PW: CEI press release on Lieberman-McCain Kyoto Implementation Aliza Page 1 of 1 Perhach, William Front: Myron Ebell [ntebell?eeierg] Sent: Thursday. lElctooer EH3. 21303 ?$55 To: Myron Eb-ell Subject: FW: CEI press release on Lieberman-McCain Kyoto Implementation Act Attachments: fNote: I?m sending this again, because apparently there was something wrong with my e-mail yesterday and not everyone received this. If this is your second cops. my apologies] Flight?click here to download pirate-es. To help protect your privacy. Uutloek prevented automatic download of?'nls picture from the inte- ole?bmp Contact for Interviews: Richard Morrison, 21323312273 Lieberman-McCain Bill Would Place Hidden Tait on Consumers Kyoto Impiementetion Act is Pointless Peiiticai Groadstena'ing Washington. D.C., Dctober 29., l??il-The Senate is poised this week to debate a hill, 3. l39. sponsored by Senators Joseph Lieberman and .l elm McCain (ll-AZ} to enact the first?ever mandatory restrictions on emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. This proposal would create a mechanism similar to that called for by the Kyoto Protocol, increasing the price of energy and setting the stage for even more stringent limits in the future- "The cap-and-trade approach to rationing energy use would be a hidden tea: on all Americans,? said Myron Ebell, Director of Global 1Iili'arrning Policy at ?The bill is pointless political grandstanding and a shameless con game. They assure us that the initial costs will be low, but hope that we won?t notice how expensive it quickly becomes. The Kyoto Protocol was always a dead? end approach and now it's dead, and Senators Lieberman and McCain need to get over it and move on to some o?ter fashionable big government cause-? Even if enacted, emissions reductions in the United States would have virtually no effect on global greenhouse gas levels. Large?scale emitters like China and India are increasing energy use rapidly and have emphatically rejected any limits on their emissions new and in the ?itnre. Any attempt to decrease emissions by rationing energy in the Li- 3-. although extremely harrn?rl to our economyI would be overwhelmed in coming decades by emissions increases in the developing world. CEI is a non-pro?t, non-partisan public policy group dedicated to the principles of free enterprise and limited govermnent. For more information about CEL please visit our website