lull-2rd.- E-r-u-up. Ine. E?Zillnwa anue mam-ewe Fa :en'e :uaeeraaee WA 951m IL June 26. EU Haze ?"13th Cream: el' ?llr?leM anainn Hell' kale?memanaien helleem FILE: ?Me ansiein Hell? Dear Ms. Wagner: It ha? came ener anemien [l?LaI Esau [L?Iilnlleeii'lrelgr'I "You? a: "Tnur"] are calming. mndi?-ing. and publicly displaying. cuntenl From 111: WEh5i1e (lite ?Zillnw Site"]. mailed anel aperated by Eillnw. Inc. un ?r'elur blag 'MeManSien Hell.? 1Will?l art: [ij im?g?a :l'rrlm 1i'le EiIle-w Site [the fii] mudi?'ing lheh'e Images. and diam-?ying such: modi?ed Images at fella-wing URL: iflln.? {"?Euur Sire"), Eille'w?s. Lima}; ill: I {the "Ti: rma'i} speci?cally prahihii reproducing. modifying- diatrihuling. er when-rise creating derivative werks l'ram any p-unienn el'ihe Eillew Site. The Terms furlher prehihh or any underlying. image-5 Frem real e51ale listings an the Eillaw Sine. 35 well :15 any nl'ihe lillew Size liial eeuld harm Eillew er its suppliers. ?i?eu are in 1eienlaliun [if the 'T'en'ns. and admin in this ?r'nurself in certain pasts an ?T'eur Sile. Ia. herein 'I?uu slate in 1hi5 pus! are from real e51ate aggregate lilietmemnn and reference the fact the: "ram peels Feature "[m]anipulaled phems," En uddi?un [u violating the Terms. 1?r'ulur aetiuna Infringe the righis el'eaeh eupgrr'rghl i'l?ider the Images- "Fem sit-?J11: lhal the Images. are used "fur the pure-Dies efedurmiuu, Harlin; and pared}; cansialenl with 11' which. appears. [a he a claim thal "I"e ur use eunstilulea Fair use. Emu-15 tt-eigh Fnur primary Feet-en. in delermining htlher use nl'a copyrighled wen}: is Fair use. When 1I1u5e Feature. are applied ?r'eur use arm: Image? em ?e'n-ur Site. nene supp-an: an nrgumem lhat ?e'eur use is. fair use. Funliem'uare. ?r'?nr activities mag.r vialale the federal Cementer Fraud and Abuse Act. IE H.513. E. and awe laws prehihiting Fraud and inlerFerenee With Eillew?s business expL-elaliuna and int: resta. Iillnw darn lands that "r?enu immedialely: {ii cease all access re: and use nfihe Eillew Site; and [ii] delele all lmagea. and derivatives 1herea1'. in 'r'uur passeseinn and an ?r?nur Site. We demand 1hat ?i?nu respend in Wii'lil'lg nu) Inler than Paci?c Time an JUNE 1'9. 20] 1a ean?m'i the: ?r?eu have: [Ii-stepped. and will nut in the future. access. or amen-wise use the Eillaw Site er linagea. Fur any peep-use whaIse-evcr; and ?le-strayed all Images. and all Ihereu-Il'. in Year pnssesaiein and Earn Your Size. 'I'h'ts letter l5 I-Ia'ilheuul pr?j udic-E 1-D any Iighls, Fi-uwers, privileges. remedies. err ele Fenses. new existing err herea?er arising. all til-which are hereby expressly reserved. Ben-e Group. Inc. .wa 931 1 5.. Ea; Fae-.1 5? a Very Hui-re yams, .9 Christepher Peale. Carperale Cuunsel