2am (107 Page I afl REEGHD TYPE: FEDERAL Feel Kenneth Peel tpeelkl?yehcn.ccmn UHEHUHH CREETIUH Fwd: Killing Energy TD:Kemeren L. Daley L. ?nl?yf?U=EE?f?lE?EiE?P CHE mtaryan J. Earthen-en :11:me J. mumIm-teerc=ectieue and T?:Dene H. Perinc I CHsDehe H. I EEQ TD:DEbbie 3. Fiddelke I CH=Debbie S- I C39 1 . TD:Phil Ec-cney I: C?nPhil I EEG II TEXT: FYI Earle Lewis Subject: Killing Energy Data: Fri. 15 Eng EDD Frcm: 'Herlc Lewi Tc: ?Earle Lewin- 09(6) Updated: This article ie adapted item a Haticnel Review Unline cclumn cf July 23. 2003 Eilling Energy: Beware the 'Scft Hyatt? Strategy By Earle Lewisr Jr. Determined tc paea energy legislaticn hefcre Concrete adjourned Eur ite nuguntreceae? Senate leaders tethered a deal replacing this year's Republican?drafted hill 14} with last year's Demecretudrefted hill Beth hills are laden with perk, but 5. 51? actually qualifies as an anti-energy hill. Tc begin withr S. 51? affirms the Eyctc peeudc-ecientific viaicn ct an.inmemding climate caused by man?made emieeicne at carbon dioxide the inescapable cf fcseil fuel energy generaticn. If Gangrene puts its seal at on thin kind of alarmiem. it wculd'mdbiliee ere-Eyetc inside and eutaide the U.5. government. ccineidentelly, 5. 51? wculd create a Hhite Renee climate czar charged with the tasks cf develcping and presenting tc naticnal enrhen reducticn strategy. In other wards, the bill weuld establish a permanent instituticnal base within the Executive Branch fer anti?energy edvncecy. In edditicn. S- 51'! weald set up neticnel registry ta track. ccmpeniee' carhdn emieaicna. If after five years cdmneniee prcducinq at leaat ED percent ef eetimated U.S. emieaicnn decline tc 'vclunteer? fer the pnrtieipeti?n heccmea mnndatery. by fines cf up tn ?lezh'D?seerthuT