506 Page 1 efl RECORD TYPE: FEDERAL {Bryan Hanneean] CREATIDH CEI en climate title TU:Debbie s. Fiddelke CN=Dehhie s. ere seas Wither-m Ceeney CEQ TEXT: FEI Ferward Header Subject: RE: The Demenici credit language cemes straight eut ef Hegel Aether: "Hyren Ebell" smehell?cei.erg> Date: BISJIEGDE 10:35 AM Everyene has identified Bryan as the eemmittee staffer whe get early actien credits in the bill- Bryan will seen jein CEQ. but Phil denies that hef?b? had anything te de with it- Larissa is againstr but Cenever is ever there and is very well cennected tn the liberal Republicans and many Demecrats. I think it weuld be best te blame Bryan Hannegan at this peint and te reference him as the scurce ef the claim that the hdministretien is fer it. If the Administratien is net fer it. then they will have te say se and perhaps repudiate Bryan. If they are fer it. then we can hit them with hard. EEI will send eat a press release teday which attacks the cemmittee staff draft hill. net Demenici's bill. I have seme talking peints plus a eeuple ef actien items nearly ready te ge and alse am werhing en a jeint letter. I am planning te have a Ceeler Heads meeting this Friday te plet strategy. but if anyene thinks it is premature because Demeniei has already delayed mark?up ef the climate title until after Easter, let me knew. H. B-. as aleysius peinted eut earlier, the Senate never yeted en the Hegel?Veineyich amendment because they didn't have the yetes. The even i werse 1 Brewnbeck amendment. with the veluntaryfmandatery registry. was added by voice vets. ?le :?Isearch_7_l 1_??_teq_l .bit i