ms 575 Page 1 of 3 REEURD TYPE: FEDERAL HAILJ CREAT??z?yrcn Shell smehell?cei.orgh Myron Ehell emehell?cei.orgb UNKHUWH I CHEATIDH 15: 31' :24. DD update on Senate climate title??so far. so good TD:Hyron Ehell smehell?cei-orge Myron Ehell smehell?cei-org? I B??rnehhie S. Fiddelke 1 EN=chbie E. GEE 5o farr so good- The Senate Energy and Commerce Committee continued its mark?up on the energy bill this morning- Ho climate title or provisions were offered. debated, or included. Chairman Domenici said that in circulating his discussion draft he had discovered that there is no consensus on what to include on climate change. Therefore. he was not going to offer any climate title. Hembers were free to offer amendments. but he would oppose every one- He recognised Senator Hingaman's desire to deal with climate in the energy hill. He was willing to have his staff work with members' offices over the recess to see if something could he worked out. and even if those efforts fail he pledged to work constructively to deal with the issue on the Senate floor. Senator Eingamen said that a comprehensive energy bill needs to deal with climate. He had two possible amendments. which he would not offer today. but will circulate to members for discussion over the recess. He hopes to offer these amendments in mark?up sessions after the recess. The first is a re-write of the Byrd?Stevens bill. which the Senate approved last yearr but was lost in conference with the House. The second was an amendment to improve greenhouse gas monitoring and reporting. Senator Wyden said that he thought it was so important that we include a climate title in the energy bill. including the Hyden-Craig bill to reward forest owners for carbon sequestration. He thought we could get a long way down the road on a hi?partisan basis. He hoped that the committee would take up climate amendments at its first mark?up after the recess {l?th April?]_ Senator Thomas said that before doing anything more on climate we should first look at all the things the Congress had already done and all the things that the executive branch had underway. Then the committee marked up the nuclear titler which was done by first voting to agree to the title and then by taking up amendments. At the end of the hearing. Senator Hriag made some additional comments- He added three documents for the record: a compilation of administration activities on climate: a list of federal and state policies and programs; and a Letter from BBQ Chairman James Connaughton. Craig said that cliamte should not be all about politics, but rather all about science. what we decide to do about a climate title could have large consequences many years into the future- So we will need to stay on too of this over the recess. I will he talking more to more staff members. I will send updates as needed. If you hear gaseous