?s a long lhot to win. but u- nned to try to out ll mnny yotol ll pollihlu. Fifty-fly. vutll on oloturn put: an in ntronan polition than iorty-nint. And it cloturl Hurt invokod. than no would stop Iona r-nily tad amondmonts. 5o 1 ontouraql you to contact Sunntorl diruotly and to any noill you onn through n-mnil pron: rliollot. ridio intoryilwl. oto. It?s a Iinplu mounnga: VDTE: AGAINST 13 A VOTE AGAINST manor. 3TB I'm working on taro-t lilt o! Ennatorn. but for right now the obviou: tnrqotl arc mod-rates in both partial: Collins. shout. ?ring. Spittor. Pitta-raid. Briana. Landriuu. Lincoln. Pryor. anyh. non Hollon {toll Hillor. that grant Amorioln. il undoubtidly with ul.i Allo. Htclin noon: to tool tho hilt. Ivan thnuqh hl'l nlmolt to yoto no. I: you hay: CD?tchl in Ariztna. on! thin. And HI noon to rtmind tho Ithnnol from thI non-r Hid?ilt th-t thin il th-ir out big chant. to not tho Inn-chin has nlrlady Whit. Hon-I to nonport Itand-Iloni bill an Ithtnol. all a I Daily Itory bolou. Tho Hhitn Houll ?lldl to lay Ho today if thuy nlrondy.l: ?ora-n. Harlin. Conrad. Tim J?h?l?n. Blucul. Levin. Stlbonou. Durhin. ate. ?illicit It?l dn-or-di- tor Ithnnol. Think or than: your ltotkholdirp in Ann. Thu dltaila of what's in tho bill are liltud bolow in bill o-mnil. From: Hitht-rmnn. Bill lrri-th ?int: July 31. 2&03 i=3: AH Suhjitt: Cloturl rilud on BILL A cloturo patition wan filld last night on Friat The wan oft-rod to a motion to commit E. it to tho Sonata Committaa on Enarqy and Hnturll Ronouroa: with inatruotionl to report back Eorthwith with the tint of tho Print includid. Uhdir tho tho yotl on motion to invoke tlotura Hill occur on Friday morning. ?le I