3339 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE, N.WV Dc. APosToLic NUNCIATURE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 2943/17 May/31,2017 No . . This Na Should Preflxmi the Answer Personal and Confidential Mr. Artie Byrd, Dear Mr. Byrd: I am in receipt of your recent letter to this Apostolic Nunciature regarding the possible reassignment 01'th Pastor of Incarnation Catholic Church, Rev. Father Ernie DeBlasro, I take this opportunity to thank you for your faithful service to the Church and to your parish as Chairman ofthe Parish Finance Committee. I am thankful to you as well for all ofthe good news you report in your letter about Father DeBlasio and his ministry as the Pastor of lncamation Parish. However. I should advise you that I have nojurisdiction or authority to intervene in the internal gm ernance or administration oft: diocese or a parish, such as with the assignment of priests and pastors. In the event that Incarnation Parish were to receive a new Pastor and I have no information about this whatsoever I trust that you would provide him with the same magnificent support which you have clearly provided to Father DeBlasio. Thank you again for your faithfulness With cordial regards and best wishes, I an] Sincerely yours in Christ, Cluelu Qt Archbishop Christophe Pierre Apostolic Nuncio