Watershed Management and Climate Change Adaptation Plan June 2017 Presented by: Alyssa Ray Consultation Lands & Resources INTRODUCTION „ Opooganasin (Pipestone) „ Robinson-Superior Treaty Area „ Lake Helen Reserve #53A „ Parmacheene Reserve #53 „ Approx. 1800 members „ Approx. 300 on-reserve „ Shores of Lake Helen at the Mouth of the Nipigon 'V??lrr i ?th I. Thundef Bay 0 on. View up: No a 7.01 Mt". My Ind 10". on" u'3 Int". Mam" A: "1 Ha'lspu? 2 no, ?0009??- Marlo lid Homr 8.17 PURPOSE OF PROJECT „ Develop a community-led Watershed Management and Climate Change Adaptation Plan „ Map valued ecosystem components with watershed „ Identify vulnerabilities with respect to development and climate change. „ Create a dialogue about the environment and the Lake Superior Watershed „ Build environmental capacity in the community HOW WILL IT HAPPEN? „ Establish a Project Steering Committee „ Hire Project Coordinator „ Define geography of watershed – community engagement event „ Technical support from Lakehead University and Grand Portage Tribe of Lake Superior Chippewa „ Identification of valued ecosystem components and vulnerability assessment – community engagement event „ determine how these valued ecosystem components might be affected by factors such as community development, timber harvesting, mineral exploration and extraction, the ongoing use and future expansion of transportation and utility corridors, and climate change HTTP://WWW.UN.ORG/ESA/SOCDEV/UNPFII/D OCUMENTS/DRIPS_EN.PDF HOW WILL IT HAPPEN? „ Baseline Monitoring – need identified through community engagement „ Identification of potential mitigation measures to address key vulnerability factors „ may include actions that can be taken in the future or recommendations for resource management, identification of implementation considerations including potential funding sources and partners. „ Development of a Watershed and Climate Change Adaptation Plan „ Outline options to protect and/or restore selected valued ecosystem components in the short term and to adapt to emerging changes in the long-term. „ Share draft plan with community „ Revise as needed „ Present final plan at community event HTTP://WWW.UN.ORG/ESA/SOCDEV/UNPFII/D OCUMENTS/DRIPS_EN.PDF Chi-Miigwetch to the Nipigon Bay AOC Remedial Action Plan Public Advisory Committee for providing the opportunity to share this exciting initiative with you!